Citation Needed - Killer Petey, the scariest man in Brazil. And on instagram. [True Crime Special]

Episode Date: January 8, 2020

Pedro Rodrigues Filho (born July 17, 1954 in Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais), also known as Pedrinho Matador (Killer Petey), is a Brazilian serial killer who pursued and killed other crim...inals. His victims included 47 people who were murdered inside the very jails he was imprisoned in. Our theme song was written and performed by Anna Bosnick. If you’d like to support the show on a per episode basis, you can find our Patreon page here.  Be sure to check our website for more details.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I just think baby Yoda is like a hundred times cuter than the porgs. You're crazy. It's a bird that makes sad faces. Way cuter than Yoda. It's still just a bit to bird. Oh, hey. Hey, you lie. Oh, hey, hi guys.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Hello. Hi, yeah, you look, um, um, concerned, scared. It's a face. I guess both. Yeah, what's up. It's a face. I guess both. Guess what's up. That's a weird. Made a noise. So you know how I spend the first half of my day following Cecil at a distance, so he doesn't know I'm there.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yeah, the stalking. Right. Socking him. Yeah. Uh, court already decided technically not that. And it was, you know what I mean. Anyways, at the supermarket today, some guy bumped him with his cart and he's still just tuck him into the baking aisle
Starting point is 00:00:47 and murdered him. Just left him right there, just all covered in blood for bumping into him with a cart. And then as he left, the supermarket, someone accidentally like, did that thing, where you open your car door into your car door because you're opening at the same time. And then he killed both of the people in that car
Starting point is 00:01:05 at the same time too. All right, yeah, no, hilarious story. He lies because today's episode is killer, PD, so you made up this story about Cecil murdering people. No, I, I didn't, he's supposed to be here any minute. Look, look outside. Okay, yeah, he's parking, he gets out. Oh, look, he caught a guy littering,
Starting point is 00:01:23 he doesn't like littering. That's not it. Told you. Jesus, what the fuck? Yeah, he's parking he gets out. Oh look he caught a guy littering it doesn't like littering Told you Jesus what the fuck Cecil Hey guys, what's up nothing nothing at all nothing's up. See soul fur Did you just kill someone? What what are you talking about of course not? But if I did probably the worst thing you could do is mention that you saw something like that
Starting point is 00:01:48 because then Eli, that would make you a liability. Speaking of which, are you busy later? Are you busy? Do you mean it? I mean, I am busy. And I have to go. Works like a charm. Yes, he's faked a few murders today, huh?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah, yeah. I know a few stage combat guys. New Eli was following me, so I used some blood packs. I killed three of them. This way Eli's gonna stop bothering me for like a week or something, you know. You know some weird people. I mean, good word, people.
Starting point is 00:02:22 You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. Hold on, guys. He said, you said weird people. I mean, good word, people. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. Hold on, guys. He said, you said three people. He said you killed four, one outside, two in a car, one in the baking aisle.
Starting point is 00:02:30 That's right. Oh, yeah, yeah. I really killed that guy in the supermarket. I absolutely killed that guy. For bumping his card into you? That's a little extreme, isn't it? No, no. The card contact was incidental.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I killed him because he took the last panchetta. You guys want some? I brought it here. No, he's a good. Right? What? Yeah. Justified. I'm a question. Make a carbonara out of it. Last one. Yeah. Right? Fuck that guy. Yeah. Hello and welcome to Sightation Needed, a podcast where we choose a subject, read a single article about it on Wikipedia and pretend we're experts.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Because this is the internet, that's how it works now. I'm Eli Bosnick and I'll be slaying it. But I need some guys alongside me to kill it as well. First up, the guys who bleep it out whenever I say you should murder, sh-ch, Cecil and Noah. I'd leave it in if you stop calling her the unworthy lie, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:03:39 No, it's also just confusing, she's a puppet. How would she even do that? Don't bleep it out, never want to know. Also joining us tonight, do men who get away with murder every time we pay them, Tom and Heath. It is so cute that you think this is what being paid feels like. What? What does it feel like?
Starting point is 00:04:02 So good. Electronic panhandler. At the moment, that's my thing. What does it feel like? So good. Electronic panhandler. At the moment, that's my thing. Now, before we begin tonight, I'd like to take a moment to thank our patrons without you and electronically panhandler. Without you, we'd be forced into the squalid brutality this week's subject grew up in. Or we'd have to let get real jobs.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I don't know, one of those. But if you'd like to learn how to join their ranks, be sure to stick around to the end of the show. And with that out of the way, tell us, Cecil, what person, place, think, concept, phenomenon, or event will we be talking about today? Today we're gonna be talking about Brazilian murder celebrity killer, Petey.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And Tom, murder celebrity? You did an episode about your hero, even though I'm not allowed to do one about mine. Are you ready to make us a match? Okay, for the last time, Eli, Batman is not really a, that's not so, you say, so, it's not, it's a common. The Peloton until it's my turn again. You know, I wanted to do an episode about Cecil,
Starting point is 00:04:57 that's right, it's not Batman. So, tell us, Tom, who was killer Petey? All right, what? You know, sometimes on this show, like we tell stories of like horrible accidents and tragic events and terrible people and then also sometimes Eli writes an essay about a meme he saw once. I think this will probably go without saying, but I do want to make sure of two things right at the outset.
