Chilluminati Podcast - Midweek Mini: An Ancient Egypt Discovery!

Episode Date: March 20, 2025

Exciting times! At least they were. MERCH - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD HEROFORGE - P...romo Code: CHILL Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Show art by -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Can Indigenous ways of knowing help kids cope with online bullying? At the University of British Columbia, we believe that they can. Dr. Johanna Sam and her team are researching how both Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth cope with cyber-aggression, working to bridge the diversity gap in child psychology research. At UBC, our researchers are answering today's most pressing questions. To learn how we're moving the world forward, visit slash forward happens here. Hello my little children and girls. Welcome to Minisode 196 or 197. I'm not sure which one. Boys, it's not sure which one. Bleargh. Bleargh.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Mini-sode time. Hi. What do you got for us today, Alex? I wanna start with you. I'm gonna take you guys to Standish Village Hall in rural Gloucestershire. Okay. Okay, is that cool? Sure, I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I don't know what that is. We're talking about, this is from September 9th this year. We're talking about that is I don't know what they're talking about. This is from September 9th this year We're talking about the mega flicks movie awards that are taking place there this week Gloucestershire is I hope that's how you pronounce it Gloucestershire. Yeah, like already it's Gloucester It looks like it should be Gloucester, but it's I think it's Gloucester. Forgive me. So there's a place in Rhode Island called Gloucester and that's how it's pronounced. And it's spelled the same way.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And it's New England, so it's probably spelled the same way when English people land in New England. So there's Gloucester and then there's Gloucestershire. Yeah, it's gotta be Gloucestershire. Okay, doesn't matter. Point is, we all know the place I'm talking about. They got good cheese there and they got, they're real old. It's like a medieval place. It's very old. So the owners and organizers of this film festival
Starting point is 00:02:11 started reporting having like tech difficulties. There was like weird things happening with like wires and lights and things like that. And it turned out that two guys, Ed Francis and Paul Calmetto of Gloucester Paranormal Investigation Services happened to be there after partnering with an affiliated event, the 14 Film Festival, which was there a couple years ago. So I guess they just started like, like a dub. It's like a duel.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Like I'm looking at the picture of it. And it looks like a poster that has both film festivals next to each other. But basically, the movie awards portion was having these weird tech problems. And so they started hearing noises in the building on last Monday, or this Monday, I guess. And they started investigating because they're paranormal investigators. But they do.
Starting point is 00:03:08 As a hobby, so here's a quote from Paul Camero, who said, I heard an unusual noise that sounded like clanging saucepans coming from the kitchen. So we set up our motion sensitive kit and electromagnetic frequency detectors in there. When we do these kinds of investigations, we try to debunk it first, but if we feel like we have, see detectors in there. When we do these kind of investigations, we tried to debunk it first.
Starting point is 00:03:25 But if we feel like we have, if feel we have encountered a spirit, if we feel we have encountered a spirit, we ask questions and look for intelligent responses. And that is exactly what we got. We kept talking to whatever it was, it claimed a responsibility for the malfunctioning equipment. And by this time, the whole team had gathered in the kitchen to see what was going on. This went on for a few minutes before we all heard a loud bang come from the next room. I rushed next door followed by Ed, and we found a whole row of chairs had been tipped over. All of us were in the kitchen when this happened and there was no one else in the building. And it's on video. And then we have the quote from Ed who says,
Starting point is 00:04:05 I've done a lot of investigations of this type all over the country at many of Britain's most haunted locations, and I've never been anywhere as active as this. The vibe in the place is not at all unfriendly, though. Whatever it is seems to be quite playful and has a sense of humor. Despite the unusual activity which briefly spooked us,
