Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 25 - The Fake Titanic, Beyonce and Aliens. Yep.

Episode Date: April 15, 2019

WE HAVE A LIMITED TIME HOODIE - Sources: Credit to u/BreizhMac for this outstanding post on the Titanic/Olypmic Conspiracy. Credit to Becky Little’s writing on this topic on Credit to @TitanicMystery Credit to Dr. Paul Lee and his personal website, Original Olympic in Drydock, 1911: (Note name, note top row of portholes near the back) Original Titanic being built, 1911: The “Titanic” leaving on it’s maiden voyage: The “Olympic” in New York after the sinking of the “Titanic”: Support my Patreon! -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dear Carbon Footprint, who's got America's largest electrified lineup? Toyota! 15 hybrid, plug-in, fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles, from the new Prius to the RAV4 Hybrid, the Crown and the Tundra i-Force Max. Toyota's the name of the electrified game. As our lineup gets larger, your footprint gets smaller. Get the juice on Juice?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Yup, juice! Toyota, let's go places! Hello everybody, we're back! Shilluminati Podcast is returned. This one's going to be a fun one, because I'm not in charge of this episode. This isn't a me episode, you know, at least in my episodes, I like to think there's at least like some sort of anchor to reality, like at least a minor one. In Alex episodes, we cut that tether and we just go for the ride.
Starting point is 00:01:17 You know, funny you should say that, Mathis, funny you should say that, because today, I want to, I look, I will be the first to admit that the last few times that we have done an episode where I am in the driver's seat, the things that I say sound less than believable, believable. If you want to say that, I don't know, you look so offended by that, I'm just, I'm just making a, I just, I want you guys to know that that was what I decided that my flavor was. That's great.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I love your flavor, but, but this time I decided that I would use a different criteria to get to the bottom of this whole situation. Okay. You got to the bottom of a situation. Yeah. Because here's the thing. This time, instead of trying to just go for something crazy, I set my, the only goal that I set myself, like the literal only goal.
Starting point is 00:02:10 This is called, this is called Shilluminati Most Convincing, okay? That's what this episode's called. This is the, this is the pilot episode of our reality show Most Convincing. What are you about to tell us none of it's real? All right. This is true. The only, okay. Listen, the only goal that I gave myself was to find items that were so convincing that
Starting point is 00:02:32 perhaps once, perhaps we could all agree that maybe the events were not only possible, but convincing enough for even Jesse to entertain the possibility that they might be true. That's not true. That's fiction. We got you. That was one of our fakes. We got you. This was written by our writers.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yeah. But before, before we disappear into the Alex's reality, let's stick into Earth reality for a second, because the episode is going live on Monday, this is when this is going live. The same day, our temporary 30-day run of Shilluminati hoodies is going on live. What? Oh, go get them. They've got a nice graffiti style. We've got like an eye spray painted on the front.
Starting point is 00:03:20 We have the pyramid spray painted on the back. This is Shilluminati rules. It's freaking dope. You should absolutely go check it out. It's on the You got that tax return. You know it's coming. We have to pay taxes, so it's a good give and take.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah. There's no YouTuber alive who doesn't have to pay taxes, but that's okay. Go check it out. Search for Shilluminati. In all the places, but this is a temporary 30-day limited time offer. This is real. This is real.
Starting point is 00:03:48 This is a real, this is a good jacket. You guys are going to like this jacket. You don't even know. You might even love it. It's possible. You might fall in love with this jacket. That'll be the next Shilluminati. You might fall in love with your soulmate while wearing this jacket, and they're wearing
Starting point is 00:03:59 our hat. I feel like as the legal department for this show, we should just say we can guarantee none of this. That's true. That's also true. I can't guarantee, and finally enough, I can't guarantee that anything that I say today is going to be true. But what I want, but what I want to say, I just want to just, you know, in the interest
Starting point is 00:04:22 of healthy skepticism, which I know we're a big fan of on the show and good journalism, I just want to say that the things that I'm going to talk about today, the more heavily supported conclusion is the one that if you're going to talk about this publicly, you should probably go with, but this is a fun podcast. Okay. Of course. We're not scholars. I'm worried about what you're about to say.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I hope that I'm going to shock not just you, Mathis, because I know I'm going to probably shock Mathis a little bit, but Jesse, who I respect enough to know, you will need some real convincing. Mathis? He'll be convinced. Jesse, I respect you. You need to be convinced. I don't.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah. It's going to happen. I'm so worried now that you've gone out of your way for nothing. Here's what I'm going to tell you. This is what I'm going to tell you. The only thing that we're going to do three little mini ones right now. The only thing that ties these together is that I was able to find pretty convincing evidence for it.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Okay. That's the only thing. I know we don't like to go into the, I know Jesse doesn't like the lower. I know Jesse doesn't like the, the craziness we're going. We're going. The lower is the best part. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I'm saying you're not going to, you're not going to be convinced by lower. You need, you need evidence. Physical evidence. That's fair. That's 100% fair. You need to be probed to believe in aliens. Hang on. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Physical evidence. What is this? He's being abducted. Body. What is he? Is he taking his shirt? He's taking his shirt off. He's shirt is off.
Starting point is 00:05:47 He's pouring oil onto his body. He's getting so buff. Oh my God. His muscles rippling. His shirt is off. He's covered in oil. All right. I'm me and Harold.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Oh, Harold's here. Oh, that doll is terrifying. Yeah. Here he is. I am not. I don't care if the story is very clearly fake. This is not coming off. It's delightful.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I'm so glad you have him so close at hand at all times. Oh, he's in my bookshelf constantly. Great. Okay. Do you guys have any questions, comments, or concerns before we begin? Yes, but let's just go ahead. Yeah, let's get into it. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Fuck it. The first theory we're going to look at today involves a very famous ship known as the RMS Titanic. Are you guys ready? The actual Titanic. Hold on. The actual Titanic. We're going to talk about the Titanic or so they say.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I want to give credit to you slash Braismac for a great post that I saw about this on Reddit. I want to talk about Becky Little's writing on this topic at That's another thing I read also at Titanic mystery on Twitter and the skeptic Dr. Paul Lee. We can find That's where his anti this theory website is. So you know, both sides of the aisle here on Chiluminati. Don't, don't, don't miss out.
