Chilluminati Podcast - MidWeek Mini - Gravity CRUNCHES Reality

Episode Date: September 12, 2024

Mike, Jesse and Alex learn that reality itself is getting crunched and scientifically measured. (Minisodes 140 and 141) MERCH - Special thanks to our ...sponsors this episode - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you're shopping while working, eating, or even listening to this podcast, then you know and love the thrill of the hunt. But are you getting the thrill of the best deals? Rakuten shoppers do. They get the brands they love with the most savings and cash back. And you can get it, too. Start getting cash back at your favorite stores like Old Navy, Best Buy, and Expedia. And even stack sales on top of Cashback. It's easy to use, and you get your cash back through PayPal or check. The idea is simple. Stores pay Rakuten for semi-mum shoppers, and Rakuten shares the money with you as cash
Starting point is 00:00:35 back. Download the free Rakuten app and never miss a deal. Or go to to start giving the most bang for your buck. That's R-A-K-U-T-E-N. Hello everybody. Welcome back to another mini-sode. Episode 140. This is on video, you know that right? I'm wearing a shirt with a stain on it dude. It's been a rough day
Starting point is 00:01:26 It's so changed my shirt for this and I don't know if you can see this but there's a sore on this side of my Nose and I turned the camera so you can't even see it. So I'm sweating over here in like 115 degree weather. Oh My god, fuck that. Yeah, it sucks. Welcome to the mini zone everybody. Uh I know what Alex has, we'll save it for the end. Everybody knows what Alex has, baby. The truth! Herpe! What? What? Jesse, why don't you start us out today? Hey everyone. You know how science says that the universe is expanding and faster than we think? And also it's not we think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:05 So it's not, not locally real. Yeah. So apparently according to a published paper on June 2nd in the journal of classical and quantum gravity by university of Geneva professor and theoretical physics guru Lucas lumbre sir. Turns out may not be real scientists have known of the universe expanding forever and ever and ever because of something called redshift
Starting point is 00:02:34 and that is basically the stretching of light's wavelength towards the redder end of the spectrum as the object emitting it moves further away from us redshift right end of the spectrum as the object emitting it moves further away from us. Redshift. Right. So, according to this new paper, may not be true. Essentially, and this is me trying to derive from a paper, so bear with me. Right, we're just not nearly educated enough to speak freely about this. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I am, I am, but I don't know about you two. The universe isn't expanding, but is flat and static, just like Einstein used to believe. And what we're seeing is instead explained by the evolution of masses of particles, protons, electrons, whatever, over time. And essentially, this is kind of like a permeation of space-time where these particles are everywhere, and the cosmological constant is set by the field's mass.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And because the field fluctuate, the masses of the particles also have this fluctuation. So that explains redshift basically, or redshift doesn't exist either. Yeah, so the constant varies over time and essentially what we're seeing is that the expansion of the universe, it's these particle masses changing over time. And in the model, these field fluctuations result in larger redshifts for distant galaxy clusters than traditional models of prediction of redshift and whatever. And so basically they're saying not only does this mean there is no expansion, but it could mean that dark matter is a nothing, right? Dark matter is just another part of this whole particle shifting and fluctuation. Just a decayed sort of, here there be monsters-esque part of the universe? Yeah, essentially they say these fluctuations could also do away with dark energy, the hypothetical
Starting point is 00:04:30 force that is stretching the fabric of space and thus driving galaxies faster and faster apart. And this model, the effect of dark energy according to Lambrusur, would be explained by particle masses taking different evolutionary paths in later times in the universe. So essentially what we're seeing, because we're looking into the past, we're seeing particle masses at different rates and different, you know, it's like, I don't know, dude. It's like everything kind of like, and then look, I'm a preschooler.
Starting point is 00:05:02 When we see the supernova that's happened a long time ago, it's like the same principle, but just for like all types of particles decaying and everything. That's what I'm understanding. Yeah, and so we are essentially seeing the particles in a different form and it's messing with redshift. And we just, it looks like it's all an optical illusion. To us, it looks like things are expanding faster
Starting point is 00:05:23 because the more detail we get right because Einstein was like everything's fine. And then we then we got telescopes in detail that was like, Oh, everything's moving. And then we got, Oh, it's moving faster than we thought. And he's saying it's actually all an optical illusion. And the more detail we get, the more we see the particles that are tricking our, you know, our eyes, our receptors, uh, various sensors and things into thinking, oh, we're expanding when really it's not. Like this is one of those things. However, there's no proof.
Starting point is 00:05:54 There's no way we'll ever be able to know it could be expanding. It could be expanding faster. Could not be expanding. This is just all theoretical physics and, uh, yeah, no one really has a clue, but this is so it's like might as well be Jack Kirby you know what I mean it might as well be I mean it's true cuz if the universe is flat and static does that mean Big Bang happened or did something else happen there's also I know theories some
Starting point is 00:06:16 physicists have that the universe has just been a constant in existence at all times like Einstein agrees that there was a Big Bang right I think he did yeah and a lot of what we learn is consistently proving Einstein more and more correct. The idea of the Big Bang, though, like with most things, was that explosion, and then it just slowed over time. And a static universe is kind of just the idea of like, it's not moving faster.
