Coding Blocks - Into the Octoverse

Episode Date: December 21, 2020

It's the end of 2020. We're all tired. So we phone it in for the last episode of the year as we discuss the State of the Octoverse, while Michael prepared for the wrong show (again), Allen forgot to p...ay his ISP bill and Joe's game finished downloading.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Coding Blocks, episode 148. Subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, wherever you like to find your podcasts. And leave us a review if they allow for it. All right, we've got a website at where you can find show notes, examples, discussion, and a lot more. And you can send feedback, questions, and rants to comments at Follow us on Twitter at codingblocks or head to and find all our social links there at the top of the page. And with that, I'm Alan Underwood.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I'm Joe Zack. And I'm Michael Outlaw. You didn't want to spell that? you know i mean i could uh how would you spell that if i was using the moon lander i think it's the this episode is sponsored by learn in-demand tech skills without scrubbing through videos whether you're just beginning your developer career, preparing for an interview, or just looking to grow your skill set. And X Matters, keep your digital services up and running from IT to DevOps to emergency notifications. Everyone needs speed, automation, and
Starting point is 00:01:26 reliability when things go wrong. This week we're talking about the Octoverse because 2020 is almost over and we're just kind of phoning it in. Apologize ahead of time. I'm tired, y'all. You're not the only one, man.
Starting point is 00:01:44 It's going to be amazing. Hang tight tight uh but first i want to mention a couple things coming up in 2021 uh so i'm gonna be presenting at the san diego elastic meetup which is like on the elastic website and everything very official it's going to be very great it's going to be huge uh and so we'll have a link to that in the show notes. And also super important, the Game Jam is coming up. We're over 30 signups now. So this thing is going to be lit as the teenagers
Starting point is 00:02:13 say nowadays. And that's coming up on the 21st to 24th. And the last game to be up is the 19th. So I'm going to have a big, awesome week that week. And you can always go to slash events to see everything that we've got scheduled. Very nice. And hey,
Starting point is 00:02:29 guess what? If you like to browse the YouTubes and all the tweets that are out there. Is that what it's called? Am I doing this right? Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Jay-Z and I have been streaming on Twitter and YouTube.
Starting point is 00:02:48 More Twitter, I guess, here as of late. Wait, you mean Twitch? What did I say? Twitter. Oh, yeah. That's where my joke failed me. Yeah, it took it too far. It took it too far.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Yeah. Oops. Awkward. But yeah. So Twitch. Twitch is the one that we were streaming on. And yeah, so we did a couple weeks ago, we did a local Kubernetes development with Helm and Scaffold.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And then this past weekend, we did, you called it debugging C Sharp with Kubernetes and Scaffold, but we really got sidetracked into customize more than anything else. So I think, you know, I think we had talked about possibly bringing in metrics
Starting point is 00:03:44 and Jaeger in the next one and tracing. I don't know. Maybe we'll do that. We might get totally sidetracked. But here's the thing. Joe mentioned slash events before. If you haven't already checked out, you can check that out. You can find out things that are happening in the CodingBlocks universe.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And we'll have some links to the past episodes. They're all up on the YouTube channel. If you're not already a subscriber there, smash that button. Oh, wait. No, I'm not that guy. But yeah, subscribe there on YouTube so that you can see all the YouTube videos. Or otherwise, you can just all the youtube videos but uh
Starting point is 00:04:25 or otherwise you can just go there and find it slash youtube all right and with that i learned onto the uh the episode and today we're going to be talking about the state of the octopus octopus survey from github and it's got some really interesting stuff in it but uh i've only heard that because i haven't actually looked at these yet and i did just go to the website now so we're going in fresh and it does look like there's you can download three in-depth reports or we could scroll and see some highlights which one do we want to do i think scrolling makes a lot of sense but first can somebody please explain to me what the octaverse is okay so i
Starting point is 00:05:05 saw this movie this is where spider-man in one he he dies uh or he's thought to be dead but then in another parallel uh he's he's a pig um it's really awkward how that happened and then another one he's a kid i think that that's... Am I right? Yeah, pretty much. And Dr. Octopus was awesome. There's that. Yeah, great movie. So that was the Spider-Verse, though.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Wait, I thought that's what we were talking about. Did I prepare for the wrong show again? That's our other podcast. The Octoverse, I don't know. I guess it's just GitHub's cute name for their survey every year. Is that it? So instead of the Stack Overflow developer survey, it's the GitHub Octoverse. Yeah, and GitHub, much like Stack Overflow, has some very interesting and unique stats that they have access to that you can't get otherwise.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I don't know. I guess we'll see. We'll see what they are. But I've heard these are a few of the highlights that I've heard, and I think they're going to be very interesting to talk about. Cool. Let's do it. What do you say we just scroll through this page, and you click that thing that says download all three ports in case we want to dive in on any numbers or see any more? Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I did download them. All right. Me too. All right. So I'm scrolling. I'm not reading. Okay. So the first page, let's look back at the code and committees built on GitHub this year.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And the first thing that I see here is also the first thing I heard about. 56 million total developers on GitHub. That's a lot. That's way more than I expected. Now, how many of those developers have multiple accounts? That was what I said. I have two or three. Yeah, right, because I do too. Yep. So I'm looking. Yeah, but even then, okay, so let's I do too. Yep. So I'm looking. Yeah, but even then. Okay, so let's say that you have two.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Let's just go crazy and say that everybody has two. There's still 30 million people on there. Like, that's a healthy chunk of people. Okay. Yeah. You know. I'm seeing estimates of like 2018, 23 million, 2019, 26, 4 million, 2023, 27 million. I have a hard time imagining every single developer has a GitHub account. I also have a hard time imagining every developer has two.
Starting point is 00:07:35 So it's a very interesting stat. Yeah, somewhere in the middle there. But what's more interesting, though, is the 72% of Fortune 50 companies use GitHub Enterprise. Yeah, who doesn't? I want to know. But that is really surprising. GitHub Enterprise, it's not just GitHub. It's not just their employees using GitHub.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's GitHub Enterprise. They are paying money to GitHub every month. Well, here's the interesting thing about that too, though, is that that is the marketing speak way of saying 36 companies use GitHub Enterprise. Yeah. Good point. Yeah, that's very good. 72% sounds a lot better, though, doesn't it? Doesn't it, though? I was like, wow, 72%.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like, holy cow, of the fortune 50 companies yeah but you know what though you guys remember like even back you know several years ago when we were all talking about well where are we going to put our repos right like and we actually had things we were talking material we're talking all kinds of things. And really nowadays, GitHub is like sort of like status quo for a lot of things. I mean, some people go to Bitbucket or some of the other ones are, you know, or Azure if you're in the Microsoft world. But who hasn't heard of Git?
Starting point is 00:09:00 You know? Well, yeah. But I mean, too often though, people think of Git and GitHub synonymously, but they're not the same. Like GitHub is just a service on top of Git. Right. But the name does have some strong pull power there, right? Well, it does.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And that's why I threw out GitLab when you were listing all the other ones because it doesn't get the same amount of love. I mean, it did for a minute there. There was maybe like a spike when Microsoft bought GitHub and people were joking around. I'm like, okay, well, I guess I'm ditching GitHub. Time to move. Yeah. So check this out. So they do list this number as 56 million developers.
Starting point is 00:09:41 But then the first key finding if you look at the actual report is they say that GitHub is more than just for software developers. And they mentioned that there's other people who use GitHub that don't identify necessarily as a software developer. Like maybe they're a designer who uploads images or a data scientist or someone else who doesn't consider themselves like a full-on software developer. Oh, that's good. Yeah. So interesting that they use the terminology there and not users or customers or something. So you're saying that that 56 million includes people that aren't necessarily developers? They say 56 million developers, but then they go on to say that it's not just developers.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Right. Okay. Yeah. So I don't think there's a clear answer on it. Now, here's the one really questionable number. 60 million new repositories created in the last year. That's a lot. How many of those are simple like hello world?
Starting point is 00:10:39 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Or what about a fork? Or forks. Yeah. Or forks. Oh, yeah. Especially with forks. that would be so easy to do with GitHub. Well, in GitHub, that's how you actually do branching, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:52 when you're trying to merge them back in. Well, not branching, but the workflows of somebody else's. Yeah, if you're trying to contribute back to a project, a lot of times you fork that project, make your changes, then you do a pull request from your fork back into the main one. Understood. Yep. And that was the workflow that we talked about in episode
Starting point is 00:11:12 90? Is it? How do you remember these episode numbers? How do you not? Yeah. How do you not, Alan? Right. Yeah. Episode 90, comparing Git workflows. How many forks do you think there are of Kubernetes?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Ooh. That matter? So, I mean, how many developers do they have? How many people have committers? Let's see. How many contributors to Kubernetes? Yeah, contributors. I'm going to say 5,000. committers let's see how many contributors to kubernetes yeah contributors i'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:11:46 5 000 i have no clue how to oh contributors there are almost 3 000 contributors nice yeah that's actually a lot and you know you've got to imagine most of those people are working through forks right they just work on their own and they pull chris in so forks there are 26 000 oh so they did break forks apart from new repositories i don't know he's just talking about kubernetes yeah i just went to go look to see like just how big like you know one repository like how like i picked the biggest repository i could think of and like look to see like just you know how many forks are where to see what that, what that ratio was like. Hmm. Man, I actually liked this next bit on the page here, the geographical distribution
Starting point is 00:12:32 of the active users. I'm sort of surprised to be honest with you. If you guys looked at these numbers, they're saying in North America, that's 34% of the active users. Asia is 30.7%. So within, you know, 3% ish. Europe's at 26.8%. So again, it's right up there, right? So a third of the world is basically, or no, no, I'm sorry, not a third. Over 90% of the contributors are North America, Asia,
Starting point is 00:13:05 and Europe, which I guess kind of makes sense. South, South America is not very high. Africa is super low. Oceania is pretty low, but yeah, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:13:14 man. Like I, I think I expected North America to be way higher on the list for some reason, I guess because most languages are in English, I guess is kind of why i was thinking that maybe but i don't know pretty high so our podcast stats like skew very heavily towards america and uk or not sorry not uk uh just like europe right we've never done well in asia i
Starting point is 00:13:39 haven't looked in a couple years but like asia was just just a black hole for us i never i never knew why i've been seeing these numbers it's well, maybe I'm doing something wrong. I don't know. But I was definitely surprised to see that result. Yeah, pretty cool. What do they consider Asia? Asia would be China, Russia. Yeah, I mean, that's Asia.
Starting point is 00:14:02 And India. And India, right. Okay, yeah. That's what I would assume it would count as. My geography is terrible, so I need to look at our stats again to see what I was – I think I was specifically thinking China and Japan and Korea. I don't know if you remember. Just not.
Starting point is 00:14:19 We've talked about my geographic capabilities here, and they are amazing on this show. Where was it that we talked about where uh gail was from uh i have no idea whatever if you come on i'll look it up i got nothing i don't even know what we're talking about anymore. Really? Yeah. We met, I can't remember his last name right now, from Post Sharp. Dude, I don't know. Remember we met him. Did we lose Joe? His video's frozen. And I tried to describe where he was from, and I was horribly wrong.
