Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 100: Guesticular Fortitude, Part 1

Episode Date: May 20, 2013

Chuck’s Podcast: Listener Submitted Podcasts: The Gif of the US - (gay marriage)...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Want to stream Cognitive Dissonance to your Android or iPhone? Buy the app! Go to and click on the link on the right-hand side of the page. Each purchase helps support the show. In our efforts to create an amazing Episode 100, an epic Episode 100, if you will, we kind of, well, we kind of overdid it. We wound up interviewing five different sets of guests,
Starting point is 00:00:30 spanning a full week's worth of time. And the final product, when I was finished editing it, was two hours and 45 minutes long. So what we decided to do instead was create two full episodes out of the content for episode 100. So there will be a part A of episode 100 and a part B of episode 100, which will be released next Monday. We will also add to part B a short bit of new email for next week, but we probably will not add any new stories or any of the meat of the podcast. I'm going to use the exact same wording for each episode in the show notes, just so I don't have to do any more work than I've already done. do any more work than I've already done.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So both of the episodes will have the exact same wording, probably the exact same post with all the same images, etc., etc. But one of them will be labeled A, one of them will be labeled B. We hope that you enjoy this show. We put a lot of work into it. I mean, I put a lot of work into it. Tom
Starting point is 00:01:39 was there for most of the show. So that is, that's expected. As the show. So that's expected. As the show plays itself out, you will hear a bunch of voicemail in the middle of the show. If you did not hear your voicemail, don't worry. There's a chance you're going to hear it next week. We actually took everything we got,
Starting point is 00:02:05 at least everything that came straight away to us, and put it into one big file. So we're going to play a little bit in the intro here, and then in the middle of the show there's going to be a big block of voicemail and our commentary to go along with it. And then in the middle of next show there will be also a big block of commentary and voicemail. So thank you everybody for contributing to that. And we hope you enjoy the show. So this is part A.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And come back next week for part B. On behalf of the Minnesota Skeptics, we would like to congratulate Cognitive Dissidents on 100 episodes. Glory Hole, this is Plaid 42. Happy 100th Cecil and Tom. I love you guys. Thanks for the laughs and the thoughts. Bye.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Hey, Tom and Cecil, here's to a happy 100th from Rob and Chris in Connecticut. Glory Hole. Hey, Cecil and Tom, Glory Hole to you gentlemen from Canada. Keep up the good work. Once again, glory hold you. Hey, guys. My name's Samantha. I'm a long-time listener, first-time caller,
Starting point is 00:03:09 and I just wanted to wish you both a happy 100th episode, and I really hope there's 100 more that I can listen to because you guys are the best. Have a good one. Hi, Tom and Cecil. This is Nick Sabat from the Left Hand Spheres podcast and I'm calling to congratulate you guys on your 100th episode.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I love the show. I'm looking forward to the next 100. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. This is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, it's political. And there is
Starting point is 00:04:25 no welcome mat. This is going to be a regular episode. Just a regular... Just a plain old vanilla... Yeah, we got everybody real excited about the 100th episode. Yeah, but we're not going to do it. Just so we could let them down. Yeah. We're just going to do nothing. We're actually... We're not going to cover any stories either.
Starting point is 00:04:41 We're just going to sit here in silence for an hour. And then that is... And they just play the skeptics creed at the end. And that's it. That level of disappointment is marital in nature. They're teaching your kids to disarm. They're teaching your kids to accept homosexuality, homosexual marriage, which has never been in the history of mankind. By the way, gay marriage and homosexuality, it's only there to take away your sovereignty. So for those that want to sit there and play games with the homosexual community,
Starting point is 00:05:11 let me tell you something, they ain't playing. They're teaching no child left behind. Now they're teaching something called common core. Folks, this president is emulating dictators. Do you not understand that he is not playing games? If you look at Mao Zedong, this boy is emulating Mao Zedong to a T. You know what Mao Zedong did? He went to the younger generation.
Starting point is 00:05:36 He overthrew the Republic of China to implement what? Democracy. Who's the last president that actually acknowledged that we were a republic? Reagan. Every president since has continuously inundated the next generation with the fact that we are a democracy. That is dangerous, guys. Oh, hey, Tom, I think Gio's calling.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Don't answer it. Wait, wait a second. Hold on, hold on a second. I gotta answer it. No, no, don't answer the fucking call. Don't answer the call. I've gotta, I've gotta answer it. That's just rude. Don't do it, Cecil. I'm answering. Hey, don't answer the fucking call. Don't answer the call. I've got to answer it. That's just rude. Don't
Starting point is 00:06:06 do it, Cecil. I'm answering. Hey, George. Hey, George. Hello, boys. Thanks for being on the show. Oh, thank you. Congratulations. My goodness. The big C. Is that too personal? I'm sorry. Despite the presence of no opposition whatsoever, we've overcome all the obstacles and adversity of nothing.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yes. The calendar pages have dealt nothing against you. You have diligently recorded... Cue montage of the calendar pages now flipping off as the... intelligently recorded cue montage of the calendar pages now flipping off as gotta have a little whoosh as the fall leaves roll by yeah it's uh it's standard stuff so george we we wanted to talk to you about this story from uh um no yeah oh fuck all right hang up on george that's it goodbye That's it. That was fun, though. Yes, my goodness. Thanks for ruining my afternoon with this article. It's the thing we do well. It's what we do well here.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Wow. If you're ever, by the way, if you're ever just, you know, feeling too optimistic about the world, feeling like, man, things really seem to be on the uptick, you know, 12 states now about the world. Feeling like, man, things really seem to be on the uptick, you know? 12 states now with gay marriage, things are looking up. Just go to
Starting point is 00:07:31 Because it is just a catch-all for crazy. So this is Bradley Dean, and the title of it is just a mishmash of jib-jab. I'm going to read it, but it means nothing, just like his comments. Public school's evil read it, but it means nothing. Just like his comments. Public school is evil, comma, Obama emulating Mao.
Starting point is 00:07:59 And you would have to read through the transcript of madness that is Bradley Dean's presentation. I don't know what that is. Sermon? Is that a sermon? What is that? Rant. Rant? Angry rant, yes. Worst Hallmark card ever.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And you know, before I turn it over to you, Gio, to get your thoughts on it, I just wanted to say that the thing that when you listen to this, and you don't catch this from just reading the transcript, when you are unfortunate enough to listen to this, the transcript when you are unfortunate enough to listen to this it's as bradley dean is getting progressively less and less tethered to the world of reality um and beginning to float up into the stratosphere of insanity where he must reside in a golden castle of gibberish um the people that are clearly in the crowd are amen oh yeah and yeah, and they're kind of, you know, they are righteously agreeing with this man as he says just totally bizarre and inane and disconnected bullshit. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:08:57 You are making mouth noises. I agree. Yay. Yay. Your volume has increased. I agree more. It's like a dog reacting to tone, right? It's like, oh, the dog knows its name.
Starting point is 00:09:10 No, it knows the way you say its name. It's like the people in the crowd, you could throw them begging strips halfway through this thing. Don't insult the canine Americans in the audience with this crowd. Yeah. audience with this this crowd yeah uh i love he of course because any good right wing rant talking about public school has to of course include you know a diatribe against gay marriage it has to yeah it's part of the talking points yeah part of the talking points but this is coming from a guy you know his name is bradley dean okay and he spells his name b-r-a-d-l-e-e bradley bradley all right now he's got he's got like this ponytail or that he bought one of those
Starting point is 00:10:00 hats that has the ponytail i it. I can't tell. I'm not totally sure. I hope it's the latter. Yeah, he so wants to drink a dick. It's not even funny. I mean, it's so, yeah, it's just horrendous. My favorite bit, though, my favorite bit, because he's going on about how awful public school is. And public school, in essence, is indoctrinating people because Obama said so.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And he talks about they're teaching no child left behind and they're teaching something called common core. Now, folks, he says here, the president is emulating dictators. Okay, fine. He says, do you not understand that he is not playing games if you look at mount se tong this boy is emulating mount se tong to a t all right so we call a boy which i'm glad there's no baggage associated oh yeah no kidding right boy way to go way to slip that in subtly but he says okay this boy is emulating mount se tong to a a T. You know what Mao Zedong did? He went to the younger generation. He overthrew the Republic of China to implement what? Democracy. Now, I know that Wikipedia is often wrong about some details, but I looked this up.
