Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 86 - The Raeliens

Episode Date: January 26, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dear Carbon Footprint, who's got America's largest electrified lineup? Toyota! 15 hybrid, plug-in, fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles, from the new Prius to the RAV4 Hybrid, the Crown and the Tundra i-Force Max. Toyota's the name of the electrified game. As our lineup gets larger, your footprint gets smaller. Get the juice on Juice?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Yup, juice! Toyota, let's go places! Hi, it's Alex. Listen, yes, I'm reading an ad on my own show, but let me just ask you, do you read comic books? Do you want to read comic books but you don't know where to start? Do you just want to hear as many hours of me and my friends talking about stuff we care about as possible?
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Starting point is 00:01:27 Hello, everybody and welcome back to the Trilluminati podcast, episode 86, I think doesn't matter anymore. I'll know when we're at 100. That's what I'll know. No, you won't. And I promise. No, what? That's not how anyone works.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I will know. I'm going to surprise you. I'll check. I'm going to surprise you with episode 100. Oh, are you already claiming? Are you like, are you like, I'm not claiming you like, I'm not claiming on episode 100 to claim it as your own. I'm not peeing on anything.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Okay. I'm just being right in the toilet where it goes, where it belongs. That's what I prefer. All right. And you know, are you belong at home on slash no, because that didn't even get to say who we were. No. There's a place you should pee.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It's on Checking on this podcast for the very first time and you were like, I'm going to go to episode 86. What are you doing? This is the Trilluminati podcast. Come on. We all know what's going on. And if you pay $15, you can get minisodes right now.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Right after this, you can, first of all, this is going to be the greatest episode you've ever heard. Second of all, when you get to the end of it, you're going to want to hear more. And let me tell you, I'm going to tease it right now at the beginning of the episode. An ongoing mystery that has been unfolding in the minisodes is being put to bed today. I don't know what that means. What does that mean? I'm not going to tell you.
Starting point is 00:02:50 It's a tease. What does that mean? It's a tease. We're representing the voice of the people and I'm the enlightened genius on the top of the mountain who knows the information already. So just get ready. Head to Trilluminati. What is it?
Starting point is 00:03:03 Wow. I forgot what I was talking about. I'm just so excited. I'm just a big fan of the show. You know what I mean? I'm a friend of the pod. It's the slash Trilluminati pod.
Starting point is 00:03:13 We're almost at 8K over there. Pushes over the edge. We are barreling towards. Don't miss Mel's art. Don't miss fucking incredible ad free episodes with a much better flow. You know what I'm saying? Don't miss it. You're never going to get taken out of it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 It's money in the bank. Come on. Okay. It's true. Yeah. I'm ready. Now, before we dive into the today's part two, now that we're going to pull away from Patreon, I just want you all to know I came prepared gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Oh. I've got mangoes. Oh. And juice. I've got a little fruit cup. I've got some peanut butter. What is happening right now? Wheat thins.
Starting point is 00:03:51 That's a what? Big bowl of jiff. And a bottle of water. So I'm ready to learn about railings. This is my snack while I get educated. He's excited. He's settled in. He's getting nutrients.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Those aren't unhealthy snacks. I got to come. They are not. They are not unhealthy snacks. I refuse to eat unhealthy snacks while I get educated about a sex cult that I may or may not go sign up for after this episode. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I don't know. Don't worry. It'll be all right. All right, Alex, take us away. This is all you, buddy. Okay. The rains are your own. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:26 All right. Here we go. So as you will recall what seems like one million years ago now somehow it's like a bunch of shit happened that blew everyone's minds every single day for two weeks. But we talked about a series of strange and seemingly random things. And just in case you didn't commit every single insane thing I said to memory for some reason, I'm going to recap it here for you real quick just to get you guys up to speed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:52 First, the wispy white strands that some call angel hair, which Mathis calls alien jizz, and which others like George Lucas also called jizz. The tiny. No, that's the band. That's music. Right. That's what I would call this is a beautiful type of music, a physical music. And the tiny unexplained creatures inside it, red and yellow with 10 movable tentacles
Starting point is 00:05:15 around a central hub, which were discovered when a college headmaster in Portugal, toss some of this stuff into a Petri dish and had it looked at under a microscope by various academically accredited experts in the fifties, sixties and seventies and later. And then we're corroborated by similar events all over Europe. Very popular one in France also. And they were all witnessed not just by one or two people, but like towns, soldiers, you know, like pilots, official sources, weather services. These things happened regardless of what they actually were, right?
Starting point is 00:05:54 And some connected to that, but also spanning back hundreds of years. We have accounts of these bizarre occurrences, right, which don't just happen at night. They also happen in the middle of the day in broad daylight where hundreds or even thousands of people at a time have reported insane lights and shapes in the air in the sky, sometimes also seeing large fleets of like 15 to 100 quote unquote celestial objects, which are also often reported as red and yellow, just like the aliens in the or the, you know, what I'm going to call them jellyfish like unexplainable creatures inside the alien jizz among the other more expected colors that you would expect.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And sometimes at the end of those things, angel hair even fell then, right? And people of antiquity wrote about them in awe and sort of connected them with Christianity, like they did with a lot of stuff at the time. But that became a little bit more plausible about 100 years ago, a little over 100 years ago. Now, again, in Portugal, when looking into other instances of angel hair falling in the wake of unexplainable events, I suddenly have a flash from Sunday morning. Catechism, Boston boy, Mathis probably knows what I'm talking about. Hell, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:11 There's a lot of Catholics in Boston. They're they're they rule the city. Yeah. Yeah. And my heart. Shout out to the Catholics. I was raised Catholic. I went to Catholic school. I was raised. Shout outs to the body and the blood.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And I realized that there is this officially recognized Catholic miracle, the miracle of Fatima, the miracle of the sun is another thing people call it with the Virgin Mary comes down, talks to these three kids, tells them weird secrets about the future, three secrets to be exact, correctly predicts that two of the kids are going to die like within a year from the Spanish flu epidemic, which is crazy. May I may I interrupt? Yeah. So because we're not really going to focus on this much longer, but because of all the
Starting point is 00:07:56 stuff that we got covered, we got a bunch of emails. And one that we got pointed out is it's very important at that time, apparently, where when Fatima was happening, religion and the government were incredibly closely tied together. Yes. And it's very likely that the government forced the kids to say that there were secrets and whatnot from this other from from the Holy Mother so that they could use it to assert themselves even further in the government or what have you got a lot of emails about it. I'm definitely butchering it and giving you the quick and dirty of it.
Starting point is 00:08:27 But thank you for those emails and for clarification. I asked for them, you know what I mean? Like I I this is not about me trying to tell you what happened for sure, right? This is me reading things on the Internet and reporting back what I have found, right? So I encourage people to tell me that I'm, you know, that there's other sides of the story. And of course there is, of course, this is a this is a miracle that the church said happened that was witnessed by tens of thousands of people, right? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:57 And it also but it also just happens to be like the granddaddy of all angel hair stories, because on that day, October 13th, 1917, when the Virgin Mary said there would be a miracle, literally, like I said, like a football stadium full of people were there, not just believers, not just not just Catholics, but also like newspapers, looky loos, your average looky loo curious rubber necker people. And after they saw this insane crap in the sky, like the sun moving around a laser light show from heaven, whatever the hell it was. It was heaven.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Heaven was just a rave. Honestly, like all the 24 seven. That's the dream, right? What sounds 24 seven rave? Yeah, I'd be like, look, Jesus, come on, bro. What if you never got tired and you you were just in the cut the whole time? I just have this picture of Jesse that would be exhausted on his face. Yes, I sunk into the back of his head, his beard's a mess.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And then he's begging Jesus, Jesus, and he's there whirling, like spinning, like glow sticks. He's got, like, gross pain from his neck. I was like, Jesus is like. What now? I was like, bro, it's been three days. I'm just saying myself, Einstein, Lincoln, we went out. We want we like a nice cottage to go fishing.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And what? In man, no way, fishing, Jesus. I think you just missed. Just fishers underestimated Peter walks in and snorts coke off of his open wound on his palm. Imagine. Well, ladies and gentlemen, good night, everybody. Really, you know what?
