Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 282 - Cornerfest '25 Part 3
Episode Date: January 19, 2025Alex, Jesse and Mike continue CORNERFEST 2025 and slowly keep losing their minds! Video Link - MERCH - Acorns - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Show art by -
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That's slash comfort. Hello everybody and welcome back to the Chaluminati Podcast, episode 282.
As always, I'm one of your hosts, Mike Martin, joined by the Felix and Oscar of LA.
Now I know these guys.
We're talking about Neil Simon's The Odd Couple.
Yes, sir. That's exactly right. I'm going to tell you right now.
I'm Oscar. I'm Felix. Yeah. Yeah. There's no, there's no debate.
Few times there's not much concern.
That's because we have caught text.
Like, I don't know if you can tell just from the webcams, but Jesse's the type of guy where we go to his house and it's like clean.
It's true. I literally live in my apartment again last night.
I don't know. I don't know what's up with one of those apartments where there's
like it could be mistaken for a model apartment. People are just showing off.
Right. Like it's like it's bare minimum shit in your apartment.
He's got he's got stuff everywhere.
He's got like fine art pieces on the walls that are like so like it's like Final Fantasy. You know, it's Jesse. Sure. But it's it's spotless.
I uh there's a reason I don't I don't want to say don't I probably you know,
ladies call me there's a reason I I don't like roommates. Uh they drive me crazy like with someone for a few days, cool, fine,
but when your toothpaste starts getting on my mirror, when you start leaving stains in
places where there shouldn't be stains, I'm like, no, you gotta go.
And I'm like a human bowl of chili with a cup of black coffee. Very different human
But they go together incredibly well.
Yeah. Yeah. There's an award winning play about how mad we would get at each other.
If we looked so very angry. Yeah. Um, but yes, rejoice again. Once again, my sweet chill Moomin,
chill Moomins, chill Moomin. Chill Moomins? Chill Moomins? That's a new one.
I do from the Moomins and I, we need that fan art now.
Yeah, Chill Moomins.
Isn't that from an anime?
I don't want to say an anime, but an animation.
Classic old character.
Like the white hippo looking thingies?
Yes, yes.
Yeah, I got it.
I've never seen that.
Imagine one of those, imagine one of those, but it's third eye is wide open.
Nice. Yeah, but the red third eye is wide open. Nice.
But the red light of change is finally back in the sky once again, like a crisis in the
DC comic book.
And it's time for the third part of our annual four part festival of bizarre mysteries from
all around the internet, Cornerfest 25.
Episode C is finally here.
And because I know you were curious, our people down at the archaeological site have just been making breakthrough after breakthrough down there and discovering some of our illustrious
organizations lost history. So to celebrate that, here's a quote from a member at rest
designated WMB for safety for Jesse to read, which again, fair warning has been slightly
edited for content.
Oh, right, right. Of course. Yeah, Of course. You know, here's the thing.
The start of this says, I'd like to buy the world.
And all I can think of is, I'd like to buy,
like, I have a song in my head now.
That's fine.
You can sing that song if you want.
No, I don't want to.
I want to cost the whole earth cost.
You know?
I'd like to buy the world a Coke.
No, I'd like to buy the world a home
and furnish it with love and grow apple trees
and honey bees and snow white turtle doves. I'd like to teach the world to sing, you son
of a, in perf, in perfect harmony. I'd like to subscribe to slash illuminati
pod. It's the real thing. And now that that's out of the way,
Cornerfest 25, week three,
episode C begins.
C and three rhyme.
Is that coincidental or is that
because we're on the life path
number of three now?
Question of the day.
If you're here, what is the life
path number three?
It's about wisdom, leadership,
creativity, confidence.
I wonder if his answer has changed every time you've asked that question.
It's not. This is real. This is real.
If you're here, thank you for listening. Keep an eye out for merch announcements and more in the coming weeks.
Follow us on Blue Sky for more information.
And let's continue kicking off the new year as best we can, considering starting with mixo zoa mixa I believe Superman
fought mixo zoa one time backwards he disappears right that's how you beat
him first of all do either of you know what protists are as in like protozoa
oh well then yeah from Starcraft yeah he's basically, it's all the sort of like, undefined, or like other
category stuff when it comes to forms of life.
Algae, kelp, amoebas, slime mold, stuff like that.
You know what I'm talking about?
But just, but just for coherence's sake, here's Mathis with a more academic definition from
Just kidding. My favorite site. Mathis with a more academic definition from wikipedia.fuck.
Just kidding.
My favorite site.
Protists are a diverse group of eukaryotes,
organisms whose cells possess a nucleus
that are primarily single-celled and microscopic
but exhibit a wide variety of shapes and life strategies.
They have different life cycles, trophic levels,
modes of locomotion, and cellular structures.
Although most protists are unicellular,
there is a considerable range of multicellularity amongst them. Some form colonies or multicellular
structures visible to the naked eye. The term protist is defined as a paraphylectic group
of all eukaryotes that are not animals, plants, or fungi. Fun-fun-guy, fun-gee.
Because of this definition by exclusion.
Fun-fun-virtuals who like to have fun.
Yeah, protists encompass almost all of the broad spectrum
of biological characteristics expected in eukaryotes.
Can I just say for the record,
the phrase life strategies describing just getting by
is honestly my favorite word.
It's a good phrase
I love my strategies is exactly what separates Felix and Oscar
Playing right into it
So yeah, protists are like one of the big six kingdoms
But yeah, basically they're like the other of it all but anyway in 1838 when the German scientist J Mueller
discovered extremely small, extremely
simple parasites that were characterized by their infective spores, which were eventually
discovered to be found in worms, in fish, in mammals, even birds, which is a pretty
diverse list of hosts for a parasite actually, that he initially just sort of informally
called them sorospermian or sorosperms, P-S-O-R-O,
sorosperms, and eventually they became formally classified over the years into a tribe of
diatoms in phylum protozoa, so protozoans.
And then in 1881, it was another scientist, Bouchley, who coined the term mixosporida,
which went around with them for a while, along with the groups of mixosporia and mixosporida, which went around with them for a while, along with the groups of
mixosporia and mixosporida. So, it's mixosporidia and then there's the groups mixosporia and
mixosporida. And then they bounced around. Yeah. I mean, they're all very slightly different.
And then they bounced around for a while. More distinctions were made having to do with the
presence of spores with injectable organelles and amoebid cells
within the spores that are called sporoplasms.
Those were the things that were like points of contention
until 142 years later, after they were first discovered
in 1980, Mixozoa as a thing were elevated
to their own protistin phylum just because they couldn't
be linked to anything else.
So they were like, I don't know what the fuck these are.
Were they protists?
Just like a bad sort of mix-a-cell joke in there somewhere.
Where does this go?
I'm so interested, you have just dropped,
as you literally gave us the intro to Final Fantasy 13.
Like you just swapped names with zero recognition.
So there's the Falsi, so there's the Falsi,
and there's the Lissy.
And then if you get the tattoo, no.
But also at this point, you know,
I wrote a guide to the story so far. Final
Fantasy 13 one time is one of like the first jobs I ever
got. Sweet soul. Yeah. Anyway, your career path is fascinating.
Yeah. His life strategy is my life. That's right. Life
strategy is fascinating. You're right. Also at this point,
along with a bunch of academic papers, which I'll include a
link to a good one that I used, which is unfortunately not open access, which is very frustrating.
I apologize for that.
It was $25 to read it.
I also want to shout out to our non-murder mysteries power user Starlight Down, who made
an excellent post on this from October of 2023, which is extremely well put together,
includes lots of academic references of its own direct
links to articles, including the same paper I read the road to
Nedaria really good stuff. And I did a great job of highlighting
exactly how weird these life forms are. I mean, I'm sorry,
they did a great job of highlighting exactly where these
life forms are. And I've got links to all that stuff. It'll
be in the show notes for you guys. But eventually, due to
even more recent discoveries showing Mixozoans possess,
quote, Nidarian specific mini collagen genes, which killed Mixozoa.
This discovery killed Mixozoa as a phylum and basically changed the popular
opinion into them being Nidarians. This classification had to change.
So as this quote from another
2018 papers abstract explains, it can slice though quite academic language. Take a bong rip. Hold it.
All right, let's do it. Let it out. Here's Jesse with a quote from Mixozoans ancient Metazoan
parasites. Find a home in phylum Nedaria. Here we go. Let me just say in advance, I'm about to butcher every word here.
You got this. It's not that bad. It's not that bad.
Mixozoans are endoparasites with complex life cycles that alternate between
invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. Though considered prozoans for over 150 years,
they are now recognized as metazoans, given their multi-cellularity
and ultra-structural features in recognition of synapomorphies and...
How do you do that? It's just Nidarian. Silent C.
Get rid of C then!
Nedarian specific genes, Mixozoans, are placed recently within the phylum Nedaria. Although they have lost genetic and structural complexity on the path to
parasitism, Mixozoans have retained characteristic Nedarian nidosis,
Mixozoans have retained characteristic Nidarian nidosis but use them for initiating host infection. Mixozoans represent at least 20% of phylum Nidaria, but as a result of rapid evolution,
extensive diversification, and host specialization, they are probably at least as diverse as their
free-living relatives.
The ability of Mixozoans to infect freshwater,
marine, and terrestrial hosts implies that Cnidaria are no longer constrained to the
aquatic environment. Still don't know where we're going with this.
So just in case you don't know what Cnidarians are, that's jellyfish, That's like anemones. That's coral. All that kind of stuff, which in case you
hadn't noticed, rather than protozoa, which I said are other, cnidarians are actually animals.
They're in the animal kingdom, which now make myxozoa the smallest full-grown Mixozoa, Mixobolus shekel,
coming in at just 0.0085 millimeters,
a size where these parasites can actually infect
not just the animal host,
but literally infect the cells themselves,
inject spores into the actual cells of animals.
That's how small they are.
And that, my friends, is exactly where our mystery lies.
Because as you can see, the genomes of this type of animal being as unique and small and
simple as they are, without many of the main genes that usually would even allow them to
just even be a multicellular organism at all, the origin of this life form is hard to nail down.
Nobody knows where Mixozoa came from or how they could have arrived.
And what's even more is that one of the most unique things about them is that they've completely
lost any of their tumor suppressing genes, something that is completely unheard of among
parasitic life forms.
But what does that mean?
So it's-
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You know, like there's a thing called simplification
that happens that's kind of like the opposite of evolution,
sort of, where you like degrade, genes, like degrade into a simpler form that because you don't
need everything that you have, right? And so that's like one theory about how this stuff
happens sometimes where you get these really small weird little life forms.
But the thing here is like they're looking at what genes are there and in a parasitic life form,
Like they're looking at what genes are there and in a parasitic life form, which is what these are, it's very unlikely that they would lose the gene in their genome that suppresses
the growth of tumors because that's something that parasitic life forms still use, right?
But despite like knowing that, knowing that they have that feature and looking at other
things that may have that same feature, Lacking tumor suppressing genes is something
that is actually definitive of one thing which is cancer cells,
right, which is where we get the apparently quote, controversial,
but academically reviewed scandal hypothesis. And here's
Mathis with a quote from the paper at Biology Direct, which I think is open access
if you want to read it.
Some tumor cells can evolve into transmissible parasites.
Notable examples include the Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease, the K9 transmissible
venereal tumor and transmissible cancers of mollusks.
