Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 133: No God Cast

Episode Date: January 12, 2014

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you want to get Cognitive Dissonance streamed to your iPhone or Blackberry? If so, download Stitcher free today at Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. this is cognitive dissonance every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome at this. This is episode 133 of Cognitive Dissonance.
Starting point is 00:01:03 We are now in our first season. I can't wait for the season break, which is going to come never. Yeah, yeah. Well, it's really an extended narrative arc. Extended. Every episode's a cliffhanger. Everybody's just waiting for the character development.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Like people are just hoping we don't come back is the key. That's exactly it. Like it's like the most depressing TV guide you've ever opened up. It's like, Oh, fucking there. Oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:38 you know what our show is? Our show is mad. It's fucking always on somewhere. It's always, it's last longer than the actual war so later in the show we're gonna have tanner campbell from the no god cast and also from various projects that he'll tell us about but not the projects like he's not og yeah no no but he's got some projects it was so bad i want to i want to mention too uh i know i've been asking everyone
Starting point is 00:02:10 like crazy uh if they will vote for us in the stitcher awards i'm asking for your vote in the stitcher awards we're probably going to release it again on sunday maybe even fucking saturday tom just to see if people fucking vote for us. Because right now I looked at Terry Gross' page. She has like 122,000 fucking likes on Facebook. Like she could fucking squash us with a fucking wink of her eyelash. She'd be like, yeah, you're gone, son. And we would just be decimated under a fucking flood of votes.
Starting point is 00:02:43 All she has to do is just implore her audience one time, and it's exponentially bigger than any reach we could possibly get. The only hope we have of winning the Stitcher Award in our category, or any category, is that the really big shows will be unaware of Stitcher's existence. Yeah, that's the only thing that's going to help, right? And that we have a fucking awesome audience. Yeah, that votes every day.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Every time we've asked them for help, they have come to our – we've asked you guys to donate to Doctors Without Borders. You raised a ton of money. We've asked you guys to donate to your local food depositories. You've raised money for that. We've asked you guys to do a lot of things for the show, for your community. We've got an awesome and engaged audience. We don't have 122,000 members of set engaged audience.
Starting point is 00:03:35 That's huge. No. We're only like 117,000 short. Yeah, we need a few more. But voting every day helps, right? I mean, my hope is that what happens is that they wind up voting once, but the folks that listen, the badasses that listen and vote for us, they vote every day. So that's our hope.
Starting point is 00:03:56 We're going to post the link on this episode's show notes. We're probably going to bug you about it at the end of the show, but please vote in the Stitcher Awards. We're in the society and culture category this year, and we're going up against some big shows, and we could really use your vote. So please, if you have an opportunity, all you have to do is go to the website. You have to like them on Facebook, and then you just vote. And then we get a vote, and hopefully we take it to Terry Gross. And if you don't have a Facebook account, just make one in the name of Tanner Campbell.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Facebook account, just make one in the name of Tanner Campbell. It is altogether right to discriminate against homosexual behavior. I'm arguing that it's time that we as conservatives, that we rehabilitate the word discriminate, that we reclaim it, that we dust it off, and that we use it, and that we use it unapologetically. And I believe we need to begin to say, look, it is altogether right for a rational culture to discriminate against homosexual behavior. Okay, so this first story, Cecil, comes from The Independent. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Wow. Okay, so crisis in south africa the shocking practice of corrective rape aimed at curing lesbians um jesus christ this is one of those soul crushing stories that like if you were if you had any hope for humanity if if you had woken up and thought, man, it's a good day to be human, really do not navigate to this story. Because it is a soul crush. It makes fucking machete amputations seem like bubbles. You know what I mean? Seem like watching Pokemon or something. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Exactly. Like, oh, I got to catch them all. And you're just like, you've got like a fucking basket full of hands it's that although how you catch them at that point i don't know so this is they can't go that fast you know what i mean this story is so bad um it wow so i guess Wow. So I guess in South Africa, it's becoming something of a thing for assholes to rape, gang rape, brutalize, beat, otherwise torment people that they identify as lesbians. It's unclear whether they vet their process. They don't make them fell out of form in triplicate. Right. Yeah. Do you swear?
Starting point is 00:06:27 No. Okay. So that's not how that works. So they rape these women because they've decided that these women are lesbians. With the idea, I guess, or excuse. It's an excuse. It's an excuse. It's an excuse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Of curing them of their lesbianism, Cecil. And people wonder what's the harm in, you know, using your bully pulpit to rail against the gays. Yeah, you know, I mean, obviously, you know, it's a very complex situation down there, right? So you don't want to just be like, well, this is the only reason is because they— No, of course not. But I will tell you right now, it isn't fucking helping, you know, it's not fucking helping the situation. Right. You know, so the idea that you're going to be like, well, there's so many different political and socioeconomic factors that are, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:17 You're 100% correct that there's all these other factors that go into this. But the one factor that you could take out of the equation and it might cause less harm is religion. Because if you start demonizing homosexuals, people treat them as less than. Could you imagine a story, Tom, in the United States? And obviously, there's no way to make a comparison. There's no way for me to make some sort of analogy. But let's just say, and I'm not saying that gay people are dogs, but let's say that there was a rash of people raping dogs in the United States. There would be an absolute uproar, right? Yes, there would. But the problem is, is that they're treating these people as even less than dogs, right? They're less than anything that you think is worth anything. They're the dirt on the ground.
Starting point is 00:08:10 They're not worth a thing to these people. They don't care a bit about them. And they're utilizing it. It's not just the psychopaths, right? Because you could easily point to it and be like, yeah, there's fucking a lot of psychopaths out there fucking raping away. They just fucking have a rape quota to fill today today and they've just got to go fill it. Well, it's not just psychopaths. Okay. The problem with religion is what Sam Harris pointed out is
Starting point is 00:08:34 that sometimes it can make really good people do really bad things. And they can, they can be in a group of people that say, well, this is the only way to cure them of this. And you want the best for them. Well, this is not the best for them, but it's something that your mind is sort of putting together that thinks it's the best for them. And I also want to point out that in many parts of the world and unfortunately in many parts of Africa, and I don't think it's the case as much in South Africa as in other places, but rape is used as a weapon of war. Expressly, it's used as a weapon of war. And what you're describing, this identification of the enemy as other, is a tactic. It's part of a war. You cannot commit atrocities against other human beings.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You can, however, commit atrocities against subhumans. But you have to first create a class of subhumans. And there's nothing smaller. Like you were saying, like the dog analogy, there's nothing less than a person you've already said is less than human. Even dogs are above that. dogs are above that. So, you know, when you wage war against ideas, but those ideas are definitional to who people are, you are waging war against people. And eventually the weapons of war will be used against those people. And rape is being used all across the world and always has been, but it's being used right now all across the world as a weapon of war. It's being used to
Starting point is 00:10:09 threaten, to intimidate, and to destroy cultures, and to destroy ethnic groups, and to, you know, marginalize people. So you look at something like this, and they're calling it, I mean, the term in the article is corrective rape it's such an utterly repugnant term there can never be anything corrective about rape it's it's a disgusting it's a horrifying article um and this sort of thing this this missionary uh hyper christian bullshit that's getting exported to africa Africa constantly by these missionary assholes who are looking at it as a fucking grand adventure to spread their Bible across the African continent. They're killing people.
Starting point is 00:10:59 These bad ideas are responsible for some of this violence, or at least partially responsible for some of this violence. Yeah, there's a story in here that's just, I mean, it's just so hard to read. This woman, her mom, I'm going to read some of this. Her mother suspected Pearl might be a lesbian as she was a tomboy. And so one day her mother returned home from church with an old man. Pearl doesn't know what conversation had taken place, only that there was money involved. Her mother told her to go to her room. She said, if I don't do what's right, I won't get my lunch tomorrow. And then the man entered her bedroom. He locked the door and he was in, and she says, I was in my pajamas
Starting point is 00:11:45 and I was about to get in bed and he told me how beautiful I was and how fast I was growing. And basically this guy rapes her. He starts beating her. She screams. Her mother comes to the door and says, be quiet. And then I'm gonna read this next part.
