Citation Needed - The History of Condoms

Episode Date: January 12, 2022

Whether condoms were used in ancient civilizations is debated by archaeologists and historians.[101]: 11  In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, pregnancy prevention was generally seen as a woman's ...responsibility, and the only well documented contraception methods were female-controlled devices.[101]: 17, 23  In Asia before the 15th century, some use of glans condoms (devices covering only the head of the penis) is recorded. Condoms seem to have been used for contraception, and to have been known only by members of the upper classes. In China, glans condoms may have been made of oiled silk paper, or of lamb intestines. In Japan, they were made of tortoise shell or animal horn. Our theme song was written and performed by Anna Bosnick. If you’d like to support the show on a per episode basis, you can find our Patreon page here.  Be sure to check our website for more details.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, how are you enjoying the conference so far? Man, Eli, I gotta say, I am impressed you did all of this just to be thematic with our episode on the history of condoms. Yeah, it's really great, Eli. You know, first I was pretty skeptical of coming, but it's really blown my mind. Yeah, the global conference on Injaculate and Penile admissions is a really ant-miss event. Fun fact, this is also organized by Mark Marshall. No way!
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah, apparently he's just like a huge fan of cum. Yeah? That tracks. Wow, it's cum. Love's cum. Oh yeah, I know he's a jack later of the year. Well, it's been amazing and the swag bag? Unreal.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Right, you can fit so much stuff just in the tip of it. At what session were you in, though? Oh, I was at the round table on the history of odd semen. It's been a lot of time talking about the curse of my known, the jack-o-dig scorpions and stuff. It was really interesting stuff. I would about you. Oh, I was a whole lecture on improving semen taste.
Starting point is 00:00:57 We ate so much pineapple. Eli, where have you been? Oh, I wanted to get my copy of white Christmas signed by that elf who comes eggnog. Oh, get outta here. It's your nice person in real life. I feel like he's a nice person. He smells like nutmeg, I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Oh, man, big sense. Meg, I see what you did there. Yeah, so what's on the docket for this afternoon? I don't think you did that on purpose. Oh, well, I was gonna go to a breakout session on the history of condoms. I mean, thematic and all, so. Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I'm looking at this one. Cold water removing the toughest stance. Oh, cool. You know what, I might actually just catch a nap so I can go to the last session fresh, you know? Yeah, I do not want to miss that one. Oh, wait, which one is that? Okay, so it's a talk by the guy
Starting point is 00:01:43 who ejaculates all the tapioca balls for bubble tea. I knew that's what it was, I knew it. Yeah, dude, it has a dick like a shotgun barrel. Brow! I love bubble tea. Hello and welcome! The citation needed! Podcast will re-choose a subject, with a single article about it on Wikipedia and pretend we're experts.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Because this is the internet, and that's how it works now. I'm Heath, I'll be hosting this panel discussion about adorable little penis bags. It's pretty much, I'm joined by the poor men who would totally fill up a magnum together if they combine it all. No, yeah, Cecil Tomony, lie. I said I could fill it, never said what I'd fill it with. He'd water counts. In the 1700s, rapier delis would carry two swords in the same sheath and this is nothing like that. Literally. Guys, when I agreed to a day of team building exercises, this is not what I thought I was agreeing to. That's not
Starting point is 00:03:04 the same as saying you're disappointed. Trust falls are different. Yep. And I don't wear condoms under any conditions. So I mean, I get it. It was a sad. All right, Cecil. What person-place thing?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Not even on Orven. All right, we're going to be talking about today. Condoms, heath condoms. OK, so what is a condom? We're going to do it. Where do we start, everybody? The history of condoms is pretty fascinating and starts pre-attrusting. Throughout most of history, humans had some way to control birth. Women would drink concoctions or tinctures with varying degrees of success, determinate
Starting point is 00:03:42 a fetus. They would also exercise or use hot water or even hot coconut shells to perform abortions. What? Okay. That sentence makes me realize how little I understand about how babies are made. Is that like she and Demolishman?
