Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 198: You Have Died of Dysentery

Episode Date: December 29, 2014

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Ah, there's the beep. Hi, it's Ulrich Fischer. I know you guys are sticklers for pronunciations, so that's Ulrich Fischer. And, first of all, Glory Hole. But, of course, you guys should be applying for Saint status. Saint Tom and Saint Cecil, I think that has a nice ring after all you do have a certifiable miracle, that guy with the back ache was cured by simply listening to
Starting point is 00:00:32 your fabulous show and I think you should take full advantage thanks for all the good work you guys do listen here you two what you two need to know is that Jesus Christ was actually a warrior. And he would have supported...
Starting point is 00:00:47 Oh, spilled my coffee all over my desk here. It's all over the place. But anyway, Jesus Christ was actually a warrior. Damn it, I just spilled a while over this goddamn... I broke the glass. That's great. Motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Recording from Glory Hole Studios in Chicago, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political.
Starting point is 00:02:04 And there is no welcome mat. This is episode 197. No, it isn welcome, Matt. This is episode 197. No, it isn't. 198. It is not 197. 199. See, here's what happened. I've got 199, 199. Can I hear 200, 200?
Starting point is 00:02:13 Can I hear 200, 200, 200, 200? Last week, you made a mistake. You made a mistake. And I carried that mistake forward this week. And the reason why is because you could yeah pretty easily i think go in and change the notes title to the next week especially after you make a mistake sometimes well hold on it's not that easy i gotta right click and rename right exactly right so you could change those but instead what you did was nothing and not only nothing but you forgot that you had messed up last week so you've done literally less than nothing wow wow okay
Starting point is 00:02:49 all right all right and what have you done for the show recently mr i retooled our entire website not less than nothing yeah okay so i think i've made my point. You have. You're point taken, Tom. No point. This is really your show. I just do the intro. I just do the intro and hang out. Maybe show up once in a while. I'm like the fucking Otis to your Andy, really. That's it.
Starting point is 00:03:18 That's great. That's two weeks in a row. I know. That's really bad. I haven't fucked it up for a long time either. Now we're're gonna get all these fucking emails why do you even have time on the show you could have totally changed it it's the best i hate that guy that's the best dude fuck oh man and and since they are not numbered
Starting point is 00:03:36 correctly i predict that you will make the same mistake just because there is an almost 100% chance that that is the case. I'm like a particularly stupid dog that doesn't learn from experience. It's like the dog fucking pokes its nose in a beehive and is like, sting, sting. It's like, aw. I was thinking like a kid. What's in the beehive? I was thinking like a kid who touches a stove. Right?
Starting point is 00:04:05 It's like, why has Johnny got 10 burned fingers i'm trying he's not going to college why does johnny have a stump for a hand and you can't discriminate the government can't say you're a good religion you're a bad religion i know alan do you know what the difference is here please educate is that satanists let me sit at your feet satanists are anti-Christian. That's how this whole movement started, with the satanists. Who decides what religion is okay and what religion is not? So if someone were out there being anti-Semitic and they had a religion and they called it whatever and they wanted to put their statue...
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, it's got to go. Then either you have all religions or none. No, no, because it's against another religion. I will say, though, Cecil, for all of my faults, and they are legion, at least I am one rung above the ladder of the woman from our story from the Tallahassee Democrat.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Man, this lady, she's a fucking Christian warrior or something. Dude, it's Catholic warrior. She's got the shirt. That's how you know that she's a Catholic warrior. She is a Catholic warrior.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Her fucking mugshot. She's got, now, she is a Catholic warrior because she's got the Catholic warrior shirt and she's got helmet hair. I know. You could shoot her right there and it would bounce off. She looks none too happy to be mugshot-erated here.
Starting point is 00:05:15 That's the thing. The mugshot-erator. So she was arrested, this Tallahassee woman, she was arrested for ripping apart a satanic temple holiday display in the lobby of the florida capital um she said she was sorry but she had to do it uh because it was not right and she tried to take it down the officers stopped her and they actually gave her every opportunity not to be arrested right you know they were like just fucking don't do that and put it back and she wouldn't do it the satanist did a diorama uh that they put and it looks like it's done by mrs jensen's third grade class i know dude it's i actually love it i think it's awesome fucking shoddy looking and awesome it just looks great
Starting point is 00:05:55 i mean it looks absolutely amazing it's it's got fire around the outside that's colored orange and yellow and then there's a tiny bit of fire that's cut out of construction paper and then they just look like they hung what might be an angel from a nativity scene hanging from like fishing line fishing line and it's and it's written with uh like the font that they used all the font that they used is is hand painted on so it looks terrible yeah i know like they ran out of room for holidays and it's all scrunched to the right it looks great it really does look great and it's clearly a mockery of all the other ones it's not this woman misunderstands this woman what she's doing is she's upset that somebody said the word
Starting point is 00:06:43 satan i i think she's even missing the very fact that they're making fun of her i think she really does think that there's satan and that there's evil and that she needs to cross it out because if you nobody gets this mad if someone's making fun of you nobody ignores the police that you're going to go to jail because someone's making fun of you you just dust yourself off and say okay someone's making fun of you you just dust yourself off and say okay someone's making fun of me i'm just gonna have to suck it up but instead you are willing to go to jail if you think you're stamping out evil and i think i really do think that's what she thought dude i do i absolutely when you walk around with a shirt that says catholic warrior
Starting point is 00:07:19 yeah yeah you are not somebody who understands nuance right Right? Like, you're not like, oh, what I see here, this satanic display isn't actually satanic. See, what they're doing is making a point about the separation of church and state by, you know, putting this thing on state ground. No, she doesn't get that at all. She's a Catholic warrior. Do you think she got dressed up with her Catholic warrior shirt that morning? Like, I'm going to fucking tear up that diagram. I'm going to rip it apart. What do I wear?
