Chilluminati Podcast - Midweek Mini - Mike Sees a UAP
Episode Date: March 7, 2025Jesse aims to blow our collective minds on a quantum level MERCH - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD HEROFORGE - htt...p:// Promo Code: CHILL Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Show art by -
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Have you received a red light or speed camera violation in the mail?
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Learn more at slash aps. Hello my little children, welcome to Minnesota 195.
I'm excited to be here.
I'm excited because I finally can tell my story that
**** happened and it's it's a
doozy. It finally happened.
It's again. I don't let me just
set this up for everyone who is
listening. The veracity of this
tale may be skewed because I
don't know and he'll be honest
with us. He'll be honest with
us. So this be honest with us.
So this was the day the day before Alex's wedding. Yeah. Our dear friend had arrived
in these California A's and then this happened. Now was he high at the time? I'm high all
the time. All right. All right. No, right He was on the airplane coming to here everything. That's true. Actually, you're only high when you get to the airport
Listen, you can be as high as balls at TSA. They just tell you what to do you like
I'm gonna let you know you know, you can be very high on a plane. I've been there. It's not fun
Terrifying do not do that
No, it was Saturday night. I was about 20-25 minutes from LAX where I was staying and yeah
It was the night before Alex's wedding and I was out in the front load along that the Airbnb I had
Had it was myself a patreon artist and a friend of the show Mel and her boyfriend Rob
Very nice. Have multiple witnesses multiple multiple witnesses, very nice people.
I met them.
They seemed very credible people.
They didn't lie to my face.
So I feel like they were telling me the truth here as well.
And like I talk about on Twitter and she'll go,
I don't know what you're talking about.
And I'm just like, I want to kill her.
But like she's only on Twitter.
She actually did see it.
I swear to God.
Anyway, we were all just sitting chatting and I genuinely can't even remember
what we're talking about because I just
watch the sky all the time.
Bad habit now, thanks to Shulman Adi is like I am so like
anytime I can see the sky, I'm looking at it.
And I was sitting in one of the chairs out there and I was
looking at the stars and it wasn't like even in my vision
under the corner of my eye.
I saw what looked like a satellite, just like a tiny
pinpoint of light.
And as I saw it and my eyes moved over to it, I watched it
and it was moving very similar to a satellite, like really slow
in a straight line, no change in momentum. But it took a couple
seconds is like as my eyes adjusted to what I was looking
at, because I saw blinking. And then when I my eyes adjusted,
what I saw was not just like a regular light, but a triangular
three lights that
were going in a pattern and just not like in a rotational pattern.
The triangle itself was not rotating, however, but I still was like, okay, maybe it's a plane.
So, but I stood up and what I can't even tell you what we're talking about because I simply
pointed up and I go, am I crazy?
Can you guys see that? And both of them looked up and I was pointing and after a few
seconds they were like, the triangle blinking? And I was like, yes, that exactly. And so they
confirm it, they're watching, but it's still going in a straight line and it hasn't changed speed.
And then that's where I was like, maybe it's just a fucking plane, especially if it was just going
to lead, it was about to like go over the house and like, I wasn't gonna be able to see it anymore. But as it reaches
the edges of like where the house would be, and I lose sight of it, it then suddenly without momentum
changing without stopping, just goes backwards the way it came. Same exact speed, there was no
like adjustment at all. And it was super smooth. And it looked way high up there. It was dimmer
than some of the stars. Like I had to adjust to see this thing. As it was moving back, I literally go, did you see that?
And they go, yeah, it's moving backwards. Like, so we watch it. And then as it kind of goes back
about halfway through the way back, it stopped and it just hovered. Now the entire time it didn't
rotate and it stuck on its access through this whole story.
It never rotated at all.
It stopped in hovered for maybe a few seconds and then it started moving to our right and it started moving in that same speed and it went over a little bit and then it stopped and it hovered and then it went back again and started going over to our left. And I finally stopped right a little bit over
to our left and hovered and I kind of like jokingly out loud said, come on, you fucking
thing move toward me. I want to see you better. And it started moving toward us. It didn't
come down any lower. It just moved in our direction, which could be a coincidence entirely.
I just want to say that I said that out loud and the other two can confirm. I said it and it started moving in our direction a little bit
and then it stopped and it hovered again.
And then after a few more seconds, it started moving to our
right until it moved to where the light pollution.
