Circling Back - Murder-For Hire Plots & Checked Bags

Episode Date: March 12, 2025

Some SXSW chatter now that it's in full swing in Austin, a ghost hunter's wife tried to have him murdered, what it would take for us to fight mascots at professional hockey games, Southwest's recent p...olicy changes, John Mayer's dope shipping container, This Weekend in Fun, and more. Enjoy a free one-week trial on Patreon for additional weekly episodes: Watch all of our full episodes on our new YouTube channel:  Shop Washed Merch:  (0:00) Fun & Easy Banter (19:15) SXSW has arrived. (28:07) Ghost Dude Murder (45:54) What would it take for you to fight a mascot? (51:10) Uh hey Southwest, what’re you freaking doing? (56:20) John Mayer’s Zen Den (1:11:00) This Weekend in Fun Support This Episode’s Sponsors Shopify:  Huel: (15% off using STEAM15) PrizePicks: (use code STEAM to get $50 instantly after you play your first $5 lineup!) Tecovas: (10% off!) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, we're back circling back podcast my name's Will DeFries to my left. David Ruff. Good morning. It's a wonderful day to be here in the Wash Media Studios to do a podcast. I'm looking forward to the content that we're rolling out here. I've looked at the rundown and I think it's very strong.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I've looked at the new additions to the studio, which we will be getting, we'll be addressing that in the next few weeks. Randy's done some work here. Got the party lights going, love it. Things are looking good. So thank you. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yeah. Yeah, studio updates, huh? Got this PVC pipe in here. We got a little curtain, curtain rod. What do you call it? The Arby's beef curtain. It's a good looking rod. Yeah, we get that Arby's bag. That'd be kind of sick. It's a it's a working progress, but yeah, there it is a little bit for the people I can't believe no matter what curtain we hang there
Starting point is 00:01:28 Dylan has to podcast in front of it No matter what That's how it works The space behind me is already a bit tight Shut up It is tight A cloth behind you is going to be so much tighter I don't want the cloth behind you
Starting point is 00:01:44 I want it on my back My elbow hit the cloth gonna be so much tighter. I'll show you something that extends eight inches. Dylan Chivalry everybody. No, I want you to slow down. Thank you. I was thinking about how Dave just interviewed our good friend Tron from No Laying Up right before this and then he hopped right back into the stew and I was thinking about how it's mentally exhausting doing this job sometimes so that's I'm impressed first of all. Secondly, be a surprise and then I bleep it out. I think about people who have actual difficult jobs and I just tell myself to shut up because surprise. And then I. bleep it out. I think about people who
Starting point is 00:02:26 have like actual difficult jobs and I just tell myself to shut up because this is not hard work. You know, I I just tell you to shut up just in general. I didn't know it was going to be a surprise. I mean, but how many jobs have to like sit in
Starting point is 00:02:39 front of a cloth, you know, it's true. I'm not saying it's difficult to sit in front of a cloth. I'm just saying that you want to be that you want to be in a cubicle in a place with fluorescent lighting is quite limited. Yeah, you could work at Lumen. Oh, severance. I got that reference. Can you tell me if this is psychotic or not? From Dylan. What I do. I have because scary has the the regular Monday post with severance. So I have screenshots cause Scaries has the regular Monday post
Starting point is 00:03:06 with Severance. So I have screenshots of the next episode and Dylan wanted to see all the screenshots of the next, of the penultimate episode of the season. Which is normally the episode where the most action goes down. For whatever reason, spoilers don't bother me. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I don't like it, don't mind them at all. For me, it's dependent. I think for some TV shows, I actually don't care that much. Like if it's a fictional television show, it's like, oh, if I know that it's not that big a deal. Plus reality TV, I don't want any spoilers because if you know the spoilers, it just takes it takes like the actual enjoyment that I get from reality TV.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Screenshots don't obviously give you the full story. It's just like, oh, I wonder what set that scene up or what's going on here. So it's kind of just like a little tease in my brain. Yeah, I'll be honest. I'll be honest. I showed you some stuff today and I didn't show you a couple of things today. Oh, that was nice of you. Okay. When you're going incognito and you're checking out something over on, I don't know, X or UJ, whatever your choice is. You skip right to the end to see how it ends. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you ever typically end the same? Do you ever fall asleep if it's like 45 minutes? I watch it in reverse. I've got a buddy, I won't name him. No matter when he's done with his
Starting point is 00:04:21 business, he'll watch the rest of it out. That's insane. He wants to see how the story ends. Yeah. He's a true gooner. That's funny. No, I don't even do that stuff. I had something to say and you just ruined my train of thought.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I don't do that stuff, man. I mean, as a kid, I used to read the last paragraph of every book I bought. That's not weird because I would read the last sentence. Yeah, it seems really like it's dumb. It's dumb. And I'm really annoyed with myself because the last book that I finished, I read the last line already and I was so mad at myself that I did it.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Typically you're not going to get anything crazy in that last paragraph. No, no. you're not going to get anything crazy in that last paragraph. No, no but but what stresses me out about that is that as it as the author like the author of the book, they have to think about the that final, you know stanza a lot
Starting point is 00:05:19 because I feel like I'm disrespecting it by just you know, doing it early. Respect the stanza. Don't look. Put your phones away. Get off your aim or whatever. The Lute's group text is going off. Why? What's happening? I don't know. I just keep getting notice. I had to turn my phone over. That's welcome, man. That's welcome because I'll be honest. Some of my group texts have been absolutely silent lately and I'm worried. Blaine spilled coffee all over himself. Nice. And his workspace. Nice. Is that going to affect
Starting point is 00:05:42 our finances going forward? I hope not, yeah. Tough start to the day. There's a guy in the group, he's a Lute, who may, we owe him a hat. Yeah. He's emerged due to his closest to the pin. He couldn't stick around at the crazy event that we did. That's right.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I've got a 10 a.m. with him tomorrow, so I'll get his details. Give him a hat. Okay, I'll give him an E hat tomorrow during my. Is he nice with it on the course? Man, I'm gonna be honest with you. Can I expose him a little bit? He stinks.
Starting point is 00:06:10 So this is our other accountant. Bookkeeper. Bookkeeper. He keeps the books. He doesn't cook them. Does he read the last paragraph of them? When he cooks them, yeah. I kind of felt bad because I pointed out early in the round that he was
Starting point is 00:06:25 leaving everything short. And then he left about three more short after that. And I was like, man, if I was him and I left another one short, I'd be mad at me for calling it out so early. But then he got that closest to the pin. So I don't feel too bad.
Starting point is 00:06:37 As I was leaving everything short, he was typically well in front of the green with me on most holes. We were down there and I was just, he would try to chip, shout out to him. I was just putting it and I was just he would try to chip shout out to him I was just putting it. Oh, I'm gonna try to chip off that hard pan. You know the old adage though It's not how you start It's how you finish we finished well and actually Dave's buddy from home
Starting point is 00:07:00 Maintains that it's also about the fringe you make along the way is the real prize Well, those friends are dwindling as a male friendship has been in this deep decline for years now. As facts, I was looking at some data the other day. The amount of time that Americans are spending at home in 2025 versus 2019 is pretty jarring. I'm contributing to that. Like we've all turned into absolute hermits around these parts. I had this conversation with Chelsea on Saturday night. We were contemplating whether or not we're going to step out for a drink. I was like, do we stay in too much? Yeah. She's a major homebody, which I don't mind because I don't really like to go out too much, but I do like to step out. Your boy likes to get out on the town. She likes to step out. If she cracks a Chelsea, you know she's going out. If she drinks a Chelsea, I'll bet her off.
Starting point is 00:07:46 That's the thing about it. You hear about this, Will? No. Chelsea says it's a too much dip thing. Can you enlighten me? She likes to drink Celsius. Okay. And so I had this joke with her.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I'll say like, does Chelsea want a Celsius? Oh, wow. Okay. And then not knowing that tidbit of information, Dave just said, Chelsea is on too much depth. And I was like, I do say that he was like, Oh, so it was a kind of this thing. If we were in high school, and we heard Dylan say that to his girlfriend in high school, time to chair, we would be roasting him off the face of the earth for about three weeks. It would
Starting point is 00:08:23 be over. That was the plan. I could be a cute boyfriend, man. It would be over for you. We'd be putting Celsius in your locker so that when you opened it, like a bunch of empty Celsius cans would like fall out. I wouldn't like empty ones. We would be tying it behind your used car. I had a new energy drink yesterday. I meant to mention this to you all. So there's a really good market next to the haircut place I go to mention this to y'all. So there's a really good, uh, market next to the haircut place I go to scissors and scotch. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Um, I went in there yesterday and I was like, okay, I'm going to get a little drink here before I go back to the office. I had a gorilla mind and the dude at the front was like, bro, you have one of these yet? I was like, Nope. Haven't had a gorilla mind. Literally. I'm going to do it. And the dude at the front was like, bro, you have one of these yet? I was like, nope, haven't had a gorilla mind. Literally, I've never heard of
Starting point is 00:09:10 it. He's like, you're going to like it. He's like, he's like, he told me this. He goes, I used to be a Celsius guy. This is all I drink now. Did he get you busing? It was good. It didn't have me like straight up zooted off it. But low
Starting point is 00:09:23 sugar. You weren't lost. That's you wouldn't buy it if it was high sugar. Right. You weren't like begging your chest, ready to like. I used to do that to Rhodes when he was a kid. And then at some point he didn't think it was funny anymore and I was sad. That's a tough moment when the stuff you do and they grow out of it and they're like, yeah, it's fine. Parks isn't a big wrestling with dad phase right now.