We present a hypothesis that such transmissible tumors existed in the past and that some modern animal taxa
are descendants of these tumors. We expect potential candidates for SCANDALS
which stands for speciated by cancer development animals to be simplified
relatives of more complex metazoans and have genomic altercations typical for cancer progression
such as deletions of universal apoptosis genes.
We considered several taxa of simplified animals for our hypothesis.
Dysemita, orthonos...
Orthonacida, Myxosporia,
and Trichoplax.
Trichoplax. Based on
genomic analysis, we conclude that
Myxosporia appear to be
the most suitable candidates for a tumor
ancestry. They are simplified
parasitic nadarians
that universally lack major
genes implicated in cancer
progression. I understand like half that. Basically like there's lots of animals out there that
they targeted that they thought could be the the product of cancer cells
evolving into transmissible parasite life forms. So this is just a hypothesis
right now right because that's why I'm saying it's still a mystery is because they don't really know
how the mixes were created other than that maybe the best potential theory right now
is that maybe they evolved as like jellyfish cancer originally or something like that.
You know what I mean?
Like they became a transmissible parasite after first being a cancer cell from a jellyfish cancer, originally, or something like that. You know what I mean?
Like they became a transmissible parasite
after first being a cancer cell from a jellyfish,
which is a cnidarian.
So it takes on cnidarian genes
and becomes its own weird truncated version.
Like that's just a theory,
but that's basically what it's saying.
It's fascinating.
I mean, I don't know shit about this kind of science,
but sounds plausible to me.
So again, where is this going?
So obviously, we have no idea if transmitted cancer can evolve into a multicellular organism or not,
especially not one as, unfortunately, complex as myxozoa, even though they're very simple,
because of the series of insane coincidences
it would require for something like that to occur in nature. But also, counterpoint, Ian Malcolm, life
finds a way. Yeah. So, that's kind of the vibe there. Like somebody published this paper about
scandal as an idea for how cancer could possibly evolve into parasites, floated it out there that myxosporia are probably the most likely candidate to be that if anything is
wait so you're saying that that according to this the concept of cancer
could evolve into like a little tiny guy who just moves from person to person
no like like a like a cancerous tumor, yeah. That's what I'm saying. Like the tumor could become a thing that then
transfers between people.
That becomes like a life. Yeah. Like a living creature. Yeah.
Cause it is like, you know, grow like out of control cells from genome growing.
So who's to say if the, you know, if it's simple
enough, but that's exactly what they're saying. Some experts are saying like the fact that like
that could occur is based on the notion that so many coincidences happened to create like a little
mini cancer clone of of a of a type of thing that it could live on its own that that's like crazy,
right? But that doesn't mean that that the implication here isn't that if I have cancer, for example,
that you could be infected with my cancer. That's not what they're saying.
No, they're saying that if there's like a type of cancer in jellyfish that becomes kind of common in jellyfish. Became a life.
It could evolve into a life form that's a parasitic life form.
Because you know, like how a virus is like kind of also a type of cell that could like,
you know, like, you know, there's something in there.
I don't, I'm not, obviously it's a very complex paper and I'm not like educated enough in
the, in this specific field to understand the exact specifics of it. obviously it's a very complex paper and I'm not like educated enough in the in
this specific field to understand the exact specifics of it but that's the
that's the general gist of the of the of the notion and and like I say the the
counterpoint to it is that well that's very complicated and that probably
wouldn't happen but it could happen complicated is exactly how you started
this episode yeah yeah I need that's know I followed exactly 3% of what you said
yeah I'm guessing you're all Mixozoa, Sinidary, Transmissible, yeah come on, Jellyfish Cancer
Candler, this dude had me read a word that started with CN and you don't pronounce the
C, no I don't mess with that stuff, it's pretty compelling though right Jellyfish Cancer evolving
into its own parasitic form of life, oh for sure. That's not the only theory about what Mixozoa are.
In the comments, the user andersompy asked about alternate hypotheses and whether or
not it was possible the tumor thing was just a coincidence and that Mixozoa just slowly
evolved on their own.
And OP, Starlight Down, had this to say, with all proper academic sources cited, which Jesse
will read for us now.
Oh boy.
Yeah, that's the major competing hypothesis.
Genome reduction is actually fairly common in obligatory intercellular parasites.
So that part isn't surprising.
Many genes which are necessary for the survival of an independent species in the environment
are no longer needed when a parasite is evolved to live inside the
protected cells of a large metazoan. So these genes are gradually lost through evolution.
What's surprising, however, is that Mixozoans lost so many of their genes. Mixozoan genomes are far,
far smaller than the genomes of any other cnidarian, including all known cnidarian parasites and microorganisms.
Many critical animals and multicellularity genes are mysteriously missing. This isn't a typical
case of parasitic genome reduction and seemingly implies that something unusual happened in the
evolutionary history of these creatures. Another competing hypothesis is that Mixozoans are
a taxa that diverged from other cnidarians very early in their evolutionary history,
when they were much, much more primitive multicellular organisms. In this scenario, Mixozoans were
never complex multicellular species that degenerated into their current form,
but have been more or less always the way they are now. From what I understand,
none of the none of the three hypotheses have particularly good evidence yet. Okay.
Yep. And that is our first little weird mystery of the day done. What the fuck are mixazoa?
I just want to say, to those of you going for a walk
right now or sitting in your car or at the gym, if you didn't drive off the side of the road or
completely collapse because your brain broke, you're doing better than me. You're doing better than
me. And I just want to let you know, I hear, I hear you. I sympathize. Yeah, hey, at least now you know about those guys.
Number two is called Abracadabra.
And I want to give a shout out to for a lot of this personal information about
this subject.
Be sure to check that out in the show notes.
It's a site that's completely in Spanish, but the Google translation, though imprecise and not preferable to a proper
Spanish speaking person translating it for you, is definitely readable and at times even
a bit beautiful. Or just get Duolingo so you're not at the mercy of Google for yet another
embarrassing reason like me. So yeah, I've got the translated article for you guys in
the show notes, but I'm just gonna go right into it.
We're gonna talk about somebody called David Dennison.
David Dennison is a kind of artist.
He's a philosopher.
He's an occultist.
And as some people love to refer to him,
he is a number fetishist.
And he was born all the way back in 1939.
Dude, you have no idea how good number
Yeah, but have you seen the curves on eight, dude? My
That's true. Yeah, that's why seven eight nine though. Yo
Shit. That's bad. That's a bad one. Meaning terrible joke. No,
it's terrible. So no, I don't think it's an adult. Seven eight
out nine. Yeah, that's why. I think you're I think you're
referring to the 69 joke. That's it. Anybody who's ever said who's walked up to you and said, I think you're referring to the 69 joke. That's anybody who's ever said who's walked up to and said, I
think you are referring to the 69 joke is a Vulcan and they
should be reported to the men in black.
Sorry, AI and fucking robots.
I think you're referring to the 69 joke.
So David Dennison was born back in 1939 in Wakefield, UK.
He grew up a dreamer. He worked in a prison for a
bit. He was a teacher somewhere at one point, allegedly. It's all very vague, but he emerges
as this and he's a real person, but he just is when you see when you when you get a sense
of who this guy is, you're gonna be like, okay, makes sense why his history is vague.
But he emerges as this sort of enigmatic,
fringe figure in the 70s and 80s,
like surrealist painting scene,
alongside other artists the article mentions
like Roland Penrose and Max Ernst,
you may have heard of, who are like legends.
And apparently even like came to his showing sometimes
to see his paintings.
And I have a post here from a blog from Mr.
Thursday GKC WordPress that's got some pictures of some of his
paintings that you can check out so you can kind of give people
kind of a lowdown on what the vibe is on these paintings.
Yeah, they're pretty good.
They're like good. Like they're weird, but they're good.
They're really good.
They're like they're clearly painted by somebody. Somebody who knows. They're really good like they're like clearly painted by somebody
Yeah, somebody who knows what they're doing painted them. Yeah, honestly almost borders on AI art. Holy
Yeah, I'm gonna say it literally kind of looks like AI art a little bit
Yeah, which is why these paintings from the 70s. Okay. So yeah, like well before AI. Yeah, there's no way this was a
I know like look at the same
There's no way this was AR. No.
But it has the same, maybe not current AR,
but a few years back when AI was kind of like, I don't know.
And when we were in COVID, and it was like,
draw Wolverine, but he's in the candy world.
Yeah, yeah.
It's just like fucking horrifying.
Everything has a shine to it.
So apparently, the big exhibition he was in in the UK was this one called The Human Face
of Surrealism, which featured several artists.
And here's Mathis with a quote from someone who was there, aka the guy from this blog
that we were just looking at, Mr. Thursday, was present at one of these things.
So here you go.
The first ever painting exhibition I ever went to where I knew the artist, a friend
of my dad, I was seven or eight, The Human Face of Surrealism paintings by David Dennison.
Out for a curry in Leeds one lunch with my dad,
he decided on the spur of the moment to drive around to visit Dave in Wakefield,
I think, or was he in Leeds, but we got to his house and he wasn't there.
I never did meet the guy that painted the most impressionable images that decorated
the wall of the house I grew up in.
He now devotes his time to numbers
and his sight is pretty mind blowing.
A melange of sacred texts, numbers, and color
interspaced with surreal imagery his own.
And that's kinda how it was for David
because after that time he just kind of
let himself slip away into obscurity as he became interested in other things and his art slowly shifted
from sort of like very on the nose political pieces.
It was like, yo, here's like Stalin dressed in a Union Jack.
Isn't that crazy?
Like stuff like that to more surreal human figures in bizarre landscapes to like almost
unrecognizable human forms
that look like AI art according to you guys.
Overwhelmed with like psychic and like trippy.
It's very psychedelic.
It has like rot looking vibes, like moldy looking vibes to it sometimes.
It's pretty gnarly looking.
Looks like plastic chemicals overflowing out of like a vat or something.
But it was the math of it all,
is what it was that was fascinating to him. The scientific complexity of something gaining its
own sort of classical spiritual significance and like resonance with ancient occultism was
endlessly addicted to him. He just couldn't get enough of how like all these things,
all these systems were working together. And as people who've met him have attested, he got to the point where
he was just spending entire days calculating complex equations and charts and arrangements
of numbers and letters and colors and shapes, words from the Bible, other ancient sources.
He's obsessed with the number nine, which is funny that you made that joke earlier,
Well, look at that. Supposed Nikola Tesla quote, I don't think it could be sourced to him though,
but it's like, it's something he's like, quote, if only you knew the magic of the numbers
three, six, nine.
Literally it's so funny that you said that.
But the thing that the kind of concept that he was working on, Denison, was like almost
like a Thomas Pinchonian, like gravity's rainbow-esque level of layered
depth across many vectors.
His brain is filling with ideas for an endless labyrinth of concepts, rituals and diagrams.
And then eventually it starts spilling out onto a website, which eventually has become
his life's work.
And here's Jesse with a quote about the site from an article, which in the fashion of questionably
researched Reddit posts that have come before, has been run through Google Translate into
Though again, the original Spanish version is in the show notes without a translation.
So just consider this the gist and don't attribute this writing to anybody besides Google Translate.
Before you read that, I also just want to correct my quote.
I don't think it'd be sourced to him, but the quote is,
if only you knew the magnificence of the three, six, and nine,
then you would have the key to the universe.
That's supposedly Nikola Tesla that said that.
For a decade, a strange website has been floating out
in the infinite space of the internet,
causing a sea of uncertainty.
