Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 355: MooveOn.Org

Episode Date: April 24, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording live from glory old studios in chicago this is cognitive dissonance every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way we bring critical thinking skepticism and irreverence to any topic that makes the news makes it big or makes us mad it's skeptical it's political, and there is no welcome mat. This is episode 355 of Cognitive Distance. And this is actually, I want everyone to stop for just a second and pay attention because this is actually a genuinely important episode. There's an announcement we need to make. It's kind of a big deal. It's kind of a big deal. Kind of a big deal. We have started a new venture
Starting point is 00:01:25 because I have run out of new ways to disappoint only Cecil. That's right. And this new venture, I have taken on a great deal of not doing additional work. You have exceeded at that in every turn.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So, Cecil with the crew from Scathing Atheil, uh, with the, uh, the crew from scathing, atheist, gam and skeptic, that's the same crew. They just want to feel important. Um,
Starting point is 00:01:51 well, there's three of them. They got three shows. They're going to need a fucking fourth because now we're starting a new show with these guys. We are, we are these guys just, I mean, I just want to say like,
Starting point is 00:02:02 it's just been such a pleasure to disappoint such a larger group of people. Sure. So, Cesar, why don't you tell them about whatever it is that you do? I don't know. What's the name of the show? The new show is called Citation Needed. It's a show where...
Starting point is 00:02:19 I would have said the wrong thing. I would have said Citation Pod. I would have because that's the email. I would have been like, our new show is called Citation Pod. Yeah. I'd have fucked that up. You're fucking good. I would have said citation pod. I wouldn't because that's the email. I would have been like, our new show is called citation pod. Yeah. I'd have fucked that up. You're fucking good.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I'm killing it, buddy. I'm killing it. So the show citation needed, uh, is a show where we read one Wikipedia article and then pretend we're experts. And then we tell the other people about that Wikipedia article, tell them about the story behind the Wikipedia article. And then we quiz each other at the end of the show
Starting point is 00:02:47 about things that we've learned. And normally there's some skits and it's turned out to be a really funny show. It's turned out to be really good. It was when we started talking to them in November about maybe doing something jointly, we weren't sure what we're going to do. And so we created a bunch of pilots between January and now that will never see the light
Starting point is 00:03:13 of day, technically. They're in the Patreon for a citation needed right now. But as soon as that show launches, which is going to be in a few weeks, we are not going to be, those shows will be gone. So those shows are really only all those pilots that we created early are only for early adopters. So if you're interested in hearing some of those, you can become a patron of Citation Needed and you can get those episodes.
Starting point is 00:03:39 There's five episodes of just pilots, stuff we tried out to see if it would work. This is the cutting room floor for all the test episodes, all the half-baked ideas, some of which eventually got folded and wrapped up into what's eventually the new show, Citation Needed, which has been such a fucking hoot to do. Yeah, absolutely. And I got to tell you, every fucking test recording we did was a fucking blast. It was just a blast. And we laughed.
Starting point is 00:04:04 It was crazy. Like you said, we've been working on this concept since November. And really what happened is, you know, we did the Vulgarity for Charity event, had just so much fun with these guys.
Starting point is 00:04:14 We really realized this is a group of people we just need to be doing something with. We need to be doing something regularly with these guys. It's so much fun to work with them. We put a lot of ideas together. We landed on Citation Needed. We think you guys are going to love this them. We put a lot of ideas together. We've landed on
Starting point is 00:04:25 Citation Needed. We think you guys are going to love this show. This is a fun show. It's a lot of fun. If you go to slash citation pod, you can find it there. Citation Needed on Patreon. We are also going to give a gift to our patrons too, because we're real excited about this. We're going to be giving you a free episode of Citation Needed on Monday afternoon. So after this show releases, we're going to be giving you a free episode of this show, just so you could listen to it and see if you like it. We're anxious for feedback and things like that. It's not technically released yet. It's not going to release until we have five episodes in the can. Right now we have two, but we're excited about the path that it's taking. So if you want to listen to it and you're a patron, you're going to get it for free tomorrow
Starting point is 00:05:11 afternoon. So hopefully you'll enjoy it and you'll let us know what you think. And like Tom said, we were working with the GAM guys, scathing guys on this, and we just had such a fun time putting it together. That's why we're so excited about it and letting you know about it. The show, once it reaches a certain Patreon goal, is going to release wide. So for everybody out there that wants to hear what's happening with this, within a few weeks, the show's going to launch. We'll let you know when it launches wide release on iTunes and stuff. So in a couple you know, in a couple of weeks, if you want to, if you want to check it out, uh, we're going to, we're hopefully people will go listen to it. And, uh, and you know, anything that we do normally, the stuff that we do when we collaborate
Starting point is 00:05:53 with them is always really funny because they're just, they're just hilarious guys. And this is, this is, I think, uh, we're starting to refine that process in a way that I think is really, really worthwhile. It's, it's a good half hour show. We Lord, we just asked it to be covered with the blood of Jesus. Open hearts, Lord, open hearts. Yeah, that's a great story to start off with Cecil. That's so fun. So fun. It's from the Los Angeles times and Idaho sheriff's daunting battle to investigate when children of a faith healing sect die. Can you just, Can I see the headline again? Because I have something to say about this fucking headline again. You know what should not be in this headline?
Starting point is 00:06:30 You know what makes me angry about this? The word daunting. Because when the sheriff wants to investigate why kids die, he shouldn't be daunted. He should never feel a daunt occur. No, no. There should never be when he is haunted by dead children he
Starting point is 00:06:48 should not be daunted by anything all right it's not a thing it's not how this just works i will say one word that belongs there is idaho right that's one word that belongs in that headline um it turns out that idaho uh has some some religious liberty, and I'm using my fingers to do the quote thing, liberty laws that protect people for doing things like faith healing when they could possibly do a real healing. Oh, yeah. Imagine that. I want to read a piece of this. It says, in most states, failing to seek medical care for a nearly 40-week-old fetus. Let me just roll that back.