Starting point is 00:11:58 It says, the next morning, Pearl's mother acted normally and soon after asked him to move in, the man to move in. And for the next four years, he regularly raped Pearl as her de facto husband to make her straight. She tried going to the police, but they started laughing when she said the most recent rape was last week. Tom, I can't imagine a single thing I could do in the world. I could light half of the world on fire, and I could not imagine a single do in the world. I could light half of the world on fire and I could not imagine a single thing in the world my mother would pay somebody to rape me for. You know what I mean? Right. Like it's my own mother. There's nothing I could do. I could be literally Hitler,
Starting point is 00:12:39 literally Hitler. And she would think that that would be a punishment too great. Yeah. It is a punishment too great, man. For nothing, right? I mean, that would be a punishment too great yeah it's it is a punishment too great man it's nothing right i mean obviously it's a punishment because she's not doing anything wrong right you know it's it's wrong on every conceivable level i mean it really literally is right because there's no crime that's being committed and the punishment that's being meted out is an inhuman punishment so it's it's So it's a punishment that is never okay. It's never okay, like you're saying. There's nothing you can do that makes that an okay punishment,
Starting point is 00:13:13 where a civilized society can look at that and say, okay, we've decided that the right punishment for this is raping you. That's never, that cannot come out of the mouth of a civilized society um and particularly for a crime that is no crime they'll also witness a controversial same-sex wedding courtesy of the aids health care foundation according to the pasadena star news a pair homosexual hairstylist will marry quote-unquote on the parade route while waiting riding a wedding cake shaped float sponsored by the ahf so this is an aids group this is this is against aids they're not trying to spread aids right and i mean because
Starting point is 00:13:50 if you're trying to spread aids you would have pro homosexual propaganda but if you're trying to stop it yeah they may be serving lemonades too as part of the event i i hope not but i wonder i wonder what the rose bowl parade would would do if we had like a stoning of a homosexual along the parade. You know, just an expression of free speech and all that. I think that would be rejected by the Rose Bowl parade committee. What if the stones were just made like of flowers? Yeah. And flower petals.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Well, then I guess I don't know if they'd allow for that or not. Well, anyway, ladies and gentlemen, this is another instance in which the degradation of our society is going mainstream. So this story comes from Right Wing Watch. Swanson and Buhner. Bunner? Buhner. Buhner.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Buhner, I say. Buhner, damn it. Wonder why the Rose Bowl parade didn't include a float with a gay person being stoned to death. Well, because that would be fucking horrible you really would because that would be the like that would be the fucking biggest downer to explain to your kids like you're like watching the rose bowl and like oh there's the snoopy float oh look it's snoopy i fucking love dogs and snoopy and i don't really understand charlie brown really but i like dogs and snoopy. Like, that's great. And then, like, Garfield comes out and he's like, oh, he hates Mondays.
Starting point is 00:15:08 He loves lasagna. He's a cat. Look at him. Look at that guy go. He's so happy. And then the fucking hate parade, like, swings into full force. Like, oh, look, they're stoning somebody for loving the wrong gender. How do you even depict that on a float?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, how do you, how could you, float yeah how do you how could you i guess the person would have to have a sign on them that said like i am gay and then they'd have to be like buried in the float yeah they have to be and then they'd have to get the stones thrown at them while they but they would be flowers they wouldn't do it for real it's just flowers no that would be ugly yeah and the blood would just be corn syrup i mean mean, we wouldn't want to be, this is a fucking kids hate parade. You know, we don't want to. It's like hell on wheels. Buhner here has just this,
Starting point is 00:15:54 he's got this way about him where I think he's trying to be funny. And I listened to both of these and you could hear there's this sort of level of comedy. He's trying to drop this. He's being level of comedy he's trying to drop this he's being sarcastic and he's trying to drop this stuff in the problem is he's talking to an audience that literally believes that fucking god floated animals in the fucking water for 40 days or whatever so he's listening he's talking to a group of people that already don't really have a great
Starting point is 00:16:23 grip on reality so he's talking about aids when he's like, he's like, and this is an AIDS group. He's like, this is a group against AIDS. They're not trying to spread AIDS. Right. But he's basically saying like the homos spread AIDS. Right. The homos. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:37 That's exactly what he said. The homos spread because they're the homos and they got the AIDS, the full blown AIDS. They've got it. Look, this is a guy that's seen Rent. He knows how the world works, damn it. He's seen Rent? He knows that the gays are out there with their fucking AIDS decoder rings that Pat Robertson was complaining about and sticking everybody with the AIDS rings. Yeah, I mean, because he goes on you can tell
Starting point is 00:17:05 that this is a a thoughtful and rational person uh his partner swanson um can i call him partner is that no no no that's that's a fucking politically charged word there my my partner friend he goes on to say that the gay community is coming after christians hey oh and we'll have them burned at the stake uh yeah that seems super likely uh remember that time that the tiny tiny fractional uh minority of people came after the most everybody who's in power and had them burned at the stake remember that time that happened? Never. You know,
Starting point is 00:17:45 what's the lemonade line. Did you see that? He's like, they'll be serving lemonade too, as part of the event, I hope, but not maybe. And he's just like,
Starting point is 00:17:52 what the fuck lemonade? Is that a joke I'm missing? I didn't understand that either. And the guy's like, well, I hope they wouldn't be serving lemonade. Like why, what would be the harm if they had lemonade?
Starting point is 00:18:04 It must be some sort of like like slur that i'm unaware of like does he think it will be like gay urine and then you'll get like anti-neoplast on gay urine juice i don't even know i don't know how to make sense of that line the line is you're like chugging the Brzezinski water. Right. It says they may be serving lemonade, too, as part of the event. I hope not, but maybe. It's got some weird joke that I'm just not understanding. Does he prefer fruit punch? Is that the problem?
Starting point is 00:18:37 Maybe he likes a lion punch. That little guy with the weird hat in the red and blue can. Well, the Kool-Aid man is gay. That's what I said. Oh, yeah! I don't really know that he is, actually. I don't think fictional characters can have a sexuality, actually. Well, it depends on the kind of fiction you're writing, Tom.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Right, right. Were people up in arms about dumbledore being gay didn't like did gump did gump did dumbledore like ben snape over and bang him in the booty or it's it's so funny because i think like jk rowling and i could be making this up but i don't think so i think she may have said like that dumbledore was gay and it's like well no he's not he's not gay in the books like you can decide in your fucking imagination that he's gay but you didn't write it in the books and that's the only place that thing exists it doesn't exist outside of oh be nice oh my son doesn't stand a chance the whole world's gone gay
Starting point is 00:19:38 oh my god what's happening now we work hard we play hard So this story is also from Right Wing Watch, and this is our Klingerschmitt story, which we have to include every week now. Klingerschmitt, gay marriage is inherently selfish and abusive to kids. Now, selfish gays. Adopting children nobody wants. Assholes!
Starting point is 00:20:11 Oh, look at me. I'm giving a home and food and shelter to somebody in need of it. Aren't you fucking selfish? You fucking only think of yourself and the people you help. Yeah. People.
Starting point is 00:20:29 You know, every time I hear somebody say something stupid like that, I think of that thing that you said a while back and it's totally true. It's like, these people would much rather the children be orphans than be given to gay couples. And that is the absolute worst thing that you could do to a child who doesn't have a family. He isn't loved. He's not loved in that orphanage. And then he gets to have an opportunity to have a family, and you're willing to take that away from him. You're willing to take away the number of suitable places for that child to go.
Starting point is 00:21:02 You're willing to reduce that number because of your weird fucking hangups. Right. Well, and listen to this logic. It's so crazy. He says, What is the most cruel thing you can do to a child? After physical or sexual abuse, the most cruel thing you can do to a child is to take away their mother. That's how homosexual marriage causes child abuse. By taking away the child's mother or father and telling the child,
Starting point is 00:21:23 Your need for a mother is less than our right for homosexual pleasure gay marriage is inherently selfish and abusive to kids wow that escalated quickly right right it's does he think he turns the knob up midway through you're just like what the fuck does this guy think that that homosexual couples are like murdering or like stealing children from heterosexual couple? Like someone's going to like some like gay couple, like a gay fucking adoption squad is going to like kick in my door and be like, give me your child. And be like, no, he's got a loving home. And they're going to be like, we don't care. We're gay.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Like, is this the world he thinks? Because this is not how it works instead it's like i'll live in an orphanage and that sucks yeah well you could live in my house we got two incomes and no kids so we're pretty much rock stars yeah yeah it's not like you're taking away their mother they already don't have a mother. I know. You dumb fucking goob. They don't have parents, you fucking freak of nature. And it's so funny that he focuses on the mother, too, because then you can't even make the argument that it's a lesbian couple, you know, using artificial insemination. Right. Because he, so, because, and then it's like thrown in there, like, you can also take away their father. But yeah, that's not really a part of it because dads don't matter.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That's ridiculous. That's just an aside. Fucking idiot. Clinger. I can't believe. You're right. It's the worst logic ever. And then he's just being outright – I mean just saying that it's being cruel to a child to put him in a fucking loving home.
