Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 341: The First Week

Episode Date: February 2, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording live from suicide watch Watch Glory Hole Studios in Chicago. This is, and hopefully the world will not evaporate when you hear this. I love that YouTube channel, by the way. Suicide Watch. It's my favorite. It's my favorite. Cognitive dissonance.
Starting point is 00:00:59 This is alternative facts. We should rename the show. Oh, my God. Oh, uh, every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring a critical thinking, skepticism and depression to any topic that makes the news makes it big or
Starting point is 00:01:17 makes us sad. It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome at welcome. That's our now on sale, man. There is no noose yet. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Yeah. We're busily constructing a noose. It's going to be the greatest noose you've ever seen. You won't believe how great this noose will be. I'm just calculating my drop height. And that's all I've spent the first week. Four inches. So Dick size,
Starting point is 00:01:44 I just terminal velocity at four inches it's like this weight every drop is terminal i'm basically a walking life alert yeah when i fall is the earth coming toward me or am i going to the earth yeah i don't know well so a, uh, this is a very special final episode. I feel like every episode is a legacy episode. You know, like this is something that chimps are going to dig out of the earth after the nuclear winter.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Oh God. Uh, we're a weekend buddy. A weekend. We are. Yeah. Is it a full week? Is it six days? Uh, so it was Friday. It's more because it was Friday of. A weekend. We are. Yeah. Is it a full week? Is it six days?
Starting point is 00:02:26 So it was Friday. It's more because it was Friday of the previous week. He was sworn in. Oh, we're nine days in? Yeah. And it's Sunday. It's the 29th. We've made it nine days.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah. Fucking here we go, buddy. Yeah. We're nine days in. You know, we did an episode. We talked about what Trump was hoping to accomplish in his first 100 days. Yeah. He's nine percent of the way in to his first 100 days.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So we thought we would take this opportunity to talk about what he did during his first week. Let's talk about what he did for this first week. And this is going to be structured a little differently. We're not going to be having a... We're going to have one story that sort of overarches the whole thing that we're going to be playing audio for. And then we're going to bring in some other articles here and there to sort of figure out where this leads us. Because the article that we're going to be listening to is something
Starting point is 00:03:10 you found from Australian TV that lists all the things that he did over that first couple days. Without any editorializing, it's just here is a list of things. This is the things he did. And so we're going to listen to that. He has been admittedly a busy bee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I want to talk though first, um, because I think that there is, you know, there's clearly a segment of the population that didn't vote for him and doesn't please that what he's doing, right? There's a segment of the population that doesn't. That's actually most of the population. It is. Numerically more than half. Yeah. Right. Uh, there's also a group of people that voted for him that probably don't like what he's doing. Although I think that that number is probably
Starting point is 00:03:48 relatively small. I don't think that there's a ton of people that voted for him that are... I know that there are people and there's anecdotal evidence to find it on the web
Starting point is 00:03:56 where you'll find Trump regrets and that sort of thing. I'm sure you'll find that. Right. But there's a bunch of people that aren't... that are not upset at what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Sure. This is this is this is very, very Republican party line. I feel like when I look at this, I recognize that that. It's terrible. I think it's terrible for the country. I think it's a terrible way to look at the country. And I think it's a terrible way to govern. But I also feel like that there are many people who disagree with that. And that's
Starting point is 00:04:25 sort of that, that, that, you know, and they went out and voted too, you know what I mean? Sure. Yeah. But, you know, we talked about this too, is that, you know, it's America first, but more importantly, it's first, first. And what I mean by that is it's a, it's a very short-sighted view of the world. Yeah. All of these, you know, you, you, you, you said you use the term clear cutting. There is a sense that, you know, clear cutting is great if you don't care about a long term. Clear cutting would be an amazing strategy if, you know, you needed a very short term solution. Right. Sure. A lot of these decisions feel like extremely short term solutions. They don't have any long term vision to them. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:04 feel like extremely short-term solutions. They don't have any long-term vision to them, right? So they seem designed, and much of the Republican platform seems designed to provide the maximum economic benefit to a certain group of people over a very short period of time. Look at the global warming stuff, for example. And that's where I was going to go. So I think that's part of the mindset is that, going to go. So I think, you know, that's, that's part of the mindset is that, um, on this side is that, okay, well, what benefits me today? What gives me the most much today rather than what is the best strategy for us generationally. Right. And I don't know that we get, I don't know how we bridge that gap. I don't know how that gap gets bridged because you're right. This is exactly what the Republicans have wanted for a long time.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Right. What, what Trump is, is the world's most horrifying genie. Right. The Republican party that came by and they rubbed that lamp and the fucking weirdest, lumpiest,
Starting point is 00:05:57 or just a genie ever popped out. This is the best lamp though. It's really gold. It's a great lamp. You wouldn't believe how great a gilded my lamp, but this this is it like he's the fucking he's the and and it's also interesting to see what what is going to happen when this side of the aisle really gets to take all of their policies yeah and run with them all yeah and just go and and this is and this is what it looks like and to me it looks like a series of racist, xenophobic, short-term policies that are certain to doom us all in the long run.
Starting point is 00:06:30 That's really what I see. I'm not fucking around. That's really what I see. I don't see anything that has strength to it. This all feels like a position of weakness. So let's start playing this, Tom. This is the first thing we're going to play. This is the only thing we're going to play. This is the only thing we're going to play throughout.
Starting point is 00:06:46 This is this is from a news program in Australia called The Project. We're going to just play this four minute clip and we're going to stop it as we work our way through. Let's take a moment to reflect on the first week of the Trump presidency. We could do this by dissecting the things that he's done and have made headlines and then attempt to comprehend the ramifications. Or we could just list every single action that he's taken because I think perhaps the enormity of that alone is quite remarkable. I want to pause there. I think that statement alone, like there's a bit of editorializing in there, right? But let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Like when the criticism, because this is a criticism. Let's not pretend it's otherwise, right? This is a slant. I'm coming to this from a slant. Yeah, no, so is Australia. Clearly Australia has a, or this particular TV show has a slant. But sometimes when all you have to do
Starting point is 00:07:34 to criticize an idea is to say it out loud. Right wing watch. Right wing watch is a perfect example of that, right? We do it every week on this show. We find one or two clips of somebody saying something that you just cannot believe that they said. And you just play it. And then you make fun of it. And what they're going to do is they're going
Starting point is 00:07:50 to say all the stuff that he did. And they're not going to do anything else. They're literally just going to list the things he did. And that's that. And when you are, when the shit you have done is so unabashedly awful that all we have to do is say it, maybe you should have done different shit.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Right. It's we're, we're looking through his browser history. Right. But I mean, you look through my browser history and be like, Tom, I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:08:16 Hey, come on. Like you never, or wanted to have the internet. All right, here we go. In his first week as president, Donald Trump signed his first executive order
Starting point is 00:08:34 starting the rollback of Obamacare. Well, there we go. So let's talk a little bit about the rollback of Obamacare. They rolled it out. Now, the bill itself
Starting point is 00:08:44 went through tons of changes. Initially, it out. Now, the bill itself went through tons of changes initially. It was going to be very different. It had to get changed by the people in office for it to get passed. So there was things that were taken out of it just so it could get passed. And it had
Starting point is 00:08:59 a name on it. Obamacare. Obamacare was attached to it. Affordable Care Act, but Obamacare was attached to itamacare was attached to it. Affordable Affordable Care Act. Right. Obamacare was attached. And it was it was attached to it as a derogatory. As a derogatory. As a derogatory.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Just like. Yeah. So. So. They want. And. And. And President Trump was recently quoted.
