Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 81 - Project MK-ULTRA Part 2

Episode Date: December 22, 2020

Sorry for the lack of intro music. We're operating at half capacity as Mike is away from home and uploading essentially with just his cell phone. Enjoy! we continue the horror Patreon - BUY OUR MERCH - Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Art Commissioned by - Theme - Matt Proft End song - POWER FAILURE - Video -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bring the flavor to any fiesta with new modelo chelada sandia picante a mix of authentic Mexican beer vibrant watermelon flavor and a hint of Chile Modelo chelada sandia picante fight for bold flavors fight for authenticity drink responsibly Hello, hello, everybody and welcome back to the shillou manatee podcast episode 81 We missed episode 80 because there was a mini-soaked compilation and I'm gonna say compilation now because I keep getting made fun of How I usually say it compilation and people spell it the dirty way. Okay, like come pile Let me let me let me ask you is let me ask you a question Listening to this show This is the cheloumenade do you have sex?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Contest yeah, if you are listening right now pause You significant other get them in the bedroom and press play That they've put on the background and fucked you regularly alright, it could be us if we're lucky Yeah, Jack's cross whatever it is. Yeah. Anyway, sorry. Yes, Alex. No, okay The episodes that we put out that are a mixture of of episodes Past bonus episodes. Those are called compilation episodes, right? Yes What is the act of putting those episodes together? Called when you take yeah, so you would say that might be perhaps the compilation
Starting point is 00:01:37 Thank you Alex. That's right. That's exactly what thank you for passing the test. Congrats, Alex You are now the the the main host of the show Weird people that can't get over slight irregularities in language Welcome, you know what I say give him a hard time Yeah, he's gonna learn he doesn't have a thick skin, dude. I I can't give him a hard He hasn't had a proper scandal in a while. Yeah, that's true I haven't been doing internet content for ten years. Yeah, I've seen every comment that could possibly exist But speaking of those compilations of episodes they do come from somewhere don't they Alex they do and
Starting point is 00:02:23 The real the best I call it the best kept secret of the chilluminati podcast Because once you find out about it You're so glad you did and you never and you never even think about what life was like before because you're so much happier Your life has changed It's it's because you've gone to slash chilluminati pod and you have signed up for our patreon and All that all those those hard that those those meager those few dollars a month that you send our way Are put to such good use by us. We're able to put out an episode every single week because of it and not only that Mathis
Starting point is 00:03:02 By himself he he creates compilations Of all the different episodes out there that we make these little bonuses after each and every episode 15 minutes 15 minutes there 20 minutes there the Compilation of it is staggering to make these compilation episodes Okay, the amount of the amount of poise he exhibits the amount of the amount of bravery he exhibits in his compilation True. Thank you for it. So I wanted to thank you for speaking the truth Alex. It blows the mind Not to mention Deanna gets to exist who is he does is a huge boon to us
Starting point is 00:03:38 She ceases to exist Sprawling 19 million hour long MK ultra episodes without that peach of a human being Okay, we will just have to remove her. Yeah, and not to mention Mel With her she knows too much so she can't be removed right right. Yeah No, I have to introduce myself to her as the new host like I have to kiss her ring And Mel is around drawing insanely awesome pictures I just want to like if you said Mel's around and Mel's around and that's the show. No, she's she's drawing monthly art that is like It looks like something that would be
Starting point is 00:04:17 Like on a graphic novel cover like it's really some some wild stylish Awesome shit like I always tell you go check it out slash Luminati pod. I Love it. You love it. It keeps us afloat here Let's talk about MK ultra for one and a half hours All right, sounds good. You could go for another five minutes if you really want to hit that 10 minute But and I would What I but we won't but we won't but we won't yeah, all right. It's time. Yeah, it's MK ultra part two time I hope you're all excited. This is gonna lead
Starting point is 00:04:48 Well, we got a bit of a timeline here to cover this episode may end up being a lot longer than the last episode We will see but if you remember in the last episode We covered a couple decades worth of groundwork the seeds that would eventually lead to the MK projects here in the US The torch that was carried out at unit 731 by Japan upon the Chinese The subsequent fall of Japan in World War two and the US taking those who worked at unit 731 and redistributing them throughout Asia for continued human experimentation Following the fall of Germany operation paperclip we covered which granted immunity to those to what was supposed to be a very limited Scope of Nazi scientists that end up being broadened to taking over thousand turned into every Nazi scientist
Starting point is 00:05:28 Every Nazi that's ever done science. You're good. Basically was like you can give an R. I'd give me okay Yeah, it did mmm And the eventual use of those ill-gotten gains from said scientists of concentration camps and the US proceeded to use them for themselves Because better in the hands of us than those of the Soviets was the mindset But it wouldn't be until 1950 where we would see the government truly try their hand at subterfuge from the ground up The first was MK Naomi and as I said at the end of the first episode This was named this name was rumored to be named after the secretary of the project's creator
Starting point is 00:06:07 It's just like Mario Super Mario Brothers Same deal right exact same deal the name of a landlord, right? Oh, yeah, same thing. Yep. Absolutely. Yeah This first project was something of a collaboration actually It was a joint effort between Camp Dietrich and the somewhat newly formed CIA Which in was just the kind of the rebranded OSS, which was the Secret Service prior And the in Britain and if you're wondering what MK is all about That's just a prefix that they ended up to indicate to those who created it that it's run by the technical staff service Are the technical services staff? Sorry, and they mostly made espionage tools
Starting point is 00:06:46 So anything was MK meant technical services staff was doing something espionage with it The goal of MK Naomi was actually pretty straightforward, especially during Cold War era times So I'm just gonna quote the investigator who dug up the info on this Under MK Naomi the SOD which stands for a special operations division The SOD men developed a whole arsenal of toxic substances free CIA use if agency Operators needed to kill someone in a few seconds with say a suicide pill SOD provided super deadly shellfish toxin more useful for assassination CIA and SOD men decided was botulinium with an incubation period of 8 to 12 is a botulinum botulinum
Starting point is 00:07:29 But I mean botulism just in general. Yeah, sure when you do it to a lot of people you're botulinum The botulinum podcast, right? Yeah, the botulinum Fair fair enough by children With an incubation period of 8 to 12 hours It allowed the killer to separate himself from the deed when CIA operators merely wanted to rid be rid of somebody Temporarily SOD stock piled for them about a dozen diseases and toxins of various strengths So basically it was just the suicide pill kill him super quick botulism
Starting point is 00:08:02 It'll kill him in 8 to 12 hours gives whoever who out an opportunity to bounce and then other things that made people feel sick or knock Them out temporarily. This is such a like sociopathic approach to war. Oh, man. It just gets worse. It's just so it doesn't Debraved, you know what? Honestly, this is a trigger warning from here on out for the rest of the episode if you think that's bad It's gonna get Exponentially worse. So just hang tight if things start getting bad. Don't worry step away pause come back Podcasts we can be here when you're ready For MK Naomi though, the CIA was mostly just an observing party
Starting point is 00:08:37 Most of the work being done by and conducted For this was being done by the British military. They did however Conduct something of a test run of the Pentagon's preparedness for a biological strike Six members of the SOD were sent to the Pentagon on a covert mission. They were what? Yep, they'll just just wait they were expertly disguised as air quality monitors and subsequently were simply let in They then proceeded to move about the Pentagon quietly spraying mock pet bacteria into the air ducts After they've moved from room to room air duct to air duct spraying their weird fake bacteria
Starting point is 00:09:20 They ran the numbers and came out the other end with the conclusion that had the attack been a real one a Minimum of half of the people working within the Pentagon would have been killed. Huh? What the fuck? So they did up they did a black ops like undercover fake terrorist attack on the Pentagon without telling a gun. Yeah Dude, can you fucking? Like what balls what who did who carried that out? That was this is all MK. No, ma. This was all MK Naomi. This was the CIA doing this. Oh my god SOD and CIA working together. Who are those people? What do you mean who like walked into that building like what were they like?