Starting point is 00:05:21 First, that everybody knows that I'm not writing this episode to glorify a murderer. And second, and probably more importantly, I want killer PD to know that I am 100% on his side, and that we are best friends. Seriously, for Christmas, I would like, don't kill me, and I would like that every year, please. It's weird because given Noah's recent absentia from smoking he then I asked for the same thing this year Yeah, yeah, no and for the same reason I'm asking for the opposite All right, so killer pity or Pedro Rodriguez Fijo is Brazil's version of Dexter, but without the Weird almost incest stuff. You're weird.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Ever. That's a good show. All is not. You are. I don't, I'll say. You're one. Two good seasons. Also, please note that I am using the present tense
Starting point is 00:06:17 right now because Killer Pee Dee is still very much alive and well, which once we get to the end of this story we'll almost certainly strike you as impossibly bizarre and deeply unlikely, and yet somehow absolutely and perfectly fitting in the context of the increasingly surreal timeline we have all somehow wandered into. Okay, when you said impossibly bizarre and deeply unlikely, I'm like, this is dexterous ending, but then no, you said perfectly. So not that.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Next week, Pety and Joe are pio are going to knife fight for a top spot and Trump's got a risk tied together. Go, PD. Right. So in most of these essays that I write about people, I begin with a blurb about when and where somebody was born. It's generally contextually appropriate, but not usually much more interesting than that. Not so for PD. PD was born on June 17th, 1954 with a misshapen hat. I know what you're thinking, Tom. I've seen newborns. Misshapen hat is pretty standard.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yes. All right, it is. Generally, though, the reason is a misshapen skull is from traveling down the birth canal and not, as in PD's case, from his mother having been kicked by his father so hard that it dented the kids brain pan in uterus. So I guess what I'm saying is things were not off to a good start and they're taking soccer way too seriously. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah, the dad celebrates the kick by running around the house screaming go. Oh, subscribe. So Pedro PD was the oldest of eight kids. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:07:49 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:07:57 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Capu Kai, town which I'm certain I grossly mispronounced. British are you nailed it?
Starting point is 00:08:05 British sure I didn't. I know it on what poor in rural Brazil in the 1950s was like, think no clean water, think abundant and violent crime, think shit everywhere, literally like an open bar on taking a shit everywhere. Disease was rampant, medical services were rudimentary at best and more often just generally unavailable. The tip when I take a shit though, is that how it works? This was like Flint, Michigan rock. It was bad. And Pety's father was a night security guard at a local school. It was generally a pleasant
Starting point is 00:08:38 enough person unless he was drinking, which he very often was drinking. This, by the way, means that he was not in fact a pleasant person. That other thing I said doesn't count. Beatty's mother, Manuela, was a religious disciplinarian who dealt having eight kids by beating the shit out of them. So very fine people on both sides. See, now Manuela doesn't get to listen to our show. Well, yeah, his dad started beating him in utero, so I thought about. So the parents like that, Pedro was meant to or by his grandfather who taught him the usual grandfather stuff that you learn, like swimming and farming and hunting and butchering oxen. And how to become a quote worthy, correct and just man, and quote, which sounds great.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And it probably would be unless you, I don't know, maybe unless you'd been kicked in the skull as a fetus in which case it evidently became synonymous with, if anyone upsets you at any time for any reason, that now makes you murder bat. So Batman. Batman is murder. Batman. I so piti grew into a scrappy tough teenager
Starting point is 00:09:40 with a huge fucking boner for injustice and not a lot of tolerance for sober, self reflection. Here's a heartwarming tale of childhood hijinks to illustrate that point. As a young teenager, Pedro once borrowed his cousin's horse without permissions. You know, he starts off this story. I'm going to tell you as the guy in the wrong. So keep that in mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:01 It's like even in the wrong even after you dress up theft as borrowing without permission. Right. Yes. So Pedro's cousin was pissed about this probably because it's fucking rude to just take other people's shit and he responded by punching Pedro in the face, which escalated very quickly. Pedro's rejoinder declaring, I'm going to kill you, which just earned him another bop on the snoot and some general jeers and snide remarks. Now, in a normal family, you might have the start of a prank war. I'll be perhaps a more vicious one than normal.
Starting point is 00:10:31 To Pedro, you have the justification for his first attempted murder. Yeah, but when you dance fight, punch someone in the nose, it looks like your show boating. It just looks. It looks bad. So next week, Pedro shoved his cousin into a sugar cane.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Jesus. And then he was all of his might to try to jam his cousin's head between the massive crushing rollers. The machine mangled his cousin's arm, but it actually gets stuck on his head and it wouldn't pull his cousin fully into the machine. Well, no. A natural problem solver, Pedro's solution was to run and grab some shears and start stabbing his cousin
Starting point is 00:11:11 to try to cut him in a small enough pieces on his machine's holders, would be able to pull him in and finish the job. Wow, yeah, I mean, I get it. That's like when you flush out a party, the water starts going up. You find some fucking food or whatever. Yeah, no, this is the first time
Starting point is 00:11:26 your party's shears have ever made sense to me. He's like, it's weird that you holster him, but now I get it. I get it. You see? I get it now. That's just convenient. I don't blame you there at all.