Starting point is 00:09:17 The grossest thing I've ever heard. Trump had said. Said that he wanted the bill. The new. Health care plan. Yes. To be less expensive choose any doctor cover more and everyone will get it and here's what we had a conversation a little bit about this last night i just want to briefly summarize both of us high five if you can yeah like i don't care whose name is on it if they call it Trump care forever, I want people to be taken care of. That's the ultimate goal. Whether or not my side won, I don't give a fuck. I genuinely feel like if Trump comes in and
Starting point is 00:09:54 does this, I'm not going to criticize his plan if it's the same thing. It's just better than what Obama put forth. It's better than the Affordable Care Act does more, you know, less expensive. It's great. That sounds amazing. I want a great president. Let's let's be really clear. I just I don't think Trump is and I don't think that he will be. That's why I'm worried. It's not that I want Trump to lose. He won the thing. Right. He got the big prize. So he's got the big prize. I really, really would love it if he did wonderful, amazing things. And then, you know, all this great shit happened. I just, when I look at his set of plans, the concern I have with Obamacare is that he said,
Starting point is 00:10:38 here's what I want to have happen. I want to repeal what we have in place. Yeah. And then there's kind of this long pregnant pause. And then it's like, we'll put something better. It'll be so better. You won't believe how better. And that's it. There's nothing substantive to replace it with. Hey, baby, you blow me now.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'll get you later. Right. Exactly. I mean, like, I mean, really, the concern I have is, OK, fine. If we're going to repeal Obamacare and we're going to put it, put something else in place. I want to know what it is. Yeah. okay, fine, if we're going to repeal Obamacare and we're going to put something else in place, I want to know what it is. 20 million people rely on the Affordable Care Act to have access to insurance. The Affordable Care Act for all of its flaws, and there are flaws with it. I don't think it's big enough. I don't think it goes far enough. There are real flaws with it.
Starting point is 00:11:20 My thought on the flaws of that may differ from the rights flaws on that, but nobody's going to deny that 20 million people are relying upon this right now, right? You cannot take 20 million people and just say, well, you don't have access to health care when your current insurance plan is up for renewal, right? And people with preexisting conditions and a bunch of the other things that, generally speaking, the American public agrees are a good thing. You know, when they list out what the ACA actually does and then they don't put a name on it, most people are generally in favor of the principles of the ACA, right? But if like, to your point, if we're going to do something that's better and cheaper, then fucking let's do it better and cheaper. Yeah. Call it whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah. I don't care. Yeah. Call the Tom is a shithead plan. I'd be like, I'm signing up for it. Yeah. I love that plan. Sounds amazing. Right? Everybody's plan already, but it sounds amazing. Everybody's view already. So I recognize I recognize that there's also some real problems with what happened. I mean, you pull away the ACA, like you said, there's a problem with
Starting point is 00:12:21 possibility of people losing coverage. It can be really devastating. And there was a Washington Post article that talked about how behind closed doors, Republican lawmakers fret about how to repeal Obamacare. There's a 90-minute bit of audio that's attached to this where they start listing and talking about, well, what are we going to do? And I got to hand it to them. Some of the things they say are really great. We want a long-term solution that lowers costs. That sounds great. That sounds really great. Less taxes, a long-term solution, that might be great. Is it less coverage? Because that's not so great, right? Is it less choices? That's not so great.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Is pre-existing involved? That's not so great. Is preexisting involved? That's not so great. Just lowering costs, just being cost-minded might not be so great for people. Yeah. But you know, I read the same thing and I thought, that's great. This is your list of, this is your fucking wishlist. Yeah. It's amazing. Great fucking wishlist. I don't care. What's your plan? Yeah. Don't come to me with this fucking wishlist pie in the sky bullshit. You're the ones who have to do the work what you should do you had seven years they fucking bitched and passed fucking act after act repeal repeal repeal repeal they fucking kept hitting that fucking repeal button for seven fucking years they've had time to come up with something better now they've got their guy they're ready to pull the carpet out from underneath 20 million people
Starting point is 00:13:44 and what do they have they have a fucking wish list what they have is a closed door meeting to talk about what they want to do right you didn't you could you didn't you didn't think to plan that this isn't a you didn't think to plan that seven years ago right oh the house is on fire what do we do to put it out oh no let's have a committee yeah you don't even have a bucket brigade you stupid motherfuckers yeah he took control of the nuclear codes and declared January 20, his inauguration day, the National Day of Patriotic Devotion. So we read a little bit about this National Day of Patriotic Devotion. I don't like a couple things with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:15 One is there's specific references to God, which is weird. The definite allegiance to our country, which feels weird, right? That's like a pressured allegiance to our country in a lot of ways. Presidents do this thing all the time. National day of this national day, my knots national day of fucking, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:14:32 right. Big titties, whatever it is. When is that thing? Every day. But I declare this national day of tickle bitties. Really? Really? Really?
Starting point is 00:14:45 Oh, man, I make the best president. I make the best president. Or the worst president. All of a sudden your health care plan includes implants? But it's one of those things that with other stuff, with the other things that are happening, with misinformation, all other stuff, with the other things that are happening, with misinformation, all that stuff, the National Day seems a little weird and creepy.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And I don't like the devotion in there, because devotion can have different connotations, right? Devotion, in a religious sense, means something as well. Yeah, I don't, here's the thing is I actually don't really think that patriotism is generally like patriotism has this sort of blind follow field to it. Right. Absolutely. And, and I don't, I'm uncomfortable with nationalism and patriotism. I'm not sure that these are virtues. I'm really not convinced that these things are necessarily virtues. I'm not convinced that they're not either. I could have that conversation and I would be willing to have it. But this idea that we're going to have a national day of, you know, being totes proud we're American, but just so
Starting point is 00:15:53 long as we're the right kind and color of American, because that's really what's behind this. His White House spokesman lied in his first press briefing. Well, the first one. And that is not editorializingizing that is not an editorial saying the white house press press secretary lied during his first press briefing that is a fact that is an alternative that is that is fucking that is 100 true yeah that there's no way to get around that i don't care what side of the fence you're on. Your guy lied in his first press briefing in a demonstrable way,
Starting point is 00:16:30 in a way that you can easily look for evidence in. He lied. Yeah, the facts are pretty simple, right? And it's a meaningless thing to lie about, right? What worries me is two things about this, right? Is he lied about something meaningless, which means he's willing to lie to me about the things that mean more, right? What worries me is two things about this, right? Is he lied about something meaningless, which means he's willing to lie to me about the things that mean more, right? Absolutely. And I don't know the operation of his mind, but I can only imagine that that's
Starting point is 00:16:54 an ego-related lie, right? I don't know for sure. It's either ego-related or it's, you know, fucking twist your handlebar mustache lie. Right. There's no, it didn't come, there's no way it came from a good place because it's meaningless, right? It didn't solve a problem. And what the lie was, was around how many people attended the inauguration, right? Yeah. So, and then to do it on your very first go?
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah. Your very first go? Yeah. Like, like you don't fuck in the ass on the first date, right? It's just like, that's a third, fourth date sort of a thing. Yeah. Topsy's. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Well, you don't. By saying inauguration sizes were the biggest in history and a senior Trump advisor defended the lies, saying they were alternative facts. So again, cleaning up after somebody by saying they're alternative facts, that's making it seem like there's a narrative outside of what the actual reality is dictating to us.
