Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 49 - Skinwalker Ranch Part 3: Rectum Hollowing

Episode Date: May 4, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dear Carbon Footprint, who's got America's largest electrified lineup? Toyota! 15 hybrid, plug-in, fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles, from the new Prius to the RAV4 Hybrid, the Crown and the Tundra i-Force Max. Toyota's the name of the electrified game. As our lineup gets larger, your footprint gets smaller. Get the juice on Juice?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Yup, juice! Toyota, let's go places! Alright, this is in your head where the theme song starts fading in, out rather not fading in, and our voices start fading in, not out, and hey everybody, welcome, welcome to the Jaluminati podcast, episode 49. As always, I am one of your hosts, Mike Martin, joined by two co-hosts, Jesse Cox, how's it going, Jesse? Hello!
Starting point is 00:01:12 And Alex, what's up, Alex? You know, just chilling, doing a thing. How was your week, boys? How was your year? Nobody cares about any of this. I've been waiting forever, tell me the weird stuff, I'm tired of waiting. A lot of the time after you listen to this Jaluminati, you feel like you're waiting forever for the next episode, but let me tell you something, if you sign up for Patreon right
Starting point is 00:01:35 now at the $15 level or above, you don't have to wait at all before you can get six or eight, I don't know how many there are now, a lot of many episodes that come right after these episodes, you can get ad free versions of the podcast, slash Jaluminati pod, check it out, thank you for supporting us, that's why this comes out once a week, check it out, go there, tell me about the ranch. We are, we're getting to the ranch, I promise. Talking about the Hidden Valley, I got carrots, I got everything, let's find out. We couldn't do this without you.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Can we, can we at the very least at the top of the episode go, holy crap, Andrew W.K. acknowledged us? Okay. We'll talk about it more in a mini-soad after this, but I just, I gotta put it out there. Can I just quickly put out a thing that's like, if you listen to the Andrew W.K. episode, you know that this guy is definitely messing with us and having a good time, especially as he released it a year to the day, so please don't, please don't roast him, please don't go on our behalf and try and like fight for us with your mighty internet swords, that's,
Starting point is 00:02:34 that's, that's not, that's not what we want. I mean, he's referencing the topic of the podcast and he had to have listened because it's not like the title is just his name, there's no like what the actual topic about him is about. Right. Listen. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So officially he's our biggest fan now, so. Yeah, that's it. Well, and we're officially part of the conspiracy now. We are officially part of the Andrew W.K. conspiracy. This is how the government gets you. This is how they do it. This is it. And for the other guy I've learned from this podcast, this is how they start.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Now we're in on it. This is as close to the Illuminati as I'm gonna get. I'm really excited. Did you ever know, did you ever think, Jesse, that you would get within tweeting distance of Andrew W.K. Yes. Okay. Well, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:17 All right. That's fine. I'm gonna. All right. We've got episode 49 skinwalker ranch part three. We're going to dive right into it and at the very top, there's a couple of things I want to cover about last episode one. One of the biggest mysteries that we walked away from last episode with was the no dig
Starting point is 00:03:32 clause in the contract. Right. Yes. What it was caused. We've done some digging as well as hearing from other people dug into the no dig contract. Oh, yeah. I dug into it, dude. I dug into it.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And this is a, this is good to know this very common for if a part of land is known to have minerals, oil, anything like that, that you are not allowed to dig onto that property without the permission of those prior because it's like layers of ownership and what is underneath the ground and all this stuff. So like theoretically you could have found it out and then like skis them out of their money. Yeah. By giving them by buying it as if there's nothing down there and then turning it around
Starting point is 00:04:09 and making an insane profit off it. Exactly. So there's, it's right along those lines and I was given like a huge list of legal reasons that could be in it. So that's not something that's should be bizarrely out of the ordinary in the general context. What if you want to dig eventually? Well, with that particular clause is they had to get approval from the previous owners.
Starting point is 00:04:30 So they could. They just needed to get approval from the previous owners that they bought the land off of. Okay. The other thing. Maybe it's not fishy, but so maybe it's not fishy, but it is still that like they did see some value in the land. Sure.
Starting point is 00:04:42 There's still some. The other thing I want to kind of not really correct, but kind of clarify a little bit at the end of last episode, we ended with the wife having seen the vehicle of the thing parked outside. And I remember I said she saw a desk and a man walked up to her door. That was coming out of the side of the hour. That was my poor. I poorly crafted that particular paragraph.
