Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 156: 0 out of 10 Lifeologists Recommended

Episode Date: June 9, 2014

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Want to stream Cognitive Dissonance to your Android or iPhone? Buy the app! Go to and click on the link on the right-hand side of the page. Each purchase helps support the show. Who is the guy on the other side, on the other side of the glory hole? Who's the guy on the other side, on the other side of the glory hole? Gentlemen, hello. This is Dan from Pittsburgh. And first off, a warm and pleasant glory hole to you and yours.
Starting point is 00:00:35 You know, I was just listening to episode 139, the wonderfully titled Bucket of... And two things occurred to me. of and uh two things occurred to me uh first i think that jewish heart surgery is now my favorite phrase i don't know how i'm going to uh work it into polite conversation without an awful lot of explanation uh and two uh there was another story you guys were talking about uh you know this never-ending line of stories about backwards, godforsaken, hellhole countries that still use Sharia law as a method of their justice system. And I got a little song stuck in my head. And in the long, grand tradition of cognitive dissonance,
Starting point is 00:01:21 listeners singing very poorly after this. Sharia law don't like it. Chop their hands off. Chop their heads off. Sharia law don't like it. Chop their hands off.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Chop their heads off. Okay, thanks, Mike. Hey, this is Desert Dave down in San Antonio. I just was driving to work, and when your one segment came on, I was able to lip sync the speaking in tongues, and I knew how many Ooga Chukka Ooga Chukkas there were, and I said, you know, I've been listening to this way too long, so fuck you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:04 You're driving me crazy. Oh, and glory hole. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. We'll be right back. news makes it big or makes us mad it's skeptical it's political and there is no welcome at this is episode 156 as evidenced by the handy dandy rss plus one counter given to us i'm sad that i can't purposefully forget the show no one else is. I don't think anybody else is. I think everybody else has gotten over it real fucking quick. I think so too. But I don't want to have
Starting point is 00:03:32 to come up with something even remotely clever to have to open the show with every week. It's a lot more and I think you can sympathize. It's just a lot more work for me. Right. Let's talk about here what's really important.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Can I? And that's making sure there's no more work. I have something that we can talk about for the very first, before we get into the first story, because it's actually on the sidebar of the first story that's loaded up on my piece here.
Starting point is 00:03:58 It's funny because most popular stories are pics, and essentially Rihanna flashes her boobs again. The second story, most popular, is Rihanna's see-through dress just undermines her strength as a woman. And then the third one is, watch Rihanna twerk in that see-through dress.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I love that the first one, the second one is like, hey, it undermines her strength as a woman. The third one's like, hey, you should watch her twerk, though. I mean, like, clearly, you know, we totally think a woman. The third one's like, hey, you should watch her twerk, though. I mean, like, clearly, you know, we totally think, you know, because it's a HuffPo that we're at, right? So clearly we totally think that it undermines her strength as a woman. But by the way, you should see that ass going up and down. It's like, I like that 66% of the time it's, let's gawk at her body.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Right. Then let's talk about how gawking at her body makes us, know yeah right yeah thanks huffpo i feel so confused i know i feel so it's just mixed messages i don't know which i should do i don't know which one i should actually i know which one i'm gonna click but you know what though man that's fucking huffpo in a nutshell though huffpo is like it's the fucking home for like mixed messages like crazy. It's like it's like crazy. Like, you know, hey, the right wing nuts are doing some crazy shit. Also, everything gives you autism.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I know. Take a million vitamins a minute. Like the right wing's going crazy. Here's our fucking new editor, Jenny McCarthy. Right. Exactly. It's it's it's, Jenny McCarthy. Right, exactly. It's like the worst of all possible worlds over at HuffPo sometimes. So that's where we'll get this story from.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Texas pastor Matthew Hagee ends the global warming debate with stunning new theory. Stunning. See, so the only thing stunning about this theory is that somebody could actually fucking say it out loud without cracking a smile the only way to make this more ridiculous is if he fucking squirted water out of a flower in his lapel while he was saying i will say when you say that his tie is sort of a clown tie you know what i mean like he's kind of got and the reason why i say that is the tie would probably look fine if it were on, say, a white shirt. But blue on blue like that looks terrible. It's really very awkward.
Starting point is 00:06:10 All it is is like you are unimaginative with your ties. That's all you could think. I am afraid of contrast. Yeah, he is. In more ways than one. I can play this clip. So let me play it for you guys. This is Pastor Matthew Hagee talking about... This is part of the Hagee Hotline, right?
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yeah, this is the Hagee Hotline. Hagee Hotline. The Bible asks this question, whose report do you believe? And the biblical answer is, we believe the report of the Lord. As a matter of fact, in another place in Scripture, it says, let God be true and let every. As a matter of fact, in another place in Scripture, it says,
Starting point is 00:06:49 let God be true and let every man be a liar. Wait, what? Yeah. Don't you remember when God had that report card and that's what you were supposed to believe? Like he got like meets expectations, needs improvement. Right. It's actually mostly all needs improvement. At the bottom, the teacher wrote, believe God, everyone else is a liar.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Right? Right. Is that what it wrote? Does not play well with others. Keeps smiting the other children. He drowned everyone on the playground. Can you imagine God's social skills report card? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Like, hmm, is vengeful. He scores in the 99th percentile in wrath. Yeah. Let's listen to more of what this dipshit has to say. It's the Bible's way of saying that when men are saying things that
Starting point is 00:07:40 contradict God's word, God's word is accurate and men are wrong. Isn't that like a self-fulfilling prophecy or whatever? Isn't it like declaring your own validity from your own book? Isn't that what that's doing? It's like no one is telling the truth but this book. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I mean, the reasoning could not be any more circular. Like Ouroboros is crying right now. It's not bad. It's a crying uncle. It's like, no, no, no more. In spite of their education, in spite of their expertise, in spite of their philosophy, whomever and whatever contradicts the word of God is not correct. The reason that I bring this up is because every day we pick up headlines that give reasons for situations in our world,
Starting point is 00:08:26 and many times those situations have nothing to do with the report. For example, we hear that all of the weather events that are taking place in the world today are a result of environmental impact of global warming, that emissions from factories and sorts of things are the reason why there's mudslides and the reason why there's hurricanes and tornadoes and earthquakes and all of these various situations. That's incorrect. Thanks for that. Well, there you go. It's incorrect. Cecil, do you remember when that nobody ever said that all of the weather events and all of the situations are due to factory emissions? All the weather events. Remember when that report from no agency ever?
