Circling Back - Throating Worms & Men's League Hockey
Episode Date: March 5, 2025We take a look at how Grok defines the Washed Media team, Western Ontario Brett joins us to discuss tonight's Men's League Hockey Championship Game, Will is going to go for the gummy worm Guinness Wor...ld Record, This Weekend in Fun, and more. Enjoy a free one-week trial on Patreon for additional weekly episodes: Watch all of our full episodes on our new YouTube channel: Shop Washed Merch: (0:00) Fun & Easy Banter (14:00) Grok Profile Descriptions (38:31) Will Is Ready To Break A World Record (47:45) Brett’s Men’s League Championship Game (56:30) This Weekend in Fun Support This Episode’s Sponsors Rocket Money: Shopify: Huel: Get Huel today with this exclusive offer of 15% OFF + a FREE Gift at with a minimum purchase of $75. Rhoback: (WASHED20 for 20% off) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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We are coming.
All right, we're back.
Circling back podcast.
It's Wednesday, March 5th, 2025. My name's Will DeFries. Not DeFries.
The Fries guy. David Roth. Two things. Straight up. Love Early bird. Put on a t shirt today before I left the
house. I was up against it as they say. This is an early bird
t shirt. I have a couple of them. The gray one is my
favorite t shirt. Hands down. This one is the same style t
shirt only it is a medium. I'm gonna help myself as wearing a
medium. That's a medium dog. Here's the deal. That's a
medium. This t shirts tiny. It's a smidium dog. Here's the deal. That's a smidium. This t-shirt's tiny.
I have shrunk the t-shirt.
Yeah, but you're fit.
It's funny because it's the first thing you said
when you walked in today,
but if you hadn't said anything,
I never would have thought anything about it at all.
You know who has put it in my head is my wife.
She'll give me a look.
And not like the look you're thinking, not like a...
No, we're married so we don't get those looks anymore. Was she barking when you put that shirt on earlier?
Can you be 20 minutes late to work today, not one of those looks?
Two minutes late to work. Hey, we're having fun. No, it's just, the shirt fits me a little snug.
I'm not trying to put anything out there. Thanks, guys.
That was funny.
I'm going to be at the comedy store next week. I'm doing two shows. What?
Is that a real place?
The comedy store? Yeah. Out in LA. It's like the world famous.
Dave, I won't actually be there.
Since I'm on solo dad duty every morning. I've been employing the Jersey Shore method of taking care of my kids before going out the
door. I'm doing the shirt before the shirt. I'm just rocking around
in a ratty t-shirt that they can put their
snot on, put their breakfast on, put their whatever on.
That's a smart move. If you have a toddler who is knee to thigh high and they come give
you a hug and or whatever, grab your leg, you may get a snot stain down there that dries
and it just doesn't, if you don't notice it for the day, it just looks bad.
Yeah. I mean, Dave, you and I both have, I, I mean, you got a four year old. I'm out here
with an almost four year old and they're right at a accidental junk punching height right
Four is the best age. It's the best age.
It was pretty devastating when Fritz was turning three and I made a joke to one of his teachers
about the terrible twos. And then she said,, but threes way worse and I was like what?
Don't no one told me that for is that perfect sweet spot between like being like a little cute kid and like actually having like a
Big personality come through and it's a fun. That's a fun little sweet spot there. You'll enjoy
Yeah, I had a I don't get to take naps very often.
And I had a golf doze off watching the, what was it?
The cognac?
The cognizant?
Dozed off for like eight minutes.
And how was I, who woke me up and how?
Well, it was my son, the aforementioned son.
How did he wake me up?
Just by fucking punching me, closed fist in the stomach.
I was like, why? Got ass dude? Why? Stand your
toes. Cool. Point number two. We're a we're a pro teacher
podcast. We love teachers, but just a little word of advice.
You got to teach them face to face instead of handing them a
freaking package. I've been saying that.
That touches heart.
Yeah. It touches heart.
Can't just hand him a freaking packet.
Dylan Chibury.
Started watching, uh, it's like a, just going to bed and eating something on TV.
Started watching a Netflix show called Running Point, which I'm sure has been
served to you guys numerous times.
Kate Hudson.
And she becomes the president of it's,
like her family owns this NBA team
and she becomes the president of it.
Anyway, the star point guard on the team
is played by Chet Hanks.
But he's put on like 40 pounds of just pure muscle.
And it's really funny.
It looks like a linebacker more than he does a point guard.
And it took me, I was like, you know, I was talking to Chelsea, I was like, you know,
this is Tom Hanks' son.
It took me 15 minutes to convince her it was actually Tom Hanks' son because he looks so
different now and nothing like Tom Hanks.
Is he really good in the show?
Like a really good talent?
He's the star player of the team. So I had
not to spoil it but does it end with like the owner inexplicably trading him
in the middle of the season? I didn't even finish the first episode like it
was if we started it really late but they're talking about trading him he
thinks he's getting traded but then they ended up keeping him. Oh cool. Anyway it's
funny seeing him in a role like that and he's just
jacked and looks nothing like a point guard.
It's funny.
No, in my experience, the best point guards are kind of doughy.
Might, might have a beer or two might hit the hookah.
That's my experience, but also just generational talents.
Just insanely talented.
I was hitting that hookah last night during that joint session.
Is that right?
More you?
I've never hit a hookah.
You're hitting a hookah during a joint session.
We were getting it all smoky in there last night for the joint session.
Good for you, man.
Did you guys watch that last night?
I just caught the, uh, the Twitter highlights here and there. I'm gonna be straight up honest, dude. Democrats aren't very good at like protesting stuff. Yeah, I
don't mean to. I don't want to
pile on. Here's the thing. If
there's one. There's one guy
who's ever been in that office
that's ready for whatever kind of
interruption protests you're
going to throw at him. And if
you're going to throw at him, you're going to throw at him. You're going to throw at him. thing. If there's one, there's one guy who's ever been in that office that's ready for
whatever kind of interruption protest you're going to throw at him.
It's that guy. Yeah. He's right. If you're going to do something wild ass, it's right now. He's
like, all right, you want to do this? You want to take it here? Watch this. No, they just had little
tiny black signs that they held up. I'm gonna start holding those up when I disagree with one of your takes.
What's it gonna say?
It's gonna say, this takes takes.
Yeah, I was stupid.
Yeah, it's a weird situation.
I mashed that speech button for about 10 minutes
last night before heading over
for some Champions League highlights.
It was a big night.
What do I need to do to convince y'all
to get into next level Chef starring Gordon Ramsay?
I'm about to do a draft tomorrow for my team.
I just feel like it's not really on my radar.
If you text me at night and remind me,
be like, hey, today I will very likely do it.
If you can catch, if you can watch the first three episodes
by tomorrow morning, you can be a part of our draft.
Who's, it features some a part of our draft. Who's?
It features some people from the WTI.
Wait, what's the draft on?
Next Level Chef.
I know, but are you doing this on a pod?
Oh, okay.
No, it's a friendship play.
It's a male friendship after 30 play.
Ah, doesn't exist.
Fair, hi Randy.
I will, I'll still be your friend though.
I won't watch the next level of Chef,
but I do like Gordon Ramsay.
Okay, okay.
Randy's all dolled up today.
He was peacocking around in his boots.
You got a date tonight, bro?
Randy's going to be-
No, but I will be going downtown
for a live performance tonight.
Oh, things will be great when you're downtown, Randy.
When you're downtown.
You've got two dates today.
I have an old coworker I'm grabbing lunch with,
and then I'm gonna go see Who's Live Is It Anyway,
downtown Paramount Theater.
