Chilluminati Podcast - Midweek Mini - Is Reality Loading When We Aren't Looking?
Episode Date: February 7, 2025Mike, Alex and Jesse question reality this week MERCH - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Show art by -
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Hello everybody. I'm glad that's what it took. I don't like it. That's what it took. But like, you know,
I'm glad we're here. Yeah, it just doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel great.
Welcome to the mini-soap. But like you know that we're here. Yeah, just doesn't feel good
So that's more how I feel
What do you boys got for me today? I have a complete palate cleanser for you. What do you think about that? I'm gonna bring it on please please I've got a
Thread from our slash paranormal from six months ago. Here we go. The question was
What do you swear you saw but don't have any proof of?
That's the question. What do you do love those kinds of questions?
Cuz you know, you know you get something good fake or not. It's gonna be good. The responses are great
Here we go. First one beefcake blues says
werewolf. I used to drive a garbage
truck the old school version with another guy hanging off the back. And him and myself
were sitting up front having our morning coffee and warming up before we started our day.
We were on the side of a fairly main road and it was still dark out. About 50 yards
in front of us. I see what I could only describe as the biggest friggin dog I've ever seen
appear run under a streetlight and disappear as it ran across the street.
When I say big, I mean absurdly big, like it would probably come up to a standing adult's
So of course, I say to my companion, holy crap, look at that huge friggin dog across
the street directly from the street light that the monster dog emerged from was the
entrance to a condo complex with another streetlight.
Additionally, we noticed that if the giant canine stayed on its path, we would see it
again when we got to said streetlight.
So of course, we're both staring intently at the condo entrance breathlessly.
And when it broke into the light, no dog, it was a naked dude.
And this is the dead of winter in New England.
And I probably would have just written it off as mistaken
identity or trick of the light except for the fact that my
coworker wait to beat and without taking his eyes off the
condo entrance says don't ever tell anyone.
We just saw that they'll say we were getting high at work
or something and I never did tell anyone ever.
I don't know about Bigfoot or Mothman or anything, but I'm
pretty sure that werewolves are real.
That would be horrifying. I love that.
That's a good.
That's, you know, I'm on the same page as you. I, I, I'll let you continue, but I, I'd
love the idea of it's an unexplained like just dude, right?
Like it doesn't, I don't know if it's a werewolf.
It's just like a dude showed up.
They saw that's creepy.
They saw something and then what popped out was a naked dude.
Yeah, but even that's weird.
You're not the only one who knows what they were talking about because also
also wait, another user replied to that comment and said, I believe you.
I saw something similar during the pandemic 2020 or 2021.
One day I was driving on the res
and I saw a naked man 50 yards from the road.
I must have startled him because he jumped into a bush
and a coyote ran out from the other side.
The coyote dashed up a wash
and it kept looking at me while it ran away.
Pretty good.
Yeah, it's weird.
I got a couple more responses that I thought were pretty good. Yeah, it's weird. I got a couple more, a couple more responses that I thought were pretty good. First one is from glue zombie, who says, When I was four years old, I was
staying in a provincial town in the Philippines with my mom. I would bathe with a tub of water
that we would refill whenever we got the chance as there was no running water. At the time,
my mom would help me shower so she'd use a tabo, which was basically like
a deep ladle, pour the water over me and rinse the bubbles off.
I close my eyes as the water washes over my face and open again when it passes.
This happens a few times until I opened my eyes and saw something suspended in the top
corner of the bathroom staring at me.
No, I hate that.
It was a bit contorted, human-like, naked,
and looked kinda smiley.
But I remember feeling dreadful, sad and scared,
and immediately told my mom, and she continued to rinse me.
By the time I finished my sentence
and the water washed over me again, it was gone.
My mom comforted me and told me everything was okay.
Years later, 20-something, living in the States,
I recall what I saw to her, and she believed me
because apparently she has seen it too.
She even said she remembers the moment
when I told her in the bathroom because she felt it,
but went about normally as to not scare me further.
No proof otherwise, but I know what I saw was real,
especially how it made me feel.
Hate, hate the fuck out of that.
That would be the worst ever. Cont, hate the fuck out of that. That would be hard.
In the worst ever contorted somewhat smiley.