A strange site filled with numbers and even
more strange mathematics that twist in a dynamic that is difficult to understand, a labyrinthine
space of infinite links that lead us to more infinite links, dominance of the colors red
and yellow, all of this linked with existentialist texts, words that
seemed to respond to the author's logic, and strange images of what seemed to be paintings
with twisted aesthetics.
Small community of people joined together to find out the origin of the mystery, discovering
that the website was created in 2003 under an English domain, and behind it was none other than our protagonist,
David Dennison. Despite having hung up his paintbrush some time ago, Dennison has spent
almost 20 years creating what he calls his masterpiece. A website where all the questions
we ask ourselves can finally be resolved under the most basic language and existence reflected
in multiples of three, six and nine. A place of unknown extension.
That's wild, dude.
The author himself states that his previous work as an artist was intended to lead to
this final piece, thus finding meaning in his whole.
Yeah. Finding meaning in my whole is something that I can empathize with.
That's my motto to every alien message I send out there.
You can find meaning in my hole.
Get me!
They heard you.
Oh, don't worry.
They heard.
That's probably the problem.
No, it's fine.
And like I said, the dude is still around.
And here's like the last time you can see him on camera, I think.
The most recent thing of him that exists is a rare his own post on his own quote unquote
fan forum.
It's in a weird quiet video called a quick tour of Mr. D's Starship.
So you can just take a look at that real quick and just see what the vibe is kind of describe
you for Mr. Beast. Yeah.
Which is just kind of weird.
But it will be like, you know, no question of any emotion at all.
We six night. Yeah, it's interesting.
But I would recommend that you watch like the last two seconds, because it's funny
that you said nine seconds are great.
And the other thing opens up to a confused old man behind.
Whoa. Thanks, spider webs. Standing. That's him. No, those are real. Whoa, thanks. Fighter webs standing. That's him.
No, those are real.
Oh, OK.
That's him.
That's Dan Dennison.
That's David Dennis.
I go to the last few seconds, you said.
Hang on.
Like maybe the last two seconds.
What's great about this is he's so very clearly one of those like hyper
artistic dudes.
Yeah, exactly.
Like everything about it.
The very end, what he does is he just holds up his two hands to show like 10
fingers and then he brings his thumb down to bring nine fingers essentially.
Yeah. Yeah.
And now I'm sure you probably want to take a look at this site.
I have been already on this.
So here's the landing page for 973 at NAMU 973,
which is the human written backwards.
Would you guys just check, you just click around on it.
I know Mathis already has been but take a look at this site and just tell the people
what you see kind of.
And also it's worth knowing that the first page of actual substance that you get to,
the one that starts with the number nine, the word nine, 973, i that m that nine, that m that i, you
know that one?
It's like the third page when you click past the like three whirling red disks.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Apparently that's like the official first page of the site.
And according to people in the know, it sort of serves as a key to decoding all the rest
of the pages, as well as like a tutorial. It's kind of like a tutorial. It's kind of as a key to decoding all the rest of the pages as well as like a tutorial.
It's kind of like a tutorial. It's kind of like a visitor center. Lots of little paths to veer off
from this page in the form of hyperlinks. If you find them, you can click on them.
But yeah, what do you guys see? What do you guys paint? The first painting I came across was like,
it's called what is this called? It doesn't have a name as far as I can see. Oh, no, the tab says nuclear family.
That's the name of the picture.
Yeah, the tabs usually have unique names.
It's like a man's face,
I guess, is completely bald.
He looks got his mouth open.
Looks like he might be screaming or something.
Not in fear, just like almost blankly.
The white skins man. Yeah.
And then there's a woman or yeah woman
who's like looking through like going behind his head and her eye is looking
through his ear but actually that might just be his ear and very much crazy
yes yeah that painting is that painting is actually hanging in that mr. D's
starship video if you see it at one point the camera pans and it's actually
huge painting on the wall but uh yeah so that's what's going on on the website. There's like lots of red and orange text,
lots of hyperlinks, lots of words that are kind of interesting occult trigger words I
would say.
The next painting dude called The Human looks like he played metaphor.
It is so bizarre looking.
Or metaphor saw this.
Well, it's what's it called? What's the what's the name of the guy who metaphored Hieronymus
Bosch? Yes. But at least it's more like things look human-esque even though they're creepy
monsters and stuff. This is a bizarre image. Yeah. Yeah. This one's called Entitled Document
for me. So I don't know what the fuck I'm looking at. So for this next part of this
segment, I want to give a shout out to yet another small mystery
YouTuber as I have been doing throughout these cornerfests.
The people who really keep this creepy, exciting, weird corners of the internet feeling alive,
this channel is called Pandemonium that I want to talk about right now.
As of right now, he's got under 1.4k subs.
The video itself is about the same in views, it's not a popularly viewed video. So check it out in the show notes because it helped me understand what was going on
here way better.
The maze is vast.
If you keep clicking through this, you will see it's estimated to be tens of thousands
of unique pages, maybe more like a hundred thousand or more pages that are in this like
snaking maze that you guys are slowly lowering
yourselves into.
Yeah, there's so many pages that are just like so if you look curious, the very first
page it says abracadabra and then it sort of whittles down in a pyramid, very similar
to if you were bored in high school and you wrote a word and then you just kept like taking
off the ends of those words until it became like a right. And then from there, it's suddenly dudes that in numbers and weird phrases and
sayings, and if you click certain things, it takes you to certain places.
You'll find pros entries that are long.
There's like novels worth of text here.
There's all kinds of crazy shit.
Um, it's, it's, it's, it's truly, it's truly nuts.
I wanted to draw attention to the fact that it's almost the same shape like there's again. It's complex
You can tell it's like a protractor
You can say it's intentional on the part of the creator whatever is going on here
it's not just like a crazy person rambling and
it's almost the same shape of novel as
So Joanna was the first mystery we talked about in cornerfest
as so Joanna was the first mystery we talked about at Cornerfest, except instead of that one being like
in America, like stretched over a map of America,
it's like all on one like open world math nerd,
mysticism, scary vibes website.
Like we're looking at like an endless labyrinth of links
that are all tied to like real pieces of like
mathematical ritual and occultism
that are leading to something.
Leading to what? Yeah, I mean, man, like this is eventually I know you said it doesn't seem crazy. But this seems like the kind of crazy where there's an intentionality behind the crazy.
Yeah, but it still seems crazy to me. Well, that's the best I can say, right? I can't I don't know
his I don't know his actual thoughts. But at least the person making this knows what he's doing
in terms of structure.
Yes, there's some intentionality behind it.
It's just wild.
But eventually, some people start seeing something in the numbers.
First based around basic Caesar cipher style, letter, number substitutions like A1, 2B,
that type of thing.
Using that first title page I showed you. And then as you get
deeper into the maze, according to some people who've allegedly spent hours wandering the maze,
years wandering the maze, deep meaning can also be achieved through complex math,
strange prose, literary references, occult rituals, and old world actual legit alchemical science.
And apparently, the truths that this maze was revealing
sound kind of great.
So first here's Mathis with a quote from 973
at NAMU's official Oracle forums,
a user called White Rabbit,
who made a post called, I finally solved it in 2018,
which I will include in the show notes,
but here's Mathis with the gist.
Okay. Hello everyone. I'll be frank, I spent at least five years studying this website 2018 which I will include in the show notes, but here's Mathis with the gist.
Hello everyone. I'll be frank. I spent at least five years studying this website and spent a lot of hours to guide myself through this maze. I can tell you the results, but it is dangerous and there is a side effect that affected me in a strange way.
David Dennison, the creator of this site, was more than just a mathematician, linguistics, artist, and occultist,
but someone that is very very
versed in alchemy.
This site was puzzle amaze with a series of dead ends and one path to navigate through
Yet the ironic part of it is, it is one of those puzzles where you start at the beginning
only to end up at the beginning.
The only exception is that you have the key to the puzzle,
which was right in front of you the whole time.
And it makes perfect sense.
I won't post the result here only because it works too well.
I am happy to answer any questions it pertains to the site,
but if you want to know the answer,
I will not be accountable for any side effects
that come after.
Epiphany seeks the devoted.
Yeah, so this got people going deep, making all kinds of wild claims.
Of course he's like, I won't post it.
You just spoiler tag that fucker.
But it wasn't that he wasn't, it wasn't that he wasn't posting it.
He was just saying, like, I will only guide you.
And he actually hung around in that thread for a long time and was giving people all
these explanations and stuff.
But it did result in a bunch of people making wild claims in like an explosion on a forum,
which I don't know if you've ever an explosion on a forum, which I don't
know if you've ever like been on a forum and then something like takes the forum by storm.
But it always takes, it always manifests as like one part earnest elated enthusiasm on the part of
the people in the forum. And then one part is like insane unhinged crazy behavior and people
like drawing like the wildest conclusions ever. And people were talking about getting possessed by demons.
Oh, good. Time traveling and shit.
But a little bit later, we'll sign me up, bitch.
I mean, let's go. Yeah.
Yeah. Look, I can't speak to the claims of time traveling.
But in 2019, the supposed answer anywhere where we could read it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Well, I mean, we have to because we're together and we're recording.
Literally does happen to us. We'll know. Yeah. Well, we have to because we're together and we're recording. Literally does happen to us. We'll know.
Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, I don't know. Like basically, okay. So in 2019, in 2019, the
user Sherlock seemed to have a similar breakthrough to White Rabbit. And here's Jesse with a quote
from that person. So here we go.
Yesterday I was going on a long car ride
and of all things began to think of seven,
sorry, 973 at normal.
I first got weird messages within my head
which I couldn't explain
and decided to write to a friend of mine
whom I've never met in person,
although they are very spiritual
and I had a weird connection that I should contact them. And I did. I questioned my friend if they
were familiar with the website. They had said yes, but weren't too familiar in detail. I started,
by the way, just want to say for the record, they didn't know. That's one of those, that's one of
those, I'm your friend and I, yeah, yeah, I know what that is. I haven't seen it, but I've heard of it. Can you just tell me everything about it one more time? Me about every
movie you bring up. Yes. Yeah. And I did. I questioned my friend if they were familiar with
this website. They said yes, but weren't too familiar in detail. I started asking them questions
and pertains to the site. But soon after I realized I wasn't asking these questions
to my friend, but rather myself. And then it struck me. I don't even know what that
means. All the memories, information, knowledge, consciousness, soul, everything left for a
second, and I understood it all. Everything the White Rabbit had said was true, the answer
was with me all along. I immediately dropped my phone, almost
passed out, and sat down. As embarrassing and not me as this may sound, I immediately became very
emotional and started to get tears in my eyes. The effect was very different indeed. I think I might
have sat there for about 30 minutes before I actually answered my friend again. Just like the White Rabbit, I don't want
to write the answer here for I made a promise to my friend and others that everyone must find it on
their own. The answer, like the White Rabbit, said works too well, but doesn't in the same time,
if it makes sense. Are these like a bunch of 16 year olds first discovering the whole like,
are we all just one conscious?
No, no, no, this is the same people that go on Facebook and film themselves shaking violently
because they took the COVID vaccine.
They're like, I need attention.
Well just like White Rabbit, Sherlock also hung out in the comments, answered questions,
got people excited about there actually being some meaning behind the site,
and sort of helped create this sort of like thirst
for an epiphany like these people had
amongst users of the forum.
And people started to look quite seriously
for more significance among the site's pages.
And like I said, there's far too many pages
to investigate all of this myself
without doing something.
Literally dedicating forever.
