Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 35 - Room 322

Episode Date: October 27, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If your day sounds like... We need the report ASAP. You deserve Madella. If you've persevered through... You deserve this rich golden lager with a crisp, a refreshing taste. Or if you overcame... Two more rings, two more! You deserve this ice-cold reward.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Madella. Remarkable fighter. Trick responsibly, beer imported by Crown Airport, Chicago, Illinois. Music Let's dive in right into the Illuminati Podcast. Hello everybody, and welcome to episode 34 of the Illuminati Podcast. Today is a hands-off episode for myself.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Hands off. As we hand the reins over to Alex, as he is incredibly excited to take us along a journey all along the way. But before we dive in and all that stuff, hey everybody, my name is Mike. I am your host, as always, joined by my two beautiful co-hosts. Jesse Cox, hello, sir. Yo, we got a live show! Come see it.
Starting point is 00:01:24 This is like four or three days before the live show, so go over to But before we dive into that as well, Alex, how are you today, sir? Welcome. I'm feeling great. I'm feeling, I'm feeling real good. I, all right, let's, let's chill real quick before I tangent really hard. So as Jesse said, we have a live show.
Starting point is 00:01:43 October 30th. It's a Halloween special over in some of the once ballroom in Somerville. It'll be from 7pm to 10pm. You can get tickets right now at Come see us. Come talk to us. Come drink with us after. Or high five us or high four handshakes or whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Or stand a ways away and just kind of, yeah, or just the show ends and just leave and that's fine too. Like whatever you want to do. It is Halloween Eve. So what happens to Halloween Eve, Jesse? It's the 30th. It's all Hallows Eve. It's when all those witches come to life and they try and get the kids or
Starting point is 00:02:20 whatever happens in that movie. We're very close to Salem. They could get on their brooms and come and seduce us. Question mark. Hello, Sarah. The Sarah Jessica Park, which I'll take it. Let's go. I was thinking more bet middler, but we all have, you know, it's fine too.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I would. I'm more of a cat in the Jimmy. Sure, you know, Wallace does not agree. The ghost is in your room. Let me just deal with it because I don't know what he's barking at. And I'm going to handle this and then waiting for you to go. Look at something and never return. This is the beginning of a found.
Starting point is 00:02:58 This would be that would be the most epic me episode of all time. Be right back. Be right. This is the beginning of a found footage movie where Alex goes off camera and for a minute we hear what what the fuck and he gets cut off camera shakes a little bit and then Wallace just sits on the bed and Alex's camera shows a wide screen shot of his room. It is.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's true. We can see quite a lot. You can see everything. And here's my problem. I've been at some point. At some point something's going to happen in the background. Like something weird in the background. I'm down.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I hope it's going to move. I believe this. I believe this. Something's going to move. I hope it won't notice and then it'll be like that one movie where people die on Skype or whatever the hell that thing is. Yeah, that's the newfound footage trend. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:03:43 You're talking about it. What a terrible name for a movie about Skype. Dude, my friend, my friend, my friend Jacob is the guy in that movie who sticks his his fist in the blender. Tell him. Tell tell Jacob. He made it. Glad he got paid.
Starting point is 00:03:57 But that movie is. I think it's pretty much how he feels about it, too. He made that money. But oof. All right. I can't yet. I can't let you have it yet, Alex. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I have to talk about this for like five minutes. Please. Have you noticed? Have you guys been following the extra alien disclosure stuff that's been happening as the weeks have been going on? Well, the last update that I heard is that this that the government is now partnered with this alien. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's insane. Yeah. Are you kidding me? Wait, what? Wait, talk. Okay. Tom DeLong. You know Tom DeLong from Blink 182.
Starting point is 00:04:34 He's the one. I'm aware of the gimbal videos and the government somewhere. So he is his whole company to the Stars Academy has claimed for a long while that he has he's found some some pieces of wreckage that is has metals that are not from this planet, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He's been saying this for a while now and a bunch of people like it's probably just this probably just that even the government I believe came out was like, you know, I don't you know, don't necessarily listen to him.
Starting point is 00:04:58 What three days ago it came out that the government contracted to the Stars Academy and in in the contract specifically. Let me get it. I actually have it copy pasted somewhere because I was losing my mind to see it. You know, I was like, why would they say that? Listen, I you know what? I gotta I'm losing my mind. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:05:19 But but there's a very specific clause in the contract that I was I was losing it over. It was a vice article. If you find aliens, don't initiate intercourse with those aliens. Okay, government contract number one. It's also on top of that. Oh, the Joe Rogan podcast as well. I don't know if you guys watch the interview with Commander David
Starting point is 00:05:41 Fravor. I did not the guy who chased the UFO until he talks about his experience chasing the UFO. Oh my God. If there's a lot of stuff just piling out over like very, very, very quickly. Where is it? Okay, here it is.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Quote. This is directly from the contract that was that Tom DeLong DeLong sign. This is through through vice. You can go read this article. Quote government shall perform assessments, testing and characterization of collaborator provided technologies. The government is interested in a variety of the collaborators technologies such as but not limited to inertial mass reduction, mechanical
Starting point is 00:06:17 structural metamaterials, electromagnetic metamaterials, waveguides, quantum physics, quantum communications and beam to energy propulsion. Unquote. This is a government contract. I will copy paste you. This comes right out of the contract. Like I get what it's saying, but like what are they saying that Tom DeLong
Starting point is 00:06:37 is going to like he has that he has the UFO that he has been saying this for months and leading up to years and now I'm starting to think Tom DeLong is going to be the one of the major faces of disclosure or acceptance when when all this shit comes out. This is I'm done. This is happening, dudes. We're going to see aliens in our life. This is oh my God.
Starting point is 00:06:57 First off, it's insane. Second off, I truly believe that this is this is a giant nothing sandwich. No way. No way. This is the government being like, why would they spend their money and contract blink 182s to the Stars Academy? Have you seen what the government spends its insane amount of money on? Just you wait.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Mark this listeners. Mark this listeners. What day is it? October, whatever it is, you know, nothing's going to come with this. Mark this day. Take this sound. Jesse Lewis Cox. Jesse Lewis Cox, a big nothing sandwich 25th of October 2019.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Nothing will come of this. No, God, Jesus, Jesse, that's that's not normal. If nothing comes, what do you mean? That's not normal. Nothing comes into one year. This comes out. This comes out after the government acknowledges the UFO videos are indeed actually factually real.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Those are not fake and on top of that, what it's what they're doing is they're they're outsourcing the research. They're like, oh, well, if they're going to do it, then yeah, here's some money. Go look into it. We're not going to do it. And if you find anything, then give it to us. I can't let I can't swallow it.
Starting point is 00:08:17 He says the government is interested in a variety of the collaborators technologies. Does that not mean he has them and they're interested in that in the writing there? That's exactly what like the way that's written. That is how you're supposed to read that. But I do not in the core of my being believe Tom DeLong has a gravitational pulse accelerators and like we know he doesn't have
Starting point is 00:08:42 when he had more than ever before I identify with Tony Shalub's character in Galaxy Quest right now, like I've seen that movie. But so if again, I'm kind of it doesn't make sense that he would have this technology. It's the things that are mentioned are not. But he also is the one that got those freaking videos that were not supposed to be released from the government. So what you're telling me?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Maybe it's telling me Tom DeLong is Spider-Man that he is both do taking the photo. Okay. No, I'm saying Tom DeLong is has been a UFO fanatic as his entire life. This has been a passion of his for a long, long time. Crazy to get famous with a band that they could write about money on this.