Starting point is 00:07:48 Where's my rip apart of satanic town? My Catholic warrior shirt. Either that or it's like one of her three shirts that she wears. Right. It's Catholic warrior shirt. Moo moo or house. Those were the options this morning when she got dressed. Jesus is the reason
Starting point is 00:08:05 for the season that's her holiday sweater it's just like it's the fucking it's it's the angel it's the footprints footprints there you go uh in the sand yeah those were her yeah those were her options this is uh this is a great way to show that we shouldn't be having any type of display there this is what this is for is to say that no display should be having any type of display there. This is what this is for, is to say that no display should be here because we can make really ridiculous ones. And there was other ones for Flying Spaghetti Monster was in there. There was an
Starting point is 00:08:33 Atheist one. I was wondering what was in the Atheist one, because the Atheist one got put up. And I was wondering, what in the fuck do you put in there? Just nothing? Wouldn't that actually be awesome if there was just an Atheist display and it just said said atheism and inside it was just yeah white like just white you you just take a spray paint and color in a shoe box and put that up there and say this is the atheist display and there's nothing in it awesome actually you know i will say like do you think
Starting point is 00:08:59 the cops if if somebody had walked in and like grabbed the fucking baby jesus and started like punting it or something, do you think the cops would be like, no, no, no, put that back? No, they'd have fucking arrested him, I think. They'd have arrested him right away. Yeah, I think you're right. So they even gave her more than a reasonable benefit of the doubt to get out of jail free. Because there's an inherent sympathy that like, yeah, okay, look, we realize this is offensive,
Starting point is 00:09:22 but it's here and there's nothing we can do about it. So don't make us do our job. I recognize that this is made specifically to incite. So I understand in some ways giving her a little bit of a pass to be like, come on, knock it off, stupid. You can't go just, you're not like a little kid. Like you would expect this out of a little child, a little child that can't control themselves. But you are a 50 fucking four year old-old woman, for Christ's sakes. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:46 You were born in the fucking 60s. Calm your tantrum down. Like, calm your tantrum. Because that's exactly what you had, right? I mean, she had a fucking temper tantrum. And the only other option would be just to, like, turn your back and let her fucking have it out and not give her the attention. But then what they should have done is they should have let her destroy it and then made her fucking have it out and not give her the attention but then she what they should have done is they should have made her let her destroy it and then made her fucking replace it like made her like glue it back together all fucking weeping fucking snot
Starting point is 00:10:13 running down her nose in her fucking footie pajamas it's a catholic warrior definitely gonna go to hell then now you're fucked reassemble the hellfire. I don't want to reassemble the hellfire. How do you like that? My own mother falling for that stuff. Well, you don't know, Larry. Maybe Dr. Hoo-ha can help her. Doctor? That guy's no doctor.
Starting point is 00:10:37 He's a quack. So this story comes from science.mic. We now have scientific proof that Dr. Oz is full of it. So a new study published in the British Medical Journal examined the healthcare advice
Starting point is 00:10:51 given on the Dr. Oz show and the doctors and he didn't come out ahead, Cecil. No? He didn't come out ahead. The Dr. Oz show, as it turns out, they broke it down into categories. The categories were weight loss, counseling, general medical advice, non-medical, dietary, non-weight loss, alternative therapies, cosmetic exercise and other.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And they selected 40 episodes at random. And they looked at almost 500 recommendations from Dr. Oz, 445 recommendations from the doctors. And they found that in the Dr. Oz show, evidence supported a whopping 46 percent of the claims. Yeah. Contradicted 15 percent and that there was no evidence either way for 39 percent of the claims. You got to read this right. The way you're reading you you know you're reading it is correct right what you're saying is is that in 46 percent there was evidence so
Starting point is 00:11:53 that's good but then the 39 percent there's nothing there's no evidence supporting it and then in 15 it actively contradicts it and it's not talking about you know i want to make sure that because when i first read it i thought was this talking about how how often doctors are right and no it's not it's talking about how often dr oz is using supporting evidence these two shows are clearly wrong and giving either evidence that's not supported or in some cases actually against what is supported so that's something that really needs to be paid attention to here that he's giving evidence in saying this i'm telling you to do something that clearly is not supported by evidence it's like going to a mechanic with a car that's overheating
Starting point is 00:12:35 and you say and 39 of the time they say we'll just blow on it until it cools off you know what you got to do you got to rub hot peppers on it and then 15 percent of the time they say well just light it on fire right it's overheating i just fucking just throw some gas on it and light it on fire that's what they're saying so you've got you got to look at this in a way that's uh that's very critical of those people i mean even the doctors who got much better ratings they got much better results when it comes to the truth claims the doctors wound up being 63 which is much better than the 46 that dr oz was right but they were they contradicted dictated evidence in 14 which is just as much as often as dr oz does it at 15 very often and these were taken at 40 shows at random they didn't go through every episode, but they took 40 episodes each at random and then went through and they both have over 400 episodes on TV.
Starting point is 00:13:29 So they've been on for quite some time and they took a look at these things and they said, hey, you're giving out bad advice. If you went to the doctor and he told you some crazy shit that they tell you that specifically contradicted evidence, you might have yourself a case for malpractice. contradicted evidence you might have yourself a a case for malpractice yeah i i really i don't get like the um i mean i guess i i do understand his sort of like folksy down home remedy kind of you know miracle cure sell all right because you don't have access you don't have access to prescription medicine at that point so what you know he's got to give you something that can be a sort of folksy way to get things cured you know i i really don't think that like doctors have any place giving any kind of generalized medical advice at all on television like and i i'm i'm sort of baffled by the people that are like well i don't know i'm definitely going to make this or that lifestyle change because i saw a tv doctor say it to a fucking crowd of undifferentiated strangers could you
Starting point is 00:14:30 imagine a show like that called the lawyers right fucking lawyers would be like we're not going to be on this show we know too much well the very fact that someone in the audience would be like well this is happening and without understanding the full depths of that case, could you sit on that panel and say, oh, well, all you have to do is X. I'm sure for several very small things that would have to do with lawyers, right, with legal issues, there'd be easy fixes. But some of them are very, very complicated legal issues that you just can't fix with a wave of the hand. And so while you could easily vet some of the questions to get the easiest answers, some of the stuff you just wouldn't be able to answer.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Well, compare something like this to like, you used to listen to car talk, right? So remember when they had like stump the chumps? Yeah. And they would call back and see if they were right or wrong. And then they would laugh about how often they were wrong. Yeah. And that's a car. That's a thing we built.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Like we fucking humans invented it and like it's a very no it's it's known like there's only a handful of things that can go wrong relative to the human body right it's not like when you would when you examine the complexity of a fucking car against the complexity of the human body and all the things that go wrong and all the various things that are you know a little different about this body versus that body and the medical history and all. Like, it's like it's not even remotely comparable. It's not even remotely comparable. And they had a whole segment of their show about like, hey, maybe we're fucking maybe our advice was bullshit.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Let's find out and make jokes about it. And that's a car. Right. But think about the think about the converse of this what if dr oz had that segment who would be able to call in right he's like i'm really sick i'm dead or whatever i'm not saying he's killing people but clearly uh oh yeah now i'm an amputee i don't know turns out it was flesh-eating bacteria not you know i didn't need more zinc in my diet it's very different when your carburetor is messing up and or your liver is messing up
Starting point is 00:16:32 yeah the stakes are a little higher right it's like oh man the fucking car talk guys told me to fucking put a new water pump in and i did that and the fucking you know car's still not running right so i guess i'm out a couple of hundred bucks in a few hours of my day that sucks uh how what about you uh how do you do well you know dr oz told me to take these fucking sham pills full of fucking placebo dust and you know it turns out my fucking appendix ruptured so i'm like a lot worse off i'm gonna go with not good on this one yeah yeah oh really because i i'm just down 200 bucks oh yeah i think too that you could probably make a show that is really really vanilla and never touches on big issues but talks about general issues so you could talk about this is how you improve your general health this is how you improve your general diet uh things like that but uh but i