Starting point is 00:10:05 Those people are a star somewhere. I don't know who exactly that was no names damn you think that's insane Okay, so small ideas Alex end up giving way too much loftier goals And the next thing on their docket was something by the name of operation C spray You get a quick guess as to what you think operation C spray was just by going through it by its title Unless you already know what it is then don't say anything inventing the jet ski Sick sick. Yes. I mean come on. What do I got a C spray? Yeah, C spray Operations, so you know what that's it. Did you know what operations C spray was Jesse? No, no, okay, so After such an astounding find when coming to the foe assault on the Pentagon the next step was bigger
Starting point is 00:10:52 Taking a Minesweeper retrofitted with an enormous aerosol hose They drifted near San Francisco for six days at the end of September of 1950 with scientists at Camp Dietrich deciding on Suresh Marsens as the harmless bacteria that they were going to use to spray amongst the civilian population of San Francisco so this was not in any way a like cute or or like Misleading name for that. They literally just Spray the fucking ocean with bacteria. So yeah, so they all threw throughout the harmless bacteria of Suresh Marsens Because it was red and easy to trace later on and had no known ill effects
Starting point is 00:11:35 They sprayed it into the coastal mist After some time had passed about two weeks They took samples from 43 different sites and they reached the conclusion that this faux bacteria This harmless bacteria had spread to all 800,000 residents of San Francisco While also affecting people in Oakland Berkeley saw Salito just to name a few of the other cities Well as weeks went on more and more people actually began to check into the hospital with urinary tract infections All of them urinating red urine It actually ended up killing one person who actually was recovering from a recent prostate surgery and ended up contracting this
Starting point is 00:12:15 Virus that hit the city and it ended up killing him. What in the fuck? I so that is like unbelievable to me If we're gonna talk about you know toxins and spores and germs I just we have to rewind back to botulism real quick just to like sure. Absolutely. I need We are we are really blurring through a lot of things Like nine hours. Yeah, so like I don't know if people understand how crazy smart botulism as a way to kill a person is because botulism in general like the
Starting point is 00:12:57 Like the the botulinum or whatever it's called Isn't everybody? It's literally in everything. It's in the soil. It's in every food we eat It is on everything and the way that it like can actually turn deadly Is it has to have a certain like type of like a percentage of oxygen and a certain temperature and moist low acid? Situations right, huh? And if it has those three things it is now able to hurt you and so The reason why we salted food long ago The reason why we canned food and why canned food during the 50s and 60s was so prevalent is stuff like this There's a really famous story about how I
Starting point is 00:13:45 Think in the Ottoman Empire. I hope that's right and the Ottoman Empire They were straight up a dude who banned like one of the emperors banned blood sausage Because it was causing so much botulism that he was like if you can't if you can't get your blood sausage underway We're not having it anymore. Honestly, that's nuts. I I feel like it's like fine I feel like if that's all it takes to lock it down is hey guys. Hey, sorry You guys are gonna be able to eat that sausage with the lid that you guys put a lot of blood in sorry But the reason why I mentioned the blood sausage is that's where the name comes from But you'll come from botulist which is Latin meaning sausage because it's the sausage
Starting point is 00:14:30 Yeah, the sausage sickness is what got people sick listen listen no roasties on blood sausage I love a good morcia as much as the next guy but I'm you know Yeah, you know if it's between that or dying of a disease Yeah, I'll just eat chicken. Yeah, but then that's why you know you would throw your meat and salt or You would eventually we canned food like canned foods Would prevent stuff like that from happening and it's people are like, why would you you know do this over like a fresh thing? There's your answer. Sometimes fresh will kill your ass
Starting point is 00:15:08 You guys you guys have no idea how bad it used to be There's no way to understand how much how much closer to death humans were at every moment a hundred years ago than now Not just because we were also in a pandemic then you know what I mean True yeah, it has nothing to do with the pandemic the pandemic That's like easy gloves of what nature is trying to do to us every fucking day. You guys have no fucking idea Unless unless you're a fucking scientist or doctor, which apparently at least a couple of you are so Cheers to you guys. Yeah Government is also trying to accidentally kill us with their tasks. You know, I just want to like really stress that botulism is like first off
Starting point is 00:15:46 Sinister cuz once you oh, yeah, it takes hours to kill you But it's also something that if a doctor saw it they'd be like they must be in the wrong thing and there's no way They'd ever be able to find out. There's simply isn't yep It just happens. Yeah, luckily it wasn't botulism. They sprayed San Francisco with Right like like but that's doesn't it scare the shit out of you like how easy it is just like sure, okay City dad it it almost riff it almost like affirms my like faith in humanity a little bit just that like We're not constantly being victimized by botulism and like insane untraceable mass murdering Kent like Let's test that a little bit as we continue on here
Starting point is 00:16:30 So what interesting sets of numbers in hand and we're having really only been a passing observer in MK Naomi The CIA was itching to get to work on something of their own finally They really were we want to do some mess fucked up as this immediately All this all has happened the past everything that we've gone through in the beginning has only been about seven months worth of time Since the since MK Naomi So it is with this eagerness that the CIA finally opened their first project working toward mind control a Project by the name of project bluebird you may once again have an opportunity to guess why you think they call bluebird They sprayed poison in the air. So all the birds would turn blue and die. You got it. You got it. You got it
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's because the stated goal of the project was to attempt to get their subjects to quote sing like a bird What we know about the early days of the project is actually very little Name Popeye Project bluebird really wouldn't become its final form for about six months after it was officially founded But what we do know is that their goal was to have their experiments be the following broad incomprehensive involving both domestic and overseas activity the best subjects for the program were prisoners which more specifically included quote defectors refugees and POWs and
Starting point is 00:18:09 lastly experiments would be aimed at quote Investigating the possibility of control of an individual by application of special interrogation techniques As I said, it would be about six months before things expanded after the officers It asked to actually include a rather Establish and for training teams that they would then use to conduct experiments and develop techniques to determine the possibilities and practicality Of the use of special interrogation unwilling and unwilling subjects for operational purposes Essentially, they built teams so the final form of this particular Program was anywhere between four and six teams of people that they would then send throughout the world to work on these things
Starting point is 00:18:52 So to be clear This is this is not them investigating ways to torture people into giving information This is specifically them trying to come up with some sort of way To like like a truth serum like just to yes, but yes to the second one by way of the first I mean torture. I'm sure a bunch of people Went through into it. We've got to go into it. Yeah. Yeah, just to be clear They're they're not trying to come up with a new way to rip off your fingernails They're trying to put a chemical in your body that makes you just tell the truth
Starting point is 00:19:23 They're trying to get you to be coerced by not by torture in that particular very strict definition of like physical Yeah, like breaking of bones and stuff. Yeah, so again, I'm just gonna kind of quote what the the goal was here Conduct experiments and develop techniques to determine the possibilities and practicability Of the positive use of special interrogation on willing and unwilling subjects for operational purposes positive use of si special interrogation would be for the purpose of operational control of individuals to perform Perform specific tasks under a post hypnotic suggestion this field if If is found that the application of si is possible and practical
Starting point is 00:20:03 Offers unlimited possibilities to operational officers. So on top of drawing and everything out They're looking at like codeword trigger a sleeping agent type shit on top of that It's like I thought it was like imaginary You know what I mean? No No, it's not like all all the things that happen in comic books happen in real life That's what I mean. Like it's so weird that like that's how they manifest like Obviously, these things are like some of the worst things that our government has ever done, right? Like they're
Starting point is 00:20:32 Our government has done Some bad stuff and this is like some some of their worst atrocities and it shows up in our culture as like Do you expect me to talk, you know, you know Take my poison like it's just it's so fucking surreal to me. You know what I mean? Yeah, so you might be wondering then who who is the person who took over bluebird and made it this way the joker From batman, correct. Also known as somebody else entirely October 1950 a new cia director walked into bluebird and took it over general walter beddell smith One of his first decisions was to hire ambitions former lss spy master