Starting point is 00:05:02 What she saw was the ship and a desk inside the ship, not outside the ship inside the ship. And the silhouetted man figure, she saw as he walked into the door frame of his ship, he didn't walk up to the door of the house that was inside the ship. She saw inside the ship. The man that walked up with the all black attire, the seven feet tall, like everything that I described that fits men in black description, but she saw it from her house in the ship that was in her and on the ranch in viewing distance for her.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Got it. And there are a couple of things for those who who may have either been confused or I just miss. Well, it wasn't like you were like, it wasn't an alien RV. It was right. A truck from a neighboring farm. Right. Just a bunch of dudes drinking in their truck and she was crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Yeah. But we're going to go back in and we're going to discuss the last of the general occurrences that happened on the ranch for the Gorman family. Now, keep in mind, I am not covering everything. There's so many things that have been just reported covering them all would be four parts alone. So we're just going to cover major events in a couple of them. And that's about it.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Now, one of the things I talked about before the Mothman aspect that that's a very quick event that I will very quickly that we'll cover in part four, because there are other people more involved with that than the family. But as far as family specific events, that's what this episode is going to wrap up. Last we left our Gorman family. The wife had seen a craft of some sort sitting in the yard as I previously clarified. And yet there it's set. Even though she said it would have had to pass by her window for it to even be where
Starting point is 00:06:39 she saw it and that she would have noticed it in the middle of the night driving there. And yet there we are. And there set the vehicle. And while the mythical bulletproof wolf encounter and the RV like UFO are certainly absolutely strange that there are strange things to encounter. The weird and wild was only just getting started for this family. If you recall from last episode, when we were talking about just the general experiences happening on the ranch, I in passing spoke of a window into quote unquote, potentially
Starting point is 00:07:14 another reality. Now, this isn't something that just Tom or Tad or his wife experienced. This window in the sky is something the whole family has claimed to experience and seen in some way. And this window was always in the western sky on the ranch. And what is it that they saw in the western sky exactly? Well, that would depend. Tom Gorman explained to the author of Hunt for the Skinwalker that depending on the
Starting point is 00:07:46 angle you were able to catch the window from, it looked different and sometimes even unnoticeable. For example, when driving on the road around Skinwalker property, this window was impossible to see. But once you got on the roadway heading toward the ranch, you could see it as a faint, distant orangish cloud. So it's like some Dr. Who shit? Yes, very much so. Like angles and like you can't really see it.
Starting point is 00:08:15 You know, like those weird like hollow, I kind of picture them like those weird holographic cards that you turn and it moves. But like once you hold it to a certain angle, you kind of like see both images. Kind of like some sort of cloaking or some sort of obscuring. Yeah, something along the technology. Yeah. Yeah. On approach to the property that ill defined orange cloud would become clear and clear. And perhaps unsurprisingly, the only clear vantage point to see this window in its entirety
Starting point is 00:08:47 was none other than the family ranch house itself. The orange tunnel would go on to be described as quote, a three dimensional orange tunnel that receded away from them and the sides of the tunnel were perfectly camouflaged with the sky. So from a side view, the observer could see nothing at all and quote, and that's how they described it. Like when they were looking into this thing directly at it, it very much appeared like a weird tunnel that they they just kind of appearing through.
Starting point is 00:09:18 It was described as quote, the coolest damn shit I've ever seen had me tripping balls, yo, I was straight, wild and just straight ass, wild and I'm waiting for that to be in your book. When the time you see an alien, the Fosyani files, here's like, I was straight while in dude. Okay. I just saw like some like fucking like alien, you know, like I'm walking through some city and that thing comes at me out of an alleyway, I would be like, no fucking way, get the cameras
Starting point is 00:09:52 out. Everybody picks. Go, go, go. Who cares? I'm wild and right now. I would objectify the fuck out of that alien. He would be researched. He would be cataloged.
Starting point is 00:10:00 It's it's just the moth man screaming out of that thing. Kelly's been doing this thing where she like does like research for like national geographic by like taking pictures of local flora and fauna and like that's exactly how I think we need to be about aliens. I'm into it. I agree. Hundred percent. So what I personally find interesting about this is that obviously the first thing my brain
Starting point is 00:10:27 jumped to is of course the only place you can see this thing clearly is the ranch and everywhere else. It's bizarrely obscured and hard to see, if not completely invisible. However, it's a it's a convenient like Canadian girlfriend. It is a very convenient Canadian girlfriend excuse. Yeah. However, at the same time, the other side of my brain who desperately just wants us all to be real, if this thing is intelligently interacting with the family and is like toying
Starting point is 00:10:54 with them and messing with them, it does seem to make sense that they're it's focused very much on them, that this window is only keeping itself visible for the family in the area and nothing else. Depending on what it is. Yeah. And this thing showed up all the time. So often, in fact, that Tom had a regular spot to go out, sit down and just look at this thing from a distance, a four foot high tree stump that he'd walk out to with either
Starting point is 00:11:21 a pair of binoculars or the rifle from here or the scope from his rifle, rather, to set up and just hang out and look at the thing. Just chill out, dude. Just roll up. How is it that this doesn't make sense to the orange man? What do you mean it doesn't make sense, Jesse? Well, I'm just saying logically, this dude knew that he'd have the opportunity to sit there and just stared at it and not once took a photo, not once.
Starting point is 00:11:50 You know. Not once he knew when to go and chill. It happened that many times. Not once he's like, no one's going to believe me. I should take a photo. Not once. Have you ever read Tuck Everlasting? No.
Starting point is 00:12:03 You know, they just kind of want to keep it, you know, it's their little secret. That's so stupid. That's not a little secret. That is the world changing. We will talk again. That is someone would pay you a billion dollars for that photo. Scott, I almost called you my friend Scott. Jesse, we're just taking you on.
Starting point is 00:12:18 You call me whatever you want, baby. As long as I get those photos, get those photographs. You got to just take the ride on the Gorman train because next episode, we're going to dive into the more scientific. There's a whole other episode. A whole baby. Yes, there is. I told you.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You just play with me now. You just play with me. I was expecting answers. This is the prequel. This is just a fucking prequel, bro. We lay down the historical fact. Then we lay down the lore of the Gorman family and then we dive into when, uh, when they went and researched the entire place.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Okay, baby. It's all part of the package. I don't know. About one particular night, Tom was out resting on his tree stump with this rifle scope. But this time, when he looked beyond the orange window, what he saw was different instead of just an orange-ish window-like object in the sky. This time, beyond it, he could see an entirely new sky where the sun, unlike where he was currently residing, had not set and daylight spilled and filled this strange sky.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Almost like maybe another time, maybe another reality, maybe another dimension, maybe another planet. Who knows? Because it wouldn't stop there. On another night, Tom was stumping in. He was watching that window through the sky and he saw what he says is, quote, Jesus Christ waiting at him beside with a doobie in his mouth. I was about to say, when you say stumping it, to me, it sounds like he just went out
Starting point is 00:13:54 and got real high. I used to go stumping it. I used to go stumping it after my shows in LA. Yeah, I'm going to go stumping it. We used to call it going to the stoop. All right. I, you know, I just have to, but they didn't call stumping it. I called it stumping it.
