Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 262: Part 1, Eli Bosnick

Episode Date: November 30, 2015


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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Hey guys, Chase Trickle from Holy Crap the Podcast. You talking about coffee places? That there isn't another place other than Starbucks? Bullshit, motherfuckers! You come out over this way, you go over to Canada? Tim Hortons.
Starting point is 00:00:22 That's where it's at. Yeah, you can go to Dunkin' Donuts, but really, anybody would know enough that in a group with the initials Double D. Okay, I may have to change my allegiance.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Glory to all motherfuckers. Bye-bye. Hey, Tom and Cecil. This is Sharon Bush from the Unbuckling the Bible Belt podcast. When I was a kid, we went to a primitive Pentecostal church that had no electricity and no running water and no indoor plumbing. time I thought that you weren't really a church and you really weren't worshiping God the right way if you had those those things in your church if you had electricity or running water and indoor plumbing it was the craziest thing I
Starting point is 00:01:15 used the bathroom in an outhouse for the first 10 years of my life and when I say outhouse I mean the old-fashioned wooden hole-in-the-door kind of outhouses. And it was the craziest thing. And when I became an adult, it was really easy to look back on that and see how crazy it was. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Good lord, Tom. Everything in this fucking episode has been ridiculous. I mean, just fucking every piece of equipment.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I would like to point out, actually, if I may. Yeah. If I may. Yeah. If I may be so bold. So this is before. By the way, this is actually happening all before you say, welcome to Cognitive Distance or whatever it is that you say. You don't even know what I said. I don't. I don't. You don't even know.
Starting point is 00:02:36 263 episodes. I don't. And it's flown right past you. I just don't pay attention. It sounds like when you say stuff, anything really. It just goes. It's just a low drumming sound i don't hear anything no but i okay so here's here's the what happened yesterday we had eli bosnick on and eli is from god awful movies scathing atheist he's uh he's uh co-hosts witham Heath on God Awful Movies.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And, you know, we had him on at 11. And then we also had him on at 12 because his recording broke midway through. Not midway. Almost done with his recording. No, not midway. Let's not say midway. Let's say at the fucking absolute tail end we're wrapping we're wrapping the conversation and saying okay now we're going to do the very fucking last thing yeah and then it's
Starting point is 00:03:33 like oh uh my recording's no worky it's okay it's not his fault it's audacity's fault that i blame him if he could have only upgraded to the non-free version of On Desk City, which doesn't exist. But anyway, so the problem is that we had him on to talk about safe spaces and trigger warnings. And I know a lot of people automatically just shut off the podcast right when I just said those two words. Right. They're just like, done, Joe. But actually, it's a really interesting conversation. It made me think especially about some of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And it's really – he's very well spoken, and it's a really great conversation that we had with him. But it's very long. So it wound up being very long. So what we're going to do is we're going to split – we're going to make like one mega show, one very large show, and we're going to split it down the middle. We're going to have him on, maybe have a news item or two at the end. Have him on. Maybe have a news item or two at the end. And then what we're going to do is we're going to shift on Thursday when the Thursday show releases.
Starting point is 00:04:33 We're going to have all the rest of the news stuff we did, his interview, and then the email portion. So it's going to be two shows, but it's going to be split because it's over two and a half hours of material. So we just want to make sure that we split it up so that people aren't trying to download some giant file that eats up all their data. And if somebody really likes Eli, now is their time, right? This is a fucking double dose of Eli. And if you don't like Eli, this is a real kick in the dick. But what are you going to do? Before we get started, though, Eli sent us a message. And so this is something to keep in mind while you listen to what we talk
Starting point is 00:05:05 about. And this also heads off some email at the pass. So in this upcoming piece that we recorded, we talk about the Yale University thing that happened where the students surrounded the professor and shouted at him. And he talks about that at length. He talks about the issues that lead up to that, and he makes a correction here. He says the poster that was replicated, let's finish what Katrina started as an Alabama versus LSU football game, but was, according to his student reports, inside the party. So he told it. He says he told it with some certainty, but he just wanted to give us a heads up that some of these things are are disputed so he wants you to let you know that what he says on here there it might be some there's some back and forth between students saying that they happen right he didn't so just understand uh that when you're going in and before you start pending your hate mail to us
Starting point is 00:05:57 so without further ado here's uh here's our conversation from yesterday with eli and uh and the rest of the show and uh we hope you enjoy it. Recording live from Glory Hole Studios in Chicago, again, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode today, we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence, sometimes twice, to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, still. It's political, again.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And there is no welcome at this episode 262 of Cognitive Dissonance. And we are joined by Eli Bosnick from God Awful Movies and The Scathing Atheist. And this is a tremendous, this is like a double honor. This is like getting blown up by a landmine and then shot. You know what I mean? You get like two purple hearts. Two purple hearts. Double purple hearts. This is amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:56 They drop you off that little trolley on your way back to the med bag. Because we already suffered through or rather you did, an hour and ten minutes of conversation together. And now we got fucking nothing. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:07:14 What's new with you? I keep trying to get her to put her pinky in there, but she's like, it's gross. And I'm like, I need you to take one for the team on this. He's like, it's gross. And I'm like, you gotta just... I need you to take one for the team on this. You're gonna get some deep confessions from Tom and Cecil and Eli on this episode. We're gonna go untimed chess tournament on your ass. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:07:34 This is our second recording of the same topic this morning. It turns out Eli wasn't recording on his end. He says he just had a malfunction. I was recording and Audacity broke. I demand my money back. It's in the mail. They all sent you a refund. So we want to talk about
Starting point is 00:07:54 this story, which is great because I feel like we're all warmed up at this point. It's going to be like a three minute story now. The first hour is foreplay, which is fucking 59 minutes more foreplay than I generally give. Yeah, exactly. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:08:07 This is from Obama calls out liberal dogmatism on college campuses. And this is pretty great. Obama was speaking to students at a Missouri university. And he said, and I'm going to go ahead and quote Obama because everyone else is. It just feels like the thing to do. He says, I don't want you to think that a display of your strength is simply shutting other people up and that part of your ability to bring about change is going to be by engagement and understanding the viewpoints and arguments of
Starting point is 00:08:31 the other side. And so when I hear, for example, you know, folks on college campuses saying, we're not going to allow somebody to speak on our campus because we disagree with their ideas or we feel threatened by their ideas. You know, I think that's a recipe for dogmatism. And I think you're not going to be as effective. And I think we wanted to talk about this because dogmatism and liberalism have often – liberals, I guess I should say, have often pointed to the right. I'm certainly guilty of this. We point to the right and we decide that the right is the dogmatic side. And I certainly am guilty of doing that.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I think to myself dogmatism and the right are the dogmatic side. And I certainly am guilty of doing that. I think to myself, dogmatism and the right are sort of lockstep. They're sort of hand in hand. And I think about when I think about the left, when I think about liberalism, I often think about, you know, kind of this this trope of the more educated, more open minded sort of ideal. But unfortunately, there's there's also tremendous dogmatism on the far left. And it's doing nobody any favors. Eli, what did you think about this article? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, and I totally agree with the president on this. You know, he was speaking specifically about, you know, shutting speakers down. And that's something that I disagree with, you know, incredibly strongly.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But, you know, I think what we're seeing at this point is we're seeing two things. We're seeing, and it's sort of a two-pronged beast in a lot of ways. We're seeing a legitimate problem with regressive leftism in the country. It is real. You know, Glenn Greenwald is a dangerous person who's presenting dangerous ideas. And I think Sinek is guilty of that to a certain extent. I think Wurleman was really guilty of that, especially with his latest work. You know, we have this sort of close our ears, la la la in the name of multiculturalism, brand of leftist, that's really a problem in this country and needs to be addressed and is resulting in some backlash. You know, you have ted talk speakers who are going
Starting point is 00:10:25 up and saying you know i'm not sure whether or not female genital mutilation is wrong okay i'm gonna stop you real quick i'm gonna stop you because i want to i wanted to ask this question the first time we recorded actually but but i'm curious we're gonna get a dozen chocolate roses for me like i'm really sorry i just want a handy at ReasonCon. That's all I'm looking for. It's episode two. Welcome to episode 263, where we're going to be talking to someone
