Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 26 - Andrew W.K. Part 1

Episode Date: May 4, 2019

WE HAVE A LIMITED TIME HOODIE - Soundcloud - @chilluminatipodcast Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Art Commissioned by -... Theme - Matt Proft Video -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Any Hour Services has a team of technicians that can take care of any plumbing, electrical, or air conditioning needs you might have around your house. Got a drain that's clogged? Call Any Hour Services. Need a ceiling fan installed? Call Any Hour Services. Air conditioner not working? Call Any Hour Services.
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Starting point is 00:00:54 I'm excited. First of all, before we get into the episode proper, and obviously we're going to say hello to everybody, but did everybody get the link to that government, like it was a chili? I got tweeted about it, emailed about it, it was insane, but apparently chili found what they believe to be Yeti footprints? Indian, Indian Army, that's what it is right here. NBC News, so it's not coming from like the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Let me link you guys, and this is all going on the podcast people are listening right now. Zoom chat, so you guys can grab it, there it is. It says the title of the article is, Indian Army says it found Yeti footprints in the Himalayas. Mount Makalu is the world's fifth highest mountain and is located about 12 miles south of Mount Everest. There's just no way.
Starting point is 00:01:42 That's what I'm thinking, so I'm looking at the picture, obviously, that they have up here. The article just says that they're measuring 32 inches by 15 inches, the footprints were found near Mount Makalu Base Camp on April 9th, so only a few weeks ago. Military officials posted on Twitter about it on late that Monday, and a spokesman for the country's defense ministry told NBC News on Tuesday that photographs taken by the Army's mountaineering expedition team had been passed on to the scientific community for verification. The announcement, which referred to the Yeti as a, quote, mythical beast, was met with
Starting point is 00:02:15 mixed reaction online, you don't say. The best quote is at the end, where, yeah, let me just skip right out, because this is kind of a longer article, you can't kill a legend with anything as mundane as facts is the end quote. Yeah, this seems believable, if you look at the picture of the footprints, it just looks like somebody walked like really weirdly, because it's just one footprint directly in front of another, it's like a single file track of prints, it doesn't look like they're walking like a bipedal creature, it just looks like somebody was walking like, just like
Starting point is 00:02:50 a model, yeah, like a model would on a runway, yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's very strange, what do you think, Jesse, you convinced? I've been studying this photo, oh my life, I've been studying this one photo, I can't like it is a bizarre photo in that you're right, that the footprints are that of someone purposefully walking one foot in front of the other, yeah, or like a dude in like one snowshoe hopping, he's just hopping, but he's got, man, he's got real good coordination of his single foot hopping that straight, yeah, also have no size context, that means he would do great in Chinese hell, the, yeah, that's true, he would body that part, yeah, in, in
Starting point is 00:03:34 the photo, we don't know how big the photo is, there's nothing to size, no, all it says is that measuring 32 inches by 15 inches, that's it, yeah, like the photo offers us nothing though, there's nothing to compare it to, no, nothing, they're twigs and what appears to be small trees, but how big are those trees, what are, like there's nothing to compare it to, maybe they're mini trees, maybe they're, maybe they make it even look smaller than it is, maybe it's even bigger than we think, it's possible, it's like I just don't know, it's, it's just a bad photo and just a terrible article, Jesse, you can't kill a legend, yeah, you're right, that was something so mundane, not with something
Starting point is 00:04:10 as mundane as a picture, as facts, yeah, how mundane of you, well, that'll, that's our opening, hey everybody, welcome to the Julema Nightie podcast, this is going to be another Alex episode, so as always, my pants are strapped, the crazy pants are firmly strapped, why are we allowed to do this, because you like it, first of all, there's a portion of our, you like it, there's a portion of our audience who clambers Alex insanity, so we might as well give them what they want, they are, and I do good, I do it right, you do it right, I'm not saying you don't, the, the, the, the subject matter may not be as legitimate as aliens, obviously, not all the time, but I do, I do put in the work, let me, you know what,
Starting point is 00:04:54 I forgot that I put a cup of coffee on, let me just go grab it, while you're going to get a cup of coffee, we can chill our hoodie that is only available for two more weeks, do it, from today, from the launching of this episode, you got two more weeks, go get a hoodie at the, the, the Yeti, it's a limited time run, it's dope as hell looking, it's super cool, so go get it, we'll be, I'll be rocking that at the England thing, nice, hell yeah, it'll be a lot of fun, here he comes, he's got the coffee, he's sitting down, carefully placing his cup of joe on the desk, oh boy, and he's returned to us, everything about this is upsetting, which part, the coffee part, just the Alex part, the part that I fell asleep right before this,
Starting point is 00:05:35 is that what you guys were talking about, I was so hyped to get started, I'm ready guys, I'm ready to record, and then the next thing we hear, he's like, oh, I fell asleep, you, you left me the perfect amount of time to fall asleep, which gave me like, under an hour, under an hour, yeah, I mean, I was just, I was like, it was too little amount of time to like, start something, so I just sort of like, sat there and just like, slowly faded away, you know? Just like you are on camera right now. Yeah, I don't know what's going on, I don't know why dark, blurry, bright, I'm just sitting in the worst possible spot, I'm running a Mickey Mouse operation here guys, people are always like, why don't you do cameras, and it's like, well one,
Starting point is 00:06:14 we're a podcast, but two, I live under an easy up underneath the freeway, it's not easy. Well Alex, we shelled our, we shelled our hoodie, our hoodie, take us into crazy town, sell us on whatever it is you've got us. All right, so this week, while I'm still committed to the idea of convincing physical evidence, which did really well last time, this doesn't bode well to start, if you're already ditching the idea of physical evidence, no, no, no, I'm still committed to it, okay, but I wanted, I wanted to bring you something totally different than what I brought last time, but I only slightly succeeded because if I really think about it, this is now my third count it third mystery having to do with music, so that's not something that I planned.
