Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 41 - Men in Black Part 2 - Finale

Episode Date: February 23, 2020

BUY OUR MERCH - Soundcloud - @chilluminatipodcast Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - ...Art Commissioned by - Theme - Matt Proft Video - THE MANTRA - " Attention extraterrestrial beings watching humankind. Attention extraterrestrial beings watching humankind. We don't want trouble. We don't want trouble. We will take a ride in your cool ship though. Also are you dtf"

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At SimplySafe, we know during a break-in, every second counts. So our home security system is powered by 24-7 professional monitoring agents who use FastProtect technology, only from SimplySafe, to capture video evidence and verify a threat for fast police response. Now, install SimplySafe your way. Do it yourself or have an expert set it up for you with new pro install. Get 20% off any new system with FastProtect monitoring at slash Spotify. There's no safe, like SimplySafe. Hello everybody and welcome, welcome, welcome. Back to the Chilluminati podcast, episode 41.
Starting point is 00:01:01 As always, I am one of your hosts, Mike Martin, and joined by my two good friends, a.k.a. not skinwalkers. Alex Fasiana has a going butt. Speak for yourself. I might be a skinwalker. You did shave your beard, so I am nervous. Yeah, and last time I got up and got killed and replaced by a skinwalker, so. It's also, I mean, we don't know that that did not happen. Yeah, that's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And a witness to such an event is also our other host, Jesse Cox. What's up, ma'am? I mean, I'm not a skinwalker, but like, I'll walk all over your skin. I like that's a buffalo bill shit. I like that's a buffalo bill shit. I'll walk all over your skin, baby. I'll wear it. I'll turn into a bear and I'll climb inside your body.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Alex's disapproval was like, mm-mm. Did you guys hear it? I am already sad. Did you guys hear it? This is gross. Wednesday, February 9th or 5th or whatever it was, 9 p.m. the sea day. I was going to ask how everybody's sea day went. The sea day prayer that anybody get contacted by extraterrestrial entities.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I'm not going to lie. Last night, I was outside. I may have had a little something in my hand and I was enjoying a really nice cold night. I looked up and I saw the moon and the stars and out in the distance. I saw this orange little light and it was really slowly moving towards me. And I was watching it through the trees and there was a part of me that was like, this is it. I'm finally witnessing a UFO. This is so weird and I was in trance and then it got close and I could see the blinking light to the plane.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And it just went over and I was just so sad. In the distance, you heard that song. The second star to the right shines every night for you. Sorry. Unfortunately, I did not hear that song either and that would have made my entire night. But nothing happened. I got nothing. No, no contact.
Starting point is 00:02:50 How about you? Did you two have any alien contact? What you're saying is you had the same alien contact. Everyone else who has had alien contacts has had. I don't believe. I'll be honest. Listen, Jesse. Everybody, not everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Listen, I took it serious. Okay. I lit a candle. I did a little, I got a little vibe going with the music. Turn the lights down low. I earnestly repeated the prayer two to three times. And regardless of what happened, I'll tell you this. I felt fucking great.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Regardless or nothing happened. Did anything happen? Did anything happen? I don't know. Maybe it is. I don't have a beard anymore. You know, I'm just saying, you never know. What?
Starting point is 00:03:31 The men in black pinned your ass down and just shaved your beard. I don't remember. They look, they're notoriously good at wiping memories, at least according to Will Smith. I guess that's a great segue into what today's episode is, boys. You know, we had our seatbelts. Some making of men in black, the movie. Exactly. Will Smith is here, everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:51 How's it going, Will Smith? I'm good. That's hot. That's hot. How was your Will Smith? You got a good, you got a great Will Smith. Oh, damn. There you go.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Damn. Well, well, that's like three phrases he says in every movie. Well, you know, everybody has their catchphrases, do you? Yeah. You know, Sonic is Chili Dogs or something. Yeah. Have you seen the Sonic movie yet? No, I heard it was pretty good though.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Me too. I heard the same thing I've seen. It was an all right cinematic experience. Hey, that's the best we've heard about a video game movie in a long time. That's a ringing endorsement to my ears. It really is. It really is. But anyway, as we said, last episode, you know, let's rewind a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:32 We brought you back. I had you buckle in. It was a ride and a half. We learned about Barker and all these other people and where we believe that the oilies what we what we know as modern day men in black originated from today on episode two and the final part of the men in black series that we're doing here. It's all about theories. What the men in black are, who they are, why are they here and all the different reasons
Starting point is 00:04:57 people have come up now. This may surprise you or not surprise you, Jesse. This could be a bit of a loosey goosey episode because hey, there's not a whole lot of really good evidence as to the men in black and why they're here. There's a lot of like encounters and reports, but there's no unlike aliens where we have this vast mythology of the different species and why they might be here and the workings of the government. The men in black out of all of it is they're they're they're your classic spooks.
Starting point is 00:05:29 There's not much there to go on. So it means deep diving and looking for anything you can to find out what you believe the men in black are. There's going to be some of the heavy common stuff, which we'll start out with right away, the stuff that most people think that, you know, if you are a true believer in some regard, this is what you likely believe. But there is some crazy, crazy stuff. And one of the things we're going to talk about, of course, is Dan Ackroyd today.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Yes. I'm so excited. Dan Ackroyd. We're going to talk about his encounter with the men in black and what how that might tie in with with governments. Don't laugh, Jesse. Don't laugh. I had some of his crystal head vodka over the past week, by the way.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I can't help it. Look, Dan Ackroyd fluctuates on a spectrum of like genuinely entertaining to supremely crazy. I just want you to know that I can't wait for whatever this is going to be. I can't wait for men in black episode two. If only the movies had stopped after two, you know, the movies should have kind of stopped after one. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Totally real. That's true. But we did get to see what's her name from the practice. Make fun of her own boil. Yeah. She made fun of her own like anorexia or whatever is on the third one. No, she's the second one. She's the villain.