Starting point is 00:04:22 spooked some of us us I am pleased to say that the rest of the event took place unhindered so I've got this for you here I'm excited to see this video I'm trying to like secure the player for you in a good way see here oh here we go it's from Higgy great trusted website Higgy Pop really close to the name of a famous rock star from America strangely weird yeah it's a 700 year old building it's found on the route that was taken by King Edward the second after he was murdered his body went through there. And it's said that as nightfall neared, the royal funeral court courtage courtage decided to rest at the church right next to the village, which was here and then continued on the next day. So that's one of the claims to the name of the building.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Min 32 video. Yeah. And you can just kind of scroll. It's just like basically exactly what happens is what they said happened. I'm just going to take a swig of my sugar. Yeah, I'll blast here while you guys watch this. No, no, I think I'll skip ahead because they're asking a question, but I want to see that. It's not a brand deal or anything, but. I just happen to have some sugar free sound asking a question, but I want to see that. Yeah, it's not a brand deal or anything, but. I just happen to have some sugar free. Sound like, OK, so I heard the bang, but I sound like one thing hit the ground. And then they cut, OK.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I don't what. What do you think, man? Yeah, I want to see some more like this, so much context I need for the chair part, but like it's the thing it responding is interesting. It's weird. It's interesting. Yeah, I check out Higgy Pop. This article is called Playful Poltergeist caught on video at Rural Film Festival. I think it's neat. It does what it says on the tin. Sure. Okay. I just thought it was neat that it's like at a film festival and people working the film festival were like, what we
Starting point is 00:06:29 gotta do an investigation. That's sick to me. It's weird. I like I like the the the part where they're asking questions is is compelling but the cut. The biggest. I would love no cut between them going to the chairs. Yeah. The biggest mystery of all those. How do pronounce Gloucester? Yeah. Let us know in the comments, please. I'm sure I've done the best. Like, is it wrong if I don't say like Gloucester? Yeah. Like if I do it with a British accent, does that make it better or worse? Question. That's
Starting point is 00:06:58 another great question. Yeah, that sounds that sounds more respectful. And what I did. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. All right. I was trying to take the heat off of you. I'll take it. Nice. It's like when you like break your toe, when you like cut your finger so that you don't think about the cut on your finger. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Genius idea. Thanks for taking the cancel for me, man.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I got so I'll go next. First of all, in regards to because this is tied to with the thing I'm going to read, my UFO thing, people recommended the Flight 24 Radar app. Thank you. I have that on my phone. I will be using that next time anything pops up. I should be able to point that at anything in the sky.
Starting point is 00:07:34 When did you get that app? When did you get that app? Yesterday. I saw people mention it on the radio. So you haven't really, you haven't really seen it? No, but I have it now. And like, if anything pops up, I'm going to use it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:44 That's fucking great. I can't wait to, I'm going to use it. That's I'm thank you. That's fucking great. I can't wait to I'd really genuinely love describe it to you. You point it at the sky. You see a light in the sky. You point it at the sky and it will tell you if there are any flights, what flight that would be if it's a plane and people are saying the light that I'm seeing if it's hovering for long, it still could possibly be a plane. So that's going to be the best way for me to just be like I can confirm or deny right with that app. Apparently a pilot, somebody's wife, not somebody's
Starting point is 00:08:09 husband who she may email me saying that her husband was a pilot and uses it all the time. Somebody brought it up in the Patreon and in the subreddit. So I'm going to be using it. Moving on. This is a story that dropped on our subreddit 13 hours ago from Alien Tripod, great name. And they said this is his father's UFO sighting in Italy of 1976. So I just found it interesting. It says, Hey, Chiluminati Bros, day one listener here. Mathis, recent UFO sighting prompted me to post here the sighting my dad had back in
Starting point is 00:08:40 the 70s. Back in 1976, my father was working at the airport in Venice, Italy. Accounts of UFOs being seen by pilots had been reportedly, had been reported sporadically, but during 1975, the numbers skyrocketed. According to him, no secret report of any kind was expected to be compiled after an encounter, nor there was, nor was there any investigation going on. If anything of such sort existed, it's possible he wasn't informed of its existence. Knowing some of the pilots from the airline ATI, he took the courage to ask for descriptions of the objects that they had seen. Most of them were described as cigar or sphere shaped, with one