Starting point is 00:21:14 Alan dulls who may vaguely remember that name from the first episode He worked for six weeks as a consultant before officially joining the agency on january 2nd in 1951 And alan dulls title was deputy director for plans and his job was to oversee the cia's covert operations Throughout his entire career alan dulls energetically pursued any possible avenue for mind control as he saw it as an indispensable part of the secret war against communism in a way dulls was obsessed with Mind control in all of its facets. Here is this 1950 into 1951 he was so literally okay, so literally what we're talking about is
Starting point is 00:21:57 people seeing super villains in comic books Yes, being like this is still comic book era being like yes This and then figuring out how to do it for real like mind control And no batman ever showed up to save the day Okay, and and is this is this guy is this matt daemon that we're talking about is this uh from from the movie, right? Yeah, what movie? Oh, I think it is called the good shepherd Never seen it's it's like about a guy who I I believe it's this guy dulls, right? Maybe yeah, I've never it might be
Starting point is 00:22:33 I've never heard. I think so and it's like it's like a three-hour movie. It's got like uh john titurro takes uh lsd and jumps out a window in it Oh, we'll get to that. Yeah, actually that actually that's like the most famous. That's like the most famous thing That's like the thing everybody knows I think out of this said like this story So Let me I'm gonna tell you for sure if this was him Give me the factuals my yes matt daemon played edward wilson and the good shepherd. Okay. Yeah, so he was like even higher up than that
Starting point is 00:23:02 All right Well, let's push onward dulls It only took dulls a couple of weeks before he was already like Balls deep and trying to get shit off the ground for mind control After two weeks on the job dulls focused on bluebird and sent a series of memos to two senior officers He is signed to help run the project They said the following quote in our conversation on february 9th 1951 I outlined to you the possibilities of augmenting the usual interrogation methods by the use of drugs
Starting point is 00:23:32 hypnosis shock etc And emphasize the defensive aspects as well as the offensive offensive opportunities in this field of applied medical science The enclosed folder interrogation techniques was prepared by my medical division to provide you with the with the suitable background So basically this guy I don't know you He's just taking all this torture and you just as long as you say it's applied medical science Then everybody's like yeah, it's fine. He's like I've all of this was really medical science Yeah, it's like it's like it's it's it's uh, what's the what's the thing called that they all have to say?
Starting point is 00:24:06 all the doctors The the Hippocratic oath. Oh, yeah, the Hippocratic oath. Well, he gets around that. Don't worry. That's the next note in the script because You think this would be a red flag, but dulls also noted that this quote augmenting Literally could only be carried out overseas because many of his aspects were quote not permitted by the united states government bluebird teams This continues in his in his memo bluebird teams are to include persons qualified in medicine Psychological interrogation and the use of the electro. Oh my god. I'm gonna butcher this Electro encephalogram. I got it. Yeah, electro encephalogram electric shock and the polygraph
Starting point is 00:24:45 So basically his outline is like because again, they made about anywhere between four and six teams seems and they all included about four people And each one was like a specialist So, you know how in star the star wars just got announced a bunch of new shows and the bad batch got announced It's like the bad batch but evil assholes. Yeah, exactly. It's like It's it's it's literally a comic book premise except it happened in real life Yep, it's it is so crazy to me that they were like, let's just get a bunch of mad scientists and like let them do their bad Shit for us. Yep. Why didn't they just make iron man? Why didn't they make why didn't they make? Supers, you know, why did they make superheroes? Why did they make the mind control be I'm gonna be I'm gonna say they tried
Starting point is 00:25:25 I'm gonna say they definitely tried to make an iron man at least some point in the last 50 years Yeah, but not for good not for good. I but I yeah, oh no I guarantee they had men in suits somewhere on an air force base. They're like, all right Can we get this metal fly strap rock us to their legs? I guarantee they someone tried I'm just so someone's like a quadriplegic now because they're experimenting on people. It's probably just not tight period No, no, not at all Not at all But these researchers were out there to investigate ways that a person could be
Starting point is 00:25:57 Quote made to commit acts useful to us under post hypnotic suggestion along with ways to condition our own people Condition our own people so they will not be subject to post hypnotic suggestion So they were like, all right We got to buff our dudes give them a mental shield Sure, but also mind control the enemies as you do. I mean, right That's one of the things like it's a movie trope where but someone drinks the poison But like I've been drinking this poison every day a little bit every day for 25 years That's why I live and you'll die. It's yeah, it's the exact same crazy thing except it's like
Starting point is 00:26:31 Mind control. All right. Sure. It's literally like that Like I think that's literally where the head was that was just like it's control the mind of another man I think I think I think this last quote this last question from dolls really puts his mind though and kind of gives you an idea why where this all was because his final like big question was Can a person under hypnosis be forced to commit murder? That was one of his big questions. And what should I call myself? When I go out to take down spider-man
Starting point is 00:27:09 The hypnotizer With his teams now built and his uh and his goals now set in place And now knowing he can't do it in the u.s These are where the cia black site prison started to come into use particularly Yeah, yeah, super hand. Oh, dr. Hypnosis Dr. Hey dr. Hypnosis they're gonna have a name by the end of this Yeah, I want it dude because you got to tell me which one of these he was residing in camp king or villa shuster Come on villa shuster. Come on. That's what I'm thinking right. It's on the island remote research base
Starting point is 00:27:46 Talk about it. So in 1946 Yeah, building a little bit giving a little bit more history boys in 1946 the u.s. Army took over a nazi transit camp for For captured british and american pilot. It's an it's a nazi camp. Yeah, it was the nazi camp that we took over operation paperclip building Yeah, we just took it. We just took it for ourselves Oh, yeah, building is so trustworthy. Don't worry about it. Oh my god hair. Hypnosis Oh Oh air hypnosis air hypnosis. Oh, I like it in villa shuster. Yep Welcome to my villa
Starting point is 00:28:32 In the background, I just see bean boy hanging out fight hypnosis bean boy. I need your help Hit this camp Use your shield as the nail hit this nap, bro Fibrinium to take any amount of heat It's fucking pineapple express research laboratory Oh I just tried chili dogs again. It should taste so different, bro Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:29:40 That's the comic I need that's all I need is just that Whoever drew the young math this is in bell bell on twitter bell bell On twitter. He's the guy who drove that drove to that comic cover of young mythus and that's insane You gotta give us air hair or whatever his name was somebody hair. You know sys versus air hypnosis versus captain america Versus the amazing boston big bean boy as he says somebody after america somebody photoshop Uh, a little realistic boston baked bean boy into the scene from pineapple express with bill hater In the in the weed bunker
Starting point is 00:30:15 Oh, all right. We got to focus 1946 the u.s. Army took over a nazi transit camp For captain british american pilots and renamed it camp king Since it was already configured with prison cells and interrogation rooms. It became a place where how handy Recalcitrant x nazis and other prisoners Calcitrant x nazis. Yeah, man That's where they were sent for quote special interrogations Officially, it was said to house the 7,707th european command intelligence center
Starting point is 00:30:52 Camp king was home base for the Yeah, this is gonna be enough No, this is so I when I when I was writing this out This is this this is the thing that made me think of a comic book So camp king was the home base for who were known as the rough boys. Shut the fuck up What were the rough boys? They were a handful of counterintelligence core officers known for abusing and beating prisoners Yeah, that sounds all in falls. Yeah Just like the rough boys. He's all just like beat up their british old like x military
Starting point is 00:31:25 the comedian You might be asking though how how do they beat up these x nazis? They merc the victims in freezing water Forced victims to run through gauntlets of soldiers who beat them with baseball bats and other weapons. Wait, so time out So this was an american facility That used to be a nazi facility that we shared with the british afterward that now houses Former nazis that are then being treated As badly as the nazis treated people who were at the nazi prison originally cool. All right. I just want to make sure this is all
Starting point is 00:31:59 No, you got it now. It's brad pit. It's brad pits crew in uh, in glorious bastards. This is what I'm imagining now. Yeah, you know So, uh, yeah freezing water forcing victims to run through gauntlets of soldiers who beat on them with baseball bats and other things Injected victims with metrizol a drug though to loosen tongues, but also caused violent contortions They also injected victims with cocktails of mescaline heroin and amphetamines. You know what? Why? Why not? They were getting specially interrogated. What in the world? I guess they were just testing to see if all that worked Yeah, there's like basically like some mad science quote-unquote behind it where they're just doing shit to see if they can get results that they Desire want like the episode of beefy some butthead where they just like find a dying baby bird and they just like try and save it and just like Probably made its last moments worse and more heart-wrenching than already just by like
