Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 193 - Minisode Compilation 26

Episode Date: February 27, 2023

Minisodes 86-89 Patreon - BUY OUR MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode - EVERYONE AT PATREON Dad...Grass - ButcherBox - Promo Code: Chill65 Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by - Theme - Matt Proft End song - POWER FAILURE - Video -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ugh, another pointless video call where nothing gets done. I think you're on mute, David. Uh, sorry. What did I miss? IT just approved Miro for the whole company. Miro? That's the... Online whiteboard. For team collaboration. We can make these long video meetings so much shorter with Miro boards. We can share ideas, feedback, and updates on them whenever.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Actually see what we're talking about? It's all online. Miro will make our flexible work set up so much easier with one virtual space for our brainstorms, projects, presentations. Oh, that sounds kind of amazing. So I don't need to wake up for six AM calls with the London office anymore. Now you're getting it. Don't let timezones get in the way of your team working well together.
Starting point is 00:00:46 See why 99% of the Fortune 100 trust Miro to get good work done. From anywhere, get your first three boards free at That's Hey, y'all. I know we're about to jump into a minisode compilation, but a couple of things I want to just put up there right up front. First, I'm sorry. It's not a real episode. I'm just going to be honest. It was me. My meds got really messed up,
Starting point is 00:01:09 and on the days that I was supposed to be recording, I was just down for the count until my stuff kind of got refilled. So, you know, it's just... I could have probably tried to push through it. I just don't think I would have given you the best show possible. That being said, next week's episode is a super special episode. We're going to have a special guest on. We're going to be interviewing him about his upcoming book
Starting point is 00:01:28 on some cool government secret stuff. So, keep your ears out for that. And then after that, we dive into our next big deep dive, starting with that freaking cannibal from the 1800s, which is going to be so much fun. That being said, thank you guys for your patience. I know it's been a while since we've done a minisode compilation. Anyway, I'd like to try and get you out as many deep dive episodes as we can.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And 2023 is going to be the year where I really am honing down on just getting big, chunky episodes out to you guys. Anyway, I love you guys. Thank you so much for your support. You've just been amazing as a listenership. And I hope you enjoy this compilation. Oh, my little chaluminos. Still awful.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Welcome back. My episode 100, Jesse will be asking for it. I promise. Yeah, you'll be asking for this one day, Jesse, because when this bit does die and it will die at some point, I'm sure everything has a shelf life, you will miss it. Yeah, like an ex-girlfriend. You miss the toxicity.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Welcome. Welcome to the minisode, everybody. I don't know what you guys got. Well, Alex teased some big stuff. Big stuff. I don't know about big stuff. I'm just going to knock it out right out because I'm not going to last long, but I need to retort Jesse's No Aliens episode that we just did,
Starting point is 00:03:12 because that's what I'm going to title it. No Aliens. No, I'm not going to title it that. But to combat that, Jesse, human leg. Have been seen on Mars. Too shit. You beat me. I let him fool I am.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Oh boy. This is it. An anomaly hunter. We love those when we bring up anomaly hunters. People who just look at NASA images, they found a particularly odd item in this particular NASA image from the Mars or over on, obviously, Mars. Is it new?
Starting point is 00:03:45 It is. This is well, the picture I don't think is new, but they then discover. The discovery of a picture of this. Yeah, I'm going to send it to you on the Always Trust, where the Coast to Coast AM website. Why? Why?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Why are we doing this? Why? And look at that leg. Tell me that's not a leg. How dare you scoff at this? It does look like the planets are doing a strip tease. Yes, it does have like a. It looks like when I go to Knott's Berry Farm
Starting point is 00:04:17 and I'm walking through the ghost town Old West themed area and there's a fucking bestocking leg leering invitingly through the window at me. From on high, asking me to come ahead there into the madam's drawing room or whatever to select a sleeping partner for the evening. Well, let me read you what Scott wearing. The man who's been the nicest, the nicest way
Starting point is 00:04:42 to select a sleeping partner for the evening. It's very 1950s ask, you know. Here's what I think. I think sex workers need a little more respect. Sleeping partners. You mean sleeping partners. Sleeping partners. I'm not, you know, sleeping partners.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You don't have to have sex with every pretty leg that sticks itself out of window. You and I disagree on this subject. I would fuck whoever's got that leg that on Mars. Because it's probably like is that is a that's a honey trap. My friend's a honey pot. That's like Snorlax Snorlax. That's a terrible alien name.
Starting point is 00:05:17 That's not an alien name. I am aware. I'm aware. Well, the alien Snorlax who was very offended we named a giant Pokemon after him is over there setting up a trap. And he's like, I have you now, Mathis. Actually, you'd be thrilled about that.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Never mind. I would. Well, honestly, I'm waiting for this to get back. Yeah. Mathis, you don't need to watch. You actually need to watch Rival anymore. You're good. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:36 You basically seen it now. Let me let me read you a very small quote from Scott Warring on how what he says about this. Scott Warring is a anomaly hunter. Or like Scott is warring me out. Am I right? He's been doing this for years, scouring NASA photos for evidence that NASA chooses to leave out on purpose
Starting point is 00:05:58 lest we find out the truth. And he says, not typically what you would in this photo, it's not typically what you would expect in a Mars photo that he said he argued NASA has been keeping mum about all these alien artifacts on Mars. So they must be real. And honestly, with evidence like that, I think Scott might be right.
Starting point is 00:06:16 What do you think it is? It looks like a rock. A slutty sculpture? Like what are we talking about here? Maybe it's one of those soldiers we sent to Mars to fight that 17 year alien war. Oh, yeah. Do you think there's a naked lady laying on the Martian
Starting point is 00:06:29 landscape with her legs sticking out of the rock? Yeah, a victim of the Mars war. Just died in an unfortunate, got it. Yeah. Yeah. And then sand covered it up. So. But the leg was still there.
Starting point is 00:06:43 The leg still straight up. It just takes a while to decompose on Mars. Different atmosphere. Also, that's let's be real. That is like a Jesse leg. That's a fat leg. I'm not even alive. Like that's a honking chonker of a leg.
Starting point is 00:06:54 That's not. I don't know if it's a honking chonker. It's a honking chonker of a leg. That leg. That leg has no ankle. That leg is ankle-less. It's more like a winky pinky, if you will. Not quite a honking chonker, but goofy looking.
Starting point is 00:07:14 It looks like an elephant trunk. It looks like if it looks like if you. How do I describe this? There's no knee. It looks like a like when the Harry Potter, like when he blows up his aunt and she gets like inflated legs. And it just it has a lot of leg. It's a lot of leg.
Starting point is 00:07:38 There's no definition to it. Maybe Scott's wrong and this is an alien leg. Maybe Scott's wrong. That's true. Maybe Scott is wrong. It's worth considering, even if it's hard to do. I'll think about it. But he's an anomaly hunter and I trust those.
Starting point is 00:07:52 So. Right. Right. Yeah. Anomaly hunter. That's like the most indis ingenuous job in aliens right there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Anomaly hunter is not really a valuable thing. Anomaly hunter. My God. I love the title though, man. He's really like immersing himself in the fantasy that he's really making a difference finding these evidence. He's an anomaly hunter. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:13 They're true because why would they not be true? That's what he said. Right. Well, pretty much. And I that's flawless logic. Fair enough. If you say it, it must be. Take it away.
Starting point is 00:08:25 We'll say Alex. Okay. Yeah. Let's let's I'll tell you what this this this is a new spate of predictions roaring its way across the Internet. I'm on Mundo Mundo Hispanico to let you know that Monevedente. Vedent. Vedente.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I'm not. I don't know. It's a it's a name I'm not familiar with. Monevedente. She's a Cuban psychic. And she did a live stream or something just based on the footage. It looks like she's on a zoom call. She's got some tarot cards and we have some predictions about what's been going on.
Starting point is 00:09:03 But before we get started, she said that these zodiac signs that are going to be the luckiest this week, which was March 9th is when this article is from. The lucky ones this week are Pisces, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius. So kudos to y'all. And the magic numbers this week don't know what those are are two, four and 23. So can we get a week? Can we get this weekly? Can this be like like David Lynch's like weather report?
Starting point is 00:09:32 We just get it. Moneys, Moneys, Money Mondays. I don't know. Money Mondays. So the first thing she so the first prediction she the question was what's going to happen with the war, the ground war in Europe, first time in years and years, Russia versus Ukraine. What's going to happen here? And she said that Putin does not understand reason and is isolating himself.
Starting point is 00:09:59 This has to do with the emperor card and the hermit card is why she she's saying this. She's saying that although that is something that he does not care about because all he really just wants to have all the power and control more territories. The quote that she says is everyone is thinking that China turned its back on Russia, but it is not like that. These two countries together with India will make a very strong block to defend themselves from NATO and the European Union. There's not much time left for the war in Ukraine to come to an end and the president
Starting point is 00:10:27 of Russia will definitely stay in this territory, she says. I don't know if she means in Ukraine or in Russia. Stymied by Ukraine can't really tell from the quote, but that's what she said. She also said that she pulled the La Muerte card and revealed that China will stay with Taiwan after declaring war on it. Not sure what that means exactly. Stay with Taiwan after declaring war on it. Maybe that means that China will conquer Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Not sure. Also, she says separately, North and South Korea are going to be fighting, even though that's something that you could see coming, according to her quote is, I've already told you that when someone starts a war, it is very difficult for it to end quickly because the other countries begin to move their geopolitics and want more territories. The European Union will have a hard time. That's what she says. And then she pulled the hangman card, which said in her mind that Joe Biden,
Starting point is 00:11:30 president of the United States currently, is going to be removed because he hasn't been doing a good job and is not challenged Vladimir Putin in his war against the Ukraine. I guess she's not happy with the response that we've had so far. According to CNN in this article, Biden is analyzing the possibility of easing sanctions on Venezuela so that Venezuela can start producing more oil and selling it on the international market to reduce a global dependence on Russian oil. I don't know if that's going to happen, but I guess that's the thing that's making her upset. I don't know why they would mention it in this article.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Nothing that she said in any way ties to that. The next question is what will happen in Mexico? And she pulled the devil card from Mexico, which is not good. And she said Mexico has the devil card on top of it, since violence and insecurity will continue to be unleashed, as well as demonstrations in different parts of the country, now with the women's demonstration. There is also unrest due to the lack of water and teachers, which is wild.
