Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 223 - Indrid Cold Part 2: Good People Stay Nude

Episode Date: October 16, 2023

Mike, Jesse and Alex finish up the mysterious encounters with Indrid Cold, and debate moving to Lanulos. Patreon - MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode - EVERYONE AT HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Nuts - HelloFresh - CODE: 50chill Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by - Theme - Matt Proft End song - POWER FAILURE - Video -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back to the Chaluminati podcast episode 223. As always, I'm one of your host Mike Martin joined by the Selena Gomez in Nat Wolf of LA from Behaving Badly 2014. Jesse and Alex. Alright, so which one's which? Let's be real. Jesse is 100% Selena Gomez. I was gonna say, alright, as long as we're on the same page.
Starting point is 00:00:44 There's no, I don't even have to think about it. Yeah. It's so natural. Yeah, that's an easy one. Yeah. Nat Wolf. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:53 That's what that is. Nat Wolf. Nat. Yeah. Two Fs. I know his face is. He was in the live action death note. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:03 So his career really took off. He's just like me. Who cares? Because I'm Selena Gomez. No, he's just like me. That's great. Yeah, so you're hot. And that's good for you.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Congratulations. You've always been hot, Jesse, though. You've been the hot one of the podcasts since the beginning. Yeah, I mean, you know shit. Obviously, come on. Everyone here, you can see your hotness, live in action in your ass. Everyday, everyday. I look like. Everyday, everyday.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I look like, well, let's promote something here. Tomorrow, as when this episode goes live, should be Saturday. Tomorrow, on Sunday, October 15th, we'll be doing a live show at Telegram LA. If you're listening to this in like, it's far too late for you to travel. But hey, we love to see you there.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Just picture this, just picture this. You're an enlightened individual living in Los Angeles. You're already signed up for slash Chalimanadi pod. You got nothing going on on Sunday the 15th, two days after the most unlucky day of the year, backwards Halloween. That's a, that's an enchanted weekend, right? You got nothing going on.
Starting point is 00:02:03 It really is front of the 13th, huh? You're within driving distance of the Telegram Ballroom, right? I mean, if you... Yeah. In this hypothetical, you are, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. In this hypothetical, you're right there. If you live in LA and you're one of the 10 million people will do so,
Starting point is 00:02:19 what do you do when not come into the show? That's what I'm saying. I'm not saying. I'm saying, what's a night out? Besides going down to the Telegram ballroom and listening to us try and shut down Mathis before he sexually assaults the entire audience's ears. Hey, wait, hold on now, I'm very careful
Starting point is 00:02:36 about what I say mostly. That is a lie. That is, you've never lied more than that. Maybe I'll go for the alien costume again in the last longer than 30 seconds. I hope it does. Honestly, that was one of the funniest things that I've ever seen in my life. Buy it again. I'll buy it. I'll buy one every Halloween and somehow it just gets broken every time. Or you could dress up in black and orange. The Jesse Cox black and orange party.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It's orange because Jesse's a redhead. Oh, I was just gonna say Halloween, but like, you know, yeah, you know, it works. Redheads just wear black. No, I'm gonna get an orange shirt. I'm actually gotten by in orange. I've never owned an orange shirt. I'm gonna get an orange shirt. Listen, I'll add a new reward to the 10,000 tier right now is if you don't donate, I'll die Jesse's hair blonde.
Starting point is 00:03:21 What? No, I'm all right. No, it's not good. Good you sleep, you won't know. No, it's fun, I'm all right. No, it's not good. Good to sleep, you won't know. No, it's fun, I'm all right. We can negotiate. No, it's all I'm fine. I mean, but the thing is it has to be someone unwilling,
Starting point is 00:03:32 which is why they would be paying so much money. Okay, now we're getting now cr... No, it's not, no, I'm all right. Please come to our show Los Angeles tomorrow, you listeners who live in Los Angeles already, and you got nothing going on. It's at the Terry Graham ballroom, chaluminati Is that where you buy tickets?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Uh, a ticket master. It'll be a link below. Link in the show notes for the tickets. slash chaluminati pod. Thank you very much. I, uh, you know, I couldn't think of a better sell. That was better than that. Boys, it doesn't matter what's happening in LA because we're about to leave Earth entirely today.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Are you ready? Oh, damn. Whoa, where are we headed? We're heading where else? But land. Land you those. Land you those. In the second, I'm sickle.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Second. The world named by JRR Tolkien. Very similar. Yeah, in the second and final part of our dear story about Woody Darenberger, the man who met injured Cole, developed, close friendship with him, visited, well we'll see today, visited his planet and among other things. And while last week was a pretty believable beginning of the story I would say, with
Starting point is 00:04:36 a kind of a weird abduction story he talked to a lot of people, it's today we kind of jump the shark. And here's where I question where if there if this actually did happen or if Darren burger is starting to pad the story for unknown reasons. I don't know what his motivation be but yeah could be just fun. If we think is Five coolness like the content like he did it because it was cool. It was fun to like, you know make up a story like the power of fiction and imagination Yeah, yeah, yeah, we only covered true stories here on On a Chaluminati pod truth the news the news journalism. Yeah journalism. That's what we are. We're journalists right All right, I'm not gonna say that Yeah, journalism. That's what we are. We're journalists. Right? All right. slash. I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I don't want anything to do with this. We are three dudes talking with zero credentials. I don't want it to be involved in setting us up for something more. Okay. Well, all right. I don't know what to put that on me. Where we left off was last time our dear boy Woody came home from traveling from work only to find
Starting point is 00:05:46 Indred cold and his buddy Carl on the back porch where they spoke for a couple of hours in detail about what Lannulus was like his life. Remember we learned about Indred cold's children and all that good stuff and then at the end he offered to take Woody on the ship and show him the planet. And at the time, he said, man. And then he said, what's the matter, Woody? And he said, land your loathes sound so great. I just wish that I could, you know, go there.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I just like to go there. Yeah, and he's like, well, I'll tell you what, Woody, there's room in my spaceship for you right now. So come with me and we're off to land your loathes. What? And Woody said, no, thank you, actually. So come with me and we're off to Lanylose. And Woody said, no thank you actually. He actually passed on that first offer. He was like, no, I'm good, I don't wanna do it. And he left and he immediately regretted it.
Starting point is 00:06:35 He immediately was like, I wish I had went. I wish I had gone to Lanylose. And what do you know? Just two days later, as he arrives home from work, guess who was waiting there? Anywhere between 10, 30 and 11 later, as he arrives home from work, guess who was waiting there? Anywhere between 10, 30 and 11 PM, as she says. Who else but injured and Carl Ardo? We learned his last name.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Introred Carl? Yes, Woody. We wanted to take you to Lend You Loose. We sensed your hesitation. Is that, yeah? Yes, sure. No, no hesitation. They just wanted yeah? Yes, sure, no, no hesitation. They just wanted to come back and talk.
Starting point is 00:07:08 It was another two hours of hang out, a process on the back porch of Andrew Colden Karl, chatting it up, man. Why are, what are they into? What is going on? This is like a new game board. Do you think they came? You think it's like when you go on vacation sometimes
Starting point is 00:07:23 and you think you're gonna have a good time, but like the place you went to is kind of boring. Like, it looks nice, and the weather's good, but like there's nothing to do, so you're just kinda like, I guess I gotta go hang out in the locals. This is like when Sandman and Death fallen on. I had the opposite where I didn't look nice, and the weather was terrible when I went and visited Jacksonville, Florida. How was that? Well, I mean, that's terrible. Yeah, I mean, that's Jacksonville, Florida. Did you vibe out with any alien beings?
Starting point is 00:07:46 I mean, if the crack head down the street was an alien being for a few seconds, I did. Was he cold? I didn't touch him. Was he injured? He was injured in something. He was injured in cold? Was he injured cold? He was injured in cold.
Starting point is 00:08:01 He was injured in cold? He was injured in cold cold? Yeah. And now it's suddenly very very sad But after a few hours of them shooting the shit around you know one or two a.m It was time for Carl and injured to head out and like last time our dear boy Woody walked him out to the ship like a gentleman I don't like the wait wait. I'm still not a stand They came to the right game game man, what's up?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah, they were already at his house waiting for us. They was like, oh you guys came back? He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's vibe out, let's vibe out, let's vibe out. All right, yeah, I'm gonna go to the ship or what? You wanna go on the ship or what? Yeah, no, let's see, yeah, they vibe for a couple hours. They talked a bunch, and when he's like, all right,
Starting point is 00:08:40 I gotta go, walk back to the ship, and when they got back to the ship, injured's like, hey, you wanna come on and check out the ship? Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. You kinda, you know, hey, you want to?
Starting point is 00:08:52 And this time Woody did not pass up the chance and he said, yes. And so he boarded the ship that injured Colden flying all this time and was shown through the entire ship with the exception of one area, the back compartment of the ship. When they were getting ready to leave, he was standing just inside the door when a small blue panel glowing with a pale blue light around shoulder height just kinda lit up and actually made him jump.
Starting point is 00:09:18 He quickly took his hand cautiously and laid it on the light just to see what would happen. And as he did that, the door shut super quick, which scared the crap out of him for some reason. And then he immediately apparently had the thought of like, oh no, they're gonna take me away, whether I want to or not, in which of course, Indred laughed, and since he's psychic and can communicate telepathically said,
Starting point is 00:09:38 no, I'm not taking you anywhere, not unless you want to. At that point, what he was like, well, what, close the door, and Indred was like, you press the button, you idiot. You touch the button, the door opened, close. And when he goes to the press it again, the door opened again. You know, he scared himself. He immediately was like, oh, spooky. This is like a fucked up like American version of Dr. Who, where instead of like exploring the boundaries of science and physics and history, they just like vibe out. And then he like shows them like his dank shit in his room.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, that's kind of the vibe. He's like, hey, man, what's up? You wanna see this light, dude? Check out this door, man. It shuts super quick, man. And this is like, 1976. Six, six, five. But yes, that's the vibe I get as well.
Starting point is 00:10:24 It's amazing. But when the door opened and Indra was like, hey, do you want to come out and fly with the ship this time? The Woody was like, hmm, I'm good. I'm not doing it. What is going on Woody? He's like, I don't want to, I don't want to. And so he fricking got out and left for the night.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Only to be contacted again, the next night by Indra by Android was like, Hey, I know you're coming back from Ravenswood, West Virginia right now from work. Are you down to vibe out with me and my buddies on your porch for a few hours and sips and beers down or what? Exactly that. Except he's like, Listen, we're not going to be at the house this time. If you want to come on the ship, uh, when you get to the right exit, I'll tell you when to take the exit and I'll direct you to where the ship's hanging out. And you can come on the ship. And that is for whatever reason, the two like porch sessions were a big no go. But for this, what he was like, let's go. So he drove on the highway until he reached round 21, around 6 p.m.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And that's when Andrew kind of messaged him to take the take a right off of the highway and told him that when he would continue driving when he reached the spot he would be told. Once he pulled off the highway he pulled up into a place that was being graded for new road and Andrew's ship was just sitting there. He parked his truck, locked the doors and once again entered the ship and Andrew's waiting for him there him then that any place on Earth that he wanted to go, Indred would take him. That's like, he's like, I've been waiting to take you on a trip forever.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I know you've been wanting to check out the ship. Where do you want to go on planet Earth? We will go. If you're like, okay, put yourself in this man's mind, a 1974 middle aged, just working guy, you walk up onto a ship in an alien that you've been talking to for a couple of months goes, anywhere on planet earth, where do you wanna go?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Go, what do you say? Coach Penn, let's go, bang. Dude, that's what I would say too. Let's go to Tokyo. Even though it's not like Tokyo as we know it yet. It would be the wildest culture shock of all time. It would be. Jesse just looks fucking bad.