Starting point is 00:06:42 It's slowed to a point where it's static. But it just sits there. Yeah. Yeah. And I think Einstein would agree with that. But then science was like, no, if it's space, there's no friction. Things would keep moving. And so like it's still expanding.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And then we got evidence that with redshift and then we learned more and we're like, it's expanding faster. What does that mean? I guess I always imagined that the space was part of the universe Well, yeah, but that's also space time as well. Like how does that? We don't even know how that works That's why we're like it's dark matter and if you ask a scientist to explain what that is, they can't Literally invented to make the math work like that's what dark matter is that same shit you were showing us yesterday about space time ripples and all that shit yeah that was from the James Webb telescope Twitter that
Starting point is 00:07:33 didn't come from like any wacky no I know you were just showing that it's just the same stuff yeah cutting edge science actually it's not the topic I want to talk about but tangentially another big thing that's happening in that same sphere is the detection of gravitational waves which we've detected in the past, we understand they exist, but they're excruciatingly hard to figure out and there's, you know, very, it's very difficult to predict it. The best way scientists have been able to predict them is by looking at pulsars because they pulse and send out gravitational waves on a steady kind of rhythm and they've been tracking it for 15 years doing it that way. However, they also built and they fought tooth and nail to get this funding I read is to build this huge like structure. They actually built two of them. Two of them that kind
Starting point is 00:08:16 of has like a two prongs like sent out. Each prong is built identical in length and it goes four miles out and what they're built for is detecting gravitational waves as they essentially roll in to give you the best kind of layman idea of how it works. As they like, as the reality itself bends and shifts, it too bends and shifts. And they detect on these things that these things become about a positrons in in width Shorter than it actually was built meaning the physicality of space-time is that the whim of these gravitational waves Which is still theorized as like gravitons
Starting point is 00:08:56 Which was something we talked about I think last minisode of like gravitons have been able to they figured out gravity can produce light And it has something to do with gravitons being turned into positrons It's fucking wild but yeah goes in the same thing of like what the fuck, you know It's like it means reality is like literally just like a gooey malleable thing when we get here when we get to this era area of conversation this is where I'm like Maybe the fact that these aliens that have these crazy spacecraft that can do all these impossible things, use things outside of our understanding of what space and time are. Like, maybe that's just been staring
Starting point is 00:09:33 us in the face this whole time. Like maybe, maybe the fact that we just, there's like a huge part of physics that we just do not get. Again, as Jesse said, dark matter is literally our own insert to make the math work. But if these things are thousands, millions, whatever, years more advanced than us, and we're only now detecting gravitational waves, who's to say they don't use that to move? Yeah, or they simply just exist in a realm of, yeah, where it's not up and down, left and right, it's maybe something different, you know? Yeah, I think the James Webb telescope thing,
Starting point is 00:10:05 you said the time is the fourth dimension. And if they live beyond in the... Yeah, it literally is the idea of like, they're peeking in through a weird way of just entering 3D space. Like maybe they can curve reality to move. You know what I mean? The more we learn about quantum mechanics
Starting point is 00:10:20 and how reality is, the more that makes sense than something going faster than light. It sounds consistent with like the last 10 big science discoveries about this and how reality is the more that makes sense than something going faster than light it sounds like Consistent with like the last like ten big science discoveries that we about this that we have covered from like real sources on But the thing that's fascinating about this is if you think about the way science works Go back to Einstein the ten big discoveries that happened after Einstein because of his work And then people took that and flipped it on its head and they're like, actually,
Starting point is 00:10:48 he was kind of wrong about some stuff. And then the next big discoveries were because of that. So really what happens is we have these cycles of, we have all these big discoveries and then somebody was gonna come along with some new fact and actually proven thing and be like, we were wrong for years. We got some things right, but what we thought was correct,
Starting point is 00:11:05 we were reading it wrong and we misinterpreted what we were looking at and now it's something else. And so it's this whole other thing. And that's just how science works. And it's- Point is we're all really hyped to go see Oppenheimer. Yeah. I am ready to see, I'm excited to see Oppenheimer.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah. I am, but it also feeds into the whole Avi Loeb thing that's going on right now where the, a lot of people in his field are like like you're an idiot for going into the ocean This is dumb don't bother and he was hoping to get like five to ten Spherules to prove he has over 50 now and he got a huge peanut sized one Yesterday and he still got another week or two out there, and he's able to like he's like they were laughing I mean you think I would find any and now I'm coming home with
Starting point is 00:11:43 What if he's what if he's pulling up like pieces of like a liquid metal drone like the T-1000? I think that's his greatest hope. But again, even if you look at it from just the worst case scenario, it is a meteorite. It's a meteorite outside of our solar system. So now we have a look at what some of the other metals are like. Even if it turns out to be totally mundane space shit, that's awesome. It's still something so like... I can imagine barely be mundane. Yeah. Yeah, I can't imagine the odds of a meteor from anywhere else Hitting our little planet like that's fucking cool in and of itself. So it has metal that doesn't exist here
Starting point is 00:12:18 You know, it's like crazy Yeah The composition is not of because like there's no nickel and nickel is a huge part of being able to point it comes from our planet Yeah, so it's fascinating Yeah, I love like I feel like a lot of big like scientific breakthroughs and like the quantum realm and our universe thing like universe And reality have all been happening like you said within the past five to ten years A lot of it's just been we're poking at a lot. It's question again. Someone said what what is this quantum thing? You know it's it's it's because people and they went into disprove quantum and came out with Nobel prizes proving it It's like reality doesn't exist basically which is just yeah
Starting point is 00:12:55 Which is so crazy to me, and that's I think why it rolls off a lot of people's backs because it's like It's not we're thinking about to the average person. It's like I gotta pay bills It's not we're thinking about to the average person. It's like I gotta pay bills All right before we jump over to Alex's finale I got a little something light-hearted here. Oh, this is oh you mean for the today I was gonna say we are nowhere near the finale So this comes from a This comes from arizona big media comm but there is a real website. Oh, that sounds like a real website. Oh yeah, totally. But there's been studies to show which of the 50 states are most likely and least likely
Starting point is 00:13:34 to survive an alien invasion. No. What? So, what do you think? I want to hear your things. While you're thinking about which you think state might be the easiest and least likely, et cetera, let me give you a rundown here. Amid reports that the Pentagon is investigating over a bajillion
Starting point is 00:13:47 things, everybody's like got UFO fever going around right now, the experts created a points-based index system that assesses a variety of factors that are considered to have an impact on survivability in a case of an alien invasion. The metrics included population density, the amount of UFO sightings, landscapes, defense, science, medical, and food manufacturing data to reveal the U.S. states best equipped for an alien invasion. California top of the list.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Well, yeah, what do you think the number one state is and the 50th state is? What kind of invasion though because Alex says California aggressive invasion. They're here to take over Alex says California But California has a lot of I would think our primary first contact targets if I was an alien I'd blast LA and San Diego that entire area because they have the military base like right in the middle right I would You know San Diego has a fleet. I would take the whole damn thing out So I don't know that I that that California would make it very far because this is one of the first places
Starting point is 00:14:55 I take out so you might be right. We'll see I would say number one the best my number one that would last the longest Yep, North Dakota, okay, and what's your 50th the one that would last the longest yep North Dakota okay and what's your 50th the one that'll last the least the one that's gonna get destroyed uh Virginia because of DC Virginia Maryland that area cuz okay that's a good final answer okay that's a point final answer for Jesse let me think about this again okay Washington DC you changed my mind now okay I'm gonna say number one government no because the government would protect the government about this again. OK, Washington, D.C. You change my mind now. OK, I'm going to say number one government. No, because the government would protect the government.
