Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 118 God of Wonders

Episode Date: September 29, 2013


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Want to stream Cognitive Dissonance to your Android or iPhone? Buy the app! Go to and click on the link on the right-hand side of the page. Each purchase helps support the show. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. This is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence
Starting point is 00:00:54 to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, it's political, and there is no welcome mat. This is the third installment of the marathon cognitive dissonance recording session. So if we get a little slap happy or I fall asleep, forgive me. Well, they've all sucked so far. It's not like it's going to fucking change anything. See, so we're 118 episodes into a sucking. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:23 This isn't anything new, folks. So for this very special show, Cecil is on vacation. When you're listening to this, Cecil is seriously climbing fucking Mount Vesuvius or like kayaking in the Mediterranean or doing something. Yes, I will be doing things other than sitting at my computer mixing shows. Which I will do this week, the entire fucking week. And if you hear this show, it means that I have successfully uploaded it. Which I think involves just clicking upload
Starting point is 00:01:54 and searching for the file. Yeah, right. That's all it takes. That's all it is. It's all Cecil does. It's a lot of fucking sound and fury. It's six buttons. It is. It's six buttons. You don't even have to hit him. It's all Cecil does. It's a lot of fucking sound and fury. It's six buttons. It is. It's six buttons.
Starting point is 00:02:07 You don't even have to hit him. He's got those drinking birds that are just poised over the right keys. No, what I did was I hired human-faced locusts to do this for me. They're these giant locusts. The problem is they can't type very well on their breastplates. Well, no. What they do is they use their scorpion tail. Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:26 To press the keys. But then your keys get covered in venom and then you get fucking sword. That's really kind of a hunt and peck sort of way to type too. So they only get like 25 words a minute. That's really inefficient. It's like your dad with his one finger when he's just typing away on the other finger. These locusts aren't great typists at all. Who hired them?
Starting point is 00:02:45 Judy, get in here. That's why we curse the Lord. That's why we do it. That's why we won't repent, Cecil. Exactly. So for this very special show, we watched a very bad movie. Yes. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It was awful. We watched God of Wonders. It was not wonderful, in case you're curious. god of wonders uh it was not wonderful in case you're curious it is extravagantly unbelievably shockingly awful if you you cannot it's so bad it's so bad you simply cannot overestimate how awful this movie is you can't you can't do it it It's not possible. This could be – if you turned this movie in as a film student, your first day of film school, you would be kicked out of the program and probably killed. You know why, Tom? Because it's bad. Because you plagiarized half the movie is what you did.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I saw so much footage in this that I saw in like National Geographic. And I'm like i i've seen that before and then like at the end it's like credit to national geographic and i'm just like oh okay you stole all their footage i know man it's just and then not only do they steal it but they replay it in the movie so you'll see the same image like how many times did that did you see that elephant run it chases the car you see this running elephant in this movie i don't i mean you have to see 16 times at least yeah it's constantly showing a running elephant like anytime they didn't know what to do they're just like i don't know fucking we have nothing left get the
Starting point is 00:04:16 running elephant back we got a running elephant oh yeah we got a running elephant oh there we go look at him run what you know here's one thing that they do in nature films especially like when they're talking about like the glory of god right when they're talking about the glory of God. So they're talking about glory of God and how great God is. And they're trying to show you all these different things. Like here's creation. Here's God's creation is so amazing. And they're showing you a running gazelle.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And it's not just a running gazelle. It's like a bunch of running gazelles. You got to think, why are they running? They're not running because they're fucking bored. And they're just like, hey, you know what? Hey, guys, let's go for a run. They're going to be eaten by something. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:50 They're going to be killed by something. They're not showing you that. They're just showing you the majesty of it running. But they're not showing you that it's fucking running away from something that's going to gorge on its flesh. Do you know what would be an awesome way to redo this movie? Is to keep all of the sound the same and take all of the images of like oh look it's a honeybee on a tulip oh you know show like parasitic wasps and like fucking liver flukes because this idea that like