Starting point is 00:17:31 don't think that that's that's good enough for them i think i think the problem is is that that would get boring and you'd run out of topics too quickly so they've got to get specific and i also think too that you know people uh see what happens with someone on TV and they might see themselves with the same symptoms and then start diagnosing themselves with some of these things that may or may not be true. And that's what happens with a WebMD all the time, where people, they know a symptom, they think, oh, man, I'm feeling really tired lately. And then they go, Google, like, really tired, like, I have cancer.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Right? It's like flu-like symptoms. Yeah. Oh, my God, I've got every disease. Yeah, exactly. So there's some serious problems with self-diagnosis. There's some serious problems with sharing symptoms and not understanding the cause of what's happening with you. I really feel like it's a dangerous television show in the sense that it could be giving many different people some really bad ideas.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Oh, this fucking story. This comes from india today um pashawar killing consistent with prophet muhammad's teachings says the pakistan taliban um fucking my god so there was a school massacre um which was carried out uh by the taliban Taliban. It was the bloodiest school massacre in modern history. I don't even know. I can't even believe saying that shit. Like, that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:19:13 It's 132 kids. 132 kids fucking murdered. And these guys are going on and being like, yeah, that seems consistent with our religion. Our religion, yeah. Yeah, I read through this book these guys are going on and being like yeah that seems consistent with our religion our religion yeah yeah i don't you know i read through this book and it says you can totally slaughter children in a fucking school why you i don't even care if it was true you've picked the wrong religion you know like even if everything about your religion was true even if fucking
Starting point is 00:19:42 allah came down and fucking played cards with me every Thursday. If fucking one of those Thursdays, he was like, yeah, so check this new verse I wrote out. I'm like, yeah, it totally justifies the slaughtering of children in a school. Like, you're not fucking you're not my God. Like, I'm done. We're done here. Yeah. Makes mind conflicts like Dr. Seuss.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Great. What I find too interesting is that the people who are apologists now are going to seep out of the woods, like woodwork out of this, like Aslan, right? That fucking Reza Aslan. I saw a tweet from him, and basically he's going to say religion had nothing to do with it because they were reading the text wrong. You misunderstand how this works, dude. It's a metaphor filled text. They are interpreting it based on their religion.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's not based on anything. It's not like they wake up in the morning and they say, oh, you know what? This is I'm going to interpret this completely politically. They're not doing that they're interpreting it based on their religion now yeah is it based on their culture and all this other stuff yeah but the problem is is that they're interpreting the text they're interpreting this particular text and now he posted something i want to say on his twitter account that said this is how you should be reading it that's like okay well that's fucking great that's how they
Starting point is 00:21:04 should be reading it but they're not reading it, well, that's fucking great. That's how they should be reading it. But they're not reading it like that. So suddenly it's not the religion's fault? No, it's absolutely the religion's fault. It's the religion's fault because they shouldn't be reading shit like that that can be fucking twisted like that anyway. They shouldn't be at least putting that much stock into something that can be twisted like that. And, you know, the thing is, man, if it's a metaphor,
Starting point is 00:21:23 and so I get to kind of take some license with meaning, if I'm the kind of person that's like, man, this is a metaphor, let's take some license with the meaning. And then I read a passage about the time that Prophet Muhammad ordered only those children be killed whose pubic hairs have appeared that's that's what was uh quoted here um when talking about the slaughter 1400 years ago of 800 men and boys um i gotta tell you like i think i would try i would fucking bend over backwards to try to find ways to condemn that killing right like i would try to i would bend over backwards to try to find ways to be like, man, that is so obviously grotesquely out of bounds. I'm going to use my holy text to find ways to say that that is fucking well outside the norm. with the meaning then i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna stretch my fucking intellectual muscles
Starting point is 00:22:25 to try to find ways to not just to to do the opposite to to condemn the murder of innocent people right like because don't you just naturally want to condemn the murder of innocent people like what i don't know what worldview are you like oh man totally killed 132 kids in a school how can i make that seem okie dokie yeah why would you even want to make that seem okie dokie wouldn't every fiber in your being scream out to you that like that we shouldn't be killing like like kids like if we can't even agree on that yeah like if what is there left to agree on as a people like pretty simple awful yeah it's a pretty simple premise right huh we're not gonna kill kids oh we're not gonna kill kids all right kids are off the kids are off the the menu we're not allowed
Starting point is 00:23:14 to do what about if they have pubic hair are they still kids come on now uh you gotta did do we think that like fucking made him unzip yeah you know like check uh yeah he's got one one hair boom oh fuck that was lint but it's just like peach fuzz right sorry i kids like in the back of the line are hurriedly like picking out like hand me the razor hand me the razor oh god yeah i i totally manscaped before school today. I feel like these people who are going to defend this sort of thing, you're just as awful as the people who did it. If you're going to try to minimize this and defend for their their cultures get out of jail free card. And I think that that's bullshit. Oh, God. Just what's going on?
Starting point is 00:24:36 Merry Christmas. It's from Middle East. I Iraq, 150 women killed after refusing to marry Islamic state fighters. Um, and I will echo my sentiment from Twitter that he should have gone to Jared. Oh, oh, terrible. You know, it brings forth like an engagement commercial where there's like the snow falling down and you hear the voiceover say, tell her you'd execute her all over again. say tell her you'd execute her all over again it's like like there's like a scene where he's like he like bends down on one knee and it's on the fucking jumbotron at like some big fucking stadium and she like looks and she gasps and pushes her hands to her mouth and then slowly
Starting point is 00:25:18 shakes her head no oh and there's a bullet in the box and right there on the jumbo trot he's just like and he shoots her boom like done and done she just opens the box and there's like a little bullet in there right oh it's like you pick it's like it's like the the morpheus like it's like a ring it's like the red pill blue pill you know like it's a ring or a bullet like which one do you want i'll tell you which one i'd fucking pick oh you know that the thing is like hold on now hold on hold on no tom's talking about 150 women who refused to marry islamic state fighters and then they got executed okay really this is the worst let's make a deal show ever okay because there's two doors and behind one is murder and the other is rape so what i'm really looking for is the door that you could get the goat like that's the one i
Starting point is 00:26:11 like that's the win in this situation why isn't there a third i want the goat can i just have the goat the murderer rape is really not a choice i don't think it turns out it's not a choice and i you know joking about like which one i would pick i have no idea what i would pick you know like do you want a life of like pain and servitude yeah you know or do you would you rather just be done yeah you know there's no there is no third door and that's that is fucking a huge tragedy yeah you know that there's no fucking third door like autonomy yeah there's no like it's monty hall with no plus it's just like fucked god damn it where's the new car drive myself the fuck out of here none of these is a convertible none of these at this point you take a year worth of spam
Starting point is 00:27:00 you know what i mean like whatever the worst thing you have i will take that can i get just the fucking first bucket in the bozo bucket that's all i want can i just get beaten with sticks to unconsciousness because that's an upgrade that is a vast upgrade um at least 100 is from the right from the article at least 150 females including pregnant women were executed in fallujah by a militant named abu an-Labibi or something after they refused to accept jihad marriage. Many families were also forced to migrate from the province's northern town after hundreds of residents received threats. And then later in the article, it says they're fucking stranded in the desert. So it just gets worse and worse.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Great. The ministry said many children died when their families are stranded in the desert after leaving their homes. Great. for these folks like the fucking these islamic nut jobs are you know running into the town and being like yeah we want to fucking marry your pregnant women the pregnant women were like i already did that once with my husband who impregnated me it's gonna be real awkward and they just they just fucking they just killed a bunch of people and they killed them because they are doing a practice that people stopped doing a thousand years ago. Right. Spoils of war, man.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And I'm not saying – I don't know exactly. Please, pedantic people, don't tell me it fucking went on at fucking 200 years ago. I don't care. But really an antiquated practice. Let's just call it that. Right. It's a practice that no one does. They didn't do this in the Civil War, I don't think, where just like show up and be like, oh, got to marry all of us.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah. You know, like like taking women as spoils of war. Yeah. Is I mean, it is a Middle Ages practice. And to look and say, like, this is still this is going on again. Like, there's a fucking revival of the past. I mean, this is some like i'm not fucking around like this is really like i look at this and i keep thinking like man it's the
Starting point is 00:29:10 fucking dark ages yeah like it's it's this is how the dark ages began like because you you really have an era and an area that used to be like culturally significant, educationally significant. You know, there was a time in Afghanistan and, you know, in Iraq where women didn't have to fucking cover their heads. I mean, this is a time not that long ago. We're talking about like the 1970s where this was really a nearly secular society where women could be educated, where they could walk around without being covered. You know, so it's not like, oh, man, it's always been this way.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That fucking excuse of like, well, it's always been this way. And this is just part of the fucking, you know, native culture. Ha ha ha. No, I mean, this is actually a relatively recent regression. And you have to look at this as a regression into a dark ages. It wouldn't surprise me at all if I saw like, fucking sieging castles with catapults. I'd be like, well, fucking of course they are. Like, why not?