Starting point is 00:32:57 Poking it with shit and pouring water on it and shit. Oh my god. Yeah craziness I mean like the crazy thing is like part of me is like f them nazis, but also part of me is like part of me But but also the other part of me is like as an american Your government being just as bad as nazis is like Yeah, this doesn't make it any better Same fuck nazis is not the same as saying you know submerge nazis in freezing water and beat them with zazeball Yes, yeah, there's like be calming as bad just for the sake of light. Well, let's see what happens Is kind of what makes nazis as terrible as nazis
Starting point is 00:33:33 Those recalcitrant x nazis So disagreeable. This is all happening before bluebird was there so When dulls heard about this place, he actually reached out and asked a very particular question I'm not going to ask the question. I'm just going to give you the answer to the question The cAA officer in response to dulls said quote no disposal of a body would be no problem and quote
Starting point is 00:34:00 So, you know It's that kind of place. What does that mean? Well, like what did they do? They just burnt them? Everything above was very appealing to dulls and he began dispatching teams of bluebird Agents to camp king to carry out further interrogations However, bluebird was so covert that even an army base was not secret in a secretive enough for them So cAA officers conducting bluebird interrogations were offered Were were offered guidance by doc fisher also known as general walter schreiber Why does he have two names?
Starting point is 00:34:37 Because the first name was a cover name Because he was a former surgeon general of the nazi army. Oh my god. He had conducted experiments at auschwitz Ravensbrock and docow Uh, I think i'm saying that right the three friendliest places in the war Yeah, in which inmates were uh were frozen injected with mescaline and other drugs cut open So the progress of gangrene on their bones could be monitored. Yeah So this is the guy that project that bluebird Used as their guide when they decided to start doing these projects. It's so messed up, man
Starting point is 00:35:12 Like well, you've got experience I just want to be sitting in the office to be like Okay, so your post-war effort to increase the defense was just to hire all the nazis and give them jobs and protect them That's just that just goes to show How ridiculous america was in a Cold war state. Yeah, we were so terrified of now we got it all figured out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah fine now I mean, we were so terrified of communism that we were we would literally ally with Nazis people on the planet
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yeah, in order to defeat a threat that we thought was worse than them, which is Sounds weird to familiar in 2020. Isn't it look man people who so scared of communism uh So you might be asking well, how do we get schreiber? I got the story. Don't you worry Schreiber actually didn't end up in us hands initially Schreiber was arrested by the soviets and imprisoned in lubeanka in moscow Where he persuaded his jailers to allow him to accept a professorship in east berlin and
Starting point is 00:36:14 They relented giving him said job afterward He slipped into west berlin and gave himself immediately immediately over to the counterintelligence corps Sent him to camp king where he became the staff doctor after just a few short months that that checks out That's I mean most people that were captured by the russians When they saw the soviet union, they were like no They're like yo, this sucks. At least I get a burger in america. Let's go But it was the same thing
Starting point is 00:36:48 That's why they so easily were like hey doc if you want to be a professor in one of our colleges in russia You can because russians were the exact same thing and they're like those dirty nazis are poisoning our men and mix Oh, you want to do that against the bad guys? Let's do it son So camp king wasn't exactly as exclusive as they all had wanted they were sharing it with the british army The cia then opened its own secret prison a few miles from camp king in kronberg in a 1906 villa Known as vila schuster for the jewish family that built and owned it But was forced to sell it under not the nazi regime and also house wall door for the lane that led to it
Starting point is 00:37:32 It became the cia torture house Jewish family was so honored But I was thinking when I was reading this I was like So The jewish family was like taken and forced to give it to nazi you got it back and instead of giving it back to the family You just turned it into a torture house instead
Starting point is 00:37:55 But you named it after the family. Maybe the family was dead. Maybe they died in the holocaust. I don't know I don't care where they are. You don't. Yeah, I feel like that's just not what you do yeah Anyway prisoners that came through villa schuster were considered quote especially expendable Which really only meant that if they ended up which which really only meant if they disappeared No one would come looking and they were deemed to be holding the most valuable secrets
Starting point is 00:38:22 So if nobody was coming looking that must mean they must be a high-end spot I would love to know what they consider to be the most valuable secrets when everyone who had secrets They were like, hey, you're a part of the team now Like I don't know what they want If it's a secret, how do you know they know it? I mean, I imagine under the context in which they were arrested they know that they're at the very least part of the enemy government or they're part of the army, but Again, who knows what and like how much they know there's no way to know
Starting point is 00:38:51 But didn't stop them camp king villa schuster and other black sites across europe set a precedent for the cia They consisted of eastern europeans Mostly including people from east germany that were captured soviet agents or simply refugees that were judged unreliable The cia uh They would then open prisons and exert their right to detain and imprison people in other countries as well as Interrogate them harshly while they were in custody without regard for the u.s. Law So every loophole imaginable was used by the cia to treat these people as badly as they wanted This network of prisoners was then duplicated in japan
Starting point is 00:39:28 Bluebird interrogator teams injected captured north korean soldiers with mixes of the depressant sodium amatol combined with stimulants ben benazedrin koremine and picrotoxin When the prisoners were in the transition state between stimulant and depressant They were then subjected to hypnosis electroshock and debilitating heat The goal was to quote induce violent cathartic reactions Alternately putting subjects to sleep then waking them up until they were sufficiently confused to be coerced into reliving an experience from their past
Starting point is 00:40:05 Did any of this fucking work? No, yeah, what the fuck like It seems obvious that it wouldn't work. I don't know Well, but I feel like that when they walked away from all this they were like, you know what? We learned it doesn't work. Good job everyone. Yep. You're correct. That's exactly a lot of what they worked away from Officers involved in these experiments to keep their true nature secret even from american military units And to say that they were we're told to say that they were into conducting intensive polygraph work So nobody was able to tell anybody who they knew what they were actually doing and what they were working on
Starting point is 00:40:45 But still bluebird was just the seed The next project in the one that's going to be going to be talking about for the rest of the episode Leading all the way up to what would lead into mk ultra started in 1951 would be project artichoke Sydney Gottlieb again a name you might recognize from episode one began to work at the cia on july 13th 1951 and by august 20th 1951 a little over a month later He decided that bluebird needed to be expanded Intensified and centralized He also gave the project a new name which would be artichoke
Starting point is 00:41:22 It's just because they loved to the they they were studying the art of choking people. I love it. Yeah sounds right It's honestly. I'm with you on that one Three days after artichoke launched alan dulls was promoted to deputy director of central intelligence Assuring protection and support for the secret mine control project. Nice dude. So alan. Yeah, like it's just the The evil evil dude just getting promotion be like good work rich richer. Haha. Yep The first directives that ended up being sent over to project artichoke teams contained recommendations uh of the following interrogations be carried out in in a safe house or
Starting point is 00:42:02 Or a safe area with an adjoining room for recording devices transformers, etc In a bathroom because occasionally the artichoke technique or a treatment produces nausea vomiting or other conditions which make bathroom facilities essential Jesus from time to time artichoke Artichoke techniques may be used and when they say artichoke techniques It's the it's just the things that they're doing to the people, right? They're just talking about the drugings and the in the in the tortures and stuff Artichoke techniques may be used at any stage of interrogation
Starting point is 00:42:35 Either as quote a starting point for the obtaining of information Or as a last resort when all or nearly all attempts at obtaining information have failed Or when a subject is completely recalcitrant or particularly stubborn Literally literally in the rules. It's like litter do whatever you want. Fuck it. You literally doesn't matter All right, cool. Good luck Continuing our principal goal remains the same as it was in the beginning the investigation of drug effects on ego control and volat of a lot of volitional activities as an example Uh, can willfully suppressed information be elicited through drugs affecting higher nervous systems?