Starting point is 00:12:22 I guess I don't understand why this aliens like, yo, hey, I can take you anywhere on planet earth. Where would you want to go? I'd be like the moon, bro. Oh, just hold on. Take me to Mars. You're jumping ahead of the story. We start on Earth.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Well, you take me to anyone on Earth. We start on Earth. Anyone on Earth to be fine. Take me to the South Pole. The exact South Pole. Okay, that's pretty sick. That's actually a pretty cool choice. Yeah, that's a good call. He did not choose any of those. And he even said so in his book
Starting point is 00:12:50 that he doesn't know why he said this. He just said, I'm sitting New Jersey. He just went Amazon jungle. He's like, well, that's pretty good. That's pretty much. I mean, that's all right. Yeah, that's pretty good choice. Yeah. So he's like, I don't know why is this the first thing that popped into his mind. But as soon as he said it, not long after, he found himself over the Amazon jungle. He continues to say that he doesn't really know how exactly to describe the feeling of
Starting point is 00:13:13 in the ship while it traveled. There was a continuous vibration in it is what he what he continuously says and it made him feel slightly nauseated, which means for me, let's hope that the technology has improved since then because if he's nauseated, I'd for me, let's hope that the technology has improved since then because if he's nauseated, I'd be vomiting fucking everywhere if I was on a ship like this. I'm so prone to motion sickness, and this thing's probably moving at 6,000 miles an hour, I am going to be fucking throwing up. That's beside the point.
Starting point is 00:13:39 That's a little detail about my life. And every time he traveled on the ship, he always got nauseous. He never didn't get nauseous because he would end up traveling on this thing multiple times starting from here. He asked Indra about the vibration and he said to him that it was simply the uncontrollable, uncontrolled power. So that sounds ocean certified to me. Just the uncontrolled power of the ship causes the ship to vibrate. What did the hell does that mean? The uncontrolled power of the ship causes the ship to vibrate. What did the hell does that mean? The uncontrolled? Yeah, I'm not sure I get that.
Starting point is 00:14:07 You do not get an answer. Why is it uncontrolled? Yeah, I don't know. I have no idea what the answer, like what that means. It's like driving the car with someone and then being like, what's that lever called? And they're like, oh, that's the dangerous lever. And you're like,
Starting point is 00:14:20 the fun is the danger. But you have to push it in order to drive the car. Yeah, it's part of the, it's part, you have to, if you want to sit in the chair, you got to pull the lever. It just, it happens to be called the, you have to. it's part of the, it's part, you have to, if you want to sit in the chair, you got to pull the lever. It's just, it happens to be called the, it's called the danger, it's called the dangerous lever.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You're like, what? Why? Injured said he mustn't get nauseous anymore because he's so used to it, but for our dear boy Woody, never got used to it. But within minutes, they reach the Amazon jungle, slowed down the ship and and opened the port holes on the windows of the ship so we could take a look.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I don't understand. Were they moving? Or were they like teleporting? What was going on? They were moving. They were moving. Yeah, there wasn't like a blip and they were there. It was like, they move incredibly fast. When you reach the Amazon jungle, they slowed down, open up the port holes, and the windows and the ship.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And the windows, he says, have metal covers that slide over the glass windows, which kind of reminds me of like an airplane, you know, the plastic cover that just kind of comes down, but maybe more elegant, I would imagine. Yeah, he was able to look out the windows, and when he did, he could see that there were very low over, they were very low over the Amazon,
Starting point is 00:15:19 like hovering a little bit. And he could see towns and villages along the Amazon. Villages, people walking, towns, streets, but they didn't remain there very long and after he got a quick look at the Amazon, they left. They went directly upwards and he guesses around 600 miles. They went directly upwards through the atmosphere and ended up somewhere 600 miles below the surface of the moon. Below what? Wait, I know it's a jump. It's a jump. They hovered over the Amazon for a little bit. You got to see some, you know, people living in the Amazon and then after a little bit,
Starting point is 00:15:56 you know, the whole close up, they went straight the fuck up and he found himself underneath the moon. He went directly upward approximately 600 miles below the surface of the moon inside the moon. Yes, inside the moon, correct. Because so you're not saying they went up and then stopped 600 like they went up and they were the moon. They're in the moon, 600 miles underneath the moon surface. Like the mull man of the moon. Yes. They're inside the moon. They're inside the moon surface. Like the mull man of the moon.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Yes, they're inside the moon. They're inside the moon. You know why they're inside the moon? Because that's what they mean. They're in contact with the mother ship. And for the mother ship is being kept. Indraids mother ship? Well, the mother ship of Lannulus,
Starting point is 00:16:39 one of Lannulus's mother ship. Oh, okay. Thank you so much to for sponsoring today's episode, which you've heard me, I love this thing. I love to snack for one. That's like one of my biggest Achilles heels. Is that I'm just a snack monster. And I end up just eating whatever's in front of me,
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Starting point is 00:18:24 All you have to do is go check out all those delicious options at slash chill. No code, nothing, it's just that easy. All you have to do is go check out all those delicious options at slash chill, and you're going to get yourself a free gift and free shipping when you spend 29 bucks or more. That's it, slash chill. It helps us, it helps them, and it fills your mouth with nuts. Thank you again to for sponsoring today's episode. Indraids' Mother Ship? Well the Mother Ship of Lannulose. One of Lannulose's Mother Ship.
Starting point is 00:18:51 This is being kept in a deep cavern, or at least was at this particular point, 600 miles under the surface of the moon, and Indraid called it the flagship of Lannulose. His ship went directly underneath the mother ship and went into a locking birth, B-E-R-T-H. So yeah, I think it reminds me of like Subnautica. If you've ever played Subnautica when you take your little seam off and you dock it with your submarine underneath
Starting point is 00:19:18 and it clicks on and pulls it up and settles it. Kinda like that idea. That's kinda the idea that I'm seeing when, did you ever play, I know you're not a deep water person, Jesse, but did you ever play Subnautica? Oh I did. Hey, did every minute of it. Did you finish it? No! No, I got to the island that I want, spoil. And I found out the plot twist, but no, I did not finish it. Okay, okay. Yeah, once they were inside the the mothership, there's essentially two port holes
Starting point is 00:19:52 like connected, some air locking like things connected, they both opened and through they were able to walk through a door at the top of a ship into the mothership now. And he was being brought on to the Lannulus mothers ship. All of this without really asking him mind you, at least what he doesn't say, he was asked. This dude was like, I wanna go see the Amazon rainforest and in like within 30 minutes, he's under the moon in a flagship without really even asking to be here.
Starting point is 00:20:17 He just ended up here. If it was me, I'd be freaking out, but what do you, I'm not so worried at all. He walked into the door and said, he's a chill dude man. He's still super chill dude. He's a chill dude. It's a chill dude man. He's still super chill dude But I guess like if you've been having two months of like having to move over and over constantly being attacked by like not Attack but like overwhelmed by people trying to ask questions and see you if those if we take this is true
Starting point is 00:20:38 And he did go maybe it's a nice getaway. This is like it's getting away from all the chaos Maybe it's a nice getaway. This is like, it's getting away from all the chaos. He's just chilling. Five, you know, you get to go see Lannulus' flagship, the worst part is no one's gonna, that work is gonna believe you. So you're gonna lose pay for that day. Like it's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I don't need to go to space. Where were you? I was on Lannulus. No, you were supposed to be here nine to five, my man. I'm not gonna pay. I don't need to go all the way to space, so. That's all right with me. I'm happy to just see an Amazon jungle.
Starting point is 00:21:06 That's like another planet to me, man. Yeah, and then he went to the moon. Yeah, right. Yeah. So once he was on the ship, they are the flagship. They made no stops. He was taken directly to the commander of the ship and was introduced to him and the people that served
Starting point is 00:21:22 on the mothership, both men and women. And this ship was huge. It was bigger than anything he could possibly imagine that could even fly in the air. It was as big as he considered to be somewhere as big as a football field, and approximately eight or nine stories high. So you know, fucking enormous. He was taken through a great part of the ship and was shown into the dining room where he ate something that he compared to potatoes.
Starting point is 00:21:48 He had land-ulose potatoes. Land-ulatros. Land-ulatos. Land-ulatkes. They also had a vegetable for him that resembled some sort of green bean. And he also ate some kind of meat that they called kautuma. And not kautuma. Sk-a-u-t-u-m-a.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Cautumma. Cautumma. And he said that kind of tasted like venison, like, oh, not venison, like a wild deer, which is, is that venison? That's venison, yeah. Yeah, I was thinking that was a baby cow, but that's a veal. Yeah. Yeah, venison, something close to venison.
Starting point is 00:22:22 After he was done eating and filling up his belly, he was then taken with... What's the specific thing to say? I don't know. This is where it gets really kind of strange, is what I'm saying. After he gets food? Well, okay, yes. The whole thing is weird.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Let's look. The abduction scenario, even in terms of abduction, or should I say the alien encounter scenario at the very beginning, even in terms of alien encounters is kind of strange because injured colds like, I believe like you, I'm a man like you, I'm just like you, we're friendly.
Starting point is 00:22:51 You know, his car never got shut down or any of that stuff. But now we're going into like, I'm going to, it's like that lady who went and visited that alien planet and had their child. We talked about her briefly, I think, in like sexiest alien encounters episode. Kind of reminds me of that.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Well, he doesn't get banked, but similar in the friendliness. Get right, right? He likes very similar. Right, right, right. Get bank. He doesn't get banked, dude. Is that like a, I show him my millennial
Starting point is 00:23:16 by saying that I love him. Get him banked. It just automatically puts a pukeshell necklace onto your neck somehow. It's like a hologram that appears on the webcam. Oh, man. Oh, I wish I had one. After he's done eating, he was taken within about 50 feet of the surface of the moon,
Starting point is 00:23:33 so taken above the ground. He's just like sick. Yeah, where he got to just look at huge craters and huge piles of rocky cliffs. He saw a giant bridge across a great gulf or gully that went into a big cavern or cave and he was told that there were spaceships parked in that great cavern. A lot of spaceships are just kind of parking on the moon. After he'd been there for just a little while, he does not give a specific amount of time.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He's like, I was only there for a short while. The ship's windows were then sealed up again. And Andrew told him that they were going on another short trip. And this time, he was taken directly to what we humans call Saturn, of course. Is that, don't tell me that's Lanylose. No, it's not Lanyl. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:24:22 So what do they call Saturn? I don't know, he just specifically says what humans call Saturn. But he's just being like a fucking nerd. Yeah. We don't know. What do you humans call Saturn? He goes on to say that the whole world was agricultural, which makes no sense. Saturn was? Yes. And he did not see any evidence of a factory of any kind. Indraid later would tell him that their machinery and equipment
Starting point is 00:24:52 was all shipped to them from other planets. All imported, of course. What? Yeah. Ship to who? Like, to the moon, to Saturn, like all that stuff. Okay. Jesse looks baffled. Yeah, I mean, I'm trying to wrap my head around.
Starting point is 00:25:09 The capitalism stretches through space and time, Jesse. Yeah, all right. Sure. When he got there, he could see the rings of Saturn very plainly, and he read something on these rings back in the past, but he couldn't remember what he read. He just remembered that he read something about rings and that's all he could remember. He has no idea what caused them, but now he knows.