Starting point is 00:06:59 We found your niche man, we found your niche. I don't, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't seek it out, okay, but I don't care, it's fine because after reading this article on StereoGum that came out like last year, just like this dude, Michael Nelson, who wrote the article, I fell down an insane rabbit hole of like musicians with weird mysteries around them, and the most common mystery with musicians always is that somewhere along the line in their careers, you guys have probably heard a couple like this, where somewhere along in their career, they die or they have to go away for some reason and then they're replaced with like a clone or a lookalike or that type of thing. Like, I'm sorry, we've heard of this before? Yeah, okay,
Starting point is 00:07:42 like, okay, for example, huge, huge, huge famous one, huge famous one, Paul McCartney. Yeah, Paul McCartney died in the 60s. Rumored to have had a fight, yeah, he was gonna have a, he had a fight with the Beatles, he drove off on a car in like 1967, he got decapitated, replaced by a look like, turn me on, turn me on, was it, turn me on, dead man, turn me on, dead man. Yeah, a lot of the song was supposedly hints and clues that it's not the real Paul McCartney. Yeah, they say his name's Billy Shears, they say like he had no shoes on in the Abbey Road picture to like demonstrate that he's like a different, like a, yeah, like an angel or something. I don't know, it's not a great theory, but it's famous, it's been around forever. And then the other one that's
Starting point is 00:08:26 like the modern day version of that is the Avril Lavigne one, where apparently Avril Lavigne died in 2003, and then her friend, Melissa Vandella, replaced her. For some reason, everybody loves the full name Melissa Vandella in that story. Just keep, just write it out full every time. But even then, even though in both of those stories, like everything is really circumstantial, like, especially in the Avril Lavigne one, it's just like, they look so fucking similar, like that's the whole theory. And then the worst one is the one where Katy Perry is supposedly the hot like adult version of murdered child model, but John Benet Ramsey. Wait, what? I haven't heard that one. Stop. That was, that video went viral. It's not a good one. The guy who made it is like
Starting point is 00:09:09 not. No way. Yeah. He's not committed. He's not committed to good journalism. Let's say that. Not like Alex. He was saying like her parents faked her death so that she could become a star, which like doesn't even really make sense to me. I don't know why you need to die before you can become famous. Dude, I listened to, there was like a huge like John Benet Ramsey thing I watched last year, I think. And even after like they're like huge multi-parter at the end, they were, they were just, they still couldn't give like a full like, we don't, we don't, nobody knows. Nobody knows. Yeah. All we know for sure is that she did die. Yeah. And that is, but that's the thing, right? That's how mysteries always end up is that nobody really knows. And just like,
Starting point is 00:09:51 just like today, where again, we're going to end up in a place where nobody really knows. But I'm going to, I'm going to take you down a, I'm going to take you down a path. I'm looking at both of you guys because I think you guys both are going to be pleasantly surprised by how convincing this is. Okay. Okay. So I found this article on StereoGum. I discovered that even though it's by no means a very popular theory compared to these other theories, right? There does seem to be some question in the music world as to whether the person that we currently know as cult pop punk philosopher, Andrew W. K. has always been the person that we know as cult pop punk philosopher, Andrew W. K. And trust me, it only gets weirder. Have you guys, have you guys heard of this? I know Jesse,
Starting point is 00:10:40 you saw Andrew W. K. pretty recently, right? Yes, I have not heard of this. Yeah. Like, you guys know who he is, right? Basically, I actually don't. You don't know who the Andrew W. K. is. I'll let me know what you do. I'm not like the party guy. You know, the one song that everyone knows Andrew W. K. He always just talks about partying all the time, like on Twitter and stuff. He's like, it doesn't matter. He's just like, it's like a picture of him right here. Yeah, he has the album with where his, he's got blood on his face. He's like, when it's time to party, we won't party hard. Yeah. No, no, no idea. God, what? No, don't worry. Don't worry. 2001 song. Yeah, it's 20 years old. I was listening to freaking Lincoln Park in 2001.
Starting point is 00:11:25 But you saw, you saw him recently, right? At the, what's it called rage? What's the game? Yeah, the rage to showcase at Bethesda. They had Andrew W. K. come out and sing a thing. And they did it to a bunch of like media professionals. They were like, we don't know what to do right now, but I had a great time. So yeah, he's, he's tight. He's a cool, he's a cool performer, but it doesn't matter. That's not the point. Are you saying that he's dead? I'm not sure where you're going with this. No. Okay. I'm just going to look admittedly, a lot of this work was already done by that dude over at stereo gum, right? And I'll give you guys a link to that in the show notes. There's also some extra info that I got
Starting point is 00:12:02 from a site that is unfortunately called truth about Andrew W. K. That's, you know, well, he just helps hide, hide the facts, man. You'll see, you'll see why it's like kind of an acceptable source as we get into this, but, but also there's going to be some other places that I got info from, but from, but I'll give you links as we go through. It'll be fine. You'll guys, you guys will be okay. I'll, I'll give you guys a link if you need them. But where do we begin with this? Where do we begin with the crazy story of Andrew? I don't know where we're, I don't know where we've been. Yeah, I'm ready, man.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I don't know. Okay. Let's start with, you know what? It begins and it actually, it starts and begins with his name, Andrew W. K., which according to most people is short for Andrew Wilkes Crier. Okay. Just a normal name. He just shortened it to Andrew W. K. because it's like cool or punk or something, right? You can sell it more, but even before this like weird like identity mystery we're about to get into, he was always trying to like mix up what the WK stood for. And like in early bios, he like floated out the info that he was named after this Michigan serial killer called Andrew Stevenson, who was the white killer. And that was like WK. And then he said that it stood for wild kid or want kicks or women come,
Starting point is 00:13:29 but with a K for, it's not good, but it's all on his real website. It's real stuff. And I just wanted to like show you that even at early in his career, he was trying to like obscure his identity a little bit. Okay. But other than a little bit of weirdness that he did when he was younger, he started using that name when he moved to New York. He kind of looks like Roman Reigns. He really does kind of look like a like kind of like metal version of Roman Reigns a little bit. Yeah. Less Scorpion King, more like 70s garage rock. But he started putting out music under that name in New York. He made friends with people in the scene. He was buddies with Dave Grohl. And eventually that led him to his first UK show, which was maybe like his fourth show ever,
Starting point is 00:14:13 which was at a place called the garage in London. It was a pretty normal show, but there was a review of it in the Guardian. And I'm going to, I'm going to give you a quote from it really quick. Okay. One music biz conspiracy theory currently circulating suggests that Andrew W K is an elaborate hoax devised by former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl, which like, if you take it out of context and you're like giving this guy the benefit of the doubt, like it kind of just sounds like maybe he's being like a really like pessimistic hipster of music and just kind of like being like he's like a ripoff of Dave Grohl or something. Right? Is he saying that Dave sounds like he's saying he's so bad that this is like a joke Dave Grohl's putting on people.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Right. But then, yeah, exactly. But then the dude who made the wrote article found this other quote in the BBC, the BBC, the real BBC published this quote, which is the rumor is that Andrew W K is a none too elaborate joke foisted upon the world by ex Nirvana drummer and foo fighter Dave Grohl gossip hounds reckon Grohl penned the W K anthems for a laugh and got Andrew the long haired sex god to front them. So everything Grohl is just trolling the world with him. This was this was the first thing yet. Yeah, like it was like a like a like a some sort of like fake music thing. Some other bands have done this like I like Green Day did an album as the network one time. Obviously the Jonas Brothers by Disney. Yeah, exactly. I mean like it's it's all it's all
Starting point is 00:15:39 a thing the monkeys but this is like this is almost like this is almost like a like a like they're trying to make it seem like it's not that like it's like a social experiment or something. Right. No, they're definitely being snarky Brits like keep in mind these are Brits and they're being snarky and their snark is we didn't like it. We didn't like it so much that it clearly must be something Dave Grohl is doing to the rest of the world because it's that bad at this point. At this point in this story perfectly acceptable understanding of events so far. I would say but right after this was when his album I Get Wet dropped which is the one that is the famous one where he's bleeding from the nose on the cover that everybody's seen I think