Starting point is 00:09:31 You know, but I can't man. It's just too much. I can't like it's interesting too because if you go listen to the interview with the guy who chased UFO like he was a CEO. He's talking about how they've been chasing UFOs for fucking decades. It doesn't happen as much on the West Coast as it does on the East Coast and he's not a big UFO guy.
Starting point is 00:09:47 He doesn't do the conventions and stuff like this. But when he talks about how it moves and stuff and then you talk about and then we look back at like the Bob Lazar interviews and the way they move in the gimbal videos that matches up with it. It's so interesting. No, I'm not talking about the alien aspect, but the technology aspect, if it's true, how they move, how they're able to move,
Starting point is 00:10:05 how they're able to do like quick back and forth moves without any momentum and stuff. They talk about how maybe what they do is they create this bubble and gravity in front of them and they tumble constantly forward into that empty void and you're telling me why they can go into the water. Former Blink one of the two member. Tom DeLong.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I can't tell you who figured this out. Former Blink member and lifetime UFO. He's not true and he's not doing this alone. He has an entire company. He's built. He's not doing this by himself. Here's the thing. Jesse, back to what you read.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Government Shell. This is part of a contract. Government Shell perform assessments, testing and characterization of collaborated provided technologies. Period. Collaborative provider right away. Provide right. So what they're saying, but that's characterization of the
Starting point is 00:10:51 technologies. So basically what they have been told by Tom DeLong's company is like, yo, we can or have access to stuff and they're saying, okay, well, we'll determine if what you have access to is any good or not. We will perform assessment. We'll perform tests on it. We'll see if what you're saying is true because what we're
Starting point is 00:11:11 interested the next part, what we're interested in is the things that you've sold. You've pitched to us as a natural mass reduction mechanical structural metamaterials that all that stuff. So basically Tom DeLong is like, we can get our hands on it. We got this and they're like, okay, if that's the case, you don't think the contract show this like prove that you have this first before we give you money.
Starting point is 00:11:31 You know what would really mess me up is if after this Tom DeLong went like dark completely, right? Like though I had that same thought like he disappears. He goes away. He that's that's where why would he go? Why would that happen? He either either the government locked him down. I like not not like no, no, no, no, not like in a prison or
Starting point is 00:11:54 anything that but just with money and contracts like if they if he's like, hey, I have this technology and the government's like, let's have a look at it. The next thing that's going to happen is not like Tom DeLong is going to be like, I told you I can tell you everything. It's going to be like the government is going to be like, okay, shut the fuck up. What the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:12:14 And then he's going to have to like never speak of it again for like five years as they like reverse and especially if they believe it's going to give them a military leap. They don't want anybody to know they know other governments to find out other countries to find out or they do and they want them to be chasing the same thing. It's like another space race, but you guys are adding layers to this that don't exist.
Starting point is 00:12:32 You're adding. You just have to wait and see. We're just it's okay. It's going to be you got it. You got it. It's nothing whether you believe whether you think it's nothing or not. You've got it at the very least admit the acknowledgement of
Starting point is 00:12:43 the UFOs Tom DeLong getting a contract and this giant interview with the person who chased UFO all within about three months that there was a video that was unidentified multiple things not one doesn't matter. It was unidentified. What was it? Who knows? We don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Government knowledge that there was definitely something weird. That's all they've acknowledged. Don't put don't put little green men inside those ships. You can't do that. You're putting your own biases on that. I'm just saying you got to look inside the ship and they're probably actually and they've said many times we the the the CEO who who chase is like we don't have technology that can
Starting point is 00:13:18 move like that that can literally just move back and forth back and forth out doing loops like in a straight line back and forth starting that guy that I was talking about a couple episodes ago like whatever like whenever I was talking about aliens last time he was saying there's like there's like elements with properties that like no earth element 150 151. I believe you got like some crazy thing that it's like you know unheard of like technology that's never existed before
Starting point is 00:13:45 in a in a hangar in Las Vegas. You never know you never know I got I just I just had to get that out of my system. Metal Gear Solid is wild to me and I just feel like disclosure is starting to happen very very rapidly. All right George Norrie I just keep an eye on Tom DeLonge that's all I'm saying I'm going to I'm going to I'm binging Blink-182 music for from now.
Starting point is 00:14:09 That's how they get you that's probably not going to all Blink-182 cause while it'll be an undeniably fun summertime vibe dude I don't think it's going to help any god damn weed yet. I feel like I'm losing my mind Alex take us away even more like you're smoking weed I'm ready to get just the thing for you guys. I'm so ready.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I found a pot dot com go live show by your never been more wrong. You two are so wrong just come to the show watch these two make terrible decisions and I have to steer them back on the right path Jesse towards the adulthood. Just totally wrong. You're both wrong. Just answer me one question Jesse.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah are you ready to get gobsmacked. No are you ready to have your mind fucking dynamite tornado exploded. No are you really are you ready to have a class five hurricane go off in your cerebral cortex man because what I have for you today. All right what I have for you today is one of those stories it's one of those stories that pops up out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Oh no close your mind a little bit because it's exciting it's a little bit weird but then it just disappears that they really comes of it for a while kind of fades out of your focus for a little bit goes the back of your mind is just a weird thing you heard about once eventually practically forget it ever existed and then one day years later it pops up again and new stuff is happening and it makes you wonder if you didn't write something real off from the very beginning that's what we're
Starting point is 00:15:46 talking about now you you got you know where we are we're in an op we're in an episode of true detective guys because I feel like I feel like I'm edging and you just barely started because because we you know we got to do the thing where we like go through to different timelines you know you check in with the branching time you check in with the case of different times along the timeline that's what we're doing today and I'm going to you know okay I'm going to have good old age makeup like
Starting point is 00:16:13 I'm going to look like slightly older like it's really going to be convincing you're going to forget which version of me is the one that's like the real me because the makeup so don't dude I've already been having those like post 30 year old existential who am I thoughts so let's not yeah if you watch true detective that was a really funny bit that I just did I'm not speaking of jokes oh man it was so funny speaking of jokes I just want to say much like the Andrew W K saga this
Starting point is 00:16:38 to this topic it started out mostly as a joke from the from the beginning just because it sounded funny to me that I was going to come to you with this case but then like I did a deep dive again and again I'm like I don't feel like my buzz is even killed on this like I'm not even like sure that like the weirdest possibilities here aren't like what's actually happening and I just can't stop thinking about it wasn't even going to do this one like I wasn't even going to do I was going
Starting point is 00:17:06 to do something I feel I was going to do something a lot more well-known I said in the last second you said I did I really did let's okay let's go let's go back let's jump jump fly back with me to 2012 okay seven years ago we're in 2012 again yeah my YouTube channel is only a year old yes I was popular not taking advantage of by the entertainment industry yet my life was not fucked up. Dark shit I was a waiter so it's not that it was beautiful
