Circling Back - The Tiger King & Bit Madness: Elite 8

Episode Date: March 23, 2020

Out of NOWHERE, Netflix's The Tiger King has taken over our self-quarantine. We also briefly discuss Cumming-opoly and the push-up challenge that took over Instagram over the weekend. We finally close... with the Elite 8 of Bit Madness before giving a familiar friend a call. Okay, fine, we call T-Man. Support us on Patreon and receive weekly episodes for as low $5 per month: (0:00) Fun & Easy Banter (8:44) The Tiger King Takes Over Netflix (33:03) Cumming-opoly (38:19) Instagram Push-Up Challenge (43:35) Bit Madness: Elite 8 (1:02:40) T-Man! Zapier: MeUndies: --- Send in a voice message: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right we're back circling back podcast coming to you live from the lodge my name is will defreeze to my right david ruff what day is it no clue dude How did I get here? What is that? What's that from? Come on, dude. And you may find yourself. Oh. You're getting a shotgun track. The guy next to us thinks we're just waiting. He's like, what are these?
Starting point is 00:00:36 These guys are still coming to the office. They're just singing, talking heads. Dylan, what was that you just did there? Yeah. What? Did you just cough? No, I cleared my throat. Dylan, what was that you just did there? Yeah. What? Did you just cough? No, I cleared my throat. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'm fine, I promise. Know that we're keeping track. I am fine. The parking lot, weirdly, not empty yet. Yeah. People still coming in. We've kind of accepted that this will be either the last day or the second to last day in this office, and then we're going to start recording remotely.
Starting point is 00:01:07 So just be on alert. Yeah, I think it's time. It's time we stop going out in public unnecessarily, even though we keep it tight. I mean, we just come here and do our thing, but still. We took a vow to each other. You're the only two people I've seen. The only people that I've seen that aren't you two have been people that have been handing me food in rubber gloves at takeout places that I've deemed safe to eat from. If we go on a full lockdown, which is, I think, what people are thinking is going to happen in the not so distant future, I got to figure out, me and Dallas have to figure out, I should say, what to do with Parks, man.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Because one of us has to go without seeing him for however long that lasts, a couple weeks or whatever. That's going to suck. Would you not be able to do a handoff still? Yeah. From what I've seen, you're not allowed to leave the house unless it's – Oh, that's not what Dallas is doing. What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:01:59 You can leave for essentials, so groceries, food. You can still do pickup and delivery, all that. Okay. So you can... So you don't have to worry about that yet. No, no. I wouldn't worry about that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I wouldn't worry about that. That makes me feel better. I got to see the homie. What if you guys compromised and you had Dave take him? I don't... See, I still wouldn't get to see the homie. That's how you meet in the middle. Because Dave and I don't live together.
Starting point is 00:02:25 So, anyway. Weird times, man. Weird, weird times. Yeah, how was your guys' weekend? What did you do? Oh, I guess you had a productive weekend. I stayed very busy, so I didn't dwell on what's going on in society right now. Yeah, I spent all weekend moving, setting up the house, which was tight.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Well, it sucked, but seeing it all come together is tight. Got everything out of the old place, cleaned it up. That's exciting. Get to drop the keys off today. That's big. Yeah. Look, I'm doing things, man. So that's been good.
Starting point is 00:02:57 My weekend was up and down. A mix of- Is it because you're in the stonk market now? No, not yet. Even if I was, I would never tell you. Or anybody publicly. Or anybody publicly. You know, I did a couple...
Starting point is 00:03:15 I did some workouts, some runs, but then I had to fill the rest of the day and slept in later than I've slept in a while and just not really... Just not getting into a groove. Yeah, you surprised me when you told me that you slept in later than I've slept in a while and just like not really just not getting into a groove yeah you you surprised me when you told me that you slept in yesterday that late I hate sleeping in you just you put out vibes of a dude who whose natural clock wakes you up at 6 a.m. dude it has been and by natural clock you mean golden retriever yeah we've all got cabin fever right now. I don't, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I'm built for this. I'm good. It's throwing me off my routine, for sure. You know? Pretty much every moment of my life has led me to being self-quarantined at this point. Dave, at least you're staying active. We're all staying active. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:58 You're doing the Peli. Not to brag, but yeah, I did set a new PR on Saturday morning. Dave ran five miles yesterday. 5.2. Sorry. 5.2. Sorry, 5.2. Now that Mike is a Pelly boy downstairs, he just keeps on like, he's texting me and he's like, dude, I just had a new personal record. Can you ride together?
Starting point is 00:04:15 Please don't do Pelly boy. We could do it. Actually, I should do that with Micah. It's not like you can go head-to-head, but you can join the same class and start it at the same time. So I think he and I should do that on one of my rides, and I'll do it on one of his, and we'll see who comes out on top. Speaking of head-to-head, did you see that we have good docking systems? Dylan's always been a fan of good docking.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Oh, man, come on. We're not doing that. I don't know if y'all saw that. That was kind of one of the highlights from the press conference at the White House yesterday for me. These press conferences are too long. What's the docking system? Catch me if you can. Just saying the ports.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Oh. They're going to bring cruise ships up to New York City for some reason, I guess. I don't know. Oh, good, because New York City needs more people that are infected in there. I was really worried about the docking system of our cruise ships during all this. Well, you know, ours are good. It's good to know that we're in good shape there. You guys want to come up with our own docking system right now?
Starting point is 00:05:08 No. Yes. It's one of the last opportunities we can have to dock. Why are they bringing cruise ships up there? Are they going to, like, if you're sick, they're going to just put you on the boat? I don't know. I'm pretty sure a cruise ship is the number one worst place you can be.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It is. Even without coronavirus, it's the worst place you can be. Yeah. Unless there's an EDM festival on the cruise ship at the same time. How did all these... With Brody Jenner. I don't know how y'all's EDM cruise did not become ground zero for the norovirus or whatever it was. Whatever goes around those things.
Starting point is 00:05:38 It's because the Kid Rock cruise was on the exact same week and schedule. That's fair. And that's where it was. Yeah. That was the epicenter. Had that not been, we would have been in trouble. Just to our friend Little Dicky from said cruise who has a new show out. It's kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Is it funny? I've been wondering if it has been. It's kind of funny. Pretty much everything he does is funny. Did y'all meet him? Yeah. Oh yeah. He's a nice guy. We didn't like chop it up with him, but we kind of chopped it up with him that one night. Did we? I mean, that was the drunkest night I had, so I don't remember a ton of it. He seems to be a nice, approachable guy. There was one, the picture that we took with him that one night. Did we? I mean, that was the drunkest night I had, so I don't remember a ton of it.
Starting point is 00:06:06 He seems to be a nice, approachable guy. The picture that we took with him in the club that one night. We took two pics with him in total, and both of them, well, I think he does it with every single pic he takes. He does the little dicky thing. You get it? The two fingers. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:21 He signals that he has a little dick. It's funny. It's a good bit. Man. Man. Corona. Rona. Should we talk about MeUndies real quick? We got a big episode. We got a lot of content today.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Can I say I'm really excited to talk about Tiger King, so can you speed it up, please? No, I will not speed up MeUndies because they deserve our full attention right now. That's fair. It's officially spring, which means it's officially spring cleaning time. To be honest, guys, I actually did speed up me undies because they deserve our full attention right now. That's fair. It's officially spring, which means it's officially spring cleaning time. To be honest, guys, I actually did some spring cleaning this weekend.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Cleaned out my entire closet. Look at you. Yeah, I wasn't psyched about it, but you know, when you're married and your wife wants to do something, I've learned that you just say yes. And if that's not a thing you're doing, you should be, especially in your underwear drawer. End your relationship with toxic, old, tattered undies and move on to a membership with the softest undies to ever grace your body. A fresh new start for spring.
