Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 290: Coral Castle

Episode Date: March 16, 2025

This week Jesse takes Mike, Alex and all of you on one of the most non-Jesse topics to date. MERCH - Thank you too -  All you lovely people at Patreon...! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD HeroForge - Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Show art by - SOURCES: 

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Starting point is 00:00:34 like the all new, all electric, 20, 25 Volkswagen ID Buzz. Play on the Tim's app until March 23rd. Rules apply Canada only. No purchase necessary. Visit the Tim's app for details. Hello everybody and welcome back to the full Illuminati podcast. Smitty says hello as well. Episode 2, 190 is always one of your hosts, Mike Martin. Today joined by the John Reznik and Robbie Tekak of LA.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Jessie and Alex. It's the lead singer and guitarist in the bassist of the Goo Goo Dolls because I'm on a massive like Goo Goo Dolls. I'm sorry, what'd you call resnic resnic? R R is it's RZ easy. And I K sorry, resnic. I got it. Sorry. I was like, who's resnic?
Starting point is 00:01:33 So you want to know something also? This is why we maybe me and Alex need to do a couple like episodes just for Patreon. I also have zero music experience in my entire life. Like really? Guitar actually opened the door to it and because it made it interactive and it's I love playing but I really have very like music was what do you mean by hold on? What do you mean by this? Listen, you know those you know those like sci-fi stories from like
Starting point is 00:01:58 like the Ray Bradbury era of short stories where the plot is just like some naked dude gets like really smart and he like learns things realizes things. Yeah. Right. Then he like writes a diary and there's like a diary that's written in like it's like you know it's like an outer limits or a twilight zone type plot. And then and then you read Mathis's tweet about guitar and what is like change in his brain as guitar has like seeped into his brain and he's like, before music was merely noise. It was like, it's not just even like, oh, I didn't really care about mute. Right. But you did. But you now do
Starting point is 00:02:37 understand actually the concept. I understand. I truly understand like why it's special. Why? But like, I need to play it for that. Hold on, hold on. Hold on. What is your baseline? Like what growing, like growing up, like what I listen to, I mean, I'm just wanting to know like what music did, cause in my mind when you say growing up, this is, I imagine you just listened to weird out. I had one weird out CD. I'm picturing him listening to like probably the four CDs I owned my whole life. Okay. What are they?
Starting point is 00:03:10 They were the very first ones I can remember where I want to just like, I think we've talked about this. Like I think like she's in the condition. Like it's three AM. I think I'm reading like that type of shit is my guess. Like six stuff like train like like like like like counting crows. Yeah. Counting crows. Like even sick stuff? Like train. I don't know if you'll be able to. It'll be interesting. Counting crows. Yeah. Counting crows.
Starting point is 00:03:29 No, it wasn't counting crows. I bought, I remember I was 16 and I bought a radio, like a stereo set because I thought I was, like that was normal. Like I just, I was like, that's like a normal thing kids do. Even though I didn't listen to music and I bought three CDs. I had Astral Lounge by Smash Mouth. An alien dude. Okay. Love that. Great. I think it was the Will Lennon, Will Smith, Will Smith. No, no, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Those were the two. Both of, we both had both of these in our collections at the same base. Okay. So that's pretty, that's pretty fricking normal. What was three? I had the Creed CD with the clay guy. I never had Creed. I mean, I was not never my bag. I was in the land of Creed for sure, but. With the secret 18th track.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Interesting. And then I had Linkin Park, the hybrid theory. Classic. Some like big one, yeah, like the platinum record. Your music preferences and stylings are late 90s, early 2000s. That's what you grew up with. K-R-O-Q. Because my mom, so my mom, keep this in mind, my mom was 20 when she had me. are late nineties, early two thousands. That's what you grew up with. K R O Q.
Starting point is 00:04:26 So my mom, keep this in mind, my mom was 20 when she had me. Very Gen X, very typical, like kind of rebellious Gen X underneath those. A lot of nine, like the songs I'm rediscovering through guitar are all like nineties, early two thousands, like alt rock, indie pop, like that, you know, like that kind of stuff. And this is another one where I'm like, sure. I knew these songs, but I didn't know they were good girls and what not. But you have no, yeah. Google dolls is more like a mid early 90s.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah. Like you, so you don't have a lot of foundation when it comes to even older stuff, like you're not zero. So stones, Beatles, Zeppelin, beach Boys. You don't have any of that. I was really first introduced to- Bee Gees. Like I knew of them obviously and I could probably pick out a song or two just from Osmosis. Marvin Gaye. Like- I was first introduced to that kind of music through Guitar Hero. Interesting. I was going to say also Jess has really good taste in music.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yes. For the most part. Right. She's a music like- But so, so, so you would say your focus on music is, uh, like all rock of a very confined, like 10 year period. Yeah. Yeah. There's a couple of more. And then everything else is freeform. Everything else is available. He's finding out. Yeah. I'm literally, I've discovered, I discovered a couple of songs that like, I'm assuming people know, but I didn't. They're very like poppy songs by The Tones, I think they were called. That's new to me. Like Death Tones? No, no, no, no, no, no. Like, it's like a very poppy, like almost like clubby sounding song.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Can I recommend you some music, Mathis? I mean, yeah, sure. Okay. A lot of Green Day. A lot of Green Day. Oh, yeah. I know Green Day very well. I'm gonna like ride your vibe and like try and meet you in the middle. All right. You should listen to Pavement. Never heard of them. You should listen to the Magnetic Fields. Also never heard of them, but that-
Starting point is 00:06:17 You are picking pure Indie. Yeah. No, but they're not, but they're not. They are. They are. They are. They are, but they're like, at this point, like almost the Beatles of that time. Like, okay. No, not even. Pavement, the magnetic fields, neutral milk hotel.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Oh no, I've never heard any of these things. And Echo and the Bunny Men, okay? All right, I will, I don't know. I'm interested. I'm going to go look, I'll go look them up. And you guys, and you guys at home, you Gen Xers and millennials who listened to, uh, the arcade fire, like chime in, let me know how you guys, what you guys think about this. There's only one thing Mathis needs to listen to and that's zoot suit riot by
Starting point is 00:07:03 cherry pop and daddy. Mathis needs to listen to and that's Zoot Suit Riot by Cherry Poppin Daddy. And then what's the what's the one on the weird Al it's like I'm getting tired up my big fat rear. I like the weird Al song they had Albuquerque on it whatever one that was. Dude that's the best. That's a that's the is it called Albuquerque? No, no, the album isn't. But I don't know what the album was called. That's the best. That's the best one. I'm not dare to be stupid. My last bit of music thing before we can move on.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I've been trying to learn name as of last night from the Google dolls. And the way that guitar is tuned is fucking absurd. The way he tunes it to play it. I don't know. Anybody who plays a guitar probably will understand this. D, A, E,-A-E-E. Oh is that the one that's like ding-ding-ding? Yeah but like he tunes two of the strings so up it's so tight that I've read so many stories of people snapping strings over and over and over while playing that song over time because of how he tunes the guitar for that. That's the type of song that you write when you're either in a recording studio
Starting point is 00:08:05 or there's a guy who comes to you while you're playing your show, who like hands you a different guitar for two seconds so that you can play one fucking weird song and then comes back, takes it from you and gives it, gives you back your like nice little Gibson or whatever you're playing on. Cause you're in the Google dolls. He gave her the story as he said, he was just bored and he was randomly tuning his guitar just like you do kind of just like messing the fuck around and then playing with it until he found something he liked that let he sound and then he
Starting point is 00:08:29 like, I mean, that's music baby. No, I remember the Sonic youth almost like gave up as a band because their tour like van got stolen or something for Sonic youth. They're called the S yeah. They're called the Sonic youth. They're like in the smashing pumpkins, but like a little bit more cred than that. And like, I know some of them couldn't play in their songs. Yeah, yeah. And they they have so many songs that are like with weirdly tuned, like specially
Starting point is 00:08:53 get tuned guitars. And like they have like, they're like Noisrock pioneers also. So just strange sounds. And then this fucking van got stolen. And they were like, I don't know. They're like, how do we make this music anymore? I don't know. So it's like, that's wild. Yeah. You know, it's kind of the story of the album, American idiot too. No, before they had a band, a whole album done called cigarettes and
Starting point is 00:09:14 Valentine's, the album got stolen because somebody broke in and just like, didn't even, they don't think they stole it because, because they weren't really that big yet. They just got robbed and they had it on a, on a, like a it was gone and he said instead of redoing it they said fuck it let's just start from scratch and they started again but they have elements of cigarettes and valentines in American Idiot songs. I must stress Green Day was very very popular so they definitely made it. Yeah I guess they would have been right. Yeah. Dookie was already out.
Starting point is 00:09:47 That idiot was like my introduction to them, which is funny. That was like their most mainstream album that they made period. Yeah. I remember my mom being mad at me cause I had the Dookie album and she was like, that means poopy. Gensli, what are you listening to? Dookie! I was like, like that means poopy. Gently. What are you listening to? I love listening to Snoop Dogg as a kid. And my parents were like,
Starting point is 00:10:18 that'll make you into a gang member. And now Snoop is like, Hey everybody, I'm on TV. So crazy to me. The people were like, that'll, Oh, you can't have Snoop Dogg. I mean, I can mean I can I could probably by the time you were listening to him. He was already so mainstream He's very even I knew who he was and that's you know, that's a good marker if it's almost popular or not My mom would listen to like Alanis Morissette like jagged little pill all the fucking time that entire album and then my dad was like a secret stoner so it was like in that entire album. And then my dad was like a secret stoner. So it was like fucking Bob Marley and fish, grateful dad, all that shit while pretending he doesn't smoke weed.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Sure. And that, my friends, is why you should learn how to play guitar, which you cannot do at slash nanny pod. I mean, you could try. But I bet if enough of you guys got together on there, you could make a little guitar club in the comments of the posts.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Be kind of that. That's kind of cool. Anyway, go check out slash. Shulman Adipa. There's all kinds of great stuff going on there. Um, and, uh, it supports us and it keeps the show going. And what else is there to say about it? That's the best thing you can do. Also head over to the slash Shulman Adi. Oh my God, a moth, maybe it's yourself. A mofman is still up. I don't know when it goes off for sale, but I know it's a limited time thing. So it's a limited thing, but we don't know exactly the date on that.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I don't think yet. Not me. I don't think it's, I don't think it's done yet. Yeah, but we have it doesn't ship for a little while. So hurry up and get on that because he's cute. And probably next time it'll be a different one. Cool. Well, today's exciting because it's a rare special treat for you and me. Alex, we both get to take today off and we get to hand the reins over to the science master, the man filled with logic, the science master.
