Citation Needed - The Assassination of RFK

Episode Date: June 23, 2021

Kennedy scored major victories when he won both the California and South Dakota primaries on June 4. He addressed his supporters shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, in a ballroom at The Ambassa...dor Hotel in Los Angeles.[287] Leaving the ballroom, he went through the hotel kitchen after being told it was a shortcut to a press room.[288] He did this despite being advised by his bodyguard—former FBI agent Bill Barry—to avoid the kitchen. In a crowded kitchen passageway, Kennedy turned to his left and shook hands with hotel busboy Juan Romero just as Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian,[289] opened fire with a .22-caliber revolver. Kennedy was hit three times, and five other people were wounded.[290]   Our theme song was written and performed by Anna Bosnick. If you’d like to support the show on a per episode basis, you can find our Patreon page here.  Be sure to check our website for more details.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So it's a half-core of all the bottom shelf lickers plus the contents of the bartender drink mat. Also, you pour it right in there. Yeah, pour it into a pint glass, do a quick cheers. I call it a toast without equal. And you did that on a dare? A dare. You talking about it?
Starting point is 00:00:18 Okay, okay, my draw, give me a card. Oh, okay, so I am gonna put comment ping pong into play. Damn it, how long were you holding that? As I've had over the last three turns. Oh, so I got six adrenal crome. Six adrenal crome? Yeah, well, because I have four underground human trafficking tunnels and I played spirit
Starting point is 00:00:38 cooking last turn. Jesus, man. Yeah, so Hillary, Clinton taps and then she eats the face off of these three. Guys, guys, what's going on? We're just playing the QAnon board game. Yeah, just the QAnon board game. Why are you guys playing a QAnon board game? Today's essay is about the assassination of RFA.
Starting point is 00:00:58 QAnon has nothing to do with that. Why are you guys just staring at me? You and I came at like a half century after RFA. They're not related. You and I's a crazy conspiracy theory. None of it is true. Do you hear it now that you've set it out loud? Okay, okay, I heard it. Don't squint at me, Cecil. Don't squint. I'm being patronizing. I know what you're doing. Hello and welcome to Citation Needed, the podcast where we choose a subject read a single article about it on Wikipedia and pretend we're experts because this is the internet. And that's how it works now. I'm no illusions and I'm going to be masterminding this episode, but to do it right, I'm going
Starting point is 00:01:56 to need a few co-conspirators. First up, two masters who minded me saying I'd be the mastermind, Heath and Cecil. Okay, I am the bachelor of my domain. That's a fish. That board game was all about fiddling with a tiny white peg. So that's true. Absolutely. To be the way you compare it to Cecil, whether it was tiny.
Starting point is 00:02:18 As a honorary degree in the world, like a badge to the bed. So graduate things. Anyway, and joining us, also joining us tonight, two men who are pretty sure that the grassy gnome was the lady I got my weed from, Tom and Eli. You know, I'm still fairly sure that's the case.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Actually, it's not. Yeah. And don't be silly, Noah. Everyone knows you bike cocaine from George, but because he's the one who shot JFK. Definitely from George. The one.
Starting point is 00:02:47 All right. So before we get going tonight, I wanted to remind, yeah, it's crack cocaine from George senior, but yeah, but before we got going, I wanted to remind our listeners how much more money we could make if we embrace conspiratorial bullshit. If you like, keep us from head down that road and you respond well to blackmail, be sure to stick around to the end of the show. And with that out of the way, tell us, Heath, what person placed thing, concept phenomenon
Starting point is 00:03:09 or event will be talking about today? We're going to be talking about the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. All right. So who was the assassination of Bobby Kennedy? Interesting. Noah, what was the assassination of Bobby Kennedy? It was interesting is the answer to that question. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Everyone knows about the assassination of Bobby's older brother, Ghanif Kennedy. And I'm planning a 28-part series about each of the 28 different assassins for that. And if you don't, each acted alone and together somehow. But today, we're gonna talk about this other giant conspiracy kind of flew under the radar. It's a tragic moment that had a major effect on American political history.