Starting point is 00:30:12 Like, it's all fucking, let's talk about dragons and send people in armor. I mean, it's just ridiculous. They're throwing plague bodies over the fucking ramparts, you know what I mean? Right. It's like, okay. They already believe in wizards, dude. Yeah, yeah. No, you're right. Absolutely. already believe in wizards dude yeah no you're right absolutely yeah fucking wizards you know you might as well just fucking have some sort of dark ritual to
Starting point is 00:30:31 bring forth some sort of gin to attack people a long black cock long black cock a long black Long black coat. Long black coat. So this story comes from the Huffington Post. Turkey's president Erdogan decries birth control as a form of treason. Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan. I think I nailed that. Erdogan sounds like a dragon, doesn't it? It does. It totally sounds like a dragon.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Or something from like Star Wars world. No, that's like a race, though. It's like a dragon doesn't it it's like an elder dragon a dragon that they're gonna have to go or something from like star wars world it's like no that's like a race though it's like a race like you go to the planet and it's it's inhabited by the erdogans right yeah it's exactly are they friendly i don't know ask the taip yeah ride a taip over there and and check out the erdogans now we're gonna get a fucking email from a taip Erdogan. My name is not a pretty mock. Oh, God. But evidently, like, he shows up to weddings, which I thought was weird because in the article it says he urged a newly married couple at their wedding on Sunday to have at least three children.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So it's just like, I got nothing to do. He's like wedding crashers. That's exactly what I was thinking. He's like a serial wedding crasher. He just shows up and people don't want to kick him out because he's the president. They're just like, oh, that dude showed up? I feel like he's the Owen Wilson version. You know, he just shows up and kind of like a dumb, drawling voice. His nose is too perfect for that, I think. You guys have to have at least three children.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And he says that for years that women have committed a treason of birth control, seeking to dry up our bloodline. Lineage is very important, both economically and spiritually. He said it was unnatural to consider women and men equal. Oh. And he said the feminists did not understand the importance of motherhood. This is a guy who doesn't understand what words mean right right either that or these words cannot be translated to english like there's clearly something going on over here it's not this is i'm missing this i mean yeah this is exactly i think that these i just think that
Starting point is 00:32:42 this is not a translatable thing because the way he what he just said doesn't even make any sense. No, no, I don't understand the importance of motherhood. Are you fucking kidding me? That's like saying guys don't understand the importance of their balls. Are you kidding me? I understand the importance of my balls just fine. Yeah, like the whole idea here with with the feminists is like like feminism seeks to empower women so they can decide if or when they want to be mothers. If they want to have kids.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Like that is like a fundamental right. So they just don't get fucking willy-nilly impregnated at the fucking whim of chance. And, you know, maybe he's saying that because some of've some of them have decided not to have children, that they don't understand it. But that's just you not understanding that other humans should have a choice. That's all that is. That's not their misunderstanding. It's your misunderstanding. President of a nation.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And I love that. It's like, well, it's spiritually very important that you guys have lots of kids because otherwise people are going to figure out this is all bullshit. Yeah, well. I mean, that's really kind of what he's saying. Like, look, look, if we have small families, then those families will have enough resources to educate their kids. All of a sudden, kids will start to grow up in a world where they're not like struggling fucking hand to mouth at every moment. And we won't be producing like mad amounts of the same fucking generation after generation of noncritical thinkers. So let's skip that. Keep doing that.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yeah. If you don't shit out kids like a hog, it'll give you a chance to think. So we don't want that. I really do think that there's something to that that like that quiver full and the whole thing it's like yeah just fucking keep having kids never stop never consider always just keep having kids think how busy you'd be as a woman if you if that's your job right like let's just say that that's your job is to produce the offspring once you know you're impregnated then it's your job to take care of yourself while you're pregnant and then your job to birth the kid and then your job to take care of it and then your job to get pregnant again while you're impregnated, then it's your job to take care of yourself while you're pregnant, and then your job to birth the kid, and then your job to take care of it, and then your job to get pregnant again while you're taking care of a little one, and then you shit on another one, and then you're just repeating cycle over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Women that have one child can be frazzled by this sort of thing. Can you imagine if you happen to have, say, three children under five? No. No, don't even say it. And you're pregnant? No. Stop talking. that's gonna suck when do you have time to think the more kids you have unless you're a person of you know near infinite resources right like you have to spread your resources your time resources your dollar resources your educational, all those things are finite. So when you spread those out amongst these huge broods rather than focusing them on a smaller handful of kids – and certainly don't get me wrong. Like if somebody has the fucking time and energy and financial resources and they want a big family, then fucking have a big family.
