Chilluminati Podcast - Midweek Mini: Ooops, All UAPS!
Episode Date: March 26, 2025Originally Minisode 196 on Patreon NEW MOFFMIN PLUSH MERCH - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Show art by -
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Hello everybody and welcome.
Minnesota 197.
Doesn't it sound better when you're in England?
No it sounds even worse.
Over here I'm like, oh these Americans.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So you see this tiny toilet paper roll right by my head?
I do see it.
I see it now.
Yeah, yeah, I do see it now. Pretty
cool. We actually could see most of your face this time too, which is nice. Yeah, it's good.
We can actually see you. I think it's the same. I right. No, no, no. Last hour that
we just spent with you, you were complete blur the entire time. What do you mean? You're
blurry. Footage was blurry. You broadcast every time you're on this show.
You broadcast at roughly point five megabytes.
But the recorded footage is clear shit.
So like the people who get the video are clear.
So I wonder if it's his op alone.
We get the downside of it.
But what on earth are you guys talking about?
Can I tell you guys about Faldemir?
No, let me start.
Okay. Voldemort. Yeah, Voldemort.
No, mine's quick. So let's have my.
So I want to I want to take it real quick.
Mine is more of a hey, if you haven't gone undone this, go do it.
It aired yesterday, but yesterday on The Daily Show, they had a little.
Well, I got to watch that.
It's like a 12 minute interview or something like that.
It's about a minute.
And I, you know, Ronnie Chang is the one interviewing him
and you like see he highlighted in like,
there's a ton of, he went through that book.
He always asks good questions.
What's it, well, I loved the interview.
I loved it.
A lot of, not a lot of, there are a few people
in the UFO world who are like shitting on the interview
and I disagree.
I think it's one of the better interviews,
if not the best interview for people to go listen to,
especially if they don't really understand what's going on.
Because what Ronnie does is what everybody I feel like what everybody wants people to
do to these people and go, if there are aliens, why the fuck are we not talking about them?
Why are we worrying about war and politics and all this other shit?
There are aliens.
Why aren't we talking about it?
Why aren't you telling me or why aren't the other stuff?
And he gives you the answers that I think people like whether they want to hear him
or not.
Like basically the idea is I'll break it down.
It's like the US government doesn't want to tip their hand if they have technology
that other countries are also trying to figure out at the same time.
If they do so, then it gives it away too early.
The first person to figure out this tech.
If we act that it's real dominates the world. The moment you have an
aircraft that can defy physics as we understand them right now,
you win. You can have a fucking new covering over every single
country in a minute, and they couldn't do anything about it.
But part of it too, is that they also don't necessarily fully
understand what they have. And they've spent all 80 90 years spinning up UFO like
shitting on the making, you know, making a mockery of all the stuff and I have to slowly backtrack
it. But then he goes on to his boring answer. He goes, the other part is bureaucracy. There's
the UAPDA, which has been put up twice by Chuck Schumer, which is specifically for UAP Disclosure, the UAP Disclosure Act that has been brought down
twice by members of Congress.
And like in Iran, he goes, why are we bothering with paperwork
if it's fucking aliens?
And he simply says, he goes, whether you like it or not,
that's how our government operates on paperwork.
And if we decide to no longer do the paperwork, then there then
there's no, you know, to them, that's not following the rules.
And if he goes out and says things that he's not allowed to say, stuff that was censored in the book
imminent, he gets he goes, he'll get put in prison or it'll be like Edward Snowden or any other whistleblower
where they were forced to fucking run or reality when it was a little present.
Oh, don't you think that it would be like more of a big deal?
Like if the news story was like, hey, the Edward Snowden of
aliens is like stuck somewhere because he disclosed aliens.
And then now we know about aliens.
Are we really going to demon like, are we going to really
happen? Let me just go back to Edward Snowden.
Edward Snowden came out with all this stuff.
The government didn't fucking stop doing any of what it was
doing. It didn't stop at all.
Like why would they just course?
And all they could simply say is what they've been saying
for years.
