Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 177 - Minisode Compilation 24

Episode Date: November 7, 2022

Minisodes 79-81 Patreon - BUY OUR MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode Talkspace - Promo Code: CHILL ButcherBox - Promo Code: CHILL Raycon - The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer by Brian Masters Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by - Theme - Matt Proft End song - POWER FAILURE - Video -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Ryan Reynolds. As owner of Mint Mobile, I couldn't wait to make my first commercial for Spotify listeners. I thought, I'll tell them to go to slash Spotify to get premium wireless for just $15 a month. Then I thought, they'll never believe the owner bragging, so I'll bring on a real Mint customer who knows it's premium wireless for just $15 a month. Then I thought, how will they know it's not just me acting as a customer? Then I thought, what if they don't think I'm a good enough actor to play a customer? Then I cried and went to bed the end. New activation and upfront payment for three month plan required, taxes and fees extra, additional restrictions apply. See for full terms.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Hey everybody, before you start throwing tomatoes at your screen and screaming about where's Dahmer part four. If you don't follow us on Twitter or you didn't see the announcement on our Patreon Discord or anywhere else, we will not be having Dahmer part four until next week. And this is just my fault. By the time Recording Day came around, I just wasn't happy with the script. And while I could have kind of gone through with it and then put the episode up, I want to do, especially when it comes to serial killers, I want to make sure I'm doing it right. So we will be back next week with the final part of Dahmer. We just couldn't figure out another way to get together to record since that day because we live in two different time zones and that's
Starting point is 00:01:10 just the difficulty of trying to schedule things when you live in different parts of the country. Either way, I didn't want to leave you without anything. So we'll do another mini-soaked compilation this week and then you won't see another mini-soaked compilation for a few months probably. And for those on Patreon who get mini-soaked right away, you will get a big fat, thicky boy next week. Thank you guys for your patience. I promise it'll pay off and we'll see you next time. Oh, hello there. Should I do a voice to hello there? You were like, you were like, Rocco doesn't listen to the Chilobanari podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Rocco doesn't have any ears. Mini-soaked 79. Boy, 79. That's 10 more than 69. Hell yeah. That's right. I've got two articles today. They're kind of short. Dude. Yeah, yeah, they're really short. The first one's going to be super quick, guys. Jesus's face has been found. Oh my god, we're on Mars. No, here on earth. Oh my god. Where on earth do you think it's been? Minnesota. Church. It's in Antarctica, obviously. Hold on, where? Where? You want to see, are you asking to see the picture? I'm asking Jesus's face. All right, here you go. I'm just going to link you to the whole article because the YouTube video is right up front and the thumbnail
Starting point is 00:02:59 for it is perfect. Let's look at Jesus's face. Look at Jesus's face. It doesn't. Oh man. Okay. This one already looks like a rock. I just want to point out that the shadowing is doing most of the work on this thing. More importantly, Mathis. We didn't have a talk. Yeah. I love a good coast to coast AM Friday night open line like the rest of us. However. Yeah. Something we would love to do ourselves. However, you got to stop going to them for news because it's all trash. It's all fake. Everything on their website is BS. Everything. Not everything. Not everything. All right. Everything. 95% of like things. This Jesus, this Jesus looks like if it was on Mars and there was a shitty camera taking a picture of it, that it would look like Jesus. But the resolution is too
Starting point is 00:03:57 high. So though it does evoke Jesus, I can already see it's just a mountain. It's remind. It's like that Jesus from that woman who restored that classic art piece many years ago. That's the kind of Jesus. Mr. Bean asked. It does have that vibe. Yes. It does have that vibe. Okay. The actual news article. A fleet of UFOs has been seen above Illinois the past couple of days. I saw this. Yeah. This is crazy video right away. And we'll just read just like a very quick brief on it. But basically this is like if you watch the videos, it's like a set of lights that could be a triangle UFO. They end up vanishing. And to the lady's credit, she does a pretty good job keeping them in frame. She keeps track of them the whole way. Yeah. It's really not hard to do if
Starting point is 00:04:43 you have a good fucking camera. Yeah. So I'll just read real quick. A peculiar piece of footage circulating online shows several mysterious orbs floating through the night sky in Illinois and some suspect that the on some suspect the odd glowing objects might be of a UFO or alien in nature. The intriguing sighting was reportedly occurred. This is late November apparently that these videos were recorded in the community of Beach Park was only reported to the research organization MUFON this past week. Just going to go disclaimer. MUFON went through a bunch of changes recently because their CEO was into some really bad underage stuff. What? Yeah. MUFON had a had a problem with their CEO a couple months back. Exactly. But this was only reported last week. According to the
Starting point is 00:05:31 unnamed witness, the curious objects appeared to be flying in formation towards Lake Michigan and then vanished in midair. Fortunately, despite being bewildered by what they were seeing, the observer managed to capture the sighting on film. So yeah, you can see the video right now. I'll make sure this is up on the the discord or the subreddit. Again, it's like many other UFO sightings, but it's the fact that it's in a very specific triangular shape and it's moving It looks pretty good. Cohesively together. It looks pretty good. Try to look up more information on this. It's certainly interesting. Yeah. It's really, really weird. Again, we could always do, you know, you could always kind of like chalk it up to it could be drones.