Starting point is 00:35:40 But it should not be a fucking government's policy to promote a big family, because when you do that, like there's something behind that. Right. It's good for someone and probably not you. When you've got a huge organization who's saying like, oh, we really want to promote massive, enormous families because massive, enormous families shit more kids into the population. You know, there's there's a reason for that. There's a reason they want to fill their fucking coffers with your children podcasters they live in squalor destitute and disenfranchised eking out an existence as best they can in such desolate places as chicago Chicago. In pairs, but otherwise alone, they suffer from hunger and thirst, barely making it day to day on store brand chicken wings and weak domestic beer. Fly away from here From this dark old hotel room
Starting point is 00:36:54 And the endlessness that you fear But now you can help. For just a few dollars a podcast, pennies a day, you can give them the restaurant-style chicken wings and imported beer that they so desperately need. For less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can make a difference in their lives, allowing them the opportunity to rant unfettered,
Starting point is 00:37:24 as nature intended. Please go to backslash dissonance pod today make a pledge and help these poor innocent creatures lead a life worth living.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Dude, can we get one story that's not the saddest possible story? No, they just keep going downhill, Tom. Dude, who we get one story that's not the saddest possible story? No, they just keep going downhill, Tom. Dude, who picked these stories? It was me. You did? And then you just labeled the notes. This story comes from fucking independent.ireland.sad.cryal lot. Boo.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Brain dead woman kept on life support for 20 days to protect unborn child. Brain dead woman at the center of a tragic life support case died on December the 3rd, but was maintained on life support because of the constitutional protection for the unborn. So they basically kept this woman as a fucking pod alive after she was fucking entirely dead. Her body was no longer able to, quote, obtain normal body tone. And they just like this is the fucking. This is the problem with these fucking no bendy laws right like these black and white hard line in the sand laws does the daughter die too the it does says that the that the unborn child that there is minimal expectation that the child would be alive would be okay i mean it feels like torture for the sake of your own religion and doesn't this kind of put a thumb in the eye
Starting point is 00:39:04 of your god i mean like if you believe in a God, and I think that these guys do, that is interventionist, right? Or that at least has a hand on the wheel of fate, right? So if you believe in that kind of a God, a God with his hand on the wheel of fate, and this God is at least partially responsible for you getting pregnant
Starting point is 00:39:26 and for you getting sick and for you dying and then you step in from the outside with technology and you keep this body you can't even use a live but you keep this body with its fucking blood circulating and oxygen moving through the system although although the brain is dead, aren't you putting a thumb in the eye of fate? Yeah, and it is symptomatic, I think, of what you said earlier, which is these black and white laws that say there can't be any of this. Well, sometimes you just got to say, let it go. Let it go and let's let people grieve and let's let people figure this thing out. If they're saying that there's not a lot of chances for this kid, why would you want the child to suffer, especially if you think that abortion is actually making the child suffer?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Right, because that's what there's that's what the argument is, is that it's a child and that it's suffering. Those are the two major things that they're saying when people are against abortion is that one, it's a child. The moment a woman looks at a man. is that when it's a child, the moment a woman looks at a man. So that's it's a child. And then secondly, it's a it's it's going to suffer the moment it becomes a fucking thing. So the moment it's a tiny bloodstain, it's going to suffer. And the fact is, is that you're making it suffer even more. You're prolonging its suffering here. So you're basically having instead of an abortion or a death of this woman and the child dies with it or an abortion that lasts a short amount of time.
Starting point is 00:40:53 You're making an abortion last weeks. Why do that? That doesn't seem like a good idea. But instead, you're just throwing all those things out. And it really flies in the face of all the moral arguments you have against it. really flies in the face of all the moral arguments you have against it. Yeah, I don't. This is just the weird grotesquery of of of the inability for people to accept that their worldview does not conform to the modern medical system. Right. Yeah. Like this is a clash between between the reality of how how science and technology and medicine all have come to uh intersect with our everyday lives and a fucking moral proclamation that simply did not foresee this yeah that's it that's what you've
Starting point is 00:41:35 got here you've got you know it's it's it's like it's like saying like well how do we address the issue of fucking amish carriages on the fucking expressway. Well, man, there's not going to be a good answer for that. You have to be in the far, far, far right lane. Or drive to the shoulder. No, you have to get in the grass at that point. You can't even get on the shoulder of the road. The shoulder is far
Starting point is 00:41:58 too fast. The shoulder is like fucking 1901. You can't even have you there. There's an 1800s lane that you have to get into. Look at old timey lane. It's like you get into it and it's just like fucking Tom Sawyer and Huck Finner there. And it's just fucking. And it's like fucking when you say half day road, you literally mean half day road.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Right. It takes you half the day to get down it. It takes you half the day to get there. You get on there and you're like, oh man, it feels just like the past. I have cholera. This is great. On your way to grandma's you die of dysentery it sucks every every time you travel it's like playing the oregon trail oh we're gonna go get groceries well you better bring the whole family because there's a
Starting point is 00:42:40 possibility we're gonna have to ford a river yeah i always wanted to play the oregon trail but have like the donner party option so we're just gonna eat them to eat your fucking traveling companions god i would play the fuck out of that game if there was like if there was an oregon trail but you got to just like be really like crazy mercenary you know like they should make like a grand theft auto oregon trail holy shit that would be so awesome oh my god i would play that game that game would be oh gosh every that would be so bad every third turn you just die of some fucking tragic disease you're like a slow motion car like horse jacking yeah like you just like walk up and just like throw somebody off their horse. It's like a low-speed getaway in like fucking covered wagons.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Slow-speed getaway? We'll catch them by sundown. Well, boys and girls, put your hand up if you've heard of the word evolution. Oh, boy, I think just about everyone puts their hands up. All right, finally something fun. This is from Right Wing Watch. Oh, Barton I think just about everyone puts their hands up. All right, finally something fun. This is from right when we watched. Oh, Barton. David Barton.
Starting point is 00:43:48 The founding fathers opposed the theory of evolution. They did, Tom. Yes. They did. They did. I'm sure that they did. They did. Back when it was proposed first in 500 B.C.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Yeah. Well, hold on now. Let's not ruin what he has to say, because I think, you know, we don't want to take this guy out of context, do we? Right. No, no. It would be unfair to put words in the illustrious hat of David Barton. I wonder if he does have an illustrious mouth.
Starting point is 00:44:14 All right, so we're moving on. This is 51 seconds long. This is David Barton, and he's speaking at the First Christian Church in Kernersville, North Carolina. I mean, the Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. Technology changes, human behavior doesn't. As long as there have been people who were pregnant, there were people who didn't want to be pregnant. That makes sense, right?
Starting point is 00:44:35 Okay, sure. Abortion's not the new, and that's why we have in our library this book on abortion from 1808. Abortion, American, First American Edition, Abortion, 1808. Abortion. American. First American edition of abortion, 1808. Really? Yeah. Did you know the first ban on homosexuals in the military was instituted by George Washington in March of 1778? Did you know the founding fathers had extensive writings on the problems with evolution and why creation was right? Wait, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:44:58 Hold on. What? Did you know this? Yeah, hold on now. So let me, I'm just going to look it up because I don't know off the top of my head his dates let me just look it up when did darwin become up with his theory of evolution uh 1836 oh that seems like a long time after yeah let me do some quick math that's uh not possible it's a long time after now hold on hold on, hold on. No, we're being ridiculous. It's possible that the founding fathers had time machines. Well, did one of them grow to be like over 100 years old?