They aren't real, it's our technology,
these were state secrets into prison you go.
But if aliens exist-
They have not once as a government come out and said,
this shit is real.
And that's the point he makes in the interview,
he goes, it's Congress's job to have this conversation
with the American people. He goes, it's Congress's job to have this conversation with the American people.
He goes, I'm trying to get the bureaucracy paperwork done
to have the meetings with the people
who the whistleblowers can feel safe
in coming to Congress with whistleblowing
and in skiff hearings,
where they are not afraid that they're gonna be put
in prison or whatever from whatever they're working on.
And they can have these conversations with the Congress
so that Congress can then pass the bills to have the
conversation with the American people that this **** is out
there and they don't necessarily know what it is. I guess maybe
what Alex is saying or at least I'm interpreting from Alex is
like if aliens are real and it's a thing, I mean, let me
also cut you off real quick because that's what Ronnie says
and he immediately says I don't we don't use aliens. All we know is non human intelligence. We don't
know what they are. Okay, regardless. Yeah, like no matter what, if it's a
real thing and it's happening, it seems weird that everyone would go through
the process of bureaucracy rather than just shouting from the rooftops like
guys, it's here. Like here's all my evidence. Here's everything I have. It's real.
Rather than like, I feel like Congress should do this because
well, because they've tried.
But that's the thing is like he's tried with Senator Harry Reid with the UAP.
They've tried creating these programs to get access to these special access
programs. And right when they get to the finish line, the the fucking either
Congress or Senate cut the funding or say no, because there's people in the government
who don't there's basically old guard who's been around since the fucking 50s and 60s
who are old and getting kind of aging out who don't want this shit public.
And then the younger guard, the people like David Grush, Lou Elizondo, the pilot David
Fravor and a bunch of other whistleblowers
that have come forward to said, no, the American public deserve to fucking know.
So is the vibe like, I know it's real.
You know, I know it's real, but I can't say it's real.
No, he says it's real.
He says it's NHI.
They don't know if it's extraterrestrial from our own planet or whatever.
They don't know what or how these things operate.
He knows that there are programs that are trying to reverse engineer these things,
but he can't get into them as much as they've.
And that's what Senator Harry Reid and they were trying to do initially.
And then, you know, with the Schumer amendment, that's what this is trying to do.
So he's willing to say there's an intelligence other than humans that's creating this technology.
He is he is on record saying and he's been approved to say and you can see the
government papers that allow him to say is like the term and it's not saying it's
me referring me come back. That's not even him.
That happened in congressional hearings.
Yeah. That's probably the non-human intelligence.
Probably what I'm asking is like are the scientists and he's saying the
scientists and stuff that are operating on this and all the government agencies
that are operating on this are operating with the knowledge and
understanding that there is a non human intelligence out there
creating technology that they are studying that hasn't come
from the human race.
To me, that piece of information right there, like if there's
like a lot of like information about that, even if it's confidential in the government, if somebody leaked it, there would be no going back from that. Not in the same way as Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden is just giving us-
But so much has been leaked and nothing has changed.
I know, but every- Edward-
Let's just- the leak is different nature. The leak is- guys-
We're still missing the straight up-
Yeah, there's no smoking gun. Yeah, the straight up nudes.
Well, that's what so that's what he gets to in the interview is like, well, I mean, we
have evidence over and over again of these secret government projects from Blue Booking
on that they publicly said we weren't doing these things.
But when it finally got declassified and you learn all these things that they were doing,
nobody fucking gives a shit because the only time people are going to care is if a
aliens land on a fucking public lawn somewhere or B Congress, Senate or president are the ones to say
these are real. Anything else is going to be treated like this until it's done.
Tell me I'm wrong. If AOC pulled out pictures in front of Congress and were like, here's some aliens that we found,
we don't know what they are,
somebody needs to be accountable for this.
Like, here's what I have.
I have my retort.
AOC on Instagram Live, when this was going on,
said the money is going somewhere,
we know it's going somewhere,
and we're trying to figure out where these programs are,
and that's what she, because she's on that whole thing.