Starting point is 00:10:54 who records their fucking audio track. I do have a question. I do have a question. Where do you think that comes from? Because I grew up, I went to a liberal arts college. It was a very liberal liberal arts college I went to a liberal arts college. It was a very liberal liberal arts college. I got a liberal arts education. I majored in the goddamn humanities. And I think that I know where that drive comes from or came from my end. And I think I know
Starting point is 00:11:17 why it was so difficult to sort of think my way through some of those issues. I'm curious, socially speaking, where do you think that regressive leftist push is coming from? What starts that? Where's the impetus? So it starts, the impetus for that is the philosophy of multiculturalism. And anyone who's spent time in philosophy classrooms or even in philosophy circles in the last you know 50 years is sort of this was a this was a dog treat that was slightly new and everyone worried away at um and it's now sort of become a little bit but has dribbled into sort of the academic community which is basically the idea that you know without the viewpoint of another culture to condemn it is impossible and it's based on some relatively sane and it's based on some relatively
Starting point is 00:12:05 sane ideas it's based on some ideas about you know tribalism and multiculturalism and how we address certain ways of thinking and ways of viewing and it is actually based on some good ideas but it's been taken ad absurdum to the point where it become it's this sort of hard sophist sort of uh morality is a cultural construct realm of philosophy, which has invaded the intelligentsia to the point of, if it can mean X, then it can mean Y. So for instance, if we accept the fact that female genital mutilation in Indonesia is a problem of culture, is an understanding of culture, and not because Indonesians are bad, right? They don't come out of the womb going,
Starting point is 00:12:48 I think I'll cut off a clit today. It's not a thing. And that's what that original philosophy is a pushback against, is the racist, and I don't mean racist as in like, get off my lawn. I mean racist as in based on race
Starting point is 00:13:00 or viewed through race viewpoint that certain cultural behaviors are biological. And that's the original backlash is that for hundreds of years and still today, there are lots of people who think that there are biological reasons that the biological causes for certain cultural behaviors, you know, and the most common version of this is, you know, it's a good thing that the colonists came over because the Indians never would have thought Native Americans never would have figured out horses if it hadn't been for us. Because the reason we came over and we're so great is because we're so smart. Naturally, white people are smart and all the other people would never have figured it out.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And that's, you know, and if you read something like guns, germs and steel, you actually see the reasons for that. And so what we see in multiculturalism originally is a pushback against ideas like that, which are bad ideas, are not useful, and are a bad understanding of history and human interaction. a little bit i i took a again i went to a liberal arts college i majored in the humanities i i i've emphasis i had an emphasis on english literature specifically with regard to women's studies so you and me both brother like so there was a lot of there's a lot of fucking nonsense that was kind of wrapped up in there there's a lot of great stuff but there's a lot of nonsense that was wrapped up in there that i i bought into because that's what the professors were sort of selling right so but i remember at one point one of one of the professors that I was listening to, she said something that gave me pause. It was a lightbulb moment. And she said, you know, she was she was sort of preaching this relativism nonsense. And she was really going hard, hard line down that road.
Starting point is 00:14:48 that road and at one point she was explaining that science that that science was uh a race that science was basically racist that science that the ideas the experiments that were done the experiments that weren't done were you know the results of decisions that were made that were cultural and anthropological and sociological and i was just like wait a minute but fucking gravity still 9.8 meters per second squared, right? Like that's still – like you can't – you're not selling me that that's because fucking somebody boohooed at one point. That's not – no, absolutely not. So I ask you that question specifically to drive to that point that there is an absurdist element to it. So that is the – and that's what it is. It's good ideas taken to an absurdist element to it. So that is the absurd, and that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:15:25 It's good ideas taken to an absurd level. So, you know, that's a classic example. You know, when you talk about science being racist, people are like, you think, you think like biology is racist? It's like, no, no, it's not. But when we look at the lens of, for the first, you know, 250, 350, and in most English language science writing, it is written by white men.
Starting point is 00:15:50 It has affected how we view science. We have viewed it through a white male lens, and that's when it comes to anthropological studies. That's when it comes to biological studies. That's in everything from medicine to psychology to – everything has been influenced by that. And the useful part of that conversation is, yes, we should be aware that this is the lens we're looking through. The useless lens, and this is what we're seeing on college campuses today that we're seeing so much pushback against is because it is seen through this lens, it is useless
Starting point is 00:16:21 or dismissible or relative or no longer concretized. And I guess that's what I wanted to drive at too, right? Like it's not that that's inaccurate, right? It's not that it's inaccurate to say that science has by and large been a, you know, just to use that as the example, because I think it is something we can identify as being patently absurd. But it's not to say that science has not been subject to the whims of white male privilege because it has been a – it has been the ballywick of essentially wealthy white men
Starting point is 00:16:54 for most of its existence, right? It's that – but by pointing that out and recognizing it and saying, okay, now that we know this, what is the best response to knowing this? That's a question that should be asked. That in no way invalidates the speed of acceleration due to gravity, right? Absolutely. And it's not dismissible. And so that's the first fork is that we see this evolution of good ideas into not good
Starting point is 00:17:19 ideas, into academic game playing, into philosophical game playing, which is a huge part of the sort of academic and publishable universe. And it's something that we just need to accept, is that when you need to get published, a lot of the time, what they're looking for, what publishers are looking for, especially mainstream pop psych publishers are looking for, is refutation. They're not looking for agreement, and they're not looking for subtlety. are looking for is refutation. They're not looking for agreement,
Starting point is 00:17:44 and they're not looking for subtlety. They're looking for, why everything you think about books is wrong? How come paper's white and the writing's black? You ever think about that? That's what they want. That's what gets published. And so it has evolved into this very problematic area. But on the other side,
Starting point is 00:18:04 and this is where sort of I stand, is you have the backlash against that, which is I think even more problematic and especially more problematic in the secular community is disproportionate to the actual problem of whatever the problems within social justice are, and that we are representing ourselves badly. That generationally, when people look back on our secular leaders – and again, I'm not going to name names because they're not here and there's already too much shooting over the bow when it comes to this kind of thing. But they, when we look back at what our leaders said, based on what was going on in the world, we will look back and we will have been taking shots at the wrong thing. And that that's really a huge problem. So while I completely agree with Obama in that, you know, I, I can't, I can't fathom not wanting a speaker at my school. I would – oh, it's a treat for me. You tell me Christine Summers is coming to speak at a school that I attend.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I hear the Rocky music. I've been training for this my whole life. Oh, good. And that's a problem because you should want those people to speak. You should demand a Q&A. And Summers is an example of someone who doesn't do Q&As because of course not. When you represent terrible ideas the way she does, of course you wouldn't do Q&As. I wouldn't do a Q&A.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I don't do any Q&As about my internet history. No one's like, okay, I don't understand. What's this blog right here? It looks like women get strangled back. I'm like, oh, no, no questions. Thank you. No, I'm going to. This interview is over. It's for Eli time. Where's my mic? I'm taking this off. That's why I shut down my oh, no, no questions. Thank you. No, I'm going to. This interview is over.
Starting point is 00:19:45 It's for Eli time. Where's my mic? I'm taking this off. That's why I shut down my recording, guys. That's why I turned off my recording. They started to talk about my choke porn, and all of a sudden, the file got lost. What can I say? I'm actually willing to talk about mine.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Are you kidding me? I got a PowerPoint for this shit. All right, now, here's how you. You can see she's shitting on his chest. I'll do a Q&A. I'll do a do a q a but it's a strip q a another question this sock comes off and that's that's a problem is obviously you know there are there are instances of students that that have disinvited speakers that i completely disagree with i think like what give me an example no no hold on give me example. Like what is a speaker that has been disinvited? So this is an example that I don't understand at all.
Starting point is 00:20:29 But like Ayaan Hirsi Ali was disinvited from giving a commencement speech. And the students were like, sure, he's Islamophobic. And I was like, OK. This is crazy. Hold on. Hold on. A commencement speech – but I'm going to push back on you a little bit because a commencement speech doesn't have a Q&A, right? No, it doesn't have a Q&A.
