Citation Needed - Unusual Deaths: Medieval Edition

Episode Date: January 6, 2021

This episode picks up on Wikipedia's list of unusual deaths, starting with the Medieval period. --- Our theme song was written and performed by Anna Bosnick. If you’d like to support the show on a episode basis, you can find our Patreon page here.  Be sure to check our website for more details.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So with a loss by the Washington used to be called ethnic slur team and a giant's win, the giants could clinch the division. They would have six wins if they did that. Yeah, six and ten division champs. Exactly. That's so sad. I just can't do it anymore, Eli. Oh, come on, C. So he's happier like this.
Starting point is 00:00:24 He is not. Aren, come on, see, so he's happier like this. He is not. Aren't you happier, Tom? Doggie go bark, bark. See? That proves nothing, that's nothing. Okay, guys, what is going on? Hey Noah, Eli started writing Tom Dumber and Dumber in these intro sketches
Starting point is 00:00:39 and now he's barely sentient. Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just, you know, like a couple hundred episodes ago, he died in the murder machine and then it just got funnier and funnier. Really? Really wasn't that funny. It's so funny. See, he's so much better like, no, he's not yesterday. He fought a pressure cooker because it hissed at him and he thought it was a cat. Okay. One, that was hilarious. Two, he won that fight, so it's a win. Super duper not to play, man.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Kitty go poof, crunch crunch. Ah, it is. See? See, would old Tom make Kitty go poof poof, crunch crunch? Yeah, you like this sucks. He's like one of those CNC toys. But let's not get carried away. That was pretty smart technology for his time.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah. Yeah, you have to write him smarter last week on our other show He only said stupid Trump and smash smash and Rudy make a boom boom. He did that for like 90 minutes straight I heard that episode. It was great. I'm getting better. Okay. It's an easier at it, but that's still not the point then at it, but that's still not the point, man. Nah! Zizal, my hand hurty full of crinkle. Yeah, buddy, full of crinkles, because you just squeezed that bottle of bourbon like an orange, it broke.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Splush, splush. Yep, splush, splush, man, sure did. Eli, tell you what, right? Tom Smarter in our opening sketches again, and I'll take you to that vegan place that serves room temperature to made of juice. Really? Oh, and can we sit side by side in a booth and split a dessert, but when we order it, we have to say to each other, are we feeling bad? And then you turn to me and you push it, Eli. Okay, that's fair. That's fair. Give me a second. Give me a second. Tom says holy shit. See, so I had the first dream.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Nope, dream is spelled E-A-M. Holy shit! See, so I had the worst dream. There was this tiny rodent, and I wound up petting him way too hard, and then he died. That sounds really terrible, Tom. Don't tell me your dreams. But you're normal now, so let's do the show.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Hey, Cecil. Yeah, can you convince Eli to reattach my penis that he rode off my body two shows ago? No, I cannot. No, that really happened. Hello and welcome to Citation Needed. The podcast where we choose a subject, read a single article about it on Wikipedia and pretend we're experts because this is the internet. And that's how it works now.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I'm Noah and I'm gonna be guiding you across the river tonight but to do that I'm gonna need to help some orsmen. First up two guys to try to haggle, carry on down to one penny, heat and Cecil. Alright man, I'll pay you when I get my stimulus check. Oh man. No, you just can't give away money in a ball market. Oh, the ball is the thing, it's the thing they put in the
Starting point is 00:03:49 ancient creatures I was also joining us tonight too many would make so many sticks rise with thick jokes that he would probably get just pushed out along the way Tom and Eli yeah I think it's offensive that you said probably I would make it a point to make this happen Okay, all right Yeah, and you laugh but the one thing I have a hookup on is neck
Starting point is 00:04:11 True man, all right now before we get started coming out of his teeth at this point All right, so now before we get started I want to remind at least some of you that your New Year's resolution was to be more charitable. And here we are giving you entertainment for free. And we'd like to learn how those two things are related, be sure to stick around to the end of the show. And with that out of the way, tell us, see, so what person-placed thing concept phenomenon
Starting point is 00:04:39 or event we'll be talking about today. Today we're going to be doing unusual, that's part two, middle ages to the Renaissance. All right, so Eli, you made it a whole year before returning to this well, even though you only have all of history, all people, and all of the phenomenon to this world. And now, as you do, this is very often, are you all ready to be wrong about who isn't isn't Greek again?
