Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 193: Take It in the Asteroid

Episode Date: December 1, 2014

  Bryan Fischer Says Michael Brown Was Possessed By A Homicidal Demon - See more at:   Twin Cities Archdiocese sues insurers, saying firms won't pay abuse claims:   :     :   :   :   :   :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. What's up, guys? Shane in North Carolina. Y'all seem to have an issue with eggnog, and I just needed y'all to understand how delicious eggnog is. I love the warm, slimy greeniness as it goes down my throat. A little bit of rum makes it delicious. It can be cold. It can be warm. It can be hot. It can have a little nutmeg on it. It's delicious.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Y'all are crazy. First time I've had to disagree with y'all on anything. Glory hole, motherfuckers. Hey, guys. This is Tucker from the Atheist in the Trailer Park podcast. And you missed a little nuance thing about Michael Savage's rant, which just shows how fucking crazy he is. The U.N. Charter specifically prohibits people from countries that have a permanent seat on the Security Council from becoming president of the U.N.
Starting point is 00:01:11 of the UN. So unless Obama changed the charter of the UN, there is no way in hell he could ever be president of the UN. And as we all know, according to the right-wing nutjobs, the UN absolutely hates America. So they're certainly not going to change their charter to allow Obama to be president of the U.N. Love the show. Keep up the great work. Toodles. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Recording from Glory Hole Studios in Chicago, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical.
Starting point is 00:02:31 It's political. And there is no welcome at this episode 193. This is the return to normal, Cecil. This is our post-skepticon hangover episode. I think I'm still licking my wounds somewhere i'll tell you we put our drank on that's for sure uh we met some really cool people at skepticon first we drove out there with david michael from my book of mormon and had an absolute blast the whole time the whole road trip He's a really funny guy.
Starting point is 00:03:06 We had a total hoot with him. We went out to dinner with him one night, hung out with him in the bar a lot, and then we drove out there and back with him. We just had a great time. We wound up meeting just a ton of people that and that first and second night and just had an absolute blast just drinking and hanging out and chilling. Yeah, I had a great time at Skepticon. blast just drinking and hanging out and chilling. Yeah, I had a great time at Skepticon.
Starting point is 00:03:31 The whole reason we went out there, the whole reason that we went out there was just to go out and meet and greet some folks. That was really it. We definitely wanted to catch some of the talks, but I think those were ancillary for both of us. And we treated them as ancillary because we mostly just hung out in the bar for two days. Pretty much. And my liver now has calluses. I know.
Starting point is 00:03:49 As a result. But it was great. And the people we met were uniformly just really nice people. Like, everybody was super cool. Except Cecil. I didn't like that guy. Yeah, I wasn't a fan of Tom. We got a poster from JD.
Starting point is 00:04:03 JD gave us a poster. Yeah, a Saving Christmas poster with the fucking smug, shit-eating grin of Kirk Cameron. Did you see, by the way, that that poster is a ripoff of the Last Action Hero poster? Oh, is it really? Dude, Google right now Last Action Hero movie poster, and then it's the same exact poster. Wow, it's really close. If you put them side by side, they're seriously the same exact poster wow it's really close like if you put them side by side they're seriously the same poster wow the pose is the same it just swapped out a candy cane you know
Starting point is 00:04:33 the only difference between kirk cameron's movie and the last action hero which you are right tom it is almost exactly the same poster the only difference is is that last action hero actually has 37 percent of rotten tomatoes kirk cameron's at eight percent yeah well did you see that he went uh he went to his fans and was like hey you guys should fucking go to rotten tomatoes and try to boost this you made a bad mistake yeah it didn't work out you know i will say like that's one thing you cannot do on social media like you cannot shill your shit on social media like when you put the fucking call out on social media the fucking who however hard your fucking little fan base pushes yeah the fucking trolls love nothing more than a pushback what yeah and it's funny because he did get up to 33 percent of people
Starting point is 00:05:26 liked it for the audience score uh but that still is not it doesn't change the critics score right which is all anybody what do you look at i never look at the audience i never look at the audience score either not because i think the critics are any better but because i know that like there's a certain amount of people who just love going to the movies. You know what I mean? They could be like, I watched a paper bag blow in the breeze. And they'd be like, yeah, fucking awesome. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:05:54 That was a plastic bag, but still. Yeah, ridiculous. But we had a great time at Skepticon. JD was great. Really loved the poster. We're going to hang it up here in Glory Hole Studios. When I get it framed and hung up, I will definitely put a picture out there so everybody can see the decorations. It's actually kind of cool, Cecil, because at this point, the only decorations in Glory Hole Studios are fan-delivered artwork, which is pretty awesome. Well, that and the Glory
Starting point is 00:06:20 Hole itself. That's demonic, everybody. It is absolutely demonic. Well, the first story we want to cover comes from Right Wing Watch. And Brian Fisher is speaking up, Cecil. He's weighing in on the Ferguson controversy, the firestorm that has swept the nation about the killing in Ferguson of Michael Brown by a police officer. And Brian Fisher says that Michael Brown was possessed by a homicidal demon. Well, let's hear what he has to say. It's only a minute and 15 seconds.
Starting point is 00:06:52 This is from Brian Fisher's show on whatever, American Family something. There was a point at which, when he's talking to the grand jury, that Officer Wilson said, look, this guy was so big, he was massive. He was inside the patrol car. And here's the analogy that he used. He said, the only way I can describe it is I felt like a five-year-old holding on to Hulk Hogan. I do want to point out that Brown was only an inch taller than the guy in the police car. I just want to throw that out there. I'm not saying anything back or forth, whatever,
Starting point is 00:07:26 but I just want to say that he said he felt like he was holding on to Hulk Hogan. This guy's almost as tall as he is. Well, yeah, but, I mean, he wasn't as black. Oh, shit. And another time he says, The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon. That is how angry he looked. He comes back toward me again with his hands up.