Starting point is 00:16:19 like if you know who Andrew W.K. is this is the one image you probably think of when you think of it. It got really popular and the songs that came off of it that became like hits were called party hard it's time to party and party till you puke and and and this is where like immediately when this album came out and he got like super famous he immediately like adopted the like spirit animal of parties sort of like he became the Gronkowski of music in 2001. Yes, yeah, yeah literally like that's his gimmick like I like Jesse you know him right like he's like just his tweets are just like the only kind of good party is a party. It's like I don't know like it's just like but but he also does like weird things where it's like when you go out and party
Starting point is 00:17:04 you get really drunk remember bring a buddy so I can get you home safe. Yeah responsible partying we all rock stars to really push responsible party. Now keep in mind I only know of him and that I saw him once during a Bethesda event and I see him on Twitter and I was alive when his songs came out. That's it that's all you need to know you don't this isn't this this doesn't require deep knowledge of his catalog but if you do yeah but like that's the thing that's weird it's like the whole brand that he has is this like positive party brand thing that he does he like has this gimmick of being that guy but if you actually look at the lyrics of the songs uh like there's a song on that album called ready to die that's like a bop too it's like they're all just like
Starting point is 00:17:45 up tempo bops but like the lyrics are like this is your time to pay this is your judgment day we made a sacrifice and now we get to take your life it's weird like he was like he has this image of being this like positive thing and then all the lyrics are dark like there's a song called I love New York City uh and a lot of reviews are saying like oh it's like an anthem for New York City you know what I mean like I'm like yeah this is our city kind of song right but the actual lyrics are broken face burning beds dealing off some for living while dead or like we are a corporation we are a company we cut hard but we're cutting hard anyway we are your mother father we are your final friend it never started and it won't end like it doesn't sound like the dude is like
Starting point is 00:18:35 trying to put out this is the sound the greatest cell in New York City yeah but this was 2001 and it's been 18 years and his attitude I imagine in 2001 he was like if the world everything sucks and then the party image turned into hey be safe when you party as he aged up I don't think that because there's no twitter in 2001 so to say that we have evidence of him saying these things is a fallacy well get ready so the well the reason the reason this matters the reason this matters is because it reinforces the fact that he's sending these mixed messages like all the time on the surface he like does this thing about being this party guy being positive being a good guy but like he seems like maybe he's really sad also like by his lyrics and it's like a really weird
Starting point is 00:19:26 rabbit hole we're about to go down like I want to prepare you for something that's like pretty strange but like the guy I was reading this article on stereo gum and it's like this dude went crazy by reading this I like like by finding this out I think he went a little bit crazy but like that's like kind of the fun part of the article too like if you end up reading it that is that is he kind of acts kind of nutty but like I don't know it does make sense um like he uses like metal imagery and he like does all this stuff but he like makes it about being good I don't know it's just an interesting thing to note that we should note before we get into it but by the time his second album came out it's called The Wolf and he was like super popular he was on MTV he played
Starting point is 00:20:07 500 shows in two years he wrote a jingle for Kit Kat bars but then all of a sudden in near the end of 2004 something super weird happened that nobody knows what it is something big in his life which brings us to the main body of this episode which we're now going to call according to myself the genius we're going to call it the timeline and I want to I want to I want to call it the timeline Jesse because it is 100 supported by actual facts are you ready for this I don't I'm already don't I already don't believe anything I'm already out but I'm in you have you have no idea where we're about to go you have no idea the most the single most notorious event and this is going to be a two-part episode by the way this is this was too long for one episode so much part one
Starting point is 00:20:55 yeah the whole I don't what how does this deserve two parts okay I got talking to two part of it get ready okay no man it was a surprise surprise Jesse I don't how the hell get ready get ready probably the single most notorious event in this whole mystery happened in Elizabeth New Jersey on December 17th 2004 this is like the kickoff of this whole 2004 all right yeah I was this I was a freshman in high school the locker the locker I was four foot 11 the locker was on the top and I couldn't see the combo and I was being picked on so I'm just got to put myself back in that headspace all right you're there I'm crying I'm good let's go he was in Elizabeth New Jersey his set got cut short by a curfew because he was at the WSOU holiday bash which was
Starting point is 00:21:46 like a campus radio station type show but a rumor started circulating that the dude that everybody watched play that night was not the real Andrew W. K. and that instead it was some kind of bizarre lookalike to the to the point that like over the next few days it got so serious that hundreds of people started calling into the radio station asking about it and maybe this is why it got popular in the first place but immediately the program director of the station like super denied that this was possible because he was like I was there it looked like Andrew W. K. to me but it was just super weird it was like a weird vibe he was super overly like defensive about it and that could be what kicked this whole thing off but it's barely the the beginning of
Starting point is 00:22:28 this so that happened calls were flooding into this radio station eventually becomes such a thing that by two days later somebody called Christine Williams who is the webmaster of Andrew W. K.'s official site at the time which does not exist anymore it was called awkworld which is like my brain was like awkworld sweet yeah she actually addressed the rumor in an online Q&A so I'm gonna read you a little bit of that Q&A so I'm gonna read two questions the first one Q hey a lot of people don't seem to think that was that was Andrew W. K. at the New Jersey show I am one of them what is going on Christine answer to answer all of your questions there's been a lot of confusion regarding this New Jersey concert people have been especially curious about where Andrew went after
Starting point is 00:23:19 the show and whether or not it was in fact Andrew himself on the stage well please let me be the first to tell you that you can all take a deep breath and relax please calm down it was a spectacular concert everything went over very well and the night was a success we should all feel great about the show many of you did mention some strange unexplained moments during the evening mainly due to the stopping of the show early before the band could finish the intended set and how Andrew was moving this was due to a small problem with people in the backstage everything was taking care of smoothly and everybody made it out of one piece at the end of the show we moved at the same time as they worked with the equipment and
Starting point is 00:23:57 finished it up perfectly we just want people to know that it went over very well at this point all we can do is look at the information we've been collecting and continue with our research into the facts we will not respond to false accusations nor will we be threatened by those who choose deception over fairness I've never disappointed with a good Andrew W. K. show okay I don't know if you noticed but she did not say in that response that Andrew W. K. was not a fake at that show she just said a bunch of like weird shit and then at the end she said this weird thing but the other question that is in this Q&A that is significant is even weirder question goes yo Christine where the heck is Andrew we don't want to hear from you
Starting point is 00:24:42 we want to hear from mr. W. K. himself bring back Andrew W. K. she says I must admit I feel slightly uneasy trying to explain to you where Andrew is and let me also state for the record that I am in no way trying to fill in for Andrew I'm simply here to answer questions one at a time on a moment by moment basis tonight will be the last Andrew K. W. concert of 2004 we trust yeah we trust that the fans will come out in full force and raise the bar higher than ever this is our last chance to build a night of never-ending excitement sold out in New Jersey I wish I could be there as Andrew himself has stated he will always be there you just might not see him assumptions are once again at the mercy of possibility standards are suddenly stripped