Oh, these are the stories that make me feel weird, though,
because any time there's like a cinematic element to the story like this,
like there's like a there's like a Hitchcockian element of like
the water being like a peekaboo situation.
It's a stage in a way that's interesting.
And you get swept up in the drama of it and you feel like you live it
when you read it, which is good. Right. It's good writing.
But because it's so cinematic, that's what's that.
That's what makes it hard for me to believe these stories.
Not that I like don't necessarily believe this.
I don't have any way of saying whether this is true or false.
But this is one of those perfect stories like that, where I'm like, this is so perfectly staged, so perfectly, like
written and explained to you in a way that it almost makes it
feel fake. Yeah. Last last one, Cerulean flytrap wrote this one.
When I was four years old, I was playing in our full acre yard in
Omaha. I saw something on the other side of the wire fence in the backyard. This thing was sitting
next to a bush, but it couldn't make sense of what I was seeing. It shifted between looking
like a brown rabbit. The neighbors had a rabbit hutch against the fence as well, but about
10 feet away, and a fairly short, skinny, brown, hairy humanoid creature. And somehow,
both forms at the same time. It's still difficult to put into words the way this thing kept changing shape in front of my eyes.
It didn't make sense then and still doesn't now.
Me, being too curious for my own good, walked over to go check it out closer.
As I got to the fence, it turned to look at me and quicker than my mind could register,
it grabbed me leg and started pulling me through the fence.
All I remember clearly about the face is bright yellow eyes, a very dark complexion,
and an angry expression. I don't remember anything after that. My parents found me unconscious,
lying with the top of my back, head, and shoulders on the ground. My lower back and hips were
up in the air because one leg was pulled through the wire grid of the fence at a heightened
angle I could never have managed to get it in myself. Even the scrapes on my
legs showed that I was pulled. Because of this and my dad
having experiences of his own with shadow people in and other
things. They actually believe me. I was just told that my
family sometimes experiences weird things and not to tell
anyone else because other people don't understand. shrug emoji.
Love it.
Those are the rabbit.
You're seeing something like that.
No, I'm telling you a story on here about the creature
that I saw that like paralyzed me in my car for like 45 minutes.
I've ever told you that.
I know I've said it on what?
I don't know if I've ever.
Yeah, I'm trying to think.
I remember the word power went out in your car or whatever.
There was I used to do this thing where I'd like get really drunk,
like right at the beginning of a party, because I like wanted to be drunk,
but I didn't want to be at the party that much because I want to like go sleep in my bed.
So I get like wasted at the beginning of a party and then I'd like sober up for like three hours.
And then I'd like, you know, like once I was like totally back together,
I would just like go home like early, get home at like 10 or something like that.
And, uh, this one time I was doing that and I was, you know, obviously.
Like still kind of just like a little bit.
Like sort of in that heightened state when you're at a party where you're
kind of like being really social and you're like kind of buzzing around.
And so when I came out
into the quiet street, it was like really calm and really
dark. And it really was like, extra scary for that reason,
because it was like a big contrast. And then I got in my
car, and I kept looking up the street. And I saw this like,
thing crouched on the fence. And it was like, it's like looked
like a skexy almost like from from dark crystal. And it was
like, I couldn't hear it or see it. I couldn't hear it. But it
looked kind of like it was moving. And it was like on top
of this fence. And I literally called my friend who was still
in the house. And I was like, Hey, like, come get just come
down here and my doors unlocked. Come get into the car next to
me. Just come sit. And I was like, he was like, what's up? And I was like, look
at this thing. Like, look at this. And I like turn my headlights
like bright on and I tried to see and it just looked like this
like hunched like humanoid bird lizard creature on the fence,
like just kind of idling like a Mortal Kombat character kind of
moving. You know what I mean? Yeah. And I was just like, what
the fuck is this? And then finally, we like, after like 45
minutes of like, just being like,
so your friend saw it too, then
100% we were both just like, what is that thing? And we were
trying to decide what to do. After 45 minutes, I went up to
look at it. And it was like a fucking just like it was like
I think I've heard this story before. I have not.
That's yeah, I've definitely heard that bit before.
Like fuck like where my head was at before I went and experienced that it was Ivy for myself.
I would have told the story for years.
You know what I mean?