Starting point is 00:15:28 So I would say Maryland or Virginia is number one. OK, really? All right, because that's that's America. Right. Like that's like if you if you say everybody's going to put all their their resources and you cut off everything else, the president still got to be in Washington, D.C. I think number zero on the... I think California is up there though. Maybe Arizona too, up there. Since this is Arizona.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Considering all the bases and things that are like, New Mexico is probably up there. Arizona, New Mexico, like the alien areas. I think 50 is Hawaii. Who's going to help Hawaii? Okay. All right. I think you're gonna be both surprised and a little bit confused So the the state least likely to survive an alien invasion according to the study is gonna be Nevada Nevada is number 50 I mean they're doing it because I think their logic is if the aliens are aggressive but not like
Starting point is 00:16:26 Independence Day aliens because Nevada Nevada can't take care of itself like the minute water shut down or Like like Nevada is a desert the minute the power grid goes down people are dead So I think that's what they're saying that makes sense. I guess and hilariously Arizona just because they put it out They're actually number 49 They're right there at the bottom of the list of like check out this list. We're near the bottom Yeah, literally that's what the article is but the number one state most likely to survive is but Alex is correct Virginia yo Dead on correct Maryland being number seven, but I'll give you the top ten I disagree I feel like the assault of the aliens in this case is not a real assault again
Starting point is 00:17:11 I'm thinking Independence Day laser beam destroying they destroy DC which is Maryland and they take out the naval bases and all the maybe we're no closer to Attackers they wouldn't take out the government I don't believe it. Here's why they say Virginia is number one. There's only 2.9 UFO sightings per capita Oh, this is what this mmm There's 29 cave systems that people could hide in there is about point five eight I don't know percent of the state point five eight percent of the state is covered in forest
Starting point is 00:17:43 0.08 is considered covered by water so it has nothing to do with Washington DC percent of the state point five eight percent of the state is covered in forest point zero eight is Covered by water so it has nothing to do with Washington DC. Yeah, so there's 17 military military force per a thousand people 600 law enforcement per 600 law enforcement per a thousand people scientists for 24 point a people. Scientists 420, engineers 7.6 and healthcare professionals 25.1. So New York and California have to be up there too then. With food and beverage manufacturing companies, 779 of them in that state alone. Based on this, I feel like California and New York and I don't know know like Texas and Florida are also probably
Starting point is 00:18:27 pretty high up on the list then. Top 20 all of those in the top 20. Top 20? Wow I thought like top 5. New York is number 4, California is 20th. 20? Mm-hmm. Damn. Yeah this is a weird rubric. Flawed. Flawed information. Rubric. Well there you go that was a study done by some professionals over at NJ casino dot com. NJ casino? Yeah I feel like professionals isn't the right word then. I don't yeah, I don't know about this whole professional thing. Is it really a gambling website? NJ casino dot com. I don't I just I'm telling you where it came from Professionals your guide to New Jersey's best casinos
Starting point is 00:19:04 What does this have to do with alien money is on the line if you were to bet which one is least or likely or most likely to survive that's it's just a bunch of it's just a bunch of casino names with ratings next to them there's not even articles on this website yeah one of the most popular slot machines is King Kong Fury what the fuck is this dude? This is fucking what is AZ? You know what?
Starting point is 00:19:27 AZ big media might be not the great. This is like those that I discovered through Coast to Coast. Of course that broke my shit. That fucked that fucked me up. That I got dumb as I read on. I usually you learn when you do research, but that time my brain got smoother as I did the research Alex. Why don't you go and bring us back to an intellectual place?
Starting point is 00:19:47 An intellectual place you say? Well, I don't know how great I'm going to be at that today, but I am going to bring you back to Giuseppe La Rosa and the Order of Meonia, the Stones of the Tree of Life, part three. I will remind you. The author of course. Giuseppe, aka Joe, the author of Chronicles of Meonia. Never went on an adventure. He went on a few but like usually he gets left behind for some reason. It's weird when he's your chronicler. Yeah, why does he write the book?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Anyway, this all starts in Minnesota 133. So if you want to go back and listen to Minnesota 133, that's where this story starts. And this is actually now we're in phase two. So we actually finished the red, the, the, the eye of fire area. And now the, the first, the first arc is now called the eye of fire. And this is the Avengers moment, the last episode of the whole thing was we're in phase two, right? So what is the like? I think by the end of the stones of the tree of life, which is basically AKA the infinity stones, like in terms of what the stones of the tree of life are. We learned about them.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah. I think by the end of this arc, we're going to, we're going to like very, have a very clear idea of who the Avengers are. And actually the end of today, we're going to have a very good clear idea of what kind of a villain that goes far and I'll do it myself. Well, yeah, you of today, we're gonna have a very good, clear idea of what kind of Avengers. Is there like some villain that goes, fine, I'll do it myself? Well, yeah, you'll see, you'll see, you'll see. No, of course there is.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Let's get in there. Last time on the show, we learned there's at least eight mystical stones in the set our heroes have been hunting for the whole time, each one corresponding to one member of their fellowship. And in a bid for the blue stone, last time I left you on a cliffhanger that Graham would try to get help locating it
Starting point is 00:21:28 by contacting his self from an alternate universe in the multiverse. That's right, that's right, that's right. That's right. Dude, I was kinda, I was hoping this would end up with 12 stones and each holder of the stone becomes one of the original alien races that go into space and become part
Starting point is 00:21:44 of the Galactic Federation The ones that are like the alien well the aliens are coming back alien race their spirits are here and they're inside of animals So don't forget right. Oh shit. It is all connected But we're today's gonna muddy those waters a little bit first things first. It's funny because okay. I left it on the cliffhanger Exactly where we find our hair is today Graham is laying back in an armchair, closing his eyes, getting ready to regress into the multiverse psychic plane, and suddenly he makes contact. With what we learned about quantum mechanics
Starting point is 00:22:15 recently though, maybe he is. This is basically true, yeah. The entity was desperate to speak to Terry, introduced himself as Graham Six, which according to Graham, was a Graham that he had never communicated with before in all his multiversal. Graham Six.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Yeah, he's like, I'm Graham Six. Yeah, I mean, this isn't the first time he's done this, obviously. It's probably happened on one of Giuseppe's journeys that he didn't go on, but Graham apparently is very, very powerful psychically. In his reality, he says, the dark forces working against them have brought untold devastation and destruction and death to their world and that they're frantically searching for the blue stone to try and stop it.
Starting point is 00:22:55 So this is kind of like Earth 6 I guess is like a very fucked up place. Do they like, do they like before every adventure take a little mushroom that helps guide them on their quest. I can't speak to that I think they just drink a lot When Graham six found out that they were also looking for their world's blue stone He hung up on them without even saying goodbye and Graham woke back up and was like what happened and they were like Not even a sausage, bro, and they were like, okay I guess we're gonna try something else Giuseppe in the meanwhile, who is watching this happen, watching Graham contact himself in another dimension, weirdly, wasn't that surprised by it.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Because like I said, Graham's done this before, but it did make him think. According to the book. So that, that, you know, you can know that. However, Graham was not cowed by this failure. And the following Saturday, Graham had them all meet up for something like a Plan B version of trying to get the stones together. And now Mathis is going to read for us what he said. So here we go. We're going to drop that in right here. This is Graham. This is Graham Phillips. Tonight we are going to try to find where the blue stones are located. This entails us traveling through the Tree of Life to reach the blue sphere and beyond.