Starting point is 00:07:28 So early in this article, they talk about a baby that is born. It's a 40-week gestation period for this quote-unquote baby, but it's born dead, right? The baby is born dead. Right. And the baby stops moving in the womb. They pray over it. Nothing happens. And then this woman has a birth with this dead baby. And then the coroner has to come and like take
Starting point is 00:07:51 the baby away, et cetera. And it says here in most states, failing to seek medical care for a nearly 40 week old fetus might be a crime. Idaho is one of the least is one of at least four states that provide religious groups, broad exemptions from criminal prosecution and civil liability for the deaths of children attributable to medical neglect and you know think about the irony here in all these different places in the world where they think you know in the in our country where they think you know a baby is the moment it's a fucking spec the moment that fucking you know there's there's cell division they're like you know, a baby is the moment it's a fucking speck. The moment that fucking, you know, there's cell division. They're like, that's a fucking baby. And how dare you do
Starting point is 00:08:30 anything to that life, right? Sure, right. But on the other hand, look at these people and how they neglect the baby in their womb, a 40-week baby, which a lot of people at this point, I don't know a lot of people that wouldn't say that that's a thing, right? You know, anybody who's like, a 40-week, if everything's healthy, and you're just like, I don't know, fucking kill it. Yeah, exactly. Nobody says that. Nobody says that.
Starting point is 00:08:54 What, she can do a belly flop? You know, like, seriously. You needed a big coat hanger. You really do. At 40 weeks, like, no wire hangers. Yeah, absolutely. No wire hangers. Yeah, at that point you need
Starting point is 00:09:05 one of those things that they drill the holes in the ground with an auger auger you need an auger we've hit we've hit oil we've hit oil it's a gusher oh no i guess it's not anymore you know what it was very quick there will be blood yeah I drink it up. So this though, to me, the irony here, where you're just like, on the one hand,
Starting point is 00:09:31 you know, a tiny speck is a baby, but we're going to neglect this because of our religion. It's like you, you know, you're having your cake and eating it too at that point.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I mean, not the one-year-old cake when the baby's born and the baby has its first birthday, but for the most part, you're having your cake and eating it too here because religion gets to protect you in both scenarios. Yeah, right. You can't flush those thousand cells out of your womb with the day-after pill.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Right. But I can kill a 40-week-old baby with neglect. And neglect is an incredibly cruel way to die, right? Neglect of any kind, medical neglect, any sort of neglect. It's not like you're just like,
Starting point is 00:10:13 Hey, what's going on? Everything's fine. And then you just had, nobody died of, nobody died instantly from neglect, right? Neglect is not an,
Starting point is 00:10:20 I died instantly. Sure. Neglect is always a slow death. Yeah. You can't die quickly from neglect. That's not how it works. So neglect is by fucking definition, a fucking cruel and drawn out process by which children die unnecessarily. And this article touches on that, that, you know, frequently what happens is these parents who are fucking not well educated. And there's this religious, one particular religious sect that is egregious in its
Starting point is 00:10:48 promotion of medical neglect. So these kids die terrible deaths over the course of long periods of time because these parents who are not educated about medicine and what medicine means. And they even say they think medicine is a tool of the devil? Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:04 What the fuck? What does that even fucking What the fuck does it even fucking mean? Like, what does it even fucking mean? So you're willing to let your fucking kids suffer and die and bleed and, you know, basically fucking end their life in agony and pain and terror. And that's not a tool of the devil. Even under the same fucking theological rubric. That's not a tool of this devil. But fucking some antibiotics would be or some fucking insulin might be. You know, in the term neglect, if you unpack that, what is intrinsic in that term is preventable, right?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Neglect means that you're neglecting to do something that would stop this thing from happening, this other thing from happening. And what they say in here, they say in Canyon County, children of church members have died from pneumonia, from infection of the fetal membrane. I think that's also called insane in the membrane. Failure to administer insulin for diabetes and other preventable causes. Well, you know, one other thing I want to touch on is that culture of leave me the fuck alone that Idaho, they touch on this in the, you know, Idaho has one of the, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:11 most leave me alone cultures in the country. We have this idea in parts of America that's particularly strong, you know, in parts of the godforsaken West that, you know, the government doesn't have any role in our lives, right? Why make laws at all? Like, why make laws at all? Why have any law at all that prevents anything at all from happening?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Like, laws exist to protect us, right? And to your point, like, they want laws to protect, you know, the unborn. They're always pushing for these laws to protect the unborn because they can't protect themselves they're religious nuts this this sort of like you know liberty at any cost is insane liberty at any cost is insane because it is not it isn't liberty at all right it's not liberty for the fucking kid who's like i don't get to
Starting point is 00:13:02 choose if i get an insulin it's always kids It's always people that you're taking care of because that's the only way you can neglect something. Right. If you were in charge of it. Right. Right. The caretaker. Yeah. So so again, you know, when they're saying, you know, we got to protect these kids or these babies, these fetuses, we got to protect these babies from, you know, from all these. But but you're not willing to protect an already actualized human being from yourself. Yeah, right. Exactly. In the name of Jesus, we speak that. Hookah, hookah, hookah, hookah, hookah, hookah. I'm hooked on a feeling. I'm high on believing. Oh, God, this is just, this is a real short story. It's just fucking nuts. It's from the Wichita Eagle.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Her 11-year-old daughter was shot, but she believes God directed the bullet. Two things I want to talk about in this episode, because one of them speaks to our own personal experience. He said, this takes place in Michigan. Why it's in the Wichita Eagle. I don't know. This takes place in Michigan. Basically a bunch of people were outside just shooting around at targets.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Sure. And the, one of them must've missed the backstop. They know he missed the fucking target. They fucking missed the backstop entirely. Sure. The bullet whizzes by and hits this 11 year old girl, hits her in a non-vital area. And her mom's like, well, God made the bullet hit her, but didn't make it hurt her too much, most much.
