Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 153: Operate the Charlatanry

Episode Date: May 26, 2014

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you want to get cognitive dissonance streamed to your iPhone or Blackberry? If so, download Stitcher free today at Well, the SD card that was in my solid state recorder was corrupted somehow. Not sure how that happened, but when I put it in to pull all the information off, it was gone. So I had to reconstruct that audio that I recorded for last episode. And in the process, there was some static added. I had to try to remove that. And to make a long story short, my audio sounds terrible for this episode. There's really not much I can do with it. I spent about five hours trying to edit it, trying to fix it, trying to
Starting point is 00:00:41 run it through filters and whatnot, and nothing really worked. This is really as good as it gets. We thought the episode was good enough where it was funny enough where we could actually release it. But as you can see, my audio is going to be terrible throughout. In any case, we still hope you enjoy the episode. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording from glorial studios in chicago this is cognitiveognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence
Starting point is 00:01:50 to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome at. This is episode 155 of Cognitive Dissonance.
Starting point is 00:02:06 You have cracked the code. You have cracked the code, Tom. Good for you. You know, I think it was on Google Plus. Somebody posted like, hey, I built a supercomputer to help Tom figure out what the next episode is. And it's just a clicker. Yeah, it was one of those clickers that they count traffic with. It's so awesome. it's so awesome it's so awesome you know what they could do now that i think of it you know how like you have the um like those those little tubes that go across the road
Starting point is 00:02:37 and as cars roll over them it counts the cars what you could do is just embed one of those in your carpet because you're happy as a car, right? So when you walked over it, it would make – so then you could just look to the side. And every time you went in your studio, you would know what number you're on. Right. It would just like the – it's basically a giant floor clicker is what it is. That's exactly it. So like when it feels a two-ton weight press upon it. Right, exactly, exactly. When it feels a two-ton weight press upon it. Exactly. Yeah, with the weighty girth of my arrival, then it clicks over, rolls lazily as I do over to the next number.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Right, right. Yeah, that's great. So, yeah, I can add one to things if I know what the prior thing is. I'm just saying. I just don't give a shit enough to remember what the prior thing was. It's true. You're all sick. Oh, be nice.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Oh, my son doesn't stand a chance. The whole world's gone gay. Oh, my God. What's happening now? We work hard. We play hard. Everybody dance now. We play hard. Our first story comes from
Starting point is 00:03:52 Florida lawmaker. Let me emphasize that. Lawmaker. Law talking guy. This is a maker of laws. All right. Florida lawmaker. Not Florida institutionalized patient. Alright. Florida lawmaker. Not Florida institutionalized patient.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Right? Not Florida homeless man with sandwich sign. Yeah, right. Right? Florida lawmaker. A man who ostensibly can tie his own tie. Although, it kind of looks like a fucking dinner plate. I don't know if you see
Starting point is 00:04:23 that guy's tie. It's fucking huge. You want to play this guy just so we can get... Let's just play him. I'm going to play him here. Let's just go right into it. This is Florida Republican... His name's Van Zant, so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:37 He's clearly Republican, and this is him talking about lots of different things, but he winds up talking about Common Core. Our new Secretary of Education in Florida recently appointed AIR to receive the $220 million contract for end-of-course exam testing and to prepare those tests. Please go on their website. Click the link to what they're doing with youth, and you will see what their agenda really is. They are promoting as hard as they can any youth that is interested in the LGBT agenda,
Starting point is 00:05:33 and even name it 2-S, which they define as having two spirits. Wait, pause. Wait, fucking what? What? What did he just say? 2-S, which they define as having two spirits. I love that, dude. What does that even even mean that's like having two fucking dragons like it's right two made up things great this is a christian like this this guy's complaining about two spirits when you have a
Starting point is 00:05:58 fucking trinity like when you when the best explanation for the Trinity is, I don't know, it's a mystery. Like that's the best explanation I've heard for the Trinity. Like, like, well, when Jesus was on earth and he was praying to God, but he's also God, who was he praying to? I don't, I don't know. Maybe just thinking some shit too. Like, that's like a, You're fucking complaining about two spirits? I wonder, now that you mention it, I wonder if that's where the origin of paperwork comes from. It's like you're filling things out in triplicate.
Starting point is 00:06:36 There you go. Anyway, let's finish this dipshit up. The Bible says a lot about being double-minded. These people that will now receive $220 million from the state of Florida unless this is stopped will promote double-mindedness in state education and attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can how homosexual is that it's very like as positive homosexual as possible and you know like like they're not it's not double-mindedness it's called double penetration dude that's what it's called
Starting point is 00:07:21 i actually think it's a good thing that they're gonna reach their maximum potential for homosexuality like because you don't want to half-ass that it's gonna float away like once they get to like a certain point they just turn into gay angels once you reach like once you reach like gay level alpha like you get you get some fucking really good shit like that's that's when you know you're like gay level alpha like you get you get some fucking really good shit like that's that's when you know you like turn into like a gay chernobyl and you just smell the gay out on critical mass of homosexuality oh god hold on there's just a touch more all right i don't want to do it either i'm sorry to report that to you randy thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. I really hate to bring you that news,
Starting point is 00:08:10 but you need to know. Okay, that's it. And now you know the rest of the story. And that little boy grew up to be Harvey Milk. That's so awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You know, what is he talking about? He's talking about Common Core is one of the things. And I think he's probably right. I think Common Core is actually like a set of exercises. That's like how gay people keep their abs like so rock hard. That's the Common Core. So I think that's what – that's why he's mad. Yeah, because he's all flabby bottom. He's feeling judged.
Starting point is 00:08:59 That's the problem. Goddamn fucking circus tent of a tie on. It's just ridiculous. That's the problem. Goddamn fucking circus tent of a tie on. It's just ridiculous. He's tapping his foot in the airport stall and nobody's fucking reciprocating. He's listening to the Morse code. He's feeling a little sad about it.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Just feeling a little sad about it. I'll tell you what. My son can come home as gay as his potential allows him to be. And I still don't think he'd be gay because I think he's probably heterosexual. That's just the feeling I generally get from the way he ogles women at seven. Yeah, right. So I'm just like, I'm not afraid that he's going to go to school and learn something tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:09:40 It's not like they're going to be like, hey, we've got a new way to think about and conceptualize math rather than memorizing the times tables. We're just going to suck a dick. We're going to suck a dick and we're going to paint rainbows all day. So that's what we're going to do. Yeah. Let me read a little bit of this because this is this is the hysteria. I'm going to read this is directly from this Think Progress article. This is editorialized. So this is clearly not something they're saying. This is editorialized, so this is clearly not something they're saying, but this is editorialized from the person who wrote this, Scott Keyes. Even for a Republican party prone to hysteria, Common Core has sent grassroots conservatives
Starting point is 00:10:14 into an accelerated tailspin. Right-wing Watch has a roundup of some of the most exaggerated reactions, including an Alabama Tea Party leader saying, a vote for Common Core will damn lawmakers to hell, an American Family Association warning that children won't survive Common Core, Eagle Forum saying it will promote homosexuality, and Representative Jim Burdenstein, a Republican from Oklahoma, calling it socialism, and World Net Daily saying it will turn
Starting point is 00:10:46 America into Nazi Germany. And I think the most important thing that we can walk away with from this and, you know, there can be some serious fucking problems with Common Core. There can be some tragic, fucking awful things about Common Core that I that I clearly don't know about because I don't know enough to talk about whether or not it's a good or a bad thing. The problem is, is that the state of our rhetoric in this country is that we're not even bringing up things, whether or not they're demerits or merits of the actual thing. We're just spilling out rhetoric about it to try to scare people from voting from it instead of trying to logically reach people and say, here's the problems with it.
