Chilluminati Podcast - Midweek Mini - The Palmdale Mass UAP Sighting
Episode Date: February 28, 2025Jesse aims to blow our collective minds on a quantum level MERCH - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD HEROFORGE - htt...p:// Promo Code: CHILL Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Show art by -
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We're starting.
Hello my little Chiluminots and welcome to Minnesota 193 Jesse surprise you're on camera.
I was watching a video I was I did not hear you at all.
Welcome Minnesota.
I don't know what you guys got today but I got I'm going to start off.
This stumbled across this a couple days ago
It's a sign you texted us at like oh
Whatever time that was
Alex not me. Oh, I'll don't don't thunder my mini. So I won't I won't be on your parade
Don't worry. Don't thunder my mini. So I won't I won't I just but I do be
Confused which one of you has a freakout when you text us about a thing you discovered that is like world ending and then it is covered up immediately.
No one talks about it. I'm the one with the haircut. Check it out. So that's Chillman & LePon. Fantastic. Good job. Thank you, Alex. Yeah. Okay. So I'm starting. We got a little scientific potential breakthrough something that's on animal testing
will be moving into human testing if all goes well a new is comes from abc an exclusive new study reveals promising promising results for an age reversal pill on dogs that's fun you know what
here's the thing i'm i'd be fine if we just stop there let's give dogs like a few more years i'm
fine with that give them 15 more years yeah i'm all right with that. So we don't need people. People are
paying the ass dogs flawless. This article was released August 16th, 2024. Less than
six months ago, 12 year old German Shepherd Zeus was near death. His caretaker, Marsha
at Dante's den in Miaka city says she woke up one morning in March. I don't know. It's in the US.
Wherever it is. I don't know where it is.
She woke up one morning in March to find the dog clinging to life.
They had cancer.
It was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
They operated to remove the spleen, but his prognosis remained poor.
And the CEO of a company called Telomere Pharmaceuticals, Dr.
Christopher Chapman, who has passed away since
since this test within the past six months. He's passed away. He partnered with Dr. Michael Royzen
to test a new drug aimed at lengthening telomere caps on stem cells. If you increased. So do you
know what telomeres are on like not a clue cell? So that's like, again, I'm not a scientist. This
is just from like my knowledge of it's like something
I should have learned where it's like the little the little yeah I think it's a
little t basically but the telomeres are the things that basically tell
yourselves to repair to rejuvenate and as you age I'm imagining like little
guys yeah like walk around in there like osmosis Jones right now yeah exactly
that yeah but as you age get back to work you yeah the telomeres and like like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm
like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm
like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm
like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm
like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm
like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm
like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm
like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, fast enough because they're all disappearing. And so their theory was you can increase telomeres or reproduce them with stem cells. You could get your body to keep repairing things the older you
get. So if you can keep your telomeres like appropriately long, it should in theory, keep
your body essentially repairing itself like it normally would. And so Dr. Royzen, not the one
in charge of the company, the one that they partnered with, said the drugs preclinical data from a previous in vitro human cell study showed that telomeres
lengthened by 200% in their preclinical studies. Then they started like going on about doing some
dog testing. It's an animal testing. And Zeus was so, so terminally ill, like he was basically on
death's door. They reached out and like, we know know the study's going on, he's gonna die.
Can we just fucking try it?
They wanna try it, they'll pay for it or whatever.
And so after some back and forth,
they got the medication approved
and the medication had started being given to Zeus.
And over a course of a couple of weeks,
the Zeus started getting better.
So on his way to the vet, he was flatlining, he was dying.
He had to have surgery immediately, he was dying. Within a couple of weeks, he started getting
an appetite again. He started drinking water and then he started standing up and then he
started having wanting to play a little bit and was like moving a bit. And now you can
watch the video. He's at home. He gets one of those pills a day and he's running around
in the backyard, a 12 year old German Shepherd who was about to be dead. The results were
so stunning that they got
approval to do it on another dog that they were treating at the vet area.
We got to. Yeah.
A 12 year old Newfoundland Benson or Newfie Benson, who huge dog, who couldn't
even walk anymore because of the arthritis was so fast aging dogs.
Yeah. Big dogs like that's something I like.
The bigger the dog, the shorter their life lifespan. Usually like something like that size, eight to 10 years. You know, something like that. Max. Yeah. Big dogs is like, that's something I like. The bigger the dog, the shorter their life lifespan.
Usually like something like that size, eight to 10 years, you know, something like that.