Starting point is 00:14:35 God was quoted. He said, I ain't got no power over them bullets. That's the NRA. That's not me. I ain't got no power over that. I can maybe nudge her a little bit and she'll get caught in the arm instead of in the heart. But that's the best I can do for you.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I picture God, you ever go bowling, right? And you throw the ball and you're like, no fuck. And you're like, you're like moving your arms after like, go to the left,
Starting point is 00:14:56 go to the left, go to the left, go to the left. Right. And it's like, it's not doing anything at all. It's not doing anything at all. The ball's like,
Starting point is 00:15:01 I'm already doing the hula. Right. Like trying to get it over. He's blowing on it at all. The ball's like, I'm already released. God's up there doing the hula. Right. Just trying to get it. Move it over. Move it over. He's blowing on it like a fucking balloon. If it wasn't for me, it would have hit her in the heart. Yeah. Like, maybe it could have made it not hit her at all.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You know, there's no way I can make it go another eighth of an inch to go around her body. Right. Right. You know, if she doesn't feel the the pain then how would she know she shouldn't be jumping on the trampoline i still wanted to hurt her real bad it would be interesting to to uh to to depict this story in sound effects because it'd be like the other thing real quick is you and I have been to Michigan and Michigan, like they say in this place,
Starting point is 00:15:47 like, yeah, now that we can do about it in Michigan, you're just allowed to shoot stuff in your backyard. You're allowed to like throw little girls off trampolines and shoot them. Whatever. Ever jump a little higher, Fred.
Starting point is 00:15:59 So we go shooting in Michigan. We do about every year. Yeah. And we have gone to Michigan and, and no shit, the crazy neighbor has fired an actual homemade cannon strapped to a
Starting point is 00:16:12 furniture dolly. Furniture dolly. That's the best way to get those cannons around. If they would have had furniture dollies in the Civil War, they would have used them. They would have. They would have. They would have been like, you know what? This is how we're going to do this. This dude fires a fucking cannon and nobody comes to see what happened.
Starting point is 00:16:28 And it sounded like the voice of God. When it blew up, it shook every window in the area. Like you could just see the windows like flex in. Like the Matrix. The whole world around that cannon just went wub wub and then came back
Starting point is 00:16:44 together. He named it Moab, guys. But Michigan is one of those states. That bullet just landed a few days ago right on Afghanistan. Takes a while to get there. He's just shot it straight up and it just
Starting point is 00:16:59 Felix Baumgartner gets hit by it. But like we have parts of this country where it's just like, we don't even have any laws that you can't just shoot shit in your backyard. You don't have to be a certain number of fucking yards or something. There's no unit. You could be literally, they could be,
Starting point is 00:17:21 they could have just probably set up a metal plate in front of this trampoline. I read this and I was like, no wonder Detroit's a hellhole. I'm in my front yard just shooting at targets. Desert people. Well, I call them targets. man this story is fucked up too this is from the new york times it's called anatomy of a lynching so um basically this is a story and i we, we didn't cover this last week, but I wanted to cover it because I liked the way that New York times wrote this article. So there's a fucking cow killing people, vigilante group. There's a cow protection
Starting point is 00:18:16 vigilante group because there's people smuggling cows, which is hard to do by the way. First, getting them in the balloon to swallow them is tough, but getting them out later? That's a little harder. You don't have to tell me. That's a little harder, I think. One time. I agree to that. One time.
Starting point is 00:18:32 If you're smuggling cows, are you still a mule? It seems, I don't know. Do you put them in your checked baggage or do you put them in your carry-on? You ever see the videos, the movies, and and some dudes got like fucking 15 baggies of fucking heroin in his fucking intestines sure and he's like sweating bullets yeah come on you got a fucking longhorn steer up your ass like that's it it's a rough day that's it's a rough day you got to go see the proctologist right afterwards that is to make sure a tough job sure but someone's got to do it if we're gonna eat a a hamburger. So, yeah, there's.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Sometimes you get the bull. Sometimes you get the horn. The horn, right. So in India, this dude got fucking killed because, you know, and he wasn't even doing anything. This dude got fucking publicly killed and terribly. And in fact, almost set on fire. But I think thankfully he died first from the beating. Sure in fact, almost set on fire. But I think, thankfully, he died first from the beating before they set him on fire because he was suspected of cow smuggling, of running cows, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And the cow is a sacred animal. They call that the running of the bulls. It's a different thing. The cow is a sacred animal to the Hindus, right? And so what this really belies is a deep-seated hatred and racism between the Hindus and the Muslims. Like, that's really what's happening, right? Because the Muslims don't give a fuck. Like, I'll be a cow, fucking Muslim. Like, I don't fucking think it's a sacred thing.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And so there's this deep-seated racial hatred is what's being described in this article between the hindus and the muslims and now there are cow protection vigilante groups yeah yeah to protect a cow a cow it's a fucking cow like when your religion tells you you should kill a human being because maybe maybe somebody is doing something mean to a cow. That's the thing, right? It's all about value of another human life. Right. And what they're doing is they're saying
Starting point is 00:20:32 the value of that human life is less than the cow. Because the cow is a magic animal? It's a fucking magic animal? You're going to beat a man to death because of a fucking magic animal? It won't steer you wrong. Don't cry over a little spilled milk. This is
Starting point is 00:20:54 utterly disgusting. This is going to be cow pucks. His last words. Cowabunga. We should start a petition with Glory Hall in extremely long black cock. Oh, this fucking guy. Jesus, these stories are fucked.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Stories from the Washington Post. Washington Post? There's an R in post now. Can I just say, before you read this story, before you even read the headline, if you go to this website and look at this guy, this is a guy who walks walks through life like he looks like his aspect ratio is fucked up just go scroll and look at this guy he looks like
Starting point is 00:21:52 someone has controlled the horizontal on the vertical in a way you just don't want to see on a human being yeah he's a 16 by 9 man living in a 4 by 3 world he's like normal screen. Now he's wide screen. He's like a carnival fun house mirror. All I think what would happen? It would like normalize. Exactly. You know, he's like the guy from mask when he goes into that one room. He's like, I look like a real person, not a catcher's mitt.
Starting point is 00:22:19 You know, Oh God. So this is in the Washington Post. Extraordinary. Good man. Utah's judge description of a former Mormon bishop convicted of rape. Convicted. The judge in the case. I know he's convicted.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Where he is convicted. And hold on now. He was convicted of 10 counts of forcible sexual abuse, a second degree felony and one count of object rape. And I just want to say that object rape isn't when they say no, that's not object. An object rape is when they stick an object in you. That's what I'm supposed to do. I object. I object to this rape.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I just got it. I object to this. Oh, God. Oh, jeez. But he did. Sustained. I'm going to allow it. I'm going to derobe.
