Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 250: I Ate My Arms

Episode Date: September 21, 2015


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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Hey Tom, he's Casey, so this is Mutt from Wisconsin. And I just listened to the last show and I wanted to know, uh, what team does that number seven cowl play for? Because I'm looking at my fantasy, fantasy sneagol ball league, and I need a ring bearer for my team, and I wanted to know if a number seven called plate for that team or not. And also, I just see the Republican debate. I was wondering if that guy who makes the AR-15s with the Christian crap on it,
Starting point is 00:00:37 if there was one that he does with all Satanist shit, because after I've seen the debate, I want to keep my guns out of the hands of Christians. John 3.16 says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. In other words, kiss my ass or fuck you, go to hell. But I love you. Glory hole.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Hey guys, this is Jeff Lopat. Just calling to tell you to please never ever, ever stop talking about Sarah Palin. She is perfect. Nothing she says could possibly be more wrong. I love when she said she wanted to be the energy secretary because she wanted to be able to drill in states. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:01:25 The current energy secretary is a nuclear fucking physicist. The Department of Energy oversees the country's nuclear weapons and has nothing to do with drilling. That's the Department of the Interior. Literally nothing she says could possibly be more wrong. Oh, my God. I've been listening since, like, the last election. You guys and I am so looking forward to you covering all the Republicans and the crazy shit they say. Please don't stop.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. I'm going to go. to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome mat. This is episode 250, Cecil. Wow. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:57 You know, I knew it was episode 250, Tom. Yeah. Because I made this homemade clock to count down what we got. Hey, there's a knock on your door. Go answer it. Bomb squad. Sarah called the bomb squad on me earlier. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Oh, nicely done. Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. Oh, nicely done. So let's talk about the bomb squad and the fact that they doesn't seem like they were called. This story is from the Dallas News. Ahmed Mohammed swept up. Hoax bomb charges swept away as Irving Teens' story floods social media. So that's a terrible title. That is.
Starting point is 00:04:01 That's awkward and weird. Man, that's Jesus fucking Dallas Morning News. You are terrible writers and you should all be fired. You should all be lined up against the wall and shot in the face. That's the only solution. We'll call it the final solution. How's that? Fuckers.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Actually, kill all of them but one so that that one learns how to write right correctly that one can tell the story to the other aspiring writers he can write a really bad headline about it writer shot lined against wall all fall but one. Dallas Morning News. So this story is pretty fucked up. So this kid, this Ahmed Mohamed, he takes a pencil case and he turns it into a little alarm clock. He makes – that's all he did. He took a pencil case and he put some fucking electronics in it and he made a little alarm clock. And he thought he was clever because he's a kid and he built a thing that worked and my kid can't fucking fucking snap two legos together so you know see if you can trade up for an ahmed tom because he's not a studious brown stem kid
Starting point is 00:05:19 difficult thing though if you if you were to trade up for him is that constantly the bomb squad is getting called to your house like every third day. And going through airports would suck. It's true. I'd be constantly. But, you know, I guess it wouldn't suck because you get the free pat down. And I consider that a little bit of a massage you don't pay for. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:39 That's a bonus. I like to make sure I'm fully erect when I get it to make them uncomfortable. I like to force them to wear a joy buzzer when they do it. It would be so fucking funny. It's like you go through security, you pop a Viagra a half hour before and wear khakis. Just for your fucking sport and the whole time. You are just fucking rock hard. You're like one and a half inches is barely poking through your case and you just go through security fucking raise your hands up in
Starting point is 00:06:14 the air with your fucking tent pole stick it out sir i think you might have dropped one of your combos down your pants they're pretty hard smells like pretzels so this this kid gets uh he brings this pencil case alarm clock to school and he shows it to his teacher and his fucking teacher flips their shit and they call the cops the cops show up and fucking arrest them and the stories that i've read are fucking outrageous because they arrest the kid. And the police, like, when they're defending it later, they're like, well, he just kept telling us it was a clock. And then, like, later he's like, that's because it was just a clock. The police seemed miffed. They're like, he just kept telling us.
Starting point is 00:06:56 We questioned him and questioned him. He just kept telling us it was a clock. And it's like, well, that's the answer you would get if it was a clock. Yeah, you wouldn't get. And it's like, well, that's the answer you would get if it was a clock. You wouldn't get – there wouldn't be a second part of that unless it was like I built a clock out of – you know what I mean? There's nothing else to say. There's nothing else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:14 So a few things that I thought were interesting, and I don't know if these are 100 percent accurate because I couldn't verify, but I did see something on Facebook and then I poked around a little bit trying to verify it. That, you know, kind of brought home a point that I thought was sort of interesting that that maybe they didn't really think this was a bomb because they didn't call the bomb squad. And if you really think there's a bomb, you don't take the bomber and arrest them and, you know, not call the bomb. I mean, like there's a whole protocol of evacuations and you know fucking robots that blow shit up and like there's a whole thing that happens when you really think there's a bomb yes that doesn't sound at all like what happened here you're right it sounds it sounds like um like people just automatically presumed that it was a bomb, I guess, or or maybe there was, you know, or that it was a hoax. That it was a hoax. They had bad intentions.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah. You don't know. Like, I don't know what was going through their head. Right. But they're sort of sticking to their guns and saying that they thought it was a bomb and that. But it wasn't. I mean, it's a fucking clock. And the reason why we're even talking about this is because the kid uh either is a muslim or
Starting point is 00:08:27 looks like a muslim i don't even know if he's a muslim like i think he's a muslim because i saw him talking uh giving a conference and there was a couple people by him wearing hijab like like there was a couple women standing by him with the you know the thing on their head but there's this reaction that people have to muslims where they to Muslims where they're automatically violent. You know what I mean? They're automatically extremists, that sort of thing. So I think there's a bunch of distinctions. This issue strikes me that there are distinctions that need to be made that are important distinctions in order to think even remotely critically about this issue, right?
Starting point is 00:09:03 About the issue of sure of islam and islamophobia and because i think you and i both agree that islam is not true right it's not it's a set of ideas that which which have which which first of all are not true and that's not islamic islamophobic to say so i want to be really clear about that i don't think the ideas for judaism are true i don't think the jainism stuff has any truth to it. So I don't think Islam is true. Then second to that, I would go so far as to say that I think many of the ideas in the Islamic teaching are dangerous ideas. Sure.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Violent ideas. They subjugate women. Now, not everybody follows Islam to the letter, right? And so that's the distinction. So you can draw a distinction between criticizing a religion as a set of ideas about the world and about what's true and how we should act. That's Islam. That's a set of ideas. That's not people.
Starting point is 00:10:02 That's Islam. That's a set of ideas. That's not that's not people. Then there are people who act on those ideas and they can be criticized. And that's not Islamophobic. Right. So we routinely cover stories about like, let's say, ISIS. That's a great, easy example. It's like talk about the Nazis. Right. So you just they're so egregiously awful that they're like they define one end of the spectrum. awful that they're like they define one end of the spectrum you can be extremely critical of muslims for acting on their muslim beliefs on their islamic beliefs when they throw a stone at somebody in order to murder them for violating some kind of religious prescription, right? That's not Islamophobic. What is Islamophobic is singling out a kid with an alarm clock and basically calling him a terrorist or a potential terrorist.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And the reason for me that Islamophobia is problematic is because it's this kind of Islamophobia where you look at somebody and you see that they have a name like Ahmed Mohammed and they have brown skin and you decide, well, that's what I think a terrorist is. And I am afraid that all Muslims are terrorists. And I refuse to draw a distinction between moderates and extremists, and then I'm going to racially profile based on that prejudice, you know, that would have done you no good finding the Boston Marathon bombers who were white dudes, right? Being an Islamic extremist doesn't mean you look a certain way.