Starting point is 00:06:09 It's very possible. It could be really slowly, but I mean, that's hard to say. They have like a very confidently, slow, sort of strong body language, if you know what I mean. Yeah. I know I'm saying body language. It's just fucking three dots in the sky, but sure. It looks it looks pretty good. We've had a ton of different explanations from different people. Some said it was Elon Musk's Star, Starlink satellites, while another person said no, no, they clearly thought they saw red blinking lights indicating helicopters. While somebody else said on that the it could be the U.S. Air Force TR3B astra drone flying in formation. But it will fucking who knows? Like these are all kind of guesses. The TR3 is an
Starting point is 00:06:57 as yet unconfirmed USAF black project, meaning it's like it's only speculated that that such of a that project exists within the government right now. But yeah, it's a fascinating little video of this. These UFOs just or potentially one triangular shaped UFO gliding over and then the lights just kind of sink into the darkness as they disappear at the end. Yeah, it looks good. I got to say it is an interesting UFO. Yeah, I you know, I liked it. It's Illinois. You know, that's another place that our main episode took place today. I like that. Yeah, it was always got a ton of mystery. Everything's kind of coming up Millhouse today. Should we just move to Illinois? No, I would rather live here where I'm the. Chicago. Chicago is a lovely town.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I could do Chicago. Yeah, I look, I have never been to Chicago. I'm excited to visit. Oh, my in another life. I could I could do it. I don't think I could do it with with with relationships and roots like I have here, Mathis. Yeah, about to make you eat a Chicago dog. I'm going to take you. It sounds delicious down to the to the lakeside area and we're going to get all funky, cranky. You had no place. You are making this place called hot dog right now. I'm not going to lie to yourself. I think I'm going to do it to myself tonight. I think that's what that's going to happen. You said the chili dog and I was like chili dog. I just said do they have the chili cheese burrito at Taco Bell in Texas? No, not at all. I don't want any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:24 They just saying that the Chicago dog made me want a Taco Bell. Yeah, no, I don't get it, but I get it. I can tell you either. I think they put something in their food that makes it addicting. Yeah, that's no no joke. It's called salt. It's terrible. All right. Let me talk about Canada really quick again. I did not mean to get a bunch of Canada stories, but once I looked at them all there, I was like, this is like the Canada episode. I don't know what happened. This is from Ontario. The OPP, which is the Ontario me. This is the Ontario Provincial Police, which is so good that they're called the OPP. Somebody went to a Regent Street in Hawkesbury, Ontario on January 11th and used two fake Toonies. If you don't know what a Toonie is,
Starting point is 00:09:16 it's like a $2 coin. The loonies and the Toonies. That's what it's about. It's not a bad idea, right? A $2 coin is a solid idea. We don't have one in the United States, but we should get one. We have a $2 bill that's very stupid, but the coin would be great. The only thing that's kind of funny about this version of the Toonie is that they're weirdly obviously wrong. Normally, the Toonies don't have walruses on them. Usually, they say $2 instead of Z-Dalard. What? You try to tell me the Canadian money doesn't have Z-Dalard on their money. Z-Dalard. They're dated 1990, which is six years before the Toonie was a thing. Interesting. They didn't do an ounce of research. They could have went to Wikipedia
Starting point is 00:10:15 and probably figured out what they needed to make fake money. Rather than not doing their research, it's more like the mystery here is like, what is the meaning of this? Normally, if you were going to make something just to hoax someone or to pay $0 for something, number one, these probably cost quite a bit of money to make because it's not the actual design of a Toonie. It's like they had to make a custom one. You know what I mean? And when you counterfeit money, it's very rare that you do the coins. Yes. It seems like a strange choice. I feel like it can be a lot more work. Yeah. So who knows what the deal is with that? Who knows why it is the way that it is,
Starting point is 00:11:07 but apparently a real Toonie has laser mark micro engraving and a latent double maple leafed image that shifts as the coin is moved. But these probably aren't going to be too easy to miss, because again, they have a walrus on them and they say Zee de lard. So maybe it's an art project. Maybe it's something the police aren't saying whether there's more of them around or whether they think there's more of them around. All I can say is this article from CBC News originally implied that it wasn't necessarily counterfeit currency at all. It was debatable, but on Thursday, according to the Mint of Canada, this does qualify as counterfeit currency. It's just a strange little detail of a mystery that I old man on the coin doesn't even they're not the
Starting point is 00:11:58 same old man on each side. Totally different looking. Exactly. It's not supposed to be the queen, but it's not. It's strange. But that's my mystery. Weird coins in Canada. How about that? It's a good mystery. I like it. Jesse, tie this mini so mini. Are you sure that's supposed to be the queen? It looks like Julius Caesar. It does look like Julius. See, I'm looking at it and I can't tell if that's supposed to be like one of the prime minister. I just I don't know. I don't know. Jesse, top us off with your article. What you got for us today.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I'm Googling P. P. A. Regina. I don't know. I'm just trying to figure out what you have to you need to know. We need to know. Anyway, my fascinating, right? Fast. It is so weird. My article takes us to the gateway to hell. Yes. I have a phone to pick with Satan. So let's go. Well, I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this, but in Turkmenistan, there is a crater, this massive crater that has been on fire since the 80s. Oh, yes, this whole. And so basically it's just sitting out there in the Karakum desert. Apparently legend is or at least what many people believe that a Soviet drilling operation went wrong in 1971. But there's a lot of people that have, you know, gone on to investigate the crater and
Starting point is 00:13:39 tried to figure out what's going on. But I believe the current knowledge is that the craters existed since the 60s, but was lit in the 80s. The reason why it's on fire is because it of natural gas. And it's just been sort of sitting there on fire for decades at this point. Until recently, when the current president of Turkmenistan basically said, look, we got to stop this. I understand that it is our number one tourist attraction, which is crazy. It's one of our biggest tourist attractions. However, the money we make from tourism pales in comparison to what we could make from just harvesting that natural gas. So we're going to stop the fires and then just get the gas and use the gas to like make us money.