Starting point is 00:17:40 it was beautiful I worked at I worked at where was I doing I was working at a shop in Santa Monica doesn't matter not relevant to the story what is relevant is that there was a blog of a semi-popular journalist travel writer and award-winning crime novelist named Hillary Davidson who was keeping a travel log of her book tour for her second novel which was called the next one to fall and she's keeping this blog at oh and you know what let me tell
Starting point is 00:18:09 you something this is something that's kind of like still unfolding and is being reported on by a lot of different sources online so I invite you like before you go googling this please listen to this version of the story because comparing all the different timelines there are so many things that are wrong in like the very different places that the story is online and I sort of like went back and made it all factual so listen to this version first in terms of
Starting point is 00:18:44 accuracy of of times and what people said because I'd listen to go three three different stories and they just people just miss quote each other all the time it's crazy there's no like there's no standards but that's what happens because this is you know what this is like an internet story but I like that flavor but don't Google this because seriously it's gonna it's gonna fuck you up it's gonna fuck this up don't even don't even just rely on Alex's storytelling just
Starting point is 00:19:12 look into it afterwards but like I'm telling you the best version of the story that I can with the most factual information possible and there's a lot of stuff out there that's not necessarily true so just set this up hit us with the story here's the blog here's the blog when I checked into Houston hotel when I checked into Houston's hotel Zaza at midnight on Thursday night there was some confusion my first room was a themed room known as the hard times room this skull
Starting point is 00:19:37 was on the wall a few minutes after I got there a front the front desk called up and said they had to move me the people at the front desk were deeply upset at the thought of me being stuck in this room I told them I was a crime writer but they insisted on moving me to a swanky room with George Clooney on the bathroom wall instead I like the skull better actually okay George Clooney's a handsome man how dare you yeah so this is weird this is like kind of a weird thing it seems
Starting point is 00:20:02 kind of like bizarre that there's this room that has like it's called the hard times room there's a skull on the wall they were like oh my bad but that alone is not like a particularly like noteworthy thing definitely weird but not anything super crazy after sure but a little bit later like about a year later or so there was a Reddit user called Joel likes music who came to Reddit and had something that was like almost exactly the same except this one was on a post on our Houston
Starting point is 00:20:35 that was titled Zaza insiders question what's up with room 322 but his version had a lot more detail so here's what it here's what it said stay here frequently when on business hotel was booked solid and my colleague managed to score room unplanned we all had normal Zaza style rooms which in parentheses he writes swank and he ended up in this goth dungeon closet seriously the room had a chain holding the bed to wall pictures of skulls and a creepy incongruous portrait of an old man room
Starting point is 00:21:06 is about one-third the normal size with the furniture blocking part of the TV bed and window we asked about at the front desk and the clerk looked it up and said that room isn't supposed to be rented and immediately moved him anyone know what's up with this room and then I have the pictures here for you guys to see oh that's awesome so have a look at these and tell me what you think like which described them to the people so that they can like yeah I'll make sure I save this link and put
Starting point is 00:21:34 it in the description people can jump in oh that's creepy so the first photo is of like worm twins I don't know how you would describe those women but women is difficult like their necks are like way too long layered super weird painting to be on a skull clock so let's like describe the room as a whole so yeah yeah go for it the room is if you you know how many enter a normal hotel room you go through the the big door the you know like a little hallway area first yeah and
Starting point is 00:22:06 there's a hallway which probably looks like it has a bathroom connected to it and then you go down the hallway and there's a desk and TV on the right if you're like walking into the room I'm sorry the left the left and then there's a bed the difference is unlike most hotel rooms there's not a lot of space so the bed is turned and pushed up against a wall there is a little tiny desk next to the bed but there's also chains attached to the bed holding it up to the wall yeah and a mirror
Starting point is 00:22:39 next to the bed so take a look at that mirror like it looks like it's wrist like into the wall right it's not like hanging there it's like well the walls brick so it's definitely attached to the wall in some sort of way but it's not like a mirror that's hanging on the wall it's like you see it's like in but like in in the wall it's like set maybe I can't tell if you go to the maybe very right yeah if you go to the if you go to the picture that's like oh yeah I know it is in the
Starting point is 00:23:06 wall yeah it's like it's like set into the you can see the edges of the brick go beyond yeah yeah the I don't know if this is just because of the weird but like if you go to the second to last picture what's on the TV and what's being reflected in the mirror is a different oh yeah says preferred because it's a panel thing we're he oh yeah from one side okay yeah so it's to note the floor is concrete yes that that is it's not like honestly like part of me would really like this room
Starting point is 00:23:41 there's not about tiny like hotel rooms that I enjoy a lot and I don't know there's something but this would be fucking weird right like you know it would be weird yeah what makes it what makes it weird is the decor so the bed is like hanging on a chain thing attached to the wall the lamps seem fine everything you know there's crappy there's no carpet it's just concrete on the ground and then there's a window that's covered but the room itself all the art in the room overlooking
Starting point is 00:24:11 the bed is a weird the two girl picture adjacent to the mirror is the skull picture and then above the TV is the picture of an old man it's like a photo he's happy though he's smiling he's a smile to me to me that's one of the weirdest things and the other one is that the route the mirror seems to be like it could almost be like a two-way mirror like it look like it's so weird that first of all I've never seen a hotel in my life that has like a brick like wall in it like that
Starting point is 00:24:42 and number it's also a very very small I've stayed in a few hotels that have been like yeah you know God what are the it's like the new wave of hotels were supposed to be like like a pod hotels and stuff and I've seen those where they've had brick like an older like if it's like a you know 150 year old hotel maybe it's like oh people were physically smaller than or whatever but really weird for sure yeah but yeah the thing it's so the two weirdest things to me or the picture of the guy
Starting point is 00:25:12 and the and the and the like weird mirror but from here the thread absolutely blew up there was like 2500 upvotes there was like 2000 comments from people who are just like trying to get to the bottom of this increasingly weird mystery and eventually like a lot of people got swept up in this there was a write up about it from the Houston Chronicle at the time which at the very least talk to the OP verified the story that they told was like an actual real thing and wasn't like
Starting point is 00:25:42 something they staged and they called the hotel to the hotels also is actually famous for customizing a bunch of rooms in its hotel but they're like usually if you look at it on the site it's like corny extravagant like they have like a suite that's called the Rockstar suite that has like animal prints and shit okay so it's themed they're not they're not and that one is it's mirrors on the walls it's like 2100 square feet the bedroom sleeps 6 it's like a fucking nice room there's
Starting point is 00:26:10 one called Houston we have a problem that's like a madman like Jetsons furniture looking thing there's like a globe that's got like coffee table globe you know just like it's nice it's like actually tasteful well designed nice this does not look like anything the room that we're looking at really and the like degree of like design to it is like way low compared to like the other like themed rooms in the hotel but yeah it's almost like I don't know like it seems like somebody did
Starting point is 00:26:50 this on purpose but for like a weird purpose I don't know but they talk to the public relations director of hotel Zaza whose name is Kyra Coots actually and the explanation she gave is actually pretty in mundane she said since the hotel is a historic hotel all rooms on each floor vary in size and they really wanted to use all the rooms in their existing size this particular room 322 also known as hard times is compact in size but well equipped and a playful spin on a