Starting point is 00:15:02 You guys don't remember this? Okay. Well, then I was incredibly correct in my description. And I take back all that I just said a moment ago. Where are we at? 1.9. And I did look. I looked to see if they mentioned like the breakdown of those new repositories.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I couldn't find it in the breakout. The breakout is pretty gushy, I did look. I looked to see if they mentioned the breakdown of those new repositories. I couldn't find it in the breakout. The breakout is pretty gushy, I would say. There's a lot of text kind of explaining the numbers and how GitHub makes the world better and stuff. It definitely feels like marketing. Uh-oh. I think we lost Alan, but we'll keep trucking along and hopefully he'll rejoin. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I'll just have to decide whether to admit him or not as the administrator here. Ha, ha, ha, ha. All right. This is where Joe and Michael, we take over. We're going to go live streaming now. We're going to take it out to Twitch. Bum, bum, bum, bum.
Starting point is 00:15:58 That's right. Now we're going to be talking about our favorite 80s metal bands yeah or the rest of the show and uh let's continue on with our application and we will uh add in some jaeger and some metrics to it and uh you know when alan comes back we'll stop doing that stuff and we'll go back to the other stuff he may not be coming back i don't know maybe he lost internet uh uh yeah i guess we just keep going yeah the show must go on joe all right so we got uh 1.9 billion contributions added in last year uh which is quite a bit more than the uh number of developers so i guess you can get average right there. If we did 1.9, how many zeros is in a billion? Divided by 56 million.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Carry the one. So that would be 33 commits, sorry, 33 contributions per developer on average, which is quite healthy, really. That's cool. That sounds... I guess maybe I would have thought higher, but maybe... How many did you say again? 33 per... And I figure there's a lot of accounts that are just basically idle.
Starting point is 00:17:16 But how many commits did you say it was per? Per was 33 per average per developer. 33 commits? Yep average per developer. 33 commits. Yep, per year. That seems maybe kind of low, but then I'm also like, yeah, I guess I'm not the most active person on GitHub. Yeah, I feel like I'm pretty active.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I don't know how to tell how many contributions I've had this year, though. It's also weird, too, because they are mixing some stats, kind of. Because the whole GitHub Enterprise conversation got mixed in there. I'm assuming that this is just They're not also including
Starting point is 00:17:58 if you had your own private, you know, your own on-prem install of GitHub enterprise. So I will tell you, I've had, uh, 307 contributions this year.
Starting point is 00:18:17 So you're like 10 times the average. Yeah. Yeah. And that makes sense. I'm a 10 X developer. So that makes sense. That totally adds up. Yeah. And I'm living vicar'm a 10 X developer. So that makes sense. That totally adds up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And I'm living vicariously through you. So I think, uh, there, you know, that I get some of that, right? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:34 for sure. Okay. That makes sense. 2018. I did almost eight, 800. That's crazy. But,
Starting point is 00:18:41 uh, yeah. So, and that's like, and like, I, I am unhealthily active on GitHub. Like I'm creating new repositories all the time.
Starting point is 00:18:49 So I would think that's a good indicator. And there's some people that probably work on GitHub every day, you know, eight hours a week, whatever, or eight hours a day, 40 hours a week. So, I mean, they must just have thousands and thousands and thousands. It really brings that average up. Yeah, I guess I was just thinking though, like 1.9 billion, it just like,
Starting point is 00:19:13 if you had, if you have 56 million active, then I would, 56 million active users, then 1.9 billion, I think sounds low. So I think that just goes to show that, uh, that 56 million number, like a lot of those are inactive is what I would guess. And I think that your 33 average commits goes to prove that.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yeah, I like that. We got a fun one coming up. Yeah. Well, I was about to get to that. The top languages over the years. Yep. So, hands down, top language consistently on their chart here, JavaScript. Yep.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Now, are we surprised? Who called it? JS Everywhere, who called it? Oh, oh. I called it like 2018 that JavaScriptavascript was going to be hot in 2018 yeah i said it's here to stay yeah you hello world pay attention to javascript uh yeah i mean clearly you know coding blocks.js i don't know uh if you if you're aware yep it was a phase i went through for a little while there and then and then there's been the rise of python yeah in the fall of java yeah so i mean those those
Starting point is 00:20:36 were two interest metrics so uh i guess in 2019 python overtook uh, it's hard to tell from their drawing. Are they trying to show that in the year of 2018 is when it was crossing over... Python was passing over Java in that year or what? But yeah, at least by 2019, according to their drawing, it looks like Python was officially ahead of Java. Yep, it's like Python was officially ahead of Java. Yep, it stayed there. And Java was like rock steady number two until then. So this is the first time we've seen Java fall.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And you can see Python's been climbing ever since they started doing this in 2014. Yeah, and look at TypeScript out of nowhere. Out of nowhere. Yeah, like literally out of nowhere in 2017, we have TypeScript show up and then it shoots up to number seven and then it shoots up to number four. Just boom, boom. Yeah. And overshooting PHP. So I guess PHP is like, I guess all the WordPress developers in the world, you know, because
Starting point is 00:21:47 there was that stat that we had where like half the internet runs on WordPress, right? But I guess WordPress developers aren't committing to GitHub? Yeah. That's, yeah, it's very possible. I do wonder, like TypeScript, like
Starting point is 00:22:03 you tell me like someone's working in TypeScript, I automatically assume Angular. I know that's not it's very possible i do wonder like typescript like i you tell me like someone's we're going to typescript i automatically assume angular i know that's not the case you can do it with pretty much anything but i i mean this number is incredible to me so i i don't know what to think about like is that taking off in react circles that's that's a really good point because with uh angular it is kind of like you know a built-in with the latest angulars right you know version of anchor it's it's typescript is like heavily embedded into it yeah so i i don't know the reason yeah i mean yeah uh if you have any ideas you know always uh we got those comments uh open so yeah i i don't know what else to say about that other than, like, go TypeScript. Congrats.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Now, are you surprised by C Sharp? I'm surprised it was so low in 2014. Yeah, right? So, yeah, C Sharp now, number five. It's healthy. It's climbed over the last couple of years. It was at number five in 2016. It went down briefly, won one that came back up.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Number eight in 2018, it had C++ and C were ahead of C Sharp in 2014. Well, that's weird. Yeah. And that's the thing that's so surprising. Like really? Like C++ was a more popular language
Starting point is 00:23:22 to use in 2014 than C Sharp? In open source? I know that C Sharp did not have a reputation for open source, you know. Very business heavy. And that's a good thing I should say about C Sharp in general is they have been so focused on enterprise and Java too for so long. So even though someone could see JavaScript number one, Raining Supreme, you might think that it's like just what everyone's doing. It's really, it's really hard to
Starting point is 00:23:49 tell because there's a whole lot of companies that are not on the grid here. Well, okay. So here, here's where I was going to go with this though, is that, uh, you know, C and C plus plus might have been heavier. Cause if you think about about open source communities, you think about Linux kernel, you don't think C sharp. Now, I realize that Linux kernel has its own repo, but there is a mirror
Starting point is 00:24:15 on GitHub. Yeah, I was kind of wondering. It's like, hey, GitHub, new thing, new kid on the block, 2014, free public hosting, open source stuff. And maybe there's a ton of people that were paying for some version and were like, 2014 free public hosting open source stuff. And like, you know, maybe there's a ton of people that were paying for subversion that were like, oh, snap, there we are. So maybe that's
Starting point is 00:24:31 part of that. So maybe there was like a, you know, a big initial kind of jumping on the bandwagon there. I don't know what happened there. Yeah. So, I mean, interesting. And then, you know, we were going back to the rise and falls. Like, look at the fall of Ruby.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yeah, that's sad. Like, it's just not even a thing anymore. It's down there. It's hanging out with Objective-C. Yeah, I mean, it's nice to still in the top 10. So if you're a Rubyista or whatever, then don't be scared. You're not going to suddenly lose your jobs. You're still in the top 10 when you're still doing good, but
Starting point is 00:25:07 your island's shrinking. Shouldn't they just be like a jewelist? A jewelist, yeah. A jeweler, something like that. There's some things like, was it Elixir that's based on Ruby? I might have that wrong. I forget. There's something that's kind of built on Ruby.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I didn't realize it was based on Ruby. Yeah, and you could also make the argument too. It like well if you combine typescript and javascript would it be like super way crazy high over everything else huh it doesn't really tell us uh kind of relatively like how much bigger is javascript than python well here's here's another one Going back to the rise and fall, though. 2014, Objective-C falls off the chart altogether. Yeah. Drats.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And Swift doesn't take its place. Yeah, that's a good point. Right? So that was kind of an interesting one there. I thought so. Shell has maintained nine. That's funny. It went up briefly and then came back down.
Starting point is 00:26:12 It was really popular there for a minute. Yeah. Yeah, I kind of was like Docker coming back around. It makes sense to kind of have more Shelly type stuff because you don't have to really worry about where it's running so much. And then poor Ruby. Number 10. Yeah. I don't know. I can't
Starting point is 00:26:31 speak really anything of Ruby because I just never had any experience with it. I mean, I've heard good things but... Yeah. I'm sure you can live out the rest of your career doing just fine in Ruby. Don't hate me. But whenever you see like a trajectory like this, it's, you know, it's good information for you to have.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Now, do you think though, okay, okay, so let's take that for a moment then. And let's play devil's advocate here because C Sharp went from position 8 to 5 on here. But Microsoft bought GitHub. And Microsoft became heavy contributors to open source and the community. So do you think that that has anything to do with why C Sharp started making this jump over the years? Now, in fairness, I mean, since like what, 2017, 2016, like it was already in that six to five spot. Yeah. I mean, that's a really good point. Any frameworks up on GitHub? Yeah, a lot of top tier libraries for C-SERV. Well, so here's my answer.
Starting point is 00:27:53 No, I don't think that's a factor at all because I'm biased. Okay. Because I like it. So I think it's legit. Okay. Yeah, sure. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:28:05 So what about like finding the balance between work and play? Did you go through this one? Nope. Neither did I. So we'll skip it. No, I'm just kidding. I thought that was just going to be like more numbers on the thing, but I guess you had to like actually download the report for that one.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah. So bring it out they do say that uh there are 34 percent more pull requests when teams automate the workflows and uh i think again they don't really do great info but uh there's no like specifics of like what do you mean by automating the workflow do you mean automatically merging or like, what does that mean? Hey, um, real quick before I answer that, uh, Alan is, uh, back on the internet now.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Uh, he, I guess you want me to admit them. Yeah. Well, maybe, I mean, we don't have to,
Starting point is 00:28:58 it's okay. Like, you know what? It's probably fine if we don't bring Alan back. Well, we got this, we're doing just fine. I don't know. It looks like Alan
Starting point is 00:29:06 is going to be calling in from his phone. He looks a little ticked. It looks like maybe the internet there doesn't quite work the same way it works everywhere else. Dude, so I'm
Starting point is 00:29:21 pretty certain that somebody hit a pole out here somewhere. Yeah, because there's sirens going off everywhere. Your audio sounds totally different. So you must be dialed in from your phone for the audio. I went through the phone for the audio, but I'm still recording on the H6. So we're good there. But yeah, I think somebody ran ran into something and so everything's
Starting point is 00:29:46 down now you might want to turn off your video sir yeah i probably should do that i don't know i don't know if oh there we go i think stop video remember that project where facetime was going to like uh provide internet by uh balloons do you remember that oh yeah yeah we need to send that over to alan's house have some facetime balloons hanging out over his house so we can get some internet over there yeah man i i will i will try not to interrupt because it's going to be hard with you guys not being able to see me but yeah it's uh hopefully nobody got hurt but yeah i think they i think they took out all the interwebs around here oh i thought you were talking about nobody got hurt based on what we were saying so far. I was like, that was a little offensive.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I don't want to kick our conversation. Well, I don't know. We talked some smack about some languages. But I think we've got a section coming up here now that I think will make you all both very happy. Okay, so we were just gotten into the part about 34% more pull requests when teams automate their workflows. Yeah. And so I was like, well, what is what is automation mean here? And we've got some numbers around it.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So I'll read the part about that first. So they do say that automation drives productivity gains and improves developer experience. And they go on to mention actions to automate pull requests and seeing faster merges because of it and the number of merges. But what I like and what I think you guys will like is that they mentioned that small pull requests drive innovation and productivity. They get merged faster. They get better reviews.