Starting point is 00:25:31 He was told the whole planet of Saturn is shaped like a big bull with the people living inside it like in a valley. The rim of the so-called bull is covered by ice and the rings of Saturn are simply rainbows that are caused by the sun Shining on the ice. I mean, that's just factually not true. That's just True. Yeah, now we're now. I don't know. How would you know? Did you have you bend a Saturn? Jesse? Did you get into Saturn?
Starting point is 00:25:57 satellites have this is like when you like pluck somebody's like heartstrings and it's like a guitar or some shit now We're in crazy town. Yeah, yeah Well after you got a look at Saturn they left again Nothing really hang out too long and this time they were finally heading to the crem total crem location They were going directly to You're any of us. Oh, yes Now we're as landy-loose in relation to our port of the galaxy We don't know because remember in part one.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Oh my God, so poor. In your cold said it was in it. In your cold said it was in the Gannami galaxy, but Woodrow believed that he was lying for security purposes to the exact location of the client. Security purposes? Why would he lie? Like, just in case we would lie for streety purposes.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And chase it down real quick. Maybe there's other aliens listening in, huh? Maybe he doesn't want the space spies to catch on to where they're going. How far do we want to go with this? How far do we want to build out the world for in the world? You're not going to have to do much work because I'm going to build it out. Now, how does it relate to a flat earth scenario? It doesn't, surprising.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Is it, is Lanylus one of the other wall circles? Listen. Lanylus does not cross the flat earth line. All right? earth is round. Now, if I'm some sort of like alien man and I am researching aliens, like it's my job, but I also am a flat earth believer. How do I reconcile all that?
Starting point is 00:27:17 And does anyone know? Let me know on Reddit. I would love to know. Like, is there anyone out there who's both really into UFOs and believes aliens come from other places? But also, it's like those other places, other flat or scenarios. That'd be the way, maybe the way that other species perceive
Starting point is 00:27:34 reality creates round objects where there are flat objects, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Not really, but I'm trying really hard. Keep that third eye wide open, you know what I'm saying? You gotta but I'm trying really keep that third eye wide open. You know, so you got to crack that sucker open. Have we opened Justice third eye over 223 episodes? You really have.
Starting point is 00:27:50 He can't even picture shit in his head like normal. That's true. And we got to work on that first. Yeah, it's a talent. You have to show it. I'll pay a climb. It is the only way is if you deposit $10,000 at slash to the money pod today.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Today? I'll get him surgery for imagination. Don't get your imagination surgery. Add now. So they left and went to Lannulose. And at the time he was never really permitted at any time on this first trip to Lannulose to make a landing.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And the first time when they got to Lannul lose, they were taken down very close to the surface. So close to the back. They just got a cruise tour, like a cruise tour. He got real close, so close in fact that he could see the people on the ground and he was able to wave to them and they interned waved back. They were like, hey, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:28:39 They were like, oh, you lose. Well, they don't know he's not a land you lose, Ian. They just look very human, remember. So they just wave in at them and he got flown over many cities or what they land in Lose People call gatherings, if you remember from episode one. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And he's all this huge fields in forests, rivers and streams, people by the hundreds of walking on the streets, farms, machinery being operated on the farms, and you can see what he would essentially call like automobiles, but they had no wheels and seemed to hover over the ground. Hovercraft? Hovercraft, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Someone did get hovercrafts, and it wasn't us. It was Lannulose people. They traveled for it. They traveled for it so sick. Dude, it's a, it's a, it's a real place. They call them neighborhoods, bro. You know what I'm saying? They traveled a great distance over Lannulaose and he told so many things to
Starting point is 00:29:31 Woody and showed him miss so many different things that he kind of was like mind blown There's just a lot to take in remember the man said Amazon ran for a forest and got to the rainforest the moon Saturn the Saturn village and then then overlandulous itself. And he told him that like, hey, I'd love to land and take you to landulous, but I can't right now because you would need to receive, and this is where we lose the anti-vaxxers again, because he won't permit Woody to jump to touch the surface of the planet yet, until he gets shots for decontamination and immunized against him. He's like, this is the vaccine for COVIDontamination and immunized against the disease.
Starting point is 00:30:05 He's like, this is the vaccine for COVID-19. He's like, what is that? He's like, don't worry about it for now. He's like, don't worry. You guys will have to tell you when you're old vaccine. Yeah, he goes that basically he was like, hey, you could carry germs and diseases to lanulose or take them from lanulose back to earth. It would be an unmitigated disaster.
Starting point is 00:30:26 We're not prepared for that today. So you're just going to get a cruise. But next time later, we'll take you to land you lose properly and you can land and talk with people. We'll take you to a park or something we can walk around and get a slice of a glute glor. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, damn. Delicious. Remember that kind of got normal names though.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Indra is not really normal, but Carl is kind of normal. Carl is a whack name for an A. And his dog is a chemist. So sus. Carl and Kimmy make it so sus compared to when it was just Indred cold. Indred cold is like a sick D&D guy. Indred cold has like a secret knife with like a ruin in it.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Indred cold is the perfect character to use in a world of darkness campaign. Yeah, exactly. Indred cold is like from darkness campaign. Yeah, exactly. Indra and cold is like from another city. Yeah, a troublemaker. But Carl and Kimmy, those guys are among us characters. True.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I mean, I agree, it's kind of too common. It's very weird. But it doesn't mean that he didn't get to talk to a bunch of other Lanylossians. Remember, he's on a mothership at this time, and there are a ton of different people on that ship. And he kind of had mixed reactions from people. He could tell immediately that some people have never seen a man from Earth before. There were people that were slightly fearful of him from the very beginning,
Starting point is 00:31:38 because according to him, that they had heard a ton of stories and stuff about our planet, and it's warring times that were essentially always that war. They knew about us huh? Yeah, a lot of like not direct knowledge but kind of like you know rumors about like what Earth is like because it land you lose a super far away. And tell me earth man, does your planet have cow tumour? We have cow tumours. You see saying cow tumma.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Yeah, these people were a little fearful from them from the very beginning because of what they heard about earth. And injured, I told them all about him in particular and I told them a great deal of the history of earth. And they were beginning to understand the people of earth on a personal level for kind of like the first time Even though they had been to our planet and investigated our planet and searched out many things since according to them 1947 in earth years because that's when the first UFO
Starting point is 00:32:34 Publicly crashed in Roswell. They still could not understand the human's way of life They could really like what he goes on to say things like he was like He really and truly could feel the love these, the land you lost people had for each other and even for him, even though he was a perfect stranger of earth and that people here on earth somehow cannot understand or have the feelings of these people that love another people from another planet, even though they're so far away, they are very much like us in almost every respect, except in our way of living with each other. The people treated him with the utmost friendliness, even though they were a
Starting point is 00:33:10 little fearful, and they told him at this time, as injured and told him before, that if he wished, he could take his family and move to Lanylose, Venus, Mars, or any planet that he thought he would like to live on What? There's such good friends injured to be willing to move him was this written at a time when like the planets Just like there wasn't that much known about them 1973 yeah, I would say what's not just really known did people just not know have for more made a gas or what's up? No, dude, it's like what we perceive because because we don't have the information that Indra had. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:33:47 That's why he's so cold, man. Dude, dude, that. I'm gonna, here's the page I was keeping open for you guys. I want to show you a quick sketch of what the mothership looks like according to him, at least two of the stories on it. Yeah, he has two floors sketched out. Okay, so that looks like FTL. Yeah, and you can see this is crew quarters here.
Starting point is 00:34:06 This is the power. That's what power generated. And then up front, this is the control room over here. And this is all storage here. And it looks like kind of like a torpedo with wings. It looks like so not thought like it's like it does not look like it was designed by somebody who was like trying to be efficient in any way with space or aerodynamics. It's a really raw, very basic design. That's the theme. A lot of things, even which would really cool, we didn't really talk about it, and we
Starting point is 00:34:40 won't because we don't have the time. But he even has the intergalactic alphabet for us. Yep. I mean, that checks out. Here you go. That's a lot of X's, bro. I don't know. That's like three of the letters are just X and two of them are M, bro.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I don't know what you're talking about. That's an X with a line and then a regular X, that means F. It's exciting that they have the same number of letters in their alphabet as we do in ours. It's, it's very lucky for us. Is it like one of those ones where you can just translate it just by like using a like just to go just character, it's just character replacement. It seems, but again, if, if what he's saying is true,
Starting point is 00:35:18 uh, Indra called specifically, remember the rumor or their, their origin story for how they got to lepathy and stuff is they're from Earth first. Like, Earth had a huge advance civilization at some point. Left Earth, crash landed on Lanylost, got stuck there. And then at some point, Earth kind of like lost everything. We don't really know, you know, just keep that in mind. Make sure you don't forget the history of our planet.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Question, do you think because they were Earth people, but like long time ago Earth people, that's why their science is so off? Yeah, it might be. Like they just never decided to learn anything new, like they were like, look, we're several thousands of years old, so like what kind of stupid compared to you, but we can fly through space, right?
Starting point is 00:36:02 That checks out. And it's possible, I mean, like they were also, remember, remember they're living on Lannula's maybe the physics are different there I Mean it doesn't explain why there'd be rainbows around Saturn, but like maybe they're from a different Dimension of Imagination dude, you know like mr. Mixis bitlick right like the fifth dimension is Imagination bro, you know what I'm saying? No, I mean, I know exactly what you're saying. And I think it's crazy. But yeah, crazy, like,
Starting point is 00:36:32 whoa, that's crazy. A fox. Yeah, like digital reality. You know what I mean? Like just, are we in a simulation? Yeah, like, I don't know. I like these guys, man. These guys, these guys seem cool, man. Elain Yolosi? I do too. I like the mom. I really do. I really hope they're real in some fashion, because I would love to go meet them and live on a planet. And some fashion is my favorite part because you know, like, yeah, no, they're real.
Starting point is 00:36:56 That guy, it was just a man, like a human man. Yeah, yeah, I don't want to meet a man that just calls himself injured cold and then offers me a drug to go see space. Like, that's not what that was, though like I would love that that would be hilarious I would be even if it was never comes back even if I just ended up babbling in the back of a bus with no tires on it in the desert and you thought you Got the Amazon. Yeah, I'd be like I saw the Amazon. I saw I went inside the moon Underneath the moon and people are like inside the moon. I'm like, yeah, I did go in some under I was right underneath the moon. That's what the most like inside it. Yeah, I was underneath it though
Starting point is 00:37:32 under a cavern somewhere 600 miles deep No, so Listen, I would love to listen you like as let's just continue because you're I think Alex that Giv that vibe of you love these guys is only gonna get stronger and I can get over it I'd love that they're just like check this out. Hey, I'll look at like space hippies like this shit. Look at this Come to our gathering dude come here. We got He was like hey man We'll take you and you can go live on Lannulus Venus Mars any planet that basically has life on it We can bring you to but you don't just stay there. If you want to come back to Earth at any time,
Starting point is 00:38:05 I'll take you back. Like you can move there, I'll live there. Yeah, yeah, it's all up to Matt. It's so chill. It's so chill. If he did move to Lanylose specifically, he would be given a position of some sort to earn a living for his family,
Starting point is 00:38:18 would be taught the ways of Lanylose and learn to live as they did. We'll make you a DJ, my man. Don't worry about it. I've got a knack for sick tunes that on our drives. So we'll make you a DJ of events. And through all this, he even said to like his family was developing a deeper understanding of love for other people and that he truly honestly thinks
Starting point is 00:38:39 that after this experience, his understanding of his own people on earth had deepened so much that he was a changed man. What the fuck were they talking about on those porches, bro? love Basically like it's it's what it's so like if it's what's fascinating is the message he's getting From this guy in a much clearer way than any other alien abduction like the grays He's still getting very kind of a similar message of like like the Graze, he's still getting very kind of a similar message of like loving each other. He's not saying we're destroying our planet, like aliens usually do, but his message is of like
Starting point is 00:39:11 loving yourself and loving everybody else and living in peace and the only thing holding you will back as a species is the fact that you're too busy trying to destroy each other all the time to make progress. This is legit. If Dr's shit if Doctor Who is just like, wait, because Doctor Who's already kind of a hippie. And I guess he's not called Doctor Who. He's got a Doctor Who vibe, Andrew does. Oh, I guess he's the Doctor. I don't want to call him Doctor Who
Starting point is 00:39:33 and sound like a fucking scrub. But, but, yeah, I don't know. He's such a fun, he's like, just air, come here. Check this out. Isn't this great? We're all the same. We're all like, come check out, like we're in this moon base. We look like great, we're all the same. We're all like, come check out, we're in this moon base.