She's on the UAP board of Congress.
Right, right. She's involved. She's in gates and stuff board of Congress. Right. Right. And Gates and stuff. Yeah.
Yeah. It's a wide variety of people who are in there.
But she is. She said things like, but she would be.
If she has photos.
That's what I'm saying. And she says we have photos.
If that breaks the law, she's fucked.
My I understand that.
I'm just saying that line that I'm describing.
I still don't think that it's been crossed, but I think that if it does get crossed, that it will actually change
things. I do believe that there is an amount of evidence besides like, you know, Jack Nicholson
getting zapped by the aliens with when he shakes hands with them that would, you know,
convince people. Like we also, another thing is,
and since another good point is like,
if we do do that, you know, you all think,
like I was part of that.
I genuinely was part of like, I think humans can handle it.
And then the pandemic happened.
I don't think like that fucking ruined people.
And this is beyond anything like the pandemic,
but two years of the pandemic destroyed society
in so many ways.
You truly think humans won't,
a huge section won't fucking lose their minds?
And that's part of the other part he says like bureaucracy
is there that people are worried like,
how is public gonna handle it?
Because we have evidence that toilet paper
couldn't even make it through the fucking pandemic.
Like humans lost their minds.
Are we really gonna say they're gonna be with aliens, that everything will be okay?
And the world is going to come together?
Will it be used as a way to?
It seems like it has been.
Seems like it has been doing okay.
Yeah, because no president, Senate or Congress has come out and said,
hey guys, no, they're actually not not lying.
It's all real.
When that happens.
I think that if AOC leaked
photos of dead aliens that it would
force the president to comment.
And potentially put her entire
job at risk and be put in prison.
That's true.
It's I don't know. It's a weird vibe
to say this is world changing
information but I don't want to
reveal it because I'm afraid of
losing my job as a congressman.
Like that seems counterintuitive.
That's kind of what I'm saying.
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense that-
But why? I just used the example of Edward Snowden, reality winner.
These people who did do that, and they were fucking put in prison or forced out of the country.
But that's not as sensational because-
It's not on the same scale even remotely.
Both of them, everything that they've done is like conceivable within like
the reality that we already know but if there's like details on these bodies
like oh if there's like a document from the government that's like these are
like life forms from another dimension because we opened a portal by accident
and they came through doesn't say that by the way I know but if they but if
they did you know what I mean and And it was like, here's pictures.
Here's like pictures of the portal.
Here's like videos.
But what if it's this?
What if it's so much different?
It would be such a different vibe than any of them.
What if the reality is all these pieces of ship
to bring are spread across these private companies,
Lockheed, Raytheon, and they know nothing.
And all they know is these things are here.
They're checking our military
equipment. They're testing our nukes and we don't know what they are and Lou goes for the
government's part. He goes when we when a country wants to invade another country, what do you do
first? You go, you check out their military capabilities, you see how they live. Okay,
sure. So that's another reason the government is treating it like this.
But all you're saying then is that it's sensationalism.
Because if we're not going to act on any of this,
then what's the point of even talking about it?
Well, the point is that the government is acting privately away from people,
and shit gets leaked from that.
We see videos get leaked all the time now,
and all these other whistleblowers coming out all the time.
So the government's doing some, I don't know, it feels weird to stress that this is important,
but not important enough that it would, that we really need to like risk our jobs to tell people
about it. Because you're going to assume that once it's leaked that the government's going to go
along with you and not deny it immediately and do anything else. They'll be like, you know what? You got us. They're real. So it's, it's important, but don't risk
your life and job for it. What he's, so what he's saying is what the common people need to do is vote
people in office that will put forward the bills and vote on them to pass them instead of bringing
them down. Because right now, Senate has a bill that they will approve that is
being brought down by three members of Congress that won't go along with it.
So like that's what he's saying needs to happen.
If that doesn't happen, then it will always be these over compartmentalized pieces of
the government that don't talk to each other all the time.
We already know the CIA and the FBI don't really collaborate unless necessary and it
will always be this internal bureaucracy war.
