Citation Needed - Drug Smuggling

Episode Date: October 19, 2022

The illegal drug trade or drug smuggling is a global black market dedicated to the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of prohibited drugs. Most jurisdictions prohibit trade, excep...t under license, of many types of drugs through the use of drug prohibition laws. The think tank Global Financial Integrity's Transnational Crime and the Developing World report estimates the size of the global illicit drug market between US$426 and US$652 billion in 2014 alone.[1] With a world GDP of US$78 trillion in the same year, the illegal drug trade may be estimated as nearly 1% of total global trade. Consumption of illegal drugs is widespread globally and it remains very difficult for local authorities to thwart its popularity. Our theme song was written and performed by Anna Bosnick. If you’d like to support the show on a per episode basis, you can find our Patreon page here.  Be sure to check our website for more details.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you're arguing against government oversight simply because they have super powers. Yeah, well yes. If the Avengers commit crimes or are found liable for something, governments can deal with that. But the government doesn't just like, they can't be like, oh well, you're super strong. So the UN possesses you now. Then we're talking about possession. They're talking about basic oversight and accountability. So how does that practically work?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Right? Ultron has taken over a city and the UN holds a vote to see whether or not to stop him. Surprise. Ultron was literally created because the Avengers didn't have enough oversight. You think someone at the UN wouldn't have mentioned, hey, don't make a super evil genius robot
Starting point is 00:00:40 in an indestructible body? Hey, guys. Okay, so Ultron was a bad example, but you see my point. I know. No, what? What? Keith and I have been standing here with a kilo of cocaine up our butts for like four minutes for our pre-show shenanigans.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And you guys have barely noticed us. Just you're too busy having your stupid superhero argument. I am an extreme discomfort. Fine, sorry, those are very good. Pre-show shenanigans. You can take the cocaine out of your butts. Yeah, sorry, whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:11 But I don't know, see, so maybe we should check with the UN first. Get a resolution. Take the coke out of their butts. Okay, you know what? No, illusions, you know what? Hello and welcome to CitationU. The podcast where we choose a subject, read a single article, the badger on Wikipedia and pretend we're experts.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Because this is the internet, and that's how it works now. I'm Eli and I'll be keystering this evening's facts and figures, but I'll need some coyotes to see me across the border to funny town. First up, two men who have been carefully smuggling trans fats in their bloodstream wherever they go for years, Tom and he. okay, it's good cardio. That's actually the life. I don't exercise. I'm a lot like the new Oreo cookies. The flavor changes with the seasons, but
Starting point is 00:02:15 at the end of the day, I'm pretty much cholesterol all the way down. And also joining us tonight to fellows with hairstyles that can only be described as Miami Vice Noah and Cecil to actually all of my features are pretty much defined by vices at this point. And at our age, it's more like moons over my hammy. Before we begin tonight, I like to take a second to thank our patrons. Patrons, if we're the white suited guy and sunglasses too close to the DJ booth, you are truly the farm full of human traffic
Starting point is 00:02:51 workers, a continent away. But in a good way, you're a good cocaine farm. Because what I'm saying, and we are confusing to everybody, probably like cocaine or not. If you'd like to learn how to join their rags, be sure to stick around till the end of the show. And with that out of the way, tell us, Noah, what person, place, thing, concept, phenomenon, or event? Will we be talking about today? Drugs Muggling.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And I get it. I did an essay about beer making, so now Tom's going to do one about my hobby. I didn't forget. I will never. Fair enough. And Tom, this is the second time drug muggling has come up in a company meeting, but the first time it's going to end without everybody turning me down. So are you ready
Starting point is 00:03:33 to give us the straight scoop of drugs? Oh, that was awkward. I felt like that was what is. That was awkward. I didn't understand your pause or why that happened. Wasn't a good because it wasn't good. That's why I'm going to say to you guys is what I'm going to do for whom is drugs, Michael whom. All right. Whomps is drugs. We'll say the drug. Okay. Who loves drugs, Tom? Ever America loves drugs. Heath. How about you? A lot. Great. And not just Noah and you. I don't want to exclude you. Well, it's pretty tough to tally the receipts on this. Most of the numbers I saw estimate the combined value of the sale of meth cocaine marijuana and heroin at around