Starting point is 00:31:23 They get faster feedback. They get better reviews. They get faster feedback. It makes sense, right? I mean, like every lesson we've learned so far during the course of this show has been that you should make small targeted changes, right? And just iterate over time. Don't let perfect become the enemy of good enough. They also mentioned too that they see spikes on open source
Starting point is 00:31:52 projects around holidays and weekends, which is not a huge surprise, but it's kind of nice to think that people enjoy this stuff or else they're anxious about it enough to keep working on their skills on the weekends and nights. Or they're trying to get away from the family.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah. Well, speaking of getting, quote, getting away from the family, like the picture that they have on here, it so reminded me of you, Alan. Because this is, again, we're in the finding balance between work and play, uh, section of this. And like one of the pictures shows a, uh, a, a woman writing code and beside her, she has her baby laying down on the, on like a blanket next to her as she's coding. And I'm like, yeah, how many of us, like Joe, come on. We have watched alan's kids grow up in the background from like from like infant you know age to now they're like you know walking around like hey dad what's up yeah i told alan the other day there was a teenager standing behind him and i thought
Starting point is 00:32:57 i was getting mugged or something but uh it's just one of those kids. Yeah. So we do have some kind of explanations on where these numbers kind of came from. Basically, or the dates. It just doesn't really seem that interesting to me. It's like, yeah, here are the dates we got. And here's the number of organizations and the countries and stuff. And it's all there if you want to read it. I just don't know that it's particularly interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:35 They do talk about the distribution of active users by time zone with East Coast taking number one. These aren't the best commits. They're just – are the most users just the best users. Wait, no, I said that wrong. But I'm going with it. I'm sticking with it. users, just the best users. Wait, no, I said that wrong. I'm going with it. I'm sticking with it. Where are you guys in this report? You're still on the main page with all the numbers,
Starting point is 00:33:54 right? I'm on the productivity port report page 10 now. Oh, so you're actually in the detailed download report. Yep. Okay, Okay. Yeah, I probably shouldn't because there's a lot of pages here.
Starting point is 00:34:10 But the average push window by day a week, though, it was really higher for Pacific Coast. Pacific time zone more than East Coast. Yeah, the push window. I was talking about just number of users.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Oh. But yeah, if you look at that page 10, then yeah, you can see that if you look at the push window by day of the week at Pacific, they're doing pretty good. Average push window. Yeah, that's interesting way of phrasing it. They say Mondays overall have a shorter push window, so people
Starting point is 00:34:44 pushing in a smaller, how would you say, like a smaller window, a smaller range. You see commits within 4.2 to 4.7 hours. And Saturdays and Sundays are about equal with Mondays, which is pretty funny. It looks like Wednesday is the most productive day. So we work just as hard on a Saturday as we do on a Monday. Or does that mean that we work just as little on a Monday as we do on a Saturday?
Starting point is 00:35:22 There's also time off. There's holidays in there. There's sprint planning and all that fun stuff. Sure. There's also not wanting to work. We'll go with that. And having the Mondays. Did you guys see this chart on page 12
Starting point is 00:35:38 where they're showing the COVID lockdown and the number of push? It went up drastically. Wow. When people were at home. You're not kidding. Yeah, change year over year, 100%.
Starting point is 00:35:52 It's actually interesting. They have a lot of the statistics in here are – I should say they have a lot of stats in here that are specific to COVID. I'm trying to make sense of some of it, though, because there's one that I'm looking at where it's talking about the topics and then the number of repositories that were created. And for COVID, it was like five and a half times the second place, which was
Starting point is 00:36:18 Data Workshop. I'm trying to understand this in a sense. Timely open source for good projects like COVID saw explosive growth and may present an exciting opportunity for new users to get engaged in open source communities and the topic the number one topic was COVID-19 at 5600 repositories and for data workshop it was 1000 I wonder if that's all these
Starting point is 00:36:46 analysis tools where people have been trying to do contact tracing and all that. I wonder if that's the kind of projects they're talking about. It could be. I mean, you think back to it, we talked about the streaming that Jay-Z and I have been doing related to Kubernetes here recently. And at the beginning of the pandemic, I mean, it seems like a lifetime ago,
Starting point is 00:37:10 but if you recall, Jay-Z and I, some of the first streaming we did this year was about COVID. Do you remember that Jay-Z? We took, we were trying to like take, just play with some of the pandemic numbers to see, you because we wanted to play with Apache Drill, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:30 So imagine like how many projects have been committed where it was just more like coming at it from like an analytic kind of point of view. I could see where there would be a lot of – we're using COVID as a data source, like source, you know, like Kaggle had, had data source for us. I can see how there could be, you know, projects like that, um, making its way into GitHub and in inflating that,
Starting point is 00:37:54 that kind of number, you know, making it a popular topic for the year. Yep. And, you know, am I reading this right too? That,
Starting point is 00:38:01 um, it looks like, uh, the times that people are working and committing has changed? So if we look at the change arrow here and push window, I don't understand if they're saying it's later or if it's just more. People just working more or committing across a larger window. Are you still looking at that graph on the bottom of 12? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I was looking at 12, 13 and 14. Yeah. It's hard for me to, I mean, I think you kind of read some of these paragraphs to make heads or tails of some of these charts. Nah.
Starting point is 00:38:39 So, uh, yeah, the, uh, Octoverse, uh, we're going to end it with RTFM.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah, I mean, a lot of things are – sorry, we're looking at images and not talking to you. Let me describe this first, what I see here, okay? What color purple is his vermilion? There's a graph with a line. No, I'm just kidding. I'm sure that some people going from our, was it the domain-driven design where we were talking about graphs, or was it the designing data-intensive applications? Yeah. One of the many books that we've talked about, I'm sure some people were having some twitching spasms as they heard.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Like, oh, no, he's going to try to describe a triangle yeah and so we're in a little bit so basically um weekday push window ranges from 269 minutes on monday so 4.5 so it's basically you know they they kind of took a look at the data and said hey there's a big smack in the time of the day where like people are doing the committees and then it goes up to 494 minutes on wednesday which is 8.3 hours so i wonder if this is kind of a sign of like people working more flexible hours so monday they're not feeling it they kind of back off and then wednesday they are working more hours maybe catching up or whatever and overall it's looking like the windows have expanded which could be indicative of not necessarily more work being done
Starting point is 00:40:04 but work being spread out a little bit more. So maybe you're taking a couple breaks during the day to take care of kids or do whatever that you would normally do at the office. Yeah, if you actually go down to page 17 too, I don't know if you guys touched on this already, but they say that downtime is for open source. So they're saying that they're seeing that on the weekends, people are signing off the enterprise things, right? Like the big company projects that they're working on.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And they're saying that they're seeing the open source creation is up by 25% since April year over year. So people are contributing a lot more to open source. Yeah, that's awesome. Okay. But again, I question what, you know, what do you mean by that? What do you, what do you call an open source? When you say I'm contributing to open source, does that mean that I'm contributing to like a big project like a Kubernetes or is it literally like, Hey, I wanted to learn Ruby. And so, uh, I just, you know, here's my public repo where I'm, I'm learning Ruby. I think it's public, right? This is my guess, right? Like how else, I'm assuming it's like everything that's publicly available,
Starting point is 00:41:19 right? Unless they're scanning licenses that are saying that this is Apache 2 license type stuff. But yeah, my guess is it's going from private GitHub enterprise repos over to the public space. I'm sure that... They might explain how they might have good definitions in there. But I do want to mention they have a couple
Starting point is 00:41:43 tips for us. I think we're having some latency issues. Sorry. They might have good definitions in there. But I do want to mention they have a couple tips for us. I don't know if you see. I think we're having some latency issues. Sorry. Sorry, peoples. Oh, my gosh. This is way bigger. I didn't realize this was 40 pages just for this one report.
Starting point is 00:41:58 But, yeah, I found some tips for us. Okay. So they say Take a few minutes each day to reflect on something you're grateful for. Some developers found a positive impact on their frame of mind. And I like this one. Instead of managing your time,
Starting point is 00:42:16 manage your energy. So identify patterns that help you maintain higher levels of energy and optimize for the times that work for you. If you're a morning person and you know, do work early. If you're a night owl, then get some stuff done late,
Starting point is 00:42:30 whatever works for you. I could see that. That makes sense. Yeah. And they encourage supporting flexible, sustainable work schedules and watching for signs of burnout and team members. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:44 it helps you be happier, more productive. And, uh, helps you be happier, more productive. Uh, and, uh, I love, I love having a flexible and sustainable work schedule. So,
Starting point is 00:42:52 uh, I know at least flexible. I just found they have us a really interesting one. Um, that we, we, we skipped over from the, I guess like looking at the webpage alone really doesn't sell it.
Starting point is 00:43:09 To really get some of the interesting numbers, you got to go into the download. Because there was one where it was like one graphic that they had that was the distribution of distinct contributor count to each community by region. So if – because you guys haven't seen this yet, right? So what do you think the top community that Asia would have contributed to. When you say community, what do you... Like, just pick a technology thing that you think that
Starting point is 00:43:55 somebody would commit code to. Oh, okay. So, a repo. Okay. Like a language or a framework or something? Sure, sure. I would say JavaScript, and number two is Python. Okay. Um,
Starting point is 00:44:11 China. Uh, well, Asia, Asia. Um, I'm going to go something in the security realm. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Some, uh, I don't, I don't know what it would be, but, but definitely something in the security realm. I don't know. So I don't, I don't know what it would be, but, but definitely something in the security realm. Okay. TensorFlow.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Oh, was the number one learning. Yeah. But specifically TensorFlow. So that was interesting. And then, you know, you were in the ballpark with Python, Joe, because that was the fourth top one.