And what we need is the he said we need the UAPDA passed. We
need these articles of bills and amendments put through
Congress so that they have the legal means to walk into Lockheed
Martin and say, give me what you have because right now they
don't have to say we'll just have to see how it is after the
election. That is what you're saying. I mean, the UAPDA has
been put up over twice over the past three years
There's nothing like you know like it's you know. Yeah, yeah
Yes, vote is the answer like and
But but it's just that's he that's the frustrating part in the interview is like he's like it's bureaucracy, man I got I can't I don't get to control how they fucking operate because it's all paperwork. And I just want
everybody to go listen to the interview. It's like, yeah, I
don't want to say that. It's very good. And his answers are
like, you know, they're making his part. He's not saying at
all the interview interview. It's me, baby. I'm the I'm the
messenger. I'm the one telling you everything. He's more
saying, No, your job is to go. I want to he wants your attention.
So we can say go vote for people that are going to put forward bills
that are going to put forward these and pass these UAPDA like bills,
because that's the only way the government is going to fucking actually do it openly.
Really interesting. Really interesting.
Yeah. It's weird.
Like, they don't really talk about the book at all.
They just kind of talk about
that the whole time of like, what's it?
Did you read it?
And is it like on topic of the book?
I mean, yeah, the book is basically a really good for anybody who doesn't know the UAP
world. It's like a good breakdown of basically 1947 now with the leaks of the videos of 2017,
you know, the history of Blue Book and the AR.
It's basically UAP history, but on like a deeper layer than what pop culture
might tell you or what little news stories you have.
That's the other thing.
Yeah, it's like in the other thing, all these things that leak to the media
doesn't like really play them for more than a couple of days.
And it's out of the news cycle in like less than a week.
Twenty seventeen, they had it on TV for like three or four
days straight.
And then it all went away.
Yeah, it's frustrating, but like it makes to me that like to
meme of anything, what makes sense is the government doesn't
fully understand what these are and that it's bureaucracy
holding back these people from actually going to these
different arms of the government trying to do different things
and gutting programs or pushing programs forward.
If anybody wants more like look into Senator Harry Reid, he was the
Senate majority leader who was working on trying to get access to these programs.
It was putting forward laws to get access to these special access programs.
Got really fucking close until he was cut off by funding and all this other shit.
Like you can go look into that stuff. But you know.
You don't see this as gold post pushing at all.
How because it hasn't nothing's for decades and years and years. It was the government's hiding this from us.
The government's hiding from us.
And now it's private companies have it.
But the government won't let us get the private company.
So it's like we're just continuously moving it to a different location
that makes it harder for us to get access to it.
No, I don't think any much, much has actually changed. I think that the,
the private companies that's been, that's been the kind of the story forever.
And that like they spent decades again, the Robertson panel, uh,
that kind of like the shit that they like,
they spin up to specifically change narrative or, uh,
put shame on the UFO term. Again, they had to I said it before they had to rebrand UFO
to UAP and legal legal ease because UFO is to shit on at
this point and it's dumb.
But yeah, I mean, I think humans are dumb enough to have
bureaucracy be the fucking reason because they don't want
to fucking they there shits shits humans will put you in
prison or whatever the fuck.
I guess include me in dumb because I don't,
I don't see any excitement in any of this until we see an alien.
It's like, yo, I'm glip glorp. Yeah.
You just said exactly what I said that most of the U S public won't accept a
less an alien lands on the front.
No, I said I I'm with them. I'm that person. I literally am that person.
It seems like a giant like everyone's getting all worked up and nothing is occurring. So like,
no, it's just that no people get worked up in the evidence. People got bills to pay.
So would you rather work and pay your bills or would you rather go through the vault of Freedom
of Information Act documents and find the ones that specifically are talking about the things we talk about and actually read the evidence yourself possibly spending hours and finding it or would you rather just live your day because that's where the evidence is.
That's where like we have the documents.
We have the government evidence.
The government doesn't fucking talk about it and the media ain't fucking talking about it.