Starting point is 00:07:10 This makes a good point. I got rid of some boxers that I had maybe grown out of. Got a little bigger. Oh. Yeah. So I had to throw some of those out. Been stacking mass down there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:21 More than anything, though. Now I just need a MeUndies membership. Have you ever wondered why you might need an Undie membership? Yeah, I've thought about it often. It's an easy way to give your future self a present each month. A membership with MeUndies is full of perks like site-wide savings, early access, free shipping, and new ridiculously soft Undies delivered to your door each month. You can build your Undie collection, and it makes your adult life just a tad bit easier.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And more Undies means less laundry you guys don't put out the vibe of dudes who love doing laundry no i don't but i am wearing me undies right now i kind of do like gators i like doing laundry too and yeah i'm actually wearing me undies right now as well and i'm uh i'm actually you know i like doing laundry i'm gonna have to do laundry today we We have a lot of it. Nice. We don't talk about their socks very often, but they're no-show socks. My favorite in the game. They're cushy.
Starting point is 00:08:12 No joke. They're cushy as hell. They're tight. Oh, I love them. I love them. You guys want to know how you can get some deals right now? Please. MeUndies has a great offer for our listeners.
Starting point is 00:08:24 For any first-time purchasers, you get 15% off and free shipping. This is a no-brainer, especially because they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. To get your 15% off of your first order, free shipping, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, go to slash circling back. That's slash circling back. Again, 15% off your first order, free shipping, and that guarantee, baby. Can we talk about the one thing that we've been waiting to talk about since the moment it came out? Yes, please.
Starting point is 00:08:49 It's Tiger King time, baby. Imagine listening to this at home and not having watched this documentary yet. Like, what are you doing with your life? There's not that many things that backers do that make me mad. I love them. I love them with all my heart. But not watching the Tiger King is one? Well, last night I sent out a tweet from the main circling back account,
Starting point is 00:09:10 and I said, please, at least just watch one episode so you have a basis. I hate it when we watch something and then people complain like, oh, look, I haven't seen it yet. Like, hey, guys, this is must-see TV. Yeah. Get to a TV and watch the Tiger King. If you don't want spoilers, you haven't seen it yet, this is not the episode for you.
Starting point is 00:09:25 We're trying to be relatively early on it and not talk about it in two weeks. So we had to get out in front of it. We couldn't give you guys time to catch up. I've only watched three episodes. I finished episode four this morning when I couldn't sleep. I just woke up and I was like, Tiger King time, baby, let's go. I've taken five down so far.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Can one of you give a bird's eye view of what this show is generally about so that somebody who has not officially watched it yet can at least have something? And if you haven't watched it yet and you don't want to know anything, just go into the episode notes. Fast forward. We're going to be talking about coming up very soon. So it's sold as you have this guy in Oklahoma, Joe Exotic, and he has essentially a community of big cats that he has adopted and bred and loves and lives with and has a whole business, a content business, an in-person park visiting business, all every, every kind of piece of content you could imagine.
Starting point is 00:10:27 If I, he probably, if he wasn't spoiler alert, if he wasn't locked up, he'd probably have a podcast. He's the king of content, but he's a content machine. The amount of times he's like, don't turn the camera off. Get this. Like he, he is always on. Essentially it boils down to him versus a big cat rescue, and I put that in quotes because that's up in the air,
Starting point is 00:10:49 big cat rescue personality named Carol who's out of Florida who has basically devoted her life to shutting this guy and a few other characters who are doing the same thing around the country down. And that's not even – there's so much else that i can't even like we'll get into but like i can't explain it every person they introduce to the show is more mind-blowing than the next each dude the first episode i was like wow this is wild how they're gonna keep this up second episode i'm like okay all right we're doing that now then the third episode i was like it was like the three stages of vince mcmahon falling back out of the chair it's it basically just highlights the community behind like owning
Starting point is 00:11:30 big cats in the united exotic animals in general exotic animals in general but there's one fucker who has an elephant focuses on big cats why is it and the people who do this by the way i didn't know this this was uh like legal to own privately you could own a big cat privately in the United States. Apparently Shaq's got numerous. Does he really? Did you see Shaq in the episode? Yeah. I saw him there.
Starting point is 00:11:53 He said he bought two. Is he serious? I think he was serious. I watched that part twice, and I didn't get joke vibes from him. It's a weird feeling watching this, because I'm watching it, and i'm i i didn't get like joke vibes from him so it's a weird it's a weird feeling watching this because like i'm watching and i'm like man um yeah i really wish these big cats weren't in these limited cages and you know in captivity this guy's breeding them like he's
Starting point is 00:12:16 breeding them like he's and he does he sells them and it's not like he runs a puppy mill but it's big cats yeah and it's like, that doesn't seem cool. But you're like, well, but he is raising awareness, and he's doing content. Shaq has numerous big cats. He's got a white tiger. He's got a liger. I hear liger.
Starting point is 00:12:38 He's got a liger? Why? Where does he keep them? Does he live in Florida? I don't know, man. I feel like that's a state that would allow for you to have a tiger. Yeah. Florida puts out major big predatory animal.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You can own this vibes. So just like first impressions of the Tiger King himself, I'm assuming that's who Joe Exotic is. He is from Oklahoma, so he's a Midwesterner through and through. How do you think he rolls his joints? Probably all wrong.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Very wrong. Have to think it's a bleach blonde mullet. Tatted up. The tightest wrangler that they have ever made. Tight starts wranglers. No underwear.
Starting point is 00:13:21 He's very clear about that. Very clear about Very flamboyant. Flamboyant shirts that he wears. Flamboyant shirts like the ones that we almost made Brett wear for the Dallas meetup. Yeah. And then, most importantly, what appears to be just gas station baseball caps. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yeah. A lot of Texas Longhorn hats in this show, guys. Yeah, which is weird. I'm a little confused about that. A lot of Texas Longhorn hats. That's all guys. Yeah, which is weird. I'm a little confused about that. A lot of Texas Longhorn hats. That's all right. Okay. Just saying.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Think he went there? You got to think he didn't. I want to know the list of people who have visited this guy. You know Gundy's visited this dude. The list of people that have visited whatever his place, whatever it's called, is probably like equally as shocking as seeing like Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs. The more we find out about this character,
Starting point is 00:14:12 so Joe Exotic's the main character of the show, but there are a bunch of people. So Carol is the one who's in charge of, again, in quotes, the rescue, which is essentially just a... It's the same thing he's doing. It's the exact same thing he's doing. Maybe she's not breeding him.
Starting point is 00:14:26 What the fuck? What's her problem? It almost looks worse. She's so high and mighty about it. At least he owns it. What are you doing? She's the worst. I'm not...
Starting point is 00:14:35 I'm going to condemn every single person in this show. Everyone's doing wrong things. Everyone sucks. Every single person is terrible. That being said, Carol pisses me off the most because she's so holier than thou. And she's so like, she just thinks that she's doing God's work and she's just not. And the fact that she very likely had a hand in her husband dying.
Starting point is 00:14:58 What the fuck? Okay, there's so much going on in this show that we almost need to launch a full podcast like we do for The Bachelor. We have so much to talk about. She fed him, right? Yeah. Did she put him through the meat grinder? If you had access to a bunch of big cats, how would you get rid of a body? Gotta think you're feeding it to the big cats.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Gotta think you're feeding it to the big cats. Well, if you listen to the seminal hit by Joe Exotic himself, Hear Kitty Kitty. Can we talk about that, please? He's a musician, yeah. He is pretty adamant that she has buried her ex-husband under a well, under a septic tank, excuse me. Well, but in the music video, he seemed to signal that the body double,
Starting point is 00:15:42 who I thought was Carol the entire time, It looked just like Carol. It was an insane double. Really good. It was pretty great how she was feeding, presumably, her dead husband to the tigers at Joe Exotic's place. Let's not act like his music doesn't slap, though. Who's singing that? How does he get this high quality?