Starting point is 00:03:58 What? It's like a scooping emotion. I'm not sure. I'm knowing. How can I know? Do you know the, I don't, it's, that's a few things. It gives I'm not sure I'm knowing. How can I know? Do you know? The fear. I don't know. That's cute.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It gives multi-pithe on a very threatening area. It really does. The dead parrot sketch with a fetus is different. Yeah. The common ways to avoid pregnancy altogether were through coitus and eruptus, which again had varying degrees of success or the ever- popular anal intercourse.
Starting point is 00:04:27 These methods were used because the problem of getting pregnant in the old time times fell squarely on the shoulders of women. So methods involving male responsibility. I let the past tense nature of the past. I know. Pretending that we're in the future here. So I do all the time. Methods involving male responsibility weren't really explored. Hey, yeah, forget fire. Weaseling your way into anal via birth control is man's first great invention. I really is. Really is. I just love that we're talking about pre-attrusting butt-fucking, right?
Starting point is 00:05:01 Like so somewhere in the world, right, but somewhere in the world right but somewhere in the world There's an anthropologist who's the leading expert on historical butt-fucking at some of university Their path technology is unparalleled. It's never been repeated since I'm just saying dream high people Cern hard on collider people to be a lot. Cern hard on collider. There's something. No, there's not. The wiki, sir.
Starting point is 00:05:29 You got it. Give me a second. Okay, let's give them a minute. You like? Harder. You have the floor. But for your pun. But...
Starting point is 00:05:40 Curse. Yeah! It's not going to get better. Curse. Is that all we're giving them? Are we gonna? It's not gonna get better. That's funny. I thought you guys were funny. No, that's good.
Starting point is 00:05:53 You know, you can drown in a puddle and it just says all about how you lay. The wiki says that for the most part, condo, the condom was not overtly mentioned in historical writings as a birth control method. And they make a point to connect the wearing of loin cloths to condoms here. They say that the loin cloth was a tiny little skin that hung in front of the junk, worn by the lower classes. And since sometimes in Greece and in Egypt, people with higher classes wore one, then perhaps it was an early method of birth control, like a little cock curtain that, you know what, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I don't know. It just went between two people. No idea. They say that some historian suggests this and other historians doubt it. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know where that disagreement between historians comes from. Professor Watkins?
Starting point is 00:06:41 Ah, Professor Jenkins. What do I owe the pleasure? Well, let me begin by saying I greatly enjoyed your article on pre-modern pottery analysis this past spring. Brilliant stuff, brilliant. Oh, thank you, thank you so much. Yeah, I just had a quick question about your writing on the use of the loincloth as prophylactic.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Mmm, yes, what about it? I mean, you know that wouldn't work, right? Like, at all, you're aware of that, right? Oh, I see you're skeptical, but we have many ancient calligraphy that indicate the loin cough with covering the genitals. So, perhaps it was used as a kind of she, right? But that's not how sex works. You can't have sex with a shield there. You you can't you can't use it soundly like you said it with a question mark. You cannot You've had sex before right?
Starting point is 00:07:41 I am dead of my department. I have a ten-year professor with no less than two doctorates in your ancient history. You do? Feels like you're making it worse. So just want to be clear one more time. You have had sex before because the loincloth thing that you're saying, it doesn't make any sense. I. Technic.
Starting point is 00:08:01 No, I haven't. I was busy with my studies. Honestly, it just hasn't come up as a problem before now Yeah, no totally understanding. It's not a big deal. I just you know, I'd ask because it's very confusing Professor Jenkins Yes How do the balls go? I'm actually gonna go They do point to the historical books for one mention of condoms. That was pretty explicit.
Starting point is 00:08:32 The story is the legend of Minos. You see, Minos had a cursed ejaculate. His sperm was presumably just like everyone else except for his head's serpents and scorpions in it. So is that not, you never mind, I'll talk to a doctor. Yeah, that's a pretty big accept. Okay, 9-11 was just like any other flight except the landing. You know, it's landing. Yeah, I gave you your luggage as a bitch.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Just like every other flight. Yeah, I get your lunges as a bitch. It's like every other flight. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, allegedly. So when he would have sex, he would use a goat bladder as a makeshift condom to take the sting out of it. No. Genuinely like a pretty terrifying cum shot. Now, Cecil, there are no more or less terrifying cum shots.