Starting point is 00:14:30 It makes perfect sense from a business standpoint and a government standpoint to do this. Are you about to tell me that the citizens are about to go in an uproar because they worship the whole? No, no, there's none of that. People are just, right now, the biggest problem is they don't quite know how to stop the fire. They're like, look, that is an important. Why are they obsessed with it? We should stop the fire, but we don't know how to do that. Dump water on it. Done. I don't think that's how it works. I imagine it rains, right? And so it's still going. There have been numerous attempts to put out the fire, including in 2010 when the president, who was still president then,
Starting point is 00:15:08 ordered experts to find a way to put out the flames. Yeah. And they failed. They couldn't find a way to promise America a little bit of that gas money. We'll figure it out. We will bomb the hell out of that. We'll find a way. We'll bomb that hole so wide. We'll find a way. And if you've never seen pictures of it, there are so many great photos. There's some at night. It literally is just a pit that's on fire. It isn't like an infinite hole down into the earth. And it isn't anything like that. It's just like a pit. It looks like Dune, dead ass. A fiery pit. It's crazy. It's crazy looking. And they're trying to find a way to turn it off. And they still haven't. And he's like, look, we got to do this. We're just wasting natural.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Ignore that. I'm sure it's bad for the environment. Just he's like, we got to, we're wasting all this gas. It's right under us. And we can be using it. And instead, we're just like, take tourists out to it because it's on fire, which, you know, I get. I want to see it. I want to see it too. I'm thinking about it now. I want to go see it. Yeah, I would. That is absolutely something I'd go out of my way to at least check out one time. Yeah. A whole once. And that is it. Burning hell, hell gates aside. Hopefully they get that shit under control because like I imagine
Starting point is 00:16:20 you said to make the money would probably be good for their country. But what's good for us is leaving so I can order Taco Bell. Yeah, I am getting some Taco Bell. At least get some Wieners, you know, get Wieners from Taco Bell. No, from Wienerschnitzel. You know, they have I see the other day on on a food review. I saw that Taco Bell has chicken wings now, which I don't understand. But I guess KFC Taco Bell, same thing. So why it's because beef is too expensive and stuff that kind of looks like chicken, but isn't chicken is like the new future for fast food. Oh, my God. Yeah, they even have fake chicken tenders now at KFC. Yeah, they ask yourself that doesn't make sense what I'm saying and buy better food and eat out less.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah, definitely don't eat out a lot, but everyone get yourself a butcher box is what we're saying. Yeah. The way it looks like I went hunting. It's no joke. I am still eating off that butcher box and it's not changed. I don't even think we've had our ad for it yet. Like that's the best this comes out to the general public. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, we're still like next week is our first butcher box ad the amount of meat they gave us is a lot of the projects like products that we've supported on this show. This is crazy. This is an insane amount of meat. I'm going to take your ribs and we're going to make like 30 ribs. I got these ribs just sitting here waiting for you to like we're making these boys. Oh, yeah. Well, thank you guys for the support on Patreon.
Starting point is 00:17:51 We appreciate you guys. And if you're not, you're listening to it free head over to slash shillimanade pod. There's gonna be more minisodes over there for you. Goodbye. Bye. Thank you to our longtime sponsor for sponsoring this episode Talkspace. And if you don't know what Talkspace is, it's pretty straightforward. Using Talkspace kind of feels like having a mental health professional in your pocket. Like I've said before, he's still in there. He's dead though. I kind of squished him a little too hard when I was patting him down. When it comes to therapy and psychiatry, though, getting the help that you need has never been so simple. When you're able to access your provider from the comfort of your device, it means mental
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Starting point is 00:19:06 which allows you to update them on the challenges and triumphs you're facing in real time. Yeah, yeah, you can talk about positive things in therapy. It's not all negative. So you don't have to wait for your next session to share your excitement or the hard time you're facing. With Talkspace, you set goals with your therapist and they hold you accountable and make sure you're actually progressing. Therapy can help you shift your perspective, see the forest through the trees and all that. Find the tools to cope in difficult times and help to be just a guiding light. And the Talkspace network is huge. Talkspace has thousands of licensed therapists with the years of experience and over 40 specialties, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, substance
Starting point is 00:19:42 abuse, trauma, anger management, relationship issues, food and eating and so much more. And as a listener of this podcast, you're going to get $100 off of your first month with Talkspace. To match with a licensed therapist today, go to Just make sure you use our code chill to get that $100 off of your first month and show the support for our show. That's code chill in Hello, my little chaluminots and welcome to Minnesota 79. Welcome. Welcome. Just slowly to Peter Laurie. Yes. Yes, master. We, oh no, this is Minnesota 80. I'm sorry. Minnesota 80, everybody.
Starting point is 00:20:34 You lied to everyone. I lied to everybody. I'll go first. It's quick. Look, last week, UFOs were in the sky. More UFOs. Similar kind of sighting as to last week. I'm going to link you the video. A cluster of lights over Fresno, California have been recorded. There you go. Look at that link right there. Your central Okay. Digital exclusive. Oh, digital exclusive. I'm glad I checked this out online. It's a digital exclusive as it loads up for you. Rafi Saramazian was out for a drive to get dinner Saturday night near Kingswood. Man, that is a Fresno name if I ever heard it. Rafi Saramazian. That is Saramazian. That is Fresno shit. I love that. That's a great name.