Starting point is 00:09:15 or two accounts of them having them being quote unquote saucers. Common maneuvers included flying parallel to the plane, doing 90 degree turns with no loss of speed, and vertical ascending, all of which violated the laws of physics as we understand them. This behavior seems eerily similar to what the Tic Tac was described to do by the crew of the USS Nimitz in 2004. This situation continued for a year until it reached its highest point on a hot summer day. That day, a flight from, I'm gonna butcher the name is tree airs tree air stay how would you boys say the name of that city
Starting point is 00:09:50 priest priest okay yes day priest yeah I'll say either one a flight from trees had finally landed with no issues apart from one thing that clearly made the pilot so nervous the first thing he The first thing he did getting off the plane was to call the control tower. Apparently an object he described as a silver colored sphere, approximately four meters in diameter, had followed his plane from Rome to Trieste,
Starting point is 00:10:15 appearing again after it had taken off from there, Trieste. Appearing to take, appearing again after it had taken off from there, following it all the way to Venice. The sphere would fly next to the plane at around 100 meters of distance, while occasionally passing over the plane and placing itself on the other side. The reason he called was to inform everyone that it was apparently hovering over the airport. The news caught up to my father, who managed to sneak outside with some colleagues, bringing a pair of binoculars with him from his workplace,
Starting point is 00:10:45 it was at that moment that he could see it. A silver colored sphere with a completely smooth and highly reflective surface, hovering motionless at around 200 meters of altitude. Having to go back to his work, he unfortunately didn't manage to look at it any longer, but according to what his colleagues at the tower said, after about five minutes,
Starting point is 00:11:01 it just suddenly ascended vertically in the blink of an eye. Not gradual acceleration, just instant bullet- vertically in the blink of an eye. Not gradual acceleration, just instant bullet-like vertical ascension with no sound. The sphere didn't appear on any of the radars, just like all the other times the UFOs had been reported by the pilots. He eventually changed careers five years later, but by that time the sighting stopped being reported long before. I had hoped the story would be of use when you're running low on UFO stuff to read. My heart goes out to Mathis for trying to wrap his head around this UAP mess. Yeah, it's difficult.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Thank you. I appreciate it. I kind of stopped following the topic since the promise of the 40-year whistleblowers could have... Yes. Thank you. Since the promise of the 40 whistleblowers who would have been backed by Grush going in public never came to fruition. That along with the gutting of the UAPDA put forward by Schumer having was a huge disappointment yet. So my vibe now is just wait and see. Yeah. I mean, a lot of solid government and all of it was just gutted basically. But what I find interesting about this orb is it kind of fits the description of the
Starting point is 00:11:56 Mosul orb that was leaked initially and then confirmed by the government to be real of this like small sphere fucking zipping around not really like having to like adjust momentum and just kind of moving. And yeah, I just find it fascinating because it's like those are the sightings of UFOs that I find the more interesting or believable ones, the ones that are just very benign. They're just like following almost observing, not really doing I can't imagine what it would have been like to have that thing kind of going over the plane and being on the other side of things. This is not since it was 1975, no cell phones, no camera. There's no way. That's wild to think about. Yeah. How alone
Starting point is 00:12:31 you feel when you see something before you have a phone. Yeah. Only the people on the plane like saw it with you and then you just, everybody has to just believe you have to take you at your word. Uh, that's it. Thank you for that story. Alien tripod. Love the name. Oh, and they said greetings from Japan. So that's fucking cool. And we have an inside source in Japan. You know, that could be the ticket. That would be fucking sick. All right, that's fine. Boys, Jesse, take us out of here. What do you got? Gentlemen, I'm just going to send you a link right now to the study. This is an archaeological prospection and it's called GPR and ERT exploration in the Western Cemetery in Giza Egypt. So obviously we're talking about the pyramids of Giza.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Not too long ago. This was May of this year too. And recently, like you said, May, a team of archaeologists discovered a mysterious anomaly near the pyramids in the sort of Western graveyard area and Western cemeteries. Basically like, uh, I don't know, like a little chunk of space to the West of the pyramids and there's no visible structures there. And they were kind of wondering like, all right, well, what's going on in this area? Considering there's no, we've never really been in the investigation of what's going on there and using ground penetrating radar, GPR, uh, electrical surveys and various things going on there. They discovered what appears to be some sort of L