Starting point is 00:16:01 It's not good music, but you have to admit it's high quality. The production value is there. How much is he paying for these songs to be produced? Dude, he's making money. He's paying, what did he say? They're paying 200 bucks a week to the employees and he's feeding them expired meat. This dude is
Starting point is 00:16:18 pocketing a lot of money. He's a turn-of-the-century capitalist. Wait till episode 4. Oh, hell yes. I cannot wait. Oh, my gosh. What a disaster these people are. Can we all commit to finishing this by Wednesday?
Starting point is 00:16:32 Yeah, I'll finish it tonight. I can't wait to get home and watch it. It'll be done tonight. I got to say, the most... Okay, so Joe Exotic... Oh, by the way, Joe Exotic also has two husbands. Yes. Including, like, who I think is just possibly just the Netflix hunk of the year, Travis.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Just pulls up like a bad boy from South Cal. Oh. Okay. See, I don't want to reveal. You haven't even seen this part yet, but it gets dark. Oh, no. It gets darker. Should I holster my Travis tweets?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah. Yes. Holster the Travis tweets? Yeah. Yes. Holster the Travis tweets, David. I don't know the extent, but through a text message conversation I had with noted T-Man last night. Oh, the T-Man. I've been told to holster any texts. It's shocking what happens to Travis. And even more shocking is the yeah well you'll have to see
Starting point is 00:17:27 can I show you the tweet that I have in my draft also it turns out neither one of his husbands are gay I don't like I've gotten to that part yet but the yeah uh John is it John the shirtless guy with the nipple rings yeah he's like yeah I'm not even he has uh also the pube tat like you're not gay really even married to a man for... Oh, he's definitely gay, right? He says he's not. Well, he's okay. I mean, I guess that's up for him to decide.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I don't know. Not me, but... I mean, he sure looks... He's married to a man, so I just... Yeah, yeah. But my tweet that I did, I holstered just because I just... I don't know. It says, it seems like what Joe, John, and Travis have together is pure.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I don't know it says It seems like what Joe, John, and Travis have together Is pure Oh Travis Are you giving me the just wait Yeah keep holstering What about what's his face Who The other dude
Starting point is 00:18:18 John He's still kicking No no no I didn't mean that I'm sorry What about He's still kicking. No, no, no, no. Oh, well, fucking Travis. Sorry. Maybe it's not John. I didn't mean that. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:27 What about, no. Spoil it for me. I don't care. Yeah, what the fuck, Dylan? Just tell us. Hold on. If you don't want it to, it's a. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Don't do it. All right, don't do it. Don't do it. Let me do it. No, don't do it. Because if people are fast forwarding, no, we can't have blood on our hands. No pun intended. Here, kitty, kitty.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Can we talk about the other guy? The other guy that we're not talking about. Doc Antle. Yes, Doc. That dude might be the biggest socio in all of this. This guy's crazy. Why is everybody polyamorous in this show? He has multiple girlfriends and wives.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Here's a little circling back. I like that he makes them change their names. What? Yeah, what the fuck? I don't fucking know Like nausea and stuff? Like, dude, just call Natasha It's fine Yeah, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:19:11 So several months ago I recommended to follow an Instagram account On this very podcast Because it was a guy who had a bunch of big cats And he did electric content It was Cody Antle Who's the son of doc antle and he's in the documentary i had no idea oh wow so you're contributing to the problem here maybe way to go
Starting point is 00:19:32 dylan he has an electric instagram account cody antle but yeah his dad he's in the show and his dad is doc antle and his oh i see there's following him. His dad's another lunatic. Oh, I'm not going to. His dad has the elephant. Yeah. And they showed that scene. Like, the best scene in this whole thing is when they walk out into, like, the lake, and there's, like, a black lab that's just, like, on top of the elephant, and it's just like, this is chill.
Starting point is 00:19:59 So they live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. And am I saying that right? Yeah, Myrtle Beach. How else would you say it? I thought I was... Never mind. I'm not going to give you a peek inside my brain on that one. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It looks like a tight place that they live on. Yes. Like real tight. I mean, out of everyone that's doing this, if I was to get into the Big Cat game, I would be doing it like Doc does it, I think, right? But he might euthanize. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I forgot about that. Yeah, he's the one who got accused of euthanizing cubs. Because once they get too big, you can't have the people around them, so you can't make money off of them, and they cost so much to keep around. That seems like a problem. It's truly amazing that this show has such absurd human characters
Starting point is 00:20:49 that you kind of forget about how all these animals are living. Yeah. Like, I don't even have guilt while watching the show because I'm so enthralled by the storylines of these idiots that, like, just seeing these cats in terrible conditions is, like, just an afterthought. I'm like, oh, okay. Anyway, let's go back to people.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Something that I thought of when I saw early on they introduced, they don't even like give the name of the cat, but there's a woman walking a cheetah and the cheetah looks fucking huge. Are you sure you could take that thing? Oh, yeah. I really don't think so. It probably wasn't a cheetah that you saw. It was definitely a cheetah.
Starting point is 00:21:25 They're lanky. I know what a cheetah looks like. They're lanky as fuck. They're not big. Dude, he could... Cheetahs are great strikers. Small heads. Harder to hit.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I'm not going to punch him. I'm just going to get it... I just need his throat. I have never felt more secure in my take that a cheetah would murk everybody in this room. Maybe not at the same time, but one-on-one, we're going down.
Starting point is 00:21:49 In this room, no. In this room, we're taking it. Yeah. We're losing somebody. We're losing somebody. Can we talk about the hair in this show real quick? Yeah. When he tried to keep the hat on for the first interview, like one of the first scenes of the entire show,
Starting point is 00:22:03 it was like, dude, Joe, take the hat off off there's not a single acceptable hairstyle on the whole show it's truly amazing doc antle with his little flavor saver on the ponytail what are you doing and then the the jeff low guy they introduced later on with this bandana and the cap that he never apparently never takes off yeah with his like hair sticking out the back of it. What the fuck are you doing? You got to think the second he came on the screen, all the Oakley people were like, God damn it, take the Oakley hat off. Dude, you're 55 years old. You can't dress like that.
Starting point is 00:22:32 No. He dresses like Bret Hart or whatever his name is. Bret the Hitman Hart? No. I'm mixing my Bretts. He dresses like how I envision a SoundCloud rapper to dress, but he's just a 55-year-old weirdo. Can you guys tell me, do we get any more J.P. Wilson magicians?