Starting point is 00:11:41 You can look, you know, there uh jose padilla guy remember that guy yeah he didn't have he didn't have the look right of your look or the name of your traditional there was the shoe bomber yeah his name was richard something right i thought so yeah something like that yeah um so there there are a number of problems with using visual cues as your markers to say this is what an extremist looks like. I don't think you can find out what an extremist looks like until they reveal their stripes. Now, when an extremist reveals their stripes and they are pro the subjugation of women or you know the pro any kind of violence fucking hand chopper offer machine right you know they've got fucking hand chopper offer machines in their fucking back pocket then then absolutely it's not islamophobic to criticize them for their violence
Starting point is 00:12:37 or their religion for being not true and it's not islamophobic to criticize their religion for supporting the violence right and and you, you know, all important distinctions. Sure. And we're talking about which we've said this many times. And it bears repeating. When you talk about the difference between moderates and fundamentalists, the difference is the level at which they adhere to their religion. Right. So when you say a fundamentalist, you're saying he's inherently more religious than the moderate.
Starting point is 00:13:04 He is doing more religious than the moderate he is doing more religious things he's he's abiding by the religious codes set out by his by his religion well what's the problem between the two one has more of something what does it have more of could that be the thing that we need to combat could that be the thing that is inherently bad? You know, we talked about like last week, we're talking about the guys who were saying you'd beat your wife. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:31 Like they're discussing whether or not beating your wife. You know, if you were to say that in any other context, Tom, talk about like, if you were just to say like, you know, should a guy be able to beat his wife outside of any sort of religious conversation, immediately people would be like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Sure, right. But the moment you start to say it in the context of Islam, does it get any kind of special protection then? Should I look at that and say, no, that has special protection now?
Starting point is 00:14:01 Yeah, or that's a conversation that's worth having. Right. now yeah or that's that's a conversation that's worth having right because because it lives within this uh religious framework and then all of a sudden that's a conversation that doesn't deserve my derision and my exactly uh anger and right yeah you know it's easy to point to hitler or whatever but you can't look at mein kampf and be like oh well that's a that's a cultural idea we can't really talk about how there's bad ideas in it you're like fucking there's bad ideas and stuff it's okay to fucking call out bad ideas and the other thing too is a lot of people will say like and this is a resla asslan or ass slam whatever his name is um he talks about how it's all culture and you're like yes there's culture that's it's cultural of course it's cultural
Starting point is 00:14:39 but to remove the religion part of it uh neglects a huge portion of what could be damaging here. How easy is it to indoctrinate through religion? How easy is that to do? So the religion is a tool. Maybe it's a tool of your culture, but it's still a tool. And if you take away the religion, it's a lot harder for people to try to indoctrinate their children and things like that. Because now your argument is not that there's an ultimate being that says it's okay now your argument is well our country thinks it's okay
Starting point is 00:15:10 well what happens when i start looking at facebook and other countries don't do that oh well i don't think that's a good idea then now i might have a diverse opinion but if i'm saying fucking almighty god or whatever an almighty Allah or whatever the fuck you believe in says that this is the fucking right way and if you don't do this, you fucking suffer. Then there's a fucking there's some clear motivation there to do the thing that you want culturally. And I think people neglect that. They just they just gloss over that like, oh, well, fucking it's not religion's fault.
Starting point is 00:15:37 It's the culture's fault. Well, fucking what helps the fucking what helps make it cultural is the religious indoctrination. Yeah. How do you how do you pull the eggs out of the cake after it's baked? Right. That's a religious indoctrination. Yeah. How do you pull the eggs out of the cake after it's baked? Right. That's a great way to put it. Yeah. I don't even understand that.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Like it's such a meaningless thing to say. Like, oh, it's not the religion. It's the culture. Motherfucker, religion is embedded in the culture. Yeah. What does that word culture even mean if it doesn't mean the aggregate sum of the religious beliefs, the history, the art, the music of a people? What is culture – if that even means anything, if it doesn't include religion in its subsets, it ceases to even have meaning. So it's like, oh, it's the culture. Well, OK, you didn't i it's it ceases to even have meaning so it's like oh it's the culture well
Starting point is 00:16:25 okay you didn't say it's not the religion by saying that you did not say it's not the religion well boys and girls put your hand up if you've heard of the word evolution oh boy i think just about everyone puts their hands up so this story should give us all hope for humanity this comes from the friendlyly Atheist blog. Ken Ham, if evolution says humans are animals, why bother worrying about climate change? So most of this I didn't care about. But the line, Ken Ham says those of us who accept evolution shouldn't even care about climate change. Quote, if we are just animals, as evolution teaches, then why should we even care for the environment? Other animals don't worry about protecting other species or the environment.
Starting point is 00:17:17 So why should we? And it's like such a shitty, ridiculous straw man, first of all. Sure. It's silly but it also has an answer that like fucking my my eight-year-old would be able to refute this argument fucking without looking up from minecraft you know he'd be like so we still have an earth and food fucking water to drink man that's it yeah like even even if you take the most short-sighted narcissistic selfish self-centered myopic worldview possible it's so we don't fuck it up for us like even if every fucking chimpanzee exactly gets lit on fire to fuel our cars
Starting point is 00:18:02 like i don't care if we're stuffing fucking lemurs into diesel trucks. It's like the engines purring. It's like, it's like, like, even if you were advocating, you know, filling airline engines full of fucking elephant tusks. Yeah, sure. In order to get around. You would still have to pause and say, well, wait a minute. I'm going to need some water to drink and some air to breathe.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And a food to eat. And a food to eat. Yeah. So that's the reason. It's real fucking easy. Even if you care about nothing else. The thing is, though, I think he's arguing that no matter what, you shouldn't care about the environment because the opposite end of that equation. The other side of that equation is, is that if if let's just say I don't believe in evolution, let's say I believe in his wackadoo fucking idea that God fucking waved his magic wand 6,000 years ago and created everything, you know, first the water
Starting point is 00:19:07 and then actually went up to the stars and created those first. In all kinds of wacky order. Yeah. That doesn't even really seem like it could happen, but let's just presume that this is the way it works. He's saying what Sarah Palin said last week, which is God shit a bunch of stuff all over the earth. Dumped energy. Dumped energy.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Dumped energy wherever he wanted and you shouldn't care. Basically, you're being taken care of by God. Right. So you have two choices and your choice is either you're selfish and you don't give a shit because you're an evolutionist or whatever he would call you. Right. Or you're selfish and you're awesome because God loves you and likes to shit things out from heaven at you so those are your two options i think in his in his worldview yeah i think that those are the only two things that he would see and so for him sustainability climate change that sort of
Starting point is 00:19:55 thing that's a that's a useless concept it's not happening it's not even a conversation yeah it's not it's not a useless it's not a use useful concept for him or his followers and it's certainly not a useful concept for anybody else you know in and it's certainly not a useful concept for anybody else in the whole world. Because if you're not one of his followers, you're probably against him. Right. Yeah. Maybe he has a more nuanced view than that, and maybe I am strawmanning him here. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I will say that that is a very common line of thought though yes from the creationist people right you i mean we heard sarah palin talk about it last week you hear any of these creationists talk about the glory of god and how they can ease that like the world is here for us to fuck basically is what they say like you can face fuck any hole in the earth and it's the face doesn't matter what the hole is it's the face and you're allowed to fuck it. No, I mean, really, though, they have that mentality. Now, is that Ken Ham's? I don't know, but I would imagine that Ken Ham doesn't think very differently than that. Well, and I mean, in the bulk of what he says, he basically is like, hey, look, the Earth goes through cooling and warming cycles, and it's nothing we can do about it.
