Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 107: TAM

Episode Date: July 14, 2013


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Want to stream Cognitive Dissonance to your Android or iPhone? Buy the app! Go to and click on the link on the right-hand side of the page. Each purchase helps support the show. Hey, what's up guys? This is Mike from California. Just started listening to you guys for about a month now. Absolutely love this glory hole. Also, just to let you know, whoever that girl is on the phone,
Starting point is 00:00:33 you want to contact her for this business? Oh, my gosh. Jesus, I'm so fucking techie. But anyways, I'm calling from California because I'm calling from California. Anyways, everyone in California at this very moment wants to punch you because of your last episode, whatever the fuck episode it is. Because of the double-double. You get a double-double at In-N-Out here only in California and some sort of a pass, whatever. But really, you mentioned McDonald's as a double-double?
Starting point is 00:01:05 I can't stand that right now. I'm really frustrated. In-N-Out, double-double, blow your hole. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. This is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad.
Starting point is 00:02:02 It's skeptical, it's political, and there is no welcome mat. I just saw you read that. I was fucking reading it. I just saw you. I just saw you. You cheater. You goddamn cheater. It's only been 107 episodes.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I know. I can't memorize one paragraph that I wrote. Yeah, right. You wrote it too. Hold on, I gotta open this. I wrote. Yeah, right. You wrote it too. Hold on, I got to open this. Hold on. There we go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:31 We're recording, well, quasi live. Live-ish. Tam. This is the most live we are ever going to record. Yeah, I think so. I think so. And at this point, we have eaten and drank almost all of your money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I had to send home to send more money to feed us. I wanted just a Western Union to be more hamburgers, actually. I wanted to sell my body for more food. Nobody's buying. Nobody's buying. They're like, hmm. You can't even get a fucking ramen for that body. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'm sharing a hotel room with you. I know exactly what you're worth, sir. Horrifying. Horrifying. That shitty 10-cent ramen. You know what I'm talking about? Generic ramen all tastes like shrimp. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah. Not the good shrimp either. You know what it has? It's like a packet full of those little things you used to put in fish bowls that would come back to life. The sea monkeys. The little brine shrimp. It's sea monkeys. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It's sea monkeys. It's just sea monkey flavor ramen. It's just sea monkeys and dog food. That's all that it is. You know, I'd take that right now. Are you kidding? I just finished a bowl of it. We're holding off, though, because later on tonight there's a bacon and donut party.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And Tom and I are both going to make bacon sandwiches with donuts. And eat them. We are not proud or svelte men. We have no regard for any of our clothing either. I'm just going to change into my rain gear. Yeah, I got my muumuu with me. I'm just going to have somebody put that on me. Where's my feeding carpet?
Starting point is 00:04:19 I need to get the trainer to put it on me as he brushes me off. I already talked to the valet service. They said they'd hose me down afterwards. It's all good. We've been having a good time at TAM. We had a chance to meet a couple people. We got a chance to meet a couple people from Australia that flew here. That was really cool to meet them.
Starting point is 00:04:39 They were awesome folks. And we were laughing and drinking with them well until last night. We mocked their country for us. Oh, my gosh. They mocked ours mercilessly, which was awesome. And they had good points, too. That's the problem. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:53 One of them was a mail carrier, and it was the funniest – we had the funniest conversation. We just really had a blast. And then we also got a chance to meet a bunch of people at the meet and greet yesterday night. We did. When we wound up talking to a couple of people that were our heroes. So it was cool to get a chance to meet some of those people in person. But then we also got a chance to meet a ton of people who listen to the show. Some people who don't listen to the show, who we kind of quasi tried to turn on a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I'm not sure it worked. Tim was there. I downloaded his fucking app, so he better listen to the show. But it was good. We've had a good time talking to people and sort of meeting people and that sort of thing. We're not sure that the conference itself is geared toward us. I think it's geared toward people that I think are sort of getting their feet wet in skepticism rather than they're sort of immersed in it, I think, like we are. But besides that, I think
Starting point is 00:05:40 there's been a couple of good panel discussions and we got a chance to really meet and greet people. And I think that's the really important part. Yeah. I think, you know, this, the value for Tam, if anybody is thinking about going, the value for Tam, I think is the community. Like if you're looking to meet people, have a good time, drink too much, punish your liver. This is a great place to do it. Yeah. You know, I mean, when you wake up drunk the next day. Yeah. And I was, You know, I mean, when you wake up drunk the next day. Yeah. And I was.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I was still drunk this morning. And I get up and I'm thinking, if I had one more, just a drink, I would have been able to start right back up. No problem. You're like one of those birds, like one of those plastic birds with a bobbing head. It's like a physics bird. Yeah, no, it was good, though. We had a good time. We enjoyed ourselves. We want to thank, again, everybody who donated any money, bought a shirt, bought, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:31 if you went on and tried Audible out for the show, if you donated any of your money, if you wound up buying any of the shirts, we want to thank you very much for helping send us here. We can't say that we appreciate that enough. I mean, we really have had a great time. Tom and I have been hanging out the whole time, and we got a chance to eat some very good food and hang out with some really cool people, and that's all possible because people donated money and bought
Starting point is 00:06:55 shirts and paid for us through Audible, so thank you very much. Despite the company, this has been actually reasonably pleasant. Despite all the odors. So I guess we should do a show. Yeah, we should do a show. It's going to be a short show because we only have like four or five items and we've got a donut to eat. So we're going to kind of burn through this.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And the donut is going to be either wrapped in bacon or sandwiched. Right, sure. With bacon. Yeah, there's going to be a bacon on it somewhere. With bacon. Yeah, there's going to be a bacon on it somewhere. When we like things on Facebook, if it's something that goes against what is written in the Bible, such as pictures of same-sex couples, is that considered condoning the behavior?