Starting point is 00:14:06 It's a, it's a matter of time. Right. Well, now I want to call it stumping it. I do too. Right? He's out there stumping it. All right. Jesus just peeks over the side, just takes a hell of a hit.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Yeah. Stumping it three to six p.m. every day, baby. It's natural, man. It comes from the earth. Dude, that's when you start a podcast with Jesus Christ, where you smoke pot called smoke break. Here's this thing. Dirt.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Dirt don't hurt. That would be the most popular podcast in the world, dude, but people ready for Jesus to drop bombs. Jesus would be like, dude, do you know the moon has a purpose? Don't do it. People be like, whoa, Jesus. It'd be crazy. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Oh, Jesus. But we'd be like not committing one of the we'd not be breaking one of the commandments because we'd be talking about him like directly. Right. Yeah. We're referencing him. We're not taking his name in vain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Meanwhile, Jesus is like ripping blunts and taking shrooms and he's like, I created the shit. Why aren't you using it? I'm not doing this. The tunnel to heaven. I've seen this fucking tunnel. No. That song's about the window in the sky on Skinwalker Ridge.
Starting point is 00:15:11 No. I just started out there. Dude. Okay. Yes. Then I believe you. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:15:20 No. Stop it. Stop. Okay. Tom on another night was out there stumping it, watching the window in the sky as he does on his nights where he goes and does the stump. And what he saw was quote, a three dimensional onion that moved away from him. Aren't all onions three dimensional?
Starting point is 00:15:39 I mean, now that you actually mentioned it, I don't want to say that he was actually stumping it, but dude was out there and he's tell me that's not something a high person would say and be like, dude, I saw a three dimensional onion that is the most high person can get. I never say to someone I saw a three dimensional onion. You are all the time. All the time. The saucer descriptions are wrong and they're flying.
Starting point is 00:16:07 It was an onion, but it was, it was going, you know what I mean, like it was on its way. And it was actually there. It wasn't like picture. It was like three dimensions. I could like put my hand out and grab the whole like around it. Like it wasn't just a video. Like I was, it was going and I was trying to grab it, but it was leaving. Like I was reaching for the onion.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I was like, no. He's going to saute that shit. However, as, as somebody who might be stumping it was Tom's gaze was locked onto this onion. And while he was watching this three dimensional onion hovering away from him, he quickly saw another black silhouetted ship like object fly out from the window and zip into the sky. How big is this window? Just relative terms. How big?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Big as you want it to be, baby. That's a good ass question. Big is all we know. We didn't, they didn't measure it. We don't have a measuring like distance off. Yeah. Well, I don't know if it's as big as deep space nine, but big enough for things to kind of leave and come from.
Starting point is 00:17:10 All right. All right. So just for the record, one more time, the conceit of all of this BS is that there is a giant orange window in the sky that can only be seen from this property. Any other location, the angle on it. Have you seen the last crusade Indiana Jones three? Do you remember? No, the bridge.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Look, no, I get it. I get it. I totally get it. I understand what you're saying. It's just like when people have the computer block of things and you're in an office and you're trying to like snoop on your coworker, but you can't. Yeah, I get it. I understand it.
Starting point is 00:17:46 But what you're saying is this is the case here on the giant sky window, except it's only on this property. All right. As you're approaching, like it's an orange like cloud and it comes at night when the sun's already down. It's like you're like, what is that? Yeah. What is that?
Starting point is 00:18:02 When you get to the right angle, you're like, oh, my God. Jesus with a doobie. What are you doing? What up, my brothers? Oh, yes, that is the conceit. You have to accept this window right now. You have to accept this conceit just for this window that it is only viewable from a very I can't I can't stop with the Jesus.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I know. All right. But it's a great dude. Like he him and Mothman could be great friends. Yeah, they probably are in like some metaphysical reality. Right. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:43 This particular so this particular little sighting of a black silhouetted object, whether it be a ship or something else, he just calls it an object that he couldn't get a good like sight on happened a couple more times. I'm sorry. I just had like in my mind, I just had a Jesus Mothman conversation in a hot tub and it was great. It was like a great scene. It was like a great whole scene.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And Mothman was like, Jesus, no one believes me, man. And Jesus was like, people believe in me, dude, but they just don't listen. Right. And they had like, yeah, they had like a moment together. I had a whole thing going on. I had a whole conversation. That was great. Well, I'm glad it was a good scene.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I'm sure it with your nails in your head, too. That's true. It's true. Bigfoot's trying to get in there like Bigfoot. Get out of here. Get out of here. Bro. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:19:33 He unzips. He unzips. That's like, what Buddha Pepsi twist. So this sighting of silhouetted ships coming through the window. It happened a few more times on multiple different nights. But they always move. What kind of scale are we talking about? Huh?