Starting point is 00:12:00 First of all, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here. I'm staying present today because I last time I don't know if it was the last time you did an episode, but I'm still thinking about the red man That was like the weirdest thing that you've ever told That's not one of the weirdest things that I've ever that was like an Assassin's Creed side quest. Yeah That was like the weirdest thing I've ever heard. That was like from the game indica. That's the weirdest thing I've ever What that episode in particular was two and a half years ago? You know, what is time, man?
Starting point is 00:12:28 What is not that often? These siestas are getting shorter and shorter. Mm-hmm. Thank you so much to Hero Forge for sponsoring today's episode. And you've heard me talk about before. I'm a huge nerd. I'm a tabletop RPG nerd. I have at-home games with my friends.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I do live shows as well on the internet so you can find me at. I just have a huge collection of figurines at home because of it and one of the main places I go for that, not actually one of the main place I go to for that is Hero Forge. And over at Hero Forge you can create a ton of unique minis to use within your own game or if you're DM monsters to use on your characters, or if you just want mini statuettes of characters or creatures, you can do all of that. But I'm not gonna sit here and talk about that website for too long, though use promo code chill on checkout. But instead, they also have a Kickstarter going
Starting point is 00:13:15 that was already fully funded and still getting a ton more people to support it, which I suggest you go check out. The link will be in the description below. And that's for their Hero Forge custom dice. That's right, now they've got all these custom figur description below and that's for their hero forge custom dice That's right. Now. They've got all these custom figurines You can be able to get custom dice with your own little things within them You get to craft unique dice that reflect your characters remarkable story with hero forge custom dice from cheese filled D force to D
Starting point is 00:13:38 10s with a trusty familiar inside to extra large D 20s with a full bust of your characters likeness each dice you design Tells a story in every role. Let's likeness. Each dice you design tells a story in every role. Let's be real. Go check it out right now. Again, the link will be in the description below, but it's slash projects slash hero forge. Easy as that. But again, the link will be in the description below. I love hero forge. I've used them for years. I've set it before. This is one of my dream, like just partnerships just to work with these people I absolutely love and adore the figures and the options they give you so please for the sake of obviously our show but for the sake of yourself and Hero Forge go check them out you can literally build a character with their in website tools
Starting point is 00:14:16 for free before you even pull a trigger and buy anything so go check it out and again go check out their Kickstarter link in the description below for their custom dice to add to that story that is just your own. Thank you again to HeroForge for sponsoring today's episode. Jesse? Yes? What do you have for us today? Well it's a topic that I'm surprised we have never covered.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It feels like we should. It is always up there and things that are in the weird and mysterious and, um, admittedly one of America's weirder things, of course, talking about Florida. If this is what I think it is, this is real or fake. One of the most fascinating things that like, the more you look into it, one of the most fascinating topics. Yeah. Is this really bizarre?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Something you talked about bringing up years ago to do as a topic on the show? Absolutely. Dang. And eventually it was recommended by a bunch of people on the subreddit who were just like, why haven't you done this yet? I was like, I'm working on it. It's going to happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Head over to our subreddit and join the community. So what do you think, Florida? You may think of people shooting at hurricanes to make them stop or that one guy who said he wasn't drinking and driving because he was only taking swigs from his bottle at stop signs. Oh, like Mario Kart rules. Yeah. You know, the state where alligators and meth heads roam and gangs together. That state. GTA six. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yes. Yeah. Get ready for that. Honestly, I'm just glad that that fucking game is coming out so that people stop telling me how much my city looks like fucking Grand Theft Auto every time I'm here. Do you think GTA six will fix the world? Um, no, but it will make us forget about it for a while. It's going to be animal crossing for a whole different type of person.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For a whole different type of problem. Yeah. Now, uh, if you're in Miami, by the way, Miami is a lovely city.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And if I was even remotely more fit, it's the place I would be. And if I was even remotely more fit, it's the place I would be. Never too late, Jesse. All I ever think about is Dexter being like, I like to eat while I drive around in Miami. Yeah. Miami is like an amazing city. But yeah, everyone there is like, not just like beautiful, but like, I don't need to wear clothes ever. It's a sexy place. It's a sexy place. Yes. Miami. But if you drive towards the Florida Keys, about 25 minutes later, you will arrive in the town of Homestead, Florida. I thought you were about to give me directions to Kokomo.
Starting point is 00:17:01 You go down to the Keys, spend some time getting key lime pie. That's when you're gonna get away from it all. But in Homestead, you'll find an amazing, mysterious place called the Coral Castle. And that's where the crowd erupts in cheers and clapping. Finally, you've been waiting for this. It's literally been like five or six years since you brought this up. It's true, it's true. Or as it's become known, America's Stonehenge,
Starting point is 00:17:29 a thousand tons of rock crafted, moved, and placed by a single man. It's a mysterious structure, much like the real Stonehenge, which begs the question, how do you do it? Why do you do it? What's the deal there? And if the name rings a bell, it might be because you saw it on Ancient Aliens or heard
Starting point is 00:17:56 it on Coast to Coast AM or any of the other many places that's been featured. If you know weird things, if you love weird things, it's always on that list. Brought this up during the Staircase one, which was another weird like building. It's like another impossibility. It's like that same thing. It's really just enough like people go and it was just like there was no internet. There was no comment section. So you just be like, how the fuck you do that? Like when you go to, you know, uh, wow, water running uphill, like in the middle of, uh, Santa Cruz or wherever that is, the mystery spot, same kind of thing. Right? Also there's, there's another very weird thing that I, I one day one, it's probably a mini so
Starting point is 00:18:36 thing, but there's a, a street, I think it's in Spain, maybe it's in Mexico. I can't remember, but it's like angled at a weird way that up is actually down. Huh? So the street looks like it's going up, but really you're going down and people can't walk on it. And so tourists like will fall. Like people go to the street, but it seems because it's all logic. I need to see that. That sounds cool. And it's just, and it's just straight up math. It's just, well, I'd probably vomit. It's just the way things are built. It just looks crazy. And so people, yeah. I'd probably vomit. It's just the way things are built. It just looks crazy. And so people, their equilibrium gets thrown off, but, um, that's not this. This is
Starting point is 00:19:12 traveling back to the early 1900s. So sit back, relax. You're in for a ride. This is a wild one back before seat belts and standards, a place we're headed again today. Well, technically we start before cars because Edward Lee Skaunen was born January 12th, 1887 in Latvia, which at the time I think was under Russian control. And he was the son of- That was pre Jack the Ripper, by the way. Yes. He was the son of farmers and his family, they did not have a lot of money. Ed himself only attended school for a couple of years before staying at home to help out.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Although he couldn't really help that much because Ed was pretty sickly and weak as a child. And really for most of his life, he overcompensated for that lack of physical skill by reading and learning all that he could. I mean, like even as an adult, Ed was five feet, 100 pounds. So he is a like, so he's just literally just small physically. Yes. Tiny man, which again, hilarious thing to be like part of this mystery. Exactly. It adds to it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A strikingly small man.
Starting point is 00:20:31 But like, other than that, what I just told you, very little is actually known about this guy's childhood. That again, like Alex was just saying, continues to add to the mystery of all these things associated with him, right? It's a frail man who's like, no one knows anything about this guy, really. He just seems like he shouldn't be able to do anything that he did. What we do know for sure is that his father was a skilled stonemason and that Ed spent his days learning the craft from him and he clearly did that in Latvia for some time as the next information we have about him, again complete mystery, the next information we have about him is at the age of 26 he got engaged to
Starting point is 00:21:19 marry a woman named Agnes Sqvust. I hope that how you say that. Yes, that can't be right. S K U V S T. Sqoost. Sqoost. It's probably like Sqoost. Pearson. Yeah. No. Uh, but she was 16 at the time. Oh,
Starting point is 00:21:42 getting older around that time, man. You're already, she's already an elderly matron. I mean, you're kind of still kind of in like weird cowboy. It feels weird. Yeah, it feels weird. But you know, at the time, I guess that was, it was the 1800s. Well, actually, this would have been the 1900s now, but either way, uh, right before their marriage, like the day before she breaks off the engagement and says, I'll never marry you. You know, sometimes it's why we'll never know probably because we probably don't know much about their history.
Starting point is 00:22:14 We have no idea why. He's all five foot, like tiny angry little asshole. He appears not to be angry or any of that. Uh, but we'll get into why maybe she would have left him. How old was he? 26. When she was 16? Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:33 And so... It's weird. I'm like, in my mind, I'm like, at least he wasn't 40, like all the other ones are. Do you remember we talked about that other one? It was another Wild West story where the young girl had like a 40 year old man that the mom wanted her to marry and then like a 20 something year old that she liked a lot. I mean, yeah, at the time it was all about stability. It's about like you're getting rid of your daughter who's a drain on your money and giving it to someone, like giving her to someone who can take care of her. And that's like the vibe of that time period.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah. It wasn't really what she wanted. Pretty popular. Uh, yeah, just gotta be a popular YouTuber today to do that. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Um, whether it be because he was heartbroken or embarrassed or for some other reason,
Starting point is 00:23:19 he left Latvia right after that and immigrated to the United States. He left Latvia right after that and immigrated to the United States. He arrived April 7th, 1912 in New York, which is again, just part of the records. There's very little information about this guy. There's just part of the records that we have. He arrived in New York, Titanic times, basically. Yeah. And he began his American dream looking for work. And then he just did not find any, which is, I thought very funny heading west.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Is that very American? I mean, kept heading south, I guess. Well, so what ended up happening is in August of the same year, he treks to the Pacific Northwest to work in the logging industry, far away from Florida. Yeah. We lose track of him there. far away from Florida. Yeah, we lose track of him there. We don't really know much, except the things we do know is that in 1917, he filled out his draft registration card because you know, World War One. And then we see on that card, he's listed as self-employed and he makes axe handles. That's,
Starting point is 00:24:20 that's like, that's all we got on him during this time period that feels so gratifying can I just say I bet you that dude felt so good because he just finished it and he'd be like I Have made money as a professional axe handle maker in Kingdom Come Deliverance, too It's very satisfying when you finish that nice Ten minute mini game of building your weapon and hammering out the metal and putting that axe handle in there and you feel proud of your work. I bet you know, crafting in general. I bet that feels really good. Why do we have to go all the way to the PNW though? Yeah, good question.