We couldn't see it anymore and it never came back.
The whole thing was maybe three or four minutes.
I hesitate to say five five feels long, but it was definitely
a handful like three or four minutes.
We all watched it.
We all we we Rob took out his phone.
The problem is it was so dim the phone couldn't fucking see it.
I had my phone out and I actually lost sight of it for a second when I took it out and
I had to like find it again.
Rob took his phone out Mel did not and there was just we couldn't get it on the camera.
It was so high up and so dim that it just couldn't catch it.
The thing that trips me up never mind the fact that the it on the camera. It was so high up and so dim that it just couldn't catch it.
The thing that trips me up,
nevermind the fact that the speed was the same,
there was never a change in its inertia
and never like wobbled, it never rotated.
It was always the same speed.
If it was as high up as it looked,
and that's where I don't know
when my perception can be trusted
and I don't really understand like how I can measure it.
But like I said, otherwise it looked like a satellite
unless you looked at it long enough
where you could see the blinking.
If it was that high up,
it would have had to have been massive,
like fucking huge.
It made no noise.
And while we were watching it, multiple planes flew by.
We could hear them, we could see them.
We watched them and would point them out to each other
because we're near LAX.
You can see the ones that are way up there,
the ones that are taking off.
Never once did a plane cross its path
to know if it was higher than a plane.
But we were able to pinpoint planes,
we could see the stars.
Don't know what it was.
And that was the end of that encounter.
Could it have been a helicopter in the distance?
It made no noise, I heard no noise.
And I've heard helicopters all night like the
next night, like all over the place and the way it was moving.
It would have had to turn it would have had to rotate.
It wouldn't have it was so like it was a perfect triangle that
just never rotated.
It stayed on its axis everywhere it moved and it just had a
rotating blinking three set of lights with the light in the
middle and it just moved. That means it had four bubbles. That's a big one.
Hey, you got a full bubbler, dude. I think you being high means your eyes are dilated.
You're seeing better at night. Stoneape theory, right? You're looking out there.
Uh, it was good. But like, so I so Mel and Rob both saw it.
Like they they did they confirm it to you at the party. They
definitely asked Alex like and Rob, you know, I tried looking
up for hours the next night and the night after in the night I
got home for drone footage. I'm trying to find anything that
looks similar. But not only can I not but I don't want to say
that it doesn't necessarily exist. But every drone footage of anything on camera, it's just a bright light.
Or the flashing ones are just like a very definitive bright flashing.
You can pretty much see that it's low and like an object that's like there was no clouds obscuring the sky that night.
Just to put it out there. Like there was no it wasn't cloudy or anything.
The drones, but also catching that kind of shit on camera.
The lights are going to flare more than they would in real life.
So it's hard to look at footage of drones and go for sure.
Yes or no, but just the way that thing fucking moved.
Like if it was a drone, the camera would be on the front.
So like you would think as it's moving in what not in different
directions, it would need to turn.
But the thing literally was just stuck on its axis and move. So if it was, you know,
moving upward, say the point is there, but it was moving backward, that just the flat bottom stayed
at the front. And they did that for about three or four minutes and then was gone. And that's it.
No noise. That was the extent of the fucking sighting. Jesse, are you a play? Do you watch
plane videos? Like, do you watch engineering things? Like, I understand everything you're saying,
but I don't have a mind to, like,
think about what else it could be.
Do you know what, like?
When a plane turns, it has to tilt and rotate
so the lights would change.
They wouldn't stay flat, flat down like I was seeing.
They would literally turn and change.
But if it was a drone,
then potentially it would have just been a stationary
and it would move to the right or left or back or forward. You would think it would wobble or change
in the momentum or something, but like, I don't know, if anybody, people who are better than drone,
do know drones better than me. Like I spent, I would say about five or six hours looking up drone
footage over the course of three nights. Like if if you can find anything, let me know, because that's just.
Here's the thing. That's not where it fucking stopped.
So I saw that on the first night.
Nothing happened on the second night.
Nothing. You got more.
Nothing happened.
So nothing on the second night happened.
I went home the day after. Well, we were at the party.
We were playing video games.
They were at the we were eating at our burger.
We were at the party. Yeah.
No, nothing happened that night.
That night, nothing else.
So like the night and that night, nothing happened the night after,
which was the wedding and all that.
Nothing happened that night.
