Chilluminati Podcast - Rotten Popcorn - Episode 4 - Pay the Ghost starring Nic Cage

Episode Date: January 4, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Wes Anderson's Asteroid City. Asteroid City takes place in a fictional American desert town circa 1955. It's the story of what happens when the itinerary of a junior Stargazer convention, organized to bring together students and parents from across the country, is spectacularly disrupted by world-changing events. The film features an ensemble cast, including Jason Schwarzman, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, and many more. Asteroid City is in theaters everywhere June 23. Visit to get your tickets now. Capella University is rethinking higher education. With their game-changing
Starting point is 00:00:34 flex-path format, you can earn your degree on your schedule, so you can fit education seamlessly into your life. Imagine your future differently at Toyota's the name of the electrified game. As our lineup gets larger, your footprint gets smaller. Get the juice on Juice? Yep, juice. Toyota, let's go places. Hey, and welcome to the show that I am still surprised four weeks in that nobody has ever done before and is an idea that has never been explored in media.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And I just feel like we're trading. It feels like a no-brainer. Yeah, it does. It really feels like just like a moneymaker, Prince Money. Welcome back to Chill Tracks, everybody. Is that what this does? Is that? That's what it does. This is a printing money machine. It is. It's this right here. They come for this. Is that right? Is that right? Yeah, this is what they're lining up for. Today's movie is brought to you by Jesse himself. Can't wait for this. It is going to be on. We're watching on Amazon Prime or Amazon,
Starting point is 00:01:53 so you can get it there for sure, but I don't know if it's anywhere else. The name of the movie is Hey the Ghost with Nicholas Cage as the star from 2015, apparently. So this is seven years old now. It's not that old. It's not that old. It is. Jesse, all he said is my mind is going to be blown. So is that you still do you hold? Do you still hold by that? I have no idea what you said. You literally turned into a ghost yourself. Oh, no. Did I turn into a robot? Alex and I were like, what? I paid the ghost in my back. I mean, you're back. You paid the ghost now.
Starting point is 00:02:28 This is great because, you know, it's Comcast and I'm literally hardwired into the internet and it's gigabit. So I don't even know how that's happened. You got to pay the ghost, man. You got to pay the ghost with Nicholas Cage. Jesse said it's going to blow my mind. And I said, are you do you still hold to that, Jesse? I mean, I'm not going to tell you in what way, but I will say it is of the same quality as every other movie we have watched so far. You, you love Mothman prophecies in with the others that we've got. 100%. Yes. Okay. All right. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:03:00 It was better. It was by far the best one. Right. So I agree. Till today. Till today. All right. Till today. All right. So as always, we're going to count down from three and say play and I'm playing you all. Go ahead and follow along with us. Here we go. Three, two, one, playing. Already an entertainment company who's our do not recognize. It's just boring. RGE. RLJ. This is the Sega made Jurassic Park, the lost world game. Dave and Busters.
Starting point is 00:03:41 No, it's voltage pictures. Obviously. It looks like a table that I would see at a film festival. Oh, and we're in. Voltage pictures. Okay. Only two producers. Oh, what is that? A scorpion? A reptilian claw. Oh, is it Scorpion? A Midnight Kitchen production. Okay. Midnight Kitchen is also involved in this. In association with Rodco's Productions, Interpol Plus. And Interpol. Interpol Plus was involved.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Interpol Plus. Oh my God. 1679. I didn't know I did that cameras back then. Nicholas Cage is famous for his ability to disappear into any era. So what is all that? Whoa, I'm going to raise the volume a bit here. We're off to the races. Yeah. Oh, did I mention this is a horror movie? Is this Bloodborne?
Starting point is 00:04:48 It's The Village Sequel. Is this Lepact Lelou? Oh, I think a woman died. There's also a scene like this in the Tim Burton Sleepy Hollow film. You screwed up, kid. Where did that third kid come from? I thought there were only two down here. No, they just all look alike. If you put kids together for a long time, they just osmos.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Like Sea Monkeys? Yeah. Wow. Hey, the ghost. Hey, the ghost, guys. Hey, the ghost. Hey, the ghost. It's crazy what with this title. It's crazy what with this title card for a movie set in 1679.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Is it? Is it? Yeah, I was like, wow, 1679 had dinosaur sheets, dude. Is it the Mothman? I can't tell you what this movie is about. In 300 years, a bridge. Yo, is some Among Us on that shirt? Before Among Us.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Yeah, is that true? Who was there? Doesn't it look like those little Among Us dudes? Among Guy. Among Guy. Among Many. Uh-oh. Be careful, kid.
Starting point is 00:06:21 This is a setup for a jump scare, kid. You don't know what you're doing. Yeah, they gather, kid. There's got to be a thing like, why is this weirdly, like, it looks like a picture they put an Instagram filter over. The way that was, like, colored and shaded. It's, uh, you know, voltage pictures. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:42 It's the voltage difference. Oh. Pay the ghost. What's the, how much, how much do you think that kid owes the ghost? $69. Ooh, nice. Ooh, why do I recognize her? Money, the ghost says you owe him money, bitch.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I recognize this actress from something. No matter what it was, how far she's gone. I want daddy to do it is ruthless. Is she the chick from Walking Dead who played the wife? She is. Oh my God, girl. Is she really? I would have fought to keep that role.