Starting point is 00:12:33 She says the water and teachers. Yeah, she says the card will continue affecting the people of power. And in particular, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the president of Mexico, was definitely not going to have an easy time because there is a plot from outside the country to remove him from the presidency, not to mention that brings a lot of dark energies behind him. So that's that was her first set of predictions. And then she said later, she had like a part two.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Addendum hours. Hours later, she said that in the month of March, the hangman dominates. She talked about Mexico, like I said, in recent weeks, there have been many tragedies. So this card indicates to me that violence will continue to be present during this month. There will be demonstrations, people talking to the streets. We already heard about that.
Starting point is 00:13:27 She says that the number 13 is involved in her current predictions and that it indicates a plane crash. She says the attack against someone in power, someone very strong in Mexico that will change the history of Mexico. She says this is just the beginning. The violence is still being unleashed in various parts of the country. And a solution is definitely not an insight soon. At least for this month, the darkness of the demon,
Starting point is 00:13:52 the card of El Diablo indicates to me that Luzbel is loose along with 72 demons. I already said that President of Russia is the Antichrist. Lucifer is tempting the human to have no mercy against other humans. Yeah, so that's what's going on. She says that difficult days are coming, difficult months are coming. This is the El Sol card that she pulled. She said March, September and December are months of the earthquakes.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I can see a very large earthquake, 6.9 or 7.3. So no one should be overconfident. She says the Sun card is also telling her that the sun's rays are becoming more incandescent and stronger and will reach the earth. So we must continue to take care of the water. She says there's going to be a big drought in Mexico and there's going to be many months without rain, which is pretty wild. And then she made another series of predictions.
Starting point is 00:14:46 A couple of days later, this one, negative news in 2022 has no end. She says that in March, the devil will try to appropriate all souls. She says that prophecies of the apocalypse. This month? Yeah. Bro, I'll tell you right now she's lying. I've offered mine many times and nothing's ever happened. Maybe that's the first time you thought she was lying.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Maybe you're too blessed. Oh yeah, I mean, everything else is dead on. I'm too pure? Maybe you think it's just like my child. I'm corrupted by media and almost almost completely. I just corrupted myself with serial killers. Yeah, she says Lucifer is loose with his 72 demons. She says if we want to deal with this and face the situation,
Starting point is 00:15:29 she says we have to pray a lot to God and the Virgin Mary. And she's predicted that angels are going to show up to help us on March 21st to fight the devil. Yo, the 21st. Yeah. The archangel Michael with his sword and his strength will want to completely defeat. The celestial war begins on March 21st. On March 21st, you will see in heaven how the angels, the archangels will fight against Lucifer himself.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And also this is this website. Now I'm on another website that's like way worse. This is what sucks about this is that she put a date and now she's going to be wrong. And that there goes your career. Huh? There goes your career, baby. See, she was a little egoistical. She's starting to get those kind of cult follower vibes. Yeah, you never give a day.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Come on, you're ruining it. You're ruining it. I'm also seeing a headline here that's like not related to this article that there's it's not clickable. I don't know. This is like might be one of those websites that like steals text from other websites. But here's here's just the thing. Alleged UFO was recorded in Ukraine days after lightning that destroyed Russian tanks.
Starting point is 00:16:37 What's up with that? Yeah, I've seen a few UFO sightings around that. Don't know about that. Don't know what's going on there. No, it would blow my mind if something like that happened. I'll say I'll say that much. The aliens showed up to stop the war. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:16:50 That would be wild because I have a lot of questions why they chose that and not say any of the other wars that are actually like things that have happened in the last few years. Why the Ukraine one? Ask the Borg, man. Ask the Borg why they got to stop Zephrin Cochrum. Zephrin Cochrum. Zephrin Cochrum. Zephrin Zephrin.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Zephrin Cochrum. Zephrin Cochrum. I think it's an M. Maybe it's Zephrin. It doesn't matter. Zephrin Cochrum, Zephrin Cochrum. You know? What do you got? I'm done.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Tomato, tomato. Yeah. All right, Jesse. What you got? I'm looking it. It's Zephrin Cochrum. Yes. With an M.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Anyway, what I have is something for you two, because this, the episode that I did, it was for me. But this, this is for you. Yay. For many years, the Pentagon in connection with the Defense Intelligence Agency ran a secretive program investigating the connection between UFOs and paranormal phenomena. Uh-oh. It's true because they UFOs might be partially kind of like a psychic existence. Over on
Starting point is 00:17:59 Retired DIA intelligence officer, James Lakatsky and retired CIA operations officer, Jim Somovin, who both worked in the secret program, have been interviewed and they've talked about a bunch of stuff. And this is but a weed taste. Apparently, the investigations they were involved with involve things like the USS Nimitz and its possible UFO sightings, as well as your favorite and my most attested, Skinwalker Ranch. Skinwalker Ranch, if there is one place where paranormal and aliens collide, it's fucking Skinwalker Ranch.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah. And that's why they were there. Uh, they say it was the property that, you know, and you thought it's famous for being super paranormal and UFO and all that stuff. Anyway, so according to these two guys, three men that were sent to investigate the ranch were terrified by what they saw. And left after witnessing what they described as a black void. And then even more unnerving was the fact that they also reported experiencing paranormal
Starting point is 00:19:05 phenomena after returning to their homes, such as strange noises. That's a new development. Yeah, such as strange noises and sightings of dark figures at night. And a separate incident. This is this is where it gets wild. The family of one investigator who's looking to the USS Nimitz reported what they saw reported witnessing a wolf-like creature walking on two hind legs staring through the windows of his home on two occasions.
Starting point is 00:19:32 So werewolf was snooping. Dude, it's the wolf from Skinwalker Ranch. That was like immune to bullets. Yeah, probably. You know what? Probably. And that's just about it. However, starved beast, bro.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Looking for his next meal. When asked about it, the Pentagon said that they could not confirm or deny anything about these investigations or if they even took place. But that's over on So, you know, you want to get weird with it. There's a full article. It is much longer than what I said. But if you want a deep dive, you can.
Starting point is 00:20:03 It's huge. And it talks about all the different work of this group looking into the ideas of UFOs. So it's there. I'm going to go read that after we're done with this, which is now. Thank you guys so much for hanging out. We will be back next week with yet another mini-soat. We appreciate you and appreciate your support on Patreon. Goodbye, everybody.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Bless. Another pointless video call where nothing gets done. I think you're on mute, David. Sorry, what did I miss? IT just approved Miro for the whole company. Miro, that's the. Online whiteboard for team collaboration. We can make these long video meetings so much shorter with Miro boards.
Starting point is 00:20:41 We can share ideas, feedback and updates on them whenever. Actually see what we're talking about. It's all online. Miro will make our flexible work set up so much easier with one virtual space for our brainstorms, projects, presentations. Oh, that sounds kind of amazing. So I don't need to wake up for six AM calls with the London office anymore. Now you're getting it.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Don't let time zones get in the way of your team working well together. See why 99% of the Fortune 100 trust Miro to get good work done from anywhere. Get your first three boards free at That's Okay, here's how Miro works. See, it's amazing. What's everyone doing at David's desk? Ever since marketing started using Miro's collaborative online whiteboard,
Starting point is 00:21:31 he thinks all our other teams should sign up. Why? He says Miro's making his meetings disappear. And if every team gets on it, that means even less meetings. They're using Miro for brainstorms, mind maps, customer research. So could we use Miro instead of having another 100 meetings for every round of feedback? Yep, you can comment, react to ideas, even leave a recording on the board. And what about presentations?
Starting point is 00:21:59 There are Miro templates for that. How do you know so much about Miro? I've actually been using it all along. I just used a Miro board to plan the best vacation. Okay, I'm on board. See how Miro users save up to 80 hours every year by meeting less and doing more. Get on board at with three boards free forever. That's
Starting point is 00:22:23 Hello, my little Chilly Minots. And welcome back. No, I'm still not cool. He's a little sad. I got a little stank on there today. A little nasty today. I don't know what's going on. Nasty?
Starting point is 00:22:34 Oh, I like being a little nasty. Welcome to your Chilmini 86, I think. I'm going to double check. We're almost at 100 minisodes. Yeah. Oh, this is 87. Sorry. 87th minisode.
Starting point is 00:22:46 No, I'm knocking on the door of 100. It's pretty raw. Yeah, it's crazy, man. I can't believe we've done this many minisodes. I don't know what you guys brought. So I'm going to hand it to you first. I've got a little bit of a spooky ghost one. So yeah, I got something a lot.
Starting point is 00:23:02 This should be first. There's a guy in Australia. He is a guy called Alex Tan. He is at a place called Maruchidor Beach. Marukidore? Marukidore. You guys? Do we ask you, Maru?
Starting point is 00:23:20 No, look, watch. I'll watch. You guys just try and tell me what that says. I'm sorry, Australia. But yeah, he ran into one of those like Maruchidor corpses, like, you know, like the Montauk monster or like a Chupacabra, how it's like something.
Starting point is 00:23:37 He says that he thinks that it's like, maybe it's like a like a hairless possum or like a baby kangaroo. But he posted a video of it on Instagram. I'll send you guys the video now. Unfortunately, you can't like skip and scan on Instagram, which is very dumb. But you can still watch the video and see this thing.