Starting point is 00:39:46 We look like you, we have the same costumes as you. I know you asked what the years was saying, I said 74, no, the 74 is when the book was written. This is right now, 1967. Dude, it is like the time. It is like Sergeant Pepper's aliens, bro. Listen, if you're an aliens and you see hippie culture pop up, would you also not think
Starting point is 00:40:05 this might be the perfect time to try and get the message of stop killing yourselves out there? I mean, yeah, I mean, look, I love the idea that aliens would just come down and vibe out with us. You know what I mean? To me, that's like, whenever I see a little life form somewhere, if I run into a new to rank on the shore where I see a slug in the forest or something like that and I go chill out with it
Starting point is 00:40:29 for a little bit, I always go like, hey little guy, how are you doing? What's going on? Where are you? Oh, you need help getting on this leaf? Okay, little guy, hang out, have a good day, right? That's really it. So maybe that's this.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Maybe that's what Indy Cole is doing. He's going, oh, look, hey little guy, what's up? What are you doing? What are you up to man? And he's like You want to see my ship? You want to see you want to go up there room room up in space man? You want to go see The vibes right like he just took this random dude who's just like hey man You want to see I want to learn about you But like think about when we go on vacation or go to other countries, right? A lot of people like to go see the sights and go see like the main tourist attractions. My favorite thing to do is to see like what the normal like streets are like, the like a normal place where people go get drinks like to have just to see like what average life
Starting point is 00:41:18 in say London would be like or wherever town we're visiting as opposed to hitting, you know, only being a tourist all the time. Maybe that's what he's doing. Maybe he just wants to know what life is like for a normie in the back, like just a normal worker and is like, yeah, you know what? I can go see Washington, D.C. again. Yeah. Or I could just go out to Parker's Burg and like grab some random worker and really like get an idea of what life is like for this human. It's also funny because like, as an American person abroad, a lot of people wanna talk to me about like American politics and who I think,
Starting point is 00:41:49 who I agree with and stuff like that. And it's funny that they're like, oh yeah, Earth, huh? How about those wars? How about those natural disasters, bro? How about that, Explode the environment, bro? Like, that's truly it.
Starting point is 00:42:02 That's so funny to me. So we got a little look at Lanylose, talked to some people, but eventually he had brought B. Brought Home again, because he wasn't decontaminated or vaxed properly for actually visiting Lanulous, but the day would come. And on May 11th of 1967, as he was doing and going on a selling trip to Pomeroy, Ohio, about 35 miles from Parker's Burg where he comes from, he made his second trip to the planet of Lanula as injured reached out once again and said, Hey, if you want to come on a ship, I'll be over in this area. Just, you know, just take the directions I give you like last time.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And so he took the directions on the road to a place that was about halfway between Reedsville, Ohio and Tupper's Plano, Ohio. And on this road, he was told by injured Cole through mental telepathy, where to drive his truck. And when he reached that place, he was told that the ship was ready and already they're waiting for him. And when he got onto the ship, he said if he wanted to,
Starting point is 00:42:58 he would be taken on another trip to Lannulos. So, you know, I guess I'd be still damn happy. Why does he have the vibe of like a new edgy friend from middle school? Like what? What I'm saying, like it's just a weird vibe altogether. I was like, hey, don't tell your parents, but like meet me.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Don't let anyone know. Dude, there was a, it wasn't my friend personally by my buddy out of friend that was just, his nickname was Werewolf. Hell yes. Any wore trench coats and had fucking like butterfly knives all the time. I was just gonna say does he have a knife? Yeah, I, I, I, I, he always had buttered fly knives wore a brown trench coat.
Starting point is 00:43:32 You know, it was that weird dude. Why were we like werewolf have a knife? I don't know, I don't know. I maybe he really like him. Maybe he needed this. Um, so this last time, uh, he, well this time he planned to leave his truck, we had met the ship, but one of the men said that the truck was sure to be found where it was, and someone would question why it would be left in such a isolated area.
Starting point is 00:43:54 So the plan was then the injured's friend, Clintl, CLIN-N-N-E-L, a man from the planet, Sarah Nabus, Sarah Nabus, Sarah Nabus, C-E-R-A-N-A-B-U-S. Sir in a bus. Sir in a bus. Sir in a bus. Sir in a bus. There is a man inside of that bus. Sir in a bus. So, Indred's cold, Klinel from Sir in a bus is going to drive the truck form.
Starting point is 00:44:18 He's going to bring it back to, and he would drive the truck back to Pomeroroio, Ohio, and park it in the town itself where it would draw no attention being left alone overnight And that's what Clint will did he drove the truck back and a woman by the name of El Vane cleater drove a Alien or is this a no that's what the name El Vane cleater. He's spelled that one another alien cleater. No, you'll be a cleater E L V A I N E No, that's another alien. Can you spell that one? Is another alien? Cleetor? No, you'll be a- A-L-L-E-L-V-A-I-N-E. Elvane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:49 K-L-E-T-A-W. Cleetor. Okay, yeah, all right. Cleetor, Cleetor. Yeah, Elvane? It sounds like the name of like a fantasy novel sorceress. Elvane Cleetor. I think like that's a good ass name.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Would you see her in the Witcher? Oh, no, it's not very witchery. It's more like Wheel of Time-y. Yeah, it's very like old school. I've never read Wheel of Time. I never really like, I tried to read the first book. Just didn't grab me. I don't know why I'm critiquing Wheel of Time.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Because now is the place. This is the time to do so. So as Klinel drove his truck, Klee taught would drive the Volkswagen that belonged to Klinel. And when he entered the ship, he met Indra Kold. Klee learned how to drive Earth cars.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Well, they already know, I'm sure they know how to drive. Like they've like taught themselves over years or so. It's funny to me. All right, yeah. I know. And this time he met Indra Kold, but not just Indra Kold.
Starting point is 00:45:42 This time he actually got to meet his wife, Kimi, Carl Ardo was there who was second in K. Kimmy called. Kimmy, Kimmy was there. Kimmy Ardo. Kimmy, the K or Kimmy, like a CKIMI. Kimmy Ardo. No, Carl Ardo is his friend. Kimmy called his wife. Kimmy is his wife. Kimmy is his wife. Carl Ardo, his friend was also there. Kimmy is his wife, Carl Ardo, his friend was also there. Um, and two other men whose names were Tony and Darrell. Tony and Darrell? Tony! Tony!
Starting point is 00:46:10 Just Tony and Darrell. There's no way on, look, Tony and Darrell. Tony and Darrell, there's no way there's an alien named Tony, but more importantly, there's no way there's an alien named Darrell. Never have. Tony and Darrell are not, no matter who you think they are. Tony, Gerald and Herman, the four aliens from Galupagorce. Once he was on the ship, the ship closed up, sealed off entirely and made its way out of the atmosphere
Starting point is 00:46:39 on its way to Lanulus once again. The air in the ship was very easy to breathe according to Woodrow, and he could not tell much difference between it in Earth's atmosphere. And he would say though, he did not look at his watch that the entire trip from Earth to Lannulose didn't take more than about 30 minutes of Earth time, he believes, something like 30 minutes. They went directly to the mother ship, which took them to Lannulose much like last time,
Starting point is 00:47:03 and as they neared the planet Lannulus, one of the men, Darrell, who was not exactly a doctor, but rather what they would call a medic in the Air Force or army, which I mean, I don't know the difference personally. You both know way more than I'll ever know. I really don't. You know, I never... Darrell took him away, brought him into a room,
Starting point is 00:47:20 and gave him a shot in his right arm. He was then taken to a room stripped naked completely and given a sort of antiseptic shower. It didn't take long to get his preparation over with luckily. Into the time it was over, they were already entering the atmosphere of Laniolos. So yeah, kind of like normal, Vax decontamination prep procedures at like a hospital or kind of anywhere else. And as they came down lower from the atmosphere to the ground of Lainelos, as that was rising up above them, they could see through the bottom of the ship by means of like some weird support hole that looked like a huge lens of an optical glass according to Woody.
Starting point is 00:47:58 As they descended even lower, they opened a huge metal door on the side of the ship and a sort of platformer runway slid and extended out of the ship about four feet from the doorway and there was a guard rail completely around the platform. Andrew and his wife and several people, including Woody, went out on this platform and they were watching Lannula's actually come up to meet them, like just to give you another re-description, like it basically created a platform that they stood on while the ship was still descending down. They was like I said, a guard rail around it and everything. And as the as Danielos came up to meet them, he never in his life says he saw
Starting point is 00:48:37 anything that looked so beautiful as the rolling hills and vast plains, the oceans and rivers, just the general landscape of Lanylose. And he saw one place that was called Kumyala, or the Mountains of Sand. This place looked to be nothing more than pure sand for hundreds of miles. There were huge mountains bigger than anything that he ever saw on Earth,
Starting point is 00:49:02 and a pure of made purely of sand. And injured said nothing lived in this place, but small reptiles and lizards that we on earth would refer them to as. And the only water they had was the dew they found in the morning or at night. So a desert. He sees a giant desert and has to describe it in a way that's fantastical, but it's like a giant desert with desert sand dunes that are the size of the moon. They're pyramids but they're like sand bro. And there's like these worms and like there's this thing that like it makes your eyes blue if you like inhale a bunch of it. So like I think it's the poop of an animal.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah it's crazy. Hell yeah. Poop of a worm. Also some guy becomes like half a worm. It's wild after a while it's weird. Yeah. You only need to read the first one. Can I read the first one for the rest of those movies?
