Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 5 - Annabelle and Robert the Doll: A Haunted Power Couple

Episode Date: April 15, 2018

These two haunted dolls should date honestly. Soundcloud - Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Judge Mathas -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody, I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services and if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater, Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money. Whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tankless would cost, the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you what options are available and right now you can save $400 on a tanked water heater or $1200 on a tankless. Call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today. Google Any Hour Services or schedule online at
Starting point is 00:00:27 No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. All right, hello, hello, hello, everybody and welcome to the Chilluminati Podcast. Yeah, this is definitely closer to like the squirrel on jet skis in a kiddie pool and the Chilluminati subject matter. Yeah, yeah, I agree. So today we're covering a couple of the most famous haunted dolls, which I love because just in general, when you research the stuff nowadays because of the technology that we have in YouTube, there's videos of haunted dolls doing creepy shit all over the internet.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I have to say that this is like one of my no-nos, like all across the board, like dolls, like animatronics, just anything that's not a human that looks like one. Just in general. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And I'm with you. In general, not even haunted, just in general. So what you're saying, Jesse, is by the end of this episode, I will not be able to convince
Starting point is 00:02:54 you to go on to eBay and buy yourself a haunted doll and do research for us. I mean, I'd do it out of the goof because I don't believe that they're actually haunted. I just wouldn't keep it around because they're creepy looking and weird and I just don't want it in my life. I don't like that they have eyes and they can't see me, but they still look at me. It fucks me up. Real talk, there is a fucking house that is like maybe 10 doors up around the block from my parents' house that I still avoid to this day because at Christmas time, they put a life
Starting point is 00:03:26 size standing Santa Claus on their deck and it scared me once so long ago that even now it's like a 30 year old man years later. I can't go over there. It's too scary. My parents have something similar. Yeah. It's all like PTSD with one particular life side Santa doll. Seriously, dolls are fucked up.
Starting point is 00:03:49 They are creepy. That's why when I was doing this research over the week, watching the videos of haunted dolls on YouTube is scary as shit. It's scary. Because a lot of the... They're like weak and shit and they move. Yeah. A lot of the, in my opinion, what I would call the more believable videos out there are usually
Starting point is 00:04:08 clips of streamers playing a game or something and in the background, they have just a doll on their bed or on the shelf and it does something fucking weird by itself. Can I tell you something? Can I tell you that I've been in the room when that happened? What? Really? Yeah. So...
Starting point is 00:04:24 When? Um, Dodger9... Wait, yeah, if you wanna get to this. Tell me all about it. There's footage. Footage exists. Um, Dodger9 did a stream of the game The Letter and it's a horror game and in the background for the first couple of streams, she has a giant stuffed bear and it's this huge massive
Starting point is 00:04:41 like human sized stuffed bear someone sent her and it's in the back of the stream and the joke became that, oh, that thing's terrifying looking so it must be haunted. Well, of course, because I'm a terrible person, I got one of the people in the office to literally spend an hour behind that bear hiding until about an hour into the, to the like third or fourth stream, he slowly started to move the bear and we didn't acknowledge it at all. And it is now out there on like conspiracy websites about how the bear is alive. It was all BS. I planned it because I'm a mean person and people truly, truly believed it was haunted
Starting point is 00:05:15 and we literally just, I got up, I got one of the many interns Gerard has here at the office and maybe sit behind there for an hour. The infinite well of Gerard. The invisible, the invisible army. That's awesome. So I made that happen. So don't, so I just don't believe any of that stuff and none of it do I believe because I haven't done it myself.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I'm looking at our slash press heart to continue right now. I'm looking at the thread is Dodger going to address the moving bear to make it even better. We then like made a joke of us noticing something was weird and then came back to the stream where the bear was sitting in the chair and we weren't there and it was like music instead and that was like the joke. We were like, Oh, they're just joking, but we never addressed the fact that in the background there was stuff moving.
Starting point is 00:06:07 We never talked about it. We never mentioned it because we didn't notice we were streaming, but we let, oh my God, and it's real subtle and creepy. We were like, yeah, that's awesome. So I don't believe any of that. I don't think any of that's real. You couldn't convince me otherwise. There's still some really creepy videos out there regardless, even if they're faked,
Starting point is 00:06:26 like, yeah, I don't doubt that like creepy watching the, um, whatever the old slender man videos were. Like those were creepy and those are totally fake, but it's, yeah, that stuff was creepy as hell, but you know, it wasn't real. But when you're watching, you're like, Oh my God, this is awesome. All right. By the end of this, if we can get you to buy like a $20 haunted doll off of Eve, I won't do it.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Actually, you know what? If I can buy a haunted doll and then keep it at the office. Yeah, yeah, keep it at the office, dude. In Alex's room. That's fine. That's not happening. I'm not, I'm not going to sit and work in the presence of a fucking dead eyed fucking doll.
Starting point is 00:07:02 No, no, no. But, but you, like, if you leave it in one place one night and then everybody leaves the office and the next morning you come in and it's in a different room completely. I would do that. Are you kidding? I would do that every, every night before it, because Alex leaves the way before me. Every night before I left, I'd move the doll slightly to the right, slightly to the right. I have, I had to move my dorm on plushie because it freaked me out too much because
Starting point is 00:07:25 its eyes were open and looking at me while I'm sleeping. Okay. Okay. Well, let's hone in on the subject then. Well, hold on. Before, before we start. Okay. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:37 All of the, the crazy dolls and all the UFO conspiracies and all the things that we are talking about. I wouldn't even be interested in this if it wasn't for one man. So I want to give a shout out to Art Bell who passed away Friday. Oh yeah. I heard about that last night. Yeah. Art Bell was the dude who sort of set this ship sailing and a lot of careers in the conspiracy
Starting point is 00:07:58 and like paranormal podcast slash radio show life. He was, he was one of the originators. Yeah. He was the founder of Coast to Coast. Anybody with that weird brain. Yeah. And he would have them on and he would never like take people's crap. He wouldn't even, like if they sounded crazy and be like, you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:08:16 He was great. Art Bell was awesome. And he passed away Friday and I don't think we know why yet, but it was Friday the 13th, which is of course he died on Friday the 13th. Right. So God bless him. Yeah. Big salute to him.