Starting point is 00:09:44 All he wants to do is just wrestle with me. He'll just ask me like, hey, can we go wrestle? And I'll just wear his little ass out. I'll beat the shit out of him. Just throw him around. He loves it. Loves it. Is he a blue belt yet?
Starting point is 00:09:55 What's he at? Oh, he doesn't have a belt. Oh. He's beltless. So is Dave in 2023. That was Adam Belz. Oh, he's a big e-waste guy, wasn't he? Yeah. That's right. So is Dave in I'm just tweeting, dude. It looks like you could tell, like there's something there. No, no, I get why your brain, I get why you saw the can and were intrigued enough to buy
Starting point is 00:10:32 the can. That's a good looking can. It's a good looking can. What's it on Yucca? Stop. I didn't Yucca. Stop. The gorilla cannot fathom the apps on their phone.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So I just, you know what, I'm gonna enjoy this and just go straight primitive with it. Ooh, they have a powder as well. You would like that. You would like that. Checks out. Nevermind, forget it. Don't you say you feel like a gorilla
Starting point is 00:10:58 after doing a bunch of powder? No, I don't think I've ever said that. I've never done powder. I don't know. Never done powder, man. Reminds me of on Jersey Shore when Mike and J-Wow were having like just like a little conversation on the boardwalk. And J-Wow was like, Oh my God, look at that gorilla. And Mike looked at her so disgusted. He's like, what? He's like thin as in. He's like, gorillas are out thin as in.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And like. He was not thin. He was jacked. Compared to Ron. Well, compared to Ron, that's a gorilla juice head. Five, seven. All five, seven of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Wanna see a video of the male members of the cast of Jersey Shore breaking down my naked body. I just wanna see a video of the male members of the cast of Jersey Shore breaking down my naked body. I just want to see a video of male members. I want to see them circling it like they're on ESPN and they're saying what I need to do. Who would be the meanest? Sneaky Vinny? Yeah, I think so. I don't think he's a mean guy in his heart, but I feel like he might not hold any punches. I always thought Pauly D was the nicest. I think Pauly D would be the nicest, yeah. I think he would try to gas me up before really giving me some insights to my- Bro, I'm gonna flame you, bro, but
Starting point is 00:12:21 he would do it respectfully. You'd be like, you know what? Fine. No, I get it. I get it. I don't do gym tail laundry. That's okay. Can we get some major announcements out of the way? Yes. Bit Madness.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Brackets are live on Reddit. If you go to our Reddit, I've pinned the post atop the Reddit and you can go check that out. You can fill out your bracket. Make sure to leave some identifying information in there for a player so we can reach out to you should you win as we will send you a huge box of swag. Yeah. And I have told the guy running it that no more acceptance after 11.59 PM on the 17th. So we will be here. We will be recording these soon
Starting point is 00:13:09 and we are going to be releasing these as separate episodes. And so just keep an eye out for that. So yes, episode one, round of 64 will be on the 18th. So please get your brackets in before the 18th. You got five days. And also some people have been asking, if you submitted and you don't remember what it was, you didn't take a screenshot,
Starting point is 00:13:32 he's gonna be able to make it so you can go back and see your bracket. He's gonna have a printout version too so that people can download so that if you wanna fill it out and like have it going as you listen to the episodes and stuff. So yeah, more stuff coming with that. We're gonna add some voting integrity. Yeah. So yeah, we we've made a first time.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Dave has not been a part of the vote, but he has been outvoted regardless of his vote by Dylan and I. Onus will no longer exist moving forward. No more Onus. Onus? Hey Onus, guess what buddy? Bye-bye. Okay. Hit the bricks pal. Weus? Hey Onus, guess what buddy? Bye bye. Okay. Hit the bricks pal. We are going to be whiteboarding it. Locking it in.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And locking it in. You're looking at me like this is gonna end up better for you. No, what an idiot. This is just gonna make me vote harder. Dude, this will totally pan out well for you. Dave and I don't sit next to each other. You know what?
Starting point is 00:14:20 I'm so gonna vote. You guys can't board look. Okay. Intentionally. No, for sure. Yeah. David talking to you, mainly big dog. The more you talk, the more bored I look. What are we doing today, guys? Yowza. Yikes. Oh, the claw did behind me. I'm sorry. No, that's a good idea that that I don't like to own us because then it's like you look
Starting point is 00:14:57 like oh, you're only riding for your own bed. It gives someone too much power. Yeah. No one man. So I think I think we can still reveal them one by one. So if we get like two votes different, Onus exists still, but it's like, it's ready, it's been voted. It's gonna be fun.
Starting point is 00:15:11 It's gonna be fun. That's what's up. Onus. Yesterday we did a circling back on Touching Base beyond the paywall, slash circling back podcast. We covered the touch versus wild episode featuring the, probably one of the more popular segments we've ever done on Touching Base, which was the Valerio segment.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Valerio. It's a good podcast. We also discussed some moth memes as well. Go check that out, slash circling back podcast. New patrons get a week free. You sent a moth meme late last night. I did. Did you just think of it and go search it out or were you just like deep looking for
Starting point is 00:15:44 more moth memes? No, I was doing something that I think all of us have been caught guilty doing. I was going through old screenshots trying to find a reaction for a quote tweet and suddenly I was years deep in my camera roll at the bottom and I found some old moth memes. I found a lot of good stuff in there. Unfortunately, I never located the screenshot that I was looking for, which was the stout feller watching the girl dance on the table. I got it for you.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I know. I almost texted you, but it was about 1030 at night. I've been having a tough week of sleep and I didn't want to interrupt anything that was going on on your end David. I was respecting the quiet hours. Thank you. Without further ado, let's hear from our friends over at Tacovas. You know what I always say? You can't have a good time in bad boots. That's why you need Tacovas, brother. I feel left out. I'm the only non to cover his owner in this room. Why don't you get some? We have an ad deal with them and they're more than willing to give us some free boots. My guy got a great hook up there as well. You know what I did one time? I went to the to cover store and I
Starting point is 00:16:54 bought them with cold hard cash. Yeah, that is it. That is an option for, I think, pretty much everyone. I bought mine with Bitcoin. Really? No, I didn't. I just there's a callback. Oh, okay. I wasn't even a part of it. I mean, have you ever wondered if you can pull your boots off with your own personal style? I've wondered No, I didn't. I just, there's a callback. Oh, okay. I wasn't even a part of it. I mean, have you ever wondered if you can pull your boots off with your own personal style? I've wondered that. I don't want to get labeled all hat, no cattle. We're all boot, no cattle. You know what I'm saying? You owe it to your feet to pull on a pair
Starting point is 00:17:15 of Tacovas. Being confident isn't about being different. It's about being yourself. Find comfort in the traditions of the West and confidence from making it your own. Have to say, I love my Tacovas. You guys aren't going to believe me. I got them in the back of my car right now. I'm booting the back of the car guy. I thought you stuck them between your truck bed and the cab or your truck. You know, brother, they're just floating around back there.