It's all there though.
You can go fucking read it. It's all foyad.
And then we had two months ago where Green Street accidentally got a foyad document that confirmed
that Lou Elizondo was in fact involved in a tip after a decade of them denying it.
And then the person who gave it to him sent an email saying that was a mistake.
You weren't supposed to get that fucking memo. Like, but that's all real, but it sounds insane.
And unless you actively yourself go Jesse to fucking
documents and look them up yourself, you're going to take
you're going to hear me say it and it's going to sound even
more insane because I'm aware of my brand.
But like it's also 1000% the truth.
The evidence is there leaked videos have been there for decades.
This evidence hasn't been particularly well kept what's happened
Is that the narrative around it has been really easily like that got turned into jokes and that's where it's at
How do you say little gray man are in these things? I'm gunman yet in the X-Files methods
You know where I'm in the X-Files. I can't remember if we saw no no no lone gunman
All right, I mean it's pointless to even debate because it really we're debating if a happenstance occurs.
Like we're not the other footage of things that exist that we have no explanation for.
And the government put them away and they're like, we don't know what this is. So I think there's a level of confidence that I'm very, very clear on from like someone
in authority that I'm waiting for that I haven't seen. I've seen us getting closer and closer to
the line. There's people like Grush and people like that who are very clearly involved with
something that is distressing them and that they are trying to tell people about, but they literally cannot do it because they are like fully like, you know, up to their asshole
in government because they have public government progression, particular. He had the public
congressional hearing and then he was denied a skiff afterward until they got one late.
And then as you post it on the subreddit, I mean, look at the fucking Congress's schedule.
There's like very little time for them to do fucking anything in the first place.
So if anything gets delayed, it could be a month or two or four before they get another
one because they work three weeks out of the month.
It's all just bullshit bureaucracy.
And like, that's where it's at right now.
And the aspect of the race of if they do have this tech, trying to figure it out before
another country.
And what do we how do we do that? We
don't fucking start like being more open and actually like
working together on this shit. But yeah, the government I'm
not like these government documents that confirm all these
things like are there that's not like you can go fucking read
them. But that's not what people want to do. They it takes. It's
boring. They're really fucking boring to read. And some of them are fucking like 30 pages long.
But that's where the evidence is. And that's what they're going on.
He's not saying little gray men are abducting us.
What he's saying is we have evidence of these vehicles flying around.
We have crash remains of these vehicles, and we don't know where they come from.
We don't know where they are. We don't know what's going on.
Why non nonhuman?
Because they are doing maneuvers that are incapable of any
manmade craft that they have.
Like like things you talk about how they have reports from Air
Force people of 15 feet clips of like coming up on them,
a 15 feet to their jet fighter and going away.
And when the ARO got spun up.
If it could be China, though, if it could be China.
But that's also, he says that as well.
He said, that's important to know.
But also if that's China, they've won already.
If they have that tech, then they won because they're doing
maneuvers that break physics as we understand them, which is the big win.
Like that's what the government wants as a weapon.
And what he says in terms of like, you try to look at this, if you don't know
what these things are, you don't know how they operate
and you're the government, what do you look at? What are, what is their behavior? They're
coming in and that also doesn't make sense. Why? Well, if it's such a threat, they can
do whatever they want. Why are we like operating as normal? Well, we're outwardly operating
as normal, but they've been trying to figure this shout out for fucking years
Why aren't we developing a countermeasure or we are but that's the trying how do you countermeasure technology?
You don't understand you have to understand the technology before you can countermeasure it and these things are in these all again all
taken 50 years
Yeah, and it's been 50 years of people so since since
Yeah. And it's been 50 years of people. So since a threat, but like not a they've been testing. We have to worry about now. They've been testing our military capabilities openly
since the forties, since like a Roswell time. And there's again document documents both
from the U S government and Russia's government. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no But our military capabilities have increased dramatically since then.
So why wouldn't they have invaded?
Because they're better than 60s.
Why are they maybe it's not an invasion.
That's what exactly the question is like that's against it.
