Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 3.5 - The Beatles Never Broke Up

Episode Date: March 18, 2018

Alex discovers a dimension hopping Beatles fan. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Is your life too busy for a vacation? Is your schedule too full for fun? It's time to rebalance and find some adventure. There are so many stunning destinations in and around Utah. Have you seen the goblins at Goblin Valley? Have you driven through Monument Valley or seen the delicate arch?
Starting point is 00:00:16 Motorsportsland is a Utah company where family owned and locally operated. We love the outdoors and we know that an RV is the perfect way to blend the comfort and convenience of home with your outdoor adventures. Start your next adventure at All right, well, let's dive in to... Are we gonna call it episode four or mini-soat?
Starting point is 00:01:00 I guess we'll find out, but welcome back, everybody, to the Chaluminati podcast, mini-bonus episode or episode four. This one, my hands are off the research range. This is fully in Alex's lap. I don't know, he hasn't told us what he has prepared for us. Can I tell you guys something before we jump into this
Starting point is 00:01:16 about Alex? Yes. He has a video, I don't know if anyone knows this. He has a video series on YouTube. I, yes, he showed me. Really weird about, I don't know, Alex's supernatural paranormal stuff. I have no idea what...
Starting point is 00:01:30 It's a paranormal video series that I do as a hobby. And it is crazy. It's crazy. Only rarely, it's kind of like played for comedy as much as it is for making your brain hurt. It's truly one of the most insane things I've ever seen, a person ever do. It has, what I'm saying is it has jokes.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, but the point is it's paranormal stuff without any sort of judgment on it. I just present it exactly how it's told. Stories that are less known. It's called Mystery Search, you can check it out. It's got... It's creepy, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:11 A total of 2,000 views. The creepiest series I've ever seen. Give it a look, check. Give it a look, you guys. That's awesome. But this is kind of along those lines actually because I, I, this is a story that I've always thought was like so hilarious and I'm not gonna tell you
Starting point is 00:02:28 whether or not this is something that I like believe in. I think you'll be pretty, it'll become pretty clear pretty soon whether I believe in it or not. But I have some ground rules cause I'm just gonna basically like go through this story with you guys and you guys can feel free to stop me and like discuss at any point. But the ground rule is do not Google this.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Okay. And do not, and do not. I'm not even, I'm not even, I'm away from the computer now. I'm moving away. Okay. My keyboard is pushed in, I'm not gonna check anything. Yeah, and do not guess what it is. If you think you know what it is,
Starting point is 00:03:01 you can say I think I know what's gonna happen or whatever. Don't guess what it is till the end because it's good. Yeah. At least until the review. Of course, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we're just gonna go in, this is a website that I found. I'm not gonna tell you anything about it other than that this is called Everyday Chemistry, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:19 Oh no. Do not Google that phrase. No, okay, okay. For you, for you, you still have no idea. I have no idea, I just know it's gonna be crazy. I guarantee you have no idea where I'm gonna go with this. But please, if you're listening, don't Google it till after because once you Google it, you can go right to this
Starting point is 00:03:36 and find it and like, the reason I like this story, other than the fact that it's a crazy story, like just like a silly ass story, is that, you know, a lot of these paranormal happenings tend to not have any sort of good evidence. Yeah. And whether or not you believe in this evidence that this story presents to you after I read it
Starting point is 00:04:01 or not, the evidence exists. So that's why I like this. You can go and check this out after I read it and there is something for you to see that is the thing. Okay. Okay, so here we go. We're just gonna jump right in. This is the part.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I'm nervous, man. I don't know what's about to happen. Yeah, yeah. This is the part on the website that's called The Story and I'm just gonna read it verbatim with some omissions. Just to protect the reveal till the end because I think that's a funny part of this. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:04:31 The following is an actual account of my experiences as of recently. Because of the nature of what has happened, I must remain anonymous until I feel it is safe to reveal my real name. But for now, you can refer to me as James Richards. Cool? On September 9th, 2009, I experienced something
Starting point is 00:04:52 that I am still having trouble believing happened to me. I came into the possession of a cassette tape containing a, That's a noise. That's me censoring it. That's me censoring myself. Because I don't want you to know what is on the tape. In fact, not only was it never,
Starting point is 00:05:12 but it was, and no, I'm not talking about. What? You've lost me, you've lost me. This is just me redacting things so that you don't know what's going on. Why are you redacting parts of the story? Just because it's just that it's just his intro
Starting point is 00:05:28 and it spoils what the whole point of the story is. And I don't want to get there. Now this is where the story becomes slightly more unbelievable and it is almost embarrassing to attempt to explain the incident to you for fear of viewing me as completely absurd. I must assure you, I am not insane or on drugs. And hopefully the audio from this tape
Starting point is 00:05:48 will be enough proof that there is more than we think. First of all, hold on. If you're going to give yourself a fake name, why James Richards? Sounds like a newscast. Why not give yourself a bad ass, like super spy name? Like agent. Agent Zero.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Or something bad ass. I don't know what. I don't know what. I don't know what. Maybe that's his real name. Maybe that's like he's hiding in plain sight James. He's a genius. Creative genius.