Starting point is 00:11:37 So, Pager was eventually pulled away before he could finish this murder and he ended up spending a whopping one night in jail because his family actually just needed him to work, especially now I guess that his cousin was all fucked up. And so he declined to press charges. For attempted murder, they declined to press charges. And you know, his punishment, no, was to clean the blood out of the machine.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Yeah. And you thought your Christmas dinner was awkward. Yeah. it was. It was. All right, so you may be thinking, Tom, that's not injustice. That's just a guy who reacts to them possible rage and violence grows to get a proportion
Starting point is 00:12:14 to the precipitating event. To which I would say you have no idea. Wait, no idea. Is this a three-bearer situation where there was a right amount of violence and rage that is just like just right because the answer seems like nothing would be that amount, right? Like we're talking about just the violence there.
Starting point is 00:12:31 He just got smoking too. So the next year, PD's father was accused of stealing from his job, but he was summarily fired. And since he was fired for stealing, it was impossible for him to find new work. It's put a huge financial strain in the family since they had like a million fucking kids. Manuela was a cleaner and a laundress and and PD hunted monkeys in the jungle for their pelts, but you know, shit was tied without that sweet, sweet security guard money. Pedro's father insisted that he was wrongly fired, that the theft at work was actually committed by the daytime guard. Either way, clearly a problem with the guard money. Pedro's father insisted that he was wrongly fired that the theft at work was actually committed by the daytime guard. Either way, clearly a problem with the guard situation. I think we've established that. So PD filed an official appeal with the proper
Starting point is 00:13:13 authority seeking administrative redress in a third party hearing for reinstatement. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, This is what he did, okay. Is he grabbed a machete and a rifle and a tent,
Starting point is 00:13:26 and then he spent 30 days camping in the jungle and formulating a plan, a plan which seems like maybe it needed a lot less than 30 days to arrive at, but I guess I wasn't the one kicked in the skull as a fetus. You sure? Yeah, I wouldn't just throw that out there, Tom. I once saw you try to eat a Christmas tree.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I didn't try. I got a lot of shit on a tinsel like a cat forever. Anyway, after 30 days, he returned to town and he laid and weighed for the deputy mayor, whom he shot and killed in front of City Hall. And I guess that killing was good, but not, you know, a great one. So he then waited at the school for the daytime guard to arrive at work. He murdered that guy, stacked a bunch of junk on the body and set it on fire before booing out of
Starting point is 00:14:09 there. Pedro at this point is 14 years old. Wow. Oh, and by the way, the theft that started all of this. Seriously, school lunches and some office supplies. So I don't know, maybe think about that next time you just casually snag a few post notes from the supply plot. Yeah. And Brazil's school lunch death is a real problem, though. So I haven't killed a deputy mayor, Pedro had a flea town. And he started living with his godmother in a town with just an absolutely unpronounceable name. But you're doing so well, Tom. Now I'm skipping that one. So there he met Bhutina, who went by the delightful nickname, Bhudi, and who is the widow of a local drug trafficker. She was also the Brazilian drug kingpin version of like,
Starting point is 00:14:53 sexy fagin from Oliver Twist. Uh, fagin is sexy fagin from Oliver Twist on. We did. Also, do you inherit the drug kingpin name if you're like, you're going to leave it in your will? I mean, you don't want to leave that shit up to chance. That's just sloppy estate planning, Heath. So she not only took on the 14 year old murderer that she had just met, but she began sleeping
Starting point is 00:15:19 with him and she put him to work as a drug trafficker. And I guess he must have been a pretty fair lay as he quickly made enemies with the older more experienced drug dealers who were upset that he was getting preferential treatment for fucking the boss lady. Okay. I feel like he was just doing increasingly elaborate murder scenarios, but they didn't quite work. And she was just like amazing roleplay.
Starting point is 00:15:38 This is good. This is good. And he's like, fucking past each other like a sitcom for a while. And so he was warned at this point that he was going to be ambushed and killed. That didn't sit well at all with Pedro. The weird drug dealer, Brazilian lost boys gang that he was in went to a lagoon to go swimming and get high and Pedro decided that right about now looked like it might be the ambush. Now, it might not have been, but he wasn't taking any chances.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So he pulled out his weapon. And when the other kids fled, he shot and killed two of them as they ran and severely injured a third. This guy's like a human murderer, a Roomba, whatever he bumps in to die. Except for he has like, he has a glass programming because the Roomba eventually shut off. I know what's not for wrong. The Pedro eventually made friends with the pair of boys and they watched each other's backs. Like literally they watched each other's sleep to avoid being murdered.