Starting point is 00:44:48 So it went TensorFlow, COVID, and then just plain GitHub open source, and then Python. Wow. Yeah. It was kind of neat. By the way, there's a glossary that defines developers as developers with individual accounts regardless of their activity. Users, essentially. And open source are open source projects that are public repositories with an open source license. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:16 So I kind of hit it. So they have a license file in there that says it's Apache or whatever. Yeah, so that's really cool. So now we know that too. And that's a really impressive thing. I would imagine most people just kind of doinking around or doing an assignment for school or something. They would probably skip model license. Push window is the average minutes
Starting point is 00:45:39 between a user's first and last git push to a primary branch of any repository. So roughly approximating development time. Yeah, so that's pretty cool. And the volume is the average number of pushes done in a window. Okay, so this one would make sense too. The top 10 Python packages with the most contributors.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Going back to what I was saying about Asia, then number one was TensorFlow. Like overall. This is going back to the community report. Oh, okay. I guess we kind of skipped over that, huh? Yeah, by contributing to the Python community, contributors and maintainers help support 266,966 packages. 361,832 developers and contributors over the previous year from 202 countries and regions. A lot of people working in Python. And that's why it moved up.
Starting point is 00:46:52 That's why I take a closer look at this report again. You know, that's one thing that was interesting to me when, when I started messing with Python, I didn't realize how long it had actually been around. It's not new, right? This thing's been around well over a decade, and it's just getting more and more popular, which I know that we've talked about a little bit.
Starting point is 00:47:20 It reminds me of JavaScript. It's just that loosey-goosey easy-to-get get into type thing. Yeah, and the libraries are really impressive too. I think there's something about that, like kind of the rules, the loosey-goosiness of it that's really kind of fostered this really great mathematical community around it. I don't know what it is. I don't know what magic special sauce they have,
Starting point is 00:47:45 but it's working for them. This episode is sponsored by offers hands-on courses with live developer environments, all within a browser-based environment with no setup required. With, you can learn faster using their text-based courses instead of videos, focus on the parts you are interested in, and skim through the parts you're not. Let me tell you about my next course, because I know I've changed this up a few times as I keep changing my mind. And by the way, that's been part of the fun for me is just browsing through the course and it's like Christmas shopping. But I had a hard time with one of the fun for me is just browsing through the course and and uh you know it's like christmas shopping but uh i had a hard time with a one of the advent of code problems i was doing in python because i thought i knew python but there were a lot of things that i didn't know i i found that
Starting point is 00:48:34 i figured out that i kind of knew the basics i knew how to you know kind of get my day job done with it but i was missing i had a really big hole around like the functional programming and some of the libraries that were built in that really makes Python shine. And so I was doing things the bad ways. I was trying to stream it. It just kind of got awkward and weird. I realized I had a big gap in my knowledge. Well, lo and behold, there is a course that's basically designed just for me.
Starting point is 00:48:57 It's called Introduction to Functional Programming. And it's all based around Python. And it goes through those libraries, through those techniques, and through the things in Python that I was looking for, basically. So I was able to find a course that addressed a weakness of mine. And so now I'm going through this before continuing on with any further kind of studies in Python, because I want to get it right from the get go. And I want to kind of practice doing things in a smart and good way. And it's just awesome that I was able to quickly browse around and find something that just hit the nail on the head for me. And, you know, like we've talked in the past, a couple of episodes, like about, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:35 we've hit it on some Kubernetes topics in the last one. And like, by the way, you know, still hit up Joe and Alan and talk them into us doing a deep dive on Kubernetes. But hey, in the meantime, you could do that same deep dive on And they've got a ton of topics on there. And specifically, like just DevOps, because now that Alan is sold on DevOps, and he's become a senior DevOps engineer, even though it should just be more of a cultural thing. They have a truckload of DevOps related topics. So, you know, you want to learn the DevOps, they have a series called the DevOps toolkit. So you learn about Jenkins, that's going to be pretty critical to your your DevOps start, right? It's all going to start with getting that Jenkins pipeline together. They have Docker for developers in there, working with containers
Starting point is 00:50:27 and Docker Compose, a practical guide to Kubernetes, advanced Kubernetes techniques, like monitoring and logging and auto scaling. So a ton of great knowledge. It doesn't have to just be like a programming language that you want to learn about. It could be other concepts out there too. But the, you know, they also had their newest addition to the grokking series. So like, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:53 Joe was a big fan of the, what was that one? The grokking, the system design. Yeah. And like Joe was a huge fan of that. When, when,
Starting point is 00:51:03 when through that one earlier, was it last year that you did that? Or I forget? Rocking the Machine Learning Interview. And if you take that course, you'll focus on the system design side of machine learning by designing your own real machine learning system, such as an ad prediction system. And this is really like the only course like this on the internet. Yeah, so you need to go and learn about what you're interested in.
Starting point is 00:51:42 So visit slash codingblocks to automatically get the lowest pricing available for subscriptions at checkout. Hurry though, because they don't run these deals very often. Again, that's slash codingblocks to start your subscription today. All right, hey, break time. I would love for you to leave us a review on itunes that would be a great place to
Starting point is 00:52:07 do it we try to make it easy by putting a link up there if you go to slash review and uh where else pod chaser will let you do it stitcher not so much anymore so yeah that's audible i heard audible yeah you could leave some reviews on Audible. So I guess we're going to have to start throwing Audible a lot of love and traffic in order to get some reviews over there. That's fine. I love Audible. That's fine with me. So yeah, hook us up on Audible. We appreciate that if you're an Audible user or you just want to hook us up.
Starting point is 00:52:39 We really appreciate that. Thank you very much. I just find it so humorous. I'm sorry. I got distracted. My dog decided that the one pillow he was on was no longer enough. So he walks across the room to another pillow to lay down on. It was like, really?
Starting point is 00:52:58 What was so different about the other one? Yeah. All right. Got too hot. I don't know. I don't know. Oh, well, I don't know. I don't know. Oh, well, hmm. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I don't know. I mean, they're both next to the wall, so maybe, like, he just got tired of that wall? Yeah, I don't know. All right. Well, with that, we will head into my favorite portion of the show, Survey Says. All right. So a few episodes back,
Starting point is 00:53:32 we asked, hey, which do you want most? The brand new Microsoft Series X refrigerator or the brand new Sony PlayStation five duck bill. All right. So, um, I think I might have Alan now do a thumbs up here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:57 So while I have a chance to hear Alan, uh, cause technically Joe's supposed to go first, but I'm going to give but I'm going to give Alan a chance since his internet connection seems to be coming and going. Alan, what do you think is the most popular choice?
Starting point is 00:54:15 I'm going to have to go with the PlayStation 5 only because it's... PlayStation's been sort of reigning supreme for years in that realm so we'll go with that. And I'm going to say it's 60%. Has it reigned supreme though? I mean, I get it.
Starting point is 00:54:29 You know, Spider-Man, I get it. Users? Supreme? User-wise, totally. Yeah. Supreme? Yeah. Supreme.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Supreme. Hey, look, I like the Xbox too, but there's no question there's more PlayStation users than Xbox users. Supreme. Supreme. Okay, well, in that case, I guess I'll give you the correct answer, which is Xbox with 50.01%. Okay. Because Game Pass is just too good.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Yeah, man. one percent okay because uh game pass is just too good yeah man all about that uh halo infinite coming out uh which sadly oh man did you see it's like you know been delayed again till the fall of 2021 now so it will officially have been delayed a year now, yeah, there's definitely no reason to even bother buying one of these consoles right now. Yeah. So, if you ask me, like, which one do you want the most? I'm like, meh, whatever. Yeah, well, assuming
Starting point is 00:55:35 you already have one. If you don't have a console right now, then this is probably very exciting for you. If you don't already have a console, sure, fine. All right. So, 60% for if you don't already have a console sure fine uh all right so uh 60 percent for alan for the playstation 5 duck bill edition supreme uh supreme i told her that that's going to be the official way to refer to it from now on. Or 50.01% for the Microsoft Xbox Series X refrigerator.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Yes. And the answer is, of course, it's the Xbox. Come on, Alan. Xbox. Oh, that's far. Yeah, man. 59%. We got a bunch of Xbox on our beds. is of course it's the xbox come on alan xbox yeah man 59 made you now said 59 for the xbox what's up what's up yeah so i i'm surprised i don't know why you wouldn't have picked the Xbox. But yeah. Dude, there's no way. There's way more users on PlayStation.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Dream on. I mean, even if there are, maybe they're just not excited about it. And so they're more excited to get the refrigerator. That's possible. And I have no way to verify anything because my interwebs aren't working so yeah my life is over tonight yeah i mean i think we should go ahead and post this poll up on the internet and see what happens put on twitter right you can keep right you you can keep your soda cold at 4k i mean that makes sense right with the xbox refrigerator yeah yeah totally all right uh well hey yeah i got i got a sidetrack here i gotta tell you something so uh today for lunch i ate a kid's meal at mc today. His mom got really angry though.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Wow. That's good. You can thank Mike RG for that. I can't take any credit for that. Wow. Yeah. So with that, we head into today's survey. And, you know, it's that time of year, Christmas movies are coming around. So we thought like, hey, what's your favorite Christmas movie? Now, before I even start this list, I know somebody's going to say like i missed one and sure i'm not listing every christmas movie ever made okay so there's the there's the asterisk on the on the statement there not everyone's gonna be made or listed so your choices are and these are your only choices joe looking at you i hate movies don't worry worry. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:46 It's a Wonderful Life, because I like the classics. Or A Charlie Brown Christmas, that poor, poor Christmas tree. Or Frosty the Snowman, with a corncob pipe and a butt on his nose. Or wait. Okay. It's something like that. A Christmas story. Only I didn't say fudge or how the Grinch stole Christmas because my heart is three sizes too small or the nightmare before Christmas. It's what I imagine happens when Jack White meets Tim Burton. Or Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Starting point is 00:59:31 An awkward story about being different enough to be important. Or Die Hard. It is a Christmas movie. Welcome to the party, pal. I wonder which one outlaw picked oh there's there's no doubt about i don't even mind tainting this survey because die hard is clearly the best christmas series i said it series ever uh what about cyberpunk i think you left that one off.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Oh, I forgot. You're still talking about movies as if they're relevant anymore. Yeah. Well, I mean, now everything, we go straight to the theater and to HBO Max at the same time. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Not HBO Go. Right. Is that even a thing anymore? Is HBO Go even a thing? Don't get me started on that nonsense. Yep. Well, I saw – because you know how Alan is all about like data and databases, right? Oh, tell me we're not losing him again. No, I'm here.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I'm here. Alan's all about data and databases right and you know how like you can find anything on netflix right and i saw this great movie about databases i can't wait for the sequel that's another one for mike rg thank you yeah excellent oh by the way this is a total sidetrack tangent outlaw uh you you damaged me you told me about this show on netflix called the social experiment maybe i think the social dilemma called The Social Experiment, maybe? I think is the name of it? The Social Dilemma. Oh. The Social Dilemma. Man, don't watch it.
Starting point is 01:01:29 It'll make you hate social media even more. Yeah. But it was really good. Did you see it, Jay-Z? No. Man, it's... My wife was mad after she watched it. She's like, we're getting rid of everything.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I'm like, okay. Well, Reagan, I've been telling you this for a long time, right? Yeah. That's good. It's the things we know, but I think it makes you feel it at an emotional level. Like maybe it gets kind of lost. And it's good for – It's disturbing.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, man. lost and it's good for it's disturbing he's maybe yeah man well i mean if you think about it though even the whole concept and idea of the notifications that can show up on your phone like why did apple ever introduce that in the first place or you know google ever introduced that in the first place on their devices right right? It was a way to like, try to suck you back into, you know, picking up that device and using that device and finding like, you know, some kind of use for it. Right. And, and now companies are taking advantage of that kind of thing. Right. And, and, you know, they, they went to, to, I don't know if you call it an extreme, but like, I mean, they weren't so far as to even refer to email, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:49 in, in that, in that, uh, that movie that, that wasn't really a documentary. I forget what they called it, but it kind of was,
Starting point is 01:02:57 but kind of wasn't, it was a drama, a dramatized documentary, I think is what they called it. Right. Right. And, and yeah, Oh, it's. Right. Right. It was good. Oh, it's super good.