Starting point is 00:11:20 this up. The thing that Mount Saitama formed was the People's Republic of China. There's no democracy here. At all. And it's like, I mean, okay, if you want to believe that
Starting point is 00:11:39 kids are being indoctrinated, that's one thing that you blindly point to and say this is what's happening. But when you say that Mao Zedong overthrew the Republic of China, I mean that is a factual nugget of happiness that you cannot sort of ignore. I mean like so wrong. It's the complete opposite of what you're saying. It's the complete opposite of what you're saying, which should automatically – there should be some kind of built-in thing in the internet that when you say the complete opposite of what is true, the feed just turns off. Or you get shocked or something. of proprietary, you know, language and software that if you say that Mount Sittong overthrew the Republic of China, like your feed just stopped.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Now, one of the things I noticed, especially in this rant, and now you have a podcast on the internet, so I'm sure you have to deal with internet people on occasion. And I've noticed, especially on message boards and things like that, whenever someone is sort of frothing at the mouth, they throw out just so many things in a row. It's like a salvo of misinformation, just one after another after another. If you go through here, he's implicating this international baccalaureate program as basically this way in which to disarm kids and to make them accept homosexual marriage and gay marriage. And he's also talking about No Child Left Behind. And he's making it seem like No Child Left Behind wasn of government in our country, a republic instead of a democracy, et cetera, et cetera. So he's got all these like salvos of misinformation. And I wonder it's just like when I read that and like let's say I'm on Facebook and someone posts just this big wall of text that I would have to refute.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I just get tired when I see it. And I'm just like, you know, you win. I just don't, I don't, I don't want to go through and point by point dissect your argument because at a certain point, I'm just going to get bored and watch TV. Yeah. When you start your rant by saying, you know, in 1980, they took the 10 commandments out and you opened the door to Satanismism that's your opening salvo to talk about the the inadequacy of indoctrinated public schools so it's satanism like the guy with the pointed stick and the red and the red satin undies that that is going to be your opening your opening
Starting point is 00:14:19 statement like okay the schools are now promoting and opening themselves up to Satanism. Well, no. Now, George, I have to disagree with you because I took Satanism in schools right after driver's ed. Oh, nice. Yeah, and it was a pretty – I don't want to say it was like a blow-off class. We had to murder a lot of babies. So that was – I mean you just had to come up with a lot of them. But thankfully the teen pregnancy rate was high enough. See the thing is
Starting point is 00:14:46 that's just busy work they make those kids do Now how was your school's cauldron? Because my cauldron was a very tiny It was like years old, they never updated it Yeah, it was always tough getting the funds, you know, like it's like football team cauldron, football team
Starting point is 00:15:02 cauldron, the fucking, those guys they always had nice shiny helmets but fuck, if we could get a team cauldron, football team cauldron. The fucking – those guys, they always had nice shiny helmets, but fuck. If we could get a decent cauldron. The line item request for paint for the pentagram is like – yeah, it's way low in the budget. Way low in the budget. Well, and the hard part was the teacher would stand in front of the classroom and they'd be writing, but they could only use black chalk. So you could never tell what the hell was on the goddamn board. It was exhausting.
Starting point is 00:15:24 A lot of eye failure in the satanism yeah every algebraic equation had to equal 666 it was yeah not not ideal i i do want to point out real quick um just and i know it's pedantic but like what he's like they they're teaching No Child Left Behind. That's not a teaching. You can't teach that. Nobody's ever opened their books to No Child. Okay, everybody, take out your No Child Left Behind. I forgot mine. You left your child behind?
Starting point is 00:15:55 Fuck. No, that's the whole book. You can't do that. They're also teaching Common Core, whatever that is. What these are is initiatives to standardize testing and academic performance. So that's – and they're very controversial and there's good to be said of them and there's a lot of ill to be said of them. But they're not something that you can teach. You can't – it's just like they're teaching No Child Left Behind. Like fucking how are they doing that?
Starting point is 00:16:24 Are they reading the act imposed by Congress? That would be awesome. Learning it in a civics class, I guess. I don't know. This is equivalent to when someone starts an argument by saying, wake up, people. And they just negate. It's like everything that comes after that is pretty much you're done. You're done.
Starting point is 00:16:49 The only way you can undermine that argument is by saying wake up sheeple. That's the only way, I think. Detach from station and may God's love be with you. This is ground control to Major Tom. You've really made the grade. And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear One of the things that we wanted to talk to you about too is, and we sent a video to you, of an astronaut singing Space Oddity. Now, to my untrained non-musician ear, I think he did pretty good for an astronaut.
Starting point is 00:17:42 musician ear. I think he did pretty good for an astronaut. Normally, I am not one who is a fan of changing words to pre-established songs, like only in certain sections to sort of meet your message. I'm all for a good song parody, you know, Weird Al is a hero of mine. So if you're going to do the lyrics, redo them, that's fine. I'm not often a fan of, oh, let's just change this one line because of whatever. That being said, this video destroyed me. I was a blubbering mess. I was an absolute mess when I saw this. I saw it before you boys sent it to me, coincidentally, earlier in the day. Phil Plait had actually linked to it as well. He got it from us, just so you know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:29 The fact that the song, the original lyrics of Space Oddity, you know, end with a space catastrophe where the person is kind of, where Major Tom is lost in space forever
Starting point is 00:18:38 and where this is an actual astronaut actually in space, actually risking his life and actually running the risk of maybe not returning to change a lines. I was totally fine with that. That was, you know what, if anyone's going to be allowed to do it, I was, it's probably one of the most, and I know this is maybe, you know, hyperbolic on some level, but to me, it's one of the most
Starting point is 00:19:01 perfect examples of the unison of what an artistic expression can inspire. Because here is a guy, you know, literally floating above the planet, acting out the words to this very, you know, iconic song. You know, the song was written at a time when space exploration was still very new. So it, it, it takes the original context of the song, totally flips it on its, on its head and in the most lovely way, in the most brilliant way. And, and, and just to, just to know that this guy is up there and that projected, it's not projected the earth that's in the background through the window
Starting point is 00:19:47 yeah it's not a special effect but it is it is us it is every you know it is that pale blue dot which is floating behind him um i was blown away plus his voice is great his guitar playing is great i mean to play guitar in zero g or microgravity what everyone call it that's its own special technique i'm sure you have to work on but i was i was i was really i was really really moved just uh being a david bowie fan and being a fan of nasa and being a fan of the sort of potential of the human brain you know because here it is in cap is the the the majesty of a well-written song being projected from the majesty of space you know in a in a device built by you know like they say monkeys wearing shoes yeah it's it's pretty you know to to take Tim Minchin's line. It's – on every level, it is sort of the best that we could hope for. I loved it. I absolutely – and I'm so happy that it's just – it's getting a complete viral life.
Starting point is 00:20:57 That – I forget unfortunately his name. He's done some wonderful videos. I mean he did this thing about what would happen if you squeezed out a wet towel. Did you see that? Yeah, I saw that one. I saw that one. It's great. I mean it's simple. It's simple. It answers whatever that was, a sixth grader's question.
Starting point is 00:21:14 He does it very directly and yet there's still a certain sense of awe. I mean he knows it's a point but there's still a certain curiosity and awe and wonder. And all of that same expression I think comes across in the song that he does. And I can't say enough positive things about it. There was another video he did where he said, he was answering a question, what would happen if you cried in space? So he put a bunch of water in his eye to show exactly sort of what would happen if he were crying. And it just sort of hovers like right around your eye. It doesn't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:21:49 It just sits there. It's a really neat like idea about sort of showing people what it's like in zero G. And I think I totally relate when you said, you know, that pale blue dot part, because as he's singing the song, I can't help but feel there's a part where he's looking out the window and as he's going over, you just see all the cities of the world lit up because he's traveling around the night side of the planet. So you just see these bright spots on the planet and you just can't help but feel so tiny when you watch that and just think, you know, that's not all light. That's millions of lights you're looking at from outer space. And just the feeling of smallness and vulnerability, not just for him. I mean, sure, he's vulnerable up there, but
Starting point is 00:22:31 think about how vulnerable we are. And I just think it's such a beautiful, great message that comes out in that song. Completely, completely. Yeah. The aloneness and unity at the same time, that idea that, yeah, we're sort of each on our own. Each one of those millions of lights is just one of us, you know, billions of lights is just one of us. And yet we're all sharing really weird and squishy about it. But, yeah, we're all on this – we're lucky enough to be on this silly little blue ball, you know, like, like, you know, like Sagan says, you know, that, that to imagine that every, every drop of blood spilt, you know, over one corner of this pale blue dot of this tiny marble, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:14 in the middle of nowhere, every argument, every, every religious battle, every, every fight was over something on this, this thing, which in the grand scheme of the universe is completely insignificant. It is the universe. And how incredibly lucky we are, the lottery ticket that we've received in just existing in all of this nothing. It's crazy. I mean, I've heard that, you know, astronauts get a certain, they do get this certain sense of unity. When you see the entire planet in one view, it really affects you apparently.