Starting point is 00:16:28 This is evidently something you have to worry about if you are also a murderer. The trio began then robbing other drug dealers, including a man, no kidding, named China in Sao Paulo, Brazil, which put Pedro on the radar of the Brazilian death squads. Now that's bad for Pedro. Yeah, you're telling me that radar of the Brazilian death squads. Now that's bad for Pedro. Yeah, you're telling me that is a lot of death squads. I don't know. He thinks Brazilian is a large number. You remember? No, that got it. Got it. All right. So a quick word on Brazilian death squads.
Starting point is 00:16:59 You like regular death squads without pups. Yeah. Seriously, when I wrote a late work, I had to do like a control F for pubic hair because I was sure I wasn't the first, I was the last one to write into it. I'm like, there must be so many pubes jokes in here. But yeah, they're first. So these were literally squads of hitmen, many of them police, who were often hired by local merchants, but just as often by drug cartels,
Starting point is 00:17:25 to kill Brazilian street children. I'm not at all kidding. There were a ton of street kids in Brazil. There still are. And many of them survived through crime, both petty and severe. I love them now, but yeah. And since there's no social safety net, and all of this crime is not good for business, businesses literally paid death squads to just go out and kill the street kids.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And most of these death squad members are corrupt cops getting paid for a little like Murder Moonlighting and these are the guys that were now after PD and his friends the worst part is when the kid gets stuck in the glue trap And he's alive when you Careful though, you're gonna give the Trump administration some ideas. Yeah. We don't need a wall. Yeah, we just need a wall giant glue trap. No, I'm at the in the White House.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I'm at like his staff. No, go ahead. I got to deal with that. So it's a hide from the death squad to be at varying where he's slapped, hunkering down in abandoned cars and churches, cemeteries. That was all working to keep the extermination squads away, but the guys still had to make a living. So they and booty kept up their work in the drug trade, which of course has its own dangers, tipped off to a deal they were ambushed by the cops. Booty was killed in a shootout while Pedro
Starting point is 00:18:37 was severely wounded, but ultimately escaped. At this point, he was all of 16 years old. What meanwhile, like 16 year old drug deal in Noah's trying to explain the metric system to Southerners and just dying to get injured in a gun fight. Seven, that ain't a quarter, enough, it's no man. You, Jew. What? We didn't get it alone. Pedro found religion.
Starting point is 00:19:03 This doesn't mean what you probably think it means because the religion he found was can Domble Macumba, a religion that doesn't get too worked up about issues of good and evil, but which does preach that harm it done to someone comes back to bite you in the ass later. It's a very like karmic scale sort of a thing, but with a lot more animal and blood sacrifice. So it's part of the initiation. Pedro shaved off all his hair and eyebrows. That is so Brazilian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Yeah. And he met his fellows at a band and quarry at midnight where they all danced around to drums before he was required to kill a cat, drink its blood, and then decorate himself with its guts. Fuck this guy. The cat's corpse, of course, was filled with seeds and then buried and then bought a cat, drink its blood, and then decorate himself with its guts. Fuck this guy. The cat's corpse, of course, was filled with seeds, and then buried and then bought a boom but a bang ceremony over.
Starting point is 00:19:50 You switch it out for a dog. This is exactly what Michael Vick made all his offensive lineman do too. Oh, God. So cool. Switch it out for a waitress. That's Sarah Huckabee Sanders right now. Oh, she's playing retribution bitch. Give it back. right now. He's played distribution bitch.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Give it back. Getting stuffed with seeds. So obviously the only thing to do then is to wait a week and return to the cat's body, dig it up, and then he and his uncle made a necklace from the dead cat seed beads. His uncle warned him never to take off the necklace. He'd be invincible if he wore it. In his autobiography, Pedro says, quote, from then on, the cops opened fire, but the bullets didn't hit me. My enemies attacked and I defended myself with ease. Nothing would stop me before I was
Starting point is 00:20:36 afraid. But after the ceremony, it was as if nothing could affect me. Okay, the scariest part about that sentence is that it means up until now he was behaving in a manner which he considered fearful. Right. That's true. That's not the scariest part though. Okay. So Pedro now believed that not only was he invincible, but also that he was basically
Starting point is 00:20:57 a very, very murdery Brazilian Robinhood. He hijacked food trucks to feed the poor. He burned shops that she did the poor. He burned shops that she did the customers. He killed men that he thought harmed women. If he thought a drug dealer was behaving badly, he would target them specifically for robbery. Nice. He also very much in the animal rights. So he would punish those who hurt animals by hurting them the same way they hurt the animal. Except for that one cap. But no one's going to mention that to paint. Yeah, but I got to feel like the hypocrisy was thick in the moment, right?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Because they can see the cat balls hanging around his neck, right? He's hanging there the whole time. He's, you know, whatever spurring the equestrian and the guy really wants to bring it up. That's at this point that he fell in love with a girl named Maria, which sounds like the opening to a song. And it is a musical, by the way, all the musical needs to happen. Soon as I finished steed bonnet. So Maria, who had every other possible name, none of which I can pronounce, they moved together
Starting point is 00:22:02 into their own little love nest slum shack. And I guess when you're a shanty town vigilante, you have to be really careful about leaving the house. You never know who might want to come along and kill your wife. So Pedro hired a man to protect his wife who was now seven months pregnant. But the guy did a terrible job and he was murdered along with Maria and of course the seven month old fetus. So remember when he got punched in the face and Pedro tried to feed his own cousin into a sugar cane. I do remember that.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I remember you said that. Yep. Well, someone just murdered his wife and his unborn child and his bodyguard. Well, this is on him. He should've loaned him the necklace. I mean, what the hell? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Every night he keeps coming home with another dead cat. Okay, I crushed up the blood and guts and peanut butter. You're being weird about this. You got it. You're just being sparse somehow. Ha, I crushed up the blood and guts and peanut butter. You're being weird about this. You got it. Well, the only problem was that he had now made so many enemies that it was impossible for him to know who would kill his wife and had written, we will get you on the wall with her blood. I mean, you guys know how it is. Okay. Please tell me there's a showdown with a guy wearing Maria as a necklace Cat right the cat comes around fucking whole stridey chip is like eight lives to go mother fucker
Starting point is 00:23:15 My name is Pedro I killed my father He Call for it. Yeah. He kills his father in a minute. I know. Audience, he didn't ruin anything for this murderer. You knew it. He kills everybody. You knew he was going to get his dad's right. Like that. He's right.