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah. Thank you to longtime sponsor of the show, Hello Fresh. If you don't know what Hello Fresh is by now, now men must be new to the podcast at this point. Hello Fresh is where you can get farm fresh and pre-portion ingredients and seasonal rep recipes that are delivered right to your doorstep. All ingredients included in my favorite part as well as the instructions because for me I just don't know how to cook. I never really knew how to cook but with Hello fresh the past couple of years the instructions
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Starting point is 00:51:43 day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day, I don't know why I turned it like a long island in the day and I'm getting your pocket. If you haven't tried Hellow Fresh yet, just do it. Go to slash 50 chill and use code 50 chill for 50% off plus free shipping. It's that easy and that much of a savings. slash 50 chill and use code 50 chill for 50% off plus free shipping. Thank you again to Hellowresh for sponsoring today's episode. America's number one meal kit. When the ship finally officially landed,
Starting point is 00:52:14 injured Kimmy, Carl, and he left the ship together and went directly to Andrews' home. And when he arrived there, he said that Andrew had a beautiful home. As far as he could tell, it was made out of just ordinary brick like we have here on Earth. Just like a brick called Red Bricks. Yeah, they have bricks. Like a man-made object. That's so annoying.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Why would it be that? Why would they- From Earth? Ah, boy. The front part of the house faced the east and was made completely of glass. The sun, when it came up, shown directly directly on the front of injured's home and they had draperies they could completely draw over the side of the house at night. He continued to walk through this home and got to meet all of injured's children.
Starting point is 00:52:58 His oldest son was 12 years old and named Conard. He was a very handsome boy according to Wooding, well-built, very pleasant with a warm smile on his face. And he was very excited at meeting an Earthman for the very first time, even though he had heard all about him from his father already. So they come visit and then share tales like, though, that I was at Earth, it's like if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you,
Starting point is 00:53:22 if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, you, you, if you, if you, if you, if you, you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if Five wings they just found out so he would come home see his family and just tell him what he did I don't understand it have beers I'm just concerned for the people of this world because you know how there's always that one or two people that they're like They go to India for a month and come back and they're like it's I feel so changed. Yeah, yeah Yeah, my life is different. Do you feel like that's the case like people people come to Earth and they're like, it's so different there. They're so like, they're like, they put a comeback here and I see the way we live.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Like I can't even imagine. You think they're people like that? They come back with like a bracelet. I'm sure the whole plan, yeah. On the plan, it doesn't understand how Earth even operates. Everybody on Lanylost things, we just blow each other up and there's not a lot known. I mean, that's what we were thinking of America.
Starting point is 00:54:02 So like it's, it's kind of what we do, bro. I know, we're still very, very territorial monkey-like, in a lot of ways, or ape-like, my apologies. Then his second son, nine years old, named Connor, came into the room, also a very nice young boy, and then he had a daughter, five months old, who was, this is the daughter Kimius, I believe, who was born Kimi and Kimis? Yeah. Kimis. Kimis.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Kimi and Kimis. Kimi and Kimis. What? What's wrong? Are you okay? No, no, no, it's fine. You know what? If anything, it makes it more real.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Because if it was another name, it was like Kimmy and norinborg. No, okay. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, on the end of the world. So after he entered the home and met his family, he was taken into the living room that he claims was furnished very tastefully in modern furniture, a lot like the furniture that you would see in earth homes, and then taken into the kitchen slash dining room, kind of combined area, and the cook stove looked like a large metal box, and any part of the top of it could be heated for cooking by pressing a button. Which just sounds like an electric stove to me.
Starting point is 00:55:29 I just don't understand the difference and he doesn't really explain much else. I mean, it just didn't exist at the time, you know what I mean? I think electric stove existed in 1967. I don't know. I don't know anything about anything. I'm a simple man. I just tell the jokes.
Starting point is 00:55:41 You know, I make the jokes. Well, we appreciate that about you. Jesse, do you think electric stove's around in the 60s? That's fair. I just tell the judge. You know, I make the jokes. Well, we appreciate that about you. Jesse, do you think electric stoves around in the 60s? I have to believe yes. I have to believe it. I mean, it feels like maybe no though, right? Like it's kind of a toughy.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Well, I mean, I'm just going to use the tool. You can look at that. But basically, continuing like what the beyond the physical difference of it, the real difference is how the heat is generated. Like unlike us where we have a combustion with fire stoves or electric stoves, we heat whores. Okay, just like heads up, by the way, the first electric range was 1892. So, okay, you're fine.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I want 100% existing. I'm happy to, you know what, I'm happy to be on that world, you know, and now I know. The difference is they didn't power their stuff via like combustion engines or like electricity. It was through the atomic power that they generated their heat, light, and cooking. It was atomic energy is what they used. They were then shown through their bedrooms and the laundry room. And this, he said, was the first thing that completely mystified him. Not the food, not the fucking planet of earth people, that were people looked like
Starting point is 00:56:46 earth people, not flying through space, the laundry room, mystified woody. There were hooks all over the laundry room and suspended from the ceiling specifically. And injured's wife, Kimmy, told him that they were nearly, that they nearly hung the clothes that they wanted washed on those hooks. Then they closed the door, turned on a spray, and they called a detergent spray, which soaked all the clothes and detergent. And after they'd been soaked with the spray for a period of time, they automatically turned
Starting point is 00:57:18 off and just the clear water was turned on and they were rinsed thoroughly. Then they said that the clothes were clean when they were done, and they were rinsed thoroughly. Then basically said that the clothes were clean when they were done and they were left in this room to dry and were ready to wear when taken out. Kimi said there was no ironing necessary. What on earth? What, I don't understand. So is it robots?
Starting point is 00:57:37 What did the work? The robots in the work? So there are rooms where there are hooks. They hook up all the, they put all the clothes on the hooks. Which by the way, on the hooks, like you put something on a hook, it's going to have like the mark from where the hook, anyway, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Anyway, there are no like washing machines in there. The room then seals off and all the clothes that are hung are then sprayed with the detergent, then sprayed with a water and then are sat there to dry and are ready when they're. No, that's not even washing. That's just you've got some in the way. And not a fish and then are sat there to dry and are ready when they know that's not even washing. That's just you've got some in the way. I'm not patient either.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Yeah, you got to get the inside of the clothes. Yeah, that's terrible. That's a good example. This feels, you know what, my theory is that Lannulose is an alternate universe. That's my only. Even in alternate universe, they know how to watch the clothes properly. It's just so, it's just so specifically just like us, but a little different in every case. Yeah. That it's just too weird to be like just another culture. I kind of like that idea.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Like it's not, he's on space traveling. He's changing reality. He's briefly. Yeah, because otherwise, what the fuck are we talking about here? A much nicer, weirder. They're like, I wasn't surprised at all by the furniture. Like, no, but he was surprised by the laundry. So after he got the home tour, he was officially taken out into the city or known as a gathering. And the gatherings were just very simply numbered and the gathering that injured lived in was simply named gathering number 27. So, you know, that's just very simple. Hell yeah. And as they walked out to the edge of the roadway
Starting point is 00:59:08 where the sidewalks met the road, they saw that both the roadway and the sidewalks were moving and that there were two sidewalks running in opposite directions. They stepped on the sidewalk that went toward the center of the gathering and they simply just stood on the sidewalk and were carried quickly to the place where they wanted to go. That's like extremely the Jetsons. Yeah, I was like movable, like you step
Starting point is 00:59:32 on a moving sidewalk, it carried off where you want to go. That's kind of nice. The first stop they made, the first stop they made was at a store and he would, what he goes on to say it was comparable to like one of a big department store, and as they walk through the store, Andrew laughed and said, I would not be able to do what I was planning to do. And he took me by, he took Woody rather by the hand. His wife, Kimmy, took the other hand and they led him through the door. I could go as slowly or as fast as he wanted to, but he had no chance to pick anything
Starting point is 01:00:02 up and can assure us that if he could, he would have. So what injured was alluding to in that moment was apparently what he was thinking about maybe grabbing something and hiding it and taking it home. Like, as proof. And because they're telepathic. He was like, you know what I mean? He's like, dude, he's a little bitch. Yeah. He can't do it, yeah, exactly. And then as he was going through the store, he was moving so fast he had no chance to pick anything up. And he goes on to say, he desperately wanted to bring something with him desperately. And he'll tell you right now, he got nothing. He really, really, really wanted to though. I promise, think you promise, he really wanted to. He saw all kinds of toys that were comparable to toys that show him play
Starting point is 01:00:44 with on Earth. He saw cooking stoves that had been that like the one seen in injured's home, saw games of all kinds that were written and described and land you land you lessian name that's the name of the language. Land you lessian and he couldn't read their writing well enough to tell what he was what it was saying what he was seeing. And when injured let him out of there, he noticed the people were now beginning to travel more thickly on the sidewalks and were standing off the moving sidewalks, talking in groups of two or three or larger. And he was introduced to one group that six people in it. The people on Lanylose are nudists, everybody. Everybody on Lanylose is naked. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Yeah, yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa, how does then? I'm probably wifey.
Starting point is 01:01:45 This is Kimmy and Kimmy's and Darryl and like, why are they in clothes? Well, they're going to earth. And earth is not a nudist plotesty. Yeah, modesty. But like, but like his family, when they get back, they're like, so good to be home and they just all stripped down. If it's warm weather, yes.
Starting point is 01:02:00 They wear nothing in warm weather. They do have cold season. It's not winter, it's simply called cold. And what are they wear that? And you wear clothes during cold season, but you don't wear them during in warm weather. They do have cold season. It's not winter, it's simply called cold. And what are they wear that? And you wear clothes during cold season, but you don't wear them during a warm season. Man, I guess like getting ready for bikini season is like a real thing there.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Like the people would be stressing about that. Well that's the thing, everybody on land you'll also, according to Woody, is like, like take, like fit and attractive apparently. Does everybody just look at him? Everyone, I don't think there's gotta be like one guy. There's gotta be at least one Jesse there.
Starting point is 01:02:29 One Jesse. Shit. Yeah, I got a shit. I'm gonna just eat a burger and like, oh fuck. Go watch TV. Give me a couch. I'm not gonna get him a burger and some fucking fries. Yeah, like there's gotta be at least one Jesse.
Starting point is 01:02:43 He doesn't give a shit. I said shit. I'm sure there's gotta be at least one, Jesse, who doesn't give a shit. Why is that shit? I'm sure there's gotta be one. He lives in the sand, he lives in the sand, there's a whole shit. Sipping the dew off the morning drops. And so as he approached this pack of six nudists. A pack!
Starting point is 01:02:59 A pack of nudists. I call that a pack. That's me, that's my terminology for it. Right, right, right, but it's a good terminology. A pack of nudists. Thank you. Thank you. He guesses that he must have looked really strange
Starting point is 01:03:09 because he was the only one that was completely dressed. And as they saw him and he got closer, they began to draw back and gazed at him, though, in like a weird, frightened way. But Andrew, of course, stepped in and almost just continuously told them all about him. He used to let Pathy and the Lanylesean language verbally and speaking and talking to people. So he's using a combo of telepathy and Lanyulesean language to speak with the people on the
Starting point is 01:03:35 planet, which I don't know if that would be more effective. I mean, I guess if your brain is so highly evolved, you can take in both at the same time, but I feel like I would only be able to focus on that. Yeah, no idea. It's weird to me. And as they would continue to talk, obviously Woody couldn't understand anything that he was saying. So he mostly used mental telepathy so that Woody could understand.
Starting point is 01:03:57 And he explained to the people about him, and some of them did actually come up and shake hands with him and would tell them they were glad to meet him, but that he was not what they expected an Earthman to look like. And after they had met several groups of people, and always they were met with the same kind of trepidation and fear, they went into another store and a comfort station or what we call a bathroom. He went into a bathroom. They call it a comfort station. Simple as that.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Yeah. Carl Ardo and Andrid went into the restroom with them and asked them if he would just rope. They asked basically like, hey, you mind getting naked and kind of just like blending in with the people. And what he was like, he said before that Lanylose, that on Lanylose, he'd never seen an overweight person or anyone that was underweight. And he was a little overweight and he was really self-conscious that people were gonna look at him and laugh
Starting point is 01:04:49 But injured said don't nobody's gonna do that. No one's that mean like that. Oh, yeah No, those be like oh all earth people look like that. Don't worry plus you know It's an alien society system. You at least one like you know you're gonna get some Like you know what I'm banging earthling just like you know if you're gonna get some. There's nearly one person that's like, like, you know what, I'm banging it, Earthling. Just like, you know, if I'm gonna say, I'm banging Ali, and every alien race has their own Mathis. Yeah, there's one guy who's like, I can't look at what this is look like.