Starting point is 00:22:53 I'm sorry, Bret Michaels, David. Oh, Bret Michaels. Bret Michaels. If you guys remember, in episode one, they introduced the fact that Joe Exotic dabbled in magic for a time. That was electric. And one of his mentors was like a 12-year-old, J.P. Wilson, who was a magician.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Who also has a big cat. He also weirdly has like a lynx or some shit. I don't know what that is. Yeah, what's he doing these days? I don't know. I'm like, is he going to like swoop back in in like episode seven? Imagine being the dude that taught Joe Exotic
Starting point is 00:23:22 how to do magic. You'll always have that. That's true. What is Joe Exotic doing around kids teaching them about drug abuse? That guy should not be around small children in public settings. And these Oklahoma schools are just letting him do magic shows with big cats. It just seems like the most irresponsible like he has explosions going
Starting point is 00:23:47 on with large cats in elementary schools. I got some words for Oklahoma school officials. His husband in the interview portion with the shirt off and the nipple rings and the tattoos and he has two teeth
Starting point is 00:24:06 like what's going on there how do you feel about uh about joe exotic's eyebrow ring that's electric i love it dude i love it and he has like seven hoops in his one of his ears i don't hate anything in life as much as he hates carol oh my gosh no one one hates Carol more than, I mean, no one hates anything more than he hates Carol. Probably the daughters of Carol's late husband. Yeah, they might have a case there. But I honestly still think that, I still think that Joe Exotic hates Carol more than the daughters.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Well, he hates her enough to get a bunch of mannequins, a bunch of Tannerite, and some assault rifles and just film him just shooting, shooting just randomly throughout like a lake and then exploding these mannequins. This isn't a spoiler for episode 4, but this is something that happens in episode 4,
Starting point is 00:24:55 but I'm not spoiling anything for you. But at one point, he just sticks a dildo in her mouth. And she's just like the mannequin of Carol is just sitting there with a dildo in her mouth and then on camera he shoots her point blank in the side of the head. Yeah, yeah. It's like, dude, Joe, you got to tone it down.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah, you're doing too much. He might have been doing too much and the moment that made me realize that was when after all this went down with her husband and after it kind of came out, he got a photo of her late husband and poked the eye holes and the mouth hole out and started talking through said photo as if he were the ghost of her late husband. He also said in one of the episodes, don't remember which one, that if people come and try to take his cats from him, it's going to turn into a Waco.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Small Waco. A small Waco. A small Waco, Dylan. Please put some respect on Joe Exotic's name. Which, of course, is a reference to the David Koresh standoff, where people died. Hey, Thibodeau, it's me, David Koresh. I've got some tigers. Branch Davidians. I've got some tigers in here. Can's me, David Koresh. I've got some tigers. Some Branch Davidians.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I've got some tigers in here. Can we start doing David Koresh? Did y'all notice there's supposed to be one squared away dude in this thing, and it's that detective? But I don't know if you noticed his decor around his home, I'm assuming, where he was being interviewed. Let me see. Just has some. Hold on. I'm going to show you, tell me when anything kind of piques your interest. Okay. Creepy masks. And what is that? Does he have like Nazi memorabilia
Starting point is 00:26:40 or anything? Oh, that's problematic. Oh, that's not good. In today's climate. They clearly knew it was problematic because they zoomed the shot out. So they had it and they zoomed it out to show the weird shit on his wall. Want to describe what's going on there? Yeah, it is what appears to be someone wearing a, has a tray. A butler. It's a statue, a butler costume, has the towel and everything, but it is a monkey. There's some connotations there.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And I feel like it's racist. Chimpanzee, it looks like. Chimpanzee. And unless this dude owns, does this fucker own Wild Game 2 or wild animals? I just don't know it. It looks extremely racist to me. Also, the creepy masks on his wall. Yeah, this guy's got some skeletons in his closet.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah, what's going on here? I can't wait to finish this. I thought this was going to be a show. At first, I had this small feeling that it might be a show where I don't binge it. I don't want to binge it. I'm like, all right, one episode at a time is enough for me. And it quickly became evident that I need to watch these back to back to back to back.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I'm glad y'all got in on it. I was never so sure. We got tagged in it so many times. Normally, no offense, normally when we're tagged in something that many times, I'm like, okay, cool, whatever. This one, though, I saw so many people talking about i'm like dude this this is gonna get us through the characters what's gonna power us through the quarantine each each new character we meet i'm just my mind is blown all over again who's the
Starting point is 00:28:13 other random wild guy who's kind of a wild card um with the uh i don't know he's up in like indiana or something oh he's yeah He seems like scum. They're all scum. They're all scum, David. Carol. Oh, my God, Carol. Even the guy who's like filming everything for Joe Exotic's like online TV show. The producer?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Yeah, like that guy. He's scum. He was doing this knowing that he was going to tape Joe outside of that for a documentary and like just completely use the absurdity of Joe's life. Oh, that's who's getting that footage? I believe so. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I don't know. We're getting to the point where I can't speak too much. He's the guy who used to work for O'Reilly, like Inside Edition. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder if he was on the set when O'Reilly was telling him to. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder if he was on the set when O'Reilly was telling him to do it live. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I wonder if he was the do it live guy. One thing I learned is that this dude loves smoking cigarettes on camera. There's like several shots of him clearly taping himself on Joe Exotic's property where he's just taping himself and he's just looking into the distance smoking a cig. It's like, dude, stop. This isn't isn't a cool shot like you're not a good looking dude oh man
Starting point is 00:29:29 i don't know even even what's the deal with carol's new husband he seems too normal to be involved in this like that guy's got something how did carol's uh original husband get make his money are we are we sold? Okay. By the way, the most notable and pure guy in all this is Carol's ex-husband's attorney. Yes. Like pretty much anybody associated with her ex seems like they're a normal squared away person. Yeah. Even the mechanic.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Are we sold that he didn't just disappear? No offense. What do you mean? Are we sold that he didn't just disappear no offense what do you mean are we are we sold that he was murdered yeah the thought ran through my mind there's still 10 of my brain that tells me that carol's dead quotes ex-husband is still alive and he's just like he looked around and he was like i gotta get the fuck away from this no No, no. Dude, he wouldn't have left his van. He wouldn't have left his van at the airport. Yeah, there would have been evidence of something. Okay. I'm just putting it out there.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I mean, yeah, I definitely, 90% of me thinks Carol brutally murdered him and fed him to her tigers. And he has planes that he flies illegally because he doesn't have a license? Kind of tight. The whole shit's just weird. Kind of tight. Dude, but part of me wants to think, like, dude, what if he just took a little bit of his money
Starting point is 00:30:50 and went to Costa Rica, maybe hit up the vacuum salesman in Albuquerque? Well, Breaking Bad reference, also Breaking Brad. Breaking Brad. And just went and started over in Costa Rica.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Plenty of dudes have done that Just ziplining all day Damn Oh and the guy who lost his legs Ziplining indeed yeah What the fuck And the woman's got her arm taken off by a tiger There's so much shit that I just forgot How about all the volunteers
Starting point is 00:31:21 All the volunteers at Carol's place are just brainwashed cult members They're like oh oh yeah, I work 12 hour days. I work on Christmas and I don't get paid any. It's like, what? Yeah. What? She is just as bad as the people she's... She might be honestly, she might be worse because she's doing it under the guise that she's
Starting point is 00:31:38 doing something noble. Whereas all these other people are like, no, I just like big cats. Yeah. I'll do anything for them. I love them. She's a creep. whereas she is like portraying all of it in this different way that's just so icky why are all these people volunteering for her dude you know what they just needed trump needs to issue an executive order all big cats in captivity they need to just release them take them to wherever india parts of Africa, wherever they can release tigers and lions and stuff, and just let them go. And I know they've been domesticated, and some of them won't survive, but we've got to just put them out there in their element.
Starting point is 00:32:15 When Trump starts pardoning people during his last day as president, is it going to be just wild? It's going to be like people from Netflix documentaries and shit. I guarantee that no one will pardon more people than he will. Right? Didn't Obama do a lot? I think Obama and Bush pardoned a lot. We should pardon somebody. I don't think we have the authority to do that.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Who would you pardon, Dylan? Yeah, Dylan, who would you pardon? Oh, hard to say, really. I don't know. Who would you pardon, Dylan? Yeah, Dylan, who would you pardon? Oh, hard to say, really. I don't know. Do you guys want to move on real quick and talk comingopoly? Oh, yeah, Obama pardoned Granite Clemency to more people than any president. Do I want to move on from the Tiger King discussion? Some of it was probably drug sentences and stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Do you think we need to, though? No, I don't. Do we need to? Probably. It's probably time. Let's talk about our friends in coming. Okay. Grow up, Will.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I had to go back and look. This is real. Yeah. Yes, David. Yes, it is. So, are you guys familiar with the game Monopoly? I am. I've played it.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I am, too. I've played it many times. It's a game I like to play. This is a different version. Coming Georgia, by the way. Coming Georgia, C-U-M-M-I-N-G. Somebody made and sold this game to Walmart, and it is a take on Monopoly.