Starting point is 00:23:23 But this guy, it's not that this guy is not a scumbag. Listen to what I just said. He's convicted of. He like groped his sister-in-law. Her sleeping sister-in-law. Like went up and fucking tuned in Tokyo. What the fuck, man? And the reason why that he was like, oh, he's a good man.
Starting point is 00:23:40 The reason why, because he didn't think he was a flight risk. Now looking at him, he doesn't even look like he's a walking briskly whisk to be honest with you. But still, he looks like he would get out of breath on one of those fucking things at the airport where you stand on it and it moves you places.
Starting point is 00:23:53 The moving walkway? He looks like he would be like, This is a guy who gets panicky when he hears the moving walkway is ending. What do I do now? Somebody get my movie chair.
Starting point is 00:24:07 But seriously, the reason why is because he thought that the guy wasn't a flight risk, and he's also a respected, quote unquote, archbishop. I mean, not by the people he raped, but other people might respect him. What do you have to do in the judge's eyes to
Starting point is 00:24:21 not be a respected person? So I want to read what the judge actually said here. So again, this is during the sentencing hearing. The judge is doing the sentencing of a man convicted of rape. The court has no doubt that Mr. Vallejo is an extraordinary good man, but great men sometimes do bad things. Yeah, like Dirty Harry. Look, you're no longer a great man when you are also a rapist. You have to turn that card in.
Starting point is 00:25:00 You're done. You didn't pay your Costco, dude. You just can't have that card anymore. What you talking sometimes great men do bad things no great men never rape people you you're no longer a great man i don't care what are the other things you've done in your life right i actually don't i can't think of a series of fortunate fucking events that you have caused and then you rape people and like oh he was a real nice guy before the raping sure not real good except for that raping or he will still be good after the raping right yeah that that also you know he's an extraordinary good man that means
Starting point is 00:25:37 presently he's a good man right so the raping hasn't changed his goodness it didn't like the nature of his character is still good. What does that make me? I've never raped anyone in my life. This is a low bar. I feel like I'm killing it. You are a super duper, stupendously extraordinary double plus good man. Well, what you're doing is you're just saying good means nothing.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Right. Good means nothing. There is no such thing as a good person. Everyone that is good is capable of person. Everyone that is good is capable of rape. Everyone that is fucking... I mean, I guess you just... Everybody who doesn't rape is amazeballs, I guess is why you referred to that.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I think the bigger problem is what it really means is the judge doesn't really give a shit and doesn't think that rape is a bad thing. Or rape isn't a bad enough thing that it reflects poorly on your character, I guess. Like, ah, rapist be raping. Or that being a fucking bishop somehow
Starting point is 00:26:29 excuses you. I think it has something to do with the favoritism of his own religion. Right. So that's probably what it comes down to. Submit to it with pleasure! A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves! If you beg on your knees to be slaves, all these fat, weak cowards sit up there on television and tell you they're gonna break your bank and bring you under their filthy control and put you in their government housing to run your life and bring you down
Starting point is 00:27:07 and imprison your children and you submit to it with pleasure. Drums, drums, drums in the deep. Well, not me. Drums, drums, drums in the deep. Drums, drums, drums in the deep. Talk about these in tandem, Tom. This is a big news that came out this week.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Oh, this is great news. On one hand, we have Alex Jones, his lawyer, saying it's all an act and on the other we have alex jones saying i'm not a fake i love this so alex jones is um involved in a custody dispute and his uh ex-wife is saying look i mean the guy's fucking nuts exhibit a alex jones that's the best thing like they're like all you have to do is walk in and be like, this guy with kids around? Are you fucking kidding me? And that's basically what she's saying. She's like, listen to all this crazy, evil, mean-spirited, hateful shit he has said with his own mouth face.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah. Like, all you have to do is quote him, right? Just quote him directly. And his lawyer said this in the gray here, Tom. At a recent pretrial hearing, attorney Randall White told State District Judge Orinda, Naranjo, whatever, that using his client Alex Jones' on-air InfoWars persona
Starting point is 00:28:19 to evaluate Alex Jones as a father would be like judging Jack Nicholson in a custody dispute based on his performance as the Joker in Batman. Quote, he's playing a character, White said of Jones. He is a performance artist. So that's his defense. That's his defense, right? That's his defense. By his lawyer. And by the way, your lawyer has to kind of run these things by you. Sure. Like, it's not like you show up and the lawyer's like, all right, here's what we're going to do. We're going to plead guilty.
Starting point is 00:28:49 It's going to be great. Yeah. Did I mention it? No. All right. Hang on. We already did it. You're going to jail.