Starting point is 01:03:08 If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. I thought it was very entertaining. Even if it does make you mad. Disturbing. You're going to, if you watch it with anybody in your family, they're going to start making rules like you you're not allowed to do this on your phone or you're not allowed to bring your phone into the room or you're not like, there's just going to be so many things that people are like, Oh, I didn't realize. And you'll start, you'll start evaluating things. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:37 it was, it was good and disturbing and frustrating. And it just reinforced everything you already knew about it. I mean, there are a lot of people, though, that talk about like just from like a work life balance and also just healthy kind of mental habits and whatnot. Like that when you get home from work, like pre-COVID, when you get home from work, you put your phone away, you know, don't like set it down and don't come back to it, right? Like you're at home now, you don't need that, right? And, you know, I've heard interviews where some are saying like, you know, that the watch, you know, like with the watches now, like that's enough, right? Like that's more than enough for home to provide you with any kind of like things that you needed to know about right then. And that you could do
Starting point is 01:04:30 without the phone, uh, while you're home. But obviously now in like a pandemic situation where, you know, nobody leaves home, then, uh, I guess you just always have it, or maybe you like, just leave it, you know, you have very strict areas for it. Or maybe you just leave it. You have very strict areas for this is my work and the rest of the house is not. I don't know. You throw the phone in a Faraday cage at some point and walk away from it. Maybe. This episode is sponsored by X Matters.
Starting point is 01:05:08 X Matters helps enterprises prevent, manage, and resolve technology incidents. X Matters' industry-leading digital service availability platform prevents technical issues from becoming big business problems. innovative DevOps teams rely on its proactive incident response automation and management service to maintain operational visibility and control in today's highly fragmented technology environment. So what exactly does that mean? What X Matters does is it brings your team together to be able to resolve incidents and handle things that come up in business day to day without people needing to go and set up the things that happen. So if you have a production incident that causes things to go down in the regular way people operate is you'll have, you know, Michael will go set up a Jared ticket, Joe will go set up a Slack channel, and then I'll have to go do something in service now, right? And start getting the things flowing.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Is it really that sophisticated? I think it's more like, uh, Hey Joe, uh, can you like, uh, can you get online? I know you're, you're at dinner right now. I know, man. And, uh, Hey, but do you mind, I need you to get online if you don't mind. Oh, you're at the restaurant. When you think you can get home, can you jump online real quick? And I'm going to create a ticket. I don't even know how to classify this ticket, but I'll email you the ticket. That's how it really works. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:06:40 And then, hey, who should I put on that ticket? I'm not sure who needs to be on that ticket. That's really how it goes down. X Matters gets rid of all that guesswork and all that other things. You configure this. And when there's a production incident, now your Jira ticket set up with the correct watchers on it, your Slack channel set up automatically with people invited to it. A call bridge is set up and people are automatically called and added to that bridge. All of the minutia and the things that you typically don't want to and don't have time to deal with are done for you so you can focus on resolving these issues. And I want to
Starting point is 01:07:18 be clear there too, though, like in the examples that you said there like, that's if you want those features, right? Like you, you get to define how your incident management workflow works, that in whatever that process is that works the best for your organization. That's how you can configure it. So if that includes setting up a call bridge and setting up a slack and setting up a ticketing system and all that kind of stuff, like, great, you can do all that plus a truckload more. But if you're like, Hey, I don't need the call bridge. Like you can totally customize, tailor that workflow to meet your organization's needs. So get rid of your highly inaccurate error prone, uh, you know, maintained by Joe spreadsheets. Cause we've seen how Mathema chicken works. So let's face it. You don't want Joe touching your spreadsheet.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Get rid of those, replace those inaccurate, high-maintenance spreadsheets with easy-to-manage, on-call schedules, groups, rotations, and escalations across devices for targeted alerts using X Matters. You're right. Nobody wants to see my spreadsheets. But good news, because from IT to DevOps to emergency notifications,
Starting point is 01:08:29 everyone needs speed, automation, and reliability when things go wrong. So keep your digital services up and running today with X Matters. Learn more at All right, so we're looking at the community report in a little bit more depth here. And I was just looking at the community report in a little bit more depth here. And I was just looking at the
Starting point is 01:08:46 very interesting section on the changing GitHub community. So we mentioned that not everyone on GitHub was a developer, and they actually have a distribution of roles over time. And so we can see that in 2016, it was almost 60% developer, which was a lot lower than I expected, and it's gone down since then to, I don't know, it looks like maybe 55-ish in 2020. But I was surprised to see that it was so low to begin with. Wait, what page are you on?
Starting point is 01:09:23 Oh, I guess I should tell you that. I'm on page nine. Page nine, the changing GitHub community. And so you can see that education has gone way up. So we've got people. It was under 20% in 2016, and now it's like, I don't know, 24%. So that's a good chunk of where that percent went. Also, data is way up. Well, I don't know. I%. So that's a good chunk of where that percent went. Also, data is way up.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Well, I don't know. I wouldn't say way up. Yeah, that's a good question. I mean, it's definitely up. Education is definitely up. Yeah. I'd be curious to know if education, does that count? Is that like high school age or younger type students, or is that college and university?
Starting point is 01:10:09 Yeah. I wonder what they're calling education. Did you see that? No, the main thing is the glossary. They do say that teachers and students expanding on the foundation they built, and we expect this number to grow. Let's try the glossary glossary is on page 33 yeah i'm not seeing it it doesn't say yeah i mean they they they talk a lot about it on on page 10 but they don't like say what the students,
Starting point is 01:10:45 you know, that if it's, you know, college age or younger. Yeah. They just talk about how education, it's like marketing, like get hubs role in education for the next generations.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Well, there's a classroom report. So maybe you check that out. What does this say? That the key findings from the classroom report, so maybe check that out. What does it say? The key findings from the classroom report, the 2020 classroom report for GitHub. Pay attention to APAC and what is that? L-A-T-A-M? Have you heard that?
Starting point is 01:11:22 Latin America. Okay. I guess that? Latin America. Okay. I guess that would make sense. That's an abbreviation for it? Yeah. Wow, that shows you how America I am. I didn't even... Remember when we were talking about my geography skills at the top of the show?
Starting point is 01:11:43 I'm totally rocking it uh the number of respondents from those areas rose from 2019 to 20 next generation developers will know and use python so adjust your stack product development and outreach accordingly oh that makes sense, though. You know, we've talked about the popularity of Python before, so, yeah. And they go deep on Python here. If you're a Pythonista, you just got to go read this whole 2020 community report, because it takes
Starting point is 01:12:17 a big, long look at it. It talks about the differences in how newcomers to Python and veterans to Python, their different patterns and how they use GitHub. Here's the one that I find the most interesting, though, from this classroom study, though. Visual Studio Code is the number one choice for young developers for the second year in a row.
Starting point is 01:12:44 That makes sense. It's free and it's good. And there's so many extensions. You know, maybe it's just my circle, but like, I don't hear anyone talk about Electron or Atom anymore. No. Every once in a while, I'll see some old articles. It's like, I'm an Atom person.
Starting point is 01:13:01 I'm like, what? Get out of here. Yeah, I did see a breakdown on Python with the top 10 packages with the most unique contributors over the last 12 months. And TensorFlow is number one, which is something that I'm totally, it's just totally foreign to me. So it's cool to see that there's still such big areas of programming that are totally foreign to me. Some Home Assistant, PyTorch is number three, Ansible is number four.
Starting point is 01:13:29 I was surprised to see that. I kind of associate that with server administration. YouTube download, I'm not surprised to see that, although this is contributors, this is not downloaders. This is people who actually made changes to it. I mean, they have, like, so much of this report, though, is specific to Python. Yeah, strange. Yeah, really it is.
Starting point is 01:13:53 I mean, like Python was popular and moved up, but what was it? It was like fourth or fifth place, something like that. I think it was fifth, right? Or no, fourth? Maybe C Sharp was fifth. It moved up to second. Oh, sorry. Yes, yes. It moved up to second. Oh, sorry. Yes. Yes. It moved up to second and Java moved down to third.
Starting point is 01:14:16 But they have a whole other section on the top 10 repositories that COVID and TensorFlow communities depend on, which I almost wonder is like, okay, you could probably leave out the COVID part and these would still say the same. Like NumPy, TensorFlow, Matplotlib, SciPy, Scikit-learn, Pillow, that's one I hadn't heard of, Oh, well, I guess those were the ones that just the tensorflow. Okay. Now I understand how they had, those were the tensorflow library. So like, uh, I was already at like the seven top seven. So then if we go back to the, just focusing on like the top three for each, right. For the COVID, it was definitely typed safe buffer and debug uh
Starting point is 01:15:06 vision media debug were the top three python packages or no i guess i guess they're not referring to it that way they're just saying the top 10 repositories period yeah i was looking at computers earlier now at the top, they do say why they focus on Python, TensorFlow, and COVID. And it's basically because they consider this to be a deeper exploration into three communities that are part of social and data movements. And so this is in their community report. So that's why they're kind of shining a spotlight here. It has nothing to do with popularity or anything other than the fact that it's related to social stuff and also popularity okay now that makes more sense so so when they're saying like hey these are the the top 10 repositories that these refer
Starting point is 01:15:54 these depend on it's not because of some correlation between them it's just that they're like highlight like they just randomly you know or not randomly but they they picked something that they felt would be representative of the users, you know, topic wise. And that happened to be like TensorFlow and COVID. Yeah. And they talk about these and talk about how they brought new people into those communities. They talk about how the communities kind of bridge gaps between organizational lines and different kinds of people and the changing landscape of GitHub project communities. And so it's,
Starting point is 01:16:26 yeah, it's, uh, yeah, you know, it definitely seems like they've got a vested interest in growing communities and that's why they're kind of taking a look at these three, but they don't say anything about the communities they didn't choose.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Like, you know, I'm surprised not to see JavaScript on here. Cause I definitely think of a JavaScript being such a new developer community, but it doesn't have that same social tie-in that Python has right now. How did they specify
Starting point is 01:16:52 that if something was COVID or not? How do they know that a project or repository is COVID-specific? You can read more. A community made of the top 100 COVID-19 repositories. So based on the number of contributions,
Starting point is 01:17:13 but I don't know how they picked out whether it was tagged or not. I don't know how they, they have a link here for, for finding them. It looks like. Have you, have either of you guys worked with the discussions part? So I think it's just above where you guys
Starting point is 01:17:32 were looking at the Python stuff, where now in GitHub, they announced this thing called discussions and it's a way for people to collaborate. So instead of just doing tickets and whatnot, this is actually having discussions, and they were talking about Next.js repo. 25% of the people of the all-time contributors
Starting point is 01:17:54 ended up using discussions. Joe, I know that you do quite a bit with our coding block stuff. Have you ever used any of this? No, I've never even heard of it. I knew of Gitterter which i kind of think it was being like kind of persistent ish chat for github but i've never heard of discussions like it's almost like a slack but for git and developers yeah that's what i don't know and i can't go check it out right now but yeah it's i don't know if it's a Slack. I don't know if it's a real-time type thing or if it's more of like a message board.
