Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 53 - Minisode Compilation II

Episode Date: May 30, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dear roads, trails, and rivers. Are you ready for some SUV action? Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for twisty trails or dress up for a night out on the town. Up your family adventure game with the Highlander. Make a splash with the rugged RAV4 or haul a weekend's worth of fun with the spacious new Sequoia. They all come with standard features and some sweet, sweet tech.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Check out this versatile lineup at Toyota, let's go places. We've been able to take this podcast from hobby to profession and put all the man hours we possibly can into it. And because of you, we've also began to fill out our team. The first one being a full-time researcher brought under the team so that we can continually do more regular deep dives into the weirdest, craziest topics we can find.
Starting point is 00:01:17 And as the patron grows, we'll fill out our little team with an audio engineer and all the little necessary things to bring you the highest quality podcast we can. If you want to check out all the behind the scenes stuff and get those mini-soads right now, you can go to slash Illuminati pod. Chipping in a couple bucks can go a long way.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Thanks and enjoy the episodes. Hello, hello, everybody, and welcome to the Chilluminati Minnesota, Minnesota. Mini Minnesota. Minnesota, Minnesota, Minnesota, Minnesota, Chilmini, Chilmini, Chilmini5. I can't remember what we said. I can't remember what we said they called.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Hatch, Chilmini. I look back at the patron actually and I have named something different almost every time. It's a mess. It's a mess. But thank you so much for your support, as always, over on Patreon. I'm excited for this minisode because Alex changed his right as we started the recording of episode 46 and Jesse says he's got something cool
Starting point is 00:02:34 I'm so excited for for this. I actually brought something Usually I am like everything I read on the end. I'm like this is stupid So I don't ever bring anything because I don't want to you know spread BS, but I Found something I really want to talk to you guys about so I'm excited. Okay. Why don't we start then with Alex? Okay? What first of all What country is your news set in Jesse just so that I'm not stealing your thunder just in case? My news isn't news. It's from Reddit And it was a topic that was posted and I want to see what your thoughts are on some of the responses
Starting point is 00:03:08 Okay, great. All right, so my story initially I'm just gonna touch on it because I know you guys out there are gonna be like what were you really gonna tell us? Before you did the stupid Lincoln Kennedy thing So I'm just gonna tell you really quick that there was You know Yeah, no, I'm not before before people get mad. This is my topic now. I'm taking it, but also tell it tell it Alex Yeah, I'm just telling you like Everybody is feeling a little scared of the outside right now because we're all locked inside our houses obviously and
Starting point is 00:03:39 You know unless you're going to work And so at night it's kind of scary because things could be happening outside like right now in my neighborhood Somebody's like breaking car windows and it's like fucking crazy because we can't do anything about it because we're not supposed to be outside Right, right? And so in India something similar is happening where over the past week There's been sightings of this creature on roofs and in bins and in and stuff like a fucking around and being on roofs like scaring people and shit like that and Slowly over the week that story is transformed from a monster into a man And they're calling him the spring man because they think that he'll jack
Starting point is 00:04:14 We are because he can jump onto houses people are saying he can jump onto houses just like Spring-heeled jack so he can like be standing in the street and then bam. He's on the roof of the house Yeah, so there hasn't been any photo evidence of it or anything like that But just to give you an idea of how big of a deal this story is right now There was actually people who were arrested in India who are like in a group Roaming around like patrolling for this thing because they really believed it was out there because that's how like real it is right now They like defied their quarantine or their self-imposed isolation or whatever the thing is that they weren't supposed to be
Starting point is 00:04:53 Violating just want to sneeze the coronavirus on him. So we'll stop. Well, they just they were outside at night looking for this thing No, it's crazy to me. It's why no, it's wild But they got the story. That's that now, you know, that was from coast to coast So shout outs shout outs to coast to coast website. They got good news articles on there But that was what that was originally gonna be I'm not gonna dive any deeper into that anymore though because it was kind of dumb anyway And now I know that we need to talk about Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, too So I pull that we do I pulled up the classic Snopes article on this
Starting point is 00:05:26 Coincidence because we're gonna go through the list This is like one of those things that used to go around in the 90s in the 80s like on Facebook all the time Yeah, like people would like you know one of those mailers that you pass on like people don't do that anymore because we all decided together like That's fucking annoying but some some sects of old people still do it, but this was this was one of those some sexy Like some sexy old people still do this I love me a Gmail. Yeah, exactly. I mean look we love getting emails But this unfortunately is like one of those things that spread around and it's problematic to say the least in terms of its But we'll break it down because it is it is
Starting point is 00:06:11 Convincing there's a lot of historical evidence to back up the claim and that's why it's so pervasive, right? So let me let me hit you with a few coincidences between these two great presidents to very famous American presidents Abraham Lincoln John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Here we go. Get ready first one Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress. He was a congressman first. He was elected to Congress in 1846, okay? Okay, nothing crazy about that on its own until you realize that John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress before he became president in 1946 100 years difference and even that is not that convincing at first until You find out that Abraham Lincoln was elected to be the president in 1860 and
Starting point is 00:06:53 That John F. Kennedy was elected president 100 years later to the day not to the day 1960 but you know it's called the same election day 100 years apart Also, it may or it may astound you to find that the name Lincoln and the name Kennedy each contain seven letters Wow, yeah, I'm blown away. I also want to bring up just wait it gets dumber I also want to bring up that both presidents are known for their attention to civil rights Okay, they're famous for like some civil rights related things Just after we learned Abraham Lincoln jammed all the youths in the Utah basin Yeah, a lot of violations of Native American civil rights
Starting point is 00:07:39 Both wives lost their children while living in the White House They both lost a kid While they were sitting as the first lady Both presidents were shot both presidents were shot in the head. Both presidents were shot on Friday. Oh, wow Uh Just before the murder Lincoln's secretary whose name was Kennedy warned him not to go to the theater and Kennedy's secretary whose name was Lincoln warned him not to go to Dallas. Oh Both assassins were from the south
Starting point is 00:08:12 Both sure about that one for Kennedy though. What are we sure about that one on Kennedy? Are we sure about that one for Lincoln? It could have been vampires. That's true. Okay. Well, listen According to the established narrative before Alex Fossiani of Chiluminati podcast blows it all out of the water It is assumed that both of their assassins were Southerners both presidents to succeed these people were Southerners Andrew Johnson Who succeeded Lincoln was born in 1808 Andrew Johnson, by the way And if you know your history, you know that Kennedy was succeeded by Lyndon Johnson who was born in 1908 100 years later Think about that. Wow to Johnson's 100 years apart
Starting point is 00:08:54 Yeah, the two assassinated presidents You think each like they've saying like you because like each a president was assassinating kind of lived very similarly in that way And they went up that way each one's like a bookmark to the evolution of the simulation that we had like it's version 1.0 It was like 1800s version versus 1900s version. I'm like, yeah, I'm living that Westworld Hell yeah, also speaking of 100 years apart We know who John Wilkes Booth is and we know who Lee Harvey Oswald is both of which have three names Which are made up of 15 letters each
Starting point is 00:09:28 Yeah, that's right They were both born 1839 1939 100 years apart get your mind blown Just a little bit more for you. I don't want to I don't want to kill you today on this podcast I just want to amaze you so I'm only gonna tell you a few more things, okay? Booth ran from the theater that he shot Lincoln in and was caught in a nearby warehouse Okay, and Oswald ran from the warehouse that he shot Kennedy in and was caught in a theater and
Starting point is 00:10:03 Both of them if you know your history before they were able to go to trial Both of them were assassinated Well damn so think about good hold on you could please continue so think about that So so let's break these down. Okay. Yeah break it down for at at first. This seems like Insanely coincidental some of these things especially are like you start to do the number 23 in your head you start to like Think something's happening, right? but if you start to think like about like
Starting point is 00:10:41 You know just like the nature of coincidences and what a coincidence means and what like two people who are in the same Like system of government succeeding in the same yearly succession for years and years like if if they had if they had occurred 90 Two years apart a hundred and five years apart It's like a hundred years only matters because it's around number But like you know elections happen the same number of years apart from each other all the time Yeah, it's always gonna be a multiple. Yeah, they're always gonna be there of those numbers
Starting point is 00:11:17 So even though it is somewhat of a coincidence like it's like a one in twenty chance rather than like a you know One in a million chance. All right. Also. I just want to say one of the things about this that I love is that it like I Had to look this up just to verify that I was gonna hit you with like facts Internet but This all this thing also is known for taking like liberties So a great example is Alex said, you know, he ran from a theater and was caught in a warehouse and that kind of thing Technically maybe a warehouse, but John Wilkes Booth was he was caught on a tobacco farm and so people in a warehouse on a tobacco farm where as as as
Starting point is 00:11:58 Oswald was like an employee at a like it's not even really a warehouse. It's like right deposit It's like I mean if you've seen it, it's like a tall office building basically, you know, like It's like you're you're you're you're teasing it a little bit to make it right to make it fit and be more shocking than it already is Yeah, yeah, same thing with the the presidential elections. It's exactly the same thing 1860 1960. Yeah, we have elections every four years Exactly. It's like yeah math it worked but also more importantly is election dates and inauguration dates and How long it took to vote like the difference between voting in 1860 and voting in 1960 are totally different Yeah, when presidents are sworn in like the whole thing was a vastly different machine a hundred years before
Starting point is 00:12:45 Almost nothing they did resembled each other right any point also the thing about their names, right Lincoln and Kennedy each have seven letters, right? Already like if you're a skeptical person, you know that that is just pure nonsense in terms of like mystical coincidence Yeah, because like There's a lot of names that have seven letters in them. Mm-hmm, but The thing that's crazy is the average length of presidential surnames is six point six four So in terms of like coincidences, it's like actually not that far off from averages between all the presidents Yeah, that's yeah, exactly. I think that's if anything. That's the coincidence. What about why are there no short name presidents? Yeah, that is right about that. Why?