Starting point is 00:07:36 How do you explain this to new Christians or youth? Well, I'm not one who switches on likes and Facebooks. It's hard to say. But what you're saying is, yes, I like this kind of thing. You've got a couple of same-sex guys kissing. You like that. Well, that makes me want to throw up.
Starting point is 00:07:55 But if you think you punch, to me, I would punch vomit, not like. I'm not sure that option's there. They don't give you that option on Facebook. So this story comes from This is like the home. ThinkProgress is the home for finding Pat Robertson saying something fucking insane. You know, the home for Pat Robertson saying something insane is actually the 700 Club.
Starting point is 00:08:18 That's right. But this is the distilled version. Or his home. Or his home. His actual home. He just wanders, putters around in his fucking bathrobe and slippers like his wife is like day and night he talks so pat robertson had some things to say about uh facebook he wants to make some revisions actually to the facebook architecture and add a vomit button so that he can click on it when he sees gay men kissing.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Because he's the classiest dude possible. I saw somebody post something, and I don't remember where it was, but somebody was like, I think it's kind of weird that he's searching out gay men kissing on the internet. And he's searching it in Facebook, like the least efficient way to find that. Right. But it's funny because what he wants to do is make it – they've been saying for a long time. I mean, Pat Roberts what he wants to do is make it, you know, they've been saying for a long time,
Starting point is 00:09:06 I mean, you know, Pat Robertson isn't the first person to say I would like a dislike button on Facebook. He's not the first person to say that.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Of course. You know, whether or not there's some validity to having something like that, Pat Robertson is taking it the next step, putting in a little bit
Starting point is 00:09:20 of hyperbole and saying, vomit button. What I want is a vomit button. That's what I got to have. And he wants a vomit button because he's a fucking creepy old bigot. That's what he wants. That's what he wants, a vomit button, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah. It's like if the KKK had their own button, they'd have like a lynch button. You know what I mean? It would just be a tree with a fucking noose on it. Oh, no. It's a fucking terrible human being, so he wants terrible shit. Yeah. It's not surprising he wants a vomit button.
Starting point is 00:09:49 He makes himself fucking sick. If I woke up and I was fucking Pat Robertson, everything around me would be the vomit button. I'd be like, I mean, I'm already the vomit button for myself. He is a vomit button, isn't he? Look at that motherfucker. Oh, my God. Where do you get a color blue suit like that, too? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:06 You have to make a deal with Satan, I think, to get that blue. You got to get it from Haiti, then. It's made with, like, fresh Haitians. So, yeah. And, you know, this is kind of a non-story because it's like, what, Pat Robertson hates gays? Whoa, fucking news. Stop the presses. But, you know, I just think that this is another way in which to try to dehumanize the, you know, same-sex couples, you know? And what he says is, and he doesn't even say it right.
Starting point is 00:10:33 He says something like, when you see a same-sex guy's kissing. And I'm thinking, are there different sex guys that kiss? And that's okay? And notice it's guys. Yeah. No. Never said about women. When it's two ladies kissing, it's like. Oh, yeah. That's hot. He's punching's guys. Yeah. No. Because like. Never said about women. When it's two ladies kissing.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Oh yeah. That's hot. He's punching something else. Oh yeah. He's punching his own balls to get his dick hard because he can't feel it. He's got one of those. He's just punching his own nuts. He just keeps on fucking banging away.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Wake up. God damn it. Wake up. If only you still work. It's been 65 years. Oh, man. So this story comes from Right Wing Watch, which I love, because anytime you're hurting for stories, you can go there,
Starting point is 00:11:14 click on the first link, and it will immediately take you to a crazy. Yeah. So last week, Brian Fisher called on Americans to get busy and start having more children in order to stave off the rise of Muslim immigrants. Sure. That are basically going to take. Or something. Or something.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yeah, rise of something. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's basically. It's either that or it's like the creatures from that new Guillermo del Toro movie. Like it's the rise of something. Something.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah, something. It's like Pacific Rim creatures. I think he said he's worried about the Muslims. Well, why don't we listen to it, and then we'll talk about it. So I'm going to play it here. The total world population by 2030, when my kids will take my place. Your kids terrify me. Or maybe your grandkids.