Starting point is 00:08:32 He's a pioneer of what we're doing now. So it's really, yeah, we, there's a good chance if he hadn't started this, we wouldn't be doing this. So I don't wear out some Ectoplasm for Art Bell. Go out some Ectoplasm. Yeah. 40 ounce Ecto. Ecto cooler.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah. Go grab an Ecto cooler. Pour it out for Art Bell. Pour some out for Art, man. But drink some as well because Ecto cooler is delicious. It's rare too. So just make sure you're. Oh, it's rare shit.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Just collect it then. Is it? No. Pour it out. Pour it out. That's how you honor a person. Pour out that rare shit. Anyway, Annabelle.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Oh yeah. So we are going to cover a couple of haunted dolls. There was a list of haunted dolls I wanted to cover and I kind of have like a list of like 15 or so, but we're going to start with just like the top two, the two that most people know about and we're going to talk about the story and the history behind them and pick it apart and laugh at it a little bit because some of the stuff behind these dolls is a little hard to swallow, specifically because a lot of the stuff happened in the 70s. So there's not really a lot of evidence other than hearsay and anecdotal reports from either
Starting point is 00:09:44 the people who the dolls belong to or the people who took the doll away from that person and talk about like the hauntings that happened there. The two dolls we're going to be talking about is the infamous Annabelle doll, which there were plenty of movies made about. The Conjuring Annabelle. Really reasonable. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:01 There's a bunch of those that were made and even more infamously within the paranormal sphere belongs with the Warrens at this point who are infamously sketchy at best when it comes to their research. You may remember them from our episode on the Amityville house, which was our first episode. Yeah, go listen to that if you want to get like a nice little lay of how the Warrens tend to work when it comes to certain things and their lust for money. In hindsight, they're just a great hoax detector, but now they're really like if they're involved in something, take it with an enormous grain of salt.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Basically just big rock made of salt. Yeah, but yeah, exactly. Just like a ginormous rock of salt. The second doll we're going to talk about is Robert the doll, which we actually brought up in a, I think it might have been the second episode. Definitely a creepier name for sure. Yeah. So Robert the doll is the one where we briefly brought him up not too long ago where he currently
Starting point is 00:11:03 resides in a museum and he's the one that if you don't ask for permission to like take pictures and stuff of him and communicate with him, like he'll curse you and bad things will happen to you, blah, blah, blah. You forgot to say please. Your car explodes on the way home. Holy shit. Well, there's stories apparently like that, but let's start with Annabelle. Everybody's favorite, that creepy raggedy Ann doll that currently sits in a glass case
Starting point is 00:11:31 in the Warrens weird demonology haunted museum. Not nearly as creepy looking as the Conjuring movies made her out to be. Where is it? Oh, in Connecticut, the museum. It's in Connecticut. Yeah. It's in Connecticut. I can't believe we should have just gone.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I can't believe we didn't do that. Yeah. Oh, during packs. Yeah. We should have like made a road trip. But what else is in Connecticut worth going to? Not no fence to Connecticut. Beautiful countryside.
Starting point is 00:11:58 All right. I'm going to pass on that hard pass. Oh my God. All right. Beautiful countryside. I've seen that. Delicious food. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:07 What food? What food? Tell me a bill of lies. Delicious seafood. Probably. I don't know. Bill of lies. The main point is the haunted doll that we would see there.
Starting point is 00:12:18 What if they have two haunted dolls that would be worth the trip? All right. Well, if you go into the Warrens museum, they have haunted all kinds of things. That's what's wonderful about the Warrens. Everything they touch is haunted. But Annabelle. All right. Let me set the stage for you here, boys.
Starting point is 00:12:36 It's 1970. Everybody has weirdly curly hair. They wear like bizarre pastels. Everyone is doing drugs in the street. You know, you got acid and mushrooms just like growing out of the street cracks. Everyone is doing drugs in the street. Right. This is the 70s, man.
Starting point is 00:12:53 This is a beautiful picture of the 70s. I love this. I want to step into this. What? And the camera focuses on one woman. She's got to be like 19, 20 years old. She's in grad. She's about to graduate from nursing school.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Her name is Donna and her birthday is coming up. And for her birthday, her mother, who she lives with, decided to buy her a raggedy and doll from a local hobby show. Time out. Time out. Time out. We're like a sentence, too. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I'm aware. I'm aware. I'm aware. Donna graduating from nursing school. What do you think the average graduation from nursing school is? Like average. How many? Age.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Like average age. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she's not 19 or 20. Maybe she's like 23, 24. Well, here's all I'm saying. If you are getting a raggedy and doll from your mom, it's a weird gift. It's a weird gift for sure. It's already a weird gift.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So I feel like it's less, the doll itself is not the creepy thing. The creepy thing is the mother-daughter relationship, which is, I feel like this mom doesn't understand her daughter at all, or her daughter has a creepy obsession with dolls. Either way, not a good start to this horror movie. Not a good start. Okay. Okay. But what if the mom is just really, really poor because she's putting her daughter through
Starting point is 00:14:14 nursing school? Then why wouldn't she say, hey, here's your present, happy birthday, you graduated from nursing school. I paid for that. Love your mother. Because maybe she felt an obligation to get her something to buy her a raggedy and doll from a local hobby shop. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You're so poor that the thing you buy is the doll designed as a goof to be like the poor kid doll. Think about that for a minute. Raggedy and doll is supposed to look like raggedy and nasty because that's the joke.
Starting point is 00:14:45 But that's like the rich person joke. If I- If you bought that shit from me and we were broke, I'd be like, take it back. I wish I could take a poll of people who were 20 in the 70s. Would it have been chill to get a raggedy on doll? Find me on Twitter. I mean, in the 70s- No, it's never been chill.
Starting point is 00:15:01 My mom- No, my mom got like a pet rock in the 70s from her parents. Yeah, but your mom was- See, that's what I'm saying. Eating those straight mushrooms and shit. I'm just saying, like, what do you get somebody as a gift in the 70s? Like you don't have the stuff we have now. Listen, I'm not 100% willing to jump on Angie here for buying her daughter a raggedy and
Starting point is 00:15:24 doll. I will. That's a weird gift. I'm not- Already the story is suspicious. I'm not raw on it. I'm just- Alright.
Starting point is 00:15:32 That's a weird gift to get. We'll push onward, boys. We'll push onward. Donna found it cute and decided to place it on her bed as decoration and not even give it a second thought. However, the first month of owning this doll, things immediately started getting weird. After getting the doll, both the mother and Donna noticed some strange things about it, mostly in its movements.
Starting point is 00:15:53 At first, the doll was just moving, just a little bit, tiny things. Its arms had changed position, or its head had changed position, nothing big and nothing too noticeable, but noticeable enough that the two of them, like, took note of it. Then it started to get slowly worse. It would be completely off the bed when they would get home, and on the floor in her room. Until finally, the doll was supposedly moving from room to room. Alright, again, time out, time out. This is how you know this is BS.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Only in a movie-esque plot line does this make sense. Why would the doll, from Jump Street, not be able to move around? Are you saying the doll had to be empowered by something, and if so, why did it take so long? Alright. There's levels to this that are stupid. Stupid. I want to have fist-fight.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Who are these people? Who are these? Who are the daughters? The daughter party? Who are these people? Well, these are named Donna. Donna and Angie. Angie's the mother of Donna.
Starting point is 00:16:51 No, not these people. The people that have the doll. The Warrens? The Warrens? Oh, can I fist-fight them in the street? Maybe. And knock some sense into them? This is nonsense.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Now, not to defend the Warrens, because I'm not defending the Warrens, but if you are... If I had to rank my interests, Aliens would probably be number one, but a closed second is paranormal and ghost stuff is number two, and if you believe that it's a demonic entity or demonic whatever possessing this thing, for one reason or another, again, it's a newer quote-unquote science, the demonic energy needs to be paid attention to. It basically is basically looking for somebody to pay attention to it, because it feeds off of fear and people taking notice of it. So the little movements and stuff like that are to get attention of the people who have
Starting point is 00:17:42 it so that it can feed off of it. Then why would it move big? Because it can't right away, until people start to notice it and get a little bit out of it. So why did you choose that doll? That's a good... We don't know. Why didn't you choose that doll?
Starting point is 00:17:54 Was it in the house beforehand? Was it in the doll beforehand? If it was in the doll for a long time, why did it then decide to start acting out instead of before? The theories of like, could it be the doll? Unlikely that it's the doll itself, but more likely that it might have to do with the location of the house and it latched onto the doll because there was maybe some sentimental value to the doll between the mother and the daughter.