Starting point is 00:13:30 I wonder yeah, and taft taft was one of the bad ones That's true. That's you know wonder if like a longer name automatically people's grant like it's more powerful or carries more or carries more is like Authority with it or something. Well, I mean, yeah, but like okay like Lincoln and Kennedy both have seven letters Yeah, and that seems amazing, but the dude's name is Abraham Lincoln. No middle name. That's his full name Abraham Lincoln John Uh f Kennedys John Fitzgerald Kennedy. So if you actually look at that full name together, yeah, it's not the same It doesn't fit. Can I tell you it's exactly how I'd cheese online quizzes You know those quizzes were like type in your name and we'll tell you what you're supposed to be I always type in Jesse
Starting point is 00:14:11 Jesse Cox and then my full name to see whatever the best answer will be and I was like, yeah, okay, that's the right one Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, I also was talking about civil rights, right? Uh, but it's like The article makes a good point, which is like all these things happen, but they're like not related to anything that like The president themselves did it's like being right Like they're their their own example is like it's like saying Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt were like particularly concerned with wars Yeah, you know what I mean? It's like it's so dumb. Sure, but like that's just because the entire planet went to war during their Their presidential term and arguably
Starting point is 00:14:53 Arguably Lyndon Johnson did most of the Work when it came to civil rights Right. Yep. Yeah, he was there to close all the deals. Yeah, he like did all yeah. He was the one who signed everything Um, also the thing about them losing their kids while in the White House All of Lincoln's kids were born Before he was the president and the Lincoln's actually lost two kids One died when he was four years old of tuberculosis and then
Starting point is 00:15:21 Uh, that was in 1850 and then the 11 year old son was the one who died in the White House of typhoid during, uh, the end of their first year So he like first of all losing kids in those days is not as it's not as like Uncommon crazy as it is now to lose your kid like that It does seem crazy that you could be the leader of the free world Although although admittedly 1860s america We were not anywhere near a leader of anything. Everyone in the world was like, oh boy, they're messed up over there
Starting point is 00:15:55 Although I don't think that's changed, but they're like, oh, but you know what smash cut to be johnson Going into the icu for covet like it's it can happen. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah uh But yeah, so so Lincoln lost a kid who was 11 years old while he was in the White House who had lived 10 years before that, but uh but jfk and uh jackie onassis She had like a
Starting point is 00:16:23 She had like a premature birth that died two days later So she her kid dot did die in the White House But the the two circumstances if you actually look at them one is like losing a kid that you've known for a decade and the other one is like You know Almost like you didn't even have the kid yet like the kid came out early It was not looking good and it died quickly like it was like a much different situation There's nothing mystical about the similarities between the exactly. It's just surface level nonsense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, uh But people eat that people eat it up
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah, they love stuff like that. Yeah. Yes. It's oh it all it's all connected. Don't you see? Yeah, don't you see jesse? Look, this is how I now you understand how I feel every time we go to every episode I'm like, how are you falling for this? Also, both presidents being shot on a friday is actually like a one in seven Shot you're right. Yes, I mean you're right. It's very very everybody thinks that's one in 49 but it's like not it's like one in seven each time and then uh The other thing that's crazy is like
Starting point is 00:17:29 About fridays is like, you know friday is like a like a Day goes out. Yeah, exactly Both were shot in the head is like everybody who ever tries to kill anyone shoots them in the head obviously But if you think about the actual aiming for the shirt But if you actually think about the shots that were taken in both one was like up against the temple of the president almost You know like a guy was in the booth with him and shot him And the other one was like Allegedly a sniping like a one in a million sniper shot from a window
Starting point is 00:17:59 yards away So Yes, both presidents were hit with bullets in their heads But the everything else about it. Totally not the same Not connected And then the lincoln secretary kennedy warning him not to go to the theater and kennedy secretary lincoln warning him not to go to dalis Uh, not even actually true. Kennedy had a secretary named eval and lincoln there's no
Starting point is 00:18:24 Explanation of whether or not that person ever told him not to go to this like motorcade Uh, and lincoln does not have a secretary named kennedy There was john nicolay and john hay. So I don't know Uh, nobody ever Also. Oh, yeah, the other thing that's important about this part of the article is like if you're the president Right I'm in the president's seat right now. It's almost like
Starting point is 00:18:52 Every time you go do anything somebody tells you that you shouldn't do it because somebody might try and kill you Because you're the fucking political leader of like Even united states of america Like there is an element of danger to you appearing in public every time and that is why there are guards Who are with you at all times when you are in public for the rest of your life So the idea that somebody warned you not to go do something before you died as the president is like It's not it would be weirder if somebody like didn't You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Have a good time. Like look at psychics
Starting point is 00:19:24 Psychics can like be like something bad is gonna happen and you can like believe it because it's like Well, then and it but especially then if you believe it you immediately start looking out for it and so you you start kind of Building scenarios where you're gonna get in trouble Well, like psychics can tell you a lot of things that happen like 15 20 things But if one of them happens you're like that psychic was real You um Yeah, uh, okay. Also the southerner thing. They're both killed by southerners. John Wilkes booth, uh, was actually
Starting point is 00:19:56 born in maryland Uh, he was definitely like a southern sympathizer and he like agreed with the philosophy of the south at the time but he was definitely like born in maryland and then Oswald was born in new orleans uh And he was in louisian in texas and then he was in new york And then he went in the marines but
Starting point is 00:20:18 Like it doesn't matter because oswald even if you follow like the official story It has nothing he like didn't like the reason he killed kennedy had nothing to do with like The north or the south where as with booth It's like everything to do with it like it doesn't like he doesn't see himself as like a southerner in the same way that like In the same way that booth it's all it's all like you said it's all just surface level like similarities any any depth any going into it Even a little bit you find just like oh, it's all bunch of kind. Yeah people don't look beyond it and uh Another thing is I also said they're both succeeded by southerners and if you know about the presidency
Starting point is 00:20:54 You know that for a long time the second place person became the vice president and and as as like a historical sort of like Uh, what do you call a precedent it's like very common that if you're trying to Like get on the good side of the united states of america and you're like I'm affiliated with one political party You're gonna bring somebody into your sphere. That's like of the other political party to like maintain that Sort of like image. You know what I mean? Yeah Like lincoln was a northern republican who was running for reelection
Starting point is 00:21:29 Uh in the midst of civil war and so he put a southerner On his at who's it's about it's balancing the ticket. It's the way to always. Yeah, it's always been that way If you're an old man, you get a young guy to be your vice president If you're a young guy you get an old person if you're from like new york You find someone from the deep south if you're from california you find someone from the midwest It's yeah, it's how they've always done it got a balance. He's like admitting He's like a new englander. So he got johnson who's like yee-haw texas and then yeah, yeah, exactly But that doesn't even hold up because the idea that andrew johnson is really a southerner anyway
Starting point is 00:22:04 He was the only senator from the south Who didn't secede he was like against he was loyal to the union after the secession So the the fact that they're both southerners again, it's like it doesn't really mean anything about it. It's meaningless Like titles. Okay. Yeah, it it really impresses grandma though. She sees it as like, uh, don't you see coincidence is all around us I mean if you're just like having a cup of coffee and scratching your balls in the morning reading this like Yeah, yeah, you're not gonna look into it and kicks in be like, oh, that's fucking wild. Yeah, uh Johnson is like the most common last name that there is. Yeah, of course. So obviously
Starting point is 00:22:48 Johnson is like very likely to be the name of your successor. It's not like each of their last names was like you know Shyamalan like Sure some name that you'll you remember how to say just because it's so exotic to your ears like, you know, johnson is like the most Common name in america both times Uh, another the the the birthday thing also. It's like it's a hundred years. It's true, but it's like you know The only reason it's significant is because of the number 100 it has nothing to do with anything
Starting point is 00:23:24 It doesn't mean anything about everybody whose birthdays are a hundred years apart Just the fact that they are a hundred years apart. It's literally like if they were both 99 years apart It wouldn't like why is that not significant, but a hundred is You know what i'm saying the human brain likes patterns, right? Uh, same thing with the birthdays, uh with john wilk's booth and lee harvey oswald 1839 and 1939 Except that booth was actually born in 1838 and not 1839 And so they just like fudged it to make it even more Like sensical ridiculous
Starting point is 00:24:00 The other thing about them is the three names thing lee harvey oswald was always called lee oswald Like to people that he knew people just said his full name afterwards in the in the uh In the press because he actually used fake names all the time and also, you know You don't know the person so you just read the whole name that you see lee harvey oswald and john wilk's booth Actually was usually called j wilk's booth or john wilks because his Dad and his brother were both named junius wilk's booth and they I think were both actors
Starting point is 00:24:35 All three and his brother edwin was also e wilks booth. I feel like I knew that Yeah, so he's he's all from actors and he was a famous actor like they were all actors uh the 15 letter thing Is also weird because none of their same names like like uh if you think about like lee harvey oswald john wilk's booth like none of the actual names themselves are the same letters
Starting point is 00:25:02 So it seems much more coincidence like just random that it adds up to 15 in both cases And it is that's exactly what it is yeah, um and uh And uh, okay the thing about the you were talking about the thing about the theater to the warehouse and the warehouse to the theater right Booth shot lincoln inside of a theater And then led and then left and fled state lines like he went far And then got trapped inside of a building where he was killed, right? All right
Starting point is 00:25:33 Oswald was in the warehouse It's You know whatever depository whatever it is He like textbooks depository a depository something you put in your butt. Yeah, I was gonna let you roll with it, dude Oswald was in the building shooting out at kennedy who was not in the warehouse Then he stayed in the same town He was taken alive in a movie theater was not killed there and then like taken out by the cops
Starting point is 00:26:03 You know what I mean? And it took like maybe 45 minutes for them to find really different stories. Yeah completely uh And then the idea that they were both assassinated before their trials is like crazy because like This dude saw them and just shot him while they had him like The barn was on fire
Starting point is 00:26:26 He was trapped inside. There were guys with guns outside And the dude just like saw him and shot him and he was like I had to Like I had to shoot him Because he didn't want this dude to burn to death inside of a barn Gotcha, you know what I'm saying? Like he said He said that he shot him because he thought that he was going to attack But later he said I saw him trapped in this barn and I just shot him out of mercy because I wanted him Yeah, so it was a mercy killing whereas Oswald was legitimately
Starting point is 00:27:00 assassinated by like a person who walked up to him during like Him being moved from one place to another jack ruby came up just a private dude like a normal You know regardless of what conspiracy there you believe this dude's just like some nightclub owner Who like goes up and like caps him just because he's like Fuck you for shooting the president. You know what I mean? Yeah Uh also booth was shot A couple times I think and lived for like three more hours after they got him out of there and oswald died like
Starting point is 00:27:36 I think before he got to the hospital or at the hospital after they rushed him away, you know like So nothing about it is the same. Yeah That's wild though Like what people will do just to make things feel like they have meaning and purpose And that life isn't just chaos. Yeah Uh and the reason I like this snopes article and real and real quick shout outs to David Mickelson or michelson who wrote this article Like in 1999
Starting point is 00:28:05 But that he added another item to the list that often ends up on the list Uh, but he left it off earlier because he thinks that this item kind of just like You know Makes the whole thing seem more sus But it says a month before Lincoln was assassinated. He was in Monroe, Maryland And a month before kennedy was assassinated. He was in maryland min row But actually maryland min row died
Starting point is 00:28:31 I over a year before Kennedy was killed Uh, and I'm not even sure if the part about Lincoln being in maryland is true Yeah, that's ridiculous Well, so there you go for tearing that shit. Can I like really mess with your heads? This is This is nothing to do with like, um You know Lincoln or kennedy, but it takes us down the path because I know alexy metton johnson is a last name Yeah, and it got me thinking like oh, what are the
Starting point is 00:29:00 Main last names like one of the the biggest last names in each country, right? And so on uh net I don't know what the actual website is, but I know they have an image Which is most common last name in every country, right? And so I went on to look up what the most famous last names or most common last names are and What I see is like as a history nerd is so fascinating because it is all directly tied to colonialism So a great example is the number one name in the united kingdom is smith