Starting point is 00:07:51 That's when they were scuffling in the car. He says, when I looked at his face, I didn't even see his face. I thought I was looking into the eyes of a demon. And I think the chances are very good that he was. I think at this point there was a demonic presence that was operating inside Michael Brown's body, activating him, energizing him, driving him forward in this homicidal rage. So when he says he looked like a demon, I think that's because it was a demon. He was looking into the eyes of the demon that was driving Michael Brown to do
Starting point is 00:08:25 what he did. You know, Cecil, when he says it was energizing him, I can't help but think that it was probably monster energy drink. Because we all know that the monster energy drink, I mean, you've seen the video, right? Yeah, sure. Yeah, absolutely. That's a satanic energy drink. So what probably happened
Starting point is 00:08:41 is that Michael Brown drank the monster energy drink which was actually fucking evil satan homicidal demon drink but right yeah yeah easy mistake to make right um and then you know immediately was just possessed by a demon and randomly attacked a police officer yeah they put like demium oxide in there you You got to watch out for that. That's the worst. That's terrible. I got to be honest. When Brian Fisher says he was possessed by a demon, he was being nicer than most of the people on the Internet.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Right. Because at least Brian Fisher thinks it was something outside of him and doesn't like resort to calling him a thug or a shitty human being or somebody who deserved it. Right. It's impossible. It's impossible for any of us to know exactly what happened, right? I don't know what happened. Do you know exactly what happened, Cecil? I don't, but there's a lot of eyewitness testimony that is a little conflicting, but I certainly don't know exactly what happened. But, you know, it's amazing to me how many people claim to know exactly what happened.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You know, that's the thing is that like people speak about this with, you know, on both sides of both sides of the issue. And I'm not even espousing a side at the moment. incredible certainty as if they had some kind of like amazing prescience that allows them some kind of knowledge of the circumstances outside of what all the rest of us who are just like getting fed the fucking news reports would know um and it's i mean like that's every that's almost it's every bit as irresponsible as the brian fisher shit we're just like it was fucking a demon why because i fucking made it up well okay yeah that's great yeah you know i think he was possessed by the spirit of grand theft auto you know what i mean like fucking it's crazy like you're just making shit up if you're gonna say that shit yeah well i think a lot of people mistake what happened for a trial. I think that because the guy gave his testimony at the grand jury, and I actually had to look up where the grand jury was this week.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And it's actually a grand jury is a parent of a baby jury if it's like their father. So it's colloquially known as grand Joe, though. Grand Joe. If the jury's really young, they call it jojo instead it's just jojo you show up they just bake you cookies yeah it's like oh they make sure you're fed well the grand jury is just when they they take to see if something is worth actually having a full trial on so that's all they're doing they They're not doing, they're not espousing guilt or innocence. They're just saying, is there enough evidence to have a trial on this?
Starting point is 00:11:30 And that doesn't necessarily mean that what this guy said is 100% gospel truth. It just means that they don't have enough evidence or the evidence in this case is conflicting enough where they don't think that they could get a conviction. So they don't do it uh that's really all it's about so to say that uh that this person's testimony who shot him the the cop who shot him's testimony is 100 true is making an assumption you don't know whether or not that that testimony was 100 true right uh i read the the eyewitness testimony and it varies greatly and differs greatly from what the police officer said and a lot of that testimony that is is by the eyewitnesses has some very similar threads in it that are very different from what he said i personally think that there was it was convincing enough to actually have a trial.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But, you know, clearly I think a lot of people thought that. That's why there was such unrest. But all of this, everything that happened down there and all the police brutality cases that we run into can be easily solved if cops start wearing cameras. There's no reason not to have it. It actually protects the cops. There's I saw a video one time where this cop stopped this woman on a traffic stop. She was doing the test where you walk the line. It's the drunk test while she's failing it.
Starting point is 00:13:00 She quickly slides her cell phone into her bra. She fails it. The cop takes her back to the police station at the police station the cop lets her use the washroom inside the washroom she has a conversation with somebody and the cop goes up and listens he's still on a camera and a mic because he still has body camera on and he can hear through the door the woman asking what she can do to get out of this and the person on the other end of the phone essentially tells her to fake that he touched you fake that he sexually assaulted you so she comes out and immediately has a different story that he sexually assaulted her while they were out in the street well the cop says the first thing out of his mouth is well we
Starting point is 00:13:39 could go review the video i recorded the whole thing on my body cam and she immediately stops what she said oh sorry i was fucking totally mistaken because you have fucking evidence that proves that you did not touch me yeah there's there's really no downside that i can understand it's the same thing though that you know where they they uh they started taping in in many areas they started taping the um interrogation rooms you know because there was there was a lot of allegations of police abuse within the interrogation rooms. And they started taping interrogations. And crazily, they started taping them only for certain types of investigations. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Like murder only or something. Which I just think is like I think that's kind of goofball. Like, what are you are you running low on data storage like just tape them all like it's there's no harm in that what just tape them all we should we should be video it's 2014 we have the technology we have the ability to do it i recognize that there will be costs associated with it but there will be tremendous cost savings associated with it as well. And, you know, having evidence, having more evidence, more proof, more honesty into the system helps everybody in the process. And it helps, you know, if the police are actually out there doing good work for the
Starting point is 00:15:00 citizens, they can demonstrate that. They can come and they can get the buy-in of the citizenry and say, look, we're out, we're doing our job, we're trying to help, we're pounding the pavement trying to make your communities safer, and we have evidence and it's available for public review. And if that's not the case, then the same is true, that the citizens in an area, in a community can say, look, here's evidence that the police are not working for our best interest. They're not out there protecting and serving. bullshit that gets bandied about whenever issues like this come up. And then there's,
Starting point is 00:15:51 you know, some kind of social or civil unrest that erupts as a result. And then you get this, this backlash of, of people, you know, saying like, oh, well, you know, it's burning their own town and looting their own stores. And, you know, and I, and I just want to tell everybody, like, when I hear that, it makes me crazy because, like, rage is not rational. You can't ascribe a rational response to something that begins with rage. And right or wrong, fair or unfair, I'm not even making that determination in this context. even making that determination in this context. I'm just saying that when you get people together in a huge group and they are outraged and they are enraged and they start behaving in a way that is fueled by rage, you are going to get irrational behaviors as a result. That doesn't mean that those people are less than. That's just part of human nature.