Starting point is 00:07:02 So okay, to begin to the best of your guys's knowledge, what's, what do you, what do you guys believe to be the story of the singing of the Titanic as it is told in history? The basic story as far as I'm aware has to do with the construction of the ship and that it was deemed unsinkable because the way they built it. However, on the fateful night when this occurred, for reasons I don't know exactly. I'm sure there's a, I don't remember them, but I know I've read it before. The ship hits an iceberg and that iceberg tears through the bottom. And as each of the compartments fills, when as of happening is rather than it blocking
Starting point is 00:07:45 off water, it ends up like essentially causing the ship to like sink on one thing to the bottom of the ocean. Yeah, exactly. But then what happens is the ship breaks in two because the top weight is too heavy and snaps into and that's when it really sinks. It wouldn't have sunk if it would have stayed together, but it didn't and then it sunk. It got decimated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:07 People died. Yeah. A lot of people died actually. But yeah, you're basically right. White Star Lions, this ship company that made the ships, they had three ships together that were the three like sister ships. There's the Olympic, there's the Titanic, and there was the Britannic. This was like early turn of the century England.
Starting point is 00:08:24 These ships were like the luxury lifestyle item to like do, you know, like you wanted to be on one of these White Star Lions ships because it was like, this was some pimp ass shit. The Olympic and the Titanic were both the biggest ship in the world for a while. Like while they were being built at the time, that's pretty crazy. And famously, like you said, they were perceived by the public to be unsinkable. It's true. So it's kind of like having like an iPhone nowadays is a status symbol to ride the Titanic.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Dude, yes. Almost exactly the same thing as having an iPhone today riding on, well, let's just say the Olympic because I don't think most people were psyched that they rode the Titanic. Well, they were up until, right. So there is actually a little bit of debate over whether or not anyone from White Star actually claimed it was unsinkable, like in an official capacity or that because in the brochure, it said it was designed to be unsinkable, but that sounds like some bullshit and it doesn't actually matter to the story anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:21 So whatever. I don't know if it matters either, but isn't it I might be wrong on my knowledge on this, but didn't the Titanic notoriously take like really cheap cuts to be able to fit more people like less light boats than they normally would have done on any boat that size. There's there's there's some debate about that actually, because a lot of it is because of the fact that they kept having to move back the due dates of stuff because of the production. But that has to do with what I'm about to get into, which is that the Olympic, the first ship that was made that that ship had its maiden voyage in 1911.
Starting point is 00:09:52 So this is a year before the Titanic set sail and the Titanic went in 1912 and the Britannic got requisitioned by the military already because it was World War One in 1915. And so the Titanic hit Niceburg and sank its first time out. Britannic got bopped by a mine like a year into its service. But the Olympic, the first one again, as far as the history books say enjoyed a long 20 year career and finally was taken out of service in 1935. But here is where Chiluminati and history diverge. Oh boy. Get ready.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Apparently in the year leading up to the Titanic's maiden voyage, the Olympic was seeing her fair share of crappy times. Okay. She was badly damaged in a in a like a just accident. Just somebody pulled a boner. There was a ship called the Hawk. They got like in a big, big like accident that even actually had to divert parts away from the Titanic, which was still being built in dry dock. And that's like pretty crazy. And that may be part of the reason why there was some like building issues with the Titanic
Starting point is 00:11:02 as well. And then that same thing happened again, where they got damaged, a propeller broke off the Olympic and they had to steal parts from the Titanic again to do that. So what if instead of the Titanic actually sinking on its maiden voyage by pure tragic accident, what if faced with a totaled, very expensive and very like public ship that was like messed up after two freak accidents, what if they decided to put that second ship that they were building through a few cosmetic changes so that the crappy ass Olympic, which may actually even have been like to the point where after the crash, they just patched it
Starting point is 00:11:44 enough that it could like just barely run. What if it went down as the Titanic, White Star Line collects like a million pound payday on the Titanic's insurance money. And then the actual Titanic just goes as a brand new ship and continues to be the Olympic until 1935. So like a last minute swap. Yeah, they're like, okay, here's we just switch the names. They look basically the same already.
Starting point is 00:12:16 We can change a couple of the real, you know, little design differences that people will notice. And then Bob's your uncle. We sink the shitty one. We make it back because it's like, you're saying the sinking of the ship was done on purpose. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:29 As like, as like a snow job to, to, to as, as insurance fraud. So who, who would have. So the captain would have sunk the ship even, but didn't he go down with the ship? The captain did go down the ship. The, the, the, this next part is conjecture because there's, there's, we don't know for sure what the conspiracy is, right? Okay. But the, the, the idea is that there maybe was a little bit more that happened here than
Starting point is 00:12:54 was supposed to happen. And that instead of it just going down and they're safely getting everybody off board quickly. Maybe the ship just went down or maybe they led the captain to believe that that would not happen. And then it happened anyway, so that they just clean up a bunch of loose ends. I can almost believe the idea that maybe they, they, they swapped the ships last minute. I don't know about the sinking it on purpose is almost like a bridge too far from me.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I feel like I believe enough in corporate greed that I'm like, yeah, okay. I guess anyone can do that. I feel like the minute it goes out to see as the Titanic, the cover up Titanic, it becomes like a movie plot where it's like, right, it's too crazy to believe, right? Evil corporate villains are just like, yes, of course we'll send it out to see and then we'll destroy it. And in their mind, it doesn't seem like it will work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Well, because the fallout, the best case scenario that this could be is that they were sent out there and it was going to sink and then, you know, they expected a few deaths because they're evil corporate overlords, but I think the like movie version is that something terrible goes wrong. And at the end, like the hero burst into the office like, you do this on purpose, you bet. But like, that's the best case scenario is that something horrible went wrong with their plan that was already about like an evil plan scenario. But like, I don't, the amount of things.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It's an exciting, it's an exciting theory that seems hard to swallow. Yes. Very hard. Yeah. I'm with you on that. So let's start with like very good evidence against this theory. We'll knock that out first. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:35 So here's some things. The wood from the Olympic, because remember the Olympic was just like, honorably just decommissioned in the thirties, right? So there's plenty of material left over from it. It wasn't sitting at the bottom of the ocean or anything. The wood from the Olympic was placed into some buildings on land and the paneling from that ship had the proper yard number, which was 400, Titanic is 401, but the actual yard number 400 was on the wood, matching the real Olympic.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And that would be really hard to go back and change once construction on the ship was underway because literally, sure, it's the, it's the wood that makes the boat. And same with the wreckage on the ocean floor of the Titanic. There's a lot of evidence that a lot of it was stamped with 401, which and largely matches the floor plan that we believe the Titanic should have had. So that, so, so there is that archeological evidence against the theory, right? Not to mention the fact that there is a PR nightmare here for white star line, which doesn't, even if there was their plan, like no one would ever want to go on their boats