Starting point is 00:09:13 From the no agency? Right. Yeah, pretty much nobody's ever said that. The Bible says that whenever we approach the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, that there would be strange weather patterns. Jesus said this in Matthew, the 25th chapter. So we have a decision to make. Do we believe what an environmentalist group says
Starting point is 00:09:38 and choose to live in a world where we're attempting to make everything as clean in the air as possible? Or do we believe what the Bible says, that these things were going to happen, and that rather than try and clean up all of the air and solve all the problems of the world by eliminating factories, we should start to tell people about Jesus Christ, who is to return? Well, there you go. Are you fucking kidding me? There you go. I know,
Starting point is 00:10:06 man, I think he fucking nailed that. I can't believe the guy is arguing against clean air. Like, look, you guys and your clean fucking hair. Oh, look at me.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I want to breathe. Look at you, my fucking bitch about a rainbow, motherfuckers. So ridiculous. You know who else complained about fucking breathing? All those motherfuckers that died in a flood. Dead now.
Starting point is 00:10:30 That's right. Should have listened to God. They needed a snorkel. That's what they needed. Fucking game, set, match, bitches. Yeah. That's fucking ridiculous. What a fucking ridiculous human being.
Starting point is 00:10:42 This is like. How could you even come to that conclusion? I can't even add that shit together. I don't know. Because of Matthew 25. Yeah. Yeah. It's Matthew, the 25th chapter.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Jesus said that the Lord Jesus said that there would be strange weather patterns. So see, so I happen to have queued up Matthew 25. Okay. At the moment. So this is where Jesus talks about the weather. At that time, the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
Starting point is 00:11:14 What the fuck does that even mean? No, no, no. Wait, you know what? Maybe I need to go a little further down because that's the parable of the ten virgins, so I don't think that... So this one is the parable of the bags of gold hold on though i'm kind of interested in the ten virgins i'm interested as long as when it ends there's not ten virgins ten virgins i know that's a myth.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Oh, that's awesome. Okay, so maybe it's in the second parable in Matthew 25. So, again, it will be like a man going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. No, I don't hear anything about the weather. So it could be in the sheep and the goats one. Sheep and the goats? Hang on, we're getting... When the Son of Man comes in His glory
Starting point is 00:12:07 and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His glorious throne and all the nations will be gathered before Him and He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He'll put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left. Of course He will.
Starting point is 00:12:24 You don't want to put the sheep and the goats in the same spot. Those goats are so gauche. I mean, come on. Let's see, maybe it's a little further. Then he will say those on his left. Maybe it's a little further in. I don't remember where he's like. And then the Lord Jesus
Starting point is 00:12:43 spaketh unto the international climate control. What do you want? Clean air, bitches. I'll just breathe a dead fig tree, motherfuckers. And he said, depart from me. You who are cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. That's the closest thing to anything warm. Weather?
Starting point is 00:13:08 Let me just look for weather. No, weather doesn't come up. What is it that could come up? Like, what is the, oh God, now I got to scan it just to see if there's anything in here. There's nothing. This is because the sheep and the goats is the one where it's like, I needed clothes and you gave me clothes and I was sick and you looked after me, blah, blah, blah. Like, hey, you, basically it's the one where it's like, hey, you weren't a big asshole.
Starting point is 00:13:32 And when you look back on the beach, there's only one set of footprints. Right, exactly. There's only one set of footprints. And then the footprints had kind of a stagger mark. And then there were hands because you were gasping for breath. footprints had kind of a stagger mark and then there were hands because you were gasping for breath. And then you died panting like a dog
Starting point is 00:13:48 on the fucking rotten beach. When I look back, Jesus, there's only one set of carbon footprints. They got smaller and smaller because he's trying to reduce. It's like baby hands at the end. Every time you recycle a can, baby Jesus moves his hands off his feet. This is the dumbest thing anybody's ever said in human history.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Oh my God, this is so stupid. Oh my God, this is so stupid. Oh my god, I love that he's just like, what do you want, babies? You want your clean air? I'm going to get you to cry, babies. Cry for me. Oh god, what an idiot. I can't believe someone would say that. Broke Cecil.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Oh, man. This guy is such a dumb fuck. Holy shit. It's funny. Is he like the son of that fucking jolly dude? I think he is, yeah. Oh, God. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:14:59 That fucking, that is not an intelligent line right there. No, I know. I know. It's so fucking amazing. Like, you look at this and it's like anything to try to shoehorn Jesus into a story. It's like, well, if there's global warming, people are like, yeah, you know, I mean, that's going to cause changes in the general weather patterns because, you know, the world's heating up and that causes shit to change.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That's not what Jesus said. Well, actually, Jesus didn't know fuck all about the weather. You know what? Jesus didn't know fucking, look at, think back to what it was like fucking 2,000 years ago. They had no idea if it was, like right now, I can look at my phone and I can tell you if it's going to rain Thursday. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:15:42 All right. My fucking Samsung is more powerful than your Messiah. Yeah. Tom Skilling is more prophetic than Jesus. I know. Do you believe what could be the world's most fearsome, destructive weapon? Obama's third term? Not really.
Starting point is 00:16:03 That's what Secretary of State John Kerry is saying about global warming. It's been so hot this winter. I don't know where Kerry has been spending his time, but maybe he's so wealthy they have a special house that all has tropical plants in it, so he feels like he's in the tropics. But the rest of us, it has been cold as the dickens. So, Cecil, this story comes from Time magazine. It's related to our previous story.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Sorry, a Time magazine cover did not predict a coming ice age. So there's this Photoshopped version of a Time magazine cover popping around. And I've actually seen this, and I've seen it cited before, too. It supposedly came from 1977 and on. It's got a penguin sitting on a glacier, you know, fucking an ice thing that penguins are on. And it says, How to Survive the Coming Ice Age.
Starting point is 00:16:58 51 Things You Can Do to Make a Difference. And then next to it, of course, is the contrasting article, which has a sad polar bear yeah he's like the magellan polar bear he doesn't have an oar and he's sort of floating out in the middle he's like in the doldrums up there so he's he's the shackleton of polar bears he's just fucked six ways from Sunday. He's stuck. It says, be worried, very worried.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Special report on global warming. And so supposedly it's like, ah, look, the fucking scientists got it wrong before. They thought it was going to be an ice age, and now it's going to be global warming. You can't trust those brain thinkers over at science. Yeah. Science-ing. In with the science.
Starting point is 00:17:46 So the actual Time magazine cover says. It's from a year later, actually, than the second one. It says from 2007, not 1977. And it has the same picture of the penguin. And it says the Global Warming Survival Guide. Right. 51 things you can do to make a difference. of the penguin, and it says, The Global Warming Survival Guide. Right. 51 things you can do to make a difference.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It still has a penguin. It still has the same penguin. But it doesn't have the fat guy from The Sopranos on it anymore. It doesn't. No, no. You know, I would point out that the meme that they're citing up above is from And there's clearly an irony there that I don't need to point out. You know, the internet is really awesome for finding information.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I mean, it really is a truly amazing thing. The problem is that that information is not vetted, right? So somebody can produce something that fits their ideas and just shoot it out there into the world. So you could just shit that thing out there and be like, I mean, they clearly Photoshopped this thing. They took off. If you look, since it's from a year later, it's from when that guy died, the fat guy from The Sopranos died, and then somebody else had cancer. And then they pulled those things off the top and switched it with another popular TV show, MASH. And then they had Living with Cancer with a different person's name.