Excited about that.
I was a big who's lines anyway,
get back in the day.
If anyone's wondering why Randy doesn't speak
during listener voicemails later,
it's because he's getting barbecue for lunch.
Is it the original people from the show?
It is Ryan Stiles for sure.
He's there and then Greg Prupes,
which was like the guy that had
the colored glasses all the time.
He was like a common guest and something.
Davis, he was a common
guest so not Colin Mochrie, Drew Carey's not part of it, Wayne Brady's not part of it but there are
be a lot of the original people. Wayne Brady made a nice career out of around Let's Make a Deal
which is a show that you know always comes on I think after the Price is Right and I always
catch the first few minutes of it and I'm always like this is the worst. That's No Whammies right?
Everybody's in costume that's all I really know. Whatever the No Whammies show is,
nope vibes are off don't like it. They rely too much on the audience to bring some heat
and the audience typically like has a bag of nothing. Just let Wayne cook is what I've always said.
Shout out CatPat.
Very talented guy who I thought would have had a better career than he did.
Wayne Brady.
What are you talking about?
Did he launch a pal show and stuff?
Super talented.
He's locked up that gig.
He's killing it.
Yeah, but like no one talks about Wayne Brady.
I just did on the stupid show.
Oh, I was thinking of Press Your Luck.
Well, it was brought up because he's not going to be at the show tonight.
Dylan, you probably watched Press Your Luck
when you were growing up.
I did?
No, I don't think I did.
You put off that vibe.
Little kid just eating his Charleston
chew. What's the one where all the models
have the briefcases.
Dealer No Deal.
Well, you're not watching Dealer No Deal
Island on Peacock right now?
Deal or No Deal Island is a show? I don't know, I'll be honest, I watched the trailer for it
and said to myself, you know what?
That doesn't look terrible.
Didn't you tell me Deal or No Deal
was your bad beat one time?
I don't think I said that to you.
Shout out Dumb Zone, just giving out shout outs.
Yeah, I don't remember saying that, dog.
Was it Meghan Markle dealer?
She was.
She was.
Should we do a segment that revolves around Dylan
called Deal or No Deal on here?
Like did Dylan have a deal
when we confronted this in the office?
Put that in that doc Dylan.
Type it in.
His original intro for,
cause I did recently re-listen to it.
For the original, do you know what intro for Dylan was?
He was a guest on what's your deal or no deal.
The first one.
The first one?
How about that?
Happy Tuesday episode.
Good memory.
There's a Grateful Dead song called Deal.
And it's kind of difficult for me to listen to it
without thinking of you.
Where did that even start? What's your deal? It was just some random guy just left a voicemail early on and washed history. That's all it took. Just saying
Dylan, Dorn, what's your deal? It was washed? Yeah it was washed.
We didn't say that at Grand Ex? We said that at Grand Ex, dude. I know we asked what your deal was.
I'm pretty sure it was like one of the first
for circling back listener voicemail episodes.
If somebody can track that down, that audio,
tell us what episode and timestamp or just send it.
We'll send them a T-shirt.
Yeah, no, we'll send you a hat.
A hat and a mouse pad.
You'll get a washed hat.
Yeah. We have several. Great point. If you want to buy one yourself,'ll get a washed hat. Yeah.
We have several.
Great point.
Maybe you want to buy one yourself,
go to
If you want to get one for free,
go find the episode and be the first person
to DM it to one of us.
Not me, cause I'll probably see it.
Don't DM it to me cause I'll probably see it later
than somebody else would see it.
I've been slow on the DMs lately.
I'm sorry. Okay.
I don't know.
Should we do this episode?
Can I get some announcements out of the way?
I'd like that.
Yeah, man.
Go subscribe to slash circling back.
And while you're in the subscribing mood, why don't you head over to
How about that for you?
How about that for you? Get, how about that for you?
Get a little newsletter in your inbox every Friday morning.
Have to say, words per newsletter,
washed might be goaded.
We're putting out heavy columns every week,
stacked up on one another.
Yeah, I'm due for a redemption article.
Yeah, I actually, I've wondered if we should just split up
the Washed Weekly and just do them individually.
Would that be a better play, like long-term?
Just one column per newsletter by each of us?
I don't know, just tossing out ideas here.
Give us some feedback on the newsletter if you want to.
Yeah, let us know.
Give us some feedback.
We don't get a lot of feedback on the newsletter.
Give us some feedback.
Bit Madness Bracket is live on Reddit. Go sign up. Make sure you put some identifying information there,
whether it's an app, whether it's your burner account, whether it's whatever. We want to be
able to reach you should you win Bit Madness, where all of our bits go up against one another
in a bracket style competition to see which bit from last year reigns supreme. See, it's a play
on March Madness,
the basketball tournament,
the men and women's basketball tournament.
Yes, I see.
Ah, yes.
That concludes in April.
How about them Aggies?
They good?
They took down Auburn last night.
A dude in an A&M hat pulled a gun
on someone in traffic yesterday. Was that guy wearing an A&M hat pulled a gun on someone in traffic yesterday.
Was that guy wearing an A&M hat?
Yeah, no, he kind of looked like Michael. But yeah, he was rocking the A&M hat, which is tough.
Their baseball team preseason ranked number one is now six and five.
Oh, that's not ideal.
Lost five of the last six games.
Season arguably over.
I bet they'd probably prefer to be 11 and 0.
I would think so.
Didn't go that way, unfortunately, for them. And finally, I had a cool guest on Sunday Scaries this
week. Did a little how Rusty Featherstone spends his Sunday, so go check that out on the retail
therapy feed or on the YouTube page for Sunday Scaries. But without further ado, Rusty,
on the YouTube page for Sunday Scaries. But without further ado, Rusty, let's hear from our friends over at Huell.
We're big Huell boys around here.
We got a bottle in front of us right now.
For us in this room, we were just talking about it, mornings are chaos.
Sometimes you got to wear the shirt before the shirt so you don't get a bunch of food
all over it.
We're out the door in minutes.
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I mean, Dave, you must've been low on Huell today
because you came in with some to-go breakfast tacos
from down the street.
I know.
I completely beefed it.
I realized we probably had a couple Huell in the fridge here like after I arrived.
But yeah, Huell, I mean, it was perfect for the scenario you're describing.
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You guys familiar with Grok? minimum $75 purchase. Okay.
You got somebody with Grok?
You guys use Grok?
Let me be clear.
Grok Obama.
Grok Obama's good.
I'm not a Grock user really.
I've tooled around in it, you know.
Are you guys utilizing AI in your everyday lives?
I've leveraged it.
I feel like I'm like behind in the AI usage.
I've been using ChatGPT more,
but I haven't been using it for things that like,
like I feel like there's useful things to use it for,
and I've just been using it to ask it like random questions
that I don't feel like Googling.
And I found that it is a little nicer than Googling.
I don't know.
What I don't like is that it learns about you.
Like I asked it a question recently, it was like,
well, you would like this.
And I'm like, no, we're not doing that.
I'm looking for some anonymous information
from an anonymous source.
I just use Grok to make JD Vance's face look bigger
and then I post pictures of it.
You use it to, you've been sending me a lot
of enhanced images on Instagram.
It'll be like young starlets with like,
can you pull up- Com comedically large uptops.
I'll give you permission to pull up our Instagram DM conversation and just click on one of the
links I sent you.
Actually, if you want to do that, just approve what you said.
I don't know if you should do that, Dave, you know, the FCC and all that.
No, man, go ahead. I'll give you permission.
As a producer, I think maybe you shouldn't do that.
