Chilluminati Podcast - Midweek Mini - The UAPDA

Episode Date: September 19, 2024

UAPDA - The first taste of disclosure? This time a little over a year ago, Jesse, Mike and Alex learned about the UAPDA and what Schume...r had hoped to achieve. (Minisodes 142 and 143) MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is home for 18. Why do we keep doing it like this? Maybe i'll stop at episode 200. Maybe at episode 200. Start up a new gimmick. No, welcome back Jesse we missed you. Hey, by the way being gone in London living my life went to Belgium. It's great. Good times. Uh, I will say while I was there, just putting out there, it might not be your thing. It might be, uh, saw a play called two 22 and it is a ghost story with legit jump scares. It is a horror ish,
Starting point is 00:00:42 uh, play super fun. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but super fun literally you're in Belgium check it up basically it is a husband and wife have a newborn child and at 2 22 a.m. every night they hear foot or the wife hears footsteps in the kids room and one night she goes in there and she hears them, but there's nothing in there with her. The husband, while the scientist, he's a very Jesse character and he is like, you're just hearing things. It could be the baby monitor is picking up weird things. Don't worry about it. And so what ends up happening at the start of the play is that the
Starting point is 00:01:21 wife is exacerbated with the husband who will not listen to her and two of their friends come over and? When they tell the story to the friends the friends like oh my god We have to stay up till 222 and see what happens and that's the play it is Sounding there's it's fascinating. I don't like a one hour long video game Yeah, well, man Very cute. Anyway, all this for you. That's kind of shit I was up to. Well, I'm about to bring you back here for that earth time.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Talk about aliens a little bit. It's been a couple of weeks as we've spoken about it, though. We've obviously been keeping up on our text. I was like, like on on has been a couple of weeks. Well, we talked about with Davis last week, but not with Jesse. We haven't really talked about it in depth as to what's about to happen. And it's fascinating because a lot of what's about to happen falls directly in the timeline that we were told in, oh God, two or three months ago now that I brought to you, I even
Starting point is 00:02:13 said I think the date was like the 25th and the 26th that have been being whispered. And it came out yesterday, the Congressional Public Hearing is happening on July 26th. GRUSH will be there along with a bunch of others. And it's going to be there's going to be public portion like before. And of course, there's going to be a private portion one week from tomorrow. Exciting on top of that.
Starting point is 00:02:34 We also have two like a bill in Congress being put forward about trying just like they have six months to divulge all their shit, whatever they're hiding. And then the Senate was Schumer and a few others put forward their own disclosure act that Schumer says was modeled after the disclosure act of the JFK stuff. He modeled it at the same stuff that got voted on today and passed 75 to 20 or 73 to 25. So it was a huge swath of people approve of it.
Starting point is 00:03:04 And the congressional one got a letter from the Pentagon yesterday with their suggested amendments, which I texted to you. You can actually just read what their suggested amendments are. But for those who don't have that, I'm going to go ahead and read their suggested amendments to this bill. This is for the amendments to rules committee print one one eight dash 11 at the end of title 8, which is the end of the bill proposed, the Pentagon suggests adding the following. On section one report on unknown objects in flight. In general, the administrator of the flight of the FAA shall issue a non classified report
Starting point is 00:03:39 about occurrences in which commercial pilots spot or otherwise visually witness unknown objects in flight and address whether unidentified aerial object encounters have ever disrupted, interfered or interacted with flight instruments. It's fine. Then part B, that was section A, section B. In the report issued under subsection A, the administrator shall include any documents from commercial industry with respect to the observations described in such subsection, including documents relating to specific instances in firsthand witness accounts. And the last part, which is part C, which is involvement of other agencies.
Starting point is 00:04:13 This is the part that's a problem. No other federal agency may be involved in issuing the report required under this section. They make themselves immune from their, from the own shit. So they're just like, by the way, never mind Yeah, this literally was like and you can't look at our stuff Which is the point of the bill is to get what? government programs that we have under the Pentagon being funded out because they're being funded by talk taxpayer dollars if they're there and be Private companies like Raytheon Lockheed Martin have anything
Starting point is 00:04:41 It's also they have six months to come forward with what they have and the Pentagon Pentagon came forward yesterday, the day before, and says, here's the suggested amendments. The federal government doesn't have to follow any of this. But is it through? Is that like part of it now? No, it got no. So that's so the thing that was voted in the Senate is not the same thing as we're talking about now. The Senate thing is a totally different NDA disclosure. Like I said, model Dr. JFK. The congressional one is like you have an X amount of time to tell us what you have and that's it and so There's I'm fascinated by this whole thing because I've been doing it from like a different perspective. Mm-hmm where I'm completely ignoring
Starting point is 00:05:15 the Ufology of it, right? Which is interesting because Schumer in his bill Defines what an NHI is it's like specifically UAP related. Oh, exactly. So the thing I think is interesting is when you look at this, it's very similar to what we saw in Canada, where it really clearly at the like it started with a lot of congressmen who are out of like, well, I guess technically in power in their state, but out of power federally on the Republican side saying, what are you hiding? Which again, goes very much
Starting point is 00:05:50 to the whole like the government's keeping things from you, my fellow MAGA like that kind of stuff. But that leaves out Gillibrand and the Democrats on that side. And so the other side that I think is interesting, and this is what a lot of people are saying about Schumer and Everyone who's hitting it from the other by the way, Kirsten Gillibrand If you're gonna say one party might as well bring up the other party, right right so so but the other side Going with Schumer and them what people are saying is that that those bills and things are trying to pass and get
Starting point is 00:06:26 through and the hearings they want to have are not, oh, it's going to be UAP are real, but more like this is what they really are and try to poo poo the more alien-y shit and it be more like you were saying Raytheon and whatever. And so that's what they're saying. They're coming from and so I think it's interesting to see that Well, it's interesting to see that both sides are like, oh, we don't know what it is We want to know more but each side is coming from it from a different like one side is more Conspiratorial and one side is like these are government dollars that you are hiding and it's super interesting Because everyone got to spin.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Everyone has their own idea. But at the end of the day, they're all just like, we don't know what this is. And I think that's the most telling thing. That's exactly it. And I'm with you on that. I agree. And I think the angle to come at it with
Starting point is 00:07:17 is what is that angle of not conspiracy side, come at it from the funding side of things. Because that's the only way, even if they're just hiding things from us that are not necessarily non, even if they're just hiding things from us that are not necessarily non-human or whatever, but just things that are hiding and make super secrets that shouldn't be fucking doing. Let's knock them off the list.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yeah, just like, bingo. And I agree with you. Like, no matter how this turns out, the fact that it was voted 73 to 25 was heartening. It just shows, like you said, that both sides are like, we don't know what the fuck is going on. People are listening. The more they push, the more Pentagon seems to be pushing back even harder.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's about funding. I mean, of course it's about if you look at the budget that we spend, I know it's fucking insane. The military budget is huge and every year we make it bigger. And I think for them, this could be one of those things where if we start pulling at threads, we're going to find all again, going back to the dude who's like saying there's this, you know, they got this research facility. This guy told me this and this and this. Are you talking about the Reddit post? Talk about the biology thing?