Starting point is 00:19:09 You know, essentially, they've had to go out of their way to Photoshop this. And they're utilizing sort of this misinformation to get their point across. And I ran into this this week. I had the dumbest conversation I've ever had on Twitter before. And to be honest, I hate arguing on Twitter. And I really hate it when somebody includes you and they're like trying to argue with you. And there's like 20 people added into the conversation. You have like seven characters to argue with. I hate that. I don't even understand how that works. I'm just like, I can't, somebody asked us about Buddhism recently. And I'm just like, I can't answer you in fucking 82
Starting point is 00:19:42 characters. It's impossible for me to answer you in 82 characters. Not going to happen. But this person, I posted about Cosmos, and this person jumped at me and said, you know, it's a bunch of bullshit when Al Gore starts using energy like he thinks that there's going to be global warming. I'll start listening. And so I sent the person an article. I was like, well, he fucking totally redid his house in 2007.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I don't know if you saw this. So clearly you should start doing this. And then we got into this back and forth argument. At one point, this person's like, well, volcanoes cause more carbon emissions than humans do. And I sent back two articles to the person. I was like, no, they don't. They clearly don't. And here's two articles that cite that.
Starting point is 00:20:19 But the problem is, is that that sort of misinformation is what is spread when there's people who are denialists, right? There's this sort of misinformation that just gets spread out throughout the entire web. And there's so many different places that they can find that information that meets their criteria as being, this is valid. Then they're willing to share that with other people. I choose to find reputable sites, but, you know, memes are really powerful. People see these things and they share them and they get this viral quality to them and they can be shared all over. And the disinformation can just pour out. I'm glad that Time actually said something about this.
Starting point is 00:20:59 You know, I mean, the Internet is a confirmation bias wet dream. It is. I mean, that's really what it is. And that's really what it is because you can find places to live on the internet and think that you're bouncing around and never find any ideas that contradict what your beliefs are, what your conclusions that you've drawn to are. What's interesting about this – I mean that's the strength and weakness of the internet as a democratizing information source. But the interesting thing about this is it wouldn't make a fucking bit of difference if it was true. That's the first thing. It's like, well, in 1977, they said it was going to be an ice age. Like, yeah, well, now they're not saying that.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah. Like, that's not the thing they're saying anymore. And we need to listen to them because I'm not a fucking climate scientist. I'm a dude with an English lit degree that works in real estate. So when there is an international consensus about a scientific issue, which I have no ability to engage, like I can engage science on the most fucking rudimentary fucking glossed over surface level possible. Right. Me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I can watch documentaries on TV. I can read news articles. I can read the shit that other people boil down for me. That's it. I'm not a scientist. I lack the vocabulary, the training, the education. I lack most of the major tools necessary to actually do a sciencing. I don't do the science. I rely on other people that do the science to boil that shit down for me and then distill it in a format that's accessible. It wouldn't make any fucking difference if it was 1977 and they were saying there's an ice age. That's how science works. It corrects. If it was wrong about something, you know, 40 fucking years ago, it's allowed to be right about the same thing now. If it wasn't, I mean, it wouldn't be any fucking good. It would be dogmatic. And then, you know, I mean, you watch this fucking last week's Cosmos, and they're talking like people in the 1800s thought this shit was a fucking going to happen.
Starting point is 00:22:52 They like wrote like this last week's Cosmos. They had people from, you know, last, not last century, but the century before saying, hey, this is something that we need to pay attention to. We could really fuck some shit up, but nobody paid attention to him. And yeah, clearly I think that you're right about the confirmation bias thing. And I think it's really easy to fall into your own idiot circle. One of the things that was going on in this argument that I was having on Twitter was this person was talking about fucking – how Al Gore wasn't a conservationist.
Starting point is 00:23:24 He doesn't appear to be an environmentalist because of his actions and how he's spending lots of, he's gas guzzling and he's selling his billion dollar corporation to Al Jazeera, which is oil backed and all this stuff. And I'm just thinking,
Starting point is 00:23:36 who cares about Al Gore? Suddenly you've got to put this guy on a pedestal and be like, well, if he's not doing it, then environmentalism, being kind to the environment must be wrong. You're like, well, he has nothing to do with it. Like he made a movie and he's an activist.
Starting point is 00:23:52 OK, cool. If his actions don't match his words, it still doesn't disprove the science. No, man. What that is is that's trying to conflate the cult of personality that gets built up around an individual who becomes associated with a movement right and then you attack that that either the cult of personality or the personality themselves it's just a lame-ass form of ad hominem that's all that that is it's yep we're not going to address the science we're not going to address the claims what we're going to do is we're going to we're going to try to discredit the person they do the
Starting point is 00:24:24 same thing with Darwin. As if Darwin is, you know, if we can say that, you know, Darwin was a fucking shithead or a philanderer or something, which, I mean, he clearly wasn't. But even if you could say that, as if it would have any relevance on whether or not the theory of evolution were true, it wouldn't have any difference. The guy could have fucking come up with the theory of evolution and fucking murdered a hundred babies the next day. Yeah. It could have fucking, he could have been like, they could have fucking written out origin of the species and then fucking eaten kitten soup every day for breakfast. He wrote it out in the blood of the innocents. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And it wouldn't make a fucking lick of difference about whether or not origin of the species is true. Right. Like it would, it does. That's how science works. I also don't't understand just as an aside to all you people who are on twitter i seriously don't understand how you guys argue on there i keep on wondering like the one thing i always i always refer back to is that scene in fight club when marla and the narrator are talking he's like what do you get out all this like that's the first thing i think i want to ask all those people like what do you get out of all this? That's the first thing I think I want to ask all those people. What do you get out of all this?
Starting point is 00:25:26 Because there's really nothing to gain. I clearly didn't change this person's point of view. I refuted everything they said, and I did not change their point of view. They clearly still have the exact same viewpoint they had before. Nothing changed. All we did was argue in 142 characters back and forth. It really is a lousy medium for that kind of exchange. I think it's terrible. I'm curious what people get out of it.
Starting point is 00:25:47 If you are one of those people on Twitter that fights people all the time, tell us how you do it and what you get out of it. And tweet it at us. Tweet it at us. It reminds me of just lobbing artillery shells at each other. It really feels like that.