Starting point is 00:11:26 It needs to be changed. We're just I mean, that's the saddest shit that you could get out of this entire fucking debacle. But isn't it more important to two sides scream hyperbole at one another rather than actually come to consensus? Fucking A. God, it's I mean mean isn't it pathetic though i mean isn't that the most pathetic thing because i'm willing to hear from anybody who has it on the negative aspects of sure i mean there was somebody who posted i mean this went all over facebook it was like you know fucking they showed some weird way to get to fucking like 12 plus 20 is 32 or something and i was like fucking this weird crazy way and
Starting point is 00:12:06 how to do it and um a bunch of people were like this is common core and it came across on some fucking wackaloon site and they were sending it all over the place and it did not matter who was on my on my feet whether they're you know they were traditional liberal or traditionally republican they all bought into it they They all bought into that. Okay, this is a wacky thing. And I why are we teaching it this way? And then finally have a math teacher who's a friend of mine. And he posted and he's like, guys, here's the thing. We're teaching it just a different today than we did when you were young. And the reason why we're teaching a different today is because we would much rather have children understand ratios, and how big things
Starting point is 00:12:45 are in comparison to other things rather than just rote memorization of fucking 12 minus 32 is 20 you know and and he explained it and then hement went out of his way to explain it too and on hement's blog on the friendly atheist he posted something and it was super clear how he explained it and you're just like okay i get I get that. I understand it. Um, but the problem is, is that people see things and there's these knee jerk reactions. And then there's this, you know, again, we're not talking about whether or not it's good or bad. It's just like, well, it's different than what I did. Yeah, man. And they get, and that's, and that's the thing is people get worked up. You know, I'll say like, we, we have a hard time sometimes helping our son with
Starting point is 00:13:24 his homework in first grade because I don't understand the methodology that they're teaching him. And we don't want him to come home and bring homework home and teach him counter to the methods that he's learning in school. That's counterproductive. So occasionally we run into some problems where we feel like the instructions on the material that we're given is unclear for somebody not familiar with the, you know, with the vocabulary that's used as part of the program. As a whole, my son in first grade has a vastly better working knowledge of how numbers associate with other numbers than I did in first grade. I remember first grade. In first grade, you're like, in first grade. I remember first grade. In first grade, you're like, I remember that 10 minus 3 is 7. I don't know what it means that if I have 10 things and then I have three less things, I now have seven remaining. There was no conception of how those numbers interrelate.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Instead, it's a tremendous amount of just memorization, writing things in tables, rewriting, writing things out, doing flashcards. You remember doing flashcards? What do you learn with a flashcard except for I associate those two things with another thing? You could replace it with letters and it would be the same amount of meaningful gibberish. Sure. Yeah, I remember the exact same thing. I'm not willing because I'm not an educator, right?
Starting point is 00:14:43 So I don't know whether it's better or worse. And I'm not willing because I'm not an educator. Right. So I don't I don't know whether it's better or worse. And I'm not willing to say whether it's better or worse. I would love to hear arguments on either side on whether it's better or worse. But instead, what we hear is Common Core is going to turn your kid into a fucking super gay rocket that's going to fly to the moon. Like, great. That's fucking useful. Right. As if there was something you could learn which would change somebody's sexuality.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I know. Like someone's sexual preference is going to be like, I read Huck Finn. Now I fuck black dudes on the river. I don't know. I just can't help myself. I don't feel any other option. I don't even get hard unless I'm on a raft. Right. I read Catcher in the Rye. Now I'm a pitcher in the rye. Abortions for all. Very well.
Starting point is 00:15:33 No abortions for anyone. Abortions for some. Miniature American flags for others. So this next story comes from The Blaze. It also comes from So we wanted to find a couple of different sources for the story. The story is only relevant because of one quote from it and kind of what it inspires. So from The Blaze, famed singer reveals secret abortion that left her with intense guilt, fears over God's payback.
Starting point is 00:16:04 That's from The Blaze. That's their super hyperbole headline. AOL is just as bad. Toni Braxton opens up about her secret abortion as if somebody has a fucking public abortion. It's like when they used to consummate marriages and hang the fucking bloody. I don't even want to tell you what they hang public abortion like anybody's having like a fucking you know dead baby shower like right come on over we're gonna have an abortion party i'm just gonna sit in a chair and drink tea the whole time yeah and put a fucking healing heating pad on my stomach.
Starting point is 00:16:48 What do you even do? Like, how do you recover? I mean, because most abortions are pretty. I actually looked it up today. I went out of my way to look it up to see sort of whether or not something like this could be true. Right. Because I want to I mean, you know, I don't know whether or not, you know, having an abortion can. I know that it's not a punishment from God. But what you know, what't know whether or not you know having an abortion can i know that
Starting point is 00:17:05 it's not a punishment from god but what you know what physical effects does it have on the body because you know yeah it's not a fucking it's not like god came down to your uterus and fucking stamped it with the fucking autism or whatever you know he clearly there could be some problems so i looked it up and i went to the mayo clinics website and one of the things that they said was they were like yeah i mean if it's botched you know maybe you could have some problems, but it's really not. It's a very safe procedure. Most of the time it's done with drugs. And if not, then it's done with, you know, tools that are, you know, again, it's not really super invasive and it's, you know, it's done relatively quickly and it's not, it's not, it's routine.
Starting point is 00:17:42 You know, it's just like a routine thing. It's not it's not it's routine. You know, it's just like a routine thing. It's not like, you know, Tony Braxton sitting there and like Adam Savage, like pulls out a coat hanger. He's like, well, there's your problem. You know, or the doctor fucking forgets his keys inside of you or something. Right. My baby's got fucking it fucking pressed on the soft center of my baby's fucking head. And now he's autism or something.
Starting point is 00:18:07 They don't open up your fucking ovaries and punch you in the soul stone, right? Like that's not something. Punch you in the soul. It's like take that. You should be ashamed of getting this abortion. It's just a medical procedure. You know, if it has any repercussions, it has medical repercussions. It doesn't have repercussions like the next time you gestate a child, the child will have, you know, a spectrum
Starting point is 00:18:32 disorder or like that's or it'll be an atheist or something. Yeah, something horrible. I mean, I'm not suggesting the kids with a spectrum disorder are horrible. They're not. I mean, they're fucking people. They're people that walk around, you know, horrible they're not i mean they're fucking people they're people that walk around you know like they're living human beings the idea that somebody has a child with autism and looks at that child with autism and and thinks to themselves this child is revenge from god right what does that say about about the fucking guilt complex that's built into the whole sin organization that church and religion sells you? Because, you know, I don't ever sin, Cecil, because it's not a fucking real thing. I've never sinned in my life because there's no such fucking thing as sin. I've never sinned. If I've ever said or done anything unethical or immoral, the only duty that I owe is to the person I've harmed and to myself.