Starting point is 00:23:37 He's all the people he comes near. He's getting it. It's check-offs. It's check-offs kick in the face. That's what happened. He knew it earlier. All right. So he was sweet about a year just John Wicking his way around torturing people for information.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And eventually he ran into the ex-wife of China, that drug dealer. He'd robbed way back when he was just a babe of 16. And she told him that China was the one that ordered Pedro's wife murdered. And then she topped it off by showing Pedro all of her scars and burns and bruises that China had inflicted upon her. I guess just like, as murder insurance, but it feels like overselling it. Yeah. Yeah. This is like the plot of Memento, but the backwards and time stuff is just Brazil.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Okay. No kidding. I get it. So China had a family wedding coming up, and Pedro thought it would be a good idea to get a couple of his buddies together, raid the wedding and then try to kill every man at the wedding. But to spare the women and children, because he has not a monster.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Right. Not a monster. So they crashed the wedding pretending to be guests. And when they got in, they drew their weapons ordered the women and children upstairs, then murdered China. And then everyone else they could shoot until they ran low on ammunition.
Starting point is 00:24:47 They walked across the bloody carnage to the bar where they got drinks. Seven men were killed, 16 more were injured in the massacre, and this was when he earned the nickname Pedrino Matador or Killer Petey. Or it could have just been that it was a cash bar. Like, I've been there, that's a dick move. Cash bar sweating. I kind of got that one coming at that it was a cash bar. Like, I've been there. That's a dick move. Cash bar. It's wedding.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I kind of got that one coming at that point. I totally agree. So there was nothing left for him to do next between braces fame and live the life of a gangster. So of course, he promptly began a polyamorous relationship with twin sisters like you do. Ooh, a poly relationship with twins. Who does perlescan that scenario? What? Oh, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:25:27 So he had now become something of a mythical figure in Brazil and he bought into his own hype saying, quote, I had money, morals, respect and power. And I guess like all moral heroes, he then tattooed, I kill for pleasure on his right forearm Right, like and on his left Maria's name and I can kill for love all right This feels like a bad system. He's definitely gonna have cross outs and margin notes and like On his tattoos soon I'm gonna work out again call forward How he told reporters later that during this time in his life He killed at least one person every day.
Starting point is 00:26:06 So if he didn't kill someone, he became anxious and agitated. So, you know, obviously they're murder someone or meditate, that shit's for hippies. So, just sticking a dead guy's skin on your arm like a patch. Oh, God. Is that murder with your morning coffee
Starting point is 00:26:22 that's the hardest to give up? Really? It's the hardest to give up. Really. That's the hardest. Oh, yeah. And he also drank the blood of some of his victims from time to time as a way to offer his victims up to the devil. And then, of course, gain the strength of those that he killed in the strength of his life.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And now it's played complete with blood, God mythology. Okay. All right. He shifted gears. And I'm guessing he doesn't pay his income taxes either. So it's a lot like that. So the cops at this point were very interested, as you might imagine, in catching Pedrino, but as they closed in on his inner circle, Pedrino became more and more paranoid
Starting point is 00:26:55 and thus more and more difficult to catch until the father of the twins that Pedrino was banging turned him in because, you know, dads, Pedro was wounded in a gunfight with the police and ultimately captured. Uh, question. If you're fucking a guy's twin daughters, does he like you half as much or twice as much? So after recuperating in the hospital for 25 days, he was offered protective custody to avoid going into a prison just full of his enemies. He chose instead to be put in with the gen pop where the brothers, fathers, and sons of
Starting point is 00:27:29 many of his victims were waiting for him. He was upset when he learned that he was being charged with only 18 murders saying, only that? It cannot be that little. In system that his tally was well over 100. He was convicted of 14 murders and sentenced to 126 years in prison. Now, after the trial, it was like a small amount per murder, even if they can't. Well, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:27:52 So after the trial, they handcuffed Padrino and they put him in a van to transport him to the prison. And when they opened the van doors on arrival at the prison, he had already killed the other guy in the van with it. He was really into the fresh air interview who's listening to Terry. Terry grows the best. A brief touch of context on prisons in Brazil in the 70s. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:21 They were terrible. They were unbelievably unsurvivably terrible. Extreme violence and diseases, such as dengue fever and tuberculosis ran rampant through the population. Few prison sentences longer than 10 years were ever served out with most prisoners dying from disease or murder rather than serving their time successfully. Gangs ran the prisons entirely, and it was not uncommon for disputes to be settled with a prisoner beheaded or disemboweled as a warning to the other game. Conflict resolution.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Got it. Yeah. He works itself out of payroll. I mean, it would get my attention. I'm not saying that that wouldn't get my attention. It would work. The prisoners were left to their own devices by the guards who were outnumbered and just kind of indifferent.