Starting point is 00:03:50 But just like everything Bobby Kennedy did, it was overshadowed by Big Brother John, doing it bigger and better. And that's not fair. So we're going to talk about Bobby today. And here's what they want you to believe. According to the lame stream history, Jessica Knight on June 5th, 1968, the ambassador hotel in Los Angeles, Bobby Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman and died about 26 hours later. That's it.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Stop asking questions, end of story. Yeah, I'm already suspicious. Why would an ambassador need a hotel? Right, right. And he gets killed. A guy dies in a city that's already called the angels. Thank you. No, he's asking questions. So here's the record. I'm going to talk from my gut today. They're going to jump in. They're going to try to cloud the issue with facts and stuff. But just remember, at least one of us is speaking
Starting point is 00:04:45 his truth from the heart. Guts, heart, America. So we are making stuff up from the truth. Exactly. Thank you, Eli. So Bobby Kennedy was an American hero. Well, okay, at least as much as a super rich white guy born in 1925 could be an American hero. Okay, I mean, every history book that I've ever read in the 80s tells me that's, that's all the heroes. Yeah, that's all the men's books. Yeah. So after serving in the Navy during World War II, you got a political science degree
Starting point is 00:05:18 at Harvard and a law degree at the University of Virginia. And he first entered the National Spotlight as the campaign manager for JFK's election to the Senate in 1952. Then he became an attorney for the US Senate, working with Joe McCarthy on which hunting and coming to soak up. So quick, I'm out on the American hero thing. But he turned out to be an outspoken critic of McCarthy pretty quickly, and he resigned from the position in 1953. The following year, he took over his chief counsel for the Senate Democrats, which included
Starting point is 00:05:49 a probe into McCarthy's abuse of power. At one point, McCarthy's lawyer Roy Cohn had to be physically restrained during hearing after having a meltdown and challenging Bobby Kennedy. Come on. You know, Roy definitely waited until there are people between him and Kennedy before having this meltdown. Hold it back. Hold it back. I just want to excuse to roll around on the ground with him. So, Arthquay, this is for the side of who died of AIDS everyone.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yep. Okay. So Arthquay and Glanty were to back. Yes, Scott and Andrew Batchy. who died of AIDS, everyone. Yep. Okay. So our new world of events, that's how I want an anniversary. It's fun for me. So RFK, moving right past that, he continued working for the Senate for the late 50s. During which time he was part of a major investigation into corruption by Jimmy Haffa and the Teamsters Union. This angered a whole bunch of dangerous people.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Then he helped JFK campaign for president in 1960 and win. Of course, this angered a whole bunch of dangerous people. And the same year, Bobby spoke to the governor of Georgia to help secure the release of Martin Luther King Jr. from jail in Atlanta. This angered a whole bunch of idiots, some of whom are very dangerous people. And once JFK took office, Bobby became a turni general. And just in case Bobby didn't have enough people actively trying to murder him, he went after Jimmy Huffa some more, fought for civil rights, got into a feud with J. Edgar Hoover, and went after the Mafia. Honestly, the fact that he's still alive at this point in the story is impressive by itself.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Like he was trying to get assassinated quick before a life insurance policy expires. Oh, wow. Everyone knows what happens next. George H.W. Bush, CIA, the FBI, Lyndon Johnson, the mafia, Fidel Castro, Hillary Clinton and the Illuminati killed FAA. Absolutely, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:42 And also MLK. So RFK took over as the next Kennedy to run for president. In April of 1968, he decided to primary Lyndon Johnson for killing his brother, of course, and RFK under the race. And pretty quickly, he was a legitimate contender, especially after Johnson decided to drop out. Going into the California primary, RFK was in second place
Starting point is 00:08:05 in the delegate count behind Hubert Humphrey for the Democratic nomination. And then he won California on June 4th, building the momentum. And despite Humphrey's edge in delegates at that point, many speculated that Kennedy could just very easily, you know, Irish his way into winning the nomination at the upcoming convention in Chicago. You can just Irish stuff like that. At 1210 AM on June 5, RFK addressed his supporters at the ambassador hotel. And following the speech, he started to walk out and head to the after party, but his bodyguard William Barry, a former agent of the FBI. Interesting. Yes, thank you. Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Not allegedly, actually, former agent. And it is fucking interesting. Thank you. William Barry, the former FBI bodyguard, told him there was a new plan to have a press conference first, and Barry started clearing the way for Kennedy to walk through a different corridor to the press area. But Kennedy got hemmed in by the crowd, probably just like Barry was planning. So Kennedy followed the hotel manager, Harle Euker, through a back exit, and Euker held
Starting point is 00:09:14 Kennedy's wrist, also known as wrist control at this moment. Interesting. Exactly. He took you. I wanted to try one. You think she's doing great. It is fucking interesting. No, he didn't. So you could do risk control throughout this movement. Very interesting. Interest fucking risk control is holding hands as they walk down the kitchen corridor, only letting
Starting point is 00:09:35 Kennedy's wrist go so he could shake hands with people from time to time. And just as Kennedy turned left to shake hands with bus boy Juan Romero, a guy named Sirhan Sirhan allegedly and later confirmed by trial. Jump down, a race stacker. He's just hiding in plain sight, like a normal person standing on a trace stacker with a gun. What is a trace stacker? It doesn't, it's ridiculous. You stack trays, I'm guessing. So he jumped down, probably normal, hiding on top of the tray, hiding on top of the tray, stacker and plane site. He jumped down and fired multiple times
Starting point is 00:10:11 with an eight shot, 22 caliber, Iver Johnson revolver, named after Lyndon Johnson. Who knows? Who knows? I do not know it was. It wasn't named after. Regardless, you're trying to confuse us in fact.