Starting point is 00:06:16 That's like that. That's like that white supremacist teacher. Did you hear about that? What? I don't want to go down this. I don't want to go down this rabbit hole too far, but there's like this teacher in Florida who like has like a like secret white supremacist podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:30 And she like brags about being a teacher in the podcast and that she's like low key teaching her kids white supremacist ideals. And like they figured out who it was and what school she was at and stuff. And her name turns out to be like a like a what do you call anagram or whatever of the other of her name. So silly.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Why would you do that? Why would you do that? Anyway, back to the story. I live in Livermore, California. But on September 9th, I was driving home from Turlock after visiting a friend for a few days. I had my dog with me and I didn't have any plans for the day. So I decided to take a drive through a place called
Starting point is 00:07:06 Del Puerto Canyon just west of Turlock. These are real places I've been through this area. That's me saying that. There is a scenic road that is a fun drive and actually goes through to Livermore. I hadn't taken a cruise through it for a while. So I thought I would take this way home. It was about 2 p.m.
Starting point is 00:07:25 A ways into the canyon, my dog started acting like she needed to use the restroom. So I pulled over to the first available parking area to the side of the road and let her out while I stretched. At first I didn't notice, but then I heard the barking from 30 yards away. My dog was chasing a rabbit. Now my dog is a pretty good dog,
Starting point is 00:07:46 but if she is chasing something, then there is no stopping her. So the only thing I could do was become part of the chase. They already had about a 40 yard head start, so I really had to book it. The uneven ground and softer patches made it difficult to run and it wasn't very far into the chase. I had stepped in a rabbit hole, fell,
Starting point is 00:08:06 and knocked myself unconscious. So this guy basically saw his dog. I don't know how he knew that the dog was chasing a rabbit. Like my dog just runs away for anything. Right, a taste of freedom. Your dog is possibly an alien. Let's be clear about this. That's true.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Alex's dog does not look like a dog. He might be from Endor's moon. He's from the hollow moon. Yeah, he's from, his homeworld rings like a bell. But here's where the story takes a turn. When I woke up, I was in a room with some furniture and electronics in it. I was taking care of with the bandage on my head,
Starting point is 00:08:50 but I still felt uneasy about the situation because where I fell and hit my head was in a very rural unpopulated area with no houses and outside the window of the room I was in, I could hear traffic. I wasn't near the window in the room. It was actually on the other side next to an unusual looking electronic machine
Starting point is 00:09:10 that I didn't recognize from anywhere I've seen before. The only reason this stood out was because it seemed out of place in a person's home which most of the room resembled. I decided to get up and look out the window but the door opened and in ran my dog who was pretty excited to see me. When I looked up, there was a man standing at the door.
Starting point is 00:09:31 He was about six feet tall, had medium long black hair and was dressed casually nice but gave me a greasy vibe if you know what I mean. I do, I know what that guy. I'm thinking Howard Stern is what I'm like. Yeah, I can see that with the long or black hair and kind of a creepy vibe on him. Yeah, all right, I got you.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Really self-deprecating, little like microfiber, like flimsy t-shirt from the 80s. We got it. He introduced himself as Jonas and asked me if I was okay which I said yes. He said he found me unconscious in a field with my dog barking at me. So I thanked him for helping me and my dog out
Starting point is 00:10:08 and that I was surprised my dog even came back to me. I then asked him the question that would make me start wondering if I in fact had gone crazy. I asked him, where am I? About 20 feet away from where I found you, he replied. I told him that couldn't be possible because there was no houses within at least 20 miles
Starting point is 00:10:28 from where I last remember being. He then told me that what he was going to say next will be very shocking and unbelievable and that if he didn't actually experience it himself, then he wouldn't believe it. He took a look at the machine near the window and looked back at me and said he transported me into parallel earth.