Starting point is 00:05:04 And Dini M, you, Sworthy Greek Pastor. Okay, here we go. So tell us Eli, whose deaths will we be mocking this time? Folks from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Noah, beginning with Ragnar, Lord Brock, Wikipedia describes as a semi-legendary Viking leader. Semi-legendary? Yeah. Although there's a kid's table at the Asgard banquet hall.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Semi's. I'm just. Yes. So according to the 13th century Icelandic saga, Rat Guard Sega Genesis lookbroker. I love how you've got me correcting you in the notes. So I'm going to know how to pronounce that shit. You did the volcano. It's a...
Starting point is 00:05:45 Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, right now I saw a load broke, I think. Exactly. That was closer than your thing. Yeah. So according to that thing, Agnarr was captured by Pia of cucumber.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Okay. Ella of Northumbria, that's an easy one. Cool. And was executed by being thrown into a pit of snakes. Okay, also not to defend Eli's pronunciation of anything, but admittedly the second O in look, brokha has a letter, boner thing, so I can't give him too much shit.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Letter boner. It's called as F Tom, read an elf, dallion scroll. You know weird stuff, he, I know where it's done. I have dallian scroll. You know weird stuff. He I have back that son. That's weird stuff. All right. Moving on, everybody have fun with that. On August 5th of the year 882, Louis III, King of West France, he had died, quote,
Starting point is 00:06:36 whilst mounting his horse to pursue a girl who was running to seek refuge in her father's house. He hit his head on the lintel of a low door and fell, fracturing his skull." And quote, writing horses was definitely not his jam. Jam, jam, the beat. And I love that he wasn't even writing yet.
Starting point is 00:06:54 He like walked his horse into a low doorway for no reason. Ben and then tried to violently, aggressively mounted and smashed his head and died. And his last words, you'd be prettier if you smiled and ended up being semi-prophetic. You know, since the girl positively beamed when he clunked his stupid, embarrassing head. God, if everybody would ever said that, smash their face into a door jam, how much better of a world would it be?
Starting point is 00:07:24 Just a can a twisted tea. That would be a very downloaded 882 TikTok. That's all I say. According to the old Norse saga, Jaime Crinkles, I'm Shringla and okay, Ringa, Orkninga, sure, Sigurd the mighty, the second Earl of Orkney, has centered head of a defeated photo of his saddle and rolled through the lands and celebration of his victory. Unfortunately, one of the heads teeth scraped against his leg while he rode and that causing a fatal infection.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Okay, so he decked out his ride with rotting flesh while supporting fresh war wounds. Crazy, that didn't work out better. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Man, I knew the fast zombies were the scary ones. Other ones at all. Also, why is he wearing shorts while he's doing that? He's an Earl, he's wearing fucking cargo shorts while he's
Starting point is 00:08:19 going through the land. So big three? Just jorts and crocs in the battle. English King Edmund Ironside was stabbed while on a toilet by an assassin who was hiding underneath him. Oh, that's a shit job. That's on the back. That's it.