Starting point is 00:33:37 It is called Comingopoly. Uh-huh. Spelled just like it sounds. What they did was they got rid of the mono, and they added coming coming Oh, okay So it's called comingopoly Yeah They got rid of the mon
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah, pretty much Not the mono Oh, man You never get rid of the mon Never get rid of the mon I actually took it and I put it on the end of my restaurant's name So it looks like the Coming mons
Starting point is 00:34:02 One of the corner spots I don't know which this is in place of Is it go to jail or whatever Anyway The Coming Mons. One of the corner spots. I don't know which this is in place of. Is it go to jail or whatever? Anyway, it says, I love coming. Okay. I heart coming, to be exact. So that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:18 One of the spots you can land on in the board game. Well, do you want to land on it? Have you seen the tagline for the game? Is one of them do not come, collect $200? I don't think that's one of them. I don't think they went as far as to abbreviate to just straight come. What if they made it comingopoly, and it was just a monopoly with just different kombuchas? That'd be tight.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Like ferment. No one's doing that. Have you bought any kombuchas? No. Like for stockpile purposes? that. Have you bought any kombuchas? No. Like for stockpile purposes? No. Have you guys seen the – My Pro-B game is weak right now.
Starting point is 00:34:52 The tagline for the game is a fun game celebrating the gateway to leisure living. Do you think coming is – If you're coming, Opoli, or if you're coming, Georgia, you've got to just change that name, right? Like they had... One of the spots after home, which says Go Coming... Okay. Well, the first one is Countryland Golf Course,
Starting point is 00:35:14 which I bet that place is really mediocre. Probably very, very decent. And then the next one is Bald Ridge Road. Seems like an assault on me. Coming-opoly. Yeah, I feel like in, like, other days this would be the lead, but with, like, Joe Exotic kind of came in and stole its thunder. But if anybody owns this game and would like to send it to us,
Starting point is 00:35:41 I would love to play this game under quarantine. Are there people out there who will walk by this game at Walmart, look at it, and not think anything of it? Yeah, if you live in Cumming your entire life, you're not thinking twice. No one that's ever listened to this podcast, I can make that statement. I'm just trying to get a feel for our immaturity level. I mean, the fact that it says I Heart Cumming instead of like... Why? What are the...
Starting point is 00:36:08 Why would they do that? What are the little game pieces? I do like one of these just says big fun. Wait, one of them is a hand. One of the game pieces is a hand. Which, think about it, you know. Are we sure this is real? Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:24 There's a pretzel. Dude, it's in Walmart, dog. There's a pretzel, a shoe, a hand, and some other things I can't really identify because it's too small in the picture. Shouts at the pretzel. Pretzel, shoe, hand. One of them looks like a heart, but it's like a really shitty heart. Is it a glazed pretzel? It might be a chicken.
Starting point is 00:36:38 David. Do they even make that? What's your problem? Have you guys been playing any games? Board games? Yeah, Warzone. Have you reached boredom to the point of board games and stuff? It's been just me.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah, I get on the sticks, play a little Xbox, try to set up a Twitch stream, fail. That's the games I've been playing well. My wife's been doing puzzles. See, that's one thing I just have no desire to start doing. I don't either. I think puzzles are like the lowest form of game. I'm not a puzzle guy.
Starting point is 00:37:09 I wish I had Legos. I would love to put together some sort of Lego. Dude, the homie is big into Legos right now. He's good at it too. He's stepping on those little fox down on the ground and stuff. I did want to. Did he put together that one I got on the F-350? No, not yet.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Dude, he's going to have fun with that one. He's getting good at it, man. Sive and I are'm playing uh banana gram so we've been getting some arguments over it but everyone knows that uh qat is a word everyone knows that right yeah thank you dylan she was like positive no she's like no not at all like that's not a word and i'm like it's it's if you play scrabble it's a scrabble staple you know it's's the word. It's the word for Scrabble. What does that mean? Isn't it like a... Hard to say. Is it like matriculating? I looked it up.
Starting point is 00:37:48 You nailed that. I thought so. I looked up QAT yesterday. I don't remember what it was. But I did. I conceded that game. I did use me twice, which you're not supposed to do. And I lost last night because I said Bananagrams before my board was complete.
Starting point is 00:38:02 It was very unfortunate. Sally's 2-0. Not fucking happy about it. Yeah. I think it might... Never mind. The only games I'm playing is just watching people do 10 push-ups on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:38:17 What the fuck? I weirdly haven't come across any of these. Gross. That's probably good. I haven't spent much time on Instagram, though, but I haven't seen anyone doing this. I just see people talking about people doing this. There's more people talking about people
Starting point is 00:38:29 than actually doing it. I might do one tonight. Do not. That would be sick if you just banged out 10 push-ups. That's all it is, 10? Yeah, why are people so impressed with themselves doing 10? Like, who cares? Yeah, they're nice.
Starting point is 00:38:42 It's just like getting people to do something. But why is this a thing? Because we're fucking bored i would rather i would rather do what what the the other um the tiktok thing that's going down that lebron did with his family you seen that i don't know the name i don't know the song i don't know the dance oh yeah that's been hot for a minute. It's kind of fun. We should do one. No, that would require us getting within six feet of each other. Try again, dumbass. The worst times through this last week I've thought to myself,
Starting point is 00:39:15 man, do we need a TikTok? And I just don't have it in me. Yeah, I'm going to sit out on the whole TikTok craze, I believe. Can I put something out there for the listeners? If any of you have any knowledge of setting up a Twitch stream on an Xbox with a Logitech camera, please email me. And serious inquiries only. Dave at I wanted to Twitch so bad.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I even tried. I had J-Bone on FaceTime. There's something up. I don't know what it is jay bone up like at the wrong time because i hit him up asking for help and i think he was just gassed after talking to you about this stuff did you get the twitch stuff no no i i'm not convinced that anyone wants to watch what i'm twitching right now aren't you playing f1 yeah i'm just playing an f1 game that i'm still not very good
Starting point is 00:40:05 at i bought it this weekend um i told myself i wasn't gonna buy anything but fifa for the rest of my life but then i watched the trailer for the f1 game watched a couple reviews and i was like am i about to be racing i'm intrigued by that it's dude it's it's one of those games that doesn't seem very fun at first and then you realize that realize that it is fun because it's so realistic that you actually have to teach yourself things. Wow. And so while you don't have to teach yourself a lot, there's a learning curve, and it's a little much, but it's kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And it's difficult. It's not one of those games where you just breeze through it. You don't get first place in your first race. It's just not going to happen. I tried for three hours yesterday. So there's a golf game, and I don't know if it's cross-platform, but it's called Golf Game, and I feel like we could all play it together. It's essentially Tiger Woods.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Not as fun as Tiger, but it's close. And you can play real courses, and you just sit there and play around a golf, and you can talk to each other. If it's cross-platform i'm going to look into it we need to play it back to the and twitch it back to the f1 thing if you are looking for anything to watch on netflix the documentary drive to survive i know we've talked about it before yep it's so good check it out it's so good it's actually called the golf club i apologize wow you dumbass come Come on, dude. What are you doing? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:26 What day is it? I don't know how to find other people online in the PlayStation universe. What's your at? It's just like my handle, Dshivery. Okay. I'll find you. I'll add you as a friend. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I don't really know. I don't even know if I know how to do it right. I added numerous people as friends the second I started playing, and none of them got my friend request. Okay. I don't even know if I know how to do it right. I added numerous people as friends the second I started playing, and none of them got my friend request. Okay. No clue. Cool. Should we just talk about Zapier real quick?
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yeah. Let's do it. Growing a business is hard, especially when you're wasting hours every day moving data from emails to spreadsheets to your CRM to wherever. Shouldn't that stuff just kind of happen without you lifting a finger? Well, good news. Zapier can help. Zapier is the easiest way to automate your work. It connects all your business software and handles work for you so you can focus on things that matter most. No more wasting your time on tasks that you could automate because that's exactly what Zapier is built to do. Think about all this stuff. We're lucky.