Starting point is 00:10:48 What? He said he traveled to our earth dimension and found me knocked out in the blazing heat with nobody around to help me out. Normally he said he doesn't take outsiders through a portal but in my case he thought I needed urgent help. I immediately started asking questions about traveling to parallel worlds
Starting point is 00:11:07 since all I knew about the topic was YouTube videos of Michio Kaku. Yo, shout, we need to do an episode of Michio Kaku. I love that dude. Love that dude. Let's get him on the show. Maybe he'll come talk with us about Skinwalker Ranch. No way, I wanna talk to him about like
Starting point is 00:11:21 the different stages of intergalactic beings. Oh man, I love that dude. And being able to go through parallel universe portal. Maybe, maybe he knows. It's like, you know, a comic book. We're from earth 4 3 1 2 and he's now on earth 4 3 1 3. Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:40 He told me to slow down and that he would explain himself. Apparently in his world, a parallel travel machine can be purchased quite easily. Oh shit, I lost my place. Oh, while not cheap, it's pretty popular even though the machine can be dangerous enough to cause death.
Starting point is 00:12:00 In the 1950s of his dimension, the government was faced with a decision to continue to fund a space program, I'm guessing NASA, or a parallel dimension program called ARPD. I can't remember what he said it stood for. I'm pretty sure the P? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:14 That's like. Isn't that the name of the movie with Jeff Bridges? Well, ARPD just reminds me almost of like DARPA from like Lost. It does, yeah, it does stuff. Yeah. Like DARPA, but not like Dharma, but like DARPA, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, not Dharma. Yeah, you're right, you're right. DARPA is from Metal Gear. That's what, yeah, that's where I'm getting it from. Yeah, isn't DARPA stands for something? Like defense. Yeah, I think it's a real thing, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yeah, defense something, research, something, something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty, I can't remember what he said it stood for. I'm pretty sure the P?D. is parallel dimensions. And I remember the acronym because I noticed it a lot on the electronics in the room I was in. He then explained that the real danger
Starting point is 00:12:56 of using one of the machines was exploring new dimensions. Since there are an infinite amount of Earths in other dimensions, only a small amount have been explored. The problem with exploring unknown dimensions is the chance you will die somehow once you walk through the portal doorway. He told me that people die from falling if the ground isn't close enough to where the portal opens,
Starting point is 00:13:15 die from drowning, there are worlds covered in water, hard to reopen a portal underwater, die from fire, atmospheric issues. He said in order for people to avoid this, they would have to know that there would be similar ground in the dimension they were traveling to. So his government began to research worlds that were safe to transport to,
Starting point is 00:13:33 even creating public spots where people could choose a menu of worlds to go to that were all safe. What if I told you guys that we are not even at like the crux of what the story is all about? I mean, here's the thing. Even though I think this is insane, I love that he's taken the time to be like, okay, here are some of the real issues that would happen
Starting point is 00:13:53 if you were traveling, because I was thinking about that, like, there are many possibilities of what would happen if you walk through a portal. And I like that he took the time to do this, so. Right, he's like, the government took care of that, don't worry, we know what happens. I like this. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:14:07 We're about to get to the point. The point of no reason. Many of these worlds were lush vegetation worlds that were never ruined by man, only to be invaded by the large overcrowded population of the traveler's world. He said something about new industries that opened up because of this,
Starting point is 00:14:24 one of them being something like dimensional life brokers, these people offered the chance to live as someone new in an already established similar world that doesn't know of dimensional travel, nor that there are people crossing the dimension it will border to, like worlds that don't know that there's people coming to them. I can imagine that having this technology
Starting point is 00:14:44 would open up a black market of like, get out of your world if you're a wanted man for a large sum of money. Oh, yeah, I think sci-fi wise, this is fascinating, and the idea- You could do so much with this as an idea. Yeah, like you could create a new life, and you could, because, here's a question I have,
Starting point is 00:15:01 and I don't know if this is answered, but I'm interested, is there, is this one of those, there's another version of you? Not of you. But, I'll get there. So, this is like, to me- I just like the idea that you can take over your own life in a different dimension if it's better than the one you have.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Like Rick and Morty, yeah. I imagine if shit's like infinite, you know, there's infinite number of dimensions, then there has to be some with versions of you. Sure. That are just, maybe you're more successful, or maybe you're wet worse off, and you know, there's different versions of you
Starting point is 00:15:37 if there are infinite numbers of places you can go. Yeah, the point being, the point being, I guess, that like, the idea of a world that's similar to Earth that we know, but it's just a little different, is like a commodity. Yes, of course. You know what I mean? For this, for this organization, right?