Wow. Is Rainey trying to say that the FCC's not gonna let you be?
It's totally happening though, folks.
Yeah, totally.
Starlet, no one says Starlet anymore.
You sent me a Sydney Sweeney pic,
and I was like, this is fake.
And you're like, yeah, but could you imagine
if they were that big?
And I was like, what?
What the fuck?
Oh, the grog feature we're about to talk about. I can't even get it to work on my on Twitter.
Say it's so frustrating.
You got to upgrade your verification.
Unfortunately, it spins like it wants to.
It's trying to load it, but it never does.
It's edging. We're edging growl.
Yeah, but we're trying to load.
You get that new fancy laptop over there.
That's why it works for you.
I don't think it's just because I have a new like a new phone. You got that new fancy laptop over there. Maybe
that's why it works for you. I
don't think it's just because
I have a new like a new
laptop. Is that thing
utilizing quantum? That thing's
humming over there, man. It's
the heaviest laptop in the
game. Yeah. It's a little
quantum. I don't know if
anyone's bought a new MacBook
Pro recently but like what the
hell? I don't like how you
emphatically slam your laptop shut sometimes and I'm always worried about it. Well, I'm that guy.
Yeah, I'm the guy.
If anyone can do it, it's him.
I'm the guy.
Nah, I don't really slam it shut.
To be honest, most of the time I'm working on my desktop and I just press the power button
to snooze that bitch.
Ooh, fraud alert.
The fraud.
Big fat phony over here.
He doesn't slam it shut is the joke.
Well, desktop you can't slam it shut.
I still have to bring up my weight.
That's what he's saying.
You could just slam your monitor against the table.
Maybe. I'm sorry.
I might start working full-time from this.
Might ditch the desktop.
I know, I'm a savage dude.
It looks like something you could bring into battle
with you.
Oh, I can edit my photos when I'm a wartime photographer
during World War III.
My gram account's gonna be fucking firing.
I'm gonna be over in Russia, just taking selfies.
It's quite-
Bro, I saw the laptop guy.
He was over there, man, taking pics, dude.
I was like, hey, big fan of the scary. I love the He was over there, man. Taking pics, dude. I was like, hey, a big fan of the scary.
He's a lovely interview with Rusty, man.
He's the every man.
He's just a normal dude.
I'm glad he's doing well.
Well, the grok feature we're about to talk about, uh, now you can, now you
can have your profile summed up by, uh, by grok and I thought it was going to be
a little more accurate and
normal and it's just not. Do you guys mind if I read some descriptions of
people in this room? Please do. I will say I think the descriptions have
changed and will change no matter what. Earlier I clicked on NFT Nick's profile
and it gave me a pretty uninspiring recap of his profile and then when I
reloaded the page and did it again, it gave me a little
bit better of one. And so let's see what it spits out. AI is always learning. We're doing
Dave. Okay. This says Dave is a Duncanville to Austin transplant who streams about meme
coins and geopolitics, proudly raising a kid who wears
his shoes while roasting tariff tantrums and signature cocktail in hand. Are you really
streaming about meme coins and geopolitics? Maybe geopolitics on occasion. Meme coins,
I really kind of don't dabble. There's something here that like, maybe the second description you do,
that they are common with having a drink in hand.
Brett and me both had in our descriptions
with something in hand.
Liz also said, Dave's been cracking jokes
about bartenders, rollerblades, and gentrified cocktails
while nodding to pals like Will DeFries.
That's accurate.
I don't like that it,
it's just mentioning me in other people's profiles.
Are you mentioning mine too?
I was yesterday.
Why are you such a big player here?
Cause I think I like your tweets and stuff.
Oh, I do have some fire ass tweets.
So that makes a lot of sense.
It also singles out my sister-in-law.
So she's one of your biggest fans.
Which one?
Fans like Lily Becher rave about
D Carter Ruff's podcast vibes.
Hello lady.
Dude, I don't remember her raving about your podcast.
No, she's always raving about me.
My sister-in-law will never stop talking
about your vibes on the podcast.
Thank you.
Big Dave fan.
Didn't know she was really in on Twitter.
Dave's her favorite on the show.
Is Dave her favorite?
What does it say about your boy?
I think it's only including my name because I'm doing it from my profile.
Wish I could verify that by using the feature myself.
I just did circling back and it says three golf obsessed podcasters.
Well, two.
Who'd rather debate tea times than grow up.
That's fair.
That's kind of a shot.
Hosting a share where they riff on meme culture
and their own chaotic lives with a frat boy flair
that would make Will DeFries book a conference room
just to join in.
That's weirdly like pretty accurate.
Did you just call me a GDI?
How does it know the content of the podcast?
You know?
You know what I mean?
It's hard to say.
Maybe because we promote the podcast on Twitter and it just picks up like things
from the title of each episode or something. Yeah. It's
probably something like that. I don't think it's listening to
the pod. If it is, fuck you, Grok. It's not. I don't know if
you want to be talking shit to AI man. Why don't you calm down
buddy? I'm not scared of AI. Part of the reason I don't want to use Grok is
cause I'm worried that one day Elon's going to be like,
all right, everyone's Grok history is going to get released
We're just going to create a person with your Grok history.
And then it's going to be like Dylan.
It's going to say like Dylan's Groks are going to be like
Sydney Sweeney, boobs, bigger UT cheerleading uniform.
Well, it did.
Well, Grog won't do like stuff like that.
Will it?
I don't know.
If you type in like, you know, nude, blah, blah, blah.
Like, no, we can't do that.
I only, I've only typed in one prompt for it to make a photo.
And I was, cause I was like,
how accurate can this get?
And I was like,
what would be a good scariest photo
that doesn't exist?
And so I typed in Maya Jama and Dua Lipa meditating together
and the photo that it spit out was so accurate
that it like creeped me out.
Dee Shivery is a podcasting dad who once did a mezcal
bone luge dinner believes handshakes over one second
or a nightmare and rates Christmas trees
with precision of a golf swing.
Perfect for tea time obsessed will to freeze.
D. Schivery has been hyping a sick kid,
roasting ex-fos and marveling at Severance Season 2's
mind-bending glory all while parenting
a betting fourth grader.
Yeah, those are just like my last like 10 tweets, I think. It didn't go too deep in my catalog. Yeah. That's pretty funny. Yeah, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that.
I'm not going to do that. I'm
not going to do that. I'm not
going to do that. I'm not going
to do that. I'm not going to do
that. I'm not going to do that.
I'm not going to do that. I'm
not going to do that. I'm not
going to do that. I'm not going
to do that. I'm not going to do
that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm He said, go ask your mom for a hundred bucks so we can bet. And he's like, I have a hundred bucks.
I got it like that?
I got it like that.
I'm flush right now.
I think I could beat the kid in a foot race.
Oh, he's in fourth grade.
Oh yeah, I could beat him though.
Yeah, you probably could.
Yeah, probably could.
Randy, I sent you a Grok image I made recently.
Oh, okay.
And I'm doing Grok on a circlingbacks account
and they don't mention you.
So I think it is very much since you're the one doing it,
you are correct on that.
Well, mine says,
Will DeFries is a self-proclaimed reality TV junkie
and Zen enthusiast,
believe the best hangs happen with a 30 rack and Bob Seeger
all while proudly flexing his flip cup stats
from Brett's holiday party.
Like I don't even remember touting my,
Yeah, I was on fire that night though.
I was on fire.
Okay, this is the image that Dave sent me.
It is Barack Obama at Hooters.
He's wearing the Hooters colored shorts.