Starting point is 00:20:48 So that is a little different, isn't it? Exactly. And you might want to demand a Q&A. You might want to demand a talkback after it. You might want to demand a lot of things. But to say that Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is a former Muslim, who is a victim of FGM, who has been speaking as a reformer from within the Muslim community, to say she creates a hostile environment, to me, is absurd. I don't see an argument by which we can say she's hostile. I know in England they recently canceled some horrible racist British lady, the one who says that all trans people, and I'm going to forget her name, so someone please get out there.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah, exactly. I'm going to forget her name, so someone please get out there. Yeah, exactly. She tweeted that – or she has spoken about how all transsexuals are men mutilating their genitals. They're mentally ill individuals mutilating their genitals. And it was for a hard conversations lecture, and then they disinvited her because people protested it. And that's exactly the kind of thing you do want someone like. And again, there are lines here. You know, we don't invite neo-Nazis to come speak at schools at a certain point.
Starting point is 00:21:50 We do, you know, we do have invisible lines we draw. We don't, no one's ever invited Fred Phelps to an intelligence square talk because we don't need his fucking opinion. We don't need his goddamn opinion. We didn't need it when he was alive. You know? That would be fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Oh, it would be awesome. I'll put Sam, and I'll jerk off to that. Are you kidding? The thing is, is you could have a toddler on the other side and they would win. Yeah, we have a bag of drowned hamsters that's going to represent our side. It's just going to not say anything and we win. You take a vote like the time Hitch and that other guy went against the African ministry guy. You all know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So, I mean, listen. other guy went against the the african ministry guy you all know what i'm talking about oh yeah so i mean listen there have been situations where speaker have gotten disinvited and i disagree with those situations i do i think it's disagree by the same by the same token there there is a bunch of of resistance and a bunch of splashback against the social justice movement that is based on not understanding what terminology means, not understanding the full extent of stories. And more importantly, it is by having, and this is something that I think doesn't get talked about enough, ideals get represented by children. You know, and the example that I want to use of this is, of course, the situation at Yale, which every single secular leader chimed in on. And, you. And Majid's a big boy, so I feel like I can speak about this.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Majid called a 19-year-old crying girl a safe spacer bully. I don't even understand that concept. When you know that full story – Well, no, Tom. You have to dump their safe space. When you walk up to them, you knock it out of their hand. Yeah, exactly. And then you give them a wedgie with their safe space safe space or bully like what does that
Starting point is 00:23:28 even fucking mean like that person's trying to create safe spaces and i don't feel too safe feel too safe okay before we get into that though can you give the background quickly on yale so people understand because all i saw on my wall was what was posted on Reddit, which is a screaming girl saying, I don't feel safe. Whatever hurts me shouldn't be here. Right. Exactly. What she said. Absolutely. And so give me just a, I mean, just a touch on what happened at Yale first.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And the context of this is really important. So what you need to understand about the Yale story is that not this year, but last year or the year before it, depending on who you ask. Again, it's all very he said, she said, but this is true. Last year there was a Katrina-themed party on Halloween at one of the fraternities on campus. So they invited George Bush and he didn't
Starting point is 00:24:18 come? Is that it? Yeah, exactly. They asked George Bush to come. He didn't show up. Because he's a Yale man. He's a Yale man. And then Kanye came out. Okay, so a very classy high-end party. was to come he didn't show up and he was supposed to send yale man he's supposed to send chips and he did it yeah and then kanye so a very classy high-end party yeah right so they had a party which had kids in blackface they had a banner out front on the dorm that said let's finish what katrina started you know kids were wearing blackface they were drinking 40s they were eating watermelon what does that even mean let's finish with katrina started that's so fucking rude it's horrible it's horrible so this is like like that's like what's let's finish what hitler
Starting point is 00:24:50 started exactly i'm sure it's like you're sitting in here you're like they were fucking i'm rich and white i don't give a fuck about what happens to other people let's mock your pain i look at your pain i'm fucking your pain right now oh yeah boom that's it i finished right fucking your pain right now. Oh, yeah. Boom. That's it. I finished right in your pain. I'm the bad guy in every movie. Yeah, exactly. I'm dedicating myself. So this party happened, and African-American students showed up to the party to talk to the people, to have a conversation. They were turned away at the door.
Starting point is 00:25:17 They were told no blacks allowed. Are you sure they weren't turned away at Yale? Oh, no. Well, that's part of the problem as well but they were turned away at the door they were told look you're not welcome here you know no black people allowed so this year the irhc which is a student group and this is really important they are a student group this is students speaking to students sent an email out saying hey guys it's halloween please be aware of what you wear and how it may affect other people.
Starting point is 00:25:46 They didn't say, hey, don't wear blackface and have a Katrina party, which you should be totally entitled to say. That's a normal conversation. That's a thing you don't have to say. Don't put your dick in a pencil sharpener unless it's what you're into and don't wear blackface.
Starting point is 00:26:02 That's just given. That's a part of the conversation and so they but they didn't say they said just be aware and this professor who is the head of a dorm this is not this is not someone who is is in the classroom this is someone who is the head of a dorm wrote to their entire dorm sent an email an unreplyable email to their entire dorm saying you know in my day college was a time for transgression and if you see something you don't like maybe have a conversation or look away instead of telling other people how to dress are young adults like you not able to make those decisions and then he also walked both ways uphill to school is that yeah we were allowed to hang black people yeah
Starting point is 00:26:42 i know man we don't do that anymore. It's a conversation. If you didn't like the lynching, you just looked the other way. You just looked the other way. The black people could never hold their end of the conversation because they didn't have any air in their lives. They didn't want to. They were afraid. That's what it was. And so they didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So he sends this email. They send this email out, which is a – and then it's unreplyable. They then cancel their office hours, refuse to speak to students outside the classroom who come to speak to them about it. Refuse to speak to students inside the classroom. He's literally, depending on who you ask, he's literally running away across the campus. Students are like, hey, I want to talk to you, and he's running away. Hey, hold on now. Hold on now.
Starting point is 00:27:21 He was trying to get to his safe space. Yeah, exactly. That's possible. Let's be, let's be at one point has his fingers in his ears. Like la la la la la. Can't hear your fingers. His finger in his ears. That's the best part of the story.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Finally gets surrounded by students, gets surrounded by students. And this is the video. This is the video we see, right? Like this is the piece, this piece right here, all leading up to this. You don't see any or hear anything about right what you see is a group of students surrounding him saying hey what the fuck bro right and because he's because he's claiming he wants conversation which he obviously didn't it's it's not about conversation it was about delivering a shot over the bow from on high
Starting point is 00:28:00 it was about being a it was about being a troll, right? It's a troll. Adults can be trolls thing, a trolls too. It's not a new concept. It's a trollish way to behave. It's anti-intellectual. And then he gets confronted by a crying 19 year old girl. She's sobbing. She's sobbing. She's a baby. And this is very important because everyone's like, well, you know, they're adults. They're not fucking adults. If you can't have have a beer then you can't have this kind of conversation and you don't represent that viewpoint and the example of this is if i go to bob jones university and just start going hard in the paint with all the counter apologetics i know until some kids like well jesus is my savior and then i'm like look at how christians think am i right? Fuck. Got him. Good job, Eli. High five. Pow.
Starting point is 00:28:46 We'd be like, fuck you, dude. Pick on a grown-up. Yeah. Talk to a grown-up. Chest bump, chest bump, chest bump. Right, exactly. Got him. I'll go to a Sunday school and be like, oh, yeah, kids?