Starting point is 00:19:33 That's it. There is no such thing as sin. I'm not a fucking sinner. I don't need to be fucking forgiven. I don't have some kind of cosmic debt that I have to repay to some imaginary being. I carry no guilt in my life because if I fuck up, I just try to take ownership of it and apologize. And if I can't make it better, I fucking reconcile myself to the fact that I can't fix that. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And I'll try to do better tomorrow. Right. And I'll try to do better tomorrow. You know, compare that to this idea that, man, this this thing that I did caused my child, this human being to have to live with a, you know, some kind of a spectrum disorder or made, it gets carried on successively generationally. Like what kind of fucking guilt structure is that? It's fucking the most immoral shit possible. Well, it's not just that. I mean, like she's this public speaker and there's people that look up to her and they may choose not to, you know, for detriment of their own life. Because, you know, having a child is a life decision that can have serious effects on your future you know i mean it's it it absolutely it not can it will have serious effects on your future having a child will um so you know and you know whether those those effects are good or bad you know these people you know that might not be able to have the child or it might be what if it's
Starting point is 00:21:01 fucking rape and incest you know what i mean they're just like oh i don't i want to make sure that when i when i go out of my way to get perron i don't want to fucking have a child that is more of a burden right and again she's making her own child seem like it's a burden right she's saying right yeah she's saying this child is a burden to me um this child is a punishment to me this is a bad malformed child that was given to me as you know i mean what does that say about her just in general like you know you know how i would feel like shit if i was your kid you know and you said that like i was a punishment from fucking god that's some fucking awful shit i can't even fucking comprehend you know i mean like i was
Starting point is 00:21:41 told that i was a mistake but you know like that's a that's a that's a thing that you can at least comprehend and be like yeah i get that you know what i mean like parents dad was in the 40s i get it okay i understand but you know if you're like yeah you were a you were a mistake and you're also the fucking worst thing that's ever happened to me well that's a little different how do you love a punishment like how do you say like i love you but you are a punishment from a benevolent god yeah and and i just i just feel too that that's a little different. How do you love a punishment? Like, how do you say like, I love you, but you are a punishment from a benevolent God. Yeah. And I just, I just feel too that that's, that's just all, that's a horrible thing to be a person who has a pulpit, who's able to be heard by lots of people and say, yeah, you know what? Um, the reason this happened in my life is because God doesn't like abortion and because God doesn't like abortion, none of you should get a board.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I mean, because that's essentially I mean, you know, she's not telling other people what to do, but they're going to follow her. Oh, sure. You know what I mean? Like she was like, you know, abortions make you have children without heads or something. You know what I mean? Like you would be like, oh, I don't I don't want to do that. They can't cross rivers. It's fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:22:48 That's right. It's fucking terrible. They have to ride horses everywhere. Throwing pumpkins about. It's fucking ridiculous. And they're all named Ichabod. That's the fucking weird thing. That's right. That's right. We're totally going to get emailed like, the Headless Horseman's name was not Ichabod.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I fucking know. Horseman's name was not Ichabod. I fucking know. Well, I thought that the point of the church was to worship God, and the boy fucking was just incidental. No, it's just the other way around. The point of the church is the boy fucking. All the other stuff is just busy work. This next story comes from, but the Australian version, so it counts less.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Royal Commission. inversion, so it counts less. Royal Commission. Christian brothers didn't consider sexual abuse of students a crime. The Christian brothers who ran children's homes in Western Australia in the 40s, 50s, and
Starting point is 00:23:40 60s did not consider the abuse of students a crime, a royal commission has heard uh what do you even say to that like if fucking children doesn't seem like a crime to you does the word crime have any meaning it really doesn't it doesn't you know like i mean at that point you might as well be cutting some of them up for dinner right Right? You know what I mean? Well, Brother Shanahan. Here's a part I want to read.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Yeah. This guy's name is Brother Shanahan. Brother Shanahan also told the hearing one of the rules laid out by the Brothers Constitution in 1962, mind you. So they've been doing this already for, what, 20 years? Stated that they were prevented from developing particular friendships with their students or fondle. Came here to fondle boys
Starting point is 00:24:33 and chew bubble gum. I am all out of bubble gum. Like, what is there? Just two, there's like two rules on the wall. It's like no friendships with boys, also no fond yeah don't touch the you know listen that's right that's right next time that's right next to the sign that says it has been zero days without a fondling no horseplay and pool yeah no fucking the children you know i mean just some basic
Starting point is 00:25:02 signage would help you can't fondle a kid 30 minutes before you go for a swim. Just because you might get a cramp. It's not because, you know, it's not bad for the kids. Yeah. Who cares about the kid? I'm just I'm worried about the guy going for a swim. Yeah. You know, it's so crazy, like because he says the mindset at the time meant abuse was not thought of first and foremost as a crime but as a moral fault or failing. And I want to read this and come back to it. He says, I think they saw it as something that was abhorrent, harmful, although I don't think they understood it as harmful in the way we would now in terms of consequences for the victim, but something that was abhorrent and harmful and that was the way that they dealt with it. But something that was abhorrent and harmful and that was the way that they dealt with it. And when I read that, I can't help but think that's because you dealt with this as a myopic moral failing of the priest or the brother or whatever and never stepped out of yourself for one fucking unselfish moment to consider the viewpoint of the victim you know again it says that he was thought of first and foremost as a moral fault or failing so they thought of this only from the perspective of the perpetrator and what it meant to the perpetrator
Starting point is 00:26:22 well what does it mean for for the perpetrator. Well, what does it mean for the perpetrator? That's the most unbelievably selfish way to look at this. It's like looking at any other crime being like, you know, I'm really – I didn't think that murdering that woman, you know, I really think that was a moral failing. I really do. Like I've given this a lot of thoughts, Cecil. I think that was a moral failing. I do. I didn't think it would be harmful to the victim, though. like i've given this a lot of thoughts cecil i think that was a moral failing you know yeah i
Starting point is 00:26:45 didn't think it would be harmful to the victim though i thought she would recover from death turns out yeah i'm i'm actually i'm very much wrong on that do you think that this sort of like old-timey logic of like ah you'll be fine kid sort of thing is what permeates this that they didn't think that it was really that big a deal that the kids were getting diddled that it's not going to ruin their life it's not one of those just one of those things that happens when you're a kid sort of like you know like you fall down your skin your knee or you fall down and i grab your cock or whatever you know what i mean like it's just it's just one of those things that just happens i'm being serious about this do you think that you know like i mean there's a there's a feeling right about like like there's a bit that george carlin does where he talks about um
Starting point is 00:27:34 talks about shell shock and then he works his way into you know post-traumatic stress disorder he works his way through like all the names we've called that. And it's sort of like, there's a time when we were, you know, when we were, I think when maybe we were more gruff, when maybe we, we were a little less sensitive where we thought,
Starting point is 00:27:56 you know, what's the big deal. Yeah. You went to war. Yeah. You saw some folks die, get fucking, just roll yourself back into,
Starting point is 00:28:02 into fucking, uh, into society. Yeah. You know, I, I do think that's part. You know, there there's a there's a mentality that I often think about, which is which is an old school mentality, which is the sort of, you know, rub some dirt on it. Right. Mentality, you know, like it's it's it's the walk it off generation. and it sounds good and it sounds like, ah, you know, when I was a kid, we used to get hit by cars and play in the street and, you know, punch asteroids in the eye and we all grew up fine. And it's like, well, no, I mean, you didn't like PTSD is not is not unique to our generation. It's just that we've put more time, energy and resources into identifying and dealing with it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:28:45 I think one of the things that's particularly interesting about the generation that we live in now isn't that we're a softer generation than generations prior. I think that we're a generation where information travels much more freely, much more democratically and much quicker than it did before. So I think what would happen before is people would suffer in fucking silence and they would their stories would never come out they wouldn't have any way to voice their concerns they were victims wouldn't have ways to find other victims and so people would just i mean i'm just people just fucking commit suicide alone in their garage and never even become part of a national statistic or a national story.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Or become predators themselves, right? You know what I mean? Like that's something that happened all the time. Absolutely. You know, so it's not that previous generations were tougher because they fucking rubbed some dirt in it and walked it off. And we're a bunch of namby-pamby bullshit people, you know, crying in our soup about getting fucked by a priest.