Starting point is 00:08:15 No, I'm talking about Groucher. Oh, you're talking about Groucher? Okay, gotcha, gotcha. Sorry. Yeah, like him saying all those things, all you even if you don't believe him, all you you gotta do is be like, okay, well, something has to be funding the program that's doing, so let's just find where that money's going. And I think that's the simplest answer to all of this. Just like track the dollars. And if it is really just some company, we gave Boeing some money, then how about we regulate the shit out of that?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah, exactly. Follow that. And also, like, even if it's no aliens, what the fuck are these scientists doing? Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? Like, what is this technology? It's wild. It's something that's so not real and they so want it to not be real how hard they're
Starting point is 00:09:01 pushing back on it. And I'm not saying it means aliens. It doesn't mean aliens. It just means much like the UAPs and the orb videos and stuff that we're seeing, something is going on. I think we all agree that something is going on. The only way to get to it is cut their fucking money. Cut their funding.
Starting point is 00:09:16 What's fascinating is there's actually, I found the book. I haven't read it yet, but I'm very excited about this. Where it's literally a play by play of post World War II, getting the Germans an operation paperclip to the US to have them do all their weird things. And it leads up to Roswell. And the hypothesis of the book is Roswell was just German test, like a German wing ship that crashed
Starting point is 00:09:43 that was a test thing and all of its cover-up BS Even the alien stuff is coming weird too. Cuz like that's not even a unique theory like that's so common Of course, there's another theory that's like more common is it was and I love that There's a theory that's even more common is that it was the Russians and they put mentally ill children on it as like a fucking American thing like the the As like a fucking thing that throws people off. Oh no, this is like an American thing. Like, the, the, um, launch, launch, the runway that they flew these, these wing ships out of, which are basically just like the German, just straight up, it looked like a boomerang
Starting point is 00:10:14 ship, but it was a jet fighter. I mean the, the German did try to make like, saucer crafts. The runway literally is a straight line towards Roswell. Sure. And so it's like that thing where they're like, oh it might have just crashed. And so, but it's one of those stupid things where because America, if that was the case in this hypothesis, because America's so afraid of like, whoops, we got a bunch of Nazis and had them build weird Nazi shit and
Starting point is 00:10:35 then one of them crashed. It's better if it's aliens because at least we don't have to explain it. But if that was their goal then why did they come out two days later and say it was a weather balloon and not just be like aliens like they were running with? Well, because then, because that worked people up. That could have been the strategy. Yeah. Like if you're being, if you're being like, if you're like you were saying in the episode we did earlier, like if you're like going to give him the church blessing and just believe what he's saying. Yeah, you just believe it. The
Starting point is 00:11:04 alien idea is there to muddy the waters and then the weather balloon is there to be like, oh But it's a mundane explanation of course so that the rational people can be which drives me themselves irrational Yeah, but which drives me crazy though, because if we if that is the logic they're using Why are we redefining it to uaps and trying to legitimize it? Why not just keep it UFOs and keep it hilarious into the side and get people worked up over it? Marketing. Marketing for what? It's so you can do something different with the idea if you want. Like in 2020, you don't talk about it anymore. Well in 2023, right, what we need the alien disinformation
Starting point is 00:11:40 campaign to do, like if we're being cynical, what we needed to do may be different than what we needed it to do in 1965, right? And so maybe the name of UFOs has run its course and is now kind of like too goofy to like bring into congressional hearings. So we rebrand it in order to, and even if you're not being cynical, that's exactly why they're doing it for real is because calling them UFOs is like a bad vibe in terms of getting people who are especially old and conservative to take you seriously. Well, that's why I'm asking like if, but if we're to believe the UFO and all that stuff was to put out there just to confuse people, why are we rebranding in the first place? It's doing its job. It's keeping people confused. We only call it UAP now because the government decided that's what we call it. It's the same reason Pepsi rebrands.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Well, just to match the vibe of the changing generations. I know what you're saying. It's just the logic doesn't click with me and they're just not seeing something that's there. But it just like the reason to rebrand undoes the reason to make to make fun of UFOs in the first place. I think it's I think it's more I just think it's more complex than that. If it is. I agree with you. Any logic in government though is also very clear. If you just follow any of the news the last like month in the White House, they found cocaine, right? It was in a tour group section,
Starting point is 00:13:06 but of course Fox News is like, it's Biden's son, he's going coke. And then the White House is like, no, his son isn't even here. Why would it? But then in order to just make it even worse, they're like, no fingerprints were found on the bag of cocaine.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And then all the right wing people are like, oh because we're just say there's any logic and they literally made it worse by being like, yeah, we couldn't find anything like And then what in the past month as well, the I we I shared the two Pentagon interviews with the press asking about it and the way they just like dance around everything and just like don't say yes or no. And they're well there are none of this and it's just it's like it's just it's the same thing as anyone listening or the two of you are old enough to remember but during the Iraq war when Donald Rumsfeld was just like well they're the known knowns and then they are no no yes and it's that kind of bullshit where?
Starting point is 00:14:10 Government because they're also afraid of being pinned down by like a reporter or by facts like they Everything is obtuse. Yeah, and everything is like vague and everything is is you know We just change little things here and there we don't really speak the truth because the minute you bring does it The fire but you would think if the government wants us to stop poking around at the shit that they're keeping secret, they would be definitive in any of their answers in either denial or say it's like military stuff. Instead, they just leave it vague. It just depends on what their end goal is. Like, it's average people. Yeah, no, I know.