Starting point is 00:18:14 No, pass. There was never... The daughter kept that doll because she felt bad. Secondly, if you're a demon, imagine you're Azrael the destroyer and you have spent thousands of years waiting for your return to the Earth dimension and you are just ready to cause some chaos. The thing you pick is the doll in Donna's house that she got for her nursing graduation gift?
Starting point is 00:18:39 No, man. No, that's not good. A million people did on chat rooms in 2001. That was the... When you're Azrael the demon online, that's the kind of story you'd tell about yourself, right? So, I don't know. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Didn't happen. Alright, anyway, please continue. Listen, I know you're making fun of me, Beelzebub, but look at that rag in the end, doll. I think it's kind of cute. Do you think it's a demonic dare? Like, you got like... Yo, I'm going to possess that shit. Yeah, show you.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Do it. Do it, bitch. You won't do it. Yeah. No, they'll be so scared of that fucking doll. Gilgorn the flayer goes to Azrael the destroyer and is like, I bet you can't freak that woman out in a doll. And he's like, watch it, bitch.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And he like, if you think that's why, I don't... It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. Well, we got it. We got to get through the testimony. We got to... You know, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I'm going to shut up. I'm going to shut up. Alright, here we go. Here we go. Okay. So, eventually started moving room to room and all of these little movements from the little movements of its arms to the little movements of its legs all the way to moving from room to room all happened in the first month of them owning this doll.
Starting point is 00:19:41 So the activity started almost immediately and ramped up very, very quickly. Donna would leave for school or work, leaving it on the couch or bed and come home to it being in a totally different room, usually her bedroom and on her bed with the door closed. Again, all happening within the first month. Then... I would have burnt the shit out of this doll. Right? No shit.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Oh, that's what... Well, yeah, I'll talk about what I would have done if the shit started happening. So we'll continue through this a little bit. So then, that's when the messages started happening. Annabelle would supposedly leave little messages scribbled as though a child had written them down, things like saying, help us and help Lou. All of this was written on parchment paper, but Donna and her mother swear they never kept such paper in the house and they have no idea where it came from.
Starting point is 00:20:36 One day, Donna came home to find Annabelle on her bed, as was the norm, but as she picked up Annabelle to inspect her because she had a weird and bad feeling about her this day, she noticed red drops of liquid on the back of her hands and on her dress. In real life, or the doll? On the doll, in real life. Like it was actually... She sound like she saw like drops on the doll. Yes, she touched them supposedly and saw them and they hesitate to call it blood because
Starting point is 00:21:03 there's no way to know if it was blood, but at least looked like blood. So yeah, weird at the very least. At that point, Donna panicked and contacted a medium to hold a seance. Now, I will always say this, I will personally, I will never fucking mess with two things. A seance and a Ouija board, I just won't. Because if you believe... What if we filmed it? What if I paid you guys to film a Ouija board with me?
Starting point is 00:21:30 I would do it for free. And what if the entire time I tried to get a demon to possess you? See, no, I don't... I'll take your money, but I would do it for free. How much you pay at me to have a demon possess me is the question. I don't know how much you think a demon would want. They don't want money, they want my soul and my body. Well, they get that, but they have suspending money too.
Starting point is 00:21:53 We could talk about it. That could be a really good idea for like a live show. Oh my God, a seance? Holy shit. So for me personally, if you believe in any of this stuff or you really felt a little bit, never fuck with the seance and never fuck with the Ouija board. And the reason is because you're openly inviting shit to come mess with you. You're like either psychically or spiritually opening yourself up to things that you might
Starting point is 00:22:16 not want to actually come mess with you. Does that also apply to like ghost adventures when they're like, hey, you fucking ghost, if you really are here, hit me, dude. Yes, I would be that guy. I know. Another thing I would love to do with the two of you, just go, let's go fight ghost. What if you came face to face with the supernatural? Me?
Starting point is 00:22:38 Yeah. Oh, if I did, then I would be the first one to admit that I was wrong, but I haven't and it hasn't happened. So, you know, hashtag haunt Jesse. It's gonna happen. That's why. Haunted, haunted doll off eBay, man. Something paranormal.
Starting point is 00:22:56 We gotta get something to happen to you. I'm just saying like, like it doesn't even have to be a mean ghost. Where's the cool ghost? It's like, hey, dude, I'm real and I just wanted you to know I don't appreciate you saying that I'm fake. Where's that? And I'd be like, oh my God, you know what? You were right.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I'd come on the next episode and be like, guys, saw the ghost. His name was Philip. He was a cool dude. He was, he let me put my hand through him. It was crazy. And I was like, all right, I believe and I'd ask him questions and be like, so what's the afterlife like? And he'd be like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I'm stuck on earth and purgatory. And I'd be like, that's awesome. And he'd be like, thank you for letting me know that I get answers and then I try to like help him. I'd be like, yo, Philip needs help. I make a go fund me and everything. Maybe ghosts also have prime directive. Like maybe that's why they don't talk to us.
Starting point is 00:23:41 That is not true. I'm just saying not true. It could be true. I don't. I believe if there, if there is such a thing as ghosts, I believe there's probably an explanation that is not. Would the bloody doll, would the bloody doll be enough? What?
Starting point is 00:23:59 No. If you, if you went and looked at your doll and picked it up and it was like bloody and you knew nobody had been home and touched it or done anything, would that like freak you out? No. I'd be like, the fuck? I'd throw the doll away. I'd be like, this thing is so gross.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Yeah. Are you kidding me? I wouldn't be like, oh, it's a demon. It's possessed. This is clearly even blooded. Like why is it sticky? And I'd be like, what happened? I throw it away.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Paper appeared from nowhere. I don't care. Paper said, let's be friends on it. I don't care what the fuck it said. I would be. Oh, the paper said, let's be friends. I would call my mom and be like, you're a mess. This would be out.
Starting point is 00:24:32 This would be out of my house. Dude, if I had come home and I knew nobody had been home and the doll was in a completely different room with the door shut, that thing would have been burned. I'll hug that. Yeah. That's the problem with these stories is people are like, well, I didn't do anything. That's why the doll exists. So did you name the doll Annabelle or is that what the medium said?
Starting point is 00:24:50 Good question. We don't know. We've never specifically spoken about and from my research as well, there's a point in the story that we're going to come up to where the story actually deviates and there's a couple of different stories as to what happened before the war and it's got their hands on it. So what's out there and what's available on Annabelle is really difficult to come across because now, especially when you start researching for Annabelle, the movie comes up constantly
Starting point is 00:25:15 and trying to dig for like actual facts is really difficult. All right. So they called the medium to hold the seance and the medium. Where is it? I lost my I lost my fucking place on this thing because I'm a terrible person. Okay. Here it is. So the medium came and held the seance.
Starting point is 00:25:32 The medium had said that the spirit of a little girl had actually inhabited Annabelle doll and that she felt comfortable and loved with Donna and Angie and that she wanted to live with them. The medium also said that the little girl was talking of past happy times in her life before the lifeless corpse of this young girl was found with no explanation in a field where the apartment complex where Donna now lived resided. Feeling bad for her, Donna gave the girl permission to reside and decide her doll and that the doll could stay and live with them.