Starting point is 00:10:44 You're the Catholics, but I care. You're the Catholics. I mean, I was the one that was raised. I have. I have. But I don't care for Catholics. I feel like me saying I'm Catholic is like, I don't I don't think they want anything to do with this point. Dude, at a rave, you could drink Jesus's blood directly from the source.
Starting point is 00:11:01 You don't need a lot of that. I don't think that would happen. And you can listen to Get Lucky by Deaf Bunk at the same time. And it's it's cool because he's into it anyway, anyway, anyway. After that happened, all the stuff that we just said, after all the stuff that we just just talked about happened, angel hair fell from the sky and people tested it again. And they said it was like flaky,
Starting point is 00:11:24 which is like a more common description of modern years of this stuff. But finally, just before we wrapped up last time, we started to answer the question that you guys were both starting to ask at this point, which is why did it stop happening in the 70s, right? And while, yes, it's true that there's only been like three high profile angel, angel hair siding since then. And one of them was like in Australia. And it just like full on was those spiders that we were talking about
Starting point is 00:11:51 that like balloon their webs. And is it possible that a lot of the events are happening maybe overseas and we're just not seeing them because there's a lot of ocean? There's really not been a huge amount of those reports in the United States at all. You know what I mean? Maybe it's a new world, old world thing. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe there's a different alien that has claimed is peed on our country
Starting point is 00:12:16 and won't let anybody else in. I don't know where I was going, but all right then. I mean, you know, it could have happened. I'm just bringing the world, you know what I'm saying? Yes, we should call this the Macworld podcast. I think people would be less angry at us. Anyway, anyway, there is still one group that claims to see them all the time at their spiritual retreats and stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And those are the followers of a new age UFO religion known as Raelians, who exist in surprisingly large numbers all over the world and who are led by a man who says he based everything, all his teachings and scripture and whatnot off of an alien encounter. He had in the mountains of France in 1973, where it was revealed to him that humans were actually a thousands year long experiment and that it was finally time to meet the hyper evolved alien human scientists that are running it.
Starting point is 00:13:09 OK. And so before we get more into the absolutely fascinating story of Raelism here, which, believe me, I hope you listen to Jesse's advice last week and did not look anything up because it goes places you probably won't be expecting. I don't even know if it's going where Jesse's expecting. Like, I'm pretty sure I know Raelians. I know Raelians. I think you I think you think you do. But I don't know if when we're at the end of this, you're not going to have heard something that you haven't heard before.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Because let me tell you, it gets wacky doodoo. But I wanted to ask you guys before we start, like, what do you think this is? What is going on with the angel hair? Why is there so much evidence of the angel here? Why? What is the connection between the Bible and aliens? That's a different question. Can't answer. Those are not the same. It's all just an ancient aliens thing where you're like aliens.
Starting point is 00:14:00 No one can see me doing it, but I'm doing the aliens. Yes. Well, I mean, if you're asking about the connection between the Bible and in UFOs, it does go into ancient alien territory. However, we are like that whole thing. Isn't it? Is it the like, isn't there is also the possibility that they're the what do you call it, the angel hair is also a byproduct of like some micro organism that lives in the app. And didn't we talk about that last week?
Starting point is 00:14:23 I mean, it's possible, right? But it's also not like something there's a huge precedent for. Right. It's hypothetically totally possible that there's like sky jellyfish that like breed by like jizzing down over Europe. Like it's totally possible. But like the fact that it often happens right in the aftermath of like dead ass like aliens in the sky viewed by hundreds of people. Like, what do we honestly think is do you think that the thing
Starting point is 00:14:53 that they're seeing is an organism? I mean, it's OK. You want me to here we go. Here goes that you you're asking me to do this. I'm doing like this. You're doing it. Listen, there is it's very possible if we want to think that it's aliens, right, or either interdimensional travelers, it's possible that their ships
Starting point is 00:15:10 are a mix of some sort of hybrid of a live organism. And also usually like a bionic merge of technology and life or flesh. It's deep Star Wars cuts. OK, visible to the force. And yet they're powerful than the jet. I'm not talking about because of the V. I know they're on Vong. Yeah, I got you.
Starting point is 00:15:31 You're on the bombs. You know, everybody who's got the new Jedi order on their shelf. Oh, man. But that also could be like if the ships are trapped, if they're interdimensional, not necessarily interplanetary or interstellar. It's maybe some residue of them shifting into our reality, coming into our dimension or leaving our dimension. And it's just what is left over from that shift.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I don't know, man. This could go any kind of way. OK, but when there's such a clear religious element to it, like with with things like they're like there were crosses in the air, they're saying, oh, the lady of Fatima was here and also there was angel hair. Like, do you think that maybe there's some religious connection? Like maybe in some way there's aliens that are in some way pretending to be you. So what are you trying to say here?
Starting point is 00:16:23 That that I'm confused. What do you think might be a Nordic? I mean, it's possible. Jesus might be a Jesus from the Middle East might be a Nordic. Get the out Middle Eastern as shit. Jesus, they should call him. Was a Nordic. Get the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Not even happening, dude. We just lost tall hours out. Tall olives, the tall olives, all beautiful, dark haired, Nordic, adjoining. Jesus, no, no. Folks. I mean, yeah, I don't know, man. It might be a Nordic out of all the aliens and you're fucked up like Panopticon of aliens.
Starting point is 00:17:10 The one human, the one human. He was a gray and man's skin. You didn't even choose that. You were like, no, because he was a three foot Nordic. Oh, my God. Well, look, well, look, all I'm saying is that's the most offensive one of all. Oh, all I'm saying is I'm trying to walk you guys up to the idea that maybe there is some connection between people seeing celestial people from our own
Starting point is 00:17:40 religions that we have having real one on one interactions with them to and, you know, this is something that's in, you know, if you don't want to look at Christianity, you can also look at a lot of the Native American tribes and and and you can sort of like see how they have all these things that maybe could be their own religion that they are basing on their like long held ancestral beliefs or based on encounters with unknown entities from somewhere else, you know, and I'm just trying to walk you up to that because that's sort of like the crux of the Raylian sort of.
Starting point is 00:18:17 The way they're saying aliens and God are one of the same. Well, they're all the same. I mean, OK, so we covered it a bit last week. I want to get a little deeper into the basic Raylian beliefs right now, just at the top so we can like do it up so we have the context for what we're about to talk about a little deeper, right? So as we know from what I said last week, Yahweh is the alien that came down. And he told Rayl that twenty five thousand years ago,
Starting point is 00:18:44 just as their forefathers had done in the distant past at Infinitum, which is like a cycle, right? Like this is like they did it to us. We're doing it to you now, right? The Elohim, which is the race of of alien and human, they are human in biology, but they are not from Earth. They are alien life forms that made us on Earth, right? They found and terraformed the Earth so that life could be created here
Starting point is 00:19:12 and they directly use their technology to create all life on the planet. And human beings are like biological robots, like data that have been created, not like data because data was built. But I mean, like, no, the best way to describe this is Battlestar Galactica. Yes, exactly. It's exactly the newest model, the newest model, yes, of Cylon ish, ish person. And actually, I don't want to spoil Battlestar Galactica, but like it's it's it's close.
Starting point is 00:19:45 But created, programmed by and modeled after the Elohim themselves and they're in their image, if you will, which is reflected in Genesis one twenty six from the Bible, which Mathis as a as a as a Boston boy. I just want to have you read this really quick. Oh, that's fine. I'll read it. I'm not going to ask you that. Mathis was like, I don't know what that is. Just because I was Catholic ten years ago doesn't mean I know the Bible by heart, bro.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I got confirmed and that was mostly for all the money I got. I got the Star Wars guide to vehicle and vessels for my communion. So that's sick. That's not how God said, let us make human being in our image after our likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame animals, all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the earth. Yeah. So that's that's the Bible's version of that, according to this mythos, right?