Starting point is 00:27:22 jail experience. She also says it costs $180 per night and that there's another small room on the same floor that's a ship's cabin and has a balcony that looks at the pool but when I actually went in and looked it up neither the hard times room nor the nonically themed one are mentioned anywhere on this website anywhere which not only lists every themed room in the hotel support that they have but also as like photos and like ad copy for every single one so
Starting point is 00:27:49 there's tons of there's tons of rooms that you can look at on the on the on the website and none of them are a ship's cabin or a jail room and nothing is called hard times this alone to me was enough to get me like initially interested in this like back when I first saw this post like a while back but like it you know like I said I kind of faded out of it but here's like the theories that people were going with at the time with like what could be the explanation for this first of
Starting point is 00:28:20 all the guy in the photo the old guy they identified him as a guy named Jay Como who was the one time president of the Houston based subsidiary of the Stanford financial group which was called the Stanford financial group company very dumb but it makes sense because he was that he was known to have held several events at the Zaza hotel and they also noticed that it it the Stanford financial group at large was seized by the government in 2009 after it was discovered that
Starting point is 00:28:54 the president Alan Stanford was using it to run an 8.5 billion dollar Ponzi scheme so Como himself didn't even come clean like he didn't come out of this clean like this dude didn't is not like some guy who was unrelated to that this guy himself he settled he settled it in Houston without admitting or denying the findings of the SEC the security and exchange commission and he even though he probably received like like 1.5 million dollars or so from fraudulent sales like
Starting point is 00:29:29 commission he got like he like personally profited off this crime but his pictures up in this hotel room for some reason and I you know I'm not trying to play to any stereotypes here but you know you can see how like on Reddit somebody's looking at this they see this and they think like oh like maybe he knows somebody at the hotel you know maybe there's there's some reason why these two like this person is connected to this room and it's not a direct connection but according to
Starting point is 00:30:01 another interview with Kyra Kootz that I found that was at the Houston press the president of the hotel whose name is Benji Homsie lived in that room five days a week for two months okay so that's like weird that's another like fucking weird thing like I don't know why as the president of this hotel that you would ever like come here and decide that you want to live in this because you probably have money to be some like yeah they're they're rich dudes doing like rituals in
Starting point is 00:30:28 this room I don't know yeah I don't know like literally Benji Homsie like his actual house is so nice that it's been covered in magazines like because the architecture so beautiful and it's open and amazing I don't know why for five days a week for two months he doesn't like live far away it's like I don't know like I don't know why that would be it's like a weird fact to it nobody knows why he would live in a room that is under a portrait of Jay Como but we read it realized two
Starting point is 00:30:57 things first the there's this other painting that's like this weird bald dude you guys see that one still yeah it's supposed to be over his bed I'm assuming it says I just don't see it when he takes a picture of the bed yeah like you you it's like a great he looks like a putty from Power Rangers kind of his eyes are kind of fucked up the first thing you could have stopped that he kind of looks like a gray yeah he kind of looks like a gray that painting is signed by Benny H which
Starting point is 00:31:24 people think might be Benji Homsie himself though like looking at his actual house he's got much better looking art up usually than this and I'm not trying to say that this necessarily looks totally shitty I can see this painting being up and like a coffee shop or something but it's not like a hotel room quality painting by any means right like like that's not like me being like hopeful I like you can either be in a coffee shop in L.A. or it's a sixth graders of
Starting point is 00:31:57 yeah it doesn't look amazing so that's the first thing people noticed and second and much more interestingly they noticed that Jay Como the guy in the picture is an alumni of LSU that Louisiana State University a.k.a. the home of the Delta Kappa X Epsilon fraternity which is also where we got the secretive Friars Club from which was founded in 1908 at L.S. Hold on was founded in 1908 at LSU are you about to say this is skull and bones are you hold on hold on hold on it was
Starting point is 00:32:33 founded the Friars Club was founded in 1908 at LSU and ordered to restore a chapter of the D.K.E. fraternity that was closed down at the Centenary College in Louisiana at the outbreak of the Civil War this sounds like a little bit of a stretch I know that but when you realize the chapter that they were trying to reinstate was called Zeta Zeta a.k.a. It's hard not to see how that could be connected to a hotel that's named something so weird as Zaza and if that wasn't
Starting point is 00:33:04 enough to wrestle your Jimmy's the Friars Club symbol is a coffin with a skull and crossbones on it and even though Zeta Zeta was restored only 15 years after inception in 1923 their mission was accomplished Zeta Zeta exists again in 1923 that was a long fucking time it's almost 100 years ago they still remain a very secret and powerful club and recently what is going across what are you going bones so we'll get there now bones dog this is going bone we're about we're
Starting point is 00:33:32 about to go right down that rabbit hole so I don't know why why are we doing some people were happy enough with the Friars Club people like the Friars Club idea you know the idea maybe like the rooms like a weird little like mini clubhouse or something for old guys who are just kind of like they remember their college days but wasn't enough for me wasn't enough for some other people on Reddit so they found this other sort of like level to this so nobody's completely sure
Starting point is 00:33:59 because a lot of the details are only rumor because these societies are secret but going by the fact that they're both weird college groups that use skull and crossbones as their symbol some people on the post made a connection between the Friars Club from LSU and the actual skull and bone society which Jesse was talking about which was founded in 1832 by students at Yale University and is popularly connected to the zeitgeist in the zeitgeist of things like the Illuminati New
Starting point is 00:34:28 World Order that type of thing oh shit how do I not know about this is like on my own normally this would be an almost groundless connection right that's crazy right that's just like a bullshit based on a picture of a skull you couldn't possibly connect a hotel room to the skull and bone society right except that if you look at an actual picture of the emblem of the skull and bone society what's the other at it right now the other fucking thing in the picture just
Starting point is 00:34:55 a 322 a 322 no room the room number yes yes to the fact to the point that some people even just referred to skull and bones as the order 322 which to me is like it's too big of a coincidence and even within like the societies context amongst people outside the society there's not really a consensus on exactly what the 322 means but one theory is that 322 BC marks the year of the death of the great Greek order Demas than Demosthenes and that the skulls measure time
Starting point is 00:35:31 from that date instead of like the time that we measure time from another is that it refers to the founding year of the society which was 1832 and that the second to has to do with the fact that the founders of the club may have been German students who were reestablishing a second version of their own German club that's like also connected to the Illuminati what I know right is this never how do you not know about skull bones about it John Kerry John Kerry is part of the
Starting point is 00:36:05 order yeah and when he was interviewed about it a dude got tased and arrested yeah there are many many many figures many presidents have been part of skull and bones yeah you kidding me now this is going down never never heard of this so yeah there is another explanation though in the vice article that was written about this an occultism expert added another layer of the meaning stating that it could also be Hebrew Geomatria where each letter is a number so you can add up
Starting point is 00:36:33 numbers to make words so like 322 could mean anything from like lamb or man or demon they're all connected in there and if you think the skull and bone society aren't serious about their skull love enough to like justify their being like skull theming to the room they totally are it's a pretty well accepted fact that they probably have Geronimo skull in their clubhouse which they just stole like they like hero Geronimo they like they took his skull Geronimo's family even sued