Starting point is 00:23:59 You get a very, very clear view of it. It's very, very obviously a real thing. But yeah, I don't know. Like this guy seems pretty like not excited about it, which I like. He actually says this looks like one of those things you see when people claim they found aliens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Listen to this man talk. Yeah. And it's it's good. It looks it looks like some sort of mysterious creature. I don't know what I don't know what it is, though. I don't know like what maybe it is. I remember the Montauk monster to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. Maybe a raccoon. It definitely looks like a million. I don't know. The Montauk monster ended up really the Montauk monster ended up being a dead raccoon. If you remember, that's this one. I'll send you a link to it just in case you don't remember
Starting point is 00:24:43 the picture. It's from like 15 years ago or something. It looks like it like a big iguana or like a like some sort of that. It looks mammalian to me just like the way the corpse is. The skull looks very mammalian to me. But I maybe I'm wrong. I'm no animal expert. How dare you?
Starting point is 00:25:01 I'm certainly no animal expert. I'm a Pokemon expert, but that's not the same thing. It's that's cool, though. I like I just anything that's like a weird potential cryptid I'm into. What do you think about it, though? Like, does it look like it looks almost identical to the Montauk monster compared to like the angle the way it's like laid out? The only difference is the one that the new one.
Starting point is 00:25:23 As like no, you don't see any flesh at the skull is completely like the only the skull is the only thing left to the face. It looks like he was eaten completely. Right. I yeah, I don't know. I like how big it is. I like that it looks. Somebody says in the comments that it looks like a de-shelled tortoise.
Starting point is 00:25:39 But I don't think so because it has a big long tail and it has like claws. Like it has like hands. I mean, this is not to like make it boring, but it could just be also like a group of like dumb ass teenagers who picked up some roadkill or something hurling it onto the beach like fuck those lines. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. It just to me, the thing that's remarkable about it is that it's very, very clear and very, very like visible.
Starting point is 00:26:05 And I don't know immediately what animal it is. The idea of it being a young kangaroo is exciting to me. But also that might just be me. That might just be me being like, oh, yeah, Australia kangaroos. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. Yeah. Sorry if you can hear that in the background, by the way.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's my puppy is Asian. She's not happy. She's in her kennel. Mathis has puppies, guys. Yeah, they're unhappy right now that it's like. Whoa, I can hear them now. Whoa. She's Mathis.
Starting point is 00:26:35 That's the one that looks like a terrier. She's loud and mad. I'll go next unless you got something else out. Oh, I got this. I got this little tweet here for you guys. I thought it was funny from a kid. I wonder what Mathis would think of it. I think I might have posted an alien came to visit.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I would kill it by Bella by Bella. Get him, Bella. Goddamn, Bella, you're being raised improperly. Let me talk to your parents. Dark forest, Bella. Dark forest. Those aliens are not friends. I'm going to take it from you then from this, Alex,
Starting point is 00:27:06 because this actually splinters into what I was going to talk about really, really well. So first, before we go into the main thing, look, I just got to show you this video. This is going to be in my original topic. A ghost, a doll got caught on camera moving. Oh, my favorite. Yeah, like potentially haunted.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Even I was disappointed. Don't say that before you send us the map. Let's look at this thing. This kind of falls over. OK, here's the thing. It just does that kind of fall over thing. However, if after the fall over, the head looked back up, that would have been the best I've ever saw.
Starting point is 00:27:49 That would have been 10 out of 10. That's what I'm talking about. This shouldn't be uploaded. You should just reverse this. And if you're going to put this up and say that it's ghost evidence, you might as well just do us all the favor of reversing it so that it's in some way convincing.
Starting point is 00:28:06 What would be like for you to lie to us, please? I mean, you're already lying to us. You already know that it's just a baby doll falling down forward because it has a heavy head. But I would rather just be lied to boldly. Just add some pizzazz to it. Spice it up. Give that baby jazz hands.
Starting point is 00:28:28 But my real article today actually has to do with aliens, ladies and gentlemen. What a man. This comes from I'm reading this from the Rogersville review. This is from March 24th. Man claims he fired shotguns at aliens on neighbor's property. Police said a man was firing at aliens on his neighbor's property shortly after he decided to smoke some meth.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Well, there you go, man. Jamie Lee McGuire, 43, allegedly told the allegedly said that using meth blocks telepathic attacks from aliens. So if you're being attacked telepathically from aliens that all of you out there listening, meth is this man's solution. It prevents them from attacking. The officer upon arrival spoke with McGuire
Starting point is 00:29:24 who allegedly just admitted to firing the shots. I mean, more power to you. If you actually believe they're aliens there, you might as well admit it. The suspect stated to me that the aliens have been relentlessly attacking him via telepathic communication Winter stated in his report. The suspect stated that he saw the aliens in a block storage
Starting point is 00:29:42 building on the other side of his neighbor's property. The suspect told me that he ran and got his shotgun and began shooting at the aliens. Winter stated in his report that McGuire appeared to be under the influence of meth during their conversation and McGuire admitted to having smoked meth the previous night. The suspect spontaneously told me that he smokes meth because it makes him feel better and that it helps block
Starting point is 00:30:03 the telepathic communication from aliens. Winter stated in his report. Well, he was learning to pick up a camera and shoot aliens with when he's on meth next time. McGuire was arraigned Monday in Hawkins County Sessions Court and was ordered held on a $5,000 bond pending a preliminary hearing set for April 4th. So, hey, if you're being attacked telepathically by aliens,
Starting point is 00:30:26 new thing to add to your repertoire, have some meth on hand. Locks it no problem. Have some meth on hand. Yeah, that emergency meth. Just carry some emergency meth. You will absolutely not get arrested for it. Do not take my advice. I don't want to get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Bella and that dude both just hardcore anti-alien sentiment. I don't like it. I don't like it. I agreed. I don't like them. All right, Jesse, what do you got for us? Yo, get ready for this. This is weird, but also super interesting.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Okay. So in Wales, a man has been repeatedly stepping out into the street, blocking traffic in front of the Swansea Central Police Station. Dude, I heard about this. This is so interesting to me. He is completely mute. He doesn't say anything and he has been arrested numerous times. He's done it since 2014 and every single time he walks out
Starting point is 00:31:27 and then like lawyers or court staff or magistrates or judges or police, anyone who tries to talk to this dude, he will not talk to them at all. He just stares and stands there and they have arrested him numerous times. And they always let him off on like, look, he's probably going through some mental health stuff. But everyone they've had assigned to look into him are like, no, there is nothing about him that seems mentally unwell. He is actively choosing not to speak.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yeah, I don't know what it is, man. To me, it feels like it's like a weird control thing because he's like, like just by standing somewhere, he's like mobilizing the entire government to like do all this stuff. It's kind of some serial killers behavior. He's been in and out of jail, right? Like a couple of times for this, right? Well, what happens is they have arrested him for a little bit,
Starting point is 00:32:21 then let him out and he has been, according to the court filings, he's been convicted of breaching court orders to stop doing it in 2016, 2017, 2018. And then last year, he was sentenced to 42 months in prison because they were like, you can't keep doing this, bro. They're trying to make it worse for him. At the trial, dude straight up said nothing. Didn't even say his name. Didn't acknowledge that he was at trial.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Just sat there. And what's even crazier is that again, they keep trying to be like, what is going on with this guy? Like this seems like arrogance and insolence and he's just, but at the same time, they've discovered that he apparently has no place of residence. And it doesn't have a house at all. Yeah, they don't know that he has a job. So they, and they're thinking maybe he does this because he's like angry at the world,
Starting point is 00:33:08 but also no, there's no answers. He just does it. And that's what's creepy about it. And it's also super interesting that he does it in the sort of the same police station. Like why that police station? Why that street? Why block that traffic? There's so many unknowns and he just doesn't speak.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Crazy. That's scary, man. Like that's that's the most unsettling thing. The people who have just enough control to not give a shit about anything and never speak and just stare you down. Yeah, they, the doctor, one of the doctors they had, one of the psychiatrists they had that went in on his mutism to try and figure out why he doesn't talk said, and I quote, it was selective and deliberate and there may be social stresses or financial
Starting point is 00:33:49 stresses that contribute to him not wanting to talk, but like he is choosing not to speak. Damn, that is creepy. Yeah, that's. It actually kind of reminds me of that. Remember in 2016, all those creepy clowns that just stared on the side of the road. A hundred percent. Kind of gives me that vibe. Like the same kind of energy.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I don't like it because I think it's like cynical. That's the thing I don't like about it. I like I think there's some kind of weird cynical element to it. He's got some like message he's trying to spread. I don't think it's like he's trying to spread it. I think he's it's a protest, like a personal form of protest for him. Okay. Yeah, I can see that.