Starting point is 00:21:23 They were out for a drive to get dinner on Saturday night near Kings Canyon Road in Clovis Ave. When he saw a cluster of six orange, you'll solid orange lights in the sky. I was going back home turned left right by sunny side high and I see these lights and I look closer and I could see them moving says Saramazian. I drove all the way down to Peach. I don't know where Peach is close to church where I live and was recording at the whole time and one by one they would slowly disappear like fade away. Oh, yeah. Watch. Yeah, you can watch it. And this is similar to the video that was brought up last week that I brought last week as well. Similar kind of cluster. You got a triangle shape going in one area and they just kind of slowly but surely dissipate.
Starting point is 00:22:03 It looks enough like it that I would almost say that it's the same type of thing. Like the one in the back, they're rotating around each other, which is kind of cool. Yeah, that's interesting. That is again, that is very like how do I just say how do I say this like if there was a movie about people seeing aliens right now that like came out in the theaters today. Yeah, it would look like this. Like it looks very much like it's like on brand for the like the meme of alien sightings right now. Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah. It's very true. I mean, we are getting it. It's weird. We're having another wave recently of just kind of sightings across the country, across the world. Don't know why it's just and it's all kind of like
Starting point is 00:22:49 similar to this where it's just like lights and they're clustered and they're moving and then they disappear or they move really quickly and disappear. Maybe it's a march of the Mothman. Maybe it is the march of the Mothman. That way, you know, if this is how the Mothman want to want to make themselves known to us, there could be worse ways. This is this is all right. Just come down and say hi, though, because the longer you stay in the sky, the longer that we're going to think you're something else. Smooch my cheeks. Watchman. I mean, Mothman. Who moths the Mothman? Who moths the Mothman? Who motches the macho man? Do you think Mothman would be attracted to a giant Mothman? Although it would be repelled. Do you think a Mothman
Starting point is 00:23:28 would work on Mothman? Do you think he would repel him? I think you have to have a big ass Mothman. Yeah, I'm like, size wise, comparatively, you'd have to have the world's largest Mothball. That would have to be a big boy. I would be that would be the smell like grandma's for like world's largest Mothball. He's there. He's coming. That's just good old fashioned comfort food. Yeah, that's what I want. Exactly. Like it cures the soul. That's true. That's not a mystery. That's true. Thanks, Mothman. Boys, take it away. Who's got what? I want good Mothball. To a Mothball. You know what I mean? Mothball soup not nearly as good. I may be biased. All right. That's a terrible joke. I teased this on the episode this week. I said I was going to
Starting point is 00:24:16 talk about Yorkshire UFO sightings. And that's exactly what I've got. I've got nine UFO sightings from Yorkshire. Now, I got list your list after a list episode. You got a list for the minisode. I do. This one's from Morley Leeds in April. A caller in Morley Leeds reported seeing a UFO. The police log says caller is reporting. He thinks he has seen a UFO. Pretty solid. He could see this thing in the sky that kept appearing then disappearing. This occurred 22 times or something flashed that it disappeared. Then it flashed again. He says he watched this happen for approximately 15 minutes. How about that? That's one. That's one. Another one in Bailedon Bradford in April. A caller in Bradford phoned the police. The log says,
Starting point is 00:25:00 caller states that an alien has attacked her. That's all we got for that one. All right. All right. This is going to be one of those ones that sounds a lot different than it looks like it should be pronounced. Bowling and Barker and Bradford. In May, a caller in Bradford reported seeing strange lights in the sky. The log states, caller reporting a number of solid lights that look like stars moving in the sky and is seen up to 14 of these lights moving. All spaced evenly out and heading northeast seem to be higher up in the sky than planes. Collard doesn't think they were planes through the number and that they didn't flicker. Doesn't think it was comets due to the apparently controlled nature of movement. White lights from all these items.
Starting point is 00:25:45 That sounds exactly like what we were just looking at. The first one we were looking at last week too. Yeah. Yeah. A next one came from Nottingly Wakefield in July. Nottingly caller reported seeing something really weird. The call log says, caller reporting white orbs in the sky. Two shot off like shooting star. He'd seen some disappear. He has this on video. He's seen 10 tonight and they're moving really weird. He can't see them now, but he's seen them last two nights. He's just seen another now and another one. Pretty crazy. And again, similar to the past view. Yeah. Halifax in August. A caller in the park ward of Halifax rang West Yorkshire Police. The brief log says states an alien has put drugs in his eyes. I don't know about that one.