Starting point is 00:24:52 This is what's everywhere at this time. That's like the far, it's like, you know, when people from, well, I guess now that we're like a burgeoning fascist dictatorship, it's different. But way back when people used to want to visit us, they used to say things like, oh, I'm going to go to New York City, then I'm going say things like, Oh, I'm going to go to New York city. Then I'm going to go to Dallas. Then I'm going to go to Los Angeles. Then I'm going to go to, uh, you know, uh, Salt Lake city or whatever. And it's like, I feel like back in the day that could like be your doom.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Like if you like, we're like, I'm going to go on the organ trail. Who cares? Yeah. I mean, depending on what fucking, uh, Kentucky cannibals, the story of a man who like fucking was traveling in this timing. I lost. Thankfully this is, you know, early 1900s. So there's railroads. Like you're not trekking across on a caravan. Like you're literally just hop on a training go, which I'm still
Starting point is 00:25:40 it's fucking 3000 miles, bro. And that's what he did because I guess at the time there was a big wood boom, a lumber boom. And that's when they were cutting down all the trees in Northern California and Oregon. And, uh, you know, that's why they had to be like the red woods are a national treasure. Do not that's it's all because of that. Cause we got a little too carried away, but that's how we built kind of everything during this time period,
Starting point is 00:26:04 especially in that world war one, World War Two era, right before we got like the greatest generation. And so that's, I guess that's what he was doing out there. Um, the next time we hear about him is in the winter of 1922, 23, Ed was found- So like 10 years later. Yeah, again, no, very little. Unless these people kept journals, yeah, we're not gonna learn much about him. Exactly, and he wasn't like important, right?
Starting point is 00:26:35 He was just a guy. And so there wasn't much reason for him to have journals or to have people- Just a girl in a world, yeah. Yeah, and so Ed was found on the side of the road, sick and passed out. He got the Edgar Allen Poe treatment. Yeah. The man who found him took him to the doctor and the doctor told Ed,
Starting point is 00:27:00 my man, you have tuberculosis and at this point you have six months to live. All right brother. Good luck. Yeah. Ed. So we had to make for warmer climbs? Apparently he seemed completely unfazed by the diagnosis and he said that he believed the sun would cure him of his illness and so he moved to the Sunshine State. He moved to Florida. And it did? Well, this is the weird thing. He moved to Florida city, which for my geography nerds out there, Florida city and homestead are like right next to each other. Florida city. Yeah. And of course there's, I bet you there's like six of those in Florida. Well, this Florida city is the, like, if you look in the map, it's like the Southern most point before you hit the Everglades and then the Florida Keys. At this time, there was nothing
Starting point is 00:27:51 below that. Like once you hit Florida city- Except for Kokomo from the Beach Boys song. Yeah. It was, it was not tourist trappy. It was not populated. It's none of that stuff. In fact, most of it was undeveloped land and swamp. And at the time, I'm pretty sure it was inhabited by the Seminole people and they just booted them off in order to take this land. And so it was just chill behavior. What now? Pretty chill behavior by those guys. Yeah. Well, I mean, most of the time was, it was northerners looking to get affordable land post-World War I.
Starting point is 00:28:28 This was everyone coming back. It was, you know, society was like, we got to rebuild the war's over. And so, uh, this was one of the areas people were moving to. And Ed said, I'm going to go there. And, uh, you know, in his mind, I guess, cause it's a growing market for cheap home buyers. I don't know, but he went there cause it's going to cure him. And as the story goes, a man named RL Moser was scouting back roads for land.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Cause he was like a real estate man called RL Stein was scouting for stories. I guess like a real estate spectator is with this, like he would go around and look for land to buy. Like that was his thing. Agents are everywhere, bro. What a fucking time. They're just like, look at all this shit. Let's let's own it.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Is that he, but there's like a, there's like a village of people over there. No, no, no. Ignore them. Yeah. All right. Well, all right. And so I guess the story here goes that he said that when he was driving down the road, cause he was like on the back roads in the Everglades trying to find property
Starting point is 00:29:32 to buy up so that he could then, you know, resell or whatever build on. And he sees what he thinks is a child walking down the road alone. And he's like, what? So he drives up and we, I'm sure you figured it out, child. Yeah, I'm sure you figured out that when he gets close, he realizes it is in fact a small thin man and Moser, who is very friendly and a very chill guy, I guess in the early 1900s, you could be that way out in the middle of the Everglades, I don't know, but um, he said, hey man, do you need a ride somewhere? And Ed was like, yeah, of course. Introduced himself, they got in the car and he asked him, he's like, what are you doing here? And Ed said
Starting point is 00:30:14 that he's in Florida looking for a very specific plot of land. And Moser was like, what are you looking for? And Ed said, I'll know it when I find it. Sometimes you just got to have that follow the gut instinct. Yeah. He just was like, I'm going to be mysterious. He like, you know, what's the, what's the, uh, what's the movie with the little girl that it's like this family adopts her and thinks that it's like a girl, like a little girl. And then it turns out she's like, like a 45 year old woman who's like, Oh, isn't that a, that's a doc. That's based on an actual,
Starting point is 00:30:46 that actually is a real thing that happened. That's like, I feel like this is like the same thing in her brain that made her do that. He was like, I'm just going to play it coy. I'm just going to say, you know what? I don't know. We're going to see. Curious case of Natalia grace. I guess I'm just saying like, it just feels like he like, like survival mode was like, I don't know. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Something's coming something big. And, and he also made it even weirder because people would see him walking around through undeveloped land lots and various like, um, like, like plots of land that were slowly under construction. And he would straight up like start tapping the ground, look at structures. He would like kneel down and study the earth. Like he was looking for something and eventually this becomes local legend. He's riding around on his rusty ass bike, poking the ground, looking for anything. Something's coming, something good. And Moser would be like, Hey man, let me show you some property if you're buying. And every time he was shown amazing farmland or like good
Starting point is 00:31:59 property in good areas, he would always reject it with like a smile. Like, no, not for me. Thank you though. Like that kind of vibe. Thank you though. Full mischievous five foot nothing dude. Thank you so much for asking. I'll know it when I see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Waddling up. So of course, because this is a very small community, people began to spread rumors. Maybe he's looking for buried treasure. Maybe he's testing ley lines treasure. Maybe he's testing ley lines or some sort of earthly magic. Maybe he's looking for the cure for his illness. Genius marketing. But there is like truth there in that at this time folk magic wasn't still, it wasn't as popular as it was in the late 1800s, but it was still lingering around. It was still
Starting point is 00:32:44 there. I mean, it's still here today. Yeah, but it was still lingering around. It was still there. I mean, it's still here today. Exactly. Yeah. Never truly. One of the ley lines that if you like look at the ley line map, it literally goes through this area of Florida. So like, there's a lot of who knows, but the mystery is there, right?
Starting point is 00:32:59 Speaking of his illness, I think this is fascinating. You might be wondering why a man who's told he has six months left to live would want to move to Florida, build a home. He's unmarried, no children. What is the purpose of this? I'm thinking he's fine. I think he has no disease or like a misdiagnosed. Ed very much believed he was fine. And according to legend, the doctor who diagnosed him, visited him one year later, saw the Ed was still very alive and asked Ed, how did you do this? You should be dead. And Ed replied, the power of magnetricity. Dude, this guy's on another, this guy's doing what I'm doing on the Chiluminati podcast,
Starting point is 00:33:46 but on another level beyond that. He is running, he is running things. Maybe this man, I'm gonna do everybody loves that I do. Aliens bro. Maybe aliens. I mean, that is not, you know, that is a theory people have thought of. Um, to me, the word magnet tricity sounded like complete nonsense. I was like, what the hell is that?
Starting point is 00:34:14 That's ICP shit, right? That's like the not, that's like the 10th school of magic for a wizard in D&D. Yeah. It's like a dude smashed magnet and electricity together and just made up a word. Here's the thing though. I Googled it because I was like, I'd love to know what the definition of this would be. A magic pill that cures you of tuberculosis? Apparently.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Well, it's actually more than that in a way that I was not expecting and it took me down a rabbit hole that blew my mind. And this is what happened? The magnetricity rabbit hole?ity, rabbit hole. This that's fucking, it's so close to you than when you've this happens to you as well. I spent four hours in here in this rabbit hole. And this is not even a topic, but I just wanted to report
Starting point is 00:34:57 back the insanity here. So magnetricity, he made up mag like he said magnetricity in my mind, like he made that up. That means nothing. I'm not going to find anything about it. Right. But in 2009, physicists, physicists, uh, working apparently this is a thing that's been going on for a while, but we have confirmation stuff that Tom Fennel of the Lau Langnevon Institute in France and Stephen Bramwell of the London Center for
Starting point is 00:35:24 Nanotechnology in the UK basically confirmed it to be a thing. Is it not just electromagnetism? It's magnetricity. It's different, apparently. So I know that people have questions and I'm just going to really quickly give you the first thing that I saw. And Alex Alex I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to send you okay but I want you to know this is what I saw and this is what drove me
Starting point is 00:35:52 to be like I need answers okay this little bit right here magnets normally have two poles north and south that are inseparable cutting a magnet in half only results in each piece developing its own north and south pole. That is true even if one disassembles a magnet all the way down to its individual atom since each behaves as a tiny bar magnet with two poles. But physicists have theorized that magnetic monopoles, individual north and south poles that are not bound in pairs and can move independently of one another, could form inside a crystalline material called spin ice, which I believe is a move from Pokemon Scarlet. The individual atoms would still have both north and south poles, but patterns in their orientation would propagate
Starting point is 00:36:46 through the material and look just like little magnetic poles roaming around. These patterns would effectively be monopoles as far as any measurements are concerned. Okay, so, and we'll get into that and explain exactly what the hell that means. So, magnets that only have one side. Right, and the interesting thing here is, this, according to the article I was reading, is the process in which we can lead to magnetricity, which means in theory, if Ed wasn't BSing, this man was operating on a level that in 2009, we finally cracked. And he used the joke at first, but if this man had an encounter with NHI and they just simply introduced them to the idea of magnetic because that's a theory is how that
Starting point is 00:37:33 UFOs moves via magnetism stuff. And in the mini, so today we're going to talk about how scientists have turned light into a super solid as of like three days ago. But like maybe maybe maybe a little guy came down. It's going to be available in the PS five pro. They probably thought he was a little gray alien because he's short just like them. I as a big head like I did. He got Dobby.