Starting point is 00:34:27 It's just weird. It's just weird that you won't even talk. Like you get arrested and you just don't care. Forty two months in prison still doesn't. Maybe you're maybe you're right though. Maybe he just wants somewhere to live. And maybe that's a way to go about it. But it's just it's interesting that when he's arrested,
Starting point is 00:34:43 he doesn't speak to the police. When they assign him a lawyer, he doesn't speak to the lawyer. When the lawyer assigns him a psychiatrist, he doesn't speak to that. And it's there and he does it over and over again. They're like, all right, well, this guy's clearly unwell, but he's not like a danger to anyone, but he's just a nuisance. And he keeps doing it over and over and over and over again to the point where people are just like,
Starting point is 00:35:01 all right, we have to put him away. Like how much money is this costing people? Probably so much. So now they're like, lock him away for 42 months. And I guess that's the update on the story because the original story is from 2021, but they updated March 21st, 2022. As like this is he's going to jail now.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I'm curious if like, we'll ever like hear from this. This is like a unique story, but I feel like it's one of those that'll get buried really quickly. But I'm like super interested in like his journey. I wonder if he's going to say anything. I mean, it's been years now. Like I know it's weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Since 2014 and he's 51 years old now. So he's been doing it for almost a decade. Dude is at that point in his life where he's not going to like change all of a sudden. So I just feel like like if you're just looking for a place to live in jails, your goal there, you're just better ways to just get your ass put in jail real quick. I don't, but maybe that's not like,
Starting point is 00:35:55 maybe as something he's trying to say against the police. Why pick that location? It's just so many unknowns. And what I think is going to be wild is when he gets out, I bet he's going to go right back to doing it again. And he's still going to be silent. I legit think that it's like, he's going to go down in history as like a political activist.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Maybe, yeah, maybe. But I mean, you're not very good at it. If nobody knows your message. Dude, he's crushing it though. He's like costing the government probably a hundred thousand dollars or more every time he does this. He's just tossing taxpayer money, you know? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:36:30 That's kind of, you know, there's some kind of anarchist about that a little bit. I don't know. It's maybe, maybe, yeah. It's kind of funny. Maybe we're just dumbling across a message that isn't there. But hey, a lot of the comments are strangely, I guess not strangely, they appear to be on his side.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Like one person says three and a half years in jail for a nonviolent crime seems super harsh. Burglars receive less than that. This one guy says like he's probably homeless, discovered a way to get a place to stay that is straight up just like you don't cause any physical harm. You don't like do anything terrible and you get a place to stay.
Starting point is 00:37:06 So he's daring them to do something more serious to him. Yeah. Weird. That's weird. Weird story. Well, that's it for us, everybody. Thank you guys so much for hanging out with us on this chill mini. Hey,, May 26th, Austin, Texas.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I can't wait to do it. I'm so ready. Man, the LA show was so much fun. I cannot wait to do another show. And I got some people on the Patreon Discord already planning their road trip. So it's really fun to see. Thank you guys so much for hanging out.
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Starting point is 00:38:40 After for the show. Hello, my little chillumina. Is me talking intimately to the microphone more creepy after my dance story? I mean, like you can only get so... It's like being rich. It's always so rich before you have diminishing returns on being rich.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Fair, fair. It was an endearing story. I've actually seen people give a girl a dollar before. I winced what I've seen. It was in Vegas and it was fine. But like... Anyway, welcome back to the Elden Ring Fan Podcast. We are here.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I can't wait to play more Elden Ring. Three bearded dudes talking about Elden Ring together on the internet in a video chat. Now, you know what I actually do have for you today, speaking of Elden Ring? Is I have something from a website that sounds like it's from Elden Ring, Ooh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah, that's pretty... That sounds like the cane Tom Hanks played. Yeah, that dice-rolling, tabletop seductress that erased his reality. No, this is an article called Rivertroll Humanoid Observed and Photographed in Coastal Mississippi. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yo, did we just pick... Okay, I'll look for another article. I think I got some of the same fucking article. Amazing. So this is a cryptid. It's pretty good. It's... I have like an actual account from the person who saw it
Starting point is 00:40:12 that I'm going to read since this was a listener story episode. I thought it would be cool to do another story, if you will. So I'm going to just read this story real quick. I'm going to ignore the very well-animated man peeing into a toilet that's on this weird ad on the screen. And here we go. This is from... Let me see if they have a...
Starting point is 00:40:34 Just B. This is from B. And also, Kelly wanted me to tell you that she uses a flail, not a mace, which I said earlier. It's a flail, which means it's got a chain. slash... Does she have the flail that has heads? There's one.
Starting point is 00:40:49 It's a head. And it's... It's like, I think it's called Head of the Family or something like that. It's great. I don't think it's heads. I think it's like spiked balls, but I think... I think I've seen the heads.
Starting point is 00:40:57 There's a head one. It's very nice. Anyway, here we go. This is from B. About six years ago, 2015, my family lived on our houseboat on the river in a small town in coastal Mississippi. We were on the deck one evening looking across the river. The tide was low and you could see well into the woods.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Maybe 25 yards from us, something bent down near the water, drinking. I went and retrieved my binoculars and took a closer look. It was pinkish tan, which is a weird color to try and imagine. It was pinkish tan with bulging eyes, funny-looking ears, two arms and two legs, and what appeared to be horns coming out of its head. It had a short, round body drinking from the shore. From what I saw, I would swear it was like a troll.
Starting point is 00:41:40 It was devil ugly, which is a great phrase. I'm keeping it. I took my phone out and took a picture. To this day, anyone I show it to swears it's a river troll. Now, living on a houseboat, you see a lot of creepy stuff in the swamp. Also, there would always be trees or logs laying across the ditches of our 1,000-foot driveway in the middle of the swamp, as if something put them there to cross the deep parts. You couldn't walk up or down without that eerie feeling of being watched,
Starting point is 00:42:07 and it wasn't just me. Anyone who came out our way felt it. You would also hear what sounded like monkeys. One time, something threw a rock and hit my friend. I still own that property and the houseboats, but none of my grown kids will even go out there anymore. I don't show the picture to other people anymore. I don't have to prove anything, but I'm sharing with you. I feel as if maybe I am the lucky one to have been in contact with several creatures in this world
Starting point is 00:42:31 and some twice. Yes, it's blurry, and yeah, it's hard to make out, but you can clearly see its reflection in the water as it's drinking, B. It's the same article, different website. That's hilarious. Same creature. Okay, so I got the website here. I'm going to send you guys the link.
Starting point is 00:42:49 This has three photographs of this thing that we can zoom in on. I got to say, I'm not convinced it's a river troll, but it definitely looks like a real photograph. I feel like it passes my, is it Photoshopped test? However, could it be light only? Maybe. I don't know. Maybe. Could it be deer turning its head and its all perspective?
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah, it looks like a goat to me as well. Like it's something like that. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I see the horned beast. I see what it looks like. I see how it's creepy, how it has glowing eyes. I can't really tell what time of day it is in this photograph. It's like kind of could be nighttime with like a very bright light or it could be like
Starting point is 00:43:37 daytime and just like overhanging trees. But I do see the reflection and I do see the cryptid. I don't see any sort of body. Yeah, no, it's hard to see because it almost looks like it's standing in the water. Yeah, like how it is how the horse is in Princess Mononoke when it's just submerged coming out of the water. Have you seen Princess Mononoke? Yes, I have actually.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Pretty good movie, right? Yeah, I enjoyed that. That's what normal conversations are like with two people who have seen movies. Yeah, I really, you know, I want to partake in that more. Maybe chill tracks. You know, we got to watch a new one. Dude, I'm just going to kidnap. I'm going to fly you to my house.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I have more movies than anyone that I know. I'm going to sit you down in my house and I'm going to plan you out a schedule for like four days. And I'm just going to feed you food and make you watch movies. And when you walk out, it'll be like Stefan, you know, yeah, I walk out as the pop culture references coming out in my mouth at any given time. Yeah, you'll be like a member of society. You'll be like all like opinionated and like alt-right, like about like Marvel movies and shit. Oh, we watch we watch Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I see. All right. That's a problem. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good picture. That's a cool picture. Yeah, same article. So I'm sorry. That's like a wild that's like a wild coincidence. I can't.
Starting point is 00:44:53 So I thought this was like a for sure. I was on unexplained that has the same article. There you go. Phantoms and monsters. All right. I'm going to do this next one because I just found just now and it's not paranormal at all. It's just kind of weird and funny, maybe not so weird, just kind of funny. So a British man has been busted for amassing a huge amount of stolen bikes so big, it's visible from space.
Starting point is 00:45:18 What? What? Yeah, I'll send you the link here and you can see in the satellite. Jesus Christ. His cold backyard. Were they like on the space station like, sir, what is, are we singing? What is this? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yo, what? Authorities in England. That's like the trash lands. I'm crazy. This is from coast to coast. Authorities in England have arrested a man who amassed a staggering amount of what they contend to be stolen bicycles, which he stacked in his backyard pile that was so enormous that it could actually be seen from space.
Starting point is 00:45:52 The bizarre case reportedly came to light earlier this month when police in the community of Littlemore visited the unnamed residence home in what appears to have been the culmination of a lengthy feud between the man and his neighbors. I started reporting his festering collection of bikes four years ago, declared Colleen Butler, who was clearly over it. Festering collection. The amount of bikes was just ridiculous. There must have been at least 500 of them.
Starting point is 00:46:16 The problem grew to such epic proportions, she claims, that rats began living in the bicycle pile, but local authorities refused to help her because they were skeptical of such an assertion. We'll just leave it there. Oh my God. I'll post this on the subreddit, the article. You can just see it's like a satellite image of his house in the backyard is nothing but a mass of metal.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Have you ever played Shadows of the Empire for Nintendo 64? Oh my God. I guess for the people who had PCs when they were in the 90s, there's a there's a level in that game where you fight Ig 88 in a junkyard. And that is what this vibe is right now. That's exact. That's that's like one of those memories that just unlocked in my mind because of how much that picture reminded me of it.
Starting point is 00:47:08 That is absolutely nuts. Listen, if he gets arrested, he should at the very least try to get in like the Guinness Book of World Records for this. That's it's crazy. I love it. Get something out of it. I just want also like why I wonder why like what is the motivation behind stealing allegedly stealing 500 bicycles and stashing them in the backyard?
Starting point is 00:47:26 I don't know. I don't know. I think it's like that movie. I think it's like that thief in Tintin who like takes everybody's wallet. And then he just has like a house full of wallets because he just has a compulsion. He loves the idea of taking wallets because he's got addicted to the the the activity. Ah, yeah, he's addicted to the stealing. It's the rush of adrenaline and taking a new bike.