Starting point is 00:20:44 And according to Rayl, who is the guy Claude Forlain, who I don't know how to pronounce it perfectly in French, but that's his name, he changed his name to Rayl after this happened. Yahweh is the Elohim scientist who created humanity. And the first two humans he created were called Adam and Eve. And just and just like, you know, any other. You know, planetary society, there's actually seven races of Elohim, right? And Yahweh apparently created four human races originally.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And I was like, oh, this is going to become like racist, right? I was like, oh, but actually what happened was the purple, blue and green humans all died. So all the humans on the earth now are one type, which, you know, is cool. But, you know, it's interesting that he mentions green humans, because let me tell you. We did have a green human in the year 1100. Two green humans definitely crawled out of a hole and loved them some beans. Let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:21:51 And that's not the only reinterpretation of other religions and various important figures in those religions and events of those religions that that come into rail is railing is because a huge part of their whole concept is that many of the religious documents on the earth are simply. I don't want to say misunderstood, misinterpreted records of Elohim or, you know, things that they allowed us to believe rather than the full truth, especially when it comes to Christianity specifically, right?
Starting point is 00:22:27 Like, for example, Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden of Eden, right, is really a sort of like. Comprehendible to somebody 2000 years ago, version of humanity transitioning from our laboratory habitat to the true natural environments of the new planet that's creed. Basically, why would they then? Why would they say expelled rather than they departed? Because it's a morality tale, right?
Starting point is 00:23:00 And the reason that it's a morality tale is to keep us in line, because it's also believed that Satan is actually the head of a group of Elohim that opposed the idea of experimenting on humans, kind of like if there was a Jor-El from Superman. Can I join him? I don't know. I mean, look, you've already tried a couple of times. He's opposed to the idea of experimenting on us. I'm into it. I'm signing up.
Starting point is 00:23:25 According to your own recorded history on this podcast, you've already tried to work with that guy. A couple of times, I have a hard note. It was a hard note from space day. I'm so sorry. And along those lines, Noah's flood was meant to be an attack, like a like a not like a terrorist attack, like I guess a terrorist attack for the Elohim against us by his anti-human forces, who were trying to just wipe out the whole planet.
Starting point is 00:23:52 But then the Elohim saved us on a giant ship. The more I just want to, you know what, I just want to put this out. The more you you say stuff, the more I'm like, this is the craziest thing I've ever heard. And that's exactly what I promised, right? It's also key. It's also key to their it's also key to their beliefs that characters like Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, all the like
Starting point is 00:24:17 main dudes of religions. No, you lost me. First three, I'm like, all right, I can see what's going on. This sort of like Baha'i where it's like, you know what? All the religions are kind of right. This is kind of like that. But then you were like, Joseph Smith. I'm like, no, well, I love you Mormons.
Starting point is 00:24:31 You're good people, but no, I'm not. You can't do big three. And then just be like, yeah, Joseph Smith. I'm out. I can't do it. I'm super with Joseph Smith has a very but the Mormon, the Mormon sort of additions to Christianity are very like Celestial, spacey. Yeah, it's like if if Christianity is like the Avengers,
Starting point is 00:24:53 like Mormons are like Guardians of the Galaxy. You know what I mean? Like, you know, I'll notice a lot of them. That is the best descriptor I've ever heard. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, right? And then Green Lanterns over here, right? But it's not just but it's not you're not even wrong. Yeah, it's like Green Lantern.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Super power is a wild imagination. That's right. That's right. And yeah, and the Green Lantern uses plates. No, I'm just kidding. But it's not just those four. It's not just those four. It's also it's that they are four in a line of 39 various prophets over time from various Lord religions
Starting point is 00:25:35 that have been sent along to reveal what parts of the Elohim message they could comprehend at the time. And that rail is the anointed like special 40th prophet, right? They also they also specifically list Jesus, Jesus. They specifically list Jesus and rail as half brothers because they are actually both Yahweh's half human, half Elohim, biological sons. We have no one knows.
Starting point is 00:26:06 If you're ever going to have I'm just sorry. I'm just thinking about Zeus. I'm thinking about Zeus being like he gets around now. I'm a dove and now I'm a dog, baby. Now I'm a dog who likes to fuck. You know, I'm a lightning bolt. Yep. Got her. Zeus, Zeus likes a little poofs in the booth.
Starting point is 00:26:26 All right. All right. I got to stop. All right. Jesus, I'm going to piss off all those ancient Greeks. We got to wait there. Third real is we pissed off the Christian, the Christians by doing coke out of Jesus's wounds. And the Mormon, you did. I'm not calling him and calling you.
Starting point is 00:26:40 We'll answer. All right. Well, you call the woman's lantern. That's an insult. OK. But which one's Batman? Which one's Wonder Woman? Which one's Superman? That's a good question. That's a that's a that's a thinking man's question.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Here's the thing. If you went on the Internet and you posed like, all right, big three, who are Batman? Superman, Wonder Woman. That I think that's how the world ends. I think that's literally you started World War three. It's over. I think it ended when they were like I think it ended when somebody went on the Internet
Starting point is 00:27:07 and was like, there's pedophiles under that pizza place. We'll cover that topic in 20 years. No, we won't. No, we'll say 40 years. We'll see what happens. There may be somebody already working on it. I hope if in 20 years around, I haven't convinced you that 90 percent of this is bullshit, then I have not. Like, if that's what we're on and that's what I have to do
Starting point is 00:27:31 to convince you is not stuff's not real, I have failed. Who said I would? Oh, I'm not saying that we we cover it as real. We just cover it as the one. There are legitimate mysteries about that that we can get into. No, what? Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Like, who? Right. Who? Right.
Starting point is 00:27:48 But anyway, anyway, I mean, who right? Who is it? Who did it? Who is who's fault is that? Nobody knows the troll that that did it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, but anyway, Jesus's resurrection, according to this same logic where rail is his brother biologically under Yahweh is that and this is key that Jesus's resurrection was an example
Starting point is 00:28:12 of a dead person being restored to life after physical death via advanced cloning techniques. OK, God, wait, wait. OK. No, you know what? I'm going to let you continue. This this explains why only rail can interact directly with Elohim because he's part Elohim and why later in life rail also decided to publicly identify himself as my Treyah, the future bodhisattva
Starting point is 00:28:38 of Mahayana Buddhism, a.k.a. Buddha to like the successor to Buddha. Dude, he's going to. Is he just trying to become all the religious? He literally wrote that he's that guy in a book. It's amazing. OK, how did they clone Jesus in the cave? We'll get we'll get there for everyone else, though.
Starting point is 00:28:55 They can't know they can't meet with the Elohim or visit the homeworld like like rail did. But the Elohim telepathically monitor every human on earth in order to decide which ones will be offered eternal life. And though apparently they sometimes leave behind crop circles or angel hair for their followers to see when they visit, only rail can physically meet them. They believe that the earth is in a trial phase right now,
Starting point is 00:29:24 like we're in an era of time. This is not a this is actually not an uncommon belief for various religions. They believe that right now we're in the middle of like a trial age that's known as the Age of Revelation or the Age of Apocalypse, whereby 2035 in 14 years, it will be determined whether or not we're going to either a destroy ourselves or good and eat ourselves alive
Starting point is 00:29:48 or rise from the ashes and become like that meme about like what would happen if whoever was left in charge of whatever and you see the space city with the flying cars and the buildings, you know, the meme I'm talking about. But but that's the test that we're in right now. It's like, are we going to kill ourselves? Or are we going to like transcend and like find like found the federation of planets? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:17 Fully tolerant, complete sexual liberation where we can travel the universe, engage in all manner of pleasurable and artistic pursuits while biological robot sex slaves do all the dirty work for us that we are currently busting our ass to do every day right now. Right? Well, damn, it's also important to point out that while I do keep mentioning immortality, eternal life, Raylians do not believe in like souls or life after death or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:30:51 They don't they're like, no, that's bullshit. That's stupid, superstitious stuff. What they believe is that immortality can only be achieved via this advanced cloning technique. And if you read X-Men right now, the X-Men have access to something very similar on their living mutant Paradise Island of Krakowa, where your consciousness can be transferred into another version of your body and then you just continue. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:20 I think there's an element of the teleporter like sort of what do you call those? Like a conundrum? You talking about Star Trek? Yeah, where it's like Star Trek, the big like if you get teleported or is it you? And then your your cells are split and then you're recombined. Is it you and Adams? Yeah. Bring them up and then reassemble you based on their last.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I'll be you or like the boat, the boat, you know, where it's like you fix. Eventually you fix every slat of the boat and now is it the same boat that you had? Yeah. Oh, God, yeah. I forgot the name of that. I mean, that's technically your body, right? Yeah, most of you is new every every how many days. That's how they that's how they like punish people, too, is like they punish
Starting point is 00:32:06 them until the time that it takes for your body to completely regenerate all its cells. Like when they when they ban someone from something, it lasts until you're a new person, quote unquote. But it also explains why Raylian's like frown on suicide so hard, because they believe you're you're like ending a potentially endless existence, right? Due to this technology. However, Rayl also talks about cloning criminals.