The orange shorts that match the nice waitress.
Is this the photo you did a cameo with the other day?
It is. Oh yeah, if you find us on Cameo, you can now do, what's it?
Green screen.
Green screen. And the cameo game has now been elevated.
And you chose Barack Obama at Hooters.
Yeah, we were at, in theory, I was at Hooters with him.
Why is he wearing Hooters colored shorts
with his denim shirt?
Maybe he's applying for a job.
Probably, yeah, manager.
Yeah, it's better than a tan suit.
I'm kind of surprised that there's never been a,
have there been lawsuits against Hooters
for not hiring men as waiters?
No. I don't know.
Not that I've ever gone anywhere.
Yeah, that's why they're going bankrupt.
That's why they're going bankrupt.
We didn't properly eulogize Hooters on this program.
Do you have any comment on that, Dave?
That's why I made this image.
I just never did anything with it.
You know, I think it's unfortunate.
I think they'll be back.
Somebody will pick them up and make some,
make some cuts, some changes and we'll,
we'll get them again.
Hopefully they don't touch the wing recipe.
Cause the wings,
Rooters wings are up there with anybody.
Yeah, they're good.
I'll say that.
It's very sad.
They were, they were good.
Yeah, it's a sad, it's a sad time. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that the government could maybe give
them a bailout. If there's anybody to do it, it's the guy we got in there now, bailout Hoot. You
can't say America, you can't start your speech last night saying America's back of Hooters
is going down the shitter.
I'm pretty sure Nick Adams is on this already.
Okay, good.
Why don't they just let him,
why don't they just let him like handle it?
The original restaurant, the Hooters are?
I assume so.
I never felt more proud to be American
than that video of that English guy just like going,
I'm in a truck, listen to country music,
I'm on my way to Hootahs.
I'm like, yeah, that is, fuck yeah.
Yeah, that's what we do over here.
Well, it's like the subplot from
you're living the American dream right now, bud.
Love actually, the British dude comes over here,
meets Alicia Cuthbert and prospers.
Yeah, but then he finds out she's a porn star, right?
It could be, that could have been the prequel.
Girl Next, what was that called?
Girl Next Door?
Definitely pre, I think so.
That's a good little movie.
That would be a really good rewatch.
It's good, it's funny.
I feel like no one talks about that movie anymore.
What's she doing?
Cause she turned- She's married a
Hockey player of note whose name escapes me. Did she turn down like the illuminati offer? Sounds like it
Dylan what's grok telling you?
Uh, i'm not on grok right now. That's okay. Randy. I sent you a photo to show the pop the capabilities here
Is this the one that dylan sent you? Yeah. No he I had to I had to search my own g rated one
She uh, she still looks good
Not surprisingly dylan. What do you think about this? So what's she doing here?
That does something for me but
Dude the qz the qZ under the uniform with the borderline
barber coat on like she's kind of stunting. That's a vibe.
It's a picture of Sydney Sweeney in a Texas cheerleaders
uniform with the barber jacket with the barber jacket for the
people listening at home. She's two or three collars short.
She's married to Jean Fanouf of the Maple Leaf of Maple Leaf's
fame. Okay. Oh, yeah. She is she Canadian? She must be. She is
Canadian. Yes. I mean, marrying marrying the the Maple Leaf's
captain as a Canadians kind of like being the first lady,
right? Yeah. They gotta to have the news on the playoffs first.
Red Wings on a tough little skid.
There's only one hockey championship I'm excited about. More on that later.
It's called Tees. Yeah, that's what Dylan was sending Dave earlier. Yeah. Wow.
That's what Dylan was sending Dave earlier.
You're a pros pro man.
Why was she wearing that jacket?
It's because it's cool.
It's called us.
What are you talking about?
November game.
Like they have team issued jackets.
November game.
She brought the barber out.
Chill out.
She had this shit off.
It's unseasonably cool in Austin. Just let her let her wear a jacket. She had the **** off. Unseasonably cool in Austin.
Just let her let her wear a jacket. She might go jack it
off. I don't know. It's it's her boyfriends from Sig Up. Yeah.
That's fair. Could have been during like the playoffs. What
was Glenn Powell? He was uh was he a Jede? Uh I think he was a
Sig Up. You think he was a Sig Up? Yeah. Yeah. He was a
Sig Up. Is that what Bear was? Yeah. Brothers for life.
Yeah, all Sally's guy friends were SIGAPs. So I only know the SIGAPs from Texas.
Conahay was a DELT?
Yes, sir.
Shut up.
Yes, sir.
Delta, tall, Delta.
You went to Purdue, man.
I believe in Delta, tall, Delta.
If you're education, youth, inspiration, maturity.
So I better live in Land of Truth. Well youth inspiration maturity. So I'm better better living
Well said Randy, you know that yeah, you crushed that yeah, you all heard exactly what you said just good delivery
A buddy of mine in college keyed a
Car for a Delta Delta Delta Tau Delta
Remember brother. I don't think I've ever keyed a car. I didn't talk. I didn't talk. I didn't talk to the guy after that
That's sorry. Yeah. He was mad at this guy and I was and he was in our room and he was like,
yeah, I just went and fucking keyed his car.
I did the whole thing and I was just like, oh, he did it for somebody.
No, he did it himself.
Like he did it because he was mad at the brother.
And I was immediately like, yeah, I don't think we're friends anymore, man.
Like you can't just be key in people's cars.
And to be proud, like proudly
telling people about it.
That's a real like bitch move.
You shouldn't total bitch move.
Can we talk about a traffic thing today?
I told y'all I got flicked off by a cyber truck the other day.
Not the tank.
So today I was driving to work and I hit a yellow light.
Uh, it was a, it was a green arrow that was going yellow and I
wasn't willing to risk it just cause I was, I was pretty much the last car that could have feasibly gotten through. So I put the brakes on, not in an immediate way.
And I looked at my rear view mirror and I saw this car just screaming up to me.
And I saw him in my rear view just go like this.
Oh yeah.
He just gave me like the frustrating like, how can you not go there?
I'll hit you with one of those.
I usually do like a, like, I'll hit you with one of those. I'll hit you with one of those. like this. Oh yeah. He just gave me like the frustrating,
like how can you not go there?
I'll hit you with one of those.
Yeah, that's, I do that.
I usually do like a, like, like come on.
I do hands on it, come on.
You ever try to look at him in the side view here,
the rear view, like, yeah.
Well, I don't know what came over me,
but then I decided to go like this in my car.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, you mocked him. Yeah, you mock him.
That's a good move.
And then I ended up turning before he did.
And I later saw the car coming up South Lamar
and like neared toward the office
and the dude just ripped by me.
I was like, this guy hates me.
Should have given him one of these.
Oh no, you don't wait.
You don't wait the night.
I feel like Austin drivers have gotten crazy lately.
It's South Lamar, dude.
Dude, it's wild in here.
South Lamar is a war zone, man.
Everyone's so fed up with the construction and stuff
that people are just going wild.
Taking it out on your fellow man.
Dude, Austin drivers suck.
There's so much pent up rage on the road here.
Yeah, that's true.
But I will say that moving to Austin,
I've realized that the yellow light is much longer,
in quotes here.
So many people go through like the first second
of the red light.
I wouldn't call myself shy when it comes to yellow lights.
And so I felt like I was appropriately stopping today.
He was thinking not only could you have gone,
but he also-
Exactly, and like if I could have a face-to-face
conversation with this guy,
you ain't making that light, my dude. Like there was was no way I was going to make it. You weren't making
On the left turn, people will run the light. It'll be like, okay, one car. You're like,
okay, that makes sense. Fine. It just turned. You'll get two or three following. You're
like, well, this is egregious.