Starting point is 00:15:41 anymore. Yeah. Exactly. Like, and that's kind of what happened. Like this was a PR nightmare for the white star line just because the Titanic crashed. Like the whole thing was that it was unsinkable and then it just sank. Like boo boo boo boo boo on that made in voyage. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah. It's like, during like, yeah, everybody was like waiting for it to get to New York. Like it's almost here. We're going to see it like it's crazy. Also some of the changes that would have been had to been made were pretty like complex changes. Like on B deck on the original Titanic, part of the like first class promenade was actually replaced with more cabins so they could fit more people on the boat, which would be like
Starting point is 00:16:19 a pretty big change. The original Titanic had a bigger first class restaurant, which like truncated the second class promenade a lot. And then there's this whole problem of the fact that like with the timing, like if you look at photographs of them in the shipyards, like the smokestack situation was like pretty crazy because like the Titanic was getting them added to it as they were as they were building it. But like they would have to like be like swapping them out and like moving them around between
Starting point is 00:16:48 the two ships. And that would be really like, yeah, really difficult to do. The timing would be crazy also. There's a lot of specifics to this. I'm not going to get into them. They're very boring, but the window that they would have had to do this after they made the decision would have been about at max, if they did it one of the times when they were both in dry dock together at max, they would have had 44 days to do it.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And also they would have to have covered up like the fact that they were working on the Olympic in ways that they shouldn't have been, right? And then also there's the fact that the Titanic's insurance money really wasn't enough to cover like sinking another ship. Right. It's not being worth it. It's not like a super feasible insurance fraud plan. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:28 It's certainly very elaborate. Yeah. And like, you know, putting people's lives on the line, that's pretty crazy, right? That's true. So that's, so that is, that is the, that is a good summary of evidence. It's not a complete summary of all the evidence against. And to me, these are the big things that, that are against this. There's, there's some more stuff about like the people who came up with this theory originally
Starting point is 00:17:48 being right or wrong, but that you get into like the Warren's territory there and I'm not trying to mess around with that. I'm just going to go off the facts. Zach Baggins. But yeah, after hearing that, it seems like this might not be true, but now I'm going to give you some evidence for. So here we go. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:04 There we go. This is it. There was a letter sent to the Northern Star newspaper in Australia from a guy who quoted this guy called Patty Fenton. Okay. He was a worker at the Harlan and Wolf shipyards in Belfast, which is where the ships were worked on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And he was set. This is what he was quoted as saying, when the surviving crew got to port, they were all taken aside and met by two men, one in a high position in the company, the other man in a very high position in the government. The government man read the crew, the official secrets act, explaining that if they told the real reason for the sinking or the rumors of an insurance scam, they would serve a minimum of 20 years in jail and would never get a job again when they got out. So that's one piece of evidence for what was, can you read the exact statement of what they
Starting point is 00:18:50 were told again? They were told that if they, they, they were read the official secrets act, which explained and explained that if they told, they told the real reason for the sinking or the rumors of an insurance scam, they would serve a minimum of 20 years in jail and would never get a job when they got out. They were threatened basically. I'm looking at the official secrets act as a thing. I just, I feel like, I feel like this could be one of those don't cause a panic, shut
Starting point is 00:19:22 up kind of things rather than like the real reasons aliens, like I don't, all right, all right. Okay. Yeah. That's just item A. That's item A. Item B is that 50 first class passengers about canceled their trip fairly last minute, including JP Morgan. We all know JP Morgan, who not only would have had insider knowledge in this case as a main investor in the international mercantile Marine Co, which was basically a shell corporation
Starting point is 00:19:52 owning all these different cruise lines, including white star lines. Okay. But also less than an hour before the ship left for sea, he removed seven valuable statues from the ship's hold. Even though the only reason he said he wasn't going to be able to go was because he was feeling sick and also he was seen healthy and happy in France. Two days later, weird, that is weird. Also among those who ducked out early was Julia Ismay, the wife of white star chair J
Starting point is 00:20:23 Bruce Ismay, who did Parajambord and their kids, uh, the kids got off and she also said she was sick, though the day later she was on vacation in Wales. So that's another piece of evidence. But why would he stay on board? And why would she go on vacation the day after this event? I think maybe the day after, I'm assuming the day after the ship went to sea, right? Did it sink the same day? It sank.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I mean, it sank maybe like a day or two into the voyage. Day or two? Okay. Yeah. Uh, but the, the, the idea being that maybe he didn't think that he was going to die. He'd get out really quickly, but you know, he didn't want to put his wife and kids through something like that. You know?
Starting point is 00:21:06 Uh, so that's, that's another piece of evidence. Uh, and then next we're going to talk about the SS Californian. This is some weird shit. I don't know what was going on here. The SS Californian, I believe is a ship that has some tie to this, like in terms of a corporate structure. They, they would have been talking to each other a lot. So here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:21:29 It's very shifty behavior from captain Stanley Lord of the SS Californian. He radios the Titanic to warn of ice that they almost hit themselves, which was actually the ice that they actually ended up running into. They decided to stop for the night because the ice is too dangerous on the Californian. They tried to contact the Titanic again and apparently the Titanic told them back, quote, shut up, shut up. I am busy. Then the captain has the wireless shut down on the Californian 10 minutes before the Titanic
Starting point is 00:22:04 hits the iceberg. Then 25 minutes after that, the Titanic visually sees the Californian and sends up rocket flares, but the captain doesn't get a call about it because he's asleep at the time apparently. Just that few, I feel like I've actually, this, yeah, just that few bit while later, then he like half-assed tries to use Morse code like with lights to talk to the Titanic instead of waking up the wireless tech, what you would have to do if he was in visual contact. He couldn't do that without being in visual contact. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:39 There'd be no point in doing light. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Instead of waking up the wireless tech, which he could have done, and then he explains away the flares to his own crew as company signals, which is crazy. And then after eight rockets that everybody on the ship could see, the captain does nothing. They decide the Titanic is leaving the area, even though 20 minutes later it sinks.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Okay. Damn. Then there's more flares, and the shift changes, and the new wireless tech hears the SOS from the Titanic and is like, what were those flares? And then finally they like get the captain up after that, and they send the Californian over, but it's like through some weird route where they like go away from it first and then to it, which is crazy. And then they get there just after another ship already got there, the Carpathia, which
Starting point is 00:23:33 is the ship that actually showed up and saved anybody who they saved from the water. Even though at one point the Californian was only five nautical miles away. And then when asked about it later, Captain Lord denied a bunch of stuff. He contradicted himself and his crew a bunch of times about times, locations, reasons for making decisions. He said other stuff was state secrets, which ties with what that other guy was saying earlier. And then the scrap log for the ship just went missing. When the, like before the ship docked, they just like somehow the scrap log got lost and
Starting point is 00:24:09 the official log, which did exist, does not mention the Titanic, does not mention flares, does not mention any other ships. And Captain Lord in two separate inquiries, one by Britain and one by the United States, he was determined to have definitively failed to act appropriately. And he was actually blamed in England for the loss of many of the lives. So I don't know what he was doing. It seems like maybe he was trying to cover up the fact or like let the Titanic sink without witnesses or something weird.
