Circling Back - Living Más with Producer Micah

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

Producer Micah joins Will and Dave to discuss Dave's 40th birthday weekend, Randy's Washed HR email, equipment financing, Biden bowing out for Kamala to run, Taco Bell's early retirement community, an...d two (2) wellness trends that deal with salmon sperm and beer baths. Enjoy a free one-week trial on Patreon for additional weekly episodes: Watch all of our full episodes on our new YouTube channel:  Shop Washed Merch:  (0:00) Fun & Easy Banter (14:00) Randy’s HR Email for Dave’s Birthday (19:00) Recapping Dave’s Birthday in Fun (37:20) Biden Out, Kamala In / Brat Summer > White Boy Summer (56:00) Taco Bell opening early retirement community so adults can 'Live Más' (1:04:55) Wellness Trends: Salmon Sperm & Beer Baths Support This Episode’s Sponsors Rhoback: (BACKER20 for 20% off) Mugsy: (enter your email for discount on site!) Bourbon & Beyond:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, we are back. My name is Will DeFries. David Ruff, welcome to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. That's so nice of you. Hey man, I'm just happy to be here with my friends. You know, I saw you guys a couple nights ago. We had some good times. I mean the guy that's in the building right now, absolute electric factory. I feel I feel like a guy who just turned 40 and who's uh seventh month,
Starting point is 00:00:50 seven month old. Uh doesn't really sleep that much. So, it should be a really strong performance for me. Allow me, Dave. I got the bing bong. To good times. Happy Grand Ex week. Michael Weiner. Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello and welcome to Grand Ex week. It's podcast week too.
Starting point is 00:01:08 It's crazy. Did you see it's also merch week? Oh no, I don't really behind the scenes. Michael, can you pull back the curtain of Grand Ex a little bit and tell us where where you were? What kind of emotions you were feeling that overcame you when you came up with podcast week? you when you came up with podcast week? I just thought it was a good idea. You know, I to pull back the curtain. I don't think I got a lot of support for management on that or anybody else really. No, we made fun of you in meetings.
Starting point is 00:01:37 It's been a bit for like to your face. Yeah, that's it's been good. I actually think podcast week worked. It did. No, it definitely has a legacy. We would never tell you, but you deserve credit week worked. It did. No, it definitely did. It has a legacy. We would never tell you, but you deserve credit for it. You did a good job. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Thanks to Carter, too, who spent countless hours putting together really dope graphics for it, and then management just decided, now we're just not going to do this. Well, I don't remember. I don't remember. I remember you getting made fun of to you, like when we're just not gonna do this. Well, I don't remember, I don't remember. I remember you getting made fun of to you, like when we were just be like, cool, it's podcast week.
Starting point is 00:02:09 But like we would just make fun of you. I don't remember there being pushback from management. I don't know there wasn't until it got killed at the end. Oh, okay. Until all the work was done behind the scenes too. But we still did it. Like we still had people on random episodes. We just kinda did a bit.
Starting point is 00:02:24 We said it was podcast week week but my plan was to put banners all over the site and they were designed and they were beautiful and then the the Monday of podcast week someone just said we're not going to do this. They were like no no no wait the podcasts are too cash positive we don't need to worry about those right now. Why would we do that? Let's worry about the things that are cash negative. I do appreciate Micah as a disruptor. Thank you. I think that's the thing about him that people don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:55 They see the guy who, sure, was he like getting kicked out of malls due to a character he developed for a power plant? Yeah, he was. And he was also a producer who had a taco bar at his producer's chair. But if anything, like you disrupted the the way podcasts were produced and done in the industry. Well, thank you. I would like to
Starting point is 00:03:20 think that I did do something that was revolutionary at our last company which was generate revenue. Yeah, you you were it was a it was a vertical that actually made money for the company. I sound better. That's not you know, we don't need to get it. You look good though. The thing about you is that if there's a trail, you're going to blaze it. Thank you. A pioneer of the craft. Just insane Micah glazing right now.
Starting point is 00:03:48 What's going on? I said Micah, the first ever episode of the Sunday's Carries podcast. You know what he said to me? That's great, Will. Probably that he probably started with that. He goes, I have one piece of feedback that I'd like you to do. I was like, what? This is my baby Micah.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I've made one single episode. I'm super attached to this. He goes, I think you need to introduce the podcast. I think you need to say, my name's Will DeFries and this is the Sunday Scaries podcast. And I said it for the rest of my life. I thought he might say, get rid of the the. Just Sunday Scaries. I named it the Sunday Scaries podcast simply because if anyone Googled Sunday Scaries. I don't know. I named it the Sunday Scaries podcast simply because if anyone Googled Sunday Scaries podcast, it would be the first thing to come up.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I thought it made sense. SEO, Randy. You understand what I'm saying? Search engine optimization, Randy. It's a key vital thing. Have you taken any online courses regarding SEO as of late? I have not. Okay. You guys remember I had the SEO books at my desk?
Starting point is 00:04:47 If a book has been published on SEO, I can almost guarantee that the best practices surrounding that SEO has like, they've already gone out the window since that book has been published. There's no point in buying a book on it. That's like a, like GameStop or like when something like that happens, when there's like a run on some like deal.
Starting point is 00:05:02 By the time I find out about it, I'm just making money for other people. I'm not gonna make any money. I'm at the wrong end of this. I thought you were saying like when they printed the magazines that like GameStop that had like, like the perfect way to beat Zelda. Nintendo power.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah, like by the time that you had like gotten that, they had come out the new Zelda or something. There's probably something to that too. Best way to learn about SEO is you Google how to optimize SEO and then the first thing that pop up, they're doing it right. You gotta think they're doing it the right way. They know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah, that's a good point, Randy. To further pull back the curtain on Grand Ex Week, I had these books, they were like 200 pages. Just to let you guys know, I never actually read them. And they were like three years old when I sat down, but I prominently displayed them on my desk. So people thought that I knew about search engine optimization.
Starting point is 00:05:53 You looked learned, you were distinguished. I'm fully confident that any of us could put search engine optimization on our resume, like we're experts at it. Oh yeah. And like, you could just figure it out. Like if you get hired for that, you're going to eventually figure it out because the people that are hiring for it probably have no clue what's going on. You can pretty much put anything on a resume really.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yeah you can. Have you seen the the the dark web? What am I talking about? Have you? No no keep going. I know what is the there's some, for some reason, I get these non-ethical ways to make money. Silk Road?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Well, no, on my Instagram feed. And one of them is like, if you put your resume, if you like, put, hire this man in white on the resume, like it won't show, but if they're using AI to screen them, you'll automatically get bumped to the next level. There's a lot of tips like that. Oh. See, I had a TikTok algorithm that was like people
Starting point is 00:06:56 like maxing out credit cards and then like starting a business with it. And then like- I got those for a while too. Yeah, and like just scheming that whole thing. And I don't know. I'll see the comment section of those is just the best. It's just people are like, you are so fucked.
Starting point is 00:07:12 What? Who's going to tell you? No, didn't you buy a, a used Miata with your student loan money, your freshman year? I did. There's actually no Camino. That's frat. Oh hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yeah. It was a bad investment. Yeah, I just I took my student loan money and I just paid my dues for all my frat bros. I figured I figured Brothers for Life was more important than education. Smart. Hey, you know, if you do want to get money for your business though, I know a great way to do that. Really? Oh no. Yeah, you and I know that we're going to answer some questions and, and for me later, but I've had a lot of people online asking where's the best place to get equipment finance. And the answer is through me at Least Point Funding Group, the leader in the
Starting point is 00:07:57 space. Find me at Michael Weiner or Michael, which automatically redirects to my LinkedIn. Wow. This professional network. That is so lame. Thank you. It is, it's the link to Michael which automatically redirects to my LinkedIn. Wow. Join this professional network. That is so lame. Thank you. Um it is it's the best way to uh take your business to the next level with Least Point. Are we doing re rec? What's up? What
Starting point is 00:08:19 is that? I thought you said re rex to my and I was like, wait, is that am I just brain dead over here? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stop you. I just confirmed that if you type in, it does in fact go to Michael Weiner's LinkedIn page. Not important. Wow, you've got 500 plus connections and 2,200 followers. Is your network bigger than mine?
Starting point is 00:08:34 No, it can't be, but speaking of LinkedIn, shouts to you, Dave, I posted a job application that we had on LinkedIn, and Dave left some stupid comment like, it that boy or so. It was a meaningless comment. What? Well, it was. And then many people commented on that and it juiced the algorithm. I'm over 7,000 impressions on that. You're right. My coworkers are like, I put this up and had 54 views.