Yeah, but this YouTube pandemonium sort of of did and so to give us some more understanding
I'm gonna have them I'm gonna have Mathis read a quote from their best guess
Conclusions on the topic as a fellow non-expert. So this is from pandemonium nine seven three at Numa
Namo rather
Centers almost fully around Egyptian gods, numbers, and calculations all
tied into each other and somehow all connecting to the number 9.
The website seems to revolve around one page called the Evocation, which is defined as
the action of invoking a spirit or deity, a concept backed by members on the website.
The main figures you'll read about are Ra, the sun God, Osiris, the God of the Underworld,
Maat, the Goddess of Truth and Justice, Isis, the Goddess of Magic and Wisdom, Anubis, the God of Funerals,
and Horus, Isis' son, and the God of Protection. One of the main messages of the website is its insistence on the afterlife
and being able to make it to heaven. Well, it's also like, there's a lot of Bible shit
in this already too though.
It's more than just the Egyptian god stuff.
And to me personally, it gave me a similar impression
to the OG Megami Tensei story.
Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like.
Yeah, it's all about using computer programs
to do complex calculations that are actually spells
that actually summon demons into the world.
And in fact, as Jesse will read now, that is exactly-
As our one listener once did discover, we are all math.
That's true.
And in fact, yeah, that's what-
We'll just have that gone as a guess.
That's what we were saying the other day.
I'm gonna be the only one who's on some sort of psychedelic.
That's what we gotta do DMT and look at the laser.
That's what we were trying to figure out.
I will do that.
I will absolutely do that. I'm not even joking when I will absolutely do that. I need to be somewhere safe.
I will. I will. Yeah. I've never done.
We're in Los Angeles. We can get some DMT. In fact, as Jesse will read now, one anonymous
forum user with a religious background had the same sort of like Megami tensei adjacent thought,
the full disclosure from their tone. They don't seem to be so anti-it as
you would expect a religious person to be.
But this is Jesse here.
Anyway, my point is that I feel weirdly privileged to have a chance to find this site.
There's just so much meaning to be found, and it's nice to know others see it too.
I'm not sure I could accurately describe the experience of this place to another
person, they would just have to read it all too. Maybe I'm too new and haven't read
enough to understand, but overall everything on the site seems to point back to the evocation.
Even when I run into broken links on the site, the page URL is something like slash start slash start evocation dot htm
I might be reaching on that a little but still
I'm just, I don't know, I guess I'm afraid
the site just feels like pure power
I haven't let myself read more than a couple paragraphs of the evocation
because if I'm being honest
this seems like a quick way to be possessed
by a demon.
Yeah. And though this seems like a warning, like I said, in context, the vibe was more
like can't look away from this person. And the deeper you go into these forum posts,
you really start to see the level of like, obsession and fascination that people have
with some of the concepts here. Like, for for example here is mathis with a post from user
Fiddles the frog about one of the topics that also fascinated the anonymous religious guy
Which is a recurring character on the site known as Zed Alice Zed
It's also like the red text on black is like easy to like this kind of like fixate on here's like yeah
Okay Red text on black is like easy to like, just kind of like fixate on. He was like, uh. Okay.
Hello, my name is Angus.
I'm a shop owner and I have a shop
which is also my house and my own country.
I live in Nevada out in the country.
I'd rather not say what city I live near.
Anyways, there's been a question that's been bugging me
since I first came to the site.
Who is the Zed-a-Liz Zed?
Is it a deity? Is it related to Alice
from Alice in Wonderland? There are numerous references to Alice in Wonderland on this site
and I would like to know what Alice in Wonderland has to do with this movement that I think is a
religion. Okay yeah and then here's Jesse with a short response from the user Nazik which I just
thought was funny. It's not a religion, more of a philosophy. People
here believe what they want. Zed-a-liz-ed. Zed-a-la-zed. Yeah. Zed-a-la-zed is a
reference to Alice, yes, which I find quite funny, in the site described as a
rabbit hole. I mean, yeah, I think that's I think that last paragraph is pretty accurate that it's a rabbit hole and describing things as Alice. That like, is the
vibe I'm getting from this is that it's designed to keep you in there for a while. Right, exactly.
And as far as what exactly that might mean to someone who is in the maze currently, I tend to
agree with the notion that pandemonium kind of landed on in his video too, though
I do only say this with the expertise of a few days rather than like the months and years
that some people have spent on this.
But I think that Zed Alizad is possibly like some kind of like ideal, like ascended version,
almost like Buddha type version of the reader, or like maybe it's just the state of being
itself that you achieve
when you've read the text backwards and forwards and gained its true meaning.
Like Z is the letter Z in the UK because this guy's from Wakefield, right? So Z is Z and
then there's Alice in the middle that represents to me both the letter A as in the beginning
and also Alice like Alice going down the rabbit hole in Wonderland and then you go back to Zed
at the end so it's like reading it backwards and forwards almost like you
could take the name Zed Alizad and read it as going down the true rabbit hole
means starting at the end and ending up back at the end after looping around to
the beginning halfway through. You get it? I think so. It's confusing, but I think you guys
understand what I'm saying. But somehow I know that as I mentioned, going back through it, back
and forward in some bizarre way, you guys are still probably clamoring for some type of direct
method to solve it. Right. And I tell you, I mean, but everything like I'm just, I'm just reading
pieces of the evocation or whatever it's called. The, uh, it really just keeps going back to the
idea. It seems like he just keeps going back to the idea of like, we are all one, one consciousness,
one thing, we are that I am, that I am that you, that I, it's all a lot of like, we are I, I am you,
I am this, we are that, we are all, we are eternity, we are spirit generators, at one point it says in
there. It has the same sort of characteristics as all the other metaphysical mumbo jumbo that we talk about on here. Be it aliens tell us that God is within us, or be it that like
some spiritual group says that we are all that there is and we are stardust and we every,
you know, like even-
Human fractals like infinite infinity built on top of each other within itself over and
over infinitely nested like-
I saw the other day a post on
Reddit where a guy was like this is the universe and then this is the brain cell
Yeah, brains and he's like guys what it's a thing that happens quite frequently
Honestly, my big like takeaway from what's going on so below. Yeah, like what's going on here seems like a
This is an artist who created a thing that is, you know, again, art is subjective
and it's all in the people's minds.
And so people think and they're coming up with different conclusions.
I love the fact that someone's like, I solved it, but I'm not going to tell you what it
And then everyone else was like, Oh, no, no, I solved it too.
Well, if you are, if you're wondering about a more specific method, like the
reason I didn't, the reason I didn't include one up at the top is because
there's not like a common one that everybody agrees on is the way to do it.
But here is the, here is the method post from the, I solved it person, white
rabbit, uh, it's a little bit more on their exact method for Mathis to read,
though I doubt it will bring you much close closure because it is frustratingly conceptual, but
here you go Mathis.
The answer is on the second page, a full circle.
What I did was the what I did was read the evocation exception of the graphs word by
word and number by number. The first clue on how I looked into it was the duality.
Example, is, is, is, or isis is?
That truth, that truth, that truth, that is, is, is, is.
Of course, this may sound like nonsense, but it does have a purpose.
Words have duality, just light and darkness, life and death.
But just reading the words, many not,
this guy has a lot of spelling mistakes here,
but just reading the words may not be enough.
Alchemy have these teachings as well,
not Harry Potter movies, thank you.
I came prepared before I even read the evocation.
I studied ancient goddess and gods, alchemy,
occultism, ancient tribes, and many other ancient cultures,
mathematics, linguistics, and so on on what happened shortly after was not expected
I am not sure what others might experience of attempting to do the evocation use caution. Don't worry
I won't type the long story on what happened and what I saw unless people want to know good luck
And I hope this helps the curious the white rabbit dot dot dot. Yeah
So that's not a solve.
Yeah, it's like,
but what they're saying is that the solution is like,
you go in with the right knowledge
and it's like an epiphany that just occurs to you.
It's not like a puzzle solution.
So this guy who couldn't spell shit correctly
is a master class on all that shit?
He's probably bliss,
he's probably so blissed out that he forgot how to type.
This is who I was when I was 14
in my high school library, bored as fuck
and thinking I was better than everybody else.
Honestly, it has to be the same.
You have to give up a move slot to learn English.
If you guys really want to go down
a very similar rabbit hole,
I would not recommend taking any of it
with a grain of salt, but on Facebook,
there are a lot of people that are in a community
about med beds.
Med beds? Med beds?
Med beds are these beds that the government
secretly has and rich people have
that are literally the thing from like Elysium
or Stargate where it cures you.
Just like a healing.
You lay in it and it instantly heals you
from all sicknesses.
And it's just.
Like dune.
So why did Steve Jobs die?
Because it's not real.
And so the thing is, but these people are very obsessed with it.
And so some people have become like the leaders of that group and they'll say it's coming.
The med-beds are coming and the people, literal people that I feel terrible for like my daughter
is dying.
I like, I need access to this, please.
And so then these people who are clearly lying will say, Oh, it's coming soon.
But the government's trying to stop us from getting it because the cabal that runs the country,
that all that crazy level of manipulation. And I, even though I don't think that's the intent of
the creator of this, I think people showing up being like, I solved it. I know the answer.
I have the knowledge you don't have is very, very similar to, I have seen the med beds. I know the answer. I have the knowledge you don't have is very, very similar to
feel similar. I have seen the bed beds. I know they exist and I can tell you when they're
coming, but not yet. It's that manipulation that people just do online because there's
no accountability when your screen name is like do me 22.
One of the things that the video highlights, which I think is neat before we wrap on this
is Denison believes he proved the power of the number nine with this notion here that
I briefly touched on already for a second at the top of the segment. Give every letter
of the alphabet its own corresponding number, 1 through 26, A is 1, B is 2, etc. And if
you add all those numbers together, you get 351. And if you add the digits of 351 together,
you get 9. Along with this, he also explains that if you add all the numbers 0 through
9, you get 45. And if you add 4 and 5 together, you're back at 9.
And also, if you take only the digits 1 through 9 and lay them on the alphabet looping around
until every letter has a number, and add those numbers together, you get 126, which also
adds up to 9.
So basically, just like the principles the show is following this year, except three
times more powerful and exponentially more complex, right? Like, like, like Life Path number three, right? But yeah, this is
only the tip of the iceberg of the nine related math and letters tricks that are in this website.
And if you go deep on this site, you can find that he's looped everything into it from Horace
to George Floyd to his own work from the 70s and 80s over and over again, and to this sort
of mystifying tapestry that sometimes just seems to like get to people in some way. And in fact, as that shop owner
Angus brought up earlier, some might say that the forum may even be a little bit culty or
creating something resembling a religion and seems to be developing some sort of belief system.
And even more strangely, it seems like Denison himself has noticed this.
And as such, in a much more recent development, like even after Pandemonium's video was released,
which was very recently, Denison's brother passed away last July, and he made the announcement
about it on the Oracle forums in his own way, which Jesse will read a quote from now.
In loving memory of Michael Denison, much beloved of his family, dear brother to David
and John, born 18th June 1937, who after a short illness died in Penderfield's Hospital
Wakefield on 5th of July 2024. Rest in peace. Michael was 87 when he passed away, over to
the other side of the other side on the 5th of July 2024, after protracted
struggle with what became a terminal illness.
In the words of his dear mother Nora Denizen, good night and God bless over Michael, you
were a kind, sensitive, and caring son and brother, uncle, cousin, and friend."
Yeah, he even shared a nice little poem he wrote, which he'd never just done as himself
out of character before.