Starting point is 00:05:20 that nature is just like full of shiny happy people holding hands is just it's just it's just not true like they should show they should show like the hard-ass fucking struggles of like like here's a muskox dying of dehydration and starvation like here's its last gasps as its you know energy fails it and a hyena chews on its face while it's still alive. Here's a seal that is missing half its body because an orca wanted to play with it before it killed it. Right. Like, oh, and here's somebody
Starting point is 00:05:54 trying to swim in the ocean near Australia. Ah, I got killed by everything. Here's a person who exists in Australia. Look at how miserable they are. Look at how miserable. They got a koala on their leg. There's a fucking kangaroo punching them in the balls. And their clothes are made of gimpy, gimpy cloth.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Gimpy, gimpy cloth. So what this movie is about, Tom, if you don't mind, I'm going to give a little synopsis. Yeah, I guess we're five minutes in. We should introduce it. We should probably tell people what the movie is about. Because, you know, here's the thing. You could watch this movie. But what you're going to see and what you're going to witness – and I actually don't recommend it. I don't think that it's necessary to see this movie because all we're going to be doing is talking about creationist arguments in this.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And you've heard all the creationist arguments. The thing what they did in this movie is they took a bunch of montages, like I said, all this other footage from somewhere else. And they put Bible quotes on it and then they talked about intelligent design. So they take all this other footage and then they get the talking heads from their creationist fucking factories that they have all over the country where they have – Creationist factories. Where they just like have like some dumb ass – and they had the presuppositional fucking God guy on there. All right. Yeah. apologist on there who was like talking about how he's, he's talking about how, you know, great creation is and how, you know, God is, you know, creating all these things and how God formed everything to work so intricately together, et cetera, et cetera. And so basically that's what
Starting point is 00:07:13 they're doing. They're showing you all this stuff. They're giving you a ton of facts. So they're talking about how far away the sun is from the earth and how long it takes the light to get here and how much energy the sun puts out and how much we take in from the earth on the earth from the sun and how much how hot it is and what it's like at the core and, you know, all this other stuff that really doesn't make a lot of sense when you really think about it. And then they basically say at the end of all that, they're just like, and God did it. OK, cool. Well, that really doesn't convince me very much. You've talked about a lot of stuff. You know, what I want to see is if you really think that God did all that, point to the part of the Bible where that tells me how hot the surface of the sun is. Point to the part of the Bible where it tells me how long it takes the sun's rays to reach the earth.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Point me to the part of the Bible where it talks about neutrinos, which we can, you know, which are, or point me to the part of the Bible where it talks about photons. Point me to the part of the Bible where it talks about photons. Point me to the part of the Bible where it talks about particle physics. Point me to the part of the Bible where it says that the, that the universe is 13 and a half or six, 26 billion light years across. Point me to the part of the Bible where it talks about DNA, et cetera, et cetera, all the stuff that you guys talked about in this. Cause you can't, cause it doesn't talk about it at all. The only thing it fucking vaguely references are vague references that you have hammered this scientific fact into fitting. Yeah, you know, point me to the part of the Bible that even explains how a hummingbird's wings work. They spend 10 minutes on a goddamn hummingbird in this thing.