Starting point is 00:08:59 They don't have the original. No, but they don't know that you're the server's guy. They don't know that you're content guy. You know what I mean? Like they may know, but they don't know that you're the server's guy. They don't know that you're a content guy. You know what I mean? Like they may know, but they don't know. They don't really know. You got me the LinkedIn ringer. No, Dave, I give you a lot of credit for this. You have power on LinkedIn that you don't know. I like to come out of retirement on LinkedIn every now
Starting point is 00:09:17 and then to gas you up. It means a lot. You're the only person I interact with on LinkedIn. Well, thank you. Thank you. Now there was a while where I was really leaning into LinkedIn content posting daily and you can get some numbies up. What happened to Micah's Read of the Week? I'm too busy working on equipment finance and raising a child but we're just really killing it. I'm
Starting point is 00:09:39 doing too well at Least Point Funding. I've heard reading in America has declined ever since Mike's read of the week has not gone out. You and many of my parents' friends miss it badly. Yeah. I'll also mention, speaking of LeasePoint Funding Group, we should shout out the backers who work at the company. Of course, there's the other D-Man,
Starting point is 00:10:00 who is still feuding with Dave. Dylan? No, no, no. His name is Derek. So wait, there's two claims for the throne. D-Man who is still feuding with Dave Dylan. No, no, no. His name is Derek. So wait, there's there's two two claims for the throne, one from Dylan and then from Derek and people get
Starting point is 00:10:13 confused as **** too because I'm the lowercase D-Man. That's right. You are the lowercase D- Man. I'm the original D-Man and then you've got they call me LD and then you're your buddy Derek. Derek, the D-Man. He wants a
Starting point is 00:10:25 piece of you, Dave. No. One time in passing, Dave said, I'll whip your **** when I shouted him out but let's have a D man free for all. Don't don't get a cage. Give me a couple of days. I'm still kind of had a big weekend but I
Starting point is 00:10:36 mean, we can do a fist exhibition to figure out who the original D man is. Yeah, let's have a kiss fight. That's what if we just slap charity slap charity uh face punch. What is that? What's that? We called the slap Lee is the Don't get this. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do charity power slaps. Good boy. So cooked the charity face punch I would rather get punched than slapped her charity power slap has legs dude
Starting point is 00:10:58 It kind of does cuz like I don't I mean as long as I went up against the right person You're not gonna like the way that that. I'll tell you who the wrong person is. My other coworker, C Murda. Oh, otherwise known as Christian. He's tall and handsome. He has great lettuce and he would slap the **** out of you. Oh, I don't mind if I do. Damn. Also shouts to T Bone and the beard. What's up T-Bone? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is, so there's a, we got something wrong here.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Do you have like a little, do you have like a little like bizarro world circling back where we have D-Man, the beard and T-Bone? That's T-Man. Like, come on dude, this is T-Bone right here. I'm T-Bone. I get T-Bones. I don't interact with you guys publicly very often,
Starting point is 00:11:43 but I've taken the interactions we have to the office at Least Point Funding Group. The other person I should shout out, of course, I still call him intern Luke, but he's no longer an intern. He's a great guy. Oh, congrats. But he's an RBP listener, so he makes lots of weird, what's the stupid vehicle that I always used to talk about
Starting point is 00:12:03 with three wheels? The Polaris Slingshot. He'll make Slingshot references to me, I'm like, uh what's the stupid vehicle that I always used to talk about with three wheels? Uh the Slingshot. Yeah. He'll make like Slingshot references to me and I'll be like, how do you know that? And he's like, I've told you nine times. I
Starting point is 00:12:15 listen to Rbp. Yeah. Shouts to to no longer. Have you driven a sling? Noted Spurs fan. No, I know you've sat in one. Uh this is a different intern look. Really? He was a good hang He took a lot of shit for absolutely no reason I feel really bad for like he'd walk up to like the Grand Ex tailgate and I just be like What's up you piece of shit and he'd be like, why did you do that 20? I'm 21 years old. Yeah But you know he had to learn. No, I liked him though
Starting point is 00:12:56 Big spurs guy. Yeah. Yeah, we'll hear from him Chris Paul Can I briefly talk about we've got some some business. As everyone knows yesterday was Dave's 40th birthday. Happy birthday, David. Congrats, Dave. Oh, it's very nice of you to acknowledge that. We previously talked about at an old company of ours, Grand Ex, as it is Grand Ex week. They used to send out birthday shout outs every single time. And Randy really took it upon himself yesterday to write one. It said, Hey gang exclamation point. Hope everyone is having a great weekend exclamation point. I want to reach out and let y'all know that one of our office's rock stars is celebrating
Starting point is 00:13:35 an extra special birthday today. Three exclamation points, 40 and sporty 40 spelled incorrectly, but an exclamation point at the end. If you see David rough around today, make sure you wish him a happy birthday exclamation point. It's forty, forty spelled incorrectly but an exclamation point at the end. If you see David Ruff around today, make sure you wish him a happy birthday exclamation point. What a tremendous gesture from the guy who knows show to any
Starting point is 00:13:55 birthday events of mine. No, it's okay. Um does Randy do HR for this company as well? No, but II but II does now. I think based on how vision insurance things have gone in the past and based on Randy sending this email just out of nowhere, I think Randy might be angling to become our new HR guy. Ooh, does it come with a pay bump?
Starting point is 00:14:14 I mean, I think it would have to, which means you're not gonna get it. Oh, okay. Well, if I'm HR, then I control the funds. That's true. Yeah, HR famously tells everyone that. Yeah, that was it was nice. A tremendous gesture, you know, as the guy who killed.
Starting point is 00:14:30 The bunch of dudes on Rainey's company. Well, we'll talk about that later. The company wide email birthday email. Mm hmm. Some say it's nice to have that, you know. Now I can I can start something new. There was one time where I got it the day after because nobody was in the office on my actual birthday and I was just like, don't do it. Yeah, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's okay. It's good. Well, yeah, hey, Randy, you have very nice touch. Could have used a GIF. Oh, you know, or a meme. See, this is Grand Ex week, we're all learning stuff. Yeah, Randy, just for the next time you do this, just know that there was always a
Starting point is 00:15:05 GIF included with the Grand Ex happy birthday email. And then everybody would pile on with their own GIF and wish that person a happy birthday. And like this is like peanut butter. What do you mean GIF? We need to can I can we need one person doing just a very grotesque one from South Park. Not gonna not gonna add who that was. Oh yeah. But there was one person who would just send one that was very inappropriate. Respect the bit.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Yeah. Consistent bit. When I saw that day one, like I sat down at my desk, got my email. Dave told me, hey, just write for the first couple of days. We'll figure it all out. And someone's birthday was that day. I got an email and then that was the first GIF that I saw. And I was just like, yeah, this company culture is much different than anything I ever anticipated.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Is that what I told you? Just right we'll figure it out. Did we ever figure it out? You told me you gave me my laptop we sat in the conference room all morning and then in the afternoon you said yeah just right once you're comfortable in WordPress we'll start putting you on other stuff and then I quickly was dubbed the dude who had to write 10 dad bod columns. That was not my choice. Hey, you know what's funny that Dylan's not here to call it a gif?
Starting point is 00:16:13 It is a gif. Are you a gif or a gif guy, Micah? I'm a gif guy. That is technically its name, according to the person who created it. So you guys also forget about the card culture that we had, where there was a card delivered around the office with birthday messages and shouts to a big t-shirt Matt,
Starting point is 00:16:34 who had the stamp. It was a good bit. It was also a good bit. It was a stamp that said, happy fucking birthday, Matt. Stamps are underrated. My mom had a stamp. It was a good bit. I think about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:44 No, it's a good bit. When my mom used to sign checks for like you know paychecks for people and stuff she had a stamp just to do that easily and that worked out a lot for me when I had to get tests signed. Oh yeah? Like wait were you having to get all your tests on or like just bad ones? You know, just my like my pre-chem ones. No, David, be careful. Pre-chemistry. You didn't even give me a chance to react. Pre-chemistry. You just, okay. It wasn't chemistry.
Starting point is 00:17:14 It was the class you took before chemistry. Yeah, well, reactions are usually in chemistry class, not pre-chem. Dude, that's a good freaking point, Randy. You guys are operating at too high of a level. This, look, it's podcast week is rolling on and it's just going. the and it's going up. David Woodrow's, let's go. It's gloopy. It's this weekend in fun, presented by our friends over at Rowback, Rowback Rules.
Starting point is 00:17:52 The first thing Micah did this morning when he walked into the place, and he's wearing a Rowback right now with, is that a, hold on, is that a, is that a LeasePoint shirt, Micah? It is. Wow. What did you guys call it? A Cust-O-R? It's a Custro. You mean Custro? Yeah, you hit him with the Custro. Turn that laptop down
Starting point is 00:18:10 a little bit. Show the people at home. Wow. You're not paying us. Dude, you're moisture wicking. Right now, they got an end of season sale going on but you know you love their best sellers dude. Here's the thing. It's about to be August. We're sniffing August right now and you know what that means. Smell it up. College football can't come soon enough and guess what? They have officially licensed gear for your football team. Not every single football. Tell me more. There's some mid
Starting point is 00:18:35 American conferences out there or teams that probably don't have any shirts up on here but I have to say they have a lot of collegiate stuff. What about the Southeastern Conference? Yeah, the SEC is pretty well covered, pretty well covered. If you want to go to and if you want to use Wash20, you'll get 20% off your entire order.