Starting point is 00:08:39 To crappy way to go. Oh, you couldn't stab him in the side though. Yeah. Yeah. So weird side note, Wikipedia says that he was allegedly stabbed while sitting at a tournament. Like you're worried about an assassin from 1016 is going to serve me. I don't know. Maybe he was poisoned instead of stab. So Henry, the first apparently died of eating poison in his ass. He would be the poison. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Henry the first apparently died of eating too many lampries. They're like, small eels. Which again, Wikipedia mystifyingly points out he did quote against his physicians and vice. Yeah. All right, so that story is way less fun when you learn that lampries are toxic because otherwise you just have to imagine I'm sucking those little fuckers up like Spaghettios until you seven them something
Starting point is 00:09:29 that's with them but So These are toxic for the last time they're toxic. Yes. Okay. All right fine fine, but like So how toxic is there a Mount of toxic that you're comfortable with I don't walk it Yeah, I mean, I'm like, oh feel a little hungover toxic or like My brother is getting my throne refitted toxic. That's yes. Yes. Yes. I guess it depends on how many eat but you just really shouldn't Do you think I for example 34? Yeah, it's like just a round number
Starting point is 00:10:06 34 34 for example 34. Yeah, as a like a just a round number 34 um That's way too many and that's gonna kill you Gotcha got you okay then uh I fuck it. May as well pass the lampries just give us more the lamp We're up on your fork. There's it. Yeah Moving on when almost a seam the last Abisad Khalifa Baghdad was captured by the Mongol ruler Ula Ghukhan, he was executed by being ruled in a rug and then tripled by horses. Yeah, in order to get him in the rug, they had a three-day siege John is couch cushioned. Oh, yeah. Wow. So I did a little more research into this.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And according to Only the best for our list. Wow. Wow. Yeah. That is because, quote, it was an offense to the Earth Spirit, A.J. to have royal blood spilled on her, and an offense for royal blood to be seen by the Sky God God Tengri.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Oh, yeah, maybe, but I think I know what really happened. And so, I condemn you, al-Mussasim, to die. No! Hey, babe, what the fuck is all this? Oh, um, hello, my love love I am executing the call if yeah I can fucking see that you're gonna get blood all over my fucking floor here No, of course I won't my love. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna do that It's you guys want me to I could step outside. No, you're fine. You're fine
Starting point is 00:11:41 I'm not like I'm gonna wrap him in a carpet and then I will have horses step on him I'm gonna make it so It seems really overly complicated Maybe I fucking told you not to do that anymore fucking executions in the fucking house I'm having my goddamn friends over. Okay, my son and stars. You can still have your friends over I didn't want you to not have your friends over. My guy, my honest, this is actually really comfortable. Now, cuz, cuz they're gonna be a dead fucking guy and they're carpet on the floor, and they're not gonna wanna come over anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Okay, all right, check that. There are actually horses stomping on me. That hadn't started yet. Okay, well, maybe you have the girls over in the downstairs courtroom. You know, when he wants to go to fucking downstairs, fucking cool! God damn it, it's fucking cool down there! Definitely getting trampled here. I'll tell you what, I'll call the police. My head's, and see if they can make a nice cozy fire for you in the... It's not about the builders, it's about you!
Starting point is 00:12:43 Respecting my girls! I don't want to have this fight right now I am trying to execute someone very much dying That was a kind of an aerobic workout Sorry, are you are you proud of yourself Eli? You you got far away Cecil and Boston ladies Cecil into the same out of yourself, Eli, you got far away, Cecil and Boston ladies, Cecil into the same way. Yeah. Literally the entire reason for the essay.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Glad. Glad. See, he's finale, a citation needed. So according to several sources, Edward II of England was murdered after being deposed by his sister by having a red hot poker shoved up his ass. Now, most historians agree that was just a weird gay joke propaganda that everyone kept writing down as a Joe until it was almost accidentally history. Yeah, right. He's just at the ER. Fireplace poker sticking out of his ass.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I was cleaning the fireplace naked. You see, and I just slipped. This is actually just a gay joke propaganda. I don't know if you weird. Bullshit in the shot. If you find a cooked hamster upstairs, it's not mine. It's not mine. That's my buddy, Richard. Do you find any poison in there?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Awesome. Might be a look up push, just push the lampries out of the way. Brown, I came powder. Bravo. So John of Bohemia or John the blind, I didn't battle. Let me say one of the enemy can bands is screaming. Paula. Paula. Yeah. So the medieval moniker, John Frasal, how the story has fallen. Well, way to go. He said, Sirs, ye are my men, my companions and friends in this journey. I require you bring me so far forward that I may strike one stroke with my sword. They said they would do his commandment and, to the intent that he should not lose him
Starting point is 00:14:48 in the press, they tied all their reigns of their bridles each to each other and set the king before it to accomplish his desire, and so they went on with their enemies. The king was so far forward that he strike a sword with his sword, yay, and more than four and fought valiantly and so did his company, and adventureed themselves so forward that they were all slain and Quote oh my fucking got you want to translate into that English? That's not I can translate it into doodly-do Men yes your Highness let me get in there Kill some dudes Sorry, Ellen you say that you would like to go into battle.