Starting point is 00:26:03 You know what I mean? It it's not really well targeted. It's not really well aimed. You'd be lucky if one of them scores a direct hit and you're just kind of shouting into the void like, I hate your mom! And it's not to say that arguing in any other medium on the internet is any better. I'm not saying that arguing on Facebook is better just because you get more characters. That's not true because I don't think I'm changing
Starting point is 00:26:29 anybody's mind on Facebook either. So Cecil, this story comes from the raw story. It's so weird. Gospel music drives North Carolina woman to ax stepfather in the head. A North Carolina woman was charged with assault with a deadly weapon over the weekend after gospel music drove her to hit her stepfather in the head with an axe. I want to point out before we start that he's okay. This is the part that blows my mind is that she hit her stepfather in the head and the hand with an axe before he was able to stop the attack.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And he was treated and released with a head injury and stitches. And I, I cannot help but think like, you don't know how axes work. Yeah. But I mean, you know, in her defense,
Starting point is 00:27:18 I also have to say that, you know, if you're a huge fan of gospel music, there isn't a lot up there to damage. It's like hitting a brick wall. You whack it, and you're just like, nope, missed the brain again. You know, you can blame her in the sense
Starting point is 00:27:37 that this is no way to solve problems. Right, yeah. But you can't blame her for identifying a problem. No, I understand. No, I certainly, you know, I think she should be fully prosecuted, but I understand what she did. You know, and truth be told, like, this is a woman you don't have to worry about in prison. Like, if you can hand her an axe and she still can't kill somebody, who cares what you smuggle into her? Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Like, you could smuggle in a fucking dagger, like a broadsword. A.50 caliber rifle or something. You could smuggle into a cake, a fizzing, loaded thing with, like, TNT with, like, the comical. Like an old-timey bomb. Like a big, round bomb. It's, like, still sizzling. It's like a Mario Kart bomb. round bomb. It's like still sizzling. It's like a Mario
Starting point is 00:28:24 Kart bomb. You could smuggle in anything. You could smuggle in a small nuclear warhead and she would fail to set it off. And in related news, a nuclear weapon went off in the women's correctional facility in whatever butt-fuck hole in the ground this woman's gonna be
Starting point is 00:28:42 housed in. 17 people were treated with head injuries and minor lacerations no one is dead yeah right everyone's fine i'm raymond massey and i have a special message for senior citizens today's doctors drugs and medical devices truly work medical miracles for young and old alike. But there are some as phony as a $3 bill. Investigate before you invest in health services or products. Help stamp out quackery.
Starting point is 00:29:20 So this next story comes from Policy Mike. PETA is pushing a startling campaign filled with bad science. Wow. I just got a thing. Do you agree that our generation needs a voice? I agree our generation needs those fucking pop-ups. That's what I agree with. You know, I only agree if our voice can be expressed through pop-ups.
Starting point is 00:29:41 That's the only way I agree. 140 character pop-ups. So PETA's got a new campaign, Cecil, and it's probably one of the least tasteful possible campaigns. It's a picture of a fucking sad face in a bowl of milk made out of Cheerios. It says, got autism. Oh, Jesus. It's so fucking, that's like the, wow. Yeah, and the reason why they did this, and it says, to underscore this argument, PETA included, I'm reading directly from this PolicyMIC article.
Starting point is 00:30:26 To underscore this argument, PETA included a grand total of one testimonial and two studies, one of which admits that they were inconclusive and the other, which says that one could hypothesize a relationship between a food allergy and infantile autism. The second one was from 20 years ago, because there aren't more recent studies that make this claim. So clearly they're using fear mongering to get their point across, which is what they do most of the time. I kind of think that PETA misses the mark on a lot of the things that they do. They try scare tactics and sort of visceral reactions on everything that they put out, even though sometimes the messages are pretty good. First of all, this is a junk message. Right, it's total junk. It's incredibly tasteless, right?
Starting point is 00:31:02 It doesn't mean anything. If I had a child with autism, I would be—I mean, I'm not even a parent of somebody with autism, but I find this I find this to be tasteless and offensive. You know, this is fear mongering on people's pain. That's all that this is like. This is a group of people who clearly do not give a shit about the feelings of other people. Right. They clearly just want to find the misfortune of others and use that fear as a tactic to put forth their agenda. And the thing that I find frustrating, we were talking about this a little bit before the show,
Starting point is 00:31:35 is I'm generally sympathetic to many things PETA, but I fucking hate PETA. They make me crazy. Like, I can be, I can have a very reasonable conversation about, you know, the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle, for example. And, and there are many very, very good arguments and very few, I would say good arguments toward eating meat, many very good arguments toward, um, vegetarianism or, you know, reducing meat consumption. Like they can have these conversations in ways that get their message across without being a bag of assholes.
Starting point is 00:32:12 But every time I see PETA, I'm just like, oh, my God, they're going to fucking just be incendiary for no reason. They're just like seriously the biggest fucking dumbest bag of assholes that I've ever seen. I know. I can't imagine a group I would want to support less. Every time I see them, I like want to eat a horse or something. It's like a bunch of horse and then bite its neck until it dies.
Starting point is 00:32:34 We Lord, we just asked it to be covered with the blood of Jesus. Open hearts, Lord. Open hearts. So Cecil, this story comes from just about everywhere. But we're going to go with the friendly atheist. Mass grave in Ireland holds the remains of 800, I can't even believe that number, out of wedlock children who died in the care of Catholic nuns years after a Galway area Catholic home for unmarried Irish mothers, because that needs to have been a thing, closed its doors.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Two boys in the grounds made a gruesome discovery. And what they discovered was a fucking septic tank filled to the brim with bones. Bones, it should be noted, of 800 children born out of wedlock thrown in a fucking septic tank.
Starting point is 00:33:19 It's a mass grave, they said, and when you have 800 babies that you're pushing in a mass grave, you have a tiny little bulldozer that you use. It's a very small little, it's almost like a Tonka truck. You just use the Tonka truck to push those in and then cover it up at the top. It's a little known fact that the nuns are actually the ones who came up with all those dead baby jokes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:41 all those dead baby jokes. Yeah. When I heard that they were in septic tanks, you know, I wondered about that because, you know, most of the time there's there's rules on where you can flush. You know, it's got to be a compostable. The babies dying is not the most horrible part of this story. You would think, you know, you'd be like 800 babies died. That's pretty fucking horrible. The thing is, is that it's how they died, right?
Starting point is 00:34:08 It's not just that they died. It's that they were maltreated. They were just not treated well. They're talking about like how these babies here, I'm going to read it. This is from the article here. This is from this Patheos article, Friend the Atheist. It says, many who were warehoused at the home near Galloway died because of lack of nutrition and medical care. A local board
Starting point is 00:34:28 inspection report from 1944 recorded 271 children and 61 single mothers in residence, a total of 333 in a building that had capacity for 243. The report described the children as emaciated, pot-bellied, fragile, with flesh hanging
Starting point is 00:34:44 loosely on limbs. The report described the children as emaciated, pot-bellied, fragile, with flesh hanging loosely on limbs. The report noted that 31 children in the sunroom balcony were poor, emaciated, and not thriving. The effects of the long-term neglect and malnutrition were observed repeatedly. So clearly fucking – this is not just – I mean I don't know. I mean I don't know of a good way for a baby to die, right? I can't – but part of me thinks quick is better than long, right? So like if the baby was let's say shook until it died, let's say they had a problem with abuse there, right? Let's say the baby was shook until it died and it died within a couple days.