Starting point is 00:17:39 You never know, dude. You just never know, man. Yeah. Sometimes, I just put them on just to hang out. Really? I just sit in my house wearing just boots. It's kind of sick. Nothing else? We should go to the Spoke. South by? I feel like it's a celeb spot. I was going to say, tomorrow night, Thursday night at the Spoke, someone's going to be there, brother. Do you know who? No. But Thursday of South by South by I guarantee you that someone's gonna be at the smoke mall and I tradition Actually, we'll talk about this after we talk about our friends over to covis Okay, maybe it's Tucker
Starting point is 00:18:14 Carlson I was just gonna come up with a fake country music name. Oh Who's dancing? Yeah Are those to copas? What's going on here? Oh, why is everyone wearing to Kova's? They're amazing boots These things are great Have to say very comfortable upon first wear which is always a concern of mine when buying any shoe or any boot Go get some there's no compromise between quality and style plus
Starting point is 00:18:44 With to Kova's best in the west guarantee you get free returns and exchanges within 30 days right now get 10 off at Slash crcl bk when you sign up for email and text get 10 off at Slash crcl bk Slash crcl bk cite for details, Tacovas. Point your toes west. I just realized how lucky you are.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Why? Your first pair of boots were Tacovas. Yeah. All you've known is comfy boots. You've never known that breaking in period that you're like, ah. Well, hold on, Dave. I did receive a pair of boots ahead of a family trip
Starting point is 00:19:21 we took to Montana when I was in third grade. Okay. I've grown out of them since. My hands are still the same size. They might fit Randy. They might fit Randy. Yeah, what are you, size six? I have bigger feet than you, Danny.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Are you a six and a half? I'm a 10, I'm a solid 10. You know, it's great if there's a, all the shoes are always the presenting shoes. The display shoes are always size 10. So if I see them, I know they have my pair usually. But, Kyle. Oh, not always.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Not always. I'm a 10.5. Typically, they are. That's it. You got them beat up. I used to slide into some 11s, but I'm a 10.5 now. You know what I do. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:58 So I have a good history. I have a good history with calling out big nights for the broken spoke. Years ago, Garth Brooks was in town for something and I sent a text to a group text and I said if there's ever a night for Garth Brooks to pop into the broken spoke it's tonight. Sure enough he performed. Mick Jagger came into town and he always goes to like local spots to go do stuff. Said to Dave he's going to the spoke. Sure enough, that night, Mick Jagger spoke. I'm just saying tomorrow night,
Starting point is 00:20:30 if you're trying to see something, I think tomorrow night's the night. Who's like the Hollywood girl who's like not like A-list yet but is like the rising star, like Sydney Sweeney three years ago. Right now? Really putting you guys on the spot. Yeah. Tate McCray? No. No. Okay. No. She's she's she's
Starting point is 00:20:50 certified A-list right now. It's a horny pig. Yeah. That was crazy horny from Randy. It's not. It's Swing's was there. Oh, you might saw her. If she was like taking dances, you know, doing like the thing for photos, dancing with people with two swings. Would you try to dance with swings? Yeah. What do our wives say if like Sydney Sweeney walks up to our table and puts her hand out? Do they gesture and say get out there?
Starting point is 00:21:11 They let you do it. Okay. They would. Do they give us a pat on the butt as we get on the dance floor? Like, Dave, like, it looks like Dave, I get it. I would just grab her hand and just kiss it and then just say, I'm taken. I mean, David, you're pretty confident when it comes to
Starting point is 00:21:26 interacting with blonde female celebrities. I mean, you're willing to sit down at their table with them and have a conversation. Yeah. You're not just handing them a freaking packet. You're right. We went face to face. I think about that every time she posts and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:21:39 I was real nervous and real drunk. You crushed it, man. You were drunk. Not a good photo, but whatever. Hey, you did it though. I did it. You did it. Yeah, we're fully in the throes of South By.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I had the pleasure of sitting in South By Southwest traffic downtown last night. Not great, not great. Definitely Uber guys. There's just an energy in the city right now. Like it's palpable. It's like almost like a cloth, a curtain hanging behind you. But you can go, you can either choose to like ignore it,
Starting point is 00:22:14 be mad about it or just embrace it. I don't get the metaphor. South by is a curtain. Yeah. It's close behind you. Yeah. It's always there. It's always lingering.
Starting point is 00:22:28 It feels like it's invading your space, but if you just embrace it, you can really, you know that it's a better thing. Well said. Yep. You know that it's a better thing. You heard what he said. Thank you. It's a better thing. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:22:36 If I seemed like I was on the verge of having a panic attack for the last three days, it's because yesterday I went to the Midwest house house at in cahoots you guys ever been there? No. Heard about it. It's a great patio. It's on the east side so I know it's not usually in our in our areas that we chill in but I have to say in cahoots like for a nice little cool Sunday. In cahoots. The outdoor AstroTurf? Yeah, there's turf. I mean, it was just huge. There was so much room.
Starting point is 00:23:09 So I think that's Austin Garden Studio. Okay. But Incahoots is the back door into it. So they're the kind of combined. Would you say the two places are, I don't know, Incahoots? Thank you. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I've never been more convinced that we need to go do a golf trip in Michigan. And I think we need to cover it for our friends that you can in Michigan, whether they want us to or not.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Just tag them and everything. Yeah, until they accept a collab request or something. Look, as a guy who's now an expert on Grand Rapids, there's some courses outside of Grand Rapids. Some backers have reached out like, you gotta play here. My task yesterday was doing man on the street stuff and I have to say that I was very nervous going into it. I'm not very good at approaching people.
Starting point is 00:24:17 And then I realized that everyone I was interviewing was from Michigan and they were like really nice about it and wanted to talk about Michigan. And I was like, oh, this is very easy. There's my will on their Instagram story right here. Please, please go to Michigan. I made some good, I made some good cases. I met a lot of people yesterday who, who knew about Nubs and Op. Oh, we got to go up. Did you sell some folks on Michigan? I think they more sold me or other people via Instagram. Did you link with anyone? It was the most South by Southwest crowd I've ever seen
Starting point is 00:24:55 outside of like a lot of, okay. You could tell people that like were at the event for support of the state of Michigan and everything associated with it. And then you could tell that there were certain people who were just rolling in to get like free drinks with their badges. Sick.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And like, there were just some people who you were like, that is the most South by Southwest dude I've ever seen in my entire life. Yeah. Branded backpacks, random badges. Lanyards everywhere. Wristbands that just go up to your shoulder blades. QR codes.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Tattooed QR codes. That's sick. I don't always do South by Southwest stuff. And I think I'm officially done with my South by Southwest duties for the year. I think I just got to support the home state and get the fuck out of here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Do you have any booze drinks, Hoff? I had exactly one. Bell's Too Hard at IPA. Oh yeah. I lost my drink ticket and the nice young lady behind the bar said, I can tell that you're not faking this right now. I'm just going to give you a beer. Real one. She handed it to me, winked at me and said, get you a beer real one she's handed it to me winked at me and said get you a beer Hoff nice she slapped me on the app no she didn't she did not she asked you to two-stop oh and you kissed her hand instead I didn't
Starting point is 00:26:15 kiss your hand I wanna dance with you that's what she said world you all around the floor that's what they intended dancing for i just want to dance with will dylan's but oh your mic just went out so you don't you don't okay i'll stop yeah you might just want to i'll stop and so that mic can hear me okay should we go to the spoke parks has a baseball game tomorrow no that's tonight. What am I talking about? No, I'm good. First game, second game. It's a scrimmage actually, but it's the first like, you know, game. Did you see what to the spoke the other day? Daphne from White Lotus.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I don't think I'll be honest. There are not that many people that Sally wouldn't let me two step with. I don't think she's letting me go with Daphne Because she knows I'm gonna be on that floor barking She knows you have a hole in I am I'm in love with her she's like Oh, I just wanted a two-step and you're on all fours barking. This isn't what I really thought. Yeah, I know fours Scratching your ear with your foot. You're just over there. You're just licking your paws. This is weird. I do like that that place is holding out.
Starting point is 00:27:29 It's like a, I'm sure that property is worth quite a bit. And like now we're just gonna keep selling long necks. Here's some advice for you. If you're on Instagram and they have that little feature that shows reels that are liked by people. And you can go click and see what your friends are liking. Don't look at the posts that Broken Spoke is liking. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:53 They're pretty aggressive. Okay. Okay. Some dude was murdered by a ghost? No. No. A ghost guy was murdered by a human, right? Randy, can you pull up that pic I sent you on Slack?
Starting point is 00:28:08 Of course I can, Dave. We guys, you guys are big ghost adventures fans. If you've listened to Spooky Season, you know Ghost Adventures is a big player. It's the, in my opinion, the best ghost hunting show going has been for many, many years now. The guy who started out as the cameraman, Aaron Goodwin, he's a staple, he's an original guy.