Starting point is 00:23:54 That you, a lot of the sort of pettiness is removed on some level because you realize how tiny our massive planet actually is. Yeah, I kind of hope this video really does kick off quite a bit and hopefully get some people thinking about NASA and thinking about that space exploration that I think is really so important to us to make us remember how small we are. Completely. I just heard an interview with Buzz Aldrin. Buzz has got a new book out.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I guess he's going around doing the rounds. And they were talking about how it's important to get young people involved in NASA. And Buzz said the average age when the Apollo missions were happening, the average age of the guys that were running all the stuff at mission control was 26. Oh, my God. You know? That's awesome. Because in my mind, I picture these sort of 60s, 45, 50, 55-year-old dudes,
Starting point is 00:24:54 scientists, whatever. These were young people that were so interested in what was going on. You see it when the Mars lander came down back last summer, just to see the guy with the mohawk, which is like you can be cooler. You can be the coolest guy in the room and be a NASA flight controller, mission controller guy. It's very encouraging. I hope kids looking at this that are 10, 12, 15, whatever,
Starting point is 00:25:26 can get inspired on some level to think, wow, you can actually be part of the whole thing. So, George, are you planning on going to TAM this year? They've asked me to be the emcee again, so I figure I better show up. Yeah, I guess that'll hurt your reputation. Yeah, I don't want Randy kicking my ass, you know, next time he sees me. If people were going to find your podcast, where would they go? If you go to, that's the best bet.
Starting point is 00:25:54 You can also just Google my name, just H-R-A-B. And like I always say, the first 47,000 things are me. iTunes, podcast, the blog, there's all kinds of stuff all over the place. And actually, I just yesterday received the final edit from the new DVD that's going to be coming out, which is a concert we put on last year, 21812 show. Our big 10-piece geologic orchestra, an over two-hour concert, which should be ready for TAM. It looks like I'm going to have that in hand ready for people that want to check it out for TAM. That's the next big thing. Wonderful.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yeah, it's pretty exciting. Excellent. Well, thank you so much for joining us tonight, George. We really appreciate it. Thank you, guys. And please, keep doing what you're doing, man. The non-romantic answer to success is diligence. And you guys are as diligent as can be.
Starting point is 00:26:49 So congratulations on 100. And congratulations to the next couple hundred as well. Well, thank you, George. Thanks again for being on. We really do appreciate it. Cheers. Cheers. Allah is the greatest. The only thing that surprised me about the Rick Roll ones is that it took somebody this long to Rick Roll us.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I know. And the best thing about being Rick Rolled at this point is the Rick Roll is now old. So when you get back to a Rickroll, it's like double nostalgia. Right, yeah, because it's like not only is the original Rickroll nostalgia, but now Rickrolling itself is nostalgia. It's so retro. It's meta retro.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah. Retro. That's awesome. Well, I'll never give them up either. But we will frequently let you down. Yeah, admittedly. Glory, glory, glory, glory, oh. Glory, glory, glory, oh.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Glory, glory, glory, glory, oh. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory. Glory Hole, guys. Thanks for 99 awesome episodes. I hope this one doesn't suck. We do, too. Hi, I'm Brian Dunning from Hi, I'm Brian Dunning from
Starting point is 00:28:51 Here again on Tom and Cecil's podcast to say thanks very much. Well done for getting to 97 episodes. 97. You know, I think that the very beginning is spot on Brian Dunning. Like the very beginning sounds perfect. It starts to get a little, because he says Cecil, so you know that somebody from over here wouldn't say Cecil. So you could tell that he's messing with his own accent.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But it's actually very good. Good Brian Dunning impersonation. And that's as close to getting Brian Dunning on the show as we're going to have. Yeah, I know, because we've asked him and he hasn't even responded. It's like crickets. It's not even crickets. The fucker doesn't even send crickets. Yeah, we sent him a message. We're like, hey, we like your show. We'd love to have you on.
Starting point is 00:29:30 And just like, I'm surprised we didn't get like a order from like an attorney not to contact us. Yeah. I love it. Fantastic. I love it. It's fantastic. I love it.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's great. We've got to use that for the podcast. That's awesome. This is why I can't listen to these voicemails at work, by the way. I know. Can you imagine I'm sitting in my office and just somebody comes in, asks a question, and just hears, Glory, holy.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Hi, I have lost all credibility. And I don't have very much to start with. This is Dustin Williams from the Atheist Nomads podcast wishing cognitive dissonance a very happy 100th episode. Congratulations and keep up the good work. And the Atheist Nomads, if you want, and this goes for everybody who didn't leave any information on how to find your podcast or the places that you're at. for everybody who didn't leave any information on how to find your podcast or the places that you're at. Leave it as a comment on this episode because a lot of people will be coming to find all the other stuff and it'll be a great place for people to find your show.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah, absolutely, guys. Glory Hole. Gratulerer med den 100. episoden. Tre siffret. Det er respektabelt. Eller så respektabelt som dere kan få til. Congratulations from Camilla in Norway. And I think part of it, I can't translate it all, but I know part of it was dying of fire.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I think that was definitely in there. Hi, Tom and Cecil. Congrats on the 100th podcast. Thanks to you two, I started my own podcast called Read and Rendered. It's for second language teachers. Keep up the good work. Your cognitive dissonance correspondent in the Middle East, Stu. Thank you, Stu. Stu is awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:26 He sends us stuff like every week. Yeah, Stu really engages the show. And we appreciate the hell out of it. So thank you, man. Yeah, and Stu sent a link to his podcast. I'll put it in the show notes as well. Congratulations from the UK on the occasion of your 100th episode. Glory hole.
Starting point is 00:31:48 The occasion of your 100th episode. It's so delightfully formal. It is, man. I feel like, I don't know, I feel like I just had British sex. Was it as disappointing for you as it was for me? And that would be a resounding yes. Yes, of course. A hundred glory holes for Jesus.
Starting point is 00:32:14 A hundred glory holes for God. A hundred times receiving, because all you gotta do is believe in all of God's spunky love. That's awesome. All you gotta do is believe in all the good spunky love. Oh, no! That's awesome. This is not the only sort of churchy song we've gotten about glory holes. No, it is not.
Starting point is 00:32:33 This has gotten way out of hand. Oh, no, it hasn't. Not even close. This is the greatest thing ever. Hi, guys. This is Felt. You're one listener from Brazil. And I just want to say glory hole bye
Starting point is 00:32:48 that's awesome we got a listener from brazil took a time out to stop playing fucking soccer no he took time out from spinning heel kick people kicking people in the face and knocking them out thanks for listening belts you are our only person in Brazil. You are the only person in Brazil for fucking sure. Isn't that where they have the huge Jesus statue? Yeah, I think so. Isn't that over Rio? Like Jesus take the wheel
Starting point is 00:33:16 sort of statue where his hands are sticking straight out. You don't want him to drive because he's not even holding the wheel. He's not at 10 and 2. Hey guys, no illusions from the scathing atheist here. I wanted to congratulate you on 100 incredibly complete episodes. I've enjoyed most of several of them and hope you keep up the adequate
Starting point is 00:33:32 work. I can't of course, but I love the show. You guys are a huge inspiration to me. I hope you keep it up for at least 100 more. It is adequate work. We are a huge inspiration because we are huge. Right? This is awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:52 It's a podcast where they talk about deprecation. It is very, very sweary. Your discretion is advised. The best is the end?
Starting point is 00:34:15 The best is the end? The best is the end. That sounds like every song by Joy Division. I love this I love that we got the fucking sheet music Oh god this is so good The call of its glory Comes before you Kneel before him
Starting point is 00:34:51 Let him inside Let the whole of his glory Come upon you Jesus is near Waiting for you On the other side Jesus is coming upon us Come upon me, Lord
Starting point is 00:35:23 Come upon me, Lord. Come upon me. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Oh, Jesus. For the whole of your glory. Oh, man. Just kiss. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:41 It's like the most uncomfortable, awesome man. The last nine seconds of that made me genuinely uncomfortable. I fucking love it. It's great. Thank you very much for sending that in. You also say, Brian, that because gays are selective when it comes to intimate matters, that proves that it's a matter of choice whether you're gay or straight. So simply because you're selective who you might have sex with, because you choose within
Starting point is 00:36:09 a particular gender who you're attracted to, that means you could be attracted to either gender? No, I just demonstrate that people are not obligated to act on every sexual impulse that they experience. Well, have you ever had a gay impulse? Alan, I'm not going to talk about that. No, I'm just wondering. Alan, I'm not going to go there. But one. No, I'm just wondering, I mean, I'm just wondering... Alan, I'm not, Alan, I'm not going to go there.