Starting point is 00:08:38 There's nothing in the Bible that ever talks about how that works. Like, you know, Cecil, you're right, because they do. They're like, isn't it awesome? And I'll agree with that like i'm halfway there i watched this movie see so i'm halfway there with them yeah it's awesome that's fucking spectacular i do think it's incredible that you know the way that the uh you know all these things all these pieces fit together so perfectly in order for life to exist on Earth. I think that is genuinely something to marvel and be in awe of. We just differ at the last stage. Like their last step is like, and God did it.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Or it wouldn't have happened this way. And it's like either that or it didn't – like the pieces fit together because they evolved together. Right. They get it backwards. And this is an argument that I've heard on so many debates. I love debates, so I listen to a lot of debates. And I hear this all the time like, well, don't you think it's just emblematic of the idea of a creator that all of the pieces are so intricate and they fit together so perfectly? And there's – the interweaving of all of these disparate parts is enmeshed so tightly, so perfectly together.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And it's like, well, but that would make sense too if they were all working together. Like you would never build you would never like think about think about something you were going to build like you would never build the console for your car and build it in a way that it doesn't fit inside your car right you would build the console of your car so it fits exactly to the dimensions of your motherfucking car because why would you do otherwise because it would be it wouldn't make sense to be like yeah and then i put tires on my car and they weren't all the same size why would you what yeah fucking that's crazy hold on why did you do that did you want it to work or no processes don't like processes that they would just weed themselves out. Anything that doesn't mesh optimally with the system, with its ecosystem, will weed out of that system.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Right. So the only things that you'll be left with are the things that mesh optimally within that system. And they will change. I'm thinking about like I've, this is anecdotal. I recognize, like I have a job and I'm the only person that does this job at my company and I've been doing it now for eight years. So that job has evolved and I have evolved and we have evolved together over the course of those last eight years so that my strengths and the like everything works together there's a symbiosis that's that's developed like the things that i'm good at and the
Starting point is 00:11:30 things that i'm not good at and the things the job requires you know that i've taken on and everybody's job is the same way right that you've been in place for a long time it evolves with you and you evolve with it until you reach a certain point where everything seems to be clicking evolve with it until you reach a certain point where everything seems to be clicking. Well, fucking of course it does! Like, what else could it do? You'd just be out of a job.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You'd just be out of a job. Like, you just would quit that job if it didn't work, right? If it didn't work for you, you'd be like, okay, well, then it didn't work. And you know, like, the thing here is, it's exactly what you're saying with the intertwined way in which organisms are uh are dependent on one another in the on this they're talking about water and how
Starting point is 00:12:12 amazing water is like isn't it amazing how god gave us this three quarters of the planet is water isn't it amazing how he did that because water is so necessary to us and i'm thinking yeah well we evolved on a planet with three quarters water. So if we evolved on the planet with three quarters water, it makes sense that water would be necessary. It's not the other way around that God gave it to us because we needed it. It's because we needed it because it was around. We use the things that were around. Like that's the other thing that it does, that it seems to just sort of miss. And about the working parts thing, Tom, the thing that bothers me about this is that these people And about the working parts thing, Tom, the thing that bothers me about this is that these people, and you know, like, I don't like to say this very
Starting point is 00:12:50 often, but I got to say it today. The creationists are so short-sighted. I don't want to call them stupid, but I'm going to say short-sighted because I think being stupid, you know, like, look, they're not stupid, but they're being purposefully obtuse when it comes to how interconnected things are they're saying look at how interconnected this bee is to this population as the bee wasn't there this wouldn't happen this didn't happen this didn't happen if this didn't happen this didn't and they keep saying it over and over like all these different things are interconnected but you're willing to destroy forests you're willing to shit fucking pollution in the air and think that it doesn't do
Starting point is 00:13:25 anything. You're willing to be anti-environmental. You're willing to dig oil fields in places where they could destroy populations of things. You're willing to, and you're willing to scoff at environmentalists and say, well, God would never do that. God, you know, you know, you're talking about the interconnectedness of things as it is and how, how that sort of proves your point about God. Well, Hey, you know, if they're super interconnected, we could be fucking shit up like mad. Right. And you just go just like, well, yeah, well that doesn't fit our fucking narrative. So we're not going to talk about it. Well, you know, you can't have it both ways. I totally agree with that sentiment because there's, these are the same people that are constantly
Starting point is 00:14:05 saying like well you know human beings can't you know like we don't have the power to fuck up the earth really i mean aren't aren't we part of that same web that you're constantly jerking off to yeah like look at the fucking honeybee scare right that's a significant thing like look at the invasive species that right you know you you guys are like these people are constantly pulling the dick of you know the intertwining ecosystem theory that like everything has been designed by a creator to fit a niche i hate that idea it's fucking so stupid and so backwards but beyond that every every living thing is designed to fit a niche in an ecosystem okay like i i actually think without the word design that makes sense and then you take something