Starting point is 00:25:23 and elevated precepts and formalities no longer conceal the limitless possibility that there's all that's always been there and no longer will anticipate it per she's your shatter expectations or limit the endless variations of outcome that can be experienced now things which have become familiar are now in non anomalous due to the current circumstances we still don't know who's causing this we do have very clear ideas how to continue our research you must know that Andrew is not moving away because he's already gone which means he's actually closer to you than ever before remember no sign is a good sign and that still remains the case the most important part of this will remain and flourish like never before it's possible that your theories of
Starting point is 00:26:02 comfort will be shattered in the ultimate liberation of understanding but just when we feel we have no grasp we'll realize we've been holding on to the most solid structure the entire time there is no reason for this to happen except that it is except that it is and enjoy yourself as always your pleasure remains the priority wait so okay first of all that's what the fuck it kind of answers that and this is a this is a q and a done where again this is like his fansite like and this is legit like that actually was a thing that happened like that q and a session actually is not not like a fucking made up thing no yeah that's real that really happened and those are real answers and uh despite yeah it's weird despite that weird
Starting point is 00:26:47 ass answer andrew did actually answer most of the time it wasn't normally her it was not mostly normally uh andrew answering the questions um now not because like while you're looking at like my my my logical brain immediately says dude is losing his mind like he's having a breakdown he's he's pretending he's somebody else if he's mostly answering the questions is himself and then he has his publicist answering the rest but then his answers are like that are his answers equally as weird like yeah so well yeah so he came back and he started answering questions as well and here's a screenshot because like i said the uh the website is gone but i will give you a screenshot here uh of his answers and i want to go into this a little bit uh which you guys can get this link
Starting point is 00:27:33 in the show notes as well a lot of this stuff is just weird nonsense if you guys want to like take a second and describe it it's a lot of numbers a lot of numbers in parentheses and then it just says andrew like andrew wk at the end uh november 23rd 2004 november 23rd all november 23rd uh why do you want to be 215 pounds dear all this is how the formation begins first we were together so this is actually uh this is actually a little bit before it just looks like he it just sounds like he lost his mind or he was on something it sounds like he partied too hard yeah it sounds like this was the origin of partying he probably went into rehab which is why when he came back later in his career he was like hey party responsibly like i can believe that that is the
Starting point is 00:28:15 process that happened here well there's a little bit of method to the madness a lot of it is just weird nonsense so when you read it like the stuff that he says in these answers but a lot of the numerical codes you can see are actually decipherable if you use a simple substitution code uh a to one b to two c to three if you know what i mean okay uh-huh and you can kind of do whatever you want with that because some of it is not crackable even when you use that code uh but there is one piece of information that is important that the article that i read points out uh which will be helpful for us to understand later in this possibly in part two of this episode uh as explained by another website which we'll have a link to which is which you can actually
Starting point is 00:28:57 still visit and is probably the craziest of the of the sites involved in this that i read awilks prior awilks cryer it's like his name and awilks i'll give you i'll give you the link if you want yeah yeah i'd love to take a look uh there's a colon at the end i love the dude who's in this screenshot you sent us the guy i'm assuming that's like andrew playing guitar but the guy dancing looks like he's being shocked by electricity the dude that is andrew wk is the dude right below him with the crazy face yeah yeah but the picture above it with the guy who just says awk on his shirt he looks like he's hurt like he's getting like shredded by the guitar yeah i don't know what that's about but yeah so the the thing that the thing that i'm gonna read from this this homestead
Starting point is 00:29:35 page is which really is like kind of like a rambly like this person might not be all there kind of website oh my god this website yeah this is like aliens yeah a simple message would read 1920 55 22 13 9 11 5 which translates into steve mike but uh important to this is that the word steve in this is spelled with the ease next to each other and the v at the end that's like a really key part okay okay steve the two number fives next to each other 55 which is the ease was seen again and again in many pieces of code and it might be worthwhile to note that the that the 55 is an indicator in andrew wk language of the the entity known as steve mike okay i'll tell you entity like it could be like a demon i'll tell you who steve mike is in a second but first just like burn it into your
Starting point is 00:30:29 brains that's for the audience as well burn it into your brain right now eev mic 55 equals steve mike got it all right all right so now let's get to who the fuck steve mike is so around the same time that all this other shit was going down another message popped up on andrew wk's site which was eventually changed and corrected by people um as as time went on like as people kept reposting it and reposting it uh it was like more and more changed for grammar and stuff like the fucking star wars trilogy or something but uh i found the earliest possible version of it uh which was copy pasted from an authentic to the time forum post it's from december 21st 2004 it's somebody who's posting to an andrew wk forum that's like i'm worried about andrew wk
Starting point is 00:31:20 okay and he like copy paste the message as it appeared on the site that day i'm going to read it to you right now and it was all caps for some reason so uh it's dear andrew wk to start let me say that i respect you and our fans very much you know how much i believe in you and all that you stand for because i stood for it first you know how much i love your music because i created it it says you but it's spelled zow you know that i love the way you look and act and sing and dance because it was born in my brain hopefully by now you've noticed that i've hacked into the websites maybe you haven't seen everything but our fans have in fact your fans are well on their way to knowing the truth i've been giving them bits and pieces hoping that you'd come to
Starting point is 00:32:04 your senses and stop trying to squeeze me out well you haven't responded to my initial requests and now you're forcing me to make threats when you oh when you are unprofessional when you get unprofessional so will i it's uh badly spelled uh now i have no choice but to let the facts speak for themselves i never wanted to come to this but i can no longer wait in the background to ignore your complete disrespect you've exploited the automatic disadvantage our agreement puts me in my choice to let you enjoy the spotlight while i create the magic leaves me all almost helpless i'm going to extreme measures again with the double e they like put the m at the end of the word extreme uh but you will not get me to expose myself until i expose you first i know that the quick
Starting point is 00:32:47 rise to fame has clouded your memory concerning our partnership i was willing to forgive you and your ignorant choices because you're a young star however your recent efforts to exclude me from the third album will not be tolerated i didn't work for the last year on these new songs just to have you break your promises and my heart our fans deserve to know the truth our fans are smart that's why i put the same letter you're holding now on one of the many websites i've created through our company by the time you read this our fans will have read it too don't worry i've made it hard for all but the most dedicated fans to read but know this more and more people will find out the real story unless you stop trying to sabotage our contract i've chosen not to go to the press with
Starting point is 00:33:24 this yet i still value our relationship and i want to continue with all that we initially planned but if you refuse to comply i will have no choice but to reveal myself and reveal you as a backstabbing fraud it's your choice yours truly steve mike ps unless you want even more people to find out the truth about the music our agreement and your new girlfriend stop with your plans and hold up your end of the deal okay this actually appeared on the home page of andrew wk's main website or a day or two maybe less nobody knows for sure exactly how long because you know 15 years is a long time in the internet uh and this website doesn't exist anymore uh but almost immediately it was deleted what was the website do you remember it was awkward uh there's another one that another one
Starting point is 00:34:14 that appeared was andrew wk sucks yep that's another website it doesn't exist anymore either here's a here's a here's a link to that forum post if you guys want to see where the guy reposted the uh reposted the uh thing just uh would it be awkward dot com out of curiosity yeah but it awkward dot com is it doesn't exist it's like yeah i just been using the wayback machine seeing if i can grab a picture of it yeah it's it's it's been hard i i i i did try to find as much of this as i could i went into the wayback machine a couple times to find some things but this was the oldest version of this that i could find um but it got replaced on the website exactly where that crazy letter in all caps was with another letter uh very soon after
