Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 74 - Robert Irwin Part 3 - Horny into Godhood

Episode Date: November 2, 2020

Patreon - BUY OUR MERCH - Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Art Commissioned by - Theme - Matt Proft End song - POWER FAILURE - Video -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Ryan Reynolds. As owner of Mint Mobile, I couldn't wait to make my first commercial for Spotify listeners. I thought, I'll tell them to go to slash Spotify to get premium wireless for just $15 a month. Then I thought, they'll never believe the owner bragging, so I'll bring on a real Mint customer who knows it's premium wireless for just $15 a month. Then I thought, how will they know it's not just me acting as a customer? Then I thought, what if they don't think I'm a good enough actor to play a customer? Then I cried and went to bed the end. New activation and upfront payment for three month plan required, taxes and fees extra, additional restrictions apply. See for full terms.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Hello, hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Chilluminati podcast, episode 74. As always, I am one of your hosts, Mike Martin, joining my two friends and co-hosts, Alex Fosyane and Jesse Cox. You're already shaking your head, Jesse. Oh, I wasn't shaking my head. That was a positive. I'm ready to hear the end. I'm not ready for this already. Well, maybe I was maybe I was subconsciously shaking my head because I know what's about to happen. Today's the day. We're finishing up the trilogy of Robert Erwin, the killer from the 1930s, the man who enjoyed visualization as some bizarre, strange thing. But the only thing I can visualize right now is Patreon. I don't know about you, Alex. There's a good reason for that. The reason you can think
Starting point is 00:01:33 about it is because it's what keeps this show going. And without it, there wouldn't be a Chilluminati podcast every week for you to listen to. So if you want to become part of that cool, cool group of people that comes over there, supports us and gets a bunch of great crap in return, awesome art. Should we call it crap? I mean, it's crap. You know, it's a it's a term of endearment. Right, right, right. All that all that useful worthwhile crap that we offer on our Patreon. Head over there to It can all be yours. And if you get to the end of this episode, you're thinking to yourself, man, I love this show. I wish that there was like a bunch of 15 minute chunks that I could just listen to to tide me over till next week. That's that's the star
Starting point is 00:02:18 of the show, baby. The freaking chill minis. You know what I'm saying? Chill minis. Exactly. Last bit of shilling I'll do before we move on to the topic. This this month's poster for Patreon is going to be Jeff the Mongoose themed everybody. So if you want to Jeff the Mongoose poster, the eighth wonder of the world classic. It's it's being made right now. It looks phenomenal from what I've seen so far and over on. Oh, yes, Jesse. I just I want it to be, you know, just Jeff sitting there reading newspaper, sipping a coffee, coffee, you know, like a nice shitting grin on his face. And he's like, I live in your walls. We can just get some like that. That'd be great. The three of us might be little bunnies, dude. He knows all say he knows. I was
Starting point is 00:03:00 a little bunny secrets. He knows every secret. He does. He knows all your secrets. And last but not least, head over to the slash collection slash Illuminati. The Mothman t-shirts are gone, but people like the art so much we actually turned it into a poster. So if you really like that art, you can go grab a poster for it right now. And the next cryptid comic t-shirt is well in the works. We've gotten a preview of the of the art. There's still a little bit more to go before it's fully ready, but keep your eyes out. That'll be over on the yeti when it launches. That's it for Shilin. That's all I got. It's time to talk about and finally in the story of Robert Irwin. Oh my God, I can't wait. This is going to be wild.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Last we left our dear friend Robert Irwin. He had recently left the Burke Mental Institute after an extended stay heading directly for Manhattan. The reason for his departure as he claimed, as a reminder, was that two of the staff nurses were so desperate in their attempts to sleep with him that he had to leave. Is this true? Well, well, hang on. We'll get into it. Okay. That's why I dropped out of college too, dude. Everybody was just trying to try and jump your dick. Did I understand? That's why we had to go into podcasting. You can't see our sexual faces. I wanted to get a real job. I wanted to have an education, but the ladies would not leave me alone. When there's a live show again, we can fix that, right, guys? Right, right. Alcohol
Starting point is 00:04:16 fixes it for sure. Right. He claims that he slept with one of them only to turn her down when she came back wanting more, which made her incredibly mad and, quote, treated him like the devil. What? He never slept with the other one, however, but she was equally as mad according to Robert that he wouldn't sleep with her. And that is the reason he apparently left. However, a little further digging into the Burke Foundation paints a slightly different picture of Robert in the reasons he left. You don't say. Really? He wasn't a complete sex machine that everybody wanted to fuck. Do you think he was lying? I was lying. Guys, I'll come clean. I was lying too. That's not why I dropped out of college. It's mostly just my fault.
Starting point is 00:05:01 No, Robert, much like you, Alex, it was also his fault that he had to leave. Robert had gotten into consistent physical quarrels and had many violent outbursts at the slightest provocation. It seems like him leaving was for the best for everyone, and they kind of encouraged him to get back out into the public and get out of there. Regardless of the specific reason, his excursion to Manhattan would be what would change the course of his life forever. And yes, while it's this place where his grisly crimes were committed, I do want to say personally that I believe that Robert Irwin, if not having committed these murders here and now as we're about to cover, I believe even if he didn't go to Manhattan, he was on a path to murdering someone
Starting point is 00:05:45 eventually. So while there's a lot of seeming serendipitous things that led him down this path, I just think it was it was bound to happen. What year is this when he goes to Manhattan? We are currently sitting in 1932 as we pick up the story. The situation in Manhattan actually provided no respite for Robert, as he would soon find out. It was 1932, and unemployment levels were still near peak depression, depression percentages of 25%. The first job he found out in that way was as a dishwasher in the cafeteria of the New York Supreme Court building. The job was so low paying, though, that he actually couldn't even afford a one room shack. And within weeks of his sudden arrival in Manhattan, he ended up in a Hooverville,
Starting point is 00:06:30 one of those cardboard shack towns where a homeless gathered all the in Central Park, most likely if he's in Manhattan. Yeah, I mean, that makes the most sense. I'm looking at photos of Manhattan 1932 right now. And it's just incredible. It's it's weird time. I mean, this is still less than 100 years ago. Yeah. But you think about it as being so old, because obviously you're not from 1932. You have no experience before you were born kind of thing. And when you look at it, it's it's Manhattan and the parts of the city that are tall look tall and the parts that it's just so weird to see, but it's in black and white. And it just looks so different, but is still so very modern. It's wild. It's still recognizable and still the same
Starting point is 00:07:14 in a lot of ways. It's so crazy to look at, but it's New York. It's always looks the same. Yeah. Well, Robert ended up living in these cardboard shacks for only a few weeks. It wasn't and it wasn't this newfound poor man's existence that ended up shifting his motives to the more violent that it wasn't it wasn't that while he was away. What did however begin to slow the slow tumble into madness was his chance encounter with his old acquaintance Chuck from the mental institutions that he was going into. He had left Chuck had last left a few weeks before Robert and found himself a nice little room he was renting from a family at then the 240 East 53rd Street. Feeling bad for his one companion from the mental hospital, Chuck actually offered Robert