Starting point is 00:12:05 My grandkids. Fuck you, my grandkids take my place. Your kids terrify me. Or maybe your grandkids. My grandkids. Fuck you, my grandkids. Fucking asshole. Only old people listen to this shit. That's true. Let's say one-fourth of the world population in 2030 does turn out to be Muslim. Okay, let's just make these random assumptions. That means there would be two billion Muslims in the world.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Oh, that's good math. At the time your children and grandchildren take our place. Fair enough. Let's say only 1% of those Muslims buy into jihadist ideology. Do you know what 1% of 2 billion is? It's a figment of your imagination.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So I had to look it up on the internet. Okay. 1% of 2 billion is a worldwide jihadist army of 20 million jihadists. 20 million jihadists that you just thought of.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Let me put that number in perspective. According to history, do you know what Adolf Hitler's standing army was on September 1st, 1939 when he launched World War II by attacking Poland? Hitler? His standing uniform army was 1.5 million. Look at the devastation
Starting point is 00:13:10 the Nazis accomplished with that. Imagine now, 20 million jihadists, not motivated by fealty or loyalty to state, but sincere religiously. I want to say about
Starting point is 00:13:20 the Nazi thing. You have, and at that time, and let's just say his numbers are right. I have no idea. It doesn't matter. I literally have no idea whether or not this guy is – this guy could be making anything up. If he's going to make up the 1%, he could be making up anything else, right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:13:36 The 1.5 million might not even be a thing. Fucking meaningless. But let's just say it is. Why not? Let's just say it is. Why not? They had a modern army with all of the trimmings of a modern army, which means all of the tanks and the guns and the things. And then they also had all the motivation to go out and do some crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:13:57 The motivation, like if you don't go out and do this crazy shit, we'll fucking shoot you. That was part of the motivation. But like you oppressed – they oppressed the reason why the Nazis even rose to power is because the French and the other people wound up taking all that reparation money. After World War I. Yeah, make it broke. I mean it was just like it was awful. So in any case, there's a lot of ramifications that go into that. It's not just like Hitler just found 150 – 1.5 million people and was just like, hey, you want to go kill stuff? And they're like, yeah. We love killing. Yeah, kill us. And then that's exactly how – yeah, they, 1.5 million people were just like, hey, you want to go kill stuff? And they're like, yeah. Yeah, we love killing.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah, killing's good. And then that's exactly how they'll, yeah, they're right. But in any case, they don't have, I mean, where's their fucking war plane? Right. You know, they could make one war plane and the fucking whole lot of them. You know, where's their tank? Do they have a tank for the 20 million people? They're not even all in the same place.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Right. They're all over. They're just all. Yeah. So some of them are from, you know, because there's different countries that are Muslim, right? So like, where's the Bangladeshi Muslims and are those ones jihadists? What about the.
Starting point is 00:14:53 And all the European and American Muslims too. The UK. Because the 1% is an, like, is it, is it spread out equally amongst all the Muslims? Muslims. The Muslims. Muslims. You got to move your head. You got all the Muslims. Muslims? The Muslims. Muslims? You gotta move your head. You gotta... Muslims?
Starting point is 00:15:09 It's like a neck... There's a neck jump in there, Tommy. You gotta move the neck. It's all the Muslims. But this guy, he looks like... You know who he looks like when you look at his face? He looks like that guy from Office Space who's like, oh, my state bird. I'm gonna burn the place down with my state bird.
Starting point is 00:15:25 No, but this guy is... You can't trust him to make the top button of the polio either. Absolutely not. He looks like he's in a prison jumpsuit. Let's finish.
Starting point is 00:15:33 This is only like a minute left, so let's finish what he has to say. A real zeal. What kind of devastation could they cause? Probably not a lot. No.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Not to mention the fact when you look at what's happening to our birth rate, it's the lowest it's ever been. Who's going to stand alongside your children and grandchildren? When those jihadists target them.
Starting point is 00:15:56 When they are their generation's great Satanist. It tells me we've got to make sure our kids get married at a younger age. Fucking one. And start living out the birds and the bees right away. Why don't you just inseminate them all?
Starting point is 00:16:11 Or just cover them all in bees. The reality is this whole thing called Western civilization might hinge on the Duggars. But it also does not hinge on the Duggars. It does not hinge on the Duggars. There's a Dugars. But it also does not hinge on the Duggars. It does not hinge on the Duggars. There's a Duggar. When the fucking Duggars are your example of how to save Western civilization, when you're like, maybe we should have, like, I don't know, 19 fucking kids.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Like, maybe we should consume less resources. You resource fucking hogs. Okay, I said it earlier, but, I mean, I'm not sure I agree with the guy's little equation here. This little fucking back of the envelope scratching bullshit he's doing here. All those made up fucking numbers. I know, just like, it's like a Drake equation gone wrong, right? We were talking about it earlier. Like, it's like, you know, the Drake equation is if there was this many galaxies and there's this many intelligent life, you're just making assumptions, right?
Starting point is 00:17:02 It's all assumptions. And the same thing here. It's like, okay, well, what if there's this many people and then there's this many Muslims and then there's this, and there's this many jihadists and they all hate everybody and they're all going to kill you because there's going to be 20 million of them. They're 20 million strong. And you're like, okay, well, it's 20 million against fucking 8 billion. Like it's still statistically significant. Very small. But regardless, you know, I think the fact is, is that he's saying,
Starting point is 00:17:25 well, our birth rate is low. So now we all need to be the duggers and you're like okay well what happens if we all are the duggers well we'll chew through all the resources and starve to death pretty immediately could you imagine i mean when you're talking like you're talking like 20 you know do do like a 50 year thing on that i mean if everybody's having 19 fucking kids in county. No, it can't. It's an irresponsible thing to say. It's fucking irresponsible to just breed like cats. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:52 Like have a litter. Like have a litter of human beings. Like that is absolutely the most insane. I mean, like you might as well just fucking fuck the environment in half. You just be like, I'm going to fuck it until it breaks. That's kind of what he's asking you to do because they have fucking 19 kids. You basically just have to go around constantly humping shit. That's the only way.