Starting point is 00:37:55 He got Dobby like that kid in the. Yeah. And they tapped him on the shoulder. They whipped around. They surprised like, oh, this isn't a glipple. Glorp. It's fucking Steve or whatever. Oh, my God. We got to find glippleipple Glorp. It's fucking Steve or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh my God. We got to, we got to, we got to find glipple Glorp. He's got to get married in three days. Let me teach you about magnetricity first though. So in the article about magnetricity, this is the image they sent us. Uh, I'm going to give it to you guys. Mathis, if you can describe it to people, uh, there's a few, there's some texts there too, if you want to read that and, and explain to people what There's a few, there's some text there too, if you want to read that and, and explain to people what this is. This is literally them explaining how you make a monopole. Basically, what you're looking at is like a giant grid where that's made up of bars that have a red side and a blue side representing the two different sides of the poles. And they're all facing each
Starting point is 00:38:42 other in ways where that it looks like is from month to month other except for a wandering yummy yummy yummy Vaporeon. Yeah, a little bit of that going for it. Um, then at the very top, have whole meat, whole meat, whole meat. This is what magnetricity is about me on me on your whole me on me on. Oh, me on me on. Oh, me yummy on.
Starting point is 00:39:08 You say that so many different ways and it can be cute kind of nasty. I don't know what this is, dude. That's the best I could do. What the fuck? No, I got you. I will explain it. That's exactly why I deep dived this single free freely moving magnetic pulse to exist in one type of magnetic solid. OK, sorry. Good. Sorry. Go ahead. Yeah. All right. So, you know, based on what you guys just went through, this
Starting point is 00:39:29 was my beginning rabbit hole experience. And for this episode, I wanted to deep dive exactly what the hell they were talking about. So it made more sense to me. And so I watched a lot of videos that were made clearly for dumb dumbs like me. I want to give full credit to quantum age YouTube channel for their quantum spin ice and magnetic monopoles video and the Royal institution hour long video with Felix Flicker, who does the physics of magnetic monopoles. Uh, he also like, he is a phenomenal speaker.
Starting point is 00:40:03 I just want to like, thank God for him. It made it so much simpler. So to reiterate what Alex said, if you take a magnet and cut that baby in half, no matter how many times you cut it all the way down to its atomic level, it still just becomes another magnet. A magnet split in two becomes two magnets, then four, etc. etc. etc. Magnetricity. Yeah, magnets are dipoles. They have two poles. They, they, a north-south, a positive-negative. It's just the way it is. The question that science has is why. We still don't know that. Magnets, how do they work? Well, if you zoom in to the thousandth of a millimeter,
Starting point is 00:40:45 you'll see that each magnet is made of little magnetic domains, kind of like, you know, little fiefdoms inside the like microscopic level of magnets, each with its own north and south pole and magnetic field. Magnetic fiefdoms? Yeah, that's the way I can describe it. Magnetic baron.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah, like little tiny, like magnetic, like if you go down to the smallest level, you can still, it doesn't matter, still there are magnet, like micro magnets in magnets. It's wild. Yeah, it's in magnets, man. And so, you know, if you want to cut even those, they will still have the properties of a magnet. And so, you know, with each having a north and each having a south, it doesn't matter what you do, a magnet is still going to magnet. Well, what happens when you're on this microscopic level is you can cut one of these little domains in half, like I was saying, and deep, deep in there are single atoms and these single
Starting point is 00:41:53 atoms have spin. You're either spinning, imagine like clockwise or counterclockwise. So like, let's say clockwise for positive north and counterclockwise for negative south, like whatever the case may be, right? Like that's the vibe. You can pinpoint them and they call that spin, right? So that's the first part of spin ice. In the 1800s, Michael Faraday, who everyone should recognize the last name. From his cage. Yeah. And from lost. Sure. Yeah, yeah. Renowned scientists who worked with electromagnetism, electrochemistry, induction, electrolysis, and so much more, he left all these journals
Starting point is 00:42:32 and all these notes how if you take a coil of wire and move a magnet through it, it induces an electrical current. This is known as the Faraday coil and this leads to the greater understanding of electricity and how magnets are connected. Like electrons are in atoms, electrons move to create electric charges, that's just how it all works. So basically like the entire like textbook on electricity was rewritten in the early 2000s, 2009. That's the thing is I'm going to show you this. So here's part of a video where we get a demonstration of how magnetricity in a Faraday, uh, fucking magnetricity, dude. I love the name so much. So if you watch it's seven minutes, uh, uh, the timestamp actually is seven 46 and you can see the demonstration and he literally just
Starting point is 00:43:26 drops a magnet through and the lights light up. Okay. Why is he dressed exactly like the 11th doctor? He thought the premise but what's great about this. So again, this is Felix Flicker, the video I just showed you guys. Oh yeah. Okay. This he is the whole video, the whole lecture he's giving is presented on the
Starting point is 00:43:47 the gimmick of him being an explorer, traveling to the North Pole for the first time and everything about it is set in like, if he was giving us a presentation at the Institute in the early 19 or late 1800s, like that's the gimmick he's doing. So that's why he's dressed like that. God bless him for doing that type of shit. Yeah, he's holding just like a tube of bundled copper wires it looks like. And then he drops a small, like a bar of magnets through the tube and you just see the,
Starting point is 00:44:18 he has like five or six Christmas lights attached to it and they light up as the magnet falls through. It shows it like a, you know, like a light chain on like a marquee, like, it goes down. Yeah. And he says something that I think I never really thought of, and it's not really related to magnetricity, but I never thought of it like this ever, where he was saying that electricity, the way we have it in our lives, the way to think of it isn't like some magic
Starting point is 00:44:46 power that we flip a switch and things just work. He's like, electricity is a current. It flows and it flows to our homes and our sockets, all the things we use to power our stuff are like beer taps. We tap into it and that power flows into whatever we're using. And that's, and I was like, I never thought of electricity that way before where it's, we're tapping into the flow of something and that's powering our stuff. I remember being, I don't know when I was told it, but it's like switches are like dams almost like you just like, you know, close the dam, open the dam. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And, uh, really quickly, electrons, electricity, right? It, it, it is in fact a negative, like an electron by itself is in fact a monopole. It's a negatively charged monopole. Just like a proton is a positively charged monopole, but they just like, is it, is it really? They just counteract each other. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Like we can't use them because they, they neutralize each other. They just act as, they just act as. Okay. So if magnetism and electricity are connected, that actually seems like the place to start exploring monopoles. Cause they, if they exist at that level, then clearly they must exist in other ways, right? If they can microscopically atomize exist then surely. And that's where we get the start of spin ice,
Starting point is 00:46:11 which is like the name says, iced based. So like take a glass of ice, right? The way that the quantum age video explained it, which is super technical, but basically you take an ice cube. It has hydrogens and oxygens to hydrogen for each oxygen. And essentially it is the like, cause it's ice, it's frozen is a low form of energy. Right? Like if you heat up something, it gets like the energy goes, it gets crazy, but ice is, is very low. It's crazy. But ice is very low. And so in this crystallized form,
Starting point is 00:46:49 oxygens, according to the video, are sitting at the corners of kind of like crystallized tetrahedra, a pyramid structure at this atomic level. And one of the oxygens sits right in the middle of it, and the others sit on the points at the end. And then the hydrogen sits in between those and for some reason moves towards one of the oxygen and it just picks them.
Starting point is 00:47:13 But usually it's two hydrogen move towards the one oxygen. And this forms a rule that I guess is a thing that physicists are into called two in, two out. It's the ice rule. And that is why they call it spin ice because they're doing the two in, two out thing with, you know, magnetism and magnets. So basically, the way it works is two in, two out negates. Like that's the vibe. It's the lowest form of energy two and two out. So in a solid way, in any way, vacuum of space, like, like the darkness of space is two and two out, right? Magnets operate on kind of the same principle, right? Like the idea that
Starting point is 00:48:00 they negate each other because you have a positive negative side on. So this is the starting point of what they're doing. They're like, okay, so we are starting from the lowest energy point imaginable. And we're going to focus on into, into magnets. So each ion, right, has a spin. It's the magnetic field and these spins face north or south, right? North pole, south pole. And it's just like the two in, two out rule where two spins face in and two face out. So really quickly go back to that grid that I showed that Mathis had.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And you can see the very last image. Blue is the negative, red is the positive or blue is the south pole. Red is the south pole, red is the north pole, and you can see that on a normal pattern of them, two blue, two red face in. Yeah? Yep. Okay. Yeah. So what they did in order to get a monopole to work is they simply turned one of them. So now it's three in, you know, three blue in and one red in, for example. But then that makes the one next to it have three red in and one blue in. So now you have these monopoles that,
Starting point is 00:49:12 because you don't have to be completely positive or negative because if you're just overly positive, you become positive. Like that's the vibe. Or if you're overly negative, you're just a negatively charged thing now. And so what they would do is they'd slowly move and in order to do this, they literally created a whole ass new, I don't want to say element, but like crystallized structure.
Starting point is 00:49:39 And they could do it in a lab. This does not take place in the wild yet, as far as we know. But basically, you slowly move these, you flip these positive negatives. The ions. Yeah, so that you can then, in the image we have here, slowly move them away from each other. So literally just like you do it.