Starting point is 00:15:54 You can do so much with it. All right, continue, please. Exactly. Jonas said he was an explorer for one of the dimensional travel agencies, and was looking in new uncharted dimensions, and came upon my Earth, which is our Earth. We talked about a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:16:09 It was interesting to see what similarities and differences we had between worlds. Foods, culture, TV, technology, we covered a lot. We also started talking about music, which was an interesting topic, because there were many of the same bands between our worlds that existed, including the Beatles.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Oh, shit, does he have an audio tape of a Beatles song from the alternate dimension? Oh, he does, doesn't he, Alex? When their name got brought up, Jonas mentioned that his brother just got back from seeing them perform at a concert recently. Wait, is this the Beatles that's still around? Which I gave a weird look to,
Starting point is 00:16:47 and said, you mean they're still together? I love this, this is great. I wanna go to this dimension. And he said, yeah. I then told him about how they broke up in our world, and that John and George passed away. Apparently in his world, they're all alive, healthy, and on tour still.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Oh my gosh. Jonas then had me follow him into another room that had a bookshelf looking thing with some cassette tapes. Yes, the music ones, apparently CDs never caught on in his world. And a tape player slash radio slash record player, though it didn't quite look like the type of radios we have. The speakers looked more like crinkled cardboard,
Starting point is 00:17:23 but sounded pretty good. Oh my God. It's like an audiophile kind of thing. I didn't get too good of a look at the speakers, but they certainly weren't round. They almost look like a tall accordion. The only Beatles album he had that was store bought and had a real cover art with Sergeant Peppers,
Starting point is 00:17:40 which the cover looks slightly different than the one we have, but the songs were all the same. This is in 2009, right? That's when this event happened, right? And he, yes. I don't know when the website came up. This is what I, like,
Starting point is 00:17:52 I'm not trying to blow a hole in his whole theory because he apparently has a tape with the music on it. But, sure. Well, we don't know that. We don't know what the, all right. We don't know anything yet, Mathis. Maybe that's not where this is going. Maybe the tape has nothing to do with the Beatles.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Maybe this is totally crazy. But, like, my question is, it's 2009. Take a picture with your phone. I know. I know, right? I know. I was thinking about that. The other six Beatles tapes he had
Starting point is 00:18:20 were all like somebody recorded them onto a blank cassette for him and wrote the song titles on a card slipped in the case. A couple of the album titles written on the tapes I recognized, there were about four that I had never heard of before. He played a few songs from one of them, which was totally surreal to hear Beatles music
Starting point is 00:18:35 that was never made, at least in our world. We talked about it a little bit. He said a girl made the tapes for him while he was in upper school, which is what they call high school. I don't know why, I don't know why that's so funny to me. But, the idea that that's like the level of change. The thing like the speakers, and this is like so funny.
Starting point is 00:18:54 She was a huge fan of them and wanted him to listen to them. He popped out the first tape and was putting in the second one. When I told him he should record me a copy of one so I could take it back with me, thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. Well, the look Jonas gave me when I said this is part of the reason I'm remaining anonymous.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Not only did it sort of scare me, but it had a very serious, almost creepy look to it. Followed by the phrase, not word for word, I can't remember what exactly he said. No, you are not to take anything back with you to your world. No pictures, no souvenirs, no tapes, nothing. I asked him why and he wouldn't really say except
Starting point is 00:19:29 that for my safety, I wasn't to take anything back. Of course, I am not the type of person to go through all this parallel world stuff and not grab something to prove the outrageous story of my experience. So for the moment, I told him I wouldn't take anything and change the subject. Time out, I'm sorry, time out.
Starting point is 00:19:46 My dude, not you, this dude who's kidnapped or to nurse back the health, you know, back from this interdimensional transporter. He's James Richards. Yeah, right, James Richards, of course. He refuses to give his name because he's afraid the other guy's gonna find out. And maybe he'll get in trouble or something.