Starting point is 00:29:35 That's also the number one name in new zealand, australia, canada and america in north america Yeah, uh another great one is in portugal It's silva in brazil it's da silva in uh spain it's garcia and then in uh many of the countries that spain controlled it's the number two name What's also, I mean like garcia is in ecuador and stuff like that, but it's also gunzales or rodriguez
Starting point is 00:30:10 are other ones that are Huge and those are up on the list as well and it's fascinating to see where people Took their names and took control of things over the last several hundred years and how Especially for the british empire because it's technically the most recent empire um How it's still lasting with the the big, you know, australia new zealand north america It's fascinating that is like i wonder Legitimately how deep that goes because it seems like it could be like really a deep rabbit hole to go down
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's like the the ancient history version of that weird app that thing that showed that people showed up on twitter Where you can track cell phones and watch how it spreads like well, yeah, and you can see you can see fascinating things that i love so for example is uh In north korea and south korea kim is the most used last name You're like, okay. I guess that makes sense until you see that in kazakhstan and uzbekistan kim is also the most used last name so you have to be like So they the name the last name that family group Moved
Starting point is 00:31:18 geographically through north korea from south korea through north korea through china, which is where wang is the most popular past all these other places to get into the middle of Eurasia essentially And in kazakhstan and ubekistan is the number one last name It's crazy the number one last name in uzbekistan is kim is kim and kazakhstan is kim. I would not expect that right all
Starting point is 00:31:45 Fat like it's so fascinating. You can see like a a great example is based on the way nations used to be in the middle of europe uh nova kova I'm saying that wrong probably but nova kova is check republic And at the same time in slovenia Novak is it is it's just a Same name with a different accent. Yeah, and in poland it's it's novak, but it's spelled n o w a k But the w's are v's in poland. No, that's wild. That's cool. That's that's that's like cool though
Starting point is 00:32:15 Like it's it's like you said it's fascinating. That's like how people always say we're like one in six people are related to Jengis Khan or whatever. Yeah, and that's true. Especially in in asia uh Most people who have a little bit of asian like ancestry are definitely in somewhere related. Yeah That's fucking insane A dude spread a seed All right, are you ready to get crazy guys? Can I take you down to crazy town? Okay On right at this week a whole other episode at this point. It's wild on on reddit this week. We saw
Starting point is 00:32:48 a post go up that said What conspiracy theories do you believe are actually true? Oh, I love threads like this so much And it was just hey people tell us what you think is actually real And I went I I decided to go from least crazy to fool crazy. Okay. Okay, but here's the thing I didn't want to get like out there because that's the whole point of the show I just want to keep it like Very low-key not like that aliens are actually controlling the government not like that stuff
Starting point is 00:33:17 actual things that are Possibly could be real that I would even buy. Okay. This is the beauty of reddit in general right here in a nutshell Yeah, you're saying all right our first. I just want to hear what you think the two of you. All right theory number one The hole in your toothpaste is far too big You don't need that much toothpaste as you see in the commercials, but it gets you to buy more sooner The hole like the toothpaste that you squeeze out waste more Yeah, that it's too it's too big for it's actually you don't need that much toothpaste They're just trying to get you to buy more toothpaste sooner. I see I don't know if I believe that because one
Starting point is 00:33:52 I have definitely put too little toothpaste on my toothbrush before and I've had not enough and I've needed more Uh, but well, I will say this so many so many candies are shrinking So many candies get like a big stamp on them at some point to save like x amount of chocolate You know like per bar by like stamping it out of the bar Uh, you know stuff like that they're saying I forget what the big famous one was like uh recently Cadbury eggs or something were like one third the size they used to be or something like that but someone in this topic said that The toothpaste company's paid a guy to make their caps like a few millimeters bigger
Starting point is 00:34:32 Bigger than like what they're supposed to be Yeah, so they squirt out more toothpaste so you have to buy more sooner I yeah, so I'm sure that adds up and well when you sell something on that scale like that is what adds up You know what I mean? Yeah, I I I say it's true verified. I guess You convinced math is so quickly Yeah, I was like well, I guess I could see big business doing something like that and it's stupid Not my toothpaste my toothpaste is italian and it's like impossible to get out of the fucking tube, but Whenever I'm in a hotel. I'm like holy shit
Starting point is 00:35:07 All right theory number two The coca-cola corporation came out with a new coke In order to change the original formula to corn to corn syrup from regular sugar without people complaining about the subtle difference Did that really happen? They came back with corn syrup? Really? It's something you can actually check That's if that's true that is absolutely why they did it coca-cola Guaranteed that corn syrup is because new coke everyone hated new coke. They hated the taste And then they came back with regular coke again. They brought regular
Starting point is 00:35:41 I'm gonna make a documentary about people telling me what new coke tasted like they did they did switch obviously But they did over the course of the 80s Keep cutting the amount of sugar that was in coke of it. So it's like it was happening anyway Over the course of years and then eventually they just made the switch But was the switch like we made new coke and then they came back and there was no sugar in coke Because coke tried to switch to new coke to be honest with you. I mean that's that's like one of the most Uh notorious like brand fuck ups of all time. Yeah, you can't do this Jesse. You're not even half like you're at this This is number two guys. This is number two. Coke was like coke tastes different now. We gotta push forward. What else? What's next?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Okay, yeah, so all right. Oh, give me your thoughts. What do you think true or false? If that if that's if that fact is true if the fact that they switched is true How does it ring to you in your soul? How does it speak to you true or false? I true It rings false to me. It rings too too dumb. Okay next one Michael Jordan's two-year stint in baseball was actually Because he got a two-year NBA ban for gambling on games. Yeah, I've heard this. I buy this I heard I buy I would buy this as well. I read there's like
Starting point is 00:36:56 There's like conspiracies that his dad was killed But because of his yes, yes, I've read this. Yes. I don't think that part is true Um, but I don't know. There's a there's a show. There's a podcast called what really happened about this exact thing and I listened to it and I think there's elements of truth to it, but I think it's I think You know Michael Jordan himself like I don't know The Kate I think the door is still open on that one. I think it's possible. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm definitely with you It's possible. All right next one They intentionally leave out pockets or put incredibly small pockets in all women's clothing
Starting point is 00:37:32 So they have to buy purses true a hundred percent true Yeah, I'm a fat guy. You know, I don't even know tighter pants that I want to and I have a bag because of it It's definitely I don't know if they do specifically, but it definitely became like a fashion thing All right next one throwback Thursday Was invented so that social media apps mainly facebook could build and develop facial recognition technology Showing people's faces over time I believe it This I'd absolutely believe this amount of times we've caught companies doing sketchy shit to collect info on us
Starting point is 00:38:08 Absolutely, but you don't believe the new coke thing I don't know if that did it happen exactly when it needed to happen for that That yeah, that I don't know But I'm telling you they were like this is what coasted coke tastes like now knowing full well that everybody was gonna be like Ew, give me the old coke back and then they give like a shitty version back and you're like, oh, thank god. It's exactly how it used to be Yeah, maybe I mean go have you one was the last time you had a mexican coke Well, I don't drink soda so mexican coke is like a different reality Normal coke. It's true out there in listener land go
Starting point is 00:38:44 Take a bottle of coke take a bottle of mexican coke Do a taste test between the two you're gonna be like I believe All right, I I believe you on that. Just don't drink soda. All right. What else we got? What's next? All right next up this one, uh, is very short steve wonder can see I believe this this one Dude, this is the forbidden chilluminati topic that I can't do but I want to I'm gonna tell you something about this I think this is crazy. I think this is jen. I think he's I 100% blind. I think you guys are my in Have you seen the videos? It doesn't matter. Okay. Don't I don't want to make a statement about this either way because
Starting point is 00:39:19 On the one hand, this could be like the worst thing ever, right? But on the other there's not that many there's not that many people who are blind famous people Who there are so many celebrities who are willing to just go out into like No, I'm not talking about like fringe podcast like the chilluminati podcast. I'm talking about like they're on like Like jimmy kimmel they're on like conan o' brian like this motherfucker can see and I'm like If somebody's putting there like professional I don't believe this credibility on the line in that way How I I mean, how are we not at least looking into it?
Starting point is 00:39:57 But I can't I cannot do this. This is this is how we I don't believe it at all. How you cancel the chilluminati podcast and I will not this is how you is how we're going out Our last topic is is clay. No, I will not be a part of that. It's not right. He's definitely you can't you can't right but I will not deny that there's a overwhelming amount of convincing circumstantial evidence not to mention Video footage of him seemingly being able to see things that he shouldn't be able to Correct. All right. Next one mattress firm is a front for folks who launder money The amount of them in my town is absurd. There's like three within a mile stretch two of them are across the street from each other
Starting point is 00:40:37 I'm not buying it. Just like people aren't regularly buying mattresses. That's what this guy says Isn't there something about this? There was a uh, what was that youtuber's name? He's famous. Shane Shane Dawson. Yeah, it was one of his videos. I think covered this I need to I need to look into this because I I don't know. I think there's I think there's a more credible Uh report out there like somebody did like somebody like this american life or maybe it's like adamantium holdings Like it's a shell company, you know, I dude
Starting point is 00:41:07 the There was there was a reddit thread that was like I live in a town where there's 15 of the same store And all their food is expired. What's going on? They all have the same name. They're all in the same block and all their food is expired. What is this? Nobody goes in or out of the store. Oh my god. That's wild. Oh, you know what? This is a great topic. I'm gonna save the other thing I have for next time I'm gonna give you a little hint by the way I have two I have three more of these but I just want to give you a hint
Starting point is 00:41:31 I read a thing on reddit in that like, you know, there's like a relationship Reddit thing where it's people post the craziest Like they're asking for help. Yeah. Yeah, am I the asshole? Yeah. Well, there was one where guy was like I my wife my newly married wife and I just moved into a house and she claimed the entire top floor And I thought she was joking But no, she won't let me into the top floor of our new house and she keeps saying I can't go up there She has her own private amazon account and orders things to go upstairs And I have the smell it smells like dirty linens up there, but I'm not allowed up there
Starting point is 00:42:03 Should I do anything? I don't want to ruin ruin this relationship in the trust we have with each other And everyone's like go up there And he's like if I go up there, then I'm just breaking her trust. They're like she's doing it to you It's incredible. It is like a tv show and he's commenting on everyone and they're just like just go upstairs She's go just tell us what's up there People are like either she's a cam girl or she's got like dead bodies the theories she's doing like that She's making meth like people do that in a marriage skinwalker. You know who does that the beast from beauty and the beast That's the only person who does that it's so crazy and everyone's like just go up there
Starting point is 00:42:38 I need we need to one day. Hopefully it will resolve itself so I can give you guys an answer But it's crazy. Anyway, okay, bless reddit. It's beautiful. All right, three more of these The reason disney came out with a movie called frozen is that so when you so that when you google disney frozen You won't instead get information about what disney's head being frozen. That's genius I Think that whoever wrote that is a genius But I don't they really had to bank on the movie being an incredible success though Yeah, whoever whoever wrote that that conspiracy theory is a fucking genius, but I don't know
Starting point is 00:43:14 I don't believe it Okay, definitely do not high school's true purpose isn't to educate but to break the youthful hope and spirit We all have for life. I really think its purpose is to beat us down into office drones or trade workers who never pursue dreams outside of The norm can I tell you this is uh, like this is something that I'm like I work like I see a therapist everybody should go through you see a therapist no shame in zine therapy That's one of the things I'm literally working through right now is this idea of like I struggle with the idea of like I'm supposed to have done like lived like this business life and stuff and all this other nonsense And you like struggle to break free from that mindset of like where you're supposed to be and where I am now and
Starting point is 00:43:54 Them not colliding with each other. Can I really twist your twist your noggin on this so As a as a history nerd, I know for a fact that during the late 19th century Uh when parts on like, you know and factory floors didn't fit or work or were damaged. They were dropped out of the system So just putting that out there for those of you who want to get like even more freaked out about being a cog in a machine Yeah, yeah, I think the cog in the machine part is very true I don't know if like high school was designed to break our spirits No, I don't think it was designed that way Yeah, but but like is there an element of like populate like is there an element of like controlling the masses to high school?