Starting point is 00:10:25 No. No. No. Regardless, a whole bunch of other people were there too. And whatever happened, Bobby Kennedy ended up getting shot three times by someone or someone's and he fell to the ground. Yeah, I know. It might have been the crazy dude leaping off the fucking furniture, fire in a gun, but it
Starting point is 00:10:40 could have been anybody. Yeah. I mean, anybody. He's in a boat. No, huh? We don't want to jump to conclusions just because we saw it happen. I got, but it could have been anybody real. Yeah. I mean, any reason to know, uh, you know what? I want to jump to conclusions just because we saw it happen. Did anyone check the scene for false flags? Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You know what? Right. I didn't even look into that. Did anybody else have this vision of like he's date trying to hold his hand and going like, stop the risk control. Okay. So let's meet Bobby Kennedy's secret service detail. And we're done. He didn't have one. We're done. They didn't guard presidential candidates until
Starting point is 00:11:17 right after the assassination of our. I think that qualifies you for a Lannis more. That's the reason I get it. It's like a fly in your shard. Neigh guys come on. Oh, I thought it was going to go down on you in a theory. So RFK's security consisted of three guys. No secret service. Just three guys. He had service, just three guys. He had William Barry, the former FBI agent.
Starting point is 00:11:48 He had Rosie Greer, a retired NFL player. Uninteresting. That one's kind of uninteresting. And he had Rayford Johnson, an Olympic de-Cathalon gold medalist, related to Lyndon Johnson, was Rayford Johnson? Who knows? Hard to say. I do. And again, no, he wasn't. We don't see so. I don't think you know. No, check the DNA regardless. When Sirhan Sirhan allegedly started shooting,
Starting point is 00:12:17 very distracting name punched him in the face. Very punch him in the face at this point. And Greer wrestled Sirhan against the wall and disarmed him with the help of writer George Plimpton Nothing really nothing about that Johnson guy helping maybe he did maybe he didn't who knows Johnson linden raffer Johnson same name, but several more gunshots went off in all directions and several more gunshots went off in all directions, and five other people were hit, all non-fatally except for RFK, which was very convenient for those people besides RFK.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Was it, was it like he gets non-fatally wounded by a stray bully looks down at us, profusely bleeding leg and he goes, I was pretty convened. I was standing next to RFK. I might have to guide the guy they're aiming at, they shot. It's very convenient. You're the only one.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I think you had point play. You were great. You were great. It was convenient and interesting. So, there was a bunch of confusion at this point about who got shot. Well, and I mean, not amongst those who got shot, they, they, they, well, as long as I'm saying, George blimpton's going, put it in me, I don't know. It's like duck, duck, goose, so.