Starting point is 00:28:55 Are you believing a God that drowns everyone? What a bunch of morons. And they're all like, I'm a Quackos. And I'm like, yeah, exactly. Boom. You got nothing to say. Good job, Eli. Pow.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Pow. So far. And here's the thing i saw i saw dozens of tweets from the secular community about this like i said majid nawaz saying calling this girl a safe spacer bully and i just say props to you for getting that name right like four times in a row yeah i mean that's amazing exactly amazing the advantage to being on a show with noah and heath who are much much smarter than me is that whenever we're on the show, I come on and I go, so I was talking to Nawij Nabaz. And they go, come on, man. Majid Nawaz.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And I go, you sure? And yet you see dozens of examples of this story being mistold you had you had secular leaders doxing this girl richard dawkins and others doc sending putting out articles that tell this girl's home address and what her name is first name and last name what she sold her how what her parents house sold for you know it's so outrageous that's just me hold on though hold on though before you continue let me let me just say this we've got we talked about social justice like maybe four weeks ago right and we got a bunch of emails from people and said we got it wrong and what we were what i was talking about was i didn't want to throw out the baby with the bath water so basically i was saying cj whirlman is the kind of
Starting point is 00:30:15 guy who uh you know maybe i disagree with him on 80 of this stuff but there's a there's like 20 that i'm gonna say yeah you're right on and the same thing goes with thunderfoot like i'm gonna watch a video like he put that video together on those solar roads. And I thought, man, this is a great video. Now I'll never watch any of his videos on, on feminism because I don't agree with him and I'll never pay attention to that. But the fact is, is that Thunderfoot puts together some videos that are skeptically minded and same thing with Rebecca Watson, man, watch her videos on shit. Even if you disagree with her, watch her videos on fucking like Deepak Chopra and you'll be blown away with how intelligent she is and how she deconstructs it. So I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but one of the things that
Starting point is 00:30:52 we got, and I think this was the most of the, of the complaint that they had with what they called social justice warriors was that they were doxing people too. And so what you have on both ends is idiot fucking trolls on two ends that are that are they can't win their argument so they're resorting to internet violence and the internet violence is to dox the person so other people can fucking ruin their lives i mean you can really fuck someone's life up by telling someone who they are if they're trying to stay secret right exactly well and i mean the problem is that there's a question about where does someone deserve to be publicly named and shamed you know and and this is something that i you know is not necessarily a very popular opinion and there are people wrong on both sides but but by the same token if you make a game where
Starting point is 00:31:41 you beat up and rape an Sarkeesian and someone says your name so the world knows who you are, good for fucking them. You know, if you want to hide behind the anonymity of evil words and evil actions, you don't get to do it. There's a difference between disagreeing with someone and encouraging people to violence, encouraging people. If you say miserable, disgusting things, and then someone contacts your job and goes, Hey, just so you know, this person is on Facebook, you know, commenting on African-Americans pictures, you know, I'm coming to your, to your country. I'm coming to your school and I'm going to put a bullet behind the eyes of every N word I see,
Starting point is 00:32:19 you know, calling that person out and saying, this is who this is, you know, that I don't object to. And yes, there are idiots on either side. There are people who, you know, and this is one of the reasons why I never have a, a, a name that isn't my name. And I know that it's been, it's been a variety of reasons, but I've always just been Eli Bosnick. I have an open Facebook profile picture. You can Google my home address. You know, anyone can come see me at any time. I stand by everything that I say, but, but the, the tricky part of that is sometimes, sometimes the doxing is for a specific reason. And sometime it's just put your name behind what you say. And, you know, Thunderfoot's a good example of this. I saw his
Starting point is 00:32:56 solar roads video, right? And again, it's, and we disagree on that, but you know, he's encouraging people to violence. His support of gamergate is to me an extent of of unforgivable that i do not think he gets to sit at the grown-ups table anymore you know and we disagree he and i disagree to the extent where he has mischaracterized um you know feminist speakers he has been a rape apologist he has he has said truly monstrous evil things he has lied in his videos about what people have said he has pretended people have said things he's re-edited and remixed especially when it comes to sarkeesian which is the most interaction i've had with him and if someone says hey look we deserve to know who thunderfoot is right he should have to put
Starting point is 00:33:42 his name and face to those words. I, to me, I see a side of that. His face has always been on there. Right, his face has always been on there, and that's true. But, you know, in these situations where someone says, well, you know, they doxed that guy who made the punch and rape Anita Sarkeesian game, it's like, yeah, they did.
Starting point is 00:34:00 They gave everyone his Twitter handle. The guy who made the beat up a woman for her opinions video game, he had to be accountable for the things he said and did. You know, I just wonder, like, you know, it just makes me wonder. The Internet is this new thing, right? Like, we haven't, in all the rest of the. What are you, like, 60? I mean, relatively speaking.
Starting point is 00:34:20 The Internet's relatively new. I just got online. I just downloaded Windows 10. I got myself a haunting mail account. Who here is on instant messenger? Who wants to see my dick? Come on. I guess what I mean
Starting point is 00:34:35 by that is that throughout most of history it was much more difficult to remain anonymous and still be a public figure. Yes. Right? And now we have this new, and I think it's kind of a false expectation that you can be be a public figure yes right and now we have this new and i think it's kind of a false expectation that you can be both a public figure and be an anonymous public figure yes and i think that there's a difference between being some dude uh throwing out a comment somewhere and being like i'll comment on that and then he hit send and even at some fucking mean-spirited
Starting point is 00:35:03 hateful shit there is a difference between that and creating for yourself a public persona and then also expecting that your public persona will remain forever private i'm not sure how realistic that anonymity always brings out the monsters in us it always brings out the monsters in us if you know there's nothing and they've done studies on this so people can smarter people than I have expressed this better with studies and checks, but there's nothing that makes us more monstrous in the fact that you don't have to say it to someone's face. And that's a huge problem on the internet right now. And it's a problem that social justice takes on that gets a huge amount of backlash. You know, and the example of this is
Starting point is 00:35:43 sort of the South Park episode. And, you know, this season of South Park has been incredibly problematic. And this is an example of what I believe to be the really poisonous blowback, which is that this in the year of Donald Trump, in the year of Ben Carson and Kim Davis, what South Park has chosen to take on is safe spaces and affirmative consent, Affirmative fucking consent. They've had three episodes where they've taken on the maybe be clear so you don't rape someone policy. That's what has been needed to take down a notch. And listen, South Park is a comedy show,
Starting point is 00:36:15 and they've gotten things wrong in the past. We got to remember, they got climate change wrong. They had a whole episode. Pick up a fucking science book. You sound like an idiot. They've been wrong about stuff in the past they will continue to be wrong but this year you know and you see it on every comment thread everyone who's wrong has to post you pc bro because that's that that's the straw man that wants to be created is this sure this pc bully but it's not real it's not real
Starting point is 00:36:41 and what it what it is actually doing is it facilitates the evil behavior of truly bad people. And I know that's hyperbolic, but I mean it. Donald Trump, at the first debate, he said something very important. When they asked him about the horrible things he said about women, you know, you look great, you should blow me, and Rosie O'Donnell, fatty, fat, fat, whatever. He said, you know, Megan, the problem today is everyone's too PC. And it was his biggest applause line of the night. And it was that way for a reason because that is now the response when evil people say evil things. When Prop 1 in Houston tells trans Americans, tells trans people that they do not deserve personhood.
Starting point is 00:37:23 They don't deserve to use the bathrooms they want to. They don't deserve to be called the name they fucking want to. They can be kicked out of a restaurant because of who they are. When you speak out against that, the answer is, well, everyone's just so PC. Everyone's so PC. How much of that anti-PC? But how much of that anti-PC – so I think about this and I think that a lot of this has to do with a refusal by people to engage in topics that require genuine nuance to understand them, right? Like it's very easy to do that.
Starting point is 00:38:03 It's very easy to say, well, it's just a bunch of PC nonsense because then everybody is going to nod their head and agree and everybody can go back to being fat, right? Exactly. That's a thing. But if a topic requires actual nuance and consideration. Or knowledge. Right. And now all of a sudden that's harder work. That's work that's difficult for people to do. And it's not – you can't throw that into a soundbite.
Starting point is 00:38:16 You can't like shit that out as your fucking Facebook status. You can't say things like, well, that's complicated. We should think clearly about that. People are going to be like, what does that even mean? I don't know what that means. Bullpackers. It doesn't mean anything. And that's a huge problem is that people do not know what these terminologies mean.
