Chilluminati Podcast - ROTTEN POPCORN - Episode 1 - The Mothman Prophecies

Episode Date: June 30, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Turo. Turo is the world's largest car-sharing marketplace. With Turo, you can book any car you want, wherever you want it, from a community of local hosts. Browse a huge selection of vehicles for just about any occasion or budget. Book an SUV or minivan for a family road trip, a pickup truck for some errands,
Starting point is 00:00:19 or even test drive an EV. Every trip is backed by liability insurance, terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Find your drive. Forget boring rental cars at Hi, everybody. Uh, yeah, this isn't a Chiluminati episode. It's something a little different.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Welcome to episode one of what we're now calling Rotten Popcorn, a show where me, Alex, and Jesse watch usually a terrible movie about something paranormal, sort of, and commentate over it like no one's ever done, ever, in the history of entertainment. So, hey, if you end up liking this episode and want more, we've been doing this for six months over at our Patreon. slash Chiluminati pod.
Starting point is 00:00:58 And if you jump in there, you'll get five more of these immediately. Or if you just want to wait, feel free to run over and subscribe to this podcast, as this is the only episode that will be uploaded on the Chiluminati main feed. We have a whole separate feed for this show. It will be once a month, and, uh,
Starting point is 00:01:17 we'll ideally get it up to you at the beginning of the month. So if you guys want to go listen to that and wait for those to pop, go just follow Rotten Popcorn on the podcasting apps. Uh, that's all I got, okay. Okay, it's your movie. Hello, my little Chiluminats. Bing, bing, bing. This is a Patreon thing.
Starting point is 00:01:33 So this is how I'm just going to open everything. Sponsored by Bing. What do you think about that? Sponsored by Bing. You're Bing. Watching on Google. I always just start on my favorite search engine. That's my new...
Starting point is 00:01:43 That's your go-to. That's my movie. That's for the movies. That's for Chiluminat. Aw, man. Real people will go to Ask Jeeves, dude. Ask Jeeves is where it's at. Mystery, murder, abductions, 3,000.
Starting point is 00:01:54 What is this called? is the only way to go. Yeah, welcome to the first... Load up your AOLCD. Log in. All right. Welcome to the first ever episode of Chill Tracks.
Starting point is 00:02:11 If you don't know what this is. Chill Tracks. Yeah, that's the... I came up with that. I'm so sorry to the team at Rift Tracks. We're gonna get... That's where I got it. We're gonna get super sued.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I'm gonna get super sued. We gotta come up with a new name. So we gotta be like something else. I'm willing to brainstorm something. You sure? Until we're sued, it's chill track. I don't wanna get sued. How about this?
Starting point is 00:02:31 Chinima. You know? Chinima? There's a part of me that was like, this is, that's it. Oh yeah, chinima. Chinima, welcome to Chinima. Chinima verite. I hate that.
Starting point is 00:02:50 If you guys don't know what this is, what we're gonna do is we're gonna watch a movie and we're gonna talk about the movie as it's playing. Well, we're gonna count down into a three, two, one play. So you guys at home can watch the movie along with us and it's, we're gonna further that parasitic, parasocial relationship between us and you. It's like we're right in your living room.
Starting point is 00:03:08 We're gonna be like, we're right in the walls. Exactly, we're right there with you. We're gonna be watching this movie together. And honestly, this was just my excuse to finally watch movies because I just don't watch anything. Have you never seen today's movie? I've never seen today's movie. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I've never seen Mothra and Prophecies. I have seen this movie. I don't remember. The only thing I remember about this movie is that one guy who's like a nameless character actor whose name I don't know, like sitting by a tree. I don't know where in the movie that is. It's him, the guy who's like the guy in this movie
Starting point is 00:03:41 who's not Richard Gere. It's like him like sitting outside, staring at nothing by a tree. So when that happens. Is that the ass thing in this movie? Yeah, she's the wife. Richard Gere married Deborah Messing? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Dude, I don't know, man. Do you think, what do you think about the butthole thing? Wait, wait, wait, wait, what? That's like a Chilluminati episode in itself. Wait, what? Richard Gere? What butthole thing? You know about Richard?
Starting point is 00:04:10 Richard, okay, do me a favor, Mathis. Before we start this movie. Go to I'm there. Richard Gere butthole. Please don't. No, I implore you. And anybody who wants to Google along with Mathis.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Jump on it. Richard Gere gerbil story? Oh yeah. Oh, that's the one. That's it, that's the one. Oh no. Oh no, he got a gerbil stuck up his asshole. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Nobody knows. That's an apophrycal tale. No one truly knows. What is this? It sounds like something an eighth grader would spread and people just like bought onto. Why is there an article about this every year spanning back to 2013 all the way up to 2021?
Starting point is 00:04:51 It's a legend, an urban legend. Is it real? Is it not? This is the soft launch of my new series, which I call things that should not be Chilluminati episodes. Yes, but kind of really want to make it an episode. Can you imagine if Chilluminati episode 133
Starting point is 00:05:06 was did the gerbil go in the actor's B-hole? Man, we are already at, that would be a red flag that we're at a content. It would be a brown flag or like a nice salt and pepper gray flag before it's time. Okay. All right. Are you ready to watch this movie
Starting point is 00:05:22 before we keep talking about Richard Gere's butthole? Are you sure you guys don't want to watch the English language version of Breathless starring Richard Gere? It's not very good. Do you want to see it? I don't even know what that is. I just realized that behind you, Alex was Kelly.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And she, you're over here looking at the butthole and then she like appeared from behind you. And I realized she's had to listen to all of this. Richards, Richards butthole. This is normal for her. It is. She, this is how it is. Thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Yeah, I saw the thumbs up. Sometimes the computer screen's not even on and I'm sitting over here and I'm just like, Richards butthole, am I right? This is the holiday gift our Patreons deserve, dude. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, everybody. Is this free? They really just get this?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah, the Patreon's getting this? Yeah. I love that. Yeah, it's gonna be here., they're already there. They're already on it. This is for the people like four months from now who are getting it for free.
Starting point is 00:06:19 That's what I'm saying. Somebody out there is not paying for this. We're giving this away in four months. This holiday butthole content. If you love this, let me tell you something. By the time you're listening to it, there's definitely gonna be at least a couple other ones featuring actors who have done things
Starting point is 00:06:37 that are not proven but are very funny. Are we only gonna select movies where the actor is caught up in some way? Like next movie, Will Smith. Is he a Scientologist? Who knows? Oh, God. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:49 I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that this show that we're doing becomes a Richard Gere show. That's your end goal? To make Richard Gere the topic of this particular branch of Chiloumi's holiday entertainment? I've probably seen one of the movies he's been in. You know what I mean? Not many.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Richard Gere? What do you know, mess? I really can't think of a role he has played. A pretty woman? Have you seen that one? Like I know who Richard Gere is. I know what his face looks like. I know who he is as an actor.
Starting point is 00:07:19 But I don't, I can't think of like an iconic role that jumps out to me about him. Wow, really? Yeah, I'm genuine. I'm being like- Really? That's on her. If you say something-
Starting point is 00:07:29 The average to bad remake of Breathless? I've never seen, what is this Breathless movie you keep talking about? It's a New Wave French masterpiece. Give me his best, his best like role. Your personal best role you've seen him in. Chicago. I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:07:41 That's the musical though, right? Chicago, you think it's his best? He's got a lot of range in that movie. I don't know what his best movie is. Pretty Woman, probably. That's like the movie, right? I haven't seen that either. Runaway Bride, he's in that.