Starting point is 00:37:08 the organization one time for the skull and they're also said to own the skulls of Martin Van Buren and Pancho Villa among others so that's for the people who have galaxy brain that's the theory for people who have galaxy brain but for people like Jesse there's another theory they saw all the facts and then concluded that this was all just a little too perfect and that maybe the whole thing was just an insane stunt being pulled by PR marketing executive Kyra
Starting point is 00:37:40 Coots who again is the head of PR for the hotel literally like marketing the hotel to the public is her job and so maybe she did this to keep their name in the news and to keep people for talking about the hotel for as long as they can just getting it to come up in search results and all that type of stuff just because people are like talking about this mystery all the time. But to give a little bit more evidence to that there is like people talk about the interview that she
Starting point is 00:38:09 did with Vice and say that it's pretty weird so I'm just going to like read through a little bit of it and you guys can like decide how weird it is because I think it is pretty weird. Yeah, the Houston Zaza claims to have pioneered theme groom sweets. Are you one of the first hotels in America to have them? She says the Zaza collection started in Dallas where our first property was built 10 years ago. Our owners and president were really the visionaries and pioneers behind
Starting point is 00:38:32 concept suites. So when the hotel Zaza Houston opened a few years later, they continued with the same conceptual design. What are some of your more popular concept suites? She says one is Houston. We have a problem which is fitted with the NASA theme because Houston is home to NASA. The furniture is very space age and it has some NASA collectibles in there. Another one is the so-called loft a take on New York City. It has the red exposed brick and artwork that's reminiscent
Starting point is 00:38:57 of New York. Can you talk me through the hard time room, hard times room I've read about online? Yeah, that's actually room 322 here at the hotel. The building was built almost a hundred years ago. So when Zaza came in, they wanted to use the existing structure. They didn't want to manipulate anything for design purposes. As a result, there are a couple of rooms throughout the property that are more compact for 322. The idea was
Starting point is 00:39:20 just to take a fun unique spin on a jailhouse experience. So it has an exposed brick wall and a bed hanging from the wall with chains. It's just a fun way to decorate a small space. What about the decor? I mean, again, it was so clear. Yeah, what about the decorations in there? I saw that there's a portrait of the president of the Stanford financial group company on the wall, which seemed a little odd. She says, I'd need to look into that a little bit further. Do you know
Starting point is 00:39:43 where the paintings and photos are from? They look very different to the decoration in all the other rooms. The art is really infused throughout each of the properties in Houston and Dallas. It's part of the culture of Zaza. The particular paintings in that room are just the ones we felt most captivated the experience you're going to have and go with the theme of the room. Fucking nightmares. The theme of the room being jail. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Including the two headed woman. She says, I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you. I can get back to you on that. I'd have to check with the designers. Are you aware of the online discussion about the room? I'm aware of the ongoing dialogue. Yes. What do you make of it? I definitely think that if folks haven't had an experience with the historic property, they might have had a hard time understanding why a room is so small in nature compared to other larger suites. But when you
Starting point is 00:40:25 see historic properties, you have a little more understanding of how the spacing is configured. I think a little I think people online are more interested in why there's a portrait of the president of the stand for financial group company as opposed to why the room is small. I would definitely need to get back to you on that one. She says, do you hire or sell rooms to private clients with purchasing a room in the hotel be a possibility? She says, all of the rooms are available
Starting point is 00:40:47 to be booked. 322 is certainly room that's able to be booked. Then the person says, really? The person online who booked the room was allegedly told that it wasn't supposed to be booked. She says, I think that was just a misunderstanding and it's perhaps been paraphrased incorrectly. We have a guest in there right now. So we do utilize room 322. It's part of our collection of rooms and it's not something that we shy away away from.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yeah. So it's weird that she like basically like ducked every single question about anything regarding a mystery. In like a very creepy way and even like pretended to not be able to hear maybe. But I don't know. Yeah. It's definitely weird. I mean, like the art like you said, art doesn't really make any damn sense. You know, in for a
Starting point is 00:41:35 themed prison room because I I've stayed in a years ago. I went to paradox con and one of the places they held it and was an ex an old prison that was retrofitted into a hotel. So you had like a prison cell that was themed as a prison like a prison cell room that was retrofitted to be a room and themed that way. But yeah, it you felt like you were in a prison, but it didn't wasn't like this. Yeah, I mean, this doesn't really even really scream jail to me.
Starting point is 00:42:01 No, the bed out the chain the bed with the chain does a little bit because that's that's how it was as well for me. But nothing else nothing else. Yeah, doesn't makes it feel like a prison. Yeah, so that's pretty much it for the 2013 portion of the timeline. But I want to I just want to draw attention to something that I noticed at the bottom of the original post, which thus far has only really been mentioned on a video with a fairly low view count like sub 100 views. Okay, like many
Starting point is 00:42:28 popular Reddit posts. This one was updated with a few edits as time went on from the OP telling people like what was going on. Press coverage addressing questions that people in the comments were asking things like that. But the very last edit he made is like very weird. I'm just going to read it to you. And to the very new Redditor offering me a bounty to delete this thread. I'll totally do it because cash is cash. But I don't want to die either. So let's do this
Starting point is 00:42:53 publicly. I'm posting your message you sent me and we can meet at the Monarch bar next week. I'll be in town on Monday and will update this thread when I get to Monarch so we can meet. Then he says there's a screen cap. But when you click on the screen cap, it just leads back to that same Imgur. Okay, and there's no screen cap of the offer. So not conclusive in any way towards anything, but it's like
Starting point is 00:43:19 a weird fucking detail that I noticed that I think people should know about because it it does seem to imply something right? That somebody's willing to pay a pretty large amount of money to have somebody delete this Reddit thread for some reason. Yep. And that's like where like that timeline of true detective
Starting point is 00:43:40 goes. And then we go back to now seven years later in 2019 since since then the stories popped up here and there on small sites over the years, most notably on another big Reddit thread on our unresolved mysteries that mostly is just like just a bunch of references to the original thread that just kind of like tell the story a little bit more coherently. But it isn't until about a month ago now that it really starts picking up steam again. Thanks to a video from
Starting point is 00:44:10 a pretty new YouTube channel that's just been kind of like doing the like unsolved mysteries thing on YouTube and just kind of popping off. They're called barely sociable. And in this video, he rehashes a lot of what we've already talked about, but he also calls the hotel and records the call. And I'm about to read the transcript to you right now. He says, do you have a full list of the concept suites? Is that what they are? And they say so our suites arranged from
Starting point is 00:44:37 the top level are the magnificent seven suites. There's only seven of them on the 12th floor and then the concept suites, which is on the 11th floor. Those are also theme suites as well. And then under that falls the junior suites. The junior suites aren't themed. They're just bigger suites with a little more spacing rather than a standard level room. Okay, and then the guy goes, okay, so just to go through this. Oh, you guys do have some photos here in the website. So just
Starting point is 00:45:00 to make sure it's the fullest of suites here, I'm going to let the girl I'm going with decide. So you guys have the Bella Vita, the black label, the fatal charms for your eyes only. It happened one night, the rock star suite and the tycoon and then the ones listed under the concept suites. And then there's no other theme suites. These are all of them. And they're like, yes, sir. Those are all of them at this property. And he goes, okay, and do you guys have another