Starting point is 00:26:07 But things weren't as they appeared to be. Okay. So mistake one. Let me just, let me just recount this to you just to make sure that I'm understanding this. The doll had been writing like help moving around the house. Help us help you moving around the house. She sees the blood.
Starting point is 00:26:23 She's like, I'm going to take this to the medium. The medium's like this doll is named Annabelle. It's the ghost of a dead girl that died, that her body was found where your apartment building is. Correct. Okay. And that the little girl felt comfortable and loved being in the doll and in the care of Donna.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And so Donna was like, welcome Annabelle. She was like dope. Yeah. Welcome. You know, stay with us. She basically gave whatever spirit that was supposedly talking through the medium, complete permission to stay within. So Donna is pro Annabelle?
Starting point is 00:26:54 Donna, at this point is pro Annabelle. Okay. Yeah. Completely. Even though the doll had blood, like what was blood and writing weird notes on paper that doesn't exist, you know, she's open to it. Fuck that. That's so, that's so scary.
Starting point is 00:27:10 That's so much scarier than even the idea of a doll is that it writes notes on paper that came from nowhere. Yeah. I mean, obviously the paper came from probably Donna and Angie's fucking drawer upstairs where they keep the haunted paper, but you know, I, you know, well, there's a third player in this story, a friend named Lou. Now I can't, I couldn't figure out if Lou was Donna's boyfriend or Lou was just a family friend because from the stories, Lou seemed to spend many a night at Donna and Angie's.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Okay. So from the beginning, Lou did not like Annabelle. Lou had a bad feeling about Annabelle. Lou said he just never felt comfortable around Annabelle. And he was from the very beginning, just supposedly hated this doll. And to further that hatred, now this is where things get weird and hilarious. So things have been a little spooky here now, right? Dolls moving around, little specks of blood on it, but it's a little girl that supposedly
Starting point is 00:28:08 just feels comfortable. All right. So Lou was spending the night one night in another room, guest room or whatever. And one night Lou woke up in the middle of the night, sweating and panicking after having what he describes as a horrendous nightmare. Shortly after waking up, he realized his whole body couldn't move. Now my immediate reaction to that is something called sleep paralysis. And I'm assuming the two of you know what sleep paralysis is.
Starting point is 00:28:35 This is the explanation for every paranormal thing that's happened. But I've also had something like, I believe that sleep paralysis can be a thing. I've experienced something similar. I don't think it's sleep paralysis, but sometimes I'll go on a plane and I'll like, when I get on a plane, I fall asleep, right? Yeah. That's just one of my many talents is being able to sleep on planes. But one time I was on a plane and I guess I just, you, you cut out, hello?
Starting point is 00:29:05 I'm right here. Hello. Oh, everybody cut off on me for like a good 30 seconds. All right. I'll start over. That's fine. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I'll take care of it. So you get on planes and you sleep. Yeah. So one of my many talents is that I can sleep on planes is just a thing I can do. One time I was on a plane. I don't remember where I was going. It might have been to Boston one year for a convention or something, but the year we almost died.
Starting point is 00:29:30 No, it wasn't. But I don't remember what I was going where and what for, but I do remember vividly that I had fallen asleep and like lean forward when I was sleeping and I bit my tongue and I remember popping awake and my jaw was like clenched on my tongue and it hurt very, very badly. But I was still in like a sleep state where I couldn't move and I knew I had to open. I knew I had to open my mouth because it was hurting my tongue, but I couldn't move. It took me like literally willing myself to move my body because my mind was like, what
Starting point is 00:30:07 are you doing? It hurts so bad, but I couldn't move. And then eventually I like was able to unclench my jaw. Yeah. That's horrifying. And it's me personally. I've actually had experience of sleep paralysis and it's a horrifying feeling. I've woken up in the middle of the night where I'm awake.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I'm like, I'm awake and alert in my brain, but I can't open my eyes and I can't move my body and it feels like there's this huge pressure on my chest, which a lot of people describe when they, when they talk about being haunted in the middle of the night of like this ghost laying on top of them. Not being able to breathe like, yeah, not being able, it's, it's actually horrifying. And my girlfriend at the time, basically I was whimpering because I couldn't talk. I couldn't do anything and I couldn't wake up. So I was trying to make noise so that she would wake up and Jocelyn like hit me and
Starting point is 00:30:56 help me wake up. And it's fucking scary because you don't know what's really going on. And then eventually your body like catches up with your brain and you're able to snap awake and be okay. But it's horrifying. It is not fun. Yeah. I've had visual things too where I wake up and there's like something and then I like
Starting point is 00:31:12 have to like double take. I've seen Jesus. Hell yeah. I, there was a point in my life where I woke up, I got to have been half asleep, but I turned over and I faced my, my wall away from my bed. I opened my eyes and fucking right there in my room was a life size like Jesus. And he was standing there looking at me and like, I literally just rolled back over and then it took me a second to my brain was like, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:31:38 And I whipped back around. He was gone. Oh, I wonder what would you, what would you have asked him? If he was still there? Yeah. Oh, I don't, God, am I going to go to heaven? I don't know. What if he had replied, no, I, oh, God, that would have been awful.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I don't know what I would have done at that point. Oh, that was, uh, that was, yeah, I was probably in my early teens on that happen. But with that, well, with that in mind, what happened to Lou? Okay. I was like, back to Lou. So shortly after he woke up, he could, he realized he could not move as he struggled to move. He began to look around and he quickly realized at the end of his bed by his feet as if waiting
Starting point is 00:32:17 for him to notice her was Annabelle. Oh, within moments, Annabelle started to glide up his leg and stopped right on his chest before he felt what felt like hands around his neck starting to choke him until he completely blacked out and passed out. He woke up the next morning fine. Annabelle not in his room, but he swears up and down that that was not a dream. And it's like text book sleep. Scary movie.
Starting point is 00:32:49 No, like text. Oh yeah. Sleep paralysis. Yeah. It's like textbook sleep paralysis. Like anybody who has a ghost sleep paralysis story is like the ghost sat at the foot of my bed and I couldn't get up and it was like hard to breathe. This is that just with Annabelle.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah. Cause he was already scared of Annabelle. There is an image in my mind of Annabelle, the raggedy Ann doll gliding up his leg that I can't find not funny. It looks like a bad movie. It looks like a bad movie in my brain. Like I imagine like an invisible string attached to the back of Annabelle's like hips and just like being pulled up and then dragged up his leg as she like lifelessly kind of just flies
Starting point is 00:33:26 up onto his chest and then he starts getting choked out. I don't even understand how the doll is doing the choking, but it's not the doll. It's the spirit in the doll. You're right. The doll is just a vessel. You're right. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:33:39 But things would get worse for Lou. The next day Lou and Donna were prepping for a road trip of some sort when suddenly upstairs they heard a huge commotion. Lou assumed the place was being broken into and bolted up the stairs. As he got to the door, he waited for all the noise to die down and then he burst into the room ready to confront whatever criminal had broken in. What he found was Annabelle on the floor and nothing out of place in the room. As he slowly approached Annabelle, he thought he felt someone behind him.