Starting point is 00:50:05 It's like that those kind of like video game puzzles with the same kind of deal. Yeah. Like from like resident evil or some shit where you like turn it and it like flips the ones next to it or whatever. Like the objective is you can leave one standing where it is, but if you keep flipping the other, it'll get further and further and further and further. And by the time you stretch it out really far, you now see the signs of, oh my God, we created a monopole. You've like oriented them to behave as if they were a monopole.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Right, right. But in the wild, we have no evidence they exist yet, but we can make them in a laboratory setting. That is crazy. Yeah, yeah. And so, and this is the deep dive I went on. So if anyone out there- And that's how he cured himself of tuberculosis. Exactly. So we're like, we, we are using the electric currents of electricity all the time in our lives,
Starting point is 00:50:59 but magnetism, it has no real current. So North and South cancel each other out. But with spin ices, you then can create that current, that magnetricity. And that's what I learned from this. I was like, Oh my God. So this man, unless he just made it up, was unlocking the power of magnetic current, a thing that we cannot do. This is literally like, and I, it's, uh, man, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:51:24 It's UFO shit. It's UFO shit. It's UFO shit. That's how they theorize these things move in a way where they're able to control the magnetic field around their craft, triangular shaped crafts in particular, and like be able to adjust in so they can move because you're basically frictionless in that way. And so you can move instantaneously,
Starting point is 00:51:44 like without having to worry about air, without having to worry about water. It's all magnetic based. And if you can truly control that on a large scale, you can go at any distance and it won't feel like anything. And that's, I mean, that's what's so weird. Again, this just adds the mystery of this man where when I first read it, I was like, magnetristic sounds like bullshit, but really, truly scientists right now are trying to come up with ways based on this, you know, study they were doing tips a little, they're, they're trying to come up with ways to not to like move away from electronics and
Starting point is 00:52:17 move towards things called spin Tronics, which sounds like a spin class, which is hilarious, but spin Tronics based off magnetic spin. So it's electronics except he doesn't use electricity. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which would again change the world drastically. But here's the thing, like if you were talking about the stuff that Tesla was saying and doing at around the same time, it would sound exactly as crazy as this. Sure. And he was just doing it. Yeah. And that's why it's this guy is like, no one knows a damn thing about this man, except that he read a lot. He could have read Eastern European guy who came over here and started messing
Starting point is 00:52:57 around with crazy. Yeah. Just started making crazy physics, psychedelic shit. This deep dive bring you into grasping distance of Dr. Ning Lee at all. No, that was a scientist who, she's the Chinese lady. Yeah. Who was, who had like was working within magnetism and she like had a quote says, the device did not modify gravity rather rather it produced a gravity like field that may be either attractive or repulsive. It's a gravity like force you can put in any direction,
Starting point is 00:53:30 it could be used in space, blah, blah, blah. She disappeared. There's a few scientists in that, it's weird, because she's not the only one, there's a few scientists in that field who have supposedly made breakthroughs and then vanished, never seen again, like just gone. It's interesting. Interesting. And this was in the 1900s. Our fossil fuel economy, like
Starting point is 00:53:50 Oh, we would destroy all that. Yeah. I mean, electricity. And that's a booming era, early 1900s. Nobody. Yeah, no, that shit is, that is exploding as like the new main way to travel is fossil fuels. This would immediately put a halt on all of that shit. Yeah. And he fully believed or at least told people magnets cured him. And it's crazy because the way he said it is we're only just now beginning to understand and comprehend. But that does not mean go get a $200 magnetic wristband that will cure all your ailments. That does not. It's not how it works. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Magnets have, as healing devices have been tried and tested and studied. And for the most part, it's just new age bunk. Like there's, there's no real information that says it works in any meaningful way. But if Ed somehow used monopole spin ice to heal himself with magnetricity, that is something else entirely and not just magnets. This is to reiterate to the honest, this isn't a Mathis episode. These words are real.
Starting point is 00:54:51 These are real science. Yeah. Magneticity dude. Yeah, the mystery of Ed continues to grow. And so on February 27th, 1923, while in Florida, the Homestead Enterprise newspaper published a notice that E. Leeds Scalman, a Californian, has purchased an acre of the R.L. Moser homestead and is planning to erect a home soon. As the story goes, Moser brought Ed, I was about to say Ed brought Moser, but Moser brought
Starting point is 00:55:20 Ed to a plot of land and Ed wanted it. He was like, this is the plot of land. And I guess Moser was like, dude, just like, I found it. And Moser was like, this has to be one of the worst plots of land I have ever seen. There was no, like building a home here would be so stupid. The bedrock goes all the way to the surface. It's unplowable, unformable.
Starting point is 00:55:40 You cannot live off the land here. Sure, dude, if you want it. And I guess. Right there though, bedrock reaching the surface. I bet you has a huge amount to do with it. Oh, absolutely. 100%. That is why he chose this. And he, I guess Moser gave him the land, but I think legally had to sell it to him on the cheap.
Starting point is 00:55:59 But he basically like here. Yeah, take it. And so after deciding to settle down and for reasons no one but the man himself understands, Ed begins construction of his life's work. At first, it's your standard home, wooden walls, kind of, you know, just building a shack for him to live in, almost Minecraft-esque, where he builds a little tiny thing first. And then his next step is he's going to start to go make stone. Yeah, pretty much. It's this next, it's just so crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:56:31 So he starts to dig up giant stone slabs to put around his home that he named Ed's place and he starts the process of building a castle made of these giant stones. Now when you say castle, I'm imagining, you know, the castle from Game of Thrones. See, like, this is called Quar castle. My mind goes to Ariel's castle in Little Mermaid. Oh, okay. So the castle in Little Mermaid. Where are we at in terms of castle? Well, get ready for this. So it's a cue again for reasons no one understands. I think, I think I
Starting point is 00:57:19 have no, I'll let you guys read this out. Okay, okay. For reasons no one understands, Ed said about quarrying more than three million pounds of Oolite limestone from the local area. And he started, he started sculpting 25 foot tall, 30 ton blocks into a variety of shapes. Walls, tables, chairs, water fountainountains, sundials, so much more. The average weight of these creations was 15 tons. That's insanity. And he was just alone doing this? Oh, we'll get to it. So if you're curious, I put this in here just because I want to make very clear. Oolite is often called coral stone because it contains tiny fossil shells and
Starting point is 00:58:09 coral fossils from like 60 million years ago because Florida at the time was underwater. So all the dead things had to go somewhere and they went into this. That's just why it's called coral stone and why it's called the coral castle, but really it's all pits too. What was it? What was it? Or was it the second thing? It was over. He said it was built on a, was a salt fucking limestone. Limestone is what you said. Limes. Yeah. It's limestone. It's all, it's all, he's digging up limestone.
Starting point is 00:58:35 He's making giant limestone blocks. Um, and to give you some clarity of the size and scale of what he was doing, like Alex was saying, he did all of this by himself that's that's crazy some of this I mean not impossible but like crazy genuinely genuinely yeah some of it gets even crazier than that some of the stones he was working with were taller than the stones at Stonehenge and heavier than the blocks of the Great Pyramid remember remember crop circles were often over limestone pits. To make things stranger, he refused to allow anyone to see him work.
Starting point is 00:59:12 And when asked what he was doing and how he was doing it all alone, he'd simply respond, I understand the laws of weights and leverage and I know the secrets of the people who built the pyramids. Okay. That's what he would say? I mean, hey. Dude. I mean, hey. dude, I mean, hey, okay. I got thoughts. Continue. I can't say them.
Starting point is 00:59:29 What people did see when they did see him working seems to even add more mystery because, you know, there was gossip and who really knows. But one story says that teenagers witnessed him working in secret and they saw him moving a block, like a giant block of stone, like it was a balloon, like a hydrogen balloon, like just lifting it. Like pushing it? No, like off the ground and just moving it. No. That's according to a bunch of teenagers,
Starting point is 01:00:03 that's what they said. In one story, Ed managed to create a perpetual motion holder, a device that Ed later goes on to write about and we'll talk about that. And he does experiments with it, but he uses magnets and magnetism and a magnetic current to create a self-perpetuating electromagnetic field that much like Mathis was talking about produces zero friction and lifts it up off the ground. That's another one of the many things people said they think they saw. Oh Jesse, we're sharing the same kiddie pool right now. Yeah it's crazy. I'm not
Starting point is 01:00:36 used to being here. Is it though? It's more. I even tried to look up how any of that would possibly work. I cannot figure it out to save my life. I definitely deep dived it and it was like a lot of gibberish to me. Yeah. A lot of math. Yeah. In fact, everything I saw, it seems to almost go against the laws of thermodynamics to do this.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Yeah. So again, either it is all bunk and just people making up stuff or ed is in 3008 and we're in 2000 late like we just don't understand how this works and when i this is the point where if the roles were reversed jesse would just say it was all just rumor they were bored it's all a lie but there's also scientific evidence that magnetricity is fucking real. Yeah, if I hadn't read that and that's why I included it, I would be like, bullshit, this isn't real, but like it's a thing apparently. And so here we are.
Starting point is 01:01:32 What Ed does tell us, and he leaves us in the notes and stuff about Coral Castle itself is that he was using a tripod system with winches and pulleys and all of that. And if you look at all the parts of the system he's using, it actually kind of makes a lot of sense. It's the same tech you would imagine they use to lift giant pieces of lumber in the Pacific Northwest. And he spent years there probably learning how to do that.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And you know, it's kind of how they lifted. This is a conspiracy thought, but in a fun conspiracy way, not alien related specifically at all, but do you think the ancient Egyptians maybe had figured out some sort of magnetic shit that just maybe they didn't know it was magnets. And then that's like kind of like lost to time because we don't really have a full real great understanding of like a lot of their shit. I mean, I don't know. One of the things that we know for sure, because there's some examples of it in, like if you go visit the coral castle right now,
Starting point is 01:02:28 there's like leftover remnants of when he was operating there. And we do know that he was doing some of the things that they did in Egypt. Like, you know, where you put the stone on the wood and you move it and then the logs roll. Like he was doing stuff like that at the time for sure. Wait, that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Cause like that's just science. But again, this is what is baffling about it. They had slaves and serfs and also like anytime you see a big structure throughout the world, be it, you know, in South America or Egypt or like in the middle of the jungles in Cambodia, like there was always just like threw people out of the thing until it was built. Yep. This is one five foot tall, 100 pound man.
Starting point is 01:03:11 It doesn't make a lot of sense. And I think that's, it adds to the mystery of what was going on here. Can indigenous ways of knowing help kids cope with online bullying at the university of British Columbia, we believe that they can. Dr. Johanna Sam and her team are researching how both indigenous and non-indigenous youth cope with cyber aggression,
Starting point is 01:03:33 working to bridge the diversity gap in child psychology research. At UBC, our researchers are answering today's most pressing questions. To learn how we're moving the world forward, visit slash forward happens here. Have you received a red light or speed camera violation in the mail?
Starting point is 01:03:52 Vehicle owners can pay or dispute online. Learn more at slash aps. When people would come around and visit him, he would immediately stop doing what he was doing. He would never tell them how he did anything, and he would also be extremely vague in what he was doing. People would ask him, and he'd just answer with riddles and mysteries, and he would just like, yeah, I'm just doing what I do. And I assume this is why the next thing that is really important to this legend is I assume this is what brought us on.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Maybe because he didn't want people to bug him. Maybe for some other reason, he began to only work at night. Another like insane thing. So now he's especially then. Yeah, I mean, the middle of the Everglades at night. That's crazy. You can't see shit. I guess maybe because there's no light. You get the moon and stars. So there's kind of like, you know, there's no light pollution. So I guess maybe you get some, but like again, middle of the night.
Starting point is 01:04:56 That's crazy. And again, it's just one guy by himself. Maybe the poll doing all this. The interesting thing is, and I will send you this photo, you can describe what you see. It is a giant tripod. It's like a, it's like a, it's like Daniel Plainview's like oil derricks, like it's like an old, it does have a, yeah, wooden thing. Yeah. Like a fire climbing thing. This apparently is the only ever photo taken of Ed with his tripod contraption that he was using to lift them out of the ground.