Starting point is 00:45:24 property here in Houston? And she they go, we do we have the Memorial City location. Then they chat a little bit about some stuff that has nothing to do with anything. And then he says, okay, all right, well, I'm going to look through the photos here and just to confirm, these are all the suites for both properties, correct in Houston. And they go, yes, sir, that's correct. Pretty standard phone call. But he does confirm this person on the phone does confirm that regardless of whether
Starting point is 00:45:49 or not the room exists, or is available to be rented, if you ask for it, the staff of the hotel either does not know about the room, or pretends not to know about it to members of the general public, which either way is weird to me. I want to call them really badly. Yeah. But then, like, a week ago, the time I wrote this, which I think now is like, maybe like a few days later, like 10 days ago, another guy on Reddit, this guy named Jay Pagle, posted to the unresolved mystery sub with a
Starting point is 00:46:18 pretty crazy proposition. Okay, he said, so I remember hearing about this mystery. And when I watched the above video, I just thought, why hasn't anyone stayed in this room and documented the whole experience yet? Well, you know what? I live in Houston, and I've got nothing going on this weekend. So I called the hotel a moment ago and asked if I could book this specific room for Friday, specifically room 322, known as hard times. Sure enough, they're more than happy to book
Starting point is 00:46:42 me the room, albeit they seem genuinely shocked anyone would call while they stay in that specific room. I asked about the room and here's what I discovered so far. The room is very much available to rent, but it's probably their least popular room and is considered a last to book room, meaning it's one they typically only fill when the rest of the hotel is book solid. I found this particularly interesting considering all the buzz on the internet about this room. The decor has
Starting point is 00:47:06 changed slightly over the last few years to tone down the creepiness. Specifically, they have replaced a lot of the pictures on the wall. The guy I spoke to had no idea why it still isn't listed on the site as a themed room, only that the owners like it quote for some reason and don't want to get rid of it. He said he thinks they like the quirkiness quote unquote of it. So, if I book it right now, it'll be $249 for a one night stay this Friday. If I do it, does anyone have an
Starting point is 00:47:33 interest in me doing this? Is this something you guys would follow? I don't want to spend the money on this if there's a little or no interest in this little experiment slash adventure. Obviously, as I was literally researching this episode in real time now, like things were happening now in this story after I started writing this. Seriously. That's wild. This seemed a little bit too good to be true. But sure enough, a few days later on October 11th, he started live posting his
Starting point is 00:47:59 stay complete with pictures and videos. Though the video links are all private now because afterwards he edited them all into one giant video on his channel. Okay, so here's what happened. First, he posted about how on top of what we already know about Benji Homsie living in the room for two months, which we already talked about earlier. They apparently still love the room. And often they stay there to this day when they're in town. So even over these seven years, the owners
Starting point is 00:48:26 of the hotel have still been coming regularly and staying in this shitty little room for some reason. Stop it. Stop barking. Wallace wants it. He wants to he wants to book gap. That's so weird. First things first around 9pm. He went up to the room to do a quick once over and see what things had been changed. But it really only seemed to be that the painting of the twin girls was moved to another wall to be replaced with a framed prison uniform that says property of Zaza. And
Starting point is 00:48:55 not surprisingly, Jay Como's picture was gone. But what is super weird about that is that it was replaced by a small black and white photo of Conan O'Brien in an electric chair, which is just a weird thing. It's just like a weird that is a very bizarre artistic voice. So I'm going to Oh God, I didn't. Yeah, I didn't give you the link. Give me the I just know you just said here's all the photos. All right. All right. I mean, let's have a look. Let's talk about these new changes.
Starting point is 00:49:27 You also get a little better. You also know it very much looks more so previously. It was a room that the art and the decor didn't match what they were going for. It was like reddish and they're weird brown tones. Now it's all very metal. The table that you would eat food on is metal. The the bed has sort of more metal fringes on it. So is the skulls here as the weird painting of the alien looking dude. But like the outside balcony area has been called the yard now with like
Starting point is 00:50:03 a little weight like weights. So you can definitely tell they tried a little bit more. But they also kept some of the old art just to like, you know, keep it creeps, keep it creepy. Yeah, it looks darker. It looks darker like they repainted the walls. They added more metals to the room. I mean, okay, I'll let you continue. I already have thoughts, but I'll let you continue. So then he made a plan to meet up with Houston based Redditors in the bar. But nobody showed up. So he ended
Starting point is 00:50:32 up slamming a few Roman Cokes with a dude who he didn't think was part of the Reddit group. But to quote his own words, he said, I don't think he's one of you guys. But for some reason he kept wanting to push me for more and more details on what I was here for. Weird. And then almost an hour later he posted he's still hanging out with that guy. And he's also now extremely wasted. Then he goes up to the room and does a deep dive on the details double and triple checking for two
Starting point is 00:50:56 way mirrors, microphones, secret passages, anything like that doesn't really find anything that sets off any alarm bells, explaining that after this check, he feels pretty confident that there's nothing really going on here other than that the owners of this hotel are kind of weird and keep this room around as a pet project until an hour or so later when he notices something extremely strange about the wall, the mirror is set into. First of all, like I said earlier, is the
Starting point is 00:51:24 only brick wall in the room, which is something you wouldn't really expect to see in a normal like modern day hotel room. Uh, but it also could have easily been built to turn a small portion of the room into a viewing chamber for the two way mirror. Oh, I see what I mean. I see what you're saying. Like he's saying that this wall could have been constructed to literally kind of the room was bigger initially and they just like if you can imagine like maybe they just put a put a wall
Starting point is 00:51:54 with a mirror in it and it's right over the bed that you can like stand behind. So because so my next question would be because usually hotel rooms are really close to one another. You usually the wall is literally separating you from the next room. Granted, this is an older building. So architecture could be finicky, but I'd be curious how far away the next so he walks out the door. There is. So he walks out the door to see what it shares a wall with and he finds a narrow
Starting point is 00:52:18 employees only door with a padlock on it that he couldn't find in use anywhere else in the hotel on any other door and films a little addendum to the video about it next morning and here's the link to the full video for you later so that you guys can look at it in the show notes. And yeah, I it seems like there's a there's a closed off room behind that wall. So so what is that all that may that may be true. But there is a what is that called a layout like you know there's actually
Starting point is 00:53:01 like a layout of that floor online. You can look at and while there is an employees door what's directly behind that mirror is another hotel rooms bathroom. And so if it was like someone trying to sneak through then they would be looking through pipes and shit in order to see the hot sex I guess. Yeah, but that's exactly what it is is it's like why is there a door there like why like it's it's a smoke like we've been talking this whole time about how weirdly small this room is
Starting point is 00:53:37 and if the answer is just that they converted half the room into the back half of another room. Why would they do that and why would they put a recessed mirror on that wall. Like I've never heard of a wall with a recessed mirror in any house anywhere. You know what I mean any hotel room. I mean it could mean it could be because it's brick it could be because a lot of different reasons. I think it's the idea that they had a small room like this. Like I don't know I have
Starting point is 00:54:13 a lot of theories and none of them are like people watching you do it but please continue. Well I mean that's it. I mean that's that's that's where the mystery is today. That video went up like less than a week ago. You know this this is still just kind of like something people are talking about online right now but I I am so I am so interested in it because there's just a couple more coincidences here. Then normally make me feel like something is not real like the fact that