Starting point is 00:36:27 But you talk about other... Give it a rest, Alan. It's a simple yes or no question. We're not going to talk about that. Because maybe if you've been able to overcome your gay impulses, and you've been successful at it, you could be a model for other people who you'd like to see act the same way. Okay, so Tom, we're going to do a little game here, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:41 All right. So, we're going to have a guest on, and I'm going to give you one hint, and let's see if you can guess who it is. I can do this, Cecil. I can do this. I know you can. You're very good at games. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I play with myself so much, I feel confident. So here we go. Here's the hint. Our next guest got chlamydia from a koala bear. Jake from Imaginary Friends. Thank you, Tom. Thank you so much. So, Jake, we wanted to talk to you about this story from
Starting point is 00:37:15 because who wouldn't go to mediaite? How do you spell that? Sorry. I don't know. It's mediaite, mediaite for some reason. Okay. It's like they purposely picked an obnoxious. It's Mediaite, Mediaite for some reason. Okay. Dot com. It's like they purposely picked an obnoxious.
Starting point is 00:37:27 It's almost irreligiosophy difficult. You know, if you were like, hey, go to Mediaite. Hey, have you heard of that new podcast, Irreligiosophy? Yeah. How do you spell it? I-R-I-R-E. Chuck says it's spelled just like it sounds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:45 So that helps. It's spelled just how it sounds if you're dyslexic. Well, this article is Alan Combs grills evangelical leader about his gay impulses. This is pretty awesome. While interviewing anti-gay American Family Association radio host Alan Combs keeps turning up the heat on Fisher saying, you know, hey, have you had any gay impulses that you've had to repress? And this guy fucking tap dances around the question instead of just saying and this is the part that blows my mind.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Why don't you just say no like the question goes away if you're just like no alan alan stop pressing the question please alan alan i'm not going to answer it alan alan alan just give it up alan no the thing i love is is at the very beginning, he admits that basically he's saying that because gay people are selective in intimate matters, that homosexuality is a choice. But you realize that he spends that entire interview effectively not choosing to not answer several intimate questions. So, you know, a little bit of irony. Just a touch of irony.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Don't you have to wonder from his comments in here, he says, you've experienced them, I've experienced them, every man, every woman has experienced certain sexual impulses,
Starting point is 00:39:19 and this is my favorite, that if they acted on them, if they conducted themselves by yielding to those impulses, it would destroy society. Yeah, I love it. I love it. Destroy them.
Starting point is 00:39:31 What is this guy's fantasies about? He's writing large. That is actually a great question. I have had a lot of sex sex and I have never destroyed society. I've done some great and nasty things in the bedroom, but I have never destroyed a society. So he must be thinking of some really, really kinky slash terrible stuff. You know, when you destroy a society, you really gotta bring a lot of lube.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I mean, you just have to have just a whole bunch of lube. At what point in the sexual act is the society destroyed? Are you like, oh, boom, you shoot, and you're like, oh, you look out the window, it's Armageddon, oh my God. It's like a zombie walking by your window everything is fine until the moment you climax like you're you're in the fucking middle of the most perverted awesome shit your fucking fantasies of brian fisher have ever invented and then boom
Starting point is 00:40:36 the minute he shits like oh god fucking caesar blood the caesar blood again oh my god when I read this I really did I I sort of stopped on the same note here and kept thinking I'm like okay so it would destroy them and I'm thinking like the only thing that really could destroy you if it was a sexual fantasy is like you know like raping a baby till it's dead you know what I mean like or donkey punch or donkey punch you know depending on the the partner donkey punch may not be so bad um you know like the thing is is is that you know you really i mean you really gotta fucking push some boundaries and he's basically projecting onto everyone yeah these awful shitty things that he's thinking yeah so he must he must literally think that everybody has the same weird
Starting point is 00:41:26 and kinky thoughts that he does. And don't you wonder what his wife thinks listening to this? Like his wife's at home like listening, oh, but he's going to be on the radio again. Oh, he's doing so good in this interview. What does he want to do to me? It's going to destroy me?
Starting point is 00:41:42 What the fuck is going to happen? Like she's waiting anxiously for him to come home. Oh man, I hope tonight's not the night. I don't want to get destroyed. I mean, maybe a little bit. Alright, I kind of want to get destroyed. Just destroy me, Brian.
Starting point is 00:41:59 I love it. It's funny, I did a bit of research into this guy. So, Brian Fisher opposes abortion, national health care, environmentalism. Right. Okay. He opposes environmentalism. He opposes gay adoption and same-sex marriage.
Starting point is 00:42:16 He is an AIDS denialist. He believes that HIV does not cause AIDS, but rather it's caused by recreational drug use. So sucking on a bong too hard. And smug sweaters. Look at the smug sweater. That's part of the problem, too. You know, one of his other things that he thinks, too, is that the Nazi party was created by homosexuals. Yeah, well, you know, he may have a point there because gay people do love to party so you know
Starting point is 00:42:48 ain't no party like the nazi party now what you you know what is his counterpart from the australian family association like uh i'm not sure do we we have an Australian Family Association? I don't know. I have no idea. I love that you're incredulous that he's anti-environmentalism, as if like you kind of sound like you're blown away that that's a thing. Like here in the States, anti-environmentalism is like we have half a political party.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Oh, yeah, man. The Republicans are a political party that is anti-environmentalism aggressively so it'd be like you know standing in front of a forest and and yelling quick kill them they're coming right for us you know i i really don't understand that i i i kind of get the you know the christian dominionist type uh argument of uh or what is it, the whole idea that they're here to be here basically until Jesus comes back or some shit. So it doesn't matter what you do to the earth because Jesus is coming back soon.
Starting point is 00:43:56 But even still, you got to breathe the air, you moron. Yeah, but not for long. No, but the thing is, is they would call that God's judgment. They'd be like, okay, well, that's cool. We've totally wiped out all of the things, and it's basically the fucking world is basically the world of the road
Starting point is 00:44:13 or something like that. And they'd be like, well, that's cool. That's what God wanted. But they're called the American Family Association. They're encouraging people to have family, like children. They're forcing children to breathe toxic air. Stop making sense. No, I won't have that.
Starting point is 00:44:29 God's will. I won't. God's will. You cannot use logic here. It doesn't make sense. I love also, he says he strongly opposes what he calls morally and intellectually bankrupt theory of evolution. It's, yes. theory of evolution.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It's, yes, it's morally and intellectually bankrupt to believe in the consensus of scientists. Anyway, I think, you know, ultimately this guy is, I think actually Shakespeare said it best in Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2, the lady doth protest too much. I love it. He's hilarious. Now, one of the things i we sent you as well was there was a there was this guy sort of man on the street style walking up to people and he's asking them if
Starting point is 00:45:15 they think homosexuality is wrong and a bunch of people are saying kind of you know oh it's wrong and and that sort of thing and then he would say something like, well, when did you decide to be straight? And then they would kind of stop for a second and be like, oh, oh, I guess I never really thought of it that way. And a lot of them had like big smiles on their face, like, oh, I get it. I understand now. And it looked like there was sort of an enlightening moment happening with some of these people that he, you know, and it's obviously selectively edited. So there's, you know, he's probably keeping some of the best reactions so he could show people what sort of light bulbs go off in someone's head when they say this.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Now, you have had some interactions, I think, more so than Tom and I, with people I think that are, you know, maybe anti-homosexual, at least certainly more religious than we've ever talked to. Have you ever said this to anybody and had a different answer? Yeah. Oh, no. Well, I should say. Which is a good one.
Starting point is 00:46:09 It's definitely one of them. Yeah. That narrows it down. To two. Yeah. So we've interviewed the guys from the Westboro Baptist Church on the show. And, you know, we asked the question with Fred Phelps, basically, is this a case of the lady doth protest too much?
Starting point is 00:46:31 I remember you saying that. Is this basically just an outward projection of trying to compartmentalize one's homosexual urges in a way, to demonize the bad part of oneself to such a degree that it causes revulsion and you rebel against it. Is that what this is? Is that why you guys protested funerals? And you didn't have an answer.