So Benson had really bad arthritis, couldn't walk.
So they started, they got approval to give it to this other dog.
And then within about a week, they said Benson was starting to be able to get up on his own
with a little trouble, but he was doing it.
And then after time he started walking on his own.
And in the video you can see him, he's not running, but he is walking a bit and like actually on his own and
through the like through the vet area, it was a little bit of a
limp, but he's doing better than he ever has. So he is also now
on that is so fucking crazy. So this report is a sensor report,
which is literally two three days ago. Chapman passed away
the guy who owned the telomere Research Company. But the canine study is
currently now underway with 10 dogs participating. And once
it's completed, the results will be presented for peer review
early in 2025. And then if that goes well, human clinical
trials trials for osteoarthritis are planned for the second and
third quarter of 2025. I mean first quarter of this year, the first quarter of this year, the first quarter of this year, the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year,
the first quarter of this year, the first quarter of this year, the first quarter of this year, the first quarter of this man, rich people with important like projects,
things they will potentially change the world.
They do die. Yeah.
Yeah. And I mean, it's interesting.
It's like if this thing is working right and it like does get your body to repair properly.
I wonder what that means.
Like, are we looking at the lengthening of like Star Trek levels of like human life?
Like, we're not immortal. I, you know, I don't think that'll ever happen.
But can we go from like average age of 80 to average age of 110 or something?
I think it's the same thing as all the other scientific advancements we have where there's a meme that we've all seen where it's like 30 in the 80s and 30 today.
And it's like a little kid. Yeah. Yeah. It's just, yeah, I think just the way we change the society over time, this
would potentially be another example of like a 30 year old in 2050 would look like, you
know, like a 14 year old, like that kind of, yeah. And honestly, all right, that's neat.
I hope it works out for people. I don't know if it's gonna be great for me.
If it does do what it says it
does and it becomes public, I
feel like it's gonna be one of
those medicines that everybody's
fighting to. I feel like it's
gonna be one of those medicines
that the rich people have. Yes.
Yeah. Yeah. I think our parents
generation down to maybe us and
maybe like one or one or two on
either side of that are gonna
be pretty long lived and then it's gonna be back. pretty long lived. And then it's going to go back down to like the dark ages life
expectancy because it's just turning to Blade Runner 2049.
I'd be really interested in hearing a geneticist or whoever
specializes in this stuff, like their opinion on this, because
again, we're getting just like the local news ABCs run down
and whatnot.
But maybe even if it only ends up being something that you can treat just certain diseases with, like that's all it can do.
That's still like it's already right. Yeah.
That's life changing. Physical things like that's one of the most depressing things about getting older is just how pain in your body just becomes.
It you just have to live with it. You just get older, you know, it's like body just becomes it. You just have to live with it.
You just get older.
You know, it's like,
I think about it.
Like whenever we discovered like any of our medication,
Like that shit was like magic.
You know, you take this little liquid or this pill
and now I'm a disease stops.
That's crazy.
The next step is to start fucking
with our own genetic baseline.
And if extending telomeres makes your body
keep itself healthier for longer,
like it seems like magic right now, but like it's just science.
We're just starting to figure it out.
We're just starting to fucking be able to operate on that level of like Mike.
That's what evolution does slow. Yeah. Right. Right. Exactly.
So I just thought it was fascinating, you know.
It'll be interesting to see if this is like.
Hype or not, yeah, because a lot of the time that news gets out ahead of
science and there's like a lot of high a great example that
is this past week.
A lot of people were posting a article that said women will
be sleeping and having sex with robots by 2025 and everyone's
like you got a few months.
Yeah, that's pretty funny.
And it was posted in 2016. So just like, uh, you know, we'll see.
We'll see. Sometimes we write about stuff. Sometimes Tesla
will be like, in 2018, the automatic one will come out.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He like says it perfect. But like, uh, you
know, some of that stuff, we're not 100% but if anything, it
shows what people like, we're tired of bullshit.