Starting point is 00:32:36 That have died in order to put them on trial from beyond the grave. And as name checked, both Hitler and the 9-11 terrorists as people that if he has his way, he will bring back from the dead and like put on trial for their crimes. That sounds like an awful fucking idea. And and if you're not clear on it yet, I just want to hammer home the fact that Raylians have a pretty interesting set of morals, right? I guess so. Yeah. Because bringing Hitler back sounds like a terrible idea.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I know you only to put him on trial. Sure. But it's still going to spark things in the general public. I agree. People who worship him. I agree. I don't think it's a great idea. But also, I don't think it's very likely that we're going to. No, no, of course not. I'm just saying that many Raylians. Now you're dumb on multiple levels.
Starting point is 00:33:27 But he said that a long time ago, too. But OK, maybe he's changed. For example, part of their morals, they're super socially progressive, which is like good. They believe in a free and liberated society with no bigotry or intolerance. Good. Good. They believe resources should be shared. They believe democracy will make way eventually for a government based
Starting point is 00:33:49 on installing strictly super geniuses into positions of leadership, which is morally complex and kind of weird to think about. I don't know how I feel about that. But you know, they're they're very progressive and forward minded, and they believe in the potential of humanity, which I think is what country do you want to rule a super geniuses? I don't think I make the cut, to be honest. That's how every, you know, horror slash sci-fi game starts
Starting point is 00:34:17 where they're like my underwater sea kingdom of geniuses. And then by the end, everyone's dead. Are you talking about Bioshock? Maybe a man is an alien not entitled for the sweat of his of his alien brow. But but more to the point, they believe everything should be allowed as long as it harms no one and does not impede the advancement of science and technology, kind of dig that, which naturally implies a quote, worldly and hedonistic set of values, which is a real quote
Starting point is 00:34:53 that somebody said about them. And and while like a lot of cults, there's a lot of free sex, sexual freedom, right? Like a lot of orgy talk goes on around these guys. There's definitely like footage of like two people fucking on stage and everybody's like cheering. The whole thing doesn't really seem centered around having sex with rail specifically, like you would expect it would.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Usually how cults go was. Yes, usually the leader gets to fuck all everybody. No, it's actually it's actually weird. There's there's like a group of women. Yes, the angels. Yes, there are. And because of their like open lifestyles, open lifestyles, weird, because it sounds like you're just like, I'm an open marriage.
Starting point is 00:35:39 So I'm saying like they are so willing to accept anyone like the like rails, girls or whatever they're called, whatever they're called. They're really called like rails angels or something like that. Yeah, they like span genders and like I'm trying to think like it's like. So there's different tiers of them. And and and basically what that is, like the program itself, this this is the one exception,
Starting point is 00:36:08 honestly, to this like weird sex thing that is like a little weird is they prepare people to be these angels. And the idea is that when the Elohim come down, these are going to be like their gaseous, basically. Like it's like a right like a like almost like a diplomatic courtesy to them that they will have these like consorts, basically. And then there's like the golden angels, which rail sometimes has sex with and which other people sometimes have sex
Starting point is 00:36:39 with and who have sex with each other a lot. But there's not that much known about them that I can say for sure is true, because obviously that's not part of, you know, what they tend to advertise, right? And they're a lot more like, I guess, I don't know. They're not a sinister to the general public as something like Scientology. So there's not as much scrutiny around it. I guess what I was trying to say is like,
Starting point is 00:37:06 even though rails photographed a lot with like beautiful women, he also is just like, yeah, no, but if you want to like try homosexual stuff, that's cool, too. Like, oh, yeah, I don't know what the rules are for his angels, because I feel like he's like there's trans there's transgender angels. And there's like the whole thing. Yeah, it's all good with the Raylians, which is like kind of I think it's a lot of that is why they've escaped a lot of the sort of bad reputation
Starting point is 00:37:32 that a lot of other culty culty type religions have. I mean, a lot of people don't even call them a cult and they take exception to it. You know, you know, in a much different way than a lot of people like a lot of people who are Raylians live at home. They don't have the problem where they are asked to be like cut off from their friends and loved ones like you would expect a cult to do, right? Things like that like aren't really part of Raylianism, which is kind of interesting to think about.
Starting point is 00:38:00 But another reason that the sex thing is kind of interesting is because apparently according to rail, even the most male identifying Elohim are known to be extremely gentle and feminine. And ideas like gender amongst Raylians are viewed as artificial constructs completely and just considered totally fluid, right? And that's like how the Elohim think and they're us. So, you know, they're very like they're very like, you know, open minded group,
Starting point is 00:38:36 which I think is kind of cool. I don't know what the deal is with the angels. I hope everything's above board. I don't you know, apparently the reason why this is just what I know from having listened to one coast to coast AM way back when. Apparently why they don't have or why they have the angels and why I guess they just don't believe in marriage. Like marriage is suppression of women is pretty much what it is.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah. No, no doubt is what they say. He's actually OK. So Susan Palmer, who is the lady who who we're reading about rereading from last week when she was talking about Raylians. She thinks that Rayl might even believe that women are superior to men because he's known to have said many times that if women were in charge, there would be no war. And because on many different occasions, Raylians are like very often seen
Starting point is 00:39:34 at like women's rights marches and stuff like that, feminist, religious demonstrations, stuff like that. And even one time there was like a school or something that was like banning condoms from being available to students because they thought it encouraged them to have sex with each other. Even though it was supposed to be like, you know, if you're going to do it anyway, we can't stop you. So be safe, right?
Starting point is 00:40:01 That's the original intent, right? So even one time they were like actually like there was like a big thing where they like posted up outside the school and were like giving out condoms to the kids with like Raylian literature on them and stuff, which is kind of interesting, right? But to the Raylians, sex is intended as the opposite of violence and exploring your sexuality is synonymous with gaining wisdom and intelligence.
Starting point is 00:40:31 And there. But but along those lines, they're also like super serious about consent. They reject monogamy and marriage, like you said. And they look to cloning not just as a way of furthering our lives, but also as a means of evolving us so that we don't have to base our sexual relationships with others around procreation. And they want to render procreation obsolete and to be replaced with like cloning as needed, right? But another controversial thing about them is that their symbol,
Starting point is 00:41:08 if you've never seen it before, is literally a swastika inside of a star of David. Well, I don't know if you've seen it. You can look it up if you want. It's super weird. It's really a star of David. And then inside it is a swastika. It's weird. It's controversial. It's likely a big part of the reason why they haven't been able to build their
Starting point is 00:41:26 embassy in the Middle East anywhere like they really want to as literally. I don't I can't think of one person, one type of person. Even a Nazi would hate that, but like everybody would hate that. Like, I don't know. I don't know somebody who would see a star of David with a with a swastika inside who's like, wow. But speaking of literally what you just said, yeah. In 1992, the Raelian movement altered their symbol, replacing the central swastika with a swirling shape.