Starting point is 00:09:23 They're just brave or less brave recipients. Now, it's all pretty speculative. I mean, if you're telling a story about a dick that shoots vermin out like silly shriek, I guess we should also not make assumptions that a makeshift condom is a reflection of reality. And as far as pre-1500s mentions, this is about it. Some historians claim that there are some veiled references to male contraception, which include quote, suggestions to cover the penis in tar
Starting point is 00:09:56 or soak it in onion juice, and, quote, but when the Romans fell, so did the Trojan, so don't like it. You got to head it. I literally just dip my penis in hot tar just now. We got it. I was like, I'm gonna start through. Yeah, we'll figure this out later. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Oh, I guess I got the feathers out for nothing then, too. Ways for kids. Ways for. In Asia, they had used glands condoms, which is just covering the head of the penis. In China, some of these were made of lamin testens, which is a pretty common material before it's synthetics. They were also made of a wild silk paper, no word on how effective something like that is in Japan.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I can imagine what it would sound like. Oh, that would be good. It's like my cat, that would be good. Yeah. It's like my cat play with a shipper bag. Why does your dick smell like an old library? That's amazing. Oh, as soon as you get to know his day, you got to shake a shin. You're just like, ah.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It's a, it's a rough thing. What? But bookstores, people have to poop, huh? What? Don't worry be blocked. Huh? What? Don't worry about it. I'm sorry. Cesar, you were telling me so not we're not going past this. We're not moving past this. You know, you're saying that when people go to bookstores that has the effect of making some have to take a shit. Yes, is a well-documented thing that people short to a bookstore and they have to put. Good. I've been to many real stores never shatting. Yeah, no, that people have to book store and they have to put good. I've been to many real stores never sat.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yeah. No, that's the thing. Well, I've shed it in that you have to leave to go. It doesn't come down to you. Eli, every single store you visit, you have to shit it. So you make this. I'm how you make this documented about other people. It's not just me.
Starting point is 00:11:41 In Japan, they have a citation that they were made out of turtle shells or animal horns. No mention on how comfortable a tiny turtle shell on the head of your dick would be, I'm guessing not too comfortable. There's the real secret of the ooze right there. Holy shit. Natural lamb skin condoms. They are still very much available. Trojan makes them, and they're advertised,
Starting point is 00:12:08 by the way, as skin on skin. And I guess they are, but it's actually kind of like skin on intestine skin on skin. That's not exactly dawn draper level copy. At that point though, which is working for me. Not working for me. Not working for me. Up until this point, we've been talking about condoms as contraception, but in 1494, there
Starting point is 00:12:30 was an outbreak, a syphilis in France. And it took about 11 years for it to reach China. And then it really took hold there. Here's a quote from Jared Diamond about the symptoms. Quote, it's postules often covered the body from the head to the knees, cause the flesh to fall from people's faces and let to death within a few months and quote, yikes. Yeah, yikes indeed, but you know there's one guy who is like, yeah, yeah, it's, you know, lush fallen from both of our faces.
Starting point is 00:12:59 This is pretty bad. We can still do ankle stuff though, right? Let me see your ankles. We can just smoosh them. That's fun. Around 50 years later, we have the first medical description of the condom in a tree called the Morbo Gallico, which translates to the French disease. In it, the author describes a linen condom soaked in some kind of chemicals and allowed to dry. It was also a glance condom.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And his claim was that out of 1100 men that used the condom, non-head contract, that siphless. Another half-centre later, we hear the first reference to this device used for contraception. But this time, it's the Catholic Church getting their knickers in a twist over it, condemning the condom as immoral. Why am I not surprised that the fourth mention of condom in world history is Christian freaking out of that. Exactly. See, so when I read that part of your essay, I read that as 1100 men using the same condom and non-adaptant and non-contracting syphilis. And I'm like, that is impressive. That is really something.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Turtle shell must do something to the syphilis. That's really weird, really race we're doing. The condom around this time in Europe started looking like Chinese version. I mean, they all follow pretty basic engineering design, all that ranges in length. These were glands condoms made from animal intestines. The oldest known intestine condom was recovered from an archeological site in England. It was found in an excavated privy that dated back to the 1640s. The Dutch brought their brands of condoms to Japan for trade. Here's a quote, quote, Dutch traders introduced condoms made from fine leather to Japan, unlike the horn condoms used previously.