Starting point is 00:18:54 They don't have just Polos, they got everything. Go make it happen. Shouts to Cooking with Daryl, my favorite Roback influencer, other than you guys. Yeah, thank you, thank you. Dave, what'd you get into this weekend? Oh gosh. Um as you mentioned, it was my birthday weekend. I don't, you know, I don't really like to make a big deal but it was the fortieth. So, whatever. It's milestone.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Some might say. Um a lot of introspection. Um let's see. Friday. I had a couple buddy, I had three buddies coming to town. One from OKC, one from two from the Dallas area. They brought the heat. Did they? Yeah, they did. And we did a little congee dinner, which is a quickly climbing the ranks in Austin restaurants, probably already there. It's it's one a one B hottest restaurants in Austin. It's my favorite. That's great. I just love the variety. It's kind of surprising. Your boys, your boys were really
Starting point is 00:19:56 gassing up the appetizers, which I don't think is unjust. Right. But to just throw the entrees like under the bus, like they were doing, I I was like you must have really liked these appetizers Yeah, and I for me and this is like basic. I the jerk chicken Yeah, the jerk chicken red stripe combo is elite there. They've got a new cocktail. It's called jerk season SZN Really? Yeah, is there jerk seasoning in it? I don't know probably I think the rim at least it's just really high proof So when you drink it, you just turn into an asshole. That's right. You are what you eat.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Was the hostess there who asked me if I surfed when I had a surfing shirt on? Well, she was not. But that's probably for the best. It was a... They were delightful. In all seriousness, you saw the announcement last week that the Michelin star group is coming to Texas now and do we even have a speedway? I don't I don't know. I was just doing you understand the joke though. I
Starting point is 00:20:54 missed it. It's a tire speedway talking tires. Gotcha. That's your podcast motor city. I get it. Are you a little tired? Car town. Was it your birthday too? Anyway, and many people are targeting. Uh. Kanji. Targeting Kanji to be the first place in Austin. What's on your short list of Austin restaurants to get a mission star? Kanji is right there.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Kanji and Jeffries. I think Uchi has to to be in consideration, but I know there's now a half dozen Uchis across the country, but it's it's the it's the reason that Austin's even in the mix. Wow. There's not a Trump Tower in Austin, is there? Because you know they've got the best burrito bowls. Puerto Rico. The best burrito bowl. That tweet went out on Cinco de Mayo. It's amazing. It It's truly. I think that's my number one Trump moment like I read the bowls or Puerto Rico the burrito bowl tweet. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:21:49 The burrito bowl tweet. It's in the top five though. Like he's he sat over a burrito bowl. That's right. The best in the world and toss a thumbs up with the biggest grin on his face that I've ever seen him actually have. They're good bowls. So we good bowls. Um so plus Brett, the winning team had a great time. Just demolished the field with uh
Starting point is 00:22:20 Brett's piped drives. Micah's uh clutch putts and Will's uh dialed iron play from what I understand. That sounds about right. I was not dialed with my irons. Okay. I was not dialed I think it's because uh clutch I need to work on my iron game. Thumbs up. The group of guys having a good time out there. Thumbs down. The back nine at Lost Pines. I like it. Love the back nine. Love the new holes. The greens.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah. Here's the thing. I'm gonna give them some grace. I know this is a new redo. I'm hoping that they can figure this out. Here's the thing. I mean, we were, our proximity to the hole was so good.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Every single hole that we didn't really have to worry about the greens. Yeah. We were just tapping them in. You're not exaggerating. Love a good scramby. You know what? I figure that's the way to so good. Every single hole that we didn't really have to worry about the greens. Yeah. We're just you know, you're not love a good scramby. You know, I figure that's the way to do it. Everybody's probably it was it was an early round. I think most people showed up right before the tee time the day before if you would have asked me 24 hours before we teed off and I wanted to scramble, I would have been like, no, I really want to keep my own score. I thought you would because you've been playing while the second I showed up at the course, I was like, I'm so glad we're scrambling today.
Starting point is 00:23:26 It's just easier. Let you have some pops with the boys. Yeah, we we we were kind of we weren't sure what to do with our our group. You guys had four. We had three. We were told to have someone hit extra. And I feel like we sprinkled it pretty well. I feel like we sprinkled it pretty well. Yeah, y'all. This guy over here who's out there, Brett.
Starting point is 00:23:49 There was a couple holes where we were like, we saw where the ball was. We thought we hit good drives, right? Oh my God. Well, we had the luxury of me, I've been more straight off the tee than I ever have been. And so we had the luxury of me being able to hit one off the tee and then just being like, all right, Brett,
Starting point is 00:24:04 let this absolutely rip. There was one where that really short par four, we're on the green and we just hear, we see a ball shooting down the fairway. We just hear. That's fucking right. I'm the fucking man. And they were like, they're like, was that Micah? Like, because they was my buddies from back home and who they know, they listen and they know, but they don't know Micah like we know Micah. And I was like, yeah, that that Micah? Like, because they was my buddies from back home and who they know they listen and they know but they don't know Micah like we know Micah. And I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:24:28 that's Micah. They're like, oh, is he pretty good? I'm like, he will he's very, very he can handle his own in a scramble and he will provide you with at least two very electric moments per round. That was probably one of them. Yeah, we it was a hole where we didn't I didn't realize it dog leg, right? Yeah. So I hit a drive directly down the fairway through the fairway and was like wait Where's the hole and then I was told that maybe we shouldn't pull driver on that hole. Well, maybe not you I pulled it fit my swing shape perfectly. Oh, yeah, and also that right in there
Starting point is 00:24:56 I believe I let out some yells and then I you're the fucking man now, bro And yeah, then we got to the next the next t-box and your buddies were like like, I'm a man now, bro. And dinner. Mattel the invite, it paid off and then we did a little uh dinner, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt,
Starting point is 00:25:34 Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt,
Starting point is 00:25:42 Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, and stuff. Okay. You guys will I asked him Uh, you know on the 19th hole as the fellas were having some beers Uh, and he he went with a diet coke and then chased it with a diet. Dr. Pepper I asked are you currently in ketosis? and he said Technically, yes, this is an accidental ketosis. I just forgot to eat
Starting point is 00:26:22 So I I enjoyed that answer. Well, he he told me that he wasn't drinking a Mattel Ranchos. Mattel Ranchos, Mattel Ranchos, Mattel Ranchos. And I was like, word. And then he said, and so to make up for that, I'm ordering the Crenshaw steak and a side of shrimp. And I was like, that's tight. Is that what he did? Yeah. And how was it? I didn't even notice.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I have to say, I've never seen someone order a side of shrimp at Mattel Rancho or Mattel Ranchos. And it looked unbelievable. Like I was very jealous of the shrimp situation going on. What, Randy? That sounds like something I'm going to do. Poor quesadilla and shrimp. That sounds amazing. Yeah, the shrimp were very voluminous. You know, Randy, man, you maybe you could have done it had you shown up, but. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:27:04 We did have two extra seats at my side of the table. You know Randy, maybe you could have done it had you shown up. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, it's true. We did have two extra seats at my side of the table. It was just me and Z-Bo hanging out down there splitting fajitas. I wish I could have been there. You didn't see me and your boys splitting fajitas on this little birthday, Joe. No, I didn't. I thought you'd split them with your wife. No, I told her to go sit at the other side of the table.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah. I figured she'd want to hang out with the girls. Her and Matt Kelly, it looked like they were playing some name game. I could tell. I was like, oh yeah, they Yeah. I figured she want to hang out with the girl. She was her and Matt Kelly. Look like they were playing some name game. I could tell. I was like, oh yeah, they probably know some of the same people. Did you guys sing
Starting point is 00:27:31 happy birthday inside of Matt's what are we calling? Matt L Ranchos. Matt L Ranchos. Matt L Ranchos. Matt L Ranchos. That happened to good bite. No, but I have to, I have to give props to Brett. We went to a deep Eddie bar cabaret afterward and I saw him talking to some groups of people and I was like, oh, what's Brett doing? Who's he talking to? He's talking to some chicks on
Starting point is 00:27:52 everyone. That's not like Brett. He was telling people that at midnight, they serenaded me with happy birthday at the entire bar at Deep Eddy, which I have to say, it was a very nice touch, a very nice gesture. I didn't know what to do, so I stood up and I just going to do a deep petty which I'd say I it was a very nice touch. A very nice gesture. I didn't know what to do. So, I stood up and I just pounded a full beer. That's tight. Good. I was like, that's good. I'm a