Though if you click through to see some of these posts in person, you'll see that bizarre
charts and diagrams are still very much a part of it.
I'll include a directory of all his posts on the forum in the show notes.
It seems to just kind of be the way he always communicates is in this way.
Though I did particularly enjoy that the post the poem was in was titled, I'm Denison from the I'm Denison dimension. I thought that was funny. And then two months later,
he followed up with an obituary in September, almost like he was having like a small funeral
with folks on the forum, posting quotes from others and sharing family anecdotes. I'm not
exactly sure why this was so poignant to me, but it felt like he felt kinship with the people who
obsess over his work with him every day. And it made me realize that he might actually be like
On there every day reading what people are saying every day and checking in and enjoying it without taking the wheel very much
and then finally a few weeks later on September 21st just like out of nowhere a
User Ben one made a post asking about the etnamo site and how it was made and how it was written and weirdly enough not even like three hours later Denison replied and almost like
wrapped the whole thing up in like a groovily written post that really just
lays everything out there so here's Mathis yeah so here's Mathis with a
quote just where his head is at. As near as damn it said he I started creating
the paintings and visual manifestations shown on the site in 1963. Such work possessed me until around 1995.
As I see it, daft as it seems, my work at this time was created for the internet before
there was an internet, unbeknown to me at the time and very much the birthing precursor
to the written work.
The site was first posted very early in the life of the internet.
I bought a computer, but unable to use it, I had one of my brother Michael's friends from the local chess club in Wakefield,
Richard, a very computer literate local lad, find a host and set up a very basic site.
Technically, I had no skills in that neck of the woods, although eventually I developed
certain computer skills sufficiently to do the basic input on the site of the site. However,
for some years another friend, Wendy Hanson, bless her, transcribed my notebooks
into simple straight forward documentation.
The tables were all done by hand initially by Wendy, who came to the house, rain or shine,
and worked for four hours typing the work up.
Sadly, after some years, our Wendy passed away.
At that time, inevitably, I began to put up the material
which has ever arrived as much a surprise to me as to others.
Yeah, and then here's Jesse with a little bit more of the story.
Eventually I was able to develop the messages as I needed to. There were a couple of people
from the local pub who ably turned ideas I had for animations that had presented themselves onto my inner
minds into gif files, etc. and so the creative power grew.
All the tables I created by hand, I wrote them up in any number of notebooks, these
were then transferred via an old Dreamweaver program into tables by D4Dave, who by now, after Wendy's
passing, was transcribing all the written work and other material every day. Year in,
year out, up onto the site. Relevant text written freehand or scanned from books and
copied onto the site. There were no automatic technical means available to produce tables automatically, just an old
Dreamweaver setup wherein every letter or image, animation, etc. had to be inserted
by hand. I had to color the letters into certain patterns. Myself, every one by hand. How so?
The days I missed working on the site were very few and far between.'m now 85 and counting lo and behold the sands of time are
Still passing through the hourglass, but yet the question remains
What does it all mean?
Unless I've missed a trick much other than the technical way
He was well
It just gives you the idea that he just is like a sweet old man asking his friends to help him put his shit online
Which is kind of interesting and unless I've missed a trick and Dennison has passed away without me knowing, he's still
out there creating and the community is still speculating and growing and expanding their
minds and having online revelations to this day. The end. Zed.
I read a bunch of paragraphs and no demon has shown up.
Yeah, there you go. So that's 973 at Nama. That was abracadabra.
That's pretty good.
I'm constantly amazed by people's ability to not just create very strange abstract things,
but then for people to take that abstract thing and run with it.
There's no instruction here that says this is what it's going to lead to.
There's nothing this man created that says you're going to find the inner piece of all
Literally, the dude was just like 369, it's really cool, and there's some interesting
things there, wink, wink, wink, wink, wink.
People are like, dude, I discovered reality is within me.
The human mind is wild, dude.
I can barely handle that people watch Scary Game Squad more than once.
Like, the things that people commit to in their lives, I will never understand.
It's insane.
But that's Abracadabra.
Up next is Masked Man.
This next one's called Masked Man.
It's a short one, but it's also a slightly more complicated one now since I held out
for this long.
But this one's going to start with Mathis reading something called a TikTok, which if
you're listening to this in the future, was a weird app that used to exist that changed
us all in an almost eldritch way that we can never take back.
This one was posted by paranormal.curiosity on TikTok.
And here we go.
Something very strange is happening in the streets of Coacalco, Mexico.
This video is made for entertainment purposes only.
A figure clad in white with his face wrapped like a mummy has been spotted lurking in the
This masked man appears in local markets, wandering late at night, and even exercising.
Yes, running, with unnatural energy, all while wrapped head to toe in white.
Some say he's harmless, but others aren't so sure.
Reports have surfaced of him acting strangely, laying motionless in the streets, seemingly
drunk or watching people silently from the shadows.
Some say his clothes are stained with blood, others claim he roams to scare children.
Many people compare him to the terrifying character from Terrifier, but this isn't a movie.
It's real life.
And his clean white clothes, always pristine no matter how much time he spends in the streets.
So first things first, I checked to see if there was any other evidence of the story
existing besides this one TikTok, right?
Because that would be very great.
And turns out there was tons, including a pretty comprehensive article from the,
which I suspect is where the weirdly specific terrifier connection came from, and which
also has some great quotes from eyewitnesses. I'll put the article in the show notes, but
we're going to all read for you now a short man on the street montage of witnesses saying
what they saw on this other masked man. So here we go, ready? I see him every day.
He always runs about 10 kilometers or more a day.
He's always in white and dashes between cars.
Why doesn't someone call 911?
It is clear that something is wrong.
I've seen him and the truth is he scared me.
That is how Terrifier begins.
I don't know why.
He reminds me of Terrifier.
What detergent does he use? My clothes don't stay white for even an hour!
And listen, there are a shitload of videos of this guy,
and here's the search results for white masked man on TikTok right now,
while it still exists, because just, people just film his ass all the time.
Like, look at this one of
him running like this shit is crazy like if you are you like pulling this up
right now like look at these he's just like this weird fucking dude weird dude
in a weird ass fucking mask he's like sitting in a bar and some of them that
you know you're taking a selfie with one yeah look at look at this one right here
of him running this one right here of him running.
This one right here is like just insane.
Running like just in the street.
I feel like it might be something you see in LA though.
Maybe, but that's what I'm just saying.
Like it's fucking weird.
And I will say one thing, dude is fucking filthy.
I don't know where the thing is
that he's clean all the time.
If you look at him,
he is just absolutely disgusting looking.
He looks absolutely gnarly. Here's another account of the man from the TikTok account
Crimetalk files from last October for Jesse to read that's a little bit scarier.
In 2023, a young woman was out for a jog when she spotted this man running towards her direction.
Although the plaster mask and all white clothing were strange,
the red stains around his mouth were what motivated her to sprint in the opposite direction.
However, this seemed to only make the masked man run after her faster. When he finally
got close to her, he simply yelled out, Merry Christmas! And continued his run. It was August.
So yeah, he's fucking weird. Um, and I don't know,
I don't know what you guys think he looks like. Uh, but according to everybody who's
ever run into him, uh, including like, except for maybe this woman, he's basically harmless.
I don't know. There's been a few reports of him like shoplifting and stuff, but I wouldn't
get close to him. I don't know. He looks like he genuinely does look like he's covered in
blood. He looks like a dude who's got like bandages on with a white hoodie and just has like, was it been eating birds raw?
Like I don't even know what he's doing. Um, but I don't know what the vibe is with that guy,
but the truth is it actually fucking happened. And he was out there. Nobody knows what the red
stains are. His identity remains a mystery end of mystery. The best one is that is, is the footage of him just sitting at the counter of.
Honestly, yeah.
He's like sitting outside eating something.
It looks like a cantina.
He's just like chilling.
All right.
Live your life.
I guess.
Yeah, absolutely insane.
Uh, I don't know what that guy's doing.
Or if you're from Coalco and you watch and you listen to Chiluminati, let us know if you've
seen this fucking guy.
What is he doing?
Probably the same thing everyone looking for attention on the Internet does, you know?
Although I'm worried about him.
Thank you so much to Hero Forge for sponsoring today's episode.
And Hero Forge is awesome.
If you're a nerd like me, tabletop RPGs, we're talking all kinds of tabletop RPGs,
and you play in person,
or you just like to have like a mini of your character,
if you know, play in person,
you should be heading over to Hero Forge right now.
Basically their website, you can go over right now,
and for free, model up your character, or characters,
or any of the number of hundreds of other things
that they have there.
And with it, you can then either leave it on the computer
if you want, or you can go ahead and pay say five bucks
if you have a 3D printer around five bucks,
it's just in around there,
and you can get the file yourself and print it,
or you can buy it fully printed in either just gray plastic,
multicolored plastic, high-end stuff,
for varying different price points and have it mailed to you,
which is usually what I do.
Well, before I was even working with Hero Forge,
I've been using it.
I've been playing tabletop RPGs,
God, my whole life now?
Oh boy, if I actually do the math.
Oh man, oh, it makes me feel so like 25 years, 25 years.
And I've got a new campaign coming up
and I've already been kind of putting together
little figures for it. My in-person like friends only D&D game one of my favorite things to
do is surprise them with new minis either care their character with like new gear on
it or brand new big bad that just kind of get plopped down in the middle of the map
that they did not see coming and I hide it away. I don't let anyone see it. Anyway,
I love your Forge man. They've just they've been so good to us and I've loved their site forever and
they've just have so many different options for you to create
your characters.
Just go check it out.
Just do yourself a favor and just go check it out.
You don't have to buy anything.
But if you do use promo code chill and you'll get a little
discount at the end there.
I think five or 10% at this 5% so go check it out again. promo code chill on checkout.
Tell them we sent you and tell them how awesome
their stuff is, because I love it.
Next one is called Infinite Taxis.
So I don't know if you kind of noticed this theme
peppered in throughout the Cornerfest,
but as I mentioned already, Cornerfest exists
so that I may purge my notes of all the things
I've happened upon throughout the year
in the process of making episodes.
And one thing I was working on this year
was like this like Captain Kuchy's Key Lime Pie
Shop episode where I was just gonna find a bunch of different flavors of Key Lime Pie
style mysteries and make one show out of it, but I ended up not doing that for whatever
I'm not gonna go down the precise list of which ones are that of the ones that I've
done so far and that I'm gonna do next week
because that would not be fun.
But I bet you can guess some of the ones
I was gonna chuck in there that are on there.
But I will say that Infinite Taxis was one of them.
And it was based off this post I found
on the rInternetMysteries Reddit from the user NoGene5208,
which Mathis is gonna read for us now.
Here we go.
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but someone I know recently started
a local rideshare company.
Well, I visited their website and their listed employees were just stock photos.
I searched up their images and their names and found hundreds, possibly thousands of
local rideshare companies, all with very similar website layouts, where sometimes a CEO or owner
is different
but it's almost always Andy Dewitt.
And all of their drivers are named Marty Pike, Melissa Barber and Antonio Santos.
And I'm serious when you google those names there are hundreds of hits on them for these
random low quality websites for rideshare companies.
Other than listed on the websites I can't seem to find any paper trail for where this is all started. Pyramid scheme, human trafficking, just a
way to steal phone numbers. I mean, the area where the guy I know started, it
isn't even large enough to support a real taxi service. It just doesn't
make any sense. I'm hoping somebody can solve this mystery so I
can jump out of this rabbit hole. And so I looked into it and sharing off a little Googling,
you can pull up a site like this, which I'll show you guys in tossing the show notes.