Starting point is 00:21:04 How would you even know, know like with 6,000 years only under your belt? Yeah you probably wouldn't. You probably wouldn't and he's just making it up you know he's just making it up because he has to concede at some point he has to concede some things to reality because
Starting point is 00:21:19 shit is actively changing and there's a point where he has to there's gotta be this tremendous cognitive dissonance where all of the evidence. And he almost says as much. He's like, hey, well, you know, if all that stuff is true, this would be very alarming. Yeah. But since it's just the Bible that's true, that's his argument. But since it's just the Bible that's is true i can ignore the mountains of fucking
Starting point is 00:21:45 evidence i always wonder like what and this always goes back to the to the 6 000 year thing and you know you're willing to throw out this you're willing to say that like our understanding of how planets form our understanding of how the universe formed our understanding of how uh planetary bodies move etc etc all the things that go counter to what you believe, right? That you have to throw out in order to believe your 6,000-year-old myth. All that stuff's gone. When do you start putting the science into your basket that you think is okay? I know. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Where do you reach for when you start talking about whether or not climate – because he says um there was a global flood a few thousand years ago that completely changed the earth's surface and climate that the earth and that the earth is still settling down from this catastrophe so we should expect there to be some variations in climate change you know you're where are you getting you know where why are you in particular saying that there is variations in climate why are you even saying that like what what part is that in your bible that they say there's variations in climate is that where you're getting it from or because i always wonder where they're getting
Starting point is 00:22:54 you know why are you taking one or two things that you're like well science is okay here but i fucking they don't know anything about carbon dating or they don't know anything about how planets form or they don't know anything about how long things have been going i think that's the concession to reality though where they have to at some point look around and see that that they're wrong and then try to make sense of the wrong like there's a there he has to acknowledge variation in climate he has to acknowledge that because it's self-fucking evident at this point because all of the evidence points in that direction i just wonder how many indians he's making cry that's the that's the real question how many single indian tears does it take to
Starting point is 00:23:38 fill the world with a global flood of single indian tears god is just like a trillion crying Indians. Oh, no, he's one really big crying Indian. He's just an enormous... Splash. Bloop. Hope you built a boat. You are watching the beginning and the birth of the New World Order.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And you want to call me crazy go to hell call me crazy all you want oh man so this is from right wing watch and i and and and i want to preface this again i'm just every time that fucking glenn it's he's seriously honestly truly mentally ill and this this in particular i watched this video and i did not feel comfortable he is honestly i read the transcript and i was like he's really this is a man who is sick he's sick and he needs he needs a lot of help and nobody will help this poor guy and i don't know why i'm laughing about it but nobody will help this guy i think because his fucking message continues to play into this like uh christian yeah paranoia narrative yep that christian paranoia echo chamber so this is from right wing watch um glenn beck show also what is he wearing? What is that?
Starting point is 00:25:05 I think. What is happening there? That is a funky designed flannel is what it looks like to me. It's like a Tex-Mex flannel. It looks like a placemat at like a Santa Fe restaurant. It does. That's what I mean. It's like, you look at that.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Like if you flipped it over, there would be a kid's maze on the back. I just don't know which coals he robbed to get that from. You know, he's walking around and he's like, that's more like it. And he grabs it off the hanger and he brings it up. He just walks right out and he starts screaming that the end of the world's coming and he's allowed to have it. And they just let him go. They're like, yes, that's just Glenn. He comes in here once a week.
Starting point is 00:25:47 See you tomorrow, Glenn. He takes all the weird shit from our clearance rack. He looks so weird. The arm of God is starting to move. And I'm sorry to say that I think massive crisis is coming our way. I don't know if it's related to Shamita. I don't know when it will happen, but it will happen. See, now he's pronouncing it like a black girl's name.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Shamita! That's awesome! I don't know that we can use that. Oh, we're using that. I don't know that we can use that. Oh, we're using that. I don't know that we can use that. Oh, it's awesome. Well, white people are afraid of the black apocalypse anyway. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:38 We're so scared. Oh, my God. It's Shamita. It's Shamita. She's from Ferguson. Ferguson. Ferguson or Baltimore. It's Shamita. She's from Ferguson. Ferguson or Baltimore. It's a massive crisis.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It's one black girl. Run. Hide your white goods. Oh no. And I think sooner rather than later, but a massive crisis is coming. There's something coming. But I want you to know that whatever that is, whenever that is, and whoever that is. How specific?
Starting point is 00:27:15 Whatever. Whenever. Whoever. However. Why ever. Oh, my God. I'm just here saying shit into a microphone oh my god you know he's you know what he's like he's like a he's like a punch drunk uh like one of those uh uh all night uh
Starting point is 00:27:37 televangelists like raising money guys you know it's like 3 30 in the morning he's got fucking droopy eyes he's been on stage he's like okay everybody just donate some money yeah i don't know how much money who's on next for the stage show okay that's really good somebody's got to bring me a coffee like he's just you know what i do fucking totally lost it doesn't even know where he's at you know what he sounds like he sounds like visiting your grandpa in the fucking nursing home. Where your grandpa's just like, his life sucks, so he's going to tell you your life sucks. Just like, I don't know what's going to happen, but it's going to suck, and it's going to be sucky, and it's going to be awful. I don't care who.
Starting point is 00:28:17 I don't care when. It's going to suck. He's trying to convince you the orderlies are stealing from him. They took my candy. They took my candy. They took my candy. I had a Bellaroyals original right over there. I don't know. Oh, God. I don't look to that.
Starting point is 00:28:31 They're stealing from me years. Those are not a fun years. I'm just going to leave things out for myself that can disappear that I can be mad about. I just want you to remember that i truly believe man there's times that i say things that i know are true and this is one of them and there's other times i beat you such a line of bullshit even i can't buy it you gotta love a guy who's blown away by his own truth man i'm really about to not lie to you let this one blow your hair back kids old glenn's gonna let one out of the truth bag 828 is more than a date 828 is when we met in Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:29:26 August 28th. 828 is more of a date. It's a lifestyle, but it is also a promise. Huh? No, this is the part where he goes crazy. It's a promise. He's going to skin his producer alive in a few moments.
Starting point is 00:29:43 You just got to wait for it. Yeah. Romans 828. Summary, no matter what happens. He doesn't even quote it. All of it is going to be for him. All of it will work into his plan. No matter how bad it gets, we should rest assured,
Starting point is 00:30:04 as long as we're doing our part, it's all going to be good. He's going to take some of the worst things that we've ever seen in our lifetime. And quite honestly, some of the worst things that, that any human being has seen that's alive today. Now think about all those people who survived the Holocaust that are still living today. people who survived the holocaust that are still living today worse things than anyone who is alive today has ever seen we will see in the next five to eight years oh he's putting a timeline on it yeah there we go i think that that's a mistake five to eight years yeah that seems like a pretty
Starting point is 00:30:40 quick turnaround unless there's some sort of really mad bad awful does that like we're talking zombie virus that could yeah you know zombie virus um uh smallpox rabies smallpox is bad that's the double whammy or nuclear bomb from north korea blows us all up yeah that seems super unlikely seems unlikely seems more likely they blow themselves up with their bomb and it'd be like, boo, up like two feet and then, ba-doom. Sounds like my sex life. Hey, two feet. Hey, two feet.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Two feet. I was more talking about the anticlimactic premature explosion. Oh, no, I'm watching there. But, yeah, yeah. I'm not criticizing that part of you. Yeah, yeah. I'm the only one not criticizing that. Yeah, no, that seems like a pretty accelerated timeline.