Starting point is 00:28:13 man. Yeah, I was like, I pounded a beer. I'm forty and I look, I'm feeling it now. I'm a little tired. Um late night. Yesterday, delightful. Um part of my gift was just letting me sleep in and watch the open in bed, which is real tight. Dude, that's a great gift.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Rhodes came in, watched some of it with me. Yeah, it was a real low key day. Then we went to dinner last night, Alyssa and I had a nice steak. So yeah, I had a great birthday weekend. Thank you to everybody who came in town and participated. How does 40 feel? And you know, I'll give Randy a partition participation point for sending the email. So I was there right onto you.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Good sir. I was there on FaceTime. You guys FaceTime me for a second. I don't remember that you and Brett at Matt's, they just FaceTime me and I didn't and said nothing. And then I said nothing back to him and just stared them until they hung up. Now I remember that. I saw your eyeball very close up.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah, dudes rock. You can't out awkward me. What if we stared at each other via FaceTime? Nothing like it. And that'll conclude my weekend. I mean, I didn't do much outside of Dave's weekend. I did go to one Italian restaurant, Sammy's. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:27 On West Sixth Street on Friday night and I did get chicken piccata. People are wondering if I was riding for Dave so hard that I got chicken piccata just so I could eat leftovers on his birthday. I was thinking about it. It's just a good meal. I was thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Oh yeah, brother. I did something that I felt kind of bad about. I ordered the most expensive wine by the glass on accident. I mixed him up in my head when I when I did the order, it was $30. Woo, I was like, do I need to like? Do I need to like apologize to
Starting point is 00:29:59 the people that we were with? Be like, hey, I didn't mean to do that. Like that was a total accident. I thought I was getting the $16 boy over here. When did you realize it when the when the tab came? Okay, so you got the other people free. Did you order first though? And then the other people said I'll do what he's having no cuz that's a that's a bad chain. Oh, yeah that happened That happened to me. So martini Ross Boland's birthday I ordered my my brother-in-law had told me to try this glass of sake and I was like I'm doing it
Starting point is 00:30:24 I'm really hungover. I'm gonna justify my hangover by getting a nice glass while everyone's here and Dylan goes What'd you order will and I was like, oh if I tell Dylan what I just got here That means that everyone's gonna get it Yeah And that means that we're gonna be drinking this all night and it's gonna be a million dollars and I looked at Dylan I said, oh just get the cheap one in the box Smart. Yeah, you do the box one. You're looking out for the table I did something
Starting point is 00:30:47 else after I ate my chicken during the open championship. Did you have some I ate my leftover fajita meat about an hour after. Okay. I'm just flowing with protein. That's good. You saw Dan. You saw Dan. You hung around Dan long enough
Starting point is 00:31:04 to be like, I gotta get some of that action. I'm not in ketosis. Not yet. I had to think, Barbara, before we recorded. I want someone to be like, what's that pod? Like the dude, he like kind of, he like just out of nowhere grew a mullet and then he like started doing keto. He's just now he's in ketosis with a mullet. Yeah. That's what I want people to think about when they think about this show.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Joining on it. Are you really? Yeah, I'm joining their team. Mike and I might have a gym for you also. I didn't do anything fun this weekend other than golf with Dave, or well, in Dave's honor. Golf with Will and Brett, I told him, I apologized to him. I was unfamiliar with Brett's game.
Starting point is 00:31:42 That boy hits it a long way. He can swing it. I don't think I've ever played with Brett. I was to him. I was unfamiliar with Brett's game. He, that boy hits it a long way. He's, he can swing it. I don't think I've ever played with Brett. I was very impressed. He got a PDF that he can forward to you. That's right. If you need some swing tips. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I'm good with one swing thought at a time. Yeah. What's your swing thought right now? It's when I, when I begin my downswing, my first move is to pull straight down like I'm pulling a garage door down. And that allows me to not go over the top, which has been very helpful. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So I'm gonna stick with that one, considering I play about three times a year. What's that mind going in? How much time you got, right? It's too many. Brett has like six different things he has to do before he goes and hits the ball. It sounds miserable. Yeah, when it when it works, it works very well. Yeah, but it's like us.
Starting point is 00:32:29 But when it doesn't, it's it's just like I wish I was at home. I did like Will's swing thought, which was I'm going to swing as hard as I can. Yeah, he told me that before the first hole and I was impressed. He did the T's rising every every single every single swing thought it's just swing as hard as you can Swing at the ball hit it hard as a great man once said. It's good. Yeah, I I went to a uh, um an italian restaurant on sunday as well Um the bottle of wine we did an order bottle, but the house red was 21
Starting point is 00:33:02 This was carmelas um on uh This was Carmela's on... Tony. Yeah, indeed. The rent at my house cost way more than that. In Dripping Springs on Ranch Road 12 at, I forget where, but it was quite lovely actually. How about Ranch Road 12 way? We got the chicken parm, yeah. We've never been there and it was a delightful family environment. Jane had a good time.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I'm sorry, you said Ranch Road 12? Yes. Does that run all the way to San Marcos? It does, I believe. It runs all the way through Wimberley. That's like a notorious road in San Marcos. I'll be damned. Okay, very cool.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Is there a country song called Ranch Road 12? There's a band. Okay. There was a band in college. It dead ends at Hamilton. The Ranch Road 12 Troubadours? Something like that, yeah. If I saw that, if I clicked onto a playlist the I'm going to ask you about that. I'm always looking for new options, so I may check that out. It was a nice low key, but it was also a little nicer than we were anticipating. They had the
Starting point is 00:34:08 white paper on the table, which I was like, I think I need to have this home. Like macaroni grill where they give you crayons. So that's what I was saying. I was like, maybe next time we have a dinner party, I'll get that, put it on our table, give the girls some crayons. Exactly. Win-win. How was the prosciutto? It was inside of the, we split chicken parm and, because chicken parm pays the bills, shouts to
Starting point is 00:34:35 Arthur and sons. There's like four people listening that know what that means. And then also we got the penne alavaca, which had prosciutto and mushrooms, which was quite nice. Okay. Sounds delightful. Lovely little low-key Sunday. Do you sip any bourbon while you were there? I did not. What about anything beyond?
Starting point is 00:34:57 Okay. Yeah, you know what it is. I can't say I did. Well, see you from our friends over at Bourbon and Beyond. I love Louisville, Kentucky. It's a city near and dear to my heart. I can't say I did. Well, it's over at Bourbon and beyond. I love Louisville, Kentucky. It's a city near dear to my heart. I've been there numerous times. September 19th to the 22nd at the Highland Festival Grounds at Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky. The
Starting point is 00:35:15 Bourbon and Beyond Festival will be going on. It's a unique immersive festival experience with some of the best music talent in the country. It's got Americana, classic rock, alternative rock, roots, blues, bluegrass, even adult contemporary. I'd like to immerse myself in that. Micah, take a quick look at this lineup. I know that there's a bunch of acts on here
Starting point is 00:35:35 that you would see. You would go see these acts, my friend. I would. There's many. Right at the top, Tedesky Trucks Band. Oh, yeah, baby. Tremendous band to see. Neil Young?
Starting point is 00:35:44 Neil Young, friend. So we're not playing here. No no no no. Can I just do a Matchbox 20? No. But Dave Matthews band. People like them. There you go. Zach Brian. Basically the hottest guy in music at the moment. You got My Morning Jacket with Yim Yans. Let's rock baby. Let's ride. The National. This is Black Pumas, Austin's biggest musical export at the moment. I know you want to see the Beach Boys. The Beach Boys. Yeah, you're a big Beach Boys guy. I have seen the Beach Boys and I would encourage many to see them. Marin Morris, Head in the Heart, Melissa Etheridge, Teddy Swims. I like Teddy Swims. Are you guys familiar with this? I told you, this is a good music festival lineup. It's going to be a blast. Am I the only
Starting point is 00:36:22 one who hears Teddy Swims and just thinks this is Chris Stapleton singing I'm going to be a blast. Am I the only one who hears Teddy Swims and just thinks this is Chris Stapleton singing R and B because they sound very similar? Good. Both have a lot of range. Yeah. No, it's it's good. That's a compliment. If the powers that be hit you up
Starting point is 00:36:37 right now, Dave and they're like, hey, you can switch the entire ACL lineup for this right now. Are you doing that? Yes, I am. I'm doing that switch. Not even close. Not even close. I like the juxtaposition Micah between Rob Thomas doing some
Starting point is 00:36:49 matchbox and then maybe um oh I don't know about Whiskey Myers little broken window serenade. It's a juxtaposition. It sounds good. I mean Neil Young in 2024. That's something you don't want to miss. I would love to see Neil Young. For more information on Bourbon and Beyond, please visit
Starting point is 00:37:07 where you can purchase tickets. Bourbon and Beyond believes in quality over quantity. So please drink responsibly while on the grounds. And everywhere else. Yeah, just in life. That's more of a life lesson than it is like a warning. Yeah, it's part of the ad. Yeah. You know how before the show, well, I was like, just sit next to you and like, no, in case Mike has to go on the phone. Yeah, now you have to
Starting point is 00:37:27 go. I got to sit next to each other talking. Yeah. You guys are old. Well, it is better when Dylan's not here, I do have to say, because there's really, I can sit anywhere I want. Oh yeah. When Dylan's here, I can't sit. No offense to you guys. I can't sit next to the best looking guy. This is the last couple of times I've filled in Will's been on vacation and they're like, Hey, where do you want to send like not next to Dylan? No. Well, it'll at least make you look tall. Sure. He's got to have the shortest torso at wash media based on how these these
Starting point is 00:37:58 videos look. Makes no sense. It's the terrible sitting posture that he has to, but I don't have good posture and I don't look tiny. I would I would trade posture to have these shredded abs of Dylan. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Lord, he's putting on a clinic right now. Do you see the abs on Instagram the other day? Of course. Dude, I just don't have that. It's not in my bag.
