Circling Back - Coffee Friday 003: Brett's Shoulder Nipples

Episode Date: June 24, 2022

Dave, Dillon, and Brett sit down for Coffee Friday. No rundown, just vibes. Support us on Patreon and receive weekly episodes for as low $5 per month: Watch all ...of our full episodes on YouTube: Support This Episode’s Sponsors •    Rhoback: (BACKER20 for 20% off) •    Vizzy: To find Vizzy near you go to •    Athletic Greens: Go to for a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase •    Everlane: Get 10% off your first order when you go to EVERLANE DOT COM SLASH STEAM --- Send in a voice message: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Coffee's for closers only. You think I'm fucking with you? I'm not fucking with you. I'm not fucking with you. Coffee's for closers only. Closers only. Coffee's for closers only. I'm Kajal.
Starting point is 00:00:17 I'm Kajal. That's so stupid. This is my first time sitting in the host chair for coffee friday i think and i don't i think i've been sleeping on how much heat that is yeah we need to do more coffee fridays simply for the intro i think content whatever i would i would be down to read people would hate this many people would hate this i would be down to revamp the circling back, the regular circling back intro music like once every quarter. I don't know, man. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:52 There's an argument for consistency. We've obviously done quite well with consistency. We tweaked it one time, and some people were like, wait a minute. You can't just do that to us. I'm sorry we made it hotter. I know. That was a bad idea, and I take it back. I didn't mean to start Coffee Friday out on such a weird note.
Starting point is 00:01:11 This is, of course, a podcast where we drink coffee on Friday. And although we drink coffee, it is presented by Vizzy Hard Seltzer. That's the only hard seltzer featuring vitamin C from Superfruit Acerola, correct? Yeah, and it's also just extremely vibey it is I think Brett can attest to that it's a vibe they're all about good vibes as as are we as a company in a podcast busy brings the vibes constantly we were talking vibes earlier like maybe sitting poolside maybe you're out on the boat with a busy maybe you're whitewater rafting or maybe not sitting poolside more on that. Maybe you're on the dock docking.
Starting point is 00:01:46 You could be docking. Just pulling the boat up. Perhaps you could be docking. You could do another number of things. Whatever you're doing, though, if your Vizzy is in your hand, you're going to be having a good time. We all know that. If you dock with the International Space Station,
Starting point is 00:01:59 can you drink alcohol in space? Do they send you up with some stuff? They allow Vizzy because of the acerola. Right. Other ones, it messes up with the oxygenation inside the capsules or whatever. The oxygenation. I think that checks out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:15 So Vizzy's tight, though. That's allowed. It's the only hard seltzer that can penetrate the atmosphere. I don't know if that's true or not. I'm sorry. It can penetrate your lives, sorry again again with the space yeah you had the mimosas yet dylan man i haven't a whole i haven't i'm really upset about it wait till you wait till you hop in on that peach mimosa hard seltzer from busy
Starting point is 00:02:37 wow the peach okay it's phenomenal i might pick up some today if i can find it if i can find it. If I can find it. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to. You know where I found it? I found it in a random Super 1 Foods in Whitefish, Montana. Is that true? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:02:55 You need to give me the location, because I will be up there soon. Oh, I got you, Dave. Well, to find a Vizzy near you, go to slash washed. That's slash washed. And for updates on the latest flavor drops and more, sign up at VizzyH hard slash washed and for updates on the latest flavor drops and more sign up at busy hard slash subscribe must be 21 or older fantastic yeah i think so do tag team there so what is coffee friday we just come in here just vibes no rundown that's pretty much what it is. So Coffee Friday, if you don't know what it is,
Starting point is 00:03:27 basically we just drink coffee on Friday is what that means. Today's Friday and I have Bing Bong in my hand. Think I made intern Klein uncomfortable with my coffee mug, which is, you know, the- Bodacious. The bare midsection of a woman. Good gracious.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Yeah. I don't see, I don't see. I'm just H2O. I'm still dehydrated from what we did yesterday. Water Friday for Brett. Yeah. Oh yeah. I need it.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I didn't pee once during our golf run yesterday. For four hours. That's, that's bad. Your body was just absorbing. Right. Yeah. I drank,
Starting point is 00:04:04 I mean, I drank a lot of water on the course i only had two drinks i think it gets to the point when you're playing golf in 100 degree heat where you're just like i don't really need a yeah we were fully prepared like dave and i each brought a cooler not for drinks but for a towel we put a towel in there last time i bring that cooler to a golf course it doesn't it barely fits it's a's a Yeti, like the small one. And to open it, it's like the heavy-duty zipper. And unzipping it, like reaching around the clubs, was just a beating.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And I cut my hand, and it hurt. It got the job done. Dylan might need to play golf more often in 100-degree heat. I'll tell you what, man. I was striking the ball decently well for a guy who uh a is a terrible golfer and b hasn't played in a very long time i felt good about my there was only one club throw into the woods yeah last time i played was in vegas that did happen not me but yeah oh yeah will's will's not here by the way that's why i'm sitting here oh yeah will's not here i'm sorry that was rude will's
Starting point is 00:05:05 in dc um and and as predicted the the news of the day has um has changed his plans and i didn't want to transition from your uh female coffee mug right into giving a uh a genuine shout out to all of our lady backers out there our listeners yes understand if you don't want to listen to a fun podcast today, completely get it. But just know we're thinking of you. The tone of the day is a little grim. Yeah. I mean, I am a little hungover, but I am also a little grim. Can one be grim?
Starting point is 00:05:40 How does that work? One can be grim. Yeah. Well, consider me grim. You can feel grim yeah well consider me grim you can feel grim yeah but uh yeah unfortunate ruling in my opinion unfortunate ruling for for america so yeah unnerving anxiety it's a weird time i mean it's been a weird time, but like, and even though we had like an idea that this was coming down the pipe, it's like, it's still like, when you see it, you're like,
Starting point is 00:06:11 Jesus, like what? I'm sorry. That's me getting political. I'll mix it up in the Discord. If you're in the Discord, I'll mix it up and we can talk substantive due process and implied rights to privacy if you want. Yeah. Be more than happy to.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Seriously, email me, Dave, at I love that stuff. I love talking con law. At least two people are writing a review right now about how we're getting too political. And you know what? We're not. It's just, you know. It's Coffee Friday.