And you can just kind of tell people how it looks.
This is for Yotor transportation.
It's like somebody, somebody signed up for Squarespace.
Click the layout and drag and drop stock photo pictures and filled in generic information. Every single one of these people is
taking in the stock photo half turn look to the side photo
style like no one is doing this like they're all they all
either they hired a photographer to come in and
take roughly the same stock photo image of different
people or they just pulled it from
the internet.
It's really, it's really fucking weird.
And actually one comment on the Reddit post actually found the link to one of the Wix
templates that the site was using.
So you can actually even see, I'll just give you the Wix template right there.
You can look and it's like the same, even the logo is the same as the, the, the Yotaro
or Yotor transportation site or
whatever I mean and yeah literally if you here's here's a big giveaway that
this is weird hey you see the Facebook link click that real quick guys you
think it would take you to the Yotor Facebook page of course it would but it
takes you to Wix. It takes you to Wix. That's crazy. Because they just never added a link.
So the post mentions hundreds of hits when you Google these terms.
And when I first looked into this a couple months ago, it absolutely was silly with hits
when you search those names.
And I'm not exactly sure what's changed since then.
But now, while you can still find links, they're a little bit more rare.
And so today I thought it'd be fun to make a little game out of things called fake taxi fishing. And the way this game works is that one of you is going to read a quote nicely and legibly for the audience to clearly hear. And while that is happening, the other one is going to be given one of these fake names and try to drop as many links to fake taxi websites as they can find into the chat until the quote is done being read. Okay.
And then whoever finds more sites wins. Does that make
sense? Okay. So you're saying the names of the people on the
site. So I'm going to give you a name. I'm going to count down
like 321 and then I'm going to give you a name. And then when I
say the name, one of you is going to start reading a quote
that I give you and the other one is going to start googling the name and trying to find taxi websites and
dropping them in the chat.
Okay, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.
And as far as the quote that you'll be reading, even though this post doesn't really have
a huge amount of traffic, I wanted to see if anybody had filmed themselves googling
the names or calling numbers on the sites at any point.
And it's not quite the same on the
real web anymore as it was when this was happening in like September. And who do I find with a video
on this very topic, now with much better production value and no more weird right wing conspiracy
talking points, but our old pal Coop from the Paul Walker mystery. So he's got a video for this mystery
and he apparently made his video like a week
after the post was made.
So honestly, respect.
And luckily he has the perfect two-part quote
for me to pull to do our little game show here.
So here's how it's gonna work.
Like I said, first Jesse is gonna read this quote
while Mathis Hutts.
I'm gonna drop the proper spelling
of all of the names in chat right now
so you guys can see them.
So there's no mistaking the names.
So this is just the spelling so you can see them.
Then I'm going to drop the quote into the chat
for Jesse to read.
So you'll have that here, bang.
So you're ready to start reading it when it's time.
And then I'm gonna count down. And then when I say the name, that means Mathis can start Googling and you can start reading.
And I'm only using the name you're saying.
Yeah, you're only trying to use the name I say. Ready?
Any questions?
Nope. Here we go. Three, two, one, Andy DeWitt.
I was surprised when a man claiming to run a Puerto Rican taxi service picked up the
The conversation was weird and only added to this mystery.
Now Jaden and I probably talked for like 20 minutes, and while on the phone, he tells
me that he owns his own business and he doesn't know what I'm talking about, and that everything
he's done is completely legitimate.
He then proceeds to ask if I'm a private investigator or a hacker, making it very obvious
that he's trying to make sure that I'm not a fed. Okay, stop. So, Mathis got three. That's not bad.
So, there you go. So, first things first, he called the guy on the phone,
talked to the guy for 20 minutes,
says he doesn't own his own business,
and then he's like trying to find out
if he's a fed or whatever.
So that's the first part of the quote.
So now he's got three, here's the names again,
just so you guys can see them again,
just for fairness.
They all look exactly the same, by the way.
All three of them.
Yeah, if you click on these,
they're the same exact Wix template.
Like, it's crazy.
And I'll actually,
we can harvest these if we want.
Is this one from the UK that says, give us a call here. I'm going to just like, look at this.
This is the exact same numbers, like bullshit.
Oh my God. I don't remember who was with us at the time, but years and years ago, like pre COVID,
we were all in Vegas at, uh, in Evo. And while we're walking the streets, like pre-COVID, we were all in Vegas at an Evo.
And while we're walking the streets,
you know, there's those people who are like,
hey man, they give you a card,
and the card has like a half naked woman on it
with a phone number.
Like a street team, yeah, yeah, escort.
And so I don't know who it was,
but this is, you know, we were all very drunk
and someone was like, I'm gonna collect them
like Pokemon cards and walked around. Oh, I know who it was. And this is the, you know, we were all very drunk and someone was like, I'm going to collect them like Pokemon cards and walk around and start collecting all the
It was Amanda. It was Amanda for sure. Cause she still does that.
And so these cards, we, when we were done for the night, we were sitting in a restaurant
or a bar or somewhere and we were going through them. And strangely enough, we noticed that
a vast majority of the cards
of the exact same woman, different name, different phone number, but exact same woman. We were
like, what is what's good? It made me be very concerned that if you call those numbers,
you are getting 100% mugged.
Right. Exactly. Like somebody's going to just come kill you. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Um, okay
So we keep that in mind actually this this we've got the we've got the the names here
Okay, you see them all four names so you can be ready Jesse with the the correct spelling when you're ready to go
Here's the quote for math is to read and then I'm gonna count you down
What's name am I looking for? I'm gonna tell you when I say it when I say it that'll be your cue to start Google
Sure ready three two looking for. I'm going to tell you when I say it, when I say it, that'll be your cue to start Google. Sure. Ready? Three, two, one. Melissa Barber. After I tell Jaden, no,
I'm not a fed. He then proceeds to change his answer and say, now I don't only operate
one of these websites. I operate six. This would be a theme throughout the whole conversation.
Jaden would give me one answer at the start and then another answer later on.
But after talking for a while, he started to get a little strange.
And he said something that, well, let me just read it for you.
Quote, yeah, but I'm telling you because you have like a nice voice.
And I know that, well, you're just asking, you know.
Oh, sorry. I opened them all uh so i could send them all at once
sorry this is can i show you what i found though this is all i found um switch oh first swift
chauffeur again all of these the exact same uh i open i found a bunch a bunch, a bunch of them, all of them.
This is me just writing in Melissa,
and then whatever the hell her last name was,
Barbara, and then just Taxi.
And here's the thing.
Helping our people evolve, hope behavioral health,
and it's just a Taxi website.
The reason why I got a little bit distracted is, uh,
Melissa Barbara also came up for having social media accounts,
but the social media accounts don't aren't social media accounts.
It links back to Wix. Right. So weird. Like, so this is like,
even one called smart transport T is just a dead Wix
site. It's all Wix all the way down. I there are so you can keep I'm still
scrolling down. I'm on page three and there's still Melissa Barber, Melissa Barber, all these
this is genuinely bizarre. Right. So so one thing so one thing you could be and and by the way,
I still owe you guys your Christmas presents, because when those finally arrive and we debrief you,
then I will tell you what you won for this competition.
Until then, hang tight, I'm gonna chill a little bit.
It's wise, yeah, this is very strange.
But one thing that it could also be,
which always comes up with any flavor of key lime pie,
is evidence of something one of us will probably do
an episode on one day in full,
which is known as the dead internet theory. Uh, and I'm sure you guys,
I'm sure you guys have a basic idea of what that is, but for the listeners,
here's Jesse with a definition from God's gift to man, Wikipedia,
dog. Here we go.
What's absolutely crazy to me by the way,
they have one called Bayside Taxi
and Bayside Taxi is a US based company. But if you scroll all the way down, this is the,
I mean, I don't know what language this is. I assume Turkish. Yeah. Like that's...
Yeah, it says Istanbul.
Yeah, it does.
But like that's crazy.
All right.
The dead internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts due to the coordinated
and intentional effort, the internet since 2016 or 2017 has consisted mainly of bot activity
and automatically generated content manipulated
by algorithmic curation to control the population and minimize organic human activity.
Proponents of the theory believe that social bots were created intentionally to help manipulate
algorithms and boost search results in order to manipulate customers.
Some proponents of the theory accuse government agencies of using bots to manipulate public
perception. The dead internet theory has gained traction because many of the observed phenomena
are quantifiable, such as increased bot traffic, but literature on the subject does not support
the full theory. I will say the brilliance of that is that when was that written that
that Wiki? Do you know when the dead internet theory is like from like maybe like 2020 or 2018.
There's, there's definitely been an increase.
So for example, when people were talking about, uh, Twitter or just other things,
um, more and more people are disconnecting from social media just because it's so
much, it's just, it sucks.
And it's interesting that it seems to be completely true. And that Zuckerberg
was like, yo, we're gonna make fake people.
Dude, that's exactly what I was gonna say is if you've been watching the news, this
is not too far off from our dystopian reality we're already most living in right now. Because
here's because you're saying he's shopping them out but actually here's the news headline for NBC News which is Meta removes AI character accounts after users
criticize them as creepy and unnecessary. So here's a quote for Mathis to read about that
very thing and you tell me. When the Washington Post columnist Karen Attia started chatting with
quote-unquote live she posted a series of screenshots of its responses that included the AI account writing quote,
My creators admitted they lacked diverse references. The supposed racial and gender
makeup of the development team behind the chatbot, which it said didn't include
any black people and what the account claimed to be the name of its developer.
Meta has not addressed the authenticity of the AI characters claims. It is
unclear if the name provided by the AI account is a real Meta employee or a fictional
Quote, you're calling me out and rightfully so, the AI account wrote in screenshots shared by A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A with the black creators leading my design. Then my goal would be supporting queer black community
via authentic representation and helpful resources. Does that redemption arc seem possible?
No is the answer because literally Zuckerberg removed all LGBTQ plus like emote things and also
he's on his own weird like I'm trying to get the president to give me money and stuff. What's weird
though is for those who are curious why they would do this by the president to give me money and stuff. What's weird though is
for those who are curious why they would do this by the way, it's it's always money at the end of the day. It's green. It's stocks don't care if it's real as long as it seems like people are active
on the site and if you have a jillion bots and all seems like people are talking doesn't matter
to stock. And so usually from like our origins
as gaming creators, I mean, I get emails from fucking people who offer like bot inflated
comments and views also boosts you in the algorithm to get your video out there. Like
it's all over the place. I've seen it. I've seen it done. Yeah, it's not. It's such a
waste of money. Don't ever get a slice the way. Pretty weird slice of pie though, right? Pretty weird tasting pie slice there.
Anyway, this next one's called The Screams.
So the body of the post where all this started is gone now, not even cached or archived anywhere
I could find.
Oh wow.