Starting point is 00:13:29 So one witness said the primary victim was Kennedy's campaign manager, Stephen Edward Smith, but that was quickly cleared up by Smith, not having any gunshot wounds and Kennedy having three. Also worth noting, and it was very important for later.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah, no, yeah. Another witness said that a woman in a polka dot dress yelled out, we killed him, we killed him, and then ran away. Kennedy was rushed to Central Receiving Hospital, already unconscious by the time he arrived. Got emergency treatment to keep his heart beating, and then they transferred him to the hospital of the Good Samaritan for surgery to remove the bullets, including one that entered behind his right ear and sent bone fragments into his brain. Doctors worked for the next 24 hours, but ultimately could not save his life. Dr. Franklin Kavich.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Juiced arresting. What? What? Because he has a juiced arresting, perhaps. Okay. Yeah. This is probably so that doctor of whatever religion or ethnicity you lie, he made the following statement to the press quote, I have a short announcement to read, which I will read at this time stupid Francis Kennedy God at 144 a.m. June 6th, 1968, with Senator Kennedy at the time of his death, where his wife, Ethel, his sister's Mrs. Stephen Smith and Mrs. Patricia Lawford, his brother-in-law, Mr. Steven Smith, and his sister-in-law, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, who was 42 years old.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Thank you. Stupid. Hi. So I sure were adding those family members to your list of suspects now or Yes, we are great. Yes, we're building a picture. So let's meet the alleged killer According to the standard story Probably engineered by the same people who rigged the Mandela effect about shazam and sinbath Well, the fact about Shazam and Sinba. According to that,
Starting point is 00:15:23 Jesus, Sir Hanserhan is a Palestinian man who strongly objected to Bobby Kennedy's one-sided support of Israel in that conflict. Sirhan moved to the US with his family in 1956 when he was 12, and after finishing school, he started training to become a jockey in California, but he suffered a major head injury, which is quite interesting, and he had to give up the
Starting point is 00:15:45 jockey thing. Then, he somehow converted away from Islam and became a Baptist, and then a seventh-day Adventist, and then part of a third cult called the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Cross, or the Rose accrucians. Puh! The Rose accrucians just happened to teach a bunch of illuminati stuff, like alchemy and sacred architecture magic and psychic powers and ESP. In a couple years after joining that cult, Sirhan just happened to very conveniently murder
Starting point is 00:16:18 the mortal enemy of the mafia, the FBI, the CIA, and the illuminati. But Sirhan doesn't remember any of it, except sometimes when he does. But mostly not, he mostly does not remember it. Following the shooting, Sirhan was arrested and admitted that he was guilty in a recorded confession on June 9th. But when the trial started, the judge refused to accept the confession. Which is very interesting. And he would not let Sir Han plead guilty.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Then Sir Han made a motion to have his counsel withdraw, which got denied by the judge. Then the lawyers made a motion to withdraw of their own volition, also denied by the judge. And then that very same judge ordered to have the record sealed regarding all that stuff I just said. Very interesting. So the trial proceeded and the prosecution presented impossibly good evidence. It was ridiculous. Sir Han was seen visiting the hotel a few days ahead. He was seen practicing at a gun range.
Starting point is 00:17:19 He might as well have had Kennedy's face on the target. And apparently, he told his garbage man, I'm definitely going to murder Robert Kennedy's image. Just way too good with the evidence. That's nonsense. None of that could possibly all be true. Sorry, I believe you were implying that Surhan was too guilty, ridiculous, unbelievably unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:17:42 We're not going to have so much evidence in a murder that was took place in front of a huge crowd of people Just impossible too much exactly. It doesn't even make sense So the defense went for the insanity angle they started by showing a notebook that sir hand kept that explained in way too much detail I'm definitely gonna murder RFK Kind of weird that I'm writing this down. Maybe I'll call my garbage man for fun. That's a fun thing to do. Whatever. If you're reading this, I'm definitely guilty. If you find this later, I make guilty person. I killed RFK. So defense also got testimony from Bernard Diamond, MD, a professor of law and psychiatry at Berkeley, and an expert in forensic psychiatry, who
Starting point is 00:18:26 stated in his expert, Dr. MD opinion, that Sirhan was suffering from diminished mental capacity at the time of his shooting. And the defense even called Sirhan to the stand, and they asked him directly, did you shoot Robert Kennedy? And he said, yes, Sir, I did, but I bear Mr. Kennedy, no ill will. And to this, because he's dead. And to this very day.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Sir hand maintains that he has no memory of the crime or any memory of admitting to it in court. But starting in 1989, he started not remembering all that in 1987, but he didn't remember. Keith, I get what you're doing 1987, but he didn't remember. Keith, I get what you're doing here, but if you're going to ask people to believe that a person who very clearly did the thing they did, didn't do the thing they did, I'm going to need an entire season of cereal about it. Not just one episode of our show, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Was it a season of cereal? Was it a season of cereal? It's not a cast at this moment in history? There would have been cereal about this, absolutely. So despite all that clear evidence, the insanity defense didn't work and Sir Han got convicted and sentenced to death. But before the execution was carried out, California banned the death penalty. So now he has a life sentence in prison. And that gave us all a chance to find out the real story, which, according to multiple,
Starting point is 00:19:47 yeah, Bill, the attempt said, an appeal is still that he definitely did. But, checks out. According to Sir Han. And the highly reputable Robert F. Coney Jr. Yeah. Something else is going on. Speaking of which, it's worth mentioning that on November 22, 2013, Sir Han was transferred to a new prison. And that day just happens to be the 50th anniversary
Starting point is 00:20:12 of the assassination of JFK. Interesting. Very, thank you, Eli. Yes, it is. California Department of Corrections called it, quote, a very unfortunate coincidence. Indeed it was. So obviously, somebody's hiding something. A very unfortunate coincidence. Indeed it was.