Starting point is 00:26:35 That one might be a little. That's the only one I believe. Yeah. That's the only one. I'm like, that's it. That's the drill. It's going to be like, no one's going to believe you, John. Give me the drugs. Get some weed in there. Or I'm not the bean boy. Oh God. There's another one that I'm not going to pronounce properly. This is from Skirkote Halifax. Halifax caller told West Yorkshire Police he had seen an alien. The police log says reporting he has seen an alien. He has seen something floating in the sky talking to him. Man, just minding to go see a doctor. Yeah. Got another one in Pontifract. Police log from October states he has rang the police due to believing seeing an alien outside his window. That sounds like Mathis. Another one from Skirkote says a police log from October
Starting point is 00:27:24 states male talking about lifesavers and aliens and has a vision that the queen sent him to another galaxy and people can time travel. That guy might be the same guy with the drugs in his eyes. Anything about the queen? I'm like, that's true. And then a place that is just too good to be true. I can't believe this is a real place. It's called Wheatwood. Wheatwood leads with the W E E T. Wheatwood leads. Delightful name. A caller in October made a report about aliens. The redacted log doesn't include much information. R P reporting party said she was abducted by aliens. Pretty straightforward. Yeah. And those are the nine. Those are the nine sightings that appeared over Yorkshire. But they're talking about how Alan Godfrey, a former policeman in November,
Starting point is 00:28:15 went public after decades of silence over what he saw in the sky and how he ruined his life. Said he encountered a large mysterious object hovering above Burnley Road, Todd Morden, as he neared the end of his shift at 5 a.m. on November 28th, 1980. And five months earlier, he'd he'd discovered the body of a missing man in the coal yard and had this guy, Zygman Adamski, Adam Ski. His head had been shaved. He had a bore. He had a ring of burn marks on him and a slimy yellow green substance was seeping from a neck wound. And he was strangely dressed and looked at like he'd been dropped onto a heap of coal from a height. Damn. So think about that. Pretty wild stuff. I love that stuff. Yeah. Little alien dose for you. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:29:03 The alien dose? It's certainly interesting. Yeah. It's interesting, too, because there is that God. There's somebody new who was X CIA, who's now coming forward as well. And you can only trust those people as far as you can throw them. But there's another another guy who's recently come forward and is talking to the news stations. It's about what he knows is real and talking about the dealings with the with the extraterrestrials and the government and all that stuff. So not, you know, I'm not I'm not saying it's time because I don't think it is. I don't think it'll ever truly be time. But it's it's weird that we're getting yet another burst of activity across the globe. Burn me thrice. Shame on me. Burn me for ice. Shame on me. Yeah. Burn you a million times.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Continue to be shamed. Jesse, what you got? Gentlemen. North Korea needs poop. What? Oh, are they buying? I know this story is going to seem silly, but I want you to take it into consideration that the world is interconnected. Every nation needs something from other nations. And unfortunately, when you're a nation like North Korea, you don't, you know, if you're sanctioned and you don't have a lot of friends and everyone is shutting borders because of COVID, things that are unexpected happen. And this is one of them. Why do you need poop? Due to COVID, North Korea closed its borders with China. And China was the one shipping them most of their
Starting point is 00:30:31 fertilizer because North Korea has a lack of domesticated like farm animals, right? And so most of their fertilizer was coming from China. Well, they've been running out. And last March, South Korea offered help, but they were like, no. And because of sanctions with the US and the UN, there are even less opportunities. And like I said, because they have this shockingly low number of farm animals, authorities have essentially been pressuring people to collect and farm poo in order to help fertilize the ground. And now one of the things they're trying to do is have a manure pass, which is basically something very similar to like the South Korean quarantine pass, which is, oh, I have a vaccine, right? And so it's like a vaccine passport, except now it's like,
Starting point is 00:31:23 oh, I donate poop to the government is what this passport would be quotas for producing manure range from 200 kilograms for each household to 500 kilograms for every working, everyone working in state factories. Markets this month began opening an hour later in the afternoon from three to five rather than two to five in order to give an extra hour to produce manure. Homemade manure by definition covers manure from excrement of any kind human or animal together with weeds, garbage, and even ash rich in chemicals. North Korea propaganda framed it as like a struggle of life and death. And they've been really hyping it up on state TV, the same way that they kind of hype up missile launches where there's like a lady who like
Starting point is 00:32:15 loses her mind. She's like, yeah, it's exact same thing. Dude, y'all, they should partner up with India, with India, because of the Indian video that we showed prior to us recording the episode where they can't poop it in the street. You have seen this before, but if you look it up, there's a video where they're telling people not to poop in the street. And it's like a great banger song. It's very good. Excellent. But it makes you, but it did at the time make us think like, damn, that's 1.4 billion people in a really small country. Like that's news to say they probably wouldn't because North Korea is again sanctioned. You can't just deal with India. So they've also said, Hey, urine is in demand according to Radio Free Asia, which is a US funded website that reports
Starting point is 00:32:59 what's going on inside North Korea. They said, Hey, we need urine. We'll take whatever farmers during that year. Your arm will mix into the compost and what they've also decided to make it kind of a rivalry between regions. And is that even a thing? Just saying they want it all. For a few bucks, they're saying that plants killed them. They're saying like the part of the northern part of North Korea that's connected to China. There's a lot of like competition there between people trying to like really like make everyone proud. It's it's genuinely one of those things you don't think about. We're like, Oh yeah, no, they can't even fertilize the ground in order to create plants. It's so bad. They're right now.