Starting point is 00:28:53 They don't do that. Right. Like they do strategy. Right. So, well, you know, the other thing that you've got to, you've got to bring into this is that, you know, the law is all about degrees, right? It's all about, you know, degrees of things, right? Yeah. JDs. What is he saying when he says this, that he's a, that he's playing a character and he's a
Starting point is 00:29:18 performance artist doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't believe the positions that he's saying, right? It doesn't necessarily mean that he's lying to the public that he's saying right it doesn't necessarily mean that he's lying to the public he could be playing it up and that's how alex jones comes at this right in this other article alex jones and i don't want to play this because it's like fucking six minutes of alex jones just staring at the camera in his car missing his turn like four times he even says it and he's like i missed my turn he fucking misses his turn a bunch but he bought he talks about playing a character he talks about how I am playing a character. However, I play it up a little. Um, and I think what he's trying to say is I'm not, I don't want to be discredited by this,
Starting point is 00:29:57 which to me says it is an act, right? And the reason why I say that is because if somebody really believed all the things that Alex Jones believed, and if somebody really did think all the conspiracy crazy garbage that he spews, and if somebody really was this mentally unstable as to like cry and freak out and yell and scream and just be a nutcase on television. Somebody who clearly looks like they just escaped from a mental ward.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Then he would be fighting tooth and nail against this, being like, no, I am. This is exactly who I am. This is real. The globalist conspiracy. But he drops a concession at the beginning of this to say, hey, guys, I am playing a little bit, but I do believe that, right? I do believe it. I do believe this sort of thing. You know, like you said earlier,
Starting point is 00:30:51 you got to run this shit by him. So the lawyer saying this to me, to him, is the clincher. That's the thing where the lawyer goes, you got to tell him it's all an act. And he's like, okay, fine. You can say I'm a performance artist. that's fine right a sane person says that a sane person does that so they can get their kids right i don't see a crazy person doing that i don't see a crazy person putting those things together somebody who is clearly as unhinged as alex jones has portrayed himself to be putting those things together right well it's it's funny because he stands to lose everything right because there are people who watch alex jones and i'm still fucking flabbergasted by this and they would think that he's anything other than a performance artist right it's just so abjectly crazy right but he sells himself as a purveyor of truth. He comes out on the show and he says, I am the one who is telling you the true things.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Sure. I mean, like I'm barely paraphrasing. Right. He comes out and is like, look, don't believe them. Believe me, I'm telling you the truth. There are these major conspiracies and, you know, the globalists are out to get you. And it's all part of this grand strategy. And he even says in this, in his rambling, crazy defense that this is the globalists again, you know, he blames everything on the globalists and his attorneys like, don't pay attention to that guy. He's real crazy. Yeah. He's just fucking around. He can't have it both ways. Something's going to happen with this where he can't have it both ways. I think his real choice is going to be choosing your kids or choosing your show. That's going to be your real choice. Money or kids.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It's money or kids. Right. Yeah, and it's money. It's money all the time. Why would you choose that? There's literally no reason to choose the kids. It's just they cost money. That doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:32:41 That's the thing. But here's what you're not considering. If you have more than one, you can parse them out and sell them one by one. Oh, I see. Like human trafficking. I got it. Not like human trafficking. Andy Wilson, call me. We have covered Alex Jones
Starting point is 00:32:58 in the past. A lot of Alex Jones. We've done Alex Jones shows. He's delightfully crazy. And what we normally focus on is his craz delightfully crazy. And what we normally focus on is his craziness, et cetera. And when I think back on that sort of thing now,
Starting point is 00:33:09 especially with this coming to light, with him actually, you know, with him actually coming out and admitting it's an act, right? You know, his lawyer did anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I think to myself, all that stuff is still valid because there's people who thought he was real, right? All the criticisms we had about him just fall off on, off of him and onto the people who thought that what he was saying was a real
Starting point is 00:33:31 thing. The people who were inspired by his jabber, the people who were inspired by his craziness, all that stuff still stands. It just so happens that it's, it's falling down one level off of Alex Jones, who is clearly a performance artist now down to the people who actually believe him. And that's not an insignificant amount of people. Ready to stick it in the glory hole? Get links to their Facebook, Twitter, and if you still use it, Google Plus account at their website,
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Starting point is 00:34:39 to all the patrons and people who rate us. You fucking rock. You know who I've come to love? Santa? Yes. Weird, weird, unhinged Christian Santa. Rick Joyner, man.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah. He's really become one of my new favorite lunatics. Yeah, he's been great. And they've been really paying a lot of attention to him lately. I think he's posting to his Facebook account or whatever. A lot of these videos in the right wing watch has really been picking him up lately. So this is Rick Joyner.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Santa is sitting outside. It's summer months. So the elves are busy doing other stuff and he is just chilling in like Redwood national park or something, wherever he is. And he's talking about it's Trump's destiny to subdue ungodly nations to allow for the spreading of Christianity. So this is Rick Joyner. If this thing with North Korea works out, I believe Trump's going to turn his attention to fixing things with Russia. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:35:45 What does that mean, though? Fixing things with Russia? Because didn't Russia already fix things? Yeah. Nicely done. Nicely done. Can we scroll all the way back to his first sentence? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:57 If this thing with North Korea works out, I don't know what that means. I don't think he does. I don't know what that means at all. I think he means attacking and destroying North Korea as a country. I think that's what he means. If this thing, this thing being the tensions. Yeah, I think what he's saying is the thing with North Korea
Starting point is 00:36:15 is we invade North Korea. That's his version of it worked out? I don't have any context before he says it. I know, but I'm just like pause and consider. What can it be? What can it be? I don't, like he scares Kim Jong-un into pooping or something?
Starting point is 00:36:32 I don't know. Is Trump going to use his tiny hands to give Kim Jong-un a tiny fucking hand job or something? Like, I don't know. He's got fucking those porn star hands, you know, so your fucking dick looks huge in them. Yeah, little people hands. I rely on that. I only watch little people porn anyway, so it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:36:52 It's like a requirement, like send me a picture of your hands. No. No, those are normal hands. Looks like you could pummel basketball. No, no, no. I need some like thimble fingers. That's what I'm looking for. Did you bind your hands growing up?
Starting point is 00:37:07 That'll help. Bind your hands. I'm looking for a lobster claw hand job. And we have the potential for maybe the greatest world stability in our lifetime. There's always going to be conflicts. It was just when there were only two brothers on the whole face of the earth there were kind of there was a conflict they couldn't get along yeah that didn't make any sense or ever happen well when there's two brothers on the face of
Starting point is 00:37:34 the earth one of them killed the other one according to you and then there was one guy and then now there's seven billion i don't know He jerked off a lot. Like what? Like onto a fucking rock or something? How are there more? So many times in the Bible, I'm just like, how are there more people? It's called the fertile crescent for a reason. That's what I'm...
Starting point is 00:37:57 It's not the infertile crescent, Tom. From now on, I am only going to refer to the vagina as the fertile crescent. That's it. It's the fertile crescent. Unless she to refer to the vagina as the fertile crescent. That's it. It's the fertile. Unless she's French, then it's the fertile croissant. I was going to say if you go down, it's the fertile croissant. Right?
Starting point is 00:38:19 The fertile croissant. It's better than the fertile baguette. Whoa. Stay away from that buttery the fertile fertile ciabatta a big fucking hole there so there's always going to be some but the potential right now uh is incredible now i think every day that we wait to settle the North Korean issue, the more dangerous the world is going to be. See? Settle the North Korean issue. So he would consider the North Korea issue settled if we invade or just shoot them a lot with missiles? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Maybe set Kim Jong-un in front of everybody. What is it? Kim Jong-un? Kim Jong-un. Kim Jong-un. Set him up in front of everybody and shoot him with an aircraft gun or something. That's 100% a fact. That's how actually I... If I don't die in a bulldozer fight with you... No, that's how we go.