Starting point is 00:20:25 So obviously, somebody's hiding something. Probably multiple somebody's hiding multiple some things. And on that titillating implication that there may be information somewhere in the world that people other than Heath know we're gonna pause for a bit to be... appropriately dubbed apropos of nothing. Ha ha ha. together this meeting of the evil people who control everything except for the millions of stupid people who are aware of all of our plans based on minion memes to order Now today we're planning to assassinate Robert Kennedy So what do we think we could fake a skiing accident? It feels a little cartoony. Let's hold on to that one for a future though, okay? Oh, what about a plane crash? No, no, no, we just use that on those musicians. So all we need is another hit song about our evil plan. I mean, we could get
Starting point is 00:21:30 someone to shoot him. Oh, could we, Ellen? Could we? Because when we did the brother last year, you guys shot him from a different angle and from where our fall guy was. I mean, back into the left, seriously. So actually, he was wearing a back brace. This is a common misunderstanding, but that's wrong. I said wrong angle. Okay. Come on people. Give me something to work with here. Okay. Okay. What if we set him up with a group of anti-science environmentalists who so thoroughly bamboozle him with pseudoscientific BS that his entire political legacy is overshadowed by the fact that he's a baby murdering idiot. Okay, so now that's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:22:10 George, pull our guys up. Yeah, guys, guys real quick. Yeah, what is it? Yeah, crazy guy jumped off a shelf and shot him like just now. Oh, you are kidding, man. What? No, not kidding. Yeah, just saw it on the news just now.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Oh, this is the moon landing all over again. Ugh, let's say that last thing for his kid though, that was good. You got it, boss. Weird decade. So weird. Weird stuff. And we're back when we last left off, but it was entirely clear what happened, but don't worry, Heath's gonna take care of that in the second half of this episode. I'm gonna ask some questions.
Starting point is 00:22:59 So here's a rundown of some of the very important questions raised by a number of free thinkers who think for themselves. So that's a subtle town. With the location of the bullet wounds, which suggested that the shooter was behind RFK. But witnesses claim that Sir Han was facing west and Kennedy was walking east. So the shots should have come from in front of Kennedy. But then pretty much all the other witnesses reminded us that Kennedy turned to shake hands. So that was
Starting point is 00:23:30 away from the firing gun. That was nothing. He might have turned. There's a lot of reasons. Sure. You don't just walk some guys jumps now. Turn all from east. On thing by you. You might. So yeah. Okay. That was nothing. I'm admitting that was nothing. Okay. And then in 1975, Los Angeles Board of Supervisors hired a special investigator to look into this. Ooh. And he concluded that, yeah, that was obviously dumb.
Starting point is 00:23:56 He turned us. He turned. Yeah, really dumbed to hire him. That's the way it's said. And recently as 2008, I witnessed and highly acclaimed journalist John Pilger allegedly said there had to be a second. Yeah, had to be. And you could tell he's highly acclaimed because when you Google his name, it auto fills
Starting point is 00:24:15 with COVID denial tweet. Oh, she's not. I don't have things that aren't helpful. So highly suspect detail was the bullet count. Sir Hans Gunn had eight rounds and all of them were fired. Hmm. According to the official story, those were all the shots. Re-bullets hit Kennedy, two of which stayed in his body,
Starting point is 00:24:40 and the other five bullets hit five other victims and stayed in their bodies. That leaves one bullet that would be lodged somewhere in the room, but the police found three bullet holes in the ceiling. Now, they later claimed that some of the bullets must have ricocheted off the ceiling and then turned in mid-air mind you
Starting point is 00:25:01 and lodged in those victims, very convenient. But let's assume bullets can just ricochet like that. But I mean, I mean, hitting something and then changing direction is what ricochet means. While it's worth it, yeah, that's what it is. That still doesn't explain a witness being told by police that the police removed two bullets from a door frame. Interest. That makes at least nine bullets.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Also, the police removed that door and the ceiling tiles and incinerated them right after the original trial. Right. Why would they do that? Why not keep those at least for a little bit? Why would you incinerate that? No, you're misunderstood. They did keep them.