Starting point is 00:07:54 He's in a lot of movies. I think I've seen Runaway Bride. Is that one with Julia Roberts? Yeah. I have seen that movie. All right. I haven't seen a movie. We got one.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I have a Richard Gere movie. Is it like Officer and a Gentleman considered his most famous? It's a big one. I don't like, it was, what is that? 1980, 1981, 82, something like that. But let me ask this. That'd be why I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Would you rather watch Officer and a Gentleman or would you rather watch Pretty Woman? Oh, Pretty Woman, obviously. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But for only, it's not for Richard Gere. It's for the phenomenal Julia Roberts. Let's be, let's be, let's be. Okay, what about Primal Fear then
Starting point is 00:08:27 with fuckin' Lauren? Nah. No? Edward Norton, Primal Fear? Nah. I haven't, I haven't. I don't know any of these movies, so. It's all new stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:39 What's the one with the million dollar prostitution? What's that one? Million dollar prostitution? Isn't that Pretty Woman? No, what's the, is that Richard Gere? The one where offers one million. Cinderella story? Sleep with wife.
Starting point is 00:08:58 What's the name of that movie? And Decent Proposal. Oh. Is that Richard Gere? Ah, no, maybe. I don't think so. No, that's Robert Redford. Eh, same difference.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Same, same difference. If you really squint and you've never seen a movie, like if the movie, only movie you've seen is Runaway Bride, you might mistake Robert Redford for Richard Gere. All right, gentlemen, are you ready to watch a movie together? Our first of a once a month movie night
Starting point is 00:09:26 here for us in the Chiluminots. The Mathman Prophecies. The Mathman Prophecies, I feel like it was a fitting opening movie for us, simply because, you know, fits what we do, plus I've never seen it. So here we go, three, two, one, play. All right, there we go.
Starting point is 00:09:43 The magic of watch parties, they don't have to do anything. They just simply get to sit there and watch the movie star. You know, like, you know, most people. Yes. It's like going to a movie theater, except way smaller. Way, yeah, way smaller and a little crunchier
Starting point is 00:09:59 on these high depth monitors. Yeah. A little boy jumping into the lake. Jumping into the lake. Where's he jumping? Maybe he's jumping to the sky. Maybe he's about to shoot wings. The story is based on the events
Starting point is 00:10:12 which occurred in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, which we covered in detail if you want to go listen to those episodes. I think this movie is actually an adaptation of the book by that guy, right? It is 100% correct. We covered that in the actual episodes, that that was it.
Starting point is 00:10:24 It's like similar to the Warren's kind of situation. Kind of, yeah, a little bit. I don't think this is like trying super hard to be faithful as much as it's trying to tell like a spooky, Laura Linney's in this too. Wait a minute. Laura Linney. Laura Linney is the wife in the Truman Show.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Do you know who that is? Yes, Truman Show's great. I like that movie. Who directed this? Is this movie cool? I don't think I was cool when I saw this movie last time. I think I was like a little 13-year-old boy or something. Yeah, dude, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:11:03 That's coming through your phone. Jazz? I might want to unplug that. The subtitle said that it was jazz that was coming out of his phone. That was jazz? I need to put captions on. Will Patton.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Will Patton, that's the guy that I'm talking about. Look at, oh dude, I want to see more of these 90s computers in the background. I just love the feeling of 90s cinema on film. This is like the golden age of movies. Gotta have that woman-showering shot. I'm not sure what that had to do with anything. This is why we're missing, dude.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Oh, okay. She's a total stone-cold babe. Yeah, no problem. That looks like Steve Buscemi. Hey, wait, comprised of composed. He looks like a mix between the hottest guy in the world and Jim Brewer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:08 This is some sexy detective music that's happening right now. It opened kind of spooky and now it's like kind of suave. That's some Flensglflare. I'm a moth man. I'm a goth man. I'm gonna break a bridge like a Roth man. Tim Roth from the Hulk movie where he's the abomination.
Starting point is 00:12:30 That's a dope movie. You know, you got, you call me by surprise with that one. Music like Tom and Dandy is very good. This is too sexy of an intro for a movie about the moth man. Yo! Yeah, he has reputations riding on the line. He's gotta have Richard Gere there. I can't, I gotta go have sex with Deborah Messing.
Starting point is 00:13:01 She's just too hot, you don't understand. I was thinking about her naked earlier and just now. It was just time went by and a blur. Oh! Richard Hoover? I, this is too sexy of a movie. It's too sexy of a movie. This, it's too sexy of a movie to be about the moth man.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You know what's funny is his name in this movie is John Klein and like not John Keel. Yeah, yeah. Probably because it would be fucking embarrassing. I don't know what John Keel looks like visually, but if I wrote like some, based upon the book though, and then they cast like Hot Me, I would be like, don't name him myself.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Richard Hayden? Man, I just, I cannot not look at her and be like, it's Grace from Will and Grace. I know. That's all I can see in this movie. You know who else is like that is Michael Richards. It's like, that is Kramer. You can't, you can't tell me it's not.
Starting point is 00:14:01 It's like the weirdest gift curse. This looks like, this looks like a 60 year old man in his sugar baby. Guys, this is peak 90s white people culture right here. Look at this house. It's fucking huge dude. Turn on that big hair wife and like a guy who looks like he's, should have a British accent,
Starting point is 00:14:31 but he's actually just like a normie yuppie dude from like Los Angeles. That was the dream for like 30 years, guys. I'm waiting for like this to lead into Mothman territory. He's just chilling in here. He's got a cigarette. I like to watch, better watch out for that bridge now. I never thought it through like the bit of Mothman
Starting point is 00:14:58 and he talk. Yo, we're getting way too set. Whoa. Whoa. Hope everyone gathered around with the family for this one. This is the sexiest fucking Mothman and opening in the world. He had a one track mind.
Starting point is 00:15:13 He was like, I'm going to go fuck my wife. Yeah. Right. Uh-oh. A moth. Wait, what? There's another dude in this house. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Agent 47. Hello. This guy was selling in the house. What the? You kind of have to take it now because it's gross. Really Richard Geer? Really? What are you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:15:32 I'm good, right? All right. You know, we'll take it. That is a huge house. I would be like, uh, no, get the, get, talk, I mean, get out of there. I'm not selling this house to you. It's done.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I'm not going to sit here while you fucking close it. Do you want the house? I can't believe. That guy was gonna, whoa, they did it on the car too. Richard Geer is relentless. He just can't get enough of that good, good. And then here comes Mothman right down the car. I don't believe it.
Starting point is 00:16:01 What? No way. It's got to be. What was that weird like staying in the music? What was that? Indeed. Things are getting a little creepy if you asked me. How bad you wanted to fuck your husband.
Starting point is 00:16:17 It would be so crazy if a bridge collapsed nearby. What did? Why does this feel like eyes wide shut right now? Like what the fuck is the tone of this? All right. Here we go again. This is to show how much they love each other. Is this to foreshadow their failing marriage later
Starting point is 00:16:36 in the movie when Mothman comes around and she just really wants to fuck Mothman. Nobody's trying to fuck Mothman. He barely is. I doubt he's in this movie. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I doubt he's in this very much. I have seen this. I just barely remember it. But you know he's coming. Look at it.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I mean, it's in the title. How old was Richard Gere in 2002? How old was he in 2002? Look, look, look. Whoa, what the fuck was that CGI? I don't think that was CGI, my guy. That was like fucking 90s Batman cartoon Batman swooping into the frame.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Oh, God. Is she dead? Dead bro messing. Dead bro messing? All right, Pete. Dead bro messing. Dead bro, are you messing with me? Mothman is supposed to predict or be a sign
Starting point is 00:17:34 of terrible events, not cause terrible events. Hey, he was 53. Please tell me Debra Messing is dead this fast. He was 53. He was 53 and Debra Messing in 2002 was what? Dead. Dead. She died, dude, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Oh yeah, there's the blood. No, that's just her red hair. Nah, she was 20? No, that's not right. That's absolutely wrong. I was a little nervous. She was like 36 or something. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I need to, like I need to look, I need to Google a freeze frame of that first Mothman appearance. I'm going to do a Chilluminati episode on why hospitals are the most depressing places on earth. I mean, there's a lot of reasons I feel. Just don't look up the Mothman. Just let it ride.