Starting point is 00:29:43 people, you know, crying in our soup about getting fucked by a priest. It's that we're able to transmit information to find other people and to identify things like PTSD way fucking before and more accurately and to treat these things. I mean, honestly, what would even be the point of finding it if there was no treatment before? You know, what would you do with it? Yeah. You know, it's just a totally different mindset the mindset now is better like the mindset now is better than it was i just fucking say that like it's fucking better i will not engage in any of that fucking sepia tinted nostalgia humping
Starting point is 00:30:18 bullshit like i hate that shit so much two turn please. Fucking rub an Amish on it. I will have one of your motorless carriages, sir. Good, sir. Please polish my monocle and ready my buggy whip. You should totally lead us into a break by being old-timey. Now I'm on the spot and I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Yeah, no. So we're going to take a ye olde break. You're terrible. And you can become a fucking patron of the show. We'll tell you how. We'll give you some information. We'll return in just a moment for the rest of the show. For ye olde show.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Ye olde show. Ye olde show. If you would like to contact the show, visit the website for the links to the Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and email accounts. You can also call and leave a message at 740-74-DOUBT. That's 740-743-6828.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Did you know that you can become a patron of the show? Go to That's p-a-t-r-e-o-n dot com forward slash dissonance pod. And you can donate to the production of Cognitive Dissonance on a per episode basis. If you don't want to donate money, please take a moment to give us a good review on iTunes or Stitcher. Or tell a like-minded friend about the show. So to everyone who supports the show, glory hole, you fucking rock. This story comes from Miles Power. I probably could have found a better source for this. A rather embarrassing night for Psychic Sally in Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough. Brough.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Middlesbrough. They probably just say, like, they probably, like, it's, like, mid. Like, that's how they say it. Yeah, right? You just stop. Like, that's the key is you just stop pronouncing and just start slurring early. It's like mid-brough. So I'm going to give it one more.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Mid-brough. Oh, that's pretty good. I think I nailed that one. You sound like a native. So evidently there's something called Psychic Sally, and it goes around on British television and does stage shows. And it sounds like a pretty standard psychic sort of reading. It's like one of those speaking spells.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Like you pull the thing and it spins around. It's like, your picture speaking spells. Like you pull the thing and it spins around. It's like, your picture is dead. And she's... Oh, no. And she's a corpse talker. Your mother died of cancer. I love my favorite fucking part is when these psychics always be like, So was it something like the head or the neck or the body?
Starting point is 00:33:09 I'm guessing it was a it was it was a trauma. Yeah, it was a trauma. It was a trauma to the chest organ head region. Chest body head. That's like the whole thing. It's like she cut her finger and got gangrene and died. Like, that's never happened. That's the craziest thing.
Starting point is 00:33:28 She was weaving or looming or something. She pricked her finger and fell asleep. It was like she was standing over someone. She was looming. She was looming. Like, will you stop looming over me? What are you doing? Yeah, so she's a necromancer.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I think that's her power. I love it. She's a necromancer. Right? I mean, that's what she claims. She claims that she talks to the dead. She's a necromancer. I mean, she probably gussies it up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:34:00 But, I mean, hey, let's call a fucking spade a spade here, right? Sure. And she got communications from the grave. It didn it didn't take long um it was it was pretty much right away she kind of nailed it uh from the get-go she found a man holding a baby named annabelle or becky uh could have been either one um and uh when nobody nobody stood up um to find out you know nobody was in the audience was standing up. She asked the person who submitted the photo to stand up. And it turns out no one's dead at all. Essentially, what she did was she went through a long process of like because the box that she collected.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Right. So she collects this box full of photos. It's like everybody should put a picture in there of someone who's dead. So everybody went through and put a picture of someone who's dead so she pulls this photo out she's like i'm seeing a baby in here it's an animal blah blah blah nobody stands up then fine she's like whose fucking photo is this and this person stands up and she's like oh okay so i'm getting like this fucking neck head face trauma thing where she fucking exploded somebody fucking shot her full of fucking whatever and she's just naming off random ailments like how and then she's like
Starting point is 00:35:10 and then the person's just staring at her like what and then she's like yeah i'm getting this call from the grave where this person in this photo is saying blah blah blah blah blah blah and essentially at the end of it finally the woman's like that's a photo of me when i was younger it's so i misunderstood the assignment like she misunderstood the assignment and she put in you know like a photo of herself that's like it'd be so funny if just like somebody emptied their pockets and she's like talking for half an hour and he's like sally that's a piece of string like that's a piece of lint right talking about right it's just like that's a coin that's a two pence coin you're talking about there's there's no recovering from that that's the best i know is there's fucking no recovering from that it's so sweet isn't it and it's it's awesome when these fucking vampires
Starting point is 00:35:58 fucking chip their teeth you know it's fucking them it's the greatest thing ever. And it's all because of like, look how easy it is to fucking defuse this. A misunderstanding. It's really what happened here. It's not like the person was trying to go out of their way to make this, you know, something bad that I can tell you. She showed up specifically wanting this. She just messed up. She just messed up. And look at in the best part about this is, is that just by chance out of all those people in the audience, she happened to pick that one card, one photo that fucking fucked her
Starting point is 00:36:33 in the face. Right. And you're just like, take it. Oh, that's that's sweet. Justice is what that is. Because, you know, she could have pulled. Let's say there's a thousand people in the audience. Maybe there's more.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I don't know. Let's just say there's a thousand. She could have pulled, you know,'s a thousand people in the audience maybe there's more i don't know let's just say there's a thousand she could have pulled you know because probably people are there together let's say one of 400 other photos and she happened to choose that one and it's like oh that's brilliant that's great and it's wonderful that it happened you know there's a possibility that that can happen everywhere if i were in psychic sally's fucking range and these things weren't that expensive to go to i don't know how much they cost but you are kind of given but if you could fill that fucking thing up with skeptics dropping fucking photos in there of themselves of when they were babies oh my god would that be fucking glorious because you could fucking seed the box
Starting point is 00:37:21 you know what i mean like like now it's not just one in 400 now it's like right one in you know it could be one in seven or one in ten that she's gonna pull the wrong photo and you know she's fucking digging in that box six seven eight times i guarantee this is coming off a routine though i think this fucking little trick that she's doing is coming off the routine while you know dealing with their photos is one of those things that gets them a really close personal connection and there's tons of shit in the photo to fucking cold read off of and the person looking in front of you when you just like you know i mean there's just got to be so much fucking stuff in there to cold read off of that she's you know she uses it but now that it's been fucking it's been shown that she could get fucking totally borked by it i guarantee she's