Starting point is 00:25:39 They're in a giant warehouse next to the Ark of the Covenant and a crystal skull. There you go. Right here. No, but that's a a legit complaint though, because honestly, how much room could every piece of relevant evidence collected in a homicide investigation in the last 53 years really take up, right? Right. There's no reason. No, you just hold on. Whatever. What are we doing with Wyoming? There you go. Wyoming. We're not all the evidence. Never any warehouse. And speaking of bullets, there's some acoustic evidence to consider as well. He just starts
Starting point is 00:26:08 singing blackbird. So prosecutors refused to release any evidence for 20 years, but they finally had to open up the evidence file to the public in 1988, which included an audio tape that captured the gunfire. That tape was first reported on by a CNN journalist named Brad Johnson, who knows Johnson and other questions. Brad Johnson, perhaps related to Lyndon, either way, an expert audio engineer named Philip Von Prague, analyzed the tape in 2005 and concluded that approximately 13 shots were fired.
Starting point is 00:26:53 He didn't say he was 100% certain about 13, but definitely more than 8. 100% certain it was more than 8. He also found that two different guns were fired. They were fired in different directions. And that some of the shots were too close together to be fired from the same dog. OK, but let's look at these qualifications, right? I mean, Eli is technically an expert audio engineer.
Starting point is 00:27:15 You're done with your job. And I'm also bad at counting. Coincidence? I mean, the audio engineer. Some number of shots like did they need a counting expert all so to get in on the matches. Oh, no. It's just a horse just stepping. See none of this was brought up for any of these trials. You guys make great love, Sarah. Jessica, one other detail on the acoustics. Okay, I don't like it, but I guess I should also mention that some other audio guy checked the tape and said it was eight.
Starting point is 00:27:52 It's some of the witnesses said eight, whatever, moving on. Next up, we have a forensic analysis of the bullets themselves in science. Yes, it is. In 1975, a Los Angeles judge put together a panel of seven experts, experts to check the ballistic evidence. They found that all three bullets that hit Kennedy were from the same gun, but they were not a match to Sir Hans revolve.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And they called for a further investigation. Also bullshit science. Which never happened. Also, according to a police document that eventually got released, And they called for a further investigation. Also Bullshit Science. Which never had. Also, according to a police document that eventually got released, the bullets that hit Kennedy were not from the same gun as the bullets that hit one of the other victims. And that the Kennedy bullets were not from Sir Hans Revall. They were freelance bullets.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Interesting. He did the investigation also mention that forensics ballistic matching is complete nonsense or were those investigators maybe attacked by flying squirrels or whatever you're on going theory. Right? I just remember he let's say it out loud. Yeah. He just yell, I'm going to say say I have to investigate everything we ask you to
Starting point is 00:29:06 you have to your prop and that brings us to the big question. Who was the second gun there wasn't one lots of rethinking patriots America Memorial day back the blue they feel like it might be Thane Eugene Caesar related to Julius who knows Weird murder involving him
Starting point is 00:29:37 Interesting murders at to Caesar Science so Caesar, expert, science. So, main Caesar was hired by the hotel to give extra protection to Kennedy, but it turns out security wasn't Caesar's full-time job. Seems like you'd hire a full-time professional for Robert Kennedy, the sender, maybe President one day, but no, they hired Caesar who was a plumber
Starting point is 00:30:03 at the Lockheed Air plant in Burbank. Lockheed government shady. Okay. Okay. That's blue. And apparently that so-called, quote, plumber job included high-level security clearance from the Department of Defense. And following the shooting, Caesar told police that he drew his gun, but never fired and said his gun was a Rome 38 caliber, not a 22 caliber like Sir Hans, strangely enough, the police never asked to inspect the gun that day.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah, that's because that's because he asked the police to be being detained and they had to let him go. The old hire a guy to shoot someone during a different assassination attempt. Trek gets him every time. Perfect. It worked on the brother. I will kill you. You all, I think.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And they'll know I did it. They'll know I did it. Yeah. Are you going to tell the garbage man? Yeah. No, I will jump off a fucking tray stack and shoot you. I swear. And moving on to another wild coincidence.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Okay. It turns out Caesar did also own a 22. But he never had to show it to the police until we went down. The shooting guns are very rare. Yeah, super rare. Super rare. So we showed it to them three weeks later and then the LAPD did a follow-up interview with Caesar a few years later Best time to do the claim When it's first years yeah a few years and he played sit three years later that his 22