Starting point is 00:14:01 shape structure buried deep in the ground. And they were like, okay, well, awesome. Let's research into that more. And apparently, and again, this is just based on what they've discovered. It's an anomaly. Yeah. Like this link you gave us, it gives all like the visuals of the machine or like showing you everything. Yeah. It's an anomaly where, where I guess there's a high electrical resistance when tracked with equipment. They don't quite know this is just a quote. It says, blow this structure. Ert reveals a highly electrical resistive anomaly. Electrical resistive
Starting point is 00:14:38 material in a dune can be a mixture of sand and gravel, including sparse spatial or air voids within it. Neither GPR nor ERT could identify the properties of the anomaly. And we believe we found an anomaly, a combination of shallow structure connected to a deeper structure. The shallow structure, which is the L shape was clearly imaged by GPR. It seems to have been filled with sand, which means it was back filled after it was constructed. It may have been an entrance
Starting point is 00:15:06 to a deeper structure. And you can see on various images, um, the area that they're talking about, you can see the pyramids. And then if you just go to the West, it's super close, nothing there. And they were like, there has to be something 15 by 10 years after that. Yeah. 15 by 10. And then under that is an anomaly. That's 3.5 to 10 meters in depth 10 by 10 I Wonder like how long before it's only six they start trying to see it Yeah, like I wonder how long before they start like digging away for it like that's crazy looking They could probably do it in I don't know maybe I don't know anything about digging in that yeah
Starting point is 00:15:44 I definitely don't. But it seemed half a meter is not very far under the sand. But I'm trying to remember from like, Mini Minute Man, our episode with him, where he's like, the location of everything is context. So like, even if it's six feet down, you probably have to be very careful not to like, move anything out of place, because it then removes the context in which it was there for. That's true. This is... it is. You can kind of see just images of photos in this link on online library and you can kind of see just it's an empty space where clearly there's structures around it. So yes, something would be there. They just don't quite know what it is. And any ground penetrating radar can't
Starting point is 00:16:26 really detect any deeper. But it makes sense because they would make entrances to other things all the time and then close those off. So and we know cities are built on top of cities are built on top of cities like it. So it could be something awesome. Um, but the the interesting thing, the reason why I picked it up is because all the articles written about it are more about anomaly detected. Of course, Giza.
Starting point is 00:16:49 And it's like that angle where it's like something weird and then it's like electrical powers down below. It's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it could be literally air. It could be dirt. It could be, and it's just that we can't detect what it is because our sensors, the things we're using are like, bro, I don't know. Or it's just that we can't detect what it is because our sensors the things we're using are like, bro I don't know or It's a UFO Barry or see you have a buried UFO. Yes, correct. That's probably what that's what I think it is from my reality
Starting point is 00:17:14 That's all the matters my reality my reality that I perceive Open my love one science gets like confused by stuff. It's very cool when they're like we don't know what this is I'd love the fact they included so many images and yeah graphs. That's I need infographics sometimes I need to see what they see in order to understand truly because text doesn't necessarily do it for me all the time But yeah, there's something shallow leading to something deeper, deep underground west of the pyramids. I got to look up when Avi's going back out on his ocean to scrape the floor for more of those spirals that he got before,
Starting point is 00:17:54 which are all so interesting to me. Yeah, that's like that's the size. I just want to know what that is. Remind me of like the two weeks out there and following his day to day. It was cool as fuck. And they found shit. All right. We got to go. Thank you all so much for supporting us here at slash Luminati pod.
Starting point is 00:18:07 We appreciate you'll be back next week with a new one. We love you. Yeah.

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