And we just like it if people focused on like, the future the
Jetsons promise, like we want cool, like we would love it if
we could live in peace and harmony of like flying fucking
cars. It would be great next generation, like the first
episode we get like bones and it's like 120 or whatever. I'm
like, that's where I just want to get to the point. Yeah, he
man got to meet data flip upside down and go down half dome like at fucking faster than falling speed to
know being like that is but Dominic Coretto in the last massive furious movie. But imagine being like 60 but still
being able to have the body of like a 35 year old or a 40 year old. That's what it's like to be 20 years younger just
with telomere. That's what it's like to be a martial artist. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's there's dudes that
you will see that are 70 and they're ripped to **** and it's I mean, at the end of the day,
it's about like, here's the real thing. It's about physical activity and working out and limiting
your time. Like you see those dudes who are like 70 80 who are there was a woman who lived near
my parents when they were in Kentucky who was 91 and doing marathons like
It can happen. It's just I think what people want is the pill. You know what I mean? Like my grandma like
Lazy this yeah, I would prefer it if it could just be like, okay, no worry of cancer like that's it
You're just good. You don't have to worry about cancer anymore with this pill. That would be a
Life-saving I saw many people if there's no justice in the world.
There's no reason why we shouldn't have something close to that soon. Like cancer is already
becoming so much more survivable. Like it's crazy. It's crazy either way. There's so many
medical breakthroughs happening all the time. But our lives are so crazy. And when you don't have a disease, or, you know, cancer in
your face, like, you know, you forget about it. But man,
medicine advances like my mom has Parkinson's disease. And
just tracking like how treatment has progressed, like, even since
she she was diagnosed with it like in 2020.
It's crazy. So something like this, it feels like both an impossible miracle and the like
natural progression of like where we obviously already are. It's just that there's like this
weird money situation involved. Right. Like it may end up being nothing like the dog child
might end up and winding up anything. But we're knocking on the door, right? We're like, start to figure out. This is the first time I heard of anyone saying, let's go for like a different cell therapy. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Because it's different. And honestly, that's science. Yeah. Like, okay, what what what could we mess with? And, uh, yeah, I'm here for this stuff. That's normal that we do, like, from a like ethical standpoint ethical standpoint at one point like somebody had to do some
Pretty twisted thinking to figure it out. Yeah, there's a lot of
Unfortunately for us a lot of our biggest science breakthroughs happened for some really messed up shit operation paperclip
Yeah, you come into that conundrum and Mass Effect 2
Yeah Yeah
Exactly one of the things Mathis has seen
Yeah, exactly. One of the things Mathis has seen. Yeah, I think eight times.
Yeah. Yeah. See, there you go.
That's what he was doing instead of watching all of Francis Ford Coppola's movies.
It really was like, do I want to watch the Godfather?
Do I want to watch all you could have watch all of the Godfathers
and you wouldn't even had all your party members.
Man likes Miranda.
He was genetically altered to be perfect.
Yeah, I was a Tali boy.
And I also played the game the same way all eight times.
I didn't even do any different endings.
I just loved it. You just loved it.
You just love what you did.
So you did it again and again and again.
Tell me your treatment out that time.
I love that. All right, boys.
What do you got? Take it away.
What do you got?
There was a flap recently locally in a local right.
Yes. Palmdale, California.
There was a flap recently and
there was a bunch of videos that popped up on Reddit overnight.
You can go look at them if you just look up Palmdale UFO.
I'm not gonna send you any specific one,
but you guys can look.
There's a bunch of them.
Some of them look like a fucking merry-go-round
going around in the sky with multiple lights.
Some are groups of lights drifting
that look a little bit kind of droney,
but also kind of similar to the things that people
saw before drones existed that looked like that, like little
groups of darting lights that kind of move erratically, stuff
like that. But this is fun, because my brother lives
relatively close to that area and had a sighting. And the
sighting was in the daytime. Hmm. So he texted me about it and he actually he and his friend like did some work.
So he says he's driving and this is he saw this like in the stalker corridor.
La Cienega and Stalker, if you know where that is.
I do not. It's like that part of La Cienega.
Like when you get off the 405, that's like almost feels just like you're still on the freeway.
And there's like billboards everywhere. And that5 that's like almost feels just like you're still on the freeway. And there's like
billboards everywhere. That's that's where it is. It's a big
it's a very popular famous street in Los Angeles. But it
has a big view like you're on the top of kind of like a big
hill and and you're like looking you can like look down into a
valley almost so you can you can see very far. And so he says
he's driving he sees two things flying in the air. He says it looked like planes ascending right at first. And so he says, he's driving, he sees two things flying in the air.
He says it looked like planes ascending, right, at first.
And so he says, his brain automatically
was just looking at it and thinking,
oh, it's just two planes leaving LAX.
He says it was like white cylinders.
And then he says, there's two of them,
and one's like a little closer to him than the far one.