Starting point is 00:06:35 It's Coffee Friday, but more importantly, this is a major, major issue. Okay, pull back curtain. Honestly, when stuff happens at like Buffalo or Uvalde or the things that it's like, we do, do you, what do you think we should, how do you want to go about like for every, a show that people were like, they're tuning, they're not tuning in for our takes on stuff. For every, like these guys are talking politics. There's another couple couple people that are like we want to hear what you guys have to say on these issues so it's i'm sorry i mic'd you
Starting point is 00:07:10 i just mic'd you do damned if you don't kind of situation yeah tell us what you want to hear do you want us to speak up on things or do you want us to just ignore it and be your escape from the thing which is fine if you do i understand that i i have yeah i have shows that i consider that and that i listen to you know but you know what what we do here is basically i don't know if we this is corny but do we take the pulse of uh social media and talk about it we i'm kind something like that that's where we get a lot of our content and like to act like people this isn't the the topic The only time we've historically, we've done like politically adjacent stuff that we find humor in.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You know, if Ted Cruz says something just about Queso, we're going to talk about it because it's funny, not necessarily political, even though he is a political figure and he's easy to make fun of. Right. But sometimes we do speak out a little bit. Yeah, when 19 kids in our home state are gunned down, we're going to have a little something to say about it.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I'm sorry. It just happens. Yeah, and I don't know. If you don't like that, let us know. No, yeah. Let us know. I would like to know if you don't want to hear us talk about it. It's Coffee Friday.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Look, we can do what we want. It's the adult tour. We can say whatever the hell we want. We can. The adult tour would be a good podcast. And also you can maybe skip forward a little bit. That could be Randy's new joint. The adult tour?
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah. He'd rather do the kids tour. Randy wants to be the dude perfect tour operator. Because they just get slimed every night. Randy gets slimed every night just in a different way. I'm sorry. I don't even know what that means. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Dirty. You are a filthy son of a bitch, dude. Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. Y'all were talking golf though. You did throw your three wood despite the fact that that's the best round of golf I think I've ever played with you. Only because of the circumstance.
Starting point is 00:09:08 It was 18th tee, and you waited until the last hole of the club toss. No one's doing that. It was 18th tee, and I had high hopes about the hole. And I was first up for Wolf because I was in last place, even though i was second on the scoring for the day which is so trying to figure that one out you're saying that the guy who generally takes the wolf score and like keeps track of that might have been what are you saying like i don't know what you're suggesting really i just weird how that works out it is that a is that a huh emoji no it's just a second damn Damn, that stinks emoji.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Nobody's talking about me being in last place going into 17, the par three at Lions, and just raising the stakes and just putting one to 10 feet. You didn't pop top like you said you were going to do. Oh, I didn't, did I? Anyway, I was going to say, when I played in Vegas, which is the last round of golf I played, I'm pretty sure. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yes. I played with Drew, and he was like, man, you... Will's brother-in-law. He's like, you have... Yeah, he's a very good golfer. He's a scratch golfer, plus handicap. He was like, you got a good swing, but man, you're swinging way too hard. I was like, huh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I quieted my back swing down significantly. I don't rock. I used to rock. You were chasing Klein's swing speed, be honest. No, I'm never going to meet Klein on the speedometer. I know that. I don't want to be. That's not my game.
Starting point is 00:10:32 But I quieted my swing. I slowed it down. I'm not trying to crush the ball anymore. And I hit it. I struck the ball pretty well. And you know what? The biggest difference from what I saw is that your misses in the past when you swing hard are like gone.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Two baseball fields over. No one's finding that. Just so much spin on the ball. But even like your bad shots, it was like, okay, well, that's got a chance. I'm finding it. Yeah. Yeah. So, look, I'm happy, and maybe I want to play a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I can't do too many rounds in the heat like that, though. I was surprised you made 18. I was going to say, maybe it's, you know, the bat can act up from now and then on you. Maybe the heat kind of keeps you loose. On 15, that long par 5, there's no shade whatsoever. I had a moment where I was like, this might be my last hole. I put the towel over the head. Yeah. I powered through, man. There my last hole. I put the towel over the head.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah. I powered through, man. There was one hole. I don't know if you guys know. I had to walk off the green. I finished the hole, and I had to walk off before people finished. I'm sorry if you thought that was a dick move,
Starting point is 00:11:35 but I had a little spin moment. I had to get in the shade. I said 15. I think it was actually 14. I'm talking about either way. It doesn't matter. I had a moment where I almost called it. The cool towels are so, so key in around like that yeah anyway it's a it's a pro move to bring
Starting point is 00:11:52 your own towel and keep it in a cooler yeah not not the best shape i've ever seen lines in by the way greens are wasn't great greens are interesting no one had a true role i saw a lot of putts popping up and down greens were very hoppy which is like yeah you know what i'll take the i think i put better on like acc greens even though they're a 14 on the stem oh this guy lions greens brett hit it brett you hit a tree yesterday harder harder and more hilariously than i've ever seen anyone i hit four trees yesterday that were within like two and a half inches of my aim that would have been perfect shots and one one being 120 yards behind me i've never seen anything like watching you watching you try to punch out and hit like a i'm assuming it was like a hooded three iron or something just six yeah and it watching it hit hearing it hit the tree
Starting point is 00:12:46 and then it went so far back and right that i had to look away because i was like dude it's so hot and so miserable i'm like and brett your face was so red i was like i wouldn't i wouldn't be surprised if brett just went home i bowed you the hole though. You did. It was a great bogey. You and I both had some, we hit a lot of trees and had a lot of scrambled, like scrambling to get bogeys. Because the trees that we would hit or the lives we would have were not,
Starting point is 00:13:15 like for example, my drive on two ended up, I asked you guys for, or drive on three. I ended up literally six inches from a tree stump and I asked Dylan and Dave dave i was like do you guys mind if i pull this back like a foot because it's basically unplayable without breaking my wrist and like sure enough move it back hit another tree on the approach to the house like
Starting point is 00:13:36 that's not yeah it's not that bad i was seven yards off the fairway behind a tree stump and then they don't trim that course at all so it it's just... We gifted you a stroke on that hole. We did. Did you? The reason it's called taking an unplayable is because the ball is in fact unplayable. But I mean, in theory, I don't care. This isn't USGA.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I mean, we're going to let you have it. This isn't the live tour, bro. This is just friends being friends. Imagine live tour. One of the things is like, yeah, if it's kind of a nasty lie, just pull it back a few yards. you get a hand wedge every 18 oh i don't know man it was hand wedge uh i can't say i have
Starting point is 00:14:16 okay also they have lions is doing their their margaritas in cups that look like little dixie cups that you would uh like rinse your mouth out when you're your in-laws bathroom that was jarring and they don't fit the the cup holder oh your margarita cup yeah my little guy well yeah i'm glad you got some kind of beverage because they've removed all the water coolers from the course oh and i'm just like okay like yeah because i was planning on like soaking my towel without water and putting 100 degrees out there they have they have no shelters out there there are trees of course that you can find some shape they have no no payment we found plenty of shade brett and i no covered anywhere anywhere and then like there's no water
Starting point is 00:15:02 jugs they remove them from the course and so we finally caught up with one of the marshals on the 8th, I think. He pulls up and Dave's like, hey, you guys not doing water jugs out here? He's like, oh, we don't do that anymore. Oh, thank you. Dude. Maybe put a warning sign up front. We don't do water jugs anymore. Put a warning sign up front.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Like if you don't have water, you might die out there. If there's one thing that bothers Dylan, it's when there's no jugs gotta have jugs must have jugs you're gonna piss me right off if there's no jugs anywhere to be that's the name of dylan's rom-com must have jugs yeah where are the jugs you play in muni courses and you meet your sig up it's like a movie with sydney sweeney and there's like a pitching machine involved somehow the judge machine sure um okay multiple judge anyway that's a good level because we went to ranch 616 afterwards it's a restaurant in austin on west sixth west sixth and nueces it's really just on nueces. Am I saying that right? Whatever. Nueces. Nueces.