Starting point is 00:14:52 These leather condoms covered the entire penis and quote. Yeah, I mean, it's bad that condom material is leather might sound. Keep in mind that you'll need to be better than turtle shows to win the my best show. Fucking leather. That's a pork sword scamber. How do you not pull your dick out of that thing? You just yell on go right at least once.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You gotta do it. I'm not left handed. A couple of pushes here to discourage condom use. John Campbell, the second Duke of Argyle, tried through Parliament to outlaw condoms. And no reason is written in the wiki, but many at the time thought contraception was immoral. A physician named Daniel Turner also tried to dissuade condom use because they did not protect the person fully from syphilis and, quote, belief in protection condoms offered encouraged men
Starting point is 00:15:46 to engage in sex with unsafe partners, but then because of the loss of sensation caused by condoms, these same men often neglected to actually use the devices, end quote. Thank you, Danny T. Getz it. Raw dogs only. I love that as far back as the garbage times. There was always a, anything imperfect isn't worth trying. Yeah, that's, yeah. And it's a little better about our future.
Starting point is 00:16:14 That's good. In the 1800s, the linen version of the condom fell out of use because it caused more to produce it, and it wasn't as comfortable. At this point, condoms were made out of animal skin, which is actually part of the bladder of the intestine. And it was treated with sulfur or lye to soften it. You would buy condoms at barbershops, what they called chemishops, open air markets, and at the theater.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It's a weird list. condoms were mostly used by the middle and upper classes due to cost. Quote, condoms were unaffordable for many for a typical prostitute, a single condom might cost several months, pay, and quote, okay. Well, I'm sure there's a reason they didn't, but it seems like more prostitutes would have gone into condominia factor after they realized. Also, seems like moils would be just quilted together condoms for baby.
Starting point is 00:17:07 There's a lot of mindfulness, right? For much of the condoms history to this point, there were structural and ender-nearing challenges, but once the basic idea was popularized and we moved past the animal shell helmets we had, kind of, we kind of had a standardized model at that point. Okay, but I'm having a hard time understanding the engineering Challenge by this time we had cathedrals with flying buttresses and shit and we're looking between our legs at a tube and like Scratch We were horny while we were trying to invent it. Yeah, I think it is a lot to do with why
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yeah Yeah, I think it was a lot to do with why condoms were popular enough to have some contraception advocates write pamphlets on how to make them at home. I don't know and distribute them to poor neighborhoods. Okay, Mike Great Grandma actually did that. No, she was like an activist. She got in trouble like or almost she had this stuff hidden in her walls apparently, and they got raided because she had pamphlets about it,
Starting point is 00:18:10 and maybe some actual contraceptive devices were never really. She was a part of the, I don't know, whatever color scare was for condoms and cold off-white. Yeah, beige scare, I think, a crew on it. Yeah, Pearl. It would be the pearl scare, would you? It's at this point in the story where we get past much of the, can we do it and we get
Starting point is 00:18:33 more into this, should we do it? And as I mentioned earlier, Contra Section was considered a morals and so was having sex with multiple partners. So for the rest of the story that we're gonna hear, it's just about a giant list of fucking kill joys that wanted to discourage and ban condom use. Condoms would also get super popular later on. And so that's gonna make this task very hard. Hard.
Starting point is 00:18:57 That's like hard. All right, well, it sounds like Margaret Sanger is about to erase black people from existence and people who tried to stop her are giant killild joys, according to Cesar's announcement. I didn't say it, but I didn't say it. I just went myself. I didn't break. I just made it.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. I just made it. ... Gentlemen, I call to order this meeting of the birth control review board. For front of family planning technology. So, how goes the work on the condom?