Starting point is 00:54:44 the employees don't tell you that the room exists is super weird. The fact that to me that like like every one of these things has a reasonable explanation that is only made more mysterious because no one's forthright with you. But it's the idea that like the employees are not going to try and sell people the smallest shittiest room there right. But they're actively going to be told not to do it would be part of the theming of the room. It's like oh it's like a jail room and
Starting point is 00:55:10 right. But that no one like for two hundred twenty nine dollars. That's not going to be you can tell why they would be told this is our last like do not sell this property because this sucks. Let's say no one has good experiences. The other the other angle I would come at that from to if you want to keep it more grounded to is they could if it's literally one of their owners favorite rooms to always have it at the ready in case he's about to show up and wants it. Also I think it's
Starting point is 00:55:34 just because it's an old building. There probably are crappy small rooms they even said there's rooms in different sizes. So this could be one of those ones that you know if you look at old Soviet architecture and things like you know there's some things don't make sense if it's not properly planned. Yeah. And I think that this is one of those rooms that just isn't properly planned. I think it's I would love I would genuinely love for it to be a two way mirror. And it's
Starting point is 00:55:59 like some freaky sex thing. I think that would be amazing. I don't know that's the case. Como. What about this giant rich criminal who lives in Houston whose picture is up in the hotel room and has connections to a secret society at LSU. Oh yeah. No. So what I think about all that is I think that the owners are weirdos is what I think. I think anyone who's going to own hotel chains and be like this is the this is the what happened last night's sweet
Starting point is 00:56:27 and this is the 40 you know 40 lashings but did you look at them. Oh no trust me. I've looked at I've been literally as you've been talking on the actual Zaza webpages looking at photos. Other rooms actually good though. You know what I mean. They don't write. Yeah. I think the owners are just weirdos and I think their whole thing of like oh well we have a shitty small room. How do we sell it as something. And originally it was like oh small. It's a prison cell. And
Starting point is 00:56:59 then they're like well how do we decorate a prison cell. And in their minds they were like let's make it weird. And so they add these things and they just because you don't think it's more people stayed there. It's more likely that pictures of the room that their weird room that they had got out and then they were like it's a jail room and then they like got rid of it. I don't I added the stupid yard sign and they added like a jail thing. You know what I'm saying. If that's the
Starting point is 00:57:24 case then I don't it could easily be that they made a weird room and they had to explain the weird room they made but I also don't think it was a weird cult room. I think they created a room. They made it very weird. They added like oh we'll throw skull and crossbones in there because that's creepy coincidence. Jake Como is part of Delta Kappa which is no I think this is like Zeta Zeta and the skull. I think this is like I think that is I think all of that is like coincidence falling into
Starting point is 00:57:57 place. Yes. Yes. The guys had a guy's had a hotel. He's a criminal. I think I think them having events in the hotel. I think this room could easily chalked up to being like snark and or like we're you know we actually live in it. Yeah which is why I think like if the owner lives in it all those things are like things the owner thinks are hilarious and sometimes people are not they don't are like they aren't funny and so him being like remember we had that criminal
Starting point is 00:58:30 here hilarious. Let's put that up like that's you know it's fucking weird and then they replaced it with it is weird. I'm saying the owners are weird and then they replace it with Cone O'Brien in the electric chair as if like that guy that guy was I'm actually I'm not against the yeah I think there's a lot of coincidences that fall into place here. I'm kind of without so I don't know if there was like weird rituals happening here. I would say that if this rich guy or the owner
Starting point is 00:58:57 is I can't believe we've gone from from one thing to like rituals happened here. No I don't think I don't think that's what happened. I my down to earth but still want to believe in like at least the coincidence is not being more than just coincidences is maybe this guy is part of the order and this is kind of just he's this is kind of his way of celebrating that he's part of the order like this is his favorite room. So he decked like 322 I'm part of the order. So he kind of made
Starting point is 00:59:25 the room in the style and he started living in there so we could kind of like imbibe himself with the reminder that he's part of the secret society. I don't know if there's a the mirrors two-way thing or anything like that. It's weird but I would not put it past that like somebody with with fuck you money and all the time in the world to come by and be like this is my secret project and I love being part of the order and I'm just going to go ahead and decorate it and
Starting point is 00:59:49 then when it got out maybe a marketing guy was like this is great like this is great for viral marketing. Let's just kind of push the rumor out there some more and make it even more of a fan. What if you're a rich businessman with no taste of the kind who goes to a really expensive hotel that you know you want to do the NASA suite or whatever like you want to do something stupid like that and then you're like man you know I'm here with my wife but like what if there was another
Starting point is 01:00:15 hotel room where I could go have sex with like a prostitute. I mean yeah that's you know that's very possible that's that is not out of the realm of possibility 22 you know what I'm saying you know it's like a little code it's it's weird I'm with you that's that's so it's super to me to me everything in my in my everything in my brain wants me to want me to say that it's just nothing but it's just the amount of things that come together in this are too many the locked room the
Starting point is 01:00:49 the the secret I just I wonder if John Kerry is ever stayed in that room the 322 I I are you sure it's not more likely that it's room 322 and thus they based all like they were like oh it's 322 could be it's creepy let's add oh skull and bones that's 322 yeah that's what I'm saying like I like the first of what is is like the creepy thing I think it's weird people being weird and accenting the room with 322 is to make it weird it very well could be the theme I just have no idea I
Starting point is 01:01:22 just it's so fucking weird and it doesn't like the the decor of the room doesn't really speak of like smack of like intention originally you know it's no it definitely feels like a smattering yeah it's just a weird room but yeah this was the internet this is the internet mystery that I found that to me was the most like possible like of all these like reddit mysteries that go around that people look at to me this one actually made me think like oh maybe I would love it if that
Starting point is 01:01:58 was a two-way mirror and it was like for freaky sex stuff just to fill that I would have I would love that that was actually true it's not that crazy like people do do that tiny yeah I would be like yeah all right maybe just to get a camera out was in between the wall you know what I mean it could be anything like it could be just like that is 250 friggin dollars a night though makes it a little bit difficult to I think that's just a product of it being at Hotel Saza though
Starting point is 01:02:24 yeah that's her oh yeah for sure I'm not saying that's part of that just saying I would love because next time in Houston I'd be like man maybe I'll just go spend a night there but yeah like if you're saying there's a bathroom from another room kind of jutting into that room I could totally see that little employee employees only door being like just to a place where you can place a camera behind the mirror where you can like run it if you want to catch somebody blackmail you
Starting point is 01:02:47 thinking like powerful people like you said maybe do an illicit thing yeah you send them down there you say hey if you if you just ask for room 32 322 if you need it you know if you need it yeah and then you send the bellboy down there and you're like yo turn on the little you know turn on that 322 I mean like that's not even that out of their own possibility with what we've known has happened with government and freaking Jeffrey Epstein and all that other nonsense that shit is real