Starting point is 00:07:31 No, she died. Spoilers. I know. Spoilers. Hey, there he is, Professor Cage. Dude, you can, like, Nicholas Cage in, like, a red vest. Low battery. It's 12 10 a.m.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Go home, Nick. He was so caught up in the work. Stock footage of New York. Halloween, little, little environmental storytelling for you. 420 leaf. Hell yeah. 420 leaf. That's like the Amazon product description of it,
Starting point is 00:08:19 as like a party store. Herb grinder. 420 leaf design at the dollar store. Yeah. Dad. I owe the ghost a lot of money, man. Last night, me and my friends were gambling with the ghost. I needed to buy some more robux.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I'm playing blackjack. I think I'm going to be a ghost. It's just going to be a ghost who goes around on Halloween night hitting up kids for money. Oh, is that what he is? He turns into a murderer. That would be an amazing plot for a movie. This kid has zero emotion.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Dude, imagine being that kid 25 years from now, and he can always say that he got kissed by Nick Cage in a B movie. Honestly, that's the hell of a reputation. Nicholas Cage kissed me one time. There's something outside the window. Nicholas Cage stabbing the heart of the dead for the rest of the movie. Yo, there's Iron Man in the background. Copyright?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Disney? Oh, yo, that old, old Iron Man. I love you 3000. I love you 3000, kid. I still wish we lived in the world where Nick Cage was Superman, just for one movie. What are you doing in my bedroom? Aren't you from The Walking Dead?
Starting point is 00:10:09 I saw you die on TV. Baby, you're out of focus. I can't hear you. Cameraman just has no idea how to use the camera. Are you getting it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a great shot. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Don't grunt softly. Oh, she's ready to pay the ghost. She's paying the hell out of that ghost. I'm from now on. We'll call sex Paying the Ghost. Gotta pay the ghost. I zoned out there. Sorry, what happened?
Starting point is 00:11:48 This window like opening behind that guy? Yeah, it's automatic. Oh, okay. Whenever he claps that book shut. Why is his class the most attractive class in the history of class? Not hotter than Indiana Jones's class. Why does it look like only the girls are wearing Halloween stuff? I keep trying to find a guy wearing Halloween stuff and I can't see any.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Well, they didn't pay the ghost. Dude, first they first they reference Indiana Jones and now they're on the shining. You don't have like you can't go outside. They painted on the eye patch, which is hilarious. Yeah, that's a weird choice. Listen, we can't spring the extra two dollars to get the eye patch. Just use a fucking marker. That's what she's mad about, not the scootering around.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah. Oh, no way. Generic scary movie child drawing. That's when you when your kid draws that, you know, that's it. It's over. You're about to have a bad couple of weeks. Look, zoom in more on the scribbles. Look at the details.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Damn, he got the letter. We regret to inform you that your Russian escort has been denied. What is that accent? I'm trying to place it. But is it really the same ship? You know what I mean? Oh, yeah, over time. All right,
Starting point is 00:15:00 natural interaction between two old friends. Which one of them is the ghost? I was sure that that homeless person was going to be in the movie. Hey, dude, it's just taxis that'll stop for you. Just waving down like a Porsche. Hey, I need a ride. It looked like he waved down a truck just now. Listen, don't wave an actual taxi.
Starting point is 00:15:31 We can't get him in frame. Dude, did your mom ever dress up with you? Not once, never. Not once. When I was too young to remember, we have pictures. That's all the reason why. My dad, yeah. When my dad got to stay home, he would dress up.
Starting point is 00:15:48 A vulture in New York. Don't get too close on that effect. It's looking like that season one witcher. Mothman, the giant mothman. No. The soundtrack of an episode of 24. It's like weird percussion, like 35 plastic tubes. This is probably nitpicking, but it was still daylight out.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Why couldn't she wait to go trick-or-treating until he got home? It's New York, brah. You don't go trick-or-treating at night. New York stop trick-or-treating at sundown? You've been there. You know what it gets like. Uh-oh. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Blow jobs anytime. Candy, 8 p.m. That's the cutoff. God, he looks so awkward with that eye patch painted on in his eye open the whole time. This is just what Nick Cage wear. He was like, I'll do the movie if I can wear my own clothes for the Halloween part. Come on.
Starting point is 00:17:39 That's how you know everything's going to be. That's how you know everything's going to be. I don't think it's going to be better now. Yeah. Now this is a New York street fair and it's definitely night time. That wide screen camera footage. That kid's got the 70 mil handy cam. Look at that aspect ratio for a handy cam.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Just a giant head. That's from Elden Ring. Pay me. You owe me $5.99, kid. I spotted you. Is that Jack Skellington? They had a lot of Disney in here. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Baby, kid. Oh, shit. Oh, yo, the body snatcher. Dude, it's all movie references up in this bitch. Charlie, what's wrong? So far, all this movie needs is Simbad and it's basically Jingle all the way. And Charlie's lost. Come on, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Oh, no. John Wayne Gacy in the fucking ice cream truck. Oh, God, get out. Hey, kid. Want to see a rope trick? Go to the top of the Twin Towers. Your brother is there waiting for you with a large bucket of KFC. With a large bucket of KFC.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Pay the ghost. That acting choice. Right. Uh, yeah. What? Out, Charlie. Man, I hate when his hand just- Did you pay the ghost?