Starting point is 00:44:34 A hundred percent and if you don't think that's true Look at the fucking pledge of allegiance and just like watch people watch a room full of people do that It's weird All right, our last one humans were actually Just as if not more technologically advanced than we are today Maybe not with computers, but they did have the potential for mass amounts of power If you think how far we've come in the last 1,000 years
Starting point is 00:45:01 It's not crazy to think that ancient egyptians or other civilizations did have technology Required to build things like pyramids or other things of that nature War and struggle for power is what killed off humans that knew these things And it was only a thousand years later that we rediscovered them Uh, first of all, I don't buy it for an instant. Um, I have been very deep down these rabbit holes The ancient egyptians being super technology There's a lot of stories about egypt fighting atlantis and lemuria the other hidden land of lemuria and these were all hyper technology I will say though
Starting point is 00:45:34 This theory while I don't believe that we had like flying car egyptians I will say though That you know greeks invented steam engines That were lost a time There was uh, the egyptians had electricity of some form Where they had those those jars that would light up the the inside and romans developed concrete and then we lost that recipe too Yes, so literally that we can't figure it out. Yeah, like literally they did things that we eventually did But I I think that because there's logic leaps people are like well, they could have done that
Starting point is 00:46:11 Clearly they could have done other things. Yeah, exactly. I think just we have forgotten how to do things more simply across the board like Um, you know just like how at one point in time Everybody was like a master of when all foods go bad and how to take care of food because nobody had a fucking refrigerator in their house And now we do you know and it's like well now that I have this refrigerator I don't need to know this like it's still impressive to know that information today like if you're out In the wilderness or some shit or you're in a country and you're trying to you know use like older technology But you know, I mean, I think as much as it's like I don't think it's like humans had the technology
Starting point is 00:46:51 We had today in different forms Uh, but like I think that things like Hercules Uh, the movie the disney movie where it's like modern day, but it's like ancient roman times at the same time I think that's like a little bit more accurate than people Like give credit for and if you don't think i'm telling the truth. I was at the getty villa and I saw
Starting point is 00:47:13 One of the things they have is an ad For a for a coffin maker like it's like a like a billboard made of stone from like a stone coffin maker Uh, it's always been humans man. You know what I mean? Yeah, if you if you really want to get like super tripped up about time and civilization and that kind of stuff Go to museum. I know in LA right now We have a few museums that have this going on but I think any museum of of like history Where you can go back, especially art museums. You can go back and look at ancient roman stuff Ancient rome is fascinating because to us ancient rome is
Starting point is 00:47:49 2015 hundred years ago. It's a long-ass time and The crazy thing is to ancient romans egypt Was 2,000 years ago and so to them what you see is you see a lot of romans emulating cool things They liked about egypt where even some people would get bus Excuse me. We get buses themselves made To look like they were ancient roman or they would decorate their homes to be ancient roman looking. I'm sorry ancient egyptian looking
Starting point is 00:48:21 Uh, and so you would have all these people in rome pretending to be ancient egyptian because they thought it looked cool and so It's it's interesting but they had no contact with them They didn't even know because a thousand years had gone by two thousand years And so it's mind-blowing when you think about it that to them They thought about ancient egypt the way we think about ancient rome. Yeah, it's super cool though and like Kind of even slightly tamed like connected to that is like ancient rome whenever you see old ancient rome graffiti
Starting point is 00:48:51 And you read what it translates to you're like, oh, we've always just been like this Yeah, we've always been this kind of like yeah, whatever sucks dick, you know Like it's like well being spray paint like that was being graffiti did two thousand years ago What ended up happening was the middle ages, right? I mean medieval times screwed us up as a as a especially uh Well, you know what I wanted to say especially in the west But really it was the entire world because everyone was fighting over like religious iconography and like land but it was yeah, it was like the dark ages were dark for a reason And it set it set human civilization back so because we were we were pretty wild
Starting point is 00:49:30 And then we got like This life is only pain and only the next life is better And it took several hundred years to get out of that because we were just like We're all serfs and there's like two kings and boy this sucks Yeah, yep, and we're still fighting for that dude wild Oh, that's a fun list though. I love conspiracies like that. Mm-hmm. Well this mini sod is basically uh Just a patreon exclusive episode for a few weeks before there you go. We drop it out there. Don't say we don't much Pack in the value on this patreon
Starting point is 00:50:04 Hell yeah, pack it in dude. That's what we do ram that value in ram that value so fucking tight so much value We'll be back with the next mini so after the next episode. Thank you guys so much for listening Thank you so much for your support You should also have if you're listening to this the $10 tier as well gets like the behind the scenes notes and stuff So if you want to tear through like nine pages of outline for part one of skin walker And that'll be up there for you to check out. That's fun. That's cool. It is fun. It's got pictures and everything. It's a good time All right, y'all we're out of here. Thanks for listening and we'll see you next time Bye
Starting point is 00:50:36 Peace out. Hello. Hello everybody and welcome to the chilluminini Chilluminies mini mini chimmy chimmy chimmy episode Uh, it's us four five. No, this is six. It's a chili changa. It's a chili changa I'm it's great. I don't know what you boys if you've brought anything. I think alex has something Um, yeah, I just I'm bringing knowledge on this episode I got reached out to by it by a bunch of uh Of people one particular person who claims that they work for nasa and can prove it if I decided that I want proof of nasa Um, but one of the reasons proof of nasa. Yeah nasa
Starting point is 00:51:11 What do you mean proof of that they work for nasa that they work proof that they work? Yeah Yeah, they're not just lying to me Before we go there because I don't think that's as long or as exciting as nasa. Yeah, I mean that's cool that they work at nasa, but Uh alex, what do you got? Okay, so I have something from your neck of the woods. Mathis, uh in wilmington at market basket wilmington market basket in boston Okay, or at least in massachusetts. Yeah, I'm not exactly. I know where wilmington is Yeah, a ghost sighting at massachusetts market basket has created a stir as customers keep a lookout for the victoria era
Starting point is 00:51:50 specter in the frozen food aisle Okay, so this is so this is wait what I okay, so I know exactly where this market is by the way. I know that's perfect. I could drive there That's great. So we can so you can verify this if you want. I kind of want to actually. Yeah, let's uh continue, please So there was somebody who works there who posted about the ghost In her local facebook group. It's a girl named christiana. Okay, who works in the bakery in case you're gonna actually head down Oh, I want to so bad. I'm just gonna show up christiana. I'm here to speak with you Yeah, so she describes it as a
Starting point is 00:52:28 Older woman in victoria era nightgown and hair cap standing in the frozen food aisle And she said she saw her and then she looked down and then she looked back up and the woman was gone And she and the quote is she looked kind of like melancholy and a little angry So it was kind of a creepy kind of sense, but it was something That's her that's her that's her uh, that's her quote official quote said she looked all around the store She didn't see this put this person. She said that when she saw her I guess it seemed like a person not like a right It just like an actual person was there Yeah, and then so she went to facebook she went to the facebook group, which is probably like some type of paranormal group
Starting point is 00:53:07 And she says this is gonna sound really strange, but has anyone seen a ghost in the wilmington market basket? And a bunch of people Jumped on the post and they were like i've seen this very same ghost At the market basket and she said I had no idea it was gonna blow up I mean I just posted a random status on facebook saying has has anyone seen a ghost because I just wanted to connect with people What the hell I gotta go So people started going to the market basket and I can actually see a tweet of it Uh, so I can see the very market basket that we're talking about here, which is not a store that we have uh, oh really?
Starting point is 00:53:43 Okay, that makes sense Uh, but uh, they uh, people actually started going to that store to see if they could see the ghost So there's uh tiffani from belarica who said I think you mean bill ricka Okay, well that's not how East coast america We are looking we're trying to find her, but we haven't seen her. Maybe she's from the area Maybe she's looking for someone. Maybe she's just not crossed over which you know is sort of supposing a lot, but yeah I guess that's how she felt about it
Starting point is 00:54:17 Don from wilmington says I just don't believe in ghosts. I've been coming here for 35 years and haven't seen Even seth moulton of massachusetts the That's a congressman. I know I know him He said apparently a ghost is haunting the wilmington market basket I thought I only needed to worry about witches and ghouls in Hashtag salem. Oh god. He's such that guy too. He's like he's like that nerdy like Like me if I just like stop less like if I didn't let myself, you know find myself just uptight suit dad jokes Just like a non-bigoted mike huckabee. Yeah, exactly. Uh, yeah, we'd love to see it
Starting point is 00:54:56 So according to market basket themselves Market basket has said that to their knowledge Their stores are free from ghostly visitors as far as we know all our stores are ghost free But if there's and this is justine griffin who works for market basket and she said but if there's anything to it She's probably attracted to our victorian era prices. Oh my god One to shy away never one to shy away from a pr pr moment very taking one out of the the room 23 book uh
Starting point is 00:55:29 What was it room 23 room 223. Yeah three 303, you know, you know the whole yeah. Yeah talking about the other day. Yeah, exactly uh This girl said she had never believed in ghosts before the girl who originally saw it but this experience changed her mind she says I guess I would want her to come back maybe and like I could talk to her I don't know if you guys can talk to ghosts, but I think it'll be cool to see what she's up to I want to go now. I want to go. I gotta go. I gotta make a drive out there and just go shopping
Starting point is 00:56:03 at like before they close I guess would be the best time to go and just Wander the frozen food section looking for a break. She's probably mad that the turkeys frozen dude I wouldn't be mad. It's hard to keep a turkey fresh. She doesn't know that she's victorian I bet you she's just marveling at it like when krusheva would ever came to the grocery store in the city. That's true. That's true There's just wow Well, I love it. What's up with the nightgowns though. Everybody's dying in their nightgown everyone. Well, you have no time Think about it. You die in sickness and you're bad. I guess a lot of people are dying in their nightgowns If you think about how many people just like uh, remember when we talked about the black one?