Starting point is 01:03:11 not that like that happens the government has rings of horrible shit happening all the time and I'm sure they record and keep it as evidence as a means to keep people under their thumb even if the even if the like kooky theming is just like fun for the people who made it I still don't think I don't I still don't think it's crazy that that room is like maybe like a little fuck room. Yeah no I definitely wouldn't be I wouldn't be surprised if
Starting point is 01:03:35 that ended up being you know something along those lines for sure little Houston that's why I was a weird rabbit hole man yeah. Thanks if you guys like this one let me know I got like three more that are like kind of of this flavor that are like weird internet you know we we're gonna want them all so just have them ready at any time we ever done if we're gonna do like weird things that probably have reasonable explanations but
Starting point is 01:03:59 are just weird maybe have reasonable explanations possibly are we ever are we ever gonna do that. What's that girl's name Eliza Lam Lisa yeah yeah yeah yeah we're gonna do that girl can what is it the fucking girl from the elevator footage where she's like she was found in the girl who like the girl is dead and like in the water but she was found in the yeah but she was sealed in there like there was no way for her to get in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:04:24 yeah that's enough yeah that's that's one that that that only happened a few years ago I remember when like seeing that I put it for the first time doing what just around the same yeah that's the world they made a video game about it and we just got to hurry up and figure it all out before the aliens come down what's the postmodern RPG what's it called Lisa yeah yeah Lisa not Lisa oh why 2k is about that yeah why 2k is like
Starting point is 01:04:51 heavily about that. What yeah what why 2k is an RPG yeah I'm still fucked me up because it's very earthbound you right and so I got a code for it because I was like maybe I'll do like a video on it or something or stream it and I started playing it and it asked you for your name at the beginning like earthbound does or any RPG really and I wrote my main character's name is Alex yeah I wrote my name is Alex and everybody was like saying
Starting point is 01:05:14 Alex and like speaking the name Alex and I was like oh shit and then I like a screen cap of the game and it said Alex in the screen cap and I was like. Ah like melting down your brain is like my file was called like true Alex or something like that and I was like what the man. Well on October 30 like ready to start I want to I want to research skull and bones now I cannot believe I have not you
Starting point is 01:05:42 got to watch what's that what's the name of that thing on on Netflix the family have you seen that. If you guys are you know I'm Asian and watch the series on Netflix the family it'll make you existentially upset it's so fucked up it's so fucking crazy I almost did that too but then I was like there's just like documentary about it it's way better but I just watched so it's like pointless for me to do this but fuck.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Or but for the yeah I just I'm so interested in what rich people get up to their free time. Ah that's it on October 30th come to Massachusetts tell you now that you since you mentioned you just said that I need to to what is it called I literally just saw it so I was on a website for this right and I was it was like people trying to figure out who would stay at this place like what was it for and off to the side was an ad for something called
Starting point is 01:06:39 Raya was that the name of it are a YA yeah that's what it was radio it was an ad off to the side and it said for exclusive wealthy and famous people it's a dating app and I click the link to figure out what it was and it literally it literally is an app that like. Is post before the most famous most elite most beautiful people and it is basically I swear to God so celebrities in the wealth they can find like beautiful like people to bang
Starting point is 01:07:11 that's that's what it looks like and you you could be rejected and you can like all it like it is meant for like the super elite and yeah it's an invite only so you have to know people in it to get on what do you think about like a medium tier digital influencer. And then gate and engaged medium tier digital influence are saying like get Jesse to do an embedded piece. I would by all means go on here I I figure a one year project
Starting point is 01:07:50 and I like is on there now I just got to watch Jesse you know you're like you're good with for your good friends have been after like you can get Jesse disappears huge if he just disappears or we get replaced with somebody who sounds and looks like Jesse but he's just going to get everything we say Tom DeLong he's going to just go dark because he's going to get connected to the no you can't don't cast Tom DeLong in doubt right now right man we've got I want to know I feel
Starting point is 01:08:15 I smell disclosure on the wind that's all I'll say do not like yeah it's in the water it's like get hype guys what's the deal with room and what a guys I don't know is that what the order for the PS4 was based on that order the order is like okay alright I didn't know X men I didn't play that game either because sort of I know that not not not like X men more like it meant in black is what I meant to say X men. Got you.
Starting point is 01:08:45 We're the lamppost like really well that game was tight it's just like is four hours long but it's it's good. Yeah so guys come to Boston to live on a pod dot com. John com approved this message. Don't shut me down John. I am just joking. We also we have exclusive glow in the dark posters that will be selling while we're there and t-shirts and stuff if you
Starting point is 01:09:09 don't if you want to grab yourself some of the posters cool as well. It's the thing that's on the website but it's a poster it is and it glows in the dark and it's dope. So yeah come see us October 30th again 7 to 10 p.m. will be there telling spook stories and hanging out with making you guys laugh ideally and the hats on sale right now $7 off the snapback.
Starting point is 01:09:31 It is it's on sale for a little bit longer you can go get the hat they found a few more in the warehouse that they hadn't sold and we got to grab them while you can because they're going to be out again very very soon so come by we'll see you guys on October 30th to Luminati pod dot com Alex thank you for taking us on the time right I I'm all I always enjoy the roller coasters you set us up and Jesse thank you for being the grounded center to it all.
Starting point is 01:09:59 If I wasn't here the episode would be like an aliens they're actually stop. Yeah but they might be this link to this Reddit post you wouldn't go deep in this one night by yourself tell me you wouldn't just go all the way down. Oh I absolutely would. Oh yes I always I always travel deep down the rabbit hole of Reddit but I always leave being like well that was a fun read not like did you did everyone know $1.3 million.
Starting point is 01:10:31 In the government contract to Tom DeLong these are facts fraudulent clients. Here's all I'm going to say is I'm currently going down the Ray a rabbit hole right now and I want to let you know the founder said and I quote Ray is a utility for introducing you to people who can change your life that is some of Luminati stuff that is all right I'm applying to I have like I get 10,000 views of video you know I have like 200,000 YouTube
Starting point is 01:10:58 subscribers I'm pretty sure I belong that's pretty good. I'm like I'm pretty famous you know I'm saying I'm like I may not be a tier but I'm like a minus to you so. Well we'll be back soon with some more Chaluminati Ted Bundy part 3 will be the next wrap up episode I believe after this and then I. Aliens I got a couple I got a couple more things cooking I can't.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Oh awesome Alex will take us on long on a fun ride yeah I got a couple more things we can we can look at I'm trying to see if I can like give you some type of. In the meanwhile little plugs let's let's plug our shit and then get out of here so hey if you guys are listening to this podcast specifically if you're listening on the iTunes or Apple store any of that good stuff we are less than a thousand away where I should say we're less than 100 away from a
Starting point is 01:11:51 thousand reviews so if you if you guys enjoy the podcast drop us a review on iTunes we're about to crack that four digit number that be huge for us if as always if you want to chat with us you can leave a story that the subreddit our slash Illuminati pod we have some awesome stories going up for Halloween right now people are just piling their personal stories over on that subreddit you go check it out you can always as always tweet all of us at our personal Twitters I'm
Starting point is 01:12:13 at Mathis Games Alex is at Fosse on a and Jesse is at Jesse Cox I got to get a costume for our show I think did you see someone who wants to bring me an alien costume like an alien is carrying me like away I mean that's terrifying but yeah guys mask on I'm down but thanks for listening we love you guys very much and we'll see you next time bye bye bye bye it's Jeep 4x4 season make your next adventure epic and hurry in now for great deals now well qualified returning FCA
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