Starting point is 00:20:56 Nick Cage, did you pay the ghost? Yeah, I didn't kill him today. No. Oh, dude, you cannot play this music and make it get scary. Yeah, I feel like I just am about to get about to get a jiggy. Whose ice cream cone was that? Right. That was supposed to be his.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Oh, such a beautiful treats shattered foreshadowing. Press X to Charlie. Charlie. I'm right here, dad. Should have just paid the ghost, man. Arrest him. Yeah, I'll be like what year old what what what kind of are you a cop? All right, Nick, you can't run too fast.
Starting point is 00:22:15 We don't have a lot of room here. I hope he never changes clothes this whole movie. A cop told me to go home. I I was following what the law said. This is 2015. Why couldn't he just call her on his cell phone? He's seven years old. He doesn't have a cell phone.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Oh, shit. No, no, I mean call his wife on the why don't you have to go home and go right back? Because the cops were like maybe he went home to go back. So call the wife. It's too late. It's so weird that there's a buzzard. Of all the birds. That's like a really weird bird to be the bird for this movie, right?
Starting point is 00:23:28 I would immediately be like that's brutal. Yeah, he's like acting so suspicious. Be home to your wife. Get out of my face. The more concerned with the fact that that guy selling ice cream killed 24 kids in the New York area, it's wild. Yeah, it's a subplot. This has such the vibe of like a European like low budget horror video game right now.
Starting point is 00:24:00 What? Did time pass? He has his light outside now. Man, he took a long walk home. He ran there in a second for his wife, but it's been it's been a whole night. What happened to Charlie? I don't know. What?
Starting point is 00:24:43 Yeah, what the fuck was that reaction? Was that a yes? I have to pay the ghost. This lady has bad luck with kids. I don't know. This movie is so weird. They need to draw it out. All right, now you need to hug a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:31 It's an emotional moment. Charlie's gone. Just as you two are soulless. Oh my god. How could you lose him? Kristen Sobs. Quietly. He lost Charlie.
Starting point is 00:26:01 You heartless monsters. I just didn't believe it was his son. I'm sorry. She didn't feel like his his his his kin. He doesn't seem to have to see a buzzard again. It's just wild because this movie is only like an hour and a half. That's true. Yeah, it's they got to save all the budget for the end.
Starting point is 00:26:30 We're like almost a third of the way into the movie and like nothing has happened. We saw a man who kind of looks like a turd covered in a robe. What if this becomes like the Santa Claus and he has to like be death and take his kid to the underworld? Honestly, I'm here for that twist. He like goes outside and like the old death like falls off the roof. Mathis, have you seen the Santa Claus?
Starting point is 00:27:04 I have seen the Santa Claus. All three. Good. Oh, well, of course you have. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. That's what that's what I would say. This is what I'm talking about, though. It has been like another two minutes.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I know. It's trying to get you scared a little like I'm a little scared. I I mostly just genuinely like want to know what's happened. Dude, every time they go into this room, I look around because it's just it reads like the director being like, what a 10 year olds like throw everything in there. Solar system from the sky. Got it.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Football paper, wallpaper. Fantastic. Like just everything. Oh, no. Why didn't you pay the ghost, dad? Pay the ghost. Oh, boom.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Turn it. rosé back. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Ah.
Starting point is 00:28:58 This has like the energy of like one of those scary stories to tell in the dark stories. Mm. Yeah. Look again. Or the one where the guy goes, gotcha where I want ya. And now I'm gonna eat ya. Oh!
Starting point is 00:29:16 Oh! Ah! Lucky! It was a dream. It was all a dream. What is this movie about? Are we? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:25 So he's, he's Pepe Silviad himself. And his wife doesn't live with him anymore, I bet. You can definitely see why they cast that kid because the kid is like a better ghost than child. Yeah. He's like a real gaunt little boy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:49 He was emotionless from the very beginning. Three days before Halloween, one year later, it's like, not quite. It's actually a little bit less, it's a little bit less than a year later. And he has just gone nuts, huh? I imagine Nick Cage nuts is kind of a special kind. Strawberry tactics.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Oh, yeah. Halloween night. Oh, Charlie Lofford. Oh, look it. He's got a Charlie Lofford one that's all already old and great. How much time has passed? One year.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Oh, right. Dan! Two IMAX next to each other on the same desk is so weird. She's a designer. But OK, but if I was a designer, I would have my IMAX and then maybe a monitor next to it instead of two separate computers. She's doing two things at once. She's a worker.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It's just so weird. So weird. It's like Ikea. Damn, she's screening her calls when she kept the last name. Yeah, it's still Mary. That's what I was saying. They can do look how far he's fallen. Dude, he's doing sleepy hollow.
Starting point is 00:31:22 At least he still loves his job. Gotta have a passion for something. They stuck them in the middle of nowhere because he's got 10 year now and they can't fire him. Sorry, my son wrote a scooter. She can be the replacement love interest. For a horror movie, this is very soap opera-y. He puts his hand out.
Starting point is 00:32:10 He uses the force to protect his child. But what if it does? I feel him all over my body. I would be like, all right, we got to stop talking. Yeah. Wait, no, but I can feel my son everywhere. No. I need to feel.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I need to figure out how to pay the ghost. That's all I can think about. Have you thought about ghost dollars, Mr. Cage? I'm just picturing it and I know that like if he's holding out his hand and I put money and it's just going to fall right through, man, so how do I do it? Do they have bank accounts? What if what if you have to die too?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Does it accept direct deposit? Yeah, two ghosts have Western accounts. Damn, first name basis with the cops. Hey, Mike. Hey, still not paying the ghost. Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike. What is this building?