Starting point is 00:15:27 You, sir, would like to battle. Yes, yes, yes, yes, my sword. There's four blood, man blood! Ha ha ha! Okay, well, I guess we could have... Toyola horses to yours. You... what? And then you need you in the right direction, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yes, yes, that's it! Excellent! Charge! Yes, charge me. Yes! Yes, that's it! Excellent! Shooorrrr! Yes! Charterly. Am I killing people yet? Ah! Oh, yes, no totally! You're killing the enemy, sir.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Good job. Yes! Ha! Fantastic! How many of them did I kill? I asked. Wow. They just... Four.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Four, sir, four. Yes! Ah! And where are we now? Uh... Actually, we're out in in front surrounded by the enemies Right see what that's oh That is unfortunate
Starting point is 00:16:13 No, it's higher horses together. So you just get lost Yeah, Jerry you're beating now like it's exactly the time this is exactly the time to make one of this I was in dignity You're a bad enough! You're like it's exactly the time. This is exactly the time to make one of this. I was in dignity. Alright, how awesome would it be if we went back in time and found out there was no battle that day at all? Awww!
Starting point is 00:16:32 There are several accounts of how Charles II of Navarre, aka Charles the Bad, died. But when I liked the most comes from Francis Blackden. What? Charles the Bad, having fallen into such a state of decay that he could not make use of his limbs. Jesus. But not in his physician who ordered him to be wrapped up from head to foot in a linen cloth and pregnant with brandy so that he might be enclosed sick in it to the very neck
Starting point is 00:17:00 as in a sack. Oh, as in a sack, like a sack, like the normal way you tie someone in a sack. Oh, as in a sack like a sack like the normal way you tie someone in a sack. It was night when this remedy was administered. One of the female attendants of the palace charged to sue up the cloth that contained the patient. Having come to the neck, the fixed point where she was to finish her seam made a knot according to the custom. Sorry, there's a custom for tying the guy into a bag, so with Brandon. This is a dedicated Boy Scout knot. Apparently, he concludes, but as there was still remaining and end of the thread, instead
Starting point is 00:17:38 of cutting it, as usual with scissors, she had recourse to the candle. Okay, but you're really killing. It's a red fire to the hole. Okay, but you're really feeling so rare. Fire to the whole. So good. The whole thing. So he identified his cloth. She ran away and the best he came, who was best burnt alive in his own palace and quote.
Starting point is 00:17:54 She just, just run it off. Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit. See, this is why you don't order the flambé table side. It always seems like fun, but if anything goes wrong, the waiter just runs off like a little kid afraid they're gonna get in trouble with that. Exactly. It's a good thing Martin the Humane
Starting point is 00:18:12 didn't have access to this podcast because he died of laughter. According to legend, Martin was already fit to burst. Having eaten an entire goose for dinner, when his jester entered his bedroom, which is where he was eating his cell. He found the doctor said I couldn't have any more lampry, but he didn't say anything about it, you're eating an entire goose. That's fine. Goose. So he asks the jester where he'd been,
Starting point is 00:18:39 and the jester replied again, quote, out of the next vineyard, where I saw a young deer hanging by his tail from a tree, as if someone had so punished him for stealing figs. Okay, that sounds like you're like trying to do a pun. Yeah. I'm guessing it loses something to time, but it caused Martin to bust the gut, literally. Alright, well, now that we know this shit could be lethal, I think we need to dial it back. Think it quick, breaks it, we're gonna toss things over to a little apropos of nothing. You got a cinchic tighter.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I'm cinching. I ain't got a middle cinching. What are you doing? Oh, I know. Well, he and I were talking and this week's episode got us thinking. We want epic deaths for our sex. Exactly. Yes, we do.