Starting point is 00:20:03 However, he's okay giving a beat for beat detailed description as to what happened to him. So if this guy ever comes across the story, he's gonna be like, oh, the guy that got knocked out with his dog barking next to him and then I took him in and showed him all this stuff. Yeah, well, it wasn't James Richards, so it mustn't be this guy.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I just get a glaring problem. Maybe he never told him his name. Maybe he never told him his name. Oh, God, okay, continue. Maybe he told him his name was James Richards. I'm still holding out hope that this in the end,
Starting point is 00:20:36 Alex has nothing to do with the Beatles and the tape, he found something totally different. And this is crazy. This is my hope. I don't know about that. All right, there were about an hour later after some more talking, I heard a doorbell ring and he left the room to check the door.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I knew that I may not have another chance to take something, so I grabbed one of the tapes and put it in my pocket and then shoveled the tapes around to make it look less obvious that something was missing. When he came back inside, I said I was kind of hungry just to get us out of the room. I mixed the tapes up a little so it was hard to tell when it was missing,
Starting point is 00:21:04 but I didn't want to be there when he found out. So then he took me in the other room and fed me. For the most part, the food tasted like ours, but was different product names and colors. The purple ketchup was the strangest. But the thing about that detail is that, like, you could go to the store probably today and buy it. You could have bought it in 2000 and bought it.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah, I don't think you could have, I don't think you can buy it today because it didn't really catch on, but you can. You could have bought it in 2009, which is why I think he mentioned that little, like, isn't it weird? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:35 We talked a little bit more and then I expressed the notion that I should be going because it was getting late. The time of day was identical to ours as is all worlds. Okay. We went back in the room with the machines in it. I grabbed my dog and shook Jonas's hand for taking care of me after I was knocked out. I thanked him again and stepped through the portal,
Starting point is 00:21:54 which felt like getting wet, but staying dry the entire time, really weird. When I put my dog on the ground, she even shook herself like she thought she was wet. Back in our world, I could see my car on the road and there was still a straight line burn mark on the ground from where the portal had shown up. It was dark outside and the only reason I noticed the burn
Starting point is 00:22:13 was because it was still smoking from the heat. Oh, like fucking back to the future style, my dude. That's great. I walked back to my car, didn't run this time, and drove home. The worst part was I couldn't even listen to the tape on the way home because I didn't have a tape player in my car.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I wasn't even able to listen to it at home either for the same reason and had to go to Walmart to buy a tape player just to listen to it. Unfortunately, I don't have any information about the tape other than what is written on the card sleeve. The track names were written as well as the album title, Everyday Chemistry. Everything else about it is as mysterious to you
Starting point is 00:22:48 as it is to me. It also wasn't like I could have asked the guy anything about it, especially after taking it from him. I'll post some more about my experience in the coming days, he did not, but I have to go to work right now and this post is already long enough. If anyone has any questions they wanna ask me
Starting point is 00:23:04 about this incident, then I've set up an email address that you can contact me at, which is The Beatles Never Broke Up at Yahoo email address, yes, yes. I'll try and answer everyone's questions as best as possible. Lastly, if there is anyone out there that has experienced anything like this,
Starting point is 00:23:23 then please contact me. Some of the things this guy said to me almost make me wonder if this isn't the first time dimensional travelers have been here. Wait, whoa, but does he have the music online? Can we hear the music? The Beatles Never Broke, baby. I'll go there and I will, if there's music there,
Starting point is 00:23:39 I will insert a piece of the track into this podcast for people here. You could probably play an entire song because let me tell you, this music does not exist. Not a piece of music. Ooh, ooh Ain't got nobody to doubt Ain't got nobody to doubt
Starting point is 00:23:57 No I've had enough of what it seems The schizophrenic ego's and described sleeping with thomas I've had enough of median things by Mansion level brought освotic mij bin πάke
Starting point is 00:24:13 bah broke by myself Oh The Beatles oh my god, the Beatles every day chemist up. I can hear you guys like oh My oh my god, there's a picture of it. Tell me the Beatles would make a song called four guys Not five guys four guys. No four. Oh my god, mr. Gators. I'm clicking mr. Gators swamp Jamboree Oh Let's see, I'll click I mean I'll pick one and I'll put it into the podcast to be able to hear at least a piece of it
Starting point is 00:24:47 Yeah, yeah, my goodness, but the so the guy left the room He had enough time to pocket something but you never have time to take a quick picture on a cell phone Yeah, I mean the thing I mean there are some pictures But maybe he didn't have like you know like 2009 he might still have a first-gen iPhone He might still have a flip phone. They were even flip phones had cameras back then Oh, here's some okay, so he's got some pictures of the area Yeah, that's that's just a I can't click on the pictures. So that's great Yeah, I can't zoom in on them either. So that's like a rabbit. Oh, is that that what that picture is like?