Starting point is 00:47:01 So I think there are two different types of people. And on the clip that you sent me, I mean, I must say it was clearly awesome. Like it was a really cool thing to watch. But in the same respect, all of those people on there, at least the vast majority of them, were clearly intelligent. They were clearly the sort of people who, when presented with evidence, when presented with a good argument, they've changed their stance, they've changed their opinion. And all of those people were the complete antithesis
Starting point is 00:47:32 of that Brian Fisher dude. They are actually taking actual evidence, they are taking a good argument and changing their opinion. I mean, the audacity. The last guy was, the last dude, the Brian Fisher dude is, you know, Alan, Alan, give it up. Okay, dude? Give it up. I'm not going to talk about it. I'm not going to talk about it, no matter what you do. Just leave it alone, Alan. Leave it alone. Don't make me destroy society.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I want to say to our listeners, if you haven't heard the Imaginary Friends show with Westboro Baptist Church, the episode is from the July 13th, 2011. And I listened to it and I laughed out loud at the part you're talking about where you get him into this moment and he does the exact same thing that Alan does, which is basically or what this Foster guy does, which is basically, I'm not going to answer that question. But the lead up to that line is epic. So if you haven't heard it, audience, you should listen to that episode specifically. It is one of the funniest episodes.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And it's a great episode too, because the guy from the Westboro Baptist Church talked to you for that long. I know. He was so- I'm just so shocked that he even had a conversation with somebody. He was so human. One of the worst things, I think, about interviewing these people who we, in this atheist movement, tend to demonize is that they become completely human. And the last thing that you want to do is humanize these people because then you can empathize with them. But you can kind of empathize with the fact that these dudes have clearly been brainwashed you know they are living inside a jail
Starting point is 00:49:10 inside of their mind it's it's it's really crazy you know about um about this um uh this you know man on the street interviewing uh i love it and i love the idea of the the question about choice and i think choice is a funny thing, especially in this context. And I wonder if the argument would, in fact, be better served if we acknowledge that there are probably plenty of gay people who have chosen to have heterosexual relationships, like Marcus Backman, Ted Haggard. I think gay or bi men and women can probably choose to have heterosexual partners and sex if they want, but they do so by repressing their sexuality and compartmentalizing who they are.
Starting point is 00:49:53 And I think they can do it, but it's profoundly self-destructive for them. And many of them, they'll eventually crack and then they'll end up smoking crack while fingering the crack of their male crack dealer. Yeah, like Ted Haggard. So yeah, I think it's interesting. I think that's an argument that I think should be pursued. I love the way that this guy has basically said, you know, when did you choose to be straight? I think that's a great one. But I think also the very fact that the Christians feel so encumbered to ask the question or to propose that homosexuality is a choice, it should
Starting point is 00:50:37 be acknowledged that, yeah, there probably are gay people that can choose to have straight sexual relationships, but it wrecks them for the rest of their lives. They will never acknowledge who they are. They will never come to realize who they are. So yes, they can do it, but it's profoundly self-destructive. But anyway, I think the Brian Fisher dude is one of those guys that has just one setting,
Starting point is 00:51:02 must hate gays, must repress sexuality, must demonize the part of self that wants to smoke crack while fingering crack of crack dealer. That sort of thing. I don't know. He is a rabid, you know, he really does only have one switch, and he is one of these guys who is totally anti-gay, and there was a huge thing
Starting point is 00:51:25 about the boy scouts he hates the idea of homosexuals being involved with the boy scouts and uh and he was he you know he goes off on it for you know we got tons of clips from this guy just going off on this sort of thing because he he really does sort of i mean he throws himself at it um penis first how much of it is just being a provocateur? He's like a puffy sweater to Ann Coulter. You can only take so much of what he says. Kind of a little cuter too, I think. I think he's a little hotter.
Starting point is 00:51:54 I don't know. Come on. I find Ann Coulter extremely attractive. That's like... Okay. That's fine. She's a blonde skeleton, man. I mean... You'd have to defeat her
Starting point is 00:52:08 by the powers of Greyskull. Yeah. I could do that. So, Jake, if people were going to find your podcast, where would they go?
Starting point is 00:52:20 It'd be pretty hard. They'd have to... Because, of course, the name of the show is the imaginary podcast. So it's a stab in the dark, I suppose. I don't know where they would do it.
Starting point is 00:52:31 You guys should seriously though, if you haven't listened to Jake's podcast, you should listen to Jake's podcast. It's very funny. He's a very funny guy. He has very funny guests and he has really, I just think,
Starting point is 00:52:41 I think Jake, you make a lot of great points. Mostly, you know, you're kind of muddled And sometimes, you know, you're certainly not as funny As we are, but you try And that's good I do try, I do try And thank you for acknowledging that
Starting point is 00:52:54 I really do appreciate that No, but honestly guys If I can say just one final thing Congratulations for making it to 100 You are honestly one of the best podcasts out there in the atheist slash secular movement
Starting point is 00:53:12 and skeptic movement as well. We're just, you know, we're a better world having had you here. So now that you've got to 100, fuck off. I almost had a tear in my eye there for a second Then I realized, are you just being a dick? No, I was being sincere
Starting point is 00:53:31 I really love your show I really love you guys And I'm so glad that you've made it to 100 So here's to 600 more The trick is to just half-ass it every time Set the bar low That is the trick Set the bar low. That is the trick. Set the bar really low.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah, I know. Thanks for joining us, Jake. We appreciate it. It's my pleasure. Thanks so much. Thanks a lot, man. So we want to thank a ton of people for sending in emails and voicemails. I'm not going to list all your names, but if you heard your voice on the show, thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:54:11 If you think you need to get your personal accolades for your own name to be mentioned, feel free to mention on the comments of this episode. There's just so much, so many things we got. I couldn't go through all the names as well, but we want to thank everyone for sending things in this time. We had a blast listening to everything, and we want to thank everybody for sticking with us for 100 episodes. It was great. And thank you
Starting point is 00:54:35 for just joining in on the fun on this episode. So the first email we got is from Gaggy. I gotta mispronounce the name. I read this as Gage and I immediately thought of Pet Sematary. Well, Gage
Starting point is 00:54:53 sends in an interesting gif of the 50 states over the last 43 years as they changed, they kind of changed color to represent different states of whether or not they're allowing or disallowing gay marriage. And he sent this GIF in. I'm going to put it as a – on this episode on our comment sections – or not in our comment section, in our actual episode for this on the blog post for the episode 100.
Starting point is 00:55:25 You can find it there. or not in our comment section, in our actual episode for this on the blog post for the episode 100. You can find it there. So, Gage, this is really cool, though, and it shows a really interesting progression of how things have changed in the United States and how they still remain pretty abysmal. Yeah. And he said in his email, it's surprising and shameful with the emphasis on shameful. Man, I will disagree. It's progress. Yeah, it's progress.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I look at this. I see progress. And I'm not going to, it's progress. I look at this, I see progress and, and I'm not gonna like, I can't poo poo that. Like I've, I've got to look at that and be optimistic because to do otherwise is to despair. We got an email from Robert, Robert sent, uh, Admiral Akbar with a giant Arabic head. It's like an Arabic word or something on his head. What is the, do you know what that is? I thought that was a beer bottle, like an Arabic beer bottle, but it would have to... It would be in violation of itself.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Yeah, it's in violation of itself. Awesome. So, thank you, Robert, for sending it in. We will attach it to this episode, episode 100, on the website, You can find this image. It's basically Admiral Ackbar with no head, just a big circle with Arabic on it, And it's a trap. So it's a drop. It is. That shit is a trap.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Tom, we got a poem. We did. I'm going to go ahead and read it. It's, um, glory hole is not a phrase I ever thought I'd use. Yet every week your podcast makes me laugh at news. It's language is familiar. You wake the mind from from sleep There's no religious pedestals to drain the minds of sheep You teach us all to question The published written aired Your humor strips away the lies From garbage that is shared With laughter we can question
Starting point is 00:56:54 With language we can hear With thinking there is a future With religion there is fear You may dress in disclaimers of the language here within But the topics aren't less valid And thinking's not a sin. The anti-gay religious freaks, go fuck yourselves, who cares?
Starting point is 00:57:10 Glory hole, my podcast friends. It's great to know you're there. Thank you, Tamlin. Thank you very much for the poem that you wrote. I will contest that I will contend that we, I don't think we really teach anyone to do much at all.
Starting point is 00:57:26 What I think we do is people come here locked and loaded and ready to fight. Right. And we just say, here's possibly some ammunition for you, young sir. Absolutely. Good luck in your battle. But we don't really tell. People who come here, I think they've already figured out a lot of this stuff. We're just kind of an echo chamber, and we know that.
Starting point is 00:57:46 We're cool with that. I'm totally happy with that. We got an email from Ben, and Ben sent us a long email basically saying that my apology last week for using tranny was kind of a non-apology. And it's something that someone like a Christian evangelist might say or something like that. And I want to just say to everybody that when I apologize for using the word tranny, I genuinely mean, you know, I am sorry. I don't, I don't mean to offend. I don't mean to injure anyone. I think I was just musing aloud about the word. So it was just sort of rambling on. So if I, if I offended anybody with my apology, I would like to say I'm sorry as well. Yeah, there's no harm meant there at all.
Starting point is 00:58:29 I mean, there was never any malice. There was a comment on our blog, Tom, this week, and it was from episode 95. So I don't know if the person is in the past right now and still sort of catching up. Maybe they'll hear this a little later. But this person left a message. I'm going to read it. It says, re-swimming lessons. And this is a story about the father who put his children in girls' swimming class. And the people had Muslim girls and said the father couldn't be there because they didn't want the father to look at their Muslim daughters without any clothes on or the headscarf or whatever or anything.