Starting point is 00:47:46 All right, Jesse, what'd you bring us today? Oh, gentlemen, prepare yourselves. Mathis, you're going to love this. I feel like the last three minisodes you've come to be like, I'm about to blow your fucking minds. Oh, this isn't mind blowing. This is just get ready. OK, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:48:00 So in 1974, a transmission was blasted into space that basically said like, hey, aliens, if you're out there, what's up? We'd love to talk to you. Yeah. Well, scientists have designed a new message to be beamed into deep space that is meant to be received and they hope understood by intelligent alien civilizations. It is basically ones and zeros, but once decoded from binary, it has, you know, visual graphics consisting of like human figures as well as DNA,
Starting point is 00:48:37 as well as the telescope is sent from. Oh, and guess what? And our representation of the solar system and where we're located. And then the reapers came. Yeah. Scientists are working on this. It's called the beacon in the galaxy BITG message. And it contains all sorts of things like basic mathematics and all the things
Starting point is 00:49:01 that the original message in 74 did. And essentially all the updated concepts that we universally understand now in the hopes that someone out there will find it and be like, oh, these people, we should go visit them. Obviously, they did not read Stephen Hawking who was like, do not do this. Specifically do not broadcast location. This is a lot of people when I did the previous episode about like space. A lot of people said that I should have brought up the dark forest theory,
Starting point is 00:49:27 which I think we kind of did. We kind of did talk about that, which was like, yeah, no, we kind of talked about that. But the concept of that is like in the dark forest, the reason why everyone's silent is because everyone's hunting everyone. And there are like killers out there. And you have to be quiet because civilizations don't expand rapidly because there are people trying to kill civilizations. And so essentially us broadcasting ourselves is like us shouting loudly,
Starting point is 00:49:54 like, hey, are you over there? And then a voice behind us, if you listen to this episode being like, why aren't you trying to save me? Like that kind of level of creep where we are now straight up just doing that. And even though the message hasn't been broadcast yet, one of the scientists attached to the project is like, look, I believe the benefits far outweigh any risks. And honestly, I believe that too.
Starting point is 00:50:17 I have to believe that. But it's smacks of desperation. Yes. Yeah. Definitely smacks of like, look, we're just trying. No one's answering and we're trying really hard. And so all I'm saying is Stephen Onkin, my man was like, do not do this, y'all. I don't like that at all. So here we are.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Here we are. We're going to do it anyway. I'm against it a little bit. Out of curiosity, they have a date when they plan on sending this message out. Not yet. It is in the work. June 6th, 2066. A draft report exists.
Starting point is 00:50:46 It is at Don't know what that is. I guess that means I can look at this this information. I will absolutely give you the PDF. I'll link it right now to you guys. Can I get the binary? Like, can I get the message they're sending? This is the report of what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:51:05 You can. I'm not sure if the thing is included, but you can see this thing to fucking aliens. And I can't even see it. They have literally like a global cluster map that shows us in like our cluster of the Milky Way. We know, like in our cloud of stars, they have where we're at. Like, if you look at this thing, it's crazy. It's interesting too, because like when we send this thing out, it's not going out in a 360 degree like everywhere.
Starting point is 00:51:28 No, we're just going to blast it in directions. Oh, this is like the paper. Yeah, random directions. And you think about how the enormity of space and still like the chance of us hitting anybody. I wonder what I wonder what like what that looks like. Like, what's the percentage? I'm literally going to read this. If you scroll down far enough, it shows the mathematic operations they're going to send.
Starting point is 00:51:46 It shows the exponential operations they're going to send. It shows the variables. It shows particle physics and hydrogen and DNA structures. Things like that. It literally has binary illustrations of a man and a woman. Yeah. I mean, it looks like Atari graph. It's really interesting.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I'm going to read this whole paper. This is really cool. Yeah, me too. What's crazy. I love the solar system diagram and then literally the little like, this is us. Yeah. No, like, straight up as a map of earth. Shoot the laser here.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah. Drop the bugs. There. Yeah. If there anything like how I play Stellaris, we're fucked. Oh my God. That's like them. That's like the truly scariest thing I've heard all day.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I do have one other story in the bank. If you want, if you want a little, if you want another last thought on this, I agree. I would love to send another message out. I just would remove the location. I just wouldn't put the location and just see if we get a response first. You know, yeah, God knows if we'll ever even hear from anybody. But if it works, that would be really, I mean, they got to aim it pretty good.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Right. Give us a response. I imagine they have like certain areas that just have what they assume is like planets that can maybe hold life. It's a deep space thing. So the transmission alone is going to take forever to get out there. So I don't know. Scary, scary, scary.
Starting point is 00:53:08 We will be long dead before any alien even hears it. So like, I'm not even stressed. All right. Well, unless they're just chilling next to Alpha Centauri or whatever. Just start the Oort cloud. Like, yeah, what's going on in there? Yeah, maybe it's in the Oort cloud. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:23 This this one is called creepy slender man like priests continually manifest on Kansas Highway. Here we go. What? This is from KV again from this happened in 2019 at the peak of the pandemic. Wait a minute. Maybe they mean 2020.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Uh this happened in 2020 at the peak of the pandemic on Mother's Day weekend. I have three kids, two girls and a boy. My middle child girl was 12 at this time and is on the spectrum, very high functioning, but has emotional problems. Sometimes it can become very overwhelming and long story short, her grandmother, her dad's mother offered to help by enrolling her in a school in New York. We live in Colorado, so it's a little far, but I've always allowed them to go on vacation there to see that side of their family.
Starting point is 00:54:09 OK, it didn't end up working out at all. The woman, her grandmother, turned out to be as narcissistic as the most horrible caring you've ever met and was mentally abusing her only after two weeks. When my daughter asked to come home, I dropped everything and rented a car with what little money we had and drove all the way to New York City to get her that next morning. It took two days to get there. That is a completely different story. However, this is the scary part.
Starting point is 00:54:34 We started from Rockefeller Center and everything went smoothly until we got to Kansas. I was exhausted from the drive and decided to pull over in a town called Paxaco at around 1 a.m. We had pulled in into a few rest stops to sleep and everything was fine, but this place was flat out deserted and creepy. But I just took it as me being sleepy and irritated at everything my daughter was telling me about her time in New York City. I pulled into this restaurant parking lot and found a place out of the way in case anyone came and we were in the way.
Starting point is 00:55:03 There was a travel information stand across the road from where we were going to stay, but it freaked my daughter out. But those were the only two places with light anywhere. I locked up and I finally got to close my eyes and all of a sudden my daughter got even more scared, kept saying she didn't feel right and that she felt something watching her. She turned around and screamed that she saw this man staring at us through one of the windows of the restaurant. As she said that, though, I got this huge rush of fear run through me and I felt we needed
Starting point is 00:55:31 to leave right that instant and started the car. When I looked back, I didn't see it, but I felt it and it was enough for me to speed out of there. Then she screamed, it's behind us. Go faster. I was trying to get back out on the highway and remember that the road had a weird type of loop to it that if you turned wrong, it'd lead you into a circle right back to the same information building across from the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Once we got on the highway, I saw it. A really tall man with a priest attire on the side of the road about every mile or so, smiling and waving at us. I must have been going about 100 miles an hour. It followed us all the way to Topeka and then I just didn't feel it anymore. That's not the most scared I've ever been, but really close. When we finally got home, we researched that town and its history, but never could find anything about a priest haunting the area.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I'm just glad we got out of there. It felt like we were being hunted. Any idea what that thing was? And no, I don't think it was Slenderman or any of those. He was tall, but not like that. Anybody ever have any experiences in or near Paxaco, Kansas KV? That's a creepy story. I don't know what it could be other than just like a dude.
Starting point is 00:56:37 That's just weird. But she said it manifested every mile for 100 miles. That's true. Like that's OK. Maybe this is a crazy take, but she did just do an emergency drive to New York and heading back. She's sleep deprived. Maybe she's seeing things in the dark.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Maybe you're very possible. Very possible. I don't know. It's just it's weird because the other option is this bizarre entity is like watching her for some reason. Very strange. Write me on the subreddit. Let me know if there's ever been a time where you felt the the the sensation of there is
Starting point is 00:57:16 a presence here that is after me. I want to know about presences that are after you. I think that's really crazy. The idea that the idea that more than one person can agree that a certain thing is happening and that it's like I felt it. I knew it was here. I want to know in detail about that. I'm very interested in that.
Starting point is 00:57:36 That's very scary to me. Yeah, I can't think of I've ever felt anything close to that, but it's creepy. Yeah. Well, maybe we'll get some stories for the next reader story episode of being chased by just a presence. But until then, we're off, everybody. Thank you guys so much for listening. We'll be back next week with another mini so free here right on Patreon.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And next episode shouldn't be the Bermuda Triangle episode as well. So that should be a lot of fun for us, too. Thanks for listening. That's all for us. Goodbye. Bye. Hello, my little Chiluminots. Welcome back to another Chilmini episode 89.
Starting point is 00:58:14 And we have a special guest tonight. Synvicta. Welcome, Synvicta. Hello. Good evening. Hello. How are you? Nice.
Starting point is 00:58:21 I'm glad you you enjoy the vibe. We present. Jesse does not. Hello, Jesse. Not a fan. Don't like it. This is the two minute vibe out of the video. Not a fan.
Starting point is 00:58:32 This is vibe. The vibe out. Creepy. It's not like it's like an NPR was a little pervy. Just a little pervy. Just like a little pervy. I'm not okay with it. Loosen your bowels.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Midnight jazz in your bowels. You are the new brown noise. All right. Brown noise is just a terrible fridge. Usually on a minisode, we bring like a weird news article of the week or of the month, like something cool or sciencey cool. Just got to talk about it, riff on it, make fun of it sometimes. But you're going to give us some personal stories since you lived in Bermuda.