Starting point is 00:16:06 It doesn't matter, man. No one cares. No one's listening anyway. After we got too political, they turned it off. Okay. Just kidding. It's like two people. Dave, was that your first time back since they had reopened?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Correct. Due to insurance fraud. I mean the winter storm damage, apparently. Did you suggest that there might be... There might be a little extracurricular activity there. What are you basing that on? A water main break? A lot of people had damage from the winter storm.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Do you have enough damage to entirely redo the restaurant? I had a tree fall on my ac unit in the last freeze how's that is that is that fixed yeah dude and it's fucking expensive shit's fucking expensive dude lunchflation ac i'm getting smoked out there um yeah it was i stopped eating lunch it was good their menus expanded a little bit it was good i i probably ordered poorly i went with the beer can chicken which was a special and while it was good it was not enough there was not enough chicken on that bone i had they have the uh the lamb chop was another special option i've had it before and if you haven't, I recommend trying that at some point. It is delicious.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I went fish tacos. You can never go wrong with fish tacos. Very good. I believe I gave them like an 8.5 on the fish taco scale out of 10. Pretty good. That's up there. I should have got that. They're very good.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I'll pull back the curtain here. We went into Ranch 616. It was myself, Dylan, Dave, Klein, and Klein's buddy, intern Klein. They stopped by for a hot minute. They was there for a hot minute, yeah. Passing, just passing through. Just saying what's up to the squad. When I walked up, she was sitting down at the table, and I was like, huh.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I was like, because Alyssa had asked, like, hey. Oh, no, no. She's like, is it just going to be the boys? I was like huh i was like because alyssa had asked like hey oh no no she's like is it just gonna be the boys i was like yeah and then when i walked up i was like oh this is gonna be a tough one to know she was at out with friends and she was on her way home and she was driving right by so i was like yeah come give me a smooch stop by i got smooch she yacked it up with the boys from and she was on her way we didn't we didn't do cocaine with your wife to be clear no no not that not that kind of yak okay like yeah you know like we were talking she was you're communicating with your wife yeah verbally what is the word that i learned yesterday that she likes to use oh zhuzh zhuzh you know what zhuzhing is i know it now because you told me i'd never heard that when we started dating she mentioned she needed to zhuzh. Zhuzh. You know what a zhuzhing is? I know it now because you told me.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I'd never heard that. When we started dating, she mentioned she needed to zhuzh something. I think I was going over to her place, and she's like, okay, let me zhuzh the house first. And I was like, what are you talking about? How do you spell that? It starts with a Z. Thank you. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I'm just wondering the origin. Is it like Yiddish? I don't. This is all new to me. I like it though. Because you definitely friend cucked Brett. I'll spell it for you. Yeah, you did.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Dylan friend cucked me. What do you mean a friend cucked you? Klein was supposed to stay on Brett's couch and then you came in like, stay in my guest cabin. We have a guest room. It's a very basic setup. It's like a 12 by 12 room with a double bed in it.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's not special. And you cocked him. Zush is spelled Z-H-U-S-H. Zush. That makes sense. I was on the Zush train too because that's a word we used growing up. Zush something up. Make it a a little nicer i had never heard it
Starting point is 00:19:47 but now i now i know the word z h u s h it means to make more exciting lively or attractive so it's a legit word oh yeah it's a word oh z h u z h oh okay here we go also spelled zoosh or zoosh with z-o-o-z-h-o-o-s-h as a verb meaning to make something more lively interesting and stylish it is a fairly recent slang term first appearing in the mid-1960s in gay communities in the uk in the sense to improve the look of one's clothing or outfit yeah okay she's a big jujur she uses it often anyway she had to juj because klein was headed over to the crib and she wanted him to feel comfortable you know so she's juj sorry brett look the guy slept in a bed last night he did instead of my couch um so that's nice for him i did juj my place in
Starting point is 00:20:44 anticipation of klein coming uh to stay with me. So now I just have a nice clean apartment. And you have a zhuzhed apartment. You're welcome. Hey, let's overuse that next week, but not tell Will what's going on. Let's just start casually dropping it in on podcasts and just see if he's like... Who zhuzhed the office over the weekend? It looks really good in here. Yeah, I didn't want to say anything but it was me i'm the one who's
Starting point is 00:21:08 hey my going back to the start of ranch the 26th night though there was a there was like david issued a a taiwan on warning in the austin viewing i did at the golf course i dylan my partner i looked at him and and I said, I'm going to get into one tonight. When Dave says, I'm Ubering tonight, you know he's in Taiwan on mode. Honestly, I was too. I was ready to start throwing them back. Same.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I think it was across the board. I drank a margarita fairly quickly when I sat down at the table. You did? Anticipating maybe doing a couple more. I did a cold brew martini with tequila at Fix before Ranch 616. I was like, all right, we're having a night.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Were they upset that you weren't staying? No. We have a handshake agreement. If I walk in the door, I'll get a drink and they ask what you're up to tonight. I'll say, well, I'm going to eat here or we're doing dinner up the road. You're in an open relationship with Fix.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, I'm in very much. It's like, hey, you guys don't have Mexican food here at Fix. I'm in the mood for. So they're like, yep, no problem. That's cool that they let you do that. Right. But it didn't happen. Where was this going?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Oh, yeah, we tried to drink. We got tired. I sat down. I was like, I we i sat down i was like i was texting y'all i was like i feel pretty good like for a guy who just played in 102 degree heat i feel gotta go right into a dinner the first hour of dinner i felt really good and then it just it kind of hit me the first ranch water i i got zapped by the golf course monster yeah he came back for blood he's like i'm not done with you yet bitch bitch boy? Yeah, he's like, you thought it was over? It's not.