Starting point is 00:38:02 pulling that off the fucking circuit i would hope so i mean it's clearly something that's not going to work for her again if she i mean it didn't work here and lest anybody think that this is uh just all harmless fun you know and it's oh why is everybody picking on her um i want to talk a little bit about a couple of the other pieces to her act and let's not pretend that it's anything other than a fucking act designed to steal money from people um and and and profit from their grief um sally was uh reenacting a couple of scenes for some reason um particularly um one where she reenacted a dead man flushing narcotics down a toilet to his immediate family while repeating flush it down, flush it down. She reenacted another scene while talking to a teenage girl whose boyfriend had recently committed suicide by hanging himself. Sally tells the girl that she can feel him hitting her leg and that he was in fact reenacting swinging against the door, his
Starting point is 00:39:07 body swinging against the door as he was committing suicide. These people are not harmless. It's not even just about the money. Like they are they are taking advantage of people's grief for profit. I can't. It's like if nothing else, it's the most cynical thing possible like you cannot you cannot have a worldview based on anything other than pure raw ugly small-minded cynicism and do this this is not us like she's putting on a smile but it's a fucking stage show this is this
Starting point is 00:39:43 is fucking pure mean-spiritedness i i may have told this story before and i'll tell it really quickly just in case i did but there's a i was watching this fucking that fucking vampire the oompa loompa vampire uh on tv and she was telling that she was talking to this girl and she's a young girl and this girl had uh one of her her dad died and her she's talking to her and she's probably why your dad died and she's a young girl and this girl had uh one of her her dad died and her she's talking to her and she's probably why your dad died and she's like by the way your dad found your fiance for you so your fiance is fucking here because your dad fucking introduced you your fiance fucking in the spirit realm like fucking i don't even know like fucking dead people or something
Starting point is 00:40:19 whatever but he found your he found your your yeah necro mingle that's awesome necro mingle that's great um uh but anyway uh in any case at the end of the thing i sat there thinking i'm like well what happens when this girl tries to break up with this guy if she decides or if this guy cheats on her you know like he kind of has carte blanche to do what he wants because fucking your dad picked me out your fucking dead dad picked me out and now you know like whatever i do to you how can you fucking turn me away how can you you know what if i start hitting her you know like what if he starts like i'm not gonna say he's doing that but at the same time it's like it's like right there's open there's an open avenue to damage this girl, because now she has the guilt of leaving him because her father went out of his way to pick him out. Like, that's damaging. That's a bad thing to do to somebody. You can't fucking, you can't go out of your way and be like, you know, you like, and it's like DJ growth. He said, he's like, you're, you're, you're skipping over the natural grieving process when you pretend that they still exist.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Like you're having this, you should have a natural grieving process where you have loss. And that loss is not there and it stays with you for a long time. And it's damaging. You know, there is a natural grieving process you have to follow through.
Starting point is 00:41:40 And these psychics, especially the ones that are specifically here to talk to the dead, you know, there's different psychics, the ones that are specifically here to talk to the dead. You know, there's different psychics. The ones that tell you their future and all that bullshit. She's a fucking, she's a dead talker. She's one of those ones that, you know, and I don't understand the fucking appeal of these fucking charlatans at all, in my opinion. It's like, sit down and talk to psychic Sally or fucking that other fucking necromonger.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And what are they going to tell me? That my fucking dad loved me? fucking that other fucking necromonger um and and and what are they going to tell me that my fucking dad loved me motherfucker i lived with that man for 35 years i know he fucking loved me okay don't tell me he loved me don't tell me that he's okay don't tell you know what do i need these fucking platitudes do i have to pay you this exorbitant amount of money for nothing you are doing nothing for me you know what does she say you know that your relatives love you and that they're they're happy in heaven and they're playing fucking foosball and everything's fine bullshit that's bullshit you know just fucking be like you know what they're dead they're dead and that's it and there's there's there's no money to be gained here it's just this horrible fucking you know i don't even know it's like this horrible turn of
Starting point is 00:42:49 events that takes people that can't let go to these awful fucking charlatans and they just pickpocket these people and then stall the grieving process It's network news. News. News. News. This story comes from the Raw Story. So weird. So weird.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Weird alert. Wow. California man says the Lord grabbed him and compelled him to attack a kid on a skateboard. An Orange County elementary school teacher suspended for the second time over footage of him apparently attacking skateboarders defended his action, Cecil, by saying, quote, when I stepped in, I felt compelled by a higher power. Honestly, have you ever been grabbed by the Lord in a way you never thought you would or could? That's exactly what I'm testifying to, and I'm not speaking in hyperbole.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I'm speaking right from the heart. So, Cecil, when the Lord says, thou shalt whack at the child with a skateboard, I guess you whack at the child with it. It looks like in the picture they're about to sword fight with him. It does. The video is hilarious because the guy runs up and he's like, he doesn't say anything. He's just fucking clucking. He runs up and the kid
Starting point is 00:44:16 messes up an ollie. Then he grabs the skateboard and he's like, and he runs past. Then he takes the skateboard and he's such a fucking wimp he can't throw it all the way up to where it needs to be so he's like man it like kind of fucking half falls on the ground and the kid's screaming you motherfucker you motherfucker the kid's like 10 years old he's like you motherfucker and the guy's like
Starting point is 00:44:40 he like throws it one more time and then it lands wherever it lands and then he looks at the camera and then a bunch of people like what the fuck did you do and then the camera shuts off so that's the entirety of the video um it is not the first time in history that god has commanded someone to uh go after skateboards i don't know if you remember but when when uh when samson was there he was pushing two skateboards apart well i don't know if you remember but when when uh when samson was there he was pushing two skateboards apart well i don't know if you knew this but there was like two skateboards that were holding up and that's the first time actually that god commanded because god hates skateboards he's just one of those things he's just not fun that's actually why he commanded
Starting point is 00:45:17 abraham to kill his son initially yeah because he was a border because he was a skater he was border yeah i mean he was just he had the fucking bowl cut from like because this was like a while back for real and the fucking vans and everything i mean he was fucking and there was no skateboards on the ark like none zero skateboards well there were but they just went right over the side the first fucking first yeah you know yeah the dinosaur was on it and he's been right there's a fucking skateboarding stegosaurus on the ark holy shit that would be amazing that would be amazing like all that like like fucking noah builds a fucking half pipe on the uh on the top of the ark it's like doing like a fucking 360 like board grab and then just flies over the edge. It's the fucking X Games on top of that thing.
Starting point is 00:46:08 That's awesome. There's fucking dodo birds done fucking snowboards and shit. Shit is fucking wild on that thing. Well, boys and girls, put your hand up if you've heard of the word evolution. Oh, boy, I think just about everyone puts their hands up. This story also comes from the Raw story. Fired anti-gay HGTV host teaching evolution is Satan's toehold in the classroom. And my very first thought here is, how can you be an anti-gay home and garden television host?