Starting point is 01:05:14 I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it.
Starting point is 01:05:21 I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. see, thank you, that's all we need. After he got naked and he did get naked, they went walking a bit and eventually they kind of came across. Go all the bits the same. Yeah, I mean, he doesn't say specifically, so I imagine he was. It's not even though they're naked if they had to
Starting point is 01:05:35 have the same bits. True, and remember, they are from Earth, so they must be similar. All right. As they were walking and exploring the gathering, they met another group of people that were working on a lawn. They were raking the lawn, straightening, a pauling fence, painting it, the same as we do on Earth.
Starting point is 01:05:55 And there was a young girl about 18 or 19, he said, who told her him that she had always thought that the people of Earth were very, quote, unquote, clannish. What does that mean? Which is not wrong. Like clannish. We're very, quote unquote, clan-ish. What does that mean? Which is not wrong. Like clan, like we're very, we're very, we're very clan-ish.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Like tribal, I would say countries are like clans where we kind of fight for territory. The same way clans would back in the day were just thousands and millions of people now in cell. And she goes on to say that she thought that you fought continuously amongst yourselves. She just thought, you just fought all the time. That's all earthlings did was fight constantly. She's not wrong. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Totally wrong. Go on Twitter. I mean true. Yeah, we just take it on to social media now. And basically she continues to explain that the reason most people on Lannula's fear earthlings is for that very reason. They all think that we're at war all the time. And that's very true and to some degree.'re at war all the time and that's very true and to some degree. And she said, the girl told them that the only friends she thought that we had on earth were just other family or of our own clan. She didn't know we had friends outside an intergalactic sphere. We don't mind you, but you know, we also can have friends across the country
Starting point is 01:07:02 in different clans. She didn't know that they had whole groups and towns, whole countries that lived together in peace, and she was very surprised when she saw the shock that he received when she told him how her people thought we lived on Earth. Like he was just like, whoa, that's barbaric. We're like only a quarter as barbaric is that. She did try to tell her exactly how they lived and explain it to her in a, explained to her the way of war and that different countries were at war, but to them, this was all extremely difficult to comprehend. And they could not understand it at all because they said all people everywhere are brothers and sisters. And as he said before, these people did not even know how to or understand the word, hey, they genuinely just don't have a word
Starting point is 01:07:45 for it in their language and their people. It's just not part of their vocabulary. They have no idea what it means. After that little kind of gathering and meeting, he was taken outside of the gathering and into a factory. And this factory was similar to a factory that he himself had worked in. And it was a steel factory where they were making steel the same we do on earth. What? They were melting their ore, turning into metal. Their furnaces were very hot.
Starting point is 01:08:11 He didn't know how they were heated, but if it's anything like the stove, probably atomic. And the people in these factories that worked up close to the heat did wear heavy clothing for protection. And he remembered that when he worked in the factory, that he got very dirty every day, and the people here did as well, he noted, and that they had to take a shower every night before leaving the job. These people just had a huge pool
Starting point is 01:08:34 that ran completely around the outside of the plant, and after work, all the people went out and bathed in the pools. They had streams or jets as they call them of water that came down from just regular shower heads into the stream where they could lather with soap and then washed and rinse themselves clean. According to Woody, it looked like a very nice way to get rid of the day's grime and dirt.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Okay. So, you know, it's like, again, like you said, Alex, it's like, it's just similar enough to what we do, but slightly more heavy. You have to know earth culture to understand this culture. Right, exactly. But it's weird that it's Earth, like, I know. Like, if it's supposed to be that they, the timeline split where they went off thousands and thousands,
Starting point is 01:09:15 maybe millions of years ago, who knows how long ago? And they're still so very similar to current modern day Earth culture. Yeah, yeah, no, there is a lot of similarities there. Maybe too many. But they're using electric stoves. Like, yeah, no, there is a lot of similarities there, maybe too many. Are they using electric stoves? The like atomic stoves, Jesse. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Still it's electric powered atomic stoves. Yeah, yeah. Oh, no, yeah, it's exactly though. That's the thing is like it's so weirdly similar that it's, I don't know, it just, I don't know if it gives me like red flag or if it's more believable because it's similar. I feel like it's more of a, it's harder for me to believe. You have to take the alternate reality option
Starting point is 01:09:48 to make it believable again. Yeah, you're right, you're right. I think you're right. I think you have to really do that. I know it's not necessarily on the table, but in Alex's world, it totally is. slash Chimera de Pau. Continuing on, he saw other things that he could not understand
Starting point is 01:10:04 even after they explained to him how they worked. Like automobiles or air cars, as they called them, which is so unoriginal, just calling their vehicles air cars. They had no wheels. They traveled over culverts or ditches or long troughs in the ground. These cars traveled approximately 10 to 12 inches above these troughs and were powered by nothing but the air.
Starting point is 01:10:27 They were held in the air by jets of air from the bottom of these troughs, but their forward motion was produced by jets of air from the car itself. They had all sizes of cars, he saw some that would only hold one person, some for two, and some three, four, six, and you know, goes on and on. They had huge transportors, buses, they all traveled at any speed they wished to go and eventually they left gathering 27 and went to gathering 28, which was about 30 miles from where they were, which only took them 10 to 12 minutes to make in one of these cars, a trip to make one of these cars.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And here I was one of my favorite bits of his experience because here, he gets to meet another people of Earth that did take his offer to move to Lannulose. So as they were coming back from making an inspection of gathering 28, you know, checking out more sites, he was asked if he wanted to meet a family from Earth that was taken directly from Earth to Lannulose 40 years ago and had made their home there. And of course he told injured that, uh, yes, he would love to meet this family and see what it was like. And so he was taken to them where they lived on a little farm and he was introduced to John and Carolyn Peterson from Acapulco, Mexico. These people looked to be somewhere 50 to 55 years old.
Starting point is 01:11:44 They were spry, very active. And when he went up to their place, they were playing a game that he would say is very much like what looks like tennis. They sound like vacation friends. Yes, they do. Like what the fuck is that? So we went up and talked to them. They told them how long they'd been there, how much they liked it.
Starting point is 01:12:04 He asked John Peterson how old he was, and he told him that he was 90 years old. Remind, remember, they looked like they were only 50 to 55. I'm 9 million years old. 90 million. And his wife was 85. He couldn't, what he couldn't get over, how happy these people looked, and how content they were.
Starting point is 01:12:21 They probably have universal healthcare. Yeah, oh yeah, they absolutely do. They got to raise seven children on the planet. We're very happy and had no desire to go back to Earth. And after he talked to the Peterson's, he was taken back to injured Colt home and from there to the ship where he eventually would make his way back to Earth between some time of 9 p.9 and 10 p.m. the night that he left. And when he came back to earth landing very close to Parker's Burg where he was met by clinnell and the little blue Volkswagen, he was then taken to his truck that was parked back in Parker's Burg directly across the street from the US post office where it was the least suspicious apparently. And after he left clinnell
Starting point is 01:13:01 and got to his truck, he simply got to his truck and for about 10 to 15 minutes. Just vived out because he was, nope, he was trembling. Oh. Which again is a weird, very believable kind of like, I mean, if it, okay. Detail. This doesn't sound like a real story.
Starting point is 01:13:19 However, if this happened to me, if this happened to me, and I was just dropped back off of my truck, yes. I would maybe take a moment to myself. Because I imagine if he's there, it's probably all like compartmentalizing the moment. It's hard to kind of understand what's happening. And then you get back to your truck
Starting point is 01:13:35 and your brain just starts being like, what the fuck did you just do? And so for 15 minutes, he just trembled, trying to regain his composure, so he could just drive safely. That's how nervous he says he was. Like, it just fucking shocked him, which is again, a fascinating little little detail. But from there, the people of Lannulose gave him the highest hope that the people of Earth
Starting point is 01:13:57 could eventually become as peaceful and loving as Lannulose people seem to be. And he didn't know whether he would go to Lannulose to live or not. He thought about it for a little bit, but at the end of the day, he decided, while he really did have the temptation to go live in Lannulose, he decided he could not go, because he decided that he would be of much more use here on earth, trying to spread the word of these people. And they mean us no harm in any way. They have a doctrine of life that they say can teach us very shortly, if they could land among us to teach our officials and our people their way of life.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Like he feels like he has an important role to play here. Unfortunately, as we now know in 2023, he made zero impact on the world. And probably should have taken the Lannulose offer because everything he did after this really didn't have any impact. Again, in 1974 when this book was written for decades, there was only six copies ever printed. It was, it didn't make a big splash. Yeah. Yeah, no, no interest. The only thing that he got was harassed by people to see UFOs in his yard. Regardless, little other details left out just about what Lannulose is like as we depart Lannulose, they're mostly
Starting point is 01:15:10 happy that people are all pretty happy there. Their way of life is completely different in that they don't have the difficulty of understanding one another as we do, due to their ability to use telepathy. And so there is very little quarreling or bickering among them. There's never any lack of something to do in the way of entertainment or just to keep busy in each and every person on that planet has a kind of job. There are so many hours of work or a rest of play
Starting point is 01:15:35 that every family has a ton of hours of exercise how they wish every day. They have sports just about every kind that we also enjoy. Swimming is the most popular sport for them them and most families have an indoor swimming pool in their home for winter swimming. They have similar spectator sports such as baseball as it gets called in the winter. Is that why? Yeah, it gets cold in the winter.
Starting point is 01:15:55 So you know, I can't go out there. They have similar spectator sports like baseball, basketball, football, but in their baseball, they use a bigger ball and a flat bat. And their football is only touch football as our, as their smaller children also play. This is an alternate universe. This is not an alien world. This is like a branched Kang timeline. Yeah. This is wrong.
Starting point is 01:16:19 They also play tennis and volleyball, and their winter sports include ice skating, sledding, skiing, and ice fishing, just like us. Our tree is also a popular sport, but only for target sport. They're not allowed to hunt for game, only for just the sport of it. What is told on, while we're talking about game, Florida, Fauna, we talked about how there's desert mountains
Starting point is 01:16:40 in like, California. Like, what's going on with the rest of this world? What do the animals look like? Do we have any information on that? He only ever really says that the animals of Lannulose look like kind of like earth animals, but not quite. He doesn't go into detail. Right, it's like a duck, but blue.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Yeah, maybe. Maybe he's like a horse, but it's also kind of like a little hairier. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And instead of the pack animals are actually lizard creatures. And they ride dogs instead of horses. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Yeah, just like that, exactly. And with the whole hunting, it's not that they don't eat meat, but the meat they eat is all just domesticated meat. So they don't like, they kind of raise it themselves, they don't hunt in the wild. In warm weather, they don't wear clothing at all, except for formal gatherings and dancing. That's when you wear clothes. I don't know why dancing
Starting point is 01:17:29 is a part of that, but it is. And he asked how come they go nude and got the same answer that nudist on Earth give. He said, he said, they said, God made them the way they are and that they're not ashamed of their bodies. All right. Cool. Pretty simple. When he was there, he went, he went as they did, was without, and in that fear of being like laughed at, quickly dissipated, and he was very comfortable being naked there the whole time. And the life expectancy of people in Lanylose is also much further than ours.