Starting point is 00:34:10 You know how you get that feeling of like somebody's watching you. My favorite feeling. Right. Yeah. It's a great feeling. So he whipped around only to see nothing and right then and there he started to bleed from his chest profusely. There were three vertical scratches and four horizontal scratches that had just appeared
Starting point is 00:34:28 on his chest and bled through his shirt and Donna saw it as well. But just as mysteriously as they had shown up, they began to heal. The next day, the wounds were half healed. The day after that, they were fully healed and gone. And there was no more evidence. And there was no evidence. Yeah. As I say, complete lie or just a demonic coincidence.
Starting point is 00:34:55 So that little story of him being scratched up is like the biggest pill that I can't swallow. Just like you get these demonic scratches because in the 70s were there like quick cameras you could take pictures with. They had to have been right. Like 1970 dead off. How old is the Polaroid camera? It's got to be. That's what I was trying to think.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Polaroids. When did Polaroids come around? I don't know. I feel like they would probably be like more popular, if anything, than they are now by a lot. You know what I mean? Jesse, you lived in the 70s. When did Polaroids come around?
Starting point is 00:35:29 I was trying to think like how do you, how do you, there was, there had to have been a way to document that, right? Yeah. There's always a way to document this kind of stuff. But no one ever does it because it's fake. What kills me is that these scratches weren't even like gone in five minutes. You know, the story they tell is it was two days of having these scratches on. Well, plenty of time to, yeah, plenty of time.
Starting point is 00:35:59 And I don't, I don't know. So at least from what I'm reading, it says that there's three vertical scratch marks, four horizontal ones appeared, and then Jesse mysteriously began to heal. And then there's more information. It's like, well, they healed half a day later. To me, what it sounds like is someone said this story like, yeah, he got scratched up. There's blood. It was awful.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And then it immediately healed. So like there was no evidence. And then someone's like, well, that doesn't make any damn sense. Like, yeah, but it wasn't like immediate. It looked like it took like a few hours just to sort of make it sound. Yeah. Sound better when it's still a BS. It's all BS.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Yeah. That it reeks of ridiculous. So this happened. So this happened when in relation to the the the seance within a few weeks. Okay. So this is all so this is all happening like at basically the exact same time. This is all very rapid. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:56 A couple of weeks from the minute. Yeah. Within the minute they've gotten Annabelle, like within a couple of months, like things are just out of control, uh, high, high ramp up. So it's at this point in the story that I've read deviating stories, depending on the source that you're you're reading and taking notes from. So one of two things happened, I can tell before the Warrens get fully involved. Um, both of the stories have to do with a priest being called in to exercise the doll.
Starting point is 00:37:20 But depending on where you're reading and where you're getting your information from, one of two things ended up happening. The first is the priest came and he did do the exorcism on the doll and bless the doll, but mocked it at the end saying, you're just a doll. You can't hurt anyone. And then left afterward. And on his way home, his brakes gave out his car swerved, crashed, and he died, never making it back alive.
Starting point is 00:37:46 People believe that if that's true, then it would have been the work of the demon possessing Annabelle. Do we know this guy's last name? No, because I'm really about to go Google government records about this guy who died. I can't figure it out. I swear to God, I can't figure it out because the later on the Warrens call on a priest and you can look him up and that's where things get really iffy about like, is this doll actually fucking haunted?
Starting point is 00:38:12 But the story of this priest's breaks being like gone and and him dying. It all seems to be hearsay and it's kind of really hard to believe, which is why I was like, it gets ridiculous. The other the other story about the priest is that a priest came in and said it was more or less above his pay grade and didn't do anything and then said he should they should to contact somebody who would be better suited for it. And that's eventually when the Warrens ended up coming. So it's the priest from the Casper movie.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Yeah, I ain't doing this. Like can a priest do that? Can a priest say I need somebody to have more spiritual power than me to like, I don't think that's how the fucking priest would put it. I don't think he would be like, listen, this is a class 10 demon and I'm only a class seven priest. I'm only level five, damn it. I can't do the only class 10s I know around here are the Warrens.
Starting point is 00:39:08 So after the little priest fiasco, somehow, how I don't know, the Warrens learned of Annabelle, whether it be by this priest who said this is like not something he can't handle in the priest. Let them know. That's my question. When he can't handle it is does he he calls the Warrens, yeah, he like leaves their calling card. He's like, you need these people.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah. It's crazy. It's ridiculous. But at some point, Ed and Lorraine Warren of infamy were called in or at least were told about this doll and took interest in almost immediately. They believe the doll not to be haunted by a human spirit, but an inhuman one. They claim that the demonic inhuman spirit was still in what they call the infestation stage of the possession.
Starting point is 00:39:53 You see, demons don't actually like or want to possess dolls. What they want is to possess a human, but they need the energy and raw power to do it. What this meant was that the spirit was merely looking at the moment to gain and draw power from those that he was currently or she demon, whatever was currently living with. And for that, it needed attention and energy. The early movements from room to room were all we're all to have Don and Angie pay attention to it, notice it, keep their eyes on it and maintain interest in it. When they brought in the medium for the seance, it truly bolstered this inhuman spirits abilities
Starting point is 00:40:29 and lied about to them and lied to the medium about being a little girl when in fact it was using the opportunity to gain more power. Fucking Warren showed up and said that the ghost lied to the medium. Yes. Correct. This is so fucking funny. The Warrens have answers for everything. They're like, no, no, this is better.
Starting point is 00:40:49 It's a demon. It's a demon. Right, right. It's a demon. And that the next phase that it was ramping up for and getting close to would be complete human possession. What? Why though?
Starting point is 00:41:00 What? Because this is what demons want, man. They want your spirit. They want to devour your soul and your energies to sustain them. Nope. It's like, nope, nope. From here, the story is pretty straightforward. At the behest of the Warrens, they take Annabelle from Donna and have it in their possession
Starting point is 00:41:16 and is now for display in their museum in Connecticut. Is all of it true? Well, at least the stories that are being told... Wait, wait, wait, wait, again, again. So the Warrens came in, said, it's way worse than you think. We need to take this and put it in our museum. So what they did is they took it just to wrap up like the Warrens. What they ended up doing is they did a little research with them, with the family, convinced
Starting point is 00:41:38 Donna to give it over. They took it with them. They didn't put it in a museum right away. What they ended up doing was doing research and their stories of Ed saying that the doll was levitating on his desk and he'd have to put his hand on it to stop it, that it would go from room to room and do all kinds of crazy shit when they weren't looking. And eventually they deemed it too dangerous, so they locked it up in a glass case and never to let it out.
Starting point is 00:41:59 So glass can stop demons? And that's why if you look at the pictures, well, it could stop the doll. Yeah, so right, that's the thing. So is the demon still technically completely attached to the Raggedy Andal? Why is it attached? Why is it putting in a glass case, stopping it? I don't know. But if you look at the pictures of it, which there are on their website, there are pictures
Starting point is 00:42:21 of Donna, not Donna, of Lorraine Warren with the Raggedy Andal in front of the house that Donna lived in, and you can still see pictures of the Raggedy Andal Annabelle in the glass case locked up with a big sign that says do not open under any circumstances. So glass can stop a demon? I guess so. So if I was the Warrens and I wanted to really make a splash, you know what I would have done? I would have like... Exactly what they did.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I would have let the demon possess one of them and then the other one records it. There is a YouTube channel out there that does that kind of thing, where they actively invite demons to possess them and then record it. It's hilarious. Is it just a Salvia trip channel? Well, if it is, they don't show you taking it. I'm taking it. But that's the long and short of the Annabelle story.