Starting point is 00:41:55 They said they did this at a request from the Elohim because they wanted to establish negotiations with Israel to build an extraterrestrial embassy. You're absolutely right. Yeah. But you know what, they changed it back. And it's not it's not the swirl is like out of date now. But now I want you guys to just really I want you guys to why I want you guys were wishy-washy on that. They were like, you know, we can get so they sort of like they sort of like just Xbox Live did like they just sort of like like we take back. Yeah, they did.
Starting point is 00:42:23 After like a couple of years, they just took it back. So now I wanted you to just take a look at this video. I just sent you guys it's it's a recruitment video for one of their happiness Academy events, and this just gives you an idea of their vibe. You don't have to watch this whole thing. It's literally one of those cult videos where like, you know, it's just like weird, jangly, like Christian rock music type music and just like hot people like hanging out in like large groups,
Starting point is 00:42:50 which kind of gives me anxiety right now. Is that him? No. Maybe maybe talking in front of everybody at the beginning. Yeah, I think that might be him. But should you say hot people hanging out in large groups gives you anxiety? It does in twenty twenty one. Come on. But if you go towards it, yeah, all just in me, everybody's topless. But if you get towards the end of it, yeah, it starts to go real sexy. Like it starts to get you see like real sexy.
Starting point is 00:43:13 That's forty two seconds in. It's just well towards the end. You see like maybe two people fucking on the side. Like it's like we're fast forwarding. But anyway, as you watch that, if you and if you see anything and you guys can I'll send you guys the link to this listeners. If you guys want, we can I'll drop that in reddit. But today's stuff that we're going to be going over a little more because there's still a lot to go, by the way, get ready.
Starting point is 00:43:38 It's a weird video. It's a weird video. It's a weird video. Oh, whoa. You saw it, right? OK. It's like that was fast. Yeah. That was like lightning quick. That went from man singing on stage to woman singing on stage to there's a bed on the stage in there on top of each other. And there's a lot of people there, right?
Starting point is 00:43:55 It's pretty. There's like a whole stadium, like a theater of people. Yeah. So it's it's real. Like this is this is what's going on. They got like a projection screen and I think they got a camera really. Oh, man, what this looks like cox con, you know what I mean? I'm uncomfortable with the amount of like like skeezy dudes. Like there's a lot of just because we're from L.A.
Starting point is 00:44:21 and we know what those dudes truly are. Yes. I mean, like there's a lot of skeezy look, not like a like a man. I'm just here to celebrate. There's a lot of dudes who are like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I believe. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Ray Leans. Ray Leans. Nice boobs. I mean, nice aliens. But anyway, today's the stuff that we're going to go into next
Starting point is 00:44:41 and I'll lay out a lot more, but I want to shout out a vice article called UFO Religion. The Ray Leans know they're quite out there by Jack Hutchcraft, as well as just a bunch of historical information that I found on Wikipedia and then cross checked with like several sources. So I have references for everything. I have a link to the vice article for you, Mathis, for later. Oh, yeah. But first things first, let's pick up where we left off on the history
Starting point is 00:45:08 and then we'll look at things a little closer, right? So first of all, here's a recording of a song called Sir, Your Wife Is Cheating On Me. Sir, Your Wife Is Cheating On Me. Yeah. It's it's a song that like because I said he used to be a pop star and he was running a car racing magazine, but I thought maybe you would want to hear a little bit of like what his vibe was. You can maybe report back to the listeners a little bit.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Let them know what kind of song we're talking about here. It's kind of a vibe, honestly. Like I would I would I would bump this. I don't like match to some something like I'm trying to like think of something to compare it to. It's definitely like actually reminds me of like like Mexican music. Yeah, actually, it has it has a it's a very jaunty. It's very like French pop vibes.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Like there's that French like old school cafe music mixed with like the Beatles. You know what I mean? Like it's kind of weird. But like I said, last week used to be a pop star for a little bit before his manager committed suicide. He was running a car racing magazine. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Did either of you watch to the end of this video? Yes, yeah, I just I explain.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I literally talk about the bed on stage. They're banging. No, no, no, no, no. I'm talking about the Claude Claude. Oh, sir, this song, this song over the course of this song, the image in the background turns into an old man. That's real. God, you're right. No, that's him. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's real.
Starting point is 00:46:40 That is. Oh, he's got a bushemi look kind of going on. I mean, he's you know, he this star. This this this religion is almost 50 years old. That's like almost ancient by now. Here's my here's my question for both of you. Yeah, it's like a brain. Whoever animated this, did they extend his head to make it seem like he has a giant alien brain at the end?
Starting point is 00:46:59 I don't know. I don't know. I think he might just know. I think he might just be bald. His head cone head and I don't know what's going on. And it's very weird. And Alex, I'm a little. I don't even know. I don't even know right now. Turned on hard nipples.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Excited. Are you the next Rayleigh and Angel Jesse? What I'm thinking. OK, well, I don't know at all. I would like to see you as a Rayleigh and Angel Jesse. I'm just saying. Although, hey, I'm just going to say my first major exception to the Raylians is their newest video
Starting point is 00:47:30 three weeks ago is entitled Burn Your Mask, to which I say. I didn't know that part. I didn't know that part. That's not good, guys. That's not good. Don't burn your masks. Dumbass Rayleigh, if you get if you get inducted into Rayleigh is him off of this episode. Don't don't ever tell me.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Don't ever email me either. But here's a here's a quote since you asked about this last week. I looked it up and here's a quote about Yahweh, the Elohim and what he looks like. Because we were talking about is Jesus a Nordic or whatever. And I think you're going to I think, Jesse, based on the conversation that we just had,
Starting point is 00:48:11 I think you're going to be very satisfied with this. This is from an article in Playboy magazine from 2004 called The Rail World. Prepare for a close encounter of the nude kind. And this is and this is this for Jesse. He's a quote for you to read. Great. The affable creature who identified himself as Yahweh in.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Hello, that's a singular from Elohim. Right. The singular of Elohim, Hebrew for those who came from the sky was described as being about four feet tall with almond shaped eyes. Oh, my God. Long black hair and green suit and a short black beard. In other words, the spitting. It's just a spitting image.
Starting point is 00:48:56 The spitting image of Graffiti Bridge era prince. And if you don't know what Graffiti Bridge is, it's a movie that Prince was in. And here's a little here's a quick little. Right. Is is is sexy elected like, you know, pimp look. If you just, yeah. So they said the aliens looked like pimp prints. Exactly like pimp prints.
Starting point is 00:49:17 That's why does that was this was Prince one of them. He could have been. I mean, he really put Minneapolis on the map in a big way in the 80s. Right. But yeah. So once he meant this dude who looked like Prince from from Graffiti Bridge and heard what he had to say. I mentioned last time that he first started a group called Midek and he changed his name to rail to become the voice of this new movement.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And almost immediately through a newsletter that they ran and continue to run for many years after this called Apocalypse. They started raising money for a book that many Raylians today know so well, they simply call it LaLivre, which which means the book. But the full title is LaLivre qui di la vérité or the book that tells the truth, which is like the most Trumpian thing to call a book in the world. But it was the truth.
Starting point is 00:50:09 It was published about one year after the encounter that he had allegedly went down. Right. And pretty soon people got a little too hype on the alien aspect of it, more so than the religion aspect of it, which, you know, Rayl himself believed to be something much more specific and true than just like an overarching conspiracy about UFO sightings. Right. It's not like. Well, there's no money in UFOs. There's money in religion. Well, he just he found that when he started this first group,
Starting point is 00:50:37 it was attracting a lot of people, but they were just people who were like, I seen an alien, too. And it is the wrong and he was like getting the people who were like, finally, somebody could tell my story. Yeah. And so just a few months after starting my deck, once its executives tried to like limit Rayl's power in the group, like fucking like taking over the group politically from the inside. He called an emergency meeting.