Starting point is 00:14:42 For the most part, they're not any smarter than us. And a lot of them are just sort of making it up as they go along. And there's probably, yeah, there's probably 15 different entities within the government with 15 different goals. I mean, they're all trying to exploit the UAP situation for different reasons, whether or not whether or not they're real. Right. 100 percent.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I again, especially people who don't know and don't think that they're real. Yeah, right. It's just it's just the context surrounding their moves and what they're doing with the two hearings coming up and the bills passed. You know, it's it's more movement. And I said this before, you know, we could say we've seen this happen before, but more shit has happened in the past, like three to five years than like the 20 years I've been following this easily, easily. Tell me another time. time assuming assuming this all is
Starting point is 00:15:25 it going to pop out as a as fake let it but if that's the case let it pop out. Of course, but like but like okay, like for example, if the Roswell video the the autopsy video that was like really popular in the 90s and not all that was no that's a fake though. We know now that it was fake but at the time right we're like it was the same kind of vibe of like people actually
Starting point is 00:15:47 flirting with the idea. Yeah. But like now in the first four years, we've got a with Kirkpatrick. We have like a closed door meeting every fucking month. We have NASA who built a team of specialists to look for it. We have NASA looking through the James Webb telescope to find things. We have Avi Loeb out in the water scooping up spherules. This feels like recency bias though. Like, because it's happening now and we're in it. And I know you said the last 20 years, but I'm letting
Starting point is 00:16:12 you know that just like with all the religious fervor over like the gays are ruining our kids, like all this shit happens in cycles. Just like in the nineties, go back and look at the 90s there was a lot of alien stuff yeah specials the tv shows and the i mean okay so the difference is the internet exists now no no no but the difference is that then it was we have cable tv is a thing yeah like all it is is it's building off of stuff right so sure looking at the cycles of people being bigoted as shit before it was like we don't like gay people now It's like we don't like transgender people It's just like one more building block up and the same thing with this idea where in the 90s It was alien autopsies and like you have a little bit
Starting point is 00:17:01 I think we're looking at different things. We're looking at you're looking at the pop culture. I'm looking at government movements government movements in the 90s didn't do this. Where you can like remember how we talked we talked about in the past how there's no place left to go right with this shit that we're on now. Oh sure. Yeah in in, you know, it's so before the place that was left to go was the government now we're at that government. We circled back around to where there's a ferv the government. Now we're at that government. We circle back around to where there's a fervor again. Now we're at the government.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And so if this turns out to be nothing, there will be in X number of years a circle back around. Yeah, I'm sure it'll circle back. I'm sure it'll circle back. But I would be I would be super surprised if this comes out fake that we'd see another AARO formation similar, that we'd see bills from Congress and the Senate being pushed, that we see whistleblowers coming forward.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah, we'll circle back and someone will see something. We'll have a video. People will speculate. They won't believe. But to see the push we're seeing right now within the government is something new that I've never seen before. I believe more likely than not, this will come to, it it is like we're not going to find anything of real value and like all this stuff because they're like oh we're going to have hearings
Starting point is 00:18:11 going to do this and then if it comes to nothing we're just going to be at the same place we always were and then in a few years it'll circle back to something else and then you know because right now this feels very US focused and I wonder if the next level up is world focused you know what I mean? Well, like the seeds the seeds are already there. Yeah Canadian Prime Minister released we've already heard that the Brazil has opened up their UFO file as much as us. Let's be very clear They're going ham on this Well, they're going ham because we're keeping a secret a lot of the world governments are very open about it already
Starting point is 00:18:41 Like Germany is open about it. Brazil is open about it. Mexico is... They're not doing any, you know? Like they're not like... But that's because you don't really... They're not like... Well, they're not like, here's our pictures of our aliens, which is of course the thing that we're waiting for literally everybody to still do.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Sure, sure. The obvious thing that anybody could do. You're looking for the body picture, obviously. I'm not, not even just that. It's just like, no one is like, aliens are from Saturn and they are here to do X, Y, Z. You know what I mean? Like the Mexican president said fantasy elves are real. Nobody believes them. So like, why does it really matter if a president country
Starting point is 00:19:14 say something's real? Context matters. Like, if Joe Biden, let's look at this with context. I am looking at it with context. And I'm saying if Joe Biden went on TV tomorrow or on the 26th, Joe Biden comes out and he's like, the thing is, it's real. There's craft that are, they're alien craft where we got one from Italy in the thirties, yada, yada, yada. If that's what happened, right? That's a different thing. But then do you believe it? Because the government is telling you. Well, looking at it now, all I'm saying is looking at it now, if aliens are real in the world, where aliens are real, this is the farthest that real disclosure has ever gotten.
Starting point is 00:19:52 That's what I'm trying to say. This is the closest we've got. And by most movement, this is the closest. Real. Yes. If they're real. Correct. If aliens are not real, this is just another step in trying to figure out where the money is going. Well, what? Yeah. And what Jesse's been saying, just like this kind of more cultural sort of like how far up is this hoaxing weird alien woo woo shit?
Starting point is 00:20:16 Well, that's why I want to go into our government because now we're at the point where, like I said, there's nowhere else to go. The bills are being put forward. Things are being put forward with Things are being put forward. If and when they pass, now what? Now we wait and watch to see what the government says. If they, it's up to them now, right? It's like we now know, yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:20:35 But it's up to the facts. It's like Bob Lazar, for example, right? Dude was like, I did all this shit. I'm Bob Lazar. I was like, all this stuff. And everybody was like, oh shit, this is the most this is the highest up guy we've ever heard in the government. He was the first kind of like trickle.
Starting point is 00:20:51 But turns out Bob Lazar wasn't who he said he was exactly. Right. Bob was a mismatching history for him. He's misrepresenting himself. So in the time, it felt more significant, significant. That's what I'm saying. Than it than it is now. And so right now that's that's what we're waiting to find out. Because it was rare and it just wasn't happening.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And it was like it was feeling significant. We just didn't have all the facts yet. And that's the same situation now. Bob Lazar seemed real to a lot of people, right? Yeah, like people were people were hearing what he said and being like this guy is a high ranking guy in the government. And we believe him. Same thing that's happening with Grush right now.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Obviously I understand the difference. Yeah. But that's the whole point. It's like, if it's real, there is a difference. If it's not real, if it comes out that it's actually, us just trying to cover for the fact that we're recovering Chinese anti-gravity planes or some shit like that. Like she's weird, you know still crazy still very scary We are we still should know about it. But but but that's that's where we're at
Starting point is 00:21:55 I agree and yeah, Lazar and Grush while similar in what they say, you know, like Lazar you go look at his past It's hard to even figure out what's real and what's not where it's pretty straight up Incompletely incomplete. There's a lot of question marks. There's a lot of like weirdness But again, that's recency though, right? Like have we really taken the time to like deep dive crush? I don't think anyone had a crush. Yeah, they did they watch a two huge That with was are and it took well people just well you're talking you look again Lazar never got the public Attention that crush is getting so if you can't compare the two in that regard and Lazar all you had to do was go a lot Of attention though all you had to do with Lazarus go he goes. I went to MIT you go look at MIT
Starting point is 00:22:37 There's no files of him at MIT immediately red flag like is that how do you get away with it for so long? I guess is the question I'm asking he didn't do people wanted to believe they just and what about our backs? Well, but also looking at the facts, Grush is not lying about where he went, lying about where he worked, lying to the people he talked to. They are not the same. Right. Well, right now, that's how it seems.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Right. Sure. Maybe I'm saying I'm saying is before we knew the answers about Bob Lazar. There isn't a difference. And that's that's kind of the point that I'm making is like we're not like history hasn't settled. Yeah. History hasn't settled around this yet in the same way. How would you say Lazar and Grush are similar? Like, Grush, if it turns out the day he came forward, we could verify where he worked. We couldn't do that. Yes. No, it's the same in that the people that are hearing it are hearing it from somebody that they think is legit.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Okay, sure. Yeah, on that note. That's what I'm saying. But if we're looking at the veracity of the person saying it, as time went on, it became very clear that Bob Lazar and Grush are not the same. But that's exactly what I'm saying. If this turns out to be a misinformation campaign to cover up the fact that China had a breakthrough
Starting point is 00:23:46 with anti-gravity and we are trying desperately to figure out what the fuck that is. Yeah. And the government sent out Grush to literally take us off the trail of that, right? It's not gonna change the difference between, it's not gonna change the difference between Bob Lazar and Grush.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Isn't that, what's the edge of like, Okram's razor? Isn't that a simpler explanation? He's just being honest of what he's been told instead of working in this big conspiracy with the government as a misrepresentation agent? Even if he is, maybe he's being told incorrect facts. That's possible, sure. But I don't know if Rush would be aware he's part of this grand conspiracy and go to all these people.
Starting point is 00:24:23 That's not really the point of what I'm saying. The point is either this guy's like gonna go down in history as like this first step in actual disclosure or he is still a real guy. But it's like he's part of a situation that ended up not being about aliens at all. Sure. And that's very possible. Like Russia, like you said, I agree. He's like the creme de la creme of whistleblowers
Starting point is 00:24:46 you could hope for bearing somebody walking out with a video pedigree or something. Yeah. Yeah. In terms of pedigree, the best we're at the cusp of it because he's going to be at these closed doors and public hearings. He's going to be the public hearing on the 26. All the people that said that like the hearing on the 26 was coming a few months ago are now saying like, you need to watch this.