Starting point is 00:16:46 That's just part of the unfortunate reality of being a social animal and an emotional, volatile social animal. And we are all emotionally volatile social animals. like unique about like black people or whatever that makes them like more prone to this kind of behavior is is the sort of like bullshit easy answer racist nonsense that doesn't push conversations about justice forward and they're they're they're fucking not only are they just untrue and uninteresting um but they they hold us back from coming up with real solutions to social problems. Let's not pretend that the only people that happen to riot are black people. Look at all the times that people have won sports championships or lost sports championships. Vancouver, the hockey game a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:17:41 It's not that only one type of person riots. People riot all over the place, and they do it all the time. You just happen to be picketing and choosing time that this happens to be mostly black people outraged by the community. The people in the community that are supposed to be protecting them are actually shooting them. That's it. Right. I mean, I'm not going to wave away either one and say that there's a good form of rioting,
Starting point is 00:18:08 but at least one seems justified. Your fucking hockey team didn't put a fucking small fucking plastic thing in a net enough times. That's not a reason to riot. Well, I thought that the, that the point of the church was to worship God and the boy fucking was just incidental. No, it's just the other way around. The point of the church was to worship god and the boy fucking was just incidental no it's just the
Starting point is 00:18:26 other way around the point of the church is the boy fucking all the other stuff is just busy work sister it comes from the star tribune uh twin cities archdiocese sues insurers saying firms won't pay abuse claims like a bad neighbor diddling the kids um so it turns out you can't get um terrible fucking person insurance like there's no rider for like that's it that's a shame tom you really need it i've asked for it yeah i've asked for it they don't offer it like those like roadside assistance no problem sir replace your windshield. Absolutely. Being a giant dick. Nope.
Starting point is 00:19:09 No insurance for that. Insurance for that. But the archdiocese is suing eight insurance companies in federal court seeking to require them to meet the terms of the substantial amount of insurance it bought to cover the type of injuries suffered by clergy abuse claimants. injuries suffered by clergy abuse claimants um and that's sort of unbelievable that an insurance company could possibly have a policy out there which covers the fucking bad actions i don't think you can get that's not the same thing as getting like an e and o policy like oh it was an error or an omission yeah or no a dude fucking a kid like i don't think that insurance exists i think they were looking for error or emission insurance oh nice yeah they it's not like it's not like the priest is just walking by and slips on a banana peel and accidentally sticks his hand on some kid's pants you know that's now that's an accident right But intentionally doing it is not an accident.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And what would they have to do to prevent something like that? Would they have to have like, you know how we have the signs that say wet floor? They would have to have a sign with a priest with his cock in his hand that says danger, horny priest. Why would you even presume that you could get such an insurance? I don't know. How does that conversation work where you call up your insurance broker and you're like, okay, so kind of awkward even asking this, but this policy does cover if our employees fuck children, right?
Starting point is 00:20:38 Like, I just want to, I know, I know, I know, I know. But really, I mean, like they can fuck kids and you'll pay for it. That's right. Yeah. You know, and then from this article, it says those insurance companies can save the archdiocese from financial disaster. Really? You literally own a country. Financial disaster.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Like your organization has its own nation. Yeah. You'll be fine. It has its own nation and national treasure. Right. Like, what are you talking about? Financial disaster. Like, call fucking Mother Vatican and give them a fucking wire you some millions and millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I know. You'll be okay. And I got it, you know too like if you go out of business because you're fucking children like if that's the reason you want a business and you're like oh we shouldn't really have to go out of business for that it's not like you went out of business because like you made bad coleslaw yeah right you're not like a fucking deli with like shitty recipes you know my dad used to own a sign company next door to the sign company was a deli and the deli got like a bad shipment of celery and they fucking made a food and they delivered it to a catering and everybody got sick. Like everybody got like
Starting point is 00:21:56 fucking salmonella and the company went out of business and it's fucking unfortunate, but it's something that sometimes happens. Okay right that sucks you know i mean didn't see that one coming but like an organization that like purposely like hides moving priests around that have sex with children it's kind of hard to be like oh man what do we do to keep those guys afloat i mean your dick's not too big to fail. Glory Hall, in extremely long black cock. This story comes from a raw story.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Pope Francis names a U.S. priest who hid reports of abuse to be Vatican prosecutor of sex crimes. And, you know, you read through this and you got to wonder, like, is there anybody else? Like, are you seriously so low on options? You're like, all right, I know you've all hid priests. Who has hid the least number of priests? Oh, no. Hiding priests is like a shell game for them. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:23:11 It's like the fox guarding the hen house, man. It's outrageous. An American Jesuit appointed by Pope Francis to oversee the prosecution of priests accused of sexually abusing minors allowed a Chicago priest to remain in the ministry for years after learning of his history of sexual abuse toward minors. Oh. Well, that seems like a good idea. Isn't that like putting, you said it was like putting the fox in charge of the head of the house. It's more like putting Fat Albert in charge of your chocolate bars.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Or like putting Pastor Manning in charge of your semen oh you know like your buckets of semen yeah you put that guy in lattes yeah the flavor's up the coffee it's in my latte but uh it's more like instead it's more like the elderly woman at the nursing home who hides her own food that's more like it secreting it under her pillow like it's just hiding priests yes it's like it's like a whole it's like a half rotisserie chicken in here how did you even get i'm not even i'm not even mad i'm just impressed the guy winds up uh shuffling priests around like you said and hiding it and they put him in charge of it i can't i just don't understand is there no priests without any kind of record at all?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Is there nobody you could go to? I don't, I don't get it. I like, seriously, that was like, I mean, I asked the same thing. I just, I have to think that at this point, they're just like, all right, we got a problem. Everybody has done this. Fucking everybody in this organization. You know who should be in charge of overseeing the prosecution of priests the police well let me ask you like cecil at at your job who is the person appointed to oversee the prosecution of kitty diddlers at your job oh uh
Starting point is 00:25:01 that would be there's this outside institution called the police that we use. You know, funny, we're outsourcing it to the same folks. Yeah, they're a consulting firm that we sometimes consult with. The best part is it's free. Yeah, it's free service. The price is right. Yeah, they're a nonprofit organization. It's a simple, like it's been a simple solution the whole time, right?
Starting point is 00:25:25 Like this is not like a thorny issue. It's going to be tough to deal with. It's not a thorny issue. If you think somebody's fucking kids, call the police. If they're not fucking any kids, then they won't be fucking, you know, thrown in jail for fucking kids. Right. Did you see how much money they paid out 19.6 million to settle a civil suit yeah you know i got it i mean i know you would disagree with
Starting point is 00:25:51 this but like the church is systematically so corrupt in so many ways it is hard for me not to see something like that and kind of celebrate a little because it does hurt them. And even though I make a joke about like they own a country, like they do own a country and they do have millions and millions and millions of dollars. But, you know, part of me kind of wants to see that organization really financially hurt or even bankrupted if they can't get this shit under control. I mean, get this shit under control. Like this is these are not difficult problems for you to address a zero tolerance policy toward having sex with children seems relatively easy to institute literally everyone else does the exact same thing there's
Starting point is 00:26:37 nobody that's like oh we got some wiggle room on that one yeah like you know nobody's like opening up the new like new employee handbook and it's like oh i you know as i was looking through this how many kids can we fuck in quarter three yeah i don't know like no i mean like what if my numbers are good like if i if it's looking solid can i get it like at least one two like what if it's a teenager can i no none of that huh you have you have on your on your pay stub it has vested and unvested children that you can ban. Abortions for all. Very well.