Starting point is 00:24:07 In order to do this, I will have to go under to allow us to communicate with whatever forces exist in the tree. It will not be easy, I can assure you, and you will have to pass through the spheres in order to get onto the paths. Just be careful, and we might just get what we are looking for. Okay, and just in case you have no idea what the tree of life is listener. Firstly, listener. I recommend Jesse.
Starting point is 00:24:31 No, Jess, this is just for the I got something different for you guys. But for the listener out there, you should Google this because this is a thing across many cultures. I'll give you guys a picture right here if you guys want to see it. You look at the tree of like nine chakras and all these things. Yeah, it's exactly exactly what we're gonna about to see look at me I know my occult. Yeah, this is exactly that But just I just want to be clear that this is not like a thing from this Right. This is a real thing I'm gonna send you a picture and just to dispel any confusion to the listener who angrily on Twitter got
Starting point is 00:25:05 it lead to angrily who angrily leaves comments on our subreddit like why doesn't Alex always just give the shit that he says why isn't it in the show notes because you can't put screen caps from books in the show notes you can't do that I've been trying to be low key about this this whole time trying to convince you guys to go on the subreddit and ask me and I'll just hook you up low-key but no I'm lazy you know what I mean I'm a fucking asshole so fuck you guys Google it yourselves you guys have a picture of the tree of life you guys could figure it out and if you're nice maybe I'll send you pics anyway but I feel better
Starting point is 00:25:36 you feel better I do I do and good good and for you guys out there right now here's a Giuseppe's own words for Jesse to read. What? This is Giuseppe. Check talking to you about what the Tree of Life is. I had encountered the Tree of Life before my studies and knew that it was the essence of the Hebrew mystical tradition called the Kabbalah. The glyph or symbol of the tree consists of 10 spheres interconnected by 22 paths each sphere or Sephiroth
Starting point is 00:26:13 Whoa They both did that shit And there was also invisible sphere Sometimes indicated by a broken line circle which was called Darth. Essentially the tree of life represented the manifestation of existence from that which was known as the source. It was the energy matrix from which all of existence was constructed. And I don't know if the reason that it's called the source is like similar to the DC Comics version of the source, which is the energy matrix from which all of existence was constructed.
Starting point is 00:26:58 But Jack Kirby was a Jew, so you never know. And also, if they're using things that I, well, they're using terminology and stuff from actual like, you know, historical studies. Yeah, they're using things that I well they're using terminology and stuff from actual like you know historical Like they're talking about that tree life. Yeah for sure the source the source is either considered like what God is a Consciousness that right, you know a unified consciousness. It can yeah, I think it's mysticism Yeah, is that what DC's like energy matrix is like at the end of the source There's a wall at the end of the universe with that everybody gets stuck to, you know, if you've ever seen that.
Starting point is 00:27:28 No, can't get past it, bro. It's in the fourth world. It's like the new God stuff, Orion and dark side and high father and all that stuff. But it's like the same thing. It's just in DC, it's implied to be like the brains of comic book writers and stuff where in reality, obviously it's like the mystical mysticism of
Starting point is 00:27:45 God and whatever consciousness created us all. I'm not an expert on this. This is just me talking out of my ass. Anyway, this was literally accomplished once again with Graham. This journey through the tree was accomplished once again with Graham as the conduit for a psychic encounter. But before we get into that, there's a strange inconsistency with the book that I need to address really quickly. Firstly, if you recall, in Margaret's letter that she left last week for us, she laid out to the questers,
Starting point is 00:28:14 she said that each of the stones corresponded to one of the nine of the past. I don't know, you read that last time. Yep, yep, I remember. And if you're listening to this on a mini-sode compilation later, you just heard it. But then at the end after that, there was like a part of the letter that she like,
Starting point is 00:28:38 was like, and this part you can all read, but you shouldn't repeat it to anyone because it's a secret. And I don't know exactly what's in that part of the letter, obviously. Uh, and I'm not sure if the next thing that I'm about to tell you was covered in there, but I have to imagine that it was because somehow before they went through the tree, they already knew which one of them was connected to each stone. Like they just go right into it in the book.
Starting point is 00:29:01 So I don't know why that is, but I went forward and figured out and kind of reverse engineered who is connected to each stone. So I'm going to just give you that right now and then we'll go through what happened. So Janet is connected to the Blackstone. Alan is connected to the Purplestone. No one is connected to the Redstone. Yet. We don't know. Mystery. Mike is connected to the yellowstone. Marion Sunderland is connected to the greenstone. Graham is connected to the graystone. Terry, the target of the Guardian from the Eye of Fire trilogy, is connected to the orangestone.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And Pat, his wife, is connected to the bluestone. And like I said, we don't know who is connected to the blue stone. And like I said we don't know who's connected to the red stone and Gainer the alien psychic child is apparently associated with the white stone which was not mentioned in the letter and our boy Giuseppe was actually made the steward of the chalice of Guevara. Guevara. Sorry, man. You don't get to have a stone.
Starting point is 00:30:10 You could be the cup holder though. I mean, I don't know. The chalice might be the most important part, right? We remember we looked backwards in the mirror and we saw the chalice, right? We remember that. Don't worry. Giuseppe, Giuseppe, I know you don't get to come on a lot of journeys. I know we leave you behind a lot the very time sensitive, but the cup holder could be the most important
Starting point is 00:30:32 Dude you have no you have no idea how accurate you have no idea how accurate like next week You're gonna you're gonna laugh at this anyway Graham To go to go through the tree Graham sits down in the chair again, turns off all the lights, slows down his breathing, and then spoke with the calm, gentle voice of an angel of Judaism. Which Mathis will now read for you. Oh, yay, I get to use some sound effects? If you want! You know, it's an angel of Judaism. Is this voice mod? What is this?