Starting point is 00:39:14 That is how we go. That is 100% how we go. The moment I hear that we're getting nuked, I'm texting you and being like, steal a bulldozer right now. Steal. Yeah. I've got a fucking warehouse of them for this. I will meet you and i'll just text you the coordinates and we just meet right before it's over right as the flash hits the two buckets and it's just it's a beauty it's a thing of beauty
Starting point is 00:39:37 it's a thing when they come searching out the ashes it can be like were they fighting bulldozer how do you not go out that way and you know what's gonna happen is the guys that are cleaning up are gonna fist bump right like poof that's it yeah but uh think about it if it works out and if we can start coming to terms with russia and everybody focuses their attention on the rogue states and you you know, the jihadists, the Islamic extremists, which I think could be faced down really fast. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:40:13 How? Why? How, Rick Joyner? How are they going to face them down really fast? You know, didn't Russia try to fix Afghanistan
Starting point is 00:40:23 for like 20 years? Yeah, man. I've seen like Rambo six or whichever one that is. We had the explode arrows. Right. Yeah. It didn't work out. Got the dad bod and his boobs.
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's okay. It's okay. Sly. You still look better than me. I know, right? It's amazing. The time that we could be living in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:43 If you just imagine it, if you just make it up, it's amazing the time that we could be living in. Yeah, if you just imagine it, if you just make it up, it's amazing the time we could be living in in your fucking fantasy world where we just... We're just totally cool with whatever Russia does, right? And that's the thing, is we're just going to be Russia's lapdog. In his scenario he's just described,
Starting point is 00:40:58 we just casually defeat North Korea, just like, oh, we just defeat... I don't know, that's just over now. I don't know how he anticipates us just being like I don't know it's fucking Wednesday I fucking blew up North Korea anyway what are we doing for lunch and then like he's like and then we settle this thing with Russia
Starting point is 00:41:13 what are you talking about just settle this thing with Russia yeah I guess if you boil down major diplomatic crises to and then we just fixed it okay alright and then I just fixed it. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:29 And then I just, and then I just cloned a dinosaur and I wrote them to work. That kind of flippancy with North Korea is scary as shit. It's terrifying. It's scary as shit. Cause people don't understand. Like I get, you know, yeah, maybe they don't have shit that works, but that many people. Yeah. That many people who've been brainwashed for that long to believe that they are under the heel of American oppression and that that's the reason that things are not ideal. This is a military state.
Starting point is 00:41:54 They have a military first policy that has been in place for fucking three generations, literally three generations now. They have a military first policy, which means that everything else in their culture is subsumed by their military. Sure. They're just like Civ. You just like everything. They are exactly actually like Civ. Like people are starving. Doesn't actually matter.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Doesn't actually matter. It is. It would not be a minor thing like there. And they're a nuclear power. They're a nuclear country, not nuclear power, but they're a nuclear-armed country. They might not have ICBMs. They're not going to fucking hit us here. But we got to go there if we're going to blow them up.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And I also just care if they blow up South Korea or Japan. I kind of care about that. I just care about other people. Hell, I care about people in China. I care about the people in North Korea. They don't deserve this shit. They're just people who are unlucky enough to be born in a fucking crazy 1984 style
Starting point is 00:42:47 dictatorship. We got to solve this peacefully if we can. We have an obligation to do that. I'm just saying. Now, you know, Lance Wallnau's prophecy about Trump becoming president, which he shared very
Starting point is 00:43:03 early, he said that the Lord had shown him that our 45th president was going to be like Cyrus in Isaiah 45. Oh my fucking God. What if he was wrong? Wouldn't that be hilarious? If he was like,
Starting point is 00:43:20 our 45th president, and it was Hillary. Well, I love it's like And it was Hillary. Well, I love it. It's like, it was going to be like Cyrus and Isaiah for nobody cares. Nobody cares. That fucking jibber jab bullshit is fucking nonsense.
Starting point is 00:43:34 It's going to be awesome though. When, when, uh, when Trump comes out like Pharaoh, like Tully Savalas, he's got like that weird head dress on a shirtless and he's wearing like a weird,
Starting point is 00:43:45 you know, I picture Trump at, by the end of his presidency being basically like that weird headdress on, he's shirtless, and he's wearing like a weird... You know, I picture Trump by the end of his presidency being basically like that fucking dude at the end of Apocalypse Now. Where he's just shaving his head with like a knife. Right. The horror. He's built a castle of skulls
Starting point is 00:44:02 and shit. There's a fucking axe and buffalo in the front yard. And by the end of his presidency, I picture that by next Friday. And there's a lot of things, a lot of parallels there that really could be just like
Starting point is 00:44:17 Cyrus. Or they could not be just like Cyrus. Sounds like there's a bulldozer fight going on right by him. Jesus Christ. You know what would be real important? Let's go ahead and record this in the loudest possible location. The Lord called him his anointed whom I have taken by the right hand
Starting point is 00:44:37 to subdue nations before him and to loose the loins of kings. And then it goes on to say to open doors before him so that gates will not and open gates that will not be shut. So,
Starting point is 00:45:00 now what is this? To subdue nations? Are we going to start? Is Trump going to be used to conquer other countries? I don't think so. What else would subdue nations mean? Wait a minute. Fuck you right into wherever. Any hole that you could possibly be fucked in.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Subdue nations. How else do you subdue a nation? How do you subdue anything? Right? Yeah. I'm just going to. It's not persuade nations. Yeah, I mean like sanctions? I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:31 It's not going to be conquering, but we're going to fight them and win. Maybe that's what he's going to... Maybe that's what he's talking about. You just do economic or some other way to subdue them? Can you subdue them in a way that's non-violent? Not for long, because then they get violent because they're being fucking subdued.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Right. I mean, like, that's why Japan fucking got salty and blew the fuck out of Pearl Harbor. You know, we fucking imposed massive sanctions on Japan. Yeah. They didn't love that. They weren't happy about that? No. But I think the belligerence that is rising up from the countries like Iran, like North Korea, like ISIS.