Starting point is 00:06:52 It's been so long. It's the one with Johnny Knoxville. She and Johnny Knoxville, yeah, are the bad guys. Oh my God, I don't remember this at all. She lifts up her shirt at one point and you can see a slice of pizza in her stomach from outside of her body, like Anaconda. Like Anaconda. Like Owen Wilson's body in Anaconda when it's like.
Starting point is 00:07:13 She might be a men in black. It's who FN knows. Alex just did a great visual gag that no one can see. So here's here's some fun things we're going to talk about. But the first thing is if there's one thing that runs true among all men in black encounters, no matter the theory that we talk about today, the men in black are always there for very specific reason to usually threaten you into silence or at least convince you to stay quiet about whatever it was that you saw.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Usually in modern reports, it is the UFO. But we're actually going to start by going back even further where we may actually have one of the truest first encounters with the men in black. Now there are some stories in 14 to 1500s Europe that may be that may be, but we're not going to talk about those because I could not find anything physically there. Shut up. You're not going to tell me like in the Renaissance. Leonardo DiCaprio.
Starting point is 00:08:17 He was there. He was there, dude. I'm telling you. What's about a time in Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio? He's immortal. He is a man in black. He's like, play yourself through the time stream, Teddy. That's like Keanu Reeves more like he never.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I meant Da Vinci, but DiCaprio. All right. Well, I was thinking DiCaprio. However, I am going to pull you back into the 29th of February in 1691, Salem, Massachusetts to a testimony. I believe him because he's from nearby. I live in this area. I'm not too far.
Starting point is 00:09:02 A testimony during which trial. A sale of trial against an Indian slave by the name of Tituba. No, it's not. It's not by the name of agent K. Can I help you? Can I help you? I think it's where Tituba is from, right? Like the, like the occult nature of the word, the name Tituba.
Starting point is 00:09:27 There you go. It's the beginnings, dude. It's the beginnings of it all. There's a large, large interview. You can actually read the trial and the questions and the answers that she gave. And it's fascinating. And, but again, a lot of it's the Salem witch trials. And as we all, you know, know, people are going to confess the things in the middle
Starting point is 00:09:44 of being tortured. So not to die. Of the crucible Tituba. Fame's Tituba is like now a character in movie and TV. Tituba, dress in black. Remember that just in case we have a face to face and make contact. It's actually because of this trial. Nineteen men and women died and were hung in some way because of her confessions and
Starting point is 00:10:08 the like. But while she was being talked about about what not, this particular men in black and men in black and that if you even want to consider them men in black in this era, weren't connected with UFOs much like they are now. In fact, they were much more connected to devil worship and magic back then. And they were sometimes seen with other creatures. So in this particular cut out, we're going to talk about this little, I'm going to read you this interview.
Starting point is 00:10:38 It starts with the judge and then it goes to Tituba and goes back and forth. And it's just a short little thing. So people hang by me. TIT. She's being interviewed about a woman that she was watching by the name of Sarah Osburn. And she's being asked right here, what half Sarah Osburn, what did Sarah Osburn have with the time of being seen in Tituba replies? Yellow dog.
Starting point is 00:10:59 She had a thing with a head like a woman with two legs and wings. Abigail Williams that lives with her uncle Paris said that she didn't did see the same creature and it turned into the shape of good Osburn. Potentially skin walker. We don't know. Then he asks, what else have you seen with Osburn? She continues to say another thing. Harry, it goes upright like a man.
Starting point is 00:11:18 It has two legs. And he goes, did you see, did you not see Sarah good upon Elizabeth Hubbard last Saturday? And she says, I did see her set a wolf upon her to afflict the persons with this maid. Didn't say that she did complain of a wolf. And then it finishes up with like what else she saw. So what's interesting about that is she believes, or at least she's speaking, that the person who stood up on two legs potentially man and black. They were dressed in all black.
Starting point is 00:11:44 But she was also seen to have a hairy creature that stood upright on two legs with her. Potentially, the theory goes that that creature could also be a man and black with none other than a big foot. What? Wait, what do you mean with a big foot? So she saw this person with dark clothes standing and get up like a dog standing on two legs, but with them. And I quote, she had a thing with the head like a woman on two legs.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Harry, it goes upright like a man. It has only two legs. So the thing that she saw also had a hairy man with two legs that stood up right with them. And it was wearing a black suit as well. No, that was not the person that was a man and black and then what they believe could be a big foot or a Sasquatch with them in the back as well. That is the earliest record of anything that you could consider a man and black. That's like the monster mesh.
Starting point is 00:12:44 But this is going to be important later on when we talk about potentially men and black not necessarily being government workers, but more of a conjuration of the collective unconscious. I'm assuming the two of you have heard the word Tulpa before. No, Tulpa. OK, so Tulpa in the West, think of it like a mind creature, something that's brought to life through your thought. Yeah, I know this.
Starting point is 00:13:09 This is like kind of like what some people say poltergeist are kind of. Yeah, but Tulpas can be can be kind of seen as poltergeist as well. They're like somebody who doesn't know. Yeah, they're also attached to a lot of out of body experiences. Buddhism is very heavily attached to it. But basically Tulpa and just to give you a quick rundown is the idea of a creature just being created via mental powers. It's really just thinking something into existence like a really hyper intelligent
Starting point is 00:13:37 imaginary friend. The danger of a whole Tulpa, though, is that if you empower it too much, it can kind of become cognizant of its own of its own existence and then become a separate being and separate itself from from the person. So is that what Tinkerbell is? Thought form is another word for it. That kind of thing. You know, Tinkerbell does.