And then I went home the next day and I went home.
It was Monday night.
So it was trash night.
And I was just taking out the trash at about 11 p.m.
Facing the west sky, I take the trash out and I look up at the sky
because I always look up at the sky in between the two houses above the tree
line about what would I would measure with like eye distance
like it would be two feet so it would have been hundreds of
feet or something. A bright as fuck star at least it's what I
thought it was a star that was and I'm saying bright as fuck
that was flickering white, orange, red, white, orange, red
just like but not in a rhythmic pattern, almost fucking randomly.
It was just like rapid and random.
It stopped me dead and I stared at it for like three minutes,
maybe four minutes as I took the trash out.
I'm at the, I'm on my sidewalk.
I'm watching it again around 11 PM.
And I just think to myself, okay, well,
I've seen stars do something like this.
That's when the atmosphere fucks with the light.
Like I've seen things do this.
It's a star, whatever.
I turn around, I go inside.
I don't have my phone on me anyway.
And I genuinely convinced myself it's a star.
It just might be really bright tonight for some reason.
But it was abnormally bright for me to stop dead
and watch it for a minute or two.
Go back inside.
I'm gonna sit down and playing video games.
And about 20 or so minutes later,
the trash fills up and I need, I was like, I'm going to take this trash
out to the sidewalk because trash, I take it out and I walk out to the sidewalk
and I look up to see the star again and I genuinely go.
You're fucking kidding me.
I run up there. I put the trash down.
It's gone, completely fucking gone.
And I start looking for it.
I'm looking left. I'm looking right. I'm like looking to the sky. And finally, I start looking for it. I'm looking left, I'm looking right,
I'm like looking through the sky
and finally I actually fucking find it.
It isn't vanished, it had plummeted,
like all the way down below the tree line
where you had to move to catch it in between the trees
where it's just sitting there, flickering light as fuck
to the point where I run inside the house and I go Jess you need to come out here and she's like is everything okay?
and I'm like just come out here I don't want to say anything else she comes out we go over to the sidewalk and I'm like do you see this?
can you see this light? and she looks through the trees like oh yeah wow that's bright that's just a plane and we watch it, it doesn't move for minutes. It just doesn't fucking move.
It's bright flashing the same fucking three colors,
orange, white, red, orange, white, red,
and it's not moving at all.
We probably stay out there for another three or four minutes
and then we're just like, okay, well, it's not moving.
And then we go inside and I said, I'm gonna come back out.
I'll give it another 20 minutes.
I clock it and I'm gonna come back out
to see if it's still there. I go back inside, we hang out another 20 minutes. I clock it and I'm going to come back out to see if it's still there. I go back inside.
We hang out for 20 minutes.
I like watch the clock like a hawk again.
I'm facing the West almost directly and I go back outside 20 minutes later
and it's gone completely fucking gone.
So I'm like that wigs me the fuck out.
But okay, whatever clear night.
I said, like I was texting Alex
and I was texting I think Santel even that night.
I was gonna wait to tell you Jesse
cause I wanted to wait.
Cause I said, this is crazy, but let me wait.
Maybe tomorrow night.
You, I, this is the first I've heard of this.
I've not heard of round two.
Maybe tomorrow night, if it's a star or whatever,
it should be there in the same place in the same spot.
And if I see it tomorrow, whatever, then I'm not going to stress out or like I can, you know, whatever.
I just like freaked myself out or whatever.
Now, I don't know which way the stars rotate when in the night sky.
Which way do they move east to west or west to east?
It depends on your hemisphere.
I'm in Texas. So where is this?
OK, it seems to me. I don't know. Yeah. I'm in Texas. So where is this is? OK, so it was me.
I don't know. Yeah, I'm here.
I'm just curious because I don't know.
I wonder if it was rotating in the same direction as the stars were that night.
Jesse, how do stars work?
It's way the way you are in the northern hemisphere.
They're counterclockwise.
And if you're in the southern, it's clockwise.
So what does that mean for me?
West to east? I don't know what that means for you.
You're in the northern hemisphere for sure.
Yeah, I'm in Texas.
So like are they moving east to west, west to east?
So if they're moving counterclockwise.
I mean, if you're looking up, it's not gonna move.
It's not gonna move like this.
It's gonna move like.
It's not gonna move like it moved, right?
Okay, thank you.
So anyway.