Starting point is 00:31:02 This is just my GoXLR. That's all it is. I bless you is that yeah Okay, okay, this is perfect actually Wrong that's terrible the guardian of the tree you are here tonight in order to obtain certain information Concerning the blue stone which I am not allowed to divulge That's feel that feelings that makes the whole thing pointless like don't worry he's not allowed to divulge it. Well we'll get there. Alright we'll go back to the sound effects. This information you must obtain by your own efforts using
Starting point is 00:31:37 your own innate knowledge. I can tell you that each sphere and path has a guardian and in order to get past you will need to know who the guardian is and what gift he or she desires to allow you to pass, and the animal associated with that sphere. Once past the guardian you will have to call on the god of that sphere. You must not, under any circumstances, call on the guardian or god of a sphere unless you are certain that it has been identified correctly If a mistake is made it cannot be rectified and you must retrace your steps I will accompany you to your first sphere. Yesod then it is up to you
Starting point is 00:32:16 You are at the first portal and may now begin for the guardian is waiting. I wish you well on your journey All right, so using their innate knowledge, aka shit they already know, as Metatron said. That's a weird name. First of all, hold on. They have been told in the past that if they fuck this up, it's over. They've then proceeded to fuck it up, and yet there was another way forward. They just have to go back. They have to like find another path there's 22 paths so as long as they have like a there's like a checkpoint yeah system yeah well you have to go back you literally have to turn around and go back yeah it's like an RPG where if you do something wrong rather than the game ending it's like life is strange bro yes
Starting point is 00:33:01 yes or when they're like when the villains like join me and you're like yes and it's like he's like stop lying you know you want to fight yeah you want to say princess peach no and he's like come on that's what you do I'm kidding oh you're so funny Mario that's how they determine just using the stuff they already know they determine that the Anubis was the guardian of the path to the first sphere and I'm just going to go into this because they write this in sort of like an action-packed way, but this is me reporting back what happened, so I'm just going to paraphrase.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Anubis was the guardian of the path to the first sphere, so the paths and the spheres also both have entities that they have to deal with, both the paths and the spheres, and you have to ask permission to traverse the paths and to go through the spheres. They found obviously Anubis' animal is a dog, and almost obviously he wanted an Ankh cross as a gift. When they got to the first sphere, they decided that through the link to the moon that the Ysad sphere had, the god inside is Diana, the moon goddess. They were right.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Diana let them through her sphere They went down the path to the orange sphere ha now if you notice Diana did not have any sort of animal or anything like that that she needed that doesn't matter They just went down the path to the orange sphere ha like Each riddle gets more and more strange and this part this part's a little weird this travel through the tree of life is a Little like somebody was like drinking a little bit and just like didn't edit this Using Marion's diagram of tarot cards and how they connect to the tree
Starting point is 00:34:34 they decided that the guardian of the path was the hermit from tarot and that he wanted a lantern and a walking stick for his gifts and Apparently because he wanted two gifts, he didn't have an animal, so they went on through, to the Orange Sphere. And when they get to the Orange Sphere, they already know somehow that Mercury is the god of the Orange Sphere
Starting point is 00:34:55 from Terry's innate knowledge, quote unquote. But they knew he needed both an ape as his animal guardian from his connection to Thoth, whom they encountered at Biddle of Grange, if you remember, and ended up being another guardian himself, Thoth did, for some reason. And then they needed a feather gift
Starting point is 00:35:14 because of Mercury's connection to both flight and because Mercury is the scribe of the gods. So, you know, quill, pen, you know, whatever, flying, yeah. This is like when a D&D campaign is supposed to end But the players are having too much fun and force the DM to just keep going and so it's just more shit You want to be funny literally at this point in this in the telling of this even Giuseppe writing this gets bored and and Graham by the way Graham this whole time is like silently pantomiming all these things being Diana being the hermit like
Starting point is 00:35:49 that gets so cool in your mind's eye of like going through the spheres. But when you think when you recognize reality, they're all in a living room with beers, some dim light and probably reeks of farts. This dude who's doing like, you know, improv dancing in the middle of it. And they're like, he's Diana, he's linked to the moon. Yeah, exactly. And so Giuseppe is just like, and then we got the green, we went to the green, the yellow, the red, yeah, yeah, yeah, all the way to the blue. Like literally he does that. And then they get to the blue one and Pat Schotton accidentally refers to the god
Starting point is 00:36:20 who they call Atum as Atin and they get shut down. It's a character in Marvel because I get the card in Marvel Snap. Yeah, and they get shut down because of this. Gram is like, he comes in as Aten instead and is like, doesn't know where he is. And I think Aten is like a sun god. He's like reaching for the sun. He's falling down. He's like retching and convulsing on the ground. Is the dude on the ground mimicking falling? Oh, I'm going so far
Starting point is 00:36:47 Yeah, literally literally he's like he's like barfing and shit and so they're throwing yeah, so they're like holding him They're like holding it into the bit. Yeah, they're rubbing him Calming him down just like holding on to his hands and stuff just being like you're good. You're good they calm it down eventually and then they backtrack all the way back around on the paths to another way, to another route towards the gray sphere, which is Gram Sphere, which is where they're trying to get. So they skip around back through, they go to the black sphere this time, which was Horus as the guardian and Saturn as the god. Then they get to the gray sphere, which actually, surprise surprise, was the home of none other than the guy who started this era, Pan the spirit, who congratulated them for not giving up
Starting point is 00:37:34 after their mistake. Pan told them that their journey was over at this point somehow, that they'd done enough to get the stones that they needed, and then they all turn around and go back through the tree all the way back the way they came to the purple sphere again retracing their steps until they run into Metatron again and Graham starts to speak in a voice that sounds suspiciously like Mike Martin. So here you go. Oh how weird. Dude it really is like he got to the end of the gray sphere and the DM was yada yada yada
Starting point is 00:38:01 to the stone. He's like yeah okay okay I don't want to do anymore. Yeah yeah yeah. Alright here I- Great sphere and the DM was yada yada yada to the stones like yeah, okay, okay? I don't want to do anymore. Yeah All right here It is I metatron Guardian of the tree Thank you for what you have achieved tonight The world at large will never know the debt that it holds for what you have done in the traveling tree
Starting point is 00:38:19 You will evoke the forces that will assist you in the gaming of the stones of the tree of life the forces that will assist you in the gaining of the stones of the tree of life My gratitude knows no bounds. I thank you once again go now your task tonight is finished and I'm gonna tell you this right now everything that they're looking for They will get next time on the mini-sode. Oh thank you. I'm so dude this is I don't understand how it's getting crazier. I really don't but it just keeps on getting weird.