Starting point is 00:13:59 She dies and then and then you have to like believe in fairies. I guess. Yeah, very similar. Yeah. Yeah, I guess you could say that Tinkerbell is a weird form of Tulpa that is brought to life with just believing, right? Yeah. But let's start at the top.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I know I kind of dove in, but I really wanted to bring back what is the first recorded quote unquote experience of what some believe to be one of the earliest encounters of a man in black. I'm in point out before I before I move on from the Salem witch trials. Yes. It is it is known that Tituba later recanted her entire confession because she said assuming torturing and abused by I think her master at the time. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Reverend Parris. So like, you know, just out there before everyone's like, let's tell them which trials I've been refused to believe this. I refuse. That's why I said at the beginning before I even said, Hey, remember, men, you know, people were coerced into a lot of things beyond saying a lot of things that weren't true because they were being tortured. Are you are you kind of are you kind of implying like.
Starting point is 00:15:07 That the men in black are kind of like thought police. There's also belief that they might even be time police. Interesting. Interesting. Okay, so imagine you're Tituba. You come upon a big foot because maybe you are imagine you were imagine you were. Oh my God. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Imagine you were and then you saw a big foot chilling with like a man in black. This is why no one trust the government because of this shit right here. Just imagine. I'm just saying. And then and then you have a secret. The guy comes and talks to you. He pulls out a silver thing from his pocket. He tells you to look right here.
Starting point is 00:15:49 You go bam. And then all of a sudden you wake up and you're like, why did I say all that stuff? That's crazy. That would never happen. This must have been they made they meddled with the mind and they made her blame her owner. Yeah. End of story.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Okay. So theories is what today's the lucid goosey up. We're going to have some fun and we're just going to start with the most boring mundane theory of them all. That men in black are nothing more than employees of the US government. Yeah. The US government, the theory that UFO knowledge and aliens are so important and so secretive that if word got out society would fall into absolute chaos and dismay that no one in our
Starting point is 00:16:28 right minds beyond our true believers like myself and Alex and Jesse would probably be okay. That once alien knowledge came out, all world governments, all order of structure that we have on this planet would fall apart and that we would no longer be able to push forward as a species because a lot of people's belief in religion and in gods would truly fall apart at the realization that you are not the only things that God made, that you are not special in the way that the Bible or whatever holy book you read has made you out to be. And so in an effort to keep people at least under some semblance of order and control,
Starting point is 00:17:06 the government had created the secret wing of the government where the men in black operate out of that go out when they hear wind or word that somebody had an encounter, whether it be extraterrestrial. Sometimes it might have to do with reality, reality bending events or, or weird dreams or whatever cryptid encounters and they are there to make sure that those people are kept so quiet. Moreover, the men in black are such an insane thing to describe the way they look, the way they act, how they just showed up and stopped you.
Starting point is 00:17:33 No one is ever gonna fucking believe you and you are just a crazy person to the normal public. They're ensuring that no matter what you say, even if it gets in the newspaper, it just becomes something that brushes over the collective consciousness of society and people move on with their lives and we have seen that with the release of UFOs, videos, the government acknowledging it and nobody giving two shits about it. Well it's just because most people just don't believe in aliens because the men in black have been doing such a good job all these years.
Starting point is 00:18:03 They're so good at their job, they're so thorough. Since John Proctor's trial. They got adjusted without even realizing it. It's all because of Titchibus' trial. Titchibus wasn't around at all, she was just a witness. These false facts, these false facts. She was only one of four witnesses and the other four witnesses didn't tell us a good story.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Honestly, I believe the idea of them being, like if we're being serious, of all the things that I've heard about men in black, the idea of there being like a very cocksure government agency that's totally off the books that would like visit you, like look, the mob does this. You know what I mean? I've just been watching that, Mick Millions, have you seen that? I am not. You guys are aware of what it is. It's like from 95 to 2001, there were like no legitimate winners of the Monopoly game
Starting point is 00:18:57 at McDonald's. It was all like this weird mafia plan. Oh, I vaguely remember something like that. Yeah. And so for that to happen, right, the mafia guy and the guy who was getting the game pieces had to organize this entire group of people all across the country, theoretically, who all would like play their part and do their thing, and they would visit them regularly and like strung on them into doing exactly what they want.
Starting point is 00:19:25 And to me, that's an effective way of getting something like this done. And if you are, let's say you are like in the Majestic 12, like let's just say like you're overseeing human alien relations and you can't use the normal avenues of government for this because anything that you would do normally would be on record. You know what I mean? You cannot be known. Yeah. Going, even doing something like, you know, I've heard like the gas smell, you know, like
Starting point is 00:19:54 the sulfur smell. Yeah, the sulfur smell. Like maybe it's like some type of almost like how the Scarecrow in Batman uses. Yeah, more like an intimidation thing to make you feel sick to kind of get off your rocker and stuff like that. And then this guy shows up and he's like, listen. Yeah, exactly. I'll kill everyone you know if you don't do it.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. That to me is very believable and it's the exact type of thing that like you run into a crazy person, you know, I'm from LA. I see crazy people all the time on the street and stuff who like want to come talk to me. Maybe that's just me. Like, I don't know why people want to come talk to me all the time, but like so many people I could see who could theoretically be strong armed into something like this.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And it and it only serving to amplify their already paranoid beliefs. You know what I mean? It doesn't have to be paranormal. No, exactly. Yeah. It's the government better for people to believe it's paranormal because then it just muddies the water even further and makes it more difficult if that's something we want to go with. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:50 That doesn't seem that doesn't seem like teach him a little crazy to me. Yeah. Exactly. And it's the same. It's the reason it's probably it's one of the most accepted theories if you believe the men in black exist at all is that they would be an arm of the government. Now it doesn't explain why they look so pale and they lack lips and eyebrows and they have no real joints and muscles.