The one that's closer to him drops straight down out of nowhere and disappears quickly.
He even drew a little diagram for the patrons.
See, this is I love that we're getting firsthand accounts of being like,
why aren't there any photos? And like we have an yeah.
Says you see, like one is has this trajectory and he's seeing them both and they go one goes down,
right? Right down.
Yep. Yeah. So that's that my brother did that with his finger and in
iPhone or whatever. But then it as it's dropping, it looked more like a ball shape.
And then it straight up vanished behind trees and was completely gone. And the other plane was
flying normally. So then maybe being followed by something. So then he found a comment on Reddit with his buddy, that somebody was at the
Hollywood Bowl, which is not that close to where we are. But
was a few hours later, like 330pm same day, that saw
something really similar, like something flying and then
dropping just like that. And I read that comment. I don't know
where it is now. but it's out there.
I can't read it. Yeah, I found it earlier. And then they triangulated a map. Like you could see
the area that you'll see this this shape here, right? Here's the coast of California. Obviously,
it's reversed because we're looking at this in a webcam. But the coast of California is there.
The first area that's colored red, which is like you guys can describe
this to people who can't see it. It's like the first area.
It's like very close to the coast is where my brother was when he saw his sighting.
And then a few hours later, it's the one that's closer to central Los Angeles is where the Hollywood
Bowl is, right?
And then the far one that's through the mountains is where Palmdale is, which is where the big
flap was.
So there was sort of like a...
And that was at night.
And that was at night, right?
So the Palmdale area is...
So it looks like, yeah, it looks like a swoop inland that took hours is so it looks like yeah, it looks like
a swoop inland that took hours is what it looks like. It looks
like a clear clean swoop inland that took hours. And I don't
know if it's true, you know, it could just be a bunch of
coincidences that like are supporting my theory that I
already have. But it really does look that way. That like it
started close to where we were at the Stocker Corridor and then to
the Hollywood Bowl area and then straight out to Palmdale, Palmdale,
according to a video by.
We get the name, sorry.
Minutes of horror
Let me get the name, sorry.
Minutes of Horror
is the area where the Lockheed Skunk Works is.
I don't know how official that Skunk Works part is, but there is a Lockheed facility out there,
and it could be some kind of testing,
something flying inland from the ocean
and headed out there.
Don't know why it would be going so slowly and so erratically like that and raising up and down
and dropping and lowering like that.
But it's kind of interesting, just saying.
The weird thing about it is some of the videos
I'm seeing are green and those are moving about
in different ways.
Like pretty, pretty active, right?
Yeah, they look weird. And then there's some that are straight
up they just look like police lights in the sky. Yeah like like a big bar of them right? Yeah and
I almost. That's the one I saw. That's the carousel one that I was talking about yeah. They're moving
so slow I don't know what it's called but I know there's phenomenon with like temperature and
gases where stuff can like lights can reflect in different ways in the sky. Right. I almost
wonder if those are literally LA police lights. It could be, but it's so it like looks like
police. But then there's ones that are green and I'm like, I don't know what the hell that
is. Yeah. But those could just be drones. Honestly, it's very bizarre. There's a lot of videos of it.
So it's like.
So we're going back to this video from minutes of horror,
whatever I just said.
He was suggesting that it's related to a phenomenon called
earthquake lights, because if you remember over the past couple
weeks, I don't know if you'd noticed this, Mike.
But yeah, there's been like, I would say I've've seen you talking about it. Yeah, I would say a flap of earthquakes. I think I've noticed felt personally myself three of them. Right? Yeah. And in like a few weeks, which is worrisome in a way, if you're thinking about it, like, oh, we live in a fault line, we're about to die. According to seismologists, that is normal. However, there's this thing that's like not a 100%
explained or proven. But that's kind of been noticed that's
called earthquake lights, which is like unexplainable, like
phenomena in the sky, immediately proceeding extremely
powerful earthquakes. Right? So I don't know, some of them report it as
colorful lights, some of them report it as something that
looks a lot like what these little balls are that are
darting around in these in these sightings that we've seen in in
this flap of UFO sightings. But usually those are reserved for
pretty powerful earthquakes, according to the theories.
There's nothing concrete linking these lights to earthquakes.
So take it with a grain of salt, but that's a thing.
And then also...
I may have an answer.
Okay, but also, we'll get to that in a second.
Also, before we do that, I want to do a little bit more shaking the voodoo stick at you for a minute.