Starting point is 00:19:37 Wilson, how is the feels department? It's been a good, sir. We've just come up with the ultra super duper thin, his pleasure model. Mmm, yes, but it does still feel, you know, weird. Well, I mean, a little sir, but it's really very minor. Matt, back to the drawing board with it then, Stevens. What about transportation? Ah, yes sir. The condom fits in a tiny square.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Doesn't expire for a very long time and can be found for free or cheap almost anywhere. Right, right, right, right, right. But you have to like, go to a place. Probably, right? Yes. I mean, sir, you could order them. Okay. Okay. So my only choices then are to order them or go to a place unacceptable. Keep working. Yes, sir. Yes. And finally, Wilson, how is that birth control pill for women coming along? Well, sir, it requires a doctor's visit to get often. It's not covered by insurance
Starting point is 00:20:45 It causes side effects like for example blood clots headaches weight gain we loss and cancer literally cancer Plus you have to take it literally every day and if you forget even once you're pretty much entirely fertile right away Mm-hmm. Yeah, sounds perfect. It is put every woman on the world on it and literally never consider anything else ever again. That sounds good. Yeah, I'll do that. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:21:11 And we're back. We left off. We were talking about human skin condoms and the lotion in the basket making a lot more sense. What's that? It's at this point where the rubber meets the road. The vulcanization of rubber allowed for a new non-animal insides to be used in condom manufacturing and condom production took off.
Starting point is 00:21:46 While skin condoms were thinner and allowed for more sensitivity, rubber were reusable. That's right. No, we use them. We use them on them. Are they not? You're not an government. I'll talk to my daughter about it. First rubber condoms had to be measured and custom made. They were again, glands condoms just covered the head. These fell off pretty regularly, so the condom manufacturers decide to instead make a few sizes and make them extend all the way to the base. This production decision made the condoms easier to make and distribute so people could
Starting point is 00:22:18 easily buy them in pharmacies. It was around this time that the common euphemism for condom became rubber. Rubber construction was not without its downsides though. The rubber was dipped in with a glass mold and it was in the liquid rubber. The rubber was kept liquid by adding benzene or gasoline to it. So the condom manufacturing in the time before regulation was a pretty fucking dangerous experiment here. I don't say this lightly sea salt, but worth it.
Starting point is 00:22:46 The dipping thing makes me feel like there's a bespoke condom. Is that what you're putting your dicks into like, whatever? Yeah, like the bespoke condom would require a relationship with your tailor that I'm just not sure I'm willing to have. Just, okay, I actually just checked sure I'm willing to have. Okay, actually just check. It isn't. The whole website is like, you have a mental illness. We're here.
Starting point is 00:23:12 We're here. We're here. Take care of money. The moral opposition to condoms never ceased. They were illegal in some places, highly regulated in others. Advertisement for condoms were even outlawed in some places. Ireland banned them outright until the 1970s. And it was not just religious moralism that dissuaded condom use. Feminists also dislike condoms because the use of the device was the responsibility of the man
Starting point is 00:23:36 alone. They suggested other methods that allowed women to control contraception such as sperm acetylducias or diaphragms, despite pushback condoms were wildly popular, and a survey conducted from 1890 to 1900 said that 45% of women used condoms to prevent pregnancy. Yeah. A last-a-world would have to wait for the comments section before I found an abundance of sperm acetyl-duishes. But what we've done?
Starting point is 00:24:02 We should do something like that. That's what you get to. One of the biggest impediments to condom use in the United States was the Comstock laws. Now, I'm sure this could be part of another whole episode on Anthony Comstock or on the laws themselves. But the long and the short of it is that these laws passed in 1873, quote, criminalized any use of the US Postal Service to send any of the following items, obscenity, contraceptions, abortifacients,
Starting point is 00:24:34 sex toys, personal letters with any sexual content or information, or any information regarding the above items, end quote. On top of this, condom manufacturing was banned in 30 states in the US. And there were only 37 states in China at the time. That's weird that they were like, except for you Massachusetts, you keep shutting out those jinnies,
Starting point is 00:24:57 you beautiful savages. It's not a law's word. It wasn't a federal law that was like, yeah, we landed on 30 out of that. You heard it, you heard it, your way I heard it, my shoes. I was state law, it's one by one. You know, ironically, you couldn't send contraception via
Starting point is 00:25:15 the post at this time, but you could, and people did, you could ship actual children via the US Postal Service. Whoa. It's late as the nice, Oh, that needs to be a citation needed on. Yeah, oh, that's amazing. You can literally just ship kids by marriage.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Never heard of that. That's amazing. Staying like a bunny to Timbuck too. Did you have to put holes in the box? I'm just picturing, putting my toddler in the thing and then putting the thing down. The lady's like, no, you got to close your sides, sir. And then I put the thing and then putting the thing down the ladies like, no, you got to close your sides are. And then I think the comm stock laws in lack of any sex ed led to very high STD rates in the second half, the 19th century in the US. Okay, that sentence is also true for the contemporary American self.