Starting point is 00:18:16 It's like you just go around. You never even wear pants. You kind of don't even care. It's like quasi-human. You're just like, well, it was a primate. I'm going to fuck it. I fucked it. I have to produce a lot of joy if i would if i walked up to my wife and i'm like
Starting point is 00:18:28 here's the deal babe we have to have 18 more kids she would fucking chew my throat out she would rip my throat out with her fucking teeth and the thing i think that baffles me almost is like how do you even like how would you even like accomplish that task? Like you've got to have like a super soaker full of jizz and just like walk up to everyone and you're like – And I've seen that movie by the way. I've seen it a couple times. But maybe it's bookmarks. He's watching it now.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Maybe it's bookmarks. No, it's the volumes now. You can't even hear it. No, but like that's – I mean I can't – logistically I can't even – because you're fucking from your 20s to your 40s once a year. It's the entirety – it's pretty much the entirety of your like life as a breeding – viable breeding person. And what does that do to women? Like what does that create? It creates a culture where women are obviously going to be just breeding person. And what does that do to women? Like, what does that create? It creates a culture where women are obviously going to be just breeding machines. Right. That's all they're,
Starting point is 00:19:28 and all you're going to be able to do for fucking, I mean, it's, it's 20 years of active being like actively being pregnant. Right. And then those kids, and then another 18 on top of that, you're talking about 40 fucking years. Yeah. It's, that's ridiculous. What does that do to your workforce? What does that do to your workforce what does that do to your brain trust as a country you're like 60 years old when the when one of the kids is finally leaving home like when they're when one of the kids is done you know like and the last one is out or whatever the empty nest starts at like 60 65 or something that's an absurdity that's a lot and he's saying too like marry him young get him fucking early yeah and having lots of babies you know because he wants to birds and bees them early.
Starting point is 00:20:07 You know, and maybe he's not even saying the Duggars. Maybe he's just saying five or six. But still, I think that's an irresponsible amount of children. It's a crazy number of kids. Like, it's okay if we're living in fucking 1840s when fucking four of them are going to die. Right, and you've got a farm that you have to tend. Yeah, shit. I don't have a farm I have to tend.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I've got a lawn I have to mow. Yeah, no kidding. And the neighbor mows it. Yes. So we're going to take a break and give you some information. We're not going to eat a donut. We're just going to take a quick break. You're not going to eat a donut.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Don't fucking speak for me, sir. I'm eating a cronut. That's what I'm eating. And then there'll be some information during the break, which we won't tell you. Someone else will. And then we'll come some information during the break, which we won't tell you. Someone else will. And then we'll come back. Tam.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Tam. I like Tam because it rhymes with ham. I like ham. I love ham. Because it's ham. Want to contact Cognitive Dissonance? Visit them on Facebook. You can find the link at the website or type it in the Facebook search bar. Be sure to follow the guys on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Their handle is at dissonance underscore pod. The guys also post to Google Plus now too, so check them out there. And if you'd like to email them, you can do so at dissonance.podcast at You can also leave a comment on the blog at their webpage or give them a call at 740-74-DOUBT. That's 740-743-6828. Long distance rates apply. And to everyone who listens, shares, retweets, or rates the show,
Starting point is 00:21:39 Cognitive Dissonance would like to cordially thank you for all of your fucking support. So this story was sent to us from a listener. This story comes from the Pedophile priest told boy, seven-year-old boy, he could get dead grandfather into heaven if he performed a sex act. Father Jowles McGlass is here. Evidently preyed on a fucking seven-year-old boy. Does he look like...
Starting point is 00:22:14 I just want to say, and I don't want to sound mean, but he looks like a Downs kid. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. He does. He really does. It's because one of the eyes is like. Oh, it's because of the angle they've got him shot at, too. Right, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Well, I think he's actually diddling a child in this photo. In this photo? Yeah. No, he's very, he's concentrating. You could tell. Right. He's trying to fucking stick the dead grandfather in heaven or something. To take advantage of a seven-year-old boy?
Starting point is 00:22:43 Wait a minute. And then to take advantage of their grief? Wait, take advantage? How the fuck do you know he's not in heaven? How do you know he didn't make that deal? Wouldn't that be awesome if that was his plea? Like, I made good. He's in heaven.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Do you know what that grandfather did? I had to pull some strings. And then the kid had to pull some strings. My strings. Wouldn't it be funny if he was like, that grandfather was a pedophile. Hard to get him into heaven. This was awesome. You just got to, you know, you've really got to be a fucking degenerate.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Oh, yeah. To try to twist a little kid like that. And then, you know, I mean, really you're preying on the empathy of another human being. And what are you doing damage-wise to that child? You know what I mean? Let's talk about damage. Let's talk about the mental anguish you put to the kid through just by being molested, right? So just the sexual activity at that age, your brain isn't ready to handle that.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Your brain isn't ready to handle being coerced into sexual activity at that age. Your brain really isn't able to handle that mostly later on in your life. I mean, obviously there's people out there that are rape survivors that can handle it, but it does fuck you up. You know what I mean? Like it's, it's not like it doesn't fuck you up. Zero out of 10 doctors recommend being sexually abused. Exactly. Right. Like none of them. So the damage is there in that sense. But then the damage that you're doing to this child's future use of empathy, okay? Because you're preying on this child and this child obviously is empathetic to his grandfather who he doesn't know is in heaven or not and probably was told that he's not in heaven. And this is a, now first you're damaging the kid because you're telling him there's a hell,
Starting point is 00:24:26 which we think is a bad thing. But let's just, you know, there's a fucking millions of people that don't think that's a bad thing. Billions of people don't think that's a bad thing. They are clearly wrong. It's a moral wrong. But in any case, now you're damaging through that. But now you're saying, okay, you know, you got to do something good for me to get your father and your grandfather into heaven.