Starting point is 00:31:34 It's a bold prediction. It's a bold prediction. It's definitely a bold prediction. I do like, though, that if you buy into that, it will be after the next presidency. buy into that it will be after the next presidency so like i i wonder if that plays into it like because then yeah if his guy gets yeah if his guy gets in then it's a good four years and then you know if i don't know i'm just wondering i wonder too oh you know when he's saying this too what he's saying is is that it's all for god and we're gonna be okay but you're like no you're not because you're gonna have to live through this too yeah i don't understand how it's like well even though
Starting point is 00:32:09 it's gonna be super awful it's all gonna be for him and it's like well if it's worse if it's worse than the holocaust you know then it's like i don't i don't care who it's for yeah like you know if there's no scenario where it could be like oh oh, yeah, we turned your fucking baby into a lampshade. But, you know. It's for God. We did it for God. It'd be like, war, you could have just not done that. That would have been better.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I really kind of like that baby. I was using that baby. You know, like, I don't want to live through something worse than the Holocaust. Yeah. I want to die immediately before that starts. It's like, hey, it's going to be worse. I wanted the first fucking train to the death thing. That's what I want.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I want to get hit by the train. I want to be on the Zyklon B Express. Can you put me on there? Zyklon B Express. but understand have great faith because all of it will be to his good and glory all of it will be used there is no waste of anything with him it's again it's the crying indian god right there's no waste no waste waste. They eat all of the buffalo, the whole thing, even this part of the buffalo. Look, there's no waste. When they make the lampshade, they use the whole baby.
Starting point is 00:33:30 They use the whole baby. They put the entire Jew in the oven. What a fucking horrible way to think about the world. There's no waste. So when those Syrian toddlers wash up on the beach, you're just like, oh, it's all for the... Yeah, no, use them as bobbers. Oh, my God. They're baby buoys.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Boo, boo. They're baby buoys. Baby. You just put a blinking blue light on the corpses in the water. Oh, Jesus. I take it all back. I rescind it all. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And you stack them up to make a lighthouse of the dead. Oh, man. You stack them up to make a lighthouse of the dead. Oh, God. What a degenerate fucking way to think. It is really something, isn't it? You're going to talk about the most horrible. I ran into this my whole young life when I ran into the born again people and they talked about how this is, you know, they talked about the end of the world and they talked about all this awful shit all the time. And there's this sort of sick pleasure that I think people derive from that boogeyman story that they're going to tell you about how awful the rapture is going to be. Yeah, right. that boogeyman story that they're going to tell you about how awful the rapture is going to be.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Yeah, right. It's like a torture porn movie that they really just enjoy telling over and over and over again. It's the, you know, the whole night there was a clanking sound and it turns out it was the husband's ring on the back window. Yeah, right. You know, I mean, like they're all these, you know, it's a horror story. It's a story that is made to horrify you. And they glean some sort of – it's like they tell it with relish. They tell it with – and he sounds so reverent when he's talking about it. He's thrilled, right? Because it's all for the glory of God.
Starting point is 00:35:36 It's fucking repugnant because all it does is scare people and that's what the tool is. all it does is scare people and that's what that's what the tool is it's a tool to scare you into thinking oh god this is this is going to be really bad and i've got to make sure that i follow i follow jesus because five to eight years is not a long time to get my shit on track right before the end of the world it's no different than like the titillation of like the hieronymus bosch paintings of hell and stuff, you know, like, oh, look at the naked demons torturing the naked people in hell. It's like there's a titillation to that, to that violence, you know, that they that I agree that they totally fucking we've throughout history. We fucking reveled in that. We've reveled in the idea of somebody else's pain and misery.
Starting point is 00:36:25 of somebody else's pain and misery and then and then he tops that fucking shit with the with the maraschino cherry of fucking evil by saying like he's basically saying like well god won't give you and it makes me crazy when people fucking throw this fucking plum out there like he's like well god never gives you more than you can handle right like it's all for the glory of god it's like god routinely fucking routinely gives people more than they can handle. If there's a God. Yeah, right. Yeah. If there's a God and you believe this.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Right. God will give you more than you can handle. That shit is fucking standard. Yeah. And there are plenty of people who don't handle it. Yeah. Right. Like all those people in the Holocaust.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Right. Or like, you know, like, you know, I think it like the the incredible number of veterans that commit suicide sure for example yeah like veteran suicide rates are you know that's a perfect multiplier it's a perfect higher yeah you know clearly they were given some shit they cannot handle right and then they don't handle it and it's like but and yet still that platitude is out there like oh it's for the glory of God. Oh, really? Like, how am I supposed to reconcile the reality of suffering with your benevolent God? How am I supposed to look at that little kid in his outfit that washed ashore just trying to get to fucking safety from that fucking barrel bomb haven that is Syria? Right.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And look at that and say all glory be to god you know and and did you i read the story when they interviewed the father and he says my sons slipped through my hands yeah and i think that's a man who was given more than he could handle yep how is he supposed to move through his life yeah all he'll ever feel is that last moment of his son's son slipping through his hands that's the only thing he'll ever feel in his life that's not a unique story in that syrian conflict either it's not it's not like that's got a good picture just got a good picture right there i was listening to a story today on npr where this guy says yeah my wife you, my wife died.
Starting point is 00:38:25 We left and our boat flipped over on the way here and I had to hold my two girls. And he lived and his two girls lived. But his wife? But his wife is dead because she got killed by ISIS. It's the only thing about that photo. It's not that that photo is an anomaly. It's that photo was taken. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:47 That's it. Yeah. You know? And it's all for the glory of God. Yeah, whatever. Fucking silly ass. It's a mean thing to say when you think about it. Allahu Akbar.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Allahu Akbar. Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah. Glory to the motherfucker. Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah. Allahu Akbar. So this story comes from the Washington Times.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty. Still won't take Syrian refugees. Saudi Arabia is coming under fire for not taking in the Syrians fleeing conflict. The Syrians are hopping in rickety ass fucking boats and going through incredible torturous travel that often ends in misery, despair and death. and death. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has looks like housing for about 3 million people in huge tents with bathrooms and kitchen facilities. And these tents exist for pilgrims, the Hajj pilgrims or pilgrims doing the Hajj or whatever. Do you do the Hajj?
Starting point is 00:40:00 How many steps are there in a typical Hajj? The first is you got to jump to the left. Then it's a step to the right. There's a part where you put your hands in your hips. Right. Always. There always is. I'm going to a wedding on Saturday, so I'm sure we'll do the hajj there.
Starting point is 00:40:18 You will, yeah. At the end of it, you've got to slap your wife. Oh, no. See? We're anti-Islamic oh my god problem um so yeah the the whole fucking syrian crisis the refugee crisis is pretty fucked it's a fucking disaster and uh you know it's it's interesting because most of the articles that i've read on this um it there's only a couple of countries jordan and uh lebanon jordan and turkey let me read off where these people are so thank you four million refugees from syria are in just five countries turkey lebanon jordan iraq and egypt i'm reading directly this i'm reading directly
Starting point is 00:41:00 from amnesty international right now le. Lebanon hosts 1.2 million refugees, which amounts to around one in five people in the country. Jordan hosts 650,000, which amounts to 10% of the population. Turkey hosts 1.9 million, which is more than any other country worldwide. Iraq, where 3 million people have been internally displaced in the last 18 months, hosts 249,000. And Egypt hosts 132,000 refugees from Syria.