Starting point is 00:35:22 That I think may be more merciful than a baby that is dying because it's malnourished yeah yeah i mean that's not fucking horrible that's a fucking insane thing to think you know in the same article they talk about you know that the the mortality rate um the child death rate at the home may have been as high as 50 percent 50 percent jesus christ i don't think Liberia has that rate. I mean, seriously, can you imagine getting sent to a place where it's like, yeah, they're going to take care of you. And by take care of you, what we really mean is you'll be kept in squalid conditions, underfed. And there's literally a coin flip about whether or not you come out the other side of this.
Starting point is 00:36:03 This story is so fucking sad. And, you know, this is not one of those cases where, you know, the nuns were struggling to do their best with, you know, a limited amount of resources and they couldn't make ends meet. And so, you know, this wasn't one of those things where it's like, oh, I just kept taking in cats until I got overwhelmed. This is a story where this appears to have been, if not purposeful, at the very least, very preventable. Because the nuns at the time were getting state funds for every head that they took in. And the amount of the state funds that they were getting for every head that they took in was more than the prevailing industrial wage at the time, which means that they had enough money to do better than this. And I'll tell you what, it doesn't take much money to do better than this kind of
Starting point is 00:36:55 horror and neglect. And, you know, part of, I mean, not part, I mean, the real issue at stake here is that this could only have happened if there is an institutionalized level of trust placed in an organization like a church which says, whoa, these immoral vagabonds and loose women, never mind the men who impregnated the women, but these immoral vagabonds and their loose women mothers need to get housed somewhere to be hidden away from the rest of society. And what better place than in the unregulated, unmonitored, charitable organization of these various churches?
Starting point is 00:37:38 And you see these abuses are fucking rife when there's no oversight. Yeah, and it's because the church has, uh, they have this reputation of being a charitable organization. They have this reputation that they carry with them that says, if you let us do this,
Starting point is 00:37:57 we will do a good job of it because we care for other people because that's what God wants us to do or whatever. The problem is, is that God's not taking care of the kids. People are, you know what I mean? Like you can talk about how great God is all day, but it's humans who are doing the work. And so, you know, you can, you, I feel like, you know, you're absolutely a hundred percent right. Not only were they trying to stuff these people away, but they also walked in with a reputation they shouldn't have had, and they wound up killing lots and lots and lots of children.
Starting point is 00:38:28 So we're going to take a short break and give you some information on how to contact the show and how to donate, and we'll be back right after this. Want to contact the guys? Go to to get links to their Google+, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. If you want to contact them directly, send an email to Dissonance.pod you want to contact them directly, send an email to
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Starting point is 00:39:31 and it's also from the friendly atheist, although it's awesome in a way that 800 dead babies is not. It's way more awesome. Christian Ministry quotes Adolf Hitler on Billboard, not realizing that's a bad idea. The fucking very best part of this, the very best part of this, Cecil. It's really the only thing that you can talk about in this, right?
Starting point is 00:39:51 So there's two parts to this. I'm going to read the billboard real quick, and then I'm going to point out two things. So the billboard says, he alone who owns the youth gains the future. That's the first quote. who owns the youth gains the future. That's the first quote. The second quote, incidentally,
Starting point is 00:40:06 in much smaller font, train up a child in the ways he should go. Even when he is old, he will not depart from it. One of those quotes is from Adolf Hitler. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And is cited as such. Cited. I love that it's cited. Like, it wouldn't even be funny. It wouldn't even be amusing if it wasn't cited Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler. The best part about it, Tom, is that it's written in, like, comic font. Like, it's like his Adolf is like wacky comic font.
Starting point is 00:40:39 It's like, hey, Adolf Hitler did this. That's the best part of it. Adolf Hitler loves Comic Sans. He really does. It's the bigger of the two quotes. Yeah. Like, it got more real estate on the fucking sign, and the attribution is in bold red letters. The trade up a child is also really despicable.
Starting point is 00:41:01 It is. Oh, for sure it is. But it's like, you didn't think like nobody told you in the process not even the sign guy that's what i keep thinking back to because my dad was a sign guy and if somebody came into my dad's stores like i want to get a fucking adolf hitler sign my dad would look at and be like why do you want an Adolf Hitler so like really you're gonna put this on like I-55 you know like people in the driving past the Stevenson are gonna notice the fucking Adolf Hitler sign right nobody's nobody stopped to say really and give them the old one eyebrow raise
Starting point is 00:41:39 kind of ask them if they thought this was a good plan? You would think that somebody, but part of me wonders if the person is just dim and just doesn't know who Adolf Hitler is. But I can't imagine. It's so steeped in culture that there's no way you could be a person who could actually write this sign and have missed who Adolf Hitler is. How do you miss who Hitler is? I mean, I don't care who you are. It's Hitler.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Oh my God. They do say, they said, we're pulling the billboard. Billboard? Billboard. And certainly never intended to cause confusion. Herbert Hoover would have been a far better one to quote when he said, children are our most
Starting point is 00:42:23 valuable resource founder james anderegg told the ledger inquirer we are a children's organization had honorable intentions and nothing else it's like well yeah actually literally anyone else who's ever spoken would have been a better person to quote than adolf hitler like you could have quoted like Goebbels or whatever. Right. I mean, Pol Pot would be better. Himmler. Right. You went right to the top of Earth's perennial shit list. You quote Stalin all day.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Like Stalin Mao. Genghis Khan. Yeah. No problems. Who's that guy on the other side of the glory hole? It's Jesus. This story also comes from the Raw story. Homeschooling expert.
Starting point is 00:43:10 This lady's face is the best. Let me get through the title, then we'll make fun of her. This lady's face. Look at her. She's like. She's like trying to push her own brain out through her eye holes. It's the best. She looks like she just sat on something that has been forcibly inserted into her anus.
Starting point is 00:43:36 She is absolutely shocked by it. She's so rosy-cheeked. She is. She really looks very surprised. Homeschooling expert. Sex ed is a liberal plot. Make kids watch guinea pigs do it instead. What?