Starting point is 00:23:05 You're an idiot. You're clearly a stupid person. So this story comes from Texas Boy Scout leader, use Christian love and treat gay scouts like criminals. This guy doesn't understand stuff. A Boy Scout troop leader in Texas has come under fire after telling a local paper that he would, in Christian love, treat gay Boy Scouts like criminals and send them to counseling. Well, I guess that's how Christian love works. If you
Starting point is 00:23:52 don't like somebody, you treat them like a criminal. Whether or not they're a criminal is evidently immaterial. Right, right. Yeah. You know, and this is something that came up a couple weeks ago when we had that email exchange and somebody was like, well, you know, if somebody has a weird idea about homosexuals or, you know, says they're bad and says they're evil, that doesn't make you do anything. And you don't, you don't have to listen to what they have to say. Yeah. Well, the problem is, is that a lot of people listen to what, you know, when you say a homosexual is evil, lots of people listen to that stuff. And when you say that they're evil, you also say something like this. Like the guy says, it's just like if a boy came to me and said he's a thief. In Christian love, I would say, you've got a problem and we've
Starting point is 00:24:33 definitely will not approve of it. And I would send him to get pastoral counseling. So you're specifically saying there's something faulty with you. There's something wrong with you. You're committing an act that we deem as evil, something that we deem as incorrect. And that's the problem. There's your problem, is that these people, one, they think that, I guess, that being homosexual is the same as being a thief or it's in the same level, which is weird as hell. I mean, unless you're stealing other guys' hearts, I guess that's the only thing. I don't really know. I mean, this is one of the commandments, right? One of the commandments is thou shalt not steal.
Starting point is 00:25:14 So it's a big fucking deal. So you're obviously saying that it's on par with something that they really take seriously. And that's just – I mean you're just treating someone like we were talking about in the first story as less than. And it's damaging. It's damaging to these kids. Well, right. And this is an authority figure, right? So this is your scout leader. This is somebody that you as a child look up to.
Starting point is 00:25:43 This is somebody that you as a child look up to. And to be rejected, like to have a part, like an essential part of your personhood rejected as faulty by an authority figure. And not only an authority figure for you personally, but a leader in your community. I mean, you really can't. I mean, you're just punching the kid in the face. Like you just, it's damaging. Like, you can't pretend that shit doesn't matter. You can't pretend that's not damaging.
Starting point is 00:26:10 It's fucking damaging. This hurts kids. Why would you want to have an organization whose express purpose is to, like, grow the fucking character of, you know, young boys into, like, strong, upstanding, eagle-scouting men? Like, why would you just want to do something that fucking hurts them? You know, the one thing that's good about this story is that the scouts have pretty much come out and said, like, this man does not represent us. That's awesome. And that's a great thing. Like, that's a fucking awesome thing.
Starting point is 00:26:40 That's what needs to happen in these organizations when this shit happens. thing. That's what needs to happen in these organizations when this shit happens. I don't think he got fired or I don't know if you can get fired from being a Boy Scout leader or maybe just asked to step down or you have to live in a different teepee or something. I'm not sure how that process works. So we're going to take a short break, give you some information on how to contact us. And we're going to be back with a couple more stories. And then we're also going to be talking to Tanner Campbell from the Know God cast and from Secular Programming. Want to get in touch with the show? Send an email to dissonance.podcast at Be sure to follow the show on Twitter. Our Twitter handle is at dissonance underscore pod. Like the podcast page on Facebook at forward slash DissonancePod,
Starting point is 00:27:25 or just type Cognitive Dissonance into the Facebook search bar. Want your voice featured on our show? Leave a short message on our Google Voice at 740-74-DOUBT. That's 740-743-6828. Visit to see the news stories featured in the show, buy apps and merchandise, or just leave a comment. And to everyone who helps spread the word about the show by sharing it, tweeting it, and rating it on iTunes, glory hole. You fucking rock. So Cecil, this story comes from Noah's Ark risks collapse without bond buyers by february and you know
Starting point is 00:28:08 cecil noah didn't have to deal with this shit i know we didn't have to put a fucking kickstarter together they had a kickstarter to collect gopher wood i don't know if you knew he had a kickstarter to collect the gophers because they were fucking thousands of miles away. Right, right. Yeah, if anybody's got a gopher, please email me at Now we need to make that fucking email address. Ridiculous. So, yeah, the Kentucky theme park that, is this a Ken Ham thing?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah, it's a Ham thing. Yeah, fucking idiots. This is part of the idiots who are part of that Answers in Genesis Christian nonprofit bullshit club for total idiots. They've got this Kentucky theme park. I mean, come on. That's what it fucking is. Jesus. Asinine bullshit.
Starting point is 00:29:03 It's your asinine bullshit. Oh, man. Ridiculous. They they're gonna build a fucking noah's ark oh and imagine they're running into problems building a fucking fictional boat i would have you're gonna build a voldemort later right like oh you know my fucking voltron project isn't going very well. It's difficult to get those things all to connect in the same way. I tried to build a fucking Inspector Gadget hat, and it's not going well either. Instead, I've just got a fedora that I yell things at. Nothing is happening. I got to read part of this.
Starting point is 00:29:42 He says, Ken Ham says, we still need those ARC supporters who weren't able to purchase the ARC bonds at closing to prayerfully consider participating in a secondary bond delivery at the level they had indicated to us. Will you please step out in faith with us? And I kept thinking, I'm like, why aren't they just praying for it?
Starting point is 00:30:01 Shouldn't they just be praying for this thing to be built and it'll be built? Isn't that what noah did or whatever yeah well you know noah wasn't real yeah so that's not a problem right like yeah well there you go but you know the other the other thing is noah didn't have didn't noah have like 400 fucking years to get this done or something yeah and he also had the 73 million in backing that he needed to get the project finished. Right, right. There was, you know, a lot of people underestimate the complex financial position that Noah was in.
Starting point is 00:30:33 His revenue stream was strong. So was the actual stream, too. Like, the stream was strong. It's hard to find investors that are all going to die after the initial IPO. The best part is that you got a lot of liquidity after that because there's a lot of liquid. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:52 In 40 days of it, it turns out. Good news is the IPO is a success. The bad news is you're all dead. Yeah, that's the good news for the guy who got all your money, though. That's a win-some, lose-some sort of a project. I wonder if they're good news for the guy who got all your money, though. That's a win-some-lose-some sort of a project. I wonder if they're going to change the saying, because it used to be, I don't know, it used to be the line was,
Starting point is 00:31:13 yeah, well, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Now it's going to be, well, I got an ark in Kentucky to sell you. Yeah, that should be. Oh, man. That's fucking awesome. I love that this project is sinking sinking sink
Starting point is 00:31:28 because you know I mean you just think about it for a second and you can tell it doesn't hold water it's true it totally doesn't in the name of Jesus, we speak that. In the name of Jesus, we speak that. In the name of Jesus, we speak that. I'm hooked on a feeling. I'm high on believing.
Starting point is 00:32:04 So this story comes from Christian host Brian Fisher. Don't laugh at Oklahoma's Satan statue. It's not harmless. In case you were wondering, now is the time to panic! And he's got his hands over his head, so he's clearly panicking. Look at him. Look at that guy.
Starting point is 00:32:27 So if anybody was not following this story, and I actually purposely didn't tweet it because I kind of wanted to see what was going to happen before we discussed it on the show. In Oklahoma, they were going to have a Ten Commandments statue or monument or whatever. And so a Satanist group was like, well, if you can put the Ten Commandments up, we can put our fucking statue of Satan up. And so they petitioned to have a statue of Satan up. And then I think a Hindu group a few weeks after that was like, well, we want a fucking Vishnu statue up. Everybody wants their own statues up, which I think is delightful. But the Satanists, the Satanist group is actually pushing it pretty hard. In fact, they have unveiled their statue,
Starting point is 00:33:09 which is a seven foot tall goat legged Bahamut statue. It's fucking terrific. Oh man. And you can just tell all the Oklahoma Christians are just shitting their pants right now. God damn it if you listen to this fucking the goobers that call up this show one of the goobers that calls in um he makes his case by basically saying well you know we're a christian nation and we are founded
Starting point is 00:33:38 on judeo-christian principles and the Commandments are basically where we get our laws from. And you're like, okay, well, let's go through the Ten Commandments real quick. Let's just double check to see if we have laws based on the Ten Commandments. So the first one is, thou shalt have no other gods before me. Now let's do this like a quiz show, Tom. I'm going to read off a commandment and you tell me whether or not it's a law. If it's not a law, can I just make a quiz show buzzer sound? You can make any sounds you like. Just don't put the mic by your rear, okay? Don't worry, my rear comes up to the mic.