Starting point is 00:24:47 So now you think, well, he's not in heaven now. So he's obviously burning. This is obviously bad. I've got to, I'm forced to do this. I'm coerced to do this. What are you doing to this kid's future use of his own empathy? Is he just, I mean, he's probably just going to shut off at that point. I mean, this kid's ability to be vulnerable, you know, I mean, how is he going to deal
Starting point is 00:25:06 with grief and death later? You know, I mean, this is damaging to his, I mean, I don't think he should have any, but it's damage. It's got to be damn, it's got to be fucking crippling to his faith. Right. You know, it's got to be just a fucking face fuck to his face. Absolutely. I mean, it's just horrifying.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah, yeah. It's just horrifying. So he's probably going to lose his faith. If he doesn't lose his faith, it's at the very least fucking shaky goddamn ground. Right, right. At seven. At seven. At seven.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah. You know, there's no upside to this. No, no, there's not. There's no way to, like, there's no way this is. Well, there is for this guy because he got his rocks off. That's true. You know what I mean? Like, this guy ejaculated.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And that was enough to ruin another person's life. Yeah. You know, when you're allowed or you're able to ejaculate and ruin someone else's life, you've really got to think about, you know, what have I done? And I hope this guy spends the rest of his life thinking, what the hell have I done? They really need to have a, like, what has to happen to get this guy spends the rest of his life thinking, what the hell have I done? They really need to have a – like what has to happen to get this guy into heaven now? You know, like in this worldview.
Starting point is 00:26:11 He's got to have a grandkid. You know, I sent you – when I sent you this story, you're like modern-day indulgences was your comment. Yeah, exactly. And that's kind of what he was selling. This is a get-out-of-purgatory – because I think he said the grandfather was – he told the kid the grandfather was in purgatory.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And he could move him up the fucking ladder. Yeah. The higher – you know, the harder my cock gets. Right. The higher your grandpa gets. I can't even imagine being the parent, like, having – finding this out, being like, wait a minute. My fucking dad died. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And you used the death of my father to fuck my son. Oh my gosh. You'd be like, I fucking rip you in half. I couldn't imagine restraining myself from not killing that person. There's no reason to restrain. I mean, you know, I do not like the death penalty when it comes to as a whole.
Starting point is 00:26:59 But personally, I love the idea of vengeance. I know. It is so personally satisfying. It's terrible policy. It's the worst possible public policy. I mean, especially somebody like this. It's personally satisfying to think about something like that. But hey, at least he wasn't an atheist.
Starting point is 00:27:16 That would have been terrible. Giant jowls. These guys' jowls are too big. That's where they harbor all the faith. He's like a basset hound. Yes. Boom. His jowls are too big. That's where they harbor all the faith. He's like a bass at home. He's trained a coon. He's trained a coon.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. So this story comes from the Daily Mail, which is still loading. It may come from the Daily Mail. Hey, there we go. I love the way this is written. I've got a surprise for you.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Husband blindfolds his wife and then chops off her fingers to stop her studying for a degree. I would give you more details about the story, but basically the husband blindfolds his wife and then chops off her fingers to stop her studying for a degree. This is not a nuanced story. No, there's not anything behind the scenes, I think, that you really need to know. I will say, though, the husband was right. He did have a surprise for her. Because I don't think she saw that coming. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Maybe he's going to take me out somewhere and, oh, my God, what is happening? Oh, my gosh. What a horrible thing. Let's just, you know, again, we're talking about damage, right? Let's talk about what, you know, this says about your culture when it comes to – you're talking about – What the fuck is happening in the hallway back there? There's somebody heavier than me out there. It's like I'm running in the bulls in the hallway.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I don't know. Maybe they're like just wheeling the cart of donuts down the hall and that's all the people chasing them. I'll be right back. I will not be back. I won't be back either. No, but we talk about damage. We talk about the culture that's able to create this. And I think the ignorance that is spread and it's making these people hate the female half of their society for trying to better themselves.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah. female, you know, half of their society for trying to better themselves because it's, you know, whatever it's in the Quran or whatever it is, it's in their culture that they're saying, look, we don't want to, we don't want you to learn. We want you to stay at home. I want you to do whatever. You know, I could not imagine my wife doing anything that would make me think I need to damage her permanently by amputating part of her body. Like there's a, I can't think of a single thing. And I'm talking like, I mean, you know, she could walk in and have just gang fucked like 60 dudes and be like, yeah, I just, I just got gang fucked and I enjoyed it. And I have fucking jizz porn all day and a super soaker full of it and they just shot at me.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I have 19 Duggars popping out of my mouth. I am like, I am going to birth a million kids. And you're like, you're just like, okay, great. I don't know that we're together anymore, but I'm not interested in amputating any part of you. Like, I mean, like, why not just leave your wife?
Starting point is 00:30:42 The worst thing that she could do to me. And like, you know, maybe there's something worse, but I can't think, like, I mean, like, the worst. Why not just leave your wife? The worst thing that she could do to me. And, like, you know, maybe there's something worse. But I can't think, like, I would want to damage somebody. You have to come from a culture that has so little regard for the opposite sex that you would think that something like this would be okay. There's no other way to, because in any other part of the world, nobody would think, I mean, unless you're a psychopath. Yeah. Well, because that's, that's the thing. Violence shouldn't be an option. The option is like, I, you know, we're not getting along anymore. You have different life goals than I have. I don't approve of your choices. Sure. Whatever it is,
Starting point is 00:31:19 there's options. Like just get out of the marriage. There's, there's options. There's, there's non fucking violent options. The reason that I out of the marriage. There's options. There's non-fucking-violent options. The reason that my feeling is the reason that you would do something like this is because, first of all, your property disobeyed you. Right. It's property. So your property disobeyed you. And there is so much anger at the idea of a woman with some book learning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:42 at the idea of a woman with some book learning. And that anger comes from fear. Because your position as master, the master-slave dynamic that's built into this culture, this patriarchal, nonsensical bullshit, the master-slave culture that is inherent in this relationship is threatened. I mean, that's why slaves weren't allowed to be taught to read. It was a big fucking goddamn deal if you taught why slaves weren't allowed to be taught to read, right?