Starting point is 00:59:04 So they were upset. And the father was basically barred from going to see his daughter's swimming lessons. And this person says, re-swimming lessons. The father put his daughter in a female-only swimming lessons. If he wants to watch her learn to swim, he needs to choose a mixed class. I don't see why anyone would be appalled that a man would be banned from females-only group that he chooses to use for his daughter. So I personally think that this is faulty logic, but I'm going to let you handle this, Tom. Yeah. The thing is that I doubt very much that
Starting point is 00:59:31 the reverse would be true. And I hate to go back to this argument, but I do very much doubt that if there was a boys-only swimming class and moms showed up to the swimming class and they wanted to hang out at the swimming class, there would be no fuss. The reason that there's fuss here is, and the reason this guy was banned, he wasn't trying to get in the water and swim with them. He just wanted to keep an eye on his kid. Swimming is an inherently dangerous thing. It's inherently dangerous to learn, particularly.
Starting point is 01:00:05 thing. It's inherently dangerous to learn particularly, right? So he wanted to bring his daughter to a class and watch his daughter engage in the activity and probably had some, I would, safety concerns and just kind of wants to be around. And the reason that he was asked to leave was because there were religious weirdos in the pool that were concerned that some guy was watching their daughter. He wasn't trying to get in the pool. were concerned that some guy was watching their daughter. He wasn't trying to get in the pool. He wasn't trying to swim with the kids. He just wanted to keep an eye on his kid. sexuality of our of our young girls and the inherently predatory nature of evil men that we you know can't even allow watching our own kids like when when when a parents cannot watch their
Starting point is 01:00:54 own children because some religious wacko is has their panties in a bunch about it or there's some you know predatory concern that this is some man watching these girls. It's the fucking dad. Okay, Tom, we did get, it looks like we might actually get that 200K. Yeah, I think this feels sincere. This feels sincere. Cecil and Tom, I was very happy to hear that you'd be willing to increase the number of episodes you make each week from one to five. As for the matter of the $200,000 per year,
Starting point is 01:01:25 that sounds perfectly reasonable for the entertainment you provide. It does? I just received an email from the son of Nigeria's finance minister. I think he must be something like Joel Osteen. And he says he has $36 million that he needs to move to the United States. He's offering me 10%. So as soon as I have that, I'll wire you the 200K. That is
Starting point is 01:01:48 awesome. Congratulations. You know, that guy contacted me last week, too, so I'll be getting my 10%. Maybe he contacted eight other people, too. Nigerian finance ministers are a fucking dime a dozen. Yeah, they have a lot of money just to spare. Because when I think Nigeria, I think
Starting point is 01:02:04 unlimited wealth. We got an email from Dave and a lot of money just to spare. Because when I think Nigeria, I think unlimited wealth. We got an email from Dave and a bunch of other people talking about how chiropractic is crap. And I am with you on the fact that people who think that chiropractic is helpful to them in manipulating things and fixing the body and things like that like things that are wrong with your body like you know i can cure your knee by cracking i think that was all crap i absolutely agree i think there are some chiropractors who go under the guise of physical therapy and use the term chiropractic to be able to reach a customer base that may they might not be able to reach um so they're using you know the the term chiropractic for both billing reasons on health care, you know, because our health care is so fucking convoluted and weird that, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:51 maybe chiropractic gets falls under your HMO, but, you know, maybe physical therapy may not, or it might be a more of a benefit for you under chiropractic than there would be for physical therapy. You might get more money and things like that, more benefit time. So there's a reason I think that people call themselves chiropractors if they are technically physical therapists or people that just work on the back, you know, the back part of the spine and things like that. So I'm not going to make a medical claim on whether or not they have any efficiency whatsoever. I personally will never go to a chiropractor, whether they're a physical therapist or not. I will never go to one.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Your mileage may vary. And we've gotten notes from tons of different people saying that it's garbage and other people saying it's not garbage if they don't claim all the weird holistic stuff. I'm not taking a dog in this argument. I personally don't think it does anything, but that's just my own, my own life choice. I don't go because I don't think that
Starting point is 01:03:50 it's going to do anything. And if I'm going to go to somebody to get physical therapy, I'm just going to go to a physical therapist. Yeah. I think you got to look at this and just say, Hey, you know, what did this study say? And I, and I have seen, I have seen studies that seemed credible, um, which provided, which you've said that, you know, chiropractic has provided some relief for back pain, you know, for nothing else. So, you know, I think when you look at something like this, this is a this is a medical treatment. It can be studied. It makes testable claims. If we're being skeptical, that's how you have to approach that. Yeah, absolutely. You have to approach it with studies that you can get behind whether or not you believe those studies and what they've handled.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Because, I mean, obviously there's been medical studies about vaccines, right, that have come out to be fraudulent. So you've got to pay attention to where the studies are coming from, the number of people in the test, you know, how well controlled the group is, things like that. There's all those ways in which you can grade a scientific test. So if you find tests that you think are worthwhile, great. I know that Steven Novella, we got links to Steven Novella's blog and how he talks about chiropractic. I know Quack Watch has a big, long list of stuff on chiropractic. So do your research, see whether or not you want to use
Starting point is 01:05:00 it. I personally will never use it. I personally don't think it's worthwhile, but your mileage you know, your mileage may vary. And I've talked to a couple of people, people have approached me that listen to the show. They've been like, look, it's worked for me. And I'm like, great. That is awesome. And I, they even said one person even said like, look, I paid like 10 bucks for like four or five x-rays that I would have cost me a, you know, a whole bunch of money somewhere else. And you know, like things like that. So there's, there's ways in which people are saving money by going to these places. And I, you know't i can't fault them for that and i don't want to get into uh the they're just in it for the money thing because that's what uh that's what they say about right big pharma that's what they say about um doctors and i think when we start
Starting point is 01:05:40 saying well they're just in it for the money and we start labeling all chiropractors as they're just in it for the money, I think that's as cynical a worldview as when they treat doctors in the same way. That's bad. Because I think there are people who get into chiropractic because they want to help other people. Oh, I do too. I've met some people, some chiropractors that are some of the most genuine people that I've ever met in my life. that are some of the most genuine people that I've ever met in my life. I mean, just really desperately want to help other people and have a real love for what they do. And what they do, I don't particularly think is effective.
Starting point is 01:06:16 We got a bunch of emails about Satan in the Jewish tradition. A bunch of people had pointed out from our last week, there was a self-styled rabbi who beat a bunch of kids like a bongo drum with a hammer. And those kids... I don't want to work. I just want to beat on these kids all day. I want to beat your brains out all day. Anyway, those kids got severely injured. One of them was mentally disabled because of it and things like... meaning like he tried to exercise demons and we were wondering how is it that somebody who is sort of following a jewish mindset is bringing in demons and we got a bunch of answers mainly they're saying most of them are
Starting point is 01:06:54 saying look it's a self-styled rabbi we understand it's a self-styled rabbi but they got to get there somewhere so that's why we we used jew jew uh judaism as a jumping off point here. But mostly, Tom, a lot of them had to say, like, hell is kind of here. That's more their thoughts, that hell is here rather than, like, the idea of hell and fire and all that nasty shit came much later. Yeah, it's not a destination location, right? It's not, like, some awesome place in the travel brochure where you're like, oh, let's zip over to hell. We've got a day out on the boat. Let's go over to hell.
Starting point is 01:07:31 It's not, yeah, it's we're in hell now. Yeah. Whatever. Got an email from Simon, and Simon says, being it's your 100th episode, I thought you'd like to celebrate with a drink. How about a pint of Glory Hole, a delicious beverage at last year's Birmingham's gay pride festival. You have to send us a link to that website because we will buy that beer. Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll swallow it, though. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:52 No, I'll just pour it on my face. I'll just pour it over. I'll just bask in it for a little while. Great for the skin. It is. I mean, it's like a exfoliant or something. All right. So thank you very much, though. It's a glory hole beer. I'm going to post this image on our, on our episode for this time. Tom, we got an email about a global warming clip we used last
Starting point is 01:08:14 week. Now the global warming clip we used was from, uh, it was from Jesus camp and we actually weren't making any comments on the Jesus camp clip itself. We were just using that as a way in which to introduce. Sometimes the things that we use as clips are not from the stories that we use. And in particular, this one was from Jesus Camp. It's on our website. Many of the clips that we use were from Jesus Camp. So that wasn't what we were commenting on. But there's also some other things in this email that you wanted to address. Yeah. So in this email, it says, if someone says the last few summers have been warmer and therefore global warming is causing it, that is a deeply flawed argument is likely not true. I totally agree. The problem is that that's not what scientists are saying. That's what religious people use. And I frequently, and that's where the Jesus Camp clip comes from as a summary of scientific evidence.