Starting point is 00:34:17 All right, so here we go. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Law or not a law? Okay, it's two double buzzer. No, it's not a law. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or in the earth beneath or that is in the water underneath the earth.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Okay, that's not a law either. Okay. Yeah, all you have to do is look at any church. Alright, so number three. Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord God in vain. Jesus Christ on my, that's not a law. Yeah, I know. Like look at TGI Fridays. It's a blooming onion delicious. Okay. So, okay. The next one, remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy? No, you can shop anywhere on Sunday. You could also play football on that day.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Honor thy father and thy mother. Fuck you, mom. Nope, I didn't get arrested. Not a law. Yeah, it didn't work. Turns out, yeah. Thou shalt not kill. Oh, that's a law.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Yeah, you can't. That's a law. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. We got our first law, ladies and gentlemen. Okay, thou shalt not commit adultery. Oh, that is not a law. Ah, see, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. We got our first law, ladies and gentlemen. Okay, thou shalt not commit adultery. Oh, that is not a law. Ah, see? Now it is a law in 23 states.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Oh, you got me. It's a law in 23 states. I looked that up today. I was shocked. In 23 states, including Illinois, it is illegal to have sex outside of wedlock, I guess if it's proven. Although I don't think that the crime is very, like the punishment is very harsh. I think it's like fines. Really? although I don't think that the crime is very like the punishment is very harsh I think it's like fines
Starting point is 00:35:47 really? but I don't think you can't step out on your spouse not in Illinois you can it's against the law really?
Starting point is 00:35:53 yeah like if it's I mean I would imagine somebody would have to bring it up in court but 23 other states in 22 other states other than Illinois
Starting point is 00:36:01 it's a law so that one's kind of we'll do that at half C because that's it's under 50% we'll give it at half C because it's under 50%. We'll give it a half, let's say. Thou shalt not steal. Yeah, that's pretty much a law.
Starting point is 00:36:11 That's a law. So it's two and a half. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. I'm going to go a thirdsies on this one because you can't commit certain... I would say maybe libel would be a form of false witness. Perjury would be a form of false witness. But I can say the sky is fucking...
Starting point is 00:36:34 I can say, Cecil, you stole $200 from me. And it's not to say against the law if I just say it, right? Right. It's just against the law if I... Yeah, that's kind of an odd one. Yeah, we'll go Habs. It's an odd one. Let's go Habsies on that one too. Yeah, so Habsies on bare false witness. And then thou shalt not
Starting point is 00:36:53 covet. Clearly not a law in a covet-based society like we have in the United States. Yeah, no, that's a commandment that we do. I mean, capitalism demands it. So specifically, six are not laws. Right. Two are kind of laws.
Starting point is 00:37:07 They kind of equal one. And then two are actually laws. So we clearly fucking failed utterly if the Ten Commandments are our guideline baseline for laws in this country. If that's what we were looking at, if that's what the fucking stoned ass fucking founding fathers were staring at. Well, they're fucking smoking on some hemp like, whoa, dude, we should totally make some laws. Yeah, we fucking we failed utterly if that was our fucking benchmark. And I would point out that Satan is founded on Judeo-Christian principles. So I'm like the statue back. Okie dokie. is founded on Judeo-Christian principles. So... Right!
Starting point is 00:37:45 I might, like, the statue be like, hmm, okie dokie. It's... Yeah. There's no Satan without your... I mean, so... Statue it up. Statue it up.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I just think that that Ten Commandments shit is so fucking tired. It's... It is not... Our laws are not based on it. They have fucking no place in today's society. The only two, you know, obviously there's a few of them that make sense. Don't lie. And don't lie really applies to your own relationships as well as your relationships with others. So that's why I think that that equals one, right? No adultery that, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:21 you're basically lying to your spouse. The same thing goes with bearing fault and wisdom. She shouldn't lie. So can't we just say, don't lie, don't steal, don't murder. Doesn't any fucking dummy know not to do that before I fucking, I need some goddamn word from on high, some inerrant word of God to tell me to do that. Yeah. You know, it's funny because I remember, um, uh, some time ago, um, I was having a conversation with somebody and they made that same argument. Oh, this was a long time ago. They made that same argument. You know, you got to have the Ten Commandments.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And I'm like, do you know the Ten Commandments? Can you tell me the Ten Commandments right now that are so important? And they couldn't remember them all because they're not applicable to your fucking life. They're not even remotely applicable. They're all about just a jealous God being jealous about being jealous. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Right. It's so funny because we're not allowed to covet, right? But God covets. He covets the fuck out of some shit, right? I mean, that guy is, I mean, what is jealousy if not being covetous? A covet, covet. You know what I mean? I do, yes.
Starting point is 00:39:27 I can't fucking use words good at the moment. But, I mean, jealousy is obviously, it's a form of that, right? So I'm not allowed to covet, but God can get all fucking butt hurt if I have a different God? How does that work? God? How does that work? Like, are you not covetous of my affections, of my, you know, trust and love and faith that I've put in another
Starting point is 00:39:50 God? Like, it's a fucking do as I say, not as I do law. Like, it's a ridiculous hypocritical bullshit commandment by a fake God. It's the silliest shit that you could possibly come up with. You see, see i mean a third grader could
Starting point is 00:40:07 dream up 10 better rules to live oh yeah i mean they really could in fact i'm gonna put it to my first grader i'm just gonna ask him if we could come up with five good rules that everybody should live by i'm gonna see what he comes up with this week i'll bet you i'll bet you he comes up with things like don't punch people or hurt them. He's probably going to come up with something like that. Don't lie. Don't be mean. Those are real simple things. I think everybody kind of follows
Starting point is 00:40:33 those rules anyway. Unless you're a fucking douchebag. You know what I mean? Unless you're a douchebag or you're mentally challenged or something. There's very few people who walk around and relish being mean to other people right you know yeah i mean certainly those people exist but they're just bad people and we recognize like and they're not gonna follow any fucking rules i don't care how
Starting point is 00:40:55 fucking how bronze do they are okay like you know i don't care how fucking prominently displayed your rules are the assholes are never going to follow them you could put do not eat people on a stone tablet in fucking jeffrey dahmer's house and he was still gonna fucking eat people you know what i mean like it's just like i still a person food i still ate his brain you want answers i think i'm entitled you want answers i want the truth you can't handle the truth so this story comes from cnet um canada's ex-defense minister aliens would give us more tech if we'd stop wars paul hyler who has long insisted that aliens have visited earth for many years says that when aliens saw the atomic bomb they decided we were a great threat to the cosmos.
Starting point is 00:41:45 What? Yeah. What? This is a dude who obviously took the movie The Abyss a little too fucking seriously. It is The Abyss. It's The Abyss. I didn't think of that. That's awesome. It totally is.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Where's Ed? This guy kind of looks like Ed Harris. He like fished his fucking wedding ring out of the fucking blue toilet. He's like fucking Ed. He's like Ed Harris's dad. I mean, it's fucking, it is the abyss. I don't even know what else to say except for this movie.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Like James Cameron already made this movie, dude. Yeah. We don't need to rehash this. It's true. You know, there's a couple things I want to say. One of them, I want to read what he says. He says, the reason for this, he said, and I'm reading directly from this CNET article. It says, the reason for this, he said, was that a man was stupid enough to invent the atomic bomb.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Aliens are frightened that we are going to use it again and again, and this will affect the whole balance of the cosmos. the whole balance of the cosmos and i the first thing i thought is you know the sun every second is the equivalent to 1 billion nuclear bombs yeah when i say 1 billion what i mean to say is 100 billion yeah i messed that up 100 billion nuclear bombs that's one bomb going off on a tiny speck of fucking mota dust in the fucking far edge of the fucking spiral arm of our galaxy is nothing. It's just like, oh, yeah, that's no one would even notice. I also enjoy the idea that atom bombs would be even remotely worth noting if you were an alien species that had mastered the unfathomable difficulties of interstellar space travel. Like here you are, a sentient being capable of communicating with another sentient being. Think about the challenges just linguistically there.