Starting point is 00:18:31 All right, I won't. Oh, did you see that fucking thing? What the fuck was that shit? Did this happen? What? Hey, what's happening? Did it get like- She saw something, but didn't he like slam the brakes on
Starting point is 00:19:09 because something was coming at the car? I think he'd slam the brakes on because she was like- Oh! Oh, she's got the Mothman vision. Cause doesn't he play the guy who like writes this actual book? Oh, he might be.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, like a version of him. Wait, so she thought she saw something and now she's having a meltdown that she thinks something's wrong with her. That feels like a large jump to make. Here's the thing. If you saw something and you were confident that it was real and you couldn't explain what it was.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I mean- She's just seeing things now. She's freaking out now. I'm not a total, total skeptic. Oh my God. No, that was a Moth. Call the doctor. There's a Moth on her brain.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You know what the M stands for in MRI? Moth. Moth, R, yeah. Moth, R, I? Yeah, I didn't know what the next couple words were honestly. My brain just stopped. Moth, radio? Imaging, what does MRI stand for?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Magnetic resonant. Magnetic resonant imaging guides. That can't be right. That can't be right. It's the third evolution of a globy. Well, at least they have a scientific explanation. Wait, a tumor? All right, good job there.
Starting point is 00:20:35 No, the accident found the tumor. Oh, was it a result of the tumor? The Mothman showed the mit, bro. Oh, shit. This guy almost looks like the guy who plays Moriarty in the Sherlock TV show, and he almost looks like Mouse from The Matrix. Have you seen The New Matrix yet?
Starting point is 00:20:58 No, it's been out for like less than 24 hours. Oh yeah, it's been like a day. No, I have not, but I do. The way people are talking about it, sounds like it's been out for like a fucking month. I can't wait to watch it. What? Who does he look like? Everyone.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Malcolm in the middle a little bit? He looks like an adult version of Malcolm in the middle. I've been looking for you. It's such a depressing opening. It's because it's set in a hospital, dude. I think they make them shitty because they make you want to spend money to get the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Get out. Look at this. Does this look like the place you want to spend your time getting better from something? I mean, you have a point. It's not aesthetically pleasing. I'm going to be famous in like 30 years as the guy who like fixed all hospitals.
Starting point is 00:22:00 That's your future? Yeah. All right. It's all based on today. What was I just watching with Debra missing in it? Will and Grace. It was some 90s ass movie. I just can't remember what movie it was.
Starting point is 00:22:22 My big fat Greek wedding. I don't think she's in there actually. I cannot remember. It was like some Shane Black movie or something. I can't remember. Well, time to leave your wife. She's got a tumor. Nice suitcase, though.
Starting point is 00:22:37 What the hell was that? It's all of his Mothman notes. I love this car. What the hell is the plot of this movie? His wife got hit in the head during the car crash. And then she got hit in the head. During the car crash. And they discovered while they were checking out her brain
Starting point is 00:23:00 for brain damage that she has a tumor. And the Mothman had he not done that. They never would have known. He's a good guy. We're trying to like guys together figure out what his wife saw. Yeah, he can't figure it out. Is this the movie where we get the canonization of Mothman's amazing ass? Dude, no, I don't know that he's in this.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I don't know that we see. We'll see. I think we hear him or maybe it's injured cold. He's haunted by her. His wife's voice. Here's the thing. Didn't this happen in the 70s? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I want to say it was like 60s or 70s. But this movie is clearly not set. In the 70s. This is modern day. So did the book come out? Why is this a question you're trying to figure out? Yeah, it's so funny to me that they adapted the story of this man. The guy who wrote the book, it's he almost has this guy's name.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Like, is he going to be like, I got to write an article. I got to write a book about the Mothman. He's trying to figure out did his wife see a thing because of the tumor and or was it like that kind of stuff, which wasn't part of the book. Right. Because this is a movie. Exactly. But it's just funny that it's a nonfiction book and they like added a plot to it.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Here it is. Ron Richard gear. Do you have LA lights on? I'm sorry. She's died. Seriously? The tumor, it was super powered. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Oh, now that his wife is gone, he devotes all of his time to figuring out what she saw that day. Debra Messing got the shaft in this movie literally and figuratively. She really she was there for the opening credits for sexy shower time. Got sexualized, like got to have like super pseudo sex in her new home and then she got murdered moided moided. Yeah. Did she say anything about it being like a moth man?
Starting point is 00:25:29 Nothing. She said she was like, you didn't see it too. Yeah. She just like saw something. Yeah. She isn't sure what she saw. So he's never going to know. You know, something's like something even if he gets fully into this whole
Starting point is 00:25:42 situation, he's never going to find out that that's what his wife saw. I don't know. We'll have to find out. Hi. Who the hell are you? Oh, here we go. This is how he's going to find out. She knew she was going to die.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Is it angels? Oh, no, sorry. She just loves Shimagami Tensei. She's doing a little fan art. Sorry. The nurse looked at that and was like at an angel. Definitely. Damn.
Starting point is 00:26:38 How does she? Would she be like mixed media? You saw this. This guy was like she was drawn angels and it's horror figures. That's awesome. Oh, that's cool. That is cool. Shit looking.
Starting point is 00:26:49 This is like from seven. It's like haunting her. Yeah, it's a warning. It's a warning. Oh, was that the man? Oh, shit. He could think human form. So we can be fucked.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Damn. Why are you obsessed with banging the moth man? Because he's hot. He likes a big metal seven foot tall arching roaring monster. What's crazy is that this man knows his wife had a brain tumor and is still like probably wasn't the brain tumor. It had to have been this mythological creature. Wait, when was this movie written?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Well, the movie came out in 2002. No, I was just joking. Oh, talking about the current political landscape. Oh, I wasn't even didn't even click. Okay, so we're two years after his wife is dead. This guy seems like he's a much better respected journalist than the guy who really wrote this book. I think you might be right.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Peter's friend Gwen is going to be there. Dude, J Jonah Jameson walks in. He's like, get me pictures of Spider-Man. That would be great. Yeah. Huh? Sorry, dear pal. Looks like you're going to have to come out with me and get laid or something.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Okay. And you're just going to have to take our word for that because we didn't let it talk for more than five seconds. Oh, and he stuck with the house that he bought that huge, huge house. Oh, and the closet where they banged. That's the most unbelievable part. This man is a journalist and he's able to afford this enormous house. He's a good journalist.
Starting point is 00:29:04 He's like Anderson Cooper. Also, that wasn't the closet where they banged. The door was different. I hope we get a call back. Also, they didn't buy the house. I don't think because that's not the house. Yeah, this is not the same place. Never mind all my everything I thought about this movie has changed.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So was he like in a different state just a minute ago then Washington, D.C. or something? Yeah, I think he's like a political reporter. Okay. No, I just didn't. I just want to make sure he was between West Virginia and Washington, D.C. It's not far. Yeah, you could drive.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Well, he's just going to Richmond. Yeah. Yeah. Near near near near. This is the music for when the terrorists are like taking out the guards at the beginning of the movie. Dude's rising out of the water. Oh, it ends with a ball as a building explodes like a.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yep. Kind of pull over my boy. Something's wrong with your guy. Is injured cold in this? That would be all. Yeah, that'd be awesome if injured cold. Isn't this basically that? Well, Motley, I mean, there's that's a whole.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Maybe that maybe that was the guy at the in the hospital. Well, wasn't there something smiling? Wasn't there something where the guy's driving and then everything turns off and then like, yeah, but then yeah, because then a giant hourglass UFO lands. And the smiling man, injured cold walks out and is like reflective metal jacket and he's just like got a huge smile on his face. How much were you giving me if that happens right now? A thousand dollars.
Starting point is 00:31:02 All right, you heard it here, folks. This would become the best movie in the world in a hot second of the smiling. That's basically what happened in close encounters. The third kind was we were just like, oh, it's that it's that shit. Oh my God. Oh, look, it really was. Is he like standing in the spot? I feel like you shouldn't walk in the middle of the road, Richard, gear just for safety.