Starting point is 00:34:57 that was not in all caps and i'm gonna get into that one right now dear everyone i had no idea what was waiting i got back to my room i noticed i had changed oh no already i didn't like the sound of that i immediately went and looked right away i noticed that there was something messed up i knew something was weird in the section then i sank into my stomach i knew it you always imagine you i am this the me i can't believe me anyway soon i started finding them by the way my manager showed me and i'm very impressed i spoke and the long process of forming cleared everything out jeez i just can't believe this actually happened i can't believe i'm here i can't believe it this whole steve mic thing i can't even begin right now we have solidified we are the company this was
Starting point is 00:35:43 its insides that's the only way to the systems however there is a small part that thinks it could be someone undisclosed in privacy i can't even imagine this but i have i'm just a witness you shouldn't see any of this i talk about blackmail please don't believe steve mic i used to call myself steve mic a long time ago and it's nothing now someone is trying to confuse you and make me look bad like a relationship gone bad someone is pretending to be me and this steve mic guy i don't understand why people are close i know you're reading this whoever you are will find you i've made the following decisions i've now completely removed myself the music is all that matters for all of us and that's what i am i had the best feelings about all of it because i know
Starting point is 00:36:23 that it's right we're stronger now more than ever and it's only because of one thing we're still going long gone sincerely andrew w k sounds like the man is taking too many drugs yeah i don't know who the fuck steve mic is i have no idea who the fuck he is and you know you're right at the time people were talking about maybe he's got some schizophrenia or he's having a psychotic break and it's pretty consistent with that type of thing uh but there's not enough evidence to say whether it was either of those things or not uh but thankfully yeah according to an authentic post on another forum from 2004 except this time three days later we now know that there were also some conspicuous updates
Starting point is 00:37:06 made to the official site's faq page at the same time uh it said after sorting through thousands of emails letters and phone calls we've put together a list of the most frequently asked questions related to the recent andrew w k steve mic and 12 1704 concert events the questions were things like is andrew w k dead no andrew w k in quotes all caps is alive and well who is steve mic steve mic is the executive producer and creative director for the andrew w k albums i get wet and the wolf steve mic's contributions to andrew w k ink and quote andrew w k personally approved incredibly effective and for this reason steve mic has always been well regarded within the organization are steve mic and andrew w k the same person no andrew w k quote quote and steve
Starting point is 00:37:54 mic are not the same person in the past andrew w k quote quote has stated that he used to call himself steve mic however does this this does not indicate that they are in fact the same individual question did steve mic hack into the andrew w k websites answer due to circumstances be under control we are unable to comment at this time question i have a plan to help save andrew how can i get to him answer andrew w k quote quote appreciates his fans and friends love and their outpour of devotion and concern please be advised that andrew w k quote quote is not in danger or in need of help in any way nor does he request the assistance of anyone outside of the immediate company we encourage you to continue your support for quote quote andrew w k by participating in
Starting point is 00:38:37 the music and all it has to offer question how can i talk to andrew how can i meet andrew answer andrew w k is well known for his easily accessible personality at this time quote quote andrew w k is unavailable man he does look like so i'm using the wayback machine while you're doing this and i'm going to awkward at different points in time yeah i'm currently sitting in awkward in um it looks uh 2005 right now july 12 2005 snapshot i mean right in the middle of this somewhere yeah i'm somewhere in the middle uh just looking at what's going on and he has a q and a section you can actually just click on and go to and it's read one of the questions and it's just like i again like he said it does come across for me at least it comes across
Starting point is 00:39:19 like this dude is in the middle of maybe the high of his life like he's he's you know famous and touring so he's just doing all the drugs in the world right one of the questions is like hey andrew i got another copy of your cd the wolf because my old one was all worn out from overuse i meant to tell you before the wolf is one of the greatest cds ever made um because it never gets old and there isn't one song that i don't like anyway it was just wondering what it is that keeps you so down to earth you really keep it real by the way when you come into montreal and his answer is dear dav i lay on the shoulders the weight uh i lay on your shoulders the weight of this obligation you must hold it up there's no way uh not to prove that you are the entire center of the universe
Starting point is 00:39:58 the orbit of another day is only a rotation of your eyes towards the center of your spine running through a system of sensation lies the answer to everything you'll ever want to know within this wonderful chain you can witness your birth as the birth of the universe and through your own devices you can will you into existence every dream and fantasy that you'll ever conceive the illusion of existence is a thought balanced delicately between the edge of your unconscious and the verge of realization there is no consequence beyond that which you can uh can dream and conceive and if you forget to think an endless black space night will cascade over every sleeping cityscape never to exist beyond the brainwave gravity keeps me down to earth and reality
Starting point is 00:40:36 keeps me real these two laws of nature have me figured out the forces have me pegged wear out the wolf over and over again roll it around until it's raw there's plenty more where that came from montreal is indefinitely is indefinitely on our schedule we love canada and you know it thank you for carrying the load that we can't carry alone yours truly andrew wk that answers interesting one because it comes off as banana shit crazy uh but two and he wraps it up he wraps it up pretty pretty clean he answers the question at least but he does tickle the idea of that's brought up a lot not only in obviously alien stuff but just in a lot of this more paranormal stuff is that reality is subjective to your perception and that things are only real when you look at it he's saying that
Starting point is 00:41:16 in the most unnecessarily convoluted way but he's really what he like if you just read what he said he's like you know the brain if you stop thinking the cityscape cease to exist that i kind of just being like well when if you stop perceiving it does it actually exist right and it's weird and it's unnecessary to answer the i love your cd are you coming to montreal question right uh but it's all of his answers are really bizarre like this and i've been going uh you can go all the way back to 2004 and in different points in time the website actually redirects to a different website that's more official uh which is i don't know if that's a way back machine thing or not but the website's been around since oh two yeah it's it's been it's been around for a minute uh but yeah as you can
Starting point is 00:41:59 imagine like just imagine like he's pretty popular at this time like he's yeah oh five he's gotta be he's doing pretty good but like everybody who's following him in his like close community is like kind of like feeling probably pretty weirded out at this point and like not a lot of info that's concrete or direct is coming out of him at this time but then randomly he posts an announcement for a new album and it's just like out of nowhere and ur wk is deep in the midst of recording the third full-length album the power never stops forming the new songs are building to an even a higher level of power and exaltation radiance resplendence and richness will course through every moment of every flourishing grandstand effulgence will surge with each thunderous collapse
Starting point is 00:42:43 the gorgeousness and grandeur of each sweat dripping blood pumping head slamming moment of lustrous magnificence will fill our hearts with more strength than ever before in other words this is the pure majesty taken to the highest level of celebratory royalty binary is banal but the power never stops forming was never released and andrew wk basically disappeared for the entirety of 2005 didn't do anything of note his wiki says he was trying to be a public speaker during this time but there's no record of him doing that until almost two years later in november of 2006 um and it was around this time in 2005 when he was kind of posting those things like you read mike on the freaking forum yeah on his website yeah it's around this website yeah this