Starting point is 00:38:34 You hear the term safe space abused so resoundingly by the secular community, and they just don't know what they are. They do not know what safe spaces are. Explain it. Okay. just don't know what they are. They do not know what safe spaces are. Explain it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:46 So safe spaces, and this is important. So safe spaces are 90% of them take place in LGBT centers. All right. And what they, what they began as they were started by a group called glue, which has now been absorbed by general collegiate LGBT. And what they are is they are places for, they started as places for,
Starting point is 00:39:02 and mostly are places for queer, trans, LGBTQ students to go and speak without challenge about what they are going through emotionally. So they go in and they speak about, I feel like I'm in the wrong body. I feel like I have a different gender than I do. I'm feeling queer. I'm feeling genderless. I'm feeling – whatever it is, without someone going, well, you know, you might go to hell. God says – and that's important. And no one thinks that shouldn't be a thing. I'm feeling genderless. I'm feeling bi. Whatever it is. Without someone going, well, you know, you might go to hell. God says.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And that's important. And no one thinks that shouldn't be a thing. Nobody. You know what's interesting? Hold on a second. It's interesting that Alcoholics Anonymous has always had that. Right. Like, you can show up and be like, I'm an alcoholic.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yesterday, I sold my kids into fucking sex slave And they're like Hey bro we've all been there Susan did that too I actually bought his kids How are they? They're dead Oh okay I figured You had a machete That's right
Starting point is 00:39:57 I gotta tell you that little girl of yours Delicious though Oh thank you Well I was tenderizing her when i hate her so much so it's nice and juicy here's your chip two hours sober way to go way to go good for you have a chip hey you know what let's celebrate with a drink i mean it's seriously like alcohol is jesus there you go yeah right they've always had this and we and we and we recognize that safe spaces are a necessity for a whole host of in-groups, right?
Starting point is 00:40:27 You create – I mean like Dungeons & Dragons games. That's entirely like a safe – Yeah, it's a fucking safe. Oh my god, the rest of the world is going to beat me up. No one gets to walk over to my Pathfinder game and be like, you guys are nerds. I'm like, no, fuck you. You get out. You get out.
Starting point is 00:40:39 The whole world reminds me I'm a nerd. I have an entire bookshelf of Dragons of La Cora at my house. And if someone sees it and they want to say something, I'm going to bite you in the nuts. I'm going to bite you right in your goddamn nuts. All right? I have more D12s than I do condoms in my home. And that's for a goddamn reason. You know, and so this, you know, when people know what safe spaces are, the idea of it being a bad thing or somehow
Starting point is 00:41:06 intellectually weakening, you know, because the straw man is that it's just something that students go to when they don't want to have their feelings hurt. But it's not true. Those don't exist. It's just, you can't find a university where a safe space is something that students run out of a classroom to go to. And this is very important as well. No one is recommending – and now a professor will turn their class into a safe space at certain times. There are times when professors will say, today we're going to be sharing XYZ and today we're in a safe space. Don't be like, I don't know, sounds like when your dad hit you, you kind of deserved it. And it is a professor's prerogative to turn classrooms into safe spaces.
Starting point is 00:41:47 But no one is advocating to turn classrooms into safe spaces. They are not – the time for the interchange of ideas is in the classroom, right? And they are a vicious and unbridled term of interchange of ideas. And you want that. You want a professor to engage people and to say, why can't have the confederate flag you know why can't we call caitlin jenner bruce jenner etc etc we want to have that conversation in the classroom but isn't it a slippery slope eli like if we if we give people a safe space in one place don't we have to just by necessity give them a safe space everywhere that they go they can just like be like safe space no i mean this is the thing up their head create like a personal bubble of safe space right exactly they're just holding my skin no words inside the safe space and the truth of the matter is
Starting point is 00:42:38 no we don't have to do that we do not have to because i was being totally facetious but that's a real question that gets asked okay well if we have a safe space on campus today how do we know tomorrow a professor won't be told that they can't say that math is real or a science it's like well fuck you man if we have a space space today how do we know that we won't start hunting professors for sport it's not a fucking thing one does not lead to the other that's not part of the conversation and so that's you know that's part of the straw man and no one who understands these concepts objects to them nobody i mean listen i'm sure there's some horrors out there who were like i don't think gay people need a place to talk but you know majid majid is not if you go hey majid should gay people have a
Starting point is 00:43:26 place to talk about their gender identity without someone going like i disagree he's gonna go yeah of course of course and it's to me it's a misunderstanding of the term you know it's about not understanding but still not being willing to go yeah i don't know what that means to be fair though i think it's important that if you don't understand a term you still vociferously object to it. Oh, yeah. No, me totally. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:48 That's why whenever anyone brings up a clitoris, I'm like, not a real thing. Not a real thing. Nice try. Nice try, honey. It's mythical like the manatee. Yeah, exactly. So let's talk a little bit about trigger warnings, too, because this is, again, something else that people sort of misconstrue. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:07 So trigger warnings get their origin in the 1980s, and they actually get their origin in legal classrooms and in law classrooms. And the reason for that is because up until 1980, rape law was not taught in law school. It was just another crime. It was like you got your bike stolen, you get raped. Guilty or not guilty? Done. You're a lawyer. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Here's your diploma. And that's it. That's how you – a lot of people don't know that. That's all of law school. It's just that's one class. They tell you that and then they send you out into the world. Then they high-five you. You get your high-five on your way out of the classroom and you're done.
Starting point is 00:44:40 No, but in all seriousness, they did not teach rape law. No, but in all seriousness, they did not teach rape law. And so in the 1980s, they started to teach rape law and they started to teach this subject matter, which is very – and I forget who the speaker is and they're much – and they put it really well. So someone please remind me so I can give this person credit. But someone said the problem with rape is at the end, everyone's alive and nobody has anyone's stuff. So it's a very complicated thing and it's very hard to talk about. And he said, she said situations in situations where people are still recovering from their own assaults. And so that is why trigger warnings were put in place so that students did not walk in
Starting point is 00:45:18 and they were not surprised by misinformation. And, you know, the, the example I give of this is always something from my own life, because it's my own experience, and I can speak to it, which is that I, in college, when I was a freshman, a friend of mine from high school was sexually assaulted. And she called me and said, please come and pick me up. And I'm still here in the apartment where it happened. And the person is still here. And I need you to come help me leave. So I came and I was like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:45:49 she's coming with me. And people were like, no, no, no. I was like, no, she's coming with me.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Don't make me hit you with nunchucks. And so I carried nunchucks at all times at that point. Guys, there was a weird, it was a whole, it's a whole, it's, it's a whole story.
Starting point is 00:46:02 But basically I literally had to go into this living room where people were trying to convince her that she hadn't been assaulted and I was like she is coming with me to the police station and they were like no we need to talk to her and this guy sort of got right up to me and I said I'm gonna hurt you real bad I'm gonna do something so horrible that everyone's gonna be like
Starting point is 00:46:20 hey man how'd you get that and you're gonna be like this fat Jew I didn't let this lady leave and this chubby Jew bit me on the eye until he hit the back of my skull bit me on the eye and that's why i wear a face patch and that's why i'm the recipient of the second ever face transplant uh so i so she left with me and you know she came back to my dorm at the time we called the the police. They took her statement. They took her – although it's a brief respite from this very serious story. So she's going in and she's giving her statement.
Starting point is 00:46:53 There's two cops. There's a guy cop who's taking her statement and then there's a lady cop who's standing outside with me. And I'm standing there and I'm feeling – I mean I've done a good thing. I've gotten her out of a very dangerous environment and I'm feeling really good. But this lady cop is eyeballing me and she's not – and so I'm like smiling and waving at her, and she's like – she's like shaking her hand. Hitting on her a little bit maybe. Yeah, and I'm just – I'm like, what is going on? Like this lady is mad at me for reporting – and helping this.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And so finally she starts to walk towards me, and she's doing that like get in my face thing where her chest is up against mine. She starts to walk towards me and she's doing that like get in my face thing where her chest is up against mine. And so finally my friend comes out and she's like – and the guy goes, yeah, we've got her statement. We're going to go to the hospital for a kit. And she goes, so what do we do with him? And I realize, oh, she thinks I'm the guy who raped her. And I've been sitting here smiling and being like, so, the weather. Do you see the latest film?
Starting point is 00:47:43 How about that Breaking Bad? So I suddenly see the world. And my friend, of course, goes, no, no, no. This is my friend who picked me up. She goes, oh, oh. And we both had this realization of like, I'm not a gloating rapist. I'm her friend. And she is not.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Because this poor woman is sitting there. She's sitting there with a rapist who's like, so, you see any good movies? And she's like, no, man, I haven't seen any good movies. Well, I saw a couple of movies. And I'm doing it because i'm a comedian so i'm going like well then she says i'm gonna shoot you so many times so god it's a good thing you weren't black so i so we go to the hospital we take care of her and all this. And again, obviously I'm going through this as well. Now, again, the focus is not on me. My friend is the one who actually got assaulted. It's not my turn to talk, if you will.