Starting point is 00:19:50 What kind of scale are we talking about on these things? Like, is he like, this is like the mother ship from an independent day? We don't know because he says it moves so quickly. He could never get a good look at the thing. Hold on. He has to understand size and scope. Right. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Comparative to the giant window and the planet. Yeah. Surely not like a skyscraper. No. The way he words it and the way he talks about it, especially kind of when it wasn't talking about the 3D onion stuff, to me, it comes across as a ship, like some sort of thing ship is coming through. Kind of similar in size maybe to the.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It also could, but it also could be the orbs, which are smaller, but we'll talk about that here in a minute. Okay. Okay. But that's just the experience with the window. So what I, okay. So going back to this and kind of if I want to go the route, obviously of aliens here, obviously that's just where most of my knowledge.
Starting point is 00:20:40 You don't have to justify your, your, your passion for aliens. But it's also like where most of my knowledge sits. So it's like my easy reference point. And so if you buy into the theory that aliens are a mix of both physical and psychic or some sort of psychic entity that is creating physical manifestations of itself as Jesse slowly shakes his head. But you like a window into another dimension or whatever might just be how Tom is interpreting whatever these creatures are using their link to their, you know, just the psychic element
Starting point is 00:21:10 of them coming into our, our plane of existence from whatever dimension, the fourth, fifth, whatever to our dimension, uh, and having to, again, you have to buy the idea that aliens might be a psychic phenomenon as well as a physical phenomenon because that's where like using, uh, like these weird windows and alternate realities and things coming through that are very mushroom trippy like that's how a lot of them are, are reported when they happen. But there's definitely not, there's definitely a precedent. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Yeah, that's what I guess I'm looking for. This is not super strange in the world of ufology. Right. Right. There are sightings that are like a portal opened and a smiling angel stepped out and he was a tall white and he was a fucking Nordic who was just like telling me I was the chosen one and I was going to communicate the message to humanity and that never actually works for some weird reason.
Starting point is 00:21:59 What do you mean? What? What? Dude, I don't know, man. Have you ever stumped it? I have stumped it and never once, look again, let me just say for the record, I, my parents used to live on an old slave plantation built on a civil war battlefield built on Indian burial grounds.
Starting point is 00:22:20 If there was ever going to be spirits or UFOs or perinatural anything, it would have been there. Did they move the bodies or not? I mean, that is, it was literally the Zachary Taylor, uh, look it up. Again, it's outside of Louisville, Kentucky. It is straight up all of those things are on that massive plot of land and I don't know if they moved the bodies. I'm all I'm saying to y'all is if there was ever a place where I would have been haunted
Starting point is 00:22:47 and my parents, the guest room, when I would go stay with them was painted yet like creepy yellow and I had old paintings of like wilderness and it looked terrifying. This isn't a haunting. Jesse. This is interdimensional interactions. That's what I'm saying though. If there was ever going to be anything, it was going to be there. It was going to be there.
Starting point is 00:23:03 It was going to be there. It was going to be at that location. Not once. The craziest thing they had was that my parents had a weird rat dog. That was it. So my parents, um, they like, you see, if you, uh, like are looking at the map of that area, there's the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery. So that's like a civil war cemetery.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Right. And then the, uh, if you go further down, uh, Blankenbaker Lane, right? Okay. There's the Locust Grove, which is the, like his old home, right? Okay. And then this entire area is built on an old Indian burial ground. And it's right next to a Panera. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Sweet Panera. Yeah. My, my parents lived, uh, on Pawnee Trail. So like right in the middle of it, if you go down, yeah, right there, I can see it on this map. Yeah. Right in the middle of it. And so they had all of this stuff around them and their house was like a one story old
Starting point is 00:24:08 ass house with like everything in it seriously looked like it could have been from way back. My parents have a weird collection of, I think things that old relatives gave them before they died. And so it's like photos from like 1908. And so the house looks like it could have been haunted place. Never. Not once. Not once.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And I would be like, Jesse, no, that's not a reality. Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute now. Hold on. Wait. Zachary Taylor's ghost is not happy if indeed it is the shade of the 12th president. But who else's ghost could it be hanging about Taylor's tomb in the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery?
Starting point is 00:24:51 Oh, see? Yeah. As far as anyone can remember his ghost not appear until 1991. See, it took a while. It took a while. Maybe he was, maybe he was fermenting, you know, maybe you have to get to a certain point before you can be a ghost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You got a you got a tone for your sins. Well, I will say, hold on, where's this thing at? If you guys want to get real messed up, um, there is a place. Alex, you see where this is totally you can edit all this out, but it's just if you go to, uh, the Henry Watterson Expressway and where Brownsboro Road and Henry Watterson meet, there's a place called Nushnosh. If you scroll in and off past that, yeah, there's a place called Gasthaus, German, best German food I've ever had in my life.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I don't know why I need to bring that up right next to Nushnosh. Yes. Gasthaus is so good. It's the best German food I've ever had across the street from the Panera. Hell yeah. One day we'll go. One day we'll go. We have a whole day trip here.
Starting point is 00:25:53 We're going to go find Zachary Taylor's ghost. Exactly. Delicious. $10,000 reward. Best they ever had in my life. Well, damn better than in Texas. Yeah. Totally unrelated.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Sorry. Edit all that out. Sorry, Matthew. No, you're fine. That's totally fine. It was a better day than the Gormans were having. That's for sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Because those Gormans things only got worse for the Gormans as things ramped up on the ranch. Well, well, well, well, well, to find worse because this is none of this sounds worse right now. That's where the cattle mutilations began. I'll be fucked in the head if I say any of this. Let me tell you. Me too.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Me too. Like sniper rifle bullets like I would be your chunk in like flesh off of this monster with the wolf with the bulletproof body and stuff. That alone I would be like loading my children into my cheap Grand Cherokee and driving them away. Well, beyond the Gormans being of some seeming interest to this, shall we call it intelligence with air quotes, so too were the Gormans cattle. If you remember, in the last episode, we had that whole giant wolf thing, the one that
Starting point is 00:27:02 attempted to murder Son, hand me my specific gun. My odd third six. So what have you? While the wolf was impervious to bullets, it still tried to yank a cattle through the bars, as you know, you would assume wildlife would might do. And the hovering lights seemed interested in messing with the cattle, even so far as upping their activity when Tom Gorman moved them. If you remember, we talked about that in the last episode a little bit too.