Like get better at this.
They don't know.
That's what he's saying.
He's like the only way the government can look at it is what they're doing and what
they are actively doing is testing our nuclear capabilities.
They keep coming up on military practice,
like areas where there's like Air Force runs and shit that
they're they seemingly are like prodding what we're capable of.
But they haven't invaded. And they haven't taken over and they
don't know like, but he's like, but we don't have any we can't
we're not talking to these things. We're not communicating
with these things. What the fuck are they? And like-
Why do some people say we are?
Because there are people out there who are liars.
They're just weirdos.
So you have to, look, we did in the Louis on the week.
We on this show have decided we're in one camp then.
Not necessarily.
No, well, I, like I said in the imminent episode,
what I, what my camp is,
is what is verifiable via evidence in documents and footage footage and what is evident is that America has been studying these since the 50s with
Project Blue Book.
We've been told since the 50s that there have been people talking with with these in high
levels of government. Right. Why is that not believed? But these other things are. But
they weren't believed then because we never the documents to prove it. Now we do. It's
the same.
We don't have the documents to prove it. Now we do. It's the same.
No, we don't have the documents to prove it. They just haven't released them.
They might probably do. That's what we're exactly. We're trying to get on what we have and what we have points to. There are things in the sky that do things we can't replicate. We don't understand
and we've been studying it and apparently failing at replicating it from the 40s.
I feel like we have to have a period. Even if it's China.
I feel like we're overextending and it literally is there's things in the sky we do not understand.
We're looking at them trying to figure out what they are period. Anything after that I simply don't.
It's all assumption until I have real- Well, what's not assumption is that they're
defying physics. They're defying physics.
They literally defying physics.
Okay, defy physics, but there's things that we don't know in the sky that defy physics
and we don't understand, and period.
There shouldn't be-
And many government people with document backup are somehow implying that there are some sort
of non-human intelligence. Some government people, not many, some government people.
We can also say with 100% certainty because paperwork is finally out that they have actively
prodded our nuclear facilities over the decades. That has happened.
Unless you go read the boring paperwork, it just sounds crazy. You're about to say something.
It does sound crazy to the point where it would make people not want to read it, which
is why we shouldn't push that angle. Because again, it's a government report about their
systems going haywire. I understand. Like it's not like this is this again. Let's remind
everyone this is a podcast, not a governmental body. And so the idea of saying that aliens are probing nuclear facilities.
Not aliens, something.
Correct. You're right. Something's probing. Literally the things that would ruin our lives
is something were to happen with those. And it's like, well, we don't know what we can
do about that.
No, it's not like they the shrug on their shoulders.
They've been trying to figure it out for fucking decades.
And they can't.
Think about the Cold War, Jesse.
Didn't we get seconds away from nuking each other?
Did the public ever get told once?
At that time?
A little.
No, not at that time.
Or afterward, when it was less,
which is exactly what's happening with UFOs.
We're not being told now, but the paperwork comes out 10 years later.
And then now we know.
Like when the videos released in 2017, the government didn't agree until 2019.
He didn't even affirm until 2019.
Again but I feel like the way it's being discussed is like, well, you know, again, if this is
something that we can't control, that we can control, that was a thing where there
were two powers, world powers, this close to blowing each other
up. And they went back from that. And it was like, yo, we
probably shouldn't tell anyone right away how close we were to
blowing each other up. This is an uncontrollable thing that we
have no power over, literally going and fucking with our shit
on purpose. Okay, that seems like something would be huge.
Now you sound like Lee Elizondo.
You are president.
You're the president.
How do you tell the public that without making them panic?
And remember what COVID-19 did.
If I was president, how would you tell the public without causing
a panic that these things are probing our military capabilities
and we don't know what they are?
First off, this is why I wouldn't be president.
I would tell them that there are things that are literally outside of our control,
that we don't know what they are, and it is a major threat to us.
So in fact, there was time period where we were doing that when they house damn balloons
flying over California and shit. People were like, what the fuck is this?
So did we ever find out what they were? Do you remember the three things the government
shot down last year that we never learned?