I can see how that happens.
Yeah, I would have been like, remember the Birdman.
Remember the Birdman dude that we both saw.
I mean, that yeah, I can see that that easily becomes a story. It's kind of wild. been like, remember the bird man? Remember the bird man dude that we both saw?
I mean that, yeah, I can see that that easily becomes a story. That's kind of wild. Well, I got some, I want to keep us there. I might, I have an entirely
different thing, but I want to keep us on paranormal Reddit for a sec because I
found this this week and I was like, I got it. I got to show the guys, um, this
I got it. I got to show the guys. This video, hopefully this link works. This video, I don't know if we've seen this one before. It is a dude letting someone in to a building, but
there's nobody there. We have gone through this one before. Right? It was a long time
ago though. Right. But it's like a fantastic video. Very interesting. The thing I want
to talk about, the thing that really interested me from it though, was that there was a reply further down.
And I just thought this was really interesting. And it's very similar to what Alex just did,
where he just like read a thing. I just want to read this real quick. He doesn't got to talk to
guys about this. Um, this, this is from weapon. Why this happened to me while working at a gas
station in high school got
called in the manager's office at the tail end of my triple shift because
the manager was watching the security tapes and saw me having a full on
conversation with someone at the register that wasn't there, both the
door camera and the register camera saw nothing.
The weirdest thing was I rang up transaction on the register for $4 and
65 cents at the time
according to the timestamp and my till balanced perfectly and then the best part some guy asked
Well, what did you talk about? What was the conversation about the guys like school skateboarding didn't strike me as weird at all, huh?
Whoa, and everyone just keeps asking him like questions about he's like, yeah, I don't a guy was there
I talked to a dude and I was like that's fascinating. I don't know what, yeah, I don't. A guy was there. I talked to a dude and I was like,
that's fascinating. I don't know what that means. I don't know. In a way, I feel like it might have
to do with a little bit of what my topic is today, but we'll get to it. Mathis, please go.
No, maybe you better segue into you. It brings me to that theory. Every time something like this
happens, it's like, what if everything is just like weird reality,
just kind of warping in, interacting with things that are there,
but maybe at a different time.
And it's all fucking weird.
Well, gentlemen, then I think it's a boy. Oh, boy.
Yeah, I think you should go, Jesse, because I'll end it.
That's a NASA, a former NASA physicist named Thomas Campbell
has taken it upon himself to question some things about reality, one of which
being, are we even existing at all? Or maybe we're just matrix people. Maybe we're just simulation.
And it gets deep. Like what I say, can I throw this out there real quick? Because I've had
recent thoughts of this because like we've talked about even on a like an undetectable scale. We are we experienced time differently like by nanoseconds that are
intermeasurable simply because of where we are elevation all that shit
gravity is what effects if that was true though, wouldn't we all be off time?
We all be experiencing different points of different time and time.
Well, this is this is the thing.
So he what he's talking about in this is that
it all starts with the double slit experiment.
That's like kind of the foundation of where this is
1899 baby.
That's where quantum physics was kind of and so like if you
think double slit experiment is the idea of like waves of
light going through the two slits and they make multiple
sort of a both a wave and a particle right. so be able to be both if you're looking at
it you see on the other end of those two slits that there's multiple sort of like points where
it hits but the minute you turn away and like you film it or whatever it's just two like lines
right and then if you look at it while filming suddenly you're back to all those multiple things. It's a very famous experiment. Scientists do not know why it does what it does. But his initial
starting point, this scientist is saying that it could be because we are in a simulation and just
like when playing a video game, if you're facing one direction and then you turn it renders in stuff behind you and so
and that's for everyone. So the idea is if we're all doing a thing and we see a thing
it happens but if we don't see it, it did not happen. That's great. So things are being
rendered in and so he's doing tests and experiments and one of the craziest things I read in here was that, um, essentially the idea that we are like, if far in the future, a society
had done a, a sort of model of what life was like back then and run a simulation, the simulation
would compound upon itself over and over and over again to the point where the people in the simulation
Just wouldn't know like that kind of thing
Yeah, and dude has gotten funding to conduct five different experiments
See and is absolutely convinced and the craziest part is you can go look at
I'll just link this to you and if you want to put it out into the world math is by all means literally
2017 paper, even though that's a Chrome extension that links to Adobe, it's an Adobe PDF. Yeah. It's on testing the simulation theory. I'm going to read this. And it's like, can theory
of reality be tested? And they're talking about how we could be in a virtual reality.