Starting point is 00:28:31 He's now he's become a fan favorite. Pimmins, Zach Baggins. Any relation to Bilbo? To Bilbo or Frodo? No relation that I know of Made some news yesterday as his wife has been accused of trying to hire a hitman to have them killed Okay, what kind of proof does he have for this hitman It's a murder for hire plots. What she was in cahoots still and see what murder um yeah
Starting point is 00:29:08 according to tmz victoria goodwin was arrested last week and booked on two charges two charges please solicitation to commit murder and of course conspiracy to commit murder what like right is there something more at bay here as to why she would want to murder this man? What um, she's just trying to get that life insurance policy. It was a content play. What if he became the ghost? Yeah, he comes back and it's like oh fuck like real fuck I get it I get it according to the arrest report obtained by tmz Cops say victoria was messaging an inmate in a florida prison about getting out of her marriage to Erin when she asked, am I a bad person because I chose to end his existence, not divorce?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah. I've always said that once your wife is texting with inmates in Florida prisons, it's time to move on, Hoss. Especially about having you killed. Yeah, that doesn't make you a bad person, Victoria. What do you think that's gonna set her back? Would set you back hypothetically to get a hit man to do a relatively high profile hit. 10 years? No, no, no. I'm sorry. Like how much? Oh, how much money's? 10K? 20 grand. Randy? I'll say 10K. Well, I was gonna guess more in the 30 range.
Starting point is 00:30:25 30 to 50, honestly. I don't think getting someone killed is like on the cheap. Cops say Aaron's wife set aside $11,515 to pay the alleged hitman and they say the inmate she was communicating with messaged a guy about the alleged plot. He's asleep right now in the hotel room. I didn't know what's going on. Can I get an update? Was it done?
Starting point is 00:30:46 This allegedly happened back in October and Aaron is still very much alive, though it's unclear of what went down with the alleged hit man, but cops claim there were specific messages about $2,500 upfront payment. That is just not enough. Wait, did you say this already?
Starting point is 00:31:01 How did she get busted? Did they mate just turn her in. She's trying to bust, she's trying to. Police said they only caught wind of the alleged plot after their corrections officers found and seized the inmates contraband phone at the Florida prison. No.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I just looked it up. What would you do if you found out that your existence was worth the same as a 2016 Ford Taurus with a hundred 17,000 miles on it That tough to swallow a little bit. I would want my life to be Taking of my life to be worth a little bit more than that. Like I want to be at least like I Don't know I
Starting point is 00:31:42 Want to be like a midsize SUV that's at least in the last like three years. Kind of think the relationship's not going to survive this. Do you just murder her? I don't know. I feel like it's very, at this point, like they're watching. So it's, I think it would be tough to get away with at this point. Are you the dumbest person on earth
Starting point is 00:32:02 to text with an inmate on a contraband phone and admit to wanting to take your husband's life? That seems like the dumbest way you could possibly do this. I like his quote. Also, I like the fact that they were married at the haunted mansion in Disneyland. That's sick. Pretty dope. I miss. You gotta have a haunted... Stay on brand, dude. Stay on brand. He tells TMZ he thought he was in a happy marriage and he's blindsided and devastated at this turn of events. Yeah. So checks out.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty devastating. Woman you love wants to have you killed. Only been married a couple of years. How'd she get associated with this Florida inmate? Good question. Don't know the answer. Like I'm not one to go through my wife's phone
Starting point is 00:32:47 But if I ever did and I saw That I'd be I'd have questions Well, I don't know there's rumor I you don't want to like speculate but I saw something to where He might have ghosted her. Good show. You're playing the Twisted Parrot on Tuesday next week, right? I was just looking up because there's a, I doing a pop up show for South by Wilmonds.
Starting point is 00:33:32 There was a recent murder for hire thing that happened in Austin. I thought that was more recent. I think just news more news came out about in December. It happened back in 2023. Tell me about the love triangle one. I'm talking about the Austin jeweler. It was like the sun. And it was like supposed to be like a robbery, looked like a robbery gone wrong. I'm not familiar with that one. But there was a really high
Starting point is 00:33:49 profile love triangle one. Oh, someone did get killed in that it wasn't just a plot. It actually happened. Oh, I'm gonna put my hand up and say that I'm officially going to scale back my road rage and my mocking of people on the road. As someone was recently shot in traffic in Austin, Texas, due to going to scale back my road rage and my mocking of people on the road as someone was recently shot in traffic in Austin Texas due to a road rage incident and so I'm officially retiring from road rage I'm not trying to catch my own body that's good he's out on road kids folks people get unreasonably angry I'm not
Starting point is 00:34:21 like running up on people or like doing aggressive break checks or anything like that but you know I'm gonna stop thumbs downing. Should I retire this? Yeah I know I've been I've been pretty I've been pretty free with the thumbs down lately and I'm worried that I don't I don't think it's worth it. You got a thumbs down in traffic and I got a tulli on me I might let that thing sing. I know I don't know what I would do. If they had that detail about the the incident when you got attacked or worse that like you did the cry face at somebody and then they came after you like they'd be like, oh man, kind of get it. The judge said he got got that jury's like, get it. Imagine seeing that in traffic and you're so pissed off at someone cut you off whatever and they hit you with them.
Starting point is 00:35:02 and cut you off, whatever, and they hit you with the... Hmm. Ha ha ha. See, I think of the thumbs down now because of Dave. And I... Why me? Thumbs down is kind of funny though. Yeah, that's why I kind of do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I used to... It's pretty hard. But sometimes, lately I've been doing it not even directly at them, but sometimes I've just been like, if someone does something annoying behind me, if they're driving, if they're passing me, I'll just do like one of these. Yeah, it's like, like I disapprove of what you're doing, but I'm like, I'm not too angry about it. Just letting you know that I'm not angry enough to make eye contact with you. I've worked up a pretty good disgusted
Starting point is 00:35:37 look that I'll give people. Show us what it looks like. It's like if somebody, there's a number of things you could be disgusted over and you just drive in and like in lieu of like a hand gesture, like we're referencing, you just kind of give them like a. You don't do that. Oh, I do. Just real slow and casual like that.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Almost like, like I'm so aggrieved by what they did that I can't even like, I'm just like, are you serious? Like I'm just grossed out by you right now. The fact that you were in that turning lane a mile ago and I've been stewing on it since and I'm still disgusted and I finally got the chance to pass you and I'm going to just kind of look over at you. scoff at him. Oh. Oh. This thing happened back in 2018 that I was talking
Starting point is 00:36:35 about the Austin jeweler. Topical. Yeah. Randy with the fucking news. Who's the Austin jeweler? It was uh some Austin jeweler and like, was it Jacob? I think his son and daughter-in-law like hired two people to do a robbery and make it go look bad to kill him. Damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:54 That's seems to be what. Oh, I just found it. Turns out it was Jared. Every kiss with kids with kids. Someone tried to get Jared? No, Jared. You ain't getting Jared. You ain't getting J-Bone.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Nah, he's untouchable. Jared? That's Jared. Every kiss begins with K. Maybe it was K. Maybe it was K-A. Maybe it was a whole fraternity. No, that's different.
Starting point is 00:37:24 That's totally different. No, you took that a different one. They're not a jeweler. I Guess that's just a Christmas only commercial cuz I haven't heard that in a while. I don't know Okay, Julie's even around it. I'm glad plenty of kisses it did every kiss begins with it. What do you think Randy? Okay, dumbass stupid yeah I would have never dated a been able to date a girl named Kay. Cause I would have done that every time. I would have ruined the moment every time. Hey babe, every kiss begins with Kay.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Seriously, it was funny like when we first started dating, we're like three years in now. Like you ruin every intimate moment. Dave's currently, I think Dave saw some related products to Gorilla Energy. And he's just looking at Bum Energy by Dr. Bum. Don't worry about me. Dr. Bum? Dr. Bum.
Starting point is 00:38:15 The root beer one's really good. I actually had it the other day. The bum was on your lips? You're lucky. I might just give it a little kiss. There you go. You did it. You did it. It begins with K. That's so good. You guys are in cahoots.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Gosh, we're absolutely cooking right now. I just want to do pull ups on that bar. I know. I always think that when I see bars. I can't support you, dog. No, I'm fucking different. I have body mass. How many pull ups you doing these days day 100 that's fucking good. How many think I can do? But you get to Know you get Dylan. No Dylan. There's no fucking way I
Starting point is 00:38:58 Could probably get If I'm just doing one set, I can maybe get like fifteen. I'm bullshit. I can definitely get 10. Easy. Let's get a pull up bar. Fifteen. Order a pull up bar. Let's get a pull up bar. I do pull ups every **** week.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Get a pull up bar. Pretty much. We're putting a pull bar in the studio. I don't see why. Why don't we have one anyway? If you can do 15 real pull ups, I'd be impressed. I don't want to hear it from Randy. You sleep in pull ups. Let's get one Will. That'd be good contact. Why don't we have one? Like idiots. Like there's no
Starting point is 00:39:28 there's no downside to us having a pull up bar in here. We all get stronger. We get content out of it. We'll do we'll start with a pull. Let's do it. Let's we'll we'll mimic the no laying up guys trying to get swing speed. Let's see how much. Let's see how we're trying to get lats. Yeah, we're trying to get bigger lats. Alright, let's get one. We to find a good door frame for it. That's my biggest concern. It's either the bathroom or the closet. You guys need to stop being concerned.