Starting point is 00:43:16 The thing is, because these people did exist and the Annabelle doll does exist, I'm sure that these stories were told, but there's little to no evidence that any of this outside of hearsay and the doll actually being in a glass case, that Annabelle did anything. I'm going to invoke the Jesse argument on this one and say that it is like way too Hollywood to be believable. It is very, very Hollywood. Things that are believable. It is very, very Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Things that are believable. So Hollywood means three movies about it. Yeah. Things that are believable when it comes to supernatural stuff are the things where it doesn't, like if this story, if we had gone all the way back, all the way back, and it was Donna got this raggedy Ann doll from her mom, her mom picked it up at a local hobby shop. There has to be many, many raggedy Ann dolls there, but whatever, brought it home and something
Starting point is 00:44:08 weird had happened and she called in the exorcist or whoever. Somebody came in and was like, oh, well, this is, yeah, this is a little girl. And that's where it ended. And she's like, well, I kept it in the house because a little girl and I came to an agreement and every once in a while she does like some weird stuff, but you know, that's it. The end. That is like a solid, okay, I'm, if I didn't completely believe this BS, maybe I could buy that story.
Starting point is 00:44:32 It is not trying to be too much. Yeah. The local news for sure. It's not trying to be too much. Suddenly it's like, well, then Lou was like, I don't believe in it. And then Lou is killed off. Then the Warren show up and they're like, it's actually a demon. Like, no, no, that's true.
Starting point is 00:44:47 If you're going to die, this is the, this is the, this is about the priestess on the day. This is about lying. This goes back to lying one on one. If you're going to lie, don't upsell your lie. Lies that work are lies that are simple. Yeah. Lies that are, that people would believe that you did, like people who are like, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:09 I see that because it's true. There's a hint of truth in your lie. And that's our skinwalker episode and stories we were telling at the end and what makes a good story and believable versus what makes it like kind of ridiculous and hard to believe. Right. This one's too Hollywood. There's like, yeah. If you want to touch it, don't open that glass.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Why? The thing that, the thing that turns me off the most about it is that the Warrens just sort of like explain why and how and like what's going on. And to me that's like- Very, very quickly too. Like without very, from my, from my understanding and what I read, it seemed like within a few days of them hearing about this, they hadn't answered. Like I would love to hear why they were like, oh yeah, this is a demon, not a human.
Starting point is 00:45:52 You know what I mean? I would love to just like actually go through that like science with them. Yeah. Me too. Because paranormal stuff is crazy. One of the, one of the crazy paranormal things I'd love to, have you ever guys heard, it's getting a little off track, but have you ever heard about the guy who could like project images into a camera and it would like actually, those images would actually show up in print?
Starting point is 00:46:15 No. I forget his name. He's hilarious because he could like, he'd have a professional photographer show up with like news people there to watch, to make sure it wasn't crazy and he would get belligerent drunk in order for it to happen and he would throw thoughts out into and like vocalize them as to what the next picture was going to be while the camera was completely covered so nothing could be taken picture of and the picture would be exactly what he described, but there'd be like little weird things to it.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Like for instance, he would, he threw out a picture of the Hollywood sign, but the Hollywood sign when it came out being like developed from the camera, it was spelled like incorrectly just barely, like by one letter and it was all weird, almost like parallel universe type things like an airplane flying with its wings backwards, those kinds of pictures. This is trackable. Really cool shit. Yes, this is, this is, you can go look it up now, like I think that happened in the eighties and nineties.
Starting point is 00:47:07 What is this guy's name? Like who is this guy? I fucking, I can't fucking remember his name. We're getting off track hardcore. It's a much more believable story though because there's nothing sexy about it at all. Who drunkenly projects pictures into camera. Ted Cereos? Thotographs.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Yep. Ted Cereos. Ted S-E-R-I-O-S. He died in 2006. It's a much more believable. I still am suspicious, but it- Theodore Ted Judd Cereos was a Chicago bellhop known for his production of photographs on Polaroid film. He claimed these were produced using psychic powers.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Cereos' psychic claims were bolstered by the endorsement of a Denver-based psychiatrist, Yule Eisenbud, who published a book named The World of Ted Cereos, thought a graphic studies of an extraordinary mind, arguing that Cereos purported psychic abilities were genuine. However, professional photographers and skeptics have argued that Cereos and his photographs have maybe been fraudulent. So there's like a fun little, I will 100% cover this man. That's a great mini-soad.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I'm just gonna, I'm gonna spoil it now, Dr. Yule Eisenbud created this whole thing to make a buck. The end. Done. All right. There we go. All right. Figure it out.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Uh, I mean like- Yule Eisenbud, dude. Thotograph-Thotography was the premise of the X-Files episode, Unruh, in case you were curious. Oh. But that's a whole another thing that I will talk about. I gotta see how well documented that is. That is fucking crazy. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Uh, things like, um, another photograph depicted part of a building identified later as a hanger belonging to the Air Division of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. However, in the photograph, there was a misspelling. It said Canadian with C-A-I-N-A-D-A-I-N instead of the proper spelling of Canadian on the image sign. That's what I'm talking about. Like weird misspellings and shit like that. I got it.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Anyway. But that doesn't make sense. That doesn't matter. We'll talk about it later. The power doesn't make sense. That's like a terrible power to have. Like, I can visualize things, but also- But it's more believable, inherently. Because unlike fucking Annabelle, which literally has several movies that are like, just following
Starting point is 00:49:22 the basic plot of the story, like, you know, that's not really like a sexy paranormal thing. You know what I mean? Like- I get it. I get it. But it also- All right. I need to know more information before I destroy it. Yeah, there's a lot- Because like the argument that the people who don't believe it make is that inside the camera there was like a gizmo, but they never really explained what
Starting point is 00:49:46 they think the gizmo may or may not be. That would have it- That would like be able to take these pictures even though the camera was covered and like, it gets wonky. But still a fun story. Anyway, let's get to the second doll and the final doll we're going to cover. Is it scarier or less scary than the first doll? It depends. It's scarier, but it's scarier because A, the Warrens aren't involved.
Starting point is 00:50:08 There's no Warrens that's messing with it. But also there's less evidence than Annabelle, but the stories of Robert the Doll are still spooky. So the doll is Robert the Doll. He's pretty damn infamous- Terrible names, very creepy. I know- Have you- Look up pictures of him. He's a horrifying looking monster. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Look it up. He's creepy looking, dude, Robert the Doll. So this all comes from- There's not as many sources on Robert the Doll out there, so this mostly comes from- Oh, fuck Robert. Yeah, right? He's a creepy looking dude. So Robert is a one of a kind hand made by the Steif Company of Germany around the turn of the century.