Starting point is 00:48:33 And so the focus is on my friend. She's going through this. But I'm obviously not processing it well because the next day she gets all settled. And she has gone on. She's a survivor. She speaks at RAINN. She's incredible, has an amazing life. But, you know, the next day I went into a film class and we were watching the movie Unforgivable,
Starting point is 00:48:53 which, if you're not aware, has one of the most brutal and hard to watch rape scenes in all of cinema. Probably the hardest to watch. And, you know, I had a professor. I went to NYU. I had a professor who actually did say, hey, guys, this is a probably the hardest to watch. And I had a professor – I went to NYU. I had a professor who actually did say, hey, guys, this is a very hard scene to watch, but cinematically I think it's very important we watch it. And I didn't listen because I was in my own head in 19 and I was like, I'm wearing pajama pants. And I watched the scene and I immediately started screaming, crying, right? Because the previous night hit me all in a wave and I started screaming, crying. I had an anxiety attack.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I couldn't deal with it. I shut down. I had a depressive episode for a month afterwards where I was having – I couldn't – I had trouble going back to that class. I went back to that class and I was shaking and all that. And it's because I needed time to process. And nobody thinks I shouldn't have been warned about that. Nobody. But we have a straw man of, okay, today I'm going to talk about slavery.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Is everyone okay with the S word being – and it's just – it's not a thing. It doesn't exist. It's not a real thing that's being talked about or being done in classrooms. And yet that's how it's being used when people are attacking it. As though each, each thing that challenges a student, you know, they want an opportunity to run out of the classroom with their hands over their ears and go blow bubbles in the safe space. And it's just not a real, it's not a real situation. And the problem is we, as a secular community, everyone from, you know, and again, I'm using public figures here. So I feel, you know, everyone from Dawkins, you know, again i'm using public figures here so i feel you know everyone from
Starting point is 00:50:25 dawkins you know who at this point you know if dawkins had been murdered been hit by an ice cream truck right after the selfish gene we all would have been like oh my gosh richard our dog i love you and now every time he tweets i have an anxiety attack he's like he's like you ever noticed black people smell different huh he's a muslim a Muslim lady next to me on the bus, and I'm going to fart at her. I'm going to fart at her and make her smell it. And then you have legions of secularists underneath going, well, you know, it's his right to fart, and why should he have to not fart? He may have gastric distress problems, and you are the one who— It's, fuck, guys, we need to fucking – and this is the problem because legacy-wise, 20 years from now, 50 years from now, we're going to look back at these topics, at these subjects at Yale, at the fucking Katrina-themed party.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And what our leaders are going to have said about it is look at this safe space or bully, not look at these kids who had a Katrina-themed party. Right, right. or bully not look at these kids who had a katrina themed party right yeah right you know how much of this like so so i i hear all this and it's like you know so much of the pushback to me sounds a lot like selfishness right like just just a just a an absolute like fucking reactionary refusal to take other people into consideration when navigating the world right it's like i mean i think about like a trigger warning like a trigger warning literally means nothing to me if it's not something i'm triggered by i won't even fucking hear the words like it's a trigger warning about like fucking word dude like the fight just hear like the monkey fucking clapping symbols in the top of my head
Starting point is 00:51:57 like yeah exactly it's nothing but it if it is meaningful to you all of a sudden you're going to perk up and you're going to listen to it and the fucking the reaction to it is like well i should be able to go everywhere i want and the whole world should feel the way i feel and i should never have to take into consideration that other people have difficulties or that other people have you know challenges that might moderately inconvenience me for seriously like a fucking second right yeah and like a fucking second. Right, yeah. Like a second. Right, and the problem is it becomes the troll of the freest of speeches. And this is a big thing that you see in this argument is, well, I'm sorry, I believe in free speech. And it's like, we do not have a lack of free speech in this country. Our friends Nick and Zandy Morganmore, their job, their everyday activity is they cover women with umbrellas who are getting abortions so they don't get filmed and put on the internet so their abusive
Starting point is 00:52:50 boyfriends and husbands murder them for getting an abortion that's how free our speeches you can stand a certain amount of feet away from anything you like in the world with a megaphone being like fuck you fuck you that's our country That's how free the speech is. But it is transformed. And thanks largely to the anonymity of the internet, which is what we were talking about before. Thanks largely, it is, it is gone from free speech to unquestioned speech. And, you know, that's the thing with Yale. It's like, well, you know, is it, you know, I believe this professor's free speech and it's like, I do too, but he's got to have a conversation. You've got to be willing to represent your points.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And that's why, if you want to, and you do, you get to say the N-word all day long. There are people who do it. The world is filled with Donald Trump and Ben Carson, who goes up there and is like, and then the reporter was like, that's a guy who's running for president. We couldn't have more free speech than he's up there doing that. And look at my hand. And then this lady was like, oh, my vagina is bleeding. That's a presidential candidate. And that's how fucking free our speech is.
Starting point is 00:53:56 But it's turned into why can't I say it whenever I want to with no one ever wanting to have further conversation? Yeah, there's a confusion between free speech and consequence free speech. And we've talked about this a number of times. Like you can say you can I like I'm a white dude. I can walk around throwing the N word out there, but it is not going to be appreciated. Right, exactly. And I can't get all fucking like, well, I thought I could say it and you would just give me love and kisses. I'm sorry. I thought this was America.
Starting point is 00:54:24 It is America, but people are still allowed to be mad at you. People are allowed to still question you when you throw out transphobia. When you put your fucking status up with the, Caitlyn Jenner's not a hero. Soldiers are heroes. Oh, I didn't realize we only got one a year. Is that a thing? We only get one a year? They get a trophy.
Starting point is 00:54:40 They get a trophy and they can bring it into an Arby's for a 20% discount. Is that what it is? They can fill the soda up at the soda fountain all day with the little cup there 2015 hero of the year i don't know i have no legs good for you but you but at least you're not a public figure who changed their sex in a country where there's 291 murders and 51 of trans people aren't allowed to use have had an experience of not being allowed to use the bathroom they fucking want to it's like yeah we can have multiple heroes and when you post that status and i go what the fuck does that mean and all of a sudden you go well excuse me i am trying to have a conversation about free speech and you are
Starting point is 00:55:20 attacking me i'm like fuck you fuck is that's not free speech that's a restriction of speech against you that's the real safe space bullshit right like if some if there is some safe space bullshit retreating from conversation retreating from positions that you hold and then throwing up your hands and being like rid of a speech rid of a speech like that's that's really like it's not it's not safe it's not fucking freeze tag where you run and touch the car and you go, no, you're not allowed to talk to me about that anymore. I'm free speech. I'm all the speech free. So, OK.
Starting point is 00:55:53 So to wrap this up, let's give you a chance. You know that there's a lot of people out there that are having these conversations that are saying these things. What would you say to those people if you could in a short sort of message? What would you say to them about if you could in a short sort of message, what would you say to them about how they're wrong about this? The only thing I would say to them is that I know where you're coming from because I was wrong. And I have an open Facebook. You can watch me be wrong a year ago. You can watch me be wrong two years ago. It's never too late to change your mind. And most importantly, what do you stand for? We live in the age of Donald
Starting point is 00:56:26 Trump. We live in the age of Prop 1 in Houston. What will your children look back and see you speaking about? Will you be speaking about crying 19-year-old girls? Will you be speaking about Caitlyn Jenner and how she's not a hero and she shouldn't be a woman of the year? Or will you be speaking about the truly evil things that are being done right now? What do you stand? What do we as a secular community represent? And what do you as an individual stand for? Whose side are you on?