No, but it feels so good when you get through that yellow light and then you see someone
behind you and you just know that,
hey, if anyone's getting pulled over, it's this guy.
I don't know how many times I've been here
and seen like that red light has been red for two seconds
and cars are still going through.
And that doesn't happen up North,
but I've seen a lot here.
I get why Dylan's not going through that yellow light.
Okay, yeah.
Probation from that DWJ you got.
I assume that means driving while jacking.
That's not only as an actual charge, but no, I didn't get one of those, man. Didn't you say you were for sure you're going to get off with a warning?
Wasn't the guy wrote you up?
DWJ. you're gonna get off with a warning. Stopped. And then the guy wrote you up. Yeah.
He cuffed you and you're like, yeah, that's right.
Cuff me.
When I had that flat tire, you said,
well, I'm a big car jack guy.
I can work a car jack.
Yeah, that's true.
You can?
I'm always worried I'm gonna place it in the wrong spot
and crack the.
That's the fear.
Put it on the body
Then it just comes shooting out at you and takes your legs out. I have that
Irrational fear. It's not irrational. Does it happen? I don't really it's happened. Not not when I do it
You know, I'd be putting it on the right spot. Sure. Didn't you have trouble with the lug nut?
Yeah, sometimes they're a little tight. You got to really crank that thing.
You said you're always lugging a nut.
Too actually.
Flick it for a ticket.
What's wrong with you guys?
You're like, turn around, don't drown.
A lot actually.
Ask Rock.
What's wrong with Dave Ruff?
Dave Ruff tips his cap to Will DeFries while holding a drink and talking about...
His fans rave about his jerking off while driving jokes.
Not a weird man.
I feel like we could hire someone
that knows SEO really well,
just to write us like really good descriptions of ourselves.
Oh, cool.
I just got this email from a guy from SEO solutions
trying to set up a meeting.
Just unsolicited.
To anyone who's currently like working at SEO,
like just stop.
Don't stop working in SEO, but just stop cold emailing and then following up three different
No one cares about their SEO presence that much.
Just do numbers and it'll naturally happen.
I'm looking for my CEO presence.
It's here for our friends over at Rocket Money.
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I'm a reality TV junkie.
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Well, we've talked a lot about world records in the past.
We've talked about Dylan, um, potentially taking a world record from dude.
I still need to do that.
Garrett's a guy who only has one.
Garrett did a blindfolded hook shot from half court.
Around half court. Yeah. 55 feet I want to say. He did it from.
Could be wrong on that. I could do that. Well, it's all about
just get, it's all about volume. You just gotta do it a bunch
of times. The numbers. So now that Dylan's locked in on his world record feet,
not F-E-A-T.
Hottest feet.
I am officially honed in on mine,
which means that Dave, the onus is gonna be on you
to figure out which world record you need to do.
But I've found the perfect world record for your boy.
Randy, can you put up the video, please?
Of course, of course I can.
For you, anything will.
I saw this, I got served this video last night
and all I could think about the entire time was,
I can do this.
I can do this.
All she's doing is eating gummy worms in 30 seconds.
And I don't think her strategy here is sound.
I was gonna say that.
Well, she's not chewing, right?
So it says most, she has a world record for most gummyworms
slash jelly snakes eaten in 30 seconds, 130 grams or 4.58
I'm sorry, but that that Shrek gif in the comments is pretty
Well, when they blow the whistle on her for the 30 seconds,
right here. Yeah, she just takes that thing out.
So she's not chewing completely. Who is this person? Her name's Leah Schutkever. She appears as though she is British. Is she a professional eater or something? I don't
know. What kind of question is that? You perv. You know, like a competitive eater. See what's going on.
She's a professional eater right there. So she- Dude, she's a competitive eater. See what's going on. Oh. Yeah, professional eater right there. So she-
Dude, she's a professional eater.
40 Guinness World Records.
Call me crazy, but this particularly is not-
I'm not impressed.
Like you don't have to be a professional eater
to eat this many gummy worms.
Yeah, I'm not impressed by this.
So I need to eat 4.59 ounces of gummy worms in 30 seconds and I can win.
Hey, you want me to click on here?
Don't click on any of these.
For a professional eater, she's in pretty good shape.
I'm just going to throw that out there.
Well, yeah.
Remember, remember, uh, Kobayashi?
Dude was shredded up.
He was diced.
She's just got.
Why are all her pinned posts like dudes
just staring at three's very odd?
Like what's going on here?
I think these are probably just reels
that she like has duetted.
Let's see, let's do...
She's in a cosplay it looks like.
Looks like she's good at swallowing without chewing.
So that's how you get 40 world records.
You just, you just throwed it 40 world records. You just throw it.
She's getting horny with it.
What is that item?
That was a giant gummy bear.
If you can be horny and a professional eater
at the same time.
Let's see the other two.
It's not the worst angle for her.
Oh, she's diluting it.
Oh my God.
Okay, so this is her thing.
Jesus, this got so grotesque.
I wasn't trying to make this a horny play, guys, I swear.
I was just trying to say that I could eat
five ounces of gummy bears.
You guys see the last pant?
Yeah, you might as well click on the third one, man.
We're in this for, man.
Oh no, what's gonna come out of her mouth?
She's just.
She keeps going.
She's talented.
Can I give it to her?
Oh, nice.
It's a gummy snake it looks like.
She's gay.
Yeah, she's horny.
Yeah, I'm gonna take a different strategy.
You're gonna chew?
Why not ball it up?
That was my first thought as well.
Can I just get a five ounce gummy worm,
ball it up and eat that thing?
I think that's her way of bypassing
the chewing aspect and all this.
That's her way of swallowing.
She just like feeds it down her throat.
I'm not trying to sound horny.
I'm just explaining what's going on here.
Thanks man.
I don't think that's even necessary in this scenario.
Chewing takes a bit of time.
Yeah, but I don't think she's going as fast
as you can possibly go just putting it in your mouth.
She's like pausing in between.
It's probably more difficult than you think.
Shut the fuck up.
I have been telling you how easy it would be
for you to do a blindfolded hook shot from half court,
and then you come into my world record
and tell me it's gonna be hard.
I think you can do it. I'm just saying it's it's not a slam dunk.
Yeah, no, it's a hook shot.
Can we can we put that on the books, Randy, and actually go do it?
Yeah, well, your arms gonna be so tired.
Yeah, it's gonna it's gonna take me 500 shots.
I don't think it is, dude. I think we just coach you and you get it. So
how are we going to coach? I do it not blindfolded for a while. Get the muscle memory down, blindfold
and then we'll just, we'll just throw up a couple straight up. Tyler could have broken
that record like easily and he let Garrett have that one. Tyler knows dude, Tyler knows
you got to have, we can't have a dude without one. I just want, yeah, I want him to be the
only one on the dude, perfect staff who doesn't have a dude without one. I just want, yeah, I want him to be the only one
on the dude perfect staff who doesn't have a world record.
So we're gonna take it from him.
And then if he doesn't, we'll come over the top.
What if he loses his job and they try to hire you?
He's the one imperfect dude on staff
after I take the shit from him.
Yeah, they might come after me, man.
I get it, totally.
What does he have that I don't?
A world record at the moment. For now.
Probably a massive fucking house in Frisco.
He probably does better.
He's probably got a par three course in his back fucking yard.
Millions of fans, millions of kids who just adore him.
But what happens when those millions of kids who adore him find out that he
doesn't have any more world records?