Starting point is 00:14:49 out of there like a zebra muscle for fucking example and you chuck it in the great lakes and it fucks up the great lakes okay um that's a thing that's happening yeah that shouldn't be happening by your like your worldview should not allow that to happen. Like the zebra mussel is not optimally designed by its creator to live in the Great Lakes. But it is fucking up the Great Lakes. Like it's just, it's tearing that shit out. That's a thing. That's a thing that you guys should just be like, well, it won't work, right?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Like it's not optimally designed for that environment by our creator who has an infinite plan for how all this shit should work oh it doesn't actually work that way instead it's just totally fucking backwards so great system you got there fuckwits i like i like too that they keep on saying saying how things couldn't have evolved this way. And in one particular instance, I'm going to talk about there's this – I guess it's a sea anemone and a fish, right? And so there's this fish, a really pretty-looking fish. It's like a gold fish with these white stripes that's able to swim on top of this poisonous tentacled thing I think is a sea anemone. I wrote down sea anemone, but I don't know if that's the actual thing okay so it's able to swim in there well this thing is poisonous it'll fuck up other fish like other fish come by don't fuck it up like fucking toxins you die whatever
Starting point is 00:16:14 and they basically say there's no way that this thing could have evolved because if it gets stung the kit there's no way it can it can pass that trade on because it would die. So you can't get half of this. So there's no way that it would even work. That neglects the idea of mutation completely. Right? It basically says there's no way that anything could have mutated and it just so happens that it's fucking immune
Starting point is 00:16:38 to that poison. And so then it breeds and it fucking, it passes that trade on to its offspring. It neglects that completely. It throws that out and says, oh, there's no way. Well, you're, you're fucking, you're, you're basically saying you're only giving us part of the evolutionary argument then. So you're fucking, you're, you're basically creating a straw man with the sea anemone argument.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Well, you know what, what these guys are often guilty of doing is, um, arguing against analogies. guilty of doing is um arguing against analogies so one of the one of the problems with science um and i think this is this is honest one of the problems of science is that it's incredibly complicated right right no real field of research um can be summed up with some pithy little phrase like survival of the fittest you know that's the whole of the theory um so what these guys will do and they're guilty like fucking crazy of doing this is they take the analogies that scientists have frequently employed to explain a complex body of knowledge to lay people and then they argue against the analogies they're not arguing against the science anymore. Now you're picking apart rhetoric.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Now we're engaged in a semantics battle. You're saying like, well, here – like when you say like that's only part of the evolution argument. Well, fucking of course it is, right? Because they don't – by and large, they either don't understand. And I don't either. It's vastly more complex than the time and energy I've developed, you know, put into it. They don't understand all of the current research on evolutionary biology. So they're not arguing against the science and the studies and the research that's been done. They're arguing against the analogies prepared by scientists for lay people over time to explain basic concepts. And that's how they win.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Because they do win sometimes. The creationists, let's be honest, they get wins. They put movies out like this and people watch them. And people are convinced. Because, you know, phrases like, well, you can't have a creation without a creator. Like you can't have a creation without a creator like you can't have a building without a builder they use those phrases in this thing um you know on its surface they kind of make some sense like there's a there's a raw logic there that is difficult to um to deny like unless you really put some time and effort and energy into thinking about it and recognizing that evolution has nothing to say about a biogenesis at all, that it doesn't even speak to origins of life.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It speaks to changes and – Yeah, one of the guys in this movie, Tom, sorry to interrupt, but one of the guys in this movie specifically said, I asked an evolutionist how the universe began. I'm thinking, well, you asked the wrong guy guy you may as well ask your oil change you know it'd be like it'd be like i asked my tv repairman how to fix my dishwasher well fucking you probably didn't get a good answer asshole right i asked my fucking boss you know what my wife thinks well fucking you know good well it didn't do anything. Right. Right. It makes me crazy. And then they also throw out – like you're talking about Straw Men.
Starting point is 00:19:49 This movie is like – oh my god. It's a fucking cornfield full of them. It's crazy. Yeah, exactly. No crows be nested on this movie. Well, and the fucking – they were all looking for their brain the entire time. They were all looking for their brain. We're all looking for their brain the entire time. We're all looking for their brain.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Because like the one argument that made me just absolutely wild watching this is they kept saying like, you know, this thing is so complicated. And man's never created anything so complicated. I'm like, that has nothing to do with anything. It's like, well, and zebras have never played tennis. Okay. Who fucking cares? There's never been an argument that evolution is true because man can build something as complex as nature. No one's ever made that argument.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Who's making the argument that man builds more complex things than nature? Like what would that prove? Even if it were true, what would that demonstrate? Well, and then as you said, like we have done some pretty amazing things in the short amount of time we've been. First off, nature has been around longer. So, of course, they're making some very complex, amazing things. But we fucking shot a goddamn thing up to fucking Mars and talked to it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Like where's the fucking – where's the analog in nature for that? There isn't. But the idea – you know, you're right. It's a total fucking – it's a total straw man. But the other thing that they do is argue from ignorance. It's a constant argument from ignorance. It's like, it's like, look at how complex this thing is. Look at how amazing this is.