Starting point is 00:27:29 However, it would not be until the winter of 94 going into 95 that things for their cows got noticeably terrible as the Gormans began to lose their cattle that winter. One particular night, Tom was rounding up the herd thanks to a snowstorm that had just happened when he noticed that one of his breeding cows had gone missing, a registered Angus. Now remember that the Gormans were incredibly proud of their ranching work and they were damn good at it. A 1% loss on their cattle year over year was devastating to them. And so Tom Gorman, determined to find that cattle, began to look on horseback in the
Starting point is 00:28:08 dense area of trees to the southwest of the ranch. As Tom entered the heavily wooded area, he instantly noticed tracks belonging to the cow and feeling relief thought it would be really easy for him to track the cow out here as it was the only one who had wandered away and a snowstorm had just happened. So following the tracks was easy. But as Tom continued to follow the tracks, it became increasingly clear to him that the cow hadn't simply wandered off, but instead was running at a full sprint through the woods in the middle of what was a snowstorm.
Starting point is 00:28:40 They swerved and careened through the trees, trampling bushes, snapping limbs off trees and breaking them under hoof. Maybe it's totally silent in the snow, like you just run and it's like. Well, the cow took off during the snowstorm, so winds and snow. Okay, all right. I'll buy that part. Do they all wear giant bells around their necks still or is that a romanticism? I think it's a romanticized version, maybe from the 1800s or something.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Did you clear bell the cow from Silly Symphonies? Right, yeah, something like that. Yeah, fair enough. So eventually, Tom did come to a clearing where the tracks had led, no trees around, only to be met much like the wolf with no tracks any longer. There had been no place for the cow to jump or hide. The tracks simply stopped. From there, Tom quartered off the whole area and looked around the area for about a half
Starting point is 00:29:34 an hour, avoiding the tracks and leaving it hoping that the cow would return. However, after four days, the cow never came back and he never saw the cow again. Wait, so he just he saw the tracks stop. The tracks just stopped in a clearing and nowhere to go. I'll wait. He quartered the area off, basically searched it on his own, came up with nothing, then left it for a few days to make sure that the cow could safely return without anything bothering it.
Starting point is 00:30:00 And then it never came back and he never found it. Is there any possible explanation for that type of thing? How to walk back through their tracks, anything like that? You would think that he would have found them, though, right? Right. Yeah. I mean, I am not a rancher, so I can't sit here and say here's what could have happened. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Or at least eventually you would find it. Right. You would eventually find it. But no. He never found it. And by the time winter came to an end and the rainy season began in 95, Tom would continue to go on to lose four of his precious cows. During a particularly bad storm, rainstorm, thunderstorm specifically, that lasted two
Starting point is 00:30:41 days, Tom and his boy, Tad, were riding around ranch on horseback, tracking their cattle, trying to make sure they're accounted for. How many cattle are we talking about about here? Like, hundreds? No, no. I wouldn't say hundreds. I think it's like 20 or 30. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Just like a small amount. Yeah. Just a family ranch. This isn't like a huge corporation running like 100 cattle. It's not some adamantium holdings type of thing. Yeah. No, not adamantium holdings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Tom and Pops operation. Exactly. So Tad eventually came across a calf and started to give chase as it ran off. It happened all the time. That wasn't irregular. But while he was chasing the calf, Tad caught sight of one of their heifers that was stuck in a muddy embankment, bawling loudly and very obviously in need of getting yanked out. Tad took a mental note to return to help the animal once he caught the calf.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It only took him about 20 minutes to capture the calf and return the calf to its mother before he could return back to the stuck cow and get it out of the whole, the mud. However, once he returned, Tad found the heifer had died. The canal had not been deep enough for it to drown. And being confused and curious, he walked over, popped off his horse to investigate only to be shocked by what he found to run off and get his dad Tom to confirm. What Tad had discovered was that the cow's anus had been carved out with what seemed to be a sharp tool, something akin to a six inch circular saw with a sucking device that
Starting point is 00:32:11 had been jammed into its ass and just instantly shlopped out everything inside. Don't say it. It says where did you get the word shlopped from? Is that in the text? That's a favorite word. Is that in the text? That's another Memphis term? It's another Memphis term.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Stop it and shlop. Yeah. However, however there is no blood anywhere on the scene and it would happen again three months later. Now you can say no all you want, but you can go and look up videos, news articles, news programs like on the TV of cattle mutilations that all have this similar thing. Its genitals and anus are all scooped out and surgically removed and sometimes the face and tongue are completely removed as well.
Starting point is 00:32:54 You can go watch videos from 2012, 2013, literally still happening today. Cattle mutilations are happening. There is absolutely no reason. Not all the galaxy why anyone would travel to this planet and be like, scoop that anus. Never. It wouldn't happen. We don't understand. There's no way for us to know.
Starting point is 00:33:14 There is one reason. It is reproductive organs that are constantly taken. No. No. No. No. Alex, don't look at me like that. No.