Starting point is 00:56:40 I'd be a dude ghost The female serial killer she just Ladies oh wiggle wiggle wiggle Of course going out clean. Oh, yeah, if I'm if I'm going out and be like strip me down I was born naked. I will die. Hell. Yes Hell. Yes. Hell. Yeah. Uh, I want to get the actual exact rundown that I want to read you guys from the person who sent me a message here Uh, shout outs to uh, mb mbc 10 boston for that story. Well, you do that. Can I give you a short little story? That I thought was fascinating so this week I saw that um
Starting point is 00:57:12 There was a bunch of headlines. I'm sure you all saw them which was Man forced to self-isolate alone in ghost town with chilling past and spirits What no, I did not see this so a dude uh bought a ghost town in uh Cerro Cordo can I ask what kind of deal he got on that ghost town? So he bought it on the cheap. It was a uh I'm Relative so I'll read you the story. This is the type of shit that I was thinking about when did this start up by the way? This is like exactly where my head was at too
Starting point is 00:57:44 So fascinated by its terrifying past entrepreneur bret underwood Bought an abandoned california mining town for 1.4 million dollars about the whole town. That's not for 1.4 mil. That's cheap Yeah, uh, he visits sero cordo, which is just 22 buildings and it's been the subject of paranormal tv shows all that kind of stuff, but He normally has a guy there taking care of it, right? But the dude they are taking care of it when coronavirus broke out. He was like I got my wife. She's in a town over. I got to go take care of her dude. It's like Okay, I'll come out there. I'll watch over the the property you go take care of your family
Starting point is 00:58:24 So this underwood guy goes out there and as he does he planned on being there like, you know a week Heavy snowfall comes in traps him in the town. Oh, no No running water No fresh food It's miles from anywhere else. So he's basically just stranded wilderness manning this thing He's playing red dead redemption is what he's doing. Yeah His next town is several miles away and bret knows a few people who can get in contact with if things get really bad But what's making all of this more exciting? I guess for the you know, the news of the world is that
Starting point is 00:59:02 besides the fact that he is You know one bad day away from dying out there He's noticing weird spooky things happening. Oh, no Uh-oh, he's in the undead nightmare expansion. Yeah He skipped the main story bro Yeah, basically he says When I first got out here, I was in a t-shirt and joined myself and then it snowed for four days There was no way out
Starting point is 00:59:25 He claims that this old mining town is a chilling past saying that residents really had no authority There was no government authority. There was no law very wild just left to govern themselves It was a mining town, right? And so there'd be about a murder a week. He said He points to the fact that there are bullet holes in all like every building has bullet holes Uh His home that he lives in is above the old collapsed mine entrance And he knows that underneath him several hundred feet below Are is a collapsed mine where people are dead and their bodies were never recovered. Oh god
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yeah, what the fuck he didn't know any of this till he till he got there No, he knew it and he bought the property because of this stuff But he you know didn't live there He had a guy who lived on the land and took care of it for him And his idea was he was gonna renovate it and sort of you know Have have a whole thing where people could come out there It was an investment property and now he's stuck there and he's like, yeah, I see ghost children walking around Um
Starting point is 01:00:26 Oh, oh, he says I stay in a room with ghost children, but I haven't yet seen them Uh, he says there's things moving around. I see curtains move. I hear things at night There's no draft, but things drop inside the houses Uh, he lives in a place that was built in houses, dude. I want to be there so bad Westworld like I hate this. Oh, I want to be there building that was built in 1871 has no running water He's been forced to melt down snow and limited supplies of fresh food Uh, he's been living off rice and cans of tuna some of which have expired god bless him. Yeah, that's wild I would love to man. I've never been able to visit a ghost town, but just being able to wander through one would be really cool
Starting point is 01:01:09 Urban exploration apparently that's what it's known for it's known for ghost hunters going there. That's awesome. My my friend his his like, uh dad or grandpa or somebody like I Like a couple of my band mates went out with him do his house like over in like, uh, you know Where the desert meets the mountains in california here. I forget what the name of the town is there Sure, but he was he was out there and they realized that on his land He had like a whole like western town That he had going that people used to come visit and they'd like walk through the buildings and there'd be like
Starting point is 01:01:40 sort of like cloth dummies everywhere and shit like sitting up and like decomposing and shit It fucks me up. That's that's crazy Well, my news isn't as exciting, but I got a couple things I want to talk about first This is actually in reference to we we did a bunch of minisodes and we released a compilation of one And in it we were that's where the ezequiel's wheel topic We talked about a little bit of and and like the footage being brought down and panic about all that stuff And while I was wrong, this man doesn't work for nasa. He works for the nsa
Starting point is 01:02:11 Which is very very different very different. Yes, but he said a reason a lot of these things Are brought down or classified whether footage of ufo's like the ones that were leaked and stuff like that Isn't being necessarily because they're trying to hide Aliens and stuff the real reason and a real important thing is if Enemy states can figure out where these cameras are by what they're looking at They're they're leeway over them like just for like just spying purposes are completely useless They basically don't want people to know Or other countries to know where our satellites are looking and so trajectory purposes
Starting point is 01:02:47 Yeah, so a lot of that stuff is super classified, which is why he says it's it's it can be dangerous when Stuff like the ufo footage is released and it's not being declassified right away because they're not sure if it's something that they need to Where was this twice test flight happening? Where in the ocean was it? Do is it a place we need to hide from the fact that we're testing airplanes or running airplanes over there? So a lot of that can be the reason as well And that just felt like it's good for clarification purposes on top of the idea of like conspiracy ufo's Hey, there's an actual real reason on top of that But i'm more on a ufo. What was that?
Starting point is 01:03:21 I'm just saying goddamn. It's like weird that we're in these times right now. We're like Perceptions are shifting. Yeah, it's it's well, especially since the pentagon Declassified the ufo footage But uh beyond that more fsb or frb's have been being found which is another thing I wanted to talk about in the article that I brought for today The frb's for those who don't know are fast radio burst signals They're the things that we the scientists have been discovering out in the milky way and things that they've been trying to track for a long time Because these things are short-lived
Starting point is 01:03:50 They are often only identified in satellite data after the signal was recorded finding out where they came from and what produced them has Been largely a mystery. However, recently we've been discovering even more the most recent one being discovered on Technically two days ago from today recording May 1st These were discovered. However, most the first frb's were discovered over a decade ago Since then they've been trying to work out what's been causing them one of the biggest hypothesized Ideas is that cataclysmic events are causing them collision of two neutron stars collapsing black holes Etc are kind of causing these things But these hypotheses are beginning to be questioned because repeating frb's are being uncovered a black hole can
Starting point is 01:04:28 Missable are they? Huh? How missable are they have they only can find them after they go back and go and go through their footage So they I guess it's like pretty hard to find and scientists are the ones finding them I don't know how hard that makes it But well, I guess what i'm asking is just like is it possible that that's the first one that they noticed Yeah, good question. I don't know. Um, they but their thing is saying is like a black hole can only collapse once And like all these like a neutron stars can only collide once Because when the but when these frb's are being repeated
Starting point is 01:04:58 Scientists realize there either must be another explanation entirely Or a source they're not sure of that can produce them in bursts because they're starting to realize these frb's are coming from the same place They're repeating and it's not just happening once which throws out the idea of like a black hole collapsing or whatever Yeah, I mean it could there's there's a theory that I like where it's uh imagine a like a Sun meeting some sort of like radioactive like And then if a planet moves in front of the sun
Starting point is 01:05:30 It blocks a part of that. Yes. I've heard that and so the wool wool wool becomes like a wool wool Wool wool wool and and so that happens every so often And so it like leaves a signal that people like oh well And so even though it might not be like an alien doing it. It's fascinating to be like Oh that there's something that way to look at one day They actually earlier this year found one that was coming from a they call it an odd v-shaped star forming region In a huge spiral galaxy half a billion light years away from where we are But all these frb's they found
Starting point is 01:06:03 None of them come from our own galaxy They're always coming from other galaxies nothing from our own And the latest discovery was announced on an astronomers telegram by paul schultz of the university of toronto canada And uh, they them they're it's known over at sgr 1935 plus 2154. That's where it's the active burst is coming from Um, they believe this one might be coming from a collapsed core of a massive star that had an extremely powerful magnetic field Or a planet killing laser right or aliens trying to communicate with us via short wave radio God bless, you know what speaking of that. I watched a great Documentary about space and the you know the usual size of space thing or the end of it you feel so tiny
Starting point is 01:06:46 Yes, um, they were talking about signals And how you know scientists are receiving signals and said he's looking for life and all that stuff like If an alien species like the universe is so big and expanding so rapidly That there's the potential For some alien species who could send signals the speed of light And their signals still would never reach us because they're expanding so far away so rapidly That even if they tried to it would never reach us. Yeah our expanding away Is is and their distance the speed of light would never get to us
Starting point is 01:07:21 We would it would never happen and they could be actively trying but we that's how big the universe is and that's only the observable universe We don't know what's more than big that's like in beginning like that's like that's like more than just big It's like so big that it's still getting bigger I think a lot of the reasons people who don't believe in aliens is like well in order for aliens to even visit us They'd have to figure out a way to travel through basically time and space at the same time Like I think there's a vast difference between believing in in life Visiting intelligent believing that they visited because it's so it boggles our lives Yeah, yeah, it has to be there has to be life