Starting point is 00:31:37 You're not wearing anything reflective. It's a very dark coat. You can get smacked by a car. Dude, stranger ringing your doorbell. My God knows what hour. I don't trust anyone who's wearing black gloves for any reason. Right. Just you get to two gunshots and watch Richard gear drop to the ground.
Starting point is 00:31:57 End of movie. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I don't know. Oh, this this guy's got. Yeah, this guy's got cannibal vibes. Yo, he does have a guy. You serious? That's will Patton, baby. What is going the fuck on? Hey, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:32:35 Hey. This is a very calm officer. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey,
Starting point is 00:34:04 Hey, Hey. Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey,
Starting point is 00:34:13 Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey,
Starting point is 00:34:23 I Wapo baby democracy dies in darkness This dude's like shit Hey, man, listen, I know this is crazy, but I'm sorry This guy's kind of dressed like Han Solo He kind of is and he's got like when he was talking I saw a lot of Jim Carrion for some reason I Get it. He has the crazy. Yes. Yeah, maybe that's what it is This would be
Starting point is 00:35:29 So scary Yeah, I was that the family and this guy showed up Like a creepy version of showed up and then oh, yeah fucking weird You Acting weird now what yeah, I don't Are you a cop? What is this? Where are we going then feels like a silent hill cop? On that dang television If anything the main appointed gun at you should be under arrest
Starting point is 00:36:35 Oh shit, he was brought they was meant to be there Did we just like go 20 years back into the past Yeah, we're just in bumpkinville. This is 2002. Yes. We did go 20 years into the past. Oh Ouch, I don't want to think about that What I Say points gotta go gonna say point pleasant. It is. Yeah, but this is her creepy point It's gonna say moth man fuck palace dot biz
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah, his car broke down because he was meant to be in point pleasant. I just gotta be there the moth man Kill this dude's wife So he could be in point pleasant at the right place the right time moth man just desperately wants a way Po article written about him. Yo, he lost he lost time and space That's very alien-esque Maybe he did come to the door three times in a row Maybe there was that weird light in the sky above him when he was on the road. Oh Shit, but was there you know, you know what I mean like was there?
Starting point is 00:38:09 You Hey, why are you acting so weird man? Nothing Yeah, this whole town has got some bad vibes. I'd be like, let's get out of here Too bad, I guess I drove six hours for a reason. He's got a document the moth man moth man is gonna be famous one day Because of this Washington Post political analyst The music in the background they keep like yeah, yeah, it's very funky You Okay, good to know they can notes
Starting point is 00:40:02 You Just gives him a kiss You This movie is so bizarre extremely I Got straight I think that's like a great. I love that crap. I mean the dude was just like this guy came to my house three times in a row Can't believe them that he got that traveled 400 miles in an hour and a half though unbelievable hello 47 Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:41:01 Is he gonna be stuck in a loop he's trying to go home and then oh I'm back in point pleasant, what? That's like probably literally exactly what's gonna happen Same time on the file. He's trying to catch himself No, how did you see that my behind him? I Called Kidman what the hell are you doing here, man? Did he do it again or did he teleport again I Think he went to try and catch himself
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yes, I fucking do this man's telling me he's seen me three nights in a row fucking what's going on I People actually talk to each other out here mr. Klein, okay Okay I'm not a cop. I'm from Los Angeles, California. I teleported here two days ago. I'm a character actor Like what Oh Big Birdman black wings red eyes
Starting point is 00:43:00 Oh Hello, oh, yeah That's a tree all right red eyes. Hey, yeah, there it is moth like What Wait a minute, that's my wife's An angel my wife died I Love that in this version of the story, it's like personal for him
Starting point is 00:44:26 I also love that they didn't do that thing where he doesn't just say Exactly the truth, right? Oh, right. Yeah Yeah You Then he turned around I saw that bodacious ass As he walked I just I just suggest it I chomped on it. I took a big bite He then screamed and flew off I've been having visions every night
Starting point is 00:45:32 I Don't believe this movie is gonna offer any explanation Yeah, I don't it doesn't seem like it's going that way Oh, the burn marks on the front of his car similar to the burn on the tree. Yeah, oh Doing that forensic biz. Yeah, you know what all journalists are known for yeah, the host of DC review Oh, that's what he heard on his phone at the beginning of the very the very beginning of the movie You know who called I Made sure to call those 900 party numbers a couple times first a great bridge
Starting point is 00:46:42 That is it don't get too attached Jesse. What I got some bad news about that bridge It desperately needs some infrastructure put into it question of the day have either of you ever said shucks completely unironically Not that I can remember I think she's saying it ironically, but I mean have you ah shucks No, no, no one's ever said it unironically. I bet goofy I bet your nanny Doss. He says garsh Well poison your coffee. Oh wait a minute. This is the scene. I think I Remember this from the trailer Your
Starting point is 00:47:31 Politics don't matter anymore. I'm dealing with the paranormal Right like I teleported 400 miles. So I am I too would be like you never would never mind on politics What the fuck is going on? I Like how he became best friends with this cop mean my best friend the cop I love that in real life the guy who wrote the book was like a TV writer for like get smart Yeah He's not the most trustworthy source But in this they're like DC. Oh more sexy time
Starting point is 00:48:06 I'm not complaining Yeah, we went over this the story that this scene is based on in our trilogy Wow that thing is bright as shit Oh Maybe it's just peeping that was peeping Tom peeping peeping moth Had a brain tumor Have you ever read Nietzsche mr. Keel It's Klein. Oh, right, right
Starting point is 00:49:01 Oh same same guy from the police report this man just got a little too toasty And he's you know doesn't want to get arrested so he's blaming it on moth man Don't want you to think dirty thoughts What does that mean all right well have fun guys see you later. Goodbye. Yeah, why we're getting engaged. It's all right Come on moth man This this trailer I was like so in on wait, what the hell why does he have a wired old phone? Directly next to a wireless regular the year was 2002 cuz this because someone's calling him on the phone for the hotel They also had they also had
Starting point is 00:49:52 These crazy things under the TV that would play both VHS tapes and the end DVDs don't believe it I don't believe it. No wait. No, you can't exist. Oh, yeah, and TVs were ska wear Now your next thing you're gonna tell me is like porn is gonna decide the next medium Alternate ghost phone When the host of DC review was magically transported to West Virginia This story begins when his wife died if you ask me his wife was kind of a sex object But that's not that doesn't matter. Anyway This is this uh, do we know if this is actually like point if point pleasant like shots or is this just like a set I
Starting point is 00:50:41 Wonder those aerial shots of this little town. I mean at least the bridges I think that's the real bridge or a CG version of it Amazing CG for this year. Oh Now the weird man seeking him out. I thought about your proposal I'm just gonna say one word to you moth man. What does it do for you? I Saw your face Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Oh, he didn't say weird howl. Yo, coming out of the sink
Starting point is 00:51:57 That's extremely specific 10 for nine That's how you know, I mean, I ain't lying I wrote on paper You think this man sat in front of his sink and just stared down into a sink for that whole hour Dude, I don't know man. I was just thinking that scene in it and it just fucks me up No So like artfully composed for like the rantings of a crazy person There's like a definite like style between all the art. Yeah, it's all looking the same
Starting point is 00:52:53 Gordon has the I want to wear your skin look about him your ears bleeding Gordon sir Is he like the You think he's like the conduit? It's so crazy this guy went on to go coach and remember the Titans. Yeah He was a great coach to broke down a lot of barriers. Oh Those those is that the swastika. What was that the robe was that symbol? My greens make your ears bleed, holy shit, maybe he was just really itchy too
Starting point is 00:53:34 Listen we both saw the Moth thing we both are going crazy the tree had the guy's shape on it It was burn marks and I teleported We're at platform nine and three quarters doctors office in a subway station Hey, what is this doctor's office? We are like 1900s. It's like a train station from Blade Runner Keep the gas lamps rolling to say who Susie 99 This is where chapstick comes from. Yes. All right, excellent Alex keeps waiting for it to happen That's why he keeps saying moth man whenever the phone call happens. I'm high on the phone