Starting point is 00:17:47 What reality shows us is not always true. Yeah. Well, it's like, remember when we had a few weeks ago, we had the oldest woman in the entire world with a throat note or something. She interviewed somebody who was like, yeah, well, the truth doesn't matter anymore. Well, the truth doesn't matter if there's an alternative fact. The problem is that there's no such thing as facts. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And so here we go. You know, we are. But now we're at the point where we're saying it out loud. And that bothers me, too, because, you know, I say this at work all the time. Like, lie to me in a way that I can believe it. Right. At least have the courtesy. If you're going to lie to me, lie to me in a way that I can believe it. Here we are, we're coming out and saying, well, I'm going to lie to you.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And then I'm just going to tell you that your facts and my facts, the way that we differentiate between them is which ones we like better, which ones make us feel the way we want to feel, right? My facts are true because they coincide with my opinion. Holy shit, we're saying this out loud at this point. These aren't things we say out loud. These aren't things that, what this means is that transparency doesn't matter. Transparency is necessary
Starting point is 00:18:53 for the functioning of a democracy. Well, the Republicans for the last many, many years have been discrediting the media every step they could do it. Right. And now they've made this bed. This is their bed. They've, they've, they've primed this over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:19:14 The media is left bias. The media is, the media is all, uh, it's controlled by liberals. It's controlled by George Soros. It's, you know, it's all these other things, like all these things that they've said over and over again. And, you know, facts, finding things out isn't hard, right? It's not hard. Looking at a couple of different sources to find out if what you're found out from one source is true is not hard. It's not a difficult thing to do. is true is not hard. It's not a difficult thing to do. The problem is, is that, is that they have, they have made it so that you won't trust any source at all anymore. And so now they don't,
Starting point is 00:20:02 they, they can say whatever they want to the American people and blatantly lie to them and then say, don't trust the paper. We've told you for eight years, 10 years, 12 years, 16 years, don't trust the media. Don't trust the media on what they're going to say. You guys created this monster. You created this anti-media monster for years. Glenn Beck's a huge contributor to this. He recognizes it now. And he regrets it now. And he regrets it
Starting point is 00:20:25 now. And he regrets the fuck out of it now. Yeah. Yeah. But Glenn Beck is a huge contributor to this. Absolutely. Rush Limbaugh, huge guy. I don't know if Rush Limbaugh cares. Huge contributor to this. These right-wing pundits have been saying this for a decade plus. I remember when I was in, I was just out of high school, this is the early 90s, and I was listening to Rush Limbaugh and he blasted the liberal media, the liberal media, the liberal, you hear it all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:52 We heard it even as, crazily, we heard it even as Fox News overtook all other news sources as the number one media outlet, you know, during the late 90s and early 2000s. Yeah. We still heard this idea that mainstream media, there's nothing more mainstream than whatever's number one media outlet, you know, during the, during the late nineties and early 2000s, we still heard this idea that mainstream media, there's nothing more mainstream than whatever's number one. And whatever was number one was Fox news and Fox news is the, is crazily right. And like, I'm looking back at a world where I'm like, man, do you remember when all we had to do
Starting point is 00:21:19 was worry about Walmart and Fox news? That was a simpler time. It certainly was. That was a simpler time. Now we have, I believe it was Bannon who came out and said, you know, ignore the media. He called the media the opposition party this week. He called the media the fourth estate, the watchdog of democracy, the opposition party. Think about what that means. Yeah. It doesn't mean anything good. Yeah. I don't know how you defend that as a Trump supporter. I don't know how you look at that as somebody who's a Trump supporter and say, no, that's a good thing. No, I'm happy that he did that. Yeah. This is scary. The idea that the media think about what I think about, because now, you know, we have to we have to recognize that media means something more than TV. Right. Media. We're media. Yeah. You know, we're media. Don't trust us. Yeah. We're media. Yeah. Newspapers who reads those. That's media, right? Periodicals. But media encompasses all these new media sources as well now, right?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, traditional and new. And new. And so this idea, though, that media as a whole, as a concept, is in opposition to authority. And so authority should win out? That's terrifying. And I don't want to use this term, but let me use this term. That is a fascist concept it is an actually fascist concept yeah it's on page two it's scary
Starting point is 00:22:31 right that shit is unnerving right after get elected i just he ordered the national park service off twitter after retweeting images comparing obama's and trump's inauguration crowds and i you and i we talked about this earlier we fought about this earlier tom comes down on the Twitter after retweeting images comparing Obama's and Trump's inauguration crowds. I, you and I, we talked about this earlier. We fought about this earlier. Tom comes down on the side of don't silence, you know, the national parks. I come on the side of why did you retweet it? So there's a, we, Tom and I fought a little bit about this earlier before we recorded. Um, I feel like, you know, the national, I mean, we talked about this national park service should be sending me polar bears on my Twitter. Like, you know what I mean? Like, here's a picture of a tree.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I can't editorialize at work. I can't editorialize on the things that I put on social media at work. I don't expect that they should be able to editorialize either. You have a different view because you, and rightly so, you were talking about how it's different when it's a private company because this is the people. This is the people. We all get to decide this. So if they have a different, if they want to post this, that's a different thing than if it was a business posting this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:33 My business gets to tell me dictatorially from an authoritarian way. They get to tell me what to do, when to do, how to do it. And if I don't like it, I just get to go find another job or whatever. I can't go find another citizenship. That's right. You know, and so I feel like there's a difference there. Yeah. I don't know why the forestry service is tweeting out political shit. I'm not sure that that's necessarily appropriate to their mission. I think it's off mission for sure. Yeah. Right. I agree with that. Like, why are you behaving off mission? I think it would be reasonable to reprimand them and say, the fuck, man, like stay on mission.
Starting point is 00:24:06 You're the fucking forestry service. Sure. But I get real nervous anytime there is a top down control of of who's allowed to say what I just that makes me real nervous because it's not the first or last instance. It's a it's a it's a pushback between both of us. We disagree on this. This is something that we generally disagree on trump planted staffers to cheer and applaud at a speech he gave to the cia did the cia find that out is that is that like what they uncovered during the meeting they're like wait a minute you're gonna trick the spies one of them picked his shoe off he called next
Starting point is 00:24:41 smart there's people that are infiltrating that are in our meeting right now and they're not us. They're not the president. They're not spies like us. I see dead people. You're going to do this to the CIA of all people.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I believe they're probably pretty credulous. It's the CIA. I'll be fine. Oh, the spies will never find out we're lying. They're spies. You know what they did is all of them dressed in white.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Those other ones were dressed in black. Yeah, the big nose. Right. He bypassed anti-nepotism laws to hire his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as a senior White House advisor. His son-in-law looks like he's 11. His son-in-law looks like he fucking, he a senior White House advisor. His son-in-law looks like he's 11.
Starting point is 00:25:25 His son-in-law looks like he's got three pubic hairs and he's proud of them all and has named them. This is Ivanka. You know, this is going to be an ongoing thing throughout his whole presidency. It's not just nepotism. It's business deals. And and we'll talk a little bit about the business deals later. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:50 this in particular, what does this guy have that, you know, he was going to get the best guys. I got the best brains. I got the best guys. Trump supporters. Is this the best fucking guy? Is this your guy? Is this the guy you're like, oh, yeah, it just so happens that the guy who was hired for the fucking job of being American, the president of the United States, happens to have in his immediate family this guy. What? Okay. When you say it like that, it sounds like exactly what it is. Give me a break.