Starting point is 01:07:54 But there's so many planets that is beyond it makes no Sense to say there's nothing else up. I agree. That's so egotistical to be like. We're the only ones Yeah, it's just we it's just like when we do turn to the aliens We're also so egotistical like you said that a lot of the lore we make ourselves the center of it Sure Orgone energy is like a really good example of like we're just so important because we emit emotion energy and it's simply all right or ever All right, that's like so far away from science. I know
Starting point is 01:08:22 It's just well might as well. Come on guys. Come on on the wiki. You saw the organ energy collector The the wooden room with the chair. Yeah, scientific dude. All right Looks can be deceiving. Don't judge a book by its cover. That's gonna wrap it up for this mini soda everybody We're gonna disappear and we'll be back with another mini soda very very shortly Thank you all so much for your support on patreon. We love it very very much. Thank you really and we'll see you next one Goodbye Bye Goodbye
Starting point is 01:08:52 Yeah, welcome everybody to the fucking We're just gonna go in uh with that welcome welcome to the mini soda the next mini soda after skinwalker ranch episode three It's like we never even left like we were just talking about that big orange tube with the high jesus in there And now you don't even have to wait a whole week. We're just here We're just here even more with more crazy bullshit to tell you about is it crazy bullshit Or are we coming at you with facts? I well you haven't heard my article yet Well, let's okay. We said we're gonna talk a little bit about this more in the mini soda I don't even know if there's much to talk about honestly now think about it
Starting point is 01:09:27 But andrew wk you're straight up lied to people. Oh, andrew wk tweeting about us is awesome He did it one year to the day that we released the episode He did exactly on may 3rd, which is when we released it last year. Yeah, he tweeted in the third person Uh, he clearly listened to the podcast because he references the topic in the tweet And uh, the response tweets are so good because Some of them are some of them are like like knights coming to our defense Some of them are people who fully get it. Some of them are knights going to the defense of andrew wk and being like Of course, you're real. I met you a bunch. It's like, yeah
Starting point is 01:10:07 Yeah Yeah Uh, I don't know. I think I just want to I my my my hope is that he is just Winking at us from across the internet today. I think he is and that's that's that's all I really want like to me That's the best way that this could be that is exactly what he's doing. The dude knows Of course he's in on it The two-part podcast I feel like you we we all got to the same good Yeah, he's just like I feel like he's keeping the legend alive and that's all that matters when it's time to party
Starting point is 01:10:42 He will party hard. Yes That's all you need to know about andrew wk. Yeah, and if you needed to know whether or not I listened to andrew wk on loop for like three months after making that episode the answer is yes That first album man, it's a great driving record. It's just so good. It's just so good And andrew wk if you're listening and you're a secret patreon hyperfan You're welcome on the podcast at any time. Just saying just let us know You don't have to come talk about that shit. No, just come talk about anything anything We can talk. I don't even want to talk about it. We'll talk about anything else. We can air guitar for 45 minutes straight
Starting point is 01:11:19 It's a good workout. Yeah. All right. Well, uh I am going to be talking about something that people are not surprised to hear me talk about that. I'm just thrilled to discuss and Alex, I don't know what you brought but I'll go first because I feel like something we've already talked about but or briefly mentioned in skinwalker ranch, but It's official the pentagon has officially declassified those three ufo videos that were originally leaked in 2017 We're acknowledged in 2019 by the navy and now officially declassified now in 2020 By the pentagon. This is an article obviously from cnn released on april 29th 2020 the pentagon has officially released three short videos showing unidentified aerial phenomena
Starting point is 01:12:02 Which is what they now quote call it that had previously been released by a private company Where they're referencing to the stars academy with tom de la these are the exact same clips that we've been talking about for like five months Correct. It is the then the private company is tom de la longs to the stars academy The videos show what appear to be unidentified flying objects rapidly moving while recorded by infrared cameras Two of the videos contain service members reacting in awe at how quickly the objects are moving One voice speculates that it might be a drone The navy previously acknowledged the veracity of the videos in september of last year They are officially releasing them now in quote in order to clear up any
Starting point is 01:12:37 Misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage has been circulating was real or whether or not these uh There is more to the videos according to the pentagon spokes birds and sue go I love that To be clear to be clear. Yeah to everybody who's like This is disclosure, right? Yeah, that's not what this is Well, is it I mean what this is no do be clear what this is is the pentagon going I fucking know right. We have this shit. Yes. We don't know what it is You don't know what it is
Starting point is 01:13:08 And it's real and that's that's it. You know, I mean, they're not saying it's not the same as the pentagon saying Aliens exist, which is the main thing which is the main thing that i'm gonna get Uh, however, we the thing to look at when when things like this are happening is what else is going on under the surface What are that? What else are they doing now? One of the big things? Uh, that is known that's kind of just common knowledge and you talk about you you you listen to any of the interviews with Any of the pilots navy pilots and whatnot Reporting UFOs is always something that you just got made fun of for Anytime you've you did it. It was something that like everybody found out and like in in like canteen
Starting point is 01:13:41 You just be kind of joe kind of poked out and made fun of and then you have the people who'd be whispered It'll be like like what it was like. What was it like? Um, again, you can get kind of detailed interviews By by these people. I think what's his name the one that wasn't rogan talks about it Uh heavily the the air the force pilot that that actually had these videos He was there the one from this video the guy who was like captain black ops or whatever Yeah, I can't remember but he's like it's always been something that this kind of has been hush hush And nobody's really talked about it because you're made fun of however
Starting point is 01:14:09 In april of last well last month they changed how reporting of UFOs is done No longer is it something that's kind of hush hush now in place Which you think it'd be something they'd have in place officially, but they do so now Uh, have in place for people who see pilot pilots who do see UFOs to properly Report these to the proper channels and get it officially reported kind of maneuvering it out of the the realm of You know kind of you talk about it But then you just kind of ignore it most people are just like yeah Whatever there's nothing you can do about it and moving it to more official
Starting point is 01:14:40 It's very much the government stepping forward and saying okay We now fully acknowledge these things are real and now there's an official channel for everybody who sees them To report them to us now their excuse is it's it's uh, obviously to help You know report maybe That whether they belong to like an enemy country basically to report them to make sure that they're not some other planes However, wouldn't that already exist to report enemy aircraft in our aerial space That's something that I imagine already goddamn exists What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:15:15 I think it's just to put people's minds at ease. That's what I feel like as well It's more like the public excuse of like now these kinds of incursions can be both a security risk and a pose for safety Hazard for both navy and air force aviation for safety and security concerns the navy and usaf take these reports very seriously and investigate each and every report Yeah, I think it just kind of is because inevitably by releasing something like this and being like we don't know what it is it inevitably it inevitably begs the question of like How the fuck did this sneak past you? How do you not why don't you know what this is? What the fuck is it if you don't know what it is and that that is a that is that's something that's scary
Starting point is 01:15:50 It is of course it's scary I mean even without even if we're a hundo percent sure that aliens do not exist and earth is the only life in the universe The idea that there's that there's things flying through our airspace That we don't know what they are and they're evading us and they have the ability to move in ways that nothing that we know about can move You know, that's just scary Yeah, so I think I think a lot of the stuff. I think a lot of the stuff that the government has to do to like the pentagon has to do to like
Starting point is 01:16:19 PR this properly and just address those questions without stirring up panic I think a lot of that is what we're seeing here, you know I like like I'm saying like Saying that they don't know what it is and that it's real is not the same as them saying aliens are here extraterrestrials no And so I yeah, I think that a lot of the evasion that's going on here just has to do with damage control Yeah in terms of pr It's important too to keep in mind over the many years the pentagon has had many different uh programs
Starting point is 01:16:46 Researching UFOs and the most recent one. Uh, that was closed that we are aware of is 2012 I would wager that there's still another program happening. I mean, I don't know what like he's like it it closed in 2012, but It kept going for seven years in secret and only I know about it. I'm the only person that ever talked about it It's like who who are you speaking of particularly there? Uh, it's the same guy. It's the guy who was talking about the the stuff in vegas Uh being held in a private hangar. It's like the guy who used to work for the like those are bob Lazar No, no, no, it's louise. Elizondo. Yeah, Elizondo. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's the former pentagon official guy Yeah, he's the one who was like I used to be in the program And then the program shut down, but then it was like a wetworks like black like under the table secret ops program
Starting point is 01:17:34 Till now And that's where it feels weird to me because that feels like that's where the fan fiction starts. Yeah, doesn't it? Yeah, I agree. It's weird. It's weird. I mean, I'm I'm happy with the government like soft saying like, okay They're here. Whatever these things are Earthly or otherwise, we just don't know what they are And hey, okay, we acknowledge it That's that's what I wanted to talk about a little bit because it's so interesting even as a even as a total skeptic Isn't that like so interesting
Starting point is 01:18:01 Jesse uh You don't have to represent every skeptic in the world But like isn't that interesting that there's like this thing out there that we don't know what it is Yes, of course, but I think that's not skeptic. I mean, well like Skeptics can admit that they don't know a thing I mean, you don't have to entertain the idea that aliens are real to feel that I'll do that for you I'll carry out any way for you
Starting point is 01:18:24 Like even as somebody who's not like looking for any reason that to say the aliens exist Like it's a scary phenomenon to think about that there's this vehicle out there That is moving in a way that we don't know what it is Well, I think that's and I think that goes back to The original reasoning why I think you guys are talking about this why they would not say anything Is because it was How do we explain how it's gotten to our airspace? And how is it moving the way it is and how how fast how is it as fast as it is and it?