Starting point is 00:38:53 We're pretty close to the next like phase. Just so you know. Phase! Yeah we're pretty close to the next phase and we're getting close. We're getting close. I'm not going to go all the way through the book, I don't think. But there's a clear place where I think well, there's a clear place where it ends. I'm going to miss it. I'm going to miss it. Honestly, when we're a third of the way through the book and I'm and you know what? I don't know if it had
Starting point is 00:39:17 anything to do with us. I don't. I genuinely don't. But Graham Phillips, if you go to his YouTube channel, he's like putting out more stuff like the same week that I put out the Greenstone part finale for I think it was. Let me see. Graham. He's like he's got he's got like the Greenstone on Google alerts so that dude pops up. I think he does. Oh my my god seriously. They're all gone What they're gone oh Okay, so there's some live some live streams. He's he's doing he's doing a book called strange fate I think it is oh
Starting point is 00:39:59 Graham Phillips Over there yeah phillips over there yeah strange fate is out on amazon and it's free on kindle unlimited it literally came out on april 18th really really recent then it's gram phillips and Jody Russell and they go to a burial site and there's a storm and
Starting point is 00:40:23 they find themselves in an alternate reality. Oh my god. So there's always more story to tell. I was away for a minute in my browser and when I came back Jesse went into the turtle club. Yeah, he disappeared into his shirt a bit there. He's Dana Carvey finding out about 9-11 in the turtle man suit. I've seen Master of Disguise though master of disguise guys you have seen multiple times
Starting point is 00:40:47 Not even surprised I don't I don't get it. Yes. I think it is in the world. I love you guys. Thank you for the money. Yeah Yeah, we're supporting guys. We love you. We'll see you next continued. I love you guys We won't have a mini soda next week as there will be a recording shuffle up, but we'll be back the week after that Okay, thank you guys. Yeah. Yeah Goodbye Hello my little children welcome back to another mini-sode. I appreciate that. ASMR Alex in the background, my dulcet tomes in the foreground.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And also I'm here. And there's Davis. Welcome to the mini-sode everybody. 141 I think of our mini-sodes. uh it's gonna be a fun word because we had a bunch of stories to go through but there was one at the end that kind of had three parts that Alex made a good point. You should go through these in the mini. So with that special guest, I said this in the main episode too, but just in case you're
Starting point is 00:41:57 listening to these in our compilations, we're taking a break from the the Chronicles of Giuseppe today For poor guy. Yeah, well, we wait for Jesse to return to us. So so sorry right now We're going through something a true story right now of something that happened like the 80s But the guy who chronicles it is the guy the group of people who have these experiences leave behind every time So they come back and tell him what happened It's fucking wild. He's been there for like two. He's been there for like five percent of the events. Yeah It's really good, and I'm sorry to all my fans
Starting point is 00:42:35 Okay, well We're gonna Read the story that this little bit that came off of our subreddit Three experiences that this particular person had on highway 20 with the titular title which means the same thing I guess weird experiences I've had on highway 20. Great title. Right? Phenomenal. Alex you might as well so you're the one that brought up brought this up so you you bring us in. Alright alright here we go. Even if this doesn't end up on the podcast I hope one of the guys see it. Thank you for such entertaining content.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Hi. Let's just say my name's Shion. Shion? What do we think? I would say Shion. Shion? You were about to say Shion though, weren't you? He was.
Starting point is 00:43:18 He was a little f*****g. I think it's Shion. Isn't that like... Do you have a Shion? What's your car? I have a Shion, but that's got a C in there that turns everything crazy to what shy on what do we say I think it's I will I on is spelled I own shy on I don't know what's okay all right you know you're the guest you're right yeah I house rules okay hi sorry hi let's just
Starting point is 00:43:44 say might we're never wrong on the podcast I don't know if you know this we're completely factual at all times on find him on Twitter at team Davis if you want to complain hi any year I'll see it comment on this post let's just say my name's Cheyenne a little backstory might be needed before we jump in we're currently 26 and the youngest of my siblings my sister is 20 years older than me and my niece is a year older than me. This might clear up any confusion moving forward. There is a road between the town I lived in growing up and the town my sister lived in
Starting point is 00:44:19 called Highway 20. It's a pretty twisty-turny kind of road. One that is prone to accidents. And in my case, lots of nausea. I'm with you girl. I'd be the same way. Also, might I add, Highway 20 feels like a great name for like a 70s slasher B movie. Yeah, or like a monster of the week style paranormal TV show. Yes, yes. Weird experiences on Highway 20. Like one of those like hosted by Jonathan Frakes.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Yeah, not so. That was one of our writers. It never happened. Wrong. Got you again. Uh, I wish he had popped up at the end of season one and two of Picard. Just kidding. Dude, oh, my God. Not real. We had Patrick Stewart on contract and we just let him do whatever he wanted.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Season three is the actual season of the car. Here's the real one. Should I just roll into the first experience? I think so. Yeah, let's do it. All right. This first event takes place when I was about 10 years old. My sister calls our mom up, telling her that my niece
Starting point is 00:45:25 wants to stay the night and asking if our mom can come pick her up. You know, I think when someone says they're 10 years old, I still think of rotary phones and wall phones, like I'm 10, but they're 26, so this is only 10, wait, so they were like 16 years ago? Yeah, this is like 2010s, like early 2010s. I had an iPhone at this time.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's already pretty late, dark outside, but my mother, the ever-doting grandmother, agrees after asking me, and so we get ready to go. We go, we, I said we go instead of we stop. How did that happen? We stop at the local grocery store
Starting point is 00:46:04 to get me a water for the car ride, since I get car sick sick. Girl, I mean, I don't know if you're a girl or not, but I'm with you. I'm waiting in the car as my mom runs in to get me a bottle of water and it starts raining, which is normal for where I lived. But then I see a helicopter and I immediately get this bad feeling. And I had the urge to let my mom know when she got back, immediately get this bad feeling and I had the urge to let my mom know when she got back, feeling like if I didn't tell her, something bad would happen to us. My mom gets back in a timely fashion and I let her know as soon as she's in the car that I have a bad feeling and we need to be careful on our way to my sister's house. My mom, being the spiritual type, believing in the paranormal, extraterrestrial, supernatural,
Starting point is 00:46:45 etc. took what I was saying to heart and agreed to proceed with caution. So, we're driving on Highway 20 when a deer pops up and my mom slows down. She looks at me and says, I almost swerved, but then I remembered your warning. That wasn't even the weirdest part though the deer looked straight at us bowed its head like it was thanking us then calmly walked back where it came from it was both incredible and a bit scary are you sure you weren't in Japan because I know a lot of the deer is about their head there for food and stuff so maybe what I mean that is like a common deer move yeah yeah what I mean that is like a common deer
Starting point is 00:47:25 mouth yeah yeah what I'm surprised I don't understand how the helicopter gave you the bad feeling is like the mothman omen a helicopter made you feel like something bad was gonna happen and imagine if the mom like remembered what she said and then the fucking hit the deer head on everybody died helicopters give me bad feelings because usually in LA it's like a spotlight and it's like oh there's a in LA it's like a spotlight and it's like oh there's a criminal running between fences. Someone has a gun nearby.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I don't like how close that is to where I am. Or the police will text us and be like hey we're just so you know we're practicing our drone maneuvers near you right now. Sorry. Sorry about that. If you hear that, that's us practicing just in case we need to use drones on your neighborhood. Oh great. That means that's that's the one thing that I want police to have now is like even more
Starting point is 00:48:12 detachment in their killing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. Well, yeah. The further attached you get, the more humane the cops will get when it comes to this. Yeah, that's how war. That's what happened with war too. Now, eventually, you're just going to let AI decide if we deserve to be arrested or not anyway. So might as well just start getting the robot revolution happening. Yeah. Robocop is the first step of the AI takeover.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah, exactly. When we turn over the cops to Robocop, that's when it gets bad. Well, I'll take the next experience here. It's a bit of a shorter one. Try and hold on to my character, please. Okay. Yeah This event happened about a year later on the same road Dummy it's in the title
Starting point is 00:48:56 So now I'm 11. Oh shit, and we're on our way to visit my sister. I Stupidly decide to watch Hancock on my portable DVD player on the road You just you just tell time in a place. Yeah, I know. I saw that movie, wait, was Hancock the superhero one or the matchmaker one? No, Hitch is the matchmaker one. I saw Hancock, I did not say Hitch. And Hitchcock is a film director. Correct, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:18 I know that, even though I haven't seen any of his movies. I do know that. Hancock, Hitch, Hancock. Hitchcock, Hitch, Hancock. Hitchcock, Hitch, Hancock. That's like a tongue twister. I remember liking Hancock, but I've only seen it the one time when I was in the theater. It's a bonkers premise. I've only watched it one time.