Starting point is 00:46:09 ISIS isn't even a country. I hate him. I hate his fucking body face. I can't wait until I go visit ISIS this summer. Oh, my God. Did you get your tickets to ISIS? I'm going to be flying into ISIS. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:22 What's the capital of ISIS? Beheadistan? Be had a stand. Now the concern obviously is if this isn't bottled up in San Francisco, this kind of nonsense, then it's going to be spreading across the entire fruited plane. And you're going to be going to your burger King in Des Moines, Iowa, and you're going to have a rainbow-colored wrapper
Starting point is 00:46:45 for your Whopper. So I fucking love this. This is also right-wing watch. This is Kevin Swanson. This is a sackcloth and ashes idiot. Sackcloth and ashes. Have you tried sackcloth and ashes? He is fucking worked up about some Beauty and the Beast, man,
Starting point is 00:46:59 for reasons that I think only he should describe. So I'm not going to play this whole clip because it's like six minutes long, but I'll play the beginning of it for you. Bill, wake up and smell the napalm. The zeitgeist is moving like a freight train. Because Bill wakes up for a quarter second until he dies. Hey, is that?
Starting point is 00:47:20 No. My nose hurts. The beauty and the beast came out of the closet, boom, with an explosion. Did you watch it? $174 million in the first weekend. $400 million in box office receipts worldwide in its first weekend.
Starting point is 00:47:37 The zeitgeist is rolling on this one. Now, the reason this is important is because this is Disney's first attempt to bring an explicit homosexual scene into one of their movies specifically designed for kids. Explicit homosexual scene. Yeah. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Is there ass fucking? No. Is there a dude fucking blown alone on another dude's face? Gay teacup fucks in gay tea kettle or something. I don't even know. Like, aren't they supposed to be like two cups or something? There's no explicit gay
Starting point is 00:48:08 scene. I don't know anything about this movie. I don't know anything about this movie, but I know. Beast is not wiping the jizz off of this fur, right? There's nothing explicit going on. If Emma Watson is in an explicit movie,
Starting point is 00:48:25 I'm watching it. Alright, I'm watching it. All right? I'm watching it. But if you go, I heard though, if you go to the concession counter, you can't get a bag of popcorn, but you can get a bag of dicks. But only during this film. Let's get up from the movie. Let's get up from the
Starting point is 00:48:40 movie. Let's get up from the movie and suck ourselves some dick. And so this is huge. This is the brave new world and it is unfolding and the world is ready. The world has received it. The world has stepped in and said, we are ready
Starting point is 00:48:56 baby for this. Yeah, we've prepped our asses. Go ahead and fuck them. Fucking pre-looped for your enjoyment. Fucking lubed myself up before I came over. I bought the cock gun size from It's like the stuff that they put in the aircraft carriers when the jet comes in and lands
Starting point is 00:49:18 and that fucking silly string that holds it on. That giant cable, that's the lube that i've moved my ass up it's so stiff you could sit on it and it doesn't even depress for this great unfolding unraveling of sexual uh ethics in the 21st century especially for my seven-year-old kid we got to be sure the seven-year year olds get a fair amount of exposure to homosexuality. And friends, this is the biggest PG opener in history. This is the biggest PG movie opener in history at $174 million, complete with the first explicit homosexual scene. Stop saying that.
Starting point is 00:50:02 It doesn't mean anything. Right. Because you're not saying explicit homosexual scene like that's like a gay guy admits he's gay to him right that's what he means right explicit in the sense that that that homosexuality is expressed in any way right right yeah because it's not yeah because an explicit homosexual scene to anyone else who knows what explicit means. Right. Means someone's balls deep in someone's ass.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Right. Exactly. Somebody spits on it a little bit and there it goes. There's a fucking reach around going on at this point. And the key thing here is it was rated PG. It's one thing to include homosexuality in an R-rated movie or a PG-13 movie. Bill, here is what makes this so insidious. This movie was a PG movie intended for the entire family.
Starting point is 00:50:51 So families walked into this movie to be sure that the entire family was indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle at the same time. Indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle. You're going to go in with your family. So presumably what he's imagining happens is you've got this nuclear family, right? And they wake up and they go to fucking church on Sunday and they you know, the mom and dad and fucking two and a half kids and the fucking dog.
Starting point is 00:51:14 They bring their picket fence to the movie too and they show up and they're like, I don't even know if gay is and then they watch Beauty and the Beast. It's just like they're just like the dick in my throat all the time now. Really?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Older brothers blowing dad on the way home. I just can't stop myself, dad. Don't stop. Don't stop. I had a cousin that I knew since I was born. He was older than me by 15, 20 years, something like that. And so like when I was five, he was 20, something like that.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And I remember he used to watch us when we were kids. He used to babysit us. He's my cousin, Rick. And he was an effeminate gay man my whole life. And I knew he was gay. I knew what gay was from a very young age.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I knew that he was gay. I was subjected to him without parental supervision on many occasions. All he did was sit around and smoke cigarettes and we played in the backyard. Like, I mean, like, and the thing is, is like, I grew up 100% straight, like, and you know, my brothers, 100% straight. We were subjected, indoctrinated, quote unquote, to homosexual culture, quote unquote, by our cousin who we knew what gay was and knew he was gay.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Yeah, right. And nothing ever happened because it turns out just because you're introduced to a gay person doesn't mean they walk up and fucking pull the string on the sea and say, and decide your fucking sexuality after the fact.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Well, why do these guys always assume that your sexuality and particularly for them, heterosexuality is so tenuous, right? They think that like that the fact of your fucking heterosexuality is just like it's always hanging on by a fucking thread, like that. The only reason that I like pussy is because I've just never seen anyone suck a dick. Like the only reason that I fucking love touching a titty. The only reason that I think women are fucking attractive, that all of that is just hanging on from fucking by its fingertips as a fucking ledge. And then if I fucking look over at any fucking second, if you accidentally brush someone else's move you'll ejaculate in your pants exactly like oh my god i changed my clothes in the
Starting point is 00:53:29 men's locker room and now i'm gay and now i can't get this hard on to go away i've been beating on it for hours still here watch like six hours of gay porn it's still here right like heterosexuality in their mind yeah is so tenuous but homosexuality is fucking forever right that's like that's a fucking diamond it's yeah exactly like well if it wins the rock paper scissors battle then it wins i know right like why and and and that's the thing i don't understand is like they're saying 140 million dollars meaning you know i don't know how many people went to the movie, right? I don't know how many people you can equate that to. What does a movie cost these days?