Starting point is 01:17:57 They live anywhere between 125 to 175 years before they pass a voltage. So they're a much healthier, I guess, world than we are. The thing that impressed him the most, though, was their monetary system. Although everyone works that is able to work, everyone is paid, not according to his or her skill, but rather according to the size of their family and needs. Interesting. They are given what they are called script or credits, and when they buy something, they write the article on the credit or script and give it to the clerk in the store where it's
Starting point is 01:18:30 kept for inventory purposes only so that they know what to replace. No one ever has to live and want. One can have all the credits they need and he asked them if there was a, and he asked them if this was like a communist way of life and they said no, it was the free will of the people that he know, uh, what he knew by actual experience that they are truly a classless race of people. The top man in the guiding council is considered no better than the man who digs ditches. So you know, very all for one peaceful does sound very communist in a lot of ways. Um, but for whatever, it just works here. And the people believe in this way of life that they live so much that
Starting point is 01:19:10 that just kind of goes smoothly. And they have one in the same belief in God. So everybody worships together. He actually got to attend one of their worship services where they sang to him, then kneeled or sat to thank God for their way of life and is blessing upon them. And then they asked for guidance and protection from evil. And he said he could actually feel the presence of God in their midst. There was no long drawn out sermon. Just thanks for what he had done. And the asked for his continued help and blessing from God and they were on their way.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Which listen, I wish that's what my religious experience growing up was like, where a mass is you go in for 10 minutes, like, thank you, Jesus, and you have a prayer, and then you just fucking leave. At this meeting, his whole concept of love changed. He realized for the very first time what the commandment love thy neighbor truly meant. From his earliest childhood to their, from their earliest childhood to their children,
Starting point is 01:20:02 they're all taught God's love and that they should obey His will. As children grow older, seeing and living in the true Christian home, and this is what I say is, but this is where this is Woodrow's impression of their religion, because they never say Christian,
Starting point is 01:20:19 they never say anything, the only thing they say. You think he related it to himself because it was like psychic? Maybe, oh, it's just, my guess is like, it's the closest thing. I mean, he heard the word God and they, he saw they had a sort of mass and then kind of just like,
Starting point is 01:20:32 I think interpreted that through his own Christian lens. Again, taking this as if it were real. And because again, the way they talk about it, like they're very like sex positivepositive community too, he talks about how God doesn't care. He made your bodies the way they are. Fucking, you feel good and you want to do it, do it. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:20:53 That's just how it is. That's not quite the Christian way of looking at things. It's definitely not fully aligned. However, this is why I think it's just, it's his weird interpretation, which again, if he's making this up, it's kind of strange that he's speaking on one side, being like, they're just saying, God and all this stuff. But now in his side, he's like, it reminds me of Christian stuff at home. It's not, it doesn't line up perfectly and there is a little disagreement there.
Starting point is 01:21:21 It's interesting. The people that, on Lannulos don't believe that they're perfect, but they do believe that they're on the right road and will eventually live with God. They believe in reincarnation, which is not a Christian. Not your day of Christian God then, is what you're saying? No, because they believe in reincarnation,
Starting point is 01:21:37 for sure, for sure. Like all that stuff. And they say, that's reincarnation is how they reach, how eventually people reach perfection. And that is much closer to like, Easter, religions of the East on Earth here, where you see like the idea of constantly,
Starting point is 01:21:56 reincarnating until you reach a perfect form and move on, and kind of Buddhism, I think is kind of similar to that and stuff. And even some of the other like, the idea of just trying to raise your consciousness through reincarnation. Again, it's not Christian at all, but he talks about it. Their children start school when they reach the age
Starting point is 01:22:14 of understanding, whatever the fuck that means, and go until they become 28 years of age or until they reach the highest level of learning. The love of God is taught all through their school. And at graduation, each and every one is allowed to pick his or her own job. And if they later become dissatisfied, they can just simply change jobs. The guiding council and everyone works for the happiness of the people first and foremost, which reminds me of that scene in B movie where at the end he graduates and he gets to choose where he wants to go work.
Starting point is 01:22:43 That's what it reminds you of. So Mathis has seen the B movie. Yeah, I mean we learned a lot right there, okay? Yeah, and again he goes on to say just like because of these people that have till they have to lepathy Their marital standards are even higher than ours that if two people find that they're not compatible They're just allowed to separate and remarry if they want to. It's not a fucking big to do. And in incompatibility is the only grounds for divorce, and the separation must be agreeable to the parents of both the husband and wife as well as the guiding council. The children are taught in school to respect sex and marriage, as a normal and natural way of life, and that sex in general is not something to be looked down upon. Therefore, they do not have any problems with promiscuity, which has been a great problem on earth
Starting point is 01:23:27 since the very beginning of time. According to Christian, the Christian, or the religious lens, I don't want to just say Christian, a lot of religions are very anti-sex. They do not have strict birth control there because they realize the danger of overpopulation on their own and each family is allowed to only bear two children, but their families are not limited
Starting point is 01:23:48 because they can adopt as many children as they want. They do have orphans because people do die and pass on, sometimes accidentally, and as they say, they have accidents that result in death like us, and leaving these kids without parents. The orphanages are run by the guiding council and are very seldom overcrowded because of the many people adopting to make larger families because again, you get as many credits as you need for the size of your family.
Starting point is 01:24:15 He actually visited one of the orphanages and was surprised to see almost as many workers as they were children. They explained that all children need love and had to be shown that they were both loved and needed. And by having so many dedicated workers, no child was ever neglected. They lived as though they were in their own homes. And he never saw a child over seven years of age in the home because they were all adopted out. You think it's like a manifesto? And that their orphanages are truly a home in all ways for these children without parents. It seems like it's like a political manifesto kind of too
Starting point is 01:24:45 about how we should be living. Do you think, like, I mean, that's what I would imagine this whole scenario is. His life is like you, Tobu can do better. Yeah. No, this is real. This is very, very, very real.
Starting point is 01:24:56 I'm going to show you real quick, another photo of a scout ship from Lannulose and a ship from Sarabas, that friend of his, the member of that planet that he was from, this is one of their ships too. And tell me, it just looks pretty much like a flying saucer. Does, it's got a lot of bits hanging off of it
Starting point is 01:25:13 that seem unnecessary. That's the scouting ship from Lanyolos. That's the ship from Sarabas. It looks like, like yeah, like a flying saucer, but kind of like a little old time here, like if it was made of like, Knights armor, it's like steam punk flying saucer, but kind of like a little old time here like if it was made of like Knights armor. It's like steampunk flying saucer kind of yeah No, I mean it's just very of the time, you know like it does kind of seem to fit the 60s very very well
Starting point is 01:25:32 So he but he eventually got to go back home and was left home and didn't really go back to Lanulose for quite some time Indus time however. He started meeting a ton of different people. He one had a dude came over and kind of became his friend just because he kept showing up at the house to look for UFOs and get the talking over time and became friends and that friend basically asked where he could see the UFOs. He told them where he sees them most often and he would go out there every night until that person also apparently met Indred Cold and went to Lannulose.
Starting point is 01:26:07 He saw everything in Lannulose that this guy did. Friendship with Woodrow ended. This guy's my new best friend. More like friendship with Woodrow upgraded to friendship with Indred Cold because I would go to, I would ditch my friend. I would ditch you guys, I'm sorry. I love for Indred, but seriously.
Starting point is 01:26:23 If Indred showed up was like, we need to go Cylanulose. Goodbye. Wow. Damn. All right, well, shit. I'm sorry, man. I'm very respected.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Honestly, I do. It's not like your, it's a sudden reveal. Like, this is, I know this. Yeah, you know, I'm glad I'm glad. I'm glad you actually understand. I want to also show you the control panels from the ships. So just to say you guys now he's showing us like pages from the book. That looks like straight out of a recording studio. I don't even know what to say about that.
Starting point is 01:26:55 Wait, so all right, genuine. So are those drawings or is that photo? Yeah, what is that? These are drawings. Okay, good. Then that's so what were they? They did not take any pictures of the ship. What is that? These are drawings. Okay, good. So what were they? They did not take any pictures of the ship. Okay, so the rules of this are kind of like,
Starting point is 01:27:09 you gotta believe it on faith. Like most of them. They said don't take anything, don't, like you can't take photos, you can't do anything, but you can draw it all and talk about it all you want. Yeah, I mean, yeah, remember, when I first visit in episode one,
Starting point is 01:27:24 Indra told him to go report it to the local authority. Sure. That he had this experience. This is why I say like the second half, I wonder, this is just math this in his alien mode. I wonder if the first part of the story might be true to some degree, not everything,
Starting point is 01:27:39 but the fact that some strange man walked up to him, he had this weird conversation, other people saw him. He just got fast. And no, he reported the sightings he had this weird conversation, other people saw him. And they just got fast. And they know he reported the sightings to the police. We know other people reported seeing similar things to the police. All that is like on record. But then when we go to Indred starting to show up
Starting point is 01:27:54 on his porch, as like a buddy, that's when things get a little bit like. We come to fantasy tale, like a extrapolation from like one weird thing. Right, exactly. And like here's the last picture I'll show you, and this is the picture of like how the power supply for the ship looks like the frickin flux capacitor.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Yeah. Yes, yes, it looks like the flux capacitor. Oh, shit. Right. It's exactly what it looks like. But it's at this point, as he's returned back from Lannulus at this point, his main story and his trips and his experiences with Indrid don't cease, but the newness and the exciting stuff from those trips sort of dissipates.
Starting point is 01:28:35 At this point, dear old Woodrow becomes kind of like, I don't want to call him a preacher because he's not preaching religion, but he's very much trying to preach that these things are real, they're here, they're peaceful. And if we just acknowledge it and let them land openly without trying to shoot at them and stuff, our ways of life can change. He goes on to speak with other people. Like I said, people become his friends.
Starting point is 01:28:56 He really tries to spread the message as best he can to minimal and no success, to the best of his ability. In fact, he kind of like more or less, like his tales of attempting stopped in around 1968 and after that, it wasn't until 74 when Keel showed up for, remember, the cat with wings and then it became Mothman,
Starting point is 01:29:20 that the story kind of got a little bit because he met with Keel and told, because I think he had heard, think he had heard his story in passing and wanted to meet up with him and did and kind of like got the whole thing and they met up and had multiple stories and whatever. You know, he goes on to talk about like the government's handling of it all.