Sure, but it was immediate, right? It was immediately in the public eye.
Yeah, and they never told us. It was literally in the media and the government never still told us what it was.
It all feels very conspiratorial to me. I'm still not there yet.
I'm just saying you're giving examples that exist within what we're talking about.
Everything you're saying has and has happened within the world.
Great. You said you can't control it. You also can't control how people are going to react.
Would you take that gamble to have society erupt?
Let me turn this back on you. If you are knowing that people can't handle COVID, for example,
why would you ever tell anyone ever?
Why would you ever allow anyone
to put this information out there
if it was so threatening to the fabric of society?
Why would you allow these guys to go on shows?
Why would you allow?
No, I got an answer.
There was an interview last night or the night before
with a doctor scientist
who was part of the COVID vaccine thing.
And he talked about how this all went down.
He said, if I could do it again, I would be up, I would go back to the, you know, we would, we would basically
parse this information to the public in smaller chunks and not so, uh, like definitive without
sounding like we certainly know this is the case when that could be not the case. If it
mutates, he would approach it and piecemeal it to the public as opposed to the way we did it,
which ended up causing panic. If you piece milled, that's all right. Sure. I mean, I don't know what
happened. But it feels insane to say that as people are getting sick and people are dying to be like,
well, we're going to just, you know, crum it to them. That would cause even more panic.
Well, he's saying that some of the more certain things that they said early on, which were
wrong, he wouldn't have said he would have because then at that it ended up causing more
So instead you operate with the information you're certain of and kind of put feed that
out while still saying, hey, take the emergency precautions, mask up, don't leave the house.
But here's what we certainly know.
And here's what we certainly don't.
And don't be so confident on what you were
saying early on. And I'm not saying that applies to the UFOs.
But if we're going to use the two as an example, like they
there were there were mistakes on how they they fed the
information to the American people. There were just
mistakes on how it was.
I mean, this is this is a non win argument we're having we're
going in circles. It, sure, sure.
It literally is me saying, I don't believe.
And you saying, I do believe.
And that's it.
And we're just going in circles
and it will never reach a Sasson conclusion.
What I'm saying is these things happened.
There's a government paperwork that's evident out there.
And you're saying, sounds stupid, still don't believe.
I'm not saying little green men are abducting people.
What I'm saying is the verifiable stuff that has been released
by the government and their inability or unwillingness
for whatever reason to pass legislation
that would just open the door.
Why is the UAPDA being knocked down?
Like, why is that being shut down by Congress?
There's nothing else in that bill.
It is literally just UAPDA for UAPs,
and it's getting shut down in Congress. It is literally just UAPDA for UAPs.
And it's getting shut down in Congress. It's like why like that's the shit we need. That's the like have they asked the
people who shut it down why they refuse to go through.
There's three specific Republicans who did it and they
have not given any answers whatsoever. However, you can
see some of their largest donors if you want to get
conspiratorial about it and that's like that's where it gets wishy washy. And I don't want to go that
route, that route. But like, I mean, beyond that, there's like, fucking knows I don't
know why. I don't know why. I guess at my at my core, I wish you and everyone else the
best of luck and give this information. And I hope it happens and I hope we all get to see some cool shit.
But like we're just like, find all the money's fucking going.
I just want to know what they're talking about.
That's my question is like, there's clearly something happening.
There's clearly something out there.
And I just want to know what the fuck it is.
If they know and it's not something serious or if they know and it's bad or whatever it is, I just want to know what it is. I don't care whether it's aliens.
We've had this conversation 12 million times in the show. Oh yeah. Because that could be the exact same conversation, and I'm just like, maybe they got me, dude.
Maybe I've been got by the government.
I'm so tired of it.
I just don't care anymore.
Wheels are shifting behind the scenes.
Wheels are shifting behind the scenes.
It's exhausting, man.
Like, the document that accidentally got Foyard out
that confirmed Luis Elizondo, for eight years prior to that,
anything he asked about Luis Elizondo through FOIA, they said,
no, he never, he never fucking worked.