Starting point is 00:21:07 They kind of just look like this like smooth skin. But also that just, you know, who fucking knows if that's just something that's been kind of layered on top of the myth as it is if you want to believe it. But we're going to actually dive over to Dan Aykroyd from this point because this is the easiest jumping point to get into Dan Aykroyd's encounter. It's really a similar story to it's really a similar story to what's his name. Right. Oh, oh, what the from from last episode, I keep wanting to say Arnold Palmer, but I know
Starting point is 00:21:34 that's not right. No, it's not. It's just a delicious beverage because he's not like it's not what you might think, Jesse. And it might even be something even, even easier for someone to believe. But we're going to jump back into 2002. Dan Aykroyd in 2002 was working on a documentary for the sci-fi channel with a number of recognized names in the world of ufology, including Linda Moulton Howe, Stephen Greer and John Mack. So he wasn't totally crazy at this time yet either.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Like people didn't see him as a crazy person yet. No, he was absolutely off. Like he was always Dan Aykroyd. He's Dan Aykroyd. He's always loved the UFO. He just wasn't a little wacky. His whole family is loved. But he's always had like a Hollywood reputation that he did not totally.
Starting point is 00:22:11 He was in like that movie with Sean Williams Scott around this time, evolution. You know, he was going to be doing SNL this week or the next week, too, because actually the day this all happened, Aykroyd stepped outside to light a cigarette. He says, and he got a phone call and it was Britney Spears who was calling him at the time to talk about the SNL episode. They were going to be on together. Fuck it's surreal. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Is that while he was on the phone, he said he turned and looked out onto 42nd Street in New York and noticed a black SUV with a tall man dressed in black, giving him a dirty look. Aykroyd turned away, but then did a double take within a matter of a second and the car and the man were gone. Two hours after that, Aykroyd and the entire cast were then told that the show had been canceled completely and would never air. To this day, at the time of this, of me reading this particular article just in 2018, they were never given a reason why.
Starting point is 00:23:03 They recorded eight episodes. They had been finished, but the show had been canned and that was the end of it. The end. That was his men in black encounter. He saw him. He disappeared. And then a couple hours later, without a reason, sci-fi canceled the show, just swallowed the money they spent and moved on.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Which did happen? That did happen. Correct. Oh, I never meant they canceled Saturday Night Live. It was like. Oh, no, no, no. They canceled because he was in the middle of recording. Let me repeat.
Starting point is 00:23:32 He was working on a documentary for sci-fi channel. Yeah. And he had eight episodes done. They were almost done. They were ready to air. They were getting close to airing, but it got canned last minute after. And he, you know, this is coming in two hours because he says he saw a man in black and a black UFO.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Again, that that for me doesn't necessarily scream man in black. It screams closer to government than anything else than something weird like an alien or some bizarre extra dimensional creature. So that's why I tie the Dan Aykroyd thing into the government theory, because that seems to fit the easiest. It doesn't. Yeah. The idea of an alien bullying someone into not looking into aliens seems stupid to me
Starting point is 00:24:10 compared to a human organization doing it. I want to proffer an additional theory that maybe just the show was canceled and Dan Aykroyd was like, what's a great story to tell rather than say the show was canceled? Oh, I saw a man in black. Just put it out there. Just put it out in the ether that maybe he lied. Maybe it's still, even if, even if, though, even if he did lie in the man in black was not there, he never saw him.
Starting point is 00:24:40 The show still got really abruptly canceled and left in the dust. Do you know what it was covering as ufology? Well, was it like the phoenix lights? Was it like, uh, I don't have any details. They just said they were working on a documentary for him and that's that's the only details I have. God damn. I wish I, I wish I knew him.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I want to, I wish I could, if there's one person I wish I could like talk to about the paranormal and see how they reacted. Yeah. Because I want to know if he's just like one of those guys that you just got to check out after a while. Or if he's like, I would love to have him on the podcast. Yeah. You're fucking kidding me.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I would love to talk to him about it. Aykroyd has also had two UFO encounters as well. Both of them relatively positive, he claims. So I don't know. It's weird. It's definitely something interesting. But as brought up, you know, moving on because we could linger on this all day. The next and second most accepted theory before we start going into the nonsense is obviously
Starting point is 00:25:33 men in black are a type of alien or an alien species working with the government or some sort of bio android that was created by alien technology that are working for them. So you might be saying, like Alex said, well, why, why would the aliens want to stop us from discovering or releasing this information? And unfortunately, the most accepted answer in this theory is nefarious, that the aliens are trying to stop us from realizing because we are currently under their control where they're pets, slaves slash useful idiots. And if we ever figure it out, we could retaliate or turned on them or no longer be useful to
Starting point is 00:26:08 them. And it goes as far as organ energy or energy wouldn't be able to be harvested anymore to just simple as we're not ready and they don't want us to lose our minds, not knowing about them yet. And so the easiest way is through these weird intimidation tactics through the men in black. Now, are the men in black a particular species? Do they work with a particular type of alien? And there's no answer for that.