Starting point is 01:18:28 I have no idea. I can't look at it right now. But that's pretty interesting. I didn't know it existed either. It's new. It came out, it looks like, beta in May. Yeah, I don't know. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:18:43 So there's a tab on the repo called discussions and it's like kind of a forum built in it's uh i see some questions and answer type stuff like stack overflow which will be interesting to see see what that means like for so long stack overflow has been the king of looking up issues but i mean it seems like a pretty good way if you could have more targeted type questions this is an interesting competitor to Stack Overflow pretty cool yeah that's interesting I didn't know about that so I'll keep an eye out
Starting point is 01:19:17 yeah we found a new tool you said it was launched when what did you say that was? May it's in beta. It might still be in beta. Yeah, it looks like they were using it for Next.js in January, but it sounds like it's opening up to more of the world now. So, yeah, pretty interesting.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I do not see it for Kubernetes. Oh, well, then it's dead to me dead to me I do see it for Next.js and for anybody looking at this or trying to figure out where we are in this community report it's on page 17 is where they talk about a lot of this well yeah this
Starting point is 01:20:03 I mean I'm seeing stuff it looks like the post I'm looking at on Next.js. It's like some things are like, hey, we should have this. This is an RFC, like a request for, I don't know, change maybe. And people can vote it up. They can comment. Some people are asking questions like, hey, I need help. You can answer it or not.
Starting point is 01:20:21 So, yeah, it looks like a pretty big swing at Stack Overflow mixed with a nice way for communities to, or I guess it kind of fills in some blanks for like some governance. So like ways to decide what changes should get in or what people should focus on. So that's pretty cool. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how this shakes out over the next couple of years
Starting point is 01:20:42 if people start using it a lot. Yeah, that's interesting. All right, good find there. Yeah, wow. Learn something new every day. Next, we'll be talking about trying to beef up your discussions profile. Yeah. Answer questions there so that you can get upvoted.
Starting point is 01:21:17 You ever seen anything with GitHub sponsors? No. No. Yeah. Go ahead. Well, no, I haven't. But there was a story in there about, I'll let Alan pronounce that symbol, but a lady named Gina. And they were talking about her, you know, she supports her work through GitHub sponsors and that she's like fully funded and that GitHub sponsors is one of the ways that she does that. How do you pronounce it?
Starting point is 01:21:50 I mean, that's German, right? Yeah, that's German. I'm not actually certain on that other character. I don't know if it's Havage. I'm not sure. It looks like a B, a capital B, but it's not. And so Hombage, I guess, is how I'm going to pronounce it with America. Which is probably wrong.
Starting point is 01:22:21 But yeah, this is pretty cool. I didn't know about GitHub sponsors either. So this is, I guess we're learning a little bit more about the platform that we didn't know existed. Yeah, invest in the software that powers your world. So it's a new way to contribute to open source. Invest in the open source projects you depend on. Contributors are working behind the scenes to make open source better for everyone. Give them help and the recognition they deserve. Gina Hodge.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Oh gosh, I wasn't even close. Yeah, we should just not try to say it. I'm sure I got it right. If I say it again, probably not. So you can go and support developers that you want to support. And I'm trying to figure out if you wanted to be an open source developer.
Starting point is 01:23:13 I see how you get this guy like a Patreon kind of thing built in. So I can go and I can donate $3 a month. But what if I wanted to be an open source maintainer? How would you do that? I mean, one of the things that they give here is they're on the sponsors page. They're talking about, you know, you depend on open source every day. And they give an example of curl included in almost every modern device. Smartphones, cars, TV, laptops, servers, consoles, printers. How how many if you haven't already seen
Starting point is 01:23:49 it have you already you already scroll and see the number i heard an interview with the person oh really so you're back when they were trying yeah so it's 10 trillion plus installs 10 trillion that's more than a billion billion so you know github sponsors is now out of beta and it's in 34 regions uh and you have to make sure that you have a bank account in one of those regions in order to qualify they do have a wait list though because the feature has been so popular and they're trying to i guess vet people so that's interesting so that if that's something you seriously want to go for like you can make a career out of being an open source maintainer which is pretty amazing
Starting point is 01:24:45 I'll link that episode I mean like they're they show like one developer here who has like a thing you know $15,000 a month and when I reach this goal I'll be able to quit my day job and work on open source full time I didn't realize that was, this was an option. Like this is a, this is one of those things that your career guidance counselor like never
Starting point is 01:25:12 teaches you, you know, when you're in school, you know, when you're a kid growing up and like, yeah, you could just, uh,
Starting point is 01:25:20 you know, don't go work for somebody else. Just get sponsors to sponsor you so you can write code for free. Wait. What? Yeah. I found that podcast, by the way. It was
Starting point is 01:25:36 ChangeLog episode 299. So I'll get a link there. But also they have transcripts which are super amazing. So you should check out that link. Anyway, I'll put in the resources. It'll be like best transcripts I've ever seen. Carl is 20 years old.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah, we've got more talk of TensorFlow and COVID. Well, now we understand why. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean, this is great for a company to for you know for them to do this it makes a little less since we've learned a lot about their platform and uh different services that we didn't even know they had like i consider myself to be you know pretty in touch like i read hacker news and write it pretty often. Now you can be hip with all the kids. Next time you're at Starbucks, you can be on fleek.
Starting point is 01:26:32 And when you talk about, do you even have the 411 on GitHub discussions? That's right. I think I'm using the right terminology. Coding Watch got the 411 yeah yeah wow we can see um so on page 27 there's a really interesting change in time to merge pull requests for open source projects for his previous year and the time to merge pull requests starting in February, way down. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Way down. Like, how do you have a negative number for it? Yeah, I mean, that's crazy. And then there's a spike for Thanksgiving holiday. But, yeah, the change in time to merge pull requests. So, yeah, pull requests got merged in a lot faster. And open source projects, way up. way up year over year, 40%. Yeah, that's really big.
Starting point is 01:27:33 It looks like it started creeping up around February, no surprise there, and then really hit a stride around May, June, July, and then it fell back down a little bit, but still doing pretty good. Yeah, I guess it's not like, it's not as, yeah, I mean, we started the show by saying that this was similar to like, you know, this was the similar to the Stack Overflow survey, except for GitHub. But really, like, their whole calling it the octoverse makes a lot more sense now because you know like you were saying a moment ago where like you're learning more about their platform and everything like things that we didn't know before like um with this github
Starting point is 01:28:16 sponsors and discussions and everything and so like now it's like making a lot more sense yeah uh they have some projections here that are pretty cool too looking at the future of open source and they do say that by 2025 they expect to have 100 billion users and uh i thought i had sorry i thought i had those projects there too but so interesting to see doubling yeah they've never years The number of projected users. I just found a new podcast in one of these things. Yeah. Which one?
Starting point is 01:28:51 Parent driven development. I haven't heard that one. I hadn't either, but I love the name. That's great. Yeah. That's what, you know,
Starting point is 01:29:03 I noticed a lot of the images and stuff they use in these reports. They did a really good job of representation. I noticed they had a lot of parents or soon-to-be parents pictured in the books. Just in the reports. It's a really pretty-looking report overall. It looks really professional and just well done. Check this out. The countries and regions with strongest growth in contributors.
Starting point is 01:29:25 Nigeria, number one. Hong Kong, number growth in contributors. Nigeria, number one. Hong Kong, number two. And Saudi Arabia, number three. And I mean, quite – the numbers are just high all around. Bangladesh, Egypt, Peru, Colombia. I mean, the really cool thing about some of this, though, is that it goes back to like everything that we've talked about here recently in recent months related to telemetry, right? A lot of us, they're able to even show you commits per day, per hour, or whatever, because they have that kind of telemetry available to them, right? I mean, obviously, that's part of the Git log, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:10 I mean, I'm sure that as part of those commits going in, they're keeping some stats off to the side so that they don't have to go and repoll every repo's Git log so that they can pull out these kind of numbers. Yep. Oh, they have a special breakdown of distribution of roles over time in Python, which is pretty interesting. And so you can see from 2013 to 2020,
Starting point is 01:30:32 developers haven't really changed that much, but every other category has kind of eaten some of that space. So education is way up from where it was in 2013. So a lot more students and scientists has also grown. And managers too.
Starting point is 01:30:48 That's pretty cool. Man, if you like Python, you owe it to yourself to go look at all of these. So we're skipping over quite a bit. This is much more in-depth than I expected. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:06 First, when we thought we were going to do this show, we thought it was going to be more similar to the Stack Overflow survey. But it's really not. It's got cross-links and stuff back to other pages. That's why we're skipping around. So hopefully it's not terrible to listen to. Oh, hey, Steam finished downloading Cyberpunk, so I'm going to go.
Starting point is 01:31:32 The real reason. I've already got my name picked out for my person. Oh, can we hear it? No. It's not appropriate. It's not appropriate. It's not appropriate. It's the future.
Starting point is 01:31:49 I wanted something radical. All right. Well, we will have this link as well as some other links that we've mentioned for the GitHub Octoverse. And yeah, parent-driven development. We'll have links to that in the resources we like section. And with that, we head into... I got one last one now. One sloth turned to the other sloth and said,
Starting point is 01:32:21 you know, I used to dislike moss, but now I think it's growing on me. And with that, we head into Alan's favorite portion of the show. It's the tip of the week. All right.
Starting point is 01:32:38 So, yeah, Jay-Z, why don't you tell us what's your tip? All right. So, you know So we've talked a little bit about CLIs versus UIs and why it's good to know a CLI really well because you really get to know what's happening underneath and you get to understand the item deeper and you build that muscle. And then you can use tools more effectively. But ultimately, if you want a script, then that's the way to go. And ultimately, there's always things that you can do with a CLI that you can't always do in a UI. So, you know, we have talked about that, and I agree with that. But let me tell you about canines. If you're working in Kubernetes, and you are
Starting point is 01:33:18 doing anything like I do, which is like flopping around between namespaces or different contexts, or kind of comparing different environments against each other or quickly looking at various pods or trying to get into like look at logs or just inspect a lot of things. If you're just debugging or triaging, then K9S, one up from Kubernetes, like the dogs, is a fantastic tool. There is a learning curve, and it is not long in time, but it looks daunting at first.
Starting point is 01:33:50 So when I first fired up canines, I heard it was good. I was like, what the heck, this is terrible. It was like using VI. You got to use colons to switch between resource types. You use slash for filtering. I was like, I'm going to hate this. I don't want to do this. I don't want to learn all these broke shortcuts.
Starting point is 01:34:08 But then I realized that I had actually learned them all already. It was actually pretty much just the two. Colid for navigating between resource types and slash to filter. And then you can hit, you know, there's a couple of things that are shown on the screen that will kind of help you navigate between context and namespaces. And there's good information just all over the place. But the important things to me are that it pulls in the background.