Starting point is 00:33:32 I am trying to figure out where this quote-unquote police office is. New York City. It's got like completely in columns. It used to be a museum. What is that 1995 Packard bell on the left hand side? This is shot on the set of Resident Evil 2. That's actually the most realistic part of the whole movie
Starting point is 00:33:51 is that old-ass computer in the police station. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yo, Trump moment. Manila folders. See, look at all the work we've done. We are definitely sexy.
Starting point is 00:34:50 We may be corrupt. We may be racist. We may be brutal. But don't call us lazy. We may be lazy. So you got that artist rendering? Well, you can see how he put it up before in the past. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I love that it's definitely that kid's headshot. Oh, what is this? Yo, that's the kid's dart from a scene that Nicholas Cage was not in. We are little kids. He's like, I have no idea what this dart is because I never saw it. I was not in that scene. There he goes. There he goes.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:55 He did YouTube the song library as well. Incredible shot right here. And a one day with a crane. I hope Nicholas Cage got paid a lot for this. He's in like every moment of this like weird movie. Man was working off debt. And I can respect that Needed to buy another dinosaur skull. I can respect that I
Starting point is 00:36:30 Got nothing bad to say about the man. Yeah me either The best part is none of this is weird for a New York bus none of this We all know his son is not gonna be on the bus But the build up the tension See this is what they have wrong New York is wouldn't be staring him down they would literally just be ignoring him The boy is the buzzard guys 10 more minutes have passed Dude wouldn't this be awesome if it was like a sudden animorphs twist and the buzzard shifted into his son That is over 10% of the movie
Starting point is 00:37:37 Hey the ghost Damn, it's like street art That's like a logo That's where these filmmakers got the idea for this movie Vultures are gobbled. Oh, yeah, look at the hall. Look at three vultures now Three CG vultures What is going on He's checking to see who's paying the ghost he's investigating
Starting point is 00:38:14 I Feel like this would have been a great like one hour long TV special with like just every scene like this cut out of the movie and Marketed somehow different because I'm waiting for the whore like literally this movie is like Nicholas Cage walking around And screaming with a lot of emotion. Oh Gotta have one of those fake scares, you know, he's like fuck it just keep going He's got a funny son. That dog was like so scary I'm trying to pay the ghost
Starting point is 00:39:14 Can I speak to the homeless counsel, please who's the leader of this village? Who's the elder of this village? I don't understand why you're all ignoring me. Let me speak to the shaman the medicine man. Who is he? She opens like peels back a piece of plastic and there's some man surrounded by dirty needles Is that the ghost oh My god, have you ever used a walking stick before? No, but it's easy. I'll figure it out Mothman the vampires from Elden Ring what? It is like a fucking like little village Is that Kenny G
Starting point is 00:40:20 Whoa the fire right back That apart I Don't know this is a fucking Man Perfect torch out of there. He pulled a Like medieval torch out of that trash can the best part is is he did it? Without even like he just grabbed it. It was the best part is that he's blind But he's doing it purely as a courtesy to Nicholas Cage
Starting point is 00:41:00 He doesn't need it He's showing him something that he himself cannot see Maybe he paid the ghost with his eyes Oh Okay, what what does that mean? Oh Like insidious Can't wait to know what this lady's up to Okay, well, okay, I thought they were gonna cut to the mom storyline
Starting point is 00:41:51 The front of her jacket is out of control Can we just talk about the fact that like your turn around look at this out that is like woven That is like of it. That's a band Taylor loft. Yeah, that is a wild Higa cottage core Yes You're fucking insane No, Mike You You
Starting point is 00:43:20 Well, that's not exact that's not what I that's not exactly what I meant Like physically do you see him though? I just feel like you're being unreasonable Kristen He wasn't mine He was our son that we had together. No, it's just hers What if this happened to you Have they spoken about it at all it feels like the answers no she just decided he did it like one second after he got home No, he's got his son's freaking youtubers first-face cam Oh
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah There's that Elden Ring guy again, yep, oh What is that weird oh I see It just looked weird because it's like CG'd onto the camera. Yeah It's an audio diary Dude, this is literally from the Blair Witch video game by Bloober team and not not that bad of a game I enjoyed it. That's all right. I'm not saying it was good or great. It just wasn't bad
Starting point is 00:45:02 Creepy kids yo, that's the kid from trick-or-treat Wait, what happened what did he just expect what did he just experience with his eyeballs? He he experienced like a toy where you jump scare jump scare with his eyes like zoomed the footage that he watched like Got him I'd like cinematic ghost the ghost movie trailer and scare ghost Deal with it. All right all the skill points went into jump scare Yeah, he could have been any ghost he wanted to be but he's a jump scare ghost He's so good at jump scares that almost no one ever sees him or gets scared of him
Starting point is 00:45:49 All right, we need three hallway shots Jim this movie is half over One half of the plot all the answers that you are looking for half of the movie is done Yeah, we're averaging of one jump scare like every 15 minutes I'm hoping for like a Nicholas Cage freak out last act, but I don't know You hear that Dude, I hope some ghost shit happens to her because she's gonna get she needs to eat some fucking Forgiveness pie forgiveness by I Really hope that it's not Nicholas Cage in her house further ruining his marriage I
Starting point is 00:46:40 Hope that She sees the boy say pay the ghost and then she calls Nicholas Cage and he's like well well well Look who believes me Could have been us together this whole year Figuring this out together, but no he was your child unbidden after I got tenure I Really accurate reverse shot. Oh, did you see Did this time see it's lower. Oh