Starting point is 01:05:35 And I guess the big mystery of the tripod, because people are trying to figure it out, is everyone was asking what the hell is on top of it? There was a box. It literally looks like a cardboard box is on top of it. There's a box. It literally looks like a cardboard box is on top of it with like a dark lid. It's like a black box, like a weird looking black box. And another sneaky photo was taken of it. It's this one right here from a different angle. And it appears to be kind of like, Oh, does that not? It appears to be kind of taken outside the castle, but it is another photo of it.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Yep. Love that. And that, I mean, that's what people think that they think the black box in the top is where he kept the anti-gravity, magnetricity stuff. There's no evidence of that, but that's what people believe because again, he was lifting these giant stone slabs with just this. Can I say the second photo is fantastic because it's like a, what do you call it? One of those towers and a castle would have, but it literally looks like a Minecraft building. Because he was again, building it by, I'm telling you, it's Minecraft.
Starting point is 01:06:38 This man was real life Minecrafting. There's like, there's, it's not seamless, but it's really well cut. Like these stones are very well like measured and cut. Yeah. Very impressive. People began to speculate like the real power behind Ed was in that box because somehow he was able to chisel. Like you were saying, chisel, craft, lift and place these stones with an accuracy and skill that is again phenomenal. But it may also just be because his dad was a stonemason and he knows how to do this.
Starting point is 01:07:10 So in that app, I am self, but it's still, even if he did not, yeah, if he didn't do it, he's still moving enormously heavy things in. Are the stonemasons of today like the coral castle isn't that bad? Oh, we'll get to it. This is what's so fascinating about it is all like it. The mystery never ends. So notoriety is building up around this place. It's, you know, Florida city isn't huge and people are starting to take notice
Starting point is 01:07:36 of the fact that a castle is being built in Florida city. Rumor spreads that Ed had powers and a secret fortune. That's why he was building a castle to protect his secret fortune. Of course that has to pop into this. Right. And so one night a bunch of dudes show up and rough up Ed looking for the fortune. Keep in mind, we're talking way Southern Florida in the 1920s and thirties. we're talking way southern Florida in the 1920s and 30s. So, you know, to Ed this was the sign that he needs to move. And so you're probably thinking, okay, so he's just going to leave the castle behind? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, at a time, to Florida City's neighbor, Homestead,
Starting point is 01:08:30 in the 1930s. And this, of course, adds even more to the mystery. So again, this is 1930s Florida. There aren't heavy freight operators. Right? There's dudes with trucks. And he hires one and according to legend, he tells the driver when the driver arrives, you don't need to load the trucks. I got this. You can
Starting point is 01:08:53 go rest. You can go around the corner and rest. And the guy did and low and Ed loaded the trucks by himself piece by piece. And they drove them 10 miles to homestead. Does nobody knows how he loaded those trucks by himself. I just had this image. Like he was kind of like Magneto lift his entire castle. Float down to this new, he is maybe like he might be well, Magneticity. We'll get to it. We'll get to it. But if you watch the, uh, I think it's in search of, it's the Leonard Nimoy show from the early. Oh yeah. In search of. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And they have an episode on it and they literally do reenactments. And in that episode, they do a read act of him
Starting point is 01:09:34 loading it and they absolutely give the hint that he just lifts it with his mind. Like that's what they're showing. It's crazy. Shada. What's great about it too too Is it is supposed to take place the video clip is supposed to take place in 1930s This clearly dudes in the 1980s dressed like they're in the 1980s doing 1980s stuff. It's really funny, but um apparently legend is this man did it by himself with his Powers question mark, but he straight up. Okay. What we do know is he moved every single block, these massive multi-ton blocks to Homestead and then placed them again. In his new location, apparently this is also what's weird. He found a place in Homestead with the exact same types of rocks he was using to build in Florida City.
Starting point is 01:10:28 And so he built there and he now had quarries he could mine from literally next to his property. He was living the real Minecraft life. You were not kidding. Yeah. And in fact, one of the quarries to this day, I believe is a pool now. So you just jump in there and do your thing. Anyway, for the next 20 years, Ed would continue to spend his nights building and crafting the Coral Castle, which now he called Rock Gate, named after the technical marvel he crafted,
Starting point is 01:10:59 which again, we've talked about chairs and walls and whatever. He built a free swinging nine ton or nearly 2000 pound stone gate that you could literally open and close just by pushing it barely with one hand. It's perfectly balanced as all things should be. Yeah. And the gate alone was enough of a draw to get people to come see the site. Sadly in the 1980s someone or something broke it and pulled it off the pin set. But to add to the mystery of the coral castle, as engineers are brought in to fix it, they couldn't.
Starting point is 01:11:36 So they brought in heavy equipment operators and they tried to reset it with modern 1980s tech and they could not figure out how Ed did it. I love it. I love that. And I believe today, if you were to go to coral castle, the gate is like gated off. You can't touch it anymore, but luckily for y'all, thanks to the way back machine that episode of Leonard Nimoy's in search of about coral castle has a demonstration from 1981 and I'm just just gonna send this to you.
Starting point is 01:12:05 It is exactly eight minutes and 39 seconds inside. Please describe what you see. That I love, dude, is such an invaluable piece of this show. Like I have this thing, I use it all the time. It's valuable in a lot of different ways. Oh yeah. And a lot of different ways. 839. And a lot, and a lot of different eight, 30, eight, 39, eight, 39. This is actually crazy.
Starting point is 01:12:29 I did not know that it was capable of doing this. Hello. And this is Wilson standing in front of the gate. Yeah. Yeah. She just, there she is. Enorm enormous just stone slab door that is hinged in the center. So it spins open and gives two entrances. Yep. And that's how you would get on the property.
Starting point is 01:12:53 That's crazy, man. And there's a big rolling stone too, like Indiana Jones or something. There are many fascinating stones here. This is like, like he was creating things that again, one guy, it's like, want to watch that. That's crazy. That's nuts. And I would wager my guess is based on the episode, because again, this episode came out in 81. And then in the early 80s, it broke. So I would guess people came there for that and
Starting point is 01:13:20 messed with it is my assumption would be. But not only did he have the swinging gate, but he also carved giant thrones and rocking chairs balanced on stone pedestals. He created a multi-level tower in which he lived. He created astronomically aligned sight stones, pillars topped with moons and planets. He created an accurate sundial, a polar telescope, a barbecue, a heart shaped table, a table shaped like Florida and more.
Starting point is 01:13:57 There even is an underground cavern that he carved through solid rock for fresh water pools and natural food storage. That's crazy. Natural food storage. Yeah. Put the food deep underground. Yeah. Like it just like a seller. Yeah. But he just did it through the rock. And all of this again, reminder created, crafted, fasted, no mortar. Everything was held together by the weight of the rocks. It's just, it's just, it's a remarkable feat of engineering. It's phenomenal. And that's why even if it's even if everything he says or did, the mystery behind him is just nonsense.
Starting point is 01:14:35 The reality is so fucking crazy. Yeah, there's a thing you can go look at it. He continued to work after dark, but now in a much more crowded place. So people would, you know, show up and they'd want to see it. And he's, he would offer them free admittance, but if they wanted to, they could pay a 25 cent donation fee to get in. But remember, this is his home. This is the property he lived on. So he was like, if you can't follow my rules for being here, you don't deserve to be here. And the first rule was literally had a sign that said, ring the bell
Starting point is 01:15:08 twice. If you did not ring the bell twice, he would be like, get off my property. I love the fuck. Yeah. Which is interesting. Yeah, so bizarre. I didn't like the temperature of the pool, Jesse. I don't know. What is the temperature of the pool? The one we're sharing right now.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Oh, chilly dude. You. Chilly. Suddenly warm for some reason. What's that about? Oh, Mathis and Jesse super making my friend. But those who showed him respect, he would give tours to. He'd answer their questions.
Starting point is 01:15:45 He'd be a good host when asked by one person why he built it. In fact, every time he was asked why he built it, he would say, someday my sweet 16 will be coming. And then he'd look up at the stars. I. In fact, this was a common thread with every show or every interview, anything about him. He would always say, I'm waiting for my sweet 16. Sadly, on November, in November of 1951, his sweet 16. Yeah. Like his 16 year old love. Maybe. I. Sweet 16. Yeah. Like his 16 year old love. Maybe. I hope not that.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Maybe. I don't know. Um, good Lord. In November, 1951, Ed puts a sign on the front gate that says, going to the hospital. I feel ill. 28 days later, he would die of kidney failure at the age of 64. Kidney failure. What brings on kidney failure?
Starting point is 01:16:45 For him, he had like abscesses and like quick, like his kidneys were shot. I don't know what the hell he was doing, but his kidneys were like gone. Um, could have just been drinking his ass off. Is that what I, is that a, yeah, it's probably, I mean, I generally don't know. That's not the only thing, but yeah, that Ed had no will and the property was given to his closest living relative in the U.S., a man named Harry from Michigan. Eventually it was sold to other parties, and it changed its name from Rockgate to Rockgate
Starting point is 01:17:14 Park to eventually Coral Castle. In 1984, it was listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. And of course, that kind of seems to be the end of the story. Ed's life remains a mystery, the Coral Castle is his legacy. Over the years though, I'm sure you've heard that, you know, based on this and anything you've heard in the wild, people really believe Ed had some sort of power or unlocked the ancient mysteries of lost peoples. Maybe even his sweet 16 that he keep talking about wasn't his fiance that had left him, but maybe something
Starting point is 01:17:53 otherworldly, right? He kept like focusing on space and people like well maybe he meant something completely different. You think he fell in love with an alien who was who was his 16 year old girlfriend and then she told him that she was an alien and that she could never be with him and so she left him with a magical gravity gun that helped him move rocks around? I would love to believe that, but I don't think that's the... Half-Life Alex? Half-Life Alex? In the In Search of episode...