Starting point is 00:41:32 So the thing is, though, and this is what Tom is getting into, the Gulf countries, including Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain have offered zero resettlement places for Syrian refugees. Now, this is from Amnesty International. Now, I know that there's other reports that say that they've given up 500,000. Some people say like a couple million or something have shown up there. But this is Amnesty International's numbers. I also want to point out that the average gross product of the average citizen or whatever's like 50,000 in the United States. It's about the same in Saudi Arabia, but in like Qatar and Kuwait,
Starting point is 00:42:11 it's in the 90s and 100,000 per person. So you're talking about very rich nations. These are not poor nations. These are nations with a lot of money. They have a lot of resources. They're nearby and they share the same religion you know from a lot of the stories that i read is that a lot of these nations feel that the syrians flooding into their borders will be a destabilizing population because these are countries that
Starting point is 00:42:38 by and large have control by force of their nation and their people and they have control by force of their nation and their people, and they have control by tradition of their people and their country. And there's a lot of speculation that the authorities feel that opening the border to these refugees would be a destabilizing event and that they may have a difficult time holding on to their power regime. I think the feeling is like, hey, we have a difficult time holding on to their power regime. I think the feeling is like, hey, we have a precarious balance here. Yeah. If we have people come streaming in to our borders with new ideas, telling us that the world can be another way. Yeah. And we fought for it to be another way.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Man, that could be really dangerous for you know the monarchy in saudi arabia for example the reason why i think we want to talk about this story in particular is the representative said that saudi arabia has given 700 million to humanitarian aid in aid to syrians and then it said last week saudi officials offered to build 200 new mosques in germany yeah that's unreal to me like i read the 200 mosques in germany thing and i thought what a fuck you that is who cares what a fuck you that is that's like those motherfuckers who show up to haiti after the fucking earthquake with bibles you know fuck your bibles fuck your mosques fuck your proselytizing bullshit and particularly the idea that you would look at another nation and be like well i'll just
Starting point is 00:44:11 fucking build a bunch of churches over there fuck you these are people that need they're they're in desperate need of food jobs housing medicine clothing shelter that's what they need they don't know a fucking mosque. You know, fucking rub some dirt on it, you may as well. Fucking a mosque? Yeah. I'll build a mosque in your country. That's how I'll fucking help.
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Starting point is 00:45:14 take a second to give us a five-star review on iTunes or Stitcher, or spread the word about the show. We want to send a big heartfelt glory hole to all the patrons and people who rate us. You fucking rock. So this story comes from Right Wing Watch. Jonathan Cahn blows September 13th doomsday prophecy, finds convenient explanation. So, you know, the world, I don't know if you noticed this, but the fucking Schmeagle didn't find his precious or whatever. And the world has continued without disaster.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Let's listen to Jonathan Cahn talk about this prediction and why something didn't happen. Last week, the good friend Jonathan Cahn told us about the mystery of the Shemitah. You probably didn't understand what that was all about. It's that every seven years, the Bible calls for a Sabbath rest. You have to spend a whole year in rest? That sounds amazing. That sounds awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Until I lose my house. Well, no, I was going to say, like, how are you going to get that paid time off? The United States won't even give you two weeks for Christ's sake. Right? Like, you get to call up your lender and be like, oh, yeah, listen, I'm not going to make my mortgage payments. I got the fucking shmeagles or whatever. Here's the thing. I can't make payments, electronic payments, because it's fucking, it's the Jewish holiday year.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Right. Of the Shemitah, the Scimitar. Yeah. That year is called the Shemitah. The Scimitar. On the last day of the Shemitah, of years past we've seen massive drops in the stock market the most recent shimata ended this past sunday oh what does stock market do on sunday well let's find out tom maybe they'll talk about it so hi jonathan is here and i want to say
Starting point is 00:46:59 jonathan did it happen or not well great to be back and i just want to say something because we usually say this privately but but it's the Seven Days of Blaze here. And I came to the Lord during the Seven Days of Blaze, watching the 700 Club throughout that time as a Jewish person. That was helping me to come to the Lord during the Seven Days of Blaze. Well, we were honoring Israel. Yes. Yeah. Praise God.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Yeah. So I want to. Praise God. Yes. Yeah. Praise God. Yeah. So I want to. Praise God. Oh, man. Of course you were honoring Israel. Please ejaculate in my face, Israel. Whatever you want to do. Actually, while you're ejaculating, can you strangle a small Muslim girl?
Starting point is 00:47:43 Is that possible? You know, people don't know that, but that's just the many many things that come from here yeah um well here's that okay the last thing i said when we were here last week is is a bunch of bullshit right it's just some fucking nonsense i like how pat by the way is like they're not even talking about how fucking actually anti-semitic this whole conversation is. Because this guy basically came and was like, yeah, I used to be Jewish. And then now I'm not Jewish. And the whole time he's like, praise God. Praise God.
Starting point is 00:48:13 He's basically saying, like, praise God you're not Jewish anymore. Was he saying that he was not Jewish anymore, though? Yeah, I think he's saying that's how he found God, right? And Pat seems super happy about that, I assume. The Days of Blaze, for whatever reason, that sounds like a fucking hard rock concert that they're going to have in like Grant Park. The Days of Blaze. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Days of Blaze. They like dig fucking that HIV infested guy from Poison out to sing a song.
Starting point is 00:48:43 It's like, come on out here and sing a song yeah no those sores on your face that gives you character that's good that's fine that that'll that'll heal right guys like the guy's like a fucking like right now like all he is is one giant herpy you know look at him and the fucking one-armed dude from deaf leopard the fucking jam session i like that twisted sister guy to wear his fucking shoulder pads. There you go. Dee Snider. Get all three of those fuckers out there for the days of Blaze.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It's the days of Blaze. Big hair, small shorts, cheap beer. And I've said this from the beginning is nothing has to happen. You can't put God in a box because he'll get out of it. You know, so. You can't. Well, that doesn't mean I can't put him in there. It just means I can't put god in a box because he'll get out of it you know so so you can't well that doesn't mean i can't put him in there it just means i can't keep him in there these are two axioms that you have to follow you cannot put god in a box and you cannot put baby in a corner those are two things you just can't do well maybe maybe it's schrodinger's god that's that's what it is
Starting point is 00:49:43 it's like it's like he's there he's not there oh hey i look at the box there's no god the box it got is i got done got out that box but so the the stock market wasn't open on sunday so you can't really have a crash but the interesting thing is that what's happened with the shmita is there's several templates in the book of how the different ones have come in the last 40 and 50 years. This one has, you know, two of them have had a crash on a little 29, but the others have a different pattern. And that's what this has done. This has followed the pattern of this. When the Shemitahs happen, the last cycles is what's happened is that before the Shemitah come that last day, there's the stock market, which has been ascending. The Shemitah changes that direction and it begins descending.
Starting point is 00:50:29 All right, so let's look. I'm going to take a look at the stock market for last week. All right, let's check it. Joe Jones. I know the answer to this, but that's all right. Okay, so look, we get a little blip today. Up to 69. Let's just take a look at the five-day.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Oh, it looks like it's rising oh look at that looks like it started the five day time at 16 330 and uh it's today at four it was 16 676 so according to my calculations that is a higher number i'm not a math-tarian, but that seems like it's going up. And the reason why I know that is Google has created a graph for me. And I can tell. It's got a pointy line in the right direction. I just listen to Marketplace on my way home, and they play the right music, and then I know the Shemitah is not real. i want to you know that i love i love this and i don't know that i'm gonna play anymore this because this is basically what what he's saying is is relatively simple right and worthless and
Starting point is 00:51:31 let's not forget that what he's saying is fucking meaningless utterly worthless jib jab but it's it's also tom and this is something i don't want to pass up while it is jib jab and garbage to us. He's doing the perfect con ploy to keep selling his book of moving the goalposts. Right. So they, he'll, you'll never get, you know, all there's always going to be something bad and he can always pick that certain thing.
Starting point is 00:51:58 That's bad. Now he said that the, the stock market's going to be bad. Well, the stock market wasn't bad on Sunday, but it's starting to go down. He's saying, well, it's not starting to go down, he's saying. Well, it's not starting to go down.