Starting point is 01:34:33 So if I switch to services from pods, there's no lag. Once you kind of get hooked up to the environment, you just go there and it's instant. So there's none of that kind of waiting when you do the normal cube cuddle. And also it shows information about the namespace and context you're in all the time, which is great if you're a switcher like me. But then Outlaw went and showed me that there's actually a couple other command line tools built into it. One called Popeye, which I'd never heard of, but it's almost like kind of a linter for your running cluster. Where it'll go through and say, hey, here's errors that you should know about and here's warnings. Yep, which is really cool.
Starting point is 01:35:09 There was one called pulses, which was almost like monitoring. So it had some cool visualizations, almost like you get from like a Grafana for seeing like number of resources, number of pods, things like that, red and green for good and bad. And what was the third one oh x-ray which was more of the like delinting type capabilities that you could like navigate to and worked with popeye and all this was free it was really nice to easy and easy to use once you spent the 15 minutes to learn how to to work it so canines, go get it. Okay, so really the takeaway from this is Popeye. Popeye
Starting point is 01:35:49 is great, but I mean everything else, like for me, switching between namespaces, I was always getting confused and comparing namespaces is really great too. So I can like open up two terminals, get them hooked up to two different contexts. I'm not typing dash N for namespace all over the place. I'm not getting confused. I mean just just if you
Starting point is 01:36:05 get into a situation where you're trying to look at two different environments and you're like it's like adding the context and namespace is an argument to every kubectl command that's a miserable way to live i don't care if you have to have a completion or not it just it stinks but if you can just get two tabs up between two environments and like why does this one work and this one doesn't it's so fast, so nice. And it eliminates a lot of confusion and human error, which I find very desirable.
Starting point is 01:36:30 The problem though, that I have with like, like I want to, I want to like it a lot better than I did. But I mean, one, I got off to a bad, um,
Starting point is 01:36:41 start with it because like, I guess Ubuntu isn't on their radar, but everything else is. So the install for Ubuntu isn't as friendly as it is for other platforms. Yeah, there was no Snap. There was no apt-get. Which was odd
Starting point is 01:37:00 because there was other versions of Linux that was like, oh, hey uh yeah you can do it for this but not for ubuntu yeah if you got alpine then here you go like isn't like pretty popular wait so you were using ubuntu because you were using wsl for windows i assume no i was in a book oh you were actually trying to do Ubuntu. Well, I wasn't trying to do Ubuntu. Which is weird. I was doing Ubuntu.
Starting point is 01:37:29 You were trying to do Ubuntu is what it sounded like. Since when does a dev tool work better on Windows than Ubuntu? I mean, it was just weird. It was just weird to me that it was like, hey, here it is for OpenSUSE but not for Ubuntu. And I was like, huh. Okay. I like, huh. Okay. I mean, whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:47 You know, that wasn't like the big thing. But the big one, though, for me was that in our Kubernetes environments, like they're pretty large. And I don't know how you can stand it, Joe. Like it's so slow. And I don't know if that's stand it, Joe. Like, it's so slow. And I don't know if that's just me and, like, my bad luck. But when I'm connecting to our – it's fine in a small cluster. But in our clusters, it's been problematic.
Starting point is 01:38:18 It's been slow. Yeah, I've definitely noticed that. But for me, like, it's just been worth it to deal with the slowness and maybe that's because i don't have the you know like uh i'm not running keep going in wsl and so i don't have uh like tab completion oh so i want to be clear this is not me running it in wsl i'm not nothing this is just me running it from a windows command line in like you know our day job right like the clusters are large and so like i'm having problems with it like i and when i say i have problems with i mean to the point
Starting point is 01:38:52 where it's like i have to just like force close the thing in order to like open it back up and re-navigate again because it won't it becomes unresponsive so i've had that but i will say that it's been still so much more worth it because when you've got one of these environments with thousands of pods, and you're like, hey, let me go look up the, oh, I got a port for it. I don't know what the pod name is. I don't know what the service name is.
Starting point is 01:39:16 It's like, let me kubectl get services. Maybe you know a label, maybe you don't, and then you still end up waiting like 10 seconds, 15 seconds because kubectl doesn't really work very well either. I don't know, man, because the cube cuddle was so much faster. And I will say this too. One other gripe, and sorry to pick on your tip of the week.
Starting point is 01:39:38 It should be. One other gripe. What's your tip? Let me look at your tip. Well played, sir. Well played. So, so the, if you wanted to attach into or exec into a pod, right? If you are missing any permissions for whatever reason, like you won't get an error. It won't tell you what happened. Like you'll try to exec, you'll try to, well, they call it attach, but it'd be the equivalent if you try to do an exec, an interactive exec into a pod. When you, when you try to attach to that pod, it'll, it'll
Starting point is 01:40:18 flash and then, you know, come back. So you don't actually see, wait, why didn't I just attach into that pod? You never know. So there's a difference between attach and shell. What you probably want to do is shell, which is S. Well, then what's the attach then? It actually runs kubectl attach, not kubectl exec. Shell is equivalent to exec. Kubectl attach, I don't know what that does.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Kubectl attach attaches to the main process that's running so maybe if you wanted to debug or uh okay oh yeah they do because they don't show you that they like it never showed me shit to shell it was just like if you is there the only option it showed me was the attach. And so I assumed that that's what they were, that they meant. Well, it only showed like three or four things. And I just assumed that, that they were showing me attach as like, Hey, if you want to get into this pod, then you can attach to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:20 Next time it's like, there's like eight and it's like the second to last one. You might need to expand your window. So I'll pitch in my vote for a plus one on K9S as well, though. Yes. So I get that when you have 1,000 pods, which is insane, that it can be slow. But how much faster you can navigate some stuff is just amazing, right? Like what Joe was talking about, typing slash and then typing in what you know to be a keyword that's in your pod name. It's so much easier than, you know, kubectl, get pods, and then either piping it to a grep command or knowing a label to get it to.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Wait a minute. You're saying that it would be faster than if you kubectl and you had the tab completion set up? Okay, so here's the thing. Yes, if it's in the middle of it. So for instance, let's say that your pod name is abc-qrs, right? If you are trying to do tab completion, then you need to know that it starts with ABC before you can use that tab completion. If you're looking for QRS in the middle of it,
Starting point is 01:42:32 you just do slash QRS and it'll freaking highlight them and filter down that list to just anything that has QRS in it, which is absolutely amazing. But if we're being realistic... Why do you know the middle of your pod names, Alan? Let's get to the heart of the real problems here. Why do you know the middle of your pod name? Prefixes sometimes go pretty great. Yeah, prefixes get ugly. But here's the real savings is
Starting point is 01:43:01 typically your step is, and by all means, I am not saying that anybody that is not familiar with cube cuddle already, you should not go get canines. You should learn cube cuddle so that you understand what's going on behind the scenes. Just like we've always said, we get learn the CLI before you go by or before you go buy into any GUI tool, right? Like understand what this thing's doing behind the scenes. So that out of the way, a simple example is typically when your pods are created, they're created with some sort of random string at the end of it, right?
Starting point is 01:43:36 So first you got to kubectl get the pod and get the name because maybe there's a bunch of them. You need to know where this QRS one is in the middle of it. So now you got to get the string for the name. Now you want to go get the name because maybe there's a bunch of them you need to know where this qrs one is in the middle of it so now you got to get the string for the name now you want to go get the logs for it so now unless you're going to unless you just know the magic to be able to pipe this stuff together with all the dynamic um expressions and whatnot you're going to go get it you're going to copy that string or you're going to start typing it and tab complete it. And then you're going to say cube cuddle logs and then go get those logs with K9S.
Starting point is 01:44:08 You could literally do slash QRS. It'll bring up the pod. You can hit enter on it twice and you'll have the logs like that is such a time savings that it's, it's worth its weight in gold for me. Right. And the other day after Joe had showed it to me, I was like,
Starting point is 01:44:25 okay, sold. I get in there and I look at the logs and it says, Hey, end of stream. And I'm like, dude, this thing's broken.
Starting point is 01:44:32 He's like, Oh no, no, it's, it's streaming the log. You need to tell it to show all logs or you need to tell it to show certain parts of it. So like you can almost do like a less command through the logs interactively
Starting point is 01:44:43 in the thing. So it's, I'm telling you, man, like after he showed me the logs interactively in the thing so it's i'm telling you man like after he showed me the few little things i was sold what about lens though because we talked about that too right so yeah for me it was slow but it didn't have the fast filter ability so it it looks and feels very similar but the slowness is more apparent in lens to me because i didn't have those fast kind of chic shortcuts. So I have a different take on it.
Starting point is 01:45:08 I have a different take. I like lens. Don't get me wrong. I think it's really nice. It's, you know, the IDE way of going about it, but I really do like anything that allows me to not have to take my hands off
Starting point is 01:45:21 the keyboard. Right. And that's what canines allows me to do is i can literally use up and down keys and enter and a few shortcuts on the keyboard to do what i need to do and lens is a bunch of clicking around on menus and and and things like that and so canines just feels like a more efficient way to get to things that i know I want to get to. Whereas lens is beautifully done, but it's a lot more, it's a lot more windowy type things, which it's weird as I've gotten older, I like that less. I mean, maybe with all the, uh, I mean the, the, the, the tabs that I have opened up, I mean,
Starting point is 01:45:58 you've seen how I need my own dedicated I nine just to run Chrome. And so maybe it's like my bad luck of, you know, what I'm already doing and coupled with the clusters that I'm having, I'm connecting to and why, you know, my performance, the performance issues have plagued me with canines. But the most exciting thing to me about using canines is the discovery of Popeye, because that thing is so super cool. And I don't think that it's really been given enough justice so far in this conversation because what you can do is like, as you can do this in your running cluster, right? And I mean, it's a tool, it's a command line tool. You can use it independent of canines,
Starting point is 01:46:42 but you know, Joe and I happened to discover it through canines. But when you connect to it and you run it, it can say like, oh, hey, it'll give you a listing and it'll say like, hey, this pod doesn't have any limits defined. Or, hey, you're using, you're referencing a role binding that's not defined anywhere. Or, you know, hey, here's an unnamed port defined in this pod. Like, it'll give you like all these great little warnings, things that like, they might not be an issue yet, but you should probably go ahead and make note of to correct in the future.
Starting point is 01:47:24 You know what I love? Oh, future? You know what I love? Oh, interesting. You know what I love? You can't script what? Canines? Yeah. Yeah, well, that's why you would go back to KubeCutter. Yeah. It's an interactive UI tool. It's a CLI UI tool,
Starting point is 01:47:39 which is fine. You know what I think is really awesome is this may be the longest tip of the week ever. Ever. And it was mine. What's up? Yeah. What's up?
Starting point is 01:47:49 We could have done a whole episode on canines. Yeah. Seriously, it's good. All right. Well, I think with that, we will head into Alan's 15 tips of the week. I do not understand how I'm seeing people navigate this document when my internet is still down. Oh, my internet came back up. How about that? I, that was freaking me out. All right. So, um, apparently they fixed the poll that somebody ran into down the road. Um, all right. So mine is something I stumbled on recently because I don't
Starting point is 01:48:27 know if you've ever gone into Python. So, uh, Joe has willingly decided to go down the Python road. I was thrushed into it, which was fine. Like I had no issue with it. But one of the things I found was a lot of times just to test out, to see if anything would work, I would shell into a pod, right, or into a container in a pod and then run the Python command, which would open up the REPL so that I could start typing in some Python stuff, right? Well, the things that drove me crazy is there was like no tab completion. It was not pretty at all, right? Like it's just typing out code and hoping you typed it properly and life was good, which is fine. I mean, it worked, but I saw somewhere where I think I was trying to figure out what modules were installed in Python and people were like, Oh, just use iPython. Then you can do tab completion. And I was like, huh? So, so apt-get install,
Starting point is 01:49:25 IPython, easy enough on Ubuntu. And I'm sure there's other ways in Mac or whatever else. But here's the beauty is what I put in there is, or the way I use it is for an interactive shell. And it's really nice.