Starting point is 00:50:47 So he's old as fuck. He sucks. Standing 40 inches tall and stuffed with wood wool known as Excelsior, he is dressed in a sailor suit and once bore painted features not unlike those of a jester. His unusual size indicates he may have been fashioned in the image of his constant companion, a boy named Robert Eugene Otto. The doll took Robert as his name while this boy simply went by Jean. Together they would go on to make history.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Robert the Doll and Jean were best friends growing up. Legend speculates Voodoo played a part in Robert's formative years, while interviews with those close to the Otto family indicate a great deal of emotional energy was placed upon the doll during Eugene's lifetime. It is said that young Jean would shift blame when he misbehaved as a child pointing to the doll and saying, I didn't do it, Robert did it. So already the idea that Robert became a haunted doll might be because of Eugene being psychically projecting negativity onto the doll over many, many years because he was a misbehaved young
Starting point is 00:51:51 boy and would constantly blame the doll for all his wrongdoings. Negative energy for those who do paranormal stuff is the hotbed for all things bad. You don't want to put negative energy into something for a long time. I think that I might have told the story on here before, but my mom also has a ghost thing with a doll like this where she had this doll and she wanted to take it out to dinner with the family and they were like, no. And she like angrily like stomped back into the like, there's like a small step in the middle of the living room that like a step up and she sat the doll down right there on
Starting point is 00:52:30 the like edge of the step and she was like, all right, now none of you ghosts get it. And she like left. And so it just like left this weird bad taste in everybody's mouth because like she doesn't talk about ghosts before this, all that stuff. And it just creeps you out about the, it just creeps you out like instantly when a kid does something like that. Yeah, agreed. I, I love my niece and nephew, but I'm afraid one day they're going to do something like
Starting point is 00:52:59 that when I'm like babysitting them or they're going to point at the wall and just be like, it's Jonathan and be like, I don't know what Jonathan, um, yeah, I don't, I don't, well, anyway, all right, let's continue. Eugene eventually would, as he grew up, went on to become a prominent artist. He designed the gallery at the Fort East Martello Museum and had plans to make his own home a museum complete with wax imprint of the artist's hands as a focal point. Though this dream was never realized, his home became known as the artist's house and stories of the doll's strange behavior became commonplace with those who encountered him
Starting point is 00:53:33 after Eugene's death in 1974. So again, taking place in the seventies for the most part, tenants said they would hear footsteps in the attic room above them, a plumber heard giggling and turned to find the doll had moved across the room on his own. So Lars Hill reported Malcolm Ross visited Robert and said, it was like a metal bar running down my back. At first when we walked to the door, the look on his face was like a little boy being punished. It was as if he was asking himself, who are these people in my room and what are they
Starting point is 00:54:03 going to do to me? What the fuck? Who are these creepy ass people that are like describing this? Yeah, my question is, who walks into the room sees a doll and immediately thinks that that is the expression on the doll's face, like that's a very specific expression. That doll wants to know what you're about to do to him. That's so creepy. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:54:27 It's so weird. Ross's friends told him Robert's backstory and pointed out the children's furniture. It was at this point, Malcolm noticed a change in the doll's expression as if he was following the conversation. One of the men made a comment about what an old fool Gene Otto must have been, Robert's expression turned to one of disdain. Apparently he could just... So there's actually a YouTube video out there, as I was doing this, of a person who was like
Starting point is 00:54:53 looking over their doll collection and he, I think he says one of the dolls is haunted and every time he pans the camera away and pans the camera back, the doll's expression is completely changed every single time. Now granted, very easy to do in editing. You make quick little like one frame jump cuts and you're good to go, but still very creepy to watch a doll's fucking like expression change when it never should ever. That's exactly what I get freaked out about with dolls. The fact they can open and close their eyes so often freaks me the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:55:25 And it was like a cabbage patch kid doll too, so it was like super creepy looking, just straight up straight off the back. Fuck that. Yup, not fun. Anyway, let's continue. Myrtle Router, a ruder, purchased the auto home in 1974. She became Robert's companion and kept him when she moved to Von Feister Street six years later.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I hate calling it a companion, anyway. In 1994, she eventually donated Robert to the Fort East Martello Museum claiming he moved around her house on his own and was haunted. Myrtle died a few months later, but Robert remained active. Museum staff noticed a shift of energies at the Fort East Martello Museum. Though Robert was not initially on display, he started receiving visitors as word spread about his new residence. Once he was put on an exhibit, cameras and electronic devices malfunctioned in his presence,
Starting point is 00:56:18 and soon letters began arriving addressed to the doll, offering apologies for disrespectful behavior or asking for forgiveness. To this day, letters continue to arrive. Ghost hunters, TV shows, psychic skeptics, and believers visit Robert on a regular basis to witness first hand the strange stories they have heard. Is Robert cursed by Voodoo, thriving on the energy placed upon him, a misunderstood doll with a playful spirit, or perhaps just a doll joined by the spirit of his lifelong companion? You'll never truly know.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Oof. And that's the story of Robert the doll. Just totally creepier than the last one, by a lot. Yeah, well it's creepier because there's way less details about it. The story is there's no of the warrants involved, and those who owned him kind of immediately gave him to a museum after a little bit of time. They didn't get a say on it, they didn't get- Yeah, all actions taken were just like, I don't like this doll, please get it away from me.
Starting point is 00:57:20 He didn't cause Gene any problems, so of course Eugene kept him. Eugene died, whoever took him into the care after, after he started moving around on his own, they're like, yeah, how about we just give it to a museum and not deal with the nonsense that he's doing, and then he became active in the museum. So like, pretty quick, you know, I would even say logical decisions were made involved in what to do with him as a haunted doll. If I'm not gonna burn him, I'm gonna give him to a museum, one or the other. So I think that's why he's a little spookier, just because the idea that they actually did
Starting point is 00:57:51 do what I think most normal people would do, and the fact that people still have problems filming him to this day, because electronics go haywire and stuff around him, supposedly of course, all supposedly. I would love to visit Robert the Doll one day, 100%. You can actually buy a Robert the Doll replica on their website. Nope, no way. Not because it's haunted, but because it's just a terrible doll. It's a very outside the box creepy doll.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yes. And the fact that it comes from the turn of the century too, it's like old as hell and worn down. Now imagine that doll having the jester makeup it's supposed to have on it. Why the fuck would it have jester makeup in a sailor outfit? Because kids liked weird shit in the 1900s, man. Good lord. What kids considered enjoyable toys in like the turn of the century is not the same as
Starting point is 00:58:44 what we consider enjoyable now. People liked clowns and weirdly painted things and all kinds of stuff. Yeah, this is fucking awful, dude. Yeah, it's creepy, but we really should, goddammit, I'm mad we didn't go to the Warrens Museum while you guys were down here. I didn't even think of it. Me neither. I should have thought about it.