Starting point is 00:07:56 to come stay with him in his little one room suite only until he got back on his feet. He'd simply have to meet the family first and who were the landlords and owner of the building that he was living in and get their approval. And that family was the Gettians. This family was a small Hungarian immigrant family. The father Joseph was a skinny looking dude with hollow long cheeks, a long pointed nose, scraggly mustache and piercing eyes. While his wife, Mary, was a quote Magyar beauty in her youth, unquote. I'm sorry. I allowed her some to be beauty. A Magyar beauty in her youth. Do you spell that? What is Magyar? M-A-G-Y-A-R. Magyar beauty? I imagine it means she's just gorgeous from where she came from. Hungry out there. It's just Hungarian person.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah, okay. Yeah, you're absolutely right. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. I was like, what? Is that a phrase I should know? Yeah, no, that's just what they described her as a Magyar beauty. Yeah. But in her had allowed herself to become quote plump and dowdy in her middle ages, though she was still considered quite comely. This is just a surreal description of someone. Right? Plump and dowdy, but still comely. Yeah, but still comely. Yeah, still comely. The two daughter, they had two daughters, Ethel and Veronica, Ronnie for short. They were 20 and 15 year olds at this time, respectively. And while Ronnie was always described as exuding a lush sexuality at this age that she would wield with force in the future,
Starting point is 00:09:28 turning her into a tabloid star as she entered adulthood, Ethel was also beautiful to behold and immediately taken Robert's attention. After a short meeting, the Gideons had no objection to Robert moving in with Chuck. And shortly thereafter, he ended up living there. But meanwhile, behind the scenes, even after leaving Burke and seemingly better off, Robert was still struggling fiercely with his uncontrollable sexual urges. He was a horny motherfucker. This is so great. What you're describing is so crazy, but at the same time, based on the last two episodes, I understand why sex is his driving force, because it is one of those things where his father, it is clearly his- Yeah, he doesn't really understand
Starting point is 00:10:24 what it is, but he's- And the mother being a hyper-religious zealot raising him. And it's obviously he's also got some issues that the 1930s are not equipped to handle in the mental health world. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, this is definitely like he's obsessed with sex on a mental health level, rather than like, I got stitches on people. I can't believe I just said that. That's what I added to this podcast. Welcome to Jesse. Hey, look what I have. That's what I added to this podcast. Cool. So thrilled about that. Yeah. Yes, Robert was an uncontrollably horny man, and bringing him in close proximity to two new bile young ladies, one of which flaunts her good looks for her own purposes regularly,
Starting point is 00:11:06 and Robert couldn't handle it. He was masturbating constantly, multiple times every day, to lewd fantasies that he claims he could not stop no matter how hard he tried. Well, I mean, like, listen, who here hasn't lost their mind and just needed to slice a bitch and murder someone because you're just so horny. I have not. I have another confession about why I had to leave college. And according to Robert, all of this horniness was constantly blocking up his ability to refine his visualization talent. And he finally got so sick and tired of his own horniness that he devised a plan. You know, I know that you mentioned that you thought he didn't have to go to New York to
Starting point is 00:11:56 become a killer, right? Yes. But there's something about that city that you can get lost in. And it's like a city. Yeah. Yeah, you can get away with crazy shit, especially before New York really started to crack down up until the mid eighties, early nineties. New York was effing crazy. So it's true. I mean, New York might have been, you know, part of it and trying to survive in New York as a poor man, as he already was, you know, after the depression, but still feeling the ripple effects of it. I can't imagine it was good for his health. He definitely also has that kind of 4chan vibe. Oh, my God. He's like, these women, I deserve them. Oh, my God, dude, just wait with me. You're like, whoa, OK, my dude, fantasies that he was sleeping with the nurses. And that's the
Starting point is 00:12:43 reason he had to leave because he's not an incel. Every lady wants to hop on his penis. That's what I'm telling you. It has that vibe. It has that vibe of like, I demand the government issue me a woman like that kind of vibe. What is somebody who thinks life is World of Warcraft? Please, wow, you have to earn your ogre bride, my friend. Or you order the game and you get an alternate color for free. OK. And that's what I am. Oh. Oh, I thought you meant like an orc wife. Sorry. I like a wife from Wow. Sorry, I create my orc wife. Thank you very much. But it's like Robert is a man of two of two different personalities right now. He's he's
Starting point is 00:13:28 when he's not horny, he hates himself and hates how horny he becomes. But he's horny all the time. And it literally prevents him from doing the one thing he wants to do when he's not horny, which is art and visualization. He also has that thing like you were saying where his mom instilled in him that that's like a sin, right? Like feeling lust and liking women in that way and not for like to raise the family is a sin. And so that's also like, you know, the kinky part of it for my bet where he's like, it's hot because it's it's sinful. Oh, yeah, that messes you up. All I'm saying is it's natural, baby. It's natural. It's all good. All good. Well, the genius that Robert is wanting to focus on his ability to visualization devised
Starting point is 00:14:14 a plan and he got tired of his horniness on Wednesday, October 27, less than a week after he moved in with the Gettian family literally like five days. Can you reread that statement, please? Just the last line, please reread that. This is crazy. This sounds and the sick and tired of the whore of his horniness. And so he devised a plan to finally rid himself of it. And on the morning of Wednesday, October 27th, less than a week after he moved in with the Gettians. I love the idea of it's like he finally devised a plan to get rid of his horniness. So he did. So on the morning of October 27th, it's like, would you take something out to the dumpster? And so he did. Well, this is what he did. It was time to remove his horniness permanently.
Starting point is 00:15:00 That very evening, Robert had come up with a plan to remove his penis. I knew he was going to cut his penis off. This is where we're going. This is the big brain. This is the big brain. Right? Because you think you think you want to kill all the women because you can't stop thinking about them. But you know what, give a man a fish. He eats for a day. Cut his penis off. He never has sex again. Oh, my God. Yeah. Here we go. Down the rabbit hole. Robert is also a mega coward. We'll learn. First, quote, he put a strong rubber band around my prick to make it numb so it wouldn't hurt. Are you sure you're not reading the Bill Carradine episode again? I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Then after he affirmed that the rubber band was tight enough, he gathered his things and went for a walk outside. What? Quote, I walked the streets with the rubber band around his dick. I walked the streets and went all the way to Brooklyn by the subway in order to kill time to leave it on my penis until it got numb so that I wouldn't feel the pain. For a walk, so his penis would get numb? Yeah. He thought that, you know, walk it out, wait for the penis to get numb. Wait, but he said it's just a dick thing, not a ball thing. This is just his dick. Yeah, this is his dick. So he doesn't understand science either. No, he doesn't understand it whatsoever. He thinks he's convinced it's the penis that's
Starting point is 00:16:31 the problem. So after hours of walking around outside, he then returned home, took out a brand new sharp Gillette razor and slowly began to cop. Oh, yeah, dude. Why not? Why not just like one of those cleavers? They have it like a Chinese restaurant. Bam! You know what I'm saying? He started to slice away at it with a Gillette razor. Oh my God. My dude. And then unsurprisingly, however, this didn't last long. Later, he explained, quote, on the outside of my prick, I didn't feel it at all. But when I got to the inner cords, Jesus Christ, it hurts so damn much, you have no idea. Why does he sound like Moses like? I'm sorry. It's my fault. I kept on trying just a little bit at a time until I got to the place where I just couldn't stand it, unquote. Whatever. What? All the while?