Starting point is 00:43:26 was around the time that the first conspiracy andrew wk website started to launch and like the ones that we've been looking at and even weirder things like a website called which also doesn't exist anymore i'll give you a link for that one if you want to snoop it you can put in the show notes let me uh let me give you that right now there's that uh it was billed as the official site of an entity known as the louise harland corporation which was quote a division of andrew wk ink and was quote responsible for many areas of operation within andrew wk ink and andrew wk there were tons of sites like this only a few of them uh most of which have already linked are still around still up and running uh but they're uh
Starting point is 00:44:12 all pretty nutty and they loop everything into the lore like if you go deep into this rabbit hole and you like just forget about reality you it loops in everything from like the reptilians to andrew wk being tom cruise like for real that's like a large portion of people who follow this are like yes and tom cruise is now andrew wk uh in fact some of these things are so out of left field that it almost like discredits the whole theory you know it's like almost like at this point like it's just so crazy like why do we even care uh but but in july 2006 andrew wk released his third album finally now it's called close calls with brick walls but it only came out in japan and korea and uh the reason for that was explained by andrew wk himself uh like six years
Starting point is 00:45:00 later he said at the end of 2004 an old friend of mine got into some business trouble and basically decided to take it out on me to cut a long story short this person is someone i worked very closely with and had a formal and family business relationship with due to various complaints this person had with me they were able to turn my life and career upside down i wasn't allowed to use my own name within certain areas of the us entertainment industry and we were in a debate about who owned the rights to my image and who should get credit for inventing it which you know that type of thing isn't uncommon in the music world uh except that like the the specifics of it are pretty weird and it almost seems to validate all the crazy stuff that we saw earlier all the like even though he
Starting point is 00:45:44 was talking you know nonsense words a lot of it yeah like you know in this lucid interview he like very much lays out a lot of the details that that are in those letters from steve mike and nrwk that showed up on the website you know i'm looking at his video i want to see you go wild have you seen that video which one is that the cartoon i want to see you go wild is that the cartoon one yeah it's him in live action but everything else is a cartoon is that the one that has crazy steves uh like someone where he's standing in front of the literal illuminati symbol yeah that's i like literally literally this is all like this is the type of stuff like when you go into this rabbit hole this is the type of stuff you find and this is why there's so many weird
Starting point is 00:46:32 websites about this he's literally say like it's not even not even a subtle thing it's just he's literally standing in front of the it's it looks like our symbol a little bit because the eye is all bloodshot underneath yeah uh and he's just dancing in front of it literally literally that's where that's as far as this the conspiracy theory goes is that he's like a social experiment by the illuminati but like i mean that's a lot that's a theory on under a lot of celebrities right yeah there are a lot of like that's why i don't give it that much credit like as its own thing like i feel like that's not the like one to chase yeah for sure but like yeah like that's like where everybody's head is at about this where are you at jessie you feel like you've been diving around
Starting point is 00:47:08 as as we've been it's weird right it is weird i apparently there was a steve mic album purported to be from 1992 but the only thing that people can just can figure out is that it was discovered in 2006 so it could be a fake created in 2006 yeah uh but under the bulb records uh label their andrew wk and steve mic are listed that's where i got bulb records is where i got the uh serial killer uh the serial killer uh name story from is one from one of andrew wk's bios on bulb records but like yeah he didn't mention steve mic in this like response that he did like six years after the album came out you know that i just read he didn't mention steve mic but it just sounds a lot like he's talking about steve mic there right it sounds like it
Starting point is 00:48:04 simultaneously has every piece of evidence to make you believe that it's like dumb bullshit and every piece of evidence to make you believe it there is some sort of legal trouble that he went through there's also it it seems like a lot of the sources that we have are saying that at many times during his career he mentioned he's not the original one there was an original andrew wk and that the it was a character created by committee yeah and that they hire people to play andrew wk as long as they look similar enough yeah because he he played a live show on conan on tbs last year last april almost a almost a year exactly on april 24th 2018 yeah uh he played a music is worth living for it looks like him looks like him he looks yeah young and in the end
Starting point is 00:49:01 the reasoning that he gave in that interview about why the album never came out in america till much later is not verified and it's also possible that it's just because he was still way more popular in asia than he was in america at the time that the album came out sure i would believe that or you know there's a million there's a the fact like the subject matter of the album is a lot different like maybe they thought the label thought that it wouldn't do well here so they didn't want to give it a big release uh but uh the guardian chris campion from the guardian reviewed the album and uh here's a quote from that uh review just uh to give you some you'd be surprised what comes up in this review wk plays with notions of identity and persona constructing
Starting point is 00:49:43 an increasingly arcane mythology around himself that turns reality inside out certainly no other rock stars as odd as wk he posts lengthy digressions on the benefits of self monitoring on his myspace his album features photographs of him in starkly unnatural poses bathed in ultraviolet light at times he doesn't seem to be himself this has led fans to chew on conflicting rumors many of which seem to suggest wk might indeed be a put on and that all this confusion has been intentionally sewn by someone called steve mike his executive producer who may or might not be an alter ego of wk himself it's as if he's rapidly deconstructing himself into the rock star that wasn't there the only certainty being that this story has not yet run its course close calls is the first in an
Starting point is 00:50:28 already announced cycle of records to be released in the next two years as to what it happens next who knows and honestly i think the dude is right on the money with that you know man i don't know how far down the the the conspiracy hole i i want to fully believe but uh with what we have now obviously you said this is a two parker so we've got a lot to uncover or talk about still yeah um but i wouldn't put it past because i don't know i don't know how i'm not a hollywood guy i don't know how that that industry works beyond you know what i hear about out here would not surprise me if maybe this was a a corporate created person a a corporate created rock star uh who very like a james bond maybe you know it got so popular they
Starting point is 00:51:13 just wanted to keep a similar face young constantly there but because they never came forward and said hey andrew wk is more of a persona than it is anything else it's just you know corporate created persona they keep it to themselves leaving the masses to just go insane with conspiracies because they're not getting the actual truth and at this point it's gone so off the rails there's no point in coming forward this is also it could be simply that andrew wk like many rock stars and many pop stars and many whatever had his time period in the early 2000s and it passed he had one album that everyone listened to and after that no one really cared it was a month like again going back to the songs they're all like party hard ready to die party party party party time like they're all
Starting point is 00:51:58 like they're all you know they're not the most creative party party party in the world and so i wonder if he had his moment and then it passed and like many people who have that i got attention they kind of want to keep having attention and they develop stories and personas and mysteries we see that to a lesser extent in our industry yeah and it happens that it's like that one girl uh who was like save me yes oh my god i forgot about her and then you found out that she was just like doing it yeah and people were like she didn't help is she crazy and she's like no oh man i remember that that was like when we were in uh like london the first time and she was like yeah people were like she helped she kidnapped what she'd taken by people were like oh my god she
Starting point is 00:52:49 was taken by terrorists and then in the end her family was like no she just needs some help and then even that they were like no it was all just really a thing yeah and i wonder also if we look at our our current president uh when trump was just a new york dude he would call into newspapers and call into radio as other people literally as like to talk himself press people and it'd be like oh crap your voice it's a pretty cool guy huh yeah he'd be like oh trump can get all the ladies and people like does really well is shita uh i mean china do that there was actual video and recording of him doing that of literally just bs-ing his way and and it creates an image and obviously it works because here we are talking about andrew w k of stuff we know nothing right