Starting point is 01:18:20 Is that just spelled like the My Way? In the In Search of episode, they literally postulate towards the end of the video that potentially, and this is what's crazy because it's just Leonard Nimoy saying it, which is really weird, but it's basically he says that the coral itself may hold some sort of magic power transferred to the stone long after they're dead. So I don't know what that means. They're dead. The coral itself, the living coral, like the organism had some power. Okay. Look, that's just what Leonard Newboy said in a video. He's just making an, he's just making an Elden Ring boss. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Coral castle. You have me looking shit up. Like one of his books, the intro to one of his books is reader. If for any reason you do not like the things I say in this little book, I left just as much space as I used. So you can write your own opinion opposite and see if you can do better. I would, you know what? I'm glad you found that it's a little section I was going to have you read later and you read it anyway. I just like, you're talking about this guy as like, it's like, so if it's, I love this
Starting point is 01:19:24 guy, I love this. as like a, it's like, so if it's, I love this guy. I love this. He's a little, he can be a little dick. Again, it could be ley lines. Cause Ed, apparently according to legend built his castle on top of it. So maybe that helped with his powers, assuming that he had powers, right? The fact that the coral castle was built in a place for, as according to legend, perfect harmonic resonance and magnetic anti-gravity. It's really one of those things that, you know, is fascinating to the point where modern day, in both the 80s, 90s, and today, people have tried to
Starting point is 01:19:59 excavate into the same thing that Ed did and they simply cannot do it the same way. In a video I was watching, they literally bring in a construction crew to dig up the stone and they can't do it with the same accuracy. They have to chisel away at it and it isn't as fine as the way Ed did. What the fuck? Yeah, what? Maybe it's just like some Leonardo da Vinci shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:20:28 Maybe it's just like, he just kind of like has some way of doing it that's like a thousand years old that would burned in the library of Alexandria. It does. Again, it feels like Lost. I mean, that's why it's on, you know, coast to coast AM and night. It feels like Lost technology like this guy unlocked the secrets that we all don't have that kind of vibe. Now, if you're wondering what Ed was doing when he wasn't building a castle at night, like how did he earn money? What did he do in his daily life? Well, Ed worked with, you guessed it, magnets and magnetism to the point where he would talk about it all the time. He'd run experiments and eventually published a, I don't want to say book, but like a pamphlet in 1945. And he published many of them, but this is probably the most famous one, and I luckily have the entire damn thing for you. It's filled with graphs and explanations of how you can do the things he did at home,
Starting point is 01:21:22 and this proves kinda that maybe he was onto something, but I'm not sure even I understand it. Looking through it, it seems like complete gibberish, but hilariously this is a lot like Matthew's saying he includes all these passages that one says, now you get the equipment and I will tell you so you can see for yourself that it is in the way I have told. Like he's like, go do it at home. Do what I've told you to do. Just do it at home yourself. Ed believed that all matter was being acted upon by individual magnets, which maybe he means monopoles when he says individual magnets. He thought like magnets that are like not North and South. Yeah, like, but all life is acting on them or it's acting on all life. And he thought scientists were wrong in understanding electricity and they weren't
Starting point is 01:22:11 understanding the whole spectrum of electromagnetics in the universe. Basically, he was like, I'm ahead of y'all. He these drawings look like they're right out of the fucking Monroe Institute papers. It looks like the CIA ones there. they're like, they look the same. It looks like the Zodiac fucking clues. Fucking this is the gift to me, Jesse. Thank you for this. I got you.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I want to do this. Me too. I already downloaded one of his books. I'm going to read this for some shit. This is for you, Mathis, from the book. All right, let me read this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Magnets in general are indestructible. For instance, you can burn wood and flesh. You can destroy the body, but you cannot destroy the magnets that hold together the body.
Starting point is 01:22:56 They go somewhere else. Iron has more magnets than wood, and every different substance has a different number of magnets that hold the substance together. If I make a battery with copper for positive terminal and beef for negative terminal, I get more magnets out of out of it than I and when I use copper for positive terminal and sweet potato for negative terminal. From this you can see that no two things are alike. Okay, I get what he's saying. Like he the man is literally saying that magnet and magnetized forces operate on all of us. Literally, the atoms in our body are held together by magnets. Can indigenous ways of knowing help kids cope with online bullying?
Starting point is 01:23:37 At the University of British Columbia, we believe that they can. Dr. Johanna Sam and her team are researching how both indigenous and non-indigenous youth cope with cyber aggression, working to bridge the diversity gap in child psychology research. At UBC, our researchers are answering today's most pressing questions. To learn how we're moving the world forward,
Starting point is 01:23:59 visit slash forward happens here. Or magnetic force. The paper you the first, the paper you linked on the first things, like the first couple of pages, like the earth is a big magnet. Yeah, everything, everything has magnetism. Which is not wrong, really, we do have a north and south pole. Yeah, interesting.
Starting point is 01:24:14 And it operates magnetically and the poles swap every few thousand years over time and shit. He's not wrong. And again, it's why, you know, going back into this, my thing, the UAP thing, it would explain the movements on a scientific level and seven having to buy into the woo of it all. You know, it's like, if these things are real, or if even if the government has
Starting point is 01:24:34 figured it out, which we know they have the T3 RB ship, maybe this is what it is. I mean, it on a one level, it sounds like a completely possible thing. On another level, it sounds like the kind of ramblings of a person who doesn't understand science but thinks they do. Yeah. Well, you can see I understand science by going to my website and buying my survival kit for $200. Get my alpha beta supplements or whatever.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Yeah. It's a new kind of magnet. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Also, Mathis, this is for you as well from his book. Because the magnet can be shifted and concentrated, you can see that the metal is not the real magnet.
Starting point is 01:25:13 The real magnet is the substance that is circulating in the metal. Magnetricity. Magnetricity. Each particle in the substance is an individual magnet by itself. Which is true, by the way. That's in the 2009 study.
Starting point is 01:25:25 That's what they were saying. Both North and South Pole individual magnets. They are so small. They can pass through anything. In fact, they can pass through metal easier than through the air. Uh, they are in constant motion running one kind of magnets against the other kind, and if guided in the right channels, they possess perpetual power,
Starting point is 01:25:46 which is what you were showing with the like, electricity tube and all that shit. Yeah, and he said that he created a perpetual power system. That's what I was talking about earlier. That's like what he was using. That's what people thought was in that box at the top of the tripod. And it just generates permanent electricity, like a zero
Starting point is 01:26:09 permanent magnet, tricity, magnet, tricity cry. Right. Sure. Sure. Sure. Then it goes down under the triangle, probably to disperse it, which makes everything underneath it affected by it. I don't know what to tell you. I have no clue. I have no idea how it would work. If oh, Lord, I'm injecting UFO lore into how this would work. Bless. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Was this the real way he did it or just what he would tell people to be a big shot, to impress people, maybe even impress his lost love, right? Who knows? But that's not all he wrote. Ed wrote many, many, many things about magnetism, but he also wrote a moral treaty about education of young women, bringing up young women. He wrote this. I'm gonna say this is not, this is not going to be problematic at all. The full thing of what there you go. There's the full thing. And this one's for Alex, because this is what he says about raising, you know, a young girl. Everything we do should be for some good purpose, but as everybody knows, there is nothing good that can come to a girl from a fresh boy. When a girl is 16 or 17 years old, she is as good as she ever will be. When a boy is 16 years
Starting point is 01:27:27 old, he is then fresher than in all his stages of development. This dude's just an alpha sigma man. No, he's grosso. He is then not big enough to work, but he is too big to be kept in a nursery and then to allow such a fresh thing to soil it, to soil a girl. It could not work on my girl. Now, I will tell you about soiling. Anything that is done, if it is done with the right party, it is alright. But when it is done with the wrong party, it is soiling and concerning those fresh boys with the girls, it is wrong every time. I genuinely firmly believe in my bones that the 16 year old girl left him for a young man and he became obsessed over it.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Like obsessed. He was like, life is not the end. Age is not the end. I will be eternal. Yeah. And his thoughts on parenting again continue. Alex. Oh boy
Starting point is 01:28:31 Here we go in case a girl's mama thinks that there is a boy somewhere who needs experience then she herself Could pose as an experimental station for that fresh boy to practice on and so save the girl Nothing can hurt her anymore She has already gone through all the experience that can be gone through and so in her case It would be alright. Again. If a boy had sex with his girlfriend's mom instead. Yeah, if you, if a young man fancies a young girl, he should not be having sex with a young girl but instead that young girl's mother.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Like a porn. Like a porn plot. It is. Absolutely. Like a plot from a porn. Crazy stuff. But that is, again, it seems like he is just very, very weird. But I, oh yeah, I don't know if that adds to the mystery of him or subtracts, you know what I mean? Because
Starting point is 01:29:15 to me, again, it seems like he is. I think it's evidence that he was a human man of the era. You know what it reminds me, oh man, what is that movie that literally just came out with the Hulk and oh my God. Oh, Brave New World? No, no, no, no, no, no. It's Mark Ruffalo and oh my God, she won an Oscar for it. Oh, the one where he tries to educate her. Yes, and she's like, yeah, and he gets really upset when she's like, you have hold yourself like that.
Starting point is 01:29:48 And she's like, you seem boring. I don't know. That's the vibe I got here where he like, trying to control this woman. And she's like, no, I'm going to go get with this young guy. And he's like, you, I hate you. That's the vibe across the board. Like, there's no reason for him to write this other pamphlet unless it's really eating it way at him.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Yeah, it's clearly like it traumatized the man. However, I did read a theory and I want to show this to you because this is completely in the math of space. And if I'm in this water with you, I might as well read it. But I read this and was like, nah, this is stupid. But I'm gonna include it anyway. All right. like, nah, this is stupid, but I'm going to include it anyway. All right. According to this theory, he wrote all these pamphlets and all this information about magnetism and the secrets of unlocking it and all these different things. And then just how the blue wrote a book about how to raise young girl. That makes no sense considering he has no children and especially no daughters. So in some circles, people see this book as actually a secret codex of unlocking everything.
Starting point is 01:30:50 The others were the start. This is the secret where he tells you actually what to do, because apparently, according to them, because this is the Stonehenge of America, Stonehenge, the main stones were called maidens or young girls. And so potentially all of this is to like for decryption, because in it, he is really giving you the, everything he says about young girls and how to handle young girls really is about stones. And it's the secrets of how to erect these stones. Do you know where that rumor started?