Starting point is 00:45:32 It could have. You never know. It could have fucking Moses that shit. I'm going to see when they die. Now, let me look at founding fathers. Now, I got to look it up because I'm just. Okay. Yeah, because we don't want to speak out of turn.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Right. I mean, because if the founding fathers were around. We'll get accused of not doing our research on this. Okay. So Franklin died in the 1700 1700s late 1700s these are the people who signed the declaration of independence climber died in uh in 1813 so years before he did it eldridge elbridge jerry who signed it as well i never heard of that guy yeah uh it looks like he died in 1814 then we got uh robert morris who died in 1806 george reed who died in 1798 and then uh 1793 in 1806. So that's the people there who signed
Starting point is 00:46:31 the Declaration of Independence. Articles of Confederation, we're looking at Daniel Carroll, Carroll, 1796, Dickinson, 1808, and Governor Morris. This is 1816. So I have not found anybody who has lived past, say, the early 1800s, if that. Well, is it not possible that they could have been uh buried prematurely with pen and paper and a candle and that they waited 30 to 40 years in the coffin than when they overheard through the six feet of dirt four decades after their is it like passing what about adams maybe adams let's see if that's you're if that's... You're just discounting my theory entirely? I'm trying to find people at this point.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Now I'm like, does anybody live until the 30s, into 1830s? And the... No, they didn't. None of the founding fathers were around. All right. Well, maybe Barton has an explanation for this seeming discrepancy. Yeah, it's possible. You think evolution came in from Darwin?
Starting point is 00:47:43 No, no, no. Evolution had all... Everything Darwin argued had been established 500 years BC. Oh, okay. All right. That's why. Oh, yeah. Right. And they just ignored it for 2,336 years. Right. Right. Right. Okay. No, that's not. Yeah. It didn't seem important, you know, for the first two millennia. All Darwin did was take all the evolutionary thought that was out there and put it in one book, make it really easy to read. That wasn't original thinking by Darwin. It was there by 500 B.C. That wasn't original thinking by Darwin?
Starting point is 00:48:15 What? I disagree, sir. What? Well, I'm sure he backs that claim up with a citation. That's why the Founding Fathers had huge writings on evolution and creation. Oh, yeah. Well, let's do a quick google you know this uh hold on though tom they did actually i did do a little research they did talk about evolution they also talked about these things the founding fathers talked about space travel they talked about they talked about computer virtual reality that's's another one. Ebola.
Starting point is 00:48:45 They were definitely against Ebola. They had a huge diatribe about JavaScript. That's one of the things that they... I'm sure. The Kardashians. They were against the Kardashians. They didn't like segues, and they talked about it extensively in their writings. They talked about the Pentium chip hyper-threading technology.
Starting point is 00:49:02 That's another one that they were against. And then finally, zippers. They were against those. They were not pro-zipper. They didn't like buggy whips. I like that the zipper wasn't even invented then. Like the zipper wasn't even invented for them to make fun of. Well, I mean, you get all worked up about these modern inventions, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:25 I mean, the founding fathers were definitely not pro-paperclips either. So that was not... Chewing gum. I mean, that was high fucking thumbtacks. Yeah. This was big technology. Scotch tape? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:37 They would have fucking... Scotch tape was actually abhorrent in the eyes of God. It's in there. It's in Deuteronomy somewhere, I'm sure. It's weird, though, that they liked Post-it notes. I mean, that's the weird thing. And the post-it notes come straight from hell itself no no that's why they come in those fucking bright colors it's to mimic the fires of hell i'm telling you they didn't because i saw thomas i saw thomas jefferson's bible and it's full of post-it notes
Starting point is 00:49:59 and it's it's amazing that you could say something like this that you could go out of your way and say here's a thing that didn't exist i mean just imagine he talked about anything else so one of the things i mentioned space travel let's say if he were to say something like that people would immediately be like whoa wait a minute nobody talked about space travel back then because it's obviously different right but people hear evolution and they want some reason to fucking hate it they want some reason to one think that it's it's uh it's it that the founding fathers didn't like it because they don't like it so they want to get reinforcement from some authority that says that this is not a good thing so what's the perfect authority for
Starting point is 00:50:43 them founding fathers because they fucking fillate the founding fathers constantly. They love them. So they want to make sure that they reinforce it. Right. Well, because the founding fathers have become, I mean, they really have become demigods in the eyes of some of these fucking idiots. They're totally deified. So we have, he's bringing that up. But then they also want to say that it's not that innovative.
Starting point is 00:51:03 It's not an innovative theory. It's not an interesting theory. It's not an interesting theory. It's been around forever and people discounted it for thousands of years. But now we're so stupid that we're believing it. But it's been around forever. But nobody's believed it. Well, you know what else has been around forever and people still believe it is fucking Christianity, asshole. That's fucking 500 B.C.
Starting point is 00:51:23 That's pretty old. Yeah. Well, not Christianity is in 500 B.C. hole you know that's fucking 500 bc that's pretty old yeah well not christianity isn't 500 bc but but you know the the religious tradition that founded christianity is older than that you want answers i think i'm entitled you want answers i want the truth you can't handle the truth so this story also comes from right wing watch michelle bachman says she defeated the progressives by outsmarting them um wow this fits right perfectly with the david barton just making shit up yeah i love the idea that you
Starting point is 00:51:51 defeated the progressives you're getting kicked out of office you're losing i defeated them by losing my seat let's listen to captain crazy eyes here for a. This is a minute and 11 seconds long. This is World Net Daily. She did an interview for about this is about leaving Congress. This is Michelle Bachman on World Net Daily. They want their agenda to succeed. I took them on with their agenda and I went to the heart of whatever it was that they wanted to advance and tried to take it apart through evidence-based arguments. I used my brain smarts and my smarts habit and my brain thinking, and I thought all the Democrats.
Starting point is 00:52:37 My evidence-based thought thinking bits. My evidence-based thinking. Usenated. Oh, it's great. I love the idea that she thinks evidence is a thing that's amazing i'm surprised she was able to say it out loud it's amazing it's this just this is just proof again that there is no god she wasn't uh smote immediately for that nonsense right like i would think she'd be like i use evidence-based thing you'd be like no i'm yeah i can't Even I can't tolerate that. Like I'll let fucking I'll let children starve to death in a fucking field.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yeah. And it means nothing to me. Yeah. But Michelle Bachman talking about using evidence. No lightning bolt right to the forehead. And they don't like that. When the left argues, they argue from emotionalism. They don't argue from a logical, linear point of view. And I take them on at their false premises. That's the best way to defeat them, by the way,
Starting point is 00:53:32 defeat them with evidence and defeat them with their false premises. And I did that. And you do pay a price. I became a target for them, but so what? I mean, why else am I here? I was here to advance the cause of liberty and freedom, and I'm glad that I did what I did. It does come at a price.