Starting point is 00:38:19 No. If I had a six pack, you would see me volume shooting at all times. I would never wear a shirt. Yeah. Even if I had a little definition in my arms, I might just be tank top guy in the summer in Austin. My wife saw right through that, by the way. I'm sure Dylan's not going to listen to this cause he's not, he, he might, actually he's, he's a listener. My wife just said,
Starting point is 00:38:40 did you see Dylan's Instagram story? I was like, yeah. She's like, he's fucking shameless. It's like,, yeah. She's like, he's fucking shameless. It's like, excuse me. It's like nice try trying to pretend that you're hanging out with your son playing full size chess when we all know you're just trying to show off that shredded physique. He shredded and he did look. I absolutely do love that.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Dylan's losing chest to his son. Yeah. So he claims they probably didn't play. He just he just took a photo with his shirt off. He really looked absolutely jacked. I look sick. Well, it's better than what happened. Hey, Parks, pick up that rook. Well, when we were on vacation, instead of playing with the giant chess pieces next to the pool, kids were just throwing them into the pool. Fuck yeah. Diving onto them. I was like, I don't think this is what they're meant for. Rest in peace, white boy summer. I don't know what happened. Joe Biden's out and Kamala's in and she's bratty as fuck, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I was on my bratty-est last week. I don't know how fun. You were pretty, honestly, Dave, you were pretty bratty for your birthday. Yeah. You were just kind of out there. 360. I was man and that was part of it. And are you sure? Are you sure we didn't get like kind of a resurrection of of white boy summer with uh with wolf? Yeah, that's true. Um Randy, do we have a picture of wolf blitzers drinking a wolf spritzer? If I don't see this on out of office, I'm gonna. Yeah, we're gonna
Starting point is 00:40:03 need on the chess pieces in the pool. Yeah, we're gonna need wolf bl the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:40:19 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the got the news like oh by the way you have to come in and also like this is a really really big story. The screenshot of him an hour later on air just like wide-eyed it's like yeah maybe you shouldn't have those fritzers playboy. That's okay he didn't know that the uh the sitting president was going to resign via twitter. He didn't resign. There were a lot of rumors. Or I'm sorry stand down. There were a lot of rumors that Sunday was the day. There were a lot of rumors. Or I'm sorry, stand down.
Starting point is 00:40:42 There were a lot of rumors that Sunday was the day. You knew it was coming. A lot of signs were pointing to that. By the way, Wolf looked like he got some workout in on according to his Apple Watch there. He's got three closed rings. Oh wow. Are close to it.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah, but I think old people have real low bars set for their rings. Like that's pretty much like get up and leave the house. It could be, you know, Wolf Blitzer is a huge NBA fan. Is that right? Extremely knowledgeable. Who's his team? Unfortunately, it's the Wizards.
Starting point is 00:41:13 That's really sad. I've been a while for them. His name was actually Wolf Blitzer. There you go. He's been with CNN for a long, long time. Weren't we talking the other day about like how people will change their name to be like weather people and stuff? Yeah, we were talking about Hannah Storm. Yeah, Hannah Storm changed her name just to have that weather
Starting point is 00:41:34 person. That was not her given name but her first job out of college was as a weather. I don't know if I'd call her a meteorologist because I'm not sure she was licensed but classically trained. They changed her name to Storm. Speaking of uh CNN originals, Dave, did you pour one out for uh your boy Lou Dobbs? Oh, Lou Dobbs. He did pass. He did. Um no, you know, I didn't pour one out. Um I did, I did see it on Twitter and
Starting point is 00:41:58 I was like, oh yeah. I just remember uh seeing a tweet about a year ago that had uh Lou Dobbs and Bill O'Reilly were doing one of their podcasts together, and they were each in their respective basements. They both have unnatural hair colors and look very old, which they are. They did it live. It was just like these two guys both had top-rated shows on cable television for decades. And then now they're just sitting in their basement talking to each other via Zoom like the rest of us.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I just kind of dream. I just Googled Lou Dobbs and the first headline that comes up about his death just says Lou Dobbs, racist and xenophobic Fox News star dies. See that's bad SEO, Randy. Well, democracy now has good SEO apparently. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:46 If I usually- That's good for Lou though. When I write obituaries and eulogies and things of that nature, I don't get in the arena and try things. I usually just go with the tried and true respectful way of going about it. Yeah, you're classic.
Starting point is 00:43:00 The Washington Post obit had a great line about his hair color. Let me see if I can find it. Y'all keep talking. I mean, Mike, you're the liberal cuck of the group. Are you worried about this Kamala Mayor Pete ticket that's gonna happen? I don't believe it's gonna be Mayor Pete.
Starting point is 00:43:13 It's gonna be Mayor Pete, dude. Do Mayor Pete's a dog? I'm a fan of Mayor Pete. I don't know if I'd describe him as a dog. Oh, he's a dog. I think he's got a little bit of dog in him. I think he's got dog in him. I like Mayor Pete. I don't believe he will be the second person on the ticket though. Do you think there's any? Okay. Who's it going to be? If she did Charlie XCX,
Starting point is 00:43:37 I think she wins the entire thing. I mean, you have to lean all the way into it. She doesn't get brattier. She has followed Charlie XCX on social media in the last 24 hours. We got to know the power of breast position. Brandy's not even being bratty this summer. What are you talking about? No, you're not.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I know how to do a gainer now. No one does gainers after 30. You think Charlie XCX is out there doing gainers? I was on a motorcycle. She's doing blow? I was doing she's doing blowing the bat She's doing pink cocaine in the bathroom, Randy Don't do gainers after 30 Yeah, all right, mr. 40 just what is a gainer again you jump out and flip backward nah never doing that ever it's like
Starting point is 00:44:23 People who go to like Lake Whitney and do cliff hopping, jumping off cliffs. There's always a guy there who can do like sick gainers, but it always looks so dangerous. So don't do I don't even like doing backflips on trampolines. I think those days are done. I can throw a misty flip in though like nothing. I love a good misty flip can still nail that off the dive from flips and misty flips, whatever way I can twist and turn anyway. Wow. Very flexible.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I could when I was fourteen. You ever played twister with Will? Y'all gonna go see twisters? I'd like to. I'd like to as well. I need to see long legs too. James been trying to get me to see long legs. What is long legs? Some horror movie or something. Nick Cage, I believe, right? Do you think Biden could get his handicap down below seven like he was when he was vice president? I mean, this is as respectfully as possible. I'd like to hear from him at some point,
Starting point is 00:45:15 you know, as he is still the president. Didn't he speak last night? He has yet to speak. Oh. It's kind of a big deal. I thought they were doing, I thought they were doing a thing last night. I guess he's got- He's got the vid, dude. I thought they were doing. I thought they were doing a thing last night.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I guess he's got he's got the vid dude. He's got the vid. They can't have a super spreader event to celebrate his I guess they're not celebrating is it might be the flirty variant dude being his age. Alright, you gotta be psyched to get out of this. Like get out of having to run again. Yeah. I mean Hunter's not psyched. You get to keep all that money. All those donations. Uh I don't know. Probably not. Why doesn't Comma just pick Hunter? That's a
Starting point is 00:45:49 great. You know what? Not the worst idea. Mike, how do you feel about that? Not the best idea. Not the best. Why not? He's already been running things. Well, you know, many people are saying that you know, one of the advantages of of of Harris on the ticket is all of the legal documents were signed, are under the name Biden Harris. So it's easier to transfer those accounts over. Maybe if you just add Hunter to the ticket, it would clear up all of that. Yeah. You don't have to deal with all the billables. That's good.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Yeah, who needs that? No, I mean, this isn't really a place for serious political discourse in my experience here. We'll give you the platform. Okay, I will just say, I think it's, you know, I would have liked to have heard from the president, but apparently he has COVID, so he doesn't wanna, you know, give a speech. His voice may be weak. Do you not believe that he has COVID? No, no, no, I certainly do. Okay. Apparently.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I find it to be a very admirable move on his part. Do you think it's weird that he has COVID since he got like six boosters? No, I don't. Wait, I was told. Sorry, I'm just reading. I'm just naming tweets that I've read about him getting COVID. Will's doing a good journalism here. Am I going to throw back to what we talked about with Lou Dobbs and Bill O'Reilly? We'll give you the last word. We'll do it live. Okay, there you go. Right answer. No, no. I think it's the right decision for our president who looked by all accounts bad in the debate and it seemed like he was probably the best person in America to run the country for the next four years. I think that would be my position
Starting point is 00:47:38 on it and I think we're in a better place as a nation, perhaps, and certainly as a democratic ticket. Let's get Hildawg in there. No, we don't need- We don't need crime family back in the game. We don't need the Clintons. Although shouts to the Clintons who immediately endorsed Kamala. Kamala.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Kamala. I can't do the Trump version of that, but- Kamala. Yeah, that, and- That was good. Anyway, I think it's an admirable move. It's, it's a, I appreciate Joe Biden making that move. So if it's me, I'm not stepping down.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It does. It does change the whole race. I did see some stuff that, uh, you know, Republican political consultants might have been, uh, might have the feeling like when a dog actually catches up to a vehicle and runs into it because they've been chasing, trying to chase out Joe Biden, talk about how old and weak he is now. He's not the the target anymore. Yeah, but I don't like people don't like Kamala like actually like her. Do they
Starting point is 00:48:42 that's more popular more? I don't know. I don't know what the fuck we don't know. I don't know. I feel like when she was selected to be Biden's running mate, like actually like her, do they? That's more popular, more, I don't know. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. We don't know, I don't know what we're talking about. I feel like when she was selected to be Biden's running mate, everyone was like, oh, this lady sucks, like boo, she stinks. And now that she's like the only option for Democrats, everyone's like, no dude, Kamala, brat. Don't look at her DA record, that's all.