Starting point is 00:27:16 No abortions for anyone. Abortions for some. Miniature American flags for others. Yay! So this story comes from Right Wing Watch. Mike Huckabee, abortion rights worse than the Nazi Holocaust. Gay marriage dooms America. This man was almost a president.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah. Just throwing that out there. Like, this dude made a real solid running for the presidency. Wow, crazy. He has a whole two minutes here. Yeah, let's do it. This is Huckabee giving an address. We wonder, with some sensible wilderment,
Starting point is 00:27:56 how is it possible that since 1973 alone, over 55 million unborn children have died in what should have been the safest place that that baby ever experienced the womb of its mother. How did that happen? Because our pulpits were silent and forgot and failed to teach that every human life has value and worth. And there's no such thing as a disposable, expendable human being, that all of us are created equal. Even our Constitution, our founders acknowledge that,
Starting point is 00:28:25 and our Bible affirms it. Well, thanks. I'm glad your holy book affirms it. Yeah, well, there you go. As long as it's in the Bible, then I really don't see how you can go wrong. The Bible affirms a lot of shit we don't do, it turns out. Oh, so you're saying that's not a book we actually take seriously anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And our failure to speak it because it was a political issue will cause us one day to stand before a holy God with blood on our hands and explain why we did over the 11 million killed worldwide and the million and a half killed on those grounds. Cannot we feel something extraordinary about 55 million murdered in our own country in the wombs of their mothers? Does that not speak to us? That little slow clap going on there. Yeah, I was going to say, the fucking applause is half-hearted.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Yeah. Like, yeah, let's compare fully actualized human beings to a clump of cells. Yeah. That's a real thing. It neglects the fact that most abortions happen well before there's a human thing in there. Right. Well, again, that's that whole like, yeah, it's a human as soon as it's born sort of idea. And it's like, yeah, it's not. It's just not. Well, it's a human as soon as it's born sort of idea. And it's like, yeah, it's not.
Starting point is 00:29:45 It's just not. Well, it is a human as soon as it's born. Well, I'm sorry. As soon as it's conceived. Sorry. Tom was like, stand there with a katana. Oh, it came out. Quick, throw it in the air.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Throw it in the air. I want to hit this one. No, no, I'll get the next one. I'll get to like playing fucking baby t-balls. You're the worst person to have around the maternity ward. Yeah, it's not even the same thing as, like, you know, he says, like, babies that are being slaughtered. Like, yeah, that's not, I mean, it's just not a true thing, man. It's just the language.
Starting point is 00:30:20 But it's that rhetoric thing, right? It's him using the right language to get people emotionally thinking about it. Right. Because what it makes it sound like is it makes it sound like what you described. Like babies are coming into the world and there's some fucking doctor standing there, like fucking Dr. Giggles, like, ah! And like fucking stabbing these babies. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:39 They just have them right at the garbage disposal. They don't even do anything with them. They just throw them right in the garbage. Just like, eh, whatever. Whatever. It'll die eventually. Fend for themselves. Throw them fucking on the top of a fucking mountain like Sparta. And the foundation of our society and culture, marriage, not only by which we produce the next generation, but it is the entity through which God has chosen for us to create the next generation and train them to be our replacements.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And when we tinker with its definition and we decide that it can mean anything we wish for it to mean, and that rather than to take a biblical perspective, we will take a very human one, and we will base marriage on human experience and desire as opposed to biblical standard, then I fear that we will pay the consequences. What are the consequences? People that love each other can get married? I'll take those consequences. Yeah, I love the idea. Like, wow, we're going to take into account the human element of it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah, because we're human. Yeah. Like, that's what we should be doing. We're not a Bible. Like, are you a Bible? I're not a bible like are you a bible i'm not i'm not a bible i'm a fucking human being and like when i look at my life and i look at like how we should set public policy and when i try to think about what is what is the only way that we can uh legislate um moral acts you have to if you don't take into account the fucking human condition and what human beings want and how human beings live and act and breathe and if you don't allow that shit to change over time just like well what does the bible say i don't know it's fucking
Starting point is 00:32:15 irrelevant so you're picking and choosing that particular passage anyway because there's plenty of passages right around there where they talk about all kinds of crazy shit that you can't see. This guy probably eats fucking bacon. You know, look at him. Oh, the guy is fucking made mostly of bacon. He probably just dips bacon in a mayonnaise jar and eats it. Hey, that was my lunch. Thank you very much for having upended the very foundation, which is the essence of how a civilization survives oh give me a break
Starting point is 00:32:46 and so the soul of america is in real trouble well turns out america doesn't have a soul yeah and uh i guess like when america dies and goes up to heaven and god's like oh wait aren't you supposed to be like a big chunk of the continent get back down there people fuck i gotta build pangea again fucking that's just fucking this whole thing is fucking stupid and you know it's and it's also just not true when he's like because our pulpits have been silent motherfucker none of those pulpits have been silent what are you talking about our pulpits have been silent you know it's like just as bad as when they're like yeah we're a persecuted minority and the fucking church has been quiet. Like, where do you fucking live?
Starting point is 00:33:30 Where do you live, dude? The fucking church is the loudest thing ever. Constantly screaming about this nonsense. Somebody posted on Facebook today with this story and said at least he's consistent and he does consider life to start at conception so it makes sense that that's a horrible thing and he he compares it to auschwitz whatever he doesn't the person who posted it said they didn't agree but it's logically consistent and i can't disagree i think that if i thought wrongly like he does that somehow that's a baby at conception then i would be just as appalled sure but and i actually do have you know my own limits based on what i think is viable outside the room
Starting point is 00:34:13 and i think that there should be some discussion of that uh but it just feels like uh this is it's just too much it's just he wants to ban it all. I mean, you could hear what he's to say. Just wants to ban it all. Well, that's just there's no room for that. There's no room for your ideology here. Come back to the table with a more tempered view, a more understanding view of what women go through, a more understanding view of why women do it. And then we'll have a conversation. Women do it. And then we'll have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:34:48 But instead, you want to talk about a 2000 year old book that most that some people just don't even think is a real thing. Right. That is that is a magic book. There's a lot of people who don't agree that that book is magic. And somehow you're going to legislate with that. Well, go fuckers. Take that book and shove it as far as you can up your own ass. Look at El Salvador. Like we just covered that.