Starting point is 00:25:58 So I'm just going to deal with this literally same stuff. This of course was fine with religious moralizers as they saw STDs as a punishment for immoral behavior and quote, the stigma on victims of these diseases was so great that many hospitals refused to treat people who had syphilis and quote. Some suggested comprehensive sex ed and this was actually the first time
Starting point is 00:26:23 that sex ed was introduced to some curriculums. The article does say that they basically taught abstinence based sex ed even back then. Wow. Well, yeah, and to put all of this in perspective, imagine how dangerous like shaving would be if there was a moral stigma against it. It was illegal to manufacture good blades and you weren't allowed to tell somebody how to do it and a pim pimple thing, everything becomes horribly dangerous when you enforce stupidity around it. It's so fucking stupid, man. The only thing you know about it is the shaving scene from Sweeney Todd. So you're just like, I know it's a fast and hard. That's
Starting point is 00:27:01 rubber condoms for all the rage until the discovery of latex in 1920. Young's rubber company decided to use this new material in their Trojan line of condoms and it was a smashing success. First, on the manufacturing side, latex used water to suspend the rubber, not flammable benzene or gasoline, so it made the process much safer. This also let the manufacturers automate the process instead of it being, you know, a hand job. Mm-hmm. Oh, wow. I see some.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I love it. I want to kiss you on the belly. I want to kiss you right on the belly. He just put the kissy face emoji in our ears. I just see today. He's the, he's the, he's the, he's the, he's the, he's the, he's the, he's the greatest violation of the fabric. Take it away, Sarah. That might be the only emoji he's ever used in this. I just want to talk about the Trojan title there. So I know it's called Trojan because they
Starting point is 00:28:01 help you come inside safely or something like that, right? But I don't like the idea that there's a ruse happen. Like, the title of my penis fan, my penis fan, to have ruse or trick involved in it. You're very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, they were stronger than the rubber counterparts. Despite being made of latex, they never lost the rubber moniker, resulting in some of us learning that latex wasn't just a different name for rubber at the end of that paragraph just now. Thank you, CISO. Thank you. The church, of course, hated condoms and still do. They issued an encyclical on contraceptives called Casti Kanubli, which is terribly pronounced
Starting point is 00:28:46 in Latin. I'm very sorry. Sender emails to Noah, which means of chaste wedlock in Latin. In the encyclical, they of course opposed every contraceptive method. And they never revised this stance up until today. The article talks about how this was also the point in history when they did the first semen analysis and the church hated both masturbation and contraception. So they collected the sperm in this super tricky way, tricking God.
Starting point is 00:29:17 They poked holes in the condom before sex. Thus they trick God by not fucking their hand and not using contraception. The Scoopy do removal of the hood and this caper is a little messy though, just a little messy. Okay, it's getting everywhere. It's like spreader from contra. It's just all of us. And we just use a glove when that accomplice the same week wall as the stupid fucking thing
Starting point is 00:29:41 you came up with. Yeah. And it's not everywhere. Next time Catholics want to laugh at the Mormons for soaking and bed-humping or whatever they're doing now, reminder that you guys went with a pizza place cheese-shaker method for a visit. And the Catholics would have gotten away with it too
Starting point is 00:29:58 if it weren't for the dead-elined kids. Oh, dead-elined kids. Oh, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Margaret Sanger. One of the founders of Planned Parenthood. And she is eugenicist, as Heath mentioned in his essay. That was sarcastic, I mean, he said anybody wasn't clear about what happened earlier. And he's a little essay on eugenics.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Like episode nine on eugenics. And he mentioned the part of it. That's right, that was I did a sarcastic essay about that. That was very sarcastic. Very sarcastic. Margaret Sanger, the real thing. He mentioned the Parc We sued the United States, the court found that the government could not interfere with how a doctor provided contraception to a patient. And this led to the opening of 300 birth control clinics in the United States in 1938. These clinics suggested condom use as contraception with this ruling and with the current surgeon general at that time, pushing condom use, the rates of STDs dropped dramatically
Starting point is 00:31:05 in 1940. Yeah, to be clear, conservatives are against that. Right? That's something that the Catholics oppose. Yes, yes, absolutely. Stop being Catholics. How long? There you go.