Starting point is 00:25:04 This is going to be very important. And then with the you know the kind of couple with that the Avi Loeb update is also fucking cool even if it's not alien. So Avi Loeb went out into the you know the the interstellar meteor that supposedly crashed in the Indian Ocean that the DOD had like kind of honed in as to where it went. He went out scooping looking for spherules hoping to find like five to 10 of them. He came home with over 90 of them
Starting point is 00:25:26 He sent it out to three to be disappointing to me whatever it turns out it We already know some because he took he kept some from self to study at his lab and they sent some off to like Yale Harvard lab in Germany and a couple others what we found out the two things we know that are fascinating one We know it's interstellar because it dated 4.5 billion years old. It's super fucking old. So it's literally from space and it's ancient, which is awesome. Every single one of the orb spherules that they've analyzed so far made up of like iron, titanium, you know, your usual stuff. The thing that's surprising and I think will get kind of people don't realize because you have to like do a little research to realize it
Starting point is 00:26:01 is there's no nickel in it. And a rule of the way iron is made via the explosion, and we have evidence on Earth and other meters within our solar system, is that where there is iron, there is also nickel. Just I'll be explaining it in a post. I don't understand chemistry. But the way things explode, iron and nickel kind of like form and then fuse, and they're in order for us to use iron,
Starting point is 00:26:21 which we do often, we have to purify the nickel out of it because nickel weakens the iron. And there is no nickel in any of the spherules so far, which indicates science we don't understand and how maybe it got purified out of it in some other way, or maybe it was formed in a way our science doesn't truly understand, or it was purified out of it 4.5 billion years ago.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And if it is ET- I was gonna say, could this be like star matter, that kind of stuff? Where it could be something that forms somewhere else that we don't know how it's definitely solid object, you know, like it's a rock of some sort. He's also trying to like, he's trying to go back out in 2024 billion years. It could be injected out of a solar object could have been that heat would have destroyed the nickel. And then the iron would have just through space. The question is, the question is, is it just the science
Starting point is 00:27:06 anomaly or is it manufactured? Right? That's like the question is like we don't understand scientifically how it could have been nickel could have been purified out of iron without it being purified by someone or something because that's not how we understand the physics and chemistry to work. But it doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:27:23 It is the it is the universe. There's so much fuck. We don't know. It is. It is the universe. There's so much fuck we don't know. It's very, very possible, obviously. But like that's also just important because as far as our science understands, that doesn't make any sense. But no word on the craft. Well, so he's trying. So he's going. But he wants to go back out in two years because he's going to
Starting point is 00:27:38 get the funding and get a crew and plan it and all this stuff. So he's trying to go back out there for another scoop to find the end of where this thing is. We can find the wreckage of this of meteor that crashed, like what's left of it, because it would still be the first interstellar meteor we've ever had. These are the first interstellar spherules from a meteor we've ever been able to study, which is fucking awesome. And his other thing is like, if it is from a civilization 4.5 billion years ago, it was probably launched like our Voyager was launched, not at us directly, just fucking floated out into space. And 4.5 billion years later, via odds, it crashed into something.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And it was Earth. Who knows how many are out there? Who knows where they came from? Who knows if he's even real or basically saying that's what that's what he thought. Umu, Umu kind of was an idea of. He's like, if this is manufactured because of how old it is, it was probably similar to what we did with Voyager, where this like fired something out there and it wandered for eons and eons and eons. But that's, but what's interesting about that is tech wise, we talked about on this very show that the, the idea of Voyager, right? Every time we send out new probes, we're better at it and it would be faster. So by the time Voyager reaches someplace, we'll have sent something else that will reach
Starting point is 00:28:51 there first. Yeah, which you can if you want to tie it in to. Which is why we don't send out stuff all the time because it's a waste of energy because as technology improves, we'll just get better at it. But we did send out Voyager. Yeah, I know. But I'm saying like the idea of, you know, first off. Maybe it's just rocks, but also Let's get let's get fun because they could be here ahead of time ahead of it. You know wouldn't be interesting if the If this was the thing that was in someone related to like the extraterrestrials already visiting And it's just their old tech and arrived late and crashed and they were like, oh wow, that's crazy. We sent that probe five centuries ago.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah. There's like the idea of like the von Neumann probe, a probe that can like kind of repair itself. I don't know what kind of tech that would be. That's a theory. But yeah, no, I agree. Like what if it was just something that fired out and after 4.5 billion years, it just finally the odds came across and it collided with something. And it was just us. Who knows how many other I imagine it's a rock. I'll be real. I think it's just space rock. But I would, I mean, but if it is, that's still cool. Because now we know there's a way that's very cool. Yeah. Nickel has been there's something out there that can purify nickel
Starting point is 00:29:56 that we don't understand yet. And James Webb might help us with that. Yeah, that's what I mean. Space babies. Oh, huge space babies. We know nothing. That's what I mean about not being being disappointed by this regardless of whether that's what I feel Like it's such a cool scientific discovery regardless Yeah, try to wrap your hands on a reason paper point five billion years old land in our planet for like Impossible impossible for amazing brain to like wrap around Jesse. What do you bring to us on your return?
Starting point is 00:30:24 I got another real quickie it's going to be good and more importantly it is related to uh just us discovering things and being little space babies so according to legend the ancient zapotecs which would be found in uh wahaka which by the way it's a wahaca Valley in Mexico. If you ever go to a Mexican restaurant and you see a cheese spelled O-A-X-A-C-A. Yeah, I've seen that. Oaxaca. That's all you say. Not Oaxaca or whatever people say. Anyway Zapotec legend usually revolves around this intricate network of underground tunnels, this fabled entrance to the underworld. And the story goes that in the 15th century, Spanish missionaries found it, sealed it off,
Starting point is 00:31:13 and built a church on top of it, the Church of San Pablo. In addition to local lore and stuff, historical accounts support the tales of the tunnel. Like people in 1674, Dominican chronicler named Francisco Burgowa described an extensive cavity in the earth at this place called Mitla, which, you know, a group of Spanish missionaries decided to go and explore. They went down into it and they were like, yo, it stank there. It was damp. It was hard to explore. It was cold, right? They said that a wind extinguished their lights, and they just didn't want to go down there anymore. And they gave it this whole like, the gates to hell. Sounds like they found the crack in the ice wall to the hidden lands.