Starting point is 00:52:07 But the thing is, it doesn't matter because as long as he keeps moving these goalposts out and saying, well, sometimes it doesn't happen on the exact day. Sometimes it does, but if you put God in a box, he's going to get out. He'll find a way out. So he's trying to make a lawyer out of me, but don't worry, it's going to happen eventually. that box, find a way out. So, you know, he's trying to make a lawyer out of me. But don't worry, it's going to you know, it's going to happen eventually because he wants to sell his book and because Pat Robertson wants to sell his fear.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And these these guys feed off into each other. There's a there's a part of this article where it says Cain went on to claim that his prophecy would be proven correct as long as something bad happens any time between now and September of 2016. You want answers? I think I of 2016. You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers! I want the truth! You can't handle the truth! So also from Right Wing Watch, Jim Baker, even your sweet neighbors will
Starting point is 00:52:57 start eating babies in the end times. How do you know if they're sweet? If you bit at them? Is that how you know? You bite into them and you're like, man, my neighbors are sweet. I was going to say, if the neighbors are that sweet and I eat their babies, it's going to be fucking amazing. Oh, yeah. They're like spreadable at that point. It's like maple syrup.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Oh, yeah. That's the best kind. I made flapjacks from your kids. Just boil up those fucking sweet neighbor babies. those fucking sweet neighbor babies. All right, so this is fucking Jim Baker, who is as prep-er crazy as you get because he needs to fucking lay it on thick, folks, because he wants to sell you a fucking giant tub of lard.
Starting point is 00:53:36 One second after tells us all hell breaks loose when the world comes apart. All hell breaks loose when the world comes apart. If you have food and the gangs know it, they will come for it. You're selling food. Yeah. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:53:57 This guy is expressly selling food. Yeah. And now he's telling me that having this food will make me more in danger yeah you you're not selling properly sir well does he have guns on his website i don't know like all of his food should be fucking like landmine sure it should be like a bucket of fucking corn biscuits or whatever garbage he's selling with landmines all over it. Or just he could instead just sell that, and then he could sell sort of a half put together alarm clock. There you go. And that would scare everyone away.
Starting point is 00:54:32 That would scare them all, right? Other people, your neighbors, your sweet, sweet neighbors. Don't tell them you got food. What? Don't tell your neighbors you got food. That would be a charitable Christian thing to do. Yeah. Wait a minute. Don't your neighbors you got food. That would be a charitable Christian thing to do. Yeah. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Don't tell them you got food. Don't share it with them. Maybe he'll say you share it with them. Let's see. Unless they're part of the team that's your little group of people that you trust. As long as they're being fed, they probably won't turn on you. Jesus, what world is he living in? Good Lord.
Starting point is 00:55:08 He referred initially to something called one second after. What is that? It's a book. It's a book he's showing on the screen. That one second after is a book. The Bible says they're going to eat their arms. What? The Bible says they're going to eat their babies. Then it says they're going to eat their arms what the bible says they're going to eat their babies
Starting point is 00:55:26 then it says they're going to eat their children that's what people do when they get hungry well not really nobody eats their arms why would you eat your own arms you need to be able to pick up someone else's arm to put you right like like fucking phase two of i ate my arms is not real endearing like i don't know what weird it's like yeah i'm really hungry let me cut off part of my body and then digest it but it was already part of your body yeah you know start at your fucking biscuits you know what i mean like start somewhere else cut off the ass part of your body you know maybe lop off a love handle give yourself some cosmetics do you now i tried to do some research on this and i
Starting point is 00:56:15 found some some back and forth but i was looking at the worst famines we've ever had all right you know what i mean yeah and uh the one that was in russia where they did that forced famine uh the holocaust things like that there were reports of cannibalism happening there okay um but it doesn't sound like a whole group of people you know like like it's it's fucking walking dead times you know you mean like it sounded like they i want to say in stalingrad maybe it was either stalingrad it was somewhere else where they arrested they arrested 2500 people for cannibalism but most of the time when when people resort to cannibalism aren't they cannibalizing dead people that's the thing
Starting point is 00:57:00 that i thought i tried to read i read some things where they were talking about how they specifically uh you know some people have eaten their children and things like that i can't imagine somebody doing that like that sounds like an old wives tale to me i'd love to see like an actual report of somebody who was really starving and being like whoop i made you i eat you right you know right you know it's usually like somebody from what i'm died and then you eat bill yeah which who cares yeah you know like somebody's dead they're not using it anymore fucking let's do this shit like yeah i i i would have a very i would have very uh uh as long as i had access to cooking utensils i don't know that i would have much of a problem eating a person if
Starting point is 00:57:44 they were dead and i was starving yeah i can tell you that i don't think i would have a fucking issue with it at all i would be like oh well you were really cool in life tom now you're finally marbled yeah this is gonna be the best sous vide shank I ever made. You bring home my fucking corpse on a fucking sled or whatever you have to use to carry it. A large helicopter. We're going to be fine. It's one of those helicopters
Starting point is 00:58:16 that they put air conditioners in with. That's what I'd have to bring you home on. We'll get a word. It's still Chicago is like praising me. They're like, we could eat for a long time. I'll be like, what are you kidding me? That's one meal for me.
Starting point is 00:58:33 You have to actually move into wherever I died because getting me out is too challenging. No, that's your corpse. We're just going to move into it. Just build a house inside my rib cage. I just built a house inside my rib cage. So Jim Baker is this really fool because he's telling you to store food. If the Social Security checks don't come. What?
Starting point is 00:58:59 Wait, what? Holy shit. Is this the longest pause ever? No, this is it. They cut. They just did the cut for the social security checks don't come. So listen to the cut. It's from the cut on.
Starting point is 00:59:11 If the social security checks don't come. Still going. Still going. He's still staring. Still going. Still going. What are you going to do? I'm going to edit my audio so that doesn't fucking happen.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Oh, my gosh. Wow. That's amazing. He just lost it, dude. That's like five seconds long, dude. It's longer than that. It's like six seconds long. Somebody shut him off. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:59:38 You know what's so funny? He's staring at the camera doing nothing. You know what's so funny is that now that I think about it, I actually read the book one second after. It took me a minute to remember because I read it years ago. It came out in like 2009. I had to Google it to remember it because it wasn't all that good. But I read
Starting point is 00:59:56 that book. I read one second after and it's about an electromagnetic pulse attack that disables America. And it strikes me that that he basically had the exact same thing happen inside his brain during that pause it just it just shorted him out like something was just like hey yeah i'm not talking about atomic bombs i'm not talking about tornadoes i'm not talking about tsunamis i'm talking about the
Starting point is 01:00:26 government's already broke how come you have more trust what wait what and in the even our money said in god we trust but the government doesn't mean that anymore that's probably against the law to say that in our country what the the what? He's just lost it. What's he pounding on? He's pounding on the table. He's just slapping things and freaking out and selling fucking cheddar biscuits. This is not a man to take seriously. He's like, we're already broke, so give your money to me?
Starting point is 01:01:02 Right. Yeah, your money doesn't mean anything, but I still want it. Yeah. Well, then it fucking means something. Because you're willing to exchange it for food, motherfucker. And if you believed any of this shit, you'd be like, yeah, do we have a whole bunch of food? I'm going to move into the warehouse of food. Yeah, and is there any way we could just take all of the money that we have and just like make an armed guard and just feed them right that's it yeah it clearly doesn't that's the best
Starting point is 01:01:30 thing about these prepper dudes right the the guys who sell you like make no mistake the people who sell you the prepper shit don't believe in the prepper shit or the necessity for it because they're trading you the resources to survive the apocalypse for money that would be useless during the apocalypse they clearly want the money yeah but how can we trust a country that's broke, that has a right for a separate entity to print money. That's worthless. He has no idea. He's making it up as he goes along.
Starting point is 01:02:17 If you watch this video, he's making it up as he goes along. He doesn't know where he's going in the next second. And he has nobody in the audience with him. Everybody's just completely silent. And they did a cut away a few seconds ago where they showed a fucking guy standing over there that was going to show you how to use your bucket of cornmeal. And he's like the chef, and he's just like,
Starting point is 01:02:38 I don't want to be here, but I'm going to make biscuits so they can know how to use their cornmeal. This guy can't even sentence. It's awesome. It's awesome. It's valuable as the paper that it's printed on. Maybe not even that valuable. Well, it would always be that valuable.