Starting point is 00:31:19 The condomsales were also boosted by the Great Depression because a one time charge of a condom is better than a lifetime of charges having kids. Robert condoms came back into vote. That's right. Talking to a couple of people on the cast. Couple of people on the cast. Robert condoms came back into vote with the frugal as they could be reused, quote, a valued feature in hard times. And quote, I see clever Wikipedia
Starting point is 00:31:47 I see this one times. It's very well done. Condom production that Wikipedia had around the belly. Condom production up until that point was not quality controlled. One tester randomly tested 2000 condoms and found that 60% of them leak. So much percent. Jesus. And they're reusing these. I know, right? 1200 leaky.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Jesus. At a house. Yeah. The FDA mandated that condoms be quality tested and they were authorized by the US government in 1940 to seize any defective products. After the first month that this regulation was enacted, the FDA seized 864,000 condoms. Wow. Scott, damn.
Starting point is 00:32:31 This led to condom testing and much better quality overall, but the Wiki says, quote, American condom manufacturers continue to export their rejects for sale in foreign markets. And quote, yeah, verse flats brand of condom. I feel like I'd be good for that FDA testing team. Like I enjoy a lab coat and a clipboard being involved. No, when a beaker is being switched around for no reason or reason, whatever, draw like this.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Classes, I don't need all those metrics. Not a lot of measuring involved in the bedroom. No thank you. Soft pass. No. Soft pass on that. During World War II, the US military distributed condoms to the soldiers and had slogans for condom use on posters and films, but quote, African-American soldiers who served in
Starting point is 00:33:23 segregated units were exposed to less of the condom promotion programs, add lower rates of condom usage and much higher rates of STDs. And quote, also they did not talk about condoms with female units. They relied on abstinence only trading. And at this point, the wiki, there's just this great rabbit hole about how the military found non-sexual uses for government issue condoms, which they used to like keep explosives dry and starch.
Starting point is 00:33:48 It's really cool. I like that the way we competed people were like, yeah, we did a little eugenics during the World War, but also, also one time we used them for funny hats, right about that. Right about that. Right about that. That should be its own sex. After the war, STD rates rose in the population and in the military. Penicillin was an effective treatment for some STDs that led many dudes ditch in the
Starting point is 00:34:10 condom. The military also changed their sex ed to abstinence only for everyone. Condom sales still grew in 1965. 42% of Americans use condoms for birth control despite 30 states outlawing condoms being advertised as birth control in Britain around the same time. 60% of married couples use condoms and it was the most popular method of birth control by single women in Ireland in 1978. The restrictions on condoms sales were lifted.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I don't fucking know. So I know they probably had like they could still do SDDs or something, but I love the idea that somebody had to once come up with a non penis related way to sell condoms. Okay, Trojan brand hotdog baggies. Trojan brand really shitty. Are we allowed to say wink wink on the packaging? In the 1980s, the US was being run by a conservative actor who once co-starred with a monkey, so we resorted to absent in so many education. It was, it was also around this time that we discovered that HIV and AIDS were sexually
Starting point is 00:35:21 transmitted. Much of America, especially the religious, thought that this was a rightful punishment of the wicked. There were still major advertising campaigns at the time in print media promoting condoms as a way to prevent transmission of HIV. Young's rubber actually mailed unsolicited advertisements to people in the United States. And the post office sued the company taking the fight to the Supreme Court where the court sided with the rubber company. Yeah, the post office was like, look, look, look, I know your mailbox is basically just the metal tube you check every few days, exclusively full of pre recycled junk mail and ads. This is a good name. Right. Right. Condom ads were allowed on spread slot decision. Condom ads were allowed on television in 1991 and they were allowed to be sold in supermarkets
Starting point is 00:36:17 around that time. This was also the same year that the first condom store opened in America. Condomania opened on Laker Street in New York City. This was also the first company to sell condoms on the internet four years later. The store condominia had a fun upbeat vibe and the condom advertisements after the AIDS crisis, also moved away from the sort of very serious tone to a more humorous one. The world still uses a whole lot of condoms. The number of condoms used each year continues to grow.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Quote, one study predicted that developing nations would need 18.6 billion condoms in 2015 and wow. All right. If you had to summarize what you've learned in one sentence, what would it be? 18 billion condoms covers nearly as many dickheads as we do on our other podcast. And are you ready for the quiz? Let's do this. Let's wrap this thing up. All right. I got it.