Starting point is 00:31:56 They probably did. And what ended up happening? Like I said, they sealed it off. Well, according to new research analysis, a vast underground passageway has been discovered using all that Indiana Jones style archaeological evidence and a team found beneath the ruins of Mitla, an ancient city in present day Oaxaca. And the researchers basically have a 3D model of the passageways that are underground using a combination of three geophysical scanning technologies, ground penetrating radar, electrical recessive tomography, and seismic noise tomography. All of which basically gave them this sort of massive underground map. The scans revealed a large void located right beneath the main altar of the church.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And they also found two more passages located between five and eight meters, around 16 to 26 feet below ground, as well as other geophysical anomalies north of the church. The team plans to conduct a second round of investigations in September, focusing on other structures in the area and what they can find. Basically, another lost ancient city rediscovered that we kind of didn't think was real and now it's real. How many more are out there? I'm like like how many are we going to find still? Honestly in South America I mean the the legends are of all these amazing cities. It really truly is. All these Europeans came over, saw these amazing cities left and when they came back the cities were gone and literally it's just because
Starting point is 00:33:40 they gave everyone in South America in the Americas, deathly ill place they never had before. And wiped out so many people or enslaved them or killed them or whatever. And all these places were lost to time because they were unlike European and Western civilizations and cities, they didn't destroy the forest and stuff to build their capitals and whatever whatever in this part of the world they kind of were like hey we like those trees they're pretty cool and when the trees take over
Starting point is 00:34:12 again that's just how it is i mean yeah nature's always going to take it back dude that's so crazy i would be that would be so awesome to be in there it's like surreal. It's like Michael Craig. In this case, there was a bunch of priests were like, it's evil. And they hit it from the world. Yeah. That is the coolest shit that I've heard today, for sure. What? Not the Terra Infinita? I'm mad. No, Terra Infinita made me angry just like you got angry. I just I just keep my emotions closer to the vest because I'm a low key person. Gotta let it go. Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:46 Welcome to Giuseppe La Rosa and the order of meonia the stones of the tree of life Finale get ready in case you're wondering This is a continuation of the story from a previous mini So based mostly on the book Chronicles of meonia by Giuseppe La Rosa So if you want to read the whole thing or listen to the whole thing or whatever, this starts in Minnesota 133. So that's how you gotta go back and do it. We skipped some when Jesse was gone,
Starting point is 00:35:10 but he's here for all the ones where he's here, Giuseppe's here too. So go find him. Seek it out, yeah. Last time we traveled the Tree of Life and braved its mysteries and met the entities who lived along its branches. And we linked each of our group to a specific stone color tree of life and braved its mysteries and met the entities who lived along its branches.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And we linked each of our group to a specific stone color and the all-important chalice of Guevara. And just in case you forgot, here's a quick recap. Janet has the black stone. Alan has the purple stone. Mike has the yellow stone. Marion has the OG green stone, Graham has the grey stone, Terry Shotton has the orange stone, Pat Shotton has the blue
Starting point is 00:35:54 stone, Gaynor has the white stone, we do not know who is connected to the red stone yet, and our hero, the timid and often left behind Giuseppe La Rosa, is responsible and fated, tied to the Chalice itself. Anyway, a few weeks later, after nothing exciting happened, he got a call from Terry Shotten, who told him to come over so he could catch up, like, catch him up on what they all did while Giuseppe was away. Again, just, like, he's like, he literally calls me and he's like, like catch him up on what they all did while Giuseppe was away again just like he's like he literally calls me he's like hey will you please come over and
Starting point is 00:36:29 let us tell you what we did without you please I don't know why that's the norm but it happens like every single time in every like multiple times per chapter it happens like if you're making it up why are you making it up why are you telling this story that you weren't is it plausible deniability it's got to be something that way he seems like I don't know why he just can say it was well I wasn't there yeah but anyway so Terry had a had a little bit to tell to tell to catch Giuseppe up on and Mathis now is gonna read what Terry told Joe in his own words which luckily we have here from the book excellent oh god it's
Starting point is 00:37:01 gonna do the thing all right there we go during the week Graham came over he believed that we were close to do the thing. During the week, Gram came over. He believed that we were close to obtaining the blue stone and felt it was possible that we could get it at night. We went out to the well and stood around it for a while, but nothing happened so we walked away. As we neared the cottage, Pat turned around and noticed a small cloud appear at the top of the garden. She felt that the blue stone had been deposited on the ground and began to search through
Starting point is 00:37:24 the grass directly where she had seen the cloud She was on her hands and knees and looking through every blade of grass, but she couldn't find it I searched for it for two nights with my torch and I could not find it the following day I marked out the garden and quadrants using string and began to thoroughly search each each one Eventually, I found it about ten yards from the well it took some finding I tell you Yeah, and apparently the stone that they found wasn't just blue Oh like a car a cloud fart just kind of like shout out like I like sharted out a stone Yeah, pretty much and when they looked at it up close they looked inside it the blue stone actually has a little streak of yellow
Starting point is 00:38:02 Inside of it. Oh shit someone pissed on it. Yeah, so that's a little streak of yellow inside of it. Oh shit, someone pissed on it. Yeah, so that's a weird part of it. But then a few months passed by, pretty soon, it's the third week of August. I think we're in 1982, we're in 1983 now. And though prior commitments, as always, prior commitments kept Giuseppe from attending, Graham was once again possessed,
Starting point is 00:38:23 this time by the goddess Diana, who told him to go out into the garden, where a flash of light shot from the well and the oval purple stone appeared there in the water for Alan. As everybody watched, then a few minutes later another beam of yellow light shot into the well and sure enough the hard triangular yellow stone appeared for Mike. Then Graham went into a trance and white light shot from the well. And when Graham opened his hand, the small faceted gem-like white stone appeared for
Starting point is 00:38:58 Gainer out of nowhere. Like a diamond cut clear stone called the white stone. If you want to see it, they only have a picture of the white stone. I can, if you want to see it, there is, they only have a picture of the white stone, of all the stones in the book for some reason. I have it here. I'll take a screen cap for you. This is unofficial.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I can't show this to the general public without stealing. I'm not gonna fund them right now. How do I, how do I take a screenshot on windows guys? Oh, good question. I use Giazzo. I don't know. What is Giazzo? You know what? You guys can see it later. It just looks like a diamond cut ball that was taking
Starting point is 00:39:29 a picture of in the 1980s. You can just take my word for it. It's the only one of the stones. It's the only one of the stones that they found that they have a picture of. So that one just appeared in Graham's hand out of nowhere when the when the when the when the well lit up and he went into a trance. Then they were all really tired because of all the crazy magic stuff that had been happening. Apparitions. Apportions? Apparates? They were calling them in the books, something like that. Like items that appear out of nowhere, basically.
Starting point is 00:40:01 They apparate? Like they're magical items that appear from like you know another realm objects of power yeah like things that you that aren't there and then you find them and then they appear right they're apparate in front of you exactly so they took a break for a few nights because they were exhausted and when they came back Graham told Pat to go find a little box in the book they call it a trinket box. Maybe that's a clear thing in the UK, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Just imagining like a dingy little box. Told Pat to go upstairs and stand in the middle of a pillar of invisible energy that was concentrated in the lounge upstairs for a few minutes. And when she came back down, inside the trinket box was Janet's dark black stone, which was a total of seven and then during the week Graham's gray stone oval shaped with veins of silver inside Appeared to him as a somewhat testicle that he fucking scooped out of the mortuary Maybe a testicle of a god maybe and yeah, and it appeared to him while he was by himself at home Oh during the week
Starting point is 00:41:09 And then suddenly a psychic revelation becomes apparent to Giuseppe and the others And here it is for this is gonna be surprising to everybody This is for Jesse to read in in in Giuseppe's own words The eye of fire psychic information informed us was in reality not the red stone But the orange stone this has been confirmed by the letter found in a bottle which had stated Mary Heath held the orange stone. There was also the fact that the Eye of Fire was undoubtedly a carnelian stone which was orangey red. The red stone the group had been formed would be the hardest to obtain for it contained a great power. They had done well. But for now the group, capital G group,
Starting point is 00:41:57 would have to be content with the stones that now lay in their possession. Yep. So big reveal. Question, was it because the stone, the red stone is actually like a goop that was inside of a famous actress at some point? I don't know. See, that's the whole question. That's the very, that's the whole question. You think you'd have the super powerful stones,
Starting point is 00:42:18 you could like rule the world with them. If you put them in a gauntlet, I think you could. We thought we had it for so long We thought we had that redstone in hand, but guess what even after going through it was orange This is the second point in the D&D campaign where you're about to end But everybody's having too much fun and wants to keep going the DM just yeah, yeah, he's got up alright It's the right up not the only Orange stone this is my Thursday. I need this is just that piece This is my Thursday, I need this. This is Giuseppe's.