Starting point is 00:54:41 What I'm trying to look at that background painting it looks like a man taking a bull down It's like that painting that Ben Stiller has in dodgeball. Oh, man. I've seen that movie. I Used to watch that my roommate used to watch that movie like five to six times a week What Jesus because he would draw he would just draw and it was like his like hypnotism Is this the restaurant from sideways Uh-oh Is this symbolism I'm trying to like take it all in I've seen something on the TV maybe 99 dead Denver nine. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:55:36 I'd just be like man You have a useless power if you only learn about a tragedy like five hours before it happens This guy is putting in All the effort on this on this part right now Man's a good actor I I mean he has got nothing to work with and he is just Yeah, he's great crushing it. Yeah, this is
Starting point is 00:56:13 Very good alien It is I am enjoying how the sprinkles of like Potential like alien-esque things happening around It's they did a good job at like taking the source material and dramatizing it obviously, but I the only thing I'm like not in on is that like he has like a personal stake Yeah, I think that's super like in his fantasy
Starting point is 00:56:40 Come on phone phone scene. Let's go Oh, oh, I'm sorry. So you're just another crazy crackpot kid call back when you got some real news It's kind of my dream is to like one day be The like crazy guy in a situation That's that's what you are every day, Alex. I want to be like no I saw a big foot. He had a gun. He came over to me. He told me he was gonna be okay. He gave me this t-shirt He said he made it You
Starting point is 00:57:28 How long has he been in this town? Whoa, she had a dream. No, everyone's had a dream Why is this cop getting like slowly more sexy throughout the movie? More comfortable clothes now we're in her house I thought she was pretty sexy as a cop, but like would have Dominate me. Morelin. He's actually one of my favorite actresses ever I Found this like door and my boyfriend was there and he was hot. He was an actor. I think it was Leonardo DiCaprio Girl is about to cry
Starting point is 00:58:20 This movie is kind of like the arrival is that a good movie. Yeah, yes I'm telling you dude. She's seen herself in the fucking bridge collapse That would make the most sense I bet you the mothman is like putting their spirits at peace if they have to die A harbinger of death but still tries to make it okay I love you Number 37 I
Starting point is 00:59:31 Be like sounds like you need to go see a doctor I think it's glioblastoma. Oh, here we go now kiss me you fool My wife died two years ago What she had a tumor glasio blastoma Oh, dude, you're alone with your gears nowhere near you. This is dangerous Was that that was that supposed to have happened? Or was that just like him kind of vibing out? Indrid cold come on
Starting point is 01:00:16 Say it a man talking through my sink Right, right, right. Yeah, of course. I know the cement plant by the chemical factory Every good city has one of those How else the city gonna get it cement dude look at this this is dead ass An hourglass shaped scratch waiting for it, dude All right, maybe not That's just me at the demons 3am trying to stay awake Oh god the demons
Starting point is 01:01:02 Yeah, just trying to edit your videos at 3am. This is what it feels like to be addicted to an mmo So much progress, but it all means nothing The color grading that makes his lips green like that is so neat looking it looks like There he is I'm trying to get a good view of this man It's like it's richard gear again Dude, it's a goomba from the super mario brothers movie. It's mr. Burns I bring you peace You
Starting point is 01:01:48 He was smiling that smile smile smile What Shit they actually do it wow You This is all fucking made up at this point, but I'm just glad they brought him into the story Five injured cold. I wish I could have seen your shimmering metallic green jacket as described It's so funny like what he is doing with this information Yeah, he's just having like a come to jesus moment with richard gear imagine a guy was like
Starting point is 01:02:40 300 will die and you're like eyes closed smiling knowingly It's gonna be all right What where are we on a crime scene? Like how does that help telling this man in point pleasant about that disaster happening at the equator He's showing off. He's flexing. Yes. I you want to know something cool as injured cold. Here's what I know It's like maybe it's not the equator equator. Maybe it's something else. Oh shit I mean, yeah, the paper did say more than 300 which is kind of sus You never know
Starting point is 01:03:24 Did he just go? Yeah, I think he's supposed to be at the cement plant now Come on injured show yourself All right, well, that's that's that's a bit of a jump to see that man in that hole Maybe it's just reminding him of it. Maybe What if it's Jared Leto as the Joker Give me I'll reach around The Joker was hiding inside the nurse hole Oh
Starting point is 01:04:13 I do enjoy this movie attempting to build this weird romantic tension amongst the horror aspects It's just weird because there's not really any reason that he really needs to be here at this point. He's not really like He's obsessed with it. Oh my god. Come on Could this be the one I'm skipping Yeah, yeah talk to him talk to him talk to him Mr. Cole Sounds like Frieza
Starting point is 01:05:16 He is just showing off He's just like a bored dude with like a hella psychic powers You Why did he do this I'm testing It's so weird that his mind was like I'm gonna hide my watch from him that'll that'll be the test This would be So scary
Starting point is 01:05:58 Like unbelievably scary There it is. He said the line. We did it. It's a chilluminati moment 37 What what does that mean moth man, what do you what do you what does that mean? The movie's like that was right Like yes, so much more proof. I'll be like what what are you why are you calling me? That's not an answer. What do I look like? You What in the fuck is happening in this that's it. That's it. That's all you get to know
Starting point is 01:07:55 You Why is everything red in there? What Is it an alternate personality With so many things like the like the watch in the shoe Gotta have that kid messing with the cup to show his quirk You It's my wife that would be mind-blowing
Starting point is 01:09:17 I don't know on these speakers they seem pretty similar. Yeah, they sound pretty close I Absolutely do not care about that plotline at all They keep trying to go in there a man has a job. He's got to be back. We got to get the pressure from the outside world This guy like yes, hey, are you still coming back? Don't forget about your washington post job You got it bud Is this the church where daredevil goes in the netflix series It looks a lot like it it really really does
Starting point is 01:10:54 All right, wait, who is he trying to stalk right now? There he is the mothman got him Yeah It's so chilly in my in my living room. No, no, don't you have hot chocolate with you? I drink it all. Oh, no I love you You're crazy get away from me before I kill you he really did say stay away and he did he did No, richard you're getting pretty aggressive here. You don't want to know richard gear Then there's not much time Time's running out. Oh shit
Starting point is 01:11:50 In the 1960s the government hired me to make a team of warriors that could take on any threat Oh, I'm so happy we have the movie trope man who knows everything with books explaining it all scene Is This guy the other the real robert kline Honestly mothman's kind of like lost his edge in modern day. There's more sightings of him, but no tragedies follow anymore It's because he's too much. He became too much of a meme. He gained too much power That's because most of our fake to his head No, jesse. No, come on. Most of them are fake. You gotta just open your third eye, man
Starting point is 01:12:53 Embrace them. I like these real mothman prophecies like this. No What The fourth dimension They're like four bored alien teenagers on a road trip That weird in the background You How did you learn this sir? Yeah, where is this info coming from deep within your noggin? He's like, I am not going to tell you what's happening. You will not find out by the end of this film
Starting point is 01:14:13 Yeah, that's probably at the crux of it. You got it bingo right on the money You My wife she died three years ago You You You I won't Also, he's like it takes many forms except for you know the same form in every book drawing I showed you
Starting point is 01:15:39 Is am I watching the climax of this it's just him finding out what this is He's using alien explanation that's happening right now not even explaining anything. He's just being like you don't you will not understand this Every line is him being like you can't comprehend Yeah, how about another analogy are you doctor who come clean It's been a few hours I've given you everything I know What the hell That little look gotcha brought you there to die Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck that's how it feels to fly like the moth man happy now
Starting point is 01:17:02 Happy now now. You know what it's like cockroach. Oh stupid cockroach Oh, we got a prophesizer the mark of the prophesizer Why did that guy in every way give me the fucking Same vibe as brian cox, but it like wasn't brian cox Who's brian cox? Oh my god. How dare you he's like in like the born identity Seen those moves x-men two Seen that what who did he play an x-men to strike the he's the bad guy. He's oh general striker guy old man
Starting point is 01:17:38 Yeah, okay. I know him Just next time that if that if that data sex mocking a guy Comes on again, just close your eyes and it's brian cox I have a feeling we're not going to see mr. Leek for the rest of the movie He just got so obsessed with it Oh, man, what the fuck what that that's all new that doll knows he said he's got that knowing shitty degree On the blockchain that it's non fungible Can we turn those moth man drawings his wife made into nfts?