Starting point is 00:47:37 That's so good you better call your husband whoa Whoa that thing That is beautiful beautiful piece of animation What's up mom, let me get a Capri son Well, well well who came crawling back Is it about how you think I killed your son Do you think maybe I could move back in with you and that we could be back together and That you could not blame me for my son's death, please and that and tell me that I don't own my own son
Starting point is 00:48:35 Dear God, please. I can't afford heat in this place She's gonna say something like you really never stopped looking did you and he's gonna look at her and he's gonna say Every damn day, baby Like this scene Ready She's got that stun to look I think you might be right Suddenly There he is that's our son on the list
Starting point is 00:49:31 I saw a bunch of kids in a shack on a video But before we go do you think we could ever talk about Who's to blame for this our son's death and that maybe it wasn't me is that possible? We should get going. Do you think after a year of this that I could just step out from the shadow of that for five seconds? It's gonna say pay the ghost in this apartment Man answer the worst They need to they need to sprinkle some cinnamon at every in every Seam of their room
Starting point is 00:50:22 Oh lost his dog. Oh the village shaman. I used to be a fucking accountant I'll blow you so fucking good $5 Dude he actually wants money This wife must be having like this, I don't know if they're gonna touch on it or not, but she must be Mind-blowned at how horrible she's made her husband's life How much does he want what do we owe this motherfucker? On Halloween I
Starting point is 00:52:31 Anyway, I don't believe you either Mike. I still think you kill our son. So bye I mean you were you were communing with the heroin addict. So I gotta go. Thank you for completely forgiving me for a year of Just awful Did I tell you you had a nice apartment by the way was that cut as weird as I thought it was by the way Did you guys just clock that? I Did not clock it Finally
Starting point is 00:53:13 After a year, thank God, do you think maybe we could talk about the past year? What I've been up to What you've been up to See who is the one who is being Unforgivable to the other one for an entire year out of grief Pay the ghost every single one of how do we miss this I triple checked every single one What Is that price has paid the ghost
Starting point is 00:53:58 What Flushing I Can't even Yeah, just something wrong this scene Nicholas cage the actor he came in here You Can we pay the ghost
Starting point is 00:55:33 Whoa The fire elemental someone take someone someone a fire elemental This guy's now in the movie. All right, you know That actress they were like all right make it a little more foreign. Yeah, they were like Break up that English a little bit. She was like I feel Freed like it's very obvious. She just spoke normal English and they were like yeah, like don't do that Okay, okay, I was close. I think to feel that I hear maybe every other sentence was like completely I can't believe they did that
Starting point is 00:56:23 No, we need you to speak like a New York Asian come on Dude wants to get laid tonight the truth is if it was like oh Oh, you have to have a scene in the shower, of course. No you done goofed Did you pay the ghost father I Want to know what is up with the Lizard Situation The lizard situation. Yeah from the opening in 1679 when we saw that that ghost
Starting point is 00:57:06 There was like lizard claws everywhere. Oh Whoop now we're doing there they are there's the very the very same people. I was just talking about Or the strangers the stranger. Oh Whoa That's pretty cool, I don't care you say that's a cool thing. That's cool. That was where all their budget way Is this movie rated PG? I don't think it's rated at all You don't think this one went to theaters no way I
Starting point is 00:57:41 Gotta look this up Please tell me it was literally a red box movie I Used to see those all the time be like man. What are these movies and why do they have stars in them? It had a limited release Wow. Oh It did damn Roger ebert calm called it a new low for Nicholas This was this might have been the last film where he was like maybe I should start taking serious roles again I only got uphill since like yeah, like whoa. What's the next movie he made over this Mandy? Oh
Starting point is 00:58:22 It's the exorcist Yeah, like every single shot of this movie is like a direct reference to a famous horror movie There's so many the kid there was the one kid from trick-or-treat. Oh Psychic time also they like went out of their way to like Aggressively Kata and you see that yeah Just like I don't know if you're the psychic showing up for like I'm gonna look for your kid I don't know if you should dress like a Little flirtatious, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:57 Like I'm going out for drinks afterwards. Yeah So why are we paying you Now if you blur your eyes and cross the left one a little bit you can see the magic image on my dress Get on go for lady She ain't paying the ghost she's gonna get bopped by a ghost right now some Silent Hill tunes She's walking through the fog right now, that's what it feels like we're walking into Silent Hill right now Dinosaurs It was the ghost of a t-rex I can see it now
Starting point is 00:59:47 Did you know that Everyone looks out that window and gets got just stop looking out the window It's a jump scare window. Yeah, that window is only jump scares It's a thunderstorm Well, you don't goof lady Oh What She's about to get blasted
Starting point is 01:00:43 Oh, oh, she's jumping No, not what I expected not at all. Oh, she goes She's gonna burst into fire. Yep. Oh, oh All right, that's enough that's only blood we get But dress sizzles Look at those smoke plug-in effects you What the fuck What do you want me to do it a fire elemental attacks you in a restaurant she burned it saw some wild shit
Starting point is 01:01:44 She burned from the inside Because I never thought that not for a second and I've never said it Even She said I'm really scared the subtext said I'm really sorry. I Don't think the subset the subtext said anything about her being sorry Yeah, you're right. You're right wrong word sub titles Okay, I was just gonna listen to my podcast I always fall asleep with my iPad, baby She'll human audio at least a new episode want to listen