Starting point is 00:51:00 He fired them all and he replaced them all with his own followers. I am a Senate. Yeah. Basically. And shortly after that, he claims the Elohim contacted him a second time. But this time they took him to their home planet for 24 hours, let him have sex with six biological robot women, saw them, saw them create his own clone and taught him the art of something called sensual meditation,
Starting point is 00:51:26 which was all outlined in yet another book that came out in 1975 called Space Aliens Took Me To Their Planet, which again, he's just, I don't know about these book titles, but by this point, Modek was so weirded out by what he was doing. So creative so far, right. I know, like there's so much creativity in his story. It just sounds better in French. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Maybe Modek was so weirded out by what he was doing and against him, like as a group in as a whole, that he broke up Modek in 1976 and like rebooted it as a like fully as a religion. It was very strictly controlled and he called that the Raylian movement or the IRM or whatever it is now. That's the same organization that he started in February of 1976. In this version, there's a clear hierarchy. He was the indisputable highest authority,
Starting point is 00:52:17 kind of like a Pope like figure, like any cult. And as the quote guide of guides, this time it operated much more like religions as we know them, much more recognizable, like sort of like outlined belief system, ritual practices, all the hallmarks of an actual religion rather than like an organization that publishes a newsletter. Right. Also in 1976 was when they expanded to Canada
Starting point is 00:52:45 because they have a largely French speaking population in Canada and Quebec before eventually translating both of those books, the book that tells the truth. And I went to aliens, space aliens took me to their planet or whatever into an English edition as one volume and then was later republished with the equally shitty title. The message given to me by extraterrestrials, they took me to their planet. Wow. And eventually also was again rebranded
Starting point is 00:53:15 as the very scary sounding the final message. All the same. See that he got on that one finally. Like that's a good title. It's a better title. I don't know that I love it. I don't know that it's, you know, we can workshop it some more. I guess you're right. Maybe it's good when paired up to the rest of what he's come forward with. But he's also published a lot of other books over the years.
Starting point is 00:53:35 And just in case you were curious whether or not he ever got better, better at titling his books, he did not as evidenced by 1978's Geniocracy government for the Geniocracy government of the people for the people by the geniuses. And 1979's Let's Welcome Our Fathers from Space and 1980's Sensual Meditation, none of which did any favors for the public image I can imagine. But this did not stop them from continuing to grow their flock.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And by 1990, Raleons had also sent missionaries out to Japan where they have a big following, Africa and Australia. And kind of spread out from there. There's a lot of Korean Raleons as well as Japanese ones now, too. And they purchased a campground called Eden in the south of France. But then we get into some very murky years. In 1984, he took a break from the public eye for an entire year. In 1985, his wife left him and renounced realism.
Starting point is 00:54:38 And he partnered with a Japanese follower called Lisa Songawa until the early 90s. Shortly thereafter, after being convinced by a number of wealthy Japanese Raleons that getting back into motor racing would generate good publicity for the movement. He competed in some events in the 90s and the 2000s on the condition that the funding never came from member tithes or embassy funding. So it was all just rich people that wanted him to race, basically. All right. And he didn't really suck at it. Actually, he had a third place finish in GT1 at Lime Rock in a Mosler Raptor in 1997.
Starting point is 00:55:17 He finished seventh in the FIA GT 1999 race at Watkins Glen and a Viper GTSR. And then he finally retired in 2001, though. He's on record saying that he loves playing racing video games to this day. But good for him. But honestly, the strangeness just never ends, guys. So before we get into the big mystery, which is going to dominate this cult. Here's five more random details that blew my mind. And I know this is going to be a long episode, but I really couldn't do three
Starting point is 00:55:45 episodes on this because it seemed crazy. In no not seemed not seemed is fair enough. In 1992, the church also purchased 115 hectares of land in Quebec, which they call the Garden of the Prophet. Originally, this house, a publicly visitable alien museum called the UFO land starting in 1997, which was intended to raise money for the embassy as a tourist distraction, which they eventually intended to build for the Elohim.
Starting point is 00:56:17 They wanted to build this embassy. So they thought, we'll make a theme park for aliens at the museum. But it closed only four years later in 2001 because it made like zero dollars. Wow, surprise. But 1997 was actually a pretty big year for rail as just one month after the announcement that Dolly the sheep was successfully cloned from a mammary gland cell at the University of Edinburgh. Uh, the May 31st issue of New Scientist magazine carried an article
Starting point is 00:56:46 announcing that the International Raelian movement was starting a company to fund the research and development of human cloning, which started a huge international international ethics debate resulting in rails speaking about it in front of Congress in 2001. So back also back in 1998, during a training camp at the same compound, the Garden of the Prophet, rail announced that Elohim had visited him again for a third time in December of 1997 to start an all new female secret society
Starting point is 00:57:19 within the movement known as we were talking about them earlier, the order of rails angels for the purpose of training women as consorts for the Elohim when they arrive on earth. In 2001, rail married a 16 year old second generation Raelian ballet student Sophie DeNeverville in Montreal. But it's not what you think, apparently, because but maybe it is. I don't know, because he claims it was just to help them cross borders as he gave seminars in Asia, like between the countries,
Starting point is 00:57:51 because they separated less than a less than a year later, though they did live together for a little while after that. But they like did it. They went on the tour and then they like weren't married anymore. And then finally, about a year after that, after a disturbing incident where a man, quote, vandalized and ransacked the Garden of the Prophet in November of 2002, which also contained all the condos where the Raelian leadership lived.
Starting point is 00:58:19 So this was like home turf terrorism, according to Rael. Rael was quoted as attributing this to something called the Abraham Project and Mathis. This is I'm going to give you a quote to read, which contains both Abraham Project and involves some info from Rael himself and from Susan Palmer, who wrote that same book that I was talking about earlier. So here's a quote for you, Mathis, just go ahead and crush that one for me. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:49 It is highly probable that I may be the victim of an assassination in the near future. The fact that I am mentioning it today is one way to try and stop it. As one of our highly ranked spies told us, the American Secret Services linked to the CIA and their French equivalents have a secret department called the Abraham Project that is in charge of political assassinations of people who are too disturbing by mentally ill people groomed by audio systems planted in their walls. Quote, seemingly coming from God, asking them to kill, unquote,
Starting point is 00:59:22 when the time is ripe, they will receive a visit from an agent disguised as a celestial messenger with fluorescent weight with fluorescent eye lenses, white wigs or luminous stones who will give them a firearm and direct them to kill him because he preaches atheism and is the creator of a dangerous sect and is responsible for human cloning. Mathis, it is I, the voice of God. God, I never thought you'd come to me.
Starting point is 00:59:53 I tried to talk to Satan, but I guess you forgive me, dude. I'm outside. Open the door. I'm I'm the guy with the with the stones. Have you seen the white wig? But you know what? We know that's gone, Mathis. We know that's gone and do my do my justice.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Shoot the American right all along. Shoot the pop. No, America would never take advantage of people who are dumb to further their power. No, no American would ever take advantage of people with no education to cement their power in this country. Never. What? Never. No, it never sounds like the story of a far fetched political thriller. Yeah, especially just to kill the guy who invented cloning.
Starting point is 01:00:39 And you know what? Coincidentally enough, that is exactly what we're going to talk about now since I'm sure it's been sticking out in both your minds since I mentioned human cloning in the first place. It's kind of a weird thing for an alien cult to be all in on. And let me tell you, they went all the fuck in on this. So let's quickly jump back to 1997 again for a second. Rail was establishing a company which at the time was called Valiant Venture
Starting point is 01:01:01 Limited to explore commercial applications for human cloning and was expected to have over one million potential customers. When the dust settled, what actually got started was a company founded in the Bahamas called Clonade and installed as its founder, co-founder, director and spokesperson was Dr. Brigitte Boiselier, a Raylian bishop who claimed two chemistry degrees and was previously a marketing director for a chemical company in France. By 1998, Clonade had relocated to Las Vegas, never a good sign.