Starting point is 00:42:26 We're lucky. We're talking to mice. But we do have some next-gen stats that I have to populate every once in a while. Oh, dude, Brett's all over Zapier. Yep, you got to be. You got to be. It's just aggregating stuff and just doing it for you. Just cutting out the middleman.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And as you guys know, cutting out the middleman is something this podcast is very passionate about. Zapier lets you instantly engage with leads, send them to a CRM or spreadsheet, and then notify your team so they can act fast on every opportunity, and that's just scratching the surface. It supports more than 1,500 business applications, so the possibilities are virtually endless. More than 4.5 million people use it.
Starting point is 00:43:03 That's more people than listen to this podcast, so Zapier's doing better than we are. Wow. Okay, well, they're doing numbers. We're still young. They're doing numbers. Yeah, we're trying. If we can get to Zapier level, we'll be happy.
Starting point is 00:43:13 These 4.5 million people also save an average of 40 hours per month using Zapier. Right now, through the end of the month, try Zapier free by going to our special link, slash circling back. Zapier free by going to our special link, slash circling back. That's slash circling back for your free 14-day trial. slash circling back. You guys ready for Bit Madness?
Starting point is 00:43:38 It's the Elite Eight, baby. We have four matchups. And then we could do it so the – oh, we're doing championship? Wait, semifinals and championship next on Wednesday. Yep, final four and championship happening all in one day. Gotcha, gotcha. Today we're just doing the Elite Eight. Wow. Nothing crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Final four is next. Final four is next. All right, let's go. All right, one sec. Let me pull up my spot. Did y'all see Brooks hitting that shot left-handed? Yeah, why is he better golfer than me left-handed not great 196 on a carrier with an eight iron left-handed seems good whatever yeah i'm still
Starting point is 00:44:15 over him though he's doing content he's doing a lot of workout from home content i feel like he's like i feel like if he entered our friend group we'd all love it for like not knowing that it was like brooks kapka just his like demeanor i feel like we'd all be into it for a little bit dude like brooks is fucking alpha this is tight like whatever and then like a couple months in it's like all right brooks is he's kind of just being too douchey for us right now there's a ceiling on that friendship not a fan he can really wear out his welcome is what you're saying are you guys right this this this first matchup is, to me, it's not that hard. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:48 You guys ready for this? Yes. Dave texting the homie versus Japan. Wow. I am going to recuse myself. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Japan made it to the lead eight, huh? That's kind of surprising. Wow. Japan. Wow. Japan made it to the Elite Eight, huh? That's kind of surprising. People love Japan. Oh, I guess Dylan doesn't like it. No, I'm kidding. People love Japan. I'm kidding, but I am voting for Dave texting the homie. While I love Japan, I do think that the Elite Eight is the appropriate pit stop for it.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I think Dave texting the homie has... Get off the think Dave Tex and the homie has... Get off the bus. Dave Tex and the homie's got championship vibes. Japan... So it's not just a pit stop. It's an all-together, just, you're done. Getting off the bus here, buddy. Bye.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Yeah, this is your destination. Well, let the record show I would vote for and have love for Japan! This is when we start getting into the nitty gritty. This next one's hard. Well, the winners of the Elite Eight will go to the Final Four. Is that how it works? Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Hold on. Man, Dave Texan, homie, has officially punched its ticket to the Final Four. Dylan, what's four times eight? 32. Just checking. Don't do this to me anymore. I like it. That was fucked up to throw in division.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Dude, I had to surprise you. You know that, right? You were doing multiplication. That'd be like me being like, hey, let's talk Texas history, and then I throw in a question about Wyoming. I wish I would have done a subtraction one instead. What's 7? That would have not been.
Starting point is 00:46:24 What's 7 times eight? 56. I beat you, you stupid bitch. You did. I'm sorry. So last night after we released the video on Instagram, we were laying in bed and I had Sally do a timetable test with me. Damn, you guys are kinky.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Yeah, it was freaky. I crushed it. She didn't give me that many, but I got them all right. In quick fashion. Never mind. You guys ready for the next matchup? Yes. What happened if you got, was it like that scene in Billy Madison?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Taking clothes off. With Chris Farley? Spanish Armada. All right, go ahead. I'm sorry. RIP. I saw, what was the teacher's name in Billy Madison? Miss Lippy?
Starting point is 00:47:08 No, the other one. Miss Vaughn. Miss Vaughn. Veronica Vaughn. She's married to Pete Sampras. Sure is. Really? Or was.
Starting point is 00:47:13 That's awesome. I saw her in something recently, and I was like, I said something to Sally. I was like, oh, she's all time. Oh, that Veronica Vaughn is one fine piece of ace. I haven't seen her since Billy Madison, actually. She's been in some things. She'll all time. Oh, that Veronica Vaughn is one fine piece of ace. I haven't seen her since Billy Madison, actually. She's been in some things. She'll pop up. She's like a C or D level actress.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Right. But shout out to her married Pete Sampras, one of the greats. Okay, I'm sorry. Pete Sampras. I need to know more about her. Does Pete Sampras get his due? He's the greatest American of all time, right? I would say yes.
Starting point is 00:47:43 He was better than Agassi. Yes. He didn't have the swag. Yeah, and he's definitely better than Roddick. McEnroe? They're still married. They're still married. Sambritz is my guy in terms of American tennis players. I always loved him.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I'm going to ride for him over anybody. Still weird that Agassi was wearing a wig. Lily's husband, Drew. What, is it a wig? No. He just got the Andre Agassi was wearing a wig. Lily's husband, Drew. Wears a wig? No. He just got the Andre Agassi tell-all book. And I think I'm going to borrow that shit from him. I thought you were going to tell me there was a medical condition.
Starting point is 00:48:13 No, maybe you'll fucking read it. Dude, sick. Is it on tape? If you get a tape, a cassette, let me know. Cassette tape? Yeah, you heard me. I'll put it in my talk board. I need to know what I saw her in now.
Starting point is 00:48:25 She was in an episode of Frasier. She looks so good in Billy Madison. Catch me watching that episode of Frasier tonight. She was in
Starting point is 00:48:31 Saved by the Bells. Her and a friend of mine got it on. She has not acted. No, they didn't. She's not acted since 2008. No, they didn't.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Wow. Well, good for her. I don't even know where I saw her. She was in Mortal Kombat. That is one of the all-time worst movies. Is she Sonya? That's one of the all-time worst movies.
Starting point is 00:48:50 She was Sonya. Okay. All right, I guess that's all we have on Bridget Wilson. What's our next matchup in the Elite Eight? This one's a tough one. I don't know how we're going to do this one. We got Frat Dave versus Wilmonds. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Are you going to recuse yourself, Dave? These are not both my bits. Oh, yeah. Good point. Let's see your bits. This is hard. I love both of them with, like, a lot. I think I said last episode that I will be voting Wilmonds through to the championship
Starting point is 00:49:26 matchup. And I'm going to stick to my word here. So I'm voting for Wilmonds. I just enjoy the bit. Maybe a little too much. Sorry, Fred Dave. And regular Dave. Don't apologize to me. Okay. What are you looking at me for?
Starting point is 00:49:42 I don't know. It's your turn to vote. Should we do 1, two, three, vote? I'll make it interesting and I'll vote for Frat Dave. Why didn't you do one, two, three, vote? Now if you vote for your own bit, you're going to look like a dick. I know. So what are you going to do, hotshot? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:57 But why do you not look like a dick if you vote for your own bit? Because I was doing it as a bit. It was a bit for me to vote for my own bit. No, but Frat Dave didn't vote for frat dave no but frat dave didn't vote for frat plus frat dave's not who says frat dave have a vote yeah i don't even vote because it's like it just doesn't matter is his dad gonna if he loses here is his dad gonna talk to somebody and get put in the final four actually i can't vote i got that uh felony cocaine right college uh can yeah can felons not vote? No.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Wow. It's fucked up, man. I have to vote for Wilmonds. I think I'm going to get expunged. You see my tweet last night from Wilmonds? No. At hello Wilmonds? I need to go check that out.