Starting point is 00:33:50 That's crazy. I mean, like, you know, say we will about the country. I don't want it. You know, people don't deserve to suffer. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. They like, I hope that they can figure that shit out and maybe get some some shit flowing in. You know what I mean? There's nothing to figure out. It's just there's people that have absolute control over the fucking country. Yeah. Yeah. And they need to just not be dicks. Yeah. And COVID just made it worse, right? And so it's just it's more glaring how truly dysfunctional the government and their entire country is just because, you know, like here in the States when things when we're at full COVID craziness and it happens every few months, you can see the glaring problems with our government
Starting point is 00:34:35 and our society. And you're like, Oh, oh, we should have fixed this 50 years ago. But like, no, you know, imagine that. But then like North Korea, crazy. This is a little tangential, but as a history major initially in you being a history teacher period, I imagine it's fun to watch the COVID happen and be like, Oh, Black Plague. Oh, the flu pandemic. And it's just the same thing every time the same thing happens. The worker class gains kind of a consciousness as to what's happening because the world is falling apart and everybody can see everything for as it is. Sure. It just keeps happening over and over again. Well, it's one of those things where when the average human being is confronted with immense death, they refocus their entire life
Starting point is 00:35:16 to be like, wait a minute, I've been working for a guy who treats me like crap for years. And I'm just going to die one day. Like this is bullshit. Yeah, literally. And then when I retire, I'll be almost dead. So who cares? Yeah, it's a good time on that. We'll be back. I'm internet famous. I'm immune baby. Yeah, we're in the prime spot. We are nothing baby. Dude, if the internet goes down, I'm getting a megaphone and I'll just shout the podcast over the internet goes down. I'm just going to walk into the ocean and let the tide take me. Oh, my God, I got nothing if the internet goes. I'm done. Oh, let's not think about that. I don't want to be a waiter again. I can't go back to that. I can't go back to that. I can't.
Starting point is 00:36:06 I should put out a newsletter. I'll make a zine. I will disappear for a year when you come check on me. I will be like frazzled writing a book about aliens somewhere. You and Harold. Yes, it'll be me and my doll Harold in there and it'll be like someone comes to visit us. Harold, who is it? He's got one of those double voices like they do in high school theater when they talk to people at the same time to make him sound possessed. Get us out of here. We gotta go. We'll be back next week. Thank you guys so much for the support. We love you. Goodbye, Bobby. Hello, my little Chilluminots and welcome. Welcome to 1980. The welcome welcome came off weird. Welcome. Welcome. The only people who say welcome, welcome like that are serial killers. The guy who hosts the haunted
Starting point is 00:37:00 mansion. Yeah, like definite a ghost. Well, people. This has been, I decided to add a fourth book to my research. So maybe that's why I'm all serial killer right now. I'm just in a serial kind of mood. Killer clown is the name of the book. Yeah. Killer clown. I think that's by Stephen King. Are you sure? This is all about John Wayne Gacy. I know it says Terry Sullivan on there, but are you sure it's not by Stephen King? Oh, yeah. Here it is on page 69. Actual author Stephen King. Got it. Hell yeah. That's my favorite page on any book. What's upsetting about that book cover is that you showed it to us and for the briefest of moments, the skull on the front I thought, because I always saw the top half, I thought I was gonna have a clown nose. I thought killer
Starting point is 00:37:38 clown was gonna have a clown nose. That was great. It's just a story to tell in the dark. Yeah. Okay, we're a minisode in it. I got a couple things here, but we'll see how long, you know, some of these take just to continue on the theme of the past couple of minisodes. Another weird UFO sighting has occurred again with the triangular shape. Can't wait to see this. This one didn't fly. It hovered in the air for hours. This is over in Pakistan. I'm gonna send you the video. Let me get you that link right on into zoom. It hovered for hours. So they asked to see this. Supposedly hovered for over two hours at this particular spot and eventually it got dark and people just couldn't see it anymore. Pakistan. Yeah. This is on January 25th,
Starting point is 00:38:30 2022. So this year, just a couple of weeks ago, basically. You know what I always think about is that story that somebody told on one of the things about like they just saw a door. Oh, yeah, the door. For whatever reason, that captured my imagination as a Stephen King reader that captured my imagination. Kind of like the window in the Skinwalker Ranch episode, the window into the other reality that people could see through at night. Yeah. I'll read this real quick. An intriguing piece of footage from Pakistan shows what appears to be a black triangular object hovering in the sky. And the witness says that it remained in place for over a couple of hours, over two hours. The puzzling sighting reportedly occurred on Tuesday
Starting point is 00:39:09 evening in the city of Islamabad. Shortly after, Arzlan Warak had landed a drone that he had been operating moments earlier. Looking up at the sky, he was astounded to see the curious object and began filming it with his cell phone. The fairly long video provides a perspective on not only the UFO, but also of his bewilderment as he can't help but express his amazement at what he sees in the sky. This is unbelievably marveled, arguing that the oddity was neither a drone nor bird. Amusingly, even though he was observing an unidentified flying object in the sky, Warak seemed to almost grow bored with the sighting as he muses that it's just sitting there not doing anything, I want it to do something like whiz by. And that's basically it. I mean,
Starting point is 00:39:51 they can watch it right now. Unfortunately, you know, it's super high in the sky. So it's like kind of a little dot that he zooms into and zooms out. Admittedly, this is pretty fantastic footage. Right. Yeah, he really looks like he like maintained it and like did his best. It isn't shaky cam. It's straight up. The quality looks great. What's jarring about this, what's interesting is it isn't like, you know, a normal thing that would zip past or it's there and then gone. This is just sitting there. Literally sitting motionless in the sky. Doesn't look like a balloon is being moved or anything. It's just a weird triangle. It could easily be like CG. Could be. Yeah. It's possible. But it's the distance seems correct. What it is seems correct. The zoom in, zoom out