Starting point is 00:53:42 so it and it could very well be that as well it could be this is all created to keep him in the ethos yeah and i think and i think that's exactly where i think all our heads should be at right now in this in the timeline uh because are you about to really take it to the next level is this is this is what you're supposed to go man part one part one lay the foundation how i told you it's a two part episode by the end if by the end you're like andrew w k is a time traveling alien is a time traveling alien with what if i was like i'm andrew w k i would be like when it's time to party we will party hard i'd be over your house but safely but safely what have you saw me in the zoom chat window and i like backed up and like a band was there and i just started
Starting point is 00:54:28 you just started jamming yeah that was the greatest episode in the history of episodes the whole podcast is a ruse to so the relaunch andrew w k into the conscious mind so fast forward to april 2007 okay uh you know i said he was transitioning into doing this public speaking thing uh he did uh the first thing he did was in november 2006 like i said at nyu but then he did a similar series in april and those months uh on the west coast he was at a venue called chop suey in seattle uh and this guy eric grandie who is a writer for the stranger which is the seattle newspaper uh unaware of the show in new jersey uh that happened three years three years earlier made a blog post uh about the about the uh show he said then there was andrew w k
Starting point is 00:55:13 what a fucking disaster after clearing the stage his dj plays some flange a delayed introductory message about andrew w k's party tour or something over a bizarrely euro trans backing track after a false start andrew w k emerged dressed all in white beer in hand and banged out some chords on a keyboard he got on the mic and greeted the crowd said some obligatory nonsense about partying then stuffed the mic in his pants to play some more keyboards this sounds fine now but there was something off about it at the time i'd been expecting overwhelmingly sincere enthusiasm from the man but instead got half-hearted almost smirking condescension w k barely performed an actual song and this every gesture expression and word felt like a joke we want fun's lyrics seem to be take
Starting point is 00:55:56 on an entirely sarcastic tone and maybe it's just phase two of some great andrew w k joke that i don't know the punchline to there's plenty to suggest a certain level of self-aware pranksterism behind the man the steve mike hoax marketing scheme that contrived positivism the affiliation with misanthropic noise bands and maybe i'm wrong because some of the crowd didn't seem too displeased although it seemed like a lot of people left or maybe i would have it would have seemed totally different with the live band backing him but the handful of people that i knew were there just for andrew w k left feeling pretty disappointed also completely unrelated andrew w k lost so much weight that he looks like a different person it's weird well he does shove the mic in his pants in the
Starting point is 00:56:37 conan show in 2018 plays the keyboard same behavior but that might be one of the things they teach you at andrew w k school when you become indoctrinated in your pants and jam out on the keyboard in the first minute and that would be a fine thing to read on its own it's not that yeah just seems like somebody who didn't really enjoy his performance except for the fact that in that same post of that review on the website which has been up for about 12 years now thanks to the or wayback machine there's a comment that the article notes probably less than 100 people have ever looked at before uh it exists uh in the comment section of this blog post and it's from someone who is called who is steve mike who is who is mike steve i know which the author of this
Starting point is 00:57:23 article said he bets on his life he bets this post was written by andrew w k himself the truth will make you sad mike steve is awk awk is steve mike and vice versa the whole steve mike created andrew concept the website hacking the actor angle the andrew w k ink conspiracy louise harland etc all were designed and orchestrated by andrew and his management company it's a bit of a social experiment and a way of keeping the fan base wondering about it all during his relative absence from the spotlight the wealth of information available evidence to the contrary etc 35 to 45 percent of it was pre-written and planted in the correct places the rest of it simply boils down to overzealous fans coming up with their own scenarios and passing them along to other fans after passing
Starting point is 00:58:07 those scenarios along they have a tendency to take on the life of their own which is exactly what it was hoped for by all involved originally the idea was to draw the andrew steve mike confusion out even further into different channels but it's been mostly abandoned to the hands of the fan base at this point who were keeping it alive on their own quite nicely it's my understanding that there were at least five or six other scenarios in the works for future developments at one point possibly more one of which would expand on the theory that andrew w k has a split personality identified as steve mike who did who stood for the polar opposite of everything andrew did darkness despair isolation etc and that the two of them would have a so-called battle for control over the
Starting point is 00:58:44 identity as absurd as it may sound it was an idea on the table a lot of people have had their hand involved in the creation of these storylines in regard to the various actors play a rock star named andrew angle there was and is a kernel of truth to that several lookalikes were brought aboard at various times to make appearances in order to lend credibility to the ongoing internet rumors that andrew wasn't real this was also a benefit to the real andrew who could as a result focus on his other responsibilities and obligations ergo be in many places at once andrew was a legitimate artist who was discovered in early 2000 and got a huge media push as island deaf sham really believed in him and was hoping to push him as the man who saved rock and roll the steve mike angle was
Starting point is 00:59:23 originally intended to be a part of that it was wildly successful in some regards but didn't quite achieve the exact results they were all hoping for which unfortunately i'm not exactly aware of hence the abandonment of the steve mike project the possibility does exist that steve mike may make future appearances slash threats of outing andrew or things of that nature uh depending on whether or not it appears feasible and the desired results may be met by the media and the general public that's all hope it helps for anybody still confused on the subject so they were like attempting Blair witch viral marketing well you have to remember that this is just a comment on a blog post true no way verified but that's another element of this
Starting point is 01:00:02 and again you can say it's just a theory or whatever but to end part one of this two part episode uh of this ever widening gyre if you will here's another quote from a very strange london version of one of these public speaking tours which by the way i if i didn't make it clear what they were he like went by himself played some songs on piano along with a backing track and then like talked to the audience for a really long time that's what they are huh weird yeah uh he did this really weird version of it in london uh which appears to completely corroborate that comment uh even though uh strangely i was unable to find a single video of it anywhere online anymore even though they did exist at one point i want to
Starting point is 01:00:44 confess something to all of you i'm not actually andrew w k i'm not i'm not the same guy that you may have seen from the i get wet album i'm not that same person and i don't just mean that in a philosophical or conceptual way it's not the same person at all do i look the same as that person what i mean is that since that time i have changed and for any of you that happened to be there during that time perhaps you have changed as well and i would like to think that we're not the same people at all and again not just conceptually but very literally we're not the same i'm a completely different entity not to discredit what i've done before or what andrew w k has done before whoever that person was and so i'm here in that spirit and i think that freedom is sort of hand
Starting point is 01:01:27 in hand with the idea of joy and songs like party hard that andrew w k has done songs like i get wet or party till you puke or totally stupid or whatever songs that have appealed to you that andrew w k has presented i'm here in the name of that joy but i'm not andrew w k as far as that goes andrew w k was created by a large group of people they met and i was there and we talked about how we could come up with something that would move people it was done in the spirit of commerce it was done in the spirit of entertainment which usually goes hand in hand with commerce i was auditioned alongside many other people to fill this role of a great frontman a great performer on the one hand it may be a little scary to admit this to you all but i may not be exactly who you