Please do. I want shaking the voodoo stick at you for a minute. Please do. I want all the or fish. A very rare fish
was seen the earthquake fish if you will. It's the doomsday
fish is what they call it is apparently commonly seen around
Japan. preceding natural disasters. None no connection
formally made between these two things but apparently they're rare. There's only been 20 ever
cited on the California coast since like 100 years. So it's
pretty rare that this is seen, but all these things have
happened and everybody's like, is it going to be something bad?
I don't know. What do you think it is, Mike? Well, I found some
online digging. I may have found at least an answer to the red, red flickering red blue one, not as your brothers, but this one. Yeah. And the first thing is this video might not actually be from California. It might actually be from Hawaii. And this, this link I'm going to send you might be exactly whoops. What we're looking at. So we got some Internet nonsense happening, huh?
Potentially, because there was a drone show happening
exactly at that time for the Pokemon World Tour.
And I want you to take a look at this video
of the drones show taking off and tell me that doesn't look exactly.
Wow, that does have the same vibe.
Oh, my God. And we I was literally sending pictures of this drone show in my friend chat earlier.
Yep. But look at those things taking off. Yep. Yeah, it looks it looks wow. Exactly the same.
If you didn't know that that would be a Pokemon that looks like UFOs, four UFOs taking off.
All the comments are like half like, yeah, Pokemon and half are like, Pokemon sucks.
And then like a few are like, wow, these are the UFOs.
That's crazy.
About what your brother saw, not anything related to this, but I think whoever's put
this up may have been trying to jump in or just do something.
Yeah. Because this looks like that Palmdale quote unquote video that supposedly got on the other side of the mountains and very well could be a drone show in Palmdale because we're in Los Angeles.
There's always some bullshit going on. Like literally just the other day. I think it's in Inglewood. There was like this festival that was like a huge hit. Everybody loved it. It was called like the Hard Festival or something like that.
Yeah, there were noise complaints,
like seven miles in all directions.
Yeah, Mayor of Inglewood had to be like,
it will never happen again.
It's funny how this video didn't make it anywhere
to the UFO world of like, good about this.
I had to like find it on Twitter and some random.
It's just weird.
It's just weird to think of like Detroit,
like cultural detritus like this, right?
Just trash like us getting like bleed over, like the fact that there is some sort of psychic damage being done to us thinking we're seeing an alien when we're seeing like a sideways Dragonite taking off from a fucking dock.
Like, yeah, and we're like, oh fuck, like even if for a second I'm thinking to myself, Russia's here and they're going to kill us or some shit like that.
Right. That's bad.
Right. Just that's just cultural trash.
Can I? Can I?
My pruning with this cultural trash real quick?
Yeah. So the actual video, the Palmdale one,
I'll link it if you don't have it.
There's no doubt.
Go about eight seconds and then listen to the audio edit on the dude's voice
But the video doesn't change it clearly turns to somebody going outside
And he's like out of breath from about six seven seconds to about 11 seconds is what happens
Yeah, literally not even the same people. Not the same person.
Not the same audio.
It's background noise like they're outside versus the mom on the inside.
It just cuts, but the video doesn't change.
Another great example of not trusting stuff you see on the internet is this, but like,
I think all of us have probably seen.
I just learned this this week.
It blew my mind.
Have you ever seen the video?
It's Sea of Th thieves and it's playing
the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. And the guy's like, captain look, and they turn
and the ship is like up above and then lands on them. Yes. The audio, the music, all of
it is from a totally different video. They just edited into that footage to make that
footage seem like cooler. But the other video is a whole other thing of them
like being attacked by pirates.
It's like them being like, no, we don't want to get it is.
And it's just a made up thing.
They it's like not even a real fascinating digital Ed Walters.
Yeah, it's just it's just made up trash that like
so collected in your brother's actual site.
Yeah. Some little human crab like knitted together these like things, like two little things that they
found that would be like, oh, this will be fun to like put into the miasma.
And then that becomes like, oh, that's the real thing that happened when in fact it's
two totally separate things.
There is one.
But there is, there was a big flap of sightings in Palmdale.
Regardless of the veracity of that footage.
It's just, but that's just like that footage is the most popular footage out of all.
And it just looks exactly like the stuff from Hawaii.
Like it's like a drone show to totally look at, but it looks the same.
I was trying to see if I could see license plates on the cars in that video
and you dare you can't you can't see any so fast.
I mean, like if you had shown us that video and it was like white lights
instead of the it's
straight up red and blue.