Starting point is 01:18:25 Uh, just according to how things have been going. Yes. Why why not? Oh Uh-oh Somebody replace the star at the top of the tree with a butcher knife bomb This explodes and everybody just gets impaled back at this house Don't cross that bridge don't do it john Oh, it's got that creek what the hell was it was the bridge about to fall down Was that part of the music?
Starting point is 01:19:17 That's what I got. It sounded like the creek into the bridge. This guy is just Standing here on the bridge acting. He's not even he's just acting. He just was like, you know what? I'm gonna go and act tonight Look at him here. I am I'm here Well, then I'll just wait here then I guess do not ever do this to me It will make me feel crazy If we're driving along and I just like middle of like a road trip. I say stop We have to wait here if you pretend to injure it cold me. I would I would be so scared Taking a mental note
Starting point is 01:20:21 I think I just need some sleep man This is so weird because it's just a bunch of scenes of people He he walks around to people and they just say something really vague to him and he's just like And he just his mind is blown every time but then like it just goes to another guy who's like He's up there john He's like who is he's like You know when you've already known your whole life If
Starting point is 01:21:11 This is happening the best the camera pans up and it's just magic mic with moth wings on Fuck it. Give him another phone call say chapstick again. Say the line say the line Babe There she is Did I hope she's in this like a bunch more Oh, I don't like that. Oh, I don't like that. She's gonna turn into a moth man Moth lady the moth family is born That wasn't real john
Starting point is 01:22:00 I got you Oh Nothing is happening. This is so weird The movie is all like yeah a lot of just like nothing But tense nothing it's just will pattern being like He came Watch out Watch out. This is happening
Starting point is 01:22:35 Jump scare in the mirror It's exactly what he said he was doing when he was when he first saw him, right, right, right. Yeah, that's what yeah Yeah, that's what Patton said Oh Oh, just what the Richard gear relax You What the ways of the wind the way the clouds maneuver through the sun and moon. Okay. Goodbye john click What is real?
Starting point is 01:23:38 This movie you've you pointed out to me Alex and I can't unsee is this a scene after scene of cryptic conversation or cryptic phone call Sick camera shots though Yeah, that's cool. I feel I feel like I've stayed at that motel. It's like really well done Oh No, an angel just like the guy from the hospital said I Can't believe for nothing happening how tense this movie is that's what I'm saying. It's like just weird like industrial synth music Dude, this is the scene. This is the one I can remember
Starting point is 01:24:48 Oh Gordon my love No Don't take your life in the forest. Oh Oh, no, he got he's really cold now He got moth man. He got helical How did he die? Brain tumor
Starting point is 01:25:18 Everything you touch dies Richard gear But why does this man die what happened here great question I the reason I'm asking is because I have this strong feeling that they are just not gonna know Eight hours Exposure he got so naked he died That's not an answer to the 20 minutes ago I Have to leave you what's crazy is like everything that's happening
Starting point is 01:26:22 On paper is like oh, that's neat. Oh, that's neat, but like what it's actually happening at a sequence of events It's crazy. It's effects like way characters. It's affecting the characters, but like we don't get to know why or how And I don't I can't tell how long Richard gear has been in this town. Well, I think that's the point I'm pretty sure that's the point It's disorienting for me. Yeah, I think that's what they're going for Yeah, there's like a lynchian kind of thing going on very lynching. Yeah It's actually like a beautiful movie Don't give him the death how's it his fault lady
Starting point is 01:27:05 I fucking hate you You What Yeah, that was cool. That's cool. That was a cool shot Very very smart I was going to say the his his I was going to say the reflection in the mirror was moving a little bit differently. It felt That was cool Yeah, I like the idea that
Starting point is 01:27:59 We feel like we're going crazy with him I know that's what they're going for but it's yeah, it's just like Oh Oh, never mind. It's just weird her hair look great. It's just weird because like Usually the things that like move this type of story along are like revelations Like oh, I can't believe that coffee was 75 cents. Sorry. Yeah, I know I'm right there with you Oh, it was a different time
Starting point is 01:28:28 It was yeah, usually movies are moved along by like getting me interested in what's going on between the characters Telling me clues giving me some way of understanding what's happening I just feel like I have to explain her and describe her to you. It's just like is silent hill Hey, yeah, this is some silent hill vibes Deborah Deborah or what was her name in the show? Deborah I love your movies come back
Starting point is 01:29:07 You look just like my wife This would be that's crazy so this would be so fucked up Is this her at the girl, yeah You Like it's so weird because They're trying to do the thing where it's like oh like maybe this is just what happens, you know Like this is like a movie about conspiracy theories, but like also literally unexplainable shit is constantly happening Well, maybe he's going crazy and he always was crazy
Starting point is 01:30:39 Well, it's like in that game where they like have all these weird like time travel clues and stuff going on Uh, where you where you end up as the bus driver I don't know what game that is I don't want to spoil what game it is because it's like, you know a huge spoiler But it's like that like why would there be like factual mysteries in a story where the Point is that like maybe it's not true like How did he talk to him one hour ago when he was dead for eight hours? You simply cannot do that in real life
Starting point is 01:31:21 She's my wife I married injured. Oh, okay. Goodbye phone Man, this is like a diner's drive-ins and dives. This is so fast paced What he's trying to get out trying to get away he's gonna wake up tomorrow back in west Virginia Yeah Yo, choose a lane man, what are you doing? Get it. Oh, they're a money drove to Chicago Okay, just that you found them just think Brian Cox Seriously just think Brian Cox I am
Starting point is 01:32:17 You You You Hopefully fix some things You What option C both This man is nothing but cryptic messages if I'd be reach over and just like Tell me it's straight. I'll stop talking riddles Mathis. I'm not allowed to tell you
Starting point is 01:34:29 So my read on this movie is that this movie is about a guy trying to find significance in the crazy thing that happened to his wife And whether or not anything is happening doesn't matter because what they're what the thing is doing is predicting disasters that are going to happen And if it's going to happen You can try to fight back against it as much as you want But you but you can never stop it and I have not seen Richard Gears character try and stop any of the tragedies he's been told about right, but that's what that's what leak was saying and now he's like
Starting point is 01:35:09 Dealing with it through his wife who's like I just want you to be happy You know you have to accept that people are going to die That's how you get happy and that's what when she was dying in the with the presence. She's like I accepted it and that's why I was happy Okay See only significant. I'm trying to just Give this movie the 100 benefit of the doubt that it has something to tell me I It does feel like there's a message buried in here. I think that's it. I think the message is that like sometimes shit happens
Starting point is 01:35:41 I learned that lesson very well this week, you know Inexplicable tragedies can just happen to you You have to not obsess over why it happened to you The phone is broken. It doesn't matter why it happened to you. How's it ringing? What if he answers it and he goes chepster Oh Shit, he was meant to be there to watch him die John
Starting point is 01:36:33 That's why I gotta be That's the whole point of the But this is my chance to I can Make my wife's death makes sense Sounds like that radio voice from fricking pt sounds kind of like richard gear You But it's not really me
Starting point is 01:37:37 The phone call Oh shit The mothman How she know about leak why didn't you tell me about that shit? He didn't want to scare all these people should all be obsessed with this Everybody should also be communicating much more openly Why are they about to kiss And I just am ungodly attracted to you dude everything about our body body language is like no
Starting point is 01:38:37 I Tell you I nailed the themes of this And you can whip my not well then everybody's rubber band You're like be happy everybody's alive I guess I don't know what I'm gonna say to that like what's what's the big punishment if nothing happens You After everything that's happened she's still a doubting thomas I mean she's just ladies trying to do her job and she got this guy who's like It's just a voice told me a thing