But according to several accounts and the fact that I can still see the title of the post I know that in April of 2019 a post was made to r slash RBI
Incredibly strange flyer posted on the lamp post outside my house with a link to a website and audio files of a lady screaming
And I don't have the body of the post like I said, but apparently somewhere in the UK
possibly Gloucester OP took to the OP took to
Reddit explaining that somebody had slipped a flyer under their door and all their neighbors doors
with a with a bizarre message on it which Jesse's going to read a quote from for us right now. Here
we go. Oh boy all caps. Please help August 2018, we discovered what we think is an
illicit drug manufacturing factory running somewhere underneath your house. Women and children can be
heard screaming. Our house. Our house. Oh, our house. We reported it to the police who first ignored
us, then did not bother to listen to secret audio recordings we made. The recordings
were made secretly in a 1.5 meter shaft tunneled into the side wall of our basement. On the
recording you can hear women screaming, two foreign men talking, and an automated machine
running and flushing. When it flushes it emits strong gas. We do not speak the language,
but it appears to be one man is teaching the other
man how to use the machine. If you follow the link, you can listen to these recordings." Oh boy.
And of course, while there have been many versions of this website since 2018 and on many different
websites hosted, at this moment in 2025, none of them are any more up and running. And so,
unfortunately, the best example that I could find
for what these tapes sounded like on their own
is this link here to a video uploaded on a YouTube profile
that may or may not be related
with only a few little files on it,
but it does give you an idea of what we're working with
if you wanna give listeners an idea
so they don't have to follow the link in the show notes
unless they want to.
Literally sounds like girls screaming.
Like talk about the quality of the recording.
It's cropped, it's vertical, it's vertical phone footage,
which is, it's okay.
I don't think, yeah, I don't think,
I don't think the phone footage is like part of it.
I think it's just the audio,
but it just sounds like it was recorded on like a MacBook.
Like it's like, it's not like equipment.
It's like, you know, a home,
a home office microphone is recording this stuff.
But the flyer actually continues.
And here's Mathis with more of this dude's kind of
shocking theory on what we're listening to.
Three of these machines can be heard running.
Some are faint in the distance.
A printing press can be heard running and a lot of recordings, a motorbike can be heard running, some are faint in the distance. A printing press can be heard running and a lot of recordings, a motorbike can be heard and sirens that
sound like a police car. There are never any other traffic sounds just the
motorbike and the sirens. There is an old World War II sealed bunker nearby and a
two and a half mile stretch of road underground running from the coliery.
One microphone was left outside and someone found it.
They took it away, blanked it off, and returned it.
By mistake, they recorded themselves on the way back.
This is not a hoax.
Please help.
Share these recordings with anyone you think
will be able to put a stop to this.
And then there's the link.
Well, yeah, the link is
And like I said, that site is of course down,
like I mentioned.
I do have an archive link that I'll put
in the show notes for people,
which gives a little bit of a timeline of events,
which was then corroborated by an excellent Reddit post
that I found from user,
I am not a detective on r slash scare theater
from December of that same year, 2019.
And it's lots of great links and info of its own
and will also be included in the notes.
Basically, this whole story comes from a man
called Alan Tate and his wife Christina,
who are both close to 70 years old these days,
who one day in June of 2018 were up late
working at around 2.30 a.m.
from their home in Ammonford, South Wales,
when one of them went into the kitchen to
make a coffee and heard a weird noise coming from the abandoned house next door.
And I should say that it's not so much an abandoned house as it is an empty apartment
above a shop.
They all went out into the alley between the two houses to listen closer.
And to them, it sounded like a machine running for 10 minutes before pumping something down
the drain that ran under their feet.
When they lifted the drain cover to see what it was though, there was crazy fumes and it
irritated their eyes and their noses so much that they left the cover off and retreated
upstairs where they watched from a window upstairs.
So over the next 30 minutes, they keep watching.
The pumping cycle happens three more times.
After a while, there were so many fumes coming out that they went back out and shut the cover
because they were worried. And over the next few days, they try reporting the bizarre
activity to the police, who according to them were not interested. So they decided to take matters in
their own hands and decided to continue the investigation themselves with the recorder that
they bought on eBay. And here's Jesse with a quote from them about that.
We tested various areas within the house
and found the noises seemed to come
from underneath our basement.
We put microphones in various places in the basement
and there were two areas where the noises
were at their loudest.
So I carefully dug two 1.5 meter channels
into the wall in our basement
to get better quality recordings.
The shafts might be deeper than 1.5 meters. I dug out everything I could and then hoovered
up the remaining dirt. The hose of the Hoover is 1.5 meters long and disappeared
completely in the shafts. Over the months we amassed too many recordings to listen
to them all. The following noises can be heard on the audio recordings taken inside my basement. There are women screaming, sexual sounds,
dogs barking and printing press running, a motorbike, a car horn honking, and what sounds
like a police siren, no other traffic noises can be heard. It's just the siren and motorbike?
Yeah. So then, of course, with no other options but their own efforts, they decide to take can be heard. It's just the siren and motorbike.
Yeah. So then of course, with no other options, but their own efforts,
they decided to take action again. Another flyer appears possibly this time, instead of just being in Gloucester, it's like all over Gloucestershire,
Gloucestershire this time. And this is in June of 2019 now.
And it's not just warning people about the screams and spreading the story,
but actively promoting a petition asking for the man to be properly investigated.
And to a podcast they were running covering the sounds,
along with quotes from some anonymous people who had listened to the recordings.
And here's all three of us with a short montage of quotes from the flyer.
Keep in mind, these are from very, very real people.
I have listened to the recordings.
Now I cannot sleep.
I see no reason why this matter has not been investigated unless the police are in on it.
I have listened to the screaming.
They are real.
It's like a Scary Game Squad Eurojank game.
Sometime after the second flyer appeared though, even though the post was deleted on RBI, news
sites picked up the picture of both the recent flyer and the flyer from the RBI post.
And according to one article that was archived from Wales online, who set up their own recording
equipment in the same location and heard nothing except for their own footsteps as they left
the alley, the police had investigated the situation already.
And here's Mathis with a quote from them.
They are adamant that something is going on. They have set up a petition as they try desperately
to get the authorities to investigate further. They claim the police are ignoring their concerns
and that quote this matter needs an urgent full investigation. Diphon Powis police has confirmed
that they have received correspondence from Mr. Tate and that officers attended the area in November last year.
They did not find any evidence of any wrongdoing.
Their assertion has not weakened Mr. and Mrs. Tate's firm belief that there are people,
men, women, and children living, sleeping, and working underneath the house.
Mrs. Tate believes there are quite a lot of people down there and that the mystery might
be connected to people trafficking as well as drug manufacturing.
The couple refuses to return to Ammon Ford in fear of what they might find.
They even say they are concerned for their own safety such as the strength of their conviction
that illegal activity is taking place under their house.
They have felt compelled to flee.
They were in Gloucester earlier this year and their story was featured on website Gloucestershire
But since then they have moved on again.
They are not prepared to say where they in the UK they currently reside and did not want
pictures of themselves published to the press.
So this is why for a while Alan and Christina were living and working out of a van, traveling
around and handing out flyers for three straight years.
And Alan was even going by the handle vanfoggy for a while.
It was like for a while was his website.
That's another website that's not around anymore.
But even as their dream home in Ammanford stood empty, they were going to make it into like a bed and breakfast and all this shit, but they just never went back.
Really really weird stuff, but absolutely true. However, according to information on
the topic gathered by another mystery YouTuber, Virtual Carbon, who I don't remember if we've
talked about yet on the Corner Fest, it was corroborated by a reply with receipts in the
comments of the Reddit post by somebody
claiming to be Alan Tate himself.
The Tate's claims, while admittedly doubtful, do have some basis in fact.
Though all YouTube links provided are now dead, and even the newest URLs provided by
Virtual Carbon in his video from last January, which were at and They're all dead now. So first things first, if we
follow Alan's story, this is a story of organized crime out of the Ammanford Colliery tunnels,
which have run under the area as part of a mine system from the end of the 19th century
until they were closed in the mid 1970s and reopened with new tunnel systems in 1978 as the
Betwas New Drift Mine until it closed in 2003, extending under the area of town where Allen's
home was at the time with all the entrances sealed. However, according to the Tates,
this hasn't stopped organized crime from using them for all kinds of purposes from creating and
transporting illegal drugs to human trafficking.
And the reason he says he knows this is because the business that is next to his house below
the apartment is a salon called Sophia Nails, which was owned by a Vietnamese woman called
Tran Thanh Tran and her husband Quang Lam, who were both arrested and given jail time,
along with 22 other people in September of 2018,
when a huge network of 15 Vietnamese run weed factories
and 30 other storage and production facilities
was taken down in a police raid in South Wales.
So the two people that were on the lease for this building
got arrested in that.
Apparently this gang was running many salons in the area,
using them in immigration scams and straight up human trafficking people building got arrested in that. Apparently, this gang was running many salons in the area,
using them in immigration scams and straight up human trafficking people while promising
them work and exploiting them as labor for the gang. Tate also highlighted the fact that
in another police raid on Vietnamese drug gangs in South Wales, they actually did shut
down three men running a factory in Wales out of a former underground nuclear bunker,
which they outfitted completely with illegal immigrant worker housing and filled out two
floors with like go-ops packing areas, shipping areas, all that shit. And in response, the current
owner of Sophia Nails replied that neither Tran nor Lam have been associated with the business
for over seven years, aka before the Tate's ever recorded anything, which is 100% true.
And when all the other salons managed by the gang went down, Sophie and Nail stayed open.
And in fact, it's still open today, though it has moved locations extremely recently
as the apartment above it that we were talking about just caught fire a few months ago in
August and shut them down.
I have an article about that that's going to be in the show notes. And I also have another archived article from Wales online because
in the end, as unsatisfying as it is, the only closure we have is this next archived
article that reports on the final word from Alan and Christina Tate and their house in
Ammanford, which Jesse will read for us now. Mr. Tate said that despite their efforts to
uncover what they believed and start and, alright, uncover what they believed, comma, and start the retirement
of their dreams, it was no longer a viable option for them. He said, after spending nearly three
years living in a van and traveling around the UK in an effort to get these matters investigated,
we feel our efforts were in vain and it is time for us to move on.
We have decided to sell the property as we now realize our dream of retiring to Wales
is no longer viable.
We are both in our 60s.
Our decision has not been taken lightly, as it is our belief that the noises that were
recorded were of people in distress and suffering.
Over the last three years, we have done everything we can think of to get a full investigation into these matters we have raised, but the police seem
Yeah, and I'm not sure if this is if this news is related to that reported on Alan's
social media sometime in early 2024. But he has been caught. This was in 2021 that they
sold the house. But in 2024, he was contacted by police and asked to stop
what he was doing because it was starting to become like harassment and kind of illegal.
And he had to take down everything about it to cut down all the sites, all the videos.
According to him, that's just another sign of police being in league with the gangs.
And that is the mystery of the Ammanford Screams. There you go. There you go.
And we got one more for you today.
This is the last one.
It's the next one.
Comes from and Popular Mechanics.
This one is called Unidentified Flying Airplane.
You had the first half.
So at around 4.30pm on October 25th, 2017, while Jesse was in Australia
for an evening with Jesse Cox at PAX Australia, there was a mystery aircraft in Oregon that was
causing quite a ruckus near the California-Oregon border, where apparently, I just wanted to put you
in the mindset so you could understand. Oh no, I'm in there. Yeah, no.
Apparently, multiple pilot eyewitnesses recorded audio from air traffic control, all of which
was double confirmed by the FAA and NORAD, by the way, supporting the idea that a radar
target was sighted moving at very high speeds.
And to put us in a little better context, here's a Reddit post by the user Dupras that
Mathis will read about what went down.
Here we go.
Just landed in Seattle, coming from the Bay Area.
Beginning over southern Oregon,
we kept overhearing Seattle Center attempting
to track an airplane with no transponder who wasn't talking.