Starting point is 00:04:17 $145 billion annually. And that is just Noah, that number. So don't scare away patrons. That is just no of that number. So don't scare away patrons. Let's give you a sense of the scale of that number. One, you can't type it into your calculator on an iPhone without needing to reformat the number. Put another way America spends as much on just those four drugs as it does on alcohol. A drug you can buy with your groceries in most of this country. Okay. Alcohol is country. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Alcohol is winning. Excellent. That's what my dad always said alcohol is winning. Now, there's an urban legend floating around that all of your money has cocaine on it. That is just not true. It's not all of your money. I looked it up. It's only about 90% of all the paper currency in the United States.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Oh, but you can get that number up to 100% just an irrational. And that drug money is so ubiquitous, so embedded in our systems and in our economy that we really have the drug trade to thank for the 2008 financial collapse, not having become a full on financial apocalypse. In 2009, the executive director of the United Nations office on drugs and crime claimed that had it not been for drug money. Our financial systems would have imploded upon themselves, taking all of us with it. And just so you guys don't think that I'm being hyperbolic, here is this fancy fuckers actual quote, quote, in many instances, the money from drugs was the only
Starting point is 00:05:55 liquid investment capital. In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the banking system's main problem and hence liquid capital became an important factor. Interbank loans were funded by money that originated from the drugs trade and other illegal activities. There were signs that some banks were rescued that way. End quote. Somebody's chopping up stacks of fives to snort through a rolled up hundred. They're just chopping the snot.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Now I'm picturing El Chappos storming out of a meeting with the Lehman brothers. It's just like those guys are fucking monster. They're not working with them. Because they're assholes. Of course, those drugs need to move about before they can transform into money and rescue bank of America and city bank from collapse. And since America is founded on a myth of puritanical virtue, despite being structurally dependent
Starting point is 00:06:53 on avarice and vice, many drugs are very much illegal. With financial incentives more powerful than my iPhone calculator to contend with, however, creative minds have always sought to circumvent the law and to move drugs across borders, oceans, really any barrier or detection system anyone has ever constructed. So today, we're going to explore some of the more creative methods devised to smuggle drugs. Often, great expense, so you can enjoy yourself a little more freely on a Friday night. I feel like Tom doesn't know that the moral of this essay is legalized drugs that grow
Starting point is 00:07:29 your own yet, but I am here to watch him realize it. Of course, one of the most common means of concealing and moving drugs involves using the human body. Body packing refers to concealing drugs on the person, sometimes by taping drugs to the interior of the ass cheeks, under rolls of fat or breasts, under the soles of the feet, or otherwise cleverly concealed about the person. Rolls of fat you say, well, look who just became the most in demand member of the podcast. Call me drug dealers.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Seriously, call me my Coke guy found Jesus and I'm getting less funny with age and I'm, um, just hit me up. Now, this method was much more common prior to the 1990s when the DA caught on and figured out how to screen for this stuff. And this, of course, led to cartels to move the party inside and conceal drugs, not so much on the person, but inside of them. Often large amounts of drugs are wrapped in condoms,
Starting point is 00:08:35 which are tied off, and then the drugs nantar the person. This is most often accomplished by swallowing the condoms of drugs, but as Eli does like to point out, the rectum is nightmarishly elastic and nature offers many pockets. Yeah. Tantan getting pulled aside at the airport. Okay, this is racist. This is racist, which I do. Now often drugs are nestled among legitimate cargo on trucks, rail cars, shipping
Starting point is 00:09:06 containers, and the like. These methods get very, very creative. Authorities have discovered meth being transported inside of pineapples. Cocaine and heroin have been seized hidden within watermelons and cantaloupes, thus marking the only good reason to have cantaloupe at all. Okay. Yes. Bullshit in a fruit salad. But now I know why my bar manager was always opening up cantaloupes like their scratch off tickets to the back to the holidays. In 2014, cocaine was found inside 4,000 hollowed out cucumbers and plantains. In fact, bananas, a major Colombian export, are a favorite fruit of drug smugglers. Crate's containing bananas made of resin and filled with cocaine are somewhat frequently discovered. I've just speak for yourself, Tom. I've been looking for a cocaine banana for decades and still have you have to find. Oh, I read with 29 cents a pound.