Starting point is 00:25:21 That's what he's that's how he broke his that's how he broke his foot. Okay. That's how we fell and this is the tapes Hey, hey, the tape is from General Electric. Nice. Yeah, pretty good. That's the thing. That's incredible I just I love this because the album Like, you know, you listen to it. Well, you know on your own time I guess if you're listening to this show right now, but It can I tell you something? I just listen to the song anybody else. It's number three track number three. Okay. Yeah It's actually a good song It sounds like the Beatles are in the songs, too
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah, I don't I I feel like this could possibly be a Like a RG thing for this dude's band, baby I don't know because I don't know. I don't know. Did he ever come back? The music's not bad Yeah, like if I ever debunked this, I would guess that it's probably like I could probably find the clips a Lot of the clips like from the Beatles that you hear because it really does sound like them singing sometimes and Like, you know, some people might say like, oh, they're just being postmodern because like they're referencing their own words Or something but like the reason I came upon this story in the first place, right? It was because I was looking up I'm doing like larger research on a type of
Starting point is 00:26:42 Like thing that has to do with like parallel universes. Yeah I'm not tackling the whole topic, but there's sort of like a special Type of parallel universe event that happens frequently throughout the mythology of paranormal stuff that I'm that I'm researching and this was What is the event what is the give drop us that bomb? What is the one thing that changes the thing that I'm looking into the thing that I'm looking into is is is Dimensional travelers that are like accidental like unexplained unexplained accounts of people from places that are either not real or Have different details. Okay. Yeah, I've actually done some not not recently
Starting point is 00:27:21 But you're talking about people like I'm the guy who comes from quote-unquote a different dimension Maybe maybe it technically he's he's from the future that he comes back in time and he invests $800 and in stocks And makes millions and when they look into his history There is no history of who this guy isn't where he's from and it's stuff like that Yes, that guy or like somebody from a country. Yeah, there was yeah Yeah, what the hell's like John tamed at the airport that John T tour guy. Do you know him John Teter the time traveler? Yeah, yeah Yeah, he's like he's like another similar type of this guy Yeah, I came back in time and said he needed an IBM 5100 computer. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah, I feel like I feel like John Teter like deserves his own episode for sure 100% That's fascinating. Yeah, these other ones like I went deep. I found like the first mention of these stories I like went to the author. I talked to him I tried to like figure out the answer to it at least like I tried to like figure out where it came from there and And so this was just I just like this one because it's not quite that it's kind of like the backwards of that If you know what I mean, it's like a personal account of somebody doing that from our world, right? It's it but there's a lot of that kind of thing like Like I said saying that I think it's another technically actually a time traveler the guy who comes back
Starting point is 00:28:34 He's like in his 20s and he invests he comes back in time and invests $800 of his own money And he makes millions to the point where the good like he gets Arrested and like for insider training and stuff and they try to do background checks on where he's from and there is literally No record of him existing until like he's 20 something years old and he first invests the stocks Like that's the only records of who he is as a person exactly and exactly and like they can't find anything no birth certificate Nothing and it's literally like biff and yeah And when they went out to like when they were interviewing him at one particular point in time And he they left him in the room and they came back and he was gone. He's never been seen again
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's crazy and that's that's that's the type of shit that fascinates me And I love the nature of these stories of like Tracking down where they came from and like getting the full story and like then deciding whether or not It seems true. Yeah, because a lot of them seem to come from news reports and stuff like that And so that's that's the thing that's really interesting to me And I think that if I if I ever like drive a full episode It's probably gonna be about that pretty soon. I just yeah, it's totally just being very thorough I'm just being very thorough. I bought like a book from the 80s that I'm like really enjoying
Starting point is 00:29:40 I ended up like reading it, but it really just has like the first mention of some of these accounts in it So it's pretty it's pretty fun stuff, but I like this one because you guys can go and Like read it and like look at it yourselves and like Hear this music and it fucking sounds like John Paul, George Ringo, doesn't it? I mean, I feel like one thing about this album Having listened to clips of all the different songs It doesn't have the necessary like consistent like each Beatles album had like a he's yeah Yeah, I like a cohesion and this just seems like it's all over the place like every song is a little bit