Starting point is 01:02:30 That's hilarious. I can't sleep. Can you know I was gonna Alex fucking turn the whole thing into a fucking game show it's so weird Do you think we're just making it inappropriate that we're sleeping together even though we're married but like what does it matter at this point? We're fighting ghosts together. I can stay in your bed It's funny that we were the thing that we're fighting about is over now Why like why is it still still inappropriate? Is there tension between us? Is it because we haven't talked about this at all Maybe we should talk about it. All right. Good night That tick tock scroll void, I know that look
Starting point is 01:03:24 I don't like that look cage. What could this be? There's no I have no idea what the ghost is I don't know where his son is I Don't know what his wife. Yeah, I don't know what the It's weird the tension is built around the utter lack of knowledge. Oh, no in addition to the painting This is it has been like two minutes of just nothing nothing has happened This is for people who are like on edibles on their couch and they like aren't thinking about how long they've been sitting there Like I think like 25 to 35 minutes of this movie have gone by where it's just like No music
Starting point is 01:04:41 dark Like a camera. I'm a moody Nick Cage I think I like four or five of the shots have been the same hallway over. It's establishing What hallway are they in? I feel I feel a stab building tension There's probably so much going through our minds right now because we know so much about what's going on hallway is this Her pay the girl Baby, I need you to pay the ghost Hey, look go. Oh
Starting point is 01:05:16 Oh, please apologize. Oh Possessed wife noises. No, I think she's fine. I think she's just having a rough one a Real rough one The fuck I'm in the upside down what the fuck is going on dude. I Want to know what the plot of this movie is what I just want to know what the central he's looking for Charlie What There is not enough blood anywhere for what she was just doing to herself
Starting point is 01:06:17 That was that's cool. Oh Yeah, you got to get those bubbles going that's how you know you're killing the bacteria. Oh That's how you do it Oh You did this to me I don't know we can't tell you the plot of the movie yet. I have no idea Literally him looking around what if it was a picture of the Twin Towers? The
Starting point is 01:07:02 Witcher what was that was I supposed to recognize that symbol from the beginning of the movie on the stone slab in 16 whatever. Okay, dude. I thought that was Tyka would he be for a second. I forgot that part happened again. I Don't care about this guy. Who is he the guy cutting open the lady? Ew Ew What that's not normal. Oh, well close that shit up lady. Yeah, that's a fine. It's black mist I Close that shit. I Can't believe this push this person is still in this movie. She has to be like a famous German person
Starting point is 01:08:09 Conchue Right like this movie is like a German funded movie and she's like like that one actress who's like part of the deal Yeah, yeah, she came with the budget. Listen. We'll give you the money, bud Oh Shit influenza. Oh, no. Oh, no I'm still not quite sure how this has anything to do with the ghost There was a clue there I
Starting point is 01:08:57 I I I'm gonna come with you so that somebody can die who's not important to the story Here's that got that lady that definitely wasn't flying around right right officer What Dude this guy went nuts You're not so tight. You're not supposed to barbecue on the bodies, right? Come on. Where did you get those clamps, dude? Now
Starting point is 01:09:58 He's gonna show up back at her at he's gonna be sitting on the stairs at Mike's house again The purge You these are the people that made the greenstone, oh you're right You This is giving me like wicker man vibes right now The wicker man is about three times the movie this is I've never seen it. Oh my god. That's the next one. I Just know the breeze Cuz it's the meme the wicker man is a hilarious dark comedy. This lady's digging too deep
Starting point is 01:11:04 Princess Leia my yeah, yes, thank you. Actually, let's be real Mon Mothma cosplay. Mmm. You're right In held the portal song no the portal song goes like a try-out. Thank you What accent is this From Bayside, yeah You should probably go to a mental hospital I'm just a teacher You That woman is German or my name is Jerry Seinfeld You
Starting point is 01:13:06 I'm a teacher I Know I'm only from Bayside and I don't know anything But here's the plot of the movie I don't want to talk about it But I know the kid has exactly one year and then he's lost for only the two kids that you had met and not the Chinese Ladies kid, unfortunately I
Starting point is 01:13:46 Like how we keep cutting back toward this lady she has like she's about to solve it she's about to crack it She's like just yeah, she's just having a good time with this magnifying glass. I Feel like an actual PI What I Why is that kid wearing a skull? It's Halloween, baby. Look at that background This looks like my LARP I used to go to this looks like my LARP Swing from this swing to damage to damn it. We'll talk any pretty cute
Starting point is 01:14:44 She got that like sixteen hundreds Kind of braces look at her. She looks like Heather Graham You don't screw it up. They're literally playing the whole opening scene beat for beat again So you know by far the most expensive set, right? That's where she loses me though Cuz like I feel bad for her up until that point and then it seems just like super hella evil So you want me to drop you off at the pay the ghost oh, oh That guy managed to swerve for like a street and a half by the way
Starting point is 01:15:59 Watch that footage they were definitely about to hit a sidewalk and then he just kept going down the street plenty of time to break Yeah, that just reminded me the only fast and furious movie. I've seen is Tokyo Drift That is terrible. That is so good of all the ones. Yeah, that's the only one I've seen. Oh No It's not that I don't like Tokyo Drift. It's just that like it's the worst that of all it was it was just before they like Decided they were gonna spend a lot of money on those movies It's also like I'm not a car guy at all neither are they don't worry about it You know we're running out of movie ideas if we watch Tokyo Drift on this
Starting point is 01:16:39 If we watch the one you've seen before any of the other ones She's gonna get killed I just know it my pushed off the ledge There's like 15 minutes of this movie left Go go see breathing. It's over for her dude. It's done. It's done. Oh The window damn Question what did she do to deserve that honestly in the plot of this film? What did she do besides research? Nothing. She's nothing to deserve that man. They they're running out of characters to like spook and killed with they can't kill off Nick K They're gonna kill the cop