Starting point is 01:31:23 That feels like such an early internet. I don't, and I think it's hilarious. I definitely don't believe it at all. No, that sounds such a- But the fact that that's out there, I think is hilarious to me. I wanna, like, that can't, yeah, that's wild. That's so dumb.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Hilariously, going back to what Alex was saying about the girl, years later, they actually track down the girl he was supposed to have married, they show him pictures of the coral castle. And they say, he did this for you. Cause I guess that's his sweet 16, right? They said he did this for you. And her response was, yeah, he was always a weird guy. And I think that's exactly right.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Interesting. He was always a weird guy is like, that's one of the most he was always a weird guys that I've ever heard in my life. That's insane. What a reply. Yeah. Because it almost is like a disappointing reply. In a way for the legend, you almost want her to be like, he was a monster, but no, he's
Starting point is 01:32:24 just a weird dude. She and she said like, she was a monster, but no, he's just a weird dude. She, and she said like, I'm happy I didn't marry her. It's fine. I'm glad. So, yeah, it seems, it seems on the surface that Ed was just maybe a jilted weird guy who was attempting to win her back in the weirdest way possible over the course of 28 years, maybe, but also there's this weird magnetricity and anti-gravity thing going on here that, you know, no one truly knows. There's also just some issues with the story, right? There are things that don't necessarily check out, but maybe
Starting point is 01:32:54 they did like a great example is when Ed first comes to Florida and he meets Moser, Moser takes him back home to live with him. And because he had tuberculosis, his wife was like, I'll take care of him. And so potentially she just nursed him back to health. Like when would he have found the time to magnetize himself with magnetricity? Like I have no clue. But apparently she nursed him back to health. I think it's quite possible that Ed over, you know, the course of his life learned all the things he would have needed to know to quarry this stone. Like from his father being a stonemason to working with guys in the forests of Oregon and North Carolina, California, to cut down
Starting point is 01:33:38 these giant ass trees and move them, he could have learned the techniques of how to do all of that. And then with wench, rope, mechanical principles, you know, just basic physics, he could have learned the techniques of how to do all of that and then with wench, rope, mechanical principles, you know, just basic physics, he could have just moved it by himself. The only thing is, again, it was by himself. If he was in the woods, he'd have a whole team of people moving these giant trees. He was, again, by himself at night, which is very, very weird. Again, he may have just been a weird dude that we just can't understand because sometimes weird people are too weird,
Starting point is 01:34:11 but maybe Ed discovered things we weren't ready for either way. It's because of all the unknowns. The creation of the coral castle remains a mystery and one that lingers today. And if you want to look it up, you can just Google it. Or if you're in Florida, you can go there and you can go all of it. You can walk in, you can look at it all. You can touch it all. It is giant ass stone. Every photo does not do justice for how big it is.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Well, the property itself isn't massive. The man built giant stone walls and giant stone. Like, I don't want to say statues, but like monoliths by himself potentially for a girl who broke his heart, which is a whole thing and traumatized forever. So we just over the secrets of magnetism. Yeah. And that is, that is the weird thing behind him. because you don't know if he said everything he said just to be like, I'm impressive. Tell my girl that I'm very smart. Like I don't have answers.
Starting point is 01:35:11 And that I think is the interesting thing about the Coral Castle. There are no answers. Man died, didn't tell anyone anything. That's it. There are parts and pieces from when he was working that are still available to look at and he has his pamphlets, let tell you what he said he did. Well, we don't know. And I don't think we'll ever know.
Starting point is 01:35:30 And that is the mystery of the Quail Castle. Insane. Yeah, I I found an original, like a scanned original printing of the book and at the bottom of the book, there's like pictures of him with his power generator, which is crazy. Yes, it's quote unquote perpetual motion. Yeah. So whatever. Where is that?
Starting point is 01:35:51 I'm gonna send you a picture of it right now. Yeah, I want to see that. Yeah. With the caption underneath it. Good old Gyatso. Gyatso. Gyatso. God damn.
Starting point is 01:36:03 There you go. Why does it look like Final Fantasy, dude? Yeah, it's but there it is, right? Like there's it is. Ed Liedlskins demonstrating the electrical generator he designed and invented. It was his only source of power for his radio and experiments. Always what the snapshot says underneath it.
Starting point is 01:36:24 I mean, that I mean, that alone is crazy. He looks like a skeleton also. I don't know the answer to this, but I wanted to, was he on the electrical grid? Was there an electrical grid? I don't know. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I don't think he was. That's the other thing about this. That's yeah. That's the other weird thing. Because you go further down in the book and it's got like statistics of the Coral Castle. This is a book from 1936. Altogether there are approximately 1000 tons of coral rock, south and west walls. He
Starting point is 01:36:49 gives like, there are a total of approximately 240 tons of coral rock in this wall, the east wall. And it says which contains the following crescent of the east, 23 tons, planet Mars, 18 tons, planet Saturn, 18 tons, obelisk, 28 and a half tons. The fuck does that mean? These are so he would like, you know, he made a thing that looks like the moon. He made a thing that looked like what's crazy about it. If you go to like, if you ever have the chance to go to, I'm sure you can do it anywhere in the world that has these. But when I went to South America, every place that I went to go explore, they were like, if you ever had the chance to go to, I'm sure you can do it anywhere in the world that has these, but when I went to South America, every place that I went to go explore, they were like, well, they were super into, you know, the stars and astronomy and they would, you know, craft
Starting point is 01:37:35 their things to fit the angles. So when like light would shine or whatever, Ed did the same thing. So there are holes and pinpoints where light, when the sun rises, things happen. It's, he clearly was operating on a level of a well read person where he had all the knowledge of when he was a kid and he didn't, you know, he couldn't do much because he was frail and weak that he just made his brain big. And he has all this knowledge that he then used again to make this which I think is incredibly funny. Really just like a kid who found a hyper focus that he loved like his was his. Sounds like a lot of Minecraft kids to be honest.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Yes yeah it. Oh the touch the touch of the tism. And he did it he he did it in real life. It's it's fucking crazy. The mystery is fascinating because again, the scientific shit is, I'm just so curious how easy it is quote unquote for her to build what he says he built. I don't know. It's just amazing when somebody gets away clean in a historic way like this,
Starting point is 01:38:36 where like there just isn't an answer. It's just like he got out of there. Their mystique is still alive. Like who fucking knows? It seems like he has a secret method at the very least. Yeah. Even if it's completely mundane. Yeah, I mean, and again, like the idea of him working at night. Sure, that's mysterious. It could be because he just didn't want to be bugged by people who were constantly bugging. But also the idea of him being like the only solution is to work at night adds more to the mystery and it just keeps getting you know foggier and foggier and you just don't know and I I wish I had answers for you this is one of those ones that there really is no answer
Starting point is 01:39:14 and people have tried to debunk it there's videos online that explain he the tripod was using those winches and the you know the systems of just natural physics we understand. But again, he's just one dude. Tiny dude at that. Yeah. So like there's, it was sick at some point. None of it makes a lot of sense. And so even if it is completely mundane, the fact that he by himself did this is incredible. The last thing I'll say is in that book at the very beginning, and this may just, this is probably almost certainly a coincidence, but something that doesn't carry over into like the digital copy of the nine pages you had is there's a symbol on one of the, just the pages that has the copyright and it is the shape of essentially what did
Starting point is 01:40:00 you like the, what is known as like the lantern shape for like, remember the- The green lanterns? Kind of, but remember the smiling man injured cold? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thing, yeah, yeah, hang on, I'm sending you another yacht. It's nothing like the green lanterns, right? It's not anything like those. They just fly through space with the ring.
Starting point is 01:40:20 But they have that symbol. Oh yeah, there you go, I sent a photo of it. Yeah, it has like the two triangles triangles or the two in there pointing in towards sort of a yin yang thing. What the fuck is this? That's what I'm saying. Like, that's just sitting at all. That's all that's on that page is just the copyright page.
Starting point is 01:40:36 And that's what's weird. That's like, yeah, that's very weird because it could just be he likes the way that looks, but also it screams ancient mysticism. Yeah, really does. The yin and yang at the center with the two black pyramids on the outside like it definitely adds to the lore which again he could just be a very good marketer. Yeah absolutely very possible very talented uh man. But also there's some weird stuff here that you just can't explain because he was so very weird this topic was fantastic Jesse thank you very much
Starting point is 01:41:12 coral castle man like I can see why people there's some kind of flavor that's very like American to this that's really interesting about it I don't know how to describe it but it's like the fact that the guy's Latvian and he came here and he did this crazy thing that makes no sense. It seems impossible. And mostly it's an advertising. He made money off it, but he invented his own reality down there. I don't know. I just don't know. It should be in the Museum of Jurassic Technology. It's fascinating. It is a historical site now. So the, it is being preserved. And so if you're in Florida, that important, there's something real about it then.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Yeah. Like it's very, it's just, yeah. Going back to what Alex said about it being very American, it also feels very Floridian, like just the idea of it and how it's just so strange. It feels very like, especially since it's so far south, it feels very Florida Keys. Like anyone's ever been to the Florida Keys, it's wild. This gives if a meth head in Florida's crazy ideas actually worked. I mean, yeah, if it wasn't for the cops stopping him, I'm sure one day there'd be like a wild meth head, you know, structure somewhere. Like, who knows, man? I'm just, you know, when somewhere like, who knows, man, when they, they figured, they think they figured out the key to the universe. It could, this guy may have actually done it.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Yeah. It's, it's a fascinating topic. It's one that I'm sure there's many, many, many videos that exist on, because again, literally, you could probably go find YouTube video right now where someone goes to it, you can just walk into it right now. There's nothing stopping you. Awesome. Next time I'm in Florida, God knows if that'll be ever.
Starting point is 01:42:50 I will absolutely, I would make a point to go see that. That's fucking cool. Yeah, if you're in Miami or you're near Miami, literally 25 minutes south. On that, boys. Let's go do a mini-sode because we're gonna talk about something tangentially related. Like I said, light has been made a super solid and we talk about that.
Starting point is 01:43:08 That's fine. That doesn't make sense. I have a crazy one too, actually though. Real talk. I'm excited. I'm excited. Thank you, Jesse, very much for hosting this episode. That was, like I said, that topic was, it's got my, I want to go read all of his books because I'm so fucking curious. What the fuck is this? I know that I want to start to read one of his books and then stop because it's crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fair enough. But we are off the page. I'm not going to go do a mini.
Starting point is 01:43:30 So please go check out the Eddie dot com slash Illuminati as well. Buy that little boy. Please support this show. You love get a little toy for your shelf. He's not going to be he's going to be there for a month at most more, I think. So like, go grab it while you can get a one day toy for your dog. Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what it is. Thank you so much. As always, we'll see you next week. We appreciate you. We love you. at most more I think so like go grab it while you can get a one day toy for your dog yeah yeah that's exactly what it is thank you guys so much as always we'll see you next week
Starting point is 01:43:48 we appreciate you we love you bye bye Hello everybody, welcome back to the Jaluminati Podcast. As always, I'm one of your hosts, Mike Martin, joined by the... I don't know who they are. There's two... What? Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer. No! Neo and Trinity. No!
Starting point is 01:44:22 I don't understand, and I probably never will. Let me just tell you right now that there's two Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield. I'm telling you, I think he literally just looked up famous duos. Cheech and Chow. And it's been going through the list ever since. I'm trying to dig deep. Which one of you is Dick Powell? Me? Your name's Jesse Cox! I want to live in a dream I want my money back I want to live in a dream I want to I want you
Starting point is 01:45:28 I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you are enjoyed by Alex and Jesse. Like a shooting star across the sky that's actually a UFO. Bye!

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