Starting point is 00:43:15 If so, which agents are better for this purpose in which so it's like can we can we give someone a drug to make them feel Better or worse? It's like alchemy, but torching. Yes, correct Drugs are are already on hand and new ones are being produced that can destroy integrity and make indiscreet the most dependable individual end quote Oh Most of what the cia called artichoke work qualified as medical torture examples in Yeah examples include
Starting point is 00:43:47 Dosing unwilling patients with potent drugs Subjecting them to extremes of temperature and sound and strapping them in electric shock machines A cia memo written soon after artichoke launch hinted at the full extent of the experiments So this is so we only know this through again a lot of the information is memos We're able to get and like who were willing to come forward about exactly what was happening here Um, so we do there is evidence that all this stuff is was real and actually was happening and most of the evidence is straight memos So the next memo was this quote specific research should be undertaken to develop new chemicals of drugs Or to improve known elements for use in artichoke work
Starting point is 00:44:25 An exhaustive study should be made of various gases and aerosols gas guns jets or sprays Both concealed and open should be studied in addition The problem of permanent brain injury and amnesia following lack of oxygen or exposure to other gases should be studied The effects of high and low pressure on individuals should be examined A considerable amount of research could profitably Uh be expended in the field of sound This research would include the effects on human beings of various types of vibrations monotonous sounds concussions
Starting point is 00:44:56 Ultra high frequency ultrasonics the effect of constantly repeated word sounds Continuous suggestion non-rhythmic sounds whispering, etc. How many people knew about this? Good question, but I do know so I do wonder if sonic warfare stuff Came from there's stuff happening now that Yeah, have you guys Reese, oh man Is it gangstocking you're gonna talk of gangstocking I want to I'll bring this up in one of our uh patreon shows. I have to do a quick search. Is it the cuba sound?
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yes, not like recently the stuff that like two weeks ago. They reported that It's crazy. It's probably slash shilluminati pod if you want to hear us talk about that story right after this episode Uh, so but yeah, I did a lot a lot of sound stuff. Imagine being drugged Put in a freezing room and then blasted with sound for hours on end That's what I do to myself when I get home from work, but Continuing they also uh continuing the the the memo Bacteria plant cultures fungi poisons of various types are capable of producing illnesses
Starting point is 00:46:01 Which in turn would produce high fevers delirium, etc The removal of certain food elements such as sugar starch calcium vitamins proteins, etc From food of an individual over a certain period of time will produce psychological and physical reactions in an individual Feeding should be made to the food will kill them faster Yeah, no, yeah, correct A study should be made to determine whether or not the removal of certain food elements from the diet of prisoners Over a given period of time will materially condition them for artichoke work Whether an individual will reveal information as a result of electroshock or while in an electroshock coma has not yet been
Starting point is 00:46:39 Demonstrated whether electroshock can produce controlled amnesia does not appear to be established If an electronically induced sleep could be obtained and that sleep is used as a means for gaining hypnotic control of an individual This apparatus might be of extreme value to the artichoke work The agency under no circumstances will consider lobotomy and brain surgery as an operative measure However, it is felt that the subject could be examined Special research should be what does that mean? They basically would never ever fucking do that Come but we might do it. Yeah, like yeah, exactly
Starting point is 00:47:12 We don't think it'll matter. But hey, if you hear about somebody's brain being sliced open, don't We told you it might happen. We're gonna do it. We've done it already Special research should be conducive to determine the effect of long and continuous exposure of individuals to infrared and ultraviolet light There are a great many psychological techniques that could be used in a connection with the artichoke work Including moving or vibrating rooms Distorted rooms the deliberate creation of an anxiety condition the creation of panic fear or the exploitation of established phobias The effect of heat and cold the effect of dampness dryness or saturated saturated of dry air The general problem of disorientation and completely sound soundproof areas
Starting point is 00:47:55 It would be great. It would be a great advantage if a small effective hypno spray A device could be designed along the lines of a fountain pen This of course would be necessarily have would be necessary Would necessarily have to include some effective chemical or drug that could be used in this connection This would be a very valuable weapon This is just like a fucking dude in his bathtub like it'd be sick if there was like a pen that could like control your mind, bro You should get some scientists working on this mind control plan. I'll be like So tight if we could get that
Starting point is 00:48:29 Really what these memos are has the end of the memo, but that's what it reads Like it really reads like this dude just like this would be cool and this would be cool And I know lobotomies are dumb, but I've always wanted to see one So we'll might murder that one. There's like a ring you could do that like it has like a spiral and then Like when you look at the ring, it like controls your mind. See if you can like make that A CIA operative testing it out on interrogating an ex-nazi officer where he reaches into his bag And he just like flips on the glasses that have two spirals on the eyes Imagine if that worked like who we make that
Starting point is 00:49:02 Can we make that torture some people? So you might be wondering and if you're not you're gonna learn What did the artichoke chi what did the artichoke artichoke team include? Well, it included quote-unquote research specialists Yes maniacs a medical officer and a security technician technician and by early 1952 Four teams were active on one each in west germany france japan and south korea And of course several more were later added Artichoke teams could be dispatched at the request of the army of c or cia interrogators who faced particularly stubborn prisoners
Starting point is 00:49:40 So you basically if the cia was having a hard time interrogating somebody you're just like i'm gonna call them I'm gonna call your dad I'm gonna get your dad in here. All right. All right. We're calling artichoke and you just get artichoke on the phone They send over four people who are there to just torture the shit out of the guy until they got what they wanted Like that's what they were they were just mobile torture teams, but it wasn't even like targeted torture like in the way
Starting point is 00:50:04 That like a torturer guy comes and like does this thing to torture you It's like they were just trying shit out and it was like fucking you up like it wasn't like Oh, we do this because it does this they were just like, you know, absolutely Like do this crazy bullshit like oh put them in the loud ass room and then whip them with fucking ropes or whatever like It's fucking not it's it's nonsense. It's unbelievable uh Well, that's what they did most of the time other times artichoke scientists came up with a new drug or other technique They wished to test and they sent out a call looking for expendable subjects
Starting point is 00:50:40 So they weren't having enough house calls. They just put out the call and we're like, hey Hey, we're kind of bored Anybody anybody want to torture anybody? Jesus the task of producing the drugs for project artichoke belonged to camp detrick So by the way, we've got so many people who say they live near there or they drove by there Or they knew somebody who worked at camp detrick. Detrick. Yes. I believe that they still today work there. They're still it's still up today Apparently I didn't know that And what they do there is again the kind of I guess been renamed but they get I guess they kind of still do like
Starting point is 00:51:16 biological stuff there Really? Yes. Yeah, I got we've got a ton of people reach out to us. You literally just google Fort Detrick Yeah, Fort Detrick. That's what they call it now. You you the very first image under that pops up even on just normal google It's a person in a biosuit Yep, that's what they do there. I know but it's still up and running today You may continue, but I need to check one thing. I thought that biological warfare is like not
Starting point is 00:51:46 Chill, but then well, they probably don't do biological warfare anymore quote unquote Um, but you say I can continue Jesse. Uh, I just wanted to check a thing, but it's not Accurate. Let's continue then. So, uh, sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to kind of bring that up that they repeat there We have listeners who know people who work back family members that work at this place The task of producing the drugs for project artichoke belonged to camp detrick and in 1950 In 1950 and continuing for the next two years The scientists had constructed an airtight spherical chamber in which controlled doses of toxins could be administered to animal Or human subjects so their reactions could be studied