Starting point is 00:37:17 People throughout history have gone through extraordinary lengths to invent ways to not end up pregnant. Why? Babies have as many as five to 10 bowel movements in a day. And yet diapers and the modern practice of Diaphring wasn't invented, sold and popularized until the late 1800s. What? B, what did they do? They wrapped them in linen and just changed them every day or so.
Starting point is 00:37:49 They just squelched them like super-sellers and shot them at every of the people. They just, like a little band that could shoot right out the back of the cell. Yep. We didn't have those until the late 1800s, my friend. Swaddle them. Babies, who their preschool years get an average of eight colds a year each one last thing seven to ten days Which means that about 22% of the time kids faces are just constantly oozing stuff Yeah, I would say more than 22% but go ahead and see
Starting point is 00:38:17 Kids are gross nobody wants Secret answer D all the above please send your email to us about not having kids. There you go. Okay. So happy right now. Oh, I've got a great one for you, Cecil. Of all the terrible excuses to not wear a condom that men have offered up over the centuries, which is the dumbest?
Starting point is 00:38:37 Is it A, prophylactose intolerance? That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. B, lay text. So good. So good. B.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Latex sounds French. See anything that starts with I'm rubber, your glue or D. Wherever dumbass question Eli's about that. How do you? How do you? I'm a skeptic. Oh, I call forward. Call forward.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Call forward. Hey, it's prophylaxis and tolerance. That's fucking genius. My goodness. All right. Cecil, we've talked a lot about the upsides of condoms today, but as a skeptic, we should talk about the very valid downsides to condoms. Told ya.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Hey, they feel weird. Me. Is that an awkward moment where you got a fucking unwrap it? And she's just sitting there like she's waiting for a bus. And you're like, I need a lot of packaging. Just give me a second. It's not C. Like where you put it on wrong.
Starting point is 00:39:38 And then you got to flip it over. Like it's a goddamn USB port. Okay. Okay. That one's valid. That one's valid. D. Okay. Okay. Okay. That one's that one's valid. Yeah. And you see they they feel weird hurts. I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go on I'm gonna go with D but Noah's D.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Whatever dumbass question Eli's about to ask. I win. Alright. No, you are the winner. No, we're going to let Eli just, you know, because he helped. I will let him announce the next week's say, Asiast. Win, Tom. She sure do.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Wait. Do I, what do I have to do? Not where I come. Oh. So check. Or an essay. One or the other. No, they can't.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I can do full. All right. Well, for Tom, Noah, Cecil and Eli, I'm Heath. Thank you for hanging out with us today. We'll be back next week and by then, Tom will be an expert on something else. Between now and then, you can hear Tom and Cecil on cognitive dissonance. You can hear Eli know in myself on God awful movies, The Skating Atheist, Skeptic Rat, and D&D Monis. And if you'd like to help Eli and Tom with the severe financial consequences of not using economy, you can make a
Starting point is 00:40:52 per episode donation at slash site patient pod. And if you'd like to get in touch with us, listen to past episodes, connect with us on social media or take a look at show notes, check out citation pod dot com. show notes check out citation All right, Jens, good meeting, good, good, anything else before we wrap up? Well, sir, about the male birth control pill. Come on, Johnson be serious, man. No, I was just kidding, yeah, I'm sorry. That this all has to be cut.
Starting point is 00:41:21 He's like, I love that. I love that I didn't cut one thing and now everyone tells me what I to be cut. He's so pissed. See you now. I love that. I love that I didn't cut one thing and now everyone tells me what I need to cut. Like I didn't cut one, one thing and now everybody's got to stop and be like, oh Cecil, I know you've been doing this up this show for like 250 episodes and nothing has ever entered except for one thing that was literally written
Starting point is 00:41:39 into the script. No, but you got to tell you what to cut now. Okay, yeah, sure. I just want to see you see though, I'm just circling back. I'm not cutting it. I'm not cutting it. I'm not cutting it. I'm not cutting it. I'm not cutting it. The whole thing you I did.

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