Starting point is 00:17:26 He's even bad at this? My dude still has the penis. He got to the point where it hurt, and then he was going down there with the razor and just being like, like, little at a time. I can't. What? That's like a terrible, no one would ever. So my dude didn't even cut his penis off. He just like cut his penis. He just cut his penis. And eventually he got too, too painful for him. And but the rubber band was still tightly wrapped. And now using it like a tourniquet, Bob rushed himself to the hospital under a fake name, asking the nurse to please finish the job and finish the amputation. Oh my God. The nurse, the nurse, of course, turned him down and told him feeling my butthole. I hate that. And told him to come back tomorrow and ask the doctor the
Starting point is 00:18:09 following morning. What? And so he did after she treated it and made sure that he wasn't going to bleed out. And he returned the following morning, pleading with the doctor to finish the job. The doctor ignored him, gave him seven stitches up of his penis and sent him off to the Bellevue mental, Bellevue mental institution. No way a doctor is going to be like, all right, I'll do it. Whatever you want to do it. Let's do it. You don't you seem perfectly fine. Yeah, no, he's fine. He's healthy. You don't need it. Yeah, no, he doesn't need it, dude. This is an after he was brought to the Bellevue mental institution. It's here he would spend the next five months. So dude got out of the hospital, lived based on the streets for three weeks,
Starting point is 00:18:51 got brought into a room for about five days where he could not stop masturbating. So decided to try his cut his dick off and then ended up back in a mental institution later on. God, dude. That was all about three weeks. And it's as if the winds of fate truly had no other use for Robert Irwin. Everywhere he was flung, he had a meeting with someone who would further push him down the rabbit hole of horror, even if accidentally. And in Bellevue, Robert would meet with Dr. Wordham, who would go on in later life to give you an idea who Dr. Wordham was in the fifties. He would go on to write the book, Seduction of the Innocent. Does anybody here know what
Starting point is 00:19:30 Seduction of the Innocent is? The Batman and Robin? Game Batman? He the hero go on to write and rail against in the courts, comic books. He became a real Joe McCarthy kind of figure in that regard. He was blaming comic books for the rise of violence in the youth in the fifties. He fucked up the whole comic industry. Yeah, he did. He did. He actually bankrupted a ton of different comics. Yeah, he fucked up everyone because of the comics code. If you want to read more about him, there's actually more about him in the book. We're not going to dive too far into him, but this is who this dude came across, Robert Irwin. That's so crazy. Yeah, but not only that, he became so infatuated with Bob that he had
Starting point is 00:20:11 that he actually made time in front in his busy schedule. He had actually a schedule of he had to meet with 400 patients a month, every month, according to his job, but he literally went out of his way to make time daily to go meet with Robert Irwin after he first met him. Dr. Orwardham became so infatuated with Bob he had read many different theories and studies of people who've had the urge to cut off their own dick, but never had he had a patient who had actually made an attempt. And he thought through Robert, he might be able to get to the root of the cause and find out a reason and a treatment for this mental affliction. I got a worse cutting off your penis story than this. I think we all know the one I'm thinking
Starting point is 00:20:51 of if you're as macabre and gross as me, but let's save it for another time. I don't know what I'm so thankful I don't know. It involves a cannibal. No, I'm good. I mean, Dahmer. This one's worse than that. I mean, I feel like this one fucks me up more, but we'll talk about it at a later date. That's something to ask me when you see me at a convention again someday. There you go. So Dr. Orwardham so infatuated with Robert, like I said, took time every single day to go meet with him. And he was quoted as saying that Robert was, quote, a nice, frank looking young man who spoke with emphasis and conviction. That's all it takes to win him over. Regardless of their long conversations, however,
Starting point is 00:21:36 Bob was in the throes of his visualization nonsense at this point, completely and utterly convinced that his uncontrollable horniness was clogging up the creativity pipe and it needed to be removed. Asking a surgical intern at the hospital he was now at at one point to, quote, do him a great favor and amputate his penis. Continuing, continuing saying to the intern, quote, he said, if I didn't, when he got out, even after a stay at the state institution, he'd find someone, even a man on the street and pay him to amputate his penis. Oh my God. Dude, this guy, I mean, you can give him credit for being a doer, you know, at the very least, this man knew his priorities and.
Starting point is 00:22:16 When he spoke to Dr. Orwardham about this feeling of visualization being clogged up, Bob compared it to his brain being like a radio and his penis, when he got horny, sending interfering signals to his brain and he couldn't think straight. What a crazy, like wrong science. I don't like, but it's just literally like when you get so horny, you're just like, I just need to fucking, where's my girlfriend? This is like the guy who invented cornflakes or whatever. What? Wait, what? Cornflakes were originally an anti-masterbation aid. Oh, I think I knew that actually, but. What? Yeah. I mean, like, look it up. It's just like,
Starting point is 00:22:55 there's no more. What do you mean? There's no more to that. There's no more to that story than that. He was just like, look, if you get turned on by a lady, eat these cornflakes. Cornflakes are so boring. That can't be true. That a dude was just like, all right, gents, if a lady's ankle turns you on so much that you just got a jacket, eat these flakes instead. I refuse to, you know what? Never mind. That's exactly what kind of country America was. We're still struggling with that shit. We're trying to, people trying to drag us back to that and we're going to have anti-masterbation Cheerios next. Like, you know what? Anti-masterbation Cheerios are the best flavor. Real talk out of
Starting point is 00:23:34 all the Cheerio flavors, the best. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, look, it's not completely true, but it's close. What? I can't just say. It's part of, it's part of a, like, it's part, like, that's a detail of the story. It's like, you know, there's more to it. Yeah, there's more to it. Got it. Okay. Well, all these months, he, in this institution, and he still, Dr. Wordham still could not get Robert to stop trying to get his dick removed. I can't. And now determined to see if he could get through to him, Dr. Wordham tried to appeal to Robert's rational side, letting him know that even if his penis is removed, there's no guarantee the urges would go away. He then went on to cite examples of prisoners who no longer have access to regular normal, hetero, or should I say hetero
Starting point is 00:24:17 normal, regular sexual activities. I put that in air quotes, by the way, stating that once men are in prison, if they no longer have access to their wives or girlfriends, they would resort to even sleeping with one another and performing perverted homosexual acts just to get the urge out. To this point, Robert actually conceded but said, quote, I'm willing to take the chance and become an a cock sucker. End quote. To him, the benefits outweighed the risks. What? Yeah, he said, wait, why, what's the difference whether it's penises or vaginas? Well, he's saying, like, if losing my penis makes him want to suck dick, then that's just a risk he's willing to take.