Starting point is 00:10:05 This is a deal. Do you remember the thing about banana peels being a drug that you could smoke? Yes. I'm the one time it's got like cracking it. And somebody's like, Holy shit. This is amazing. It's where the myth came from. Probably where it came from.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Not Megs. Somalis, which are already dangerously addictive. And then weirdly tortillas are also frequently used as covered. Huh. Yeah. In the case of the tortillas, you got to think about a stack of tortillas with the center hollowed out like a book safe from a Scooby-Doo cartoon. Okay. It gets much more clever from there, though. Authorities have confiscated powdered donuts where the powder turned out not to be sugar, but coke. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:50 In June. That's a type of. Yeah, it was slang for cocaine. You got it. Been. Yeah, he's good. I like it. This is the whole episode. I'm just doing it. it. Been yeah, he's good. I like it. This is the whole episode. I'm just doing it. In June of this year, a thousand kilograms of cocaine was pressed and made to look like
Starting point is 00:11:12 a shipment of potatoes. And it was seized. What? In 2015 in Spain, one and a half tons, and you can look up pictures of this. This is amazing. One and a half tons of cocaine was seized when it was pressed, molded, hammered together and disguised as wood and used as shipping pallets. Oh wow. It's freight. Oh, I just can't get over the donuts. One guy's cartel job is to hold a donut daintily
Starting point is 00:11:43 with two fingers and lightly tap all the powdered cocaine off with a butter knife. Like, was so much of the cocaine. Yeah. He's working super fast because he made French fries earlier out of the potatoes. Push to the limit. Bears noting here as well that frequently drugs are smuggled, not just in covert ways, but by people who have no idea
Starting point is 00:12:05 that they are doing it. One such instance was a guy, a retired 91 year old dental surgeon and devout seventh-day Adventist who was duped online and convinced somehow to carry a shit ton of fancy soaps in his luggage from Delhi to Melbourne. Unbeknownst to him, the soap was more Colombian spring than Irish spring. And he was unintentionally mulling about 12 pounds of cocaine in those soaps. Nope. On a rope. Now, uh, counterpoint, Tom. No, that's called lying after right. Tom lying afterwards. A cocaine has also been smuggled inside prosthetic legs. That's done on a fairly regular basis.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And it's also frequently hidden in arm and leg casts. But I love this. A recent find by airport authorities uncovered a cast that was made entirely out of cocaine. The cocaine was not in the cast. The cast was the cocaine. The whole thing, which is an all cocaine leg cast, a woman in Madrid tried the same thing except instead of a cast, her actual working suitcase was cocaine. Why? Bill was mixed with resin and glass fibers, but still her goddamn luggage itself was the cocaine.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Graham's tonight. He's better at this. I was actually trying to do the math. Did you get bumped up to first class? See, just a cocaine snowman with blue crystal meth eyes trying to get through customs. Okay, I take it back though. There's one person who can jump to the front of the line and suitcase pick up and it's cocaine bag lady. She's in our, she can jump. Now, let's cocaine get all of the attention
Starting point is 00:14:06 here. I also want to stop it in Meyer and instance from Manchester when a dog alerted a shipment of rugs. It turns out that millions of dollars of heroin that had been made into thin ropes were then woven and loomed and made into actual ornamental rugs. Hey, even after the dog alerted on the rugs, authorities struggled for some time to locate any actual drugs among the rugs. The rugs themselves were so well made that nobody had considered that, I don't know, they might actually be made entirely out of fucking heroin. Carpet skagger. Skagger is heroin. That must have been a weird day at the heroin factory, though, right?
Starting point is 00:14:55 All right, Juan, let's see what you came up with to smuggle H. Yeah, here you go, boss. Wow. The heroin is hidden inside these rugs. Oh, no, the heroine actually is the rugs. I turned heroin into the fibers and then I, I, I, I, I, I, wolf those fibers into hell. Brilliant.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And, and hold on. No, these rugs. They're, they're beautiful. Oh, uh, thank you. Thanks. I didn't know you. Weaved is weaved the term. Is that the right term weaved? Yeah, no. My grandmother taught me when I was little. It's just always been a passion. But you can do this professionally. I know. I know. I actually tried at a high school, but you know, heroin is just such better money and
Starting point is 00:15:43 but you know, heroin is just such better money and my parents were, of course, of course. Sure, you sure. Actually, wanted to be a singer, but you know, way of the world, right? Way of the world. We are heroin dealers. Yes, we are. We are heroin dealers.