Starting point is 00:26:30 We don't know. We have no idea if they work for anybody, if they're their own thing in this particular theory, only that it's similar to the government in that they want to keep us controlled as a populace. And so this is the easiest way to do it for them. I just it just seems like if I was an alien, who could make a biological Android to do my bidding, like maybe my way of doing this would just be to go to Dan Ekroyd and erase his brain.
Starting point is 00:26:57 You know what I mean? Just like eternal sunshine of the spotless mind him and be like or incept him. You don't want to do this anymore. You should quit. Why would you leave a story behind like that to tell? Well, I mean, we have examples. If you look at the abduction scenarios, right? The grays or whoever usually abduct us usually wipes that part of our memory, but it's never
Starting point is 00:27:18 a full wipe. It's not like they remove the memory. They kind of just paint over it. The canvas over it or they suppress it in some way because if you poke enough, the memory comes back. Reveries. And yeah. Westworld.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Always. I've never seen the show Westworld. So trust me, it's a huge spoiler. Okay. Great. Sweet. Um, but I mean that that. So even if they did like it, there's no real guarantee.
Starting point is 00:27:41 It's just the way the brain handles thing and that kind of goes to the idea of like our brains, you know, just a fleshy computer and you can't really, we might be dealing with an operating system that doesn't mingle with our particular hardware. If that makes sense. That's true. They're doing their best to try and keep us calm, but like our brain just cannot comprehend what the hell is happening. We're too stupid.
Starting point is 00:28:02 We're still low on the evolutionary ladder. We just haven't evolved far enough. Yeah. I mean, it's wild. Have you seen that woman counting who it's like, they're like, count to 10 and she's like one, two, three and then like touch your brain and she's like, no, and then they take it off and she's like seven, eight or or recently, or recently this woman, violin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:25 The violin woman. Did you see that? No. What is this? Doctors had her. So with brain surgery, a lot of the time you don't go under for it because they need to kind of like track to make sure that you're not like fucked forever. Yeah, they're watching.
Starting point is 00:28:38 She really, she's a, she's a concert violinist. So she was really serious about not losing her ability to play the violin through this brain surgery. So dead ass, they literally draped the thing over her head and she was like, all right, and just started like playing the violin throughout the whole surgery so that if they like, touch the wrong place and she's just started like fucking up the violin, yeah, they could like fix it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:04 That's wild. That's cool though. That's weird. Dude, the brain is fascinating. I'm just saying, if it's hard to imagine the brain as a computer, like. It is because it's not really one, right? It's just the closest comparison we have because, you know, we're trying to replicate it with computers in our own way.
Starting point is 00:29:18 It's a processor, right? Yeah, exactly. Well, that actually goes to cross, cross promo for your Cox and Cren d'Or. Didn't you guys recently just talk about the nature of reality and yeah, kind of. I mean, the conversation started on Twitter when people were talking about whether you talked to yourself in your own head and Eric talks to himself and has like real conversations in his head and I have never had that really ever been like, Hey, Jesse, what do you think we should do about this thing?
Starting point is 00:29:48 Well, I mean, like not even subconsciously, but never on purpose either. Like you've actively been like, I tried. So I was taking a garbage to the, to the, to the dump, the dump, literally down the dump, dump, dump, dump, dump. And so I was taking garbage out and I was actively trying to do that. And I said in my head, okay, Jesse, what do we need to do next? And then I blanked. It was like a blank.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I really tried and then it was like, and nothing. I can do it. I can, I can like do it for them. I can do it for the bit, but my brain absolutely does not work that way. Yeah. And I wonder if it has to do with overtime. I think cause a lot of people I talk to or like this, um, it's not that they aren't thinking it's that they're thinking so quickly that they're trying.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And I wonder if it has to do with things like, for example, with Alex, uh, timing and comedy and, um, improv like where it's, don't think about it. Just go. And so, well, I guess it's truly like, get it out. And so you don't have the time to ponder. Meanwhile, Crendor is talking about how like he gets on a plane and has a 45 minute conversation about how he's going to die terribly. And I'm like, I get on a plane and fall asleep.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Oh yeah. I don't have it like that. Yeah. I'm closer to you where like it's why I stumble so much because I talk faster than I can think, like as the words are coming, like coming out of my mouth, it's like me trying to take my thoughts and just form them into a sentence and it just ends up jumbled. But I definitely don't have like 45 minute conversations with myself, but occasionally I'll have like a quick banter or something.
Starting point is 00:31:26 But yeah, I think it goes down to why I don't also, like I have a lot of friends and peers who suffer from like traumatizing anxiety. They, it really destroys a lot of their functionality during the day. And me, I do not understand it. Like I support them. I don't, I've never gotten it because I don't have, I guess I just assume everything will be fine. And so brain wise, I'm not like stressed about stuff because I don't think about it.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And maybe that's also a problem where I don't think about it. On the other way, I have that anxiety where I will, I will take a problem and I will rip at rip it apart and like play out every scenario that could possibly go wrong before I act on it, which is why I'm always fucking nervous all the time. But what if the idea of aliens coming to this planet and visiting us was so scary that your brain, instead of just talking to itself, created a man who visited you. Well, that's exact. Well, that's, but that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:32:26 That's what that's what the top idea is. And we're going to, we're going to get to that. So this goes to, there's another thing that we talked about online, which is about visualizing stuff in your brain and how the online, like I think the tweet was like visualize an apple and like just think about an apple in your head. What do you see? And there was a chart and it was like, do you see a full lush red apple? And it went all the way down to sort of the geometric shape of an apple.