Starting point is 00:26:30 It sounds like exactly what it is. It's fucking liar. You fucking liar. Call your guy out, man. Like you fucking, all you fucking jack off Trump supporters that listen, you get super butt hurt and leave us shitty messages.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Cause you can't stand that someone makes fun of your tiny fingered Bulgarian. Fuck you. Fuck you. How the fuck do you explain this other than nepotism? Tell me. I'm dying to know what's on his resume. What the fuck could possibly be there that makes him so qualified? What is it?
Starting point is 00:27:03 There has to be something, too, that makes him more qualified? What is it? There has to be something, too, that makes him more qualified than anybody else. Exactly. Because you have to overcome the nepotism bias, right? He's got a nepotism bias. You have to look at him and be like, he's the only guy who can make a spaceship with his mind. Right?
Starting point is 00:27:18 Like, what can he do? What can he do? Exactly. He's got to have fucking magic fix-it powers. He comes in. He's got the job. He does the best job. You know how he does it. Magic. Yeah. Fuck that. That's it's a it's a load of shit. Right. All it is is nepotism. And if you're going to defend that, you're a fucking hypocrite because he came in saying it's going to change. It's going to change. Well, you got your balls all up in a wrap the last time when there was problems with emails and there was problems with donations that led to people in ambassadorships. I agree with you, right? That's a shitty thing to do. The more money you pay, the better off you are, the better chance you have of getting
Starting point is 00:28:01 a government job. Fuck that. That's bullshit. I fucking am right there with you. But what the fuck is this then? You cannot weed out incestuous relationships when you fuck your family. You can't do
Starting point is 00:28:13 that. Speaking from experience. When you got your dick and your sister, you can't look around and be like, well, high ground? Moral high ground? Really? She had a sweet ass. His office confirmed that he would never release his tax records. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I'm gonna. I'm probably not gonna. No, I mean, he came right out and said he was going to. Yeah, he did. Like he came out during the thing. He's like, I will. I'm being audited. I will.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I'll do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. And he's never going to do it. He's never going to do it now. And he's not going to do it because nobody cares. That's why he's not going to do it. And he's never going to do it. He's never going to do it now. And he's not going to do it because nobody cares. That's why he's not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Well, I care. No, but that's what he said in the press conference. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. That's bullshit. They did a poll and they had a bunch of petitions signed. People care. People want to know.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I want to know. I want to know what he's connected to in some ways. Yeah, I think it's important that we know. And the other part of it is just the fucking principle of the thing it's part of it's just a principle of the thing for me don't say you're gonna do it then you're not gonna do it then you're gonna do it after the you're gonna do it but then you're gonna but then okay pause and then i'm gonna wait for the audit to be over and then i'm just never gonna do it at all yeah i mean fucking what are you hot because why aren't you doing it people what if if there's nothing there, if there's really nothing there, then just fucking release them and call that shit a night.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Well, I think that I think that, you know, like all the people, too, that wanted to look behind the wall of, you know, I want to look behind the wall of these emails that these people, these private emails, all these people. I want to look behind the wall. I want to see what what are they talking about? What are they doing behind here? But when it comes to your guy, you're fucking you don't care. You're like, oh, well, I want to look at what he's doing with his actual money.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Like where it actually matters, right? Not whether or not fucking so-and-so is coming to dinner, but fucking, you know, how he's spending his money, how he's structuring his investments. Where his money comes from. Where his money comes from.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Whether or not he's tied to certain places in the world and you care about whether or not fucking John Podesta is going to have fucking filet mignon or a pork chop for dinner. Fuck off. You know, all that bullshit, all that digging through there, trying to find something, trying to find something. I got to find something to fucking pin on these people. And then this guy comes out and blatantly slaps you in the face with his cock and you don't care. Fuck off again. Hyp hypocrites. You're fucking hypocrites and it's pathetic.
Starting point is 00:30:26 President Trump withdrew America from the TPP, a multinational economic deal that's been seven years in the making. That was never going anywhere. No surprise. That was never going anywhere. He was never going to do it.
Starting point is 00:30:36 He was not. I don't, again, the trade deal stuff, while I can criticize him, certainly I'm going to criticize him later on one of the things that he does for economic deals. This is one of those things that nobody expected was going to blast. And whether or not I like TPP or don't like TPP, this is just this is a standard Republican piece
Starting point is 00:30:54 that is totally unsurprising. Anybody that was in this position from the right was going to do this. Absolutely. So let's this is a fucking move moment yeah it's alleged the president allowed his businesses to take money from foreign governments which this week saw him face a new lawsuit for breaching the constitution yeah i'm not i'm not concerned about alleged until it comes out like again it's just like the reports of a so and like like they were talking about the reports uh a report came out about a dossier that had links to people who got kickbacks based on whether or not those sanctions disappeared from uh for drilling in russia right right when those go away you'll get an increase of blah blah blah there's no proof bring us when i have the
Starting point is 00:31:38 evidence in front of me and i can see it i'll believe it yeah until then it's just a report of a dossier that somebody has that stuffed up their anus that they had to travel across fucking different lines. I don't care. Just like with this, it's like, yeah, it's something to be concerned about. It's something to think about and be like, you know, maybe it might color some of the other stuff that I think about when it comes to Trump, but it's certainly not anything
Starting point is 00:31:57 I'm going to spend a lot of time on. Allegations are worth noting, right? Allegations are worth noting, but you have to wait and you have to say, okay, where's the evidence? The president repeated the claims that the election suffered from massive voter fraud, confirming that he would launch an investigation and claiming the three to five million votes were illegitimate. Specifically, he raised concerns about people being registered to vote in two different states. So three to five. I didn't hear that. Yeah, it's three to five. I'd always heard it was three. It's three to five now.
Starting point is 00:32:26 It's a big number. And they had a guy on CNN that was interviewed that is supposedly in the front runner. It's one of the things he tweeted out. So he tweeted out this app. He said, look forward to seeing the final results of a vote stand. Greg Phillips and crew said they said at least three million votes were illegal. We must do better. And there's a there's a video of him
Starting point is 00:32:50 being interviewed and he just gets this guy and CNN is like, well, where's your proof? And he's like, well, I we're getting it. We're sort of getting it ready. We're getting it ready right now. And he's like, OK, well, if you don't have proof, then how do you know the number? He's like, oh, you can start with the conclusion and then gather it.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Yeah, absolutely. I mean, he fucking intelligent designs this interview. He says you start with the conclusion and back your way into the... You can't say, I know this is true. Let's have them prove it. We're doing it. This is on you.
Starting point is 00:33:18 We're doing it as fast as we can. Right, but you already said you had the answer. You know what I'm saying? We do. But you understand that logically that doesn't go together. If I know the answer to something, it's because I've concluded my process of analysis, not because I'm in the middle of it. Not necessarily. You can reach a conclusion and then still verify.
Starting point is 00:33:37 You can still go back and check. That's not, when you're talking about numerical quantifiable things. Yeah. That's not how that works at all. You don't reach it. Yeah. You should, you should reach a conclusion based on a set of evidence.