Starting point is 00:48:58 She's a cop. A cop. But you know, she's now running against convicted felon. As a former narc. Might not be a bad thing to be a former narc. You can probably relate. I'm not sure what you're talking about, Dave. Grand Ex Week, remember the bit we used to say? Yeah, I mean, I still, I never got that one. You were in a narc. Didn't really understand that. No proof that you were a narc or former narc.
Starting point is 00:49:21 There. No, there was certainly no proof because that that's not a thing. It's not true. Would you see it with me? Would Elglaz Dente ever consider being vice president? It does open the door to that. You know, I don't like speaking about it when he's not here, but I feel like we'd be remiss if we didn't because I think it's a perfect opportunity. He'd be dumb to not take the vice president nod just because like, at this point, I just
Starting point is 00:49:44 think it's a long road for El Glizadente. But he's got this golden tea thing though. It seems to be going well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I really, by the way, I, we talked about this before we came on the air, but I really like Dylan's chances to become one of the faces of golden tea moving forward. I don't know what Dylan needs to do to get better at this point because he's really good and he doesn't leave that many strokes out there. I also think it doesn't really matter. I think that the Golden T people are watching. No, I think it does. Much like the Democratic establishment. They tied it together nicely. Looking for a chance to elevate Dylan and because they should elevate Dylan. Dylan's a great face of a Golden T franchise.
Starting point is 00:50:22 ESPN News had the Golden T championships on last night. And I tried to watch it. Most of the dudes looked eerily similar to me. Sort of a bad beard that we think makes us look a little skinnier in our late to mid 30s to 40s. Damn. Not super attractive. They were dot and not very oh. They were and not
Starting point is 00:50:45 they're electric. They didn't have the personality that I do. Dylan could have been um he could be getting a lot of FaceTime and it was on the Ocho. Damn. No one yelled, who do you think you are? I am? Yeah. There was none of that. Personality in there. The the only thing. We need Randy. The only difference between the competitors seem to be some of them use the thumb method. That is seem to be some of them use the thumb method. That is so lame. You couldn't pay me to do the thumb method. They're like, oh look at
Starting point is 00:51:13 Jim. He is a thumb player. Is that what they call him? I think that's what they say. They gotta have a better name. Yeah. It's like they need a thumb player. What Golden T really needs isn't Dylan. They need someone about half Dylan's age with like an entire entourage of people that just like is the new like toast of the town of Golden T. It's true. Randy's crew would be going crazy after every shot.
Starting point is 00:51:35 You could hear, I mean, tell me that that Omar isn't flying to Vegas and just hooting and hollering every time Randy goes off the tee. I know. He would be he would be for sure. I'm just I just uh no. Dylan's got the talent but does he have the
Starting point is 00:51:52 juice? Golden T needs a hansel. I don't know. I don't know if he has the juice but I know that instead of being like, oh, there's Jim from Grand Rapids. He's a thumb player. They'd be like, hey, there's Dylan Shivery, extremely good
Starting point is 00:52:04 looking known as El Gliz. He's a he's also uh very attractive. the the face. No, I think he needs to get it as a spokesperson and start learning the tricks of the trade. Dude, you know it's gonna happen. It's an invitation. You know what's gonna happen? He's gonna start getting invited to tournaments. Could be. And like taking spots of like higher ranked people. And it's gonna be like when like Tony Romo gets invited. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:52:54 great. Playing the Nelson as like a sponsor's exemption. The Golden T people need that kind of juice. They need more controversy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Damn, it just hit me. I'm Dylan's age. Yeah, you're old to **** He's got nine months on me. I'm Dylan's age. Yeah, you're old. He's got nine months
Starting point is 00:53:05 on me. I've been pre telling people that I'm thirty-eight. Hey, man. Enjoy it, bro. Everything changes. I know being thirty-seven right now. I feel thirty-eight and so when people ask me how old I am or it comes up, I've just been telling
Starting point is 00:53:17 people thirty-eight to lessen the blow when I turn thirty- eight. I'm worried that when I turn your pre your pre less your pre blow, you're trying to be thirty-seven feels close to thirty-five for like fifteen months. Yeah. Thirty'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward
Starting point is 00:53:25 to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward
Starting point is 00:53:32 to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward
Starting point is 00:53:39 to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm not looking forward feels like. I'm not looking for next year when I'm in my 30s. It's going to be bad. I still got that. I thought you were there. No, I still got a covid year. So, I was thirty once. I
Starting point is 00:53:55 have a eligibility. It's a good year. Yeah, I like that. It's good. You tied it together. You know, you have an NIL joke too. Do I have an NIL joke? Obviously, you don't. Don't ask the question so you can think about an NIL joke. That's exactly what he did. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:54:13 He's buying himself time. Uh-huh. Do you have Coles for responsibility? That's like Mayor Peek going, oh, that's a good question. Gosh, dude. Thank you for asking that question. He's trying to buy himself some time, and what he should be doing is buying himself some mugs, jeans. Wow. You mean the most damn comfortable clothing for guys everywhere?
Starting point is 00:54:29 The guys who started reinventing the jeans game in 2015 and now they make the best jeans, chinos, tops and joggers ever. You mean the store that we went to in Chicago and had a full on meetup in there and just did thousands of dollars worth of sales and clothing? The entire goal of Mugsie is making guys more comfortable at work, at the bar, on the course, wherever by giving them one place to shop. It's all made from buttery, soft, patented, stretch materials that look stylish but are insanely comfortable. Never too baggy, never too tight. They got over 18,000 five-star reviews from dudes of every shape and size. Randy was in there pretty much
Starting point is 00:54:59 just like setting up shop, just wanting to sleep in the rack that had all the cashmere in it. I don't think Randy like realized that the the Muggsy denim would just look phenomenal on his uh. Keister. His little his little uh producer bottom. Oh I think I do know that that's why I own multiple pairs.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I think you were like dude I've been working out but doing squats riding the bike. I don't know how and next thing you know he's got this denim, this buttery soft denim over that producer ass of his. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Hey, first time customers get 20% back on their first order right now. All you need to do is head to, you enter your email, and the discount is automatically added to your cart.
Starting point is 00:55:39 That's 20% back on the only jeans and pants you'll ever wear again. Free shipping, free returns on every single order. So the only risk is never knowing how great they truly are. You willing to risk that? I don't think you are guys. No way. I don't think you are.
Starting point is 00:55:51 No way. Yo quiero Taco Bell. That's me impersonating the Chihuahua. Right, right. It was a pop culture thing. Yeah. Are you guys familiar with Taco Bell? Did you just add this to the rundown? No, it was been on there all morning.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I'm sorry, I didn't, I didn't. Dude, this is good though, right? Good story, right? Good pull, Will. I'm very excited. Good pull. It is a good pull. Per KOAT, action news.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I don't know where that's out of. Do you know where that's out of? No, I don't. Well, Taco Bell is opening an early retirement community so adults can quote unquote, live moss. Albuquer so adults can quote unquote live moss. Albuquerque. Sometimes you gotta live moss. This is awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I had Taco Bell on Friday night. Taco Bell is offering real world application for its slogan, live moss, by opening an early retirement community. How are they? You know what they're calling it? They're calling it the continuous. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Is this where Joe's going? It's a two day event inspired by senior living for people ages 21 or older. The weekend getaway will offer a taste of laid back living and host low impact activities. So attendees of different ages can experience the retirement lifestyle. Dude, low impact sounds so dope.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Also, just so low T. In what world is Taco Bell? I want to go to this. Yeah, okay. But this cannot be a money maker for Taco Bell. It's insanely diversified. They've got their little taco hands and everything. This says, Taco Bell's early retirement community is offering an experience that modern workers may not have when they reach retirement age. It allows younger adults to experience living a carefree lifestyle while still in their prime years for activity while providing a reprieve from everyday life.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Honestly I could do two weeks at one of these. You want the activities list? Yeah I do. Painting? Yes. Knitting a- You want the activities list? Yeah, I do. Painting? Yes. Knitting circles? Okay. Old school games?