Starting point is 00:24:56 What? As long as, like, the benefits of losing your dick and unclogging your visualization are worth the risks of wanting to, like, there's no thought process here. You're also, we're also talking 1930s. If I end up still horny, but now I want to suck dick instead, I'm good. That's the thing here is, like, he's like, well, look, I'm super horny all the time, and I think I should get rid of my dick. And the guy's like, whoa, without a dick, you're going to start sucking dicks. And he's like, that's fine with me. I don't get, but like, he'd still be horny then. These women are driving me crazy to now, like, these guys are driving me crazy. I can't stop thinking about penises.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Nothing has changed. Maybe so. No, no, no. This guy is not as smart as he thinks he is. I know I'm blowing out some minds here, but he's not that much of a genius, everybody. He's not. So when asked if he'd read, then furthering questioning whether Robert had read about removing his penises somewhere, and maybe he'd got the idea from that, Robert replied, quote, no, it was a plan of his own grand invention. He visualized it. He visualized it. He asked anyone in the world to do it for him. I simply wrote two words because Dr. Wordham at this point is as you're desperate to find a cause.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And at this point in time in history, Freudian theories are really dominant. And so Dr. Wordham started taking him down the path of his childhood, seeing if something had happened in his childhood that made him so obsessed. Because on top of that, as we talked about last episode, Robert also was really, really, really enjoyed tits. Like that was another thing he constantly talked about. Who doesn't though? Let's be real. Fair, fair. But like it was like an obsession.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And so he tried to bring him back. And so the two words I wrote down were mommy tits. Just so we could quickly, briefly talk about. What? What? What? What? Can we just go ahead and put it right? Everything so. Yeah, yeah. Can we just put it close?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Words. Mommy tits is not a word. Mommy tits. Oh, no. It's two words. It's two words. Mommy tits. Oh, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Okay. You got me there. Yeah, it's two words. But so he started to try to figure out if he had seen any trauma. And what he had learned about Robert is that his mother actually was not very closeted when it came to sex talk. In fact, she believed relatively liberally back then, it was better for their children to get the straightforward talk from their parents and discover smut in public and become a sex pervert.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Right. And so she did. However, it also included lots of nude baths with mommy all the way until like he was like 13, which included a top off and seeing his mother's breasts. And that ended up being a focal point for Robert. He actually spoke quite fondly of his mother's breasts. Oh, my God. They were perky and didn't sag in her old age.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Oh, my God. And he enjoyed the sight of them quite often. But he also discovered. Quite often. Speaking with Dr. Wharton. I hate this. Quite often. But he also discovered through speaking to Dr. Wharton that he no longer,
Starting point is 00:27:53 he didn't actually love his mother. In fact, he hated her for everything that he poured into, that she poured into him regarding religion and the way she raised him. Fair enough. But his breasts, but her breasts were quite beautiful. This guy, this guy is a lot more. Again, go read the Mad Sculptor. If you want, if that part interests you and you want more details, go read.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I'm good. But it's just not. We can leave it there. It's not important. I feel like I've got him down. I feel like I see where he's at. See where his head's at. So during his month at the hospital,
Starting point is 00:28:24 Dr. Wharton had so thoroughly enjoyed Bob and his art that he actually was able to attain Bob sharp sculpting tools in clay when he no longer thought Bob was going to slice his own dick off. And to his credit, he didn't actually slice his dick off. He didn't cut off his own penis. You know what, if that's what to his credit is, give me a fucking trophy because I don't do that shit every day of my life. Every day of my life, I don't cut off my penis.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Moreover, it did seem in the ways in the ways he was speaking that he no longer had a desire to cut off his own dick, making jokes about his previous desires and how silly they were. I was going to cut it right off. I swear. Really, what it was like. That was what it was like. And he tells a joke.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Oh, no, you spilled the coffee. What am I going to do? Cut off my own penis. So just a Star Trigger warning here for some people. There's actually a joke that he refers to that the author refers to that he tells the doctor. And he talks about a Jew, an Irishman, and a Scotsman going into a bar getting drunk and raping a woman.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Whoa, what? And they get arrested. Yep, yep. And they get arrested. And then the judge gives them, judges them guilty. And each one has to choose a way in which they get their own dick cut off. The Scotsman chooses to get a dick cut off with an ax. The Jewish man chooses the best anesthesia and surgery in town could buy.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And the Irishman said he wants to get his dicks sucked until it fell off. And then when the doctor said, and then Robert started cackling. And the doctor asked why that was remotely similar to his issue. He said, Oh, I don't know. I guess it's because their dicks were going to come off like I wanted mine. What? Yeah, that was the only relation he had, but he thought it was a great joke. That's what this dude was not coaching.
Starting point is 00:30:13 He was not present on the earth. And he's he continues to spiral. But he didn't. Hey, he didn't cut off his own dick. And he actually started that one. Yeah. And he actually started his own small business in the mental institution, making a little bit of money on the side, working on clay bus of the nurses and doctors.
Starting point is 00:30:31 That's going to be like cutting off people's dicks. Who asked him? No, some nurses and doctors would give them pictures of their children. He would make clay bus of them and he would make and stash a little bit of cash doing it. But there was one moment that stuck out. A nurse had wanted a bus from him, but had very little money. Robert trying to be kind actually negotiated and brought his meager prices down to accommodate the nurse. And he got to work on the bus.
Starting point is 00:30:54 About a week later, the day he was finishing the sculpt, the nurse approached and let him know she needed to cancel the order because she didn't have the money for him. This sent Robert into an absolute angry rage. But it was nonviolent as Dr. Wordham was actually close by. When Dr. Wordham was able to get him away and ask him in private how we felt about her canceling the deal, he said, quote, I'd like to cut the titties off the damn bitch. Oh, yeah. So another kind of clue that these violent outbursts are more than just uncontrollable outbursts.
Starting point is 00:31:30 There's thought. There's rage. And he hangs onto it for a long time. And after this incident, that Robert was transferred 20 miles north to Rockland Institute, also known to inmates as, quote, the House of Despair. It's a class. It's basically if you want to look into it. There are 30 full-time staff members with over 4,000 patients.
Starting point is 00:31:52 They only got one visit with the doctor a month at best, and it was short. And it's one of those typical 30s institutions that was a place of torture, days of being kept in a straight jacket when you're only supposed to be kept in them for no more than two hours, beatings, a room of 70 plus people shoulder to shoulder with nothing to entertain them, get a checkerboard and a half a deck of cards. It was that kind of place. And that's where Robert was shipped to. During his time here, he got into at least 25 physical fights, and his grand plans of
Starting point is 00:32:26 visualization only became more unhinged. Unfortunately for us, though, there are not a lot of leftover records of this place, as the hospital shut down decades ago. And we don't really know the history of Robert during his time here, though his need to take his own dick off seemed to have subsided completely. He attempted multiple escapes, eventually succeeding a few times, but on the final time, he actually was able to head directly to Dr. Wordham's apartment. He had been in regular correspondence with the doctor and knew where he lived.