Starting point is 00:24:41 He was somehow hindering the rescue of the Titanic in some way. Very bizarre. I don't know what he was up to, but he like did not ever recover his reputation. He like died 60 years later or something. Just like- I wonder if- Sad. I wonder if it's a case, at least as far as he's concerned, a case of knowingly messing
Starting point is 00:25:04 up and then doubling down real hard on trying to cover his tracks. That's what it sounds like to me. It sounds like he screwed up and tried to double down and the things he did to double down by making the conspiracy, like it adds to it and it's just one of those cases of, like in most conspiracy things, when the information comes out later that's like the truth, it's someone doing something wrong that's not necessarily associated, but when people dig into it, it looks like, oh, this person was covering something up and really they're just incompetent. Like they weren't involved.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I feel like that could be it, but while you're going on about this, I seem to recall because you mentioned that- was it J.P. Morgan? Yes. I seem to recall a theory that the thing was an orchestrated plot by J.P. Morgan. To kill his- To kill his writers. To kill his writers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yeah, so I looked into that and that is a lot- that's- that one's a lot harder to support with evidence. Well, again, I mean the whole- what a terrible plan to be like, I'm going to hit them with an iceberg. I agree. Like what a terrible plan. I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:26:16 It's a- it doesn't- it doesn't make sense. Right. And I- It definitely- I would definitely say there's something fishy going on, obviously. Yeah, doubt has been cast, but what I promised today was physical evidence. Do you guys have access to your Zoom check and you see your Zoom check? Yes. Wait, don't tell me you have like a piece of that Titanium.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I'm ready. I'm ready. This is what I need, my man. Give me this stuff. Great shit. So, okay, so this- this is a picture of the Olympic floating in dry dock, okay? We're going to have these pictures for you guys in the show notes so you guys can do this with us, but I need you guys to verify this for me, okay?
Starting point is 00:26:50 So what we're looking at right now is we're looking at the top row of portholes on the white railing just below the top of the deck. Do you see those? I think I've gone down this rabbit hole when I was in high school. Yeah. This is all very vaguely familiar to me. I'm like, ah, there's something up, there's something going on. Okay, so do you see this?
Starting point is 00:27:08 So do you see these portholes? Yeah, yeah, the front. They're evenly spaced. You're the front. They're evenly spaced all the way along the front, but one- right before they end, there's like a dot dot space dot dot dot, right? Is this going to be a Morse code thing? No, no, it's just like- you see the windows, it's like dot dot dot dot dot.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Just like one dot, one dot, one dot. And then right before the end, you see dot dot and then a space, then dot and then dot dot. We're all in agreeance. Yep, I see it. Great. Next, here is a picture of the Titanic, the, the Titanic original Titanic being built in the same year.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Okay, so here's, here's that. Here's another pic. This is the Titanic. Now we're going to look at this and I want you to look at the railing again. So in this one, it's the same situation except instead of ending with the dot dot dot dot dot, like the two together, this one is just straight portholes all the way along the top. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 You see that? It's all, it's all- I see, I see bigger dots towards the end though. No, no, those, those are, those are on the other side of the railing. The gap in the railing is where the railing ends. If you go look at the other- Oh, you're saying right where that gap is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Right where that gap is is where it would be dot dot. Oh, okay. Yeah. If you look at the other picture and compare the two, yeah. The Titanic picture is all straight across dots. My, before we jump anywhere, my immediate, my, where I would throw cast a doubt just for a moment is the angle at which the Olympic picture is taken so that the dot dots would appear closer just because of the way it's, it's a little bit more, uh, like horizontally.
Starting point is 00:28:37 You know what I mean? Like, I hear what you're saying, but if you go and find another picture of the Olympic, I just chose that one because it's clear. You will see that this is actually a difference between the two ships. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I'll take your word.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Okay. But so, so just, so mark those two picks. Yep. One has the dot dot. That's the original Olympic and the other one has straight across. Now here is a picture of the quote unquote Titanic leaving on its maiden voyage. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Note the railing and how the railing ends with a dot dot, dot, dot, dot, just like the Olympic. Note this. I mean, according to the pictures, you're right. It's the same design. Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. Okay. There's the one thing this is, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:29:28 This is fascinating. I've got like five windows open and I'm like, you're right. It's fascinating. I will say the one thing that I require more information on before I'm like, all right, I'm starting to buy in is the two pictures, the first of the Olympic and the second of Titanic leaving Harbor are taken from the exact same angle while the Titanic construction photo is a close up and taken from a different angle. And so I'd be curious if there is an Olympic and there's definitely, there's definitely
Starting point is 00:30:02 more pictures of this. I just chose these because you can see the features most clearly. Now you got me on my feet. This is, these are. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. But here's, but before we do that, here is a final picture.
Starting point is 00:30:13 This is the Olympic in New York after the Titanic sank. And again, if you see on this side of the boat though, yes, the Olympic, the other side of the boat. No, well, this is a mirrored picture. Actually, this is not the other side of the boat. Okay. The, the, the dots are the same dot, dot, dot, dot, dot uniform right across to me. That is physical evidence of a sort that this may have happened.
Starting point is 00:30:48 And that is where I'm going to leave the mystery of whether or not they switch the Titanic and the Olympic for an insurance scam. That's a Titanic. Okay. You got, I will take it by your stun silence that perhaps I may have. You have me interested because, because I went and go picture hunting. Yeah. And I have a picture of the Olympic after it was rammed and, uh, to sunk by a U boat.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Um, Titanic sister ship, RMS Olympic took on a U boat and one, and here's a picture of it. Uh, and it's of the side and it does the Olympic has the, the Olympic has the dot, dot, dot, dot. So I'm, I'm, I'm going to link this for you real quick in the zoom chat. So that's the Olympic after it got rammed by U boat in 1918. Why is this one opening Chrome? I do not know.
Starting point is 00:31:45 So weird. All right. Hold on. Let's see. Yeah. The Olympic on this one has the dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. Yes it does. But, uh, this, this is a much later picture of the, of the, uh, Olympic.
Starting point is 00:31:59 So I can't, I can't speak on that. The one, the one of the Olympic in, uh, New York is from shortly after the Titanic. It's possible that after this happened, they could have gone and adjusted the boats more to be, uh, to be more like they should be to each other, uh, cause there's a lot more of a time there. Cause this is in 1918. This is like six years later. Uh, so I can't, I can't speak to that, but it seems like at least in 1912 that there
Starting point is 00:32:31 is evidence to support that perhaps these ships were switched. I, again, like I say, I'm not going to say which one, like this is the real answer and that the other, and that the way that history has it is wrong. But I want to, I want to just say that I feel like this evidence is enough that it's not definitely, there may be something to this. So let me, let me just cause my brain is a little, I'm a little muddled. The Olympics started as the dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:58 And then the Titanic became the one with the dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. Yes. And then, and then at the end, the Titanic had it straight across and then the Olympic that, that survived had the Titanic windows. So yeah, the, the, the World War one photo that you sent me does contradict this, but I just want to raise the point that between that shot and the one that I sent you six years past. That's true.