Starting point is 00:49:36 It is a movie that has such a strong setup, and then when it's revealed what's going on it like shits itself and dies I like could not believe Metal Gear Solid 2 like what you saw in that trailer and what the movie Hancock is actually about is like totally different to like the like the trailers are about like the opening like inciting incident of the movie only yeah that's and that's the best part like it's a good bit they just didn't know what to actually do with it and once they made it like a shitty Hawkeye story it's weird Hawkeye is too early it'd be do better in like Hawkman story sorry yeah it'd be do better in the now present atmosphere of superheroes I think oh my god it was a Hawkman script wasn't it oh my god
Starting point is 00:50:22 that's it literally becomes that and you're like what happened? You just blew my mind! You're so right that that was just a Hawkman movie. When it came out I was like what? What? What did it? I don't know. It started it's just like lovers that are
Starting point is 00:50:48 Cursed so they're eternal and they it's like that whole bit But it started like each other drunk Superman and then becomes it's just a week. It's like so I love the opening Didn't love it. Whatever Wow Wow you I we had a revelation on this minisode for Alex And I'm he's still reeling like you this is a pair of normal experience I actually know if you're on the $20 here, can see it you can see why i have to stay off of highway twenty that i'm his little i'm i'm like usually is little like comic squire and i'm glad i can like
Starting point is 00:51:14 throw something comically back and another great popcorn episode if you want a special guest for a pop i want to watch it will be again but i'm not i don't watch it by myself yes i want to go to the is a I haven't seen that I want to see you and me I bet you and I have a very similar haven't seen list no no yours is yours is vast my man for me it's just like anything in the last eight months anything in the last like 80 years I haven't seen uh all right and would you get know it is back to the car she's in the car and wouldn't you know it I got nauseous. What a shocker me, too
Starting point is 00:51:49 So my mom pulled over into a put into a pullout. I don't know what what's up. I'm guessing like it's like Yeah, okay. I see So I could get out and walk around maybe vomit but there it was again I had another bad feeling so I said to my mom mom I think you should pull the car forward more to the end of the pullout She looked at me and nodded her head started pulling forward the moment She was at the end and stopped a semi truck came rushing into the pullout area and would have totaled our small pickup truck Should my mom not have gone forward more
Starting point is 00:52:21 I was about less than a foot away from the truck as it pulled in beside me and lucky to not be hit. So this isn't Hancock. This is Next by Nicolas Cage. That's what this is. We're having where this is that's he was just watching and he was just he was watching Hancock and convincing me through time travel that Hancock is actually just a Hawkman script that was made without the license. That's wild. I mean, that wouldn't be surprising, especially for that era, you know?
Starting point is 00:52:50 Now that you say it, there is no doubt in my mind that that's exactly what it is. If not, that's just the... Exactly, they were like, let's just take this exactly. If that's not widely known, I'm going viral for this. This is like, we're taking this all the way to the top, Davey. This is real stuff. The funny thing is, watch you in the year of Our Lord 2023 try to get anyone excited about Hancock or a Hawkman. And people being like, guys, it's this! And you're like...
Starting point is 00:53:20 Do you know how close we were? You know how close we were to Hawkman? Apparently, real close. Dude, it's a fantasy. I love that fucking... Do you know how close we were? You know how close we were to Hawkman? Like, paradise? Dude, it's a fantasy. I love that fucking- If he just wasn't in Black Adam, it would have been alright. It would have been alright. Well, Black Adam was supposed to fix everything. And it didn't seem to do anything.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I don't- That's kinda like funny that it's that because it's a movie about Black Adam. So, I don't know. I liked that. Well, at least the Flash came around and oh, wait that bomb too. The Rock was like the real Black Adam. Like he like what you find out about Black Adam. Yeah, how he made that movie happen. Yeah, he's like what you find out about Black Adam.
Starting point is 00:53:56 The character in the movie Black Adam is like what you find out about the Rock when you look at him making the movie Black Adam. Anyway, they got nauseous. They moved the truck. They survived. That's so raving. Next story. Yeah. Davis. Is that third experience? Yes, it is. Alright, the final event that I can remember on this road. This event happened around the same time as the second one except we were heading home from my sisters. I
Starting point is 00:54:22 believe it was Thanksgiving and so we were leaving late and it was dark out. While driving, my mom started slowing down significantly and I was confused. I asked her why she was slowing down and her reply was strange. She told me because there's a horse and wagon in front of us, which confused me even more because I didn't see anything except for fog and the woods surrounding the highway. Oop, is this in Silent Hill? I told her I didn't see anything and asked her what she was talking about, but she was convinced that there was a horse and wagon in front of us, the old ones back in the pioneer days.