Starting point is 00:22:45 We're just getting started. I was like, no, dude. So I ordered another ranch water. Then I had another one at Woodrow's. And then I went home and went to bed. You went ranch water at Woodrow's? I did. I was already riding that tequila train,
Starting point is 00:22:58 and I'm a big believer in not mixing. Not mixing hard liquors. No, I'll go beer, vodka, or beer, you know, beer, hard liquor. But I like to, I like consistency because I feel like that's when I really feel like death is when I do like a vodka or do a Dave and then go right into an L Dave and then maybe like a Dave Chino. Stop. Or a Dave teeny.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Stop. What's a Dave teeny? stop what's a day of teeny um so it's vodka olives served in a uh what's traditionally known as a martini glass and um a little bit of vermouth oh okay is it chilled mega chilled and i the day of teenies generally serve with uh ice on the pond so just a little bit of crushed ice on top oh wow it sounds really familiar to something like another kind of drink i've had but i can't quite put a finger on it often sounds really good often imitated never replicated dave teeny is that what you called it it? I don't call it that. A lot of people do. Me, I just say whatever's in popular vernacular.
Starting point is 00:24:12 It's just wild that you have so many drinks named after you. Well, I've lived a crazy life, man. The Dave Teeny. The L Dave. I just missed. You guys stop throwing stuff over here. That was just coffee That's disgusting
Starting point is 00:24:25 Is there snot in that? No it's coffee I spilled a little cold So if I pick it up Is it safe? That did not I'm not gonna do what Will did I'm not gonna dig a bat out of my cave
Starting point is 00:24:33 On the video Cause of you Cause you called him out In the middle of the pod Would you wanna be called out? I would wait till after You think the camera Is not picking it up?
Starting point is 00:24:42 It's not If I'm not on the pod Dylan asks me before all the time He looks over and he's like Am I good? Am I am i good i'm like good dog say do i have any books it's good little book check book check too many times i walk around the house and britney's like hey man you got you got another booger up there like god dang it that's good that you guys are on that level though i mean you are married so yeah did uh dave would you think it was weird that dylan took a shit at woodrow's after don't say that i did not he did not i i don't i don't poop while i'm out
Starting point is 00:25:11 i don't think i do either if i had like if i ever have it's it's a bad situation klein has patented the star bar move because they have a nice bathroom still haven't pretty much your only option if you're at woodrow's and you you get the that's true yeah you gotta walk right across street say hi to the bouncer and walk right back out when you're done be like yep that just happened he knows he knows yeah he knows what's going on there but yeah we uh we all we all went home early so there was a table next to us two young ladies and they were just you just having a little girls night. And some of the guys at our table were like, oh, those are attractive young ladies. Oh, it wasn't me.
Starting point is 00:25:52 No, it certainly was not me. Anyway, they sat there, and then they got up to leave. And right when they got up to leave, we were talking golf, of course, because dudes rock. Yeah. Brett stands up. Keep in mind, they were behind Brett. Brett does not know they're about to walk out correct and he starts explaining how his his chipping stance which is very weird it's like almost side saddle it's very open stance and like so he's standing up doing
Starting point is 00:26:16 like the the golf the golf guy thing like oh no no so this is what i do and like they stood there and like watched him do it and And then I go, Brett. And he turns around. He's like, oh. I was like, that's not a good look. It's not. I had no idea. They were sitting behind me trying to get up.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I was trying to golf guide because you guys were saying, explain this nightmare of a chipping stance to me. It was. I was doing that. Yeah. We also got out the picture of the famous Sixth Street Ass Man. The Austin Ass Man. And we considered showing everyone in the restaurant. We did show our waitress. got we also got out the picture of the uh the famous uh six street ass man the austin ass man and we considered showing everyone in the restaurant we did show our waitress just to
Starting point is 00:26:49 get their thoughts great waitress uh body bagged me at the end but great waitress she did she did yeah after telling her that i was older than dave she didn't say well i would have thought you were older talking about dave and she goes it's the mustache and she's like there's grays in it and that actually saved it i was like i didn't know those grays were noticeable i i'm actively looking for more grays in my my beard and hair on the chinny chin yeah you do yeah not in your hair though well i need to touch them up actually okay yeah it's been a minute you know why i sound like shit today you know i forgot to do when i woke up uh if i would guess i would say you
Starting point is 00:27:31 didn't take your athletic greens i forgot to do my athletic greens you dumbass idiot i know i'm i knew i knew you know you leave your house and you're like i forgot something i couldn't i couldn't figure it out and then as i sat down and did this ad read i was like oh yeah that's the problem so for many many years of my life i have since i started drinking coffee on a regular basis i've woken up excited very excited to have my first cup of coffee just just been a part of my life now i'm excited for two things athletic greens followed by my coffee it's a wonderful wonderful way to start it's the one-two punch it is i've had athletic green literally every day since they gave us our package our athletic greens package i'm on the train i've skipped a couple days accidentally
Starting point is 00:28:19 i just kind of forgot to do it yeah that's fair but i don't like i don't like to skip yeah if you're me i don't know about you guys but sometimes i don't necessarily get my the proper amount of uh greens in my diet on a daily basis so this is a nice way to just kind of nip it right off the right off the bat in the morning first thing i do go out one scoop about 10 ounces of water in the little shaker i love that shaker by by the way. Shake it up. With one scoop, you're absorbing 75 high quality vitamins, minerals, whole foods, sourced superfoods, probes, AKA probiotics.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And another word that I really don't want to attempt to say because I'm probably gonna botch it. No, go ahead. Adaptogens? Adaptogens, thank you. It's a tough one. It looked more intimidating than that. It's like zouj for your stomach.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Zuj. Zuj. Come on, man. It's lifestyle friendly. Whether you eat keto, paleo, vegan, or dairy-free, or gluten-free, you can do this. Supports better sleep recovery and, or sleep quality, excuse me, and recovery, mental clarity, and alertness. That's something.
Starting point is 00:29:21 That's the key. That's where I've noticed the biggest change. Yeah. In me. Notice that. You've been on your game. You did like a 10,000 word blog. 9,200. 9,200. Wow. Fantastic. As far as the price goes, it costs you less than $3 a day. You're investing in your health and it's cheaper than your cold brew habit. Boy, don't I knew it. I mean, come on. Right now, it's time to reclaim your health and arm your immune
Starting point is 00:29:47 system with convenient daily nutrition it's just one scoop and a cup of water every day that's it no need for a million different pills and supplements to look out for your health to make it easy athletic greens is going to give away a free one year supply of immune supporting vitamin d and five free travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit slash circling. Again, that's slash circling to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance. Is it finally time to talk about what everyone's been waiting for? Is this Brett's pool segment?
Starting point is 00:30:25 I thought it was the whitewater rafting. Okay, that's a good one too. We can really go either way. Let's go. Let's go. Let's start with the whitewater rafting. What's your beef with whitewater rafting? So we're doing like a bachelor party planning text, right?