Starting point is 00:29:03 In fact, the keys for the internal locks in the prison were handed over to the prisoners who ran the prison and the guards just tried to main control the locks for the outside. Pedro entered this prison full of his enemies at the age of 19. Yeah, and they probably didn't even let him keep his magic cat balls.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah, no word on that. Yeah. I wonder. So I don't think they took him off based on how the story ends. When he first entered the yard, he was immediately surrounded by five men, having already sharpened a spoon into a chive as literally the first thing he did in prison, three of the five men who attempted to jump Pedro ended up dead and the other two ended up terribly wounded. It became quite clear to the prisoners that Pedro
Starting point is 00:29:45 solved all of his problems with just murder. When a ship wasn't readily available, he killed with his bare hands, choking necks and breaking them, teaching himself his own version of martial arts in his cell and suspending hours, punching the walls until they were caked with his blood in an effort to toughen his body and harden himself to pain. Okay. Prisoner 24601. Did I get a spoon? Did I get a spoon?
Starting point is 00:30:09 You're like right now? Right. So during his stay in prison, Pedro's mother ended up getting machete to death. Pedro was so feared at this point that none of the prisoners were willing to be the one to tell him. A guard finally had to come in, find him in the yard, bring him to the warden's office who told him of the murder. And the murderer was Pedro's father, the fetus care.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I swear to God, I thought you were going to tell me the murder was him. He's shut back in afterwards. The next week his father's sister, Pedrino's aunt, fearing that Pedrino would seek vengeance, brought a cake to the prison as a piece offering. Pedrino cut the cake into pieces and fed it to his cellmates and some of the dogs that the prisoners kept as pets. The cake, in fact, was poison and so too, were his cellmates and the dogs. For the poisoning of a cell mates, Pedrino was transferred to the same prison that his father was being kept at.
Starting point is 00:31:10 That's a weird system. So they had a prison for serial killers who get 126 years and a click above that is a prison for cake stuff. for cake stuff. What? What? What? Well, it must have because one day while he was in the cake stuff, prison, he pretended he was ill. And when the guard came to check on him, he ambushed the guard.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Or because he's a new black forest. Sorry. Prison cake. Thinking like, curtainages now. So he ambushed the guard. He took that guy's gun. He gathered the other guards together, locked them in a cell and then he went in search of his father and I love this. When he entered the cell block where his father was being
Starting point is 00:31:53 kept, so did his reputation. So all the other inmates ran out leaving Padrino and his father alone in the cell block. But you know, stabbed his father 22 times, cut out his dad's heart, chewed a chunk of it for a while and then spat it onto his father's lifeless body. Jesus. I love that that was definitely an awkward moment too. He'd heavily tore out the heart and he's all excited for this big, impactful moment.
Starting point is 00:32:23 And then he was just like Fuck this is really gristly It's gonna do like a shavcon thing He realized just in there alone to write and was was like, oh, fuck, this is what's the point? Who is this? Who is this, who is this, who is this, who is this, who is this, he's asking, he's like, do you guys have a flosser? Cause I got a police, it's like stuck. Oh, you know what would be great?
Starting point is 00:32:55 If I sous vide this heart, I need a bag. He was just embarrassed that he filled up on hard side his way there, you know? Yeah, not even want it. Hard tar. Hard. So when he was finished with all that, he walked back to the cell where he had locked up
Starting point is 00:33:16 the guards. He gave them back their own guns, surrendered his knife, and allowed himself to be taken away without a fuss. After avenging his mother, Pedrino gained the nickname, the Punisher, though he began to calm down a little, even going so far as to make some friends, including a man named Cluju, who ended up staying with Pedrino's family
Starting point is 00:33:34 after Cluju was released from prison. Okay, so guys. Nice. Nice. What is the one thing that you absolutely would definitely not do if you were in a Cluju situation? Here are Pedrino's family at all. That is if you were in the Clodew situation. He had a little Patrino family at all. That is if you're someone in his family.