Starting point is 01:01:35 And while they didn't at the time have enough funds for cloning research, they said they said cloning a human would only cost them about two hundred thousand dollars, which was wild because at the same time at Texas A&M, where they were trying to clone just a dog, their estimate was closer to two and a half million dollars just to do that one clone. So he's he's saying not only do we have this in the bag, it's going to be one tenth the price and a million people are going to do it. So in September of 2000,
Starting point is 01:02:07 Rayl announced that he finally found a wealthy American couple who had fund the project for one point five mil in order to clone their daughter who had died at 10 months old due to a quote medical mistake, but that the wife didn't want to be the surrogate, right? So experts were doubtful, but the media frenzy was like real. This was like a big deal. In spring of 2001, the Criminal Investigations Office of the FDA headed down to a town called Nitro, West Virginia,
Starting point is 01:02:37 where supposedly Clonade was operating a cloning facility in a room they were renting at a formal local high school. Inside when they're running up, they're running a cloning facility. It's a good high school. It was a former high school. Now it's a cloning facility. Inside an opening the door and just half like dead fetuses and jars like growing. You want to know what they fucking found inside?
Starting point is 01:03:05 They found a graduate student who was extracting ovum from cow ovaries that they got from a slaughterhouse and a bunch of cutting edge real lab equipment that was purchased by former West Virginia state legislator Mark Hunt, who wanted to clone his 10 month old son, Andrew, who died two years earlier due to complications from congenital heart disease. And after being severely grilled for it, Mark Hunt made an agreement with the FDA that he would not clone his dead son in the United States. That's how serious the FDA was about this.
Starting point is 01:03:38 That same March, boss, the co-founder of Clonade announced that they would be implanting a cloned fetus into a surrogate mother the following month and that the cells had reached the blastosis state. But she wouldn't give any specifics other than that. The lab they were doing it in would be outside the U.S. So not on American soil and that they had developed cloned embryos before anyone else claiming to have done so, though the work remained unpublished. Because they didn't want anybody to take their secrets or like vaguely
Starting point is 01:04:09 remember this happening on the news because this is what? Two thousand one, two thousand one, two thousand two. But I'm about to slam you with a with a memory bomb pretty soon. All right, I'm ready. Almost a year and a half later in December of two thousand and two, a press conference was called in Hollywood, Florida, of all places. And was that they appeared in front of journalists to announce the birth of the first ever human clone, a girl called Eve,
Starting point is 01:04:33 who was delivered by cesarean section and that both the mother and the baby were safe and healthy. However, she did not produce either of them in person and would not offer any sort of DNA proof of cloning either because she was like, this is our secret way, et cetera, et cetera. This event resulted in a raid of their Korean branch, biofusion tech by Korean authorities and opened a discussion, a real one, which I think Clinton was still present at the time
Starting point is 01:05:01 about banning human cloning altogether in the United States, which many worried would actually end the use of therapeutic cloning research, which had been making really huge strides like that's, you know, right, like stem cells and stuff like that. They were worried that these fucking idiots who are like, we cloned a baby, but it's our secret. We're going to like destroy the idea of stem cells, which was like horrific. But also, more unexpectedly, the announcement also resulted
Starting point is 01:05:28 in a wave of concern for the little girl, Eve, the clone, who may or may not be in the possession of, as far as most people know, a very weird UFO, UFO cult. And in Florida, an attorney called Bernard Siegel filed the petition as a private citizen in Broward County, very famous county in Florida, if you are watching the news these days, trying to get the court to appoint a temporary guardian for Eve. So he was like, well, if they cloned someone at the very least,
Starting point is 01:05:56 let's get this baby a guardian to make sure that she's safe, right? Yeah, this resulted in a month long court case in which Bacillier testified that Eve was born outside the U.S. and currently living in Israel, but she still refused to prove the kid existed. But apparently the parents were supposedly 31 year old woman and her infertile husband, and they were said to be en route to the U.S. for a DNA test that same day. But under the guise of protecting their privacy and security,
Starting point is 01:06:24 nothing ever came of it. So the attorney subpoenaed Clonade Vice President Thomas Kainzig for a civil proceeding in January of 2003, at which he refused to testify. So he showed up, did not testify. This went back and forth for a long time. Clonade giving him the run around in court, out of court, making press releases, all this stuff, and they were attributing the delay to the parents not wanting the baby tested.
Starting point is 01:06:48 But they did announce the next baby was going to belong to a Dutch lesbian couple and that things were getting so wild at this point. SNL actually made a sketch about this. So I'm going to actually link you guys to an SNL sketch featuring Rayl and Brigitte Boisilié that you can look at right now. Check that out. It's crazy. It's like it's like Fred Armisen and Amy Poehler or something.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I can't remember exactly who it is. Oh, no, it's Chris Katan and Amy Poehler. Yeah. And they they bring the baby on in in the in the sketch and it's Rachel Dratt with like a baby arm coming out of her head and spit drooling out of her mouth. And they're like, oh, yeah, this is their fucked up clone, et cetera, et cetera. And I mean, this was this was a big deal. This was on SNL.
Starting point is 01:07:36 It was like, yeah, that's I mean, that's this was in the national consciousness at the time. And anyway, eventually, a judge from Florida called John Froschanti Senior, who, yes, actually is the biological father of the Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist, John Froschanti, got, got Kainzig to reveal over the phone that not only was he completely cut. This is the guy, the vice president of Clonade. He got him to reveal that he actually was not had no knowledge of the cloning process. He was completely cut out of that. But that Clonade wasn't actually even really a corporation.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Right. Oh, OK. Right. Oh, OK. So this caused Bosselier to come back to court again and testify that she had watched videos of the clone child, slightly walking back her story. And while, allegedly, the parents have never allowed her to be tested, there was still plenty of, quote unquote, cloning to come from Clonade. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Just one day after the original Eve announcement, Bosselier also mentioned four other clones that were about to be born that after the first 10 were finished within the year, like they were going to have 10 in that first year, another 20 were coming the next year, all clones and never showed any evidence, never gave anybody any sort of info. But another really in spokesperson called Bart Auvervalliet said that the Dutch lesbian couple finally did end up getting their baby.
Starting point is 01:09:05 But in that case, the mother had the mother had given birth to her own clone. Like the baby was a clone of the mother and that somehow this was legal in the Netherlands, because while they forbade human cloning, they didn't forbid the birth of baby clones. So they allegedly impregnated her with this clone and embryo somewhere else. And then she went home to the Netherlands and gave birth to her own clone, according to Clonade.
Starting point is 01:09:37 In Japan, another Raelian spokeswoman claimed that the first ever boy clone was copied from a Japanese couple's two year old comatose son. And that this process was somehow different to their previous one because it used a surrogates injected egg instead of the actual mother's egg. And then a fifth and sixth clone were said to have been born in Korea and Australia. But legal action and skepticism continued to confront them at every turn until basically they were laughed into obscurity. And that is all that we ever heard of Clonade.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Until. No, until September 8th, 2018. OK. Yes. When an interview modern times was published on YouTube on a channel called DJ Vlad with a sound cloud rapper called Kid Boo. When he's asked whether it's true or not, he was originally born in New Jersey. Here is what he said. And Jesse, if you would be so kind as to why you got to make me read this? Well, I got to be the guy. Just just go and crush that one. All right.
Starting point is 01:10:43 So yeah, originally. Yeah. So are you from the first gen? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, originally my first gen. I'm a second gen now. That's why you see the celebrity birth say I'm born in Toronto, but that's false. My first gen was born in Jersey. However, I was cloned by Clonade in Canada. My model number is zero one one two five six eight.