Starting point is 00:32:58 When he arrived at his doorstep, he began to ramble nonsensically and claim to have felt too restricted within Rockland he couldn't be sent back. Dr. Wordham heard him out and convinced him to come with him to a psychiatric meeting he actually had that night, where he would be put on the spotlight and asked questions by all kinds of different psychologists in the field, where Robert would become giddy that was he was the center of attention and spoke openly of his sex life, childhood, and other more deep perversions. You can kind of think of it like you've ever seen those pictures like surgeons,
Starting point is 00:33:30 kind of in like an auditorium, looking down on a surgery being before them. It's that but for psychologists. And basically he was brought in and everybody could ask him all kinds of questions. And he was surprisingly openly detailed and everybody had different potential diagnosis for him, but none really settled in. And he never got treatment for any of them. He thoroughly, like I said, enjoyed the attention, though, and really enjoyed being the spotlight. Alex, were you going to say something?
Starting point is 00:33:56 So no, no, I'm just constantly being like this guy really is this guy. And I just can't believe he really is this guy. After this whole thing, Wordham was actually able to convince him to return to Rockland where he would spend another six months until the doctors finally no longer saw him as a threat and considered him, quote, much improved, releasing him back into New York. Shortly after his release, he would be hired by a man by the name of Gilbert Mag. I think it's you say a Mag guy. It's MAGI.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I don't have a badge. I want to say it's Magi, but I'm like, that sounds like too maybe it is. Maybe it's McGee. It's no way this guy's name is McGee. Gilbert McGee, dude. So he was hired by Gilbert Magi, working on making scopes with him, actually able to put his skills to use. And he was actually able to pump out scopes faster than his employer could keep up with,
Starting point is 00:34:54 making him an excellent employee. And finally, with a stable job and things looking up for him, Robert no longer wished to live alone and brought himself back to 240 East 53rd Street and was an asked to move back in with the Gettian family. Why on earth would they be all right with that? Because they only had about five days with him before he disappeared. Before he decided to chop his penis off. I don't to be to be to be fair to the family.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I don't know how much of that detail they actually knew when he was when he left. Okay. Because he did go into the hospital under a fake name. So I'm pretty sure he was trying to keep it under wraps. Oh my God. And the last time he was here in the hospital since the last time we talked about him, two years have passed. So it's now 1934 and no longer 1932.
Starting point is 00:35:44 And Ronnie, who was 15 at the time now 17, had become according to her parents, quote, boy crazy. And while Robert was not immune to her good looks, he saw her simply as a, quote, beautiful, brainless, fluffy thing. He instead had eyes for the older of the two, Ethel, who at this point had a job as a stenographer for Vanity Fair. Ethel had also enjoyed bus he had brought back from Rockland and agreed to allow him to create a bust of her as she posed for him.
Starting point is 00:36:15 It's here where we see Bob truly let loose with his theories. The conversations were long, but almost entirely filled by Bob's voice, speaking of the wonder of art itself and eventually spiraling its way into visualization. Filling her ears for as long as she can handle all about his theories and how soon he would be on top of the world, one of, if not the greatest sculptor to ever live. And soon after that, he fell hard and fell fast in love for Ethel. While Ethel, amused by his company, kept him around,
Starting point is 00:36:49 but didn't have any romantic interest in him. He would take route to excursions, long walks, dinners, and museums, skipping everything in between and bringing her straight to the sculptures of the museums. Unfortunately, however, six day back, he decided to cut off his penis again. No, but unfortunately for Robert, however, no, Ethel's mother ended up getting wind that Robert was trying to woo her daughter. And so she stepped in once it became clear and ended it softly by letting Robert know it wasn't because Robert was a bad man.
Starting point is 00:37:21 She simply hoped that Ethel would marry rich. Robert was far from rich. However, as we learned, Robert is, if anything, undeterred, and went directly to Dr. Wordham's apartment to unload and ramble, speaking of his intentions to date Ethel regardless of her mother, and eventually marry her, living a wonderful life as the greatest sculptor and her, his muse. The doctor attempted to sway him for doing so, but was promptly ignored. The next week, he took Ethel on a walk, rambling about visualizations,
Starting point is 00:37:57 and without warning, blurted, and without warning or planning, blurted out a proposal as they walked the sidewalk, where he continued to speak of visualization and asked her to marry him. Ethel turned him down, letting him know that she had no interest in being with him romantically and planned on marrying somebody else entirely. And in his own words, he just, quote, went crazy. Two weeks later, he stood by the East River Pier and contemplating for hours jumping in before leaving, rationalizing to himself that someone from all of those boats out there would
Starting point is 00:38:29 see him and rescue him, stopping him from killing himself via drowning. His rejection by Ethel spiraled him further into his own psychosis, and shortly after, he was let go from his job, that he was so excellent at not too long ago. He'd become surly and angry. The morning of his firing, Magi had let Bob know that he wouldn't be working there anymore. He handed him a $25 severance check and went into the back to get Bob's tools for him, while he suddenly, as he walked, got the feeling that someone was standing right behind him. When he turned around, there stood Bob, quietly with a cleaver in his hands,
Starting point is 00:39:08 and a dead stare in his eyes. Magi asked what the hell Bob was doing, and his response was, quote, I'm simply going to split your head right down the middle, then I'm going to fry your brains and have him for supper. You won't miss him, you won't miss him, you never use them anyway. And then after he finished, he attacked. Magi barely was able to move out of the way and grabbed a pot of wet plaster, throwing it at Bob and hitting him square in the face.
Starting point is 00:39:35 He then ran up behind Bob and grabbed him by his torso, bear hugging him tightly and wrestling him to the ground where the cleaver came loose and dropped and skidded away. Magi then lifted him and dragged him to the front door, where he threw Robert out violently. Robert hit the sidewalk, but turned back to the building and continued to shout at Magi after being tossed, screaming, the score isn't settled, I'll get you for this.
Starting point is 00:39:56 However, Magi would never see him again. What? Oh my God, dude. Yeah, he tried to fucking, he went straight serial killer there, like cleaver in hand, I'm going to fry your brains up, you don't use them anyway, like I'm going to murder you. Can you imagine just like that happening? Yeah. You firing this guy, this guy who's been your best worker,
Starting point is 00:40:18 and God knows how long. And now suddenly he's kind of like, he's the past few weeks, he's been angry. And that's why a lot of bosses do that, like, oh, you fired them. Real talk, that's why it happens. Just absolutely insane. So unfortunately, this was not good for his health. After this outburst, Dr. Wordham was able to finally convince Robert
Starting point is 00:40:43 to once again return to Rockland, where he accepted and then would spend the next two years. Doctors considered him a model patient, and his violent outbursts were actually few and far between at this particular visit. Robert actually saw Rockland now as a sort of escape, and truly had no intention of leaving. He was comfortable, and he was safe,
Starting point is 00:41:04 and he could focus on his art and visualization. But two years later, after quote, much improvement yet again, much to his detest, Robert was again released back into New York City, even though he did not want to. And what is the first thing you think that he did as he left boys? Cut off his penis. It could be anything, right? The first thing that he did was track down Ethel,
Starting point is 00:41:33 where he would then learn that she had married merely weeks ago at a private ceremony in Manhattan. So cool, so cool. This is just going to be. This shattered our dear Robert Irwin, and once again, he was heartbroken, and immediately readmitted himself to Rockland for another six months,
Starting point is 00:41:52 where he focused heavily on his art and visualization once again. And one particular masterpiece that he considered his masterpiece that would actually be bronzed and kept by the hospital after he left for the final time. In this time, his theories again, remember, his theories began to get wild. Before we get to the masterpiece. I can't believe I can't believe you're stalling on this.