Starting point is 00:35:02 What? Two weeks ago. Yeah. Right. You know, like a total ban on abortion in el salvador leads to tragedy after tragedy fucking endless tragedy it's it's not a better society you're not building a better society and it doesn't so when you look at that shit and if it doesn't answer the question like how do we build the best most just society if it doesn't bring you down that path,
Starting point is 00:35:26 then it's fucking nonsense and you're not asking yourself the right questions. So we're going to take a break and give you all the information you need to become a patron of the show. We'll return in just a moment for the rest of the program. Want to contact the guys? Go to to get links to their Google+, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.
Starting point is 00:35:42 If you want to contact them directly, send an email to Dissonance.Podcast at to their Google+, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. If you want to contact them directly, send an email to dissonance.podcast at, or you can call and leave a message at 740-74-DOUBT. That's 740-743-6828. Do you want to support the show? Go to That's p-a-t-r-e-o-n dot com forward slash dissonance pod. Or click the link on the podcast homepage, and you can donate to the production of Cognitive Dissonance on a per-episode basis.
Starting point is 00:36:14 If you can't spare any money, take a second to give us a five-star review on iTunes or Stitcher, or spread the word about the show. We want to send a big heartfelt glory hole to all the patrons and people who rate us. You fucking rock. So this story is just sort of incredible. This is from the Raw story. Houston pastor refuses to bury 93-year-old woman who didn't tithe enough while in a coma. This is just a horrible story. So this poor woman was 93 she attended the same church
Starting point is 00:36:47 for 50 years um and the fucking pastor was like yeah fuck i'm not gonna funeralize her in the church because she has not paid her fucking dues for the last two years so i guess the fucking first 50 didn't count and ce Cecil, the thing that makes me nuts is that when confronted, the pastor says, he says, sir, even though your church is closed on Friday and I've offered to pay the cost to have this funeral in your church, you're still refusing to allow this funeral for a member who has been part of this ministry for 50 years? this funeral for a member who has been part of this ministry for 50 years the pastor answers membership has its privileges isn't that the american express logo that's what i was gonna say that's the fucking douchey like fucking entitled american express thing right like yeah
Starting point is 00:37:37 you're not good enough for this membership has its privileges. Membership has its... It's not fucking a member of your fucking shitty-ass brick church in Houston. Fuck you, dude. She was in a coma for a few months, and she missed going to tithe there. And so the pastor was clearly upset. But you should have saw how upset her personal trainer was that she didn't come for two straight months. set her personal trainer was that she didn't come for two straight months they had even set up like they they even had created their own little like workout of the day for her and it's just 90 minutes of planking but still it's like they had created the whole workout based on that and she didn't show up for two months tom it's fucking rude i mean the barista at starbucks canceled her gold
Starting point is 00:38:22 card that's it Her fucking stars expired. No fucking free drinks for her. The first full week she missed, every day her drink was waiting for her at 817. Sitting there, getting cold. Just waiting for her to walk in. While she fucking rudely lays in a coma. Oh, look at you, unable to move, think, or breathe. Fucking selfish.
Starting point is 00:38:44 That's what that shit is what is this site this pimp that they keep referencing in the fucking story i have no idea man like i kind of didn't want to click on it at work i gotta be honest with you that was one of those ones that you're like i don't know that that's gonna be a good thing to find in my browser history if i get hit by a car on the way home. Right? I actually found this story on my phone, and it's a corporate phone. So I was like, no.
Starting point is 00:39:12 You know, I don't know what your experience in the church was, but they couldn't tell who tithed. Yeah, it must be some sort of weird, like, giving checks directly to the church. Because in the Catholic tradition tradition which is what i was brought up in they pass a thing and so unless you're paying by check they would never know who gave right like i remember they literally passed a plate and my dad would put like 10 bucks in the in the plate and it would just pass along and it'd be full of like you know money and like cash mostly like hard there were hardly any checks wait tom you used to put money into the plate well my dad did oh shit i've been doing it wrong the whole time says it must be male and female
Starting point is 00:39:56 it must be opposite of one another everything in the universe testifies against the sodomites and against the sodomite gospel and against the sodomite bible so the story comes from metro uh former leader of gay cure group marries male partner also known as no shit so the former head of a group that claimed it could stop people from being attracted to those of the same sex has married his male partner. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Shocking.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Shocking. That's something like that. That, my friend, is called a curveball. That's what that is. A curveball. I would have never saw it coming. Yeah, I love what he says in here. He says, I believed in faith that something was going to happen, and it never did.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And so at my age, right now in my life, I don't have that many good years left in me, and I can't live like this for the rest of my life. So I just said, no, I'm not willing to keep pushing after something that's not going to happen. So it turns out you can't will yourself to just be attracted to people, despite his fucking efforts to get other people to just will themselves to be attracted to other people i think it would be awesome if he still kept his job so like if he was he if he was the leader of a gay cure group and then he still married his male partner but he's like no no you guys keep trying i couldn't do it didn't work you guys keep trying i'm sure you can make it on your own i hear really good things yeah awesome things about this i mean i wouldn't touch a woman with a fucking 10 foot pole because ew cooties but you know you guys definitely you definitely want to just do the old switcheroo on
Starting point is 00:41:36 the attraction cycle there that's that's you just need a few more years that's the thing is i don't have those years in me but you guys do yeah you're young so you want to waste like like the years when you're when you're really the most vital you know and most energetic like those years where you're like most filled with passion those are the wasting years yeah that's that's how you know i actually i love it when this shit happens though because it just fucking sticks a big fucking pin in the balloon of this bullshit every time it happens. Yeah. Well, they'll just probably say that he's weak or whatever. This doesn't affect them in any way.
Starting point is 00:42:13 It certainly shows everybody outside of their sphere of influence that this sort of thing probably is harmful and at least in this case certainly did not take in any way and it confirms our bias already it confirms the things that we already know about what's what what uh what goes into human sexuality but for the people who really truly believe that you could pray away the gay they probably just think he's weak or possessed by some homo demon or whatever is making him do it by the way i just want to say that on the right for mine the must read section on the right of this page for metro what is this metro uk uh i gotta say the fucking loyal dog is still waiting at hospital where owner died two years ago is the most fucking depressing thing i read today it's so sad but it's like immediately begs the question
Starting point is 00:43:06 like instead of fucking writing a story about it can't somebody just adopt the fucking dog the dog will go with someone else like it's a dog you know dogs are just i mean like my dog i think loves us but you know it also loves snossages. You know what I mean? Like, it'll get in your car. It'll get in your car. It'll forget I existed tomorrow. Can you believe what could be the world's most fearsome, destructive weapon? Obama's third term? Not really.