Starting point is 00:33:23 There has been a lot of time that passed. Yeah. I mean, that's, but that was pretty good, right? I appealed to Jesse's sense of history. It's pretty meaty. He's a lot to that one. Jesse's currently, Jesse's currently diving down some holes. He didn't say no a lot of times.
Starting point is 00:33:36 It feels good. I'm, look, I'm, I'm maybe investigating that, that, uh, 2004 Titanic expedition to see exactly what the bottom is at the bottom of the ocean right now. I know. I know it's hard. It's, it's, it's actually a pretty hard thing to get a, to get a verifiable answer on. It seems like there's so many possibilities of what it could be other than just like they
Starting point is 00:33:59 switched it, but I will say that in photos, every photo is different. Like every photo I see of the, uh, Titanic and Olympic, every photo has different portholes every single one, which to me, I don't know what that means. And I don't know if that means that it's camera stuff. Maybe it was moving and when they took the photo, like, because, or I know, I, I couldn't tell you what, what it means. I don't know. I'm just saying I found this evidence to be particularly compelling and I think perhaps
Starting point is 00:34:37 you might as well. All right. That's where, that's where I have to leave it and that one was meaty, uh, and yet. So this one's going to be a little quicker. It's still going to be convincing. All right. All right. So this is a huge current celebrity and as a noted, alleged member of the regular more
Starting point is 00:34:55 tense Illuminati, she has been on our radar for a while, but here is a mystery that has almost nothing to do with it at all. No, Rihanna, Beyonce Knowles. Oh yeah. Of course. They're all part of it. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:10 They have to be influencing. They're influencing the minds of children. Call me queen bee. I want to be part of the Illuminati too. We're going to talk about Beyonce, uh, for a little bit and this time in public. Haven't you? Don't you know that's like the thing is that the way you get into the limit, the last thing to like be in the Illuminati is you have to like fake kill yourself in public, which is
Starting point is 00:35:30 why a lot of their stage performances, especially on big events, ends with them dying in some weird way. It's bizarre. It's crazy. I don't believe it. Like when she jumped off the Super Bowl, uh, like when Lady Gaga, remember that when Lady Gaga jumped off the Super Bowl, it's earlier than that. Lady Gaga did a show where like she gets murdered on stage and it was like MTV.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Or something. And everyone was like, Oh shit. And then she's like, I'm fine, huh? But oh yeah. Everyone's like, don't you get it? It's part of the cult. That is crazy. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yes. All right. It hints me that Queen Bay is part of all right. So first of all, shout outs to Gabriel Bluestone from Black Bag, uh, for her article on this and to Rich Gizwiak on Gawker. I'm not going to try and pronounce that name again. I'm sorry, Rich. I don't know if I'm Birch.
Starting point is 00:36:15 That or not. Uh, everybody remembers that one time when Beyonce was singing love on top in her snazzy purple Dolce Gabbana sequined tuxedo, 2011 VMAs. And then she literally drops the mic, unbuttoning her thing. She shows off her baby bump. She's rubbing it. And then after only a few more months of pregnancy, she has the baby and immediately shrinks back down to a pre-pregnancy shape and size.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Obviously, the real thing that happened here is that she's just super driven person. She worked super hard. She pulled something off that not a lot of moms are able to do right away, especially celebrity moms with a demanding public look, but you're wrong. What if she never really got pregnant at all and just pretended to be while a surrogate mother was the actual person having blue ivy God, that name is so weird. What do you think? Have you heard this one before?
Starting point is 00:37:13 I haven't. I don't think I've heard this one before. I would say it's not that far fetched to begin with. True. Okay. And to start, I want to make it clear there is no established motive that I can think of or why she would want to do this really. And I mean, you guys, you guys both live out in the Hollywood world.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Like people can imagine super celebrities doing something fucking weird and eccentric like this. Why not? Can I just tell you that before we start jumping into this, I have for years. So I used to work as a teacher way back when. And one of the other teachers was very, very religious and he would constantly say things to me that I was like, that sounds crazy, but I knew he believed them. And one of the things he loved rap music, but believe Jay Z was in league with the devil
Starting point is 00:38:08 and like truly satanic, truly satanic. And one of his great examples is when everyone was like, remember that song, uh, Empire State of Mind? Whatever one's like feeling all good about, yes, absolutely. There is a line in it that he believed was them just announcing to the world the fact that like, you don't get it on like Jesus can't save you. And the line is literally, um, Jesus can't save you. Life starts when the church ends.
Starting point is 00:38:45 And he was like, this is Jay Z telling the world like worship Satan. Like that's what he believed. And so I know for a fact, there's a portion of the internet that like Jay Z and Beyonce pure evil. I know that was the guy who ruined Twitter right there that that teacher that you know, that was the guy who ruined Twitter right there. I believe it. He was the first one on Twitter to do this shit.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah. So the likely, the likely road here, obviously, she's just a normal human who didn't want to let the media into like a very important part in any person's life, right? That's the most likely thing. But here's the two main chilluminati friendly reasons why she might have done this according to the internet. Okay. The first most logical one is just wanting to be like hot still.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Like never have I seen, never have I seen Beyonce in a situation where she wasn't able to achieve this, uh, you know, like exactly this by putting in work. But I guess it makes sense why celebrity would like maybe not want to have a baby for real to not have to deal with getting rid of your baby bot. I could see that, uh, but a more exciting theory is, uh, several variations on the idea that the baby is somebody else's, uh, like in the main article that I read for this on black bag, they mentioned one where a blue IV is Jay Z's love child with another woman. We know that Jay Z has stepped out on Beyonce before cause he's an idiot.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Yeah. Uh, but, uh, you know, that's one theory. Another is that it's like Beyonce's dad's love child cause you know, her, she had to fire her dad as her manager and he was like kind of like a weird, philandering guy, uh, or maybe just, it's just like adoption because there is a song, I forget what album it's on, uh, but she, she actually like talks about having a miscarriage, uh, in a song. And, uh, so that could maybe imply that she actually has a fertility issue. I mean, admittedly there's a million reasons why somebody could have a miscarriage.
Starting point is 00:40:41 So nobody knows. I don't want to like go around saying Beyonce's got an infertility issue, but these are all just popular theories of like why maybe she would have done this. Popular conspiracy theories. Yeah. But I don't want you guys to get too wrapped up in that because all I'm trying to convince you guys of is that maybe there was a time when she said she was pregnant and that she wasn't pregnant.