Starting point is 00:21:11 We really don't have an answer for this. Therefore, God did it. And you're like, well, hold on a second. Whoa, fucking stop the fucking presses here, bro. Because I don't think that that's a fucking true statement. I don't want to say, well, therefore, God did it. Fuck you. Fucking, therefore, we haven't, we don't even understand it yet. god did it fuck you fucking therefore we haven't we
Starting point is 00:21:25 don't even understand it yet okay let's leave it at that even if we don't understand it which i think you're misrepresenting so much shit that i think we do understand there's a part of this where they're talking about the butterfly and they're like i specifically wrote down my comment is evolution can't exist because butterflies is what i put down no but but like there's a part where the guy's talking about like like butterflies turn from a you know this creature and their fucking lungs liquefy or whatever and then they fucking become a fucking like a they're a caterpillar then they turn into a butterfly in this fucking in this cocoon right so they he goes through the whole system and talk about exactly what happens and then they you know the the cocoon shits out the butterfly and it's
Starting point is 00:22:02 another creature and he's like and that happens in days, not millions of years. Well, what's the fucking implication there, right? They're basically saying like, that can happen in days. Therefore millions of years wasn't necessary for us to actually be here. So is 6,000 year figure makes sense. You know, there's so many different arguments that can stem off of that, but you, you know, to say like, I don't understand how butterflies can, can actually evolve into something from something else, you know, okay, well maybe you don't understand it butterflies can can actually evolve into something from something else you know okay well maybe you don't understand it but that doesn't necessarily mean that you if you don't understand it that something that you don't understand also is responsible for it you know
Starting point is 00:22:34 what i mean like you're just like well i don't understand god so therefore he's responsible for there's nothing wrong with saying yeah i just don't know right i just don't know there's plenty of things i don't know i mean i'm fucking filled with things i don't know sure just don't know. Right. I just don't know. There's plenty of things I don't know. I mean, I'm fucking filled with things I don't know. Sure. I don't know is my stock response. I don't fucking know. Yeah. Beats me.
Starting point is 00:22:52 More than that, though, it occurred to me watching this thing yesterday that it's totally okay if we never know. That doesn't change. That doesn't make something true. It doesn't make God. It doesn't make the hypothesis of it doesn't make god it doesn't make the the hypothesis of god true if we never find out let's let's let's say for example we don't know how a butterfly is produced from a caterpillar i don't know if that's the case i don't know if fucking butterfly scientists because there are people who just study that shit right like and
Starting point is 00:23:23 and that that doesn't necessarily mean that somebody hasn't figured out, you know, like the exact path of the evolution of the butterfly, right? Right. So but let's say for the sake of argument that in all of human history, we never figure that out. We never do. All that means is that we just didn't figure that one out yet. That's all that that means. That's the only statement that you can, that's the only thing you can say at the end of that.
Starting point is 00:23:50 There may be things that people never know. Right. We are just animals. Like we're an extraordinary animal. I think we're an amazing animal. I think that we are truly an awe inspiring animal. I don't think that we are a limitless animal right there has to be some sort of limit right so there may be things that we say like i don't understand that and nobody ever gets to the point like i think it would be a cruel and boring world if we just were like, well, got them all.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah. Got them all. I mean it's very likely that there will be arguments and concepts and ideas. And everything we uncover creates a new question, right? Right. That's why the universe is amazing that's why you know like like knowledge and understanding is amazing because like yeah maybe we'll figure out why this thing did this thing but then that opens up other questions it'd be like having an east like you
Starting point is 00:24:54 know the argument for ignorance for me especially here feels like having an easter egg hunt right you're like okay there's an easter egg hunt i gotta go out and find all these easter eggs you go out and you find as many easter eggs as you can and the ones you can't find you just immediately imagine they got voiped up to heaven you're just like no they're still there they're still around no they didn't just go to heaven or they didn't go to mars they didn't disappear the bunny didn't come back and take them back eggs are still out there my eggs you know all you end up is a house full of stinky rotten eggs. Stinky rotten eggs. But, you know, like that's the concept there. And, you know, another thing too, you know, we're talking about how these people don't understand science.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Another thing I don't think they understand either is how long a million time wrapping ourselves around the concept of these long periods of time that it takes for things like this to happen. These people are used to things happening on an immediate scale. They're used to things – they're used to frying an egg, right? I go into the kitchen. I fry an egg. It takes three minutes, five minutes at the most, right? I go into the kitchen. I put toast in the toaster.