Starting point is 00:57:49 Low impact sports such as pickleball and croquet. An elevated dining experience with Taco Bell menu items. Any guacamole? The event is in San Diego, California from August 17th to 18th and all tickets are currently sold out, Randy. Really sorry to report that. Tell Brett to get on the, we need a media pass.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Michael. Why do you think you're going? Because I live way more moss than you do. You know, who lives, who lives more moss? I had Taco Bell set Friday night. Dave chugged a beer at a bar the other night at midnight
Starting point is 00:58:24 when they sang him happy birthday. Is that not living boss? I did not gain her off a boat and went on a motorcycle. Nobody saw it. Nobody saw it. Any videos of your gainers? So you learned how to do this really sick move. I have a-
Starting point is 00:58:35 And you work for an internet company and you didn't get a video of yourself doing a game. I did not mean to do a back flip, but not the gainer one. I don't think pickleball can be, I don't think it can be dubbed a low impact sport based on how I feel every time I play pickleball. For me yeah pickleball if you can get hurt like that you know. Pickleball works out muscles that most guys our age don't work out.
Starting point is 00:58:55 It's using parts of your leg that is lateral movement that we're simply not doing. It's true I sustained a very severe calf strain playing pickleball once. There you go. Shouts to Joe Burrow who fought through that energy, that injury last year. It hurt. After I played the doctor said I needed a backyotomy. Damn.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I didn't get it. I just powered through. But it is, you do get sore. I did hear that, you know, sports surgeons love pickleball. Really? It leads to a lot of. So I have a theory that love pickleball. Really? It leads to a lot of power. So I have a theory that big pickleball
Starting point is 00:59:28 is just telling people it's the fastest growing so that everyone thinks that they need to get in on it while they can. I have a theory that golden tea should be telling people that it's the fastest growing sport in America because it's not a real sport. You can do whatever you want, invite Dylan. Well, we're back to this.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Sorry. You stepped out for a minute and it really came back in. Dylan was invited. He was invited, Micah. you're not going to want invite I would have had that room to It's the best taco bowl in the world. When was the last time you guys ate Taco Bell? We know I do it once yearly Unfortunately, I'll be honest. I wish I ate it more. I actually do like the taste of Taco Bell. It's great I just don't eat their supreme tacos are delightful. They've gotten rid of the Maxi mode, which is tough for me so for me and will you can tell me to F off, but like, as kind of like, I've been in Austin since like 2015-ish. So I feel like I'm pretty well-versed
Starting point is 01:00:51 in what they have to offer. And I would rather just go to Taco Deli and get like some of the best tacos in town. Like go best. Well, here's the thing. Here's the thing, everyone knows that real Austinites love Taco Deli more than any other taco place. That's how you can tell. Yeah, you know that it's a real Austinite
Starting point is 01:01:04 when they love Taco Deli. Yeah, it's like. That's how you can tell. Yeah, you know that it's a real Austinite when they love Taco Deli. Yeah, it's like the number one rated taco every year in town, so. You're from Austin, you totally agree. That's why you're nodding right now and saying absolutely. Taco Deli is fine. I just, you know, I've been glazing Dylan throughout this pod.
Starting point is 01:01:22 The fact that Dylan took the time to publicly celebrate a taco deli opening up on social media is just, it's just not, that's a bad look. Is it a little embarrassing? It's embarrassing. It is, it really kind of is. Kind of unbecoming. Are you saying?
Starting point is 01:01:37 It's fine. You know what? It's across the street. I get the convenience. I haven't had tacos in a while. I might grab tacos for lunch there, but I'm not going to show the world on social media. I'm not going to cheerlead for a company that I'm not a part of. I only cheerlead for companies I'm a part of, like Least Point Funding Group.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Oh, man, that's it. What would you do? You know, for Micah, what's like best case scenario lunch spot opening up across the street from your office at Least Point Funding? Matt's El Rancho's. Well, least point funding. Matt's El Ranchos. Well, we have that. Matt El Ranchos.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Well, if they opened a second location. Oh. Matt El Ranchos, Matt El Ranchos, Matt El Ranchos, Matt El Ranchos. Micah, I've got an announcement. Yeah? We're actually gonna open a Torchies across the street from you.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Yeah, that's, you can get your dad's there, unfortunately. You love it trailer park style. I don't, I don't. Ha ha, yes. Make your own tortillas, Torchi. You're. Oh, they don't make their own tortillas. Neither does Taco Deli. You know, the Taco Deli owner,
Starting point is 01:02:30 they have a different tortilla source in Dallas, and the tortillas are better at the ones up in North Texas. Is that right? It is true. We do things a little differently. You know what they say? Tortillas make her clothes fall off. Wow. Tortillas make her clothes fall off.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Wow. You know, one of my favorite things about being a dad is when we go to Matt El Rancho's. When you have a child, when you first sit down, you can say, hey, can we get some tortillas? And they'll bring out the tortillas. And I do the same thing every time. And it's one of the great joys of being a father is I bite two holes, like for eyes and a bigger hole in the middle. And then I just do the tortilla face.
Starting point is 01:03:15 And this entertains. Yes, it entertains my child. And mostly me for the first 15 minutes until the drinks show up. That's pretty cool. I'll take a pic the next time Randy. Oh yeah, some of us are dedicated to the game. I have a video of me back for the I am a little upset as soon as I thought about getting a video of me doing it. They like close up the boat and I was very upset at myself.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Find a way figure it out. I will. Maybe I'll just go to Barnes Springs and I'll have someone record it this weekend. How about that? No, dude, I don't want no. I want to put it out there. I don't want you doing stops. Yeah. Stop trying to get out of work by going to Barton Springs and doing gainers in the pool. I respect what you're doing right now, but you can't hustle a hustler.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Yeah. I would go on a Saturday. Leave the gainers to the kids, man. Guy turns 40. The late does just an old fart now. I'm not going to be a regular I'll go on a Saturday. Leave the gainers to the kids, man. Guy turns forty. Just an old fart now. Okay, boomer. Old chunk of coal. Kind of weird. Like y'all are all thirty and
Starting point is 01:04:15 forty at this company. I'm the only one that's not on an even year right now. Yeah, that's I don't think that's that weird but it's kind of weird. It's hot. That Dylan's forty. You're forty. Brett's thirty and Randy's thirty. Don was 40 for three more months. Then it'll be 41 and I'll remind him of that I never felt that much younger than he was done until Dylan turned 40 and I was 36 and I was like, yeah
Starting point is 01:04:35 Okay, that feels different. Yeah 40 hasn't felt the only birthday that really hit like physically was like 28 like when you get that as late 20s like, oh, because you're still trying to hang on to the early to mid like partying. And then like, oh, I probably shouldn't go extremely hard two nights in a row. Well, Dave, I mean, now that you're getting older, you're 40, your man, you're 40. Have you considered any wellness trends that might be able to keep you young? You're asking about my skin care Yeah, well something that i've been doing and I I got asked this at the meetup someone was like hey
Starting point is 01:05:11 What's your your skin routine looks great? uh Salmon sperm facials It's the hottest new thing. I didn't even know they jizzed You didn't know salmon did that? I thought that I thought that was like what the caviar was like their eggs and stuff, you know. Something has to fertilize. Word. Is this where Micah tries to hide the the name of this
Starting point is 01:05:36 company a little bit? He's like, ah, yeah. Uh yeah, it's the fountain of youth, allegedly. So, they're just micro-needling. They just micro-needling, they're micro-needling what they call in here, reproductive goo of a fish. They shouldn't say goo of the fish. Name your source, Will.