A handful of crews were able to track it visually.
Best they could tell it was between FL350 and 370,
35,000 to 37,000 feet, and northbound.
Nobody close enough to see the type.
Last we heard it was over the Willamette Valley northbound. Nobody close enough to see the type. Last we heard it was over the Willamette
Valley northbound and some fighters, perhaps out of PDX, which is Portland International
Airport were scrambled to go take a peek. Center had trouble tracking it on primary
radar. Strange. My theory is they were running drugs to Canada. No news yet. not that I could find. And then there's an update, 0500Z hours, called SEA RTCC.
The gentleman I spoke with said that they initially got alerted to the aircraft from
Oakland Center who was painting it on primary, illuminating it with radar but without transponder
For whatever reason, they couldn't track it themselves on primary and that's when I overheard
them using airline aircraft to track it visually.
The last airplane to see it had to descend into Portland and lost sight of it.
The fighters were scrambled out of PDX, but flew around for a while and did not find it.
And that's that. And actually, it's true.
That really did happen. And that guy, though, he's not confirmed because he's just a Redditor.
He said he was a pilot. And so that's just our air traffic traffic control person and that's just kind of what we have to deal with. But his story
is absolutely 100% corroborated by a million different sources that were not public at the
time he made the post. So they try and track the thing through the Willamette Valley. It's not
showing up on radar or traffic collision avoidance systems or anything like that.
So the FAA traffic control asks pilots to keep an eye out for a, quote,
white aircraft traveling between 35 and 40,000 feet. They do see some stuff, but they lose track
of it. And eventually the Oregon Air National Guard 142nd Fighter Wing scrambled some F-15Cs
from the Portland International Airport with some of the craziest air-to-air radar in the
biz added on. And these things called Sni things called sniper advanced targeting pods, which are made specifically to visually identify objects in the air at long range.
And some of the best pilots in the entire world are up there for a bit and quote looked around
and said that they quote didn't find anything. So, that aside, the war zone writer Tyler Roggeway
wasn't satisfied with this and filed a FOIA request for more info.
And three months later, he got it in the form of audio recordings of radio transmissions and phone calls.
And we can paint a little more granular picture of what occurred,
even though it is worth mentioning the actual audio and visuals itself.
You may have seen me skeetting about this on Blue Sky at the author the other day.
Everything that was linked in the post, and a huge part of what was interesting about
this mystery is now gone.
It's just not attached to the article anymore and now I just have to go off the summary
from the article and a couple other sources who got to hear it.
So I reached out to the author on Blue Sky within an hour of the last time you posted
to inquire about them but as of this recording, I haven't gotten an update about that.
Though if I do get one, I'll definitely share it. But anyway, like I said, the quotes intruders
first official appearance is hot and fast on the radar near the
border of Oakland Center, sector 31 in Seattle sector 14. So it's
on the California Oregon border, moving quote, very fast at 37,000
feet. And then it drops off radar. So they have to rely on
visual reports, but airline crews for 30 minutes
over hundreds of miles.
We also know from the FAA calls that the military had already been involved
while it was still visible on radar, which is earlier than we maybe thought before
based on the behavior of what happened.
And it's worth mentioning that one of the FAA controllers asks
the Seattle Center Operation Eradicants Manager if he's asking for military
assistance twice and is met with nothing but silence.
He's like, are you asking me to call in the military?
He's like, do you need the military?
And the guy just doesn't say anything.
And yet, even with all this audio of it,
nobody still knows who made the call to scramble the F-15s.
There's no record of it.
And according to what's still here,
pending the full audio to go through,
even though it has to come through FAA headquarters, they just show up.
So here's a quote from the article for Jesse to read.
The exchanges between nearby pilots and air traffic control regarding the unidentified
aircraft were constant in the audio, with the same description coming back time and
That of a white aircraft cruising at around 37,000
feet that is too far away to tell the type or if it has markings of any kind on it.
So the Air Force is mentioned as wanting to set up an air patrol 12 miles north of PDX,
weirdly. And this is another thing that's completely unexplained. The F-15s are then
scrambled and head south, which is the opposite direction. And when Alaska Airlines Flight 439 asks controllers
for an update, one of them actually half jokingly,
half real casually says that this must have gone quote,
stealth mode or something.
And then it kind of wraps up in terms of like a sighting,
but then we get more info about what happened after,
which again, there were clips of at one point.
Seattle Center chats with a couple of the pilots FAA air traffic organization security and safety and quality
assurance about how it was a good idea to get the military involved, but that it should
have come through FAA and that no one knows who called them in and that Oakland Center
actually advised them to call NORAD Western Air Defense at first and not the military.
Then Oakland Center shows up and talks about how there definitely actually was something
that they all saw out there.
And that at first it was going southbound super fast.
And then it made a crazy maneuver
and quote took off northbound.
And they have no idea how to even go about reporting it
to their higher ups because they're saying things like quote,
I have a feeling someone is gonna go through with this,
go through this with a fine tooth comb, right?
Then each of the crews are interviewed one at a time.
And there was audio of all of this.
And while a lot of people did see a version
of the same stuff we've already covered,
the pilot of Southwest 4712,
who watched it all the way from Northern California
to touchdown in Portland, was particularly compelling,
saying he'd never seen anything like it
in 30 years of flying big jets.
And here's Mathis with a little quote from him.
It was, uh, if it was like a Lear, which is a private jet type airframe, uh,
I probably wouldn't, I probably would not have seen it this clear.
This was a white airplane and it was big with all caps big,
and it was moving at a clip too, because we were keeping pace with it.
It was probably moving faster than we were.
It was a larger aircraft. Yeah. Yeah. And this is kind of interesting because it was posted before
the FOIA request came through. The Warzone finds another Reddit post from the user, the flying beard,
quote, who is supposedly an air traffic controller, which I'll have Jesse read a little bit of now
because it kind of reverse corroborates a lot of the stuff on the calls. So like he said all this
and then the calls came out and it corroborated everything you said. So now it's almost like
a good account of what happened.
Yeah, was just going to post about this actually. I was working in adjacent sector and was helping
to coordinate some of the military stuff. They ended up launching F-15s off of PDX to try and find it, but no joy.
Also, cue conspiracy theory, our QA department was working on this today and got a call from
the commander of the 142nd Fighter Wing in PDX and was basically told to knock it off,
and we know nothing. For what it's worth, I think the FAA is pursuing this at
higher levels. From a safety standpoint, with the military is running super secret test
stuff in the NAS, National Airspace, that's bad. If I were one of the pilots that had
a sighting, I'd definitely be filing a NASA form and any other official reports that you can, I guess NASA would be better than
NASA there. If the aircraft continued on its presumed heading course altitude, the F-15s
were sent the wrong way. The last known position was around the EUG area heading north around
750 kt knots. I guess that's what they mean.
And the fighters went south when they launched twenty to the
twenty-five to thirty minutes about twenty-five thirty minutes
after the first report in the Shasta area. The time of day
made it hard. All the guys on the east side couldn't see it
due to setting sun and the northbound traffic on the west side was
pretty sparse. I guess ZOA, Oakland Center, had a good primary mode C on the guy for a bit in the
RBL Red Bluff Municipal Airport area. I was initially heading southwest and it made a pretty
sharp turn to the north, way faster, harder, harder, faster,
uh, than what a commercial aircraft could handle at that speed altitude without
ripping the wings off. So now there's a few theories as to what this thing might
have been, but even though we just got talking about how a commercial aircraft
would rip its wings off trying to do a maneuver like that, uh, the only theory
that makes any sort of sense based on all the testimonies
is something called the Rat 55,
which the Warzone also has an article on
that's also written by the same author, Tyler Ragoey,
that has some pictures of it for you that you can look at.
But also here's a quote from it for Mathis to read
just to explain to the people exactly what it is.
Also do not miss the art for the crew patch, but there's the site and here's Mathis with
the quote.
The shadowy NT-43A, better known by its callsign and nickname RAT-55, is one of America's most
prized test and evaluation assets for use in developing and validating low observable
stealth technologies.
The bizarre jet is extremely shy.
In fact, nobody really knows where it lives, although it is known to bounce around from
notorious locales like Area 51 and Tonopa Test Range Airport.
Pretty much all images of it are from far away or are grainy and low quality in nature.
Now that is no longer the case.
The images show RAT-55, its nickname and call sign likely a play on its supposed name radar
airborne testbed and its tail number and stunning details.
The modifications to this aircraft are quite incredible with its massive forward and aft
radomes, I'm assuming radar domes, along with with outside structures to accommodate them, turning what was basically a 737-200 aircraft into a bizarre monstrosity, although a highly valuable one.
Finally, the A.F.M.C. tailband is clearly visible, denoting that Air Force Material Command is who officially owns the almost ghostlike airframe.
Yeah. And it's like a giant jet with a fat nose and a Radness
Yeah, and you gotta see you gotta see the the patch crew in the tradition of all amazing military Air Force whatever patches
Yeah, so good. Just it'll be in the show notes. You can check it out. But goddamn it's fucking great
So yeah, that's what people think and of course
There's some people who think it was a giant drone and some people who think it was an alien and some people including fucking
Popular mechanics who had the gall to look at all that data and all the testimony and suggest it was a mass delusion
But I thought it was neat to see a UFO story where the fo is probably some kind of weird airplane and not a UFO
And also towards the end of researching this one even after I decided it on the order for today, I noticed that
fucking starlight down who did the post I originally heard about mixazoa from on non
mystery mysteries, non murder mysteries also did one on this mystery, which to me is like,
which is like a pretty wild coincidence. So I figured I had to give them the last word.
So here's Jesse with a quote to take us out. Here we go.
I'll point out that the aircraft took a very sharp turn that a 737 would not have survived.
Confirmed sightings of RAT-55 have only been at two specific places in Southern California
and Nevada, which are designated for the testing of experimental aircraft, and which are far from
where this sighting was made.
Why is the Air Force testing a super secret aircraft in a high traffic air corridor during
the day? Thoughts? I do think this was military aircraft, though probably not the one identified
above, and I'm confused as to why the Air Force would be gleefully parading a shiny white stealth secret aircraft
over a place like this during the day. And that is the Unidentified Flying Airplane,
and that is it for this week. There are six more wonderful mysteries tucked away in the corners
of the web next week and one more. Thank you so much for listening. As always,
slash illuminati pod. See you next time for episode D, the finale of cornerfest 25.
Be sure to check out the official festival lineup poster for cornerfest 25 for free
on the Patreon.
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And if you want, come find us all on blue sky and follow us there too.
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I love you.
Bye. Hello everybody. Welcome back to your support. I love you. Bye.
Hello everybody.
Welcome back to the Jaluminati podcast.
It's always I'm one of your hosts, Mike Martin,
joined by the...
I don't know who they are.
There's two.
Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer.
Neo and Trinity
I don't understand and I probably never will
Let me just tell you right now that there's two
Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield
I'm telling you, I think he literally just looked up famous duos
Cheech and Chow
And it's just been going through the list ever since
I'm trying to dig deep.
Which one of you is, uh, Dick Powell?
Your name's Jesse Cox!
I want your lunatic.
I want my my man. I want your, my baby
I want to live with my baby
I want my, my baby
I want to live with my baby I want to live with my baby Hello everybody, welcome back to the Jaluminati Podcast. As always, I'm one of your hosts, Mike Martin, joined by Alex and Jesse.
Like a shooting star across the sky
that's actually a UFO. Thanks for watching!