Starting point is 00:32:07 It was, it was a big fucking goddamn deal. If you taught a slave to read or a slave learned to read, I was like, it was fucking because they know, you know, there's an understanding in here that as soon as your property becomes fucking sentient and self-aware, right? That it's going to go all fucking hell on you, you know? And rightfully so, because you fucking abused it by cutting off its fingers. Exactly. That it's going to go all fucking hell on you. And rightfully so, because you fucking abused it by cutting off its fingers. Forever. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Or stoning it or whatever. The part of the story that has an upside, though, is she's at the end of the story. She's like, I'm still going to school. She's not not going to school. She's continuing her studies. She's not not going to school. She's continuing her studies. Obviously, they're not together anymore because he's going to be in fucking jail for cutting off her fingers.
Starting point is 00:32:51 God. But she's at least going to continue her studies. I can't believe that. Where did this in Bangladesh and not the Middle East in Bangladesh? Did you see, too, that they they threw the fingers away so that there'd be no chance of doctors could reattach them? Fucking chucked them. I will allow the fact that the guy might be a psychopath, right? I will allow that. I will allow that.
Starting point is 00:33:11 But there are pieces of this culture that come out in the abuse that cannot be masked and say, you can't just wave your hand over that shit and be like, come on. It's not the Muslim thing. The guy's just crazy. Right. This happens way too fucking often. It's not an isolated incident. For it to be something that you can just wave your fucking hand over and say that that's not good. Look, I don't care what people believe.
Starting point is 00:33:41 I just don't want them to oppress half of their own people. That's what I. That's a minor. That's it. Yeah, right. That's it. Believe what you want. Yep. don't want them to oppress half of their own people. That's what I... That's a minor... That's it. That's it. Believe what you want. Believe that there's a Muhammad. Believe that there's an Allah. Believe that there's fucking jinns and the fucking genies and whatever the fuck you want to believe. Magic fucking carpets. Flying horses.
Starting point is 00:33:58 All that. You know, fucking seminal emissions of that of donkeys. I don't care. But just stop fucking hurting part of your population. And I'll leave you be. I'll leave you alone. Right. Fucking I have nothing to say about you then.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Did you read the bottom of this story? In June, an unemployed man gouged out the eyes of his wife, an assistant professor at the Chi University, apparently because he could not stand her pursuing higher studies at a Canadian university. It's not an isolated incident. Right. You know, the article even fucking addresses it. It's like this is part of a trend. This is a part of a trend that's based around fear and anger and control and property fucking management. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:39 You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers. I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. Cecil, I have a question for you. I may have an entitled to it. You want answers. I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. Cecil, I have a question for you. I may have an answer for you. Are militant atheists using chemtrails to poison the angels in heaven?
Starting point is 00:34:53 How did you find out? Funny you should ask. I've been at Harddawn. Which I actually can't go to because my fucking Chrome browser won't even open it. Okay, so here, let me explain this site to you. So at the top, I'm going to read the different pieces here. At the top, the different tabs are government conspiracies, degenerate culture, lies of, and in quotes here, big science,
Starting point is 00:35:28 degenerate culture, lies of, and in quotes here, big science, homosexual agenda, radical atheism, and the marijuana menace. Okay. So that's what you got, right? The article itself is our militant atheists using chemtrails to poison angels in heaven. None of the rambling garbage that is filling this makes any sense. But at the bottom, they have related articles. And one of them is mail order brides, next big gay immigration trend. And there's two dudes tongue kissing. It's kind of a cut of two dudes tongue kissing. And you could tell that this is an anti-homosexual site.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I mean, you just can tell. Of course it is. Are you kidding me? I mean, whenever you say the words homosexual agenda. Right. Then it means they've made some shit up. The site is called Hard Dawn. I know. And there is a dude at the top of this who's got an M16.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I'm coming around. I'm going to turn this over, Tom, so you can see it. He's got an M16 and a very, very ripped ass. The gayest picture I've ever seen. And he is sheen. He has a sheen to him. He has baby oil. And there's a ray of light coming from his crotch.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Gayest. Now, I'm not an aficionado on gay, Tom, but I recognize gay when I see gay. And that's fucking gay. That's all I'm saying. That's the gayest picture I've ever seen. Like, he has, like, a ray burst of light coming out of his crotch. That's pride gay. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:58 It really is. That's, like, that's flotilla gay. It really is. It really is. This guy is, this is something else. But, okay, so chemtrails to kill angels. Do the chemtrails float up? Is it?
Starting point is 00:37:09 I mean, like. Because otherwise, I've seen chemtrails. Right. Hold on, follow me here. I've seen chemtrails. Right. And then I've seen the nothing between the chemtrails and the ground. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:19 So either the angels are invisible and they're somewhere between airplanes. Let me stop you. Angels are invisible. We'll get you there. Or they're above the chemtrails and the chemtrails go up into heaven. They go up into heaven. I got you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I don't know. That's just so crazy. Well, the amount of garbage you have to swallow in order to believe this whole thing. I mean, first off, this site could be satire. I don't know if it's satire or not. I mean, I'm looking at some of the comments and I'm not quite sure. Maybe it's satire. Maybe it is.
Starting point is 00:37:57 But it's – I can't believe this. It just seems too ironic. You know what I mean? Right. But the chemtrail thing, first you've got to believe in chemtrails. I can't believe this. It just seems too ironic, you know what I mean? Right. But the chemtrail thing, first you gotta believe in chemtrails. Then you gotta believe that the chemtrails are poisonous.