Starting point is 01:49:39 It gives you highlighting, code highlighting, all that kind of stuff. And it gives you tab completion. So if you say import, you know, something, hit tab, it'll tell you, code, highlighting all that kind of stuff. And it gives you tab completion. So if you say import, you know, something hit tab, it'll tell you, Hey, what do you want to import? You know, all that kind of stuff, like really easy, really nicely done. And also when you hit tab, you can use the arrow keys to navigate up and down and hit enter and a lot of automatically
Starting point is 01:50:00 type it in for you. So really good. But if you go to, you'll see it's also way more than just that. It's a kernel for Jupyter. It has support for interactive data visualization and GUI toolkits. Didn't know this. Haven't even seen it before. Flexible, embeddable interpreters to load into your own projects. That sounds really cool. And easy to use high performance tools for parallel computing. So this thing is way more than what I even thought it was. And I was already in love with it. So I need to dig into it a little bit further. I've recommended it to a few people, but I promise you, if you ever, you know, use the Python command to go in and start running commands, this will make you way more productive in that world. I compare it to like VI versus just
Starting point is 01:50:51 regular navigating the files inside Bash or something. It's like that level of power over the top of it. That's my tip of the week. If you already have Python, you can pip install IPython. Ooh, nice. Didn't even think about that. I just did it. So I have one tip that Mike RG, which Mike RG gave me the last joke that I mentioned too.
Starting point is 01:51:20 I forgot to credit that. But, you know, we had the game jam coming up and I can't believe that Jay Z didn't pick up on this, but Mike RG gave us this tip for, um, with the game jam coming up, if you have trouble, uh, or want help creating a map for your game, then you can use the dungeon map doodler to create your map. That looks really cool too. Really cool style. Doesn't it? It's pretty done.
Starting point is 01:51:55 So dungeon map and I'll have a link to this. Uh, but yeah, you can go in there and you could go to slash draw and you can start drawing out a map and there's some pretty, you know, in there and you could go to slash draw and you can start drawing out a map. And there's some pretty, you know, he shared a picture of one of the examples that was like pretty detailed, you know, for the map. I guess this would be more the example he gave was more the roguelike style. It's really good. It reminds me of the interface
Starting point is 01:52:28 reminds me of old Mac Apple 2B kind of stuff. Yes, it does. Everything it's about is just really nice. It's got free draw too, so it's not just like, I mean, there is a grid, but you're not tied to it if you don't want to, so you can make it look really fresh looking maps in no time.
Starting point is 01:52:44 So if you have a D&D campaign or maybe a game you want to make a map for like this is a cool way to do it. It's just fun. It's really cool. I don't know if you've actually like tried it but like you just click and drag around and it automatically starts connecting the blocks together. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:59 This is really well done. Isn't it? Alright. It's time for that game jam, right? What's up? Yeah, right? Good. Now you're super excited about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Speaking of, because a lot of people would use this for learning, right? So a friend of mine wants to learn about programming. He wants to start with learning loop structures and asked how long it would take to understand. I told her she'll be studying it for a while. Mike or G? No. That was excellent. That was actually a tweet that SuperGoodDave shared with me.
Starting point is 01:53:43 SuperGoodDave. Yep. It had to be one of the two. That was good. I thought you might like that. Yeah. Okay. So my other tip of the week, though, is
Starting point is 01:53:56 do you remember, Alan, you had a tip, and I want to say it was maybe at the beginning of this year or sometime around there, that was like an authenticator app made by Microsoft. Do you remember that? Oh, yeah. I still use it. Your reason for supporting it was because, or even looking for it, I should say, was because you wanted an authenticator app where you could share the codes among devices and whatever.
Starting point is 01:54:36 So it would be easy to set up a new device, right? I think I'm sorry. Yeah, and it only ended up being about 50% true, but yes, you could log into five Android devices with the same account and you would have all your MFA tokens. So, uh, yeah. So I think that was episode one 24.
Starting point is 01:54:57 I think it was the Microsoft authenticator. Yeah, it was, it was my, it was episode one 24, uh, at, uh, January 20th of this year. It was the Microsoft Authenticator app. So I got a new phone, and I had this thought that occurred to me.
Starting point is 01:55:20 And I was like, you know, I don't understand why this is such a big deal, right? Because if I can – because I remember at the time, I didn't like the idea of the Microsoft Authenticator one because it was like, oh, hey, you log in with some credential, and then because you've saved it there, it's synchronized into this other one. And I was like, wait a minute. That means that like somehow you're trusting that they're storing this stuff securely to associate it to your profile. And that's how it's getting from one device to the next.
Starting point is 01:55:53 And I remember we were talking at the time. You're like, well, I'm sure they're using like secure blob storage, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's encrypted at rest. I'm sure blah, blah, blah. And I was like, yeah, that's a lot of I'm sures and I can't trust it. And I'm sticking with my old faithful Google authenticator appator app because the Google Authenticator app doesn't do any of that. But then I was thinking and I'm like, man, I really don't understand why this is such a big deal.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Like you have to scan a QR code from a site to even get the code on your device. Why can't I just say in one phone, like, hey, generate a QR code for this one that I could scan with my other phone and then boom, there it is, right? Like I could just easily transfer it from one to the other. So I like randomly had that idea. And as I was setting up my new phone, I noticed that like I had a new version of the Google Authenticator app up my new phone, I noticed that I had a new version of the Google Authenticator app on the new phone. I'm like, oh, that's weird because I didn't have it on the old phone.
Starting point is 01:56:51 And the new version of the Google Authenticator app, you can export your codes. And Google had a much better way of doing it than what I was originally thinking, because I was in my idea, I was like, hey, what if you just did it one by one? They have it to where when you click on export, you can select all of the codes you want to export, and it'll generate a single QR code for that one. You scan it with the new phone, and it'll require you to use like, I'm on an iPhone, so I had Face ID.
Starting point is 01:57:33 So it would require that I use Face ID to authenticate before it would do it, right? Then you scan that QR code with the new phone, you hit all of them in one shot. It's beautiful. I trust no one solution to being able to reuse the same codes to easily migrate your authenticator codes from one device to the next. Such a beautiful solution. I like that a lot I'm down with that. Such a beautiful solution. I like that a lot.
Starting point is 01:58:06 So, so beautiful. Such a beautiful solution. And apparently, like, the timing couldn't have been any better, too. Because it, according to, it's weird, because I was looking at some of the stories for it, and some of the stories, like it broke news last week. But yet in the iOS app store, it told me that on my device, it said that it had only come out on Monday. And that's why on one device, because I was setting this up on Monday. And that's why on the new device, I had the new version of the authenticator app.
Starting point is 01:58:42 And on the old device, I had the old version yet because it hadn't yet upgraded until I went and hunted for it specifically. And that's how new this feature was. Like I just literally had the most perfect timing of when I decided to set up the new device. That's the most useful feature of that application that has ever been made. Now, I'm curious because you say it was 50% on the Microsoft authenticator, and I'm curious to hear and learn what you mean by that. So what I found out is the whole reason that I had suggested that thing back in the day was because you could log into your account, whether it was a live or an outlook or whatever, right? Hotmail, whatever your account was with the Microsoft authentication.
Starting point is 01:59:33 And my hope was, OK, well, I can just move my MFA tokens from one phone to another. Turns out it's only within the same ecosystem. So you couldn't log into iOS if you were coming from an Android phone and it pick them up. You couldn't go from iOS to Android, Android to iOS or Windows phone to any of them. It had to be in the same ecosystem. And so it made it useless for what I had suggested it for the first place because I was going from Android to iOS. And so I still had to go in and manually set everything up anyways, which really irked me. So yeah, this feature that you're talking about right now, assuming that they've baked that same
Starting point is 02:00:16 feature into Android and iOS's versions of the Google Authenticator app, that's fantastic because that truly is, like you said, trust no one. And two, if all they're doing is generating new QR code, in theory, that same thing should work everywhere, right? Like that shouldn't be OS specific. That should be an agnostic feature. So yeah, I think that sounds amazing and would probably be a way to push me back over to that particular authenticator i i was so glad i never left it and now i'm so staying with it forever yeah well it sucked before it sucked before monday though um we will beg to differ it sounds like it sounds like the way to say that is it was it sucked the exact same amount that the microsoft authenticator one sucked when you were like going from one platform to the next
Starting point is 02:01:14 one platform to the next yes but if you stayed on the same platform like it like for instance where it was really useful is if you had an iPhone and iPad. Perfect. Beautiful. You didn't have to do anything special, right? You just logged into it and you had the stuff. Or if you were on Android and you're going from one Android phone to another. Perfect.
Starting point is 02:01:34 Fine. But it was that whole change in ecosystems that was like, okay, come on. Really? You guys couldn't have done this? Like, yeah, whatever. But yeah, I agreed. I think this, this other approach,
Starting point is 02:01:47 I actually like it better. All right. Well, you know, we'll have more coming out. You know, I guess by the time this comes out, we'll be getting ready for our game. Jam you wary by the time
Starting point is 02:02:05 this episode comes out. So yeah, we'll be fully game jammed up. You said that wrong. Did I? Yeah. Feels good though, right? Feels right. Yeah, it's
Starting point is 02:02:21 Jamuary is our upcoming coding box, our first ever jam uh to come up this uh january uh 21st to 24th no no no how did i say that wrong guys we're saying like j-j-j-jamuary or something before it was oh yeah there we go you said it wrong yes yeah the game j-j-j-jamuary Yes. Yeah. Game. January. There we go. All right. Well, uh, subscribe to us on iTunes,
Starting point is 02:02:51 Spotify, Stitcher, wherever you find your, uh, favorite podcast app. Uh, maybe it's audible. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:02:57 And if it is, you know what? Maybe leave a review. Uh, we'd appreciate it. Hey, why not? You're already there.
Starting point is 02:03:02 Uh, it'll make you feel good. It makes us feel good. It's a win win. Uh, it's Christmas You're already there. It'll make you feel good. It makes us feel good. It's a win-win. It's Christmas time. Give a little. Right. Otherwise, maybe you want to find some other place to leave a review.
Starting point is 02:03:13 So you can go to slash review, where you used to be able to find helpful links to other places. Now it's really just iTunes. It's really just iTunes. That's excellent. And while you're up there at, you can check out our show notes, examples, discussions, and more. And make sure you send your feedback, questions, and rants to our Slack channel, which is slash Slack.
Starting point is 02:03:40 You know, if you want some Twitters, we've got some Twitters. You can go over to the website,, and click around on those top links there and you can find links to all sorts of.coms and other social things like all the Twitters. We got them. That's a wrap.

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