Starting point is 00:30:39 I'm not the best man here. I am involved in the bachelor party. I'm not, you know. Whitewater rafting is being tossed around i i'm firmly like to my core anti-whitewater rafting one i i've never done it so i have no basis for arguments sake here but two i just don't i i i can't explain to you how bad i don't want to whitewater raft. And I think it's because I think it's lame.
Starting point is 00:31:07 You've never been, right? No. What's lame about it? I don't... To me, it's like a dangerous activity that has no... What's fun about it, I guess? It's adrenaline. It's thrilling. Adrenaline rush.
Starting point is 00:31:21 You're on the water. You're getting spread. You're in a dope location. You're on the water you're getting spread you're in a dope location if you know the the type you're on a river where you whitewater raft are usually in pretty dope spots i've done whitewater rafting through the grand canyon actually colorado river and it was absolutely incredible i did it when i was 18 on the american river uh somewhere in northern california and i i would love i've actually talked to flounder i was like dude we should go do this again and he's all about it but of course he wants to add a fly
Starting point is 00:31:51 fishing element to it but it's it's like 90 percent 99 95 like cool like calm you know scenery talk to people and then see yeah scenic and. And it's like, this is really beautiful. You probably have a guide. Water's clear. And then it's 5% of it's like, all right, everyone get ready. Here comes a little, they have like different levels to how intense it is. Class twos. Here comes a three. I don't know what it's called.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Class whatever rep is. Yeah. Don't get ready for it. You're like, okay, all right. And then you get through that like, that was sick. Then you get to chill for another little bit. Do you have any, like when you have the oar in your hand do you have any influence on that or is it more for show it's no no give you some security it's a good team building thing too
Starting point is 00:32:33 because everybody's got to kind of be in sync now you're gonna you're you've got the momentum obviously you're on a river and you're going in that direction but those oars are to stay on track mostly yeah yeah the river carries you you have to avoid avoid creek boulders or river boulders, things of that nature. Yeah. I think I'd be annoyed if I hit my shin on a rock below the surface in a rubber boat. I'd be like, fuck that. No, that's not a thing. You're going to want to stay in the boat during the rapid part.
Starting point is 00:32:58 You're also going to need to wear chacos or tivas. You can borrow my chacos. I have like 15 pair. More on chacos potentially to come well we've made we've made contact i've made i mean jody foster's son we need to wait because people are going to think we just did chacos content to get it get the bag we didn't we didn't no one just got chaco i'm going to start selling feet pics for like 200 bucks but i'm gonna do a 300 version where i have the chaco tan, get the pay extra for that.
Starting point is 00:33:26 So it was just crazy sick. Commish. All right, you know what? Maybe I was too hard on Whitewater. It's cool, man. It's cool. Brett, I'm telling you, like me as an 18 year old, I hated everything.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I loved it. Loved Whitewater. And I think it's great for a guy in his, I mean, we're older than you, but it would be a good trip for guys in their 30s just to kind of get back, like feel alive again. What's the locale? It would be New Hampshire. Don't know much about New Hampshire.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I don't either. Northeast, New England. Nice, nice place. Good mountains, good rivers. Who's the most famous person from New Hampshire? Very wooded area oh that's a good question dave i don't know if they're pumping out adam sandler mandy moore she's missing you like candy sarah silverman noted comedian
Starting point is 00:34:19 wow new hampshire huh and more oh seth myers okay good really nice place okay Wow, New Hampshire, huh? And more. Oh, Seth Meyers. Okay. You had a really nice place. Okay, Dylan. Portsmouth, New Hampshire is beautiful. Dylan, here you go. Carlton Fisk. There it is. Boom.
Starting point is 00:34:35 That famous home run down the line. It hits the foul pole. He's waving it fair. He's my little Fisky girl. Sorry. Yes, a little bit. It was a play on his last name. Give it a shot, man. Be open-minded. Give it a shot. Okay, I'll be open-minded last name. Give it a shot, man. Be open-minded.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Give it a shot. Okay, I'll be open-minded. What are the alternatives for this bachelor party? What I want to do is be on a boat and just drink beers. I feel like that would be fun. It's not really a drinking activity. It's not always about alcohol, Brad.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, bro. Be on a boat and water ski or wakeboard or just cruise. That's fun, but you can do that anywhere and everywhere. You can only whitewater raft in rapids. You have to go find them. You know what I mean? When the mountains are calling, Dylan.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Be open-minded. Give it a shot. Don't be scared. Hold on to your buddy. I'm not scared, dude. I'm not fucking scared, man. It'll be sick, on to your body scared dude hold on to your butt scared man it'll be sick dog all right so they did i'm gonna do it i don't know if this is a thing that you do on all whitewater raft trips but the guide has like this spot there's there's
Starting point is 00:35:35 spots in the river where there's like big large boulders right gets the raft right up against it and the front is going up and down and if you want you can go sit on the front and hold like like you're riding a horse or a bronco you know bull riding um and like you bounce up and down it's really fun it's very i mean i don't know if it'd be fun now but it was fun as an 18 year old bronco country yeah let's ride there it is yeah we knew it was coming we knew it was coming. Let's ride. That's what they say before they get on the raft like that, basically. Sure.
Starting point is 00:36:10 All right, well, if I'm going to do it, I want to be in position A. Who's the engine? You know the fourth seat in a crew boat? The coxswain engine? What's it called? The coxswain. The coxswain. Can you spell toxin?
Starting point is 00:36:24 I don't want to try it. C-O-C-K-S-O-N. Nope. Fuck. It's not it. Oh, I know. It's C-O-X-W-A-I-N. Oh, so close.
Starting point is 00:36:35 There's an S in there, isn't there? Cockswain. Cockswain. That's right. They wouldn't know shit. No, we didn't have that at Duncanville. Didn't have the duncanville rowing team no we weren't near uh bodies of water to do that we weren't going out to joe pool lake to
Starting point is 00:36:51 to crew or whatever it's a great way to build your back though have you seen the jacobs well what's that it's a swimming hole near austin and it's on a little creek river situation. But Jacob's Well is this natural well that you can dive down into, and it is freaky looking. Oh, is it really? It's like very clear and deep? It's freaky, yeah. Yes. I've often wanted to do this.