I don't know what I just said to you right there.
You said they're gonna move like this
and that's the thing too though. though, is I can't move.
If you watch video footage of someone taking a shot of the night sky,
it doesn't move like right to left.
It moves like a circle.
Yeah, circle.
But I even pointed out, I like I looked at the stars.
I clocked where the stars were.
I wanted to make sure that like it's moving in tandem with everything else.
So it wasn't it did not move in tandem with everything with the rest of the stars. The rest of stars were
not moving nearly that fast and covered that much distance. So
I was like, whatever, fucking next night, if it's there, then
it must be a star, whatever. I go out. This was last night. I
go outside, I walk over to the right in that fucking while I
go out half hour earlier. And then on on time, because I
wanted to see if it was a star, it should be up there just
somewhere higher
or somewhere else in the sky.
So then I go out at 11 o'clock when I saw it the first time,
there's fucking nothing there.
It's a clear fucking night.
It's nothing, there's nothing that even remotely looks like
that in the sky or that bright.
I say fuck, I go out another 20 minutes later
and then another 20 minutes later,
and then I go out probably every hour on the hour until about two or three a.m.
Because that's when I usually go to sleep.
It was never fucking there.
I took a video at 11 o'clock.
I marked with the direction I was standing with the time it was like.
It's not fucking there.
And it was so fucking bright that that just even saw it like it was.
It was not. It didn't look like like a star but I just thought I was like I
was trying not to freak myself out and convince myself I was
seeing something I wasn't and then not being there the next
night I don't know and maybe I'll never see it again but it
reminded me on July 2nd I looked it up I sent you and Alex a
video of a bright fucking flickering star that was kind of weird and it caught my attention.
And it's I said to you and it's the same bright fucking star.
But it was again, the camera is not nearly as bright.
But there's that's that's something different.
But that's what it looked like.
That's from a Delta pilot from a few days ago of lights in the sky
while he's flying. And you can hear Delta pilot.
Jesse saw the same thing he saw.
I didn't see it move, but I didn't see it move.
But like, that's what it looked like in terms of like brightness and flickering is like,
it looked that bright.
I don't know what I was saying before that.
It wasn't there.
You went back.
You documented it.
You had a witness.
Yeah, it wasn't as bright.
Like nothing matches the way it looked in any way.
And I just haven't seen it again.
And I don't know if it'll be back.
I don't know what it was.
But it was like I said, it was so bright that even like Jess was like,
oh, that's a plane. That's like something that, you know, whatever.
But it didn't fucking move.
It just sat there and then it was gone.
It was in way above the sky and then gone in under an hour.
Don't think stars move that quickly.
And I don't know.
I don't think they hover for that long and just it moved
when I would come back and go back out.
It was just, I don't know.
I don't know.
No idea.
But that's so the video I sent you on July 2nd.
That's what I was saying.
That bright star that caught my attention that wasn't even
in the same place.
I remember where that was because you can I can see the
tree in the camera.
It's off to the left even further and that that doesn't that's not in the sky.
So whatever that fucking was that night either is now not
there. But I don't want to say it's the same thing either
way. It happened within three days of the last one.
And I don't know.
I don't know what it means.
I don't know what it was.
I don't know what fucking is.
Maybe it was a I don't know.
I have no fucking idea.
But yeah, and then that's the end of it.
That's all I got.
Interesting. So what do you think you saw?
If it was manmade, probably a drone, I would guess.
But I don't know how long like I need to look at a drone that hovers and like if it blinks, those stats kind of light.
I would love to see that on camera again. The drones I saw.
It's weird. You don't see a lot of like great drone footage from the ground with people.
But like other than that, I don't know what it was because I didn't see it move. Like all I
did was see it stationary. And when I went inside and came
back out, it would be in a different place. And it came in
and I even went to Jess before I went out a broader went out the
second time or after I went out the second time I asked her how
long have I been inside from taking out the trash? Not long
right? She's like, I don't know, not like maybe 15, 20 minutes.
So like it was under an hour in that thing
that I saw the thing way up in the sky.
It was like way above the tree line, 20 minutes.
It was way below the tree line.
And then 20 minutes later, gone.
Do you think you have missing time?
No, not at all.
I checked, I just didn't want to go crazy.