Starting point is 00:43:55 You've mastered all of the various challenges of taking your physical body and shooting it across the vast, unbelievable distances of the great voids of space. And you arrive, and the best thing we've got is a fucking thermonuclear weapon. That's what we've got that is sure that is roughly i would have to imagine the equivalent of watching a chimpanzee scoop termites out of a mound with a stick right it's a fucking bone tool right you're like i mean we're basically it'd be it'd be like us going back in time and chastising cavemen for hitting each other with fucking rock axes. Like, oh, you invented the axe. You could kill each other one at a time. It's a weapon of eventual destruction.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Eventual. That's a good way to put it. I like this other part, too. He says, indeed, he claimed that two alien ladies went to Las Vegas to shop dressed as nuns and no one was any wiser. And actually, that's the plot of Sister Act 3. It's called Women in Black. What are they shopping for? And white.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I don't know. What would they get? I can't believe, too, that aliens go to Vegas and they're worried about atomic bombs. Like, have you been to vegas like their trust is none why do that nuns and how do we even know that they're lady aliens like do they well they have the same sex like the same gender though there's two sexes there's clearly two sexes right that's the thing is like these people like aliens that people dream up are always us, just a little green. Right, I know.
Starting point is 00:45:25 It's exactly true. They're like, yeah, they're basically got two arms and two legs and a torso and a neck. And then I had two eyes, a mouth, a nose. So it's people. No, no, no, no, no. Don't get crazy. It's not people because they're kind of gray and they don't wear pants. And you're like, so it's my Uncle Fred.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Or they're the same color. They just have a crumply forehead. You know what I mean? Like they're the exact same fucking thing as us. Like how do you evolve on two different planets? Like Star Trek is ridiculous because it's like, okay, are these,
Starting point is 00:45:55 these two different creatures that evolved completely separately? Like the fucking Klingons, all they have is a fucking little mound on their face. You're just like, you're the same fucking thing as us. You just fucking talk in the back of your throat like that's the only difference between us yeah they basically speak german i mean that's it like that's they speak some sort of fucking germanic language where they're doing all the hawk hawk hawk stuff right right they all need the heimlich maneuver is pretty much the it's just i mean it's it's so
Starting point is 00:46:22 silly it's it's you know it's science fiction, dude. And this guy was like a fucking important guy in Canada. What the fucking, somebody spiked his maple syrup. So we're here with Tanner Campbell from the No God cast, as well as many other places we're going to get into a little later. But we want to talk to him about his podcast. Tanner, thanks for coming on the show. Hey, thanks for having me, man. Very much appreciated. So tell us a little bit about your podcast. Tanner, thanks for coming on the show. Hey, thanks for having me, man. Very much appreciated. So tell us a little bit about your podcast. Well, at the moment, it is in what you
Starting point is 00:47:09 might call remission. We ended season one the second to last week of December. And we said, you know, let's take a break. And there was a lot of stuff that we were having a hard time doing. Like we, you know, we were live streaming the video and we were doing all these other things that we were trying to get complicated and when you get complicated things don't really work out as well as they could so we said let's end let's end this season let's take a break regroup let's get back to basics and we're coming back january 28th with a much stronger show and a hell of a guest lineup that's awesome none this seasons that's an interesting way to do it. I hadn't really considered doing Seasons.
Starting point is 00:47:48 We are just slaving away every goddamn week when we could do fucking Seasons. That was my first thought when he said Seasons. I was like, fucking our season's been 130 episodes long. Imagine. You turn into friends. They're fucking haggard and exhausted. It's like, I'm so tired. We're not even fucking friends anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:06 That's how. Seasons. We got to do seasons. That is awesome. That's a brilliant way to do it. It's really just a cheap way to get a couple weeks off a year, really. It totally is pretty awesome, though. I mean, it's like a great way to be like, that's the end of the season.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Time to take a break. On to Cancun, everyone. And the best part is people will accept that as if it's like totally reasonable. Like, oh, well, it's like legitimate. It's the end of the season time to take a break on to cancun everyone and the best part is people will accept that as if it's like totally reasonable like oh well yeah it's like legitimate at the end of the season not not ever stopping to say wait a minute this isn't a structured program there's no reason it's like though it's not like the writers have to come up with the material for the next right right yeah we just fake a writer's strike at the end of every year. That's what you got to do.
Starting point is 00:48:48 That's awesome. So, you know, this comes at a good time, though, the little break, because you have another endeavor that's been going on since, I want to say, probably late October that started. What have you been up to other than your podcast? This was, see, that was, I didn't want to admit to this, but yeah, that's pretty much the other reason that I took some time off or we, Ben and I took some time off is we're, we, I, I had bitten off more than I could chew. And I was really feeling the pressure between the, the show, the no God cast and my day job and all these other things I was trying to do. And I just said, you know, I got to focus. I got to regroup.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I got to have some time to finish these things or to get these things to work or they're never going to take off. And those three items are, which is a 24-7 broadcasting network, which you guys are part of. Thank you very much for being part of it, by the way. Which is awesome. And the other two things are, which is a secular news network, or becoming so,
Starting point is 00:49:47 and then SecularRite Magazine, which is on the Apple Newsstand. So tell us a little bit about each one. So Secular, start with the magazine. What's the magazine, and what was the inspiration of creating it? God, I could probably go on for an hour about that. That's good, because we need as much content as possible. Nobody wants to listen to us, Tanner. It's good, because we have absolutely nothing prepared.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Yeah, okay, I'm just going to go ahead and put myself on mute. I'll be back in 59 minutes. 59 minutes! I think the—well, I don't think, I know. The inspiration for it was that, you know, we know there are other magazines out there. Like, I can't think of any off the top of my head because I didn't prepare to answer that question. But I know there are other secular and atheist magazines out there, and they're doing a great job. But, you know, I kind of had this vision of what a magazine could be, and our editor, Aubrey Adrienson, had a similar vision.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And, you know, we said, let's do it our way, and we can give the communities that we care about, which are the secular communities, the atheist communities, etc., we can give them another resource, another tool, and a place to go as a medium to get the word out about nonprofit events or speaking engagements, stuff like that. So we really saw it as providing the community with a tool, and we thought that was really important. And to be honest, that was also the drive of and of What's the difference between and the magazine?
Starting point is 00:51:13 What would be the difference, the major differences? tries its best to—and it's only been up for two months, so we're still really finding ourselves and trying to figure out what exactly we're going to be doing down to the letter, being very specific about it. But first of all, it's free. It doesn't cost anything. Whereas the magazine is $2.99 an issue or $29.99 a year. And is a news network. That's what we want it to be. Whereas Secularite magazine is more like kind of op-eds, longer versions of articles you might find on So it's like expanded material, different material than you're going to get at Secularite?
Starting point is 00:51:54 Right, exactly. And on more serious topics, to be frank. So what kind of lineup do you have, like, writer-wise? For the website, we've got some pretty excellent writers. We're trying to build a core team, so there aren't a lot on the site right now, but we've got Dan Errol, who you may or may not have heard through the Twittersphere or Facebook that he recently took a position as an editor at the Richard Dawkins Foundation, so we're super glad that we had him first.
Starting point is 00:52:18 He's staying with us, which is really cool. That's awesome. Because if I get hired at the Richard Dawkins Foundation, I might peace out. Yeah, I'm just telling you, Cecil, right now, if I get hired at the Richard Dawkins Foundation, I might peace out. Yeah, I'm just telling you Cecil right now, if I get hired at the Richard Dawkins Foundation, no wait, that's never going to happen. I was just going to stop you mid-sentence. Are you serious? I couldn't get hired as a bouncer at the Richard Dawkins Foundation. And then we've got Aubrey Adrianson, and I always reverse the Bs and Ds in her name for some reason.