Starting point is 00:42:43 This is how I align with the boys. So then a few days later Giuseppe met up with everybody, finally saw the stones in person, and Pat also made a point to show that the previous night she had held her yellow streaked blue stone over the well, and inexplicably in a flash of yellow, the streak purified out of the stone. And now the stone was pure blue. Pure blue. Don't know why. Don't know how.
Starting point is 00:43:10 It is not explained so far in the story why this happens. And I think I am at the end of the chapter. And created the land of the Draco. It could be. It seriously could be. Could all connect. We saw. We saw there's a green stone.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Dome. That's right. The island of green stones. Yeah. All that remains dumps the time stones. They don't need maybe maybe every dome gets one. And that's where they come from. All that remained was figuring out how to get the real red stone and the chalice of Guevara. And at the shot in mid September, Marion was the only person who drew the tarot card that matched with her position on the tree of life, which is kind of like their psychic adventuring version of drawing straws, they all draw a tarot card. And if you draw your own tarot card, that means you're the one who has to do it is faded. So they decided that it would be her who tried to locate the chalice. Graham and Terry showed up at her house in Wales the following morning, following Saturday. They didn't really have a plan except to just kind of drive into the countryside and let Marion decide when they turn left or right or not. And and at the last minute, Gainer, who is a five year old, my mom, be like, can I tell you which way to turn? Yeah, exactly. Well, but it's like it's more like
Starting point is 00:44:26 You're you're listening to the yeah to the yeah, you know Barney in my head telling me which way to go I get you good. Yeah, so she decides that Like based on her sort of feelings her instincts it led them in the direction of Peniclydeae, which is a Welsh place that doesn't look like it's pronounced that way, and I probably butchered it, but I tried my best. It's a high hill that's nearby and following her directions as they went left, right, straight, whatever she felt, eventually she stopped them at a gate near a field at the base of Peniclydeae with a
Starting point is 00:45:04 feeling that she needed to find running water. So they're out of the car now. They're looking for running water in this field. They hear it. They try and find it and eventually they find a tiny stream near a big flat piece of granite. And Gainer hops up on the rock and everybody's kind of just looking around and just being like there's no way that there's like a chalice here. But she sees something and she catches it. She thinks it's a flower that she sees.
Starting point is 00:45:28 But when she goes to investigate it, it turns out in reality in a small little hollow, like carved out area between the granite stone and the ground was a wooden chalice that was filled with pink quartz crystals. I too confused wooden chalices with a flower growing. Well it's the she saw that it was filled with pink quartz crystals. I too confused wooden chalices with a flower growing. Well, she saw that it was filled with pink quartz crystals inside. Gotcha. So inside the chalice, like if you saw just like a flash of it, you might think it was flower petals, right?
Starting point is 00:45:55 But yeah, so that all happened. But back in the present where Giuseppe finally gets to see the chalice because he wasn't there, here's the wrap-up for this chapter in Giuseppe's own words with Jesse's gonna because he's Jesse Giuseppe now for today. So there we go. You know, I want to let you know, I really want to be like, it was a salt animal. I know his name is Giuseppe. Well, no one no one in this story ever calls him Giuseppe. That is like his author name that he like added on like everybody in the story calls him Joe also having been in Britain for a week every BBC announcer talks like this hmm
Starting point is 00:46:35 eager to examine this object it's terrible I okay all right Matt Berry eager to examine a mystical object I gently eased it out of the grams hands and gazed in awe at what I was holding It was most certainly made a wood and the cup was full of beautiful rose quartz crystals This was the challenge that Margaret had stated in a letter that had been fashioned by Guevara and… which was also called the Grail. This object she informed us was means of directly communicating with the entity known as she or the White Lady. The White Lady as far as I understood was a manifestation of a powerful mystical force
Starting point is 00:47:21 known throughout the ages as the Goddess. Known as La Llorona. I felt honored privileged to be able to hold this mystical talisman now i truly felt accepted by the forces behind the project whoever or whatever they were yeah so the the the the stones of the tree of life finale ends basically with joseph getting his like Master sword he joins the circle of nine He joins the circle of nine, but he's special because everybody else in the circle has a stone and he has the chalice They were like oh bro. Sappy is gonna fucking leave us guys and stop playing the stupid game because we leave him behind
Starting point is 00:47:59 We need to hook him just give him something. He doesn't get to feel special. He gets something special, right? It's like giving your little brother the NES controller and playing Mega Man with him. All right, Giuseppe, you're in. You want to keep writing? Keep being the note taker. Keep being. What's that, Joey?
Starting point is 00:48:13 You want us to call you Giuseppe? You got it, kid. You got it, Giuseppe. Whatever you want. Oh, look at this. The goddess has something for you, Giuseppe. A wooden grail that we didn't make. It's just, it was there. Oh, guys, all right. I'm in. I'm in. It's just it was there.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Oh, I mean, all right. I'll man. I'll man. I'll keep playing. Yeah. And this is going to be continued on the next minisode when our next story arc, which is called The Mystery of the Tower Hotel, begins. I can't believe we're moving on to phase two. I just like I can't believe I would call this. I would call this loosely at least phase three, if not phase four. OK, well, moving into phase four, I'm expecting a slight dip in quality well we'll see all right well see what happens thanks for watching everybody
Starting point is 00:48:55 thank you so much if you're a watcher thank you for watching bye Hello my little Jelluminauts, welcome, welcome, welcome to Minisode 143. This isn't a bad camera, this is embarrassment. I'm trying to shield myself from you. For those who have are got the blessings of video you're getting Jesse from Las Vegas Where the where the sin is coming to his doorstep and asking to be led so much sin that the Wi-Fi is bad It's blocking the Wi-Fi signal. Yeah, it's bad 89 degrees heat what no actually right now. It's like a little little bit colder, but it was hot Right now Yeah, Jesse literally traveled to Vegas got to his hotel and basically jumped on this to do the show so
Starting point is 00:49:52 110 degrees I have to go. It's too outside here in a little bit real thrilled about it. He's very excited Yeah, don't worry. I got you guys covered. I got you guys covered today So I know you got that the only thing I want to say because we're not doing the big alien stuff I'm gonna do a main episode on the big alien stuff, but Scientific thing happened wild today a female Microscopic roundworm that spent the last 46,000 years in suspend and suspended animation deep in the Siberian permafrost Has not only been revived it has now started having babies in a laboratory dish. What? That's scary to me because representative Ted Liu quote tweeted and said I had long thought it would be near impossible
Starting point is 00:50:34 For aliens to ever visit Earth because of the unimaginably vast distances However, if life can be put into suspended animation for 46,000 years then it is possible Life can be put into suspended animation for 46,000 years, then it is theoretically possible. Aliens can travel for tens of thousands of years. That's what convinced... That's what got him! That's what got him! Amazing.