Starting point is 00:41:01 So I'm going to give you the facts right now. Here we go. The due date. The due date is the first thing. Maybe she was just trying to keep people guessing in the press. Maybe she was just trying to obscure people's thing, but one day she was in an interview saying she was four months pregnant when she was at the VMAs and then a few days later she said she was five months pregnant.
Starting point is 00:41:18 It's a discrepancy. Uh, it could be an honest mistake, but like, have you ever ordered something from Amazon and then like tracked it like a fucking like special agent before? Have you done that? Yes. Sure. Like, aren't you, don't you think like if it was a fucking baby, you would be like, this is when the baby's coming.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Like, wouldn't it be like the only thing you thought about? I can't speak to it. I don't know. Maybe. Yeah. I'm just saying like it's crazy. She, she, she misreported her, her pregnancy amount by one month at one point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:56 That's, that's one thing. Fair enough. But that's also exacerbated by fact two, which is that there really aren't any pictures of her from the time when she's consistently looking pregnant in the pictures. Like here's a picture of her on the VMAs red carpet in a orange dress. Okay. This is her like looking pretty pregnant on this like orange dress pick right here. She's like holding her belly, looking pregnant.
Starting point is 00:42:20 There's definitely like body to the baby bump. I know that women's bellies when they're pregnant aren't like hard and solid and that they do shift around a bit. Right. This video right here and make sure, you know, you're not going to like deaf yourself or something. Here's, here's a link to the video for the song party. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Pardon me, Danny. Which according to black bag was shot the same month as the VMAs where she does not look very pregnant at all. And then in the HBO documentary that came out two years later, everybody remembers this like big Beyonce doc that came out on HBO that was like really revealing. It actually released some of the very few pregnancy photos ever allowed out. They look like art photos. They look like staged.
Starting point is 00:43:09 They don't look like candid family photos. And she actually is quoted in the documentary about this rumor. She actually addresses this rumor in the documentary. She says, it's actually the most ridiculous rumor I think I've ever had about me. But there are actually a lot of people that believe this rumor and it's crazy. I guess there are some crazy celebrities in the world. So we get a bad rep, but to think that I would be that vein and I respect mothers and women so much and to be able to experience bringing a child into this world.
Starting point is 00:43:39 If you're lucky and fortunate enough to get the opportunity, people should have boundaries. There's certain things that you shouldn't play around with and a child, you don't play around with that. That's the only thing she says about it, which is a strong philosophy. I agree. But also to play devil's advocate does not speak to the fact that she could have taken this whole situation very seriously, been a good mother and still gone with a surrogate birth like many people have done in the past.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Right? Fair enough. Again, fair enough. It's a weird way to bring it up. It's weird that she didn't directly address the claims or deny them. If this is her like showing the, she like showed the pictures almost like as she's talking about this, almost like she's trying to prove that she was really pregnant. But the pictures don't really look very like, I don't know, they look very fakeable and it's
Starting point is 00:44:25 weird that she didn't really like definitively say anything in her denial, right? That's another piece of evidence. Speaking of which, item number three is that apparently there really isn't anyone out there who can confirm that they actually saw her give birth. According to the article that I read, they spent over a million dollars to redecorate and lock down one entire floor of a hospital called Lenox Hill in Manhattan, which is crazy. One million dollars for like a few days in the hospital. And then they, and here's a quote from the media about it, okay?
Starting point is 00:44:59 After 11 PM, even doctors and nurses were barred from entering the fourth floor, propping one doc to complain that he had patients to see. In an effort to keep images from linking to the public, hospital workers place tape over security cameras and are forcing employees to turn in cell phones when they arrive for their shifts, a source said. Several security guards were spotted patrolling the perimeter of the hospital Saturday night and a Lenox Hill staffer confirmed that a patient named Ingrid Jackson, which was apparently Beyonce's pseudonym, was in a labor room.
Starting point is 00:45:30 That's just, that's fucking weird. But that, I don't know. If they have security and stuff, why do they need to say it's a different person unless instead of a pseudonym, they meant that Ingrid Jackson was the surrogate. There's actually no evidence to support that, don't, I'm not trying to like create the Ingrid Jackson theory. It sounds like I have too much money and I can do whatever I want. Well, let's also point out like, I, while I don't, look, I don't know what I believe
Starting point is 00:46:01 with this because here's what I'll say, Beyonce and Jay-Z took a bunch of photos. I don't know if you guys remember this. It was all over the internet. They took a bunch of photos with their two twins, rumor and no, Rummy and sir, I think of their names. I'm not going to comment on those names. And so they had, they, they had these two, it was them like, I think naked in the jungle with the two babies.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yes. Yes. Yes. Everyone was like, oh, that's so, oh my God, they're so cute. They're perfect. And then it was real. They weren't even their babies. It was two random babies that their publicists were like, no, those are just two kids they
Starting point is 00:46:34 got and they took the photo with them. Like what? So that can happen. If that can happen and they can publish these photos of people being like, oh, that must be them and their new twins. It wasn't new. They're new twins. It was just two random babies.
Starting point is 00:46:48 No, again, that comes off as just eccentric celebrity millionaire nonsense, which I feel like it could be that it could be something like she wanted to experience being pregnant without actually being pregnant, which seems like a rich crazy person thing. I don't know. I have no clue. But I like how in that interview, she's like, I, you know, maybe celebrities are weird and crazy. Meanwhile, you're renting out the fourth floor of a hospital and blacking out the cameras.
Starting point is 00:47:14 It's true. That's what I'm saying. It's a little bit much. I get it that she's Beyonce and stuff, but still, but I promise physical evidence. Oh, did you get one of the babies? I have the placenta right now in the office. Are you recording with it for this? I point you to this image.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Oh, is this the Gokkar image where it's her bending over and it looks like yes. Yes. I feel so. This was her on an Australian talk show. It looks a lot like a fake belly prop is collapsing down. You can see it. It looks, it looks weird. Some people will tell you it's folding fabric in a maternity dress.
Starting point is 00:47:57 That's what it seems like to me, but I'm not saying it's proof. I'm just saying it's convincing physical evidence that somewhat convinces me that perhaps maybe there's a way that Beyonce was not pregnant, especially in the frame of this in the center of the screen right now. If you look at it, it really doesn't look like the shape of her belly is attached to her body. That's really the thing that convinces me the most. It's very weird, but it's very like anything because it's who knows.