Starting point is 00:56:55 Do you want to facilitate evil? Or do you want to stand against it and with it understand and accept that we'll be silly people who abuse this terminology and abuse this message? And we'll get to them. We'll to that let's fix donald trump let's have a dunk tank full of semen just horse semen that we that once a week a different trans person gets to throw a baseball at and he falls into and he's like oh my gosh the goof juice let's get him in there first and then let's talk about how silly it is to yell at people for the shirts they wear on an EU space station broadcast. Let's deal with that afterwards. Let's teach kids how to talk to trollish professors after we deal with the Katrina thing.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Let's deal with the professor who kicked the student photographer out of the safe space after we deal with the KKK driving around the building in pickup trucks. But it's what do you – that my message to them is, what do you stand for? Yeah. Yeah. Porn, pretty much. Yeah, I mean, well, me too. Yeah, exactly. I mean, exactly.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Yeah. Making fun of other people's movies. That's my answer. Want to contact the guys? Go to to get links to their Google+, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. If you want to contact them directly, send an email to dissonance.podcast at Or you can call and leave a message at 740-74-DOUBT. That's 740-743-6828.
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Starting point is 00:58:42 or spread the word about the show. We want to send a big heartfelt glory hole to all the patrons and people who rate us. You fucking rock. So this story comes from the Raw story. And you know, when I found this story, I thought, did we talk about this? Did we not talk about this?
Starting point is 00:59:01 Maybe we talked about this. I don't remember. I don't remember the chicken coop. Here's the thing we have talked about so many fucking horrible mean-spirited fucking babies in a cage fucking stories yeah that at some point you're just like you know what fuck it i'm putting it on there yeah at this point who cares right i mean it's fucking new to you right at this point we'll just make the same jokes we made before about the same story you won't even fucking know it's 262 episodes what the fuck you're gonna do about it this is from the raw story christian homeschooler found guilty for locking girl in chicken coop oh and punishing
Starting point is 00:59:36 her with a shock collar oh that sounds fun and my very first thought was like well what class is that like and like at some point don't you look around homeroom and say wait a minute this is And my very first thought was like, well, what class is that? And like at some point, don't you look around homeroom and say, wait a minute. This is a chicken coop. This isn't a homeroom. You guys. You know, it's funny. At one point, the teacher who's the mother, it turns out, you know, when I say the teacher, what I mean to say is the person who's taking care of this child because it's homeschooled.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Right. But, you know, that one point they say in this in this article, they say that the woman held a small caliber pistol to the to the girl's head. Franklin held a small. And at first I was shocked, as you should be. Right. You're like, well, because it's shocking in the world. Would somebody do that? And then I was reading a little more, and it turns out that that's actually the counter-argument to Common Core. It's called the hollow point method.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Oh, nice. And it's a totally different method, but it's supposed to work as well as adding up shit in your head and then putting a three next to it. Basically the same thing. It's pretty much the same thing. It's basically the same thing. I read that, and I thought, like, does it matter that it's a small caliber handgun like would it have been a more egregious shit a fucking desert eagle like hey wait a minute she held an m60 up to her face yeah like if somebody like puts a 22 against my head am i gonna be probably less dead or like
Starting point is 01:01:00 oh man it was just a headache from that22 caliber pistol held right up against my fucking skull. Like, are you kidding? Who gives a shit? What a weird detail. I know. If that somehow ameliorates the horror. Maybe it was concealed carry. That's why they were saying, you know, that could be.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Well, how did she notice if it was concealed? And clearly she's a good guy if she has a gun. Yeah, right. How do you prevent, you know, bad homeschoolers with guns you just need more homeschoolers with guns and then they can all hang out in the fucking chicken coop incoming email in three two one uh i want i wanted to talk to you mentioned earlier about uh about the uh the classes different classes right and one of the things that they said that she did now this is good she took they, they locked her in
Starting point is 01:01:45 a shipping container, a cinderblock garage, and an outhouse. And what is that like experiential learning credits for? I say global economics for the shipping container, right? What about the outhouse is the one I'm puzzling over.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Oh, that's in case she was going to go Votac, that's like an HVAC or plumbing sort of thing. It's like a plumbing sort of thing. There you go, plumbing. Yeah, and then the auto shop would be the Cinder Black Garage, I think. You know, I think that we're just taking this wrong. I just think that that's – it's our problem. It's not her problem.
Starting point is 01:02:15 This is our problem. Exactly. It's a cultural thing. Maybe I don't understand the benefits for homeschooling when you put a fucking – and it could be like the shock collar. Maybe she was teaching him about the Iraq invasion and she thought it was a shock and awe collar. Shock and awe.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Because every time she's like, ah! Yeah. And then the woman's like, aw. Oh, look at that. This is so fucking terrible. You know, but it is, it sounds real bad, right? It sounds bad. It does sound bad.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Because of how awful it is. Yeah, no, it's not about it sounds real bad, right? It sounds bad. It does sound bad. Because of how awful it is. Yeah, no, it's not about how bad it is. Yeah, it sounds bad. But in one case, when she was confined to a closet, she was, however, given a Bible and she was given bread and water. Yeah. Which she could have transformed had she read the Bible into more bread and water. Did you see that she had to fucking like, because she ate her food too fast is why she got the shock. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:03:07 Like, when you don't feed them a food, and then you put the food in front of them, and then they eat it really fast, that turns out that that's not under their control really anymore. Well, here, you know, it's funny, because I have an eight-year-old, and he eats sometimes way too fast. And so we had a rule to help him slow down,
Starting point is 01:03:22 where he'd take a bite and then put his fork down right and you know what that did it fucking worked well what about the shock collar was that well we didn't do that because he's not a goddamn dog you know i had a dog that we had like one of those anti-bark collars on and i put it on my neck and i was like, made a big loud sound and like fucking shocked myself with it. It is very uncomfortable because it's a motherfucking shock collar. And I was like, where is that collar at nowadays?
Starting point is 01:03:54 I wonder. I'd like to put it back on you. My wife said she was going to hold on to it. I don't know why. That's demonic, everybody. It is absolutely demonic. So the story comes from the daily mail uh bada klan massacre massacre massacre that's a bada klan massacre i can't words i don't know this massacre was a message from god claims pastor who hosted republican candidates conference because murdered rock fans were devil worshippers. And then because this is the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Well, the thing is, we don't have to do anything except for read that and play the audio. So go ahead. Pastor Kevin Swanson says a Bataclan massacre was message from God. Claims 89 rock fans who were killed in the attack were devil worshippers. Accuses both concert goers and Islamic State terrorists of being sinners. It's not even meaningful terminology. Massacre on November 13th was one of a series of deadly attacks in Paris. Swanson has previously said gays should be handed the death penalty.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Isn't this the guy who covered himself in poo? This is the guy who said he would cover himself in poo. Yeah, he's the poo cover. Here's Swanson talking about whether or not these people deserve to die. The devil himself, or at least the devil influencing these murderers, entered in and showed the concert goers the works of the devil. Now, at that point, I think we need to ask the concert goers, at least those who survived, did you love the devil and did you love the devil's works as your friends were being shot up in that massacre wow because that'd be horribly
Starting point is 01:05:25 insensitive wouldn't it yeah i'll be a super meaningful question hey did you love the devil and fucking i thought it was music yeah also the guy who pulled the trigger was not the devil right yeah it would be much more meaningful if like a fucking goat-legged red man with horns and a fucking pitchfork was red and it was pitchforking yeah no that that like then you'd be like that's that's a double bro that's like a totally a double right i didn't see that coming but like when the islamic state is a fucking different religion yeah shows up and they're just fucking shooting everybody up and then they have clear and specific reasons which are no good reasons but they've clear and specific reasons why they were doing it and none of it was i'm the devil yeah exactly and do you see these guys these eagles of death metal look at these guys it's the
Starting point is 01:06:11 fucking bottom picture look at these guys these are not the devil this is not the devil it's too dweeby looking hipsters with giant glasses you know the other thing too is like what he's willing to say is that these people were were controlled by the devil. And then these people who were shot were then control were then worshiping the devil. I'm thinking, well, the devil is doing a horrible job of keeping his worshipers alive. Like you would think that he would be like, oh, well, I sent those people instead to go hang out at the fucking cathedral. Instead, he sends them to a place where they're like supposedly worshiping the devil, which they probably weren't even doing anyway. It's terrible mismanagement of resources.
Starting point is 01:06:50 It's like Trump fucking throwing a grenade in his own supporters. Why would you do that? It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't work. Although for Trump, there's always another bigot to take your place. That is true. They should rough that guy up a little. I think we ought to ask the question right now.