Starting point is 01:05:57 The Kardashians. I'm usually eating them. The Week. It's Eater Week. Oh, it's eater week. Oh, okay. Sorry. I eat the meek sometimes too. I'm a little behind on the bits.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah, it says this new beauty protocol using the reproductive goo of a fish has been popular for years in South Korea but is slowly getting attention in the West, said Salon. Why is skincare, why does the epicenter seem like it's South Korea often? A lot of the good shit comes from that. I think they're trying things in the arena, if I'm being honest with you. Again with the arena. Yeah. the You guys are good, man. I see why people like this stuff. Yeah, I think they're just different over there. Well, if you own a med spa and you want to add this to your list of services, give me a call at Least Point Funding Group and I'm sure we can finance some of these devices.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Should we start Sunday Scaries Med Spa? Yes, absolutely we should. We can get Sally good rates. She works in medical. It's true. Oh really? Yeah. Her credit's probably terrible. Got a lot of student loans out. I would try this. I would try pretty much anything at this point.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Like I don't really care. If it's gonna make me look younger and it's like verified over there like fuck it. Let's ride. Yeah. The Kim K is all over this. I'm fine with that. So yeah, it's legit, I guess. I mean, we're still, the Kardashians are still a thing, huh? Kim is. Do they just hold the salmon over your face and
Starting point is 01:07:35 like, go, alright, can we talk about the thing? Does the Kardashian slugger come in? Which one? No, Chloe. Chloe is looks like a different person. Are we? Yeah. Is nobody? Do people talk about this? I'm breaking news. Kardashians get plastic surgery. I know, but she doesn't look recognizable to me.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Not that she was ever recognizable. I think that was the point of her though. I think that was her point. I think she wanted to be. When Lamar Odom was a maverick for three weeks and he was still with Chloe, Chloe was with him. I'd heard that she'd be seen around Dallas and she was actually very nice. Very like
Starting point is 01:08:07 embrace the community for like those terrible three weeks. I actually think she seems extremely nice. She she by all accounts was if but if your dad was OJ when you want to get surgery to not look like him anymore. Lou Twitter world. May he rest in peace. Oh, we lost him too. Yeah. Shannon Doherty over the weekend or last week. Shannon Doherty? Oh, I missed that one. Yeah, and you know, Lou Dobbs. We lost Luke Perry several years ago. So that's both ends of that power. Matthew Perry last year, earlier this year. Who's next? Um, Joe Biden. Okay. He's old.
Starting point is 01:08:41 The other guy got shot a week ago. Yeah. He's old too. Yeah. Well, he's he doesn't have COVID. He's more with it. He certainly isn't getting tested. Yeah. Who's next? Who's it? What's major celebrities next? The the lady from the shining passed away too. I
Starting point is 01:08:59 don't know what else Texas native. Yeah, she died in a are you a Blanco or a Blanco? I say Blanco. Yeah, Blanco is what they say. She passed away in Blanco. Anyway, so this sperm, the sperm of a salmon. Have you thought about bathing and beer? I think I did it over the weekend. Could beer spas be the new wellness trend? BBC News asks. Well, they've grown in popularity and have recently opened across Europe and the US.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Those who like to soak in beer claim the practice is good for your well-being, skin, and can even relieve stress. Apparently, BBC is not a fan of the Oxford comma. That seems weird given that it would be from over there. Hey, where does this guy, Dylan, where's he standing on the Oxford comma? He gives a fuck about the Oxford comma. Does he? Yeah, he's not Vampire Weekend. Oh,
Starting point is 01:09:54 I just don't see a world where I want to bathe in beer. I had a I had a fraternity brother who was so hung over, he made the pledges, draw him a bath of powerade, blue powerade specifically. That's good. And then he took a bath and they had to like hang out in there He wore swimsuit. Did he make him drink any of the blue powerade? No, but he was taking sips of it It was really disturbing. Can we talk something out actually regarding powerade? It really this really happened or Gatorade We had this discussion on the golf course the other day if you were to see this bathtub That's gross. Yeah, I still blue like think of the salt burn bathtub, but way worse.
Starting point is 01:10:25 A little bit of this. Dave, how do you make, how would, if Dave Ruff is making his ideal transfusion, what is Dave Ruff making it out of? Oh, we'll start with the lime. I have to have freshly squeezed lime. I don't always take the time to squeeze the lime. Thank you. Micah knows I don't do take the time to squeeze the lime. Micah knows. I don't do, I don't know the name of names.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Somebody I live with will occasionally like in lieu of lemon or lime will be like, oh, we got the, I'm like, no, it's not the same. Not the same. And then I will do, I think the real controversy is, are you going like Welch's grape juice? Or are you going with like a blue Powerade or a blue? Purple Gatorade.
Starting point is 01:11:04 I like the purple Gatorade? I like the purple Gatorade but just a splash. I don't need a lot of it. So Micah got a transfusion at the turn the other day. Riptide Rush? Is that the one? Yeah. Yeah. And I got a Riptide Rush at the turn. Fuck yeah. In addition to two Miller Lights. That's what you got. But Micah noted that they made his transfusion with grape juice and not Riptide Rush, to which point Brett said, well, transfusions are made with grape juice. DKRs are made with Gatorade. I kind of wanted to say no, all of them should be made with Gatorade because that's my preference, but I actually think that's a very appropriate line in the sand to draw from Brett here.
Starting point is 01:11:42 I think it opened my eyes a little bit. I think I'm going to do that going forward. To be clear like I'll probably I think what he's saying is right. Yes. But for me, it's like I'm going to always ask for that. I'm going to always order the transfusion and ask for the Gatorade. Yeah. No way they had the Gatorade. What do they call the Gatorade version of this in like Iowa because they're not calling the Darrell K Royal. The the Gatorade. They had the Gatorade. What do they call the Gatorade version of this in like Iowa because they're not calling the Darrell K. Royal.
Starting point is 01:12:09 The Zach Johnson. The ZJ. The ZJ. The ZJ. Yes, it is the Zij. Zij me up. Who's the current Iowa football coach? Well, it's Kirk Ferent, of course. Yeah. Zij make the cut. Surely not. They call it the KF. Okay. KF isn't good. They can do better. His middle name's
Starting point is 01:12:27 James KJF. The DKR is like a very good regional drink. So Lubbock Lubbock area has the Chilton. Chilton's a very regional beverage. Chilterns need to be more popular than they are. Uh and then we've got the the DKR here. So the problem with the Chilton is it's just a vodka soda. Sure. Lime and some salt. With better branding. No, with a ton of, I thought we, I thought it's made with a ton of lemon. It's not like a lemon party. Vodka, lemon, and a
Starting point is 01:12:54 splash of soda, but I've also had them and this is, this, this would make Dylan absolutely throw up. I have had it where they don't salt the rim. They've put sugar on the rim. Now, that's trash. That's like a lemon drop. You know where you cannot order a Chilton where I thought you might be able to order a Chilton and get away with it?
Starting point is 01:13:13 Texas chili parlor. Bartender looked at me and said, what? And I got to, you got to know about that. If you're in Texas, if you want to play in Texas, you got to have a Chilton in the bag. He looked at me like I was an idiot, and so I just tabbed out. I was like, yeah, I don't think he's gonna wanna make me another drink. I'll take my business elsewhere.
Starting point is 01:13:31 It was one of those drink orders when you know you're probably a little too drunk to get another drink right then, but then you go up and you kind of fumble it a little bit, and then you're like, yeah, it's time for me to leave. Let's just close it. That sounds like me in Fort Worth. Last time I was asked to leave a bar. And I think we were drinking Chilton's earlier that night. And they were like, you know what? Based on how you just tried to order that, you gotta go.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Didn't you run to the bathroom to like- I said, I'll go, but I'm going to the bathroom first. And they followed me into the bathroom. And I took like the most, just like, I took my time. I was pretty much a little baby about the situation. I would have been too. I would have been too though. They were like, look, man, you were just you try to order a drink and you don't look great.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Can you just go? I'm like, well, I'm going to pee pee. Nothing you can do about it. I get it. I want to move. It's a good delay. Yeah, I get what my kid does it all the time. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's exactly what it was. It was just like a hmm. all the time. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's exactly what it was. It was just like a hmm. Guess I'll slowly walk over to the bathroom. I'm gonna wash my hands real good. Mm hmm. Shall we get out of here? What a fun show. Got some big news. I mean, we got we got food trucks back in action across the way now after uh people were people were gone
Starting point is 01:14:43 last week. This is big. Flavia's back. It's Monday though. She said she'd be back the twentieth. Does that mean she's going to open on Monday and be a grind girl since she was gone on vacation for two weeks? I don't know. Okay. Can you direct her? I I could. I I did. I do have direct. I'll comment on my last Venmo transaction with her and say, hey, are you open today? Hey, what's up? Just checking in. I just texted back. How's your Hey, what's up? Just checking in.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Should I just text her back? How's your vacation? What's up? Did you guys in your group chat last night have a conversation about paying the people for the scramble? Cause I was gonna say, I got a Venmo. I was gonna Venmo Michael.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Yeah, I got a Venmo from one Matt Kelly. You're getting one for me right now. Okay, good. Yeah, it was a little nice little skip in my step. I said someone can just buy me a knockout martini, but that's more than the $20 payout, so. I liked it, whoever my partner, maybe it was Zach or Matt was like,
Starting point is 01:15:32 oh, and that big group text like, oh, I guess last place team should pay the first place. He didn't realize we were last place. Correct, it was very funny when he realized that he was last place and had to pay. Yeah, very cool. Yeah, but one person on your team shouldn't have to pay, it should be you.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Because we're only three men. I didn't really pay for anything over the weekend. So, like I don't really mind. Okay. Do you want to buy me some taco deli? Yeah, you want to do that? I'll go to talk about it. I'll go by the taco deli. I need to go to the office but I could take it to go. Let's taco in town. Let's go. We know what to expect. They're inconsistent. Do they have good
Starting point is 01:16:11 guacamole there? I don't know. What is it you're saying? What don't you know? I've never had their guacamole. There you go. That's it. Let's end it. Yup. Thanks for watching!

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