Starting point is 01:09:10 So they create a straw man initially. And that's what they're arguing against when they say, like, well, geez, that doesn't seem like that big a problem. It's like, well, that's not what anybody in the scientific community is saying about global warming. That's not nobody is saying in the scientific community, golly gosh, the last few summers have been pretty toasty, huh? You know, that's not the summary of evidence. So to argue against that as if that were a point that was being made, it's a straw man. It's nonsense.
Starting point is 01:09:40 So it's farcical. And that's how we use that clip. It's a farcical, ironic clip. Nobody is actually saying that. We get an email from Larry, and Larry sends us an image of a sign that says, hey, this way to the glory hole. We'll put that as an image this time on this show. There's a bunch of images this time. Thank you, Larry, for the image.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I think it's great. It's awesome. Thomas contacted us from Thomas and the Bible. He recorded with us earlier in the week for this show. It's great. It's awesome. Thomas contacted us from Thomas and the Bible. He recorded with us earlier in the week for this show.
Starting point is 01:10:10 And he wanted to say that his Twitter is no longer the 24 or whatever it was that he said. His Twitter is now at T and the B. So it's capital T, the word and is spelled out the B. So we'll post his Twitter for this show. But understand that his Twitter handle has changed. And I've been lurking. He's very funny. His tweets are worth following if you do that. Yeah, his tweets are funny.
Starting point is 01:10:30 We got an email from Matt, and he sends us an image of Pat Robertson smiling next to a huge black dildo. And so we have to put this on this episode. It'll be on this episode. It's a happy 100th. It's a very funny image. So thank you very much for for sending that in.
Starting point is 01:10:47 So we got an email from from an M.D. in in Washington, and he says he just listened to our podcast and wanted to comment on the conversation about the word tranny. One of the things that I hadn't really thought of, and this is something that I guess we were. of. And this is something that I guess we were, and by the way, I'm using the word, when I say the word tranny, I'm not using that as a slur. Understand, I'm not trying to slur anyone. I'm just referring to how we used it in the past. So please do not be offended that I'm using the word. But that word, basically, it could refer to transvestites and not transsexuals. And that's why I think people were getting upset about it. And that's why it became maybe a slur is because people who are transsexuals or transgender are not transvestites.
Starting point is 01:11:33 And there's a difference between those two things. I am not part of the LGBT community. I'm just a hetero dude who thinks that LGBT should have rights. You know, that's as deep as I get into the LGBT community. So it hadn't even occurred to me. So thank you, MD, for the correction. And I think that that's a useful one. I think that Godless Matt talks about that, too, in his message.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Thanks for the clarification. We really do appreciate it. We got an email to undisclosed recipient, which I thought was great. This is from Cameron. Cameron sends a picture of him standing by
Starting point is 01:12:14 a Mormon statue, but the thing I wanted to talk about is he says, the included photo was me 24 hours after running 100 miles. Were you being chased by zombies? why would you run a hundred miles a hundred fucking miles he says in here he listened to our show for seven hours of the 23 hours of the race 20 could you imagine no i i actually cannot i
Starting point is 01:12:42 can't imagine doing anything for 24 hours, 23 hours. There's no time in my life where I've looked at a hundred mile stretch of road and been like, I could run that. It's so funny because I'm doing like a 5K in a week and I had to train so hard to do the 5K. And 5K time is 3.12 miles. Yeah, are you kidding me? I couldn't do a.5K. That's awesome, man. It's so funny. Thank you very much for sending in the
Starting point is 01:13:08 photo, though, and we're happy that we could entertain you for part of your grueling run. God. Fucking nipples must have chafed right off. I know, man. The last thing I want to talk about is Adam, who created the whole of his Glory song. Adam included in this
Starting point is 01:13:23 his, he included the sheet music. So if someone else wanted to recreate the whole of his glory, and by the way, getting a choir to sing it would be so fucking funny. So I don't know if someone has access to a choir. That would be hilarious. But we're
Starting point is 01:13:40 going to post the sheet music in PDF on this episode. So we want to thank Adam for all his hard work. Not only did he do the whole of his glory, but he also did the Joy Division Cognitive Dissonance song too. So thank you, Adam, for all your hard work this week. It was hilarious. Thank you to all our guests. I want to make sure that we first thank, we're going to thank Gio from Geologic. Check his podcast out. If you think Gio is funny on here, he is funny every week on his show. He has a great show. It's well produced.
Starting point is 01:14:11 He's a funny guy. He's an interesting guy. And he does a one-man show like no other, in my opinion. I think his is above any other one-man show out there. His is heads and tails above everyone else's. We had Jake, who does an amazing show. His show is very similar to ours. So if you haven't checked out the Imaginary Friends show podcast, you should check it out. His stuff is great. He is funny. He has guests. And he also
Starting point is 01:14:38 is the type of person who will get on the phone with someone who he disagrees with and have a debate with them. And he's very good at it. So give Jake's show a shot. If you haven't yet, we want to thank everybody for being on and all the plugs, everything that they, they talked about is going to be on this episode's show notes. So if you are interested in hearing from any of the people that we had on this show, just go to dissonance episode 100, and you'll be able to find their information on that episode so you can find them on the web. And we want to thank every one of them for being on. They are wonderful guests, and they were gracious with their time. Yeah, I was blown away by the support from all of our guests, so thank you guys.
Starting point is 01:15:19 We want to thank Amanda and Andrew for donating their generous donations. We want to thank everybody who donates to the TAM and to the Podcast Maintenance Fund. Thank you very much for your generous donations. And for the money, anybody who gives us money, we've gotten people who bought apps this last week, and we want to thank everybody who does that too. And the T-shirts too. Don't forget, you guys bought T-shirts, and we appreciate all of that will go to a good cause, which is the expanse of my
Starting point is 01:15:45 enormous girth so and lots of bourbon and lots and lots of bourbon i'm gonna leave you guys uh because you know this this kind of wasn't our show it was a show to sort of highlight some of the best people that some of the people that we really think are great podcasters and and people that we've gotten along with really well on uh in all of our guest interviews so we thought we'd have them on for this show so i'm going to end the show with jake on in all of our guest interviews. So we thought we'd have him on for this show. So I'm going to end the show with Jake's version of the cognitive dissonance skeptics creed, what he calls the cog pledge. So I'm going to I'm going to play that at the end of the show. But I'm going to say and I'm going to give the floor to you here in a second time. But I'm going to say thank you, everyone, for for your participation in participation in this endeavor and for the laughs that you've given us.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Because we laugh with all the stuff that you send us a lot. We have a great time. You've made us feel good about some of the things that you've said. You make us – I know that there's many times that people will say, you know, you've changed things in my life. And we're always happy and flabbergasted when that happens. But 100 episodes have been an absolute blast to put together so far. You've changed things in my life and we're always happy and flabbergasted when that happens. But 100 episodes have been an absolute blast to put together so far. I want to thank everybody who's stuck with us for any amount of that time. If they've come in and listened to one or two and then disappeared, even those people we want to thank just for the moments of their time that they've given us.
Starting point is 01:16:59 And I've been enriched by this process. We did another show, Everyone's a Critic, which is on our website. So if you haven't ever heard of it, you can go there and check it out. You can download all the old episodes on our website, But we did that show for about four years. And it was fulfilling and it was fun. But the amount of feedback that we've gotten from this show has dwarfed that in such a way. I mean, it is a tiny amount of feedback that we got when from this show has dwarfed that in such a way. I mean, it is a tiny
Starting point is 01:17:26 amount of feedback that we got when we did that show. And the amount of listener support and listener interaction has really made me energized and wanted me to do this show more and more. So thank you very much for all the listening and all the moments that you've shared with us. You know, this show has turned into something that I was, uh, that I never anticipated when we first sat down to talk about doing this show and to launch this show as its own thing. Um,
Starting point is 01:17:53 separate from everyone's a critic. Um, this show has taken on a life of its own, um, which is, which is beyond you and I see. So, and yeah,
Starting point is 01:18:01 and I've, I've come to, I've come to realize that through, through the actions of our audience, through the actions of our listeners, this has created, at least for some people, a space. It's carved out a space in people's lives, and they've let us know that, that they cherish. And I think it's important to note that we reciprocate that very, very much, that this is a process. I look forward to doing this show every week. I look forward. I check the email on my phone habitually.
Starting point is 01:18:32 I'm constantly checking it because I get so much gratification out of doing this show because we have such awesome listeners and because the listeners are so interested and engaged. And they've taken, I mean, just the glory hole thing. I mean, they've taken the ball and they've run with it. And I'm just so glad to be able to, to do my incredibly small part. Well,
Starting point is 01:19:00 you're used to dealing with my wife uses. I was going to say, you're used to that sort of small part, you know, making sure that you can use it to the best of your ability. But we want to thank everybody for listening for all those times. And I'm going to leave you with Jake's version of the Skeptic's Creed. Gradulity is not a virtue.