Starting point is 00:52:47 And she writes a column called Being Atheist in a Christian America, which is really good. Then we've got Dan Finca, who's writing a bit on empowerment ethics. It's a column on empowerment ethics. Then we've got Alonzo Fife, who does real-world ethics, so like day-to-day applications of ethics. And then we've got Kyle Jones, who just joined, geez, I think last week, and he hosts the Interview an Atheist at Church Facebook page. And he just does exactly what that would sound like. And he's writing a column called All the Consequences of This, which is a Sartre quote, meaning that, I forget how the whole quote goes, but it's something like, yeah, I'm going
Starting point is 00:53:23 to butcher it, so I'm not even going to try. But it's an excellent column. He's already written three articles, and I think he just started at the beginning of this week, so he's really taken off. And then for Secularite Magazine, we also want to build a core, but at the same time, we want to bring in fresh writers. So, for example, in the January issue, we've got Dan Batcheldor, who is an astrophysicist and college professor, and he's writing about the evidence for the Big Bang. So it's actually an excellent article, and I'm very excited to have everybody read it. And then Aubrey Adrenson is doing a bit on Martin Luther King. We've got a woman by the name of Catherine Patterson who goes by katfrog on Twitter. And she's written for every issue so far, though truth be told, there's only been two.
Starting point is 00:54:13 She's really, really good. And she's part of the core team. And then we've got A.J. Johnson from the B. Secular guys, the B. Secular group. And Secular Student Alliance is writing for us. Again, Dan Errol, Alonzo, Fife, Dan Finca, Paul Loeb is writing a bit on theocracy, what is dominoism. The magazine's great. The site's great. I mean, I can't say enough about the people who are writing for us because they're just, we're lucky to have them. Well, I got to say, it sounds like you've got much higher standards for the writing than you clearly do for the podcast. The podcasting side.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Given that we're slumming it on. And Jake's in there, too. I mean, come on, we got to bust on Jake whenever we get a chance. Wait, wait, wait. Which Jake? Which Jake? I'm talking about Jake from the underworld. Jake from Australia.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Imaginary friend show Jake. It's a great show, man. You guys got to bust on Jake. It is. He is a great show, man. You guys get a bust on Jake. It is. He is a great guy. He's been on our show a couple times. He's been on our show three times, I think, and every time he's been an absolute blast.
Starting point is 00:55:13 He's a funny guy. He runs a really funny show. I actually caught the show with you. You were on it. I think Adam was on it, and then Noah Illusions was on it as well. Yeah, Noah cracks me up. That was actually, I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but when I started doing the
Starting point is 00:55:31 No God cast, I was, I mean, I had no furniture in my house. It was the middle of winter in Denver. I just moved out there away from all my family and friends because I was tired of Florida. And I had nothing to do. So I'm like, let's start a podcast. And I started the No God Cast, was amazed that that name wasn't taken, was amazed that I was able to get the domain and the Twitter handle. And I just started putting so much effort into that to produce shit
Starting point is 00:55:57 that I didn't have time to really realize who the community members were. I really overlooked that part of it. So I had no idea who No Illusions was until like three, four weeks, maybe two months before that interview. And it was the first time I'd heard him. I'd never heard his show. Everybody told me it was great, and it is great. I've heard almost every episode at this point. I made a point after that interview to go back and listen to his stuff. But yeah, he's a funny guy. And scathing is definitely the right word.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Yeah, no, that's a really good show. There's a lot of great shows that are on Secular FM, too. There's another show called Atheists on Air that I've caught a couple times when I listen to Secular.FM. That is a really good show., they have a cohost dynamic that is really very genuine. And, uh, and it was a really fun show to listen to. I was engaged the whole time. Uh,
Starting point is 00:56:52 even though the guy has a Southern accent, but I think that kind of helps make it, doesn't it? Yeah, it sure does. It's great. You know, that's,
Starting point is 00:57:00 that's gotta be a community too. That doesn't get, you know, that gets a lot of, uh, mockery and ridicule, but it probably doesn't have a whole lot of its own voices out there in the secular community. So putting out very literally a southern voice into that community I think is probably important because that's a group of people that I think do feel isolated and that could benefit and, and, you know, from something like So I guess Tanner, what I'd like you to do is kind of tell me who your audience is,
Starting point is 00:57:32 who do you see as your intended audience for each of these projects? So everyone? The Pope? So you're thinking the Pope's going to tune in Well for Secular FM I've realized now Probably a couple weeks ago that we have Almost exclusively Atheist shows And secular does not mean atheist So what we're trying to do now is we've put the kibosh
Starting point is 00:57:59 On hiring any more shows That are strictly atheism So we've got A Matter of Doubt, Atheist on Air, The Bible Reloaded, You Wonderful Folks, Cognitive Dissonance, C-Web Sunday School, Adam Reeks and the Herd Mentality Podcast, Imaginary Friend Show, My Show, The No God Cast, The Pink Atheist. And we just recently added a completely unfaith-related, unreligious debate-related, it's called The History of Misunderstanding. And it's with a couple of folks from England, the North End and
Starting point is 00:58:32 the South End, and they live in Yorkshire, I think, or just York. And it's just a movie review podcast, and it's really entertaining. And so what we're trying to do at this point now is we're trying to get away from all the atheist podcasts and sprinkle in some tech stuff, some geek stuff, some entertainment stuff. Secular pretty much means anything that isn't religious. So there's a lot more we can do with this network than we're doing with it currently. But I'm happy with the shows we have, and I'm looking forward to in this year probably adding another eight or nine shows. So if somebody logs into Secular fm what's going to happen like what's the what's what's what's the user experience like uh it just starts playing it's and we it took so much work to make that
Starting point is 00:59:16 happen because what happened was we we long we're using spreaker we're we're using a piece of software called sam broadcaster to connect to the Icecast servers for Spreaker, which was very difficult to figure out what their Icecast address was because they weren't so happy to just give it out. They weren't answering my emails. So I had to do a little hunting for it. But we broadcast from SAM Broadcaster on a dedicated server out to the Icecast server, which then gets pulled into the little javascript player at the bottom of the site and at first when we did that the only browser that it would work in was firefox and i thought great it's working because firefox is a fucking tank that's you cannot fuck up anything firefox right so but that's what i use so i'm like oh great it's
Starting point is 01:00:00 working everywhere uh and then i had some people jump on and beta test it before we made the announcement. They were like, this is working on absolutely nothing with Firefox. So we were supposed to launch the day before Christmas. Could not do that because of that problem. And it took us probably a straight 20 hours, two days to get that fixed. And then we launched the day after Christmas. How many bags of Doritos does a web designer go through in 20 hours? I mean, your floor had to be littered with Doritos.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And those little, like, the wax cheeses. Yeah, it is. We all just get fat and we never leave the house. Yeah, pretty soon you can't type one key at a time. It's a veritable sea of Red Bull and Monster Energy drinks scattering the floor. That's absolutely right. As a guy who does web stuff, though, that's the worst fucking feeling in the world where you're just like, I cannot get it to work in anything else. And then you get it to work in one other thing and you do the fucking happy dance in your underwear for like 45 minutes.
Starting point is 01:01:01 It is. It's like you've solved a Rubik's Cube. And you will spend – I'm the worst at it. My girlfriend hates me for it. If I'm in the middle of trying to fix something, there's a ton of shit that I don't give a fuck about. She hates it because I don't do the dishes. Because I'm like, I don't see any real need to do the dishes.
Starting point is 01:01:16 I'll wind up with my face buried in code for, I will not get out of the chair for like 11 hours. And she's like, you fixed that problem yet? It can't be that hard. And I just look at her and I'm like, you watch your mouth. I'm so upset about it. People have died for less. Yeah, but I just get sucked into it.