Starting point is 00:48:29 So final thoughts on the Beyonce pregnancy one. This one was the weakest of the three and I purposely put it in the middle. I would say it is believable. I'm not, I wouldn't say I'm convinced, but Hollywood eccentricities and that kind of money, that that shit could easily happen. I could easily see it happening. Yes. So now in my campaign to convince Jesse, I've appealed to his love of history.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I've appealed to his love of celebrity drama. Yeah, I love it. But now I'm done fucking around. Okay. Last but not least, last but not least, I'm going to draw on the power of you, our Lord and savior, Mathis, to take yet another pass at aliens with Jesse. I'm going to go for aliens now or move into, but I have a strategy. I have a strategy.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I think nothing turns Jesse off quicker than when we start talking about tall whites and the majestic 12 and all these well known internet based star children in the gray items. Yes. So I'm purely, so this whole next part is going to, this next part, this is our grand finale. This is like when a firework show fires all its fireworks at once, everything that I'm going to say right now is coming from a real vetted article from Intelligencer that was written last year.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Shout out to David Wallace Wells, James D. Welsh, Neil Patel, Clint Rainey, Katie Heaney, Eric Benson and Tim Urban, who all have a byline on this article because it's like one of those things where there's like a bunch of different sections that are from other articles that they all wrote. Okay. So when everything, the article has in it, it's a collection of short little blurbs. Some of them are iffy. The part that I focus on is not though, because it all focuses around one guy.
Starting point is 00:50:12 And to me, it clearly lays out some of the cleanest and direct evidence. The most classic conspiracy of all time, possibly even the conspiracy that started this whole podcast in the first place, which is simply this aliens have made contact with humanity. I know it, Matt knows it, and the government does, and the government knows about it. Fuck yes, the government knows about it. But they don't want us to know about it. No, they don't. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:41 So let's get to it. I'm sure you've heard about the New York Times piece and the Pentagon came out that they had conducted a five year investigation. We've talked about this show before of unexplained aerial phenomenon, which is what they call it. Okay. I don't know if you saw these. Here's a video that came out from 2015 of the Navy.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I'm going to send it to you right now. Pay attention to this. This is maybe from, you just watched the last 15 seconds of this video or so. You will see. Okay. So this is official footage. Let's see. Official USG footage brought to you exclusively by the Stars Academy.
Starting point is 00:51:21 The Stars Academy is the Tom DeLonge led alien truth organization that's out there right now. This is some stuff that came out in the wake of that Pentagon thing. This is something from the 2015 Navy. You can hear the people in the crew talking. They are catching this thing. They actually get a auto box on it in the targeting computer that they're like tracking this thing with her at whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:41 And it's like a pretty, it's a pretty crazy thing. But if you haven't seen this before, I put it here because it's going to come back later. Okay. You guys can see this. Yeah. You guys can see this in the show notes. This is a pretty good little UFO video. And it's pulled directly from like Navy records.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Those are things you may have heard of. But have you heard of Louise Elizondo? Have you heard of this person? No. No. Louise Elizondo was the actual head of that Pentagon program, which closed in 2012. He says he left it in October of 2017. The thing about this Pentagon thing is that it's always been funded by black money.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Black ops money. And so there's not a lot on record about it. So he says it's continued to 2017. Officially it ended in 2012. The program is called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. I tried to come up with a sort of snappy way of pronouncing it, but the only thing I can think of is A-Tip. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:52:47 So I'm going to give you fast facts. These are all things. Okay. Because here's, this is it. We're at the grand finale. We're almost done with the episode right now. But before I get into this, I'm going to just slam these out one at a time. I want you to make an adjustment in your brain right now, okay?
Starting point is 00:53:04 Because I'm going to call these facts because they all come from actual recorded, substantiated events that are on record, declassified documents from the government that exist. So do not take these with a grain of salt. These are real things that are from actual verifiable sources, okay? Here we go. The program identified not one, not two, not three, not four, five different things out there in the sky. Five different things that have a characteristic that they are calling, quote, advanced physics.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Which according to them literally means, quote, quote from them, stuff humans can't do yet. Okay? That's fact one. Let that sink in. Okay? It's in. It's embedded.
Starting point is 00:53:59 I'm ready. These objects accelerated with g-force beyond what a human could survive at actual hypersonic speeds without making sonic booms, without leaving any heat trail, even though they are seemingly in now, they're like, they're not, they're not aerodynamic in any way that would generate lift or thrust. The gravity of Earth has no effect on them. This is in official government reports. These are things that they found that do this.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And may I interject, there's one of the theories of the propulsion systems that the aliens use and the reason that they don't obey the physics of Earth and gravity and leave heat is because whatever it is they're using is magnetic based. The only thing that they do is magnet based, the way they're able to move is all via magnets and that's why it's fucking impossible for us to be like, what are they doing? Yes, but we can't go into crazy town. We have to stick to the facts. We have to stick to the facts because we want, I want to convince Jesse, all right?
Starting point is 00:54:55 All we know, we don't know anything about, all we know is that this is what five things that they have do. Okay? I'm just, I'm gonna, I might sprinkle some crazy on top just to, you know, if you want to go dig those holes, you go for it. Please continue sprinkling. Please continue. Lewis Elizondo, a man who literally had a job investigating these craft at the Pentagon,
Starting point is 00:55:17 which is the shape of secrets, if we really think about it, the Pentagon, is on record saying, quote, no one has been able to figure out what these things are. So they know that they're happening. They've recorded this behavior. They don't know what it is. And you'd think the Pentagon would know if the government was testing stuff that they're trying to keep secret because they're the fucking Pentagon, right? He also mentioned something called quote meta materials, which as you can probably guess
Starting point is 00:55:48 from the name are like actual recovered relics of actual unidentified aerial phenomenon, which are currently somewhere out near Las Vegas in facilities owned by a private unnamed aerospace contractor and which are composed of material that you can't naturally find on earth and which would be prohibitively and impossibly expensive for anyone to synthesize on earth. This is another fact. And as a matter of sprinkles and crazy, yes, and a book crash at Corona where they talk about area 51 and the material that some of the people ended up finding and hoarding and
Starting point is 00:56:26 the government came to collect from them civilians is a material that no one understood that the government themselves said they don't understand how it works. It was a metal that acted like a liquid but had the thinness of paper. It was insane. And it was not a weather balloon. Do not believe that nonsense. It was not a weather balloon at all. Continue.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Yes. Okay. And as a matter of fact, again, this is a fact that I'm saying a fact, a real fact. The New York Times reported in 2009 that during a Pentagon briefing, quote, the United States was incapable of defending itself against some of the technologies discovered. Okay. So they have these things. They found these things.
Starting point is 00:57:10 They're storing them in Las Vegas and some of the stuff that they have, they do not know how to defend us against. Okay. That's very a, but if aliens have been visiting us, that has been the case since day one. And now I have one final fact for you guys, one final true fact. One of the encounters investigated, and remember, go back to the video that we just watched. Yep. One of the encounters investigated was from 2004, it was 11 years before that video.