Starting point is 00:46:45 I know, right? Like, you're on the gayest channel other than, like, the gay channel. Right, exactly. Other than the one that's, like, specifically for, like, the LGBT community. You are on the home and garden channel. It's the decorator's channel. Other than the one that's streaming like gay porn like in this article it says recently argued that um that satan's toehold in the classroom went back
Starting point is 00:47:15 to the so-called scopes monkey trial satan's toehold isn't that the sequel to devil's backbone yeah it's it's the lesser known of the two. Yeah, it's actually a prequel. Yeah, it was the prequel. You know, those toe holds, the thing is, Cecil, a toe hold doesn't sound like much, you know, for you or I, right? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:47:37 But Satan has those fucking, like, grippy little gecko feet, you know? He does, he does. And he's got a big claw in there, so when he gets a toe and it's really kind of fucking lodges down real deep you gotta you gotta pry that fucker off or like slide a playing card underneath it yeah you need to get a coat hanger out and pluck that thing right out of there that's what you need to do he's talking about the scopes monkey trial essentially saying
Starting point is 00:48:01 the scopes monkey trial is like the downfall of when we started fucking like that's when it really went to shit and you're like dude evolution lost the scopes monkey trial you know what i mean like evolution didn't come out winning on that one isn't that funny like they don't get that part yeah well i know that evolution got more popularized because of it but um and you know sometimes even bad publicity is good publicity right you know as long as you're saying the name um but you know they the as i recall the person the person who lost that trial had to pay a fine i think it was originally it was eventually overturned but as i recall the you know clarence
Starting point is 00:48:43 it was clarence darrow's side i think the, the guy, Scopes, he had to pay like a $100 fine. So he was fucking wrong. He found out he was wrong. That was a big fucking media circus in 1925. But clearly, these people just don't understand that. They don't get that that was like we lost, like the good guys lost. Yeah. Well, okay. guys lost. Yeah, well, okay. All right, all right.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I don't think you're considering the real strength of his argument, though. So I'm going to read from this and let you really understand. Yeah, no, bring it. Okay, so this is from their website. Satan comes to rob, kill, and destroy. Right, okay. Fucking stand. You know what?
Starting point is 00:49:24 You know what? I'll take that as a premise and i'll believe it okay okay fair enough go although can i pause at rob because like like satan's gonna rob me like yeah i mean can we pause at satan and just okay i don't know if there's a saint but he's gonna show up and he's gonna be like i am the prince of darkness give me your wallet like what he's like picking your lock on your door. Satan, can't you just get in? Can't you just fucking burrow through the ground to get into my house?
Starting point is 00:49:53 Satan is like trying to hawk my power tools at a flea market like six hours later. He's got like, I've got a Makita power. Like, what the fuck? What's going on over here? Is that Satan? You know you want this. got a Makita power. Like, what? Come on. What's going on over here? Is that Satan? You know you want this. It's a dirt devil. These Dyson vacuums resell.
Starting point is 00:50:10 So Satan comes to rob, kill, and destroy. So he generally starts his path to destruction with a simple toehold. Back in the 1960s, our nation allowed a toehold of sexual perversion during the hippie sexual revolution, which has now become a stronghold. So from a toehold to a stronghold of sexual anarchy in America. This stronghold masks itself in the form of diversity, inclusion, and tolerance. Oh, man. Those lousy, terrible words.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Diversity, inclusion, intolerance. We don't want to live in a world like that, Cecil. Goodness, no. What we really need is more guys that fist pump and choose the right pillows for my living room. That's what we need. What a fucking lunatic this guy is. These guys are just making the rounds, though. And Glenn Beck is basically fillatic these guys are just making they're making the rounds though and glenn beck is basically filleting these guys he's the guy who's given them all this time because this is this is
Starting point is 00:51:13 right up the alley with glenn beck you know glenn beck what he wants to do is make sure that everybody recognizes that the world is going to fucking hell in a handbasket and the reason why is obama liberals and gays like you know like those are the three like evil things that he wants to make sure that everybody fucking recognizes are horrible and awful and this these people are just they're awesome puppets these people are awesome puppets they talk about the exact same crazy shit uh that he does and you know i mean this is one of those things that when you when you uh when you hear guys talk, you're like, of course, you got fucking shit canned from your network because you're clearly an insane person. You're clearly somebody who is so deeply steeped in your own religion that you you actually don't function in the real world.
Starting point is 00:52:00 I have no idea how they got as far as they did to get a show. How the fuck did you get a show? Like, who's the guy who vets them? Like, do they just, like, collect tapes on Wednesday and they're just like, oh, these guys. There's two good-looking guys. Let's throw them on TV. Yeah, I don't know, man. But, I mean, he does defend himself.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And this is, if you can make sense of this, this is my favorite. I'm going to try. What we're talking about right now on one of our talking points is that fact that we are Americans, period. That's a sentence. That's not really a sentence, but it's speaking itself. This polarizing in which we live is being operated by a demonic agenda to suppress the truth is that a real thing like is that don't that doesn't make sense to me this is polarizing don't you live in a polarizing it's not a thing did you that's not you didn't get in your polarizing this morning is it polarizing a verb i mean like i'm not a fucking word writing guy but i would think it's oh you can polarizing
Starting point is 00:53:08 is definitely a noun that you can it's a thing like you can live inside a polarizing buy the brand new tesla polarizing is polarizing a van down by the river because that's where you're gonna be bro well but it's clearly uh being operated the polarizing is being operated so you have to operate them cecil if you don't you know sometimes i forgive people who speak aloud and they're quoted but i can't forgive no that's that's face diarrhea that's what that really is that's a palinism right there that's fucking crazy. This story comes from the raw story. Pakistan's sorcerers continue to thrive despite Sharia law. Yeah. Good luck to you. Sorcerers continue to thrive despite Sharia law.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Yeah, good luck to you, sorcerers in Pakistan. I actually can't think of something I'd rather do less in Pakistan. I'd rather be a drug mule. Right? Do this. A safer occupation would be professional suicide bomber. I was going to say bomb diffuser, but I think you win. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah, this is awesome. Pakistani Sorcerers, isn't that a basketball team? That's their only basketball team. Yeah, they just, the ball doesn't move. They just sort of will it up there and they put fucking
Starting point is 00:54:39 animal teeth in their pockets. They play on broomsticks. It's like half Quidditch. Yeah. half basketball. You got to catch the golden snooch or whatever it is. It's golden snooch. It's the golden polarizing, Tom, that you have to catch. You got to operate the polarizing.