Starting point is 00:52:25 Officially it was known as the one million liter test sphere, but it was more well known as the eight ball I just want to every time I just the minute Alex was like this is a comic book I was so excited for the rest of the episode because it's just evil comic book names the eight ball the The sealed chamber where they put gas in you Yeah, where they put gas and they call it the the eight ball dude. We are the fucking worst people in the fucking world I cannot believe that that is real It reminds me of that scene
Starting point is 00:53:02 It reminds me like the reverse of that scene in uh the rock where they try to like get the gas out of the baby Oh, my god, anyone remembers the scene that has nothing to do with the actual rock in the very like First 20 minutes. Oh, yeah, like when he starts like singing and shit Yep, that's uh, yeah, that is uh, that's how I imagine that that sounds terrible The eight ball was huge dude The eight ball was more than four stories high and weighed 131 tons making it the largest aero biology chamber ever built And this was in what year was this 1950 uh, 1950 the this was built in yep 1950 that must have cost
Starting point is 00:53:40 So much money Around its equator were five airtight ports leading to the chambers Into which toxins could be sprayed on subjects strapped inside Humidity and temperature levels inside each chamber could be regulated allowing scientists to test the potency of various toxins under differing conditions But then things broke or were not broke apart but evolved Then we get to learn about project chatter Project chatter was a venture. Oh, there's a hiccup out of there. Nope. Oh, there's another one. We're getting through them. Hang on Well, can I just add that uh, yep trying to find more information about this fort fort u trick
Starting point is 00:54:21 It was at one point in time called fort doom. So there you go There you go. Fort doom Fort doom at fort doom Eight ball at fort doom. Oh so good Put them in the eight ball This is fucking Indiana Jones today Air hypnosis has heard of the eight balls and wishes to inspect the new creation. Oh, no, we gotta get out of here captain America
Starting point is 00:54:51 Jumping like shoulder bean boy In the outcome not likely And then then freaking bean boy just fills the eight ball with weed smoke. Please Please captain America. Let me go. Ask me again later doctor Oh my god Project chatter was a venture taken on by the navy to see if one could weaken or even eliminate free will In another person. Uh, yes the honorable admirable, uh
Starting point is 00:55:23 pursuit of eliminating someone's free will At the end of 1950 the u.s. Navy gave the chairman of the psychology department at the university of rochester Uh g richard went a 300 thousand dollar grant to study heroine's effects in 2020 money That's a little over 3.2 million Went established a mini institute at which students were paid one dollar an hour to ingest measured doses of heroine While he observed their reactions nice That's the equivalent of 10 dollars and 80 cents an hour in 2020 money. It's not even minimum wage Dr. Richard went settled on heroine as being the most useful taking copious amounts himself until his death in 1977
Starting point is 00:56:12 Long after the experiments had stopped So he was just One of those scientists who's allowed to take heroin, huh? It's gonna work. Just give me Yeah, trust me. I'll do this shit. They let him the government really no the government literally gave a heroin addict 3.2 million dollars to do heroine experiments. Guys. We need so much What happened and then he did heroin until he died? I'm gonna do some more cash No, I'm gonna do some more money
Starting point is 00:56:41 So much heroin Oh, yeah Just picture that's even traffic During the summer of 1952 the navy met up with the people from project artichoke to pair up for a series of interrogations In frankfurt in germany Yes, the two evil teams literally did it like a brave and the bold crossover Yes, where they uh where professor went wanted to show off his foolproof combination of drugs that was sure to make anyone talk
Starting point is 00:57:14 So he was inviting artichoke to show hydra and cobra together as one. Yes. Yes Professor went felt sure that a combination of the depressant second all The stimulant dexadrine and the active ingredient of mar in marijuana THC would make would make anyone talk about anything There were five selected subjects one known double agent one suspected double agent and three defectors It'll make me talk about x-men for seven hours Professor wend's combination. Do you think worked or didn't work?
Starting point is 00:57:52 I'm gonna say hugely did it like like catastrophic failure Probably a lot of people died like probably I want to say massive you are you are correct in that it did not work We will see just how badly it did not work Um But uh, what were the things again? It was weed and what else? It was yeah, it was everything. He gave them everything. Yeah, he gave them second All the it's a depressant second all the stimulant dexadrine and thc the ingredients of diet coke and thc
Starting point is 00:58:23 It's it's like the opposite of what you would what like the power puff girls were made out of like sugar Sugar spice and everything nice. Everything nice. Yeah second all dexadrine and thc The active ingredient in pot What does that all create it's five sad subjects A very itchy entrance wound from a needle So it didn't work And so it's artichoke team decided to give the subject
Starting point is 00:58:52 The aid treatment what the aid treatment was is it was consistent of injecting enough sodium penthan Pentathol to knock them out Then after 20 minutes bringing them the subject back to semi-consciousness with benzedrine Then in a state between waking and sleeping that is clearly very comfortable for them The consultant used the technique of regression To convince the subject that he was speaking with his wife Eva this is one of the people that they're trying to have it out of the five people Isn't that what like
Starting point is 00:59:24 Scientologists do to like make you think you have past lives I mean that's I don't know. I think that's past life regression is Most of that you you were just taking a very stressful point and then they're like this is what's true about you, right? That interrogation went on for an hour and whenever the subject became too drowsy He would get another shot of benzedrine at the conclusion The subject was weeping violently and it was suggested that he would not remember what had transpired. It was suggested Yeah, yeah, he'll be probably not remember. We All right, what does that mean? It was suggested by who like somebody who felt bad about it
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah, like they basically said yeah, they basically said like He probably won't remember remember. It's fine Unsurprisingly in 1953 however project chatter was abandoned One of project artichokes biggest fascinations was creating a truth serum through the universe of psychopharmacology The truth serum would be ideally paired with a potion that would open the mind to programming And an amnesiac that would allow the wiping away of memory So this is just a made-up entire structure of how the brain works Yes, basically they just hoping it works in particular way
Starting point is 01:00:38 Clearly are not right But yeah, they basically wanted to get the truth out and then be able to wipe the person clean And we're all right. Bye What do you mean wipe them clean like wipe their memory of everything that happened? And they're just like a It is literally Alex. It's literally the plot of an amnesia rebirth That this is they're doing yeah, this is fucking crazy. Yeah The first drug the first drug was the active ingredient in marijuana
Starting point is 01:01:10 tetrahydrocannabinol THC The CIA's predecessor the OSS had refined the substance to a potent liquid that had no taste color or odor that's called a bean juice This was tested for months on the artichoke team in varying doses by mixing it into candy salad dressing and mashed potatoes My three witnesses And then they tried smoking it
Starting point is 01:01:39 The conclusions gathered the active ingredient of marijuana brings on a quote state of Irresponsibility appears to relax all inhibitions in the sense of humor is Accentuated to the point where any statement or situation can become extremely funny end quote It helps you understand how a less than good quality cheeseburger can still be kind of delicious in the right situation Like sometimes we actively go for shittier foods just because we want that experience like you know what I mean like it's wild Because this was not a useful tool in interrogations. However, the project ended up moving onward The next that's just what happened every time anything happened. They were like, yeah When you go to cocaine and that I mean, sorry, I just ruined it. I was gonna say when you go to maria
Starting point is 01:02:23 Juana, what's the next drug you go to when you want to try it? Add bill cocaine Is this like one of those things where they were like, all right, let's just keep Are we gonna end up where they're like Bring out the peyote. Let's do this. Is this where is this where we're going? You'll see you'll see That's a yes The cia sponsored experiments in which mental patients were given We're given it in forms in various forms including injection