Starting point is 00:39:51 This door frame's too wide. It's the only one that'll fit me. We chose the four foot door frame for some reason. We did have that option. Kind of a swag choice by Oz. Give us the fucking picture. No, we'll take the big door please. Oh,, it's gonna cost $500 more. We don't care We want a big yeah, we have a huge door now. So jokes on you. I
Starting point is 00:40:11 Mean there's a wide Everything in here fits through a regular door frame. I'm pretty sure Including these big ass walls. Whatever, Randy. What about this big ass dick? What? Oh my God. Big ass dick, is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:40:36 I didn't say that, you did. Oh, I believe you said dick. Under your breath. That was, hold on, hold on. Wow, dude. Actually, hold on. He's giving me a disgusted traffic look. Wow, Randy. Under your breath. That was that was hold on dude. Hold on He's giving me a disgusted traffic look wow
Starting point is 00:40:54 I guess ready ones. I wouldn't know he's got a big ass. Yeah. Okay Okay, let's do a natural buffer let's get a non-perv buffer going. Body blues. What's she up to? She's hooking up with college kids. She's looking for microdata. Dude, these college kids are fucking idiots. These kids are so dumb. These photos are being passed around at a rapid clip
Starting point is 00:41:24 and then they're posting them with like emojis over their heads But like the unedited versions are just out there and these kids are just doxing themselves and their burner accounts if it would been me in spring break, I Would not be afraid I would take a photo but I'm not doing the I Feel like we're not going back to the hotel room taking photos. No Like you see her out at the bar Do you see one where she's completely naked in a hotel room with like seven guys? Yeah. Yeah, so like you can't be doing that Why would you? Don't do it. No son. Uh-uh
Starting point is 00:41:57 mmm Here's one. We're she just spitting up. I Assume vodka into a guy's mouth. I think it might just be your spit, man. It could just be your spit. We've all been there. Yeah. Sure. Little baby bird.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Never been baby birded on spring break. I don't think I have actually. No. It's like when you go to New Orleans, if you're celebrating something, like you kind of get forced into a baby bird. Like they come over to the table with like the test tube shots and it's like, oh, I want to spit this in your mouth. And you're like, no, you're not.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And they just do it. You're like, oh, well, here's $28. Thanks. I have two friends, two grown men who do that to each other at like. Kaymoney? Like playing golf together at like a house party. I think it's funny. Kaymoney and Michael?
Starting point is 00:42:43 It is kind of. No, I'm not. I'm not, as someone who wants to increase male friendship, I'm in no position to tell them not to baby bird each other. Yeah, you know why baby bird your homies? I'm going to New Orleans two weeks for a big celebration. Biggest New Orleans celebration there is Valerio's 10th birthday.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Let's hear from our friends over at PrizePix. All right, I was just trying to plug the Patreon. Oh, okay. Okay. You guys familiar with PrizePix? The best place to get real money sports action? You know I'm talking about Hoff. Yeah, but.
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Starting point is 00:45:23 Run your game run your game run your, run your game. Run your game. Run your game. Run your game. Run your game. What the, that's not it. Randy, can you bring up this video? The one from our friend, Pete Blackburn. Pete Blackburn, you guys familiar with him?
Starting point is 00:45:37 He's a wash media friend. He posted a video today of a guy getting ready to throw hands with the San Jose Sharks mascot. What preceded this? It sounds like the guy said that the mascot pushed him out of his chair. What do you do when you're that heated? You can feel the blood rushing to your face and you can tell that people are watching you get upset, but there's no way that you just don't get upset in this moment. What do you do when you look at the mascot and he's got his hands in the air and he starts talking to you
Starting point is 00:46:20 and the little mouth is just flopping back and forth? His little shark hands. You know what, mascots, I feel like they can get away with, with stuff just because they're mascots. I think they can get away with a lot. Like there's, there's harassment going on at games. If, if a mascot shoved me out of my seat, I wouldn't be happy with the mascot. I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah, but you can, you can never be the guy caught on video getting ready to engage in fisticuffs with a mascot. I'm not saying I would throw hands at the mascot. Optics are just not good for you, no matter what. you can you can never be the guy caught on video getting ready to engage in fisticuffs with a mask. I'm not saying I was throwing optics. The masks are just not good for you no matter what I give him. What the hell bro? This is you kind
Starting point is 00:46:55 of give him like a yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just tough and I I fully expected the guy to be wearing like an opposing team, jersey, sweater, whatever. He's just wearing a hoodie. I want to know why this guy got picked on. I mean, this is a bad look.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Like, I think he's still talking **** to the mascot as he's walking away. He doesn't even look that hammered. No, I think he's just a hot head. He's wanted to watch some puck. Yeah, that's a tough look. That walk back up the stairs is really embarrassing. People are like, oh, there's the guy.
Starting point is 00:47:30 If suddenly you get pushed over to hockey game and you look over and you see the mascot like on its hands and knees and they tabletop to you. Like, is that grounds for like pushing a mascot? Tabletop's always grounds for something, some kind of retaliation. If like he pours out your beer, is that grounds? I mean, beers are getting expensive at these stadiums. I can almost see what the the mascot is saying. He's like, he's a little shark mouth and his little shark teeth are moving. He's just
Starting point is 00:47:55 going, oh, hey, sorry, man. I'll, hey, I thought we were joking. I thought we were joking. I was just joking. I saw a guy punch a mascot one time. I was at a Miami Dolphins game. This is back in like early 2000s and there's this guy on the field. I think you like a pet detective and he's trying to catch this rare, like some kind of bird, a dove or something.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And he the mascot shoot this bird away. He just started wailing on him. It was fucking wild. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Really? Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy, man. Wow. What kind of cases would this pet detective look into? Actually, believe it or not, the the mascot for this football team, the dolphin was kidnapped. He was trying to track it down. Really? Yeah. Did he figure out who did it? Dan Marino. The the zero time winning. No, he wasn't Dan Marino. Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:48:48 winning quarterback? He was there. He was actually the character in that story. The former kicker. Yeah. Weird story. Laces out. Y'all should have seen something on it. In Famously Mitt. Right? This is the same guy. Yeah, laces out. That was the thing. Yeah. I heard about Marino for it. I read about this and the jeweler was involved. No. Yeah, well, there's a Super Bowl ring situation. Maybe. I don't remember. There was a silver tooth.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Now that I think about it, I was in Africa. What? Yeah, I was on the safari and I saw a pet detective come out of an elephant's asshole. What? This guy's good. You think it was the same one? Yeah, had to be. This guy really cares about his craft. There aren't that many pet detectives out there. No. Roger
Starting point is 00:49:32 Podactor. Did y'all have a kid in high school who just like went way too hard in the Jim Carrey impression category? I wouldn't be friends with that person for too long. No, we had a kid and he just got really good at it and it was it got to the point where I was like, all right, you can't just do this for like four years. That might've been the first movie that was over quoted in like elementary school or whenever it was. I think like the mask, I think the mask opened up our generation
Starting point is 00:49:57 to the mannerisms of Jim Carrey and what they can be at their peak. You know, somebody stopped me. That's my impression. Ace Ventura, his first film. Somebody stop me. Here, I'm going to do mine. Somebody stopped me.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Dude. I thought you were here. Are you in the room? Is that Jim? Oh, it's just Will. Holy. I have exercised the demons. That's good too, man.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Dude, that's a good scene. He bagged Courtney Cox in that movie. Oh yeah. She's never looked better than that movie. Yeah, yeah. Courtney Cox. Yeah. You ever watched Desperate Housewives?
Starting point is 00:50:49 No. I respected Terry Hatcher. I can see Dylan sneaky watching it because someone else was watching it and he's like, I don't know, I've seen a few episodes. No, horny play? Never got into that.
Starting point is 00:51:01 No, not a horny play. Never got into it. Yeah, same, same. Never got into that. No, not a horny play. Never got into it. Yeah, same, same. Tell me if I'm wrong here. Is noted too much dip co-host KJ very against Southwest Airlines or am I making that up?