Starting point is 00:42:18 How dare you? How dare you do this? Robert started to believe that through visualization, he could time travel. What is he could shunt his consciousness forward or backward in time and inhabit his body and exist timelessly wherever he so chose. Kind of like Wolverine from Days of Future Past. Yeah, OK.
Starting point is 00:42:41 He also, he also believed that teleportation would come to him, that time and space would be nothing, and he could bend it at his will, moving amongst the world as he saw fit. But the final step that he was able to, the final step that he believed that he would step to was actual Godhood itself, where you yourself were all things that were not only possible,
Starting point is 00:43:02 but inevitable for the one who could master visualizations to become a God. But his masterpiece is what he would leave behind. This is like the plotline of a villain in a Final Fantasy game. Like just a heads up. That's what this is. It's like I should become a God. His masterpiece was titled The Cobra.
Starting point is 00:43:23 This clay statue depicted a small serpent with a coiled tail, a stubby body and a raised hood that seemed to be swaying under the spell of a snake charmer. But it's two very specific details that made this self-proclaimed masterpiece rather odd. One, it had a pair of enormous human breasts that sat on the front of his chest. The second, however, is was its face.
Starting point is 00:43:51 The face was that of a human woman in post-coital bliss, and to those who knew what they were looking at, were unmistakably met with the face of Ethel Gedeon. So, so, so kooky. So Ethel Gedeon's o-face with a cobra hood and a body and huge tits was his masterpiece. What's the name of it? I want you to know, upon looking up The Cobra,
Starting point is 00:44:19 The Cobra Bronze Statue, he is not the only one who does very similar artwork. There's a lot of bronze, sort of, I will simply say, there's a dinner table that's a naked woman in gold surrounded by a silver cobra, and I simply want you to know, I can't figure out who would buy that, but all I could find is this bronze sculpture
Starting point is 00:44:44 of the frickin' Irwin family of Australia holding an alligator together. Yeah, not the ones that we're talking about. I've also discovered that there's an entire subculture of glass tables where the glass is being held up by a naked woman. There are so many of them. That's bizarre.
Starting point is 00:45:04 That is really weird. What else would you own that? Who would own this? In my mind, I just imagine this very peaceful, calm Robert Irwin on the day he's being released, all the nurses looking at his final piece that he hands over to them, mystified by its weird sexuality,
Starting point is 00:45:18 but damn, it's good and talented, and he quietly with a smirk leaves. We don't actually get a good view of the cobra until it gets put on the table and the camera zooms in and we see the face of Ethel and it goes to black and it's like the villain is born. It looks fucking weird, dude. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Do you have? Well, where do you see this? I don't have a picture of it. It's not in the book. Oh, God, right here. It looks different probably than you think it does. I'm going to take this. Okay, actually, yes.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I was surprised because it's not in the book. I'm going to take a little screenshot for you guys. Drop it in. I love it. Oh, I'm actually excited to see this. How the hell do I make this work? Hold on. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:51 That's a good question. You know what? I'm just going to give you this website and then you guys... Yeah, that'll work, too. You guys can... Are you doing it in the Zoom chat? Yeah, you guys can navigate to it on your own. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:46:04 No one doubts that it's weird. I'm ready to see this. I want to see this thing. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. No, honestly, I can see like... Yeah, it's off to the right. Oh, my God, yes.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Yeah. Like a snake woman sculpture. Yeah. Bizarre. Like, that's a well-done statue, though. You know, like if it didn't have weird implications attached to it. Sure. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:28 Like, it's just a neat, artistic, bizarre sexual snake. Yeah, I mean, it's certainly like a compelling piece of art, I guess. Yes. And I don't want to say it's like a compelling piece of art, but it's like not a piece of shit. It's like, when I look at it, you can see talent. I mean, it has the coil of a nice poop. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It's almost a poop emoji. It is almost a poop emoji. Uh, anyway. After leaving for the final time of Rockland after six months, Robert attempted to ingratiate himself into normal life, but he was simply far too gone, consumed with two things, visualization and Ethel. Knowing she was married and no longer within the safety of Rockland,
Starting point is 00:47:10 he once again did what he did best, headed to the pier and prepared himself for the end. But as things tend to turn out for Robert, this isn't how it would go. What? As he gazed into the river, debating ending his life, quote, the water then turned to light and was swirling all around like a liquid light. It was just as beautiful as it can be.
Starting point is 00:47:33 The water rushed beneath him and eventually, quote, the water of the river rose up and swirled all around him, molding itself into the form of Ethel. What? Her hair was gold. I saw it just as clear as flesh and blood. He had finally, in his mind, progressed his visualization skills and realized he was on the brink of attaining Godhood.
Starting point is 00:47:56 So it's weird to me that he goes to this river again. It seems like the third, like the third time he's debating, jumping off and every single time he's come up with a reason not to. And this time he sits there for apparently hours, debating, jumping off and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, after years of his own dick causing him issues, he suddenly has a breakthrough in his visualization and he no longer feels like he's stunted in his growth.
Starting point is 00:48:21 And God, who does that? The grass, but this is me. This feels like another rationalization of for the actions that he decided he's about to take. This guy is already, though, just like this like crazy, mean, like even like threatening guy. Like, yes. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:36 He didn't like succeed at like not being a terror on this earth. No, he's he just goes up to he always wants to kill himself and then finds a reason not to, basically. Yeah. This is also very similar to his dad who did the whole fire thing, which is like, I am on fire all the time. He's like, water is my thing. We skipped.
Starting point is 00:48:57 He actually at some point in that time, he actually does dive into fundamentalist religion again, only to be kicked out when he gets into a fight and beats somebody up. So he does dive into it. And like, it's not it's not necessary to talk about, but he does is a good time point in his life where he decides that that's worth exploring simply because of his father, actually. But anyway, now on the he's on the brink of attaining Godhood,
Starting point is 00:49:20 he was simply lacking one last thing to roll to fill the role of risen Redeemer, just like Jesus Christ. Like Christ himself, he would need a sacrifice. Just as these Jesus died and rose from the dead from the tomb, so too would Bob Bob, but realizing at least having a self realization that in order to rise up again and become the embodiment of the Redeemer of Christ, that he would have to die and rise again.