Starting point is 00:33:52 So the evidence, the evidence leads you to the conclusion. Then you check your evidence, right? Then you check your conclusion. Yeah. You check your math, but you don't say,
Starting point is 00:33:59 well, I reached it, but I don't know if it's right, but I fucking made it public. He's conflating. I think projections with what actually is right, but I fucking made it public. He's conflating, I think, projections with what actually is, right? He is in a corner.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Don't you think this is a guy who probably has found himself backed into a fucking scary corner right now that he has no... I would be shit in my fucking pants if I were this guy, right? Well, I don't think it matters. I mean, to be honest, this guy,
Starting point is 00:34:23 nothing's going to happen to him. What happens to him in a Trump America? Because we live in a world where being discredited, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You know what I'm, you fuck me, right? I know it's a sad world we live in, but the moment this guy doesn't come up with the numbers in two months, which is what he's asking for. He's thinking like, they're saying like what, like May or March. He's like, yeah, sometime around there I'll have, I'll have solid numbers. He doesn't have them. When nobody cares anymore. Yeah. Well, he's not going to... When the issue drops. The thing is, everybody's just going to remember this particular thing, and they're never going to remember the correction.
Starting point is 00:34:50 He's like, oh, actually, we found out this. Now, again, other people are finding... There's other findings. There's other ways in which people say that illegal immigrants voted. It's not as widespread as they say. If it's happening, it's not as widespread as they say. If it's happening, it's not as widespread as they say. So, and again, it's one of those things like, there's many, many, many ways in which to tell if this is true. They did it in Michigan. One of the things they said in Michigan, they were like,
Starting point is 00:35:20 well, there's no widespread voter fraud, so there's no reason to do the recount. That's how they filed against Jill Stein, right? And then they do the recount and they found a couple votes here and there. They were basically error of, you know, it's the error bar, right? It's like, you know, they find it. It's part of the statistical error. And that's it. It's just like statistical errors. You work your way through the whole state.
Starting point is 00:35:42 And you're like, well, if it's just statistical error throughout the whole thing, how are you coming up with this unless you're lying about it? I mean, the places that they're going to to find this information, to talk about this information, the places that George Mason University has been debunked, it's not a thing. It's based off bad and faulty data. And so where is this coming from? And it's coming from the only place I can think it's coming from is Trump's giant fucking ego and his tiny, tiny hands. Right. Yeah. Well, this is this is an astonishing because you corrected me and you were right to correct me. You know, I was I was like, oh, man, when he gets called out for for inaccuracy. But the point here, the overall point is that accuracy no longer matters.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Doesn't matter. Is that where we get information is meaningless, right? We're just now in this new space where what we want to be true, we just decide it's true. We just decide that what we want to be true is true. And then it doesn't matter if it actually happened or if it didn't happen or who said it or whether they vetted the information. None of that means anything. None of that means anything anymore. And he'll get called out on this and nobody will care and people will still believe it, even though there will be no evidence because there's no evidence now. If there's no evidence now, we don't wait
Starting point is 00:37:04 for the evidence for the thing we asserted to be true. Yeah. That's not how this fucking directionality is all off. It's not that no one cares. It's that no one in power cares and no one on the other side that we would like to convince that this is a bad thing cares. Right. Because I think our side does value evidence. I think our side does value evidence. I think our side does value accuracy.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I think our side, you know, when I'm talking about skeptics here, that's as far as this reaches, right? I'm not talking about anything else, right? No, I'm right there with you. So I care about it. Bring us back to a place that we were a year ago, I think about a year ago,
Starting point is 00:37:45 with a Andrew Torres, David Smalley fight on Facebook. We cared about how that turned out. Yes. David Smalley and Andrew both cared about how they looked at the world, how they were interpreting the world, right? They both cared about that. Yes. Being accurate mattered to both of them, right? It mattered so much. It bubbled up into a huge shitty argument online. It bubbled off into two other podcasts, right? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:38:21 It turned into a whole fucking thing because people were worried about accuracy that's what we do right we worry about accuracy and i wonder if our niche is a terrifyingly small niche of the country stop that that nobody cares that you know there's a there's a couple million of us and then the rest of the people are like yeah yeah, I don't really care. What did I see? I don't really care. I don't care whether or not it's true. I want to feel like it's true. I think I don't want you to be right.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I think you're right. I don't want you to be right. I would really like it if you were wrong, but you're right. I think you're 100% right, man. I think that there is this start at the conclusion and work your way back mentality. And that's where we fucking are. There's a science community that is against that.
Starting point is 00:39:09 But here's what else has happened. I think for a long time, people were embarrassed to be there. I think so too. I think that there was sort of a recognition that this was a weird space to occupy and that maybe you had to
Starting point is 00:39:22 work your way around. Ken Ham's a great example. That guy can work his way sideways all Ken Ham's a great example. That guy can work his way sideways all day long. So he doesn't seem to himself, at least everybody else is transparent, but to him, it doesn't seem like he's starting with his conclusion, right? He will tell you all day he's starting from the evidence and arriving at the conclusion. We know he's not, but he only does that because he tacitly understands that arriving at the conclusion first and then finding the evidence is wrong, that it is the backward way of thinking,
Starting point is 00:39:50 that it's intellectually dishonest. We've moved away from that, though. We've moved into a new space where arriving at the conclusion is more important than how you got there or what facts led you there. The path, the journey, the process means nothing anymore. It means nothing. It's what side are you on? What conclusion are you on? Where's your line? Okay, great. There you are. And where's my line? Okay, great. Here's my line. And that's what matters now. And while there is no evidence to suggest that voter fraud exists in the millions, this week it was revealed his White House spokesman, whom I mentioned earlier, is registered to vote in two states, as is the son in law that I mentioned. It was also revealed vote in two states, as is the son-in-law that
Starting point is 00:40:25 I mentioned. It was also revealed this week his youngest daughter, Tiffany, his White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, and his Treasury Secretary, Stephen Mnuchin, are all also registered to vote in two states. And he reinstated a global gag rule which cuts all U.S. funding from international NGOs that offer and counsel women on abortion. Yeah. Okay. So this is, this is the Republicans don't ever want to be responsible for abortion, but Republicans don't ever want to be responsible for young people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Right. This is, you know, you had a, you had a good point when we were talking earlier, a point I hadn't considered, which, you know, I think this, this, this idea, this anti-abortion idea, I think, I think that there is a correlation or there may be at least a correlation between this and the idea that, look, if more women are pregnant, that's less women out working. And if more women are pregnant, that's less competition for my job as a man. And if that's true, and I hadn't considered that until you brought it up today. Sorry. That's a nauseatingly. That's so nauseatingly sexist and misogynist.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Like that's a world I don't want to live in. Is it more misogynist than grabbing her by the pussy or no? Which is. Well, that's the foreplay to get her pregnant. Well, and admittedly, when you got to get the abortion, you do have to grab her by the pussy. Well, you grab up and then keep going. You just I got it. It's like the claw game.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I'll put like four dollars and quarters of this thing. Right. The next day, his party passed a bill that permanently bans American women from using federal funds or private health insurance towards abortion services. So in that, what he said was not only federal funding going to abortions, but also would allow private insurance to not cover abortion services as well. insurance to not cover abortion services as well. And I'm going to read a piece of an article from a slate article that came out about this. That's House Republicans permanent ban on federal abortion funding would affect private insurance, too. It says this would encourage insurers to drop abortion coverage from their policies because