Starting point is 01:03:02 If nothing else, it literally cannot lose that value. That is its intrinsic physical value. It cannot lose that value under any circumstances. No matter what. What do we do? Help me with this. Well, and that's the point of of your ministry one of the major points i make in my book is that look when it all falls apart like that then then it comes down to basic survival so and that so these buckets if nothing happens but then and the government goes broke, and we already are,
Starting point is 01:03:45 it's not a fool. The Bible says a fool doesn't prepare. And yet preachers are telling them that they're foolish if they store up. There's preachers literally saying, don't do what Jim Baker's saying. I don't want that blood on my hands. what jim baker's saying i know i don't want that blood on my hands yeah when you're huddled in a corner with your grandbaby and they're screaming and crying and there's no food i don't want that blood on my hands preacher oh my gosh he's selling i mean that's that's a sell right there that is a guy who knows his audience too he said grandbabies yep like that's a guy who
Starting point is 01:04:26 knows his audience like that's a guy who knows that he has got the fucking you know older folks who've got a little bit of fucking oh they got that grocery money exactly yeah what a what a horrible thing to be you know i mean it it's know, I say it's a horrible thing, Tom, but here's the thing. It's fucking just the same as selling hell. Right? Sure. You're selling it on Earth. It's the same thing. You're selling a
Starting point is 01:04:56 fear to try to get as much money as you can off of it. Right. You're selling a fear so that you can... That's what all of those scams are, right? The scams when it comes to religion and the scams when it comes to, you know, psychics and all that. It's it's either selling a dream or selling fear. Right. Yeah. Well, fear sells fear. Fear. Obviously, it sells better than it than, you know, some reward because a reward you have to find out what people prefer, right? So if I'm selling you some kind of heaven, then I have to find out what's heaven to you.
Starting point is 01:05:32 But everybody's afraid of starving because everybody's afraid of the death of their family members. We're all afraid of the same things. We just don't all want the same things. So it's easier to sell adversity than it would be to sell triumph right that one spectrum is just is just uh you know so much simpler from a psychology and physiology standpoint to know this guy though he sounds really crazy oh he's so senile but i think i think that that's you but I think, I think that that's,
Starting point is 01:06:05 you know, I kind of think that him, it's him being sly. You know what I mean? Like he sounds exasperated. He sounds frustrated. He sounds like he really wants you to buy this stuff. So he's not culpable in your little grand babies being hungry and dying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Right. You know, he, he wants to sound like that so that he can sell more and more of these fucking giant tubs of garbage that he's going to sell. And they're really expensive.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Like his shit is super fucking expensive too. Like I remember reading something not that long ago that, you know, like his buy volume prices are like worse than the grocery store. It's a scam. And this is a convicted scam artist right let's not forget who jim baker is jim baker's a fraud he's a scam artist he's a liar that's what he is he's he went to fucking prison for this shit this is exactly the shit
Starting point is 01:06:59 that he went to prison for now he's out and he's fucking selling some more shit to fucking he's a huckster man this is this is the only game he knows so what does he do he gets out and he's fucking selling some more shit to fucking. He's a huckster, man. This is the only game he knows. So what does he do? He gets out of prison. He fucking rewrites his business plan. And now he sells fucking cornmeal biscuits in fear. For $2,500, bulk basic eight-year food supply. You'll receive 28 buckets.
Starting point is 01:07:29 This bundle has a total of $23,000 in savings, I guess. I don't know. And it's like just all this. And it's like 10 things. Well, I'm in with that. Maybe it's 25 things. Potato shreds, corn chowder soup, creamy chicken and rice, cheesy broccoli rice, creamy potato soup, black bean burger, buttermilk pancake, mousse chocolate milk, mousse regular milk, honey-coated banana slices, mashed potato.
Starting point is 01:08:00 This is so ridiculous. Cornmeal, sugar, pinto beans. There's a lot of sugar. Wow. I mean, you got to have your energy up, man. Potato dices, potato slices, apple slices, brown rice, lentils. And then there's bonuses. You get iodized salt.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Yeah, well, you want it to be iodized. AP flour. I'm looking at something right now. He's got a bucket of wheat, which he sells for $216. He calls it a 550 meals. It's just a bucket of wheat. He sells it for $216. He sells a survival kit for $3,550.
Starting point is 01:08:44 You can buy the same thing at for $1,075. He sells like paracord on his site. Holy shit. He's got duct tape on here. Yeah. I mean, he just sells shit. 60 yards of duct tape for $100? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:02 That's the thing. It's all overpriced fucking garbage stuff, dude. It's like I could run to Costco and I could fill my cart with fucking rice and beans, stick it in a couple of food-safe buckets, snap a lid on it, throw some desiccant packages in it, and I've accomplished the same thing for fucking $29.95. Wow. And he sells.
Starting point is 01:09:27 It's like he's not even buying it wholesale and reselling it. It's like he's buying it retail and reselling it. So I want to thank our most recent patrons. Of course, we want to thank all our patrons for all their hard-earned dollars they give us. We really do appreciate it, but we want to thank our most recent patrons. One of my favorite names ever, Senator, love your suit.
Starting point is 01:09:51 I saw that. That was great. It's a fucking great name. John, Chris, Todd, Brianna, Joel, Edie, and Ken, thank you very much for your generous donations. We really do truly appreciate it. We also got a PayPal donation from Jason. Jason, thank you so much for the generous donations. We really do truly appreciate it. We also got a PayPal donation from Jason. Jason, thank you so much for the PayPal donation. We're terribly grateful.
Starting point is 01:10:10 We got a message. This is from Jacqueline, and she sent us a video. And the first thing I want to say to Jacqueline is fucking don't record videos while you're driving. What the fuck is wrong with you? Fucking recording a video while you're driving. But she says she's a constable and then she lists several other things that she does.
Starting point is 01:10:30 I just wanted to say, watch the video. Thank you for sending it. That badge looks fake as fuck. That's all I'm saying. So thanks for sending in a message, Jacqueline. We missed this and this is something
Starting point is 01:10:41 we didn't pay attention to because I really don't know what, like fucking the departments and fucking whatever don't, I don't even know what they do, right? But we missed this and this is something we didn't pay attention to because i really don't know what like fucking the departments and fucking whatever don't i don't even know what they do right but uh but we missed this out i guess the department of energy is in charge of nuclear policy and nuclear management but has nothing to do with gas or minerals or oil this is from zach he's saying this uh the position uh she should be applying for was head of the department of the interior so so she wants to close down the wrong department i guess the cnn department reporter calls her out
Starting point is 01:11:13 later in the interview but we only there was only a tiny clip of it so we didn't see it all oh really but you know like here's the thing man like it's okay um in my eye like it doesn't matter that i don't know that or you don't know because i'm not asking for the job right you know what i, it's okay in my eye. Like, it doesn't matter that I don't know that or you don't know because I'm not asking for the job. Right. You know what I mean? It's like, I'm not saying like, oh, you should make me the fucking Secretary of Energy so I can shut down the Department of Energy. But I don't know what the Department of Energy is. I love that she would shut it down and it's in charge of nuclear management.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Right. Goofball. Why'd you shut that down? It's like applying for a job at google and thinking you're gonna work on like fucking artificial hearts or something so uh this is a really funny message this is from savannah uh and savannah says odd that that a jew god would choose an arabic number seven over a hebrew letter zayin? Zayin? That's not a thing.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Zatarain? I think it's actually like a dirty rice. It is a dirty rice. Dirty, filthy fucking rice. I got an image this week and this is from Jonathan. Jonathan sent this image and I'm going to put it in this week's show notes.