Starting point is 01:01:33 I don't know what it is about web design that pulls me in. But code problems, just hard things to solve. I like to solve hard things. And then easy things I kind of procrastinate the hell out of. Yeah, I'm better with the dishes. Like I would do, I'd be okay. Although, you know, truth be told, I've better with the dishes. Like, I would do, I'd be okay. Although, you know, truth be told, I've never,
Starting point is 01:01:49 and I can say this with complete honesty, I have never had a problem getting any of our web stuff to work. Shut your fucking pie hole, you shitbag. I say, Cecil, does the web stuff work? I'm not sure what it is. You shithole. And you say yes. And it's always been, I mean, it actually doesn't take me any time at all. You're an asshole.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Tanner, do you want a job? Tanner, let me tell you. Well, I think that's something else that I should share. For any podcast that are listening, it might fit the description of a geek podcast or a non-faith argument-related podcast because that's what we're trying to add right now. going to add right now. The purpose of what we're doing is we really want for this network to be so popular and have so much traffic in a month that we can insert small and non-obnoxious and completely related advertisements into each show in a very good way that's not annoying, as annoying as FM radio, for example. And we want to get the podcast paid. You guys love doing this. And I bet there are a lot of things that maybe you don't do with the show because you've got day jobs.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And I'm in a similar situation. And we really want to make it so everybody's free of, you know, so they can do what they love for a living. I mean, that's what everybody wants to do. Well, it's a grand goal. I hope we get there. We're going to be sending people as much as we can to and Secularite magazine. We hope that the listeners pick it up. Tanner, thank you so much for coming on. Do you want to give out a plug for your NoGodCast? Where can they go to listen to that? Sure. You go to or check us out on iTunes, Stitcher, where at all the places you would go to listen to a podcast, I guess.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I'm just going to go to That's where I'm at. Oh man, I'm the worst salesman. That's what I should have said. That's definitely the lead for that. Can you give us a preview of who's going to be on your show coming up in the new season,
Starting point is 01:03:41 in season two? you'll have to forgive me because this first guy, I'm going to tell you who the first episode will be. And I can never pronounce his name. So I'm going to look him up real quick to see if I can butcher his name a little less. His name is Joe Sinewek. Do you know that name? Sinewek or something along those lines? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Let's see, Joe. C-E-I-C-I-E. If it's hard to pronounce, I just make something up. Okay. His name is Joe Chinkowski. And apparently... You were way off. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:04:12 You were pretty far off there. You weren't even close. That was awesome. It's like you said Bob Jones. That was fantastic. Like his name is Steve Jablonski. Steve Jablonski. Something with skis at the end of that.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Anyway. So Joe Chinkowski, which I hope is how you say his name, is the author of 100 Plus Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama and the host of Truth Meets at the Top radio show. So he is a what a lot of us might call a right-wing nutter. But it's not actually going to be us interviewing him. Our first episode is going to be Robert Copley, who you may or may not be familiar with on Twitter, is liberty underscore 22112. And he's going to be doing the interview. And there are a lot of people on Twitter who are really waiting to hear this because this
Starting point is 01:05:09 guy apparently does not go on any show very frequently. He went out a couple years ago or something because he had some dispute with his wife and I guess got abusive and there was a big to-do about it. And a lot of people were wanting us to have him on last season and you know i had no idea who he was again this is me not knowing people of the community or people who are sure sure opponents of the community in this gentleman's case uh and you know i said well we'll try we'll try and then he agreed to do it in december we went on break and we said we'll be the first episode so uh that's our first person we've got some great people lined up i don't want to hint at Lawrence Krauss, but we've got
Starting point is 01:05:45 some emails going back and forth, so that might happen. Oh, that's great. Good luck. I hope that works out for you. If it does, good luck with that. That sounds great. Well, Tanner, thanks so much for joining us today, and good luck with the new season of No God Cakes. Thank you, sir.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I look forward to maybe having you guys on it. All right. Sounds good. Thank you, Tanner. See you on Secular FM. That was awesome! So we got a comic from Sakura that is really awesome. It's very funny. It goes back to one of the things
Starting point is 01:06:23 that we had said a long time ago about circumcision. So I'm going to put it on this episode's show notes, episode 133. Go there and check it out. Sakura did a great job on it. So check out this comic. I laughed out loud when I saw it. And actually, I put up the bit this week that we did on this, this circumcision bit. That's on YouTube. I added a few other things to our YouTube page. So if you go check out our YouTube page, you can find out. What I'm doing is I'm loading up shows that are portions of shows that people said were funny.
Starting point is 01:07:00 So I'm taking portions of our show that people enjoyed before. And there's so few. I don't have a lot of work to do, but you know, it's just like a little tiny bits of, of certain portions. And I'm taking some of the interviews too, that we thought were pretty good and we're loading them up as well. So, uh, if you get a chance, um, go to our YouTube page and if you have any suggestions on segments that you think were, were exceptionally good, let us know what they are and we can maybe load them up onto the YouTube page as well. Now, I love this comic. I thought it was a riot. It's very well drawn. It's great.
Starting point is 01:07:29 It's just awesome. Yeah, it's very funny. Thank you so much for sending it to us. We got an email from Matt and Matt told us to listen to this even-handed and informative podcast on fluoride. I have not listened to it yet, but it is on my to-do list within this 2014, so I'm sure I'll get to it. But I'm going to put a link to it. The name of the podcast is Science for the People, and it's about fluoride. So I'm going to post it on this episode's show notes, just to make sure that people get a chance to listen to it. Thank you, Matt, for sending it in. Tom, we kind of missed out a little bit last week. Brian says,
Starting point is 01:08:07 Yeah, I could not believe it. This email from Brian. Hey, guys, loving the podcast. However, I can't believe that you let this latest Amish story pass without making a single neck beard joke. God. I don't know how we... I hope this oversight was just that, an oversight,
Starting point is 01:08:23 and will not happen again in any future Amish stories. I assure you it will not recur. If I have one resolution, it's to mock the Amish and their ridiculous neckbeards. I'll tell you, I feel so much regret for that. It's such an opportunity lost. Man, we're on that. Yeah, no, definitely. The neckbeard, I'm going to, you know, every time I put an Amish
Starting point is 01:08:48 in there, I'm just going to replace it with neckbeard in our notes. I might troll around again for more Amish stories specifically. I know because you hate them so much. I really do hate the Amish. So. Fucking assholes. We got a couple of emails about living on Snap, but a bunch, a couple people had sent in and said that they had done it before and that
Starting point is 01:09:03 they had found it to be sometimes challenging, but a bunch, a couple of people had sent in and said that they had done it before and that they had found it to be some sometimes challenging, but mostly pretty easy. Um, and that's, and that can be true depending on the neighborhood you live in. But one of the things to remember, especially the people who are living in those areas, um, don't have access to the same food you do. A lot of people in the United States live in what they call food deserts, and that's like when you're in the inner city for miles. Without public transportation, there will be no grocery stores. The grocery stores exist in places where they can sell the groceries on the outskirts. And the places that are grocery stores in those areas that are in the bad parts of town are normally overpriced. And they did a – I remember, Tom I remember the milk thing, they were doing
Starting point is 01:09:45 prices of milk to see how much, and there was price fixing on milk. Absolutely. Yeah, they gouge people in those convenience, you know, a lot of times in lower income communities, the only things that pass for grocery stores are really convenience stores, what we
Starting point is 01:10:02 would call a convenience store. And they might sell milk and eggs and a few other basic staples, but they mark the shit out. They mark them up like crazy because they know they have a captive audience to purchase those items. You know, you've got people
Starting point is 01:10:15 who don't have access to public transportation or private transportation. They got to walk to the nearest store. You can gouge the shit out of them. Especially this time of year. I mean, like the last couple of them. Especially this time of year. I mean, like the last couple of days, it's been unbelievably cold in Chicago and there was a lot of snow that hit right before the cold. And so the streets in Chicago for like three days, and I don't know if this is how it was by Utah, but the streets in Chicago, the side streets in Chicago for three
Starting point is 01:10:39 days were unplowed, just unplowed, just garbage mess. I mean, it was just, and right now you could walk down the streets in downtown Chicago, in the loop where I work. And I have to walk on the street in some places because there's just no, nobody has cleared off the sidewalk. It was too cold the days of people walked on it and now it's just too hard to shovel. And now it's just this mess on the sidewalk. I can't imagine what it's like in the places, the poor areas of the city where people aren't getting any kind of public service or public assistance at all for like their roads, cleaning off stuff. Can you imagine if you have to walk through all that too and go to the store? I mean, it's just, you know, being poor, it's exponentially worse. You know, when you're, you know, when you're not
Starting point is 01:11:19 in those situations, it's a lot easier. And, and, and it's, it's, that's why the snap challenge, it's, it's not only important to show you the perspective on what they live on, but it also gives you an opportunity to see how good you have it even if you are doing the Snap Challenge. Absolutely. And I'm going to start the Snap Challenge on Monday of this coming week. So by the time the show starts, I will have begun my seven-day snap challenge. And so we want you guys to try to remember, if you can, to donate to your local food depository. We're still running that until the end of January. We're getting donations in, but they're coming at kind of a trickle. We're