Starting point is 00:53:50 You know, the Republican Party always gets a bad rap because there's not as many women that are in elective office, but it's a tough business. It is public humiliation, public ridicule, constant criticism when you're in public office if you take on the left. Wow. What if you don't take on the left as someone on the right? Then you're seen as a lukewarm pissant and you get out of office that way.
Starting point is 00:54:17 What can you possibly do other than what you did? In an adversarial two-party system, I don't care which side you're on your part of your job is to take on the other side yeah don't talk about it like you did some fucking heroic thing right like oh yeah i took on my opponents i'd be like can you imagine if a fucking defensive lineman was like yeah well you know i mean i get a lot of shit people crash into me all the time try to knock me over push me around. But hey, that's what I'm here for. I'm a defensive lineman.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I'm kind of shocked you know what an offensive and a defensive lineman is. Right? Nailed that, I think. Could you imagine if it was an MMA fighter? Man, I punch people all the time. You're like, no shit, dude. That's what you do. Every day and now.
Starting point is 00:55:02 You get in fighting for my life. She gets into an argument constantly. Okay, well, that's what your job is, is to argue. That's what you do every day and you get in fighting for my life she gets she gets into an argument constantly okay well that's what your job is is to argue that's what you do you didn't fucking you didn't save a goddamn cat out of a tree even right right yeah and and but she won dude she won well and then she also somehow like emotionalism is what they're using as their as the thoughts of their arguments. You're basically straw manning the entire arguments that is from from the opposing political party. All of them are emotional. Every single one is an appeal to emotion. Really?
Starting point is 00:55:39 I can't even say that about the Republicans, for Christ's sakes. You can't say that about anybody. say that about the republicans for christ's sakes you can't say that about anybody right like they just have different thoughts about how about how the world way of different fundamentally differing worldviews not only about like how we see the world we live in today but about like what we would like our future to look like and what like how we weigh the importance of different subjects and different like that's that is how these things work it's not just like well one's intellectual and one's emotional like well that's a fucking gross oversimplification thanks for not adding fucking any energy to the system at all the far right
Starting point is 00:56:16 they're going to believe whatever these people have to say because this is the fucking this is their worldview this is it and these people reinforce my worldview but there's got to be plenty of other people out there that are on the right that hear her talk and say there's no way that all of your fucking arguments come from that all the arguments on the other side come from an emotional standpoint there's no way that that's the case right that there has to be some evidence now you may not agree with some of the evidence right you may not agree with some of the evidence let's say with global warming you may not agree with that evidence even those fucking mountains of it you would literally be buried by it it's okay you don't agree with it that's fine you don't agree with that evidence but you can't say that it's
Starting point is 00:56:52 an emotional appeal because it doesn't even make any sense yeah what would the emotional appeal of we live in a changing global you know climate and we need to do something about it like why where would that start from something about it. Where would that start from? I don't know. Where would that start from? Does it start from a sad Indian with a single tear? I hope so. Is that where it starts? I gotta admit, Tom, the sad Indian with a single
Starting point is 00:57:15 tear is kind of my fetish. That's where it all starts for you. I love the idea, too. It ends there, too, Tom. It's all I need. One tear for lube and I'm ready to go. That's idea, too. It ends there, too, Tom. It's all I need. One tear for lube and I'm ready to go. That's it, baby. I love, too, that she's like, that's the best way to defeat them.
Starting point is 00:57:32 How would you know? You literally got nothing accomplished. That'd be like saying, yeah, I've got an 0-16 record, so I'd like to be interviewed on how to win. Yeah, it's like leaving a turkey outside all to be interviewed on how to win yeah it's like it's like leaving a turkey outside all day and telling me how to cook it you know what you do here is i mean you're fucking insane like you didn't figure it out everything she opposed um everything she opposed went through like she opposed the she opposed obamacare that you know that went through but she she opposed the Dodd-Frank financial
Starting point is 00:58:06 reforms. Those are now a reality. She opposed the 2009 stimulus. She opposed the auto industry bailout. She opposed the TARP bailout. All of those went through. I'm going to Google
Starting point is 00:58:22 this. What were her fucking signature accomplishments? Because it seems like the only thing she accomplished was just to be a fucking annoying voice screeching out. Oh, she helped to get a bridge built. Oh, did you find something? Yeah, it says, she says that she has no regrets. It says the first question came easy. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
Starting point is 00:58:50 Helping to get the St. Croix River Bridge built. She said that she broke the political log jam. She got it done, and that was her greatest accomplishment. Amazing. That's it. So thankfully, there is now going to be a bridge, the St. Croix River Bridge. I'm sure most of America will remember that as a great moment in history when the St. Croix River Bridge was built. Well, certainly had a grand impact on the – It's in St. Croix, right?
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah, St. Croix. I think it's in America. I'm not real sure. That's it. That's the accomplishment. That's amazing, man. That's it. That's the accomplishment. That's amazing. But it was an evidence-based accomplishment. They needed a bridge.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And I evidently gave them one. And the evidence shows that they now have one. So we'd like to thank our newest patrons. Of course, we want to thank all our patrons for patronizing us. We thank you so much for your generous donations. But we want to thank specifically Will, Mark, Travis, Max, Matthew, and Avi. Thank you all so much for your generous donations. They go a long way to making sure the show is possible, and we really appreciate them.
Starting point is 00:59:59 So thank you. Got a little bit of email we want to burn through here real quick. We want to start by saying uh that we did uh update our website so the website we had alluded to it earlier and you might have seen it on social media but now it's actually 100 updated uh when we sent it out before uh i hadn't changed some of the buttons on the side and i kind of was messing around with it a little bit but it is 100 updated so if you go to, you'll see a brand new website. It's totally set up
Starting point is 01:00:27 differently now. If you have any questions or concerns or messages that you want to talk to us about, you can send them to us at dissonance.podcast at and we'll talk to you about if you're looking for a particular feature that may or may not be there anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:44 We think it's a more usable site and and it's now mobile-friendly, which is helpful. It's going to be our great hope that eventually Patreon not only has an app, but also goes mobile-friendly, too, so people will have a much easier time downloading any extra content or content that gets there sooner than our normal RSS feed. But that's still in the works, and it's been in the works since September. So hopefully, within the new year, they roll that thing out. But our website has been updated.
Starting point is 01:01:10 If you just don't like the style of it, I don't care. So don't send me a message that says, Yeah, right. Like, why is it this color instead of that color? I don't care about that. What I do care about though is if there's some sort of functionality
Starting point is 01:01:20 that you think is missing. There's some things I clearly can't change, but I may be able to help see if I could figure it out or something like that. But it's going to be a work in progress for the next couple weeks. But if you haven't had a chance to take a look, you can take a look at it. And we think that it's pretty cool now. So
Starting point is 01:01:35 hopefully it'll be useful. It looks great. I appreciate all the... I will say this on... I appreciate all the effort that you put into that, Cecil. I will say that I did have a hand in it in that Cecil sent me a text message. check out the new site and then i did he got to see it pretty much when everybody else was if anybody else was looking at it it was funny too because during the middle of me actually working on it someone sent a message was like hey your website's kind of effed up and i'm just like yeah dude i'm working on it right now you know so it's kind of funny but while while i was actually working like, yeah, dude, I'm working on it right now. You know? So it was kind of funny when it,
Starting point is 01:02:05 while, while I was actually working on it, someone, it's like, you got your car up on blocks and you're like fucking fixing something. And someone's like, Hey man, want to race?