Starting point is 01:17:19 No, yeah, that's next. Yo the hottest EMT in the world This is guy is a model who got a side-acting gig for a little extra cash in this Hey, stop running away so slowly I gotta pay the ghost Oh back at the scene of the crime That fucking monkey costume. Let's see if we see the same giant head again There it is some guy dressed up as a oh, yeah, there was say it was actually in there And there's the ghost Batman bad CGI in the dark go
Starting point is 01:18:03 Even hitting him from the right side to ghost Come on He runs like me and it's painful. I'm like a fat man. I feel terrible watching this like he runs like I do It's rough man You don't like watching Nicholas Cage run because it reminds you Yes, it's unpleasant. I want him to be way more fit than me He's old dude. Yeah, well then that says a lot about me I guess He's not shaman he's not
Starting point is 01:18:45 Town crier, where have you gone? Where has though gone? He's gonna just start handing money to these people now watch. He's like here. Let me pay the ghost. Oh Man the worst level of any video game the sewers Hey the ghost pay the ghost pay the ghost. Oh Oh This guy looks ridiculous This this outfit is just so weird you guys ready for this I'm so ready What in return for his kid you just want to watch
Starting point is 01:19:43 He's going to the other side this guy is this is like the like they never followed up with what happened to those two like White dread dudes from the Matrix to Yes, the Mera Vengeans They actually kind of did follow up if you watch the new Matrix movie great can't wait to watch it. Yeah, I hope this guy's in it Yeah, we're definitely not looking at a green screen Man the doorway to the other side is just in the sewers of New York Why do you have torches and flashlights everywhere dude, why does he need to be blind? Yeah, exactly putting it out there That is a portal to nowhere if he walks out of this and he's in that five nights at Freddy's movie. I'll lose my mind
Starting point is 01:20:56 That'd be another fun one to watch I feel like Was it wheelies one let's get we Nicholas cage on the podcast I would love that. Oh my god Oh I Can't believe how long this is taking Mia I'm here to pay the ghost Mia Oh
Starting point is 01:22:15 He's back in 1647 Foreign language Oh clocked with a brand. Oh my god Did he see that I can't tell his reaction isn't telling me if he was actually witnessing that or was that just for the viewer He's probably just used to this shit by now And now it is Blair witch Do you think he's ever even gonna find that lady?
Starting point is 01:22:59 Hannah she is the ghost. That's why she looked all charred. That's why she looked like a turd because that's got to be her Oh Got she's a witch got to have a cauldron How about this Charlie Get the kid from hocus pocus in here, he knows how to bring back dead witches isn't his name Charlie too Maybe You could have done couldn't have done those both at the same time. All right Weird like seems not that heavy. Yeah, it's like weird foam rock that he has to pretend is not foam rock
Starting point is 01:24:00 If his son is in here, this is like the longest scene of all time Like what do we need to watch like a comic book of him opening this in three panels All right, I can only take a few of you with me No, they're they're they're fucked. He's just like got to go Yeah, I Love all the wacky ass old costumes and none of them are like I dressed up as a famous character The witch does not pay copyright fees zero infringement
Starting point is 01:24:59 Generic princess you're getting kidnapped What's she doing with all these kids? Keeping them in this in this infinite cellar obviously Collect some like porcelain dolls. Oh god Yo, is that go yeah, what is that nope that's loco Sorry, oh Boogie this is so weird That's a Frozone from frozen
Starting point is 01:25:40 Queen Frozone That's the Incredibles Frozone. Nope. Nope The Incredibles character in this movie that would have been Brozone the bro zone dude. That's where I put my dude wipes Yo He got his color back like the giver my ghost still dad Oh What is he been doing for a year he's yeah, he's gonna be like he's gonna be like hey, let's go home from that thing. Oh
Starting point is 01:26:19 There she is Yeah, it's the two other kids. Sorry Mia You can't come. He's the only two other kids typical Asian mother is not allowed in two years not one He's the only two kids that have names. Can we take them? All the other kids are like you bitch Yeah Man, it was just that easy, huh that easy this cop better be like I Am so sorry
Starting point is 01:26:51 Army of children mobilize feel like all you have to do is explain himself to this lady. Oh Look at this. That's some 90s TNG effects right there It's like when you go on a Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and you wave goodbye to yourself. Yeah, oh That's good. I think encounter. I'm gonna be nerdy But I do think encounter at far point is a more compelling story than this. Yeah, I'm gonna just go ahead and agree with you There's the ghost I'm gonna be right in front of the camera with one of those lightning strikes Damn
Starting point is 01:27:50 Come here my children why she liked this though. It's so rude I'm hot. Yo agree. I'm not the person who did this to you. These are just my children that you're now taking away Let's end this cycle of revenge That kid looks so fucking the matrix reloaded that kid looks so upset Hit her Yeah, how what's that? What thrilling way is he getting all the kids are gonna do it? Yes, it's like return to the king Just like return to the king
Starting point is 01:28:28 Told you you would enjoy Wonderful 101 powers activate turn into a big baseball bat Everybody form off gun Swirl swirl. Oh Just made her let go Get out of here Mike Go now This is the most fucked-up thing you've ever seen get out of here
Starting point is 01:28:54 You've got to go your children. Oh, that looked awful Come on You need to be time at your father might be dead. This is gotta go. You can hear the panic in your voice ready action Dad no, let's go. It was like a lightly paranormal horror movie like This whole time now, they're like running across a collapsing portal from the underworld towards the like Matrix the dirty Matrix guy What was a more haunted movie? What was a more haunted movie this one or the 2004 ghost adventures documentary featuring Zach Baggins?