Starting point is 01:11:56 reaching about $1,000 now, but we need a lot more people to donate. So $300 is at stake here. We're hopefully going to feed the hungry in Illinois here. You have an opportunity to make that happen and make it happen in your own area. So if you donate to any food depository, it doesn't matter if it's your local one or we have a link up right now to the Greater Chicago Food Depository on our website. Donate to them. Send us the receipt. You can block your letters out as long as we see the amount and that you donated. And if we reach $3,000 with our listeners, we are going to donate $300 on our own. Yeah. Please help us get to that goal. It's a worthy goal. I mean, this is putting food in
Starting point is 01:12:36 people's bellies, not ours. We don't need any more. Yeah, no, we're good. They could probably cut off parts of me and feed the homeless and I would be fine let's do it yeah right no kidding like you could cut off parts of me i don't even think i would notice thanks that was itching a little lighter that's fine so we got a a message from uh from greta christina who was on our show before she did a she wrote a book called why are you atheists so angry 99 things that piss off the godless and uh we had her on our show and we talked about her book and we enjoyed her company. And she wound up sending us a message saying that she's coming out with a brand new book called Coming Out Atheist, How to Do It,
Starting point is 01:13:14 How to Help Each Other, and Why. The book's at the typesetter right now. We're hoping to have her on, it's in pre-publication right now, and we're hoping to have her on before April. We're in talks right now, but that's going to be a guest that we're really excited to have come back on the show. So look for that. We're hoping we're going to try to schedule something with her for March, but it may be a little sooner. It may be a little later, but also be on the lookout for her book. Like I said, it's called Coming Out Atheist, How to Do It, How to Help Each Other, and Why. We'll put a link up the moment that we find a link for her book. We don't see it on Amazon currently,
Starting point is 01:13:47 but the moment we find a link for her book, we'll put it up online so you guys get a chance to order it. And if you've not already read her other book, 99 Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off the Godless. It's a fun read. It's a totally fun read. You should check it out.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Yeah, it's totally worth it. I got on Kindle and I loved it. I thought it was great. We got a comment about Vitamin K and Google. We did. Mark sent us an email. I love how Google knows me. I know how much info they have on me and find that I come out ahead in this symbiotic
Starting point is 01:14:16 relationship. I say this just so it doesn't come across that I'm shitting on Google. The point I want to make is that the results you see can be very skewed by Google's algorithm, so that people that search for batshit moronic ideas a lot are going to see batshit results. Also, as a Canadian, I can confirm two maple syrup brigades are preparing to move south because we forgot to agree to not quarter British soldiers. Your constitution rocks, but that doesn't make it better than the Magna Carta.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Very true. And they're being led by that crazy fucking ex-defense minister. He's got his fucking colander on his head. He's marching down. He's ready to go. I will just say that when your maple syrup brigades arrive, I will meet them with my pancake army. And we will have a waffling good time.
Starting point is 01:15:05 I'll bring the butter, my friend. Fantastic. Big, giant, fucking huge pats of butter. I agree about the Google algorithms thing. And I think that you're right. You're absolutely right. Google does pay attention to that sort of thing. And we'll find out, especially if you're looking up crazy shit already, it's going to make you look up some
Starting point is 01:15:25 even crazier shit. But I'm curious. I wonder what would happen if I wasn't signed in anywhere and I did a search for vitamin K shots. I'm going to actually try it. I think I might try it in a computer lab somewhere. I wonder if the algorithm would even affect me if I was in a computer lab somewhere because it's such a random sampling of people using that computer. Yeah. I wonder too, like if you just buy a brand new computer. Yeah. As long as you're not signed in. I wonder if they, I have a feeling that they're probably matching your IP address though. So like they're probably paying attention to where you're logging in from, but that's why I thought, you know, if I do it from like a computer lab at a university, that's such a random sampling of people. Although again, you're still, you're
Starting point is 01:16:03 still leaning towards probably a liberal mindset, more so than anything else, right? Yeah, you probably have to go to like – I think then it would depend on where that computer is. Again, who's using it is going to comprise that demographic. If you go to an urban library, for example, and grab one of their computers versus a rural library well you get very different results it might be an interesting experience to to see google the same thing at different places to see what your results would be i'm sure somebody's already done it that strikes me as the kind of thing that someone someone has done and blogged about it and then tweeted it please remember to vote for us in the stitcher Awards. We have actually an announcement.
Starting point is 01:16:48 We were going to give out two shirts in the Stitcher Awards. We got a really nice message from a guy by the name of Kevin, and he says, I'm a huge fan of the show. He says, I'd love to see you guys win on Stitcher. I've been voting every day. I'm just launching an atheist T-shirt site called, so I'd love to help by donating some of my shirts to whoever wins the drawing. So he specifically said that he would donate some of his shirts. So there's going to be actually more shirts that we're giving out. So if you want to join the contest, all you have to do is go to vote for us. You can find the link on episode 133 or episode 132. It's the Stitcher Awards. You have to be logged into Facebook to do it.
Starting point is 01:17:25 You click on the link. You vote for us. You take a screenshot of that vote. So it's got to be the screenshot that says you voted for cognitive dissonance, not you checking on the thing. If you send us a thing of you checking on the thing, that's not you actually sending it to them. You haven't sent it to them yet. So you have to make sure your vote goes through. We'll probably still count the ones that sent it to us like that, but you have to make sure you send it through. And then once you do that, take a screenshot of it, send it to us, and you have to label it Stitcher Awards. Send it to us, dissonance.podcast at You enter into a contest to get a shirt. So whether or not we win the Stitcher Award or not, we're going to give away two shirts out of our own pocket. And then we're going to give some
Starting point is 01:18:08 shirts away from this very nice gentleman who's donated shirts to the cause. So there's going to be extra shirts that go out. So you have a very good chance of winning if you send in a message to us with that image capture of you voting. So if you vote this week, great. And we're going to probably load this show up early. So you have a couple week, great. And we're going to probably load this show up early. So you have a couple of days to do it. You can do it every day and you can submit it every day. Also, if we win, Tom and I are going to do four extra shows in a two month span. So it's probably going to be four, four extra shows. Uh, I want to say between February and March or either March and April, we're not sure, but there'll be four extra shows in there.
Starting point is 01:18:45 So it'll be 12 shows in two months rather than eight shows in two months. So if we win, if we get enough people to vote, we will do extra shows, four extra shows. So just remember that. And I think we should record all four of those extra shows back to back to back to back. No, it didn't work out last time.
Starting point is 01:18:58 You know what I was thinking though? It'd be pretty funny if we do a revelation episode again, except for this time we do it very seriously and get people on who know a lot about like the biblical scholars. Just like go through the whole- pretty funny if we do a revelation episode again, except for this time we do it very seriously and get people on who know a lot about like the biblical scholars. Just like go through the whole thing. Yeah, just go through the whole thing. Pretend we give a shit. Pretend we give fucking two shits about it. All right. So we want to thank Tanner Campbell for coming on. Tanner Campbell runs a podcast called The No God Cast. He also is in charge of and the Secular Broadcasting Network. You can find his podcast
Starting point is 01:19:27 at You can also find our podcast streaming at And you should go check it out. Bookmark it. As time goes on, it's currently in beta, but as time goes on, that site's going to get more and more robust. So just go check it out and bookmark it and go back there. I mean, I found a couple of shows already that I've listened to that I was very impressed with. Atheist on Air had me hooked from the moment they started talking. Those people are just genuinely good people.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And I was listening to them, Tom, they had this great, like I wanna, I could have been their very first episode where the lady who was on there was talking about how she just set up out of nowhere, just set up this thing where she was going to be feeding kids in her school district that weren't going to be able to have enough food over the weekend because they eat a food at school at lunch on Friday and they don't get another meal until they get back to school on Monday. And she's
Starting point is 01:20:19 setting up funds to try to feed those kids. And I was just like immediately hooked. I was like, this is a good, a genuinely good person. And they had some really great things to say. I caught that show. I caught No God Cast. I caught an episode of Bible Reloaded. I just had it on in the background and it was a great thing to listen to. So go check out We're on there and you can hear our old crappy shows. So go listen to it. Well, until next time, we're going to leave you, as always, with The Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie
Starting point is 01:20:51 cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy healing water downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch late night info docutainment leo pisces cancer
Starting point is 01:21:13 cures detox reflex foot massage death and towers tarot cards psychic healing crystal balls bigfoot yeti aliens churches mosques and synagogues Temples, dragons, giant worms Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards Vaccine nuts Shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy Double speak stigmata Nonsense Expose your signs
Starting point is 01:21:40 Thrust your hands Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local dairy council. you

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