Starting point is 00:59:08 So we're going to start with that. Let's hand the mic to you. So excited. Tell us about your life in Bermuda. For those who are listening to the minisode in the free version after a few months, this is right after the Bermuda Triangles show. So let's re-listen to that one and then come back to this mini. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:22 So I was born and raised in Bermuda just as a very quick TODR. I lived there for 10 years and moved to America. Never heard anything about the Bermuda Triangle until I came over to this country. So all that stuff was kind of fascinating and new to me. But one thing I wanted to share that I didn't do on the main episode was that I actually did have frequent nightmares regarding sort of, I don't want to say like, I wouldn't say they're really conspiracy sort of vibes to it. It's more of just like a, just a general childhood fear.
Starting point is 00:59:53 They would be if they were, if it was real. If it was real. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I used to, those of you who don't know, I'm a big Kaiju fan. I'm a huge Godzilla fan. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Probably my favorite franchise character of all time. The 2000s film is great. They're all, I mean, they're all great except for the, except for the 1996 one. But that's not a Godzilla too many. That's the only one I've ever seen. It's the only Godzilla movie I've ever seen. Really? That's the one you brought in it.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And yeah. Unfortunately for you, it's not a real Godzilla film anyway. So I used to have frequent nightmares of, I went to school in Bermuda and there was a, there was a sound, like a very, a very small, but circular body of water that was outside of our school. And I used to have nightmares of, of giant monsters, like appearing out of, out of the sound and then attacking the island. Now, those of you who don't know anything about Bermuda, it's only 20, it's only 20 and a half square miles. That's it. 20.5.
Starting point is 01:00:47 How many people live there? Square miles. What's the population of Bermuda? Uh, population of Bermuda to, I don't have it off the top of my head. It's, it's, it's around like 64,000, I think. As a representative of the entire island, what do you know exactly? I know, I know that I used to have very bad nightmares about monsters. And it was also not helped that my school teacher at the time used to talk about large
Starting point is 01:01:11 sea creatures destroying ships and coming out of the water, swiping down planes and that sort of thing. So I, it's, She believes in the Bermuda trying. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, that's the thing. And I wanted to go all the way back to what, to at the very beginning of the main episode, when Alex asked me, am I a skeptic or, you know, do I, do I lean into certain beliefs, that sort of thing? I used to, as a kid, have a very big nightmare about those kinds of things. And it, it also kind of tied into real life because I was there, there were multiple times where like I'd be sitting on a dock or I'd be in a boat
Starting point is 01:01:42 and something large, a large sea creature would either approach me in the water, obviously, or if I'm like, if I was elevated, what your mind goes through at the time is you absolutely, you, when we, when I say you hear the term like you're petrified with fear, it's, it is exactly like that. Your, your mind cannot comprehend. It's too surreal. Yeah. It's too surreal to move. It is, the, the object is so large, you cannot grasp what you're looking at. There are two instances that I can remember this happening, just like the, just like it were yesterday. I was on the, I was on the dock of our, in the backyard, we had the, we had a kind of like a, not really a cliff, but it was a, it was a little bit of a steep stairway down and we had a stone dock down there.
Starting point is 01:02:23 And I'll never forget it. There was a giant eagle ray that came, that approached our reef. We had, we had a reef that was kind of like, that was sort of built around our dock. And then like, there's, there's some open water and then like, there's a, there's like, you know, some, some sides of the, of the cliff face and that sort of thing. And there's like, little reefs down there. And these things are like huge, like 16 feet. It was a giant eagle ray. Now at the time, I knew it was an eagle ray, but at the time, also at the time, I didn't know what I was looking at because I was so, I was so startled and scared. Sure. Yeah. It's a shadow underwater. Yeah. It is, it's this giant glowing, it's completely
Starting point is 01:02:57 daytime too, by the way. But if you, if you look at an eagle ray, they have very bright yellow spots on them with black dots in the middle. So you see this giant thing coming at you and it's not, it's not flying at you. It's not doing any sort of aggressive maneuver whatsoever. It's simply just coasting and, and act like you guys can't see me, but I'm, I'm way, I'm doing like a sort of like a very slow motion bird. I'm flapping my wings sort of thing. That's what it looks like inside of the water. That was one, that was the first instance that I can remember where I was just terrified because I'm like, I, I felt like I almost would collapse almost. It's literally just actually the size of it that is. Yes. Yeah. It's a scale. It's a sheer scale.
Starting point is 01:03:34 It's just like, if you, to relate it in a little bit more modern times, if you look at something in like Minecraft, for example, it's almost like horizontal vertigo in a way where if you, you go up so high and you look down, you, I mean, some people, I experience it in video games sometimes where if I, if I'm very, very, if I know that I'm at a high elevation and I fall, it even happened in, wow, I would get the sensation like my stomach kind of like churning a little bit because it's like you're falling. It's, it's kind of like that feeling except tilted to a horizontal plane. Okay. That's what that, that's what that feels like. The other time, the only other time that I can clearly remember something like that happening was it was, I told Jesse
Starting point is 01:04:12 and Mathis this, I was in the crow's nest of a, of a, on a ship, on a fishing vessel that it was a family friend. It was, it was a very large, very large ship. And I was just bored that day. My, my dad and our friends were there fishing. I just wanted to go up in the crow's nest. And while I was up there, I saw something moving perpendicular to our ship. The, the, the boat that we were on was probably, I'd say 30 feet maybe. That Jesse fear. Yeah. It was, it's a big, it's a, it's a fairly big shipping or a fishing, fishing boat. This thing was, it was dark. It was, it was black and it was coming towards us at a speed
Starting point is 01:04:46 that I could not comprehend. And when I looked down, I looked down directly on it and I could see it was, it was a, it was a fully grown humpback whale on its side. It was tilted on its side. So if you've ever seen the side of a whale, if you look at the, at the slits on its mouth and stuff, that, that it's, it's mouth is designed to kind of inflate, kind of like a pelican. Think of that one because it can intake large amounts of water, it can filter out the fish and the krill and that sort of thing. Well, it was doing that while I'm sitting on top of a crow's nest looking down. So on top of, on top of having the, the feeling of vertigo looking downward, because I'm, you know, I'm a good, probably like 15 feet, 20 feet in the air on
Starting point is 01:05:26 this thing. I see this giant sea creature just moving towards us underneath the boat. And the craziest thing is that the people who are on the even, even plane can't see it. You, you cannot see it. It's on the right. Yeah. Yeah. They just can't see it. And so I'm freaking out up there, but I can't say anything because your body doesn't allow you to do so. So that, you know, that's the, that's the kind of fears that I used to have. Obviously, I don't, I don't experience that anymore, but back in those days, I mean, you could imagine people who lived on the island, if they were like that, if they had an adventurous mind or if they were young, you could have that kind of stuff come up and who knows what they could believe, you know? So,
Starting point is 01:06:06 and I think that that also really kind of leans into the, into the Bermuda Triangle part as well. And, you know, it's just, it's, it's just that you have something there. You can't really quite comprehend it. Your mind goes crazy. And then next thing you know, you've got monsters coming out after you, right? It's crazy. That's something that large can pass under the boat and you don't really feel a disturbance. No, absolutely none. There's no, it doesn't, it doesn't cause a wake. It doesn't cause anything. It's just, it's simply a container. Yeah. It's just swimming. Yeah. And, and I couldn't, I could not believe it. And I couldn't, I thought my dad was playing a trick on me because I was like, I was trying to tell him like there's something in the water. And, but
Starting point is 01:06:40 when, if you go down, if you've ever been on a, on a boat and you look straight across the water, even if it's like, even if it's a light seas, like a little, it's not even choppy or anything like that, all you see is water. You can't see underneath there unless if you're looking down, that's the only way that you can see inside of the water. And that's where the fear comes in because there's, there's just stuff under there and you can't see it. That's terrifying. Fascinating, beautiful stuff, Jesse. And also delicious stuff as well. Terrible, very delicious. Ew stuff. No, no, either be eaten. That's what I always say. I used to, I used to want to be a marine biologist. So I was always inspired by learning about the animals in the sea. And I still love the sea, even though I don't
Starting point is 01:07:16 do anything that contributes to society these days and age. I still love watching documentaries. I love, I love the idea of the ocean. Yeah. I mean, the ocean, you can't, we can't survive without it. I mean, it is, it is the lifeblood of the planet. And I just, I've always, I've always enjoyed it, but that's why whenever I hear stuff about the Bermuda Triangle and people, even to this day, people will like, if I say, Hey, I'm from Bermuda, like, Oh, so you've lived in the Bermuda Triangle? Yes. The only thing they know. Yes. Yes, I did say yes. I'm like, yeah, that's, I lived in the Bermuda Triangle. Like, what is it like? I'm like, well, it's pretty much the most beautiful place in the world. I don't know what else you want me to say. I don't know where any of my friends are. They're
Starting point is 01:07:55 gone. It just keeps happening. I'm actually, I was old when the world was young, you know, that sort of thing. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's, uh, that's cool, man. The big creature thing is like fucking scary. It is so scary, but it's a tangent. Oh yeah. Go ahead. No, I'm just going to say the best way I can describe it for people who don't understand it. The feeling is literally, it's horizontal vertigo. Think of it. If you have a fear of heights, it would be like that, but translated to you standing straight up, looking directly at something instead of down at something. That's what it feels like. I get that feeling looking at hotels in Vegas. They're too big. I've had it. I've never gone to Vegas, but I got you at some point. Vegas is great. What if we did though?