Starting point is 00:37:18 It's something that I assume I need to be like months in advance on booking a trip there. I don't really know how that – I think you just walk up and start swimming it's cool looking it is it is free is it all natural yeah absolutely it's kind of sick dog well there's a there's like a swimming hole or series of swimming holes outside of austin that's like on private land i forget what it's called i see it like it's very instagram and real z kind of content but you uh you just have to cross this dude's property who really fucking hates people crossing his property if you get by like the big bad mean guy get some is he gonna go swimming is he gonna blast you might blast that's they've got to fix that you need to cross someone's property
Starting point is 00:38:03 did y'all hey i'd be pleased either when you were in san marcos did y'all frequent the place known as little arkansas yeah so i assume they shut that down but that place was like mega dangerous to like get to like i don't remember it all that well honestly it was on someone's private property and they just let people drive down there but to drive down there you're on like's private property, and they just let people drive down there. But to drive down there, you're on a significant hilltop, and you're kind of going around on these borderline dangerous roads. You could easily see how some college kid could roll a truck down into it, but that was a fun spot. That was a heavy Chaco sitch. Oh, that's why I always hang out there.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Really? Yeah. Okay. You were early. Yeah. Let's go to Jacob's Well. This is kind of sick. I changed my mind.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I don't like being, I mean, it is kind of freaky, but I want to go. Do I need to do Enchanted Rock? I've never done that. I don't really feel the need. I imagine it to be the hottest place on earth right now. Sure. It's a big granite rock that's just sitting in the sun all day. It's 104 degrees. Maybe the in the fall okay it's just a big rock i don't know what's what's the draw really it's enchanted yeah is it enchanted yeah spells and shit okay well do you
Starting point is 00:39:21 know the the entrance to barton springs or i don't know what it's called but right there at where mopac and 360 and there's like that you stay on the service road and all those cars park along yeah yeah what does that go down to the green green belt yeah um also so you know where i used to live you probably don't actually um i'm travis country yeah my my house backed up to that same area and people will park along my like right by my house like lined up and you hike down there and it's uh sculpture falls i'll show you some pics it's pretty cool big swimming hole right now it's probably pretty dry you can't really do much swimming there but when when it's raining and stuff like during the you know spring it's really, really cool.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I used to go down there all the time because I lived right there. Yeah, I always see that because I used to drive by that service road every day. Sculpture Falls. And I was like, do I need to be doing this? Beyond that, you can just hike and stuff throughout all that too. It's a cool, it's the green belt.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I don't think I've ever hiked intentionally. I've never set out with my intention like we're going hiking today that's a thing we're doing on this trip that's just never never been a thing it's cool it gets you in touch with some you know it's kind of some some primal instinct looks like that yeah in there i can't really i can't really hate on you for not wanting to whitewater raft when i've never hiked but hiking with like a cool destination in mind or or uh to get to is fun went hiking and tell you ride over last summer in telly dude telly beautiful how many edibles like 45 degrees and it feels like it's 70 because the air is so thin that's really weird how it works um i did i did burn a little bit while I was there, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yeah. Okay. Yeah, Sculpture Falls and Well Junction, whatever it's called. Jacob's Well. Jacob's Well. Let's get into it. Okay. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Brett, are you prepared to talk about your pool? Speaking of water. Yeah, I was going to say, speaking of pools. Do you want to talk about our friends at Everlane first? Let's do Everlane first. Okay. Hey, look. When you stick by what's important to your very core, it shows in everything you do.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Everlane's committed to doing the right thing from start to finish. That means partnering with responsible factories and ensuring every piece of clothing looks and feels great for years to come. We've all gotten – we've been sent Everlane articles of clothing, and let me just say it's a big player up here. Let me mash that anecdote button real quick. Please do. If you don't mind.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I wore my Everlane shoes during the rollback photo shoot we did on Tuesday. And one of the photographers, he was very complimentary of them. He's like, man, those are really great shoes. I love them. What kind are they? I said, they're Everlane. I said the same thing. I thought maybe he was just being nice.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Hour later, he's like, I really like those those shoes let me take a picture of the tongue the tongue said everlane let's just i don't want to forget the brand name he's like i'm getting me some of these shoes that's how dope they were can't confirm they're just saying i'm just saying man will's big in the t-shirt game from everlane too i love their t-shirts it's it's one that i wear around the house i've even slept in them they're great here's the game from everlane too i love their t-shirts it's it's one that i wear around the house i've even slept in them they're great here's the cool thing everlane researchers and audits factories and partners to find producers championing fair working conditions and reducing environmental impact uh for example paying above legal minimum wage ensuring safe working environments recycling water facilities using renewable energy or
Starting point is 00:42:45 repurposing byproducts everlane team has a direct relationship with each factory and builds strong relationships with their team look what more can we say you're getting transparent clothes you know where you know you're getting sustainable um fair sourced stuff and it's high quality it's very comfortable the shoes I'm very jealous. I did not get the shoes, Dylan, but they do look fantastic. If you want to do things differently from your core to your closet, shop Everlane. Go to slash steam and sign up for 10% off your first order.
Starting point is 00:43:19 That's 10% off your first order when you go to slash steam and sign up. Everlane, helping people live their best lives with the least impact on the planet. Speaking of the planet, Brett's pool. This segment's called Brett's pool. It does reside in the confines of Earth. Facts. I can't use it, Dave.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Did Alex Jones do something in it? Did somebody get in the same day that they had diarrhea we got an email from the too many too many people peed in it from the santal where i live uh you're telling your dog why you tell anybody where you live dog all right well from my apartment complex sorry you already said that you already said it due to recent activity over the weekend we feel it's necessary to remind everyone of a few of the more important pool rules. These rules are visibly posted on the pool deck, and failure to adhere to these rules and community policies are included in the sign.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Resort and find. Yeah, you get the point. No glass, no pets, no loud music, two guests per resident, and the pool closes at 10. Fine. Get that email. No problem. So I went to enjoy the pool. I say, okay, there's rules.
Starting point is 00:44:27 That's fine. But may I remind you, Dave, there's two pools in my apartment complex. I didn't know that. Wow, it must be nice. I have zero pools in my home. I go there after the Roback shoot, which was a hot one, to get some water, cool off. Closed, Dave. No warning, no email.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Just this pool rules email. Filter clogged? Pool number one closed. Broken glass. Come on. See, you just got to be... That's a lot of broken glass. You're a selfish jerk if you take glass to a pool. So I said, oh, no problem.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I'll go to the next pool, next door. Just another 100-yard walk. Fine. Totally fine. Oh, sir, that one's closed too. But why? Broken glass. From the first one. So because whatever asinine reason, they closed one pool down because of broken glass. They had to close the other down too, which makes no sense. It's 107 degrees outside. They closed two pools down for one broken glass, not even in the pool, on the side of the pool. And I'm hot about it.
Starting point is 00:45:34 You can't- So you're not mad at the apartment complex? Or are you? No, I am. I'm saying- Who's catching your wrath right now? Let's use some common sense. One, if you're, don't bring glass to the pool like drink your rosé
Starting point is 00:45:46 with ice cubes in it in a nice plastic container. It's going to get hot in the sun anyway in glass. And two, why are you closing down both pools for one instance of broken glass on the side of a pool deck? And three, why are you not sending an email saying the pools are closed so I have to walk my dumb
Starting point is 00:46:01 ass down and find out the hard way? Pool rules email gets sent out. No closed pool email. It's got to be a liability issue or something. It's 100%. That stinks, man.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Apparently they have to drain the entire pool, scrub it, and then refill, and then re-chemical. That's so much water. Because of glass? Because of glass. Why scrub because of broken glass?