Starting point is 00:26:03 It comes out different. at the most, right? I go into the kitchen, I put toast in the toaster, it comes out different. I don't, you know, you don't go to a, you know, you don't look at the way in which, you know, fish eventually became fucking land creatures. That's not a fucking, that's not a, you're not timing that on an egg timer. You know what I mean? Like this is on millions of years of evolution. You know, the, like the mammals that grow to become bigger mammals that go become tree mammals that go become fucking other mammals that go become fucking stand upright mammals that grow to become bigger mammals, that go become tree mammals, that go become fucking other mammals, that grow to become fucking stand upright mammals, that become fucking mammals that throw fucking sticks at obelisks. Those mammals are different, but it takes a long goddamn time to get there.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And these guys, I just think these guys and these women are just like, yeah, but you know, it just feels like a long time and that doesn't make any sense. And you're like, okay, but you know, you're just not contending with the reality of it. You know, they're making an argument as if it happens the way that a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. That one day you have – you know, it's the crocodile, right? It is. It's the crocodile. You know, they're portraying evolution as if evolution was making an argument it's not making.
Starting point is 00:27:07 portraying evolution as if evolution was making an argument it's not making that one day you know you like somebody was pregnant or an animal was pregnant and gave birth to a different species a whale gave birth to a zebra right exactly just like and it just happened to be near land no it shot it out its water spout out the land. Like no one's ever making that argument. Right. No one's – they argue against this sort of linear path of evolutionary drawings that people see. You know what I mean? Like this, then this, then this, then this, where there are whole species, arrow, new species, arrow, new species. But that's not an argument evolutionary biology makes.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So, again, you're arguing against an analogy, against an image, against a shortcut, an intellectual explanatory shortcut rather than a body of knowledge. And it's like, well, of course you can argue against that because nobody's really saying that. You know, it's like, yeah, OK, great. You're you beat up on my analogy. I'll use a different analogy then. Like, that's the only thing that I should use an analogy. I'll have you read this book. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Right here. Do a science. There's plenty of good. You know, did you read the Daw dawkins's uh greatest show on earth i did not fucking a it's a great book like if you want to read something like if you want to read a really good accessible um you know pop science book i think about evolution i think that's an excellent popular science book it's written for the lay person so like even i understood some of it um it's a it's a really accessible um wonderful book you can get an audible actually not that we're hucking audible
Starting point is 00:28:52 but you can get it on audible so if you don't want to read it it's it's totally worth it but the thing is there's laboratory science that demonstrates evolution like laboratory fucking science yeah but tom that's that's micro evolution not macro oh fuck you dude i love that shit like we'll just throw a prefix that doesn't mean anything on there yeah i you know i want to talk to real quick about the uh the smallness of their god because it feels like in this movie, especially, they're talking about, you know, very centric things. It reminds me a lot like the Bible, right?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Like centric things, things that are centered around this planet. They do talk a little bit about the size of the universe, a little bit about how far away things are. And they talk about, you know, how many stars there are etc etc but they you get this feeling like everything feels so small there's a moment where they're talking about thunderstorms and how much energy a thunderstorm puts out and how much you know how how crazy it is and they're talking about how you feel god's power in a thunderstorm and i I'm thinking, how small is God that he's making me feel his power in a thunderstorm? There's a fucking storm raging on Jupiter that is like 100 times the size of the Earth.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I know. You know what I mean? Like that would fucking – it would fucking fist fuck any thunderstorm we could possibly even create. a mega storm. The size of our planet is nothing compared to that storm that is currently raging for the last hundred years or so on Jupiter. Saturn has even higher winds than Jupiter does, right? So like the storms that are created and they're talking about like, you know, supernova. So we're talking about thunderstorms. What about a fucking supernova? Something that can like alter things on a galactic scale. You know, these are so, like, you're so tiny.