Starting point is 00:43:57 So I want to point out that there is evidently such a thing called a homeschooling expert. You know how they get that is they just stay home a lot. Yeah. What qualifies you? Like, do you have a degree in homeschoolology? Where do you get that degree? At home. No, that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I fucking traveled to the University of the Garage. and travel to the University of the Garage. I got my associates from the breezeway. Yeah, so this person is evidently being billed as a homeschooling expert by a bunch of Tea Party nuts. And she warned that sex ed courses were a plot to increase the number of Democrats by destroying marriage. You've got to read what she says there, though. She says, people say to me, why would they teach such awful things to our children? No one says that. If you go deep down and you connect those
Starting point is 00:44:58 dots, you see that when children are desensitized to sexual things, that affects their ability at a later date to bond with a spouse. And so if you have somebody who can't bond, they're not going to have a stable marriage. And when you have unstable, broken households, how do they vote? Democrat. So this is a very evil underlying intent. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Cool story, bro. That's awesome. okay cool story bro that's awesome i i i love later on in the article when she talks about how she learned how to have sex was she watched she's like teenagers shouldn't be looking at sex on the internet they should be watching animals do it in the street actually that's how i taught my children we started with the boy guinea pig and we had a girl guinea pig that clearly liked each other. You really can't see anything because they're big, furry little fur balls. I mean, that's why there isn't any guinea pig porn movies. And she's got a point.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Although, to be honest, I bet you there is a guinea pig porn movie. Look. If you can think of it, there is a porn movie for it. First of all, there are furries out there. Yes. Who are absolutely guinea pig porn movie makers. That's a fucking dead ass certainty. Seven billion people on the planet.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Somebody's making guinea pig porn. I don't care. Right, right, right. There's somebody out there who is making guinea pig porn and if they're not doing it, they're fucking doing it right now because this crazy lady suggested it. I'd watch that. They're getting the idea from this show right now.
Starting point is 00:46:33 They're like, yeah. And I love her comment that they should learn it the way I did by watching animals do it on the street. I have never seen animals fuck on my street. Never once have I looked out the window and been like, there's a couple of mountain lions fucking each other on the street. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:46:51 That's never fucking... Where do you live? Are they just fucking rabid dogs roaming the streets of wherever you fucking live? And then, you know, for her first time on her wedding night or whatever, she just, like, turns around and puts her hands up like little paws and she's like, do it guinea pig style.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Guinea pig style. Take me like a guinea pig. She's probably really shocked when her husband went, you know, a minute and a half. She's like, well, the guinea pigs are done in like 30 seconds. What are you doing? Well, when she gave birth, she was expecting a litter. That's the other, that's the other confusion. And she was waiting for more teats to pop out on her stomach.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I thought that the point of the church was to worship God and the boy fucking was just incidental. No, it's just the other way around. The point of the church is the boy fucking. All the other stuff is just busy work. This story comes from a
Starting point is 00:47:41 raw story as well. This is fucking weird. So weird. And I quoted when I tweeted this. I quoted because there's simply nothing more absurd than the actual quote here. New Jersey diocese, we're not liable because molesting boys is not part of a priest's official
Starting point is 00:47:57 duties. Must be on the unofficial list. And this was the tweet quote, right? No, Tom, this is other duties as assigned. I don't know. So this is actually what the attorney argued. So how can you determine, Cecil, when a priest is on duty and when he's not on duty?
Starting point is 00:48:21 You can determine a priest is not on duty when he is molesting a child, for example. Does he have to click clock out for that? This is kind of what I was going to say. I guess that's one way to punch out. So. He's inserting something in a slot, so. Gotta pull out the old time card, you know?
Starting point is 00:48:47 Yeah. So evidently that's it. So no matter what you're doing, like if you are, for example, in this case, on a youth group retreat, and as part of a church-sponsored youth group trip, you are diddling a child, sponsored youth group trip you are diddling a child you're not acting as a priest when you're doing that despite the fact that you're on a church sponsored youth group trip and you're clearly representing the church right because boy fucking is not allowed you evidently fucking like just you punched out moments beforehand like then that And that's the fucking legal defense. So I guess, Cecil, you can't do anything illegal when you're on any job.
Starting point is 00:49:36 So if I go to work tomorrow, and when I go to work, I shoot the place up, I wasn't on the clock. So the company doesn't have to pay me for that time. Which is good to know. Pay me for that time. Yeah, so when they finally write you your last check. Yeah, because it's illegal if they don't pay me for that time. Right, right, yeah. You know, there's some professions I think that you're just always on duty. You know, like police officers?
Starting point is 00:49:55 Always on duty. Right. Priests? I think you're kind of always on duty. No matter what, you're kind of always on duty. Because people are going to come to you no matter what time or day or whatever and be like i have spiritual issues i need to talk to you about i mean don't you shouldn't you always be open to that what are you just like be like sorry too busy fucking this kid to talk to you about you're saying i'm just very very busy i'm up to my balls and children
Starting point is 00:50:19 didn't you notice i punched out when I fucking dropped my nutsack on his chin? Isn't that, that's how you punch out as a priest. You know, that's how you do it. Look, priest is a definition. Like, it's not, I don't think it's, it's not like a, like, you're not a priest for 40 hours a week and then a lay person the rest of the time, right? Right, because if he could punch out of being a priest, then he can punch out of being celibate, right? Right. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:50:47 It's like it's not a job. Look, if that's the case, then I'm celibate too. I'm just celibate when I'm at work. Yeah. Right? And then when I leave work and I come home and have sex, then that's not – I mean, yeah, that's fucking – that's some stupid shit. Priest is a definitional calling. It's not a job like it's not like he wakes
Starting point is 00:51:06 up and is like he might have responsibilities and he might have defined hours where he has to meet certain responsibilities but let's not pretend that at some point he's not like he didn't it's like he's like on vacation from he didn't take his fucking two-week vacation from being a priest and gets to go on like a fucking sex tour of Thailand. Right. Yeah, sure. Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement,
Starting point is 00:51:35 full trance mediums, the Loch Ness Monster, and the theory of Atlantis? If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say. This story comes from The Gwyneth Paltrow thinks negative words and sounds can hurt Waters' feelings. On Gwyneth Paltrow's blog, Goop. It's really the name of her fucking blog. Is it really? Goop.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Just Goop. What does it stand for? Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwyneth. Ooh. Just goop. What does it stand for? Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwyneth. Ooh. Paltrow. Anyway, she's been suckered into that fucking bullshit by that Emoto guy, who probably invented the emoticon, incidentally. He totally did.
Starting point is 00:52:22 He put like a fucking equal sign with a fucking parentheses and everybody's like you're a genius but you know that that that japanese scientist masaru moto um so he's he's that guy what was that stupid ass fucking movie we saw cecil that's the fucking what the fuck do you know or whatever we know or something like that right and it's like it's that nonsense where evidently like if you yell at a glass of water, you make the water feel sad. That's fucking awesome. Look, I mean, the water in my shower must be miserable because it sees me naked. Yeah, no kidding.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Like, the water in my shower, like, how long does water's memory last? Yeah. You know, like, so the water comes, like, how would that even possibly work? Like, somehow, because I have water, did it lose its memory of all previous experiences when it goes into a glass and is now in front of me? And then I fucking say nice things to it, and it feels happy, and then what? I drink it, and it fucking comes out my dick?