Starting point is 00:15:57 We are heroin dealers. We are heroin dealers. We are heroin dealers. We are heroin dealers. We are heroin dealers. Well, the American and me admires the concealed carry nature of these schemes, they were really only offered here as a sort of an amuse-bush. A teaser, a taste just to get you interested for the real show, which is going to happen
Starting point is 00:16:15 next, after Eli figures out how to write an interstitial toss following this paragraph, which was clearly its own interstitial toss. All right. which was clearly its own interstitial toss. Alright, well, since Tom's getting meta, he's real name is s***. Okay. Time for a sketch, you know, unless it's funny, which case Cecil wrote it. Hey, Bush, you got a second?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yes, Johnson. What is it? We got a new order in for why these resin bananas. Oh, yeah? It's a little strange, though. It's for like 85,000 pieces. And it's going at a small village in the jungles of Ecuador. What is on? Yeah, no, and it occurred to me, you know, that somebody might be using this to like, and they might be using the bananas to smuggle drugs or something.
Starting point is 00:17:17 In fact, I think that might be the only possible reason that someone would have or buying that volume in that location. I see. I, uh, tell me, Johnson, That's a possible reason that someone would have for buying that volume in that location. I see. And tell me, Johnson, how long have you been with the company? Oh, I guess about seven months now, sir. Right. And in your experience, who buys fake fruit?
Starting point is 00:17:40 Well, people use it for decoration, for paintings, but school place. Right, right. And how many fake bananas do you think the entire planet requires for that every year, keeping in mind that fake fruit does not go bad? And none of those things would ever need to replace even one of our products. I don't know. I guess like, I don't know, maybe like 200 bananas? That's right, Johnson, about 200 fake bananas.
Starting point is 00:18:12 So if someone comes to us within order larger, then our last 10 years put together now, what do we do? We shut the fuck up as all the co-painness. Shut the fuck up and sell the Coke bananas, that a boy. Yeah, got it. And we're back. You can tell I wrote that one, because didn't really have a button.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Right? Just kind of faded. Probably should have killed all the characters at the end. Anyway, Tom, yeah. Where else are drugs? Where else are drugs? I will drug cartels need to move enormous amounts of drugs to satisfy the demand side of the American drug market. And sticking heroin up Eli's ass is only going to move so much product. To really make the big bucks requires dedication, creativity, and innovation to stay afloat. So let's talk boats. All right, so drug trade routes frequently have pesky things like oceans in their way. And as inconvenient as the
Starting point is 00:19:27 odd ocean here or there might be, the ocean actually offers many advantages to smugglers. Untold miles of open ocean are effectively impossible to patrol and miles and miles of often rugged shorelines offer a near infinity of drop points. The problem, of course, is not getting caught along the way. This has led to a kind of naval arms race between smugglers and the coast guard. Now, initially, this meant increasingly swift boats meant to outrun the coast guard if necessary, but as technology, particularly radar coverage has improved, traffickers have been turning to building their own submersible to move drugs.
Starting point is 00:20:08 You're about to close the hatch on your fucking cocaine submarine. You turn to your buddy and you're just like, I don't know, Nick, maybe we just support the decriminalization, lovey. This seems like a lot, right? We built a submarine, get a petition going. Now, Narco subs coming three basic varieties. There is the semi submersible, the torpedo, and the holy shit, where to go? Oh, you can't see it because it's a goddamn actual submarine. Semi submersibles are generally built from fiberglass, and they're designed to run just under the surface of the water to avoid radar or sonar. And they are very difficult to see by patrolling coast guard ships. They pipe the engine exhaust along the bottom of the hall of the ship to cool the gas before it escapes, making even infrared detection nearly impossible.
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's clever. What cocaine smuggling levels of funding on climate change and these guys would bang out carbon capture in like an afternoon, like one afternoon. We just got to get three fifths of LA snorting carbon on the weekend. On purpose. On purpose. Yeah. Now these ships, they are a horror show to actually work on since the emphasis is on moving
Starting point is 00:21:24 the maximum amount of cargo possible. The accommodations for the crew, typically around four people are very cramped. There are no toilet facilities, despite the fact that they frequently make journeys lasting far longer than a few hours. Hey, guys, I feel like we had the baby laxative after we get there next time. They also have an average range of 1700 nautical miles. They're outfitted with satnav and long range comms to keep in touch with their handlers. And they carry around 10 tons of typically cocaine within their hold. I don't know, Tom, for 10 tons of cocaine money, I'll shit off the side of a boat.