Starting point is 01:08:38 I'm down. Would you a live show in Vegas? You want it? Dude, I would love to do that. Oh my god. Yes. That'd be super fun. Let's do it, uh, with like at a burlesque show with like, like, I'll be so sick. Like dancing girls on the sides. Yes, please. That'd be awesome. I'll go to Vegas, not even to do the show, just to go. I haven't been there in so long. Right. It's a vibe. A tangent off of, uh, the large creature thing though, because I'm bringing something really cool to the table that's scientific and not at all, not at all fake. Okay. This comes from usually when it goes crazy right here, but I'm going to, I'm going to double twist. Turn you. I'm actually being honest. This comes from the BBC, uh, Tannis, a fossil of a dinosaur that was killed during the
Starting point is 01:09:17 actual asteroid strike. What? How is that possible? How could you possibly know that? How? That seems impossible. It would have been a prize, right? Let me read. No. So, but they, but it's, uh, it's just the leg and there's indications that it was ripped off the body by what they concluded. Maybe what was a huge tidal wave that crashed into them and ripped it off. Let's, let's read here. The limb complete with skin is just one of a series of remarkable finds emerging from the Tannis fossil site in the US state of North Dakota, but it's not just their exquisite condition that's turning heads. It's what these ancient specimens are purported to represent. The claim is the Tannis creatures were killed and entombed on
Starting point is 01:10:00 the actual day a giant asteroid struck the earth, the day 66 million years ago when the reign of the dinosaurs ended and the rise of mammals began. Very few dinosaurs remains have been found in the rocks that record even the final 3000 years before the impact to have a specimen from the cataclysm itself would be extraordinary. We see a fossil, uh, we see a fossil turtle that was also skewered by a wooden stake. The remains of small mammals in the burrows they made skin from a horn triceratops, the embryo of a flying pterosaur inside its egg, and what appears to be the, a fragment from the asteroid impact crater itself, which is how they believe it's from the same, the same possible day. That's what I want to say. Quote, we've got so
Starting point is 01:10:47 many details with this site that tell us what happened moment by moment. It's almost like watching it play out in the movies. You look at the rock column, you look at a fossil there, and it brings you back to that day, says Robert De Palma, the University of Manchester UK graduate student who leads the Tannis dig. It's now widely accepted that a roughly 12 kilometer wide rock, a space rock hit our planet to cause the last mass extinction. The impact site has been identified in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. That's some 3000 kilometers away from Tannis, but such was the energy imparted in this event. Its devastation was felt far and wide. The North Dakota fossil site is a chaotic jumble. The remains of animals and plants seem to have been rolled
Starting point is 01:11:27 together into a sediment dump by waves of river water set in train by unimaginable earth tremors. Aquatic organisms are mixed in with the land based creatures. The sturgeon and the paddle fish in this fossil tangle are key. They have small particles stuck in their gills. These are the spherules of molten rock kicked out from the impact that then fell back on the planet. The fish would have breathed in the particles as they entered the river. The spherules have been linked chemically and by radiometric dating to the Mexican impact location and in two of the particles recovered from preserved tree resin there are also tiny inclusions that imply an extraterrestrial origin. When we noticed there were inclusions
Starting point is 01:12:15 with these little glass spherules, we chemically analyzed them at the diamond x-ray synchrotron near Oxford. We were able to pull apart the chemistry and identify the composition of that material. All the evidence, all of the chemical data from the study suggests strongly that we're looking at a piece of the impactor of the asteroid that ended it for the dinosaurs. The existence of tannis and the claims made for it first emerged in the public sphere I guess in 2019. So yeah, I mean that's the long and short of it. I can go on forever. The article is really, really long. I'll link you guys to the article but this is basically they were saying is like nearly impossible of a chance to come across. That's something like this is like a one in a
Starting point is 01:13:01 trillion chance. It's just impossible. I love how just slightly doubtful the headline seems right. It's like it's true. Yeah, it's too good to be true. So even the headlines like this fucking scientist says he found this. Yeah, you could see the tarot embryo in the egg further down. You the leg that was ripped off at the very is the first image you're looking at. The fact that found the fish with remains of this shit in it. That's nuts man. This is crazy if this ends up being true. Yeah, I wouldn't have believed any of the part of it until I saw David Attenborough. Now I'm curious. Yeah, it seems like there's enough evidence here right now that it's that's a very, very good chance. They have a terasaur egg with a terasaur baby inside that's
Starting point is 01:13:48 super rare. There's nothing else like it from North America. It doesn't all have to be about the asteroid, they say. So there's all kinds of evidence here and it's all like lumped together and it would have just been caused by this. Imagine seeing this thing coming off from the distance. You can just see it coming. This huge wave and a bunch of energy. Very similar to what St Victor was just saying. Like I would just be like, I forget what movie it is, or maybe it's just something in a halo at the end when they're fighting and then they see the thing coming and they both just stop and they like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just over. He's like, yeah, there's no running. David Attenborough. Like that's cool that it's the skin of a triceratops there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:30 That's crazy that you can see the skin. Yeah. That reminds me of a, there was a, I don't know. It was a long, long time ago. Like maybe, okay, maybe a long ago, maybe like five years. There was some documentary where they reconstructed like the tendon of a like a Tyrannosaurus or something. And they said, oh, if you, if you look really, really closely, like they, they were able to extract the DNA. Like it was total, total Jurassic Park. And the only, the only thing I remember was that this, is that this paleontologist, she was like, I'm holding like the tendon muscle of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or whatever. That's fucking wild. That's cool. I do remember that actually. It was on YouTube. I know. And
Starting point is 01:15:10 like, I was like, that looks like a dog, like chew toy on there. Like I've always been fascinated with the idea of just seeing what color dinosaurs work. Like, think about that. Like no one knows what color dinosaurs work. Yeah. All of it is just like a best guess. No one, that's a clue. Yeah. Do you think blue was actually blue IRL? Yes. That was a special dinosaur created with frog DNA. Did you see the preview of the new one saying that he wants this new dinosaur to be like the Joker? I don't even understand. This guy's crazy, dude. Call of Chevro. He's a wild filmmaker. Can I do my story next? Because it relates kind of to meteors.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Yeah. I'm super down for that. But I just thought that was super cool. Man, I love that shit that they found like this treasure trove of like super rare shit. That's a very Jesse story for you to choose. And I feel like I, I picked a very Mathis story. Today was a day of facts for me. I didn't get one of those. Now I have like four months of absolute nonsense. I'm very disappointed. I was expecting Mathis to play off it. I thought I was going to hear like, oh yeah, but I'm like, but check out this article I saw Cthulhu come out of Bermuda. I like to believe, but I think these boys can both attest to, there's like a line I have. And a lot of it is like that fake sciencey like garbage of like
Starting point is 01:16:32 hollow earth and flat earth. When it's lazy, no fun. When it's lazy, no fun. And a Bermuda triangle kind of almost falls into like a little lazy by the people who are conspiracy nuts about it because they just don't put any effort into it. Still, Jesse, what do you got for us? I've sent you a lovely link, gents. I'm looking at this. Yeah. This is interesting. Oh, that's cool. And there's smoke coming out from behind the mountain. This is the lazy mountain. It is in Alaska. It is north of Anchorage next to a very small town called Palmer. I think it has like 1500 people, but there was on Thursday, this very strange smoke appearing from the mountain.