Starting point is 00:49:50 He said, quote, while Christ went down into the grave and rose from the tomb in immortality, I'm worried that when I go to the grave, which meant suicide by drowning, that I would not rise again. Quote, all the principles for which he had worked so hard for so many years would vanish. Basically, he was afraid that if he jumped in and committed suicide, that he wouldn't come back to life. So clearly, he wasn't that convinced that he was on the verge of Godhood in my mind. I feel like it's one of those things where you just say it,
Starting point is 00:50:20 like over and over and over again. And then like someday you have to like do something about it, maybe. And you're just like just sort of like the same delusion over and over again. Now, we're about to move into some rather dark spots. So everybody just prepare yourselves. Instead of instead of instead of sacrificing himself, a solution came to mind. He could sacrifice somebody else and he would sacrifice Ethel. The internal pressure generated by her murder would be so intense that he would be liberated
Starting point is 00:50:52 from all the bonds of mortality and would arrive at the stage of Redeemer, born again as a God. And now with the plan and believing that Ethel was still living apart from her husband, he decided to seek her out at Mary and Ronnie's apartment where he once lived, an apartment just a few blocks away. Fortunately for Ronnie and unfortunately for the others, she now lived with her husband and no longer lived at her family's. And along the way, with this plan in place, he came across a discarded ice pick on the streets, probably dropped by the ice delivery services at that time.
Starting point is 00:51:29 He scooped it up, went to a hardware store and bought a filer, filing the dulled ice pick tip to a sharp point. It's from this point. I'm actually going to read the confession directly from the book in his words and go over what happened after the murder, his subsequent catching and what ended up happening to our dear Robert. That night, I said to myself, I'm going up there and kill an Ethel. I never intended to get anybody but her. I thought after killing Ethel, then they would kill me in the chair, but I didn't care.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Then I said to myself that after being in the nut house all your life, you can't go to the chair. You might, but the chances are that you won't. They'll put me in the nut house again and then I'll be there all the rest of my life and catch up with myself in a spiritual way. After sharpening the ice pick, I had walked to the apartment building at 316 East 50th Street. Mrs. Gideon did not want me to have anything to do with Ethel. Outside of that, she was always very friendly to me.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Mary and Mary and the mother actually ended up coming home earlier that day. Ethel was nowhere in sight. The mother had seen me and invited me upstairs to have a drink and talk. I imagine she wanted me to no longer speak to Ethel and eventually that came from her. Assuming that she was out having a good time, I did my best to stall until Ethel returned. Pulling out a little pad and pencil, I began to draw Mary's portrait. I took just as long as I could on that picture and all the time I was feeling her out about Ethel. Bob was still sketching when the little Englishman Frank Byrnes showed up.
Starting point is 00:53:03 She was staying at this house now in the empty room. He wasn't related and he simply paid them rent. He and Bob shook hands and exchanged a few pleasantries before Byrnes retired to his bedroom and closed the door. He had been there for more than an hour and Mary, who still had some holiday preparations to attend to before she went to bed, said, Bob Ethel isn't here and it's very late. I replied, I'm going to stay here until I see Ethel. Mary, her patience at an end, half rose from her seat and yelled,
Starting point is 00:53:31 get out of here or I'm going to call the Englishman. At that point, Bob went mad. At that moment, he related, I hit her with everything I had. She fell back on the floor with her legs back over her head. I grabbed her by the neck. I was astonished at the fight she made. She had plenty of life in her. She scratched my face like nobody's business. I had Mrs. Gettian by the throat and I never let loose of that throat for 20 minutes. Finally, her arms dropped back limp and her shoulders sagged on the floor.
Starting point is 00:54:01 All the time, this damned Englishman was in the next room just 10 feet away. She died right in front of that room just 10 feet away. She put up a hell of a fight. I can't understand why she didn't bring the whole town down on us. At this point, it's narrative Bob reveals that a detail so obscene that it was censored from all published versions of his confession, made even more shocking by the matter of fact tone in which he divulged it. It explained that the injuries that the medical examiner had found on Mary Gettian's genitalia area. Mary Gettian had in fact been sexually violated after death, but not by Robert Irwin. Quote, while I had her on the floor,
Starting point is 00:54:39 the dog put his nose in her private parts. I continued to choke her out for about 20 minutes before I was sure she was lifeless. I wanted to grade her as slow as I possibly could, so I pulled her garments from her body and allowed the dog to ravish her. Whoa, what the fuck? This is where I this is why and this is part of the reason I believe he was going to do this at some point. I died. He enjoyed the killings too much. And that was just one of three. My face was badly scratched, a handful of blood. I smeared it on her on her face and on her breast. And I threw her in the bedroom under the bed. Wait, the next room? Uh, there's a couple of rooms. He brought her to her room and put her under her bed.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Well, the Englishman was in his room. He went to bed. Yes, the Englishman is still awake and asleep in the other room. How the hell did none of this get heard? Good question. We ain't done. My hands were so full. Oh, sorry. And then the dog crawled in after his mistress when I put her under the bed. I thought of killing the animal too, but refrained out of pity. He was still convinced that Ethel would show up. He had no intention of leaving until he had, quote, done what I had come to do. I had to keep waiting for Ethel. She was the one I felt I must kill. I simply had to wait for her to finish what I had planned. He realized that Ronnie might arrive first. He had no desire to kill her. Quote, she was beautiful and I hate to destroy
Starting point is 00:56:02 beauty. I said to myself, if Ronnie comes in, I can tie her up and leave her. He had read somewhere that if you put a bar of soap in a sock, he can make a blackjack. And that's what he ended up doing, that he would quote, stun, stun, but nothing more. So I went in the kitchen and got some ordinary soap and made a blackjack out with some with a wash rag. He would later be amused to read in the tabloids that he had used the soap to carve a small sculpture of Ethel. But that's not how it went down. At about 3am, he heard Ronnie enter after saying a laughing good night to someone in the hallway. She went directly into the bathroom while he waited in the darkness of the little bedroom where he had concealed her mother's corpse. Quote, she stayed in there the longest
Starting point is 00:56:42 time. I thought she was never coming out. It was already 4am when Ronnie suddenly entered the bedroom. Bob, who had been lost in thoughts of Ethel and hadn't heard Ronnie leave the bathroom, hardly quote, let her have it with the blackjack. The soap went all over the floor. It didn't have the slightest effect. I can well believe that she was drunk because she didn't put up any fight at all, he said. Grabbing her by the throat, he dragged her onto the bed. I held her the longest time, just tight enough that she could breathe. There were moments when the pressure was relaxed enough so that she could speak a few words but not loudly. Disguising his voice, he asked her where Ethel was. Ronnie answered that she was at home with
Starting point is 00:57:22 her husband. I gave it up and I didn't know just what in God's name I would do. I wanted to let Ronnie live if I could. We were always pals. I suppose she thought I was going to rape her. She said, please don't touch me. I just had an operation and the doctor said if I had intercourse I would die. I had no such thought in mind. So I kept holding on, just light enough to prevent noise, not tight enough to kill. He estimated that he had his grip on her for around two hours. What? He had a little sense of passage of time. Yeah. He says, quote, when you get in a mix-up like that, you don't think about what you're doing. And time means nothing. What the hell? The whole night passed to me like a blue days.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Finally, her voice weakened tremulous. Ronnie said, Bob, I know you. You were going to get in trouble if you do this. But those were the words that would be what got her killed. The minute she used my name, Bob said, I clamped down on her and choked her until she was lifeless. She immediately became the most repulsive thing I'd ever seen in my life. It was like blue death, just oozing out, a spiritual emanation just oozing out. I turned on the lights and ripped off her chemist, leaving her on the top of the bed, her mother's body underneath. He then put out the lights and left the room. It was daybreak by then. Knowing that Frank Bearns was in the, could identify him, he, quote,
Starting point is 00:58:44 went in and fixed the Englishman with the ice pick that he intended to use on Ethel. I struck him in the, I struck him the first time in the temple so far as it would go. The pick was about six inches long. The poor fellow lay there twitching, but did not bleed. I had to hit him 11 times. What? After I put him out of his misery, I went in and took a little clock. The last thing I said to myself was, buddy, you did it. Up until that moment in Bob's recitation, no one had interrupted him.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Now, however, those who were asking the questions wanted to know how he felt about the murders. He said, I'm certainly sorry I killed all three of them. There was only one I was after, and that was Ethel. I don't know whether it was hate or love that made me want to kill her. If she had come in first, I would have killed her and nobody else. I don't think I would have marred up her features, because I only wanted to stab her once with the ice pick. One little hole wouldn't show.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And then when it was asked what was expected to happen of him, he said, whatever is coming to me, I'll take. And he said that with a smile. If I don't take, if I don't get the chair and I go to an institution, I'll use my money to hire someone to work for me to drill me in visualization. I want to develop myself. Even if I die, that won't be the end of it. That cycle comes back.