Starting point is 00:22:07 My God. I got the electric head to shit off the side of a submarine. You're fired. You're fucking fired. Then there is the torpedo style, which I find fascinating and it's all clever as all hell. This consists of a torpedo shaped shipping container or haul outfitted with a ballast system that keeps the torpedo far below the surface, typically about a hundred feet
Starting point is 00:22:31 or so below the surface. The torpedo cargo tube is towed by a fishing boat that is out on the ocean doing legitimate fishing stuff, but also towing thousands and thousands of pounds of coke. Okay, so, but one of these days they're going to catch cocaine, Godzilla with that rig. And no one is going to be happy with that. Okay, Godzilla lecturing the city of Tokyo about his band. God, please just step on us. God, I just cut the fine line, man. Now Now what's really clever here is the cop evasion system. If a patrol spots the fishing boat and decides something's up, the tow boat simply releases
Starting point is 00:23:15 the tow line. Okay, I feel like some of the crew are just regular fishermen though, right? And then somebody's like, released the cocaine and they're like, sorry, what? You guys even know about cocaine, Godzilla. This is dangerous. The torpedo once severed from its toe vessel, then releases a buoy attached to the torpedo and disguised to look like a piece of random flotsam. The garbage disguised booey is outfitted with a location transmitter. If the coast is clear, the original towboat may decide to retrieve their cargo, but if not, a second boat is on standby waiting for that location transmission signal. And suddenly I have a vested interest in cleaning up our oceans. Who's with me? Baby turtles or whatever. Am I right? Everybody. Now, finally, there are the true narco sub rains, which are exactly what you
Starting point is 00:24:14 were thinking. But here I have to pause and explain something else. All three of these categories of narco subs have one thing in common. They are built in the goddamn jungle in secret. We're not talking here about crude ships to build these. They need propulsion systems and comms and navigation systems. They need heavy machinery and sophisticated engineering. And all of this is done in secret away from the water in the middle of the fucking jungle. Okay. If no illusions ever makes a Noah's Ark, that's the other way. Just tell everybody my retirement plan.
Starting point is 00:24:53 See, you think I'm fine. And again, again, these are not small ships. They range from 60 to over a hundred feet long. It's not you just build one and then trailer it over to the local dock. And it's not as if these people are not being sought after while they're doing it. So these submarines are being built in the jungle and hastily assembled at the water at the last minute. So I like Ken him hastily assembled it last minute. Some of the seas that submarines were capable of traveling at a depth of about a hundred meters below the surface. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:31 330 feet below the ocean. They carried 15 tons of coke and they had a range that would get them from Ecuador to Europe with crew of six on board. Now, if submarines aren't your thing and I don't understand you if they're not, you may want to try going mid evil on the problem. In 2017, on the border shared by Arizona and Mexico, cartels hauled out a working full on no shit catapult to fling 47 pound blocks of marijuana across the border. That's fantastic. That's one of those ideas where marijuana was involved both before and after it's execution, right? The payload accidentally lands in one of the enormous catapults we used to throw undocumented asylum seekers back over the
Starting point is 00:26:17 border and it looks like a complex trick from Cirque du Soleil is going back and forth and back. I say, Jen, this's been like, okay, say this is what NAFTA was all about. It's free trade, right? Now, finally, we have to talk tunnels. In 2005, drug smugglers in Canada began work on a tunnel to connect a greenhouse in British Columbia to a house in Washington. Authorities on both sides figured out something was up and installed cameras in mics in and around the constructionities on both sides figured out something was up and installed cameras in mics in and around the construction sites on both ends. Then I love this. They let the guys finish the entire tunnel and wait it until the first shipment under and across the border before