Starting point is 01:29:40 He talks about in 1966 of October that the Secretary of Defense announced that the Air Force had selected Dr. Edward U. Condon, the University of Colorado for researching UFOs and aerial phenomena. The announcement was welcome news, both to the believers and unbelievers and even NICAP, which I was corrected, even though it says National Institute for whatever, whatever, NICAP, not a government program.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Private, private. It's not government. It sounds government. It looks government, private private. It's not government. It sounds government looks government not government interesting And I see a P offered cautious support and offered their nationwide system of gathering information on new sightings Condon who was 64 years old at the time Was a distinguished physicist looks and believed to be a good choice for the job, but then To start off his investigating team four out of the first five men selected were actually just psychologists. So when he was building the team, he, like majority
Starting point is 01:30:31 of them were just psychologists, he promised that he would later balance out the team and he did to a certain extent later on in the investigation, but never really much. And from the very beginning, there was strife and bickering in this group of people right at the very beginning, Robert J. Lau, project coordinator and first man in operations, in operation study group, was quoted in the Denver Post as saying that the UFO project quote comes pretty close to the criteria of non-acceptability as a university function, which is like, you know, not surprising. Then we get the man, the myth-allegend doctor,. D'Alan J. J. Allen Heineck, chairman of the Department of Astronomy of Northwestern University, and one of the very few scientists in the country who has given UFO serious
Starting point is 01:31:14 study, gave the staff the background information that he had acquired in his 20 years as a scientific consultant for the Air Force. Because remember, Heineck worked, directly was hired by the government as like a lead in one of these like blue book or researcher in one of these like blue book type projects. And his job was to try and disprove, find logical reasons. And while he was able to do so for most of them, he was still left with things that weren't enough that made him start to believe that the UFO phenomena was real. Later, distinguished investigators such as Major Kehoe and Richard Hall from NICAP, Major
Starting point is 01:31:46 Hector Quinn-Tommyla of the Air Force study group and Dr. James McDonald, senior physicist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona addressed the group. And after examining hundreds of well-documented reports of sightings by military and airplane pilots, radar operators, police, technical observers, and articulate rational laymen, McDonald rejected as highly unlikely such conventional explanations for UFOs as ball-lightening plasma, hallucinations, hoaxes, and misinterpretations of natural phenomena. He concluded that, quote, only abysmally limited scientific competence has been brought to the study of UFOs within
Starting point is 01:32:26 the Air Force circles in the past 15 years. Unfortunately during all this time, the scientific community and the public were repeatedly assured that substantial scientific talent was being used, which ended up, like you said, ended up not being true. The first major turbulence in the new project came early in February 1967, Condon burdened by the heavy responsibility in many public and educational projects could not spend a ton of time in the project office working on the UFO thing. Low assumed their responsibility for most of the decision making, and on January 25th,
Starting point is 01:32:57 Condon known for his breezy anecdotal style, spoke before a chapter of Sigma 11, the honorary scientific fraternity. The Almira New York star Gazette reported, quote, unidentified flying objects are not the business of the Air Force. End of quote. Dr. Edward Eukondin said there on Wednesday night, and Dr. Condon left no doubt as to his personal sentiment.
Starting point is 01:33:17 It's on the matter saying, quote, it is my inclination right now to recommend that the government get out of this business. My attitude right now is that there is nothing to it. With a smile he added, but I'm not supposed to reach a conclusion for another year. Condon was also quoted saying, quote, what we're always reduced to is interviewing persons who claim they've had some kind of experience. I don't know of any cases where the phenomenon was still there after the person reports it.
Starting point is 01:33:41 And it seems odd that these people always seem to wait until they get home before they report what they saw. That to me rings as disingenuous because this is fucking 1967, you don't have a cell phone. If something zips over your car, you kind of have to wait till you get to a phone to report it. And if you're getting abducted, you can't quite report it, meet abduction.
Starting point is 01:34:00 That's true. So I don't understand the point of that quote. That quote feels like pointless is a, just this there to just on discredit people. Am I wrong? I mean, I don't know. Like, I think it just depends on what, how you interpret it, right?
Starting point is 01:34:13 Like, if this was 2023 and he said it seems odd that these people always seem to wait to get home, then I could agree with them because they people have fucking cell phones. There's no excuse, but this is 1967. I don't understand what you mean. I mean, you can still make, you can still make a pretty big,
Starting point is 01:34:28 drive to the car. Yeah, you can still make a pretty big splash. Sure. Unless you were like Woodrow and shaking and trembling. Is this true? Scared as shit. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying you still got to interpret it.
Starting point is 01:34:41 That's all. Yeah, no, no, absolutely. I'm just, I'm just back and forth and a little bit. So, Kihou said, he goes on to say that Keeho knew of cases where the phenomenon was still there after the person reported it and where the observer didn't wait to get home to report it. And Keeho knew at this time that Dr. Condon had not personally investigated nor had any members of the staff completed any meaningful research.
Starting point is 01:35:01 So he admitted that the project was only three months old but told David Saunders a key staff member quote, I'm shocked by his statements. Is this a scientific investigation or isn't it? Yeah, so this guy basically went out and was like nothing shows scientific evidence of UFOs and then people who were working on the project like this dude's never here. He never sees anything and he's just making these comments and remember he even sent those people I'm not supposed to come up with an answer for another year anyway, like spoiling that he already just already thinks it's going to be a no. And that's the kind of shit that makes this investigation, even back in the 60s, so infuriating, because even within these government sanctioned teams, people are saying different things. And this was just a sample of the bickering
Starting point is 01:35:39 that was going on among their top scientists who were assigned to investigate the unidentified flying objects. Dr. Condon stated in the beginning that he did not believe this was the business of the Air Force, a man that has already prejudiced against UFOs who refuses to have an open mind in the matter as shown by his actions that his talk that he is not the man for this job. And I actually disagree with Woodrow here. I think it's important to have in your team somebody who doesn't believe
Starting point is 01:36:06 or somebody who is insanely skeptical. I mean, that was who Heinick was and what his job was when he first started and it was through the evidence that he slowly changed his mind. I think having nobody there to push back and make you feel, you know, double, it's a second guess, just means you're gonna make
Starting point is 01:36:22 an Epochamber, you know, it's just gonna be an Epochamber very quickly. And as much as I love going back and forth with a Jesse, it's very good that he's here to do that. You need those people. Even if he's coming from a place of bad faith, I'm not saying you are, but this guy, I think there's still value in that. I still think there's value in that to really look for the evidence and really make sure
Starting point is 01:36:41 what you're saying is double triple quadruple checked. The report of the full investigation was to complete, be completed by the, this sound familiar, by the way, there's going to be a report for the public at the end. And this is, they were supposed to get it at the end of 1967. And guess what didn't happen? A report was never released at the end of 1967. And that entire, I mean, and think, look, listen to how little these guys were funded. The tax dollars spent for this team was only $500,000 tax dollars.
Starting point is 01:37:10 That's it. For 1967, I know that's probably equates to a couple million, but that's still not a lot. That's very little resources for a team to kind of do research. But yeah, they never got a fucking report, which sounds just like the shit that's happened today. And obviously, Woodrow believes that the Air Force is like, knows that UFOs are real and whatnot
Starting point is 01:37:29 because he believe he's, you know, quote, unquote, bendolaniolous and stuff. And he's even seen space people that have told him that only two of their crafts have been subjected to close examination and on the outside only, that the Air Force has not been able to burn, cut, or blast and opening into one of their craft.
Starting point is 01:37:47 There have also been rumors of craft, crashed spacecraft, where bodies were found with the craft, and while Woodrow believes this part to some degree, he does know of some people who have been injured or even killed on Earth and were taken to their home immediately before they were discovered by our people. So, like, we've killed aliens who have crash landed here. You know, and he basically goes on to say, the very end, the book is more or less kind of open-ended because, again, this was written in the 60s and 70s. He's more or less at the cusp of beginning his journey still, and he's very hopeful that
Starting point is 01:38:22 he will be able to prove that UFOs are real. The government will come clean and that we will actually see the aliens and Lanyl Oceans landing our planet in his lifetime. That peace will come to earth and that we will begin to adopt the lifestyle similar to that that he saw on the planet of Lanyl Oce. As we all know, none of that happened. Lanyl Oce people did not land. Saturn's ring is not a rainbow. Allegedly.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Allegedly. Allegedly, allegedly. And while absolutely I can understand and side with him on the frustrations of the government program, even in the 60s, you know, coming together and then nothing happening, I do wonder, like I'm torn. I don't think a majority of this is real.
Starting point is 01:39:05 I do not think a majority of what he said was true, but there's the first quarter of the story where the first encounter happens is the only part that I'm like, maybe, and that maybe he thought he needed to just keep expanding on it. So people would believe him more and more things kept happening to him. So we had more and more things to tell people how could you not believe him. But to me, you know, that always just does the opposite of what you hope it's going to do. And whether this is true, this true story, any part of the story is true or not. What we do know is that a lot of his story about Lannulose, the things he saw on the way, just don't seem to hold up to what we know now as scientific faith. Any sort of simple questioning
Starting point is 01:39:47 or any sort of logical test. Yeah, the only thing he asked and got tried to get explained to him really was the telepathy. And he did a pretty piss poor job at explaining it, but I guess I mean, I probably would have a hard time explaining it too. Beyond that, yeah, he never asks about how certain things work or at least never goes into detail. He did try to steal something, quote, unquote, he never asks about how certain things work or at least never goes
Starting point is 01:40:05 into detail. He, you know, he did try to steal something, quote, unquote, but that was it. Yeah. It's a fascinating story and one that sticks out, not because of the just the fantastical aspects of it. There are so many alien abduction stories that have weird fantastical aspects. But in a, in a world at the time that was filled with very similar gray style abductions, this one stands out among the rest. Because again, keep in mind, this is before things are, you know, I don't think we've seen Betty and Barney Hill on TV yet. Like that still hasn't really happened or has become massively public knowledge yet at the time of this happening. But it's just an interesting unique case that I think, if true, if it was the beginning of it and leaves you with more questions and answers anyway, I don't know if Lannulose is a nudist planet filled with hippies and a spate, an earth couple that are in their 90s playing tennis on their front lawn.
Starting point is 01:40:56 I just don't know if that's true. I just don't know if that like, uh, steppford-wise style of life is real. But that's it, boys. That's a relief. The story of injured cold, a true deep dive into who this intergalactic man of mystery was. It's a Mothman game, Jack, bro. It's so weird. I'm not gonna lie. I tried to release my thoughts to injured cold into space
Starting point is 01:41:18 and hoping I would, you know, be like, hey, you're all ill. We all live all this. You know, we all, we've all tried. I tried, yeah. I tried, but he didn't show up. So maybe he's dead. And you're cold. I could be it. What is that? I'm out there. Maybe they'll live to 125 to 175. He came back to see his friend. Shot him down. Yep. We shot him down. Saddest tale. Yeah, dude. That's a folk song. The
Starting point is 01:41:42 slash. slashcom slash saloonity pod. Please come see a similar sandals if you got nothing to do on October 15th. We'll be there at the Derrick Ram Ballroom tomorrow night. Go get it. Go have it. And and and and we gotta go do mini so that's
Starting point is 01:41:58 what I want to say. We got to go do mini so day. Oh and also by merch guys. I know it like I never say it. But go to the Eddie dot com slash saloonity. We got so much shit up there that's coming and going our new t-shirt. Oh, and also buy merch guys. I know it like I never say it, but go to the slash to Luminati. We got so much shit up there that's coming and going our new t-shirt. It just became a poster and we're about
Starting point is 01:42:10 to have a fucking collectible coin just for the charity. You ready for the coin? Yeah, coin. I can't, coin, I can't, coin drop. And it is not just gonna be a plain boring gold coin. There's gonna be some uniqueness in it. Chill coin, big drops.
Starting point is 01:42:21 And a little bit of a fun thing. Big drops. Thank you guys so much for listening to supporting us here. And up slash illuminati pot. We love you. We appreciate you. And we'll see you later. Goodbye.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Bye. Anyway, me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night and enjoying ourselves. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I stepped back inside and after a few moments, I hear my wife go, holy shit get out of here! So I quickly dash back outside, she's looking up the sky and fall. I look up to her and there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. 1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5- ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ‿ Thank you.

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