So there's a whole paper that was written. There's a bunch of different other studies.
There's a bunch of experiments going on. There's a 2003 paper from Swedish philosopher,
Nick Bostrom, who was like, yo, are you living in a computer simulation? Like that's another one.
And there's going down the list of that is essentially, yeah, we are all
and there's going down the list of essentially, we are all like meeples. We're all sims. The only thing that's weird about it to me is that that to me, like us being able to
perceive that feels like Wreck-It Ralph, like looking out the window screen of a machine.
Sure. Oh, I don't believe it at all. I don't think it's true, but I think it's a fascinating
inquiry and maybe it could be the thing that helps us understand what is real, you know what I mean?
Because I mean, what's the difference between like, biology, right? Like, let's let's imagine nothing
exists. And then let's think about like, could biology exist? Does it's okay? Well, like, we're
cells. So what are those? Like, they're made up of these, and they're made up of these. And then
there's like, Okay, well, there's data. And's made up of this and there's that's made of this and
this is a an impulse in the brain.
That's a thought and that's made above this and that's made
of right information is energy.
They all are something.
Yeah, they all are something.
Yeah, everything breaks down and I you know, if it's true say
like if you observe and then it renders would that go down to
the quantum level of like that's why quantum mechanics that
only measures when we observe it like quantum.
No, that's what they're saying.
They're saying they're like, why does quantum mechanics only work when we're looking at
And then when we turn our backs, suddenly it shuts off.
It's both.
It's every day.
How can we be not rendering it if we're trying to measure it?
I mean, but that's the mystery is, is again going back to the double slit when we record it and when no one's watching it, it does one thing.
But when we watch it, it does something completely different and it makes no sense.
They can't figure it out something with our level of understanding of reality when it's clearly if even if this is true, there's some level that we clearly are just not understanding.
Oh, for sure.
For sure.
Just shit.
So like huge mysteries.
Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, yeah, maybe this is true.
And like, maybe it is all like it means what it means.
But there's also a level of it that the way it operates doesn't
we just can't comprehend any of it.
It would. And I just know maybe it would be kind of crazy
if the world got like trippy.
It would be weird if we like discovered something about reality
that changed our relationship with reality
That's the thing right we keep discovering things about reality that change our understanding of reality and understand
That it's way more wobbly and flux
But it's never at a point where it impacts us directly the most it is is like when a
When an astronaut is in space and time changes a little bit differently for them like that's as close as we can get sure
Is there applied quantum physics?
I guess like computing. I don't know.
I don't think so. Is that really the same thing?
I don't know.
By the way, for those of you who are really curious
about the double slit experiment
and you want to actually see some cool stuff,
double slit experiment explained by the Royal Institution.
Get on that solid video.
11 years old, 3.5 million views this paper like imagine just like
the simplest explanation and so good so good
You should watch that long to bring this paper. I'm gonna bring us to 100%
Yeah, I shared this with you boys a few days ago in the text message
I just want to talk about it because fucking cool a few days ago literally to there was a discovery that
because fucking cool. A few days ago, literally, too, there was a discovery that shows that complex
life on Earth may have actually began one point five billion years earlier.
Oh, and we understood it, too.
Yes. This was led by a car, a team at Cardiff University
where they discovered evidence of a much earlier ecosystem
in the Franceville basin near Gabon on the Atlantic coast in central Africa
over one point five billion years earlier. Their
study in pre Cambrian research describes an episode of unique underwater volcanic activity
following the collision of two continents which created a nutrient rich quote-unquote laboratory
for the earliest experiments in complex biological evolution. The paper is titled hydrothermal seawater eutrophication triggered local
macro biological experiment in the 2100 mop parallel is a bunch of science words.
Basically, they're just like, Hey, in this small area, when these two continents came together,
it's hyper oxygenized this part of the ocean. And in that time, simple life, seemingly was
becoming complex life, but it didn't last long enough.
And eventually outside the bubble, it just didn't happen.