Starting point is 01:11:08 If anyone wants to see the registration and cloning, I believe in a new norm now. I believe in a new norm through the creation of synthesis and DNA that we can live like a mortal through clones and transfer our consciousness. And I'm living proof now. Shout out, Clonade. What happened with my first gen is they took the skull because he initially had written in the will to the Raylian movement
Starting point is 01:11:35 that if something were to happen to them, they can ship the skull over immediately to Clonade so they can remove a fragment of bone that's located here in that fragment. Bone, I imagine he's pointing. It's right here. Right in the front. Yeah, a fragment of bone stores all your memories and consciousness. Wow. And with that, they can make a sufficient replica of yourself, a reproductive version of you, including your memories. And you can be selective as to which ones.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Oh, a little bit of eternal sunshine in the spotless mind addition to the clone gen. This he also says this process has been around for quite some time. Like Dolly, the sheep was cloned in the late 70s or early 80s. If I'm not mistaken, I shouldn't say too much. This is going to be broadcast on the Internet. And I have the link to the whole interview where he just continues to talk about this for some time. It's very it's I shouldn't talk about this.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Let me talk about it. It's great, like the host obviously is like he was just interviewing this rapper who was like putting out music, you know what I mean? And the guy, the guy who he's talking to, like it's so funny. He's like, OK, he's like, oh, cool. DJ Vlad, I actually have watched but only the ones where he interviews like the high ranking ex mob mafia members. Like those are the ones that I find interesting.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Yeah, yeah. But I like how he supposedly escaped from a clothing facility, but he became a famous rapper. And so nobody stopped him. Yeah. But we don't know for sure if he's making that up because he also told XXL magazine this other thing, another quote. And this is that, Mathis, why don't you close this out? I got you. Don't don't tell me this guy might be lying. Close this out with this with this little quote here.
Starting point is 01:13:13 All right. Let's see. Not exactly lying. OK. I did undergo a brainwashing process that did erase and eliminate a lot of things that are considered negative. The reason for it is to make me the conscious individual I am today. It eliminates anything that is aggressive in the mind that that is just going to be toxic to you or to your livelihood. For that reason, a lot of stuff is really hard to remember. Even stuff from my childhood.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Yeah. I think that's it. But like. What? Go on. Yes, you're about to say this is nonsense. Yes. Yeah. But it's just like even even under the under the pretense that we buy this removing negative shit is the negative shit is what teaches you lessons, brother. Like that's how you learn and become an adult. You remove that, you remove the lessons. It's the fallacy of cloning.
Starting point is 01:14:02 It's not you anymore, then. Well, yeah, yeah, it's an entirely different person. Exactly. You're. I mean, but what do you like? If you found out that all the SoundCloud rappers were actually just like half brainwashed clones that can't remember half their lives. I believe it. That's what really makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, that's we went from alien giz. To kid boo, the rapper.
Starting point is 01:14:27 And that's that's why this is the craziest episode that I've ever made. If you want to deep dive into the Raylians, good luck. I mean, I feel like we went pretty deep, but there's a lot more to look at in terms of like what they believe in stuff like that. I will simply say that, like, on the surface, it seems totally harmless and like kind of silly. But like, there's definitely culty shit underneath it. To say there isn't a lot of people like, well, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:53 it's kind of a silly movement like it's a cult. That's not it's not that it's it's not that it's not a cult, right? Like it is a cult, but they it's just odd because they don't have the tropes that a lot of cults have on the surface. Like people are free to leave the church. People are free to join the church. People are free to be members of the church and not like live on the premises. Like it's an international movement all over the globe.
Starting point is 01:15:22 They don't really like they ask for money, but it's not necessary to give money. There's not like a pay to play ascension program in the in the cult. And it's just you just, you know, Alex, you just have a natural talent to shill. I'm not shilling. I'm just saying like, I know. But it's just like, you know, you're you selling me. You know, but here's the thing on the flip side. Shorts, all those things. But also it is if you look at who's in it,
Starting point is 01:15:48 the people we were talking about in the videos, something like that, especially the gentleman, I'll go on a limb and say like, this might be a lot of people that you see you're like, I think this is the place where they feel like they fit in. And I'll see them ever leaving of their own free will, because this is a lot of them seem to have that sort of like, I don't know, I'm going to say weird vibe, but you know what I mean? Like, yeah, but like Alex out there,
Starting point is 01:16:12 Venice Beach guy who wears like white linens and crystal. Yeah, as as I mean, like you said, though, no matter what the Raleighans, no matter how they act, our cult and cult by nature, prey on people who are vulnerable to that kind of thing. I mean, that's what you're going to find. It's a fine line between cult and religion at that point. But it's just interesting because of all the cults.
Starting point is 01:16:32 These are the ones that seem to know how to do PR the best because so far the conversation is never about how bad or dangerous they are. The conversation is always about their activism or their or how what progressive stuff or this like crazy clone scheme. You know, and so, you know, there's I it's it's weird how transparent they are for a cult. And I also. Yeah. Unlike unlike most cults, they're not apocalyptic.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Like they don't have an I mean, I guess they set 2035 for some damn reason. But most cults are like in eight years, the world shall end. And these people are like, yeah, you know, like, let's get really drunk in like a spaceship. Yeah, it's it's but it's it's weird. Like they're not really anti other religions. They. Right. Because they view them all as part of their story, right?
Starting point is 01:17:22 Like they're like, oh, you guys are like from this time that a profit came and like created this belief system to try and make people good. And this one. And now we're just at the point where we're telling you the truth. And it's aliens and they're coming and it's 14 years. So you better start building and you better learn how to fuck them good because they're going to want it, you know, and like, dude, you know what? Part of me hopes that they're right. And the aliens do show up in 14 years.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Would you join the angels? If he's not going to happen, it's not it's simply not going to show it up. Then yeah, I'd be like, all right, rails, angels, let's go. You want to be one of those consorts? Yeah, you're going to be a cockabye. You're going to be a cockabye and alien cockabye. OK, not a concubine, a consort. Whatever, man. Get me on the ends with the aliens
Starting point is 01:18:02 because they're going to be the ones that keep me alive. Yeah. Do you think you guys are worthy of eternal cloning? Do you think that the Elohim who's tracking you? No, I know I'm not. Absolutely. I know I haven't earned it one bit. Can't wait. Dude, I love the next video queued up for me now that I watch that as kid boo on being a clone and how to blow up as a new artist.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Yeah, he also like he also got in like some crazy fights with Black China when he was dating Black China for a while. Like amazing. He's a wild. He's a he's a he's like a person if you want to go on a deep dive like he is. He is a strange cat. Let me put it that way. I don't. You know what?
Starting point is 01:18:38 You don't even have to say more. I believe you. Yeah. Look, drugs, man, drugs. Right. You know, we're going to go now and do a mini so everybody. And speaking of immortality, I have actually a topic that kind of touches on that immortal topic. Yes. And like I said, I'm going to be putting a button in a long going mini so topic. So if you guys want the surprise conclusion,
Starting point is 01:19:00 I've got it for you on the mini so. Do you think you could become immortal, like internet immortal, immortal? You already are by YouTube videos being out there, man. I got two words for you, baby gone. One day you two will be gone. Can you ever become truly immortal? Well, I mean, if you think about the fact that when the sun explodes, we're all going to just that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:19:20 But like what is we sent out a video into space? We need to upload our channel to another like an alien YouTube is what you're saying. Like, yeah, I'm saying is what if we shot this over to Alpha Centauri right now? Soma and they were like, oh, a snorke. Did you hear the latest to Luminati? And they're like, yeah, episode one was fantastic. Because they're just getting it. Yeah, they're just getting it right.
Starting point is 01:19:45 They are the best podcast of them all by Reptos. Am I will have my revenge? Calm down, Bork knots. Good Lord. We got to go record a mini so, gentlemen, it's been a long one. Thank you, Alex, for two episodes of Wild Alien and Sanity that covered way more than I expected to cover. Trion dot com slash Luminati pun.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Yeah, that's where we're going to go do our mini so and we get your ad for episodes. Thank you so much for listening. We love you and we'll see you next week. Bye. Anyway, me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night, enjoying ourselves. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I stepped back inside. And after a few moments, I hear my wife go, holy shit, get out here. So I quickly dash back outside.
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