Starting point is 00:26:57 arresting the moles. Do they at least let him cut the ribbon right? In 2006, a half mile long tunnel was discovered stretching between a San Diego warehouse and an airport in Tijuana. That tunnel went as far down as 90 feet below the surface. The floor was poured cement. There was a fresh air ventilation system. There was lighting. There was a water drainage system to prevent flooding. When it was discovered, nobody was at work that day, but there were two tons of marijuana lying about or one imperial no illusions unit of wheat. Correction, Tom. There was two tons minus whatever everyone could stuff in their pants worth of weed. but to be fair to Tom, the no illusions imperial units subtracts out the headstash on a man. In 2010, twice in one month, two more half mile long tunnels were discovered between Tijuana and San Diego.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Actually, you may want to watch where you step in San Diego, because I'm pretty sure if you jump up and down, you're just going to collapse the top of some dudes in our comics tunnel. Since 1990, 170 tunnels have been discovered across and under the southern border of the US, mostly in Arizona and California. Some of these tunnels have internal rail systems to allow smugglers to move vast quantities of product under the border. Long time listeners of the show will know that remember our El Chapo episode and his fondness for the use of strikingly sophisticated tunnels as a means of escape from pretty much
Starting point is 00:28:35 everywhere. The whole enterprise of trying to criminalize and control recreational drugs is and always was doomed from the outset. People love drugs and people love money. When an industry has an upside in the hundreds of billions of dollars, there is no end to the risks and the creativity that will be employed to get both. And while I support ending the stupid racist drug war, part of me would be just a little sad not to have like weed trebuchets and cocaine construction materials or home-brewed jungle
Starting point is 00:29:13 built submarines prowling the ocean. So remember next time you're about to hit a key bump, take a moment. And remember the extraordinary journey that coke made before ending up in your nose. Maybe making you wonder if you should build your own narco submarine. Spoiler. Yes. You should. And Tom, if you had to summarize what you've learned in one sentence, what would it be? I don't think dare words. It really didn't. I don't feel you. And are you ready for the quiz? Absolutely. All right, Tom, which of the following is the best name for a drug smuggling boat?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Hey, speedboat. B, the Mali Roger. Poth head over heels. Heels his waves. It's like double one. D, special K. That special clay. Oh, nice. Special. You can pronounce it both ways according to these are made to hard. Dust two. Dust two. The yellow submarine. Oh, these are the Molly Roger. I love the Molly Roger, but it's Dost too. It's clearly Dost too. That is correct. I missed your fantastic word play. I just want to say that.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I miss you. That's all I want to say. Cheers. All right. Cheers. We all know religion is the opi to the masses, which religion, Tom, which religious statue made out of drugs is the easiest to smuggle. Hey, all right. Louis Faracan tin B. Virgin Mary Jane C mother trees, trees. Okay. The Molly Lama. The mom is correct. Thank you. Yes. All right. Tom, knowing that cocaine has such a huge human toll, why do people still do it? Hey, it's awesome. Seriously, have you tried it? It's like getting compliments from your heroes, the drug. See, did I mention it helps you lose weight? D, all of the above. I don't help you lose weight.
Starting point is 00:31:31 How much are you doing? I will say it's awesome because it is also encompasses the rest of that. That is correct. I thought I'd get you nailed it. That secret C, which is not true. But the way he faster. All right. So at the risk of trying to do puns after Cecil and Heath, and a fully rested Heath, no less, Tom, in addition to the marijuana catapult, one of their ballistic weapons have drug smugglers tried in the past.
Starting point is 00:31:59 A eight ballastus eight ballastus. Eight eight the eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight These are excellent Noah. I don't think you should ever worry about following Cecil and Heath, but it's Blow-Gun's, be Blow-Gun's. Oh, I'm sorry they weren't actually excellent. I just couldn't try that. You're done, Swethis. I like that. All right. All right, Noah, Noah, you win.
Starting point is 00:32:35 All right, well, he's been off for a minute. I have missed his assays, so we'll have Heath do an assay next week. That's right, all right. Well, for Tom Noah, Cecil and Heath, I'm Eli Bosnick. Thank you for hanging out with us today. We'll be back next week and by then,
Starting point is 00:32:47 Heath will be an expert on something else or talk about a book he doesn't like. It's unclear, but we get to be good. So, treat now and then, you can listen to our podcasts and all the podcasts places. What books do you like? You like hats. And if you like to help keep this show going,
Starting point is 00:33:04 you can make a forever-so donation at slash citation pod or leave us a five-star review everywhere you can. And if you'd like to get in touch with us, check out past episodes, connect with us on social media, or check the show notes. Be sure to check out Okay, so that'll be the 20 by 10 new continental in our burnt umber. Yes, thank you, perfect. Did you want that made out of heroin or rug stuff?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Rugs stuff, rug stuff. Yes, obviously, sorry, old habit. And let that character you made up pursuit his dream. Right? Happy ending. right? Happy ending!

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