Starting point is 01:02:08 thought i was and that the guy who was in fact first hired as andrew w k is a different person than the guy sitting here on the stage tonight i'm the next person who is playing andrew w k but doesn't it seem a little too crazy uh it seems like but doesn't that seem like lonely girl 15 yes it seems it seems like it also could be an out of context statement like you know what people are like that wasn't really drugged out and they say stuff that it does it comes across like somebody read a philosophy 101 book on like where he's like my cells aren't the same cells that i was before man and i've grown so i'm not really me what's the ship comparison that the philosophy ship where like the ship it's like every piece you replace its planks get replored replaced over the course
Starting point is 01:02:57 of years and then 10 years later can you really say it's the same exact ship it's the exact same thing is when my friend steve when we were back in high school steve what really high steve what up with the moon steve mike not seem like he stared up on the moon and he said and i quote dude the moon has a purpose that's that kind of thing we're like he's not wrong but like he said it was such passion and like dude meant something to him yeah yeah and i think i think this is that i don't know but i don't know what this reads as i am a different human being rather than i am a druggy who like has a moment of of weird clarity in my drug use from like i'm not the person who made that other album i'm a different person i will never be that person
Starting point is 01:03:45 again that person was by committee i'm not by committee what i'm doing now is for me but he said it like a really messed up kind of way but i think it's not i think it's not clear i think it's like supposed to be like but it could also be open to interpretation yeah it it sounds like he's saying i literally am not the same person and that i was hired to play andrew wk but it could just be like a poem about how you're not the same as you used to be when you're young i'm very interested what part two how part two is going to take us off the rails yeah it goes still feels like we're on a track like it still feels like it's very corporate it's very uh crafted in a board room and maybe just got out of hand and like you like you said like uh the the the fans took
Starting point is 01:04:21 it into their own hands and just went nuts with it like that's all very believable because we've seen shit like that happen yeah do me a favor though you guys and also internet don't look into this till part two comes out deal you know don't i will don't spoil it for yourself let me just let me just take you on the let me just take you on a journey because man it it it it's crazy i i don't have an answer you know like it's not like a mystery solved like that would be amazing if i like was the first guy ever to solve this and that was what it meant to do an episode on this but like i i i have no idea what the truth is myself still but i there is a lot more that we can get into here and obviously i think the next episode will be a little shorter than
Starting point is 01:05:04 this one but it's uh it's gonna be another a whole like think about how many times your mind changed during this hour about what the truth was yeah it felt like i had a at the very beginning it was like endless possibilities but does feel like you narrowed it down yeah i i'm narrowing it down to one question but that's the best i can do but like i just don't know i i i don't know and i i think this is i think this is great regardless of what uh the truth is i think this is like such an interesting mystery and i'm so glad that it exists yeah this is i'm definitely in like this is cool even if like you said we're not gonna get an answer uh i mean you i will give you enough to to decide what you think i think i think i will give you enough information to
Starting point is 01:05:47 decide what you believe to be the truth but i can't like prove it well the fact that i could weigh back it and then look at his answers and they were still equally insane you know i mean they're still obviously in the early 2000s he was at the very least even if he was real was maybe partying too hard yeah i i agree he might have been partying till he puked um but also just before we leave uh just please remember this guy's real he exists don't bother him oh yeah uh listeners please don't like bother him about this don't i don't want him to like have negativity from the chilluminati you know this could be a thing about him being addicted to drugs or him having mental illness so please just you know i don't care what you do but just you know be respectful of that i
Starting point is 01:06:30 write angry letters also just be like an artist trying to do artsy stuff yeah it could be anything it could be that simple that everything he does is trying to take it to a new level and do a new thing did you just get impressed did you just like color yourself impressed by andrew wk do you feel like do you feel like he's deeper than you thought at the beginning of today like what your idea of him was before or do you think he's like a more complex artist now i don't think i ever had an opinion other than like what is time to party we will party hard yeah it's true yeah like that's and if you haven't heard his music you guys should because i bet you it doesn't sound like you like you'd think i need to go listen now oh yeah we'll be listening now very very angsty but very upbeat
Starting point is 01:07:14 yeah and he's also super good at piano which is a surprise is he plays live he plays the piano yeah is he basically the end remnants of like the 90s grunge he's like he's like the beginning he's like the beginning of like the like 2000s like punk strokes white stripes the hives okay cool he was like part of that wave like the vines i wouldn't even go that i wouldn't even say that it's like his own create it's weird yeah it's his own thing it's not quite that but it like kind of like rides that wave of like rock is bad high energy like very metal punk happy it sounds like anamata gucci or something actually like it sounds like super like caro caro yeah i'll definitely listen now for sure before next episode especially so yeah but uh what do we what do we gotta what do we
Starting point is 01:08:02 say to the people thank you as always we are uh still creeping up towards that 1005 star review on itunes so chill that go check that out and always uh our dope temporary limited time hoodies we have two weeks left go get i love how you're updating the uh number of likes that we're going for like reviews on itunes like uh yeah you gotta hit the benchmarks man yeah it's like a achievement on like world of warcraft or something yeah yeah exactly i've been playing a lot of grind i've been playing a lot of it's like it's exactly like that it's like well it's important on itunes because they have some like bizarre from what i've been able to understand to read but not get numbers from because apple doesn't release it is like they're likely going to push you after you reach a very
Starting point is 01:08:43 arbitrary milestone of reviews and then you'll start seeing yourself on like the the top page new releases and all that other nonsense well if we can get there you gotta play the you gotta play the apple itunes algorithm game we want to we want to go do live shows all around the country just as much as you want us to guys but we can't do that until we're famous and powerful okay and we have money so help us help us get famous and powerful and we will take over the country with you we'll have our body replacements when we get to all to do this anymore we'll get andrew wk to open for us that'll be awesome i would love to have him on wk to open and we get zack baggins to host i would love to have him on as a guest but i don't want to have him on and ask him about his own mystery i
Starting point is 01:09:23 would love to just have him on so steve i just want to ask him about like i just want to have him on and talk about aliens or something i would that would be great that'd be great i would love it other than that i don't know if there's anything else for us to chill get our hoodies andrew wk listen to his music and uh throw us good reviews on wherever you listen to us and we'll be back with part two what why are you laughing i don't know what you guys said for the last minute and a half i've been listening to nj wk party hard those first two records are like really just unimpeachable there's nothing bad about them at all except for the you know the lyrics they're like party we will party and party no listen no
Starting point is 01:10:11 listen closer they're sad they're sad they're sad lyrics yes this is my judgment just you you know what i'm gonna just let you guys do it i'm not gonna sing anymore i am i'm going to listen i i promise i bet you his voice doesn't sound how you imagined it more than anything because he sounds like a metal whatever you'll you'll get into it you'll get into it guys you guys want to tweet at us you can do so uh alex is at fosiana a jessey's at jessey cox and i am at mathis games and obviously chilluminati pod for the podcast in general we've had some really cool fan art recently so thank you for that yeah everybody's doing those like cool like poster type like the kind of stuff they do for like a serial killer show like i i love that
Starting point is 01:10:53 that's like the type of fan art that we're getting more more antlers and and like milky rays of light please i love it it's great uh other than that i think that's it we'll be back with a part two courtesy of alex and we'll learn more about the world of andrew wk thanks for listening everybody peace out goodbye do what you like and you like what we do what is such a party what's up everybody i'm mike wilson with any hour services and if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater any hour services is here to help and save you some money whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tank list would cost the plumbers at any hour services can show you what options
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