And it all kind of fell apart and it didn't get any further until
what they, as far as evidence shows, the second attempt of
complex life happening, which then bubbled forth and produced
animals and biological life.
As we understand it today through millions and millions of
years of evolution and so on.
And it's just fascinating because it means there was a point even in a small section of an
uninhabitable planet where complex life was like, fuck it.
We're doing it.
Yeah, it just happens.
And Jesse, you said it's like almost like an egg making attempt over and over.
So it eventually is able to like break free.
It's like also ran.
I wonder like, is this evidence to point that life is more of a rule as long as the conditions are correct for it. That life is more of a rule that like even on earth, we have evidence of complex life happening multiple times.
the the planet being the egg. will exist in an egg, right?
Like it can, but unless the egg
hatches, that whatever's in it
dies, right? And so I was
saying that like I
fundamentally accept that
there's been multiple waves of
life on earth and they keep
dying out over and over and
over again. And the only way to
like get out is to hatch, which I mean like we gotta leave Earth as a as a species. If we wanna live, we have
to leave Earth because eventually we'll get wiped out again. It's just gonna happen. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. But I wonder if our Earth like Earth, as we know today, all complex life
gets wiped out by some horrifying event. Sure. I wonder if in a billion years, they'll be
fine and we'll see simple life as a rule.
Eventually, complex life happens again and complex life then kind of seeds out.
And if we just I wonder if we just see a consistent cycle of like life
until eventually we have we have sort of that version of things
like when they were talking about stuff on Mars.
And yeah, exactly.
They found more evidence of potential microbial life that have existed on Mars. Yeah, exactly. They found more evidence of potential microbial life that have existed on Mars.
And I'm sure that if we had people on Mars doing the research, we could have more
information, which would probably lead us back to roughly the same thing, which
is there was a time period where life definitely did.
And then shit went down.
Now it doesn't. And that I feel like that's just the thing that will happen to Earth
again. And then, you know, the only way to truly survive in a universe like this is to leave.
You can't be planet bound. You just can't.
I mean, the other interesting about Earth in general and specifically, though,
is like compared to a lot of places we find livable planets, Earth is in like a danger zone.
Earth is like fucking the worst potential place with asteroid belts and shit and everything kind of like peppering our planet.
We're very much.
But it also could be the place that like, as for what belt saves
our ass. That's true. And it might be the reason we even had life on the first place
to the idea of like, yeah, comment hitting who fucking knows. But it's cool to know that
like, complex life actually happened way earlier in the earth lifecycle. And I wonder how many
times it happened like boy, I welcome the conspiracy theories, but also real talk
it's it's a fun little story to be like there was life because billions of years is
We could have had full-on societies and would never know. Yeah would never know
What blew me away is an episode in?
Hardcore history and this kind of explains like how our concept of time is not great
There were back in like ancient Egypt times.
They were discovering ghost cities of enormous civilizations that
rose and fell and vanished thousands of years before them.
And that's just thousands of years.
1.5 billion is inconceivable to our brains.
It's crazy. I mean, and that's obviously probably dinosaurs, you know,
that's the I don't I feel like just skeletal record wise,
but still it could be like it could be anything.
I don't think there was like dinosaur people walking around,
but like, you know, I think complex life.
They probably meant more like mollusky. Right, right, people walking around, but like, you know, no,
I think complex life, they
probably meant more like
Molesky, right, right, right,
right. But like it could be
anything. The idea that in our
minds are a good prospect for
being like a like a planet
ruling life form actually.
Sure. Yeah. I but it also I
just have to remind everyone
when we think dinosaurs, we
think like Jurassic Park,
right? We think that but like Triceratops and T Rex weren't home. They were not around the like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know,
like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, fell and disappeared before we even saw like a T. Rex. It's crazy.
One time on Doctor Who, the the moon was an egg.
Well, the space butterfly, as we all know,
and that is an egg in Marvel. One true deity.
Yeah, there is this kind of thing. Yeah.
Earth is an egg, too.
I thought, look, you have to think about that.
We got to get off. You got to get off the earth.
And if you're like Albert Fish, you just got to get off.
You know what? Cool. Thanks, dude.
We'll see you guys next week.
So much for me choking my own spit.
That's so killed Alex. Bye, everybody.