Starting point is 00:33:48 100% the right answer. Definitely not what Clodew did. He accidentally killed Patrino's sister. Accidentally. He got mad at Patrino's brother actually and shot his gun randomly and ended up killing the sisters. So like he got into a, he got mad at somebody and then he was like, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spinny, spin back to prison. Prison is where Padrino lives. So that's bad for him. Padrino, however, reassured, closed you that, hey, shit happens. They resume their friendship and everything was going fine until one day when Padrino just decapitated his friend later saying,
Starting point is 00:34:36 quote, he was my friend, but I just had to kill him. I was just a fuck. I just randomly decided to swing a sword and it was right in his head was the random time. When you're accidentally shooting a gun because you're mad at side, it's not like that. Funny. So the Brazilian public had become infatuated, Padrino. They saw him as a kind of righteous Avenger. He began to receive love letters, which isn't super abnormal for famous prisoners, but
Starting point is 00:35:01 then he also received like these murder letters. As in people sent him letters basically saying, hey, you know, bill over and sell black D. Will he beat up my sister? Can you go kill him for me? And then what if Padrino thought that the letters were sincere, he would oblige and then just go murder that person? is a long distance dedication. Oh, me under the take this. See, so me under the take this.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Now, a lot in the media has been made about how Padrino only killed bad guys, but that's total bullshit because in his own autobiography, he claims to have killed a man for having a stupid face. And he killed another guy for snoring too loud. And I guess as much as I hate stupid faced snores, I think it'd be hard for us to call that justified.
Starting point is 00:35:53 On another occasion, he killed a prisoner for looking at him while he was having sex with his girlfriend. On another occasion, he killed a prisoner for looking at him while he was having sex with his girlfriend. What? I feel like someone having sex out in the open deserves at least a glance. It's rude eyes. I mean, you're doing it for that reason.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Also, why is Pedro looking around head on a swivel? Exactly. Exactly. That's on you. Yeah. All right. So by now, his death toll had reached 71 confirmed. He'd accumulated a sentence of 400 years. They transferred him to a psychiatric facility and they ordered him to be kept away from contact with anyone, just anyone. The facility
Starting point is 00:36:39 structure was so effective at keeping Pedrino isolated. It wasn't able to murder anyone at all for quite a while. He began instead having dreams that his victims... Percolate a while? That his victims appeared to him in the form of animals, which he would then kill over and over again. I'm sorry, a psychiatric hospital. I don't want to be that guy, but I think killer PD is what's known as a goner in the medical
Starting point is 00:37:01 profession. We know he didn't have a pill for that. All right, so he was kept completely isolated. He had no contact with other patients or inmates. And the guards were ordered to shoot him if he tried anything, just ever at all. And after several years, a new inmate known as the Park Maniac entered the prison.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Now the Park Maniac had raped and murdered 11 women, which as you know by now really got Pedrino all worked up. When asked about the new inmate, Padrino said, quote, my biggest dream in my life is to break that neck." End quote. Of course, this was impossible since he was locked away in complete isolation as was the park maniac. And when a riot occurred in the prison and Padrino didn't sneak away and kill the park maniac. The Brazilian public was openly disappointed in Pedrino for not vigilante killing someone. How did they know about all that? Is they like box scores? Is that like a fantasy?
Starting point is 00:37:55 What? To Deadpool. To Deadpool. All right, so here's a crazy fucking thing about Brazil. There's an old law that says that it is illegal to keep a man imprisoned for life. The longest sentence allowed by law is 30 years. Generally, this is not a problem, even for super violent criminals, because no one survives Brazilian prison for 30 years.
Starting point is 00:38:20 So it's kind of an academic exercise, except for Katrina, who had become eligible for release in 2003. Yeah, look, I'm sympathetic to the goal of that law, I actually am, but it seems like they'd, you know, they'd put in a, but not if that brings it down to five months per murder clause. So as 2003 approach,ino was transferred out of the psychiatric facility and back to the regular prison, where it became a model inmate, not killing anyone at all, and promising that if he were released,
Starting point is 00:38:54 he wouldn't kill anyone unless, of course, he came across the park maniac because you know, everybody gets a hall pass. He told reporters that once he was released, he'd stop killing people and get a job doing something normal Like work in a slaughterhouse. This was seriously his plan like I will totally stop killing people But come on you can't expect me to just kill nothing all day I love your enthusiasm, Petty, but when you strangle him that takes too long So the police, the prison authorities, politicians,
Starting point is 00:39:27 they were all scrambling to find some way to keep them in prison because holy, oh my God, this fucking guy, a judge finally found an interpretation of the law that would allow his release to be postponed another 14 years. That interpretation, however, wasn't immune to appeal. And in 2007, 34 years after entering prison, having killed at least 41 people while in prison, Pedrino was released. Yeah, but those 41 people were like, when you're over calories for the day and you tell yourself, it's just one more brownie. No big deal.
Starting point is 00:39:59 All right, now mind you guys, Ped Dredo wasn't paroled. He was just straight up released. That's it. Free man now. So he moved to a remote area of Brazil and found a little pink cottage to rent. You heard that right. Brazil's most notorious infamous serial killer was now living in a dollhouse in the country. He got a dog.
Starting point is 00:40:21 He started going to regular church without all the cat guts. His release was short lived, however, as more charges were filed against him from his time in prison, citing his role in six prison riots that he had taken apart in, and he was re-arrested. And he was also charged with possession of a weapon as he was carrying a pistol at the time of his re-arranged. Man, that was a weird day. The police pre-sync, huh?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Huh? Okay, man, we're off to go capture the murderiest murder or whoever murdered. Not it, not it, not it, damn it, what? No, ah, come on. Ah, it's not funny. I'm gonna get murdered. Oh, I'm literally gonna get murdered.