Starting point is 00:59:04 It would have been nice to just take a car out there one of the days and just get spooked towned. Yeah, dude. I could have driven us up. Shout out. That would have been great. I could have had the worst time of all. Poor Davis.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Davis gets so spooked so easily, it's adorable. He gets so scared so easily. The fact that ducks scare that man is, it's fun. Send all your ducks to atteamedavis on Twitter. Please do. Love the Shilluminati podcast and the Scary Game Squad. And those are the two of the most haunted dolls in existence. There's a few other ones on my list.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I want to eventually cover Okiko. There's a Japanese haunted doll, so immediately she looks way creepier because she's got that straight, long black hair. She's wearing a white dress, very grudge-esque Japanese horror movie looking doll. That's really, really fun. And then there's dolls that try to murder you when you're asleep and stuff like this. There's some funny ones. Oh yeah, Elfa on a Shelf.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Everyone knows that. Dude, Elfa on a Shelf, listen. I don't understand Elfa on a Shelf. Killer. Elfa on a Shelf is a killer. Everyone knows. Yeah, that shit would scare me as a kid. So I woke up and Elfa on a Shelf was just like in a different place from where I remember
Starting point is 01:00:13 him being the next day and my mom's just like, well, he's just watching you for Santa. I'm fucking gonna be so scared. Have you heard the conspiracy theory that Elfa on a Shelf is like training kids to live in a surveillance state? I have not, but it is so easily believable that that is a conspiracy theory. And let's not forget Isla de las Muñecas or whatever it's called, I didn't take Spanish in high school. I'm not good at it.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Island of the Dolls. Have you seen that? Oh, that is so creepy. That is some scary shit. It's like some dude hanging fucking dirty ass dolls in the trees. Every time we do an episode of this, I'm always like, we have years of content. Yeah. A girl died in the river or something and so some really morose like doll island exists
Starting point is 01:01:02 where there's just a bunch of dead dolls hanging from trees. People bring dolls for like the girl, but it's just doll island now. It's creepy. Yeah. It's awful. I'm on eBay right now looking at haunted dolls and there's like a million of them. Oh my God. I'm going.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I'm going. eBay. Just type in haunted doll and you'll see a ton of just haunted dolls. Oh, I like this one that is it looks sort of like a like the Chiquita banana lady. That's nice. Oh, yeah, that she's like the third one down. Yeah. Jadzia.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Jadzia secret agent government clerical worker sometimes what the fuck. Do you guys want to each buy a haunted doll each Jadzia? I like I like that doll. She's gorgeous secret agent government clerical worker sometimes teacher taller bigger haunted doll ships for $1. This is some 3995 haunted metaphysical paranormal psychic vessel spirit doll very active energy. This damn. This is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:02:09 She doesn't share a lot about the work having to do with spying but says she was trained to carry out tasks undercover apart from her normal job as a clerical worker slash data entry. I'm reading the description of this doll Jesse. Welcome. I would like you to meet Lolita the Barcelona from Barcelona. I like it so far. I was fortunate to find her in my travels in 2016 in a small side street shop.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I was drawn to this very very unusual shop that had everything that was very old and odd. Also it had gremlins. Right. Yeah. Don't feed them after midnight. I could hear her laughter her spunk in spontaneity Lolita is lots of fun is a Spanish dancer and enjoined and enjoined.
Starting point is 01:02:48 That's not a word. And enjoined. She enjoined. She enjoined entertaining people. The men especially love her. Her captivating beauty, her sexuality is strong. Yep I see it. Look in her eyes.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Her smile. She wanted to continue her journey here on the earth plane after her passing of old age. In my photography of Lolita, her face would change her smile, her smile, her eyes moved. She is very active. All caps. She may have many different experiences with this lovely lady change your life. She is captivating and will change your life. I'm going to go on a limb and say English is not this person's first language.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Speaking for happiness, love, fun, then she is for you. She's great. She is great. She is vintage in wonderful condition about six inches tall. Her hair, long lace dress all so beautiful. Does she call to you questions? I think we've stumbled onto some kind of bizarre culture here that I don't feel well equipped enough to like understand the intricacies of here with these haunted dolls.
Starting point is 01:03:51 This is, she's only $39.95 with $7.25 expedited shipping. There's like a vice article here waiting to happen if there isn't one already. Like a weird tickle cult of like doll cult. Yeah, just like this woman is a haunted doll owner. I'm going to go instead of best match, I'm going to go with price highest first. Okay. This is, I have worked with a paranormal for 40 years holding degrees in witchcraft as a science.
Starting point is 01:04:24 I didn't know you can get a degree in witchcraft as a science. I, I don't know where I'm sure you can get one. I don't know what the name of that place is. This is just someone selling, this is the low lead, the low lead of doll who's got high sexual energy. Oh, how? That's what I'm saying. I'm, I'm down.
Starting point is 01:04:43 That's, that's pretty creepy. If I buy you a doll, Alex, will you do research with it? I will do my due diligence. What does that mean? Whatever it takes. I don't know. I don't know what it would mean to do research on a doll. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:01 I don't know what is appropriate. I don't know what instruments. Oh, I would ship it to your house and you just have to keep an eye on it and take notes if anything weird happens or any of that stuff. I don't know. I don't know if I could handle it looking at me. There's 12 people viewing this thing per hour. Someone could buy it.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Someone could snatch it up. I'm not, I, you know what? Let them have it. They probably want it more than I do. All right. Do you see anything good, Jesse? No, it all looks terrible. It all looks terrible.
Starting point is 01:05:30 This is haunted doll ring for Jhin King Queen Shaking the Friggin. I'm still, I'm still trying to find a, you know, a Mrs. Cox and actually continue to have sex in my life. So I don't, I don't want any dolls in my house. I don't want to be that guy. I believe it was a haunted sex doll. I don't want that. That's a new, that's a new online.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I can't have a relationship with a sex doll. You just call it, call it shilluminating your friends and send them a real haunted artifact. All right. Yeah. In the mail. Also, yeah, we all have PO boxes. If you have something haunted you want to get rid of, pick one of us and just send it to us.
Starting point is 01:06:08 You have to put a letter in there saying what it is. Yeah. I need to know what it is. This haunted doll right here, this thing is $400, a Sami haunted looking haunted looking vintage doll from Akigara Japan Suicide Forest. No, thank you. I'm out. I don't want that.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Yeah. That thing is horrifying. Yeah. Good God. All right. Well, that's our little episode there on two of the most haunted dolls in the world. It has been an absolute delight to talk about scary children shaped toys. I will say, it was a nice brain cleanser after the alien chaos in the last episode.
Starting point is 01:06:50 The piece of gender between two complicated pieces of sushi. Yes. Yes, exactly. It was nice. But we'll wrap this sucker up. It's crazy how fast an hour by doing these things. It just always goes by so quick. But thank you all for listening.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Jesse is looking for his new waifu on eBay still, I think. She's there. It's just a matter of time. Somewhere deep and deep inside eBay's haunted doll section is his waifu. If you guys have anything haunted in your house, do tell us on the subreddit. Let us know. The stories keep pouring into the subreddit. I love reading them.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I'm still reading them. I had somebody tweet at us yesterday, as of this recording at least, whose mom was part of the, she saw the Phoenix lights. Oh, yes. And she said she got out of her car and looked at them. She didn't get abducted or anything. But she saw the Phoenix lights and spoke about it when he was a kid. And then because of our podcast, the conversation happened again.
Starting point is 01:07:51 He got more details about it. And I find that stuff wicked fascinating. Let me get that home footage, y'all. Yeah, right? If you got home footage, bring it on. If you got footage of a doll moving, show us. If you have real footage that you shot yourself of something paranormal, I want to see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:07 I'd love to see it. Yeah. Me too. Thank you guys so much also for all the reviews. We're almost at the 205 star reviews up on iTunes. It's awesome. We appreciate your love. If you want to tweet at the show, obviously at Chiluminati podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:20 If you want to tweet us specifically, you can tweet at me at Mathis Games, Jesse at Jesse Cox and Alex at Fasiana, Fasiana A. Yeah, that's it. It was a bad, it was a bad call in hindsight, I think. I just have a bad, I just have Fasiana A find me on there. You know it. Yeah. You can do that.
Starting point is 01:08:38 We'll be back in a couple more weeks as to what that topic is. Well, we'll leave it for a surprise. Who knows? Thank you guys so much. Who knows? We will see you guys in a couple of weeks. Goodbye. Bye.

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