Starting point is 01:17:16 And people started to get weirded out. They had no idea what it was. It was this bizarre cloud that appeared over the mountain and there are no planes or anything flying over there right then. And they couldn't figure out what it was. People thought, well, we got to go, we got to go check this thing out. So of course, everyone got all worked up. They thought it was like a UFO or maybe a meteor. It looks like a waypoint marker. Yeah. And they were, they were like maybe a plane crashed or maybe it was a top secret weapons thing. Either way, they, the literal authorities, Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Rescue and Coordination Center, everyone went to go investigate this because clearly if it was a plane crash, they need to know. So the state trooper said
Starting point is 01:18:01 there's no reports of any crashes. There's no reports of any planes in the area doing anything. A rescue helicopter was sent over to the Lazy Mountain to find, if anything was there, zero signs of a crash, zero signs of aircraft. What was this smoke from, y'all? So then people were like, well, maybe it was a meteor. Maybe something fell out of the sky and landed. It looks pretty thick to be like a meteor. Yeah, it's very thick. It would have to be a big asteroid. Yeah. They're like, oh, well, maybe it was a satellite, but that seems strange. I feel like they would have heard that crash. So in the end, this is what the investigators said was what they think it was. Further investigation revealed that a large commercial jet was flying
Starting point is 01:18:48 in the area around the time. And hey, those photos, they were probably taken from an angle and the aircraft was, you know, some sort of trail behind the aircraft. And that's what that's supposed to be. And the atmosphere at the time is what makes it look the way it does. Now, gentlemen, look at that image and tell me that's what that is. That feels like a, that's like Roswell levels of lies. Yeah. What angle it's going straight up into the air. I feel like there's no angle here. It looks like a dust devil that's like really big. And I kept this photo for the end. This is the other photo taken of the incident. So there's another angle then. I know I'm saying a little dust, like a giant dust devil and that would be a tornado. That's something though, right? That's
Starting point is 01:19:35 something though. Yo, that is okay. You remember when the boyfriend and the girlfriend, they're in the Ferris wheel at the end of Cloverfield? Yes. Yes. Yeah. Some goes in the water. That's not a plane. I don't think they could have said anything, but a plane doesn't make whatever. Like, it basically looks like, it looks like a tip-tack. Yeah. It looks like something falling. Like, it's clearly something falling out of the sky smoking. It looks like Avengers, like dead ass. Yeah. It's a skygrabboy. Yeah, exactly. It's a skygrabboy. It does kind of look like a raboid, but made of smoke. Yeah. And that's, that's, they just don't know what it was. This place is a genuine UFO. And then they went to the area and there was nothing. It's not clear. There was
Starting point is 01:20:18 nothing to be an unidentified falling object there, Mathis. Yeah. It's still, you know, it applies. Yeah. That's crazy. That's nuts. That actually looks like there's some physical object at the very tip. That thing in the nose of the smoke is pretty damn good. Yeah. And it looks just like kind of like a tic-tac shape. I love that shit. That puts me right back in the room. You made it make an involuntary sound. That was pretty good. If I was an alien, I would be abducting people from the Bermuda Triangle because everybody already believes, you know, everybody, you know, it's a perfect cover. It's a perfect cover. How do we know that this didn't come from Bermuda? I mean, we don't. Exactly. And it's in Alaska,
Starting point is 01:20:52 which is like way out there. Which is like right next to Bermuda, man. Yeah, it's like really close. But like, if you look at the thing that I did, because I was curious about the plane thing, if you look at the Anchorage, Alaska airport, it is straight up on the path that leads over the mountain. So like, it could be in theory possible. And I understand what they're saying. But the photo of this thing is like not what they're saying. It looks like it looks like a space lander. Like it looks like, like, like John Glenn is going to get out of there. Yeah, crazy. He's going to get out of there, but he may not be too happy afterwards. And he may not have even gone anywhere. If you know what
Starting point is 01:21:34 I'm saying. Punch in the face by that man. You better watch it. Dude, I know. I love that story. It's great. I'm sure he's so sick of that fucking. I feel bad. All right, Alex, take us back. I like this photo. I want to know more. I want to know more so bad. As you know, I have a bad habit of purchasing like dumb ass mystery books at like roadside stands. So one day while waiting for a ferry or something, I think I bought a book called The Book of the Bazaar. So I'm going to read a little snippet. I'm going to try and do this for a little while as long as I can find more and more of my weird books around my house, where I'm just going to randomly read a little excerpt from one of these books every time I find one. So this one is about haunted cemeteries across the United States from
Starting point is 01:22:23 a book called The Book of the Bazaar. It says there's endless accounts of ghost sightings in the most logical of places, graveyards. Here are but a few of the most haunted cemeteries in the United States. And we're just going to go through a list and we're going to get a little taste of each one's hauntings. Okay. So here we go. First one is the Myrtle Hill, The Myrtle Hill Cemetery in Valley City, Ohio. I don't know. I'm just throwing it out there for Jesse, Ohio Valley City. Is it, does it ring a bell? Valley City doesn't sound like anything I'm aware of. All right. Sounds made up. This cemetery is known to be, sorry, to Valley City. The cemetery is known to be haunted by a witch whose grave is marked by a heavy sphere. Pretty wild. Pretty wild detail. A witch? A heavy sphere.
Starting point is 01:23:05 It's just a basketball someone put there. Yeah. This is the grave of the first basketball player. Yeah. Stull Cemetery in Kansas City, Kansas. Some refer to this cemetery perhaps one of the most fantastical of all haunted cemeteries as the Gates of Hell, the cemetery of the damned and the seventh gate to hell. The devil himself is said to roam amongst the tombs. Little poetic license there in the writing. The devil's child is also said to dwell here along with a boy who can change himself into a werewolf and the ghost of a witch. It's like the Monster Mash at the fucking Stull Cemetery. That's not fair though. A boy gets, a boy can turn into a werewolf, but I didn't get my Power Rangers powers. This feels, this world is unfair. I would go there, I would go there and stay there for 24 hours
Starting point is 01:23:52 just to show that there's nothing there. And then you'd write a song about it that would be a mild novelty hit in the early 60s. Yeah. I was at the Gates of Hell one night. The second one was around. Oh, okay. Here we go. This one's Columbus, Ohio. Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery. Uh-oh. This cemetery is said to be haunted by the ghosts of America's past. Just kidding. A lady in gray. A lady in gray at the Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery at the Masonic Cemetery in Central City, Colorado. You will find the ghost of a woman who lays flowers on the graves of John Edward Cameron. She is said to appear on April 5th and November 1st and has been witnessed by entire groups of people. That to me is very interesting because there's always those things like the romantic sort of
Starting point is 01:24:45 like people who visit graves. You know what I mean? I don't know. Kind of interesting. It's weird that people see it and they're like, it's a ghost. Anyway, fun fact. John E. Cameron died of cholera in 1852. I don't know who he is. There you go. That's fun. He was an American pioneer and politician for Wisconsin. Okay. Born and raised on the playgrounds where he spent most of his days until he got cholera. And then he died. The song is over. And the track. All right. Forest Park Cemetery in Brunswick, New York. Many phantoms are said to roam the headstones here, including ones that cause statues to bleed. Oh, that's cool. That's not something like Mary does as well. Doesn't she make her own statues like cry blood and shit? Mary like the Virgin Mary?
Starting point is 01:25:33 Yeah. Like the Virgin Mary. Yeah. That is the thing she's known to do. She's huge. It's different depending on the statue. Yeah. She's a big Slayer fan. Yeah. Yeah. She was like just edgy. Yeah. All right. Adelaide Cemetery in Paso Robles, California. Our side of the country here. Deedson Watson. An evil poltergeist presence has been reported by both visitors and investigators. A ghost of a woman in a long white nightgown has been spotted by more than one visitor, usually between 10 p.m. and midnight on Friday. So if you're in Paso Robles, be sure to check it out. St. Louis Cemetery in New Orleans, Louisiana. This graveyard is arguably one of the most haunted in all of North America. Yeah. I know this one. Yeah. It's said to be home to multiple ghosts,
Starting point is 01:26:15 including the famous voodoo queen Marie Laveau. Visitors have reported hearing weeping and groaning and seeing mists and various other phenomena. I don't know about graveyards, but somebody came to the Chilumina de live show last time and told me about a ghost they saw at the end of the show when we were doing like fan like questions. And after the show, I looked at it and it's a Apple Live photo of a ghost appearing in a chair in a restaurant. And it is like truly one of the most chilling and most detailed ghost footages that I've ever seen. He's posted it on the reddit as well. So you can hunt it down if you want to find it. Dude, I gotta like favorite that. That is like one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:26:56 The White Cemetery in Barrington, Illinois. Witnesses report seeing eerie globes of light floating around the cemetery. Phantom images of a house and a car have also been seen nearby. What? Phantom house and car? Phantom house and car? Phantom house and car. Come on. Okay. Come on. Think about it. When we talked about Borley Rectory, there was a phantom wagon that would like run around outside. You gotta have a place to park your phantom car. That's true. Question. I didn't think about that. Question. Does that mean the car has a soul? Oh. Maybe it's a Pixar car. Second question. If we die and we just have ghost houses and ghost cars, is the next phase of life just more capitalism?
Starting point is 01:27:35 Can I be reincarnated as a house? It's just Grim Fandango. That's the plot of Incanto, right? Think so. Maybe you don't care about jazz. Oh, no, no. Okay. Mccanio Cemetery in Evergreen, Alabama. This cemetery is reputed but he haunted by soldiers of the Civil War. Okay. Western burial ground of the church yard of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland. This cemetery is the eternal resting place of Edgar Allen Poe and Francis Scott Key among other famous people. Yep. We'll listen to our episode on the mysterious death of Edgar Allen Poe. That was a wild one. Some visitors report sightings of the ghost of Poe himself. Other ghostly figures include those of a crazed
Starting point is 01:28:18 lunatic and a drunken ghoul. But those may not be ghosts. Just saying. Yeah. Yeah. A crazed lunatic and a drunken ghoul. It was literally just Jesse at the same time. Hey, hey, I've been caught a lot of things but never a drunken ghoul. I don't care about jazz. Leg forest cemetery. Last one in Grand Haven, Michigan. Sightings of spooky specters here include a pale bluish male. Pale bluish male. Orbs, mists. Dr. Manhattan. Yeah. It's Billy Crudup naked. Jake Sully from Avatar. Oh, yeah. There you go. It's like his Avatar body when it's not close to Grand Haven, Michigan. We're finally going to get the sequel we've all been waiting for. Black Shadows and the occasional disembodied voice. And then just as a fun, this is just
Starting point is 01:29:07 in this book as a little fun extra bit at the end because I guess it's because it's about cemeteries. It says in quotes, a coffin nail, close quotes, is slang for a cigarette. Just so you know. Oh, wow. Good. Thank you for that. That's the book of the bizarre nail. Yo, let me have a coffin nail. Thanks for coming to slash chillin' outty pod. It's a beefy boy. It's a beefy boy. It's a beefy minisode. Yeah, when Synvicta's in the house, we go beefy. I'm sorry, if I caused any sort of like runtime over errors or anything. No, no, no. It's all gravy for the listeners. You know what I mean? It's all good. Totally fine. But thank you guys so much for listening. And once again, Synvicta, thanks so much for joining us. It was a pleasure to have you.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Yeah, I appreciate all the stories you had and all that good stuff. I appreciate the invite. I know you look forward to doing it again. Just let me know and I'll make it happen. Yeah, for sure. Definitely. I'll definitely bring you on for a true crime episode next. Oh, dude, I'm all over that. Yeah, it's gonna be good times. All right, guys. Thank you guys so much for supporting us. We'll see you guys next week with another chill mini. And remember, go get your tickets May 26th live show. Peaches. See ya. Bye. I'll do that. Yeah. Everyone knows that summer is made for fun. What are you doing for fun this year?
Starting point is 01:31:37 Lagoon is Utah's home for summer fun and is now open daily. Don't miss out on all the fun and excitement you can only find at Lagoon. Purchase your season passport today and enjoy all the rides you love and Laguna Beach, Pioneer Village, and live entertainment all summer long. And don't forget, Frightmares in the fall. See for information and to purchase your season passport today. Lagoon now open daily.

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