Starting point is 00:33:25 You're telling me aliens are coming here scooping out anuses for banging anuses? Why don't you just bang the anus? Maybe they are. Maybe they are weird robot aliens. You never know. That could be what happens. I don't. This is BS.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I didn't invent this idea. It's just people doing weird stuff and then being like aliens instead of the fact that human beings are strange. Cattle mutilations is one thing I'm going to bat for because that should still happening. Yes, because people are weird and they do stuff like that all the time. But it's bloodless and shit. It's like bizarre. It doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Go look up the videos and stuff. It's not normal. There is the idea that some cattle mutilations can be attributed to wildlife shoving their nose and eating out the inside and stuff like that. That leaves a typical mess. Yeah, or normal decay of a cow. Yeah. But the ones where it's like something's been scooped out, I'm like, I don't know what
Starting point is 00:34:21 that is. It's like a weird thing. And it's not uncommon. It's pretty common. I urge you all who are listening to this and are curious. Literally just do some research on cattle mutilations. You're not going to be brought to some weird Angel Fire website. It's one of the most common.
Starting point is 00:34:36 But it doesn't look. Aliens are not better than us if that's what they're doing. I might not be. They very might not be. Aliens, you travel across the galaxy. Maybe every species in the universe is just horny, dude. No, man. Aliens, that's stupid.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Aliens are from Mars. Aliens are from Venus. You never know which ones are which. That's stupid. That's dumb. You come in here and your whole thing is like, I'm scooping butt. That's dumb. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:04 You're stupid, Aliens. You're stupid. Maybe that's just one of the things you're doing. Yeah, maybe. That's just an icebreaker. Maybe you're going on a vacation. But the cattle mutilation. Just scooping butt.
Starting point is 00:35:12 You never know. You never know. Jesus smoking weed and he's just like pulling the anus of a scooped out cow. I'm out. I can't. I don't believe in aliens anymore. I think we're alone in the universe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I can't live with that. I can't live knowing that out there somewhere is a dude who's like, are we going to Earth today? Yes, Clark Stark. Let's go. I've got butt to scoop. No, I refuse. How much trouble do you have?
Starting point is 00:35:37 How much trouble do you have imagining that that guy exists on Earth? Oh, none. I know there are creeps on Earth who would definitely do that. But here's my thing. Why would, first off, who's letting, first off, who's letting those crazy aliens get space ships? Does the alien council just let everyone have space ship? Bullshit.
Starting point is 00:35:57 You know, in the lighthouse, he starts to have some weird sexy things happening to him because he's just been alone for so long. So he starts acting out and doing weird shit. Maybe Earth, you know, you're always talking about how Earth is like, you know, the most important thing in alien theory is like, what if Earth is like the ship? Yeah, what if we're just like the tourist trap? What? No, not even like, what if we're like Juno Alaska?
Starting point is 00:36:18 Like what if we're just like the far away like station that you take and then you don't have anybody to shlop with your fucking cow while you're stumping one night? You know? Here's the thing. I buy that. I buy that. Yeah, no, I get it because, you know, maybe, maybe to them humans are like gross, but cows, they're like, have you seen the others on that one?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Maybe they look like, maybe the aliens look like cows in like business suits. I believe it. Yeah. The bow by the bow by theory, of course, all black and whites. That's why they're scooping their innards. Yeah. Well, this is where the cattle mutilations in the light in the sky start to merge. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Tom would lose two more animals to cattle mutilation and he would learn something along the way. But before he learned that particularly bad lesson, what worried Tom is that during all the cattle distress at the same time, he would constantly see the lights hovering low and around the cattle. Usually the night one of these mutilations was going to happen. And one night in particular, he had seen them again. The following day, Tom saw one of his cement cows laying near some bushes at a distance.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Tom went over to investigate and found that the cement cows reproductive organs and anus had been like the previous cut and slurped out the back end. Slurped right out of that back. You can hear it. Right. And while there was no blood, yeah, it's great. And while there was no blood nearby, Tom did find a pool of brownish liquid near the animal's shoulder about two inches in diameter.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Touching it, Tom described it as a thin gel like substance. He went back to the ranch to get something so he could collect it. And by the time he returned, it had all evaporated. It too had been slurped away. Had been slurped away. The mutilations always seemed to be done by tools and someone who seemed to know what they were at the very least doing with it. And the mutilations always came after seeing lights hovering amongst the cows.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And it always seemed to happen during thunderstorms, maybe using them to cover their actions and the noises as they were being made. In April of 1996, while sitting on his porch with his three healer dogs, which are like good cattle hounds, basically, he once again saw the mysterious blue orb heading and hovering in the cow's general direction. And anytime the orbs arrived, they'd always brought trouble and the dogs had all jumped up and began to growl. Getting sick of these things, Tom gave the command for the dogs to give chase.
Starting point is 00:39:12 And off they sprinted from the porch after the orb, while Tom watched from a distance, while the dogs barked and jumped. When the dogs caught up to the orb, the orb would dip to their level before rising again, making the dogs leap constantly to try to grab at it like a, yeah, just like roasting and playing with them. I love that. It is up and down as they jumped up to try to catch it. Simultaneously, while taunting and toying with them, it was slowly leading them away,
Starting point is 00:39:40 back to the thick of trees where it seems to always go. Were all the good things, quote, quote, typically happen before they and the dogs disappeared out of sight of Tom. Before long, he heard the yelping of pain and fear before the dogs just went silent and everything suddenly stopped. Tom waited a few hours on the porch, too nervous to leave, and the dogs never returned. He determined that he would look for them in the morning with sunlight by his side. The next morning, as he went into the trees looking for the dogs, he found all Tom found
Starting point is 00:40:21 were three burned patches of grass with three blackish greasy messes that sat in the center of all of them. They vaporized the dogs that smelled so bad that Tom fleed the scene while retching over and over. Okay. All right, y'all. We talk about this all the time on this show, and I'm going to put it out there again. Once more, I'm going to say this to everyone.