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah, but if you think about but if you think about like PBS, right? And you go see like the animals play a show on PBS in like 2005 or something And they're all just like 60 year old dudes in Hawaiian shirts by that point and they're like just kind of playing whatever and like they're playing from from many albums and this is the Beatles everyday chemistry unless this is a Mix tape that some dude made and he called it everyday chemistry if the album is called everyday chemistry Then there is no cohesiveness to like From like listening to the song sick to death and then go listen to mr. Gator swamp Jamboree It's like two different album concepts. It's great. Well, right
Starting point is 00:30:56 But you know, but you know like 30 years on into a band's career like look at the Rolling Stones, right? Like they come out with albums still all the time of like new music and whether or not they sound cohesive Like they definitely don't make waves The way that their original albums did that like got them famous. I guess just this thing Maybe it's just a thing like that or maybe this is maybe everyday chemistry is like a b-sides Collection like we don't know because he he skillfully Crafted into a story a justification for not knowing any info. Yeah, which is that it's basically like a bootleg of the album that he stole But like yeah, it's just fun because I think you guys out there can go listen to this album yourself and decide what you think
Starting point is 00:31:36 Or even like dive into the samples and see if you can find these recordings of these guys because I really do think it's their voices Regardless of whether or not it's real. It really does. I'm a big fan of the Beatles. I'm a big audio file I've listened to like the Beatles studio recordings. I've listened to isolated tracks incredible Yeah, I love listening to all those isolated recordings of them singing and stuff I really know their voices well and this really does sound a lot like them. So We'll probably go throw to you know, maybe at least one of the tracks off the album after this Can I be honest? I'm disappointed. I truly hoped that When he got back it was gonna be something else on the tape
Starting point is 00:32:17 Something even more bizarre on the tape right probed by an alien when he got back Because like he brought it back through and because it doesn't get to our reality couldn't exist And so like I wish there was a even I was ready for an even more Bizarre thing to be on that tape you you got you got suckered in by JJ Abrams mystery box I was waiting for something even crazier Yeah, what do you think? Alex do you believe this? I? Believe that John Paul George and Ringo are on those recordings That is the the extent of what I'm willing to say that I think maybe it could be never similar to like a bunch of musicians
Starting point is 00:32:54 It's just tracks that they never released and he somehow got I have no idea I have no idea where he got the recordings from I have no idea the nature of this stuff in like the sense of like Oh, I recognize the sample of George from this recording. I don't know any of that I believe it to be their voices in the recordings whatever the songs are. I don't know wherever he got the tape I have no idea But the reason this story haunts me a little bit to this day from when I first heard about it when I was in college a long long time ago like The thing that always stays with me is how much I'm like positive that it's their voices on the tape
Starting point is 00:33:30 Did this guy ever come back ever? This is it this is the site that's it and you this is the this I saw this site years ago And it looked exactly like you ever email him, but I never did I never had the I never I never had the nuts to email him It's I will say this it's really interesting and there's like a little evidence as far as like maybe But there's a lot of points in the story itself that I'm just like well if he doesn't want to be found out Why is he putting a beat-for-beat story like what happened? The guy's gonna find him If that's what I mean the guy already knows that he stole the stuff right and that like he fell through the portal and stuff
Starting point is 00:34:06 So I mean like as long as the guy doesn't know who the fuck he is. He's good, right? Yeah I mean, I guess that's that's true. I have a fascination with parallel universes and stuff like that too in time travel and stuff So is it impossible? I Don't know if I want to go that far, but it is highly unlikely that it was a parallel dimension there There's a lot of easier explanations of just being like it's it's tracks that were never released that he got his hands on and all This other stuff, but the fact that he also never came back after just posting the story is also interesting It seems like he puts some effort into like designing this website like yeah, yeah, it's not a it's not a dope website It's not like amazing. No, but it's not like in the night black screen green text, which is nice