Starting point is 00:19:37 So check this out. I filled the bag with Brandy, put Heath inside. Not tightly. You need to cinch it all. But we also put two of his enemies heads in there as well. What? Yeah. And trust me, the teeth, they are a scraping. Yeah, they are.
Starting point is 00:19:50 They are. I'm wearing shorts. All we have to do is wait for a battle. We light them up and we fire him right into the thick of it. Also Eli stabbed my butt. Unrelated, but yes. Guys, this is stupid. It is?
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah, it's stupid and it's disgusting. Plus there are no battles coming up so the whole thing is useless anyway Wait There's no battles. No Oh Okay Eli, you want to untie me? Yeah, I guess I'll go get some back team for your tooth scratches. Okay, that's better Now I'll see you guys in the second half of the show. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Okay. You like, we still doing the RV idea in Nashville for you? It feels soon. Soon is good. I feel like soon is good. Soon is good. Soon is good. I'm telling you, it's gonna be perfect timing. Now, just how much more interesting all those true crimes shows my wife watches should be.
Starting point is 00:21:05 So who's up next? That would be George, plant and genit. Close. Clarence. Very close. Who, by the way? Who's close? No.
Starting point is 00:21:16 No, but Eli, Eli pronounces things like horseshoes. So the closer he gets, we're supposed to like, and gradually, yeah, it's within one pronunciation of plant hatchin' it. It's like, anyway, it's like, it's like, anyway, it's like,
Starting point is 00:21:31 it's like, it's like, anyway, it's like, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like,
Starting point is 00:21:39 anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, anyway, it's like, by request in a butt of wine. But a wine another of my favorite porn hub videos it got taken down. Danielis, all these books are used as a butt. By the way, is an English measure of volume equaling two hogs heads?
Starting point is 00:21:53 Oh, that's... Yeah, I'm not sure if you clarified or confused me in a different direction there, but thanks, I guess. Yeah, and the English really have a knack for measuring stuff. Let's stick with that. Metric is stupid. It's just they gave up on them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Now, we've talked about a lot of kings and dukes kicking the bucket on this week's show, but what about some down-home ordinary foe? Well, you're in luck. Next up is the story of the dancing plague of 1518. According to a bunch of contemporaneous sources, one day in July, an unnamed woman took to the streets of Germany and began to dance feverishly.
Starting point is 00:22:30 She was joined by a group of mostly young women, Wikipedia estimates, between 50 and 400. How did that end up? We just don't know the difference between 50 and 400. Yeah, it's the same people who got the entrustions. So, anyways, the lot of them continued to dance and dance for days until the magistrate and the bishop. They don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It could be hours, months, we, minutes until the magistrate and the bishop intervened and had doctors come hospitalized them. How many people died is controversial. John Liff, Gow and Kevin Bacon are having a yelling fight in the background. See, this is exactly what I was talking about. All right. So fun fact about this. Don't steal my thing.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I do the fun fact. All right. Well, a normal fact about this. His story is positive. His story is positive. Two possible. And prom to pop. The first is the toxic and psychoactive chemical products of the
Starting point is 00:23:37 Ergot fungi, Ergotamine, which grows commonly on grains, such as Rye used for baking bread. Ergotamine. It's pretty similar to LSD, actually. That's a fun fact. You'll, Hey, thank you. He, I appreciate that. And many people think it was the cause of the sale of witch trials as well. They're wrong, the people who think that, by the way. Yes. But way more fascinating is the theory that dancing