Starting point is 00:40:45 There is no reason that you should be on this property still when like cows, when your actual living is being destroyed, when your pets are being vaporized, when you are being harassed by wolves, and like every ghost story, they're like, well, we figured we'd stay liars. There's no way. There's no way. Even if you're like, well, I paid so much money, you'd still leave. You would still leave. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I'd be out. I had no question, but I would have been out the first thing that happened. What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up?
Starting point is 00:41:25 What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up?
Starting point is 00:41:33 What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up?
Starting point is 00:41:41 What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? Whatever it f***s with they're cattle and they're animals, that it gets weirdly mean.
Starting point is 00:41:52 But that's their livelihood. True. Wouldn't you think every time that it was, it surely had to be the last time, though? Also? No. At a certain point, you'd be like, this probably isn't gonna end. Like would you be a believer immediately that there was something crazy happening? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:42:09 The wolf thing, I would have been like, well that's weird. And I would, you know, obviously think it was strange, but it also feel unsafe. Like I wouldn't think it was like an alien doing it. I would just think it's like really secure the place Yeah, I would love to ask like many farmers, and I don't know how many farmers listen to this show probably like one at least somewhere But like I want to ask the farmers who listen to chilluminati to go on to the chilluminati Subreddit and just let us know which is by the way our slash chilluminati pod. Yep. Yep and if you want to same as our patreon by the way and I I just want you guys to weigh in on how often you see shit out there in the nighttime
Starting point is 00:42:50 That you have no idea what the fuck it is and you decide I'll fuck it and just like forget about it Because I bet it's a lot. I bet you it's more than we think it is I bet you I think most people do that though. I think most people see things that like eh Like this morning for example, right? This is a real story of me that just happened this morning and obviously we're not supposed to go outside very much right now So right we don't but I heard a woman screaming help help. Oh god fucking help help. Holy shit Please oh my fucking God somebody won't somebody please fucking help me And I wasn't sure that it was real at first because I you know most of the time when you hear shit like that outside
Starting point is 00:43:25 It's like you go outside and like somehow it's like still kids playing. I don't know La baby. Yeah, I don't know how that happens But this time there was like people out in the street walking looking around for what the fuck was happening It's just like five hours ago and then I was like sort of like standing in the yard with Wallace like trying to figure it out Kelly kind of like went up one way I was kind of like looking another way because the way she was screaming it was like bouncing all over the place So we were just trying to figure out where it was coming from. There's a whole group of people outside Yeah, and then I saw her and then I saw her I was the only person who saw her and she walked by and it was a woman
Starting point is 00:43:59 Who was totally normal? She was holding her cell phone and she was wearing sunglasses and she was like holding it in front of her face Looking at it and almost like smiling as she was like screaming these things right into the phone. No idea Somebody like some fucking prank that the friend put him up to or some shit Yeah, but the point is I live in a huge city even right? This isn't even like this isn't even like a rural place I live in Los Angeles. It's like Arguably like the city right like that you think of when you think of an American city, New York I'm not gonna say anything bad about New York right now, but we can talk about that later New York
Starting point is 00:44:34 We'll talk about it later. We're all feeling a little better. Okay, number one city, New York We'll talk about it. New my point is we're in the best city in the world and Nobody knows what the fuck's going on and I can just imagine that if there was Like if you lower the barrier like what it could be by a lot I bet you it's so scary some of the shit that happens out there and so it's not that hard for me to believe like somebody Could tell me this story and be completely truthful Even if it isn't an alien, you know, I mean like if it wasn't like extra terrestrials coming down and like shooting through a portal I feel like there's enough weird shit out there that like we as humans don't fully recognize or understand that it could be anything
Starting point is 00:45:13 And so that's why I it's hard for me to totally ridicule these people, but it's also like yeah I don't I admit that it sounds insane, but I could totally see them like staying because I don't know like I feel like I Mean like this type of shit is like just par for the course a lot of the time for people who work Especially the forest like I watch those I watch those ask reddit videos of people out in the forest like what's the scariest thing you've ever Yes, yeah, like I don't let's drown let's drown talks about like a survivor man in case anybody's ever not watched him He talks about the time he something that was big and bipedal Curiously was poking at his tent and then like just left after like some time and he's just Never has figured out what it was. He's just like, oh well guess I'll never find out at least I didn't die
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah, pretty much that was his attitude is like I didn't die. I'm happy I didn't die like Jesus Christ But again this I think this like the dogs being being vaporized is kind of a line for me and what happens after is With the dogs yeah Three burnt patches of grass with sitting in the center of them a Mass of something black and greasy that smelled so bad that he ran retching what I would imagine is the vaporized corpses of the three Dogs, that's what I that's what I understood it to be right But like is he dizzy did he find like the Tags of the dog or the no like was there anything like the teeth? No
Starting point is 00:46:39 Okay, just that whatever that was I mean look that would be enough for me to be honest like even if it wasn't his dogs Yeah, I would not I would not come out for three days, but still I you know, I'm just trying to figure it out So this all leads now into the summer of 1996 We're coming to the tail end of their stay here at the ranch and again We skipped a lot of stuff read the book if you're interested There's a whole lot of good stuff in there, but Tom and Ellen at this particular point and this particular event We're outside their homestead watching the cattle on their horses a several hundred yards away Both had been stressed from very recent events the orbs bothering them the loss of their cattle and their dogs and