Starting point is 00:42:39 there's no incentive to offer a plan that so many people could not or would not buy. It would completely ban the sale of multi-state plans that cover abortion on ACA exchanges. It would also take the small business tax credit away from employers that offer employees insurance for abortion, giving businesses reason to exclude one specific constitutionally protected health procedure from their available insurance plans. So it's not just that the government is defunding it, right? We've got to look at this in a bigger picture. Because the government was never really funding abortions anyway.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It doesn't even matter, right? Now they're saying even your private insurance can't do this. Or at least they're putting conditions in place that will disincentive private insurance. Thank you for clarifying. That is exactly what they're doing. And so that's scary, right? They're doing things that are in the government to try to fiddle with all of our private insurance, right? Now there's going to be people who, who still have it through private insurance that work at very progressive places that value that for their people that work for them. There's going to be a lot of places that
Starting point is 00:43:54 are like, great. Yeah. Well, you know, the other, because what happens with your vagina and your uterus should somehow is somehow something I can govern as a person who pays you weekly. Well, it's, you know, this is, this is a, this is a, there's a lot of problems here, right? One of the major problems is, I mean, this is what, what this does also is highlight the deficiencies of an insurance-based medicine system. That is problematic. Insurance as a workplace benefit to pay for health coverage is a shit way to pay for health coverage. Absolutely. It is a shitty garbage way to pay for health coverage. It's a trash service. We need to abandon it. It's awful. It's terrible. The history, it's just, it's a fucking shitty way to do it. But, you know, we're getting to a point
Starting point is 00:44:41 where, you know, okay, fine. If we can't overturn Roe v. Wade, if we're not there yet, if we haven't done that, what we're going to do is we're going to create a set of conditions, economic conditions that make getting an abortion so egregiously difficult that soon, you know, it's going to be like, yeah, you can get an abortion. You just have to fly up to the fucking International Space Station. Exactly. Right. And the only way we can do it is with robots in space. Right. That's the only way. I'm not saying it's not illegal. I'm just saying that you have to have an abortion yeah on the fucking
Starting point is 00:45:08 international space station what do you why are you fucking women bitching you've always had equal rights you can do whatever you want if you want an abortion who's stopping you they're on the space station you ungrateful cunt and it's like we're there like we're getting there you got to run across the country like forrest gump right to get it be like well i're there. We're getting there. You got to run across the country like Forrest Gump. Right. To get it. Be like, well, sorry, I live in a fucking trash state, like fucking Mobile, fucking Alabama or whatever. Jesus, don't even talk like that. I got to barefoot walk to the next place. And then, you know, the next place that you can get an abortion happens to be Oregon.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Yeah, exactly. Right. You got to fucking, you die of dysentery on the way there. Right. You got to afford a river. whole stagecoach of people dead. You got to eat them in the pass. It's ridiculous. It takes so long.
Starting point is 00:45:53 You birth like three babies on the way to get a fucking abortion. And then when you get there, you're just like, well, can we late term these ones? Actually, I only have two left. I ate one in the past. That was actually pretty sturdy. So you'll need a, you'll need a kids meal. What's the dipping sauce? Tears.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Oh God. Oh Jesus. Did you want a go-gurt or placenta? You get a toy if it's a boy or a girl in the Happy Meal. Are you aborting a boy or a girl? Here's the thing. In the Happy Meal, it's either a smallpox blue blanket or a smallpox pink blanket. Those are your two options.
Starting point is 00:46:57 We're the worst people. Oh, God, you're awful. Oh, God, you're awful. He vowed to cut funding to violence against women's programs as well as national arts and humanities, legal services, minority business development programs, public broadcasting and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Cutting funding to violence against women's programs. That is de facto promoting violence against women. Sure. Absolutely. I mean, it's how is that not cutting, cutting funding for the arts is promoting not the arts.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Right. It's it's disincentivizing the arts. Right. And this is and this is digging for pennies in your couch. Thank you. It means nothing. Pathetic amount of money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 It's a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of money compared to what we spend in other areas they don't make meaningful cuts in any other area like the military or i mean there's other areas you can make meaningful cuts let's let's be real honest there's plenty of other areas you can make meaningful cuts but people talk about this as a way to cut the budget they talk about him not taking a salary as some big fucking dude. Who cares, dude? It means nothing. That's a tiny amount of money for somebody like that.
Starting point is 00:48:08 And it's a tiny amount of money for the United States to pay. Yeah. It's not that much money. No. So the very, this whole idea is just, it's,
Starting point is 00:48:16 you can't see the forest for the trees here. You know what I mean? It's myopic. They don't understand. They don't get it. They think any cut is a good cut. And you're like, no,
Starting point is 00:48:24 there's plenty of good money going out into the world that we need to keep funding to try to make sure that good things happen. That so that we are a nation that can be revered, that can be looked up to, that is doing good in the world. He's running us like a business, right? And the business now just got rid of R&D. And they're like, no, we're just making the widget. You know what I mean? There's nothing there to help us go forward. It's like you said earlier when you, when you were talking earlier about how they have this very short term view, it's the same thing here. It's a very short term view on the future. He's going to maximize our
Starting point is 00:48:56 quarterly profits and burn the fucking house down in the process. Right. We're, we're really, we're really at a point where we're like, well, well i mean i'm pro battered women in the sense that i want more battered women yeah like i am anti the arts really for why what do we have fucking so many rich artists around that like this is a problem like oh fucking someone's making a fucking sculpture out of corn nuggets and getting rich on it like this is not happening this isn't happening you know we don't want to value the arts as a society. We don't want to value women. Fucking 51% of the population. I mean, really? It's fucking so many of us.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So many of us. Just the idea that we would look at half of our population as a minority or lesser status is a fucking insult. It is an insult to us as human beings. Trump's administration removed the Spanish version of the White House website. Removing the Spanish version of the White House website is insulting. And I know that there's people in this country like, oh my God, speaking English. And it's like, hey, guess what? We don't have a national language. Look it up. Fuck wit. Look it up. We're a nation of immigrants. When you take away the second largest thing, I mean,
Starting point is 00:50:06 it's just as insulting for the people in Canada if they remove the French stuff that they have up there, right? There's a large portion of the population, I mean, I don't know how large, but large enough that they need to make sure that French is their second language. It's what they use. They use those languages up there. It's just
Starting point is 00:50:21 being a good government to your citizens. That's it. Just because somebody speaks Spanish doesn't mean they're illegal. We have a huge population of legal immigrants in this country that speak Spanish and you're neglecting all of those people when you do this. True. But by doing this, we get to be more xenophobic. And have you considered some of those people are brown and therefore don't count? So counterpoint, motherfucker. It's really, it's the thing, right? No, sure.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah. That's the thing. This is a pandering to racist white people. Absolutely. Who don't know. Absolutely. Right? It absolutely is.
Starting point is 00:50:59 You can't look at this in any other way. And deleted pages on civil rights, LGBT rights, and climate change. I've heard that they just moved them because they were part of the old administration and that they're going to change it or something like that. I'm going to wait to see what happens there. I don't know because there were some people that sort of went back and forth in this in our community. I do want to see the evidence of this. So if that is a thing that they're going to have an LGBT page in the future, I'd love to see it. You know, that would be great. I would be very happy if there's a new civil rights page, please.
Starting point is 00:51:30 An LGBT page, please. And what was the other one? The climate change. That's not going to happen. That's not coming back. But, you know, like at the very least, and again, I'm not trying to be uncharitable if charity is warranted here. But so let's say you had an idea and you wanted to make sure that it was branded with your, you know, your fucking Trump. Sure. Yeah. Were you in such a hurry to get rid of this particular page that you had to get rid of it before you were able to code it?