Starting point is 00:46:34 That's a great question. Just to get the little glass fragments that could potentially be at the bottom of the pool or something? Is that what that means? I believe so, yes. Oh, okay. Drain both pools. And the pools, one of the pools is like fucking huge they're following protocol don't don't be angry with management i know it's the it's the d head who
Starting point is 00:46:51 thought he could he could bring a corona to the pool and be chill about it but nah i agree ruin the fun for everybody dude literally for everybody and then but my problem is it's the second time they're not good communicators so when my car was towed from a spot by this apartment complex oh will got you will got me they didn't they didn't notify me at all there was no warning there was no no it was like your car's just gone and they're like oh you're not in the system and i pulled up the system and i was clearly in it a fun fact about me every time i go downtown in austin and i drive and I park somewhere on the street, even if I read the signs and pay, there's always a thing in the back of my head saying, you're going to get towed. You're going to walk out of this brunch and your car's not going to be there. I just don't like parking downtown.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I'm trying to get better at it. It's just such a beating. It stinks. Yeah. The other day when I had to go down to the capital and y'all did too you found a good spot i went solo and i just like all right i'm gonna go in this parking garage they were free by the way for the amount of time we were there but still there were hella spots right up front yeah i bunch i did yeah i didn't i didn't think there
Starting point is 00:47:59 would be i am a i am take first available guy i don't care if the walk's longer but that's just the thing you need to know about me. I've gotten pretty, you know, there's a system I use. I go downtown a lot to do work. There's a pretty good loop I have going. The West Six spots are usually open and prime territory. Dollar an hour. Not bad.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah, not bad. Get the app it's it easy it's in on the pool though it's still closed for the foreseeable future both pools i saw a guy driving down my street with a big trough in the bed of his truck like a horse trough was it a yeti coffin no it was actually no it was like one of the silver ones right right and i was just thinking like granted my wife would never let me do this but i would i would love to have that in my backyard just to fill up with cold water and just to sit what's is that trashy as hell like if i'm just in my backyard in a trough just just sitting there cold punching you were right about our dan our uh britney's friend he got he and put a cold plunge in his backyard i know dude it's sick what is i i i
Starting point is 00:49:15 respond to his stories like kind of hoping for the invite and just hasn't hit me yet i guess i guess i'm further down the list than i thought he He was inspired by our Cabo trip. Dan went to Cabo and said, I love it so much. Yeah, not Dan, register. He put a cold plunge. How do you, what does a cold plunge consist of? How is it different than a normal? There's different ways to do it. Because yes, I did look into this.
Starting point is 00:49:39 It gets cold. The ones that. That's the difference. The ones that have cooling, not cooling jets, but like a cooling device in it that keeps the difference the ones that cool have cooling a like not cooling jets but like a cooling device in it that keeps the chiller those are like expensive i don't yeah very expensive now there's there's workarounds there's like there's a company that sells like a barrel that seals shut so if you just fill it with water and ice it'll stay cold and and some people even do like they'll buy a meat freezer you'd have in your garage fill
Starting point is 00:50:05 it up with water dump a bunch of ice in it shut it keep it sealed and then go cold plunge i'm not i'm not doing that i can't i'm not getting permission from uh from melissa to drop a meat freezer in the garage so i can go cold plunge just be like survival mode you'd be like well if you know everything goes to shit we can put meat in the meat freezer. It'd be good. Facts. Get one for the office. Cold plunge?
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yeah. Or cryo chamber? A plunge. Plunging is more beneficial than the cryo chamber. Catch me plunging. You ever think about how people, like 100 years ago, to keep stuff cold,
Starting point is 00:50:40 they were like the Iceman would come around with like blocks of ice. Yeah. That's why they're called ice boxes. that's how freezers worked back then yeah you just get you know get break off a piece of your ice for the week or not a freezer that's how refrigerators worked yeah just be like yeah here you go refrigeration and the and the milkman no melting milkman you know those jokes right no how many people were really hooking up with the milkman like oh what's her name's son looks like the milkman oh because he comes around and comes around then he
Starting point is 00:51:14 comes around again that's right who's the modern day milkman is the ups guy yeah this is the ups guy i don't know is it the mailman too hot. He aggressively backs into the parking spot out front. They're too hot and sweaty. I don't know, man. The milkman. Babe, are some of us like the UPS guy? I mean, milkman used to be a thing. Pool boy? That's like, that's- Yeah, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Yeah. It's the pool boy. Fucking don't need any pool boys at my apartment complex. Sounds like they do. Sounds like, yeah. No, they need lifeguards. Just like, please bring your Coronas elsewhere. So I don't know if this is a bad thing or not,
Starting point is 00:51:50 but I brought some glass bottles to the beach. I was like, am I allowed to do this? I wasn't walking around with it. I was just sitting in a chair, but we had some glass bottles. I was like, this is what I want to drink. Yeah, no, I wouldn't say it's the worst worst thing in the world because you drop a glass bottle on sand it's not doing anything but you don't want to leave it there and plus in every corona commercial
Starting point is 00:52:13 snoops just on the beach blatantly with bottles so what do you want me to do how does how does sea glass get made is that just pieces of broken glass? No. I think it's erosion. Sea glass? Yeah. I don't know what sea glass is. Sea glass out. His name is actually sea bass.
Starting point is 00:52:35 What is sea glass made from? Naturally weathered pieces of glass. Sea bass or not? If that's sea bass over there. Movies. Yeah, no. It's just fucking people's glass bottles being broken and in the sea.
Starting point is 00:52:52 That's not. There's no way that's a thing. I swear to God. Buy the sea jewelry says it's... Okay, maybe I was wrong. It's a reverse gem made by man refined by nature instead of made by nature refined by man damn the duality of man you have anything more exciting to end on or do we want to end with the sea glass thing
Starting point is 00:53:21 starbucks has a new chicken sandwich just in, no. My headache is ramping up. It's getting worse. Starbucks has the most depressing looking food. Like in the little case, their breakfast sandwiches are not good. I think they're all pre-made and they just zap them in the microwave. They do.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And it's fine in a pinch, but like no one's going there for food. I'm going to ride. You know who loves Starbucks food? Cool Adam. Does he's going there for food. I'm going to ride. You know who loves Starbucks food? Cool Adam. Does he? He loves Starbucks food. No, they do make a decent chocolate croissant that Parks is a big fan of.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Okay. What did I see Parks doing on Instagram yesterday? Popsicle, Ice Cream Man, something. Donut. That's what it was. Donut Friday? It was today. Did he bite every one of them? He got a knife Donut. That's what it was. Donut Friday. Did he bite every one of them?