I did make you-
Have you had more psychic abilities? have their been paranormal phenomenon in the house
No, none of that. I have not become able to remote view. No orbs have flown through my home
No weird ghostly things have happened at all like do you think question?
And I'm honest to god. I mean this I need to know do not bullshit me here sure
Do you think? I'm I'm I'm honest to god. I mean this. I need to know. Do not bullshit me here. Sure. Do
you think encounter one and
encounter two are connected?
Man, I'll be honest with me.
That's a million dollar question.
Here's what I'll say. Here's
what I'll say. I really want
them to be. Okay. Um but there's no evidence that they are. it's just weird that they happen within three days
But you like the idea that like of course you saw a thing you said get over here
And it did and then a few days later. It was like right out your home, and there's that the yeah
That's but it wasn't yeah, that's weird as hell like that's weird
I like like the vibe that like maybe they are but like I would love to see it again if I can see it again
And I'm gonna literally lawn chair that fucker, and I'm gonna sit outside that like maybe they are. But like, I would love to see it again if I could see it again.
And I'm going to literally lawn chair that fucker and I'm going to sit outside for however
long I would love for you to see it. I would do. But now maybe from the bottom of my soul,
I would love for you to get abducted. That's why maybe I'm mad. It was like I'm almost
mad. It was me because of course, I have like that's gonna make like it almost goes to branding like like it's like too
Convenient and also now that I like I got it when I wasn't thinking about it a day just happened now
I'm gonna be like I want to see it again
Am I ever gonna fucking see it again like am I gonna like I hope not I hope you're crazy
From like I'm somebody like it was dude. It was a plane. It was nothing. It was nothing. You're like no
I saw it. I'm like
But I just ride like I tried to rationalize it away multiple times and that's the thing. Why didn't I fucking video it?
That's what all of the people bro because they you don't think about it. You also know I didn't want to think about
In for to move. Yeah, I don't know the next day You also almost for when I ran into you at the wedding, you were like, I was like,
how are you like doing? Good. I'm tired.
And I was like, oh, yeah, I saw you.
I was like, oh, I got you remembered midway through my sentence.
OK, holy fuck. I saw you.
That was it. Yeah. I don't know.
Like I must stress the panic that you
you have here.
I was second guessing myself. I was like, what the fuck did I see?
And the thing is, it just sounds so atypical.
It sounds so stereotypical.
The triangle that doesn't move, that moves in a, like.
I think it's validating.
Also, I also, I will say this though.
It's an interesting question that Jesse asked.
When people have these experiences
that it almost feels like it was for you.
There is a specialness about this.
Now this is something.
I tried to pull my camera out for the first one.
Didn't feel super special on that.
But the second time when I was out there,
I was more nervous that if I went inside, it would go away.
Like and then I would knock it on camera and I was almost too nervous to fucking go inside.
I just was like staring at it.
But yeah, we went back inside. I should have went out there.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I should have gone inside
after the both of us had just seen it, grabbed my phone and tried to catch it through the trees.
Now, why I genuinely do not. And that makes me was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like between the trees and I saw it I literally got chills like holy fuck
What is that? But you like in myself up like I also have to be recognized that I'm like, oh shit
This is weird. And now my I want this to be something and I'm trying not to let that
Take me away. The triangle is more real to me than like whatever that was. You fucked up. Your
home should be an intricate array of cameras pointed at the sky, northbound, east, south.
When you get home, you change the tapes. When Jess gets home, she changes the tapes. There
should be a constant rotation. You have, I'm looking behind you and you know what I don't
see? Audio video equipment. Let's get it pointed to the heavens. Now, if it shows up again, I don't.
But here's like here's the thing.
Like if it shows up again, I'm going to just sit out there
and I'm going to make like I I just need to watch it
with my eyes to see if it moves like a drone.
Like I need to see if at any point when it moves, it's not like
it doesn't do anything crazy or does it look like a drone?
Like I want to see how it moves if it shows up again.
But I've I don't know.
I don't know. I feel crazy.
It makes me feel insane that it was me.
I just don't like you.
You need to do.
I wish it was just that side.
You need to do holistic ignored up and like, OK, I would have like
I wouldn't have cared if you saw the triangle in the sky.
If I saw a try, I'm not even sure you saw a triangle.
If I saw a triangle at just a little bit a triangle, it would have to be sunny out.
There would have to be a giant black triangle in the sky.
No, you can see the like outline of the damn whatever it was because there was a light.