Starting point is 00:51:57 Couldn't you just say, well, leave it up? Well, that's the thing. And then we're going to change it. Right. That's what, you know. They just tear it down and then we have nothing to replace it with. Well, wait, we're going to we're we don't like these roads, so we're going to raise all the roads and then we're going to wait until we get the funding and figure out exactly where we want the new roads to go. Yeah, I can build a better road. So in the meantime, I've destroyed your road.
Starting point is 00:52:16 He overturned the ban on two major oil and gas projects. The protesters claim could contaminate water and destroy sacred land. This is the Dakota access. And he went ahead right away. Immediately. We're just going to go ahead and do it. There were some people on the Trump side that were totally against this when Obama was doing it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Yeah. So where's your voice now? I'm curious if there is some sort of uproar based on that. Because I know when Obama was in office, they were like, look, this weakling president won't do anything about it. Oh, good Lord. He ordered a total media blackout on the Environmental Protection Agency,
Starting point is 00:52:52 the Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Services. He also imposed... I have such a problem. Me too. Those are our organizations. Those aren't his organizations. I'm definitely...
Starting point is 00:53:02 I have a huge problem with that. Man, the moment... the moment the authority from above tells any organization or any agency when and where and how they get to speak to the media like this, and then they order a fucking straight blackout. Yeah. That, I mean, that is straight dictatorial. It is, it again,, again, I'm going to talk about this a lot, but that really undermines the necessary transparency that a democracy requires in order for it to continue to be a democracy. If we don't have transparency, if we don't have communication, if we don't know what our agencies are doing, if those agencies aren't free to talk to the people, we no longer have a functioning democracy. And don't fucking write me and tell me we have a republic. You know what I fucking mean. We no longer have a goddamn democracy
Starting point is 00:53:51 in place at all. What we have is a dictator in chief. And we have built an entire foundational set of principles and documents and culture on an idea that we won't accept this, that we won't allow for this. And a media blackout like this feels very much like step one. Yeah. Right. Because this is the first nine days. Yeah. Step one. And it shouldn't be called a blackout. It should be called an alt-right out. Let's get this correct. An alt-white out. A hiring and regulatory freeze across government agencies, except for the military. No surprise. That's no surprise. He said he was going to do that. And, and, uh, and they thought the government was, uh, was bloated. The Republicans would do that anyway. Um, but of course he's exempting the military in other places. It's,
Starting point is 00:54:34 it's, it's, it's provisional. You know what I mean? Like they say it is, but it's provisional. And some public safety sectors, president Trump drafted orders to temporarily suspend America's refugee intake with an indefinite ban on Syrians. He lost that last night. Well, but he only sort of lost. You had to have an existing visa. Yeah. If you don't have an existing visa, the ban stands. Yeah. But again, he did lose. Yeah, that's a loss. That's a loss. And he, he put something in, in, in the place that is, that was not constitutional. So I want to read the first part of a story because, you know, I think there are people that, that, that hear something like this. They don't,
Starting point is 00:55:15 they don't really have, there's a humanity element to this that I, that I want to read. This comes from the Telegraph. And this, this talks about some of the people that are being denied entry. And I think it's important to understand and to note some of the people here that are denied entry. There's a guy, what's his name? Darwish, Khalid, Hamid Khalid Darwish. And I'm sure I'm mispronouncing that. And I'm sorry that I am. So this is a guy who was granted a visa. He spent a decade, a fucking decade working for us in Iraq in a wartime as a translator for the 101st Airborne in Baghdad and Mosul. So we're talking about a guy who wake up every morning, risked his life and his family's life in terrifying ways. He spent 10 years doing
Starting point is 00:56:06 that. Then he spent three years being vetted for a visa, even after he spent a decade of his time and his life and risked himself for our interests, right? All of that. This motherfucker gets denied entry into the United States. This guy. What did he do? You know, I don't deserve to be here. You want to talk about deserving to be here? What did I do? I woke up a baby here. Yep. That's what I did. I shat my fucking diaper in America. That's why I get to have, you know, fluorescent lights to sit under and clean and safe drinking water. Cause I don't even Flint, Michigan. Yeah. This motherfucker, this guy earned that shit. And why? Cause he's fucking Muslim and Brown and he comes from Iraq. He who spent a fucking decade
Starting point is 00:56:46 of his life risking himself for us, he gets shat on? It's a horrible thing. It's really ridiculous. And like we said, the ACLU has already taken this to task. They already took it to court. They already made sure that the people with visas could get in because they were just going to let those people
Starting point is 00:57:02 they're like, no. And oh. Because we selected these countries. So there's been some pushback against this already but you know it's one of those things that you're like you know sometimes it's a little bit too late this is this is a this is not a good way to to to handle your immigration policy no not at all and i want to tell one other quick story there i read a story about a woman who um you know she'd been living in the united states for seven years. She owned property, everything else here in the States. This was her home. She went back to Tehran. She's going to spend a week or two in Tehran visiting some family and come home. She goes to Tehran. This shit happens. She can't get back. She's like, well, I have, I have home. I have, I have a mortgage
Starting point is 00:57:38 payment. She's like, my car is parked at the airport. What happens to my life? Like she literally, she's like, who's going to take care of my dog? All of it, all of everything that she's on vacation. She made a week's worth of plans. Now she fucking guess what? Now you live in Tehran. Hope you have no resources. A lifetime of plans now to make. Right. He also announced plans to have America's asylum program. He drafted plans to suspend new visas for people from Iraq, Iran, Libya,
Starting point is 00:58:06 Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Now, Saudi Arabia is not on that list. Oh yeah. I wonder if anybody ever came to, from Saudi Arabia to the United States,
Starting point is 00:58:14 maybe in an airplane and flew it into a couple of fucking buildings. I want to point out too, uh, how badly the other side attacked Hillary for having ties for Saudi Arabia. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, like if, if, if you guys, if, if that side, if the other side attacked Hillary for having ties for Saudi Arabia. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, like if,
Starting point is 00:58:26 if, if you guys, if, if that side, if the other side, the fucking toads or whatever those guys are, the Pepe's, those fucking dudes had a fucking,
Starting point is 00:58:34 an ounce of fucking credibility in anything that they said, they would be, they'd be attacking him for not putting Saudi Arabia on the list. But instead they're all jerking off onto their own faces with pictures of Trump over their eyes because they love everything he does and he can't do anything wrong. You know, be consistent.
Starting point is 00:58:53 If you don't like Saudi Arabia because they're awful and they're full of terror because they worked with Hillary, they're also still awful and full of terror now. Now, right. They didn't stop just because Trump got in office. So, you know, be fucking consistent. The president also drafted a plan to open CIA black sites around the world to reintroduce torture as an interrogation technique. This is an atrocity. This is a national embarrassment. We're not better than torture.
Starting point is 00:59:18 We're not. Yeah. It's outrageous that we talked about this years ago when this happened, how awful this is, what this makes us look like. And, you know, it's hard to look better right now. It's hard to look worse right now because, you know, the buffoon in chief. But this is absolutely horrifying. We're pro-torture again. This is where we're at again. We're having this national conversation about whether or not, like,, how we can shock. How much can we shock people's genitals?