Starting point is 00:57:38 An encounter when the Navy cruiser Princeton ordered two fighter jets to go investigate a craft finally that they had been tracking for weeks, aka it was actually real and not like on a radar or somewhere. They had been tracking this thing for weeks. They didn't know what it was. Finally, after weeks of tracking it, they sent two jets to investigate it. And suddenly one of the pilots sees a 40 foot long tic-tac shaped object rise up from below the surface of the ocean, copying the movements of his airplane and skipping along the surface
Starting point is 00:58:11 of the water to only to run away when he dove towards it with this plane. It's a lot like they keep popping up and be like, Hey, we're here. No one's going to believe you. And then disappear. Yeah. They're like Bill Murray. That's crazy. But that, I know, I don't want to go deeper than that because I don't want to get caught
Starting point is 00:58:33 off in lore or anything like this. But this is all stuff from declassified documents, interviews with the head of this program, an actual testimony from government officials in front of like Congress and stuff like that. I think the most common government run in with UFOs that may or may not be alien to nature is usually in the water. Yes. They're almost always coming out of the water and going underwater, which would make sense because we are the ocean is like another alien world.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Not that they live there and like, you know, have a society there, but if they're going to hide anywhere and stay on earth, staying under the ocean is one of the best places because we can't. We have a hard enough time getting down there with like a little vessel. Yes. So I'm in that. I'm in. Is this easy to refute?
Starting point is 00:59:15 No, not at all, especially if it's official government papers talking about the crazy that I sprinkled on top, Jesse, just with the facts that I didn't get this from some weird website that plays a midi file when you open it, I didn't give of an alien. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't get it from a live journal. This is all from real documents. I think this, along with some of the other footage that I've seen is very intriguing and very interesting, but I am of the belief that if aliens are on earth, I don't think
Starting point is 00:59:57 we've extended to the idea of like, they're saying hi to people and they're having like getting out of there. Like, I don't think that's like, if I think there are weird things that we can't explain and I don't know that I would ever take the next step and be like, of course, they're aliens. Point. But what if that's the point? What if the aliens are trying to get us to do?
Starting point is 01:00:20 What if they're trying to get us to think like, stop trying to think with the science that we know and think more of a mix of metaphysical and physical. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Don't use science. No, that's what they're trying to do. Don't use the science you know. No, but like. Think not science and you'll figure it out.
Starting point is 01:00:35 No, but what if aliens exist in a plane that we cannot really comprehend and attain yet and they're just their appearance is trying to like push us to start opening our minds a little bit. It's not true. That was one of ours. Yeah. That was written by. I think there's many things.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I think there are many phenomenon. I think there's possibilities of all sorts of other governmental ships that are not US government. I think there's other people around the world who do all sorts of things. I also think that there's the possibility, sure that there's stuff out there that could I like I'd be a dummy if I said there's no one else in the universe, right? So it's possible. It's I will say it's a plausible scenario that there could be something out there.
Starting point is 01:01:17 But I don't think that I'd ever extend it to what your original thing was is that aliens of like visited us. I don't know. I would say like the best case is aliens research us because they're like these guys are weird. But I don't think they're like showing up at nuclear stuff. Stuff about them showing up at like atrocities. Of course. But I don't want to I don't want to say that's fact because it's not fact like this stuff
Starting point is 01:01:42 which all comes from official documents. But there was the key. The big question for me today is was this episode and the things that I laid out more convincing than episodes past? Were you more convinced by the evidence in today's episodes? Then then then you have been before. Well, I except for Beyonce, that was the most convincing one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:09 That was a gimmie. I think that the reason why these stories are more interesting to me is because the vagueness of what's actually being proposed because it's something that we'll never know. Like these are things that that it isn't like I saw it like the alien came down to me and talked to me like that's that can be a crazy person. This stuff is just at best is a lot of like circumstances and and like just things that happened that somehow became a thing. That's like the best case scenario and worst cases is all conspiracy and everyone I'll
Starting point is 01:02:51 take it. I'll fucking take it. I'll take it. I said I'm going to log it as a W in my book. Yeah, this could all be coincidence or yeah, it could be something or they switched the fucking Titanic in the Olympic and the wrong ships lying at the bottom of the ocean. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And so that's where aliens are. That's where they're in the Titanic. They're down there. James Cameron met him. That's what this is about. I definitely I think that the thing is that all of it has just enough non specificity that you you can't say well of course that didn't happen because the government's like yes this this happened although too much evidence out if you're all those people who's like the
Starting point is 01:03:32 government doesn't tell about aliens then how can you trust the government with this? What if it's a what if it's a covert op I didn't say that I didn't say that I'm a crazy person suddenly go insane math this crazy person listen the aliens have treaties with governments around the world it's secret government run we have secret governmental base all over the US connected by miles of tunnels I'm not making this assertion I'm just I'm asserting exactly what I asserted and that's it everything else is a big question mark. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I'm taking it. This was a fun one. No this was super fun. And the big takeaway I think above all is that James Cameron really needs to release the abyss on Blu-ray because that's fucking crazy. I got really excited about doing that while I was doing research on this and you can't get that fucking movie anywhere what the fuck is up really where's the abyss at what the remember that movie come on hashtag back to the abyss our kids are gonna forget that
Starting point is 01:04:26 shit you're not gonna be able to remake it it's all right it's fine it's okay don't say that it's fine it's the abyss Michael Bay that's all right it's okay Michael Bay goes crazy it's fine Michael Bay goes crazy everybody that's true all right I got another one I got another one in the fucking tank for neck for next time to that we can do soon all right oh really are you done with it I'm I'm I will be ready by the time we're ready to record all right I like this like to Alex episodes back to back it's really nice gives me a little bit of breathing room I know keep promising the guy who bangs alien it's coming good to go that's coming get it he he certainly don't understand guys by the hood
Starting point is 01:05:07 he's guys by the hoodie from the chilluminati website I think even gonna I don't quote me officially on this but I think he said that they're looking at we might have a bundle as well with stickers and everything too with the hoodie so if you see it if you see the bundle by the bundle guys yeah dude the hats are dope the hoodies dope thank you guys so much and thank you Alex for taking us on a wild ride I thoroughly enjoyed the the titanic one and obviously the alien ones yeah and Beyonce is a good singer yes she is yes part of the Illuminati girl give me an application I'll take one go to their website see what they're up to yeah you can buy a book from them as well is it Dianetics no god no all
Starting point is 01:05:47 right we'll see you guys later we'll see you guys later as always you can find us a chilluminati pot on Twitter and Reddit and all of us on Twitter is Matt this game's for myself Fasiana a for for Alex and Jesse Cox for Jesse obviously we love you guys so much and we'll see you next time bye bye when it comes to internet streaming and mobile choice overload is real luckily smart move makes it easy to cut through the noise whether you want an upgrade or a moving to a new home smart move will keep your digital life in sync by helping you compare plans based on your location needs and budget at no cost smart move makes it easy to discover broadband internet and mobile service providers in your area start
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