Starting point is 01:18:51 Uh, I mean the fact that like it's just it's weird I'm just waiting for trump to be like, I know what it is But I can't tell you Well, I know what it is That's my topic for the day. Yeah All right, uh So mine is about the Cornish owl man of monon smith. This is from what? This is from here. We go
Starting point is 01:19:13 Cornwall Cornwall Yeah, and if you don't know what the Cornish owl man of monon smith is It's a half man half owl creature Uh that has been haunting Cornwall since at least in 1920s and that is a fact Jack so basically uh, this This uh church
Starting point is 01:19:39 Uh, it's called st. Monon and st. Stephen's church Is in monon smith. I'm probably butchering that this I can like just I it seems like it's easy to pronounce just based on what letters are there But I've learned my lesson too many times with things in in this in this language that I just you know, I don't know Cornish Stuff I'm not trying to touch. I'm sure I'm saying it wrong But uh, it's uh, it's basically like exactly what you're imagining. It's like a low. It's like a rural church That's like in the woods You know, it's right by the ocean, which is like awesome, right? Uh, but this owl size creature that has been around like in or in and around it
Starting point is 01:20:20 Uh is like has is huge. It's like the size of a human It has like moth man, but owl man Yeah, like yeah, and it has long owl claws and it has glowing eyes just like Okay, but this is not the moth man. This is the owl man of monon smith The first time and this is weird because the the first sighting even though they say it goes back to the 20s in the same article The first sighting, uh, it's from april of 1976 Okay, wait, wait a minute
Starting point is 01:20:58 There's a few decades there. Look, I can't I can't speak to that Apparently it ties in with some folktales or something like that, but we'll see so I'm I'm going through this with you. This is a journey of discovery. We're both okay. Yeah So it's these two teenage girls that are on holidays with their parents in monon smith, which is probably how you say it because It doesn't sound natural to me, but uh, all right, so They walk down to the church and on top of the church tower They see something that they call quote
Starting point is 01:21:30 A bird man with wings and feathers and they say that they were so scared by what they saw That their dad was like nope and just like nopes out of cornwall when a dad knows that's when you know it's scary He noped the fuck out of cornwall, right? So that's the first sighting in april of 1976 the next sighting is in july Of 1976 and now there's two 14 year old girls Okay, and they're camping around this church But they spotted a giant owl. They think it's an owl They didn't mention that it's a human owl hybrid
Starting point is 01:22:06 But they said it's an owl the size of a human with glowing eyes the quote is around with glowing eyes So So at the time that was enough. I guess there was it must have been a slow news week But or a news couple of months. I don't know but at this point I guess there was a little bit of attention being paid to this like in in the news at this point and Then they but almost immediately after gaining public attention it became like seen as a hoax because all the reports led back to this guy who is a Paranormal researcher and a magician. Oh, yeah, it's not a good combination of jobs
Starting point is 01:22:44 Is it not trustworthy to be a trustworthy guy? And you have to tell someone you're a magician who is somebody who is by definition a guy who tricks people And of and a paranormal researcher, which is a guy who's begging you not to believe that he's tricking But it's just okay. All right, but hey devil's advocate. He knows all the tricks of the trade Because he's such a trickster. So why would you not trust him? Right because he can perform sleight of hand on a gray alien and All right, I'm not even gonna entertain this anymore. Okay, so
Starting point is 01:23:18 He was he was he was like getting hype about this at the time He was like stepping into the limelight this guy doc shields tony shields tony doc shields and uh He uh, I'm putting the quotations around doc with my voice because they're there Okay, gotcha. Uh, he's also known for taking a picture of the Loch Ness monster Okay, this guy just knows how to do things. Oh boy Yeah, and he lived in a place that I'm a little more sure about the pronunciation pronunciation of but still don't get me If it's wrong, uh, he lived in a place called saint ives For a long time before moving to a place which I'm the body lotion
Starting point is 01:23:57 I was gonna say like the soap Right and then he moved to a place that I'm definitely gonna fuck up called ponsonuth And if you think I'm fucking it up, you should see how it's spelled because it really doesn't seem like I'm fucking it up But I'm positive. I am uh, but uh now he lives in ireland Uh, but because they found that he was like it was me Like everybody lost it like lost all credibility Uh, and like I guess there's some pretty big owls in cornwall Uh, so like seeing a big-ass owl is not that wild of a thing, but
Starting point is 01:24:29 But and there's always a but since then There have been many sightings of this creature reported on the internet in in more recent times So there was a guy from a place called falmouth foul mouth foul mouth Falmouth A ghost hunter. This is the problem with these They make me say anything that's in new england or england or ireland or anywhere I'm just it's it's always it's always a roller coaster. I'm here for you. Falmouth. Listen. I'm trying my best to honor the conventions of language
Starting point is 01:25:02 That's that's the thing that's important So, uh, this ghost hunter from falmouth claimed he spotted the owl man and that his friend got attacked by it. Oh, shit Yeah, uh, and that's just it just says ghost hunter. That's all we got on that guy And they made ghost hunter one word, which is like bold Mark davis was in the graveyard with his friend chris power 36 from manchester. Okay, that's them Uh, mark said there's lay lines which are under the ground near the church and they give off paranormal activity
Starting point is 01:25:31 Of course. Okay, and then he's this is all in quotes. He said there was a hissing in the trees And you can hear flapping. I heard it go right over my head and I was shocked That's when I saw the figure and it had horns on its head. It was mad It has horns now Yeah on the meter I had which picks up electric magnetic energy that we used to detect ghosts I was getting conscious replies to my questions through it That's telling me there's a demonic energy and it wasn't safe My mate got attacked. He had scratches on his arm
Starting point is 01:26:01 Jesse you're gonna love this next part. I'm waiting his camp his camera broke too He didn't see anything He just felt this surge of energy He didn't realize till about half an hour later when he felt some burning It's not a place. I would advise anyone to go there alone. Let's put it that way How about that? Irrefutable proof but
Starting point is 01:26:25 Apparently in general the story of the aleman has been long forgotten almost like something that happened In the 70s that made no splash when everybody thought it was fake But it's been around since the 20s, but apparently they're saying this this reporter whose name is charlotte bekhart Uh She said that she went down to the village to like get Get like the line on it in the village
Starting point is 01:26:54 And people she literally wrote this line people said they had not heard its name for many many years And there's in the church at the church that she went to there's a there's a inscription in cornish that i'm not going to pronounce But it translates to it is good to draw nigh to the lord And it's a 13th century church and The back door to the church shows scary hand marks as if people struggle to open the door to escape from the aleman That's a little bit of a the last bit's a bit of a stretch. She's taking a dramatic license. Yeah signs anywhere mentioning it
Starting point is 01:27:32 uh And she said that she was intrigued because There's cornish legends that are like popular around here So she decided to ask a local why the tale like lost steam And the and the person said I haven't heard of it mentioned for years and years since it first happened actually It was a media event at the time people were scared to go to the church afterwards The aleman looked quite menacing from the pictures and drawings made by the girls involved. I don't want to see him. Thank you very much
Starting point is 01:28:03 Yeah, she's right. Yeah, and she said that the The story isn't popular because the population has changed She said the older people have passed away or left and we have had a lot of newcomers in the village Who wouldn't know about it? There's a lot of history going on up there. There are more things going on than what meets the eye She's like a twin peaks character. She's like from deadly premonition A member of my family heard spooky noises from a tree although there was no wind My husband and I also saw a very strange robin flying straight into a grave
Starting point is 01:28:35 Oh, it must be an omen for the aleman And that's the entire article except that at the end she said In another full sentence just off by itself not quite a terrifying aleman then Wow that last dig which like Damn sticking it to the aleman What a way to I think maybe the real conspiracy is that the the moth man wrote this article. I think so He's just trying to credit his his his bird beach rival
Starting point is 01:29:05 God, oh what a comic the cornish aleman versus the moth man I mean if you think about it, right like we're talking about like maybe the aleman is like the hydrox to the oreo Oh my god Because if you think about the sound that the moth man makes like if you if I told you that was an owl It would make like way more sense, right? Yeah, it would make a whole lot more sense because it comes from the moth man the moth man stole the aleman's voice That's what i'm saying. Like maybe it's like a Ursula situation. Oh shit. It's so good. Maybe the aleman maybe that maybe the moth man Maybe the aleman has like a shell
Starting point is 01:29:37 The moth man has like a shell around his neck that that's like has the aleman It's like the dried out the malaman the malaman the malaman the male man The mal the meow man the meow man the meow man Well, and that's and that's quite enough of that. Yeah, I have a story if you guys want to hear it, of course we do Oh my god, yeah, wow an evil story Everyone knows that dolls can be pretty creepy Yeah, I have not taken herald out of the closet in like six months Did you write this story?
Starting point is 01:30:08 This is one mother in houston has taken to social media to reveal why she believes her daughter Aurelia Has been haunted by her doll her Elsa doll Oh Movie frozen let it go In a viral facebook post which has now been deleted emily madonia
Starting point is 01:30:30 Aurelia madonia is this oh Explained that aurelia's toy had first started to freak them out when it began singing and talking in spanish while switched off Oh, do I remember this? Did this video get viral? She and her husband matt decided to throw the doll out and they're with their daughter's blessing But since then It's found its way back to their home. No No once no, but twice
Starting point is 01:31:00 No, this is a twilight zone episode. Yep. This is the literal plot to a twilight emily wrote matt threw it away weeks ago And we found it inside on a wooden bench Okay, so we were weeded out and tightly wrapped it in its own garbage bag And put the garbage bag inside another garbage bag filled with other garbage and put it at the bottom of the garbage can Underneath the bunch of other bags of garbage wheeled out to the curb and it was collected on garbage day The family then went on holiday thinking the whole thing was behind them and it was just a weird coincidence. Maybe they forgot To actually throw it away when they returned home The doll was back outside on site on the side of their house and it said I don't like you very much
Starting point is 01:31:44 We were out of town forgot about it And then aurelia says i'm going to kill you aurelia says mom. I saw elsa in the backyard what After throwing it out didn't work emily decided she had to be rid of it once and for all One of her friends on facebook named chris who lives 1500 miles away had been entertained by the tail She confirmed she mailed it to him And chris, yeah, if you just put a little duct tape over the mouth, it's all done chris taped taped elsa
Starting point is 01:32:17 To his car to stop it from going anywhere else Fingers crossed it stays there One person commented you should have burned it if you don't burn it then it's gonna be possessed another person wrote I've thoroughly enjoyed this saga. I hope this all returns and one person wrote. Yo, what a crazy situation I can't I can't even imagine what i would be doing if that doll was tormented my family Thank god, this is not happening to me I like that a friend was like, yeah, send it to me. I'll put it on my car Now that would be you jesse would not
Starting point is 01:32:51 It's crazy as the story started with like a demonic possession inside like of a child of a child And then with like a fucking busted ass elsa doll taped to some dude's car 96 like derango and he has to leave it there forever because if he doesn't It'll get out. Yeah, you can actually look it up. There's a facebook photo of it. Leave me against their house That's still out there. I just remember looking that I I want to do an episode on james dean's car Why his crash car don't look it up. All right. Okay. No, that sounds like an alex episode I might have to I might I'm getting so I might have to slide that in before jfk now Yeah, we need we we're gonna need some buffer episodes between the end of skinwalker and the next like big one because like yeah
Starting point is 01:33:33 Yeah, yeah, I don't know if we're doing jfk after if we're doing like mk ultra after but we got a lot We got a lot planned guys. I got a lot of notes. I got a lot of notes. I've been reading a lot of books Yeah, all right. Well, thank you all patreon supporters for making this happen for us. We appreciate you and we love you very much Oh, yeah, we are gonna bounce and we'll be back next week with the new mini soad Thank you for your support. Thank y'all Goodbye Perfect. Hey everybody. Welcome. It's the chluma mini chluma mini. So Hey, this is the lucy goosey one. Oh, shit episode mini eight mini eight, baby mini eight
Starting point is 01:34:12 I've got a fun article Alex you had to dig for it before we even recorded skinwalker today. So I just wanted to find the link for it I brought a crazy one. It's like not even Quite chluminati material and then it totally becomes chluminati material by the end Well, I'll start with mine then because mine as always is kind of just like more promises for tomorrow But it's exciting stuff And I'm excited to see what it is This comes from chronica, which is a new source out in by chronicle is you know the actual
Starting point is 01:34:42 I thought I thought it was like a weed thing. I'm glad. Yeah It would have been great. Oh chronica the weed article would be great Now this is from spanish to english because this is all happening in argentina It is due to an order received by the security force that material must be delivered on may 11th With written audio video and or photographic information About ufo's in the argentine sky that have been labeled quote very urgent Unquote why urgent? I don't know. I don't know Following the request made by the an organization dedicated to studying ufo's