Starting point is 01:39:35 Absolutely does not make sense that everybody believes this by now based on how much wild shit is happening This dude's like there's how many people are gonna die. This is this. This is the flight. It's from denver This is how it's gonna be and like no one cares that that's like The spookiest shit ever Good to see you john welcome to arrangement You It's exactly what he said would happen you dumb dumb stupid idiot As the chemical plant fucking exploded who could have predicted it governor's dad more at 11
Starting point is 01:40:51 He is crazy guess it worked out climb You're ruined it if it reveals that like that wasn't the real disaster somehow It's the bridge disaster what else is on the Ohio river I'm just saying like What Who the fuck sent that message over I mean it's so neatly typed on a piece of paper I'm saying like what is happening So it looked like you were actually crazy john you crazy son of a bitch I'll be like look what I got
Starting point is 01:41:59 What the fuck is this let's trace this It's about my what it's about my wife I Finally see it things clearly now What if he goes and he's at the fucking january 6th insurrection That's the next scene time travels quite a bit there You ask yourself how could somebody end up there and then There it is
Starting point is 01:42:50 He had to be there a last chap stick the words of albus dumbledore Chopstick They get a lot out of deborah messing in this movie. No they don't what are you talking about I'm gonna say they get a lot of the like the five minutes of footage they got of her for this movie This one's for me and this one's well this one's for me These are all the presents she's surrounded by bro I didn't know this was a christmas movie dude, dude, that's why we watched it surprise surprise I
Starting point is 01:43:45 Happen the head meme He looks like he lives in my grandma's house honestly everybody in the 90s lives in our grandma's houses. Yeah fair enough Who's who's Connie? You Crazy person why would you buy me a plane ticket and not tell me for like an hour from now Dude it is christmas eve. Oh my god. We picked this perfect movie You My wife I
Starting point is 01:44:55 Very much desire woman to be like Jesse I booked you a ticket you can do this you just come I would be like Wow That's a kind of psychotic love that I've never had. I would love what is this fucking friends like what is this for all? I'm thrilled. I'd be like are you kidding me? Did you? What for a lady or any person like that for loves that high, you know, there's gonna be some deep valleys involved in Oh, well, yeah, but like that's fine. I can roll downhill She wants the john d
Starting point is 01:45:32 Oh shit, she died on christmas eve that sucks That's not her she's right You I like didn't track this I didn't like track this through line for him really until this point What just is like sorrow just like I kind of guessed that he was going through it, but he doesn't really Acknowledged like it's just I don't know it's it's weird. It's a weird. This is a weird movie There's probably like some great papers about this I spent money on your ticket so you better fucking come john. Okay. Goodbye. Merry christmas
Starting point is 01:47:02 You Maybe that was the call he needed You Do you answer it if you're him? Yes Me too a hundred percent if I can have a chance to experience Something weird. I'm going to do it Especially if it's the voice of my dead wife. I'm just saying like Anything ghostly if I'm like, hey, just answer the phone. I'll be like, yes, I will
Starting point is 01:47:48 Happen ring do it dude answer it Fight through the tears Is he gonna hit the mute button do you think he's gonna do it or is he gonna move on? Oh, well Aggressively move on Bye-bye Yeah, she was right it wouldn't be her. Oh shit It's not her like
Starting point is 01:48:28 But it's coming through a phone that's unplugged. It's supernatural. What if it is her ghost? No, it's not it's it's He knows better than to be fooled by the moth man Don't get tricked bro. You gotta get to the bottom of this mystery. Oh never messing skewed though Man we've seen this eye shot like four times But in the photo bro in the photo, you know what they switched it up Imagine if the credits rolled on that It's just him having Christmas dinner He had things like he's opening out. He got out while he couldn't know he's driving back. Here's the best part
Starting point is 01:49:09 You want to know what's about to happen? Does he die on the bridge? I'm not gonna tell you. Why would I spoil it for you? That'd be honestly, I'm now rooting for that ending where he just fucking kicks it on the bridge and the phone call would have saved him You Welcome to coast to coast with art bail. Have you seen the arrival? No, have you seen it jesse? Yes See what i'm saying That this is the same movie
Starting point is 01:49:47 What Here it is I bet Someone's dream comes into play here. It's true. Yeah, I wonder this and because he didn't stick around for his wife Who got back? He's gonna save her Why the bridge goes down but mothman hates rock music. This is jeremy renner and richard gear is amy adams In the arrival Oh, okay
Starting point is 01:50:16 So you said jeremy renner and I was thinking about hawkeye and I was very confused. It's him same guy. Yeah, just you know, I know that Yeah, he's just an actor in the movies. Yeah, listen. All I know is that I only watch superhero movies I also know that and runaway bride with richard gear I don't know why i've seen that stupid movie. I saw that movie in theaters Oh, wow. I don't know why That's uh, yeah, I wouldn't have expected that. Is that a chilluminati episode question of the day. How many of you have seen runaway bride inexplicably Just a weird supernatural. I don't want to hear from people who love rom-coms
Starting point is 01:50:52 I want to dude an scp encounter of just that movie that shows up in place for random people people that know they've seen it Really remember it. No idea why they would ever watch it Did he just hear the bridge Dude, this is the origin story of daredevil in this universe. Did he just hear the bridge? Pink he seems Oh, he just had a moment. Oh, he now understands it wasn't that it was the bridge that looks like a vanity card for like a production company Mothman productions Injured cold studios
Starting point is 01:51:45 It's all coming together, baby I had a dream Yep, there it is. So what happens when you put infrastructure bill up and play you got to get those bridge taken care of We should send copies of mothman to congress to help them fix our inner infrastructure Hashtag mothman for congress. Yeah And then mothman will be like the guy who saved he like built roads. He was he like fixed bridges It was mothman who made us send the movies. This is actually a beautiful idea. We can make this happen I love it
Starting point is 01:52:37 What I'm sorry, I'm jamming right now grandpa Dude, I like how he's looking like he sees it. Oh, well, that'll do it. Yo, you're dead, bro Jesus man is dead Right in his red eyeball man because he was marked Is that kid gonna get an eyeball as a mark? Yeah, that other kid's dead. Just like richard Richard gear was gonna be you're gonna get him but He turned away. This is my truest nightmare
Starting point is 01:53:10 Bridge collapse. Yeah, we're being dude another one is like being in one of those underground tunnels Oh that one like that is definitely so scary, but I get Upset when I'm on a bridge Yeah, not upset, but like my butthole closes Yeah, I feel that mine does that with like the highways here in texas are so high up And it's the same idea for me. It's fucking scary. Oh my god Wedding dress shopping this late at night Immersion really let's she know her husband is already dead, bro
Starting point is 01:53:47 I think there are some people who are still like what's happening is everything fine There was the budget right there just that set Little b-roll of some swans Oh, there he okay, there he goes you could just get out of the car my dude Soundtrack is insane too. Yeah, I have to put props to the movies to like very tense soundtrack through the whole thing No Oh my god, Richard gear you almost watch an Avengers move right there. He really did The presence oh my god from the vision
Starting point is 01:54:49 Boom, who do you think those presents are for or just her co-workers? It's yeah, it's just a bunch of furbies because it was that year That's true. Wasn't that I don't know what your furbies were but 2002. That's around the furbierra Maybe a little late. I'm gonna google when was furbies do it When was this whole this whole setup though this whole shot is like great very very really great about this It is it is the slowest tragedy of all time, but I'm very much enjoying like the breaking bridge and stuff It's they got a lot of shots. They wanted to use them all Yeah, they got their money's worth and they're using it was actually 98
Starting point is 01:55:27 Yeah So it's like four. Yeah four years before this This movie has changed my mind. It wasn't poor infrastructure that broke it. It was the moth man The infrastructure is fine. We must kill the moth man That would stop all tragedies. This bridge is taking a long time to break though Ooh cool cars upside down It's still go oh that that classic can like will have a like that has to have a scream. Yeah I