Starting point is 00:51:20 I'm not sure, but it seems like something you could be out on. Southwest last year decided that they were going to start assigning seats. This excited some people. This didn't move the needle at all for other people. For me, who likes choosing my seat, I was a little bummed about this. And yesterday, I think it was yesterday, they decided to, they're gonna start taking away our free luggage. And this was right after they just announced that there's no more general seating. I have a question for the president and CEO
Starting point is 00:51:54 of Southwest Airlines. What are you freaking doing, man? This is a mistake. My favorite thing about Southwest Airlines, aside from that, they're pretty good about being on time and all that. And they have reasonably priced airfare as well. But they were just different from every other airline. I like that about them.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I like being able to choose my own seat, even though it does bite you in the ass sometimes. You can manipulate your flights easier on that app and through Southwest compared to any other place. Free cancellation, like even if you just get a credit, it's still easy and nice. Having the two free bags made it almost guaranteed that if I could fly Southwest somewhere, I was going to do it. I mean, mostly for like golf reason, stuff like that. But being able to know that my golf bag can be a free checked bag
Starting point is 00:52:41 was such a benefit. I wouldn't classify Southwest as a budget airline, but it felt like it was between budget and you know, like the regular yeah pricey ones. Yeah. I really love that sweet spot about that. It's now budget plus. Yes. And borderline, but like I gotta see what they're going to throw at us to make up for this, but it feels budget. Hey, now that they got rid of general seating, are they gonna do like TVs in the headrests? Like other airlines?
Starting point is 00:53:09 No, I don't think they're gonna do that. I don't think they're gonna do, like they don't have first class, which I'm not like, I mean, I don't, I'm not flying first class all the time, but like people come, like if you have status with an airline, they'll upgrade you to first class often, if you try, or if you have enough status. And like it what's
Starting point is 00:53:25 the motivation without all these benefits like the sneaky benefits of Southwest if if you can't even like that's a great do anything because I used to be like you could get an upgrade for like your boarding group or for your your position you know you could pay for a one or whatever yeah if you if you're like a group see you could pay 30 bucks and get like the best seat on the plane and that's not the worst exchange Yeah, let's though. I I hate it. I don't know what their plan is with the vision. I'm not freaking with the vision Yeah I need to see more what sucks is that I feel like I've been riding for
Starting point is 00:53:56 Southwest since I moved to Texas because I have truly enjoyed the airline and I can't do that anymore and I have to go Back to all these people that I've talked shit to with my tail between my legs. Doesn't feel good. No, I was all in on it too and this is tough. I hate it. I was just looking at dates of when everything is gonna happen. So the check bag stuff starts May 28th of this year.
Starting point is 00:54:21 The open seating ending is early 2026. So we still have open seating for the rest of 2025. Oh, I thought that was started. I thought that already started actually. Apparently I just saw early 2026, but still fuck them. That's what I gotta say. I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:54:38 And I'm especially stressed because I'm flying Southwest the day before. You're supposed to pay for bags. And I'm like, so am I gonna have to pay for these on the way home or not? Cause I need to know this. Hopefully you get grandfathered in. I don't know if airlines are down with the grandfather.
Starting point is 00:54:53 I don't know, man. I'm worried. Hey Southwest, frick you. Yeah, I don't like it. Now they're just like everybody else, man. Frick you, man. Man, man. You changed, man.
Starting point is 00:55:04 It was a cool Texas thing. Really was. Tough. Really was. I speak to our friends over at Shopify briefly. We did a little sale on the Wash Media shop the other day. Oh, you missed the sale, did you? Well, thanks for not tuning into Dylan's Track House on slash wash media. Dum-Dums. Here's the thing. We did a little sale, a little pop-up sale for all the people that were in there. And on the fly, all just in the span of about 30 seconds, we had the idea to make a sale, Brett made a code. Suddenly we got stuff going out the door.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Next day we're profiting. Dylan's packing up orders, printing out labels. It's just all in one place. It's all easy. We love Shopify, which is why we host our store on it. If you're interested in growing your business, growing your brand, growing your anything, growing your bank account,
Starting point is 00:55:55 head over to our friends at Shopify. They even got the best checkout in the game. Much more effective than every other platform out there. Agree. And they got the numbers to back it up. Upgrade your business. Get the same checkout that we used with Shopify. Sign up for your $1 per month trial period
Starting point is 00:56:09 at slash circling, all lowercase. Go to slash circling, upgrade your selling today, Slash circling. Do you guys follow John Mayer on Instagram? I do not. He's not as good of a follow these days as he used to be, but he used to do like a live show where he would just, I think, I think he would just get stoned out of his mind and
Starting point is 00:56:32 just answer questions from people. He would give pretty good answers. Randy, can you bring up what he posted yesterday? Because now I absolutely need some iteration of this in my life. I might just put one of these in my garage. You're probably looking at this thinking like, okay, he just turned the attic into a freaking man cave. Randy, can you go to slide two?
Starting point is 00:56:55 It's not exactly what we're looking at, is it? Wow. He's turned a shipping container in the back of the sphere into just like a little chill cave. That's sick. Like, so impressive. Can we get one of these and like put it in like my garage or something?
Starting point is 00:57:13 I know I could just turn my garage into this, but like I kind of just want the shipping container. Does this thing just travel with them or does it stay at the sphere? I think it's staying at the sphere. He said, here's what he said about it. Sorry, I can't read the text up there. Oh shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Yeah. Yeah. He said he overcame a guitar tone engineering challenge through the help of large crates that could isolate the speakers from other mics while giving a little more ambiance to the sound. Does that mean anything to you? So this has a purpose.
Starting point is 00:57:44 It's not just a place to hang out. I think so. He said, this year, two brilliant minds have takeniance to the sound. Does that mean anything to you? So this has a purpose. It's not just a place to hang out. I think so. He said, this year, two brilliant minds have taken it to another level. This is the brainchild of my guitar tech, Jeremy Nielsen and FC Owens, who design and build incredible full-size recording studios. Interesting. I can't tell you how badly I want to be with Miles Teller, Andy Cohen, John Mayer, and myself, just absolutely chiefing down on doinks in this place. You want to cheap doinks in this place? I want to cheap down on some doinks.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Some doinks have been cheaped in that room. Yeah. He's got a big lava lamp. He's got a big lava lamp too. That's a big one. Disco ball. What would y'all do if you just walked into the upstairs of my place and I just recreated this exact situation With all the lava lamps and disco ball and stuff. Do you think I've lost the plot? I
Starting point is 00:58:34 Would say you have invested your money wisely. I forgot that I commented on the post last night. I said Zen den Megal he's got a lot of aura John Mayer. So does he hang out here in lieu of a green room? I guess, I don't really know. Because it sounds, the way his description is, it's actually served a purpose, but he just say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:58:55 This is his pre-show. This is what he does to get his head right. Look at the big amp in the back of that room, man. He just jams in there. Have you ever been in a green room? Yes. Who? I don't think it was during a,
Starting point is 00:59:09 I don't think it was like with the band or with a comedian. I think it was, where was I? Have you ever thought about what would be on your green room roster? Yeah. Like Skittles?
Starting point is 00:59:20 Probably a lot of Gorilla Mind. Nerds, gummy clusters. Nerds, gummy clusters Nerves gummy clusters Nerds gummy clusters he barb lizards I've only been in one green room and I don't remember any of the stuff in it that they would have requested I've never had the opportunity to pleasure to be in a green room. Not cool enough. I kind of jumped at it I was like wait, I'm getting the green room invite? Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Did you get to fill out a rider? No, no, no, I was just visiting someone. It was the dude from Harvard, Joe from Wolfpack. And I was like very nervous to go in the green room for some reason. Didn't you get a rider for your New York thing? Yeah, retail therapy. When we did the Nordstrom event and they offered to,
Starting point is 01:00:05 they were like, let us know what you guys want in the room for before the event. And we were like, oh my God, we actually can do this. And we completely botched it. Yeah, you did. Like, couldn't have had a worse rider in your entire life. Bottled water and stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:17 We had bottled water. Lace, potato chips. We had a steamer. And I think that might've been it. Practical. Two things you can't survive without. You didn't want to appear high maintenance. Well, number one, we did not want to appear high maintenance. Number two, I didn't want to like, did I want coffee? Yes. Did I want
Starting point is 01:00:36 to drink a bunch of coffee before being nervous to go on stage for something? I thought that was a bad idea. And then I was like, I don't really want a lot of stuff. Cause like, if I eat food, like, am I going to get full? Is my breath going to smell? And I just, we just overthought it. And then I ended up sweating through my shirt afterwards in a way that no one's ever swept through a shirt before. I feel Arizona coach, sweatiest guy ever. Every single photo I took with like backers and retail therapy heads
Starting point is 01:01:03 alike, I did this in the photo. I had to instead of putting my arm like this around somebody, I had to go like arm closed down on their back like this because my my pit sweat was so huge that if I put my arm out like that, it would be like a moon rising over a fucking ocean. Why were you so sweaty? Because I was nervous dog. Really? You sweat when you're nervous? I didn't have armpit botox at that point in my life.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Okay. Now they don't sweat baby. No more T-Rex arms. It's great. Seeing this, seeing the possibility of what you can do with a shipping container or maybe just a wooden garage only reinvigorates my idea that we need to start doing a regular garage beer series where we drink exactly one beer in a garage and just sit in lawn chairs for a little bit. I don't see what's stopping us. It can easily be done. I mean, what did this set him back?