Starting point is 00:53:19 How does it feel then? Abused? It feels abused and used. Disappointed like most things in that area? Yeah. How would that work? Anything below the waist feels super disappointed. Hell, anything above the waist feels super disappointed too.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Unless I kid around. Anything not blind pretty much is disappointed. I want to say like Carrie Poppy did something about this a while back. She had something on her blog or something that had set up where she tried to do the yelling at shit for like a week or whatever. It's like I would feel so stupid to be involved in an assignment. We're just like, fuck you, water. You're fucking stupid. I fucking hate you. And you're dumb.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Fuck you, water. You're fucking stupid. I fucking hate you. And you're dumb. You know, and it's funny, too, because it's like, well, wait a minute. We're like 75% water or something like that. Like, if you just yelled at somebody, they'd be like, oh, fuck. It would be crippling.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I know. That's the other thing, too, is like, how do you use this in your daily life? First of all, it's never been proven to be true. The science is obviously, obviously, obviously, yeah. But is this even remotely valuable? We know that there are physiological effects to emotional stimuli, right? Like we don't need to, we don't need to fucking make a glass of water feel bad about itself. Right. In order to do this. Like if I, if I fucking walk upstairs right now and start fucking yelling and screaming at my seven-year-old you know he's gonna he's gonna have a physiological response to that stimuli he's gonna get upset he's gonna have a fucking
Starting point is 00:54:54 big adrenal dump he's gonna get like all fucking worked up he's his face is gonna flush he's gonna start crying like there are we know there's fucking negative physical effects of emotional stimulus. We don't need to, you don't need to make rice go bad in a jar because you labeled it a poo poo hat or something, you know, dummy face. I hope that when you yell at it, you have to yell at it like a preschooler would insult another preschooler. You know, it's funny. This is a side that means nothing, but like Finn, my little boy, he's like a real sensitive kid. We don't swear around him really at all. And we don't name call in our house, and he doesn't have any older brothers or sisters that name call. So the other day, he was playing with some other kids, and he came up to me after he was done playing,
Starting point is 00:55:39 and he's like, Dad, I got to tell you something. What's up, buddy? That kid, he said a bad word. What did he say? And he looked all sheepish and he kind of did the back and forth to make sure nobody knows. He said, idiot. That's it?
Starting point is 00:55:59 I thought he was going to be like, he said, fuck knuckles. He said, fuck knuckles. He said, cock rag. That's like the worst. I'm expecting like the absolute, absolute worst. But he's such a fucking tenderhearted little kid. He was like, he was scandalized at the word idiot. When I was his age, I said, cocksucker and got soap poured down my mouth for it. I called my dad a dildo once.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Did you really? I did. I called my dad. I had no idea what it was or what it meant. Some bigger kid called me a dildo and I called my dad a dildo. That probably didn't work out so well. It did not. You know how many subsequent times I've called my dad a dildo?
Starting point is 00:56:43 Zero subsequent times. Let me tell you, when I was a kid, we were driving in the car and my mom's driving and I've called my dad a dildo. Zero subsequent times. Let me tell you, when I was a kid, we were driving in the car, and my mom's driving, and I hear her say, cocksucker. And I'm like, Mom, what is a cocksucker? She's like, don't say that. I don't want to say that. And so we get home, and it's like a day later, and the little girl next door pulls my hair.
Starting point is 00:57:04 You know, she pulls my hair, and I'm like, you cocksucker. And my mom kicks the door open from the inside. She marches outside, and she grabs me by the hair, and she drags my dumb ass back inside. And she drags me. I'm screaming and crying. Every kid, too, when I said cocksucker, every kid just quieted down like, whoa. And then you could just hear my mom like, boom, boom, boom. She's coming like King Kong.
Starting point is 00:57:33 She grabs me, drags me inside. And she fucking, she picks me up and she uses my hair to flip my head open. She grabs a fucking Lux liquid detergent and she sprayed that shit all up in my mouth. It was so awful. I'm like laying in bed later that day and I'm just like blowing bubbles. I'm like crying and I'm blowing bubbles. That's disgusting, man. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:57:58 It's awful. It was awful. I never said cocksucker around my mom until I was like 18 after that. So. I don't know which is worse, the bar soap or the liquid soap. The liquid soap was pretty horrible. That stuff was really terrible. It was really, truly disgusting. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I had to hold a bar of soap in my mouth for like 10 minutes one time. See, now that's bad. Yeah. Oh, it's so, because it like kind of burns. It's like. Yeah. Because you're not supposed to eat it. It's not.
Starting point is 00:58:24 It's not a food. Soap is not made of things that are good for your mouth, you know. And I'll tell you this much, Cecil, 36 years on, it didn't fucking work. And I can only eat like seven or eight bars of soap at one sitting. And then you're just full. Then I'm just sick of it, so. You want answers? I think I'm entitled.
Starting point is 00:58:41 You want answers. I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. So Cecil, this last story comes from the Telegraph. Indian court asked to rule on whether Hindu guru is dead or just meditating. He's still good. He's still good. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:58 So basically. This guy is in a freezer. They put the dude in a freezer. They put the dude in a freezer. They're like, don't worry, we're going to save him for later. I wonder if they wrapped him with like press and seal or something. He's a meditating Charleston Jew in there. Is that going to get a freshness datum? Are they going to?
Starting point is 00:59:43 You come back, and you're like, oh, fuck, it's all freezer burn. We need a new guru. We need better wrapping. They, like, oh, fuck, he's all freezer bird. We need a new guru. We need better wrapping. They, like, vacuum seal him. Yeah, he'll be fine. Just dust him off. Once you thaw him out, he's going to walk that heart attack right off. Hell yeah, he'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:00:03 So his holiness, I'm going to pronounce his name for you. His holiness, Sri Ashtashmaraj. That's totally it. Nailed it. He's the founder of Divya Jyoti Jagraj Tensha religion. It's a religious order. It's a property state worth about 100 billion pounds. 100 million. What's that about 100 billion pounds. 100 million.
Starting point is 01:00:26 What's that? 100 million pounds. Sorry. He's like 100 billion U.S. dollars. Right. No kidding. He died in January, and they're pretty sure that he's dead. But his followers, his disciples, have decided that he's not dead.
Starting point is 01:00:42 They threw him in the freezer. To save him for later. Well, they had to put him in the freezer because they signed him up for a 5K. They're like, we signed up for this 5K. There's no way you're missing it. He's fucking Thanksgiving leftovers. He totally is. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Oh god, so... He's dead. He's fucking dead. Yeah, because he has to survive living in a freezer. If he wasn't dead before they put him in the freezer, he's clearly dead now. Zero out of ten
Starting point is 01:01:26 lifeologists recommend spending months at a time in a deep freezer. You know, actually, as it turns out, about an hour in a deep freeze is for shit for you.