You think they're just going to leave him?
But who's this, who beat it? And they'll Google me like, oh shit. And before you know it,
I'm blowing up on, on fucking.
But how's your SEO? What's going to pop up?
It's true.
Do you know how many of those kids going to challenge Parks to a foot race after this?
Oh man.
Oh, he's been training.
I don't think Parks is as fast as he thinks he is. I'm worried about, I'm worried he's
going to come home one day. Like I lost a hundred dollars, dad. I'm like,, I'm worried he's gonna come home one day like I lost $100, dad.
I'm like, buddy, we're not paying it.
I'll call his parents.
The fastest way to learn your slows
by losing a hundred bucks at the age of 10.
Is this his uncut Jones moment?
Look at Jones.
It'd be a teaching moment, Dylan.
Let the boy run.
This could be his origin story.
I feel like this is a bad, bad trajectory to put
him on. If I'm like, yeah, dude, go bet $100
against this kid in a foot race.
Have we seen this kid though?
I don't know what he looks.
I think he's big.
This doesn't necessarily make him fast, but
he's a big kid.
Also, Parks doesn't get along with this kid.
I know Parks though.
Like I feel like he wouldn't, I feel like he wouldn't bet on himself
if he wasn't positive.
He seems pretty confident that he could beat GMI.
Let's take him out to the track, time him.
See what we're working with and go from there.
We could do a montage.
Yeah, I could train him.
I was a track star.
I was a runner, I was a track star.
I think we can have someone else train him.
I have great running form. I have the best running form in this office. I was a runner, I was a track star. I think we can have someone else train on book. I have great running form.
I have the best running form in this office.
There's a coach at West,
do you still have a school record?
He's like 12 now.
It got beat two years after me,
but I had more school records
than anyone else in this fucking office.
But you don't have any currently.
And zero world records too.
And so does everyone else in this office.
For now.
I did have a.
Will's about to house up like 100 gummy worms.
We have an inn.
I'm about to throw some worms.
This dude's throated.
We've got an inn with the UT linebacker coach,
inside linebacker coach.
Maybe he could hook us up with their speed guy.
Or hook your son.
I would like to get some speed training too, but it's all, it's about parks. Why do you want speed training?
Just be dope to be fast. Okay. There's a limit to how fast you can get though. You know, yeah,
there's a, I get 40. I'm just saying like, I get that you're past your athletic prime.
You don't know that there's TRT. Well, I told y'all that I got drunk in, at my brother-in-law's
wedding in Italy and convinced everyone in the
family to do a combine then I woke up the next morning remember my physical
ceiling Brett's looking very yeah it's not a good country to Sally now we're
out of town the weekend that we were supposed to do it and no one's put it
back on the books I think they're scared about big to
freeze you getting some time you have-professional athlete in your family.
Is he gonna compete?
Yeah, if you look at the dudes in Sally's family,
you wouldn't exactly say that my chances are great.
Are you the shortest guy, the shortest brother-in-law?
I don't know.
Why you gotta bring that up right now, man?
I don't think so.
It is just exceptionally tall.
Drew's not taller than me, is he?
He's just, he's athletic, but he's not,
I don't think he's tall.
I guess he's.
I want to leg wrestle Drew again.
He got me pretty good in combo, but it's been a minute.
Do you know what would be the most satisfying part
of that combine though?
If one of them loses to me, like I can, like that,
it's over for them.
It's over for them.
That's true.
We have a special guest in the building today.
Hey boys.
Look at him.
We've got Brett Merriman joining us right now.
It's a big day for Brett.
Big day.
Big day boys.
You got a Western Canadian vibe today.
I'll take that, you know, oil country out there.
Oh yeah.
That's the men's league sweaters hat,
Chester Quitch.
Oh, okay.
Not bad.
You know, big day though.
Dylan, you wanted a puppy sweaters hat, right?
He's talking with his New Yorkers.
Come on, do you hear what he said, though?
Yeah, I heard him. What did he say?
Something about puppies.
I think it's a boob play and I just don't want to get into it.
That's what you're telling me earlier.
Said you really want to get into it.
Don't spoil your weekend and fall up in it.
Brett, you're in a mens league
hockey situation. Tonight is
the championship game. Well,
you know, it uh it's the best
of three series. Uh we got one
last week on the boys. So, it's
a big night. We can we can
bring it home tonight. Oh, so
you're up one up. We're up one
oh yeah. Oh wow. Elimination
game for these others. Jamoaks. If team Seinbar gets it tonight,
we might be calling it sick tomorrow,
if you know what I'm saying.
How's that shoulder?
Shoulder's all right, you know,
it's a hell of a long way from the heart, but.
Hockey guy, man.
You play through it.
Hockey guy.
Nobody's 100% this time of year, you know.
Yeah, but do they, other guys have shoulders
just falling off the bone like you?
You know, I don't want to uh give away anything
about our team but we're
feeling pretty good heading
into tonight. Couple groins,
couple shoulders. I mean, if
you're not a bruises, you're
not not playing in the
championship game. You have
shoulder. Tape it up, man. You
get whatever you gotta do.
Absolutely right. No, we're
excited about it. Just gotta
play smart hockey, you know.
Is uh Yenzy and Skurgs? Are
they? Yeah. Can we get some, can we get some of the nicknames on your team to set the table?
Look, they got a big first line on the other team that we're,
we gotta be cognizant of. They got Stuncy, they got Keith and
Kainer. That's a, that's a hell of a first line and as long as we keep them at bay,
you know, we'll have a chance. Our first line, I'll put them up against anybody.
We got Lainer, we got Joey, Joey Bombo who's in net tonight Grazer?
Dude that guy's a fucking brazier spent a wall Grazer's been a wall for his are the razor
He got a MVP last week of the game
So hopefully he puts in another performance like he did last week you gonna dangle tonight or what I you know that's not my game
That's not my game. I just keep the other team out of the net
Play defense. It's me and
Me and me and Milan tonight, so who's dangling then? That's,
that's our first line's job. They put the puck in the net.
Maybe we get some second line. Fitsy on the second line.
I like where he's at Fitsy in the, uh, in the playoffs. Okay. So we'll see,
we'll see. It's going to be a battle.
Brett did ask me a potentially reckless question whether or not that he should
bring champagne tonight. I am on beer duty.
So, uh, you see the other team rolling up with champagne in hand.
It won't.
You should wear your black suit.
I'm dropping gloves.
You know, your black suits.
It wouldn't be visible.
It wouldn't be dropping gloves if I'm the other team.
I, you know, I'm thinking about it.
I, it's a set the tone play, but it probably won't be visible.
We'll keep it in my bag, you know, and we'll just, we'll go from there.
We'll, we'll take her out after the game.
If things go well, but not promising or anything, you know.
Is the game at like a normal time, like 6.30, 7, 7.15?
It's 9.45, David.
Dude, I might go.
I might be there.
9.45's in play for me.
I went to one last season.
Sure did.
I kinda wanna support my boy.
You got Harbs on your team? No harves will be there though
Yeah, he supports the boys. Okay. Okay, but yeah 945 Gold Rink Cedar Park
Do they sit up in the behind the glass wall or they are down there?
This game is in the other range so it's got stands. Oh cool
So, you know, you can sit down and grab a picture if you want. Oh
Is it be obB? Sure is.
It's still that food situation?
Yeah, food trucks galore.
It's in the biggest building you've ever seen in your life
where they play.
Like a warehouse type deal?
I went to the Empire State Building one time,
is it big in the-
It's not always that big.
Yes it is.
Is it that big?