Starting point is 00:40:37 seems correct. Yeah. Out of all the things we've ever seen, I think I like this the most just because it's like it clearly exists. It is a thing. That's what I was going to say. It definitely looks like whatever he's filming in the footage is really there. Yeah. I don't see any reason why it couldn't be a drone. What's interesting is people are saying, because of course I went down to the comments because I'm like, all right, what's going on? People are saying that basically a drone wouldn't have the battery life to sit there hovering. But in two hours. It's in Pakistan after somebody was flying a drone recently. That guy who's filming, he was flying his drone around. He was just having a drone. He was flying his drone and then he landed his drone and then now
Starting point is 00:41:20 this thing's here. And then he looked up and he said there was like that. I mean, it could easily be like a military grade thing. That's just a footage. No, he gets bored and he just stops recording. See, that's what I'm saying. Like there's not two hours of footage here. Right. It's about five minutes straight of footage before he turns it off. Definitely. It's a physical thing. Go to like three and a half minutes or so, three thirty nine. It like zooms in even closer. Yeah. I mean, it's very pixelated looking, but it looks pixelated, but it also looks like it has a defined shape. Yeah. No, for sure. It's again, this falls in every week. If it seems like we're having another one of those moments, we seem to have one in twenty twenty one as well, where like
Starting point is 00:42:02 a bunch of these sightings kind of just happened over the course of a couple of weeks or a month or so, and then they stop again. Like I'm wondering if we'll see it again. They'll stop. The difference is, is that your mind goes to aliens and my mind is like, what is this really? Like what are we looking at here? My mind goes to like, I want it to be aliens. But I just want to answer. Like, I don't care if it's like it's a stuffed animal on a kite. Like that'd be fine. It's just it's an interesting visual to see that like, oh, no, that's clearly there. The footage shows there's a thing there. That flying humanoid thing that we thought was Jack Skellington, apparently a couple weeks later, a little harder, like a little thing was like, oh, it wasn't actually the balloon. Like
Starting point is 00:42:42 that was disproven. So we don't really know what that is still out there, but I think it's been more or less forgotten by people. And then like nobody cares. But I'll leave it at that. Honestly, that was the main thing I wanted to talk about. It's like another weird pattern of fascinating light. Yeah, it's cool. Take it away, gentlemen. Who wants it next? I'm still looking at that footage. It looks good. It is good footage. It's good footage. Good footage. I can go for like a little happy story. If you want like that. I don't know how it's just bizarre. All right. So this is from the 3rd of February, a cat who went missing from her owner's main home seven years ago, ended up 1400 miles away in Florida. What is up with that?
Starting point is 00:43:27 I don't know. And it always amuses me every time I see these stories. It's, I have to imagine the adventure this animal went on. Denise Silly of Chesterville said her family's pet ashes was strictly an indoor cat. However, the feline escaped the house in August of 2015. Silly said her family searched for the then one year old cat, but there was no sign of ashes. She said the family eventually came to believe she had been taken by a Fox or another predator. Then she gets a call from a vet in Longwood, Florida who basically found the cat who was microchipped and the microchip led them back to Maine where the cat was originally from. And they were like, Hey, we have your cat. And she was like, I don't, what Florida? I've never
Starting point is 00:44:17 been to Florida. Like, well, according to this microchip, this is your cat ashes. And so I know they do not know how the hell this cat got into Florida seven years later, still alive, still around, still doing its thing. Theories are that perhaps someone found the cat and then took it and moved to Florida. But there's no evidence because the cat wasn't just at a person's house. The cat was just a straight. I got a theory. The cat is psychic and wanted to skip the Trump administration and the worst parts of COVID. And as soon as the numbers went back down below 10,000 cases a day in Los Angeles, the cat decided to reemerge in the vacation towns of Florida. That is a theory. That is a theory. I would say the cat ran for a job in government during the
Starting point is 00:45:15 past. It was probably in the Trump administration the past few years. And that is where the cat has been. He's been governing Florida for the past couple of years. Some pretty, I'm going to say, wacky thoughts on COVID and has some certain leanings that I frankly don't approve of. But you know what? Cats be cats, I guess. I got to imagine it from the eyes of the cat, having basically lived its whole life as a probably ferretal type animal, wild animal, and all of a sudden these people are like coming and scooping you up and you don't remember them. And you're just like, who are these people? Maybe they do. Maybe it's like when they see those lions that after 15 years, the trainer returns, the lion's like, I fucking love Christian lion.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yo, I can't believe it's you. It might be. I have no clue. There is a GoFundMe happening right now. I can speak English perfectly. Hello. There's a GoFundMe happening right now for the veterinary care and travel costs to reunite the family and the cat. That's got to have been funded faster than anything has ever been funded. Let me check. The GoFundMe page. They had a $600 goal. It is $1800 as of right now. Look at that. Internet comes through anything with a cat, but bang, that cat. Have you seen that? Do we talk about it on here? Don't fuck with cats. This is a documentary. No, I refuse to watch that documentary. It's a brutal. I mean, look, the crime is brutal. If you can get through the fucking shit that you say on this show about
Starting point is 00:46:43 serial killers, you'll be able to get through it. Listen, I feel more for cats than people. I was afraid you were going to say that. No, but it's a great wreck if you've never seen it. Don't fuck with cats. It's a really good one where they like it's about somebody fucks with cats and then the internet read it, sleuth and thing. Yep, which is a crazy powerful skill. It actually gets way out of control. Like the internet always does. What? I mean, just the case itself that they uncover by solving it is much bigger than you would anticipate. It's I watched it in one sitting. It was fucking amazing. I got one for you guys. Actually, I have two just in case the first one's too short.