Starting point is 00:59:46 Yeah. And don't get me wrong. Like anything that Obama did that had a torture in it. I was against. I'm against torture. 100 percent of the time. In all circumstances. All torture.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Get rid of it. It's outrageous. Yeah. President Trump moved to redirect allocated federal funds to start building a 20 billion dollar wall on the southern border. It's the lowest that border crossings for illegal immigrants, it's the lowest in history right now. It's been the lowest. It's been going down for years and years and years. Most people don't come into the country illegally that way anyway. It's just, it's just not how they don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:18 This, what this border is, is a symbol. This border, all this border, all this wall is, is a symbol to the rac racist in America to say, see, see, that's what it is. We got your back race. You know, look,
Starting point is 01:00:30 look at all the times that walls have been pot. Has there ever been a wall? And I mean, this has there ever been a wall constructed along a border that did not turn out to be a national fucking disgrace. Don't, don't we have, don't we have beloved video and audio
Starting point is 01:00:45 of Reagan, the fucking darling of the Republican Party, saying, Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. Don't we know by now that walls are a bad idea? It's a useless symbol. It's a waste of money. We're willing to spend this much money on this but not on battered women.
Starting point is 01:01:02 And it's a tiny fraction of money that you'd be spending on that in comparison to this. And who's going to get the contracts? Right. And we're curious about that. The president won't take us $400,000 a year or spend $20 billion building a symbol wall, a symbol of racism.
Starting point is 01:01:15 After Mexico again refused to pay for that wall, Trump tweeted a suggestion to the Mexican president that he cancel their upcoming meeting. He did. That's nice. They tweeted it. That's very formal they tweeted he tweeted to another world leader hey dinner party is canceled yeah no spirit
Starting point is 01:01:32 cooking at my house tonight trump then flagged a 20 tax on imported mexican goods in order to recoup the cost of the wall you realize trump you moron, that when you put a tax on that, they're going to up their price to cover the tax. And we're still going to pay for the wall. It's just not going to come out of tax dollars now. It's going to come out of imported tax dollar money later. They're not going to fucking be like, oh, Gus, we'll gus you up the taxes so we won't up our prices. People who buy that shit, we're going to
Starting point is 01:02:10 pay for it. Oh, now my shit's more expensive. Well, that sucks. That's all it is. You just made shit more expensive. Thanks, dick. Yeah. It's not like you're not going to find it cheaper made here for 20% more, right? It's still going to be more expensive made here for a lot of that stuff. So for 20% more, right? It's still going to be more expensive made here
Starting point is 01:02:25 for a lot of that stuff. So the 20% is still going to be tacked on. It's just going to make it more expensive, but it's going to be the same thing. And you're still going to buy it because it's still probably going to be the cheapest thing out there. But now we're just paying more for it
Starting point is 01:02:38 and we're paying for the wall. That's how it works, man. So we're paying and then we're paying and then we're paying. President Trump announced that he will publish a weekly list of crimes committed by immigrants. This is the most egregious and repulsive part of what Trump did this last week. Let's say we spent we spent almost four minutes getting to this point in this video. And this is the part that makes me want to gag when I hear about it.
Starting point is 01:03:03 It's so repugnant. It's so awful. It's so, it's just, it just, it just burns me up. It makes me feel sick to my stomach that we are going to be producing a list of people. And this is, and we looked into this, this is in sanctuary cities only. They will be looking at all the people who do crimes that are illegal immigrants, and they will be taking a list of those people and they will be looking at all the people who do crimes that are illegal immigrants, and they will be taking a list of those people, and they will be publishing it. This is a way to demonize immigrants and to galvanize us against immigrants. Where is the rest of those things? We looked it up earlier.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I'm talking earlier about how many people were killed in October, right? We found a site, a site that was anti-immigration. It was aggressively, aggressively anti-immigration that listed all the crimes that illegal immigrants did. We found one from October. They had them on bullet points. 2006. Here's the illegal immigrants dialing crime list. And we looked through in October.
Starting point is 01:03:58 There was one, a guy, awful, choked his girlfriend to death. Terrible, terrible situation. Monster of a human being. That same month, over 70 peopleoked his girlfriend to death. Terrible, terrible situation, 2016. Monster of a human being. That same month, over 70 people were shot dead in Chicago. That same month, there was 300 plus shootings in Chicago. The best you could do in the entire country for a whole month was find one guy who committed a murder out of 11 million plus people. That's the best you could do.
Starting point is 01:04:24 I bet you could take a subsection of people, no matter who they are and come up with more than that. Yeah. Right. Take any, any group, any demographic, identify them in almost any way other than toddler.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Yeah. Put 11 million shot people. But that's true. Yeah. I bet that that's actually true. Yeah. If you take 11, toddlers are evil,
Starting point is 01:04:43 man. Yeah. I don't think we have a problem when it's one you take 11... Robbers are evil, man. They fucking want to shoot you. Yeah, I don't think we have a problem when it's one out of 11 million once a month committing a crime. This is a... And we looked at some other statistics that suggested,
Starting point is 01:04:52 and we didn't vet them too hard, so I want to make a note of that, that suggested that the actual crime rate for illegal immigrants is lower than for citizens. Yeah. So we didn't vet that real hard, but we did notice it a number of places
Starting point is 01:05:05 when we were looking at some information earlier today. We also noticed that the poverty line is way higher for illegal immigrants than it is for citizens. So they're poorer and commit less crimes.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Yeah, exactly. So, you know, we're going to publish this list with no context, right? We're going to take this list and we're going to say, these are the bad immigrants, but we're're going to take this list and we're going to say, these are the bad immigrants. But we're not going to list against all the ratio of bad other people in this country.
Starting point is 01:05:31 The other people that did bad things, right? I don't want to call them bad people, right? Because again, you know, there's a lot of reasons why people get arrested for things. They may or may not have had bad intentions, right? It's not all murder either. And sometimes you just fucking do something wrong. That happens. But now we're going to be
Starting point is 01:05:49 focusing on it, and that's fucking scary. What scares me, Cecil, is making lists of kinds of people we don't like. Who makes lists of the kinds of people they don't like? You know who makes those lists? Exactly. I'm sorry. That's page three. I really don't want to be that guy because I feel like we've been railing against people who've been that guy.
Starting point is 01:06:07 But we're talking about a Muslim registry. We're talking about bans on certain kinds of people from certain places. We're talking about making actual lists of the undesirables. We're making lists of undesirables again in this country. We can't do this. We cannot do this. We have got to be better than this. We can't do this we cannot do this we have got to be better than this we can't do that because we don't have the kind of train system that the nazis had we
Starting point is 01:06:31 can't put immigrants in cars like that we trump you have to fix the infrastructure before you do this there's steps to this i disagree there are steps to this if they're mexican you can put them all in one car. That wraps up this week. I'm so sad. It's a sad week. It's a sad week. We enjoy your hate mail. We love your tears when you cry about Trump, so send them to us if you're going to cry about him and you're going to be super sad and butthurt that we talked about how
Starting point is 01:07:01 fucking horrible his policies are. Please send us your email. We love, we love reading it. I actually masturbate to it. So send that along. That's going to wrap it up though. It is for this week. Here we go,
Starting point is 01:07:12 buddy. Next week. Maybe we'll have week. Is this a weekly thing? How much more damage can you do? If this guy keeps doing it, maybe it is. Maybe,
Starting point is 01:07:20 maybe it is, but we're going to, we're going to, we want to thank this, this project, the project on just for coming up with all this stuff. It's a great video to take a look at. So we're going to leave you, like we always do, with the Skeptic's Creed.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales
Starting point is 01:07:55 pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls, Bigfoot, Yeti, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls, bigfoot, yeti, aliens, churches, mosques and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local dairy council and
Starting point is 01:09:19 viewers like you. you

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