Starting point is 00:23:55 maybe just happened in Europe between 14th and 17th century. Absolutely what it is, too. Yeah, many people think it was just stressed or mass hysteria caused by plague plague but people all over the continent would just start fucking dance it until they collapsed or died Slide to the left Two hops two hops who said freeze get the fuck out Let's not do the time warp again Let's not do the time warp again. This is going badly.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Yes, stress-induced manic dancing. That's going on my 2021 bingo card. First year. That's right. Is that center square? I don't know. It's on there though. One other note on dancing mania,
Starting point is 00:24:37 Wikipedia points out that one of the problems is that sometimes musicians would join the dancers in hopes that it would cure them. Cure them, but that would just cause more people to join in. And that made the problem worse. Yeah, how the fuck do they think that that was going to help? These were, they were dancing without music.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Music doesn't discourage dancing. Have they heard music? Have they seen regular dance? What the fuck? They're just trying to like slow it down to nothing. Yes. All right. So back to the fancy people. What the fuck? Did you start to like slow it down to nothing? All right, so back to the fancy people. Hans Stanginger, please.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Bugo Master of Brunel, stripped over his own a four and a half long foot beard, broke his neck and died. We have like one week away from everyone on Duck Dynasty dying. Right, that's amazing. Heaps to problems. And of course, we did a whole episode about him, but quick reminder, Taiko Brake got his own episode
Starting point is 00:25:32 for not peeing himself to death. I love that he didn't give up at the last second. It seems like you would have to. Everybody's like, dude, just fucking pee, man. And he's like, no, no, some amazing party. Must not break the seal dead. But I have saved the goryest and most bizarre death for last. It's about Marco Antonio Bragedin, a Venetian lawyer and military officer of the Republic of Venice. After working
Starting point is 00:26:01 as a lawyer during his formative years in 1569, nice. He was elected as captain of the Kingdom of Cyprus, where he ran things from the poor city. Yes, thank you. From the port city of Pharma Gustav. The problem was he. That arm was free. He didn't even get charged extra. Yeah, it's because it's Italian. Oh, okay. So the problem was he and everyone else knew that Cyprus and Farma Gustaf was about to get their shit kicked in by the Ottoman Empire.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Okay, so old-timey Brad Perse out got it. Exactly. So, there's a siege, which I won't bother describing because they didn't even mention what Angleship was at. Okay. Okay. But the point is, Fram Graham Gustaf loses. Which is so bad.
Starting point is 00:26:44 At this time, you can actually pre-negotiate with the enemy What would happen when the city fell and that's what bragging and it done? Well the Ottoman commander agreed that in return for the city surrender all Westerners in the city could exit under their own flag and be guaranteed Safe passage to Venice held Greek Greeks could leave immediately or wait two years to decide whether or remain in Far Magusta under Ottoman rule or depart the city for any destination of their choice. End quote.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Okay, yeah, but the siege was clearly stolen. It was mathematically impossible that Far Magusta was gonna lose. That's not. Okay. However, at the official surrendering ceremony, shit goes super duper sideways. In the middle of surrendering, the Ottoman commander accuses Bragedin of executing Ottoman
Starting point is 00:27:31 prisoners and hiding weapons, so you can try to take back the city later. Now whether or not this is true is in dispute because at this point in time historians were pretty much just like height men who knew how to write. So true or not, the commander pulls out a knife and cuts off bragginins here and then orders his guards to cut off the other ear and his notes. Weird that he'd contract out the other ear and the nose at that point. It feels like he thought the first ear was going to be super easy and he was like big and powerful single slice moment.
Starting point is 00:28:02 But then he was like, it's taken too long. I just got to start the rip. Once I started, give me a second. Fuck it, you guys do the other one. The thing is, Braggit and knew what was coming. I mean, there were clowns, the left of them, jokers to the right. Shit.