Starting point is 01:02:07 $150,000. I bet the most expensive thing in there is the speakers. Right? Yeah. What if you get the John Mayer shipping crate invite? The flooring looks really good too. Like, hey dude, you wanna come see my shipping crate? This is cool.
Starting point is 01:02:19 It's like, fuck yeah, I do. Fuck yeah, I do. Good for John, man. Who would be the number one artist that you'd want to go in their green room? Trying to think who still would be interesting. Like who's still going excess, like going crazy. It might be John Mayer, even though I'm not like a dead and cold guy. He wouldn't be the worst. He wouldn't be the worst. He seemed like a very approachable celebrity.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I don't think Sturgill would be a good one, Dave, because I know that he's kind of private about some things. And I worry that he would just be like, why are these normies in my green room right now? The thought of walking into a green room with like band and like, you know, roadies and just like they're all looking at you and like they're just kind of judging. Like, I wouldn't want it to be somebody that I really, really liked because if like, if I blew it, I would always be like, man, I blew it in front of my favorite band. So, it'd have to be somebody that would be more of like a novelty. So, maybe like, I don't know. I, what's fucking Metallica's Green Room look like? They probably do some weird **** Yeah. Would it be
Starting point is 01:03:21 better to go to Green Room of band that you actually don't like so you can just like be shameless? I bet Posty would be fun. Stop. Dude, he's a very approachable celeb also. I get it, I get it. He's a very nice guy. I just don't like that that's the first
Starting point is 01:03:34 off the top of your head. I don't know, man. Didn't you say you wanted to go in Diddy's green room the other day? Come on. Ha ha ha, we're having fun here. Ah. I'm worried about Drusky.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Is there more? There's some interviews that have come out where when people bring up Diddy to him, he gets really skittish and nervous. And it's very weird. It's very weird how nervous he is in these clips. People are like, yeah, okay. Your story makes sense, but these videos of you when people, yeah, okay. You know, your story makes sense.
Starting point is 01:04:06 But these videos of you when people bring up if you were at a Diddy, there's one with Shane Gillis that gets brought up. Do you see who's going to the sphere next? Kenny Chesney. Okay. After Kenny Chesney. Who? Apparently Harry Stott. Ooh, I was gonna guess live. So we need to prepare ourselves. I feel like our wives are gonna wanna go to the Sphere for Harry Styles. I would go to Harry Styles at the Sphere. I bet it's gonna be awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Yeah, that would be a good show. Wow, that's gonna be a time to be in Vegas. Lot of girls trips. I think that's gonna be a a celeb heavy sphere residency. Oh yeah. Just looking at his coming up here. Does Druski have like a photo outside of like a Superbowl party with Diddy or something? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Can you imagine? It's crazy that you've been the closest to Diddy parties of everyone at this company. That was weird. But you weren't at closest to ditty parties of everyone at this company. That was weird. But you weren't at any of the actual parties, right? We were outside a bar in Minneapolis. Okay, so you weren't in his double locked basement at his house with a bunch of Navy oil? He was leaving the bar,
Starting point is 01:05:19 getting into his vehicle and driving away. Okay, okay. With his very large bodyguard hovering over me as I took a picture with him. Okay. I kind of believe you. You should cross reference that photo. See if that's the one of
Starting point is 01:05:38 the bodyguards that's like since flipped on him and like doing interviews being like, oh yeah, it's awesome **** I can't remember what the guy look like. He's not in the photo at all. No, he's not in the picture He's not standing next to you going. He's just out. He's just out of frame just like Waiting for me to touch him to do something. It's like step in. Yeah, did you think about touching him? No, he had a very expensive mink coat on
Starting point is 01:05:58 And I didn't I was I made sure not to even touch the coat. I don't want any reason to get in trouble I wouldn't touch the coat. Absolutely coat. I would have touched the coat. Absolutely not. I would have touched the coat. It was probably like a hundred thousand dollar coat. It was insane. That was just Frank Lucas moment. Did you know who is gonna be in the Sphere
Starting point is 01:06:16 right after Kenny Chesney? No, who? Backstreet's back. Oh yeah, forgot BSB's going there. I would do that. I would do that. I would do that. Yeah. What kind of graphics is BSB put up? Man, it's hard to say. Is what I say. Yeah, just back streets. Just alleys. Yeah. Back streets.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Back. Is this what the COVID dumpster looked like when you got jabbed? It was a shipping container. It wasn't a dumpster, but no, it wasn't near this nice. It was just a shipping container. There was no black light. What if you walked into the shipping container
Starting point is 01:07:03 to get jabbed and it looked like this? Would you be worried that you're about to go on a fantastic voyage? That would that would be weird. Yeah, I'd be can look confused about what's going on there. Well, a fantastic wonder what the jab juice looks like under a blacklight. Yeah, just microchips just like radio. Yeah, I'm curious. What's going on here?
Starting point is 01:07:27 Jab juice. How did you go to the Tesla dealership yesterday? Didn't you get convinced by that endorsement? No, I walked out. The Tesla that I just purchased was on block. Somebody vandalized it significantly. They spray painted a Swassica or something on it too? Bunch of terrorists yeah it's terrible and I'm sorry. That's fine. I'm sorry dude. Let's get another one.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Bro let's go out this weekend there's a crazy event happening. I like to turn off. Bro there's a crazy event happening. We had the party and it was lit. I got yelled at by a prostitute. Let's just go have fun and let go alone. Little war troubles, let's go. This weekend in fun presented by our friends at Huel, finding time is difficult these days boys,
Starting point is 01:08:19 to do pretty much anything, getting that balanced meal. Not gonna happen in the morning with our boys just being crazy, crazy men. How are you supposed to cook a breakfast when you got to make meals for everybody else in the building? That's where Huell comes in. Huell is spelled H-U-E-L and it's today's sponsor of Circling Back. They're black edition ready to drink. It's a complete meal in a bottle. It's right here right in front of me. Moving it with my laptop right now. Yeah, we can't, we stay strapped with them. We stay strapped. It's got a full 35 grams of protein and 27 vitamins and minerals plus,
Starting point is 01:08:54 plus it's low in sugar, Dylan. Also tastes freaking great. It does. Very drinkable. Does, does. Huell is a global complete nutrition brand with over 500 million meals sold. And for new customers shopping at, they can try for 15% off plus a free gift using our exclusive code STEAM15 at Here's the thing. Like I said, our mornings are chaotic. Everything's going out the door. Half the time I walk into this office, I haven't had a single calorie. I'm not trying to intermittent fast. Sometimes you just got to grab one of those Hules and get a complete meal in your system.
Starting point is 01:09:29 You know, Dave intermittent fast, intermittent lean. Intermittently, yeah. First time I ever had a Hule, I didn't respect Hule's game enough. I was like, I could probably drink this and eat lunch afterwards. Sure enough, a couple hours later, I was like, I'm still full from this. Like I really don't need a big lunch right now. That's kind of what sets it apart because there's other ones that you're still hungry like 30 minutes later. Oh, there are like there I've been promoted drinks
Starting point is 01:09:49 like this where I will have one and I am like just straight up hungry afterwards. Yeah. And like, I mean, it lingers much like the cranberries Dylan. Yes. Gotta let it linger. Do you have to? There you go. Yeah, yeah. Thank linger. Do you have to?
Starting point is 01:10:05 There you go. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Like we said, our personal favorites, the black edition ready to drink. It's incredibly affordable. They taste so good and it's just convenient when you have facing your most inconvenient
Starting point is 01:10:16 meals. Like we said, join the community of Huligans with this exclusive new customer is exclusive offer for new customers at 15% off plus a free gift using our code STEAM15 at That's 15% off plus a free gift for new customers using our code STEAM15 at with a minimum of $75 purchase. Please see our description for terms and conditions, unlock a healthier and easier way to eat with Huell,
Starting point is 01:10:41 nutritionally complete meals and minutes so you can focus on what really matters. Get Huell today with this exclusive offer for new customers. 15% off free gift using code STEAM15 at slash STEAM15 with a minimum of $75 purchase. Dylan, what are you getting into? Thanks for asking. Big weekend.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Friday, Chelsea and I are stepping out with a couple of her friends. Gonna go grab a drink somewhere, maybe a bite to eat as well. Don't know where we're going yet. Should have a good time. Saturday, big big day. My my niece, my lovely little niece Quinn is coming over for a little sleepover. Quinn-ing. So her parents can go on a little one night staycation. Tiger blood. Where they going? Summer party with Parks.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I don't know, they didn't tell me. Somewhere in Austin. Damn, they're hitting that slumbo? Yeah, Quinn is staying with us, we got Parks that night, it's gonna be fun. Or Mike will see a movie, Mike orders, I don't really know. I'm really looking forward to it, it's gonna be fun. That's gutsy.