Starting point is 00:54:53 She could see it clear as day, but then it disappeared in front of her eyes, and she had to pull over to process what just happened. To this day, I'm disappointed I couldn't have witnessed it, and also curious about what she was seeing, whereas she was convinced she saw a residual spirit or an event long ago Anyway, those are some experiences. I've had I hope they were interesting to others out there. They were interesting extremely I wonder what state this I wonder what state this is it highway 20 runs across I'm assuming multiple states Yeah, but you know the because you're asking you're saying horse and wagon, so I'm wondering like what the most likely
Starting point is 00:55:26 Horse and wagon we're talking about is like, you know, maybe like Oregon Trail. Are we talking like Like my god, it runs a wagon shit pioneer days. So I'm imagining. Yeah exactly the Oregon Trail this thing runs from Newport, Oregon to Boston, Massachusetts for 3,300 miles Wow. Yeah, I think I just learned recently, maybe it was from Chiluminati, zeros are horizontal, like for highways, if it ends in a zero, it means it's going east-west, and then fives mean north-south. Yes, 100%. I don't know if that was from Chiluminati,
Starting point is 00:55:59 but that is a true thing. Definitely. If it was. It might actually just been Jesse saying it. I don't know. I only talked to like three people now, so that's where I get my information from but Yeah, it's like a bit of information that I'm like, that's so cool. I don't know what to do with it I guess if I'm ever like lost without modern technology, but yeah, yeah true
Starting point is 00:56:18 That would have been more useful to me when I was like 18 Tom Tom was too expensive. Yeah. Oh my god, when you get that Garmin finally, oh that shit took forever. You have literally map quest maps printed out. That was how we had to do it all the time too. I don't know how we survived but we did. I got lost so many times man, I don't know. One night I had to call my dad at one in the morning because I was lost and he was pissed. I used to I used to just actually I know what happened I would get lost and you just kind of like go in a direction until you see something Familiar and then you get back
Starting point is 00:56:53 So that was a tip my friend gave me back then to keep driving until you see a highway sign and then just jump back On the highway. Yeah, not a bad idea Yeah, well, thank you Davis for joining us on this luxurious mini-sode on this Need for a new host and honestly You might be better than Jesse. So I Meld open your phone open. You might be getting a call from my people to your because he doesn't because he didn't totally She didn't fight back. Yeah, you didn't fight me today. I Always does Jesse is great
Starting point is 00:57:22 Kind of sound like I was gonna say but there There is no but. Like you need, Jesse's like. Necessary. Yeah. And. He's the right guy for the job. I know I go off the handle sometimes. It happens. I need that man to bring me back to earth.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Yeah. And in live performance context, I'll bring you back to earth. Like literally, we see this, we know like echo chambers are bad. You need like opposing viewpoints to like measure yourself. Like Alex and I are like dear friends. Half of our, we just like argue a lot or like civilly oppose each other in discussion like it's you want
Starting point is 00:58:06 it there's good faith as long as there's good faith in it you want so like you said push your viewpoints makes you think more makes you think things from different perspectives yeah listen the Jesse that started this damn podcast and the Jesse that exists now is a Jesse with his third eye slightly open now literally in the era like in the era of grush a fundamental like force of all things that I believe is true is like you need like Friction to strengthen you like working out is like damaging your body so that you can like be stronger Having better you have to like challenge whatever your assumptions are with other things to find the right ones so it's good but if someone's like fuck
Starting point is 00:58:48 you you alien believe in piece of shit then you're like we're not really like chatting it's not an exchange of ideas and no no that's the things that get deleted yeah yeah so thank you for joining us. This was really fun. Really quick. Yeah, yeah, please. For the fans. For the fans.
Starting point is 00:59:09 You wanna do the bonus event? Oh yeah, we can do the bonus event. You want me to do it? Do you wanna do it? Take it away. Okay, here we go. This is a bonus event that didn't happen on Highway 20, but happened to this individual.
Starting point is 00:59:17 So this has nothing to do with Highway 20, but it's interesting experience to me at least. When I was about 13, I had this green light hanging, this green light hanging lamp in my room that we got from a yard sale and I hung it above my bed. Within the first week of having it, I started having weird dreams. Then as the weeks progressed, the weird dreams became scary dreams. They would wake me up and I'd be covered in sweat. However, after a month had passed, something happened to me for the first time
Starting point is 00:59:45 that has never happened since. I had what I believe was sleep paralysis. I woke up terrified, felt a weight on my body, my room was distorted in green light and shadow, I couldn't scream for my mom, I couldn't move, I just laid there terrified. Only a minute or so had passed before everything was right again and I was able to move I started crying uncontrollably and had to call for my mom I asked her to take the lamp out of my room and get rid of it because I told her there was something evil in It something wrong with it She disposed of it right away and ever since getting rid of that lamp nothing like that has ever happened to me again
Starting point is 01:00:20 That's like sleep paralysis for sure. I love experience because it's perfectly like It's the perfect like Problem like it illustrates perfectly why these two sides of this conversation can't see eye to eye Because this is a conversation where somebody's like I had sleep paralysis and then I Felt like it was coming from this lamp and I got rid of the lamp and then I didn't ever have sleep paralysis and then I felt like it was coming from this lamp and I got rid of the lamp and then I didn't ever have sleep paralysis again.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Yeah. Right? And in that sense, that makes sense to that person, right? Like if there is something possessing that lamp, getting rid of the thing with the bad juju in it is like probably the right move, right? But on the other hand, sleep paralysis is like rare. Like some people like have it once or twice in their entire life. So both people have the completely valid experience that they both have and they both believe the exact opposite thing is happening.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And there's the third maybe option which is like don't they use lights to induce hypnosis to can't you use like light stuff to induce altered states? It could literally be. So like another option could be like the light was doing it It just wasn't because it was fucking a ghost. It was because like yeah, we're the stupid ass human brains are like Fucking weird. Yeah, it's very possible So that's why like in in her does that not does that not make her correct or him correct in that the light may have? Been possessed. I think just by not lying. I think just by not lying. They're correct, right?
Starting point is 01:02:06 I like that. I think so. It's tough It's tough Like what is what's the definition of correct for this because if it's like is it correct that it could have been? That just is saying it could have been I don't know like It will never know if this person is not lying They're relaying their actual experience to us What they believe happened and how it went down. Yeah, that's the best we can do. Like, that's like, obviously, like,
Starting point is 01:02:28 if they had like data, that'd be like something more. But like, you know, that's the whole point. That's why these two sides have trouble compromising with each other because they like completely sort of invalidate each other while also not canceling each other out at all. It's fucked up Anyway, UFOs are out there. They are though. That's that's fact whether they're alien or or not
Starting point is 01:02:52 There is UAP zipping around whatever they belong to that's fact and I will fucking die fighting that yes They should come on right Davis. Yeah, thank you, Davis. We'll see you again genuine pleasure God, I might get this I might to give you a little kiss in person soon. We'll see we'll see what happens I love that remarkably unkissed recently. I'll fix that. Thank you guys so much for listening. Thank you again Davis for joining us Thank you all for supporting us here on patreon. We'll be back next week. Goodbye

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