Starting point is 01:01:44 You don't need a lot of time. The moment you're solid, you're kind of gone, I think. I don't think you got any chance. So the followers have said that his holiness has been in a deep meditative state since his death. It's been a deep meditation.
Starting point is 01:02:00 He has spent many years meditating in sub-zero temperatures in the Himalayas. There is nothing unusual in it. He will return to life as soon as he feels, and we will ensure his body is preserved until then. And to that degree, I would agree. Once he can feel again, he will return to life. The problem is his body is fucking numb from being dead. You know what's crazy is you live in a country where
Starting point is 01:02:26 this is even a debate. I know. Where you're just like, I'd like to hear from the opening statements from the people who say he's not dead. So we want to thank our patrons this week. Chris, Rich, Lars, Matthew, Z, Mike, Maureen, Don, Michael B, Nakia, Vrod, and Sean.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Thank you guys so much for being patrons to the show. We want to thank everybody who donates to the show. You guys are awesome. We're super happy that we're able to get a little bit of money out of doing this. And your donation dollars do go a long way to making sure the show is possible. So thank you very much for all your generous donations. So we got an email from Roderick and Aaron, and they said that they found this very funny Tetris game review that we should read. So, Tom, did you want to read that?
Starting point is 01:03:29 Yeah, I'm going to read just excerpts from this. It's kind of awesome. So what this guy, Schtick, is, just to give you an idea, is he reviews video games in a Christian gaming zone. And he gives things a certain number of crosses, I guess, like instead of stars. So he gives things a certain number of crosses. I think this is a po-site. This looks like a po-site. I hope so. Either way, it's written. It's actually written in a way that's, well, you get the idea.
Starting point is 01:03:56 So he says, Tetris is unwinnable. You can only put off your inevitable defeat. This fatalistic aspect of the game should come as no surprise since it was originally created in 1985 in the Soviet Union, where the atheist government taught everyone that there is nothing but a bleak, pointless existence followed by death with no chance for salvation. It is claimed that the word Tetris comes from the game pieces all being made of four blocks, but in reality,
Starting point is 01:04:22 the game was named in mockery of the Trinity by adding a fourth hypostasis, the communist state, to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. It's fucking awesome. It just goes on in that vein. He says at the end, he says,
Starting point is 01:04:36 because of the danger it poses to people's God-given free will, an implementation of Tetris gets zero crosses. Zero crosses? I'm going to put a link to this. You guys take a look at this and see. I think it's a po-site, but I'll put a link to it. Thank you, Roderick and Aaron, for sending it in.
Starting point is 01:04:56 You know, what's funny is if you look down here, everything gets zero crosses. I think it's a po-site, but take a look and see what you think. We got a couple messages about natropathy this last week and uh it the naturopaths it says that the naturopaths actually believe in the four humors this is from michael did you know that i didn't realize i had possibly believe in the four humors i mean we were we were fucking around like the most ridiculous thing you can believe in now, like, is the humors. That's it. Right. Like, you can't, I mean, you can't, we can't even laugh about anything more absurd.
Starting point is 01:05:33 That is the, that's the height of ridiculous. Right. What else do we even do with that? I mean, at some point, you just have to shake your head and just say, hey, fucking credit where credit is due. Man, that's amazing. We did want to make a correction, too. In the last episode, we were making fun of the person for saying that a third of all deaths are from bad patient. Like she said something like doctors kill a third of all like are the third highest cause of death in the United States or whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Actually, that might be true. And that's the weird thing is like, I didn't realize that that was true. And I wanted to make sure that we covered this again, because, you know, if we said something incorrect, we want to make sure that we get the right thing out there. And there was a study in the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher than the 180,000 patients. It says it could be between 210,000 and 440,000 patients a year who go to the hospital for care and suffer some type of preventable harm
Starting point is 01:06:34 that could cause their death. I'm going to put a link to this NPR article on our website so you can take a look at it and peruse it. But maybe that clearly has something to say. Now, Tom, it doesn't change our view on naturopathy, though. No, it doesn't. Like, I mean, if that is the case, and, you know, the NPR article appears to be reasonably credible. So I found that to be terribly sobering. If that's the case, that doesn't mean that the alternative proposition is naturopathy. It means that more work needs to be done to fix that.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Like, that's what that means. Like, that doesn't mean that Western medicine is shit. It means that the administration of medicine is imperfect and needs to be worked on to get that number down. That's what that means. to get that number down. That's what that means. And it's also should be noted that that's it's they're not saying like, oh, yeah, well, you know, people went in for, you know, antibiotics and, you know, they got antibiotics and they died because they died. Right. Right. You know, what they're saying is that there was some kind of medical error. So that could be they went and got antibiotics and they got the wrong dosage or or they got the wrong prescription of something. So those are very, very different.
Starting point is 01:07:50 It's not saying that the treatment is wrong. Yeah. It's not saying that the treatment of those people is wrong. It's saying that the people were there and they were mistreated. That's a different argument. Because you're making an argument against medicine. You're saying medicine is wrong. No, medicine is okay in many areas. We just need to make sure that the people who are using and practicing that medicine are doing it the right way. We got a message from Mike. Mike says he's dropping a line to offer my services in the event that your show would like to have a doctorate level theologian as an expert advisor.
Starting point is 01:08:26 And Cecil, you did. You had some questions that you wanted to ask. Okay, so my first question as our expert advisor, how did we do on the Revelation episode? So go check that episode out. Listen to us and send us your critique, and we'll delete it. Okay? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I hope that we just get an email back that just says, nailed it. And you know, and here's another thing. Check out Matthew, whatever the hell he said, and see if you can find that quote from earlier on, that Hagee guy. Because I, clearly, I don't know what the hell he's talking about when he's talking about how there's a, whatchamacallit in the fucking weather. Because it doesn't say that in the... No, it doesn't. It doesn't say anything about the weather.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Maybe he's reading a different version of the Bible. So that concludes another episode. I'm going to hopefully be on a skit this week for the Herd Mentality Adam Rieks podcast. It's our hope to have Adam on our show soon. We're also looking to have David Viviano, Gamma Atheist. We keep saying he's going to be on. We haven't had an opportunity to meet up with him, but we're hoping to record with him on the following Monday.
Starting point is 01:09:37 But we're going to have a few different guests coming up here, so we look forward to that. And we will leave you as always with the Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo quasi alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized,Stereogram-Pyramidal-Free-Energy-Healing-Water-Downward-Spiral-Brain-Dead-Pan-Sales-Pitch-Late-Night-Info-Docutainment. crystal balls, bigfoot, yeti, aliens, churches, mosques, and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts,
Starting point is 01:10:38 shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only.
Starting point is 00:00:00 Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local dairy council. you

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