Starting point is 00:59:58 These people I killed aren't lost. There are. There's our borrowed lives. And if I live, I will reap them. I only meant to borrow one life. I will repay these lies by developing that power of visualizing, which is the next step in the evolution of the human race. This guy is just in another world completely.
Starting point is 01:00:16 This is so sad. It is. It's horrendous what happened. Afterward, he went on the run, knowing that there were still people within the city that knew him and the rest of the family might suspect him as they had all met him. But he first spent about a week in his apartment that was literally across the block from the police station. And every single day he would stay in his apartment and watch as the cops would gather
Starting point is 01:00:39 every morning, trying to figure out who exactly killed the family. Now, he claims that if they had pinned the murder on the father, which they were going down that road initially, that he was going to turn himself in. However, to his dismay, after a few months and being on a train headed to Chicago, he learned that his face had been put out. Somebody who had known him in the past had fingered him as the one who had a thing for Ethel and the one who had a constant violent outburst. After getting his description out and getting his recognition out there,
Starting point is 01:01:15 Bob once again decided to take things into his own hands. If he was going to go in, he was going to go in on his own terms and make himself the star. So he went back to New York, turned himself in after giving a long interview to a local newspaper detailing every act of his murders and his crimes. He then was dominant in the tabloids and became a star for months. He reveled in it. And the lawyer who defended him was able to get him life in prison, not the chair. And in that time, while in prison, his goal was a new step in the evolutionary tract.
Starting point is 01:01:54 He was going to be able to focus on storing so much electricity in his body that he would eventually melt the bars that held him, freeing himself from prison and taking to the streets, reborn as the Redeemer, the God he was always meant to be. Unfortunately for Robert, the clock that he stole and the paintings that he, or the arts that he consistently would rip out, made him well too known to those who he surrounded himself with. And so after long, the old Robert was arrested and lived out the rest of his life in prison.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Dying? Oh, shit. I forget what year he died. I didn't write it down, but he died later on in life. And that would be the end of the story of Robert Irwin. Dude, that was like dead ass, the dude from Bioshock. Like that was crazy. His quote, by the way, about electricity is a quote, he believes that by 1948, he'll have stored enough energy in his body to melt the prison bars. Did he die before 1948?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Trialist, no. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He died before he was able to melt anything. He didn't. Oh, no, I would agree with that statement. No matter when he died. Yeah, true. He was going to melt anything. Yeah, yeah. Very true. And that's it. If you want to know more details about Robert Irwin, if you want to go into the life of him, when he went through his whole religious phase, and all that other nonsense, there's plenty more. This was the highlights, so to speak, the whole cops trying to get him. There was a point in time where they really were going to put the father in prison.
Starting point is 01:03:23 It wasn't until last minute identification from an old friend of him that was able to point them in the right direction. It's nuts. It's nuts. But yeah, that's it, boys. Another true crime journey in the books. That is. Sorry to end it on such a grim note. That is brutal. It got brutal at the end. It's like insanity and hilarity up until the point where he just like, you know, he's like,
Starting point is 01:03:49 up until the point where he just like, and Dr. Wordham's credit, that last time they let him out, he tried to tell them not to, because he was so far gone and he was so in his own delusions that it was obvious that he was going to do something bad, whether it was murder or something else. But the Rockland didn't like, there was too many people and they just couldn't keep them. So they're just like, he's fine. That is so unfortunate. That sucks.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Man. That does suck. Thank you, boys, for letting me take you on this journey. Thank you listeners for coming along on the true crime. Again, if you want to do your research, it's called The Mad Sculptor. If you want to read a long, great book, really great book and a lot of great research in there. Harold Schechter is just an excellent author. That's it. Next week.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I don't have anything super prep for next week. Alex, are you going to bring us a little treat? I'll bring you a little treat. I'll bring you a little, a little, a little, you know. A little Alex episode. I got two that are that I'm like working on. So. All right. Cool. Oh, man. We've started on the back end.
Starting point is 01:04:47 And I tweeted about it. MKLTRA is in full swing, everybody. You love to see it, guys. That is going to be a five plus parter. At least the thing is going to be enormous. I mean, if you need time, Alex, I can always Jesse episode. Any time that you want to. Any time, literally, that you want to. Jesse, people have been screaming for a Jesse episode.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Do we need a Jesse episode? I think we think it's time for a Jesse, either history's mysteries or something else. You know what? Next time I'll give you an episode. All right. I'll do this. You heard it here for you, folks. Jesse has the episode next week. Until then, we've got to go record a mini-show for the Patreon,
Starting point is 01:05:22 So it's just a little extra. If you want to reach out to us, head over to the subreddit. It's also chilluminati. Pod is a subreddit. Lots of stories, lots of dreams. Lots of people just talking about cool articles and post sightings. Lots of dreams, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:35 So many dreams now, Jesse. You've started the thing. It's, it's happened. I'm so thrilled, so thrilled. Twitter. I'm at Mathis Games. Jesse's at Jesse Cox. Alex is at Foscione. And the podcast at Chilluminati Pod.
Starting point is 01:05:46 That's it for us. We love you. Goodbye, everybody. Bye. Bye. Anyway, me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night, enjoying ourselves. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I stepped back inside. And after a few moments, I hear my wife go,
Starting point is 01:06:00 holy shit, get out here. So I quickly dash back outside. She's looking up at the sky in the fall. I look up too. And there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. So I look up at the sky in the fall. And there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. And there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. And there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. And there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. And there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. And there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. 4 Are you stuck in the city life routine? It's time to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air,
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