Starting point is 00:32:51 And for me, I don't even see the geometric shape of an apple. I know when you close your eyes, like if I close my eyes and I try my hardest, I can not visualize an apple. I see the backs of my eyelids, right? I mean, I guess I do too, but I also know, like I can, I can also like imagine a perfect concept. I know the concept of an apple. I know what that apple is supposed to look like. But there are people who are just like, oh, I see it.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I visualize that apple. So this is and so I wonder if those are the people who are more susceptible to than seeing like a dude show up in their backyard, like that kind of thing. I'm actually interested in asking, do you have you ever directed at Jesse, like like behind the camera directed anything small? Sure. But I have the I have the vision of what I want it to look like. Right in your head, right? But it's not like it's more, I don't want to say math, I don't do it.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I don't do it like by choice. Yeah, I like see, I know what I want it to be. I know the vibe I want. I know kind of like where I want things to be set up and stuff. But I don't have like the grand map of it all. I'm not like Spielbergian where I've already planned the movie in my head. So I know I don't have that. It's weird. And what about you when you play D&D?
Starting point is 00:34:05 Because that's a lot up here, too. Sure. But I write, I write everything down and that's there. And the other way, I, I'm just, I'm an on the spot GM who just kind of like, I can see it in my head and so I can like, I have the camera directed as I'm playing it and like, I can see all this stuff happening. Well, I also know what I want it to be versus what, like how I see things going. I don't know. I never, it's cool. It's fascinating that it all boils down to a thought, I guess.
Starting point is 00:34:32 It's always down to how brains, how do they work, right? Yeah. And, and the idea of men in black and them being aliens and stuff kind of rewinding back there, uh, kind of leaping from the government idea. And we're going to go in a little bit sticking with the aliens. We actually talked a little bit about this in the first episode as well when you brought up injured cold with the idea of them not actually being. Government workers, in fact, they're more alien hunters.
Starting point is 00:35:00 What? So there's a theory out there and that injured cold is, in fact, a man in black and that he is one of many of a species that people have mistaken for men in black. They don't actually exist. They're just a separate alien species altogether. And that the men in black are here for something along the lines of, say, the mothman and that the mothman is a creature that doesn't belong here on earth
Starting point is 00:35:29 and that they are here specifically to hunt down these creatures and get them off the planet or get them off world and make us safe. And to deal with that and deal with the people who have met up with them, they encountered them, tried to stop them from pursuing any new further. That it's not something they should worry about and don't worry about it and that they're going to take care of it, et cetera, et cetera. That is a theory as well that kind of like as a sub theory under the alien theory. And the injured cold was there specifically hunting for the mothmen
Starting point is 00:36:00 because they're not mothmans, they're not mothmen. They're just another alien species that have found themselves on earth. Like Dennis Rodman. Right, exactly. Dennis Rodman. Yeah, exactly. That math teacher, Elvis. Yeah. Yeah. All the men in black, you know, things that run across the board. At the end, I believe. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:36:19 That joke aged really well. However, I find it that one of the most silly injured cold in himself. And as we talked about the mothman in general, like that was a you know, there's so many different ways you could explain most mothman sightings of the past. And obviously, as technology got better, the photoshopping of it all in the future. The last one before we worry really go into the tulpa and like the last layer is the idea that they are in some way time police, that they are here to ensure that any meddling that UFOs
Starting point is 00:36:53 or aliens that are coming through and visiting, they're not from other worlds that they are, in fact, from other times. This this feeds into the idea that aliens aren't aliens. And that reality and time is something we truly do not understand. And that we are that these aliens are coming in from another time. And they are in that the men in black are kind of the counterbalance to that to try and stop them from fucking with this place too much. It also kind of links into that alien hunter idea, but in a different in a different way.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And that UFOs are unnatural. And these little these aliens that we're meeting are not aliens, but more hyper evolved species from thousands of years in the future. And that's what they're here for as well. Again, not a lot on that theory out there, but there's that theory. I like that. I mean, look, it's. I don't believe it, but I like it. Yeah, but it's fun. Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:37:41 It's fun. You can make a story out of it, TV show, book, comic, whatever. It's a good concept. Yeah. Yeah. However, the one that is philosophically most intriguing and the one we talked about a little bit already is the idea that they are Tulpas, mythical entities, dimension hoppers, a creation of the collective unconscious that taught that men in black merely exist because one, we were kind of made aware of them on a mass scale in the early fifties in that that thought seed was planted into everybody who read about it in their mind.
Starting point is 00:38:14 As time went on and then we got movies and comics, it became even more prominent in our minds in that if you believe in the Tulpa and the creation of these entities or thought creatures or thought beings, that we sort of created them, that they weren't real. But because so many people believed that they were real, they sort of became real, that they have manifested themselves, that we created them and they've kind of separated and become this thing. And that's why so many are so different that the encounters are so different.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Like killer clowns. Yeah, exactly. Like kind of like killer clowns. Yeah, that they're so that this is that running theme because we all believe that the men in black at the very least do X, Y and Z, but the details, both physically, like their smell, the way they talk, the way they threaten or sometimes don't are all variables because they're not really a cohesive creature. They were created out of our own thoughts. And now that they kind of exist in our reality or in our plane,
Starting point is 00:39:16 it could be just the brain projecting, right, that they might actually be there. But the brain is saying that they're there. And so long as the brain says that they're there, they are now there for us because that is how reality is interpreted. Have you heard of this book, The Selection Effect? No, no, I don't really know that much about it because I only did. I only read over this glancingly, but it's about I'm going to read the Kindle thing. It says, The Selection Effect explores a personal training process
Starting point is 00:39:45 that allows consciousness to influence real world physical events in ways that cannot be attributed to brain activity alone, like physical effects on the physical world by by focusing your consciousness. And I don't exactly know exactly what that means in a way that I could explain it to you fully. But I know that the guy sat there and pressed space bar for like a million times to like create a situation where something would happen. And and there's like research in the book and stuff. It's by a guy called Herb Mertz.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And can you just reiterate one more time what the what's the book about? It's about not. Yeah, it's it's mind interacting with matter. So he basically went on a journey like himself to figure this out. And he created a random event generator that he like was able to influence by focusing on it with his consciousness. Interesting. That sounds like an interesting read, even if I don't believe any of that stuff of what he said.