Dude, I don't know how to, it was so, it was clearly a triangle.
That's the problem was like why it drives me nuts.
I don't know.
But if it was as high as it was, it was enormous, which makes no fucking sense.
People see no noise.
People see giant triangles over the suburbs that make no noise.
You are not the only person to have had this encounter.
This is a wildly reported on thing.
And I saw it with two others.
They can also account for the things that I'm saying.
They saw it, but that's like we like we weren't caught up in
the moment to not try and catch it on camera either.
It was just like it was so hard to see that the camera was
not picking it up because regular if it's a big aircraft,
I was at Jesse's house when Obama came to town and there was these huge the the jets that like
can also be helicopters the trans more for ones oh shit rock the whole Bay I
was like are we big fucking invaded it was no, I think Obama's in town. So that's what like a normal thing was.
So to see something silent, quiet, witnesses.
Same speed, no momentum and inertia.
That's what gets me.
The light in the sky.
Do you think that you were told not to get your phone?
Like you didn't get it because you were in awe of this thing,
but do you think that awe was something inside of you
or do you think it was the interaction with it?
I don't, I don't, at the moment it did not feel
like I was interacting with it.
It felt, I was just more like really like trying to
like watch it.
I didn't want it to move without me seeing it.
And I didn't want to like, I was just like hooked
on just watching it and it's constant blinking,
but like it didn't, it didn't move with me seeing it.
So I just like I wasn't in rapture enough
not to watch it for longer than like four minutes, five minutes.
You know, I didn't sit out there for 10 minutes or so.
I gave it a few minutes and was like, all right, I think it's a star.
And I went inside and it was only when I went out the second time
was like that thing moved so far.
I literally saw in the sky missing and I was like, you're fucking kidding me.
I said that out loud. My neighbors probably thought I was crazy.
You're the tick tock generation.
You have no attention span.
You couldn't stay out there for 10 minutes longer.
I just thought it was a star because I saw a swipe to the next video.
Just swipe to the next video.
We'll see if I have more sightings.
This becomes regular. I don't know, man.
That'd be crazy, But we'll see.
I don't know. Nobody's gonna hear that. Nobody's gonna it's
because I have no evidence of any of it. And it's like me. So
like, well, I think I think that's part of it excited to
that you know, Twitter when I was mentioning it, people are
saying things that I already looked into, like I'm like, no,
it definitely wasn't that I'm like, but it's me.
Because they think they want they it's
I want it to be a UFO, right?
Like, I want it to be a UFO.
But I also try to play the logic on against myself.
When they would do seances and they would fake the things
that were going on in the room, most of the time,
weird other stuff would happen.
And they'd be like, yeah, we fake the table.
But we have no idea what that is.
Now, I'm not saying that any part of this is fake,
but there is a part of this phenomenon
that shows itself to people that are discreditable, right?
Like look at someone like Yuri Geller,
who like clearly the amazing Randy
proved that that dude was lying
when he was doing those tricks,
but there's something greater to his tail.
And I think the fact that you're a stoner, I think the fact that you do a podcast
on this, I think I think it showed itself to you, my dude.
I think you invited in your house and see if lizard people come.
I told Jess, I was like, if balls of light show up in the house, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. That's not what I want.
Jesse, they were in and out of the window. The podcast. And I start saying, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's not what I want. Jesse. They were in
and out of the window podcast. And I start saying, I saw green orbs. Jesse, you're going
to be like, we need to get you to a doctor. No, I would be like, live your dream, man.
I would not believe you're clearly off the wall, but I also know some people would tune
in just to hear the updates and honestly, whatever that's fine. But I feel like, Oh
no, he's lost it. Update will
update this will probably tell the story publicly next week when I have Alex on the show as
well. So the public in here. So this would be like a little one week early preview for
our patrons. You just want to share show off. I was trying to be able to come here. You're
like, no, I need to tell everyone Alex. Everyone needs to know Alex prevented me from telling
him the story because he said I want to hear it on the show So he hasn't even let me tell him the story yet
Even though I was like desperate to you should have interrupted the wedding ago ladies and gentlemen. I have an announcement to make
These bits are getting out of hand
Thank you for letting me ramble at you boys that's gonna be it for our mini-sode
Thank you guys so much here at patreon for supporting us. We appreciate you, we love you, we'll see you next week.