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah, he did some he did some he did some work. He like kind of tried to get the Beatles vibe I guess yeah, I don't know, but I don't know I like this I like this because you get the story you see some little visuals and then you get to actually listen to it So decide for yourselves. Of course, this is just most mostly just a fun story I wanted to share But I think I think this is a good sort of like primer for an episode about These types of people and I think I think that hearing this type of story from the other side first is kind of interesting I agree. That's that's it's me. It's a really interesting story
Starting point is 00:35:20 And if anything it gives me it like it like for Jesse too I think I like hit creative juices pretty fast and like there's some cool possibilities for telling a neat really a fresh It's really a fresh like subject matter for a for a paranormal story You know why this is good why this is a good story because then he gives you something like he throws you a bone at the end of it Like hey by the way, I know what I said is crazy, but listen to this album and when you listen to it, it isn't Bullshit, it's like it's not immediately like this. So it's 11 tracks. They're like this is actually pretty good Yeah, and then he's like here have them do your research on them and that makes for a good story And while I don't believe that it's an alternate reality Beatles thing. I think
Starting point is 00:36:04 It's a great sort of ARG experience of like, oh my god, what if trying to become viral? Yeah, yeah Yeah, but who knows guys I'm into it dude that that was a fucking cool ass. Yeah, very cool. Very cool. I liked it a lot Well, that'll be a yeah a mini-soad for us then that's that's how they feel guys get ready I know yeah, but this is a so it's this is but a taste of what is to come when we get deeper and Alex decides to give us a full-blown like Parallel dimension episode so I'm in and if you guys and if you guys like this type of mini-soad
Starting point is 00:36:40 Please let us know because I have a million fucking weird stories like this that I can pull out And and that's kind of what my other show was about too. So if you guys want to see that check it out Yeah, we can research is what it's called. I forget that you I forget the fucking URL for it on YouTube All the thumbnails are like stars with like a number and like a word So you could you can find it if you want to find it or not. I'm not trying to like promote it Like I love that kind of shit. So that's that's just the thing I do for fun So I'm gonna make it whether or not anybody So yeah, I don't know I guess that's it check out this album. Yeah, I'll like I said
Starting point is 00:37:19 I'll make sure that at the end or at some point I'll insert like a little sample of one of the songs people can hear it and You guys can have it go listen for yourself. I mean, it's the Beatles never broke up calm go check it out. Oh, thanks Alex That was super fun. I love that kind of dude I guess that's awesome. I would have I would have my first question to this guy If I ever ran across somebody who claimed to be a parallel dimension traveler I'd be like I'd just be like so our aliens real in your universe. I just would want man Yeah, do they have UFO sightings in your right our aliens real and of course the answer would always be yes from these people
Starting point is 00:37:53 Because they would like yeah, and it's public knowledge and you know, there's a we just passed the law that we can marry aliens. So sweet All right, well, that'll let us know if you guys email this fucking guy Email him and post it on the subreddit. I want to see like if he replies Don't harass him though. No, no, no, no like legitimately if you're curious throw him an email and see if he gets back I mean, this is back from the early like many years ago when Alex said he was in high school for Christ's sake So or college rather like very early college years. Yeah, yeah Sweet man. Well, thank you so much for for that little that mini-soad we will This'll be I don't know yet
Starting point is 00:38:32 It's gonna be the week after the episode four or if it'll be where episode five should be depending on recording schedules But it'll be up one way or another. Thank you guys so much for watching if you're enjoying it Make sure you drop us a review iTunes all that good stuff stars. Yeah five-star us writers review for iTunes specifically It's super important. Otherwise Apple doesn't really care if we exist or not So, you know, let let him know that you're loving what we're doing We also have a subreddit you can go talk about things and if you email him and you get a response I'd love to see that email that would be awesome I know I I know I barely ever post on Reddit at all period
Starting point is 00:39:06 But I definitely lurk in that subreddit a lot. So it's been fun reading all your guys's stuff. Yeah, it's been super active Which has been great. Yeah, it's actually like really kind of like a nice little village. Yeah, I like it a lot And it's only gonna grow from here Also, you can follow all of us on Twitter as always you can follow Jesse at Jesse Cox You can follow Acolyx at a foci on a and you can follow me At Mathis games and of course the podcast itself at Chilluminati pod. You can reach out to us and let us know what you guys think Thank you guys so much for the support on this this series. It's been super fun for us And we'll see you next time with something very special and weird. I'm sure see you next time
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