Starting point is 00:50:39 It's not a volume shooting account, that's for sure. I kind of forget that I have it until I go into my Twitter and I see that it's an account on my list. It's so stupid. I have to put Wilmonds through. It's because it's all I have left. Wilmonds is doing numbers for having so few followers. Good for Wilmonds. I mean, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:51:02 The Friday special, the three little birds special. What? What, dude? It was a Bob Marley reference, right? The three little birds are the turducken taco bar. Randy's smart. $3 old speckled hens. You have the dollar sign in the wrong spot.
Starting point is 00:51:19 That's okay. And cockfights beginning at $10. We're not doing cockfights. That's part of the bit. The dollar sign being in the wrong place. We are not doing cockfights. That's part of the bit. The dollar sign being in the wrong place. We are not doing cockfights. That makes the tweet. Hey, does Randy purposely hit us with videos
Starting point is 00:51:30 while he knows we're recording, so we'll shout him out on air? And by the way, I mean human. Human. Yeah, human. Okay, because he just hit us with one. I can't talk to him with the merits of it. No, the three little birds was the turducken.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Do you get that? Beer can chicken? Because the turducken is the Three Little Birds Bob Marley song. It's the turkey, the duck, and the chicken. That's the Three Little Birds. Do you get it? This is going over his head. No, I get it,
Starting point is 00:52:01 but there's also cockfight birds. Yeah, it's a... Bird. It's a three-cock cock head. No, I get it. But there's also cockfight birds. Old Speckled Hen, bird. It's a three-cock cockfight. Yeah, you tripled up a couple times there. And the Old Speckled Hens were $3. I get it. It's a genius marketing ploy.
Starting point is 00:52:17 I'm impressed you came up with it. Yeah. Everyone asking, we're not doing takeout for coronavirus. Really? Yep. We can't sustain it. A lot of people going without jerk chicken. We can't sustain it. A lot of people going without jerk chicken. We can't sustain it.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Oh, I'm jerking. I got plenty. I'm talking about the food. Right, I got plenty. Oh, okay. Who won? Wilmonds goes through to the final four. Wow.
Starting point is 00:52:42 The next one. And this one feels unfair, given the recent information that's come to light. It's spooky season versus big cats. Hmm. I feel like big cats are kind of bouncing back right now. I mean, they're having a moment, Will, if we're going to be honest. You guys just must have been taking a selfie so I could respond to Shido's tweet thread. This is tough.
Starting point is 00:53:10 This is really tough. I don't really know where to go with this one. Okay, in light of recent developments, plus it's been a staple of not only this podcast, but the former one since the inception, I got to go big cats here. And I love spooky season. Love it.
Starting point is 00:53:35 So that should say a lot about my vote. I'm going spooky season. Putting it all on me. I posted yesterday a photo of my Bananagrams board with the word ghoul. Notice that. I started laughing as I played the word ghoul because I was like, I never would have thought of this had I not had Dave in my life. Where's the gabagool?
Starting point is 00:54:00 Are you mixing? There he is. Was gabagool ever a part of Spooky Season? Yes, I made Gavagool. I had to have made that joke at some point. I don't know if you did, but it's needed. Can we do a Spooky Season soon? I need the content.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Who are you voting for, David? Spooky at I will check it from parts unknown. Wait, what are the choices for spooky season? Big Cats versus spooky season. Oh, Cats going. Sorry, spooky. Man.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Apparently the backers let that one die. This next one is a certified power player. Is this going to be tough? This might be the hardest matchup yet. We've said that for literally every matchup in this tournament. No, I said the first one was not hard. Dave texting the homie was a lot easier. Over Japan.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Japan's great, but Dave texting the homie is all-time. Mount Rushmore stuff. All right, this one is Bluetooth speakers versus... Imagine listening to this podcast for the first time and just being like, all right, these guys are having a bracket where Bluetooth speakers goes against... Can I make a confession? Yeah. The more I hear that drop or that little sound effect,
Starting point is 00:55:25 the less I like it. It gets on my nerves. It gets on my nerves. Really? Yeah. I don't know what it is. Oh, I can't get enough.
Starting point is 00:55:32 I, I don't know what it's just worn on. Do you want to replace it with, with him saying Dylan needs to get his drip up? That's a different kid. Yeah. They're the same in my brain. No,
Starting point is 00:55:41 no, don't. The Abby on the gram kid seems like he's a nice kid. The kid just seems like scum and i know he's probably 15 but just to be clear we're not replacing abby on the ground with door needs to get his drip up oh i i actually am not opposed to that to drip up you do need to get your drip up that's fair by the way it took that kid like so when i bought that he was like i don't know what this stuff means man Like I kept sending him stuff to say He's like I don't know who
Starting point is 00:56:06 I don't know what this is It was like pulling teeth Trying to get him to do a fucking cameo I was like I'm paying you 40 bucks for this shit Just say it You paid him 40 bucks? I was probably 25
Starting point is 00:56:17 Also got to Rent the Avengers movie With that money as well Nice Or is it two for one? I'm voting Bluetooth speakers here. Well, then that's going through. As Dave just said, he's already over the Grom Kid.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Let the record show I was going to vote for the Grom Kid. No, you weren't. I haven't voted yet. Let the record show. No, you weren't. I haven't voted yet. I was going to. I have not done it in present tense yet.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Just go ahead and vote for the BTS, Dave. I can't vote against generational wealth. All right, so my vote doesn't matter. But I would and vote for the BTS, Dave. I can't vote against generational wealth. My vote doesn't matter. I would have voted for the Grom Kid. It kind of chaps my ass that New York Times bestselling author W.R. Bond is kind of dismissing the BTS as a way to secure your financial future. It's just like, dude, in times like these, why would you not take it seriously?
Starting point is 00:57:05 You know what I mean? These times are very uncertain. You know what my favorite thing on Twitter has been? The backlash to businesses or companies and brands sending emails to their subscriber list being like, hey, guys, we know these times. It's just very uncertain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:20 It's hard. This is how we're coping with it. Yeah, we're good. Shut up. Yeah, I was lost until I got your email. I didn't need to know how Toys R Us was handling it. Yeah, I got one today that was just egregious. Like, I just couldn't believe that they actually thought that I would want that in my inbox.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Egregious like, hey, girls, or? Hey, girls. Hey, ladies. Yeah, like, I don't know. It's just really fucking stupid i don't even know what it was i guess i guess it wasn't that egregious if i can't even locate it my fucking whatever who's voting here bts went through yeah it's it's done we have our final four it's set all right you guys you guys ready for the final four i thought we're doing that
Starting point is 00:58:04 next week. No, I'm just going to announce what it is. Oh, okay. So people have some excitement. Now, these are the final four matchups. Final four matchups, yep. So two matchups. The semifinal, if you will.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Dave Texan, the homie, versus Will Mons, and Big Cats versus Bluetooth speakers. Wow. This is tough. Okay. Let's let that marinate for a couple days. Can you guys talk amongst yourselves as I... Yeah, get out of here, pee boy. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Go pee on yourself. Tinky boy. Dave's out. What else we got? We finished? You know, we can wrap her up. I just got some bad news. About what?
Starting point is 00:58:49 Not take it back. I thought they were going to stop our valet trash from our apartment complex. They're not doing that. That would have been a disaster for them. They're not doing that. I actually don't even use them. We got a trash chute right next to our place. So I always bring stuff in there. Makes it really easy on everybody. And the trash chute where I used to live,
Starting point is 00:59:12 and I lived on South Lamar, it was a five minute walk. It was so far away. Ours takes me less than 10 seconds to get to it. Yeah. It's really nice. Very, very nice. Do you kind of wish you were somewhere else quarantining throughout this entire process? Actually, you're in a new house. You've got to be kind of on cloud nine right now. I'm actually really happy with my situation. I have so much room now in a new spot.