Starting point is 01:11:43 What is? A movie? She went to her first, so she is about to be four. She's, she's little. She went to her first movie recently, Moana 2. How'd it go? Had a great time. Okay. Yeah, she did great.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Okay, if any parents have tips of bringing your kid to a first movie, I'm more than open to it. Just be ready to leave during the movie because they will get restless. Yeah, that's facts. That's my only tip. That's facts. That's pretty much it.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Parks has a baseball practice on Sunday, should be another nice weather weekend. It's gonna be a warm one, however. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, man. A little bummed that you don't have a location for the friend dinner on Friday. I'm not even sure that it's gonna be a dinner. It might just be, it might just go get an adult beverage.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Don't know yet. Looking forward to it. Okay. Actually, it looks pretty good this weekend. I know, man. Not even that warm. 92 Thursday, yuck. 92 Friday, big yuck. Saturday 80. Oh yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Sunday 79. You know what? 12 degrees. That'll feel like, uh, coming off that Friday. It's a 92 Friday. Big You might give me a cold beer, Hoss, since you're asking. What, Randy? What was that look? Not ready for the 90s. I forgot, something like it hot. This guy. Steamin'. Smokin'. Your other impression was better than that.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Well. Smokin'. There it is, just like him. Got some talks of some beers Friday evening, some peeps. Saturday wide open, no tee ball, no nothing. I want to be a peep. You want to be a peep? I got to be a peep. You want to be a peep? I got to be a peep.
Starting point is 01:13:39 It is Easter season, man. Best candy. Okay. Little peeping. Yeah, we'll see about it. Yeah. It's pretty wide open, man. Coming off of last weekend where I was just kind of a hero and with the support of a mother-in-law who's very competent in raising kids, I was able to stay home and hold it down. So this weekend,
Starting point is 01:14:01 I feel like I should be, I should be given like a little bit of a leash. Like, hey, go on. It's giving leash. It's giving leash. It's giving leash. Drag me around daddy. Hypothetical. I got served a reel last night of Salvador Dali
Starting point is 01:14:17 entering a stage on a talk show and throwing his sloth on the ground. Okay. On a leash. I've never seen someone with more drip. That's wild. Like he just hit him with that sloth. No. Don't pull your sloth out and drop it. All time name. Salvador Dali. It's got Riz. What century did he do his work in? A recent one. He was on television. Pre or
Starting point is 01:14:44 post-recada. I think he died in the 90s. pre or post-recada I think he died in the 90s pre or post-recada he was post-recada post-recada he was living in a post-recada world and he guesses what year he died us I'm gonna say 81 I'm gonna say 89. Dylan? 93. Wow, call Randy Taylor Swift because 1989 just went triple platinum. I was pretty spot on with that number for that murder to hire too. Wow, producer week. So sick.
Starting point is 01:15:17 For the good reasons. Wow. Yeah, just, you know, I know numbers. You drinking any gorilla juice this weekend? I was going to say, why'd you start slapping your gorilla mind? Yeah, I might. Maybe I'll switch over to a few bomb energies. Bum bums, the one you snipe me looking out after.
Starting point is 01:15:37 How much how many calories? Sorry, how much caffeine is in a bomb energy? No, well, don't worry about it. Just understand that I'm trying to lock in and respect it. What is it, 200? Probably 200. You know, hard to say. More or less than your black rifle coffee.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Get over it, okay? I needed 300 milligrams stat and I got it, okay? You got it, man, you support the vets. What matters is I got it and it tasted good. They're not explicitly saying how much is in there, which is concerning to your boy. 250 milligrams. That's a fucking lot.
Starting point is 01:16:08 It's a lot, dude. That gets you locked in like Davis Clark. That or potatoes. Boil and mash them, stick them in a stew. I've always said that. I got a big weekend of R&D, just watching how people are. See how people are doing in the busy time in the city.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Just seeing what's up, like, oh fuck, I'm noticing watching the city. Just watching how people are. See how people are doing the busy time in the city. In fact. Seeing what's up. Like, oh **** I'm noticing a lot. I mean, if there's a time to do it, it'd be South by. That's right. You could. Oh, Davis needs to be here on a panel. Oh my god. Can
Starting point is 01:16:37 you imagine Davis Clark and South by? Mm hmm. Perfect South by guy. Thanks for asking. What are you doing this weekend, Will? You know, it's a little open but a little not open. I don't really know how to operate here. I've been told that one night this weekend I'll be going out to dinner possibly with two other couples, but I'll be honest, there's no solid plan. Like, I don't know if it's gonna happen. I think it's gonna fall through. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:11 I had someone ask me what I'm up to Friday. Felt like that person wanted to play golf. Feels like something I shouldn't do. 92 doesn't move the needle for me. 92 does not move the needle. Get out early enough, you'll catch some 50s. I just don't know if it's gonna happen, Hoss. doesn't move the needle for me. Ninety-two does not move the needle. Get out early enough. You'll catch some 50s. I just
Starting point is 01:17:28 don't know if it's going to happen. Hoss. I wouldn't hate getting my game in shape though. I'm worried. I I said I was going to play twice a month and I haven't. I don't think I've played in March yet and I don't think I'm going to play the
Starting point is 01:17:39 rest of March. I gotta get my numbers up. I can't let her win. I got plenty of days ahead of you. I can't let her win. I got plenty of days ahead of you. I can't let her win. Outside of that, I think I gotta do some gardening. I think I'm gonna hit the nursery. I think I'm gonna hit Lowe's. I think I'm gonna get some fertilizer. I think I gotta do some stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:56 It's do or die time. My plants, I have some that are dead. They look terrible and I gotta get them out of the ground. I've got some extremely hard soil. I'm very stressed about it. I don got some extremely hard soil. I'm very stressed about it. I don't know what to do. Sorry, man. The soil is so hard. Yeah, do you know? You gotta till it, man. I know. I think I need to buy a till. Just buy a till, Hoss. Buy a till,
Starting point is 01:18:18 Hoss. Yeah. Get you a backhoe. Go rent one from Lowe's. Dude, I'm gonna need something for my back after we're doing all this gardening. How's your back right now? Not great, not great. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Not great, man. Gardening's tough on the back. I know, I'm gonna have to get a gardening pad for my knees.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Okay, I think you'll be okay. No, I'm gonna get it. I can't just be bending over the entire time. I need a gardening pad, dude. Get a gardening pad. Yeah, I need to allocate some funds to the garden this weekend. I'm gonna buy some big shrubbery to fill things out
Starting point is 01:18:46 so I don't need to worry about the small plants. Go John the shrubber. Um. Some reference that some people are going to really enjoy. OK. Yeah, I'm going to garden this weekend, too. You want to come over and help me? Maybe. Actually, I'm wide open. I'll let you finish this weekend. That's all I'm doing. That's all I'm gonna garden this weekend too. You want to come over? I'm helping me. Oh, maybe actually I'm wide open
Starting point is 01:19:05 I'll let you finish this weekend. That's all I'm doing. That's all I'm doing I fucking hate Manchester United. So I got I got no plans this weekend So I was probably gonna do some my plant stuff. So maybe I'll come over and I'll help you set up that pizza Maybe I'll help you garden. Who knows? We'll see I'll come through for a za careful with it pizza oven High fire danger. So don't you just want to be careful with that pizza and don't let it tip over and burn down the neighborhood Just saying that'll be tough be real embarrassed. I'll be tough. Yeah Hey guys
Starting point is 01:19:37 It was me. Yeah Police reports gonna point to me trying to get ahead of this. I was making a cheeseless pizza over here. Sorry guys hungry Don't come at cheese-less pizza over here, sorry guys. Hungry. Don't come at my cheese-less pizza, dude. Dude, I gotta, if you wanna try something crazy, got this new thing, put some ricotta on it. I heard that. Never done before, man.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Heard that. It's so hot in here. Let's call it, we're 80 minutes in? Dude, we went hard. Oh my God. Yeah, we went hard. Imagine how hot it would be if there was like a cloth behind you too, man. You take the cheese off the pizza.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Aww. Put it in the pizza. P-I-Z-Z-I-E. Put it in the pizza. Thanks for watching guys!

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