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And then they're talking about, like, he talks about, there's a quote they say, have you entered the treasury of snow is one of the quotes. Oh, my God. And it's from Job. And I'm like, okay, what does that mean? And then they, like, try to hammer some meaning about how snow crystals form. They're like, oh, well, that means what God meant when he said this thing, I'm going to fucking fit it to mean this thing. And it's the treasury of snow.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And it's like, aren't snow crystals pretty? And you're like, yeah, they're pretty because, you know, because, you know, we are, I guess at this point, accustomed to seeing them and think that they are pleasing to our, you know, the light spectrum that we can actually see. Yeah. It's like crystalline structures are symmetrical. Human beings have a predisposition towards symmetry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And we can see that because we have that level of, you know, we can see between the ultra violent and the ultra whatever it is, you know, like the two, the two little areas that we can, the tiny amount of fucking light that we can actually fucking interpret. Yeah. And we need microscopes to even see them yeah exactly like god god puts that shit out there and it's like yeah i'm gonna make this so that when they develop science which will mostly disprove the other shit i wrote but anyway anyway yeah when they develop science and then they have microscopes then somebody will get curious and put a fucking snowflake on there and then they'll see that it looks pretty that's's why I'm going to make – I mean it's just the dumbest thing ever. The whole snowflake thing, I'm not going to lie to you, man.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I had to stand up and watch that part of the show. I don't blame you. I don't blame you one bit. It's the most boring, most repetitive, stupid part of it. And the whole thing is just – it's hard to watch. But that part, we're just like, okay, great. Snowflakes, is that where we're just like okay great snowflakes is that where we're going here is that god is god is up there he's got his fucking graphic design team making
Starting point is 00:32:29 different different fun it's like okay okay y'all i need i need 27 different snowflakes today because that's how many they're gonna look at the rest of the cake can all be the same because i love how everybody's like there's never been a snowflake that's exactly the same as the other snowflakes and all snowflakes are symmetrical. And I'm thinking, you know, maybe they're not. I don't think that they are.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Actually, I heard, I thought, I thought I heard that they said that they're not all perfectly symmetrical. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:32:53 who knows, man? I mean, you can't look at them all. Can't look at them all. You're like, yeah, seems like
Starting point is 00:32:58 these ones are. Yeah. Okey doke. What does that prove? Like, the Bible is true because snowflakes yeah are you kidding me like a seven-headed dragon will rise from the ocean with 10 horns and three fucking sword tongues in its face and it'll pour a bowl of blood into the ocean at the end of the
Starting point is 00:33:20 world and satan will be locked up for a thousand years because snowflakes yeah i hope that their horns i hope the horns in the header are not like horns like animal horns but like bicycle horns so when it pops out you're like and then like part of their face is like a ringer so like when you press it's like it'd be great if it was like the keystone cops thing like like what that's not terrifying at all. It's comical. So I want to, do you have anything else? No. Okay, so I want to end real quick with what I think is the, Tom, I think is the message of this.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And they said it many times. And I think this is the message that they're trying to get. Fear of the Lord leads to life, is what they said many times. fear of the Lord leads to life is what they said many times. And I think that that perfectly illustrates not only last week's revelation episode, but also this too, that you need to be afraid of God, that you need to fear God. And that leads to life. I think that's a stupid way to live. Well, you know, think of other powerful authority figures.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Would you rather have the respect and admiration or would you rather fear? I don't know. Ask Machiavelli. I mean, like, I don't rule my home. Like, I don't rule my child with fear. I'm not like, if you don't clean your room, I shall pour a bowl of fire upon your head and burn your toys. Don't make me get out the locusts. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, quasi alternative acupunctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing water downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch late night info docutainment leo pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death and towers tarot cards psychic healing crystal balls bigfoot aliens, churches, mosques and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, double speak, stigmata, nonsense. nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential,
Starting point is 00:35:49 conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only. Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local dairy council. Outro Music

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