Starting point is 01:19:16 It's fortune cookie cutter, mummy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician,ician double bubble toil and trouble pseudi quasi alternative acupunctuating pressurized stereogram
Starting point is 01:19:31 pyramidal free energy healing watered downward spiral brain deadpan
Starting point is 01:19:37 sales pitch light night info docutainment Leo Pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death and towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls.
Starting point is 01:19:51 It's totally real, y'all. Bigfoot Yeti, aliens, church mosques and synagogues. Second size, you good. Temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, faxing nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, devil speak, stigmata nonsense,
Starting point is 01:20:14 expose your sides, thrust your hands, bloody evidential conclusive, I like your boobies, doubt, even this, that's cognitive decimals! Conclusive. I like your boobies. Doubt. Even this. That's cognitive decimals. The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or to the show. Thank you, Tom. Thank you so much. Guys, I am so happy to be on On the show again I love your show I listen to it Routinely
Starting point is 01:21:32 Weekly In fact It's one of my favourite things Look you guys are Easily my favourite My favourite podcast Easily Absolutely
Starting point is 01:21:44 You have low standards And for that we applaud Easily my favorite podcast. Easily. Absolutely. You have low standards, and for that we applaud you. I completely acknowledge the fact that I have extraordinarily low standards. No, wait a minute. I said low standards, not extraordinarily low standards. I completely acknowledge that. No, look, guys, I am so proud of you for coming so far, not just in numerals, not just to number 100, but also the content you guys put out every week is always of a very low standard, but very funny.
Starting point is 01:22:15 So it's a good way to get the terrible stuff that happens around the world out into people's auditory canals. Who needs iTunes reviews when you have Jake? You know what I mean? Like, who needs bad iTunes reviews when you could just talk to Jake? I mean, we should just call you weekly and just forget reading our comments on our blog, the hate mail we get, and the iTunes review. We should just call you whenever we feel like, hey, we kind of got this.
Starting point is 01:22:43 We're feeling pretty good about ourselves. Do you guys get negative reviews? Oh, yeah, yeah. We got one from one of your fans. Oh, really? Really? Yeah, he said we were really dry and your podcast does
Starting point is 01:22:57 what we do so much better. It was probably you, but, you know. That sounds about right, yeah. Just are you serious? Somebody who listens to us found you dry That's hilarious
Starting point is 01:23:06 That is really funny You know I'm not gonna The guy's welcome to his own opinion I hope he followed you over here So I could just tell him quickly Fuck you douchebag If he didn't then maybe you could pass that on Oh I will
Starting point is 01:23:22 What's his full name and address? I'm actually recording this from outside his house, so it's fine. Just a little lady. Yeah, that's great. If you hear a slight rapping on your window. It's Tom with his pants down. It's all right. My pants start down.
Starting point is 01:23:44 No, it's not even a surprise anymore that guy oh very nice all right so do you really honestly do you guys do you do you really get do you really get negative feedback yeah we do yeah we got some this week oh yeah sure yeah wow okay yeah we were told we were told this week on our on our uh one of our pieces of feedback was we were wholly ignorant of a situation in the Middle East that we had no idea and that we should just only talk to experts if we're going to try to figure out what's going on in the Middle East and basically we should shut the fuck up. That was – I mean that's in a nutshell. They tried to – I think they didn't really try to be tactful. No. I mean it's on our blog.
Starting point is 01:24:24 You could just go read it. It's right on our blog. I totally agree with the last part of it. They tried to – I think they didn't really try to be tactful. No. I mean, it's on our blog. You could just go read it. It's right on our blog. I totally agree with the last part of it. You know, the shut the fuck up part. But the rest, I don't blame them. What situation in the Middle East are they talking about? Bangladesh. We talked about Bangladesh last week and they said it was way more complex than we had let on.
Starting point is 01:24:40 And while that is a true statement, we were only talking about an article. We weren't talking about the entirety of Bangladeshi politics and history. Yeah, I think that gets missed sometimes. I think it's like when we start off every segment with, and this is from an article from. And then we talk about that article. Somehow that leads to some confusion that we're making some kind of blanket statement about the entire history and culture of a people. I think. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:25:11 People miss that. It's probably my lack of clarity. Do you get that? Do you get that, Jake? Not really anymore. I think it probably has to do with the fact that we only have two listeners now. And your blog is so nice. You may have stolen the rest. No, no. we did used to get a lot of a lot of
Starting point is 01:25:28 negative feedback in the start um but we don't so we don't get promoted in the us itunes store we get uh you know promoted throughout the uh australian one and you know every now and then when we get enough uh itunes comments they'll they'll promote us in another one but uh the the uh sorry the australian listeners are generally pretty okay with the i suppose with what we do in the beginning there were plenty of people that said you know you swear too much even though i think the most uh most heavy swear word i think i've ever said is is shit uh on my podcast so me because i don't find you you swear that much really i thought you had to like didn't to, like, disclaim it when we were on your show?
Starting point is 01:26:06 Like, hey, this one is going to be a little sweary, guys. Yeah, well, and you were. Yeah, oh, fuck yeah, we fucking brought it, bro. Bullshit, I won't be defamed that way. Fuck it. But it's mainly because, you know, in the past, I've had a lot of Christian apologists on the show, a few Muslim apologists on the show, a few fundamentalist Christians as well.
Starting point is 01:26:32 So I always had the idea that I wanted to make it as accessible as possible because I used to be a super happy clapper Christian as well. Sure, yeah. And I wanted to make it for people, for morons like me. So it was nice and open and accessible without making them feel uncomfortable. I don't even know why some people feel put off or uncomfortable when swear words come out. But it's that whole Christian purity bullshit thing. I've never understood that either.
Starting point is 01:27:06 It doesn't, it's like, you said a dirty word, what are you, I mean, I guess maybe if you're like nine. Yeah, see, the thing is, is we think that the dirty words actually scare people away from our show. So when a Christian comes on and tries to listen to it, yeah,
Starting point is 01:27:21 I mean, they just, they immediately, they hear the beginning, and you know, within the first four or five minutes, we just, they immediately, they hear the beginning and, you know, within the first four or five minutes, we drop two or three F-bombs and they're like, yeah, that's enough of that. And they don't even bother to listen to the content. They just stop. So, and that's great. We don't want them to listen anyway.
Starting point is 01:27:34 So. It's the douchebag buffer. And I think that that's, you know, that's, that's the, the value of that is understated, I think, in every podcast. Yeah. You got to select your audience, you know? Exactly. You want the right people. And scare away the people you don't want. value of that is understated i think in in every podcast yeah you gotta select you gotta select your audience you know exactly you want you want to scare away the people you don't want yeah you want people listening it's like you know but you want the right people listening it's not i'm not
Starting point is 01:27:54 trying to gather you know as much market share as possible i'm not looking at my ratings like i'm beating out imaginary friends now i'll get all the no money you know you won't get the no money for doing this i'll get the no money i know money from no sponsorships is worth just you know 10 times no money that you get right like that's that's what's so appealing about podcasting though is you can be a hundred you don't ever have to cater to the audience audience is like i don't like that thing you did it's like fuck off and die don't listen to it what do i fucking care no literally fuck off and do that literally it's i we i love our listeners our listeners are awesome the people i don't love are the people who are like i hate you and i'm not gonna listen i hate you too you hate you
Starting point is 01:28:39 hate your parents hate your fucking grandma yeah especially, especially the grandma. You know, the people that I dislike the most are the ones who are patronizing. They write in, or I suppose for you guys, they might call in as well, which is cool. I love that you guys have that. So they'll write in and they'll say something like, Oh, wow, guys, I really love the show. I love what you've done with the place. If you could change these seven things that i've got outlined here yeah uh to make it completely different to what it is that's fucking awesome so listen more here is a list of my grievances as if we're sitting around
Starting point is 01:29:17 like if only they would listen everything that you guys do is fabulous except for most of it this 17 point list that i have created starting with all can you imagine if anything else in your life was like that like if you just like you just got done having sex with somebody and they were like good here's what i'd like you to change you should be a different person wait that's not that doesn't happen a minute, what the fuck you've not nuanced it enough that was the best sex I ever had except for the, well, most of it the beginning could use some work the middle was shaky
Starting point is 01:29:53 the end, just do that all backwards and then different flip it upside down and make it longer perfect just perfect the fuck my wife sends me a detailed report after each one that just shows me all the things i did wrong it's all circled in red with like a grade it's terrible
Starting point is 01:30:12 that's that's good that she puts in that sort of commitment yeah my wife just rolls over and says

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