Starting point is 00:50:55 That's funny. Yeah, that's funny to me. Yeah, 46,000 year old roundworm. Can you imagine it res- can you imagine resuming your life 46,000 years waking up horny as shit after 46,000 years that's why you wake up every day Mathis I know I feel like a microscopic roundworm wouldn't I don't know that's its priority although it did have kids so I guess you're right pop out children man yeah I guess it was the morning wood after 46,000 years in deep
Starting point is 00:51:21 sleep I don't think the roundworm has a dick, first of all. But second of all, do you think, do you think that it has, it's small enough, or big enough to have like diseases on it, or germs on it or something? Oh, I'm sure. I feel like it would be in some type of lab. Are we scared of that a little bit? Are we terrified of that?
Starting point is 00:51:42 We should be scared, we should be more scared of the ice caps melting and All the shit that's in those being put into the ocean Compared to like yeah, who knows it's already been dumped into the fucking ocean as ice caps have been fracturing and melting they already said that the That that we're probably messing up the various currents and flows and what yeah We ocean all those dead penguins washed up on the shore somewhere. They're like by 2025 the oceans could be totally screwed.
Starting point is 00:52:08 So like cool. We're just gonna have an empty ocean. Forget about fish. God will fix it. Dude, I don't even know where to look anymore. Like the alien thing, I think I'm just grasping at it at this point because I just need a savior. I don't think they're here to cure our problems though.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I think they're here to watch. I just want their tech. Look at these monkeys. I just want their tech. Look at these monkeys. I just want their tech. I just want their healing rate. Yo dude, time out. Do you think, this is wacky conspiracy stuff, but like, disaster tourism? The aliens come here because they know we're doomed and they're like, let's watch, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:38 It's not out of the realm of possibility actually. Elon Musk's, they're making their 4k walking video of a society in decline. Oh my god. Every time a group of sentient beings creates like a nuclear-style weapon they probably that's like they're ping for TV like set a pace let's watch who knows when they'll blow each other up. Will they make it? bombs yeah will they make it? These are the bombs that will do the job check out the missile silos oh shit some people are coming, watch out! And now, we return your consciousnesses to their home place and crash the craft on the planet to leave no waste behind.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Isn't that the plot of a movie? Yeah, uh, Sound of Thunder. And a book. No, is that... What's the movie where they cancel Earth? They cancel Earth? They cancel Earth? Cancel Earth? Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
Starting point is 00:53:28 Yes, that's yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The book actually. But yeah, same thing. Same concept. He wakes up and he finds out that they're building like a road through his house. And so he has to like leave his house and then he finds out that's not it.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Then what's the finds out that they're building like a road through the Earth too. So they have to like there's something else That's earth the TV show and it's getting canceled in Morty episode show me what you got Some other sci-fi Yeah, anyway, I mean listen it's possible. It's not out of the realm of possibility We're just like a reality TV show and these are tourists. Yeah, I want to freeze myself. That's no fair I want to freeze myself for 46k years you can you just there's this cryo freeze people you can go pay No, they all they all deteriorate every single one of them every single cryo frozen person be it head or full body
Starting point is 00:54:16 Deteriorates and the trick that they're saying is if you just keep them stored long enough till someone can literally reincarnate you then you're fine But like no, no, we're not bringing anyone back to life that's not that's not happening maybe maybe Elon Musk no dude if anyone I'm alright I'm alright if it doesn't work for him yeah I would like him to go to sleep for 46 we're gonna wake up we do it we wake up in 46,000 years and there are no companies everything's just called X that's already X won the food wars? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Fucking horrible. All right, Alex, we have a new journey to begin today, don't we? Oh yeah, okay, so imagine it's like, it's doing like the Marvel Studios thing where it shows like the pages turning of all the classic comics. Speaking of. But it's just like a bunch of pictures
Starting point is 00:55:02 of British people sitting in their living rooms. This end of secret Invasion just... I didn't see it. I don't know. It was so bad. Bad. Bad show. It is the good shit that show did for that. Can't wait to watch it. It was so...dude, the meme...oh man.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Anyway, yeah, it's terrible. I hope Kevin Feige is in there again. I hope they fucking like, get their fucking shit together. They need to take like a two year break and stop making shit. I agree. Well, you know, that might might just happen they add more problems. They want to know questions They just created the most powerful individual in all of the mcu in that show and then she's like Uh her name is gaia. She's like a super stroll denarius targaryen. Yeah denarius targaryen She's every power including captain marvel's like every single aven Avengers power she has it, and she uses it in the fight.
Starting point is 00:55:46 It's insane. We will never see her again in all of Marvel. There's no way they can do it! Just wait until the fight. There's a mean picture of her looking down at flexing at her tiny Drax arm. Yeah, I don't know. I don't want to think about that. That seems crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:01 It's not good. It's not good. Maybe she's just the Super Scroll. Maybe she's just like the Super Scroll. I want to look I know I know this is off-topic. I know it's off-topic but Important important figures from all over the the United States the world whatever were held in the exact same location Where there was radiation fallout and they're all fine, bro. There's so much that doesn't make any sense it's also implies that fucking roadie has been basically kidnapped since a civil war so He's there an endgame and crying at Tony's funeral and shit that was a scroll yeah All right Marvel you need to take time BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO I'm not worried about when this comes out on YouTube. Just let the people know that we just dead-ass spoiled. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:05 Include like a spoiler job Marvel show okay, Giuseppe Giuseppe La Rosa and the order of meonia the mystery of the tower hotel part one This is a continuation of the story in the previous minisode based mostly on the book chronicles of meonia by Giuseppe La Rosa So if you want the whole thing go back and start in minisode, based mostly on the book Chronicles of Meonia by Giuseppe La Rosa. So if you want the whole thing, go back and start in minisode 133. I think you guys are going to cheer by the end of this one. Are you ready?
Starting point is 00:57:32 Last time, last time we left our man, psychic adventurer Joe La Rosa, as well as all the other people in Graham Phillips group, the Order of Meonia or the Meonia group or whatever they want to call it, Meonia, I don't know how to pronounce it, kid it out for a grand adventure together full of colorful stones and various famous denizens of the spirit world. And now we know that though this story has a fantasy flavor, in the end, it's all fully rooted in the idea of aliens on their way to earth and their souls, which they've sent here ahead of their physical bodies to hide among nature. Pretty wild stuff, and I can't get wait to get back to it. But today, with this story, we refocus our plot back around the man
Starting point is 00:58:14 whose name's on the cover of the book, Giuseppe himself. Like usual, this story begins with Giuseppe alone at home on a bitterly cold Saturday morning in February 1984. Jesse was but a babe, Mathis and I were still dead, and Terry Shotman was on the phone again. I was coming though, don't worry. Terry was on the phone and he was like, hey Joe, we just got back from our adventure and we have some info to share. Classic Joe LaRosa business. But this time- I feel bad for Giuse bad this time. No, no, get this.