Starting point is 00:43:43 That's what Secretary of State John Kerry is saying about global warming. It's been so hot this winter. I don't know where Kerry has been spending his time, but maybe he's so wealthy they have a special house that all has tropical plants in it so he feels like he's in the tropics. But the rest of us has been cold as the dickens the story is from the raw story uh creationist ken ham climate changes earth settling down after god punished sinners with the flood um i think it's nice that uh that that finally earth is settling down it's found a good uh it's found somebody good that that it wants to spend the rest of its time with and i think that's nice you know it's sowed good that that it wants to spend the rest of its time with
Starting point is 00:44:25 and i think that's nice you know it's sowed its wild oats settling with that whole flood thing like when it when it filled up with mystery water right and destroyed all life on the planet and then mystery water immediately just disappeared it put itself on uh on planet right and it wound up settling down with Venus. It's finally moving away from Tinder and toward Match. It's really looking for something a little more steady. You know? No more of these one-night stands with moons and fucking anything.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Asteroids that just come and go. It only takes it in the asteroid, really. Right? To be honest. These comets just blasting into its surface, crater after crater. Going home the next day unsatisfied, totally ready to settle down. His idea is that it settles down because God made a flood, and we look at the Earth in such a way that we're looking at over at a longer time span but we just got to recognize that god gave it a flood and now the earth is finally sort of
Starting point is 00:45:32 getting after 6 000 years it's finally sort of getting where it needs to be yeah and this is and this is where the earth needs to be we know because this is where the earth is now right you know as god said and so like if you have the mindset that everything like that's what makes me crazy about that whole like well everything happens for a reason well that is a stupid way to think about the world like yeah everything happens for a lot of reasons mostly physical and chemical in nature not fucking weird jumbo nonsense fucking metaphysical like everything happens for a reason. Well, there's a reason that we're, you know, running out of clean air and water. Yeah, there is a reason.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And it's not because Earth is settling down after the flood, you dumb motherfucker. It's because we're ruining the Earth. That's why. Because we're shitting on it constantly and we will not stop doing it and and this is the the human beings basically have dominion over the earth and can do whatever the fuck they want sort of argument right and this will this is this is an easy way to to make sure that even he recognized there's change yeah Yeah, exactly. Right? Even he recognizes that change is happening. He just is finding ways that he could biblically
Starting point is 00:46:49 say that it's not a big deal. Yeah, just trying to, what he's trying to do is fit the obvious into a worldview that does not actually have room for it by reinventing the narrative. That's all that he's doing with this nonsense. It's fucking, it's mental gymnastics. But it really leads into the next story, which is from Opposing Views. Most white evangelical
Starting point is 00:47:12 Protestants believe Bible's end times cause natural disasters. You know, and it's like, if you believe this shit, if you believe that natural disasters are caused because of some, you know, biblical end times and not because just earth, right? Not because, you know, earthquakes are causing tsunamis or, you know, like the oceans are heating up and so there's more hurricanes or, you know, whatever the real answers are. When you're just like, ah, the real answers, those could be anything. Probably the Bible. End times. answers are when you're just like ah the real answers those could be anything probably the bible end times like how are you supposed to give two shits how are we supposed to do the real work cecil that's necessary to solve the problems that we face like as a like environmentally as a world yeah it's it's a sad state of affairs i wonder if they think the polar vortex is part of the end times, too.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I'm sure they do, right? Because anything, it all seems like the end of the world. I mean, really, if you think the end of the world is coming, anything could possibly be the harbinger of that. You could look to anything that would spark that. I feel like if you're going to have people using natural disasters as part of the end times, maybe we should start putting evangelicals as the meteorologists on news channels. That would be fucking awesome, wouldn't it? If it's just like, well, let me give you a 10-day forecast. Nah, fuck it. We'll narrow that thing down to five days because none of us are going to be here after day six, if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I would tell you about the weekend forecast, but you'll either be in heaven or hell at that point yeah well it looks like the forecast calls for frogs and locusts mostly frogs and locusts so get out your frog umbrellas i hear london london frog is making a fine umbrella to keep the london frog to keep the amphibians off you can only get those in green the uh the it's a it's alarming amount of people though believe this sort of thing and and the nat you know that natural disasters are caused the other thing you've got to think about, too, when they think a natural disaster is caused by the end times, how willing or reluctant are they to help afterwards? That's something that I wonder about. Are they more or less willing to help the people affected by it?
Starting point is 00:49:39 Because if it's the end times and it's god punishing us well is god punishing those people explicitly then yeah right yeah i mean like if if something like katrina happens is that what you mean like sure you get a big you know fucking major event and it's like well why even clean up after it i mean yeah right why even bother why why do i mean honestly like if you really believe this biblical end time shit like i here's what I don't understand. And I'm not really kidding. Why have kids? These people have fucking more kids than – I mean, they're just, like, constantly shitting out kids.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Like, fucking shooting them with fucking T-shirt cannons across the fucking pews. I would be – I'm terrified for the future of my children. Like if I really thought it was fucking – it was going to be locusts with shiny helmets like running around and demons with extra horns and shit. Like it would just – I'd be like, fuck that. I'll tolerate it myself, but I'm not going to put other people through it. Just doesn't make them seem like fucking mean. other people through it just doesn't make them seem like fucking mean yeah it really feels like you're you're inflicting some sort of serious damage and trauma on your own child for no reason i guess but at the same time uh they are told i think that they need to make sure that they
Starting point is 00:50:58 multiply so they have conflicting orders i guess it's like's like, wouldn't you wonder, like, go forth and multiply. Why would I do that? What? Multiply? Why? So I can, like, bring a unit of suffering into the world? Like, what is the purpose of that? Like, it's not like, I mean, it's like the world is, it's like shit is going to turn into the fucking road, you know?