Starting point is 00:59:38 It's all fresh to me, and I get to set it up how I like it. Furniture going in, hanging pictures up. So I have stuff to do, which is nice. But just being in a new environment. Yeah. That's so much. I've like tripled my space from my last place, which is nice. I love our apartment.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I have had hardly any issues with our apartment itself. I've had no issues with the complex. Generally, I have a great relationship with my living situation. But after the wedding, I was like, I'm kind of antsy to mix it up. I kind of want to move. Didn't you just renew? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Shortly after we renewed, I was like, man, I kind of want to go somewhere else. And now being quarantined, it's just like, fuck. It's amplifying everything. And I've got a couple of buddies who went, they were just like, all right, screw it. If we're not going to be in a, if we're not going to our office,
Starting point is 01:00:28 I'm going to go up to Harbor Springs and chill up there. And now I'm just watching them. I'm like, are you guys kidding? This looks like heaven. When you do decide to move, you should look into my hood. It's tight. Can I just move into your place? Can Sally and I live there for a little bit?
Starting point is 01:00:39 Yeah, absolutely. Oh, he's back. Hey, boys. Is it Big Will? Big Will? Did Big Will just walk in? No, it's me. Hey, boys. Is it Big Will? Big Will? Did Big Will just walk in? No, it's me. He'll enjoy that.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Should we call anybody before we get out of here or what? I love ya. Oh, we didn't call T-Man. Yeah, we... Call him. I meant to call T-Man. Should we call T-Man? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Does he know we're calling? No. No. May not even answer. Yeah, we'll see. We'll leave a voicemail. T-Man had some takes last night about Tiger King. T-Man, he stays strapped with the takes, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:11 You know T-Man could low-key grow Tiger Man hair. Yeah. I miss T-Man. A couple different decisions in life, and T-Man could have been the Tiger Man. Hey, what's Doc Antle a doctor of? Spirituality? I don't know. Is he actually a doctor? No. That guy's a the tiger man. Hey, what's Doc Antle a doctor of? Spirituality? I don't know. Is he actually a doctor?
Starting point is 01:01:28 No. That guy's a freak, man. That dude might be the worst one other than the scenario where Carol did kill her husband. We don't know if that happened or not. She killed her husband. I need T-Man to answer this phone. Well, I'm having an issue. Oh.
Starting point is 01:01:46 The Bluetooth connectivity between my phone and the recording equipment is not going as planned. Pretty embarrassing for all of us. Wow. Yeah. That's when you think you can count on Bluetooth. Now, hold on. Don't blame it on the technology. No, it's kind of the—
Starting point is 01:02:01 The technology's there. I'm connected. I can call him. Oh, it's because you're connected. Yeah, you call his ass. You mean call the T-man? Yeah, call the T-man. Let's see. Let's get some closing thoughts from Trevor before we embark and go back to our places of residence. I just tried to look up Trevor. Don't call him Trevor. I looked up Trevor and it wasn't coming up. It's because he's in my phone. T-man. All right, it's ringing.
Starting point is 01:02:20 man. All right. It's ringing. He doesn't. We're whispering. It's just too late. I swear. He doesn't answer.
Starting point is 01:02:39 It's on site. It is on site. I'm driving to wherever he lives now. Hello. What's up, man? What's going on? Nothing, nothing. You, uh, got a minute. Uh, yeah. What's up? I've got a unique investment opportunity. I'd like to discuss with you. Uh, I think I know what this is about. Hey, you're live. Wow. Really? Hi, T--Man This is big
Starting point is 01:03:05 What's up fellas I miss you I miss you guys What's up T-Man It was good texting With you last night About the Tiger King Dude we had fun
Starting point is 01:03:13 We had fun Are you guys talking Are you guys talking About that today Yeah what takes Do you have You're our last segment Right now
Starting point is 01:03:20 And we've already Talked Tiger King We talked about it Like an hour ago Yeah we just We're running it back We realized that We needed your takes. Dude, like what is
Starting point is 01:03:27 happening? Who are these people to you, man? That's the question that everyone wants to know. I watched like, you know, four, five episodes and you know, I honestly don't know what to say. I know that's not
Starting point is 01:03:43 very exciting for me. Who's your number one power player? It's got to be Bhagavan or whatever his name is. The guy with five girlfriends. That's Doc. Yeah, his first name is Bhagavan. Oh, yeah, Bhagavan. Dude, no one's doing that. Next to God, I believe is what that means.
Starting point is 01:04:01 No one's doing that. Especially with the ponytail. He's pretty much holding her hostage. It's like making a good boob job. Najri? Is this guy my hero? I don't know. He's changing their names.
Starting point is 01:04:14 One of his girls or ladies that actually, she has that dope-ass dog that's on her lap while she's doing the interview. She escaped. Why did her uh why did her dad like just willingly drive her down and be like all right here you go don't fall in love with your boss why did what was the deal with him he didn't know what he was what they were getting into i don't know it sounded like he had an idea hey team man how's quarantine going for you man honestly it's, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I'm currently picking up some 96-4 ground beef for lunch. Okay. Oh, wow. So I got a conference call at 1145. Trying to get in a quick lunch before that, you know? Are you getting your gains? Like, what's going on here? Give me your homework.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Dude, yeah, have you guys not seen my IG story? It's crazy. I went to Academy and got some bumper plates, got some bar barrels. I'm just like, I'm in the backyard with the shirt off, just like getting swole. I don't know why. Yeah, yeah, right? I mean, I tried to do an Orange Theory online class, like one of their three body weight things, like day one of quarantine,
Starting point is 01:05:24 and then immediately after I just went to the academy. I couldn't do that anymore. I had to work big boy weight. Yeah, I know you, man. I used to see you messing around, throwing around big boy weights. What are you guys doing? I know last time's closed. Not a whole lot.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Dave and I are running a little bit. Dylan's moving furniture. We're running a little bit Yeah moving furniture honestly That's how I've been getting my work out the last few days But it's been tough man How's your new house Dude it's lit you gotta come check it out man Have you had a house party yet
Starting point is 01:05:57 Not yet Yeah not yet You're thinking about having an e-house party Just me and the homie had a house party. That was fun. Yeah, dude, I saw his room. That's like... You see that? It's Tyler.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah, I'm jealous. Did that do numbers last night? People seem to enjoy his room. Yeah, Sally was a big fan of that. Was she? Yeah, a lot. She had a slide. People are asking me for a full house tour, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:22 You got to do one. We'll see. Yeah, why don't you do a crib? Let me put things in. tour, but I don't know. You got to do one. We'll see. Yeah, why don't you don't do cribs? Let me put things in. Oh, be careful, man. People will be very critical of your home. Oh, I know. People are not shy about telling you what you should do with your designs.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Yeah, I know. Your interior. They can shove it. Are you talking about the crooked picture? I saw that on Twitter. Well, people don't know. We had like a seismic activity. We had like a 3.5 on the Richter, and that's when I shifted his photos.
Starting point is 01:06:53 That's crazy. That's crazy. Dude, let's go. Let's go, teammate. Let's go. All right, well, this has been fun. You got any shout-outs you want to make? Any sneaky shouts? Shout-out Dallas, Texas.
Starting point is 01:07:11 214 Building. Dallas County. Shelter in place. Collin County is probably next. So your boy will be sheltering in place in the near future. So just shout-out there. You know, everybody stay safe. Social distancing.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Well, hunker down, T-Man. Be safe, man. Support local. Bye. All right. See y'all.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Bye. There's T-Man. That's T-Man. T-Man! Should we get out of here? Yeah, I think so. We'll be back tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Probably our last time in the studio together, guys. Oh, that's sad. We'll see. We'll see. All right. Either way, if you haven, guys. Oh, that's sad. We'll see. We'll see. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Either way, if you haven't started Tiger King, just do it. How can you not after this episode? How can you not? Yeah. All right. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Bye. Bye. Bye.

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