Starting point is 00:47:19 Tom noticed that the cattle and the horses were once again becoming restless and Tom saw it first Blue orb flew from the tree line next to the horses It flew around the heads of the horses which the horses kind of funnily enough just impatiently shook off The horses Tom noticed we're not reacting with alarm when normally the orbs tend to cause alarm The orb darted away from the animals and hovered around 20 feet from the gormans 15 feet in the air So 20 feet out 15 feet up Tom's description of the orb now that he had a clear sight of this thing was the following
Starting point is 00:47:57 It was quote a clear hard glass like exterior maybe two or three times the size of a base ball Inside was a swirling intensely blue substance like a liquid beginning to boil or nearly bubbling incandescent blue fluid Accompanying it was the faint crackling of static electricity But that's what they see this thing is finally within viewing distance and they see this mood literal glass orb Two to three times as high as a baseball which in my mind puts it at like basketball size Little smaller than a basketball. Yeah, I guess a little smaller like a head. Yeah kids head Yeah, like a children's enormous noggin, and it's got like crackling blue liquid swirling around inside of it
Starting point is 00:48:41 It sounds like a D&D magic item. Yeah, like straight up like a crystal ball from like a fortune teller's yeah magic cars Yeah, exactly. Oh exactly. It sounds exactly like a crystal ball Tom and Ellen from that point were gripped with paralyzing fear and they could not shake it Ellen turned on her flashlight and flashed it toward the orb Which caused the orb to flee back behind the tree line behind their homestead as soon as the orb had disappeared So too did their paralyzing fear Ellen began to cry and repeated over and over again. We have to leave this place. Yes That's right
Starting point is 00:49:23 Right The pair went the pair went inside their homestead and two hours later the orb came by the house again Its presence seemed to dim the lights inside the house until its curiosity Disappeared as did the orb and all lights returned to normal It wouldn't be long after that that Tom Ellen and the family Move the hell off that ranch and left all those events behind them That's where we leave the glow And that's where we leave them that's the major events that I would call the most important
Starting point is 00:50:01 I think for for everybody to know kind of captures all the the random Yes, they want ever something left then They left the ranch. Yeah, they moved out and it was For what they were only there for what 13 for 15 months I think it's 15 months 15 months and it was only recently the ranch was only bought again in 2017 by Adamantium holding Like honestly, like honestly if I was like I invested in a move, right? I come from far away to be on a ranch I got all this gave it a year. Yeah, I got all this crazy shit happening I got all these things going down and then
Starting point is 00:50:36 All the shit starts happening I'll hold out for a year, you know to like see if my investment pans out like I don't think it's that great Like I feel like that's pretty like They were like, no, there's something here. We need to get out of here. Yeah I mean and again to their credit to if if you know taking this, you know with a grain of salt and saying this is all true Even the beginning wasn't even all that bad It was a ramp up it started like more interestingly granted the wolf was kind of an aggressive start But after that it kind of just it kind of tapered off and was like weirdly just lights that were playing with them and there's
Starting point is 00:51:09 There's stories where Tom is in the woods chasing the lights and he's trying to capture them And they're constantly just like playing with them and stuff and then it got more and more and more Aggressive and ill in nature and that's when like the dogs were being vaporized the cattle mutilations were happening a lot of like typical weird Terrestrial encounters started happening toward the end of their stay It is a lot. It's almost too much. I shouldn't say almost. It's too much. It's even if it's true It's too much. I think it's just it's so goddamn much And that's like I said, that's just hunt for the skinwalker
Starting point is 00:51:43 There's a whole other book that I wanted to use when we I don't know if we'll do six us a five parter But there's a whole like a hundred page book just literally called lost on skinwalker ranch That is a security guards experiences on the ranch But you know, like it's just like crazy crazy stuff, which I it's just we'll see Right, thank God across all the years of all the crazy things. Yep all the expose a security guards have provided to us Thank God. I Hope you guys boys have been enjoying this. This has been a hell of a I've been having a great time and if you want to continue having a great time
Starting point is 00:52:21 Oh, how about heading over to Slash chilluminati pod where you can keep having a great time right now with like two more hours Maybe three more hours of free chilluminati that you haven't even heard like that like last week We did like an enormous the last one we did of the last one. We did enormous. It was huge It was like an hour long You have no idea how much value there is to these extra chilluminati episodes also like we couldn't do without you guys Thank you so much like this has just been such a fun project and to be able to ramp it up and start doing these bigger Projects has been a job now. It's great. I love it so much and as always too
Starting point is 00:52:55 Thank you to Deanna the assistant researcher who helped me out on this one same one that helped me out with moth man She's a fucking trooper. She's awesome And I want to I really want to shout her out because again They're just donating their time right now to help us out with yeah, so here. They're heroes We're gonna bounce. We've got a couple mini so it's to go record again If you guys want to support us feel free to check us out on the patreon If you've been enjoying the podcast and dropping us a review goes a long way to just helping us out If you want to reach out to us, you can find us on Twitter
Starting point is 00:53:22 It's mathis games for myself fosy on a a for Alex and Jesse Cox for Jesse And of course the podcast itself is that chilluminati pod same name as a subreddit same name as the patreon We'll be back next week with skinwalker ranch part or Potentially the last one keep it. Let's see See you later. Bye everybody. What's up everybody? I'm Mike Wilson with any hour services and if you've been thinking about replacing your own water heater any hour services is here to help And save you some money whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater Or you want to see what upgrading to a tank list would cost the plumbers and any hour services can show you what options are available
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