Starting point is 00:51:22 And you're just like, oh oh this would be a great place to settle down and raise fucking apocalypse babies like what are you talking about apocalypse baby should be a saturday morning cartoon you want answers i think i'm entitled you want answers i want the truth you can't handle the truth i don't even know what to think of this story this shit comes from the friendly atheist. Sought for murder, Indian guru was using his devotees as a human shield during massive siege on Ashram. Evidently, in India, fucking gurus are really a thing. And specifically, there was this one guru, Sant Rampal, who grossly enough was using milk that he bathed
Starting point is 00:52:06 in to make a food. Yeah, like a sweet food. It's called a kahir. Yeah, it's like a fucking rice pudding. I had to look it up. I would only eat like four or five bowls of that. I mean, as soon as I know that this guy's fucking taint was fucking bathing in my fucking rice pudding, that's horrible's horrible dude you just don't
Starting point is 00:52:28 want to get the curly hair oh god you just want to avoid the curly hair i of all the shit like that you've got to sell to your followers you're like yeah i took a bath in that like wait you fucking bathed in my food no no no backwards no no i bathhe in it and then i made it into food oh well then fuck me i guess i'll eat that what the fuck so weird yeah it's so weird it said he served the fucking weird body pudding um to his followers saying that would bring happiness into their lives? Sounds like it's going to bring fucking weird armpit sweat and stinky fucking taint juice into their rice pudding. So gross, man. I don't know that it would bring happiness in my life, but it certainly would bring the food to my fucking mouth afterwards.
Starting point is 00:53:23 That's for sure. There has to be a day where you weren't following this guru right and then you're like okay yeah i've heard what this guy has to say that seems that seems pretty right on like i can get my fucking beaded curtain and hippie shit on let's do this like i brought i brought my i brought my small novelty size guitar i'm like i'm ready to fucking partake. And somebody's like, oh, yeah, if I can hear some rice pudding. That guy was just, like, his fucking dirty-ass feet were cleaning off of it. Wait, wait, what? You're eating food?
Starting point is 00:53:56 That guy squeegeed this pudding off of his fucking balls earlier, so it's going to be delicious. I'd rather drink fucking eggnog. Are you kidding me? I don't go that far. So it's going to be delicious. I'd rather drink fucking eggnog. Are you kidding me? I don't go that far. Well, this guy, though, was reprimanded by the police.
Starting point is 00:54:10 So there was like a weird murder that he may or may not have been involved in, but the police wanted to talk to him about it. So they wanted to go after him, but he had insulated him with like a bunch of his followers, at least hundreds of them. Right. with like a bunch of his followers, at least hundreds of them. Right. Yeah. Like he basically like hold up in his ashram,
Starting point is 00:54:30 which I'm guessing is like a temple or a church for gurus. I'm not really sure. I think it's a spaceship. Look at the picture. Like the picture, like he's doing like a fucking Vulcan thing. Like totally looks, you know what he looks like to me
Starting point is 00:54:42 is one of those Hale-Bopp guys. He totally does. He's got that weird, aggressively straight hair and the dead eyes of the hail bop dudes. Yeah. Yeah, man. It totally looks fucking hail bop. Like if they, if the picture was broader and he had fucking Nike, white Nike shoes on be fucking it. But yeah, and the followers did weird shit like placing wheelbarrows of stones strategically in places in case they needed to be hurled.
Starting point is 00:55:15 And the police found acid inside the ashram and water guns filled with gasoline. Were the police going to come in on horseback? The only thing, when they said wheelbarrows full of stones, the first thing I thought is, what are they, sieging a fucking castle? I know, man. They're going to drop them through the murder holes. Yeah. Close the portcullis. Quick, chunk a pumpkin at them. The police have arrived.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yeah, exactly. Hear ye, hear ye. The honorable guy who bathes in our food is here to address wait fuck that's so gross but at least like 200 people were injured in trying to get this guy they did get him though didn't they did they got this fucking guy um he had no he had ignored dozens of orders to appear in court um and the compound had 15,000 people in it. That's bigger than the entire town I used to live in. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:13 That's a lot of people. It's unbelievable. Scores of followers say they've been held there in captivity against their will. They said they'd closed and locked the gates inside the compound and would not let us out. And this senior police officer told Reuters, the God man was using his devotees as a human shield. Man, it's a good thing he wasn't being selfish. The people who have cults, we talked about this.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I forget who we were talking about, but really, the people who have cults eventually they just start thinking hey man what else can i get away with right exactly and i think that at a certain point you know murder or something like that doesn't seem like it's too far-fetched for some of these people because they feel like they really are gods i mean when they're treated like that it's hard for them not to think that they're untouchable. That happens to a lot with people who are very insanely rich. They think that they can do basically whatever they want to because they're so insulated by their money. They forget that they're an actual human being. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah. You know, and at some point I think, too, that they start to believe their own shit, you know, because they're they're surrounded like they're they're in this like this constant fucking echo chamber. Right. And like people are constantly telling you how awesome you are and like how you fucking save their life. And like, you know, you're you're you have to feed them this shit. So you have to come up with this garbage. Right. And so like there's this there's this cycle. It seems seems to reinforce itself. And part of me wonders, at what point does it cease being the bullshit you know and then start to be the bullshit you believe? Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Where you're just like, yeah, maybe I am. Maybe I am awesome. Maybe I am actually a god. Maybe I can do these. Maybe I am actually a god. Maybe I can do these.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Maybe I have these powers. So we want to thank all of our patrons, of course. We really appreciate everyone who gives us their hard-earned dollars, but we want to thank specifically our newest patrons, Richard Yeshua, Reverend Jebus H. Slack Slack slack slack attica yeah that seems like something
Starting point is 00:58:29 slack attica sure nicholas and emily thank you all so much for your generous donations your money goes a long way to making sure the show is possible so thank you all uh we appreciate it great absolutely you know and the donations of of our patrons, they helped send us down to SkepticCon. We had a great time. We were able to meet some of the people who have the bad taste to listen to our show. They're going to help us to match the Dogma Debate donations that we're doing for the upcoming show that we're doing on Dogma Debate. You guys help make a lot of things possible and we're, we're genuinely terribly appreciative.
Starting point is 00:59:08 So thank you. Speaking of dogma debate, normally we would produce a second show this week. Uh, this would be our on week to make an extra show, but we are going to be spending an hour on dogma debate and we'd love for you to listen to dogma debate at 10 PM on Saturday, this upcoming Saturday
Starting point is 00:59:25 the 6th so instead of releasing an extra show this week which would normally come out on Thursday we're just going to have you wait until Dogma Debate airs us at 10pm save up your pennies and donate during that hour we'd like to burn through $2,000 worth of
Starting point is 00:59:42 hard earned dollars to try to make sure that we match you so we'd like to burn through that whole $2,000 worth of hard-earned dollars to try to make sure that we match you. So we'd like to burn through that whole $2,000 so if you're listening during that time, you can donate during that time and we will match your donation. And hard-earned for you, Cecil, but
Starting point is 00:59:57 I didn't do much. Just to be really clear. I never speak for you. I don't do two things. I don't speak for you or eat for you. You better not try to eat for me. I've learned. I've learned. We want to thank the people, though, that we saw at Skepticon 2 when we thanked them at the beginning. But we definitely want to thank the people who gave us some things and who were really super nice to us.