Starting point is 01:02:47 An early report said cocaine produced elation and talkativeness and later experiments suggested that it could induce quote free and spontaneous speech Free and spontaneous beating your wife to death Question and I don't know if either of you know this When in this nation of ours What was it was it during the 1920s? And prohibition when everyone decided like look stop giving your kids cocaine for their two things Like there was a time where heroin and cocaine like you could just go down the street to the drug store and pick some stuff up We talked about in the black widow episodes
Starting point is 01:03:22 Of like how easy it was to get that stuff I mean even in the 60s there was there were pills you could take were pretty much just Drilling holes in people's heads at one point. She's just crazy stupid I just would love to know when that moment was when people decided like what government program decided. Hey, look No drugs all drugs is bad. And then now we're slowly moving back towards effort. You know what? Take care of yourself as long as you don't hurt other people. You're fine. Like there was clearly this definitely rings of of sort of a
Starting point is 01:03:56 Prohibition thing but also I remember just in general in the in the 70s and 80s the whole idea of like If you believe in Jesus, you won't do drugs. It's I think that I think the The coca-cola thing happened in the 1800s for sure. Yes I'm talking about like there was medicine that you would give your kids for two things that had cocaine. I think this was in like 1910 1915 19
Starting point is 01:04:26 If you can find I tried to do a quick one on my phone In the meanwhile. Oh, yeah, no, no 1914 They created the myth of the Quote negro cocaine fiend. Ah, it's always racist, isn't it? Of course always always always Ah, of course With the with the weed war and weed and all that shit too The idea was that it would drive specifically black people crazy and make them impervious to bullets Jesus
Starting point is 01:05:01 Like a reason that america would be like, of course. Oh, uh, literally any reason we'll take it like Jesus christ Yeah, i'm looking at another article right now. Yeah, you're absolutely right. It was racist sentiment What of course of course And then Yeah, in the 80s crack and they were just like, uh You know I've never been like this is a great american thing that was invented and then looked back and been like and it was invented by like
Starting point is 01:05:31 Smart people just trying to do a good thing Never that it's never that well The results of the experiment with cocaine while promising We're still unreal too unreliable for use in what they wanted in special interrogations So what was the next drug boys? Just take a guess. What do you think acid? Uh heroin bingo, it was heroin the next drug trialed was heroin. What a great memory list right now. Yeah CIA memos note that heroin was heroin was quote frequently used by police and intelligence officers and quote
Starting point is 01:06:08 And that it and other addictive substances quote can be useful in reverse Because of the stresses they produce when uh when they are withdrawn from those who are taken to their time out Are you saying like in general at the time? They were like, you know what? Yeah, police officers love heroin yes If he was being used frequently by uh by saying it was quote a little bit too much but kind of chill But they also came up with the result, but I love the all the second quote is they basically were like Yeah, but if you take the heroin away from them They get real man really problematic like it's not a good reliable thing to do
Starting point is 01:06:46 Jesus So heroin was crossed off the list Next on the list. You've got only well. This is the last one. Oh, no, I got two more this one and one more What was the next one acid? shrooms I don't know I'll tell you you're ready. The next drug on the list was mescaline Oh, it's like it's like the original acid
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly the first psychoactive drug to be synthesized actually in a laboratory. Oh gee acid fun fact Scientists at camp detrick questioned german scientists about their mescaline experiments that had been performed on prisoner Prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp the experiments yielded mixed results But the nazis were convinced that mescaline had untapped potential Ultimately though mescaline was also crossed off the list of potential truth serums You know how those nazis be they call them mixed results. I call them unforgivable war crimes It's it's just depends on how you look at it. I guess perspective to these guys. It's all matters But it wouldn't be until this final drug, which we all know where we're going with this one
Starting point is 01:07:51 It got liab stumbled upon lsd as a possibility for the truth serum and started a series of experiments first Like any good scientist got liab tried it on himself And finding his trips are illuminating like that. Don't say like I had a good scientist That's how that's how incredible hawks are made Listen, man, we only have like evil leagues of super villains out there Teaming up to do the teaming up to team books Legion of doom
Starting point is 01:08:26 After taking us up his first bit of lsd and having his first trip that first sweet sweet taste He found it incredibly illuminating and so he accelerated the pace of his lsd experiments His first subjects were volunteers in the cia or scientists from the sod at camp detrick Some agreed to be dosed at specific moments. People were like, hey Yeah, they jump in. Hey, do you want to participate in this the dude took it and he loved it and he was like, oh, hell Yeah, brother was fucking. Let's see what other people think Um, some agreed to be dosed at specific moments in controlled environments while others agreed to be surprised So different reactions might be observed
Starting point is 01:09:08 Yes, there was they were agreed to be like lsd me, but don't tell me People are like me when I go to a bar and I don't know what I want to drink And I'm trying to flirt with the bartender. I'm like, you know, let's surprise me and they hate it But like I'm just with him. Yeah. Yeah, there's roofing me. Is that what is that what's happening? Oh my god However later on this would evolve instead of asking for permission The agency trainees were eventually just given lsd without ever giving them a heads up or without their agreement You love to see it Yeah, good times on november 4th
Starting point is 01:09:43 Just to repeat that they just decided let's give it to randoms Just they later said f it and they were giving it to agency trainees Without giving them any sort of a heads up. But how would they how would they know? They'd lace their food and their drinks and their coffins and shit, right? But it wouldn't I would imagine Each person reacts differently in different part like periods of time based on digestion So like how would they know When they reacted or if the agent even reported it. Yes, you're forgetting something
Starting point is 01:10:13 This is this whole thing is a fucking experiment. I guess you're right But I mean like that no, but that's not true experiments have they probably knew their schedules and like I imagine they knew their schedules knew if they called out watched them and observed them throughout their day On that. I mean, they I know people were being quietly Science though, this isn't like how real science is done. No, absolutely. There's no control group here. There's like The eight ball Like I don't know what you're expecting here, man I don't know science
Starting point is 01:10:48 I would imagine even the nazi scientists would be like well actually The serum that I have like no no no just f them do it to all of them Like that sounds like an american thing to me the nazis would be like we must have controls So we know the answer and then it's like no America is doing the cowboy shooting from the hip You're infected you're infected you're infected Just put some fucking spores in san francisco. Fuck them Very american Red who cares
Starting point is 01:11:25 It's supposed to be painless. It's supposed to be harmless. No big deal well Continuing the shit show of falling and upward on november 4th, 1952 We are as we all all our history history buffs know eisenhower was elected into office And what did eisenhower do after elected? He moved the cia director general walter bedell smith to undersecretary of state And alan doll's into the now newly vacated cia director position. So now doll's was the cia director
Starting point is 01:11:55 eisenhower then selected doll's older brother john foster doll's as secretary of state essentially allowing got liab to do Anything he fucking wanted to without any repercussions whatsoever those two promotions Basically ensured that mad science could run free for a little while I just don't understand what was so I Don't understand what was so appealing like I don't like there was not it was it was yielding no results
Starting point is 01:12:29 I was gonna say literally because yeah, because they're literally yielding no results here Nothing that they've learned has been valuable to them other than It doesn't work like if it gets away from itself and people are just like oh, this is just a way for us to torture people without Like you know getting in trouble technically like I get that but I don't understand how upon review They could come back and be like no, we do need this I feel like there is an element here that we might be missing and I would wager it's We heard