Starting point is 00:31:41 It's not even relevant because he sold that gun before the assassination who guy named Jim Yoder. So the police tracked down Jim Yoder. But you still had the receipt for the 22, including the signature of the main Caesar dated September 6, 1968, three months after the shooting. So Caesar clearly owned 22 at the time of the shooting and lied about it. Wow. So a guy forgot something years later and Sirhan wasn't the only American who owned a gun at the time. Okay, this is back to the woman in the polka dot dress.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I witness a centrist. Oh, she saw the woman at the hotel with whom and one of whom was Sirhan, then right after the gunshots, Serrano saw the polka dot lady and that other guy running away from the scene yelling, we shot him we shot him Would they have pom pom where they like That being said Kimi and R give me an F give me a K So all that being said some nerd at the LAPD did a sound test and concluded that the
Starting point is 00:33:07 gunshots would not have been audible from Toronto's location. And Toronto later admitted during questioning that she made up the story. Oh, but then, but then she said it was because she got worn down during the questioning and got coerced into a false retraction about lying about having lie. But that and that being said, other witnesses confirmed that they saw a polka dot lady at various times, including in the kitchen area where the shooting happened. And in 1974, LAPD officer Paul Sheraga, who responded to the shooting,
Starting point is 00:33:46 told a journalist that an elderly couple told him about Polkadot lady and another guy running away from the scene, and they were smiling and yelling, we shot him, we killed Kennedy, we shot him, we killed him. Officer Sheraga also added that he filed a report about that, but it very conveniently disappeared with absolutely no follow. Yeah, well, I mean, it's an unwritten CSI Miami role that masterminds have to shout out that they were successful when fleeing a scene. That's just how it works. No, it's under the same basic heading as like how the Illuminati have to leave clues in their company logos.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Yes, for sure. I just like that this political conspiracy to murder a presidential candidate also included a couple of beat cops and the filing department at the LAPD. Yeah. I thought you got a kid in college, right? All right, we're healing the onion, asking questions, America, freedom, rescue dog, but pleasantly. Of course. That means the CIA also did it.
Starting point is 00:34:49 We learned about this in 2006 from Shane O'Sullivan's documentary, RFK Must Die. Interesting. Not interesting. Shane O'Sullivan uncovered a video showing three men at the hotel right before and right after the shooting that he positively identified as CIA operatives David Morales Gordon Campbell and George John Edis, but then Some nerds pointed out that Gordon Campbell actually died in 1962 six years prior to instance in response Oceleven defended his documentary and explained that the guy was clearly using Gordon Campbell's and Billy Smaugh. And O'Sullivan took his video to the LAPD to verify it. But they told him
Starting point is 00:35:34 the guys he was claiming were CIA operatives were actually salesmen for the Boulevard's company, and they were attending the company convention that was happening. At the hotel at the time. To which Sullivan responded, he had an answer. We all know the Boulevard Watch Company is a well-known CIA, absolutely related, perhaps, to Maria Bhutina, both start with BU, Boston University, Harvard, and Cruz. Nice. Oh, you're having a crush. Boston University Harvard got this Eli Cruz nice
Starting point is 00:36:08 Are you really I don't mean I don't think at the end there A watch convention Make sense that day was clearly a time to kill Exactly, thank you. Yeah. So, clearly the CIA Kennedy also did it. Clearly, the CIA was also at fault here. They did. But you're probably wondering, how did the CIA get Sirhan Sirhan to help him out?