Starting point is 00:40:50 But like affecting your like physicality with your mind, I don't understand how you would go about that. Influencing an outcome, influencing a range of outcomes. It's just by thinking about it. Yeah, it's like a focusing on it. It's like almost like Schrodinger. But like that kind of sounds like the agency of chaos magic, right? Yes, yes, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yes, you focus your reality to be something and it becomes that way. Yeah, it's like the baby steps to like the idea of you can say that your luminosity is successful because we so heavily wanted it's because we made it. We made it our reality. It's because a sea day that we're doing so much better on listens. Exactly. Jesse, I think role design is like three times during the whole conversation.
Starting point is 00:41:28 It's always what is that mind over matter that like if you can perceive it, you can achieve it like that kind of slogan. You can eat stuff. Um, sure, I always think that conceptually, that's fine. I don't know that there's any evidence that like you can will something to exist. But I think if you focus enough energy on it, I think there's a yeah. I mean, on a base level, fine.
Starting point is 00:41:55 That's fine. I'll take it, dude, because we're about to go metaphysical here. So you kind of have to like deep breath. So what if men in black and more than that, maybe even on a broader spectrum, aliens or ghosts and all the stuff. What if they're not what we believe them to be? And more than that, just help us, what if there's an entity greater or is reality that we cannot see that exists and that when we do these things,
Starting point is 00:42:21 we are kind of bringing this entity in some fashion into our reality. Like Freddie. Yes, like Fred. It's like Freddie Freddie, the but he is also the all knowing entity and that he is existing in all things. Right. What I guess you would consider God or just some sort of entity that we cannot perceive. And when we do these things, when we when we see aliens or these creatures know of it, it's more of like a slice of this entity's consciousness being brought into our world.
Starting point is 00:42:48 And that's why they're so fucking weird because they're trying to figure out what the hell is going on or how to operate in such a way like dimension hopping or reality crossing. That's another theory that's out there that these that that men and black and on a girl on a broader scale, aliens and stuff are kind of this slice off of this all knowing entity. And even broader still, there's the belief some some believe that humans are also part of that.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Like we are nearly little pieces of this greater consciousness that is here to exist and in experience three dimensional life as an experience for this particular entity, which kind of rolls into reincarnation, some religions, etc., etc., which you can kind of see how all that ties in. But that's another one as well, that that that these things are just a slice off of something greater. And that and that, you know, that goes into like psychedelics
Starting point is 00:43:38 and in trying to see beyond and perceiving things that our brain can't even perceive. Don't shake your head, Jesse. Don't shake your head for this. I love this stuff. This it's always so funny to me that it just seems like someone got really high one day. And then they're just like beyond. That's so fascinating about psychedelics is like. It's just your brain seeing different shit, right? Like what like silo sibling mushrooms or whatever,
Starting point is 00:44:05 just flood your brain with the dream chemical, something that your brain creates naturally. It just fucking floods it. I think I think all this relating to the brain is fascinating. I think I agree. I think the possibility of like I unlocked an alternate reality. I don't know if that's true, but I love the fact that, you know, birds and shrimp can see colors.
Starting point is 00:44:24 We can't see like there's stuff that we can't perceive that I think is it's interesting to think about when you say like, oh, I unlocked a part of my brain. I saw some. Oh, yeah. I believe that definitely can happen. I just am over here like and then you unlock the fifth dimension. I don't know about that, but you know, the black have to come from somewhere, man. They got to come from somewhere. It's just interesting to think about the fact that
Starting point is 00:44:49 the deeper you go into psychedelics, the craziness of how similar everyone's experiences on them are, like the the amount of similarities, the way that you can almost like guide someone through it. There is some sort of element to our brain chemistry or to the way that we formulate thoughts that we don't fully understand the way that we can communicate with each other in a second, huge pieces of information.