It didn't exist. He didn't do it.
He showed the emails of the person he's talking to denying it.
And then he gets this and he goes, well, either this is fabricated
or the government was lying, but they gave they were in the game.
It's like they get they get accidentally caught.
And no, that's not going to make them fucking CNN or MSNBC or Fox News.
It's never going to make that shit.
So it just kind of gets we the people like us
and you who are forced to listen to me, like who are like follow
like the the different hearings and hopefully skip meetings
and the different government requests and shit, find out about it.
But then it's nobody else is talking about it.
So when I talk about it, I just
sound insane because you've never heard it. You never heard
it happening. No one has but it's not that you sound insane.
It's that the the idea of all this effort being put into
something that people like nothing has come of it. And so it seems
retread constantly over and over again. And it's not insane
having the passion to be like, hey, let's learn about
something is awesome. And I think we all deserve answers.
Oh, yeah, it's something that unfortunately, is like every
time. Frustrating, a minor thing happens in the world of ufology or UAPs.
We're on this show talking about how like, whoa, this is a breakthrough.
And I'm like, oh, I it's guys.
It's not we're going to be here in another two weeks talking about the same thing again.
And I would say I wouldn't say the interview is a breakthrough.
What I would say is listen to the interview and then just if if there are bills, like look into the UAPDA.
And if you can find people who like are still aligned with your fucking
actual morals and values as a politician and also support the bill
or call your local politician and say, like, I want you to support this bill.
Like, that's what he is more trying to get at, because that's where the muck up is.
It's like the paperwork and the conflicting people.
And we're very divided right now and shit.
But like if we can get like actual government laws
and bills passed, they will have the power
to access these things that the money is going to.
And if you even go from AOC's point
where she doesn't say anything about NHI,
she is saying there's a fuck ton of money disappearing
into these black holes in this area.
That much is true.
We need to figure out what that is. And on that level, at the very least, I think I agree.
Matt Gates, I think he said something similar in that same
hearing, which is funny.
I agree with him for once maybe.
But that's what I want too.
If this is how it's going to be done, if the government is
really going to be the only one and has a shit, then we need
them to pass the bills to give them the power to access the shit, even if it's just secret tech
from another government.
Don't tell anybody, but you can at least confirm that it's
not fucking extraterrestrial or whatever.
Be like, it's not that.
But then when you do that, then you confirm it's manmade,
and then we have no control over it.
It's just well, maybe.
I guess either way, the money is disappearing into these
black hole projects.
That much is like, if you want to even take a step back and don't look at the FOIA stuff,
just in the budget, you can look like this shit disappears.
That's worth at least investigating.
And then you have all the other evidence on top of like the documents and all this other shit.
Something's going on.
And yes, I think the government is looking into it.
I just don't think they're being very competent about it because they're so
over compartmentalized.
The dirty tricks department episode, it comes to mind with like these little
secret parts of CIA come coming up with these little death toys that nobody
else knows about the book.
The book, the ultra, these like five dudes who were like, I'm going to LSD
an entire fucking army practice and watch what happens.
Like, yeah, literally, by design. It's literally by design from the very
beginning. Exactly what it was done was to like obfuscate.
That's it. And but then he just gets so fucking out of controls.
Just fucking no one knows what's going on anymore. Yeah. But I
guess that miles my short topic then to being fucking 40
minutes. I just want to talk about the interview. But go
listen to the review. Genuinely. It's a great
interview. Right? Chang does a fucking amazing job.
He asks and laughs and like yells at him all the things everybody wants to yell at him,
whether his answer satisfy you or not.
That's about as direct of interview I've ever seen Lou
part of for the most part, like he's done a bunch of interviews.
So it's worth listening to.
And then you can just go from there.
Fives. All right.
Well, let's wrap it up here. 40 minutes in.
It's late for our Jesse over England.
And he's a sleepy boy. He needs to go sleep.
Have a good rest of your week, everybody.
Thank you so much. We'll be back next week.
Appreciate you. We love you.