Starting point is 00:28:18 How much? So, so far, dogs. The Ottomans then set about murdering all the Christians of the city, but they saved the worst for Braggadin. After being left in prison for two weeks, his earlier wounds festering, he was dragged around the walls with, quote, sacks of earthen stone on his back.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Next, he was tied to a chair and hoisted to the yard arm of the Turkish flagship, where he was exposed to the taunts of the sailors and quote I Like that a roast was part of the execution I Want that too when I do I do it. I guess I do It continues finally he was taken to his place of execution in the main square Tight naked to a column and flayed alive Braggadins quartered body was then distributed as a war trophy among the army, and his skin
Starting point is 00:29:06 was stuffed with straw and sown, reinvested with his military insignia and exhibited, riding an ox in a mocking procession along the streets of Far Magusta. This macabre trophy, together, was hoisted upon the mast head pennant of the personal galley of the Ottoman commander to be brought to Constantinople is a gift for the Sultan Selim II. Yeah, that's Sultan had a weird Amazon wish list. It's very strange. I love that at some point in the story, there's a dude like elbow deep in the putrid skin sack with fistful a straw so that he can impune some other guy's reputation.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yeah, I want to make you look stupid. Yeah, and that would be some guy like me who can't fucking wrap a Christmas present. Now we covered a gore in Scotch, hey, honey, can we just use a fucking gift pack? Really? You know I can't stuff a corpse. So there's a great little post script to this story. Don't worry, not a fun fact. Well, Raggedin's skin was later stolen from Constantinople's arsenal in 1580 by the young
Starting point is 00:30:08 Venetian seaman, Jiralmo Pordilori. It was like having fun with this. Thank you. He brought it back to Venice, where it was received as a returning hero. The skin was preserved first in the Church of San Gregorario, then interred, we had full honors in the Basilica de San Giovanni Apollo where it still is today. All right, so if you had to summarize what you learned in one sentence, what would it be? I have some excellent ideas for Joe Biden's inauguration. I am.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Okay, Eli, contribute to the dancing plague of 1518. What's the best dancing disease movie? A Saturday night fever. Fentany. Bring it on. Collegy. C.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Strap up. D. Center stage. For cancer or E. Rash dance. Oh, we've got cancer or E rash dance. Oh, gotta go with rash dance. It is. Correct, rash dance. All right, Eli, tripping on your own beard
Starting point is 00:31:16 and dying is a, a barbarous way to go. Way to go T. B terrifying is. B terrifying a very hairy death indeed. Or see something to really dread. I'm going to go with terrifying a very hairy death indeed. All right. All right, Eli got one more for you. So you mentioned a guy who got executed in a butt of wine.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And I feel like we kind of skated right over that. You said butt. Which of the following is the most popular type of ass wine? A, Patut Sarah. Ah! Ah! Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:02 See slowly. Be... A-stee Spumonta. Oh, AST-SBUMANTA. Oh, so great! Or see... Chateau Nuf de Plop. Oh, so great! Oh, I've got to be Chateau Nuf de Plop.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You would think so. It would actually Ptut Sarat. Ptut Sarat rocks it. Amazing. Alright, well he, this obviously, our Victor this week, what with all those great puns that people more culture than myself had a chance at so uh so he who gets to not as next week's essayist Cecil you're up buddy. All right. I got some already written awesome
Starting point is 00:32:36 All right well for Cecil Eli Heath and Tom I'm no a thank you for hanging out with us today We're gonna be back next week and by then Cecil will be an expert for something else between now And then you can check us out on all of our various other podcasts that we do and if you'd like to help keep this show going, you can make a perhaps a donation at, so a citation pod or leave a five star review everywhere you can.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Like Home Depot for example. And if you'd like to get in touch with us, check out past episodes, connect with us on social media or check the show notes, be sure to check out citation And see that's Hagel's big problem. Everything is through the philosophical lens, but he's just not addressing his own ideas in abstraction. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah, honestly, it's a little wordy, but Wickinson doesn't way better break down of it than I could. I'll loan you a copy if you need one. I miss when you squish stuff. Huh? I said that sounds awesome, thanks, I would love that. miss when you squish stuff. Huh? I said that sounds awesome. Thanks. I would love that.

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