Starting point is 01:00:19 We got a bunch of drinks bought for us that evening. We just had a really great time. We want to thank everybody who came out. And we are sending out a couple of shirts. We had said we were going to send out some shirts, but we're definitely going to send them out this week. So thank you, everybody, who helps support us. You heard at the beginning of the show
Starting point is 01:00:36 an email that talked a little bit about the President Obama thing, becoming the commander of the world or whatever from Michael Savage. But Tom, hell in a handbasket, sent us this message. And I think it's worth reading. This is also about Obama becoming a dictator. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I was listening to episode 192 where Michael Savage was fear-mongering about President Obama. And I want to point out that the United Nations doesn't even have a president. The head of the UN is the Secretary General, currently Ban Ki-moon, and the position is described as being the world's moderator. He has no power at all. That's awesome. But works to persuade world leaders to take action on certain issues, speaks before the General Assemblies and certain council meetings,
Starting point is 01:01:23 and issues statements on behalf of the UN. Your assessment that this would be a step down from President of the United States is putting it very mildly indeed. If President Obama were interested in becoming a dictator, taking over the world, or destroying America, you'd expect him to have been disbanding Congress, like Franklin D. Roosevelt, invading and occupying other countries on paper-thin pretexts,
Starting point is 01:01:45 like both Bushes, Lyndon B. Johnson, etc., or making shadowy deals with enemies of the U.S., like Ronald Reagan. Yet President Obama is doing none of those things. The economy becomes stronger than it was before the 2008 crash, our GDP continues to grow, and by all measures, we're continuing to recover quite well from the Great Recession. President Obama has failed magnificently at acting as a dictator bent on destroying America and taking over the world.
Starting point is 01:02:10 And he's only got two years left to make up the ground. Yeah, I love it. He's going to have to. He's going to really have to work, I think. I think he's going to put it in overdrive for these these last two years, though. Let's get on the fucking ball, dictator of the world. I think he needs to create a whole new organization that's a better organization than the united nations and then become president of that organization there you go like a more powerful organization what would we call like
Starting point is 01:02:35 the league of nations i like i think yeah that's a good one why does the league of extraordinary gentlemen i think you could do that too he sean connery extraordinary gentleman you can be on it him and mitt romney both of them are extraordinary there you go be like an odd couple where they like have to stay in like a real world house for a couple weeks they'll draw like a line down the center of the room yeah this is my side that's your side so we got a message uh this is from andrew and he says back when you guys issued your ice bucket challenge i listened and downloaded the the ringtone and applied it to my phone he accidentally dropped his phone and had it sent in for service and picked it up on tuesday yesterday at a doctor's
Starting point is 01:03:18 appointment he accidentally left his phone on the waiting room when he came out to sign the paperwork the the the nurse had at or the receptionist had asked him if it was his phone and the waiting room when he came out to sign the paperwork the the the nurse had asked or the receptionist had asked him if it was his phone and he got a weird and he said yeah and they gave him a weird look and i'm going to read directly it says as she said as she said that you have an interesting ringtone on your phone i guess the guys at the service of the repair station found the ringtone and applied it to all ringtones on his phone. So basically, his mom tried to call him three times while he was at the doctor. And all they got at the doctor's office was a long black cock.
Starting point is 01:03:55 I love it. It wouldn't be the first long black cock they've seen. That's right. They never feel ashamed at the doctor's office. That's what I always say. So we got a message from Chris. And Chris said, hey, I sent you stuff, and you didn't respond. So this is us responding to the stuff that you sent.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Yeah, we weren't ignoring you on purpose, Chris. We just ignored you anyway. No, it's all right. We get a tremendous amount of email. We can't, for a variety of reasons, we can't cover all of it. Sometimes, actually, we'll record something that we're intending to cover from an email and it won't make it to the final cut of the show after it gets edited through
Starting point is 01:04:29 just for space reasons or what have you. So I apologize if we didn't, we don't want you to feel left out though, Chris. So this is your shout out. Yeah, and like this, we'll be cut from the show. So we just got an interesting message from Cassandra, Tom. And Cassandra talks about cultural relativism. She says, Hi, Cecil and Tom.
Starting point is 01:04:50 You both frequently rail against cultural relativism in your show. And I feel like I should, as an anthropologist, correctly define and explain cultural relativism to you since it is such a misused term. Cultural relativism doesn't mean you can't judge other cultures or that every group's way of doing things should be seen as equal. It does mean that we shouldn't assume that another group's way is automatically wrong or worse than our way just because it is different. This term was used by anthropologists to explain the need to step back from their instinctive reaction to people from another culture behaving in a way
Starting point is 01:05:22 that caused discomfort and try to understand the reasoning behind the behavior in the context of that culture. This was done to try to eliminate or at least reduce ethnocentrism in our work and to allow us to understand the cultures and people we study more. I agree with you that the way most people use the term is complete fucking bullshit, just so that is clear. So I really appreciate the academic definition of cultural relativism. I think when we rail against it, I think we're railing against sort of the colloquial bullshit terminology, which is probably not even remotely accurate, but I appreciate the clarification. Yeah, and I think that sometimes we conflate moral relativism and cultural relativism, and I think that they're different. So I think that sometimes we misspeak when we refer to it.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Absolutely. I know I do, for sure. Yeah. So this week, like we said, there isn't going to be a midweek show, but we are going to be on David Smalley's show for an hour. Dogma Debate, 10 p.m. Central Time, Saturday the 6th uh you can find us there we're going to be recording from glory hole studios there's gonna be ways to contact us i'm sure please bring your pennies to donate to a foundation beyond belief we hope that we can raise some money for that organization and we hopefully we're going to have a great time talking to david smally i'm sure it's going to be wonderful we're going to be back in a full week with another episode.
Starting point is 01:06:46 But until then, we're going to leave you, as always, with the Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating,urized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing water downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch late night info docutainment leo pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death and towers tarot cards psychic healing crystal balls bigfoot yeti aliens, mosques and synagogues,
Starting point is 01:07:26 temples, dragons, giant worms, atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, double speak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this. and express notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local dairy council. Outro Music

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