It looks like one of those,
like Walmart distribution centers that you see out,
you know, on the way to Dallas.
Yeah, you know, they got batting cages,
they got softball fields, volleyball courts, you know, it the way to Dallas. Yeah. Yeah. You know, they got batting cages. They got softball fields, volleyball courts.
You know, it's, it's kind of a pretty good setup.
Must be an arm and a leg to run the place, you know?
Yeah. What's your energy bill looking like?
What's the damage?
It's high, quite.
We're excited.
They're running septic up there or what?
You know, I don't know.
I don't know what they do, but you know,
it's just going to be one of those things we get.
What does that matter? We get punched deep, get punched on
net. I like I like our chances.
Yeah, you gotta cycle it.
I'll cycle the puck. I'm not worried about that, though.
Dumping and chasing tonight.
You know, we'll see. We'll see what the possession game looks
like. If we get up a couple of goals, we just kind of play
defense, trap them a little bit 1224 check. 1224 check. We got to
be bad checking though. That's the thing. They got a good team.
So we want to respect them
What was the score last game? That's we put up six two on him. Oh
Close we played we played we played our best hockey last week
So I'm not gonna say that's gonna be our our everyday game. What what's your style?
Are you more of a physical guy or just to break out defensemen shut down people in front of the net?
Yeah, you know give them space but not too much space give grazer shots from the outside play the man Not the puck, you know, give them space, but not too much space. Give grazer shots from the outside. Play the man, not the puck.
You know, it kind of depends on the situation, but yeah.
We're excited, we're excited.
Could be a long night, longer morning, you know.
They're playing for their lives,
so you know they're gonna put it all out there.
Oh, they're gonna come out flying.
They know their matchups that they like.
We know our matchups that we like.
So it's just gonna be one of those games.
You gotta play smart hockey, and hopefully we get it done.
Thank you, Brett.
I might try to attend this game tonight.
I think you should.
I think it's gonna be good hockey.
Both first lines have former professional
hockey players on it.
Is it gonna be on TSN?
I don't know.
I think Sportsnet's got the rights for this.
Randy, can you go stream it?
Can you go and record it and stream it?
Oh yeah, I'll definitely be there.
Oh no, you're going to the comedy show.
Actually, the comedy show will probably be over by the time.
It actually works out pretty well for you.
Yeah, perfect.
That's such a late start, man.
9.45, you know, we'll be done by 11 and
be at Greenlight Social by midnight, you know. I might join you there on a Wednesday. I don't think you are.
Capri Funds for the boys? Yeah. What's in a Capri Fund?
Davey would like this group of guys we got.
I think they just like inject vodka into a Capri Sun and that's it.
Cool. Yeah. I think, I don't really know.
Okay. Well, Brett, good luck tonight. Thanks, boys. Excited. Hope to see you there. Good luck, man. I'm going to go get a ton and hockey guy right there. It's old Brett. He's dialed in.
Locked and loaded.
Well, I liked your tweet a minute ago. I didn't actually see it on my timeline.
I saw it on yours.
I have to go like it, possibly retweet it.
Yeah, my whole Twitter feed right now is just
screenshots from shows that are streaming on Macs.
I'm gonna start a rewatch fuck it. No, it's ridiculous
Yeah, I wonder if that's something I could do this bro. Let's go out this week. It's a crazy event happening
I like to turn off bro. There's a crazy event happening. We had the party and it was lit
I got yelled at by a prostitute. Let's just go have fun
And it's going up. Little War Trolls, let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
This week at InFund presented by Shopify.
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Go to slash circling to upgrade your selling today. slash circling. Dylan, what are you
getting into this weekend?
Thanks for asking, Will. Another pretty solid weather weekend to
look forward to a little cooler than last, but the sun will be
out pretty excited for that. Don't have a ton going on Friday, Saturday. Got Parks Friday. Sunday. How much am I allowed
to talk about Sunday? I don't know. Not none. Not at all,
dude. Not at all. We're doing a thing. We have we have a we
have an an a company thing. Bro, let's go out this weekend. We
have a company thing that we're doing. We have a crazy event
happening. A company event happening. I just.
Crazy. And I'm looking forward to it even though I can't talk about it. I don't know
why Brett is making us gatekeep so much but it's it's whatever. He was just here or kind
of a version of him. Yeah. Should I ask him? Am I forgetting anything? I don't have much
on the docket really. Looking forward to it.
Don't you have to go to like defensive driving? Oh for my my DWJ? Yeah. Yeah I do. I'm almost
finished. It's a pizza inn. That's all I got Dave if you want to take over man. No I don't.
Pretty much they got a big bag of nothing. Oh good, big dog. Okay. Now I, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Where do I begin?
So I'm, my wife's out of town for a work conference,
which doesn't really ever happen.
It's actually, I don't think this has ever happened
in our lives.
So she's out of town and I'm gonna to be with my boys and I will have some help.
My, my mother-in-law will be assisting with the boys, which means.
After Rhodes goes to bed, kind of wide open.
Someone wanted to put out a text like,
hey, we're going to Yenis or Fitzies or Harbys.
I could maybe be in for that. But that's about it.
We're going to the ball pit at Harbys.
Harbys, no one's ever called Harbys Harbys.
He probably is gonna hate that.
For Sunday again, there's a a making an appearance at a thing.
I don't know. I don't know what I'm supposed to say.
The Duncanville Panthers, the Duncanville Panthers are in your state championship came.
I believe that's this weekend. Should be. Took down the number two Allen team last night in a great game people call it the game of the season
So you're a fan of oh, yeah
If you're a remember old Anthony black is now on the magic was a Razorback his little brothers on the team
Tony B's on the team
Tony B was on the team
Tony B no one's calling Tony B. So I don't know, man. I'm going to be
hanging out. Maybe I'm going to, maybe I'll start Mad Men and start watching it in order.
No, I will be catching up on Severance. I've already talked to Alyssa. I said, look,
I'm not, you can watch some on the plane, but we're going to watch the next, I'm going to get
caught up and you can get caught up, but we're gonna do it differently.
So, sorry.
When the significant other leaves town
and you're in a show that is current,
you gotta throw everything out the window.
And that's about it.
I don't know what I'm doing this weekend,
but I got a lot of what ifs.
A lot of what ififs on the calendar right now
My weekend might start tomorrow night a couple weeks ago. We had a
Double date night canceled by some friends at the last minute. And so I think I think we might be doing a makeup game
Your boy snagged a reservation at Bartlett's
I've been there in a while still never been would like to go Bart. You would love the bar there David
Yeah, everything I've seen looks great. People are like man. Will you're gonna go with that?
that Asian style ribeye
You're not gonna go with the French dip are you it's a French dip when you get a rib I might go with that French dip
No, who knows they got that creamy horseradish get you a get you Texas strip, huh? Maybe I get a Texas strip
Outside of that
Not really too sure. I got two child's birthday parties this weekend
I don't want to go to either if I'm being straight-up honest
Not a big fan of little kid birthday parties at this point in my life unless it's my kid
And I'm tired of all the other husbands not showing up and
just hanging me out to dry.
Like trying to drink one to two Miller lights with you at 1030 in the morning, show up.
It's a message to all the husbands out there.
It is a weird...
Well, here's the dynamic. If a family starts, if they have one kid,
then both parents usually go.
If they have two kids, then one usually stays back
for like a nap schedule, something, just convenience.
And then suddenly you just find yourself being
just a dude standing at a party with a bunch of wives
who are talking about things that you can't relate to.
You turn into the fringe guy and you're like,
you're a fringe guy.
You mentioned it earlier.