Starting point is 01:56:16 Don't know why the headlights shattered for no reason, but all right Dude, there's the other one Rip dude ex-wife number two You That scream the one that goes That one's called the how we scream Oh, okay. Yeah, the the will have us like Yeah
Starting point is 01:56:51 When star troopers get shot in the nuts. Oh, there she is. Yep It all goes black. Good night princess, but now wake up number 37. She missed in her vision was that he saves her watch this Oh, shit. Never mind Oh, wait. Oh, there he goes. He's going in because watch that's gonna be like 36 people died, right? And then it's gonna be she's 37 because he saved her now I was kind of hoping he was gonna look up and we weren't gonna get like a good view but there would be like silhouette or something or maybe some red eyes I do appreciate that they've not shown the moth man like literally except for like one second
Starting point is 01:57:30 Yeah But was that the moth man that flew through their car. I don't know what it was just having uh, was it a moth man? It was just fate, you know, like maybe it was just fate Hey Get up We got to go man. I wouldn't need to act if you put me in a scene like this just being in that car knowing It's controlled. I still have a panic attack Yeah, I
Starting point is 01:57:57 It's it is like literally like harrowing. I would take it would take weeks of training to get me to do this I guess it probably does Like i'm sure they like practice Yeah, still I would have a hard-ass time. Well, well that guy fuck everybody else though This is the only guy who can live are the only woman who loves her. Don't you see they've built so much together She endured him while he went insane Yeah, she endured him is is the moral of this movie. Does she have a family put up with him? No, wife her up. That's like that's like a nanny doll. She's like her up
Starting point is 01:58:31 What if he endures you wife her up? What did he what did she invite him to oh is the moth man in the water? Oh, there he is or that's taillights So many dead But one less than there would have truly is like an insane insane. It's that shape. Yeah This movie is war is here to tell wake up number 37 We need to watch a really bad movie like jupiter ascending next or something I got you covered on movie wrecks. Don't worry I yeah, thank you boy having you boys in my corner for movies is just like having fucking a god. I'm gonna make you a list
Starting point is 01:59:17 That's perfect People are like, can we suggest movies and like literally any movie you name? Well, just I would not have seen it. Yep. R. I. P. Let's count them one two three Except for runway bride with richard gear I've seen it. We don't need to Or the dragon one the dragon one The bad dragon one, but it was good because they did like a scientific accuracy of the dragon. Can't remember the name of the movie Oh, uh, where they do fucking rain of fire
Starting point is 01:59:48 Yeah, I love that. I've seen rain of such a terrible movie. I love that movie It's great. We watched it like recently Yeah, did you? Yeah, yeah, like in the last year Oh, wow We had like an actual party to watch rain falling a little like a little kickback to watch rain of fire I finally let go of my dumb wife. Now I can focus on you It's like injured cold or whatever was trying to call him to stop him from going here But at the same time if he hadn't even called him in the first place, he wouldn't have known it was gonna happen
Starting point is 02:00:28 So you like foiled your own plot mothman 30 ah dead 36 dead He was supposed to be there Right, but The mothman used him to save everyone else Was the mothman good or evil? Did it bad? Oh shit, she like takes off her hair and she has a barcode on her back
Starting point is 02:01:26 I'm awake I The mothman is like you're welcome He's not a forebearer of of like disasters. He's a more of a cube. He's a matchmaker and then at the end of the movie As he flies off. He sings the movie's one original song Matchmaker matchmaker make me a mat originally that song was written for the mothman prophecies and then they added it to the revival of dolly Hello dolly Is that hello dolly come on
Starting point is 02:02:02 Look up see the mothman have the mothman swoop at the camera credit like a like raised fists like salute This movie explained nothing in the end. I told literally nothing I knew it was just gonna be like wasn't that weird, dude. Maybe we learned something, right? Didn't you learn something that you didn't already know basic human morals? I want an after credit scene where we see the mothman arrive at a new city join Nick no, that's not true. The bridge hadn't been tended to for decades. It was under poor repair You lie in movie you lie in son of a bitch misinformation Yay, the mothman
Starting point is 02:02:47 mothman prophecies Rock music Rock let me remind you this movie started with Like a sex scene in a closet. Yeah, it was never missing which is crazy Yeah, that was a weird opening. I enjoyed that movie. It was It was a I don't want to say frustrating, but it was like it was an enjoyable watching experience. It's just If you ask me what I think of that movie, I have some thoughts What do you think of that movie?
Starting point is 02:03:16 I think that as what it Is trying to do based on what I believe it's trying to do I think it nails it and it's just kind of like a weird art movie that somehow got made I don't know how big the budget was for this But it's like this I can't imagine much it like is it's like marketed as like a weird like Kiss the girls type thriller or something like some weird paranormal thriller But it's not it's the movie was expensive to make it did not get very good reviews apparently No, uh, it made 32 million budget and it made 55 million at the box. $30 million movie. That's like basically like
Starting point is 02:03:52 Like conspiracy theory fan fiction Dude, is donnie darko a movie we should watch for chilluminani. I mean, I've never seen it It's definitely like a movie you should watch as like a guy who doesn't want to get made fun of for not seeing really Well-tread movies Sure. Yeah, exactly why I bring it up. But that was fun. I like that It was watchable. I liked that everybody was actually trying. I want to shout out fucking my man, uh Richard Uh, now I've now I forgot his name
Starting point is 02:04:25 Uh, the other dude in the movie, uh, will patin. He's so good. Oh, yeah Yeah, the guy the the the b-plot that literally just kept showing up and then he just like oh died So here's You know the entire time we were talking about the things we loved in this film And I just want to give it to my man roger d. Ebert Uh, who in the chicago sometimes when this movie came out gave it the following review He said two or four stars called it unfocused But said the direction by mark pelington whose command of camera pacing and overall effect is so good
Starting point is 02:04:59 It deserves a better screenplay. Yeah, I think we can all agree with that. Yeah, 100 I'm not I yeah, it's a very good way of explaining what's wrong with this movie because You just what the fuck is happening? You never find out Yeah, and it's in the things that don't make sense are the things that people say like people have conversations that are like I could tell you but I won't tell you meanwhile He does like cool ass shots where it's like The camera is angled into the mirror and you see him like in the mirror and out of the mirror And then the door closes and there's like a face in the yeah, that's one very good camera. Yeah
Starting point is 02:05:34 Yeah, that's really cool And the whole bridge scene took 10 minutes, but it was a really fun Every shot was looks really good. It's good special effects. Looks like that's some budget leftover at the end Well, uh, that's it for our first chilluminati chill tracks evening or movie night or whatever We're gonna end up calling this thing before we end up getting sued We'll be back next month with a brand new movie You'll find out when we drop the episode what it is we're watching But I hope you guys enjoyed and enjoyed watching the movie along with us
Starting point is 02:06:02 And I'm very curious to see on the discord or on the reddit what people think of uh of this movie as well Who may not have seen it and watched it the first time system at the end that we say Yeah, I'd love a rating system. Oh, I would love a rating system. Well, how are we gonna rate it? How do we race movie? a 17 Okay Yeah, no, you don't get you don't get further explanation jesse. This is mothman fun. Fine. I rate this movie two
Starting point is 02:06:32 chili dogs I like that and I think I kind of make that I rate this movie A gray alien. Okay one gray one a single gray Just enough to make you wonder not enough for for any evidence On that. Thank you guys so much. Thank you for the support on patreon We'll be back next month with a brand new movie. We appreciate your support and this has been a lot of fun We'll see you next time. Goodbye. Goodbye A nature trail is more than a path
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