Starting point is 00:38:11 So it's not just chemtrails that are used to control the weather. The chemtrail thing, there's a lot going into the chemtrail thing. There's like the chemtrails that control the weather, the chemtrails that control your sexuality, chemtrails that control the fluoridation in our water, or whatever, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:38:24 I've heard all that stuff. All the different craziness that goes into chemtrails. can control the fluoridation in our water or whatever you know i mean there's all the different craziness that goes into chemtrails these ones are specifically poisonous but not poisonous to humans because you know obviously there aren't humans just falling off they're only poisonous to magical made-up creatures like fucking my little pony right i mean yeah i mean like what do you have to do you have to like is it like you did fresh squeezed angels turn into the i don't know it's like it's it's like uh you have to do? Do you have to like – is it like you did fresh squeezed angels turn into the – I don't know. It's like you have to milk a snake. Yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:38:49 You have to milk a snake. To like make anti-venom. So you have to like – you have to jerk off a priest. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, like if you get like a seven-year-old boy. Yeah. All you have to do is just say, grandpa's in heaven.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Grandpa's not in heaven. Right. Yeah. I need to make some angel blood. Then you can hand it to a priest. Yeah, right. And then you can turn priest semen into chemtrail poison for angels. And then you know you killed one when a star falls.
Starting point is 00:39:15 That's actually dead angels. So every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. But every time a priest jizzes, an angel dies a horrible death. An angel dies from chemtrail poison. Fair enough. Yeah. It's like that old sign. It's like every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten.
Starting point is 00:39:29 God kills a kitten. Right. Every time a priest ejaculates, God murders an angel. No, no. Militant atheists do it. Yeah. Because militant atheists are the only ones they let drive airplanes. God contracts it out to the militant atheists.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Right. There's so much for him to do. He's killing so many kittens. Well, I can't do it all. I hate kittens. I hate them. I hate them. So we got an email from Tom and Tom says, he's like, I totally understand about the rest of my suggestion.
Starting point is 00:40:02 He was like, it was a poor attempt at a joke. I did say, Tom, the last time you recorded, that if it was a joke, ha-ha. So I will say that I did say ha-ha. So I thought if it was a joke, I'm going to laugh at it. But Tom wishes us well and wishes he could be here with us at TAM. Tom, thanks for buying shirts and all that stuff. Oh, yeah. Thanks so much, man.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I mean, there's no harm, no foul at all here. Not whatsoever. No, no. And I even said, if it's a joke, ha-ha. We got an email, Tom. We got an email from Jonathan. And Jonathan says that he watched the revisionaries and he says, what's the big deal about teaching the strengths and weaknesses debate? Well, the big deal, there's a lot of big deals.
Starting point is 00:40:49 But the first big deal about teaching strengths and weaknesses is that when you open that door, you have to realize you're opening an opportunity to belittle science and the foundations of science and evolution and biology in favor of – it's a way for them to push an agenda. It's a way for them to crack the door open, slide a fucking wedge of stupid in there, and then knock it in there with a hammer of ignorance until the door is – That's a delicious wedge of stupid. They're awesome knock it in there with the hammer of ignorance. A delicious wedge of stupid. They're awesome on a Cobb salad. They are good. A dummy. You get those crumpled up pieces of ignorance right on top there. It's good. Very good.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Salty. Yeah. No, I think you're right. I think, you know, while if all the teachers that were teaching it would teach actual science and have no biases, and the evolution is very strong and here's why, that would be something that I think would be worthwhile. I think would be worthwhile. However, you have to trust every person in the state to teach it completely unbiased. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:18 You have to trust every teacher in the state to even understand the strength and weaknesses argument. And the thing that I think the biggest thing is they're saying strengths and weaknesses about both of the things, not in comparison to each other. Right. They're saying the strengths and weaknesses of evolution, and they will point out the dumb things that people think are weaknesses in evolution, which aren't weaknesses. Right, which is misunderstandings of the theory anyway. Misunderstandings. Exactly. That's exactly it. So that's what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:42:50 They're not using the theory correctly and they're not teaching correctly. And that's what the danger is. The danger is that we can't trust them to teach it correctly because they want to insert an agenda no matter how they can get it in there. Right. And I don't think it's reasonable to say we don't, we don't treat other subjects this way. Right. Like we're not saying like every theory in science, you know, let's teach the strengths and weaknesses of it. Let's say everything we learn, we're going to make sure that we have a strengths and weaknesses portion of our fucking program. Introducing that only for the topic of evolution just automatically devalues it.
Starting point is 00:43:26 It says, like, this is a problematic theory. And scientifically, it's not a problematic theory. So it's just false at its outset. We got an email from Mark, and Mark wrote us, and he said, there's a movie that we should see. It's a movie that's entitled The Ledge. And as I recall, it's like a atheistic movie. There's something going on with atheism in this movie, although I can't remember
Starting point is 00:43:50 exactly what it is. So he enjoyed it and he suggested it. So maybe this will be added to our list of things we're going to watch. He also wanted us to mention his site. His site is called I'm going to put a link to it in this episode's show notes. It says blog, and it's about religion. And you should go check it out. So check it out from this episode. This is episode 107, and we're going to put that in the show notes. Thank you very much, Mark, for listening.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Thank you. Got a couple of donations this time, Tom. Austin and Alan gave us donations, and we want to thank them for their generous donations. Absolutely. I drank them. They were spectacular. They were delicious, the most delicious donations we got. I remember at least one of them.
Starting point is 00:44:33 We got an email from Louise, Tom. And Louise says, I heard your show with Seth and was very interested in his audio book. And when I heard you were giving away free audio books, I downloaded his. And she says that she's very happy to be listening to Seth's story. And so, yeah, this would be a great book to download. We're not actually advertising with Audible anymore, but it'd be a great book to download or a great book to buy. I mean, Seth's a – I think Seth's a great guy. Seth was awesome.