Starting point is 00:55:01 If you don't do that, the whole game falls apart. That's how you win. That's how you win the quidditch um there's the here's a part that i thought was kind of crazy well i guess most of it's kind of crazy where you're going with this i just i just so happened to like throw a dart at my screen and it landed here um essentially uh these people inscribe spells of black magic script that can also be dissolved into liquids and used to curse given to one's enemies, while some sorcerers ask their followers to sacrifice a black hen or a goat to ward off evils. And the first thing I think is like, why has it got to be a black? You know, I will say this story was written without any editorializing, as evidenced by this sentence.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Shaw and his ilk use a number of traditional practices. I read that and I fucking, like, my jaw just dropped. Like, any pretense and objectivity was just absolutely thrown out the window. It's gone. It's gone. It's amazing. Yeah, I mean one of the headings in this article is fraudsters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Well, I kind of like the slant that this article has though, you know, from the raw story. I do like this slant. Okay. you know from the raw story i do like this slant uh what okay i understand and i get you know that some parts you know certainly i'm not going to make fun of some parts of the world fucking them making fucking magic potions and shit because we got fucking their psychic sally is fucking telling people the dead people are talking you know what i mean like so clearly it's not like oh look at how backwards these people are because you know chances are you could go somewhere in chicago probably right now and find somebody who could fucking make you with a curse for fucking certain
Starting point is 00:56:53 man you know for certain yeah i mean on in in in the suburbs there's tarot card readers and you know i remember we used to ride by one in joliet and which is a suburb of chicago there's a tarot card reader right on one of the main drags out there. So, you know, there's, there's all this crazy that's all over. So I'm clearly not, you know, I don't think that I'm superior to anybody over there because I'm making fun of their fucking sorcerers. The thing that bothers me about this is that like these guys are really putting
Starting point is 00:57:20 their life in their hand for their, you know, their, uh, for their trade and for you know not trade i guess it's charlatan is there a word charlatanery i don't even know i'll make it up whatever right now it's a word i'm making up because if we can have a fucking polarizing then a charlatanery is do you have to operate the charlatanery you do you do yeah you operate it with a polarizer that's good so you just that's you plug that in and you turn it once to the left and then you go to 45 no but like clearly these guys are you know are living i mean god it is a gotta be a really horrible um thing to try to hide you know you can't put your fucking your thing up there because the people will come by and...
Starting point is 00:58:06 This is a culture that could kill you. I mean, this is... Pakistan, we were reading about a couple years ago where an autistic kid fucking ripped up a goddamn Koran and they were going to kill him. They rioted. They were going to kill the kid. And there's lots of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:22 They've stoned people. I mean, this is not a a country where people are they let their better judgments take them take a day sometime they get a little crazy and you know there's a possibility that you know somebody could you know be so involved in the quran they could you know go into somebody's place like this and just kill them i would i would find a brand new safe fucking position like a puppy washer or something make me yeah let me do a thing that's a lot more safe than this uh what's your job i just wash puppies not dogs just puppies yeah no puppies sorry i can i stop if it's 16 weeks or older
Starting point is 00:59:01 you take it somewhere that's not my fucking job. Did you not see the sign that says, no magic here, puppy washing only? That's what it fucking says. It says, no magic spells, only puppy washing. Yeah, exactly. You know, it does say in here that there's very little recourse, which I thought was was bizarre um it said that in 2011 long-haired bushy bearded sorcerer uh muhammad saleem was arrested for duping hundreds of women into having sex with him in the hope of conceiving a boy um and he was sentenced to five years in jail and fined 10 000 rupees or a hundred dollars he was released only two years later in 2013, which is sort of amazing, actually.
Starting point is 00:59:49 That's sort of amazing because you hear stories and it's like they'll fucking riot at the drop of a hat sometimes. You know, like fucking chop off fingers or, you know, just do something like Pakistan. This is the same country that fucking arrested a baby for murder. A baby was arrested for murder. Do you remember that story? I do remember that story. He arrested a baby while they were fingerprinting the baby. They had to give the baby a bottle to calm it down because the baby was upset because it had been arrested for murder.
Starting point is 01:00:28 And it's a baby baby. So it's amazing to me that this that somebody can do hundreds of women into having sex with him for magic. You know, like, hey, I'm going to have sex with me. I'll have a boy. You know, that works sometimes, by the way. It's worked for me twice, as it turns out. Like, I've had sex with my wife and we're having two boys.
Starting point is 01:00:53 That's amazing. It's amazing how that happens. You should go see, you should pry your skills over in Pakistan. I will pass on that. Generous offer, though. I'll tell you what, there's some jobs i would relocate for sex to make a voice in pakistan yeah not on the list the benefits package would have to be amazing and it would have to include bulletproof pakistan
Starting point is 01:01:21 if you could just ship me over there in like a big box, like a plexiglass box, like a Popemobile. Can you just basically have a Popemobile that follows me around? Actually, then I'm in the whole time. Right. I would want to live in the Popemobile, and the Popemobile
Starting point is 01:01:40 would be bristling with guns at all times. And they would always be shooting. The guns would always be shooting. The guns would always be firing. No matter what. Just to keep people at bay. Like prophylactic murder. So before we launch into the email, we want to stop and thank all of our patrons from the week.
Starting point is 01:02:01 We really appreciate your generous donations. They help us tremendously to eat hot wings. I want to thank Lise, Jim, Mike, Dave, Ted, Bryce, Matt's cat, and Troy. So thank you very much for your
Starting point is 01:02:17 generous donations. We truly appreciate them, and when I steal all the money and abscond to sunny Bermuda... you're not gonna get far i'm not gonna get the problem is i gotta buy two plane tickets you know because i gotta get the it's the girth seat yeah no kidding right yeah no and then good lord you know now that those meals are so expensive on i you know and they're disgusting i can't even like four or five of the things you know on a short flight i know god i
Starting point is 01:02:45 gotta i gotta choke down the third one you know what i mean like it's it's just terrible uh another thing too is we donated we the money it took you know about a half a month for us to get the money actually in our account we had to uh give them bank account information etc so patreon eventually patreon eventually deposited it happened earlier this week. So we just posted that we did donate last month, which turned out to be $875. And we were able to donate that. We just posted a picture of it on Facebook and Twitter. So thank everybody who's a patron last month. You guys, all your money went to Doctors Without Borders. And that's a great cause. And it's awesome that you guys were patrons, and you can feel good about your money going
Starting point is 01:03:29 to a good cause. So we got a few emails we wanted to talk about. The first one we want to talk about is from David, and David's in Kentucky, and he has this great email, Tom, about the sun turning black. Yeah, this email is pretty great. He says, hi, Tom and Cecil, I'm writing because I've heard Cecil mention the sun turning black. Yeah, this email is pretty great. He says, Hi, Tom and Cecil.
Starting point is 01:03:54 I'm writing because I've heard Cecil mention the sun turning as black as sack cloth phrase from Revelation a few times since your Revelation episode. I've been thinking about it. It seems to me that it would be impossible for the sun to turn black. The photons, along with other radiation generated in the fusion that occurs in the core, take about 10,000 years to reach the surface of the sun. I love this specificity. That is awesome. For the sun to stop shining. If you somehow shut off the fusion occurring at the core at the same thing that will happen when the sun eventually exhausts its hydrogen fuel will happen. Lacking the outward pushing force of the fusion, the inward draw of the sun's immense gravity would collapse the volume of the stellar material until the internal temperature rose high enough
Starting point is 01:04:37 to fuse helium. At that point, the balance of fusion and gravity would shift again, expanding the volume of stellar material to encompass the orbit of the Earth. I love that. Long story short, the sun would destroy the Earth well before dimming in any manner, and it is, in fact, physically impossible for it to do so. This comes from David in Kentucky. I'm amazed that somebody in Kentucky.