Starting point is 00:58:47 This time, Joe presents things a little differently than he normally does. I'll have Mathis read this excerpt and then you guys tell me if your understanding of the situation has shifted a little bit maybe here. Okay, I'm interested. Who is who is this saying this? This is this is this is just Joe. Okay, Terry statement intrigued me and I could not wait to drive over to his cottage Becoming involved with them with the meonia group had sometimes meant spending half the night out occasionally arriving at Arriving home at dawn being a married man these nocturnal excursions had brought their own problems having to convince my wife It was a necessary part of my involvement with the good did this guy write an entire book to cover the fact that he was bang I hope I hope I hope so I have a feeling I just feel like that actually
Starting point is 00:59:32 just came to me like that happened I feel like that's what happened Joe you wound don't turn on Joe so soon he's like no I promise I'm not I'm writing the book about it see and maybe maybe just set me here's what I think I think maybe we're wrong about Joe not being a cool kid I think maybe in reality Joe is a cool kid But being a psychic adventurer part-time has maybe started to affect his marriage a little bit and maybe instead of being dicks to Giuseppe All the time what oh he needs to set me to take his place Well, what if they're just keeping him included even though he can't be there?
Starting point is 01:00:07 Like, maybe he... they all know he can't be there. He's not getting skipped for missions because he's a loser. He's just not able to go and they're, like, keeping him involved in their, like, D&D game. Oh, you're... oh, wait, so Giuseppe's the man who's married? Yeah! Yeah. Oh, I thought Terry was married. Okay, so... Oh, Terry's married too, but that's Pat shot and Terry's Terry's wife's been in the group This whole time okay, okay, so but Giuseppe. He's married. He can't get out so trying to include him because all right
Starting point is 01:00:33 I know honestly all right with that honestly take it as a hit man I dated a girl who wouldn't LARP with me, and it just wouldn't work out so like right. I don't know go with what Why wouldn't she LARP with you? She's not into it too nerdy damn So it didn't work you know yes, anyway anyway don't worry about that anymore what matters now? These bags at her been like lightning bolt lightning bolt. I would I didn't play a magic user at a foam sword Okay, and I was like a night Pictures before love being pictures before love spell. I'll get I continue Pictures before love's bell arping pictures before love spell. I'll get continue
Starting point is 01:01:10 Anyway, that doesn't matter. What does matter is that when he gets to Pat and Terry's house that evening around 730 p.m They tell Joe that a few nights ago by the way, Joe and Giuseppe same guy. We're all clear on this Yes, Joe and Giuseppe same guy. Just pick up pick a name asshole. I just like that. It's both names They tell Joe that a few nights ago, Gaynor and Graham arrived, don't know what they're doing alone together, talking about some kind of test that was going to appear near the well where they all got their stones
Starting point is 01:01:34 at the end of last year. Oh my god, what is this? Matthew just sent us a picture of him larking and I just... What's even more funny is you tagged Nika Harper. Shout out to Nika Harper. Shout out to her. Hi Nika.
Starting point is 01:01:46 This is from 2017 and we were doing a vampire show, Twitch vampire like TTRPG show and me LARPing came up and I was like, oh, I'll just post a picture on Twitter. You look like a fifth grade boy giving his like Paul Revere report. Oh yeah, how old do you think I am there? I know that you're probably like 17. 26. Yeah. I know you're probably like I'm like
Starting point is 01:02:08 21 maybe yeah, you are a baby face a sweet little baby So I don't ever shave this fully the beard is here for a reason I love you gotta take that beard off. We got a we got a Okay, if we can hit like fucking like 25 grand on patreon I'll fucking take the beard off. I don't give a damn All right, you're that's your 25,000. No, we gotta do you gotta shave your full body Are you kidding me? You think we will hit 25k just for that? No way now. I'm gonna You'll never guess what happened on the page I'll have to shave is my head and my beard. I got no hair anywhere else, boy.
Starting point is 01:02:46 I'm a very smooth baby. I don't want to think about that for one more second. I'm thinking about powder. I'm thinking about powder now. All right. Anyway, Gainer and Graham are there. They're like, there's tests coming. They're like, there's going to be tests and we have to go over by that well again where the stones came from last time.
Starting point is 01:03:04 So sure enough, when they go over to the top of the garden, something had indeed appeared there. Getting closer to the shape, they saw it was a black box of indeterminate make, 15 by 12 inches, 4 inches deep. They had the psychic impression that they had to drive back to Marion and Gainer's before they opened the box, but it was while Joe was at work and they couldn't wait, so they opened the box without him. Terry tells him this and he's like, fucking work.
Starting point is 01:03:31 And he's like, hey buddy, it's okay. That literally happens. So they opened the box without him. Inside the box. They make meds for it now. Yeah, inside the box beneath a few layers of black tissue paper were 11 thick brown numbered envelopes each containing a separate test
Starting point is 01:03:46 for each member of the group. Terry opens his and discovered a pound coin which he had to turn into £1,000 by the end of the month, and Pat opens hers to find a pen with which she has to month to learn automatic writing with. But back in the present, having a little drink with the Shotans, Giuseppe had yet to open his, and now Terry handed him his envelope, telling him that so far, the only thing any of these individual tests have in common was that they all had to be done by the end of the month, much faster than these mysteries usually take in this world. Inside the larger brown enveloped mark with zero, which was Joe's envelope, he found a smaller, almost see-through turquoise envelope and an old pre-war tariff card for someplace called the Tower Hotel that seemed to be located in a place called, oh man, I don't know, Porton Scale, maybe? Porton Scale? Which was near a place called Keswick or Kezic or Kezic, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:46 I'm sorry, London, England, I'm sorry. I don't know all the tube names in London. I always mess up and I get ridiculed. So I apologize to the entire United Kingdom. You know it's going to sound nothing like what you just said, right? It's going to be like Curlin. Yeah, yeah. said right it's gonna be like Kirlin yeah but it's spelled Keswick in if you pronounce it like somebody who doesn't know how to pronounce it. Keswick is my guess he knew it was old because it said breakfast was two shillings and six pence in old money yesterday I saw that a single McDonald's hash brown was four
Starting point is 01:05:20 dollars and 29 cents on DoorDash you do the. As he delicately opened the turquoise envelope, careful not to tear it, he pulled out a folded slip of paper inside and written on it in neat ornamental handwriting that kinda looked like the Elvis script from Lord of the Rings. All it said was, all it said was solve the mystery of the Tower Hotel.
Starting point is 01:05:44 And after chatting a little bit about how none of them had any idea how they were gonna proceed, Giuseppe said his goodbyes, hopped in his car, and with knowledge that this had to be taken care of on his own, he drove home. But when he got there, he made what I believe to be the single greatest decision that he's made since the beginning of this adventure. Do you guys know what it was?
Starting point is 01:06:07 he fucking He fucking he told his wife what happened to me answer Jesse and got her involved You were right, god damn it. The one guy. Man, I hate you, I hate you. I told you. He even calls a little attention to it when he says, quote, does it still exist, she inquired, for once, seeming to take an interest in what I'd become involved with. He says, for once.
Starting point is 01:06:38 But yeah, together they decided to dial directory inquiries to see if the place still existed and when it turned out it did. Joe decided his first step on this new solo adventure would be to go check it out. And his wife Eileen asked if she could come too. And now fellas, we got a marriage healing husband and wife road moving on our hands to be continued in the next mini-zone! Thank you everybody for supporting us here at slash juluminati pod. We love you and yeah, we'll see you next time. Goodbye

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