Starting point is 00:44:58 He was great on the show. And I'm sure his book – I haven't read his book. Yeah, I haven't either. But if his book contains even a fragment of the talent that he brought to the show, you know, I'm sure his book, I haven't read his book. Yeah, I haven't either. But if his book contains even a fragment of the talent that he brought to the show, I'm sure it's terrific. And, you know, Seth is a great storyteller. And if he's going to tell you the story about his life and his sort of leaving of religion, and it's, you know, I mean, obviously a man who was steeped in religion. Right. It's going to be something to read.
Starting point is 00:45:20 You know, that's going to be a story that's going to be, I think, pretty life-changing. So take a look at it. something to read. That's going to be a story that's going to be, I think, pretty life-changing. So take a look at it. We got an email from Gold, and Gold says that there is a skeptical conference in New Zealand. It's being held in Wellington, which sounds very beefy. We'll just assume that's a place. That's a food. That's a delicious. Beef Wellington is a food, and it's delicious. It's going to be held in Wellington, and it's the 6th through the 8th of September. I'm going to put on this episode in the show notes, I'm going to put a link to it, but it's
Starting point is 00:45:58 And you can go there and you can find out about this conference in New Zealand if you're willing to go there. If you're, and I mean, I don't know how many people live. What is that, six, seven people live in New Zealand? I think there's up to 12 now. Up to 12 now. Yeah. So those 12 people are going to be getting together.
Starting point is 00:46:13 You may want to paddle across the sea to go see them. I don't know. But no, it should be a good time, I suspect. So go check it out. Paddle across the sea. Go check them out. And we're happy to plug this skeptical conference. And when you're there, send us some Wellington.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah, send us some Wellington. Wellington. We got an email from Latch, and Latch said that he wanted to pass congratulations on to Eric and tell us where we could buy more of his music. So Eric did the Skeptic's Creed last time. It was sort of a little punk-ish, rock-ish, I don't know. It was music-y. Metal-ish. I noticed that it was music-y. That is the extent of my genre. Version of the Skeptic's Creed. And it was good.
Starting point is 00:46:53 It was very good. It was good. So what we want is if Eric would be so kind, put a link in the comment section of this episode, episode 107, so people can find your music. If you're looking for Eric's music, that might be the place to go. Hopefully Eric's listening and he puts a link to his work because people look like they might want to buy it and sound like they really like the Skeptic's Creed you did.
Starting point is 00:47:17 We got a compliment on it from somebody at TAM actually yesterday. Somebody else really cared for that quite a lot. We got an email. This is from Dave Thomas, friend of the show Dave Thomas. Not the guy who owns Wendy's, but the Brit who
Starting point is 00:47:33 probably is impossible to understand and also probably very drunk a lot. That appears certain. The reason why I know this is because his friend Ricky, who's not afraid, a man not afraid to go by the name of Ricky, sent in a picture. And he says – in the picture he just says, oh, by the way, this is Dave's bird. Isn't she lucky?
Starting point is 00:47:59 And I've searched this photo. Tom, I do not see a bird in this photo. I see Dave, and Dave is looking a little rough. I'm thinking this is not his best day. It looks like he just got punched and somebody put iodine on his face. That's what it looks like to me. It actually appears to me that he is a zombie. It's like Shaun of the Dead.
Starting point is 00:48:25 He's with a very lovely young lady. I don't know why. Yeah, I can't figure that one out either. Maybe the bird is behind him in that box on the wall. I'm looking, but I don't see any birds anywhere. Maybe he's got his stuff somewhere. It's like he's smuggling birds.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You know, because sometimes you wrap it in your... They might be in the scraggly nest that I think passes for chest hair. That's something to look at, isn't it? Well, thanks for sharing very ugly photos of each other, guys. Horrifying. Yeah. Why are you sending them to us?
Starting point is 00:48:55 I know. And they sent another photo where they both look absolutely pissed. They just look... They look... Like, I thought I was drunk last night. Oh, these guys. They are redefining the word. These guys, they look like they thought I was drunk last night. Oh, these guys. They are redefining the word. These guys.
Starting point is 00:49:06 They look like they were fucking hammered. Well, guys, thanks for listening. Ricky and Dave. And we're glad we can make fun of both of you. So this is going to wrap it up for our episode at TAM. We had a good time recording. It was pretty much almost a regular length show. We only had a couple stories.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I hear that a lot. Like, it's almost regular length. Yeah, it's close. Just a little short. I'm only slightly disappointed. So until next time, we are actually going to leave you with a different Skeptic's Creed this time. This one is a commercial version of our Skeptic's Creed. It's done by Brian.
Starting point is 00:49:42 So we hope you enjoy it. And thanks for listening we'll catch you next week with a full episode recorded from our domiciles and it's actually going to be recorded in proper we won't have to look at each other and that'll be fucking awesome god damn i can't let conflicts between faith and reason get in the way so i get cognitive dissonance works hard to ensure that I never follow my beliefs to their internal conflicts. And only cognitive dissonance is clinically proven to give me the illusion of being as clear and focused as someone who actually cares about what's true.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Don't let logical inconsistency hold you back. Live gloriously with unthinking cognitive dissonance. Use only as directed. Cognitive dissonance is not right for everyone. Always consult your priest, rabbi, and or chiropractor before engaging in a new spiritual journey. Please discontinue treatment if you experience fortune cookie cutter mom issues, hypno-Babillon bullshit, become couched in scientist double bubble, toil and or trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternatives,
Starting point is 00:51:01 acupunctuating pressurized stereograms, or pure metal-free energy. Doubt even this. The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only. Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local Dairy Council. Thank you. you

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