Starting point is 00:36:36 I'm not wondering. The answer is, if no, Sisson Brainwreng, classic and churian candidate stuff, we know they do that. Robin Noodles. So, Manchurian candidate stuff. We know they do that. Robin Noodles. So according to the paragraph on Wikipedia about the Manchurian candidate theory, Manchurian was psychologically programmed to be a killer by the CIA, probably using MK Ultra drug magic. And then they wiped his brain so he wouldn't remember anything afterward. And this
Starting point is 00:37:06 is backed up by professional psychologist and hypnosis expert Edward Simpson Callis who spent 35 hours analyzing Sirhan Sirhan at San Quentin Prison in 1969. And he concluded that Sir Han was definitely hit no brainwashed MKL church. Ah, yes, hypnotists, masters of the human mind dominating the highest levels of government. And also comedy clubs with a two drink. Yeah. Yeah, it could be rich if they wanted to be. They love working college students. So bottom line, Bobby Kennedy was just about to expose the fetus of Ponzi scheme and change our dollars into gold bitcoins just like his brother was about to do. And then both of them got killed by allegedly one random guy working alone with magic bullets
Starting point is 00:38:06 in a way that makes no sense. Or you can believe some nerds who say it's just the simple explanation and not the super awesome, convoluted one. You decide. I did. You decide. I'm hesitant to ask, but if you had to summarize what you've learned in one sentence, what would it be?
Starting point is 00:38:24 Occam's razor is boring. And probably right most of the time is boring. Probably, yeah. But boring. Alright, I'll tell you. Alright, I'll tell you. But I'll tell you. Alright, Heath, I'm working on a movie about the RFK assassination.
Starting point is 00:38:38 What should I call it? Hey, stop where my mob will shoot. Be eternal sunshine of the shotless mind. Or C, that's pretty good. Weekend at Bernie's. Shit. The answer is definitely C, Weekend at Bernie's. That is correct.
Starting point is 00:38:57 That's taken. All right, Heath, entertaining conspiracy theories is just a spot of harmless fun unless. Hey, you burst into a pizza joint within a salt rifle. That would, they would be harming that. Yep. Okay. Good one. B, you burst into the capital building within a salt mile. That's good too.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Okay. Or C, you burst into politics within a salt on truth. Okay, this is definitely a D. Don't be Republican all of you. I thought I had you. All right, Heath, which following fun fact about the RFK assassination? Did you miss in this episode? One fact.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Yeah. Sagittarius was in its third phase the evening before RFK's death. Sagittarius is a half-horse man firing a weapon and the three major stars in that constellation are Ruckpot, alpha-fornasses, and Cousborialis take the first letter. It spells out RFK. Oh, there's more. There's more. It's such a fun fact Cecil the gun was a 22 caliber Johnson Lyndon Baines Johnson died on the 22nd of January and both January and Johnson have seven letters in them. He also died in 1975 one plus nine plus seven plus five equals 22. See, Sarah Han in Muslim means wool in 1944.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Don't correct me. Thank you very much. Racist in 1944 to 1946. RFK served in the Navy aboard the reserve destroyer ship, the USS Donald W. The captain of that ship, Gerald Wright would go on to become the ambassador of Taiwan in 1963. RFK was killed by Sirhan Wolf and was killed in the ambassador hotel. Oh, he's a pro-tell. Oh, he's a pro-tell.
Starting point is 00:41:00 D-D. All the Jews that worked in the Ambassador Hotel called in the situation. I heard that. I heard that. I'm thinking it was D, they all called in seconds. Sorry, it's E, none of the above. It's all made up just like the rest of the session. No.
Starting point is 00:41:20 All right, well, I just presented the facts. You decided I was already Gonna say it before that but But why do you always stop usually the winner now very clearly the winner? Oh, sorry, no, I should go okay. Yeah, there you go all right well for Tom Cecil Eli and he thought no Thank you to Frank it out with us today. We're gonna be back next week and by that I'll be an expert on something else between now and then you can find Tom and Cecil on cognitive distance Heathen me on skating in the sky. I'll be with you DAD minus and this kept a crack and Eli on can find Tom and Cecil on cognitive dissonance. Heathen me on skating aidea skydive when we were his DAD minus and the Skepticrat and Eli on the tallest tree in Cecil's property, Cry Jerking is way through another dinner he
Starting point is 00:41:50 wasn't invited to. He didn't show that one. He had a per episode donation at slash citation pod only with Spivestar review anywhere you can. And if you'd like to get in touch with us, check out past episodes, connect with us on social media or check the show notes. Be sure to check out All legal, cuckoo! America.

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