It looks like it's wild, wild.
Which is the color of the three Pokemon originals, red, blue, green.
That's it.
All right.
Now to that took the wind out of the sails of that.
That's what I'm proud of in this podcast.
Like as much as I love aliens, I also try to like
we try to look into shit, you know?
Sure. That was no, I don't think that's wind out of the sails.
I think that's a great look at how these things have developed today.
It's like when I was looking at the JFK thing,
just kind of measuring how word was traveling
and how information was warping, like in real time by like listening to
News reports like on the minute as things were developing like it's so crazy how wrong shit was and how quickly the facts were changing
It's it's not yeah. Yeah, or zodiac where the guy gets away
And they said the wrong race are to Bell star like any like there's so many were just made up stories
I've become the the reality for so many people
A lot more Any like there's so many were just made up stories have become the reality for so many people Lot more
Which is good. Yeah
Gentlemen I come to you today speaking questioning things and more importantly doing research and more importantly aliens
I'm sure all of us listening those of you watching the boys here are aware of the wow signal.
Yes. Oh yeah. Right. Infamously famous. The signal that came out of nowhere and they wrote
wow next to it. Right? Wowee. 1977, you know, big ear radio telescope. I think Ohio State
did it, I think. Yep. Anyway, a new study that was submitted literally on August 16th, the the
the the It's one of those things that they're like, it comes from somewhere out there. It's that like, but we don't know.
We've never detected it since.
We don't know nothing about it.
We have tried to look for it.
We have tried to pinpoint where that came from.
We don't really know.
And more importantly, maybe it came from Earth.
Like maybe it was a mistake.
We don't know.
Well, a group of scientists have begun doing between 2017 and 2020, observing, you know, all sorts
of different targets in the universe of interest between one and 10 gigahertz with a 305 meter
telescope. And they found a bunch of findings that basically said that using their methods,
the frequencies and the bandwidths and all those different things that were very similar to the wow signal.
With more sensitive, better stuff, they report a detection of narrow band signals, 10 kilohertz, near the hydrogen line similar to the wow signal. And although it's two orders of magnitude less and in multiple locations, despite the similarities, these signals are
easily identifiable as interstellar clouds of cold
hydrogen in the galaxy. They hypothesize that the Wow signal
was caused by a sudden brightening of stimulated
emissions from the hydrogen line due to strong transient
radiation sources such as magnetar flares or soft gamma repeaters. These
are very rare events that have special conditions that need them to happen. And it's basically
where the clouds become brighter for a few seconds or maybe a minute and are detectable.
And they're basically saying like, well, it probably wasn't an alien signal they detected.
It could have been one of these and perhaps the very first one ever detected ever by mankind, which is still pretty
impressive. And so the the report kind of lists it all out and they're like, it's science.
It's just isn't like a UFO being like, Hello, I'm I'm up here. I'm still pretty neat, at
least in according to their hypothesis. Obviously, there's gonna be people who are gonna look
over it, but they just submitted it. I think we talked about this last week's on last week's minisode. I think like when it comes to trying to detect quote-unquote alien signals
I think you know detecting radio waves is a very like narrow way to be looking at it and like we were bringing up with the
Quantum communication we just started to crack into that area of like science
You know
I think we'll be looking at different ways of looking for different kinds of things instead of very basic radio signals that take eons to travel. What they say at the end of
their intro is our hypothesis explains all observed properties for the wow signal proposes a new
source of false positives that we can use in future searches and suggest the wow signal may be the
very first time that they got one of these Mazer flare hydrogen things.
Basically, like, this is another you can check it off.
It's like, no, it's that which makes it easier to find things.
And if you don't think that was finding the things,
it's not until you're only left with what it is.
Absolutely. You don't think that's as cool as finding aliens.
I don't know what to tell you.
And just to bring it back around, you know what it's more like?
Finding a fucking shiny Pokemon. Bang. Just like the Pokemon world tour in Hawaii. Oh circle boom no better way
It's all one big drone show this mini
So thank you all so much for being here and supporting us at patreon we appreciate you by the way
Heads up to all of our science nerds out there if you know more about this than me
You want to make like a video or post on reddit by all means oh sign me up
I would love to know more than what I just read 90% of that I was
like I don't like words listen we're internet clowns and we appreciate that
people with smart brains actually listen to us yeah hell yeah thank you yeah
educate us please we will be back next week with a brand new mini so thank you
so much for your support we appreciate you we love you goodbye