Starting point is 01:02:12 This thing doesn't run. What's going on with you? We got a ton. Cause it's, it's that time of year, Tom, we got a ton of messages about eggnog. We got a couple of images that we want to talk about.
Starting point is 01:02:23 The first one is we're just going to put it as an image. You'll see where eggnog comes from. It's kind of funny image. That'll be the image for this episode. But then there's also a picture of vegan eggnog on our website. So go there and check it out. You should be able to click on it to check out the images that are associated with the episode.
Starting point is 01:02:42 You're going to be looking for episode 198, despite what Tom says. Damn it. We got a message from Alan, and Alan says, hey, I was looking for a donate button. Do you still accept one-time donations? We haven't put that back on the site, but thank you for reminding us. We'll put it down.
Starting point is 01:02:56 It'll be on the right-hand side, a little bit lower. I'll try to put it up there this week for one-time donations. You can, of course, if you wanted to, become a patron, and then you get a chance to decide how much comes out of your account. So if you don't want to pay anymore, you could just cancel it or just say decline it after one donation cycle. That's perfectly fine, too. But that does require an action on your part. So we're going to try to put together
Starting point is 01:03:19 the one-time donation button so people who want to do that can look for it a little later on this week. Yeah, and thank you very much for asking. It's something we should have back on the site, and it obviously shows that you're looking to support the show. So we appreciate that. Thank you. I had a couple of messages about Christian computer programming. This has really touched a nerve, I think, on a lot of people. And this is interesting. This is from Brad, and Brad says, of course there needs to be christian family values in programming profession can you imagine clinging schmidt walking into a room and seeing his on this
Starting point is 01:03:51 on his wife's computer screen and these are the commands and these are all in caps touch grep unzip mount and i this is just fsck so to say F-Suck. I don't know if that's right, but whatever. And then U-Mount. He says, these are actual commands in Unix. I thought this was very funny. It made me laugh out loud. I think this is great that people sent us this stuff. Someone else sent us a message,
Starting point is 01:04:17 and this is from Mitch, and I'm going to put this on our site. Mitch sent us an overview. This is a PDF document, Tom. This has to be 20 pages long about computer programming and religion. I have to say that this went right over my head, but I'm sure people out there will get a kick out of it. So if you happen to see it, if you want to see it, it's going to be on this episode. This is episode 198. So check it out. And you could find Mitch's very long document that went straight over Tom's head and my head when we're talking about computer programming and Jesus.
Starting point is 01:04:57 It went so far above my head. I couldn't fucking find it if I was in a jet. I am sure it's very funny, though. I'm sure. Okay. I'm not that sure. But someone will tell us if it's funny. Okay, so here's an interesting thing that Lee sent. Lee sent us chocolate eggnog.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Yeah, they didn't actually send actual chocolate eggnog. No, but a picture of it. Because you can't transport things like that via U.S. mail. You have to put them in a biohazard truck. And the founding fathers were against that. Right. Yes. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:05:29 No, it's chocolate eggnog. Maybe that would be 20% less disgusting. It would be hard, man. I don't know, dude. I don't know. But it's also from a promised land dairy or whatever. And it has Bibble quotes on the eggnog not only do you get eggnog but you get bible quotes too it's like the worst day of your life golly i can't i mean it's
Starting point is 01:05:53 like oh man it's eggnog fuck oh it's chocolate eggnog i don't think that helps i actually think that would make me like chocolate less and i worry about that like i don't know that that's possible it's not good uh so we're gonna wrap it up here with an email from emily that i just it went right past tom and i and we think it's great that you caught this emily says i was just listening episode 197 uh while pat robertson blathered on about how gays were going to die out on account of not reproducing it occurred to me he just admitted that people are born gay if it were a choice if it couldn't be passed on genetically and thus it wouldn't matter one wit who the parents were or what the plumbing preference happened to be and i thought
Starting point is 01:06:36 wow that went right past me i missed it but absolutely i think he did absolutely that's awesome a fucking say that it's genetic. Right. That's exactly it. You know, but I mean, it would actually be kind of funny to write in about that, but it wouldn't go anywhere. Yeah, you wouldn't. You'd never get on the air.
Starting point is 01:06:53 That's right. Yeah. So next episode is going to be a midweek episode. We're going to be doing our year in review. So we're gonna be talking about a lot of the psychic predictions that happened this year, all the goofy stories that happened this year that were pseudoscience based and things like that. It should be a pretty fun episode. The lists are always fun to talk about.
Starting point is 01:07:10 So we're going to be dealing that out on New Year's Day. And then we're going to have one more episode, I think, between that's episode 199. And then it's our 200th episode. And our 200th episode is going to have another guest extravaganza on. We're going to have a bunch of guests on. We've been recording a couple of these ahead of time because we don't want to get slogged the day of. But they're going to be great segments. They're going to be fun guests.
Starting point is 01:07:38 This is your opportunity also, people who want to get a plug out for your podcast. also people who want to get a plug out for your podcast. This would be a great opportunity to call us in on our voicemail or send us a short clip that you recorded that not only wishes us a happy 200th episode, but also plugs your podcast. These have to be short. So please try to keep them under 30 seconds. If they're long, I might not use them. If you want to call in and give us a happy 200th as a listener, we'd love to get a call from you in the next couple of weeks.
Starting point is 01:08:10 We're going to be collating them. They need to come in by the second. So on the second of January, you'd need to either call in our phone number, which you can find on our website, or you can you can send it in via email through a small file like an mp3 that would work just fine if you send it to us at dissonance.podcast at lots of times the recording quality is a little better than so if you record it on the memo uh app on your phone it'll probably sound a lot better but we'd love to get a collection of these of you wishing us a happy 200th so we could put them on this episode uh and so if you would like to do that please do it if you want to plug your podcast you got 30 seconds you go over
Starting point is 01:08:49 30 seconds i cannot guarantee anything and i think it would be i think it would be a blast to have a whole bunch of these things just kind of coming through anybody who's got a show or got you know a charity to plug um you know do that too you know i mean that i i think that this is the opportunity that uh that a lot of people have been kind of waiting for it can we get these requests from time to time so it would make for an interesting segment so that wraps it up for episode 198 we will be back with 199 this week and we are going to leave you as always with the skeptics creed credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative,
Starting point is 01:09:33 acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo Pisces, Thank you. Menace, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, double-speak stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only. Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives,
Starting point is 01:10:33 employers, friends, families, or of the local dairy council. Outro Music you

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