You're kind of, they kind of put a little responsibility
on you.
I can't watch you go watch the kids
while we talk about stuff.
Yeah, suddenly I'm getting mauled in the fun house.
Some kid punches you in the nards for no reason.
Yeah, it's unnecessary.
I will say there's an Austin FC game home game on Saturday night.
And in terms of weather, in terms of responsibilities I have this weekend,
in terms of a lot, like I kind of think I might be at this Austin FC game.
It's been a minute. Got to support the boys. They're coming off a tough 1-0 loss.
I think I might be at this game. And you
y'all know what I'm doing Sunday.
Ooh, Dave, that thing.
What are we seeing, Dave? Give me that forecast.
It's going to be, it's going to be pull over weather at that
See, I don't, I don't really see a scenario where I have more
fun doing something else because, uh, I don't know.
I would rather have an okay time in a pullover than a great time sweating. I just think I think
it could be the night man. What I've learned about Austin FC
tickets is you don't need to get the all you can drink beer uh
tickets. It's just too expensive. You just gotta get
a regular ticket and then go one by one and you're gonna be a
happy camper. I might just take back some drafts. They got
Heineken on draft there Dylan. Oh
Zero point zero we can match that Patron button. We couldn't match that Patron. Have you tried you've tried the zero point zero
Yeah, dude the other weekend. I had like 15 of them didn't feel a thing. What?
That's not they're alcohol-free what yeah
That's what that zero.0 means. No
alcohol, Dave.
**** Yeah. It makes sense. Believe it or not. Of course, I
had them in Amsterdam. So, you know, it's a little different.
Really? Yeah. I saw that. It's not that much different about
it. I drink my Heineken's exclusively at the Heineken Bar
in the Las Vegas airport, Southwest terminal.
They do taste different.
That's facts over there.
So water.
Because they don't have any domestic breweries.
It all comes from over there, is what I learned.
The travel makes it taste a little bit different.
They put it in the barrels and let them sit under the ship.
Something like that. Yeah.
Where's my ship?
You kind of put off a, hey, I need to get my ship back vibe.
Do they use you province that Toranaga doesn't really like
Toranaga does not like that.
No, he's not.
Does OCC realize that they changed our lives with one single meme? I don't think so.
They should. You guys did. Way to go. Ah, good show. Do you
guys want an invite to the Austin FD game if I decide to
go? Yes. What time do those start? Nine forty-five or
seven thirty? Oh, reasonable time. Seven.30 baby. 9.45 is insane.
And by 7.30, I don't know why they do it this way.
In the UK, if they say the game starts at 7.30,
the game starts at 7.30.
Like they're kicking the ball off within seconds.
Dave, it's also like not close.
Where Brett plays.
Cedar Park.
Brett invited me out.
I was like, okay, maybe if I'm like,
I can step out after the show. I'm like, oh,
it's, he's not gonna get to Greenlight Social till midnight.
Like, no, it's Wednesday.
That's a rough crew on a Wednesday.
Can I get an invite to that Sunday thing though, Will?
Here's the thing, man. I'm not at liberty to invite anybody. I'm
gonna be out there hitting some, some shots at a par three course
with my absolute boys.
I'm hitting stingers only out there. I think I'm gonna be, I think I'm going to be out there hitting some shots at a par three course with my absolute boys. I'm hitting stingers only out there.
I think I'm going to volunteer myself and be a photographer.
Unless we get actual confirmation that we have a
photographer for what we're doing, I think I might be the guy
that's just popping around.
Are you bringing sticks?
I was going to bring some sticks, yeah.
I'm left-handed, so I can't just like
go naturally borrow someone's.
Fair point.
So it's kind of, I'm kind of between a rock
and a hard place.
In what sense?
That I have to bring golf clubs that I might not use
because I'm going to be taking photographs
because I don't know if there's a photographer
for this potential marketing opportunity.
Just a wedge and a punter.
Don't ask Brett any questions.
No, trust me, that's why I'm just bringing everything
and seeing where the chips fall.
You didn't tell me there's gonna be chips there.
Oh, any chips?
Someone told me, nevermind actually,
I'm not gonna expose this person. No, wait till he hit the button. One of my boys the other day told me, nevermind actually, I'm not gonna expose this person.
Now wait till he hit the button.
One of my boys the other day told me
they don't like kettle chips.
That's weird.
Like the fuck?
I think kettle chips are a top tier version of a chip.
They're good.
Yeah, but you're a baked Lay's guy.
No I'm not.
I'm a baked Barbecue's Lay's guy. I'll put that out there. Yeah, but you can a baked Lay's guy. No, I'm not. I'm a baked Barbecue's Lay's guy.
I'll put that out there.
Yeah, but you can admit that.
Like you can admit that it's kind of like cardboard.
They laser terrible.
But the barbecue was the worst.
If I was on a deserted island and the only thing left was a bag of baked Lay's, I'm just
going to die for a minute.
I thought you said a desert island and I was like, like a banana split
or something.
If I was on dessert Island, I'd eat so much tiramisu.
I would die from trace late chase cake.
Oh my God.
I'm so bad. I'm so bad.
I'd have such a brain freeze the whole time because I would just be eating so much ice cream.
Dylan, you do one.
I want some cheese.
You don't get to dictate what I say, bitch.
If I had a dessert island, it would be all cheesecake.
This is crazy. I would want the sand to be the crust.
Oh, yeah. You're eating. Sometimes for me, it's just like a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I know
that's plain and boring and nobody does that with me, but that does it for me.
Dave, I get it. I wish they had volcanoes of hot chocolate fudge.
Dave, I get it.
I do something really bad.
No, it's really bad.
Sometimes I will do a scoop of chocolate ice cream and then I'll put some sea salt on top
of it.
Oh my God, you're so bad.
It's a juxtaposition.
It's a juxtaposition.
You get it?
It's like the sweetness of the chocolate ice cream,
when it combines with the sea salt,
it's like for me, it's the juxtaposition.
Oh my God.
It kind of makes me sad
because Jackson hasn't texted me back.
He's a dick.
He's fine.
He's a dick.
He's a dick.
Actually, you know what? Take my phone. I'll take it. I'll text. I'm gonna text him. I'm gonna text him.
Juxten. Yeah, you know. There's gotta be a fucking dude out there named Juxten. There's gotta be.
Well, if he is, I'm gonna find him right now on Instagram.
Joe Juxten.
Well, if he is, I'm going to find him right now on Instagram. Joe Juxton.
Juxton. Yep, there's a couple of them. There's a couple of Juxtons out there.
No posts yet. I kind of wish there was more Juxtons.
I found a Juxton Roy.
They still roll that they don't have Instagrams. That's a dope.
Hey, should you just make that your avatar? That's a Juxton's got the sauce.
No, that's you at the thing Sunday, the secret thing.
It's true. It's true.
The secret event.
The secret event.
You guys have talked about it way too much.
It's secretive. If only there was a part three course near the office in Austin, Texas.
All right. I'm not going.
He's going to be there.
He's like a golf stick out.
My dad got a master's tickets and then we broke up.
If he cared about me half as much as he cared about golf,
I think I'd have a ring on my finger.
There's only two men I need in my life right now,
and that's Ben and Jerry.
Back to the desert.
Back to the desert.
It's like, if you're gonna go spend $400
on a fucking round of golf,
why don't you just go spend that on me and fun? I
Just don't got it and he's gonna be gone all day like sounds good. Yeah, actually that's like the sneaky best thing
I can just ride in my
You should go right I think it's time to launch a sub stack. Bye
Bye Bye. Bye. Bye.