Starting point is 00:47:24 As we've been swapping sighting footage lately, I've got one. This one was on February 4th. This is a family in Kansas. They were in Cheney Lake in Kansas, I think, and they were in the car and they got some footage of a particular bipedal ape. Yeah. It's high definition, extremely detailed. You get to see every aspect of the Sasquatch. What? I'm kidding. Just tell me what you think. It's near the end of the clip that he's driving to check out some stars and get away from the lights. Alex, you have like a consistent on this show. I almost feel like you're the guy who's like, I found another video. And when I click on it, it's always from the inside of a car going down a dark road. The camera looking like half on the
Starting point is 00:48:17 road, half in the dark. And then I'm expecting like another weird alien man to come out. Yeah, right near the end of the vid. Yeah, I just lost it because I clicked away. Dang it. You can see the creature right at about 50 seconds. Yeah. And then he does a zoom in, but he like zooms in on like the back half of it for a half a second and then he moves the camera to catch up with it, but never catches up with it. Like, you know, he does a bad job at capturing it. But there is a two-legged creature that walks off into the darkness on this dark country road. Mind you, it's Kansas, though. It looks pretty good. It looks maybe a little staged, but the motion is good and it looks realistically real. It just looks like a person walking
Starting point is 00:49:11 across the road. What's what I'm saying? If it's a hoax, it's they just put somebody over there and had him walk away. It looks nice. You know what I'm saying? I will say this. There is a figure definitely there, definitely walking onto legs, but it's so dark. They could be wearing dark sweatpants. I watch a lot of nukes top five now, so I'm pretty unflappable. But in this case, I got slapped. I got slapped. But yeah, so that was the first thing I had. I have one other thing for you guys just as a backup story to that one, just in case you want to see that one. That's the Cheney Lake Bigfoot, by the way, if you want to check that out, listeners. But I got another one that was basically it happened in Las Vegas. This is a pretty good
Starting point is 00:49:53 little ghost story, not really. Basically, on Friday, this was from February 2nd. On Friday afternoon, a man named Daniel Asif entered the southbound lane of the I-215 and began heading in the opposite direction of traffic. Don't you hate when that happens? The guy caused multiple car crashes, though nobody was hurt amazingly. He was arrested. This guy, he showed up in court on Tuesday. And he said that the reason in court, he said this, the reason that he was, he was, he decided to get on the opposite side of the freeway was because he was visited by the spirit of Dale Earnhardt, senior, the intimidator himself from NASCAR. And the ghost asked him to do it to convince the mayor of Las Vegas to bring racing back
Starting point is 00:50:50 to the city. What's his man's name? Daniel Asif. Can you just imagine Dale Earnhardt, Jr.'s ghost being like, Daniel, Daniel, okay. Listen, this is going to sound fucking insane, but it's going to work. I could talk to anyone, but you're my guy. You're it. And here's how you're going to do it. This is my plan. Other side of the freeway. Now, I know it sounds crazy, but how else are you going to get the attention of the higher ups? And then I haven't really thought past that step, honestly. That's really kind of where I stop. Then when you mentioned my name, drop me right away. Name, drop me. That's true.
Starting point is 00:51:26 And once you do that, people are going to listen to you, my man. And once you have their ear, everything's possible. Tell the mayor to bring racing NASCAR back to Las Vegas. All right. I mean, anything for Dale Earnhardt, Sr. When you're sitting there and Jay surrounded by dead bodies and chaos. Let Vegas know that NASCAR NASCAR needs to come back. What an unfortunate person. What an unfortunate ghost to be visited by. What an unfortunate plan. What an unfortunate end goal. If I was visited by the Intimidator, I would be like,
Starting point is 00:52:10 But then if he told you to go on the other side of the highway, I feel like you might say no. Are you sure? Are you like, I don't, I feel uncomfortable with you suggesting that. Didn't you die in a car crash? I learned from my mistakes. I'm here to educate. I'm passing on everything I learned into traffic seems deadly. I might kill someone. You have to become one with the traffic. He's like, you know what? Racing in Las Vegas is worth killing for. That mayor doesn't know what he's missing. Somebody's got to send a message. And it's you, Daniel. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:52:47 That's going to happen in Fast and the Furious, except instead of Dale Earnhardt, it's going to be the rock. It's going to be Paul Walker's ghost. Oh my God. You know what? It's me, the ghost of the real guy, Paul Walker. Yeah, they're going to get his brother. You look just like my friend. CG his face. It's like Billy Lord in Star Wars. I mean, have you seen the technology? Like Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett looks incredible. If that happens, if you want to feel like you're on edibles while looking at pictures of Luke Skywalker that you aren't sure are actually talking to you or not.
Starting point is 00:53:24 All right. Well, I swear to God, they're literally medicating Star Wars fans with like soothing ASMR vocals. Anyway, goodbye. Goodbye, everybody. Goodbye. Anyway, me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night, enjoying ourselves. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I stepped back inside. And after a few moments, I hear my wife go, holy shit, get out here. So I quickly dash back outside. She's looking up at the sky. I look up too, and there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. Fishmen pulled a body out of the lake. Do they know who it is?
Starting point is 00:54:58 Freeform's cruel summer is back with a new season and a new mystery. People are going to start asking questions. We have to get our stories straight. From executive producer Jessica Beall. The girls are hiding something. Nothing stays secret in this town for long. There are two sides. How far do I need to go to prove my loyalty to you? This whole thing was your idea. Do every secret. I need to know what happened. And what if you don't like what you hear? Freeform's cruel summer. New episodes Tuesdays. Stream on Hulu.

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