Starting point is 00:40:57 That's right. That's right. So, fan mail poured in even faster after his rearrest. He became famous, interviewed by celebrities and journalists. He spent his days working out at 4 a.m. every morning. And of course, punching the walls of his cell like a caged animal, and answering his fan mail six years later at the age of 64 in 2013, he was again released from prison. Yeah, not so much release as he just punched the prison wall down and walked out.
Starting point is 00:41:24 That's pretty not what happened. So once on the outside, an attempt was almost immediately made on his life. I love this by several of his enemies, but he escaped when the original attempt failed and his attackers had to leave to get reinforcements. Because I guess it takes a village, Jesus. Yeah, right. Like at this point, by escape, they assume what you mean is that six guys are coming up behind him He sneezed. They're all three blocks away before somebody's like, you know, we should tell the reinforcements he escapes All right guys now here is the part that I can't fucking even Killer PD a Drenel Matador
Starting point is 00:42:03 He is on Facebook. What? He's on Facebook. Right now, he has a few thousand friends. He posts motivational quotes and shows off his cooking skills. He's on platforms that I watch Jones. That's a loser. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:22 This guy who ate part of his own dad's heart is on Facebook taking food selfies. This is the thing that is happening in the world right now. He gets new tattoos and takes pictures of them and post them. He replaced his eye kill for pleasure tattoo with a scorpion tattoo. He covered Maria's name with a feather, a tattoo that said revenge on it has been covered over with one that says love. And all of this shit is on his Facebook page. Most importantly, he also, I should you not, has a bunch of tagged pictures he takes
Starting point is 00:43:00 with fans who pose with him like he's punching them. Presumably to death. That's his signature little like, hey, I'm getting murdered by a madry no. So this guy also has a YouTube channel where he tells kids to say no to drugs and to stay on of trouble with the law. He rails on against skateboarding. He gets a constant in public for selfies wherever he goes. He holds the record in Brazil for having survived living in prison longer than anyone else in Brazil's history. That's terrifying. That is terrifying. And he is, and I am not at all kidding, currently available for motivational speaking gigs.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Okay. You guys know what we have to do. We have to book him. Give him a single cigarette and put him in a cage with Noah. Am I right? Like this is obvious. This is obvious.
Starting point is 00:43:54 And if you had to summarize what you learned in one sentence, Tom, what would it be? I guess that after being released from murder, prison, a good option for me will be advice columnist. Are you ready for the quiz? I'm going to kill this thing. All right. So I got an obvious one for you, Tom. What should the movie about this guy be called a patro side story?
Starting point is 00:44:20 Peter Peter pump in eater. See, dawn of the dent, dawn of the dent, or D, Brazilian squalor baby. That is so good. That is so good. That is so good. It's amazing. They're all so good, but I think a patracide story has to win with his, with his Maria thing.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I think that's a good, that is correct. It also allows us to use, he use his amazing Inigo Montoya jokes. All right. Tom is a vigilante and Tifa White Hat mass murderer, the hero America deserves. Yes. Eli's already voted A, B, no. C, let's start a podcast about it called cereal and milkshake. Yes. See Andy no can go fuck himself either way. Well, it's got it's clearly C and I think we'll volunteer C soul to edit it C soul. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Awesome. That is correct. Don't attack. Don't assault journalists, but yeah, Andy Nuggan, fuck himself anyway. Okay, Tom. We're all super upset that he killed the cat, but Pety knew what we didn't. Who was the cat? A, Ayatola Cat Mani, B, Klauligula, C, Klaulig, Jack, Collegula C He wasn't a famous murder he was just gonna orchestrate the Just from a he's responsible on low and I gotta go to call him. Oh, I'm sorry it was Paul Kotz.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Paul Kotz. Yes, sorry. Yeah, unfortunately, now Cecil, because Cecil used the list of terrorists slash cat names that he's had waiting for months, the winner this week is Cecil. He can't pay to be prepared, I'm gonna pick Noah next time. Alright, well for Cecil, Noah, Heath and Tom, I'm Eli, thank you for hanging out with us today. We'll be back next week and by then Noah will be an expert on something else. Between now and then you can kill a man with your bare hands just to feel in control of this spinning world and firey hell. It's only for all of us.
Starting point is 00:46:44 What is happening? And if you'd like to help keep the show going, you can make a part of the episode where it's about to do the thing. I just said, what? We're just going to wait. We're just going to go right past that. We're just going to write that.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Or leave us a five star review everywhere you can. And if you'd like to keep in touch with us, check out past episodes, connect with us in social media, or check the show notes, be sure to check out And remember, you never feel more alive than when you're killing. What?
Starting point is 00:47:12 What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:47:19 What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? So this panchetta is delicious, right? Grocery stores, really good. Crazy. So go and when I murdered that guy took his wedding ring, see? Cool.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Cool.

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