Starting point is 00:54:08 He got a knife and fork. That's what he does. He wants to try all of them. He does not believe in taking the one he touches. Before he commits to a full one, he wants to make sure he knows how they all taste. I appreciate that. You're taking official visits. Hey, Brett, I think you should take a look in the mirror and just check for your shoulder nipples.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Just one time for a player. What's your hanger situation? You should take a look in the mirror and just check for your shoulder nipples. Oh, my God. Just one time for a player. Oh, man. What kind of hanger? What's your hanger situation, dude? Here's what you do. I noticed it today. Randy's cracking up. I literally noticed it in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:54:34 No, I did look in the mirror today. This is what you do. Wet washcloth. Get your hand a little wet. Just go like that and just pat it down, and it'll smooth it out. I do it all the time. The best thing about – there was a number of good things growing up with an older sister, but she would not let me
Starting point is 00:54:46 leave the house for school. With shoulder nipples? With shoulder nipples. Yeah, she'd be like, huh, mm. She'd also pop the zits on my back. Oh, yeah. My sisters would pin me down
Starting point is 00:54:54 and just go to town on that. Oh, God. What, why? Why? Dylan, that's like- I'm not popping your zit. That's like a super popular subculture.
Starting point is 00:55:03 People love to watch that. Friend of the show, Jake Kemp. I can't stop watching him. If I get served him on Instagram or something, I'll watch for 20 minutes. I'm going to Montana with Jake in two weeks. I'm going to try to get like, how do I make myself have a little breakout on my back? I want one of those big boy ones, and I'm going to make him pop it. See, I don't want to do the popping.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I just want to see other people do it. I am the one of those big boy ones and I'm going to make him like pop it. See, I don't want to do the popping. I just want to see other people do it. I am the one who pops. Right. Can I round out this podcast with one quote from Mr. McElroy talking about the Starbucks chicken sandwich, Dave? Are you ready for this? Hold on, Rory. He wasn't impressed with the product.
Starting point is 00:55:40 It's off-putting. In his words, and in the battle of chicken sandwiches, Starbucks is an infant tickling itself with a razor. They're wandering into a pre-existing conflict and with no care, no forethought, and no knowledge. Someone higher up at Starbucks actually said those words? No, I don't know who this is. Because that was a really, really eloquent way of saying that they don't need to do the chicken sandwich.
Starting point is 00:56:06 It's Justin McElroy, co-host of the podcast My Brother. My Brother and Me. They've been covering the chicken sandwich wars for years. That's a good podcast, I'm sure. I wonder who it's featuring. Anyway, that's it. That's from Bon Appetit. You know, Du Moi has a podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Did you guys know this? They just, is it called Spilling Tea? Like do they do it's just i don't know but no tea is left not saying who but someone in my household might listen to it occasionally you know who their guest was this week this rusty ranks beers shut up rusty featherstone who's rusty i go i was like you know this guy for a podcast she goes you know the friday beers guys don't you i was like not really but like i met one of the guys at one of our meetups and she's oh yeah they've got the the rusty guy on there i'm like rusty ranks beers is on this and i listed i was like yeah that's him shout out to him he will rank a beer that's the thing about him he's doing bars now too are we surprised that barstool didn't land him or go after him no i i don't know i think he's obviously he was a good free agent pickup for friday beers that's for sure
Starting point is 00:57:13 oh he actually they signed he does content for that i don't know what what exactly the capacity of that is that's the thing is like and for us too i mean pull back the curtain like when we see somebody big on tiktok or instagram or something like that, it's not a question of, oh, that would be a cool get to add to the content roster. But then it becomes, what do they do and how do they justify a salary? Which a lot of time is done through ad sales. But a lot of the times, too, if you have a big following, you say, I need a bigger salary. And then the salary is not justified through ad sales because it's hard to sell social. And so the loop continues on.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Very cool. You know, it's tough with something like that. You're taking a leap of faith that, like, this person, you go after someone like that. This is just us. Not talking about what Friday beers is. I don't know what their situation is but we grab somebody like that and it's like all right well obviously like month one they're probably not bringing a stream of revenue arguably like they're not paying for themselves two to three months before you see a cent so you have to kind of there's that that was a big player at the previous company it's it's it's a tough part
Starting point is 00:58:25 of running a immediate business like this it's delicate and podcast uh podcast ads for those out there are generally a higher per impression revenue generators than a tweet or a tiktok so it's why we went after svp and we got close dangerously close some say but yeah we were like this guy can bring immediate eyeballs ears and dollars into the end of the company and at the end of the day he decided to stick with the millions of dollars that espn was paying which is fine i think we were top five on his list we were offering pretty decent benefits We were offering pretty decent benefits. All the PTO he needs.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Remote, work from home, whatever. Just stayed in D.C. We would promote his stuff on the Wash Media Instagram. How did he say no? I don't know, man. I don't know. Oh, man. I'm spent. I have a headache.
Starting point is 00:59:24 I need a cold plunge. How great would that be today? This was a fun Friday beers pod. I think I learned a lot about Brett today. Like? Such as? Do not fuck with Brett's pool. No, fuck.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Not in the middle of summer in Austin. I can't stop looking at his shoulder nipple. I'm glad you waited until the end to point that out, because that would have totally tanked the show. Dylan, free the nipple. That's what I say at his shoulder nipple. I'm glad you waited until the end to point that out because that would have totally tanked the show. Dylan, free the nipple. That's what I say. Free the nipple. I'm team hashtag free the nipple.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Okay. What? It's just a picture. It's not. It's a video. It's a video. It says it all. Well, I don't know when the next Coffee Friday is,
Starting point is 01:00:05 but Will will most likely be here. You got to think he'll be here, yeah. Maybe we'll mix it up. Maybe we'll have a different guest. Who knows? Maybe we'll replace Dylan with Rusty Featherstone. Can we get Arch in here at some point when he's on campus? I guarantee.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Why not? What's his personality? I guess not what's his personality i've never i guess we'll find out he's a high school kid right he doesn't even he's done a couple tiktoks okay mostly just appearing in the background while those other boys are doing stuff in front of him but sick all right thank you for sticking with this coffee friday if you did have a great weekend everybody love you guys keep your head up bye-bye coffee's for closes only Sick. All right. Thank you for sticking with this Coffee Friday, if you did. Have a great weekend, everybody. Love you guys. Keep your head up. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Coffee's for closers only. You think I'm fucking with you? I am not fucking. I am not fucking with you. Coffee's for closers only. Closers only. Coffee's for closers only. I'm catch up.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Holy shit. Be'm Kajai.

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