Starting point is 01:29:35 I would I would not like to watch that again Well dad I guess this is it Guess it's time to pay the ghost, huh? I Always loved you dad. Goodbye dad Consider her paid. Is he gonna have to died it so that his son may live? No, no, he's fine. He's fine And my favorite part of the movie right now
Starting point is 01:30:17 He's like whoa and fade and everything's fine. Thank God. We made it just in time guys. Here's your Czech Nicholas cage Thank you so much for the two days of filming He just walked around like five factories What was that run he's learning from his dad yeah fair Hey remember for a year when you accused me of killing this kid You and that cop talk about that Remember when you and that cop decided that I murdered this kid and
Starting point is 01:31:00 That you guys wouldn't triple check the fucking list So that guy got addicted to drugs He doesn't remember Dude, it's been a year. I literally they literally said it so that we would understand. Thanks This kid lost a whole year of his life, how are they ever gonna explain that to him Well, he missed his birthday. He's a whole year older. They figured it out in Avengers true They don't have smart Hulk with them, you know
Starting point is 01:31:38 Hey, I told you so I'm pretty much everything You were pretty awful to me. Oh God, you should not be putting that in the light. Oh my god Is that it Now you might be asking what happened to the cop great question great question where that story go You'll never know you'll never know Based on the novella so this is a novella of this story wait, so wait is this a big credit scene?
Starting point is 01:32:10 No, just a little hang on a vulture b-roll, but wait These credits even I too have a subscription to the epidemic sound even these credits That's how she landed and died, bro Oh For that page is a case the whole black smoke coming out of the mouth never went anywhere either burnt Yeah, I mean she's burnt that one from the inside out for reasons we don't know But also now that woman is the witch that other woman is the witch question mark. Why she wake up I guess we'll have to find out and pay the ghost to coming out in
Starting point is 01:33:04 2017 right It's got pay the ghost to time for a refund. It has everything this movie fun At all it had a teacher the goat who knew all the answers for some reason it had a detective story that went nowhere Had a German actress yeah language Who just like was there to die she served no purpose of the story it had Two actual actors doing nothing, but walking around the house the entire time this movie had it all It's barely a movie. It's like it's like it's like a covert movie. Like it's like something they made I Don't I don't even know what to say. I bet yeah, I bet you there's an article out there called refund the ghost
Starting point is 01:33:45 Yeah, I bet you for sure Man, and they really like did not tell you anything about the plot until the very Well, and even then very little was told. Yeah, it's very simple. It was a very simple thing She wanted we could have learned that really early on and solved this whole thing A woman was killed in olden days and she lost her three kids for being a witch and then she decided she'd take a kid every Halloween And if those kids could swole around her and like stop her Why did they never do that ever ever because they didn't that's what star power is? They saw Nicholas Cage there was Charlie. He's like get him and all the kid ghosts were like we got they didn't know
Starting point is 01:34:22 It was an option. They didn't know it was an option until someone gave them. You know what it just takes So an outside person to come in shake things up Yeah, that kid you finally did he was like get him Yeah, well, I learned a valuable lesson from that movie. So Me too. Yeah, pay the ghost. Hey, the ghost and pay us at Have done so thank you Yeah, if you're listening to this for free Well, that means it's four other ones already up there on patreon that you haven't listened to go listen to that. It's not wild
Starting point is 01:34:59 Think about that. It's not wild Well, thank you guys so much for hanging out with us in this wacky movie. We got another one next month I don't know. There's so many options. I feel like we have so many. Yeah, we'll figure it out We'll get some we do a documentary. We do. Oh, I've got a great one. I've got a great one Okay, all right. We'll keep it at that. Thank you guys so much for the support on patreon and we'll see you guys next month Bye Imagine a sandbox without the box coral pink dunes between your toes
Starting point is 01:35:28 Roar of an engine racing over hills of sand And riding a stallion through the red rocks Visit a small town surrounded by national parks Try the best street around and let your family explore the wild west In canab, utah, you can let imagination Go go to visit southern and start your adventure You

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