Starting point is 01:12:23 This is episode 250, so check it out it's from what looks like a flyer for a church and it's fucking hilarious so just check it out like I said episode 250 I wanted to mention too we got a correction I said witches were burned in America they were not
Starting point is 01:12:40 there was no witches burned in America however in like the 1680s they burned a witch in France so while they were not there was no witches burned in america however in like the 1680s they burned a witch in france so while they were hanging them in america uh they were burning witches in france this is great tom somebody saw the the uh governor it looks like the governor of california sent ben carson a message yeah so uh jerry brown sent uh ben carson a letter along with a fucking thumb drive um and it basically says hey you know you said that there's no overwhelming science um that things that are being man man-made or or human cause in terms of climate change and he's like well here's a fucking flash drive with a complete united nations intergovernmental panel on climate
Starting point is 01:13:23 change synthesis report um and it's fucking it's just great it's like let's stop ignoring this with a complete United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Synthesis Report. And it's fucking, it's just great. It's like, let's stop ignoring this shit. And he ends the letter saying, please use your considerable intelligence to review this material. Climate change is much bigger than partisan politics. And I just think that's awesome. It won't go anywhere, but I think it's still awesome. We got a comic, Tom, that we're going to share a link for
Starting point is 01:13:46 on this week's show notes as well. Yeah, Russ sent us a comic. And, you know, a lot of times I don't look at these comics or I always look at them, but I'm not usually a big fan of these types of things. This is from On a Plate. It's a short story about privilege. And I thought this actually did a really wonderful job of, you know, kind of encapsulating what, what privilege is and how it works. And it's just, it's a wonderfully done comic.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Actually, this is great. We got a message from Michael who said he wanted to thank us for our podcast. God awful movies. So, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 01:14:22 you're welcome, Michael. We're, we're glad to keep drinking drinking but we are happy to uh to accommodate buddy yeah uh that's a new podcast by the way if you are unfamiliar with the work of no illusions and he then right and uh eli i don't know his last name starts with a b uh those guys do a podcast called god awful movies and it's on its third episode i believe so this is pretty
Starting point is 01:14:46 funny this is a message from brandon and brandon said i love uh the show and listening to the most recent episode sarah palin segment was great but i think you missed the best part she always seems to judge her expertise on something by her proximity to it foreign policy she can see russia from her house oil and gas God planted that shit right underneath her. Global warming. Alaska is still cold. Myth busted. That's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:15:11 So that's very funny. We got a message from a couple people. They sent us an image where there's somebody. It looks like it's horse is spelled out on a horse. So they sent us a couple of images of it. That's actually a myth busted. The horse, I saw the original picture of that. And that horse does not spell horse on it. It's just a big white patch on its side.
Starting point is 01:15:33 But somebody photoshopped it on there. So, Tom, we're going to do the winner of our caption contest. I have a hat here. We liked several of them. So we put a bunch of them in a hat so i'm getting ready to pull here the winner is aaron gleason and i'm gonna read it remember doc you want to make sure the first exorcism is below the evil gland so aaron we will be in touch with you and we will send you a t-shirt thank you everyone for participating in the caption challenge so we got a message uh from hannah
Starting point is 01:16:14 and hannah was super excited when she found out that we did a show with the thank god i'm atheist guys uh frank and dan i'm gonna read here directly from her email she said it's like someone surprised me with a game of thrones doctor who crossover like your two shows aren't even in the same universe but still involve old timey stuff she says by the way i thought about it and thank god i'm atheist would be the doctor who because they're kind of fun-loving and goofy with some serious overtones. But you guys would be Game of Thrones because someone dies every episode. I think that's great. I think that should be our new tagline.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Someone dies every episode. That's so funny, Hannah. Thanks for listening. We're glad you liked the crossover. They were a lot of fun to record with. And their show has not come out yet. But when it does, my suspicion is it'll probably be out maybe the same day that this releases. So keep your eyes open for it.
Starting point is 01:17:11 They were on 199 last time I checked. But we'll be on episode 200 of Thank God I'm Atheist. So check out their show. We got a message. This is from Andre. Andre sent us this vegan black metal. It's a chef and it's it's so funny because it's it's basically somebody making a food in the style of nor like norwegian death metal or whatever
Starting point is 01:17:32 yeah and it's very funny very funny so if you want to check it out it'll be on this week's show notes episode 250 so finally we got a correction from ch, and Chris says that the DMT thing that – I don't know if it was Dan or Frank said last week about DMT going into your brain. He says that that might not be true, that it specifically mostly comes from a book called DMT, the Spirit Molecule. I didn't realize that at all. I had no idea. That seems like a, I don't know about that. He says,
Starting point is 01:18:09 if that title doesn't set off the skeptical arm bells and that's true. Right. When I read that, I'm like, what the what? So he says, uh, there's a,
Starting point is 01:18:17 there's no reason to believe it's true. Um, I don't know anything about it. I'm just reading his email. So, uh, if you want to get in an argument with Chris, get in an argument with Chris. I don't have any dog in this hunt.
Starting point is 01:18:29 I don't care if it drops DMT. I don't care if it does. He says near-death experiences are most likely caused by a combination of factors, the erratic activity in the brain as it struggles to function without enough oxygen, and the memories of the experience actually being constructed by the brain after the fact once the person regains consciousness. Oh, that's really interesting. Yeah. It's crazy how our fucking brains work, man. It's amazing that they do work. Oh, it's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:18:55 So I don't know. I know that that DMT thing is something that Rogan talks about all the time. Like he's always on about DMT. Really? Yeah, it's one of those things that he always talks about because it's a drug you can do like you can go fucking do dmt um and it's like a crazy hallucinogen like it's illegal i assume yeah it's illegal yeah but you know it doesn't stop people from doing it and i know he's dropped it before and i guess it's like from his telling at least
Starting point is 01:19:22 when i've heard him talk about it from his telling it's it's the same stuff that sort of releases when you dream so like when you're dreaming this shit releases into your body or something that's what he's saying i don't know if any of this is true right it's just a roganism so i have fucking no idea but his ism i like that roganism but his his thought is that it it like releases the shit that you dream about and i guess when you take this dmt it's like your dreams when you wake up or you finish your trip you forget about it and i guess the only reason he remembered his is he kind of detailed and journaled his while he was going through it so really so there's a whole video on this rogan has a video that someone cut out of his
Starting point is 01:20:01 show so you can find it uh if you look for like Rogan DMT. Like there's like a little excerpt. I didn't listen to his whole show. I just listened to that specific excerpt that he says. And again, I don't know any of the validity of it. I don't know whether or not
Starting point is 01:20:15 that's true or not. But anyway, thanks Chris for sending in the message about DMT. So that's going to wrap it up for this week. We're going to have a long week this week. We'll be back next Monday, but we're going to leave you like we always do with the skeptics creed credulity is not a virtue it's fortune cookie cutter mommy issue hypno babylon bullshit couched in scientician
Starting point is 01:20:37 double bubble toil and trouble pseudo quasiAcupunctuating-Pressurized-Stereogram-Pyramidal-Free-Energy-Healing-Water-Downward-Spiral-Brain-Dead-Pan-Sales-Pitch-Late-Night-Info-Docutainment. Leo Pisces. Cancer Cures. Detox. Reflex. Foot Massage. Death in Towers. Tarot Cars.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Psychic Healing. Crystal Balls. Bigfoot. Yeti. Aliens. Churches. Mosques and Synagogues. Temples. Dragons. Giant Worms. Atlantis. Dolphins. Truthers. Birthers. Witches. balls, Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques, and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms,
Starting point is 01:21:07 Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only. Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers,
Starting point is 01:21:41 friends, families, or of the local dairy council. Outro Music

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