Starting point is 00:45:18 It's so unimperceptible to us and yet our brain does it. I I just feel like the power of the brain is very, very vast. And the idea that like if you know about men in black and you're already paranoid and and you know, you learn something like I can see how I could see how it could happen. I could see how you could experience it, even if it didn't happen for real. Or if it did happen, you know, maybe it's like it doesn't matter if it's real. Well, it's similar to in the fact that there's a lot of reports
Starting point is 00:45:51 of people who who go on mushrooms or do they do what was ayahuasca? What's the drink? Sure. Yeah, I can't remember. That's it. But a lot. Whatever it is, like those things where they bring it, there's a lot of people who see very, like you said, similar stuff. And on top of that, like there's people who see a lot of your typical classic gray type aliens in those bizarre realities of big almond eyes and gray skin and expressionless lips. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:46:15 It's really weird, but it's fascinating. I'm not saying it's aliens and I'm not saying it's definitely these extra dimensional creatures, but it is fascinating that there's this through line and a lot of these things. And whether that's because it's already in our consciousness in some way or or or something else or whatever you want to believe, it's still just absolutely interesting to to see these things. And the men in black, you know, while the first episode was much more
Starting point is 00:46:41 rooted in reality, unfortunately, once we leave that part, the men in black become much more nebulous in what they actually are. There's very little out there on them beyond just wild theories. So with all of that said, beyond just little things like maybe they're encrypted or just like little theories that are more or less kind of forgotten. Those, my boys, are the major theories on who and what the men in black are. Everything from Satan, Satan's right hand men from the old days to government workers, aliens, alien halts, hunters, time police
Starting point is 00:47:14 or tulpas, entities, extra dimensional hoppers, men in black. One thing's for sure. People believe that they exist. They're there to stop you from start from spilling secrets. But whether they actually exist or not is something we still don't know and perhaps never will. It's really like a thing that is fascinating because it really could be the key to all of this stuff that we experience.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Like the idea that your brain can do things like the way like, I mean, think about the placebo effect for a second. You know what I mean? Like how crazy is that? How insane that you can do nothing but your brain thinks you are. So it makes it real. You can take a drug that's not actually the drug and get the effect of the drug. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:47:57 That's true. You like that's not something that's like debatable. Like that happens. You know what I mean? Like we didn't think it at first and now we believe it. And to me, that's, you know, the more you know, like why is it that people who know a lot about aliens always see aliens is because, you know, I know what to look for.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah, I don't think it's I don't think it's an overactive imagination so much as it is this sort of like self-fulfilling prophecy that you kind of create by like quantum physics almost, you know what I mean? Like it's hard to think about. And like the things about like tulpas and like these spiritual beings, these are hundreds and thousands of year old ideas. Like these have been around forever. They're not new.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And so in thinking of like a man in black, just be like you said, kind of just being brought in through consciousness or thought or whatever, kind of being made real. It's possible. It's possible that the brain believes that they're seeing what they're seeing. I mean, night terrors, right? Like people who wake up with night terrors who see things in their room, whether it's not there, it's not really there, but it's there for them.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And sometimes it's all that matters for the effect of staying silent or scaring yourself quiet to happen. It could be that people don't want to talk about it and they're looking for an excuse not to. And so they conjure up this person to tell them never to talk about it. And is that now like even if it's just a thought, a common thought that everybody has, you know, like, is that not encrypted itself? Like, right.
Starting point is 00:49:24 If you go on SCP, aren't there like viral thoughts that infect the populace? How many times have we had crimes committed in the names of fake monsters? That's what I mean. Or like just like look at like what's his name, the stupid like political? What's his name? The like reddit thing that all the like super right wing, like, you know, QAnon. Yeah, QAnon. Like people are acting on the things that they are
Starting point is 00:49:52 understanding off of this, even though there's nothing there. Even even after it's been provably like false over and over and over and over and over and over again, if they believe they're just going to keep going because that's what they think is real. Yeah, it's it's fascinating. What's fun about Men in Black, I kind of realized is like it really boils down to the idea of reality and the nature of thought and what you believe is actually in existence. So it's always it's just right here to imagine something paranormal that shows up that's like, don't believe in this shit.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Like, yeah, you know, that's a really unique element of the Men in Black mythos. Yeah. And and obviously, you know, there's going to be a lot of them that are, you know, cry wolf kind of deals where people are just saying it for the sake of saying it. But there's enough out there that aren't that in my opinion that at least lead credence to a government spooks might be out there trying to shut you the fuck up. And that's the end of it, you know. Yeah. Boys, that was the two part of Men in Black, the reality and the supernatural and two separate parts. I can't we've been babbling for like almost an hour already.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And I'm just like, it's so much you could just it's so much fun. It's so much fun. It was good to get back into the alien world again, too. It had been much, much, much too long. But that was a good time. And real talk, pour one out for titchy, but that was some bullshit. That whole nothing pisses me off more than the Salem witch trials, like reading about it. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:51:16 It's the worst. Humans suck, dude, in the name of religion. Humans fucking. Yeah, dude, it's the absolute worst. But hey, everybody, thank you so much for listening. We appreciate it. Next. I don't know who's next. All three of us have stuff cooking for because I still got that big one that we're working on, but Alex is almost done.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Jesse's got something he's working on. We got a lot coming down the pipeline. Also, big shout out on the podcast to Tim for creating that fan game, the Chiluminati fan game. Axolotl Studios. Yeah. Yeah. Check it out. It's free to play. It's like it's like a Chiluminati pod maniac mansion. It's great. That's very fun.
Starting point is 00:51:52 It's very fast. Thank you. Thank you again for that. For that special second anniversary gift. We love you very much for it. Yeah, I think that's it. So we're going to wrap up here. Thank you, boys, for joining me and let me take you down the insane route for for another couple of episodes.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Hell, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you guys enjoyed it, leave us a review. We are now at like almost eleven hundred five like reviews on iTunes. We're still at that five star rating. We love you guys for that. If you want, we got merch. We got new merch in the works. We got merch already up there for sale.
Starting point is 00:52:20 So grab it while you can over at the Yeti. And if you want to talk to us, you can do so on Twitter, Jesse Cox for Jesse, Mathis Games for myself, Fasiana A for Alex. And if you just want to yell out the Chiluminati podcast as a whole, Chiluminati pod on Twitter and the Chiluminati pod subreddit. We've got some reader stories coming up soon, too. So if you've got stories, feel free to throw them out. Just give us the OK to read them on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:52:41 And I think that's it for the shilling, I think. Thank you all for watching, listening. We'll see you soon. Bye. Bye. Stay fine. Shout out to Abigail Williams. Do you feel like you need more adventure in your life? You're probably right. At Motorsportsland RV Centers, we've been helping people just like you
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