Starting point is 01:07:06 And I'm very serious. I'm deadly serious asking this question. You were dancing to this worship service to the devil. Dancing to the devil? What is this, Footloose? Worship service. Fuck, is Kevin Bacon going to come over and fucking swing on a pole in a few minutes? Give me a break.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Dancing is evil. I've been to a lot of concerts, and none of them have in a few minutes? Give me a break. Dancing is evil. I've been to a lot of concerts, and none of them have been a worship service. Yeah, and none of them have been like dancing, really. It's mostly throwing your body into another human being. That's it, right? That's not dancing. That's almost fighting is what it is. That's what that is.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Dude, have you gone as an adult to a concert with Mosheng? I have not. I went, I don't know, maybe like four or five years ago. I went and saw Primus, who I'd seen, I don't know, a dozen times before. Sure. I went and saw Primus at a very small venue, and it was fucking Mosh Pitageddon, you know, in the front. And I like, worked my way up.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And it fucking smells like violence up there. Like, I was like, nope, not for me. I'll throw my back out. You old man. I'm going to go buy fucking $12 beers because I don't have a decent body, but I got plenty of money. You know, it's funny. I've been to a couple of concerts as an adult, like a full on, like over 30 year old adult. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:20 And I every time I go now, my old man get off my lawn sense kicks in. And my first thought is, why are we all standing up? We paid for seats. We paid for seats. Can I just sit down and enjoy this music? Instead, it's like everybody's standing. And it's not just standing up. Now you're standing precariously on your seat in a weird place where the seat folds.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I'm like, I'm going to hurt myself. What are you doing? And so I just get really mad and I don't go anymore. I'm like, you know what? I was sitting down. I was enjoying the music and now the big band comes out and everybody's like, I gotta stand up. Look at me. I got legs. And I'm just like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:09:02 I'm fat and old. You can't stand up for two hours stand up jesus if i could stand up for two hours i'd be in the service industry are you kidding me give me a break my you just adjust the height of your rascal scooter i'm standing i know i need like a i need like a i need like a pulp mobile that they could lift me up in my seat. That's what I need. They call that the Alabama stand. I feel so old when I go to concerts. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:09:33 The devil came in. The devil did what the devil does best. He killed. He massacred. He destroyed. As the devil did his works, again, the microphone is in the face of those who are attending the conference right now. I am asking the question of those attending that concert. Did you appreciate the works of the devil as your friends were being shot up in that concert?
Starting point is 01:09:55 What a fucking asshole. That is a fucking shitty thing to say. Did you appreciate that? That would be like fucking somebody raping this dude's wife. Be like, did you appreciate when you had to watch your wife being raped? Yeah, fucking I loved it dumb fuck yeah what other fucking response do you want from them you fucking twat the fuck do you want them to say be like oh yeah i fucking appreciate it what a fucking idiot god you're such a fucking degenerate this is a terrible
Starting point is 01:10:20 fucking part is it like legitimately like you listen to this guy and you're just like you are a fucking genuinely awful fucking human being. Fucking retard. I'm done listening. I can't listen anymore. There's like fucking 20 seconds left and I don't even want to fucking let you finish. Not for me. There's not.
Starting point is 01:10:36 What? You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers. I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. So this story, I love this story. It comes from International Business Times. I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. So this story, I love this story.
Starting point is 01:10:48 It comes from International Business Times. Corolla Devaswam. Right? How'd I do? Hold on now. This whole story feels like it's fucking, it's a sci-fi novel. It's awesome. Because everything I just went, KD chief wants machine to scan women for purity at S. Like, that's how I, I didn't even look at these.
Starting point is 01:11:06 I'm like, what fucking country uses all those words? Also, there's like a gajillion people here. Look at the picture. There's no place in the United States with that many people in it. This is, this is it.
Starting point is 01:11:18 It's Sarah Sabah Ramallah Sabah Ramallah. I feel like I fucking killed that. Let me read the whole thing. Okay. Corolla Deva Swam chief, right? How did. I feel like I fucking killed that. Let me read the whole thing. Okay. Kerala Deva Swam Chief. Right? I fucking feel like I killed that again. Will you just finish it?
Starting point is 01:11:29 Jesus Christ. I'm going to give myself props because nobody else loves me. I'm going to fucking say it again, motherfucker. Kerala Deva Swam Chief wants machine to scan women for purity at Sabah Ramallah. Okay. That's fair. As you know. Is that through the Stargate somewhere i don't know
Starting point is 01:11:46 as you note it says like on this picture it says the teeming crowds at sabarimala temple it's like teeming crowds crowds here's the problem dude bees around the garbage cans motherfucker jesus christ there are so many there's like people on people The people are fucking walking on people tiles That's amazing I would rather fucking die Than go there If somebody was like Would you like to go to the fucking
Starting point is 01:12:14 Temple I would rather just be shot right in the face Is there any way I could die beforehand You could take my corpse there and roll it down and kill hundreds Fucking God himself Could come down and kill hundreds i i fucking god himself could come down and be like free pie wait a minute you won't take anyone else's word for it you know that's good pie that's why i say that you know that's not just like like that's good pie right no way no way not even for free god pie because and i have i have we've talked about this
Starting point is 01:12:42 in the show but i'll iterate it again i have a few rules which never fail me in my life and the first one is if there's going to be bees around the garbage can you're not having a good time not having a good time it's not going to happen i would argue they probably don't have garbage cans i would argue it's all a garbage can so now in this place there's a guy this is why i think it's it's in the stargate somewhere because there's a guy who thinks that you can make a machine that can tell the purity of women like you can somehow he wants he only wants he wants he wants to scan women with this fucking like egon detector that can tell whether or not women are pure. Are pure. And I just, you know, it's like, what?
Starting point is 01:13:27 Are women fucking old-timey coins? The only way you can tell the purity is if you put them in your mouth. That's the only way. I'm willing to be that detector. Well, actually, looking at this photo, maybe not. There's a lot of swastika there, bro. That's a lot to ask of one person. You're putting your face in a place that...
Starting point is 01:13:44 Okay, well, I got to get in the shower before we get to the detector. Jesus Christ. Like two showers. He says, like this is what he said. He said, a time will come when people will ask if all women should be disallowed from entering the temple throughout the year. These days there are machines that can scan bodies and check for weapons. There will be a day when a machine is invented to scan if it is the right time, not menstruating, for a woman to enter the temple. Wow. Right. We'll begin having the conversation when I can fucking run some shit over your genitals and see if you have a fucking blood spot i don't
Starting point is 01:14:26 understand the pushback against uh women on their period i really don't and it's it's like a biblical thing and it's clearly a whatever the fuck this is thing you know what i mean like it's it's one of those things where they're just like wait hold on a minute you bleed out of that thing right what the fuck what's going on bro and you know like it's just like, just treat it as lubrication. What's your problem? You know what I mean? Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Ready or not, here I come. Actually, every time my wife menstruates, we high five. We're like, no kids. High five. No kids. Like every time. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Your fucking checkbook breathes a sigh of relief. You're just like, oh, gosh, thank the Lord the vasectomy held up another month. My God, I was terrified for those two days. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing water downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch
Starting point is 01:15:31 late night info docutainment leo pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death and towers tarot cards psychic healing crystal balls bigfoot, Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques, and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your signs. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Conclusive. Doubt even this. Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local dairy council. honest remember that yeah fucking solid city recorders aren't perfect either. Right. We had that fuck up one time. I am recording. Okay, good. All right. So we are too. Watch. This is going to be fucking perfect.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Every single melodious track is going to be like, just received an update. Would you like to directly send this to Cecil's hard drive, edited for content and sound balanced? That's what we were downloading while you were trying to save your track just now. Go fuck yourself. We're Audacity. It's free. What are you going to do? Ask for your money back? I love the nerve of bitching about a program that you downloaded for fucking free.
Starting point is 01:17:37 It's just like, I can't believe it didn't work. I've paid zero dollars for this. I gave my time and emotional support. I recommended you to friends. So they also could take this for free. I have a thousand customers. They've all taken my product for free.
Starting point is 01:17:58 I'm making, what's zero times a thousand, guys? Fucking zero dollars. Somebody tricked me. Zero dollars, my friends.

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