Starting point is 01:35:18 The federal police will make a very urgent report on these phenomena that occurred in the argentine sky The material related to this topic whether written or audio visual will be public as long as it does not put national security at risk The original request for ufo sightings was prepared on may 6th before alicia pillar Meric, mericillar, mericillar. I don't know. Fuck it. I tried responsible for the coordination of access to public information of the sub secretariat of control and institutional Transparency of the ministry of security Who in turn raised the request to all the superintendencies of that force In the text delivered to the authorities of that portfolio that sabina frederick
Starting point is 01:36:03 Conducts the commission for the the study of ufo phenomenon argentine republic asked for quote written audio or photographic information of material product of the investigation information complaint or guard reports of everything related to anomalous aerial phenomena ufo ufo flying saucers unidentified flying objects Aerospace phenomena unusual aerial phenomenon everything that refers to this concept That's the hope right like it's just absolute disclosure But the line that convinces me it won't be is simply as long as it doesn't interfere with national security Which can then be labeled on anything they don't want to be putting out there
Starting point is 01:36:46 It's still just is such a weird thing to announce. It's happening a lot. The pentagon just did it now. We're going over here I don't know. Maybe they're copying. I don't know Yeah, I don't know ruin something doesn't it feel like something's brewing It does feel like my inner ufologist is is I can smell the the the the cooking meatloaf that is the ufo world ready to tell us all of their secrets Imagine aliens give us a vaccine That's the like you fuckers. We created you stop trying to kill yourselves I'm just here. Can you imagine they're like if you just work together you would this was our test
Starting point is 01:37:21 You could all work together and fix it in like a week But nope, we just want to kill each other a bunch of monkeys throwing rocks and missiles at each other I just can't I I I just feel like something's gonna happen somebody's gonna slip up somebody's gonna say something and then everybody's gonna be like What yeah, I don't know man Uh, that's it for my my news because that's find out tomorrow literally tomorrow may 11 tomorrow my god All right next mini-soad. We're going deep That or it's nothing and we don't talk about it or it's the biggest or it's the chilluminati episode
Starting point is 01:37:52 This is it. Oh my god guys Tomorrow could be the day we wake up into a whole new world Everything that we know and believe today And tomorrow Jesse's first word I feel I feel like I feel like Morgan Freeman in the Shawshank Redemption You guys are talking about hope and I'm like hopes are dangerous thing in here I've also never seen Shawshank Redemption
Starting point is 01:38:16 Disclose the alien I need to see that movie still too So Shawshank Redemption Shawshank Redemption is I've never seen it one of my favorite movies ever. I've heard it's a masterpiece That's crazy. I can't believe you haven't seen that. That's fine That's my that's my I'm sorry. That was I was like obviously that had my Imagination but imagine though imagine for real though like tomorrow we wake up and it's like then the tv is covered with just like aliens are real Even even if even if it's just argentina and they're like argentina has said that they have evidence that aliens exist And that life on other planets is possible and that they've communicated with them and that other governments have communicated with them It would send the world into a conspiracy and every single person who's a moof on employee jizzes their pants at the exact same time
Starting point is 01:39:00 I'm gonna. I'm not okay with that. I'm gonna be that lady on the top of the building in independent state. Who's like Yeah Oh, what do you got alex? Okay, so I don't know if you guys have heard about this. This is a crazy story. Uh, there is a man Uh, his name is brent And he is fairly wealthy Uh, he owns a hostel in texas called hk austin And that building he's the quote is I fell in love with the combination of hospitality and history
Starting point is 01:39:36 And that that his his hostel was built in 1892. Uh, and by the way, this is by matthew wilson on Just so that we're all on the same page uh So that was his first thing and he just kind of like Got into this idea of like hospitality Historical site doing his thing, right? And so naturally in 2018 He decided to up his game when his friends Challenged him to a larger project, which was the entire town of sarah gordo, california
Starting point is 01:40:10 Uh, and he's quoted this. I think this is what we talked about last week. Is it is it? Is this the dude who ends up in the in the uh snow? He's trapped in the snow. Yes. Did we talk about this last week? I definitely brought it up. Did you talk about it at hox and crendor, baby? I definitely did you remember time this it was on our special show. I don't remember. I don't remember it. We did Okay, okay. Okay. So this isn't okay. Give me one second then I don't remember it. It's been a long week for me though I've got a story if you guys want to take us away mind blown. Oh, of course. It's not gonna story really shout to uh, the Gentleman matt who tweeted at us today. Yes. I saw that we uh
Starting point is 01:40:52 David s anderson of dsa archaeology Posted a bunch of ancient alien theorists versus archaeologists tweets. Yeah, and all of them are incredible But the most incredible one Is the stonehenge uh, not some uh the easter island guys If you have if you have not seen those. Oh my god. I saw this. I saw this. Yeah, you're talking about it today. Yes This is great. Incredible. It is cool. It and they were like it's not even bad Aliens must have moved them and then it just shows you how people could have done it and what's insane about it Is if you look at the way the rock man is moving it almost looks like he's walking which is it is he does
Starting point is 01:41:33 He's got that kind of like water walking so I just want to give a shout out to uh The matt the guy who tweeted at us because I love stuff like this I love it's stuff. I want to send to my dad, but my dad will never It looks like something from like an rpg Or or something like that where you like you solve a puzzle by like moving like a statue around and it just kind of like Yes, yeah, if you see the if you've seen this it just literally dead ass looks like this guy's like walking down the street It is you know what it also feels like if you had no if you had no knowledge of what this was if you saw this
Starting point is 01:42:11 you also could say these Three groups of people are trying to hold this blindfold stone stone golem down. Yeah, that's true You could like he's trying to get away. Yeah, it looks like he's trying to walk away and they're holding him back I have to keep walking It's so crazy looking and Yeah, it just goes you know to show how ingenious people can be because this is no joke How if you try if you have to move something heavy, this is how you you swivel it
Starting point is 01:42:40 Yeah, you like this is how people do it. They wobble it down like it makes perfect sense You don't think about it until you see it like this genius genius Anyway, I just wanted to give a shout out if you want to see those clips. Uh, it's dsa archaeology on twitter Yeah, it's actually a super dope clip simply because like you said it's got that historical aspect of let's say it explains it It really does explain he goes on to explain, you know All sorts like even the ancient egyptian alien ships Oh the hieroglyphics of the of the spaceships and like the helicopters and stuff
Starting point is 01:43:13 Yeah, it's like look at these symbols now. Look at this other stuff like it's great. I love it That's what's great. That's why you got to do your research for everybody out there Who's like stop telling stop being funny and just tell me the truth or just make it fun It's just like no we got to do the history search because it's important that we come in with context My favorite is the comments, uh, this one even though it's in spanish I know exactly what it's referring to this guy's talking about how on the history channel They're like, we don't know how Ancient man did this and then it literally just shows a guy modern man
Starting point is 01:43:41 Going into the desert making a home and the desert looks like this beautiful home And it's just like yeah, no we can do it. We're just lazy Yeah, we we know how to make this stuff happen We just we can't imagine it because it's a lot of work Well, even if we do imagine it too, we don't want to believe it because we want the other more fantastical thing A lot of us do anyway Like a lot of us stayed up praying to satan that it would happen Power rain dude imagine though imagine if I got to become the power rain
Starting point is 01:44:15 I don't blame you at all. I don't blame you at fucking all I would have gotten one over on satan Because he would have he would have had my soul, but I would have done good too many good things If anything, I trust you more. Thank you. All right. So I have a I have a replacement story since all right Let's do it. Yeah, since we don't want to do that one again uh Have you guys seen the conjuring? No, yeah, yeah, uh, it's it's one of the I believe it's one of the warren Related that's their names the warrens. I don't know why it just like came to me easily now
Starting point is 01:44:47 But it's the house in harrisville uh That is that is uh red island. Yeah, hey, guess what that's where I used to let's where I grew up in harrisville Mm-hmm next to the conjuring house. Mm-hmm very close. Yeah so This guy Corey Heinzen
Starting point is 01:45:09 Bought the house about a year ago Like And uh, he bought it like because the conjuring movies got popular of course um And uh, it worked the the person who used to live there Uh, andrea perone or parent Wrote two books called house of darkness and house of light Uh that
Starting point is 01:45:33 Talk about things that have happened in that house over 300 years that it's been built and uh, so he bought the house and Basically, what's happening is Ever since friday and going now I think for seven days till next friday They are doing a live simultaneous
Starting point is 01:45:55 Paranormal investigation Inside of the house from the conjuring Okay, hell yeah, that's a great idea So there are 500 people who paid to stay overnight there in the past year in real life Uh, and uh, some of them even like went home early like uh, like after staying there for a couple hours overnight Um, other people say they had things that were fascinating Uh, but there's an interactive web event that's that's going right now It started for free on friday, but here's where it gets weird. Okay
Starting point is 01:46:27 It moved behind a paywall Uh, after after friday One day access cost five dollars And a full week pass is 20 dollars and you can monitor. There's two dozen cameras set up in the house There's like 25 cameras in the house People like get in front of cameras first parts of the day and talk about things that they've found And report things that they've already captured
Starting point is 01:46:54 Uh, there's a clip that says that shows this guy saying before the big energy burst There's a black mass on the ceiling in that room that moves over towards it Uh, a softball was tossed from a radiator overnight A spirit box Uh captured some voices, of course it did something said free one of us help us. Don't hive don't hide Don't hide either. No don't hive don't get hives uh This guy bill brock who has been at the house for most of the year
Starting point is 01:47:26 Said we may actually be living within a portal Or some kind something that allows energy to flow from here to another place or from another place to here He said he was a skeptic before he joined the team and now that's changed Uh, a library book was seen to have been removed from a bookshelf in the library room with no one around Uh, the book that and it uh flew off the shelf twice in september was Moral relativity by david b wong Uh, he said it definitely the bill brock said that definitely seems like a sign Maybe it has issues with morals. Maybe it was immoral. Maybe we are being immoral
Starting point is 01:48:03 Good. Thank you for interpreting that guy. Um, apparently a portion of the event proceeds Will go to the gary sinise covet 19 relief fund did not know that existed but apparently lieutenant dan's running a relief fund And uh, you can go and you can check it out right now And I guess it's going all week for five dollars a day. I'm checking it out right now. It's the dark zone dot tv Oh my god, purchase tickets here. Don't don't purchase the tickets That is there's so many people. Wow the dark zone dot tv 12 noon on saturday may 9th and running 24 7 So I guess it got off to a little bit of a late start
Starting point is 01:48:49 I guess it's genius to make a quick buck I guess I would I just wish that I could like I want to like watch it, but I don't want to pay them That's the most honest thing I've ever heard. Yeah, like I yeah, I want to watch I don't want to pay for it I want to watch it like in the sense that I want to see what's happening But I don't want to take it. I I don't want to like Contribute to to this as if I was watching it for like Because I believe in the paranormal, you know what I mean? I want sure sure sure sure
Starting point is 01:49:24 I don't know but there's a huge guest list. There's a lot of people there and if you're interested in that sort of thing It's happening now I mean, I'm always down for like the live hunts and stuff because that's always interesting Uh, it's just usually time you're just kind of watching a wall and nothing also lists entity voices as a as a guest as a guest Excellent, dude. Well, there you go everybody. I hope you now are are ready for your week And you can go watch some walls for five bucks I might do this two voices. Yeah house live live dot the dark zone. Alex. Don't do this. Don't fall for this
Starting point is 01:49:58 The whole week dude a week pass I'd do a live watch with you if we could like re-stream it to twig. Oh, yeah, I would love to do that too Oh my god, we go straight into jail. Yep Yeah, we would be they'd get rid of us so quick show up in our houses Yeah On that face that you could not see everybody. Thank you so much for your support on patreon Or if you're listening to this as part of the compilation. Oh my god, that's horrifying. Alex. I do expect you to hold it that long Like I saw it was like, huh looked away came back
Starting point is 01:50:32 He's just pulling his lips apart and just bearing his entire girl, you know what I'm saying, so stop it It's You know what it looks like it looks like in a horror movie you're about to pull your flesh off and be like there's a skeleton in me That's what it looks like. Hey, there is. It's true. We all got a skeleton in us and as soon as we can accept that the better That's why I do these things. Thanks for listening everybody and thank you for support on the patreon We love you and we'll see you next week. Goodbye. Peace. Bye everybody You It's jeep four by four season
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