Starting point is 01:05:03 You clearly did not go to school in Kentucky. Oh, David, thank you very much for your email. He did mention at the bottom, he's like, Cecil, you mentioned reading a book about digital heavens and hells that people were uploaded to. Was this Surface Detail by Ian Banks? Yes, it was. And I thought it was an excellent book.
Starting point is 01:05:24 And it's a very interesting book about um it's sci-fi and they talk about heaven and hell and i mean if that is it piques your interest at all go check it out ian banks is a i think a great writer it's from a book series called the culture series which i was i'm totally into and really enjoy so if you check it out um let me know what you think we got a very long long email from Glenn. Glenn was not happy with how we talked about guns on episode 149. And this is really what he I guess we're just going to have to distill what he says here, Tom, because he sort of mischaracterized what we were saying. I think he did anyway. Yeah, I think so too. You know, the email was quite long. But one of the things that I think was missed is we're not – we never were suggesting, Cecil or I,
Starting point is 01:06:18 that a solution to crime, gun crime, is to arm people in the cities. To arm people at all, actually, it turns out. We're not suggesting that a solution to gun crime is to throw more guns at the problem. I know that sometimes you can actually fight fire with fire, but I don't think you can fight gunfire with gunfire. You can't fire firearms with firearms. You know, Cecil and I just disagreed that that's the right way to accomplish that. Yeah, and it was a joke. Yeah, and it was a joke.
Starting point is 01:06:56 We were talking like, you know, you're not going to drop a bunch of guns in the west side of Chicago. No, of course you wouldn't. Terrible idea. The problem isn't that there's not enough guns in those areas i think the problem is that there's too fucking many guns and it's and it's a straw man i mean clearly we're making fun of the uh you know it's and but it's a straw man in an attempt for a joke we're not i'm not trying to tear down the nra's position on whether
Starting point is 01:07:20 or not you know there needs to be more guns in certain places. It's a joke. So, you know, it's not like I'm making a cogent argument against it. We're just we're just kidding around. That being said, I still don't agree with the NRA's ideas of, you know, getting the guns, the right guns in the right hands of the right people. That to me seems it seems asinine. We can disagree all day on it. I'm a gun owner. Like, I'm a gun owner. Uh, I, I'm, I'm a gun owner. Like I'm a gun owner. Uh, I go out and shoot trap and Tom's a gun owner. He goes out and shoots trap and we
Starting point is 01:07:51 shoot sporting clays and skeet and we have, but, uh, but you know, that's, and we go hunting on occasion, but it's really, you know, I'm not a, I'm not a gun. I don't think guns are the answer to any sort of violence. I don't think that that's like the i mean clearly they're an answer to violence but they're not an they're not an answer to stop violence in my opinion and i mean you're never going to fucking convince me of that you're never going to be able to write anything down i don't care how long your email is and convince me that more guns in any way is a solution to anything from a social policy standpoint you know they may solve the occasional anecdotal problem um sure from a social policy standpoint um i i don't feel like guns are a solution to uh crime and violence i i i just
Starting point is 01:08:37 don't think the evidence points in that direction we got an email from uh from joel and joel says he was listening to bonus episode one and the discussion of Michael Sam, and he had two comments. The first was that a guy, his name was AtPitcherBro, and he says, first, you guys missed the best irony of this tweet. His Twitter handle, I don't know, maybe it would have been more obvious if it was AtCatcherBro. That was very funny. At catcher, bro.
Starting point is 01:09:03 That was very funny. And he said, second, sports writer Brian Phillips of, I don't know what that is, had the best observation I saw regarding the, quote, how am I supposed to teach my, explain sort of Michael Sam to my kids? And this was the tweet. If you're worried about how to explain Michael Sam to your kids, there's a decent chance you need your kids to explain Michael Sam to you. I like that. That's quite good. Yeah. Drop the fucking hammer.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Thank you very much for the email. That was great. So is it Mallard or Maillard? I don't know. I'm going to go with Maillard because that's one of those principles when brown meat. I like that. So we're going to go with Maillard here. And he sends us an email about the dichotomy of Christianity in the black community. And he's got a couple of points here that I know, again, because I'm not black and I'm not Christian.
Starting point is 01:09:55 So this is something that's news to me. He says kids are sent to chastity programs, much like the one you saw that used peppermint patties. much like the one you saw that used peppermint patties. Kids are taught by the church to view women as the enemy in a way by teaching that they only want them to get them pregnant and trap them. Girls are obviously shamed and called fast-tailed girls. Don't ask. No actual sex ed is taught ever, and you're looked at sideways if you try to teach it. Combine this with a patriarchal society,
Starting point is 01:10:21 you get an environment where single mothers are shamed instead of the guys, like the one who caused two out of every ten kids in each grade I was in in elementary school to be half siblings. Wow. It's a sad, sad system. That's a fucking weird elementary school, man. Yeah, dude. That's fucked up. The fucking eighth grade dance must have been awkward. A little bit.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Hey there, cousin sister, Would you like to dance? I got a message from Louise here. I'm going to read it. She says, Hi, boys. Glory Holes from the UK. I'm sitting in a pub trying to explain to my mother what cognitive dissonance is. I'm not being successful.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I suggest that she listens to your podcast. Ha, ha, ha. Poor woman. Anyway, you're awesome and you keep me amused while mucking out my horses. Mucking. They have such cute names for sex over there, don't they? I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:13 But I mean, I applaud you for the horse. Or is that masturbation? Mucking out my horses. Dude, whatever floats your boat. It's the UK. I mean, I can understand. Is that what they do at Glory Holes? I don't know. Muck out their help their horses anyway thank you louise thank you for sending the message and
Starting point is 01:11:31 thank you very much and i hope you were able to explain cognitive distance to your mother i would use a different medium that's just you know like in the future i would maybe choose wikipedia but you know, good luck. You could basically just hit her in the head with a rock and communicate information more cogently than our show. More cogently than we can. Yes. So in the very near future, we're going to be putting on another show, another show, midweek show. And that midweek show will hopefully have a guest on it. midweek show will hopefully have a guest on it.
Starting point is 01:12:06 And we're in talks right now to have one of two guests on, uh, either Ross from skeptically challenged or gamma atheist, David Viviano, uh, gamma atheist on Twitter. He also runs atheist hangouts. Uh, so they're actually both going to be on our show very soon.
Starting point is 01:12:20 We're not sure which one we're going to get ahold of first. Um, but expect one of them on in the near future and expect two shows next week. So that's going to be super, super exciting for all those people who like our show, which is like seven or eight of you. Like seven or eight people. I can't think why you would like our show. And it's exciting for you guys. So you seven or eight are going to have a great week next week.
Starting point is 01:12:42 And until next time, we're going to leave you as always with the skeptics creed credulity is not a virtue it's fortune cookie cutter mommy issue hypno babylon bullshit couched in scientician double bubble toil and trouble pseudo quasi alternative acupunctuating pressurized stereogramogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales pitch, late night info docutainment. Leo, Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls, Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, mosques, and synagogues. Temples, dragons, giant worms. Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, double-speak stigmata, nonsense. Expose your signs. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. friends, families, or of the local dairy council. you

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