Starting point is 01:13:01 From one of our assets that in soviet russia They're doing this exact same thing and they have mine control people In russia, they were trying to crack mine control too at the same time I'm saying like we probably had intelligence that clearly wasn't accurate that the soviets were like They can control mines now and we have to control my again going back to what I said last time with with fdr They were like Look hitlers looking for ancient artifacts We have to look for ancient artifacts because if they do exist
Starting point is 01:13:33 We're totally screwed and that's I feel like the same thing here and they're like if they have mine people We need to have mine people that and that's crazy But that's I guarantee you what's missing in this whole thing to explain why they would do something that is so stupid Well, it got worse It finally crossed over all this time. We were torturing people across Countries and other and other areas of black sites and prisons and whatnot But the one role it seems like our government had for the most part is don't fuck with our own citizens
Starting point is 01:14:09 We don't believe that for a minute. I think they mean don't fuck with our white citizens. It's what is what they were saying You are absolutely correct I know our government That change is now it's time to fuck with a white citizen now given completely unleashed Gottlieb brought several doctors in to see into the cia's mind control orbit and pushed them to carry out tests on psychoactive drugs Paul hawk of the new york psychiatric institute eventually agreed to inject mescaline into one of his patients So its effects could be examined The patient was called howard blower
Starting point is 01:14:46 Harold blower was a 42 year old professional tennis player who had come seeking treatment for some depression Following a particularly rough divorce. This was just bill was suffering from depression and they were like that's the one Yep getting on december 5th 1952 one of hawk's assistants subjected blower with a concentrated mescaline derivative without explanation or warning He was injected another five times over the course of a month Blower complained that the treatment he was was giving him hallucinations and asked that it be be ended But hawk insisted that blower proceed On january 8th 1953 blower was given a dose 14 times greater than the previous one he had gotten
Starting point is 01:15:28 What the fuck is that number? The notes taken as he uh, yeah, I know the notes taken Were uh as as his reaction followed were were these 953 a.m. Injected 959 a.m. He began to flail wildly 1001 a.m. His body stiffened and by 12 15 p.m. He was pronounced dead Yeah, I mean 14 times anything of a drug is that is an overdose way to happen imagine taking two ad-ville
Starting point is 01:16:01 and then imagine taking Fucking 28 ad-ville It's insane just to I mean Just a reminder like looking at some that is on my desk right now It's like, uh, hey, if you have more than six in 24 hours, you will literally be in trouble 28 you're dead. I guess good night. Let's say Well, golly. It's first 18 months of experiments gained no insight into how hallucinogenics could be used for mind control That
Starting point is 01:16:33 One and a half years He was then unfortunately for himself Left with two options one there was no truth serum drug Or two there was a truth serum drug and it had yet to be found Gottlieb chose to believe the latter And so he conceived the idea of a brand new pop project that would subsume artichoke and give him authority over all CIA research into mind control With this he would test every imaginable drug and technique plus others get untried
Starting point is 01:17:05 He would be free not only to experiment on expendables in secret prisons abroad But also to feed lsd to winning and unwitting americans From there he would go on to test study and investigate Every substance or method that might be used as a tool to control minds All experiments could be conducted under one umbrella program Gottlieb would run This program would be the most The would be the most systemic and widest ranging mind control project ever undertaken by any government at the time And on april 3rd 1953 a memo crafted by Gottlieb helms cia directorative plans was presented to dulls
Starting point is 01:17:42 The memo which was declassified in a highly redacted state had this to say To develop a capability in the covert use of biological and chemical materials This area includes the production of various psychological conditions, which could support present or future clandestine operations Aside from the offensive potential the development of a comprehensive capability in this field of covert chemical and biological warfare Giving us a thorough knowledge of the enemy's theoretical potential Thus enabling us to defend ourselves against the foe who might not be as restrained in the use of these techniques as we are For example, we intend to investigate the development of a chemical material which causes a reversible Non-toxic aberrant mental state the specific nature of which can be reasonably well predicted for each individual
Starting point is 01:18:27 This material could potentially aid in discrediting individuals eliciting information Implanting suggestion or in other forms of mental control Following that memo. Sorry continue. Um, no, that's just nuts that the The memo is literally saying Because our enemy could be bad. We should be worse. Yep. Literally That's it's stupid bonkers And so on april 13th 1953 the proposal was officially approved The assets of the program included the following a $300,000 starting budget about $3 million in 2020 money
Starting point is 01:19:06 No subjected to not subjected to financial controls whatsoever Permission to launch research and conduct experiments at will Quote without the signing of the usual contracts or other written agreements end quote And finally a new kryptonim One that we were all excited to hear from episode one weapon a new project was called project MK ultra Damn and next episode we will truly begin
Starting point is 01:19:35 MK ultra and everything that it did This is fucking bullshit. I'm gonna say good and bad, but there is no good. It's just bad. This is fucking bullshit This is I can't believe that real people got to spend Millions of dollars on this. Yep. Good fucking lord and it lasted 10 years MK ultra was a decade long project I can't wait to hear all the great technological advancements that have brought us Yes, all of the great great things we learned out of MK ultra Uh, but that's it boys
Starting point is 01:20:05 That's episode two of the that brings us up to the timeline of MK ultra moving forward. That is That is crazy that that I mean, it's all real like it's it's happened. This isn't like a conspiracy this is stuff that actually happened and Uh, it's hard to believe but at the same time the I think the more we learn and the more information spreads freely And the more there's information requests things you can do with the government the more it's just like Yeah, I mean it happened 50 years ago So we're not too concerned, but it's like yeah, all right if that happened 50 years ago What is happening right now right 50 years ago? It's not long. It's not long at all
Starting point is 01:20:47 Suddenly that is really prime minister. It's not sounding so crazy is he? Oh, but the aliens no, that's crazy. Yeah, that's crazy. I'm with you on that one Jesse. That's just the guy trying to sell a fucking book Honestly, that's crazy I'm just saying yes, they wouldn't even a federation. No aliens would call something cool like the cuckoo clawed The clone right come on. Let's not let's not pretend. That sounds a lot like the cuckoo clan. It really does. It really does I thought that was a purposeful joke you were making But now Alex when you're doing a new 52 podcast I hope you have a new eye
Starting point is 01:21:25 If you see the eight ball show up anywhere now, you know where its origins come from books aren't even creative anymore. That's why We'll be back next week everybody. Thank you guys so much for watching We're going to be going and recording a mini-soat right for the patreon to drop right after this About the zodiac on it. So come listen to it I'm going to be talking about the israeli guy and uh, uh hunk of trash that whole thing isn't why it's a hunk of trash Oh, don't say like that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I respect the israeli man Who said the aliens Are telling us that we're not ready because we need spaceships, but also that we have a secret base on mars
Starting point is 01:22:00 Here's the thing. We do need spaceships though because that shit's cool Anyway, let's get out of here. Thank you guys so much. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. Bye If you've ever had to deal with a plumbing problem You may have felt the pain of realizing you don't know any plumbers Whether you're trying to stop a leaky faucet fix a running toilet replace your old water softener or install a tankless water heater The plumbers at any hour services can help all you have to do is call any hour services or schedule an appointment at any hour services Help with plumbing maintenance and repairs is closer than you think call any hour services or schedule an appointment at No one helps more homeowners than any hour services

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