Starting point is 00:54:07 It's like $140 million, right? Yeah, $140 million. So one person went, one person saw it. He thinks that all these people walk in and the moment they're subjected to it, like that's the evil, that's the bad thing. That's the thing that, you know, like, oh my gosh. What I don't understand is they also think that murder's bad. Like these guys are always constant. I mean, you would ask these
Starting point is 00:54:28 guys be like, is a murder bad thing? Yeah, no problem. Well, can we see it on TV? Am I allowed to go to the theater and see the murder? Because how many movies revolve around murders? The Bible says they're going to eat their arms. The Bible says they're going to eat their babies. Then it says they're going to eat their children. That's what people do when they get hungry. Sometimes, man.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Sometimes, we don't rewrite history history we just fuck it right out of existence this is so good oh this is awesome this is jim baker uh from right wing watch let's just fucking play it man okay so jim baker conservatives oh you know i don't want to ruin it this is just jim baker from the jim baker show the the shocking reason why students don't want Chick-fil-A on their campus. Did you read that one? I did, and it's unbelievable to me. We've said here, I go to College of the Ozarks. My college has a great relationship with Chick-fil-A.
Starting point is 00:55:35 I don't know a college student that doesn't love Chick-fil-A. It's our favorite place to go. You go to college in the Ozarks. Of course they like Chick-fil-A. What is the College of the Ozarks? It's just like a metal boat with an outboard trolling motor. What the fuck is the College of the
Starting point is 00:55:50 Ozarks? It's like a fucking... Who's got our book? I get to read about Gabriel this year. I want to see the book. Raise your hand if you can read College of the Ozarks. Raise your hand if you can read College of the Ozarks.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Raise your hand if you got more than one hand. Yeah, like I said, getting a PhD from fucking Appalachia. You kidding me? What would you get your degree in? Strip mining? Those are your two options. You're going to get your degree in stripping or strip mining. That's it. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I just can't believe if you don't agree with what they're saying enough that you don't want to go, then, then don't go. That's literally what a boycott is. Yeah. Don't go. If you're offended by what a business believes, you have every right to not go.
Starting point is 00:56:41 They've been kind to all sides of the issue. They have, they don't discriminate against people. Yes. Students? No, they're talking about Chick-fil-A. They don't discriminate against people. No.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Well, OK, maybe they don't discriminate against gay people, but funding discrimination matters. Right. You know, you may not discriminate. You may not be somebody who discriminates. But if your money goes to discrimination, then you're still discriminating. You're just doing it one step removed. And you actually may be more effective in getting discrimination passed. Sure.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Right? So maybe they don't discriminate at their restaurants. Maybe they hire gay whatever. Of course they don't. Because they just want money. Yeah. And they don't want to be sued. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Right? But then they take the money that they got from customers and not getting sued. And then they and not the corporation. It was like the owner of the thing. And that's why people did it. I know that we're going to get a bunch of Chick-fil-A stuff. It's like there's going to be a bunch of people who send us mail and say Chick-fil-A is good. That's going to be the number one thing that they say. And then the other one that they're going to say is they're going to be like, well, you know, that boycott, they, they apologize for it or whatever. And then you can go there now. And then the third thing that they'll say is it doesn't really matter because it was really just like one entity. It wasn't like the whole entity. I just never go to Chick-fil-A. I just, I just chose in my life to avoid Chick-fil-A. I look at him like, nah, I don't need to go there. It's a fucking chicken
Starting point is 00:58:01 sandwich. I don't care. Right. I don't ever need to go to a place that has one fucking item on its menu. I want to say, too, you know, one of the things that they're bitching about, you know, they're bitching about Chick-fil-A and, like, how they're saying, well, if you don't want to go there,
Starting point is 00:58:17 don't go there. One of the reasons they got rid of Chick-fil-A at U of I, so U of I is a big school in Chicago, in Champaign-Urbana, right? Champaign-Urbana is the, I think it's the biggest school in our state. Yeah. Huge school. Their student union had a Chick-fil-A in it. I remember I used to go do a fencing event down there every year and people would come upstairs with Chick-fil-A in their hand. They would go downstairs to eat the Chick-fil-A and then we'd, you know, and they're always like, Hey, you want some Jesus chicken? I'm okay. I'm good. I'd just
Starting point is 00:58:48 rather not eat. But, you know, the fact is, is that they were there for many years. Sure. Well, then I looked it up because they weren't there this last year when I went. I was like, where did chick filet go? This is the middle of the state. This is not a place where you would think there would be huge boycotts. Now, I will say that Champaign County did go blue in this last election. It was the only place down South, I think, besides like St. Louis area that went blue, right? It's the only place that really went blue besides that.
Starting point is 00:59:13 But it wasn't super blue. It wasn't like, you know, 95%. It was 50 to 30, you know what I mean? And then a bunch of independent voters. And you've got to imagine a lot of those people are college students that are there. But still, there's still got to be enough people there that are supporting it if it's good to stay there.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And I found out why Chick-fil-A left is because they gave a poll to their people that go to school there, and they said, what are your top five things that you'd like to have here? Because they wanted the students to have a choice, right? Chick-fil-A didn't make the fucking list. What made the list is Five Guys, Wendy's, McDonald's, Steak and Shake, Culver's, and then Portillo's came in sixth. And I'll tell you what, we've got to stop this destruction, this destructive attitude in the United States of America. Because we need to,
Starting point is 01:00:00 we need to, you know, the last eight years, I didn't see any of the so-called right wing marching against Obama. The fuck did he just say? Do you remember when we were covering the Tea Party protests? Yeah. I think it was on this show. No, it wasn't on this show. Was it on this show? No, it was not.
Starting point is 01:00:21 It was on Everyone's a Critic because it was eight years ago. Right. Thereabouts. So this show didn't exist at the time. Might even have been about seven years ago, but still it didn't exist. When they marched holding up pictures of him as a monkey. A monkey. When they marched.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Lynched. The lynched. The lynched. Effigies. They didn't protest Obama. Are you fucking high? Yeah. Not only did they protest Obama,
Starting point is 01:00:46 they did it in some of the most offensively racially charged ways that you can do a thing at all. Yeah. And yeah, they're not marching. Give me a fucking break. Yeah, that's just because none of those people,
Starting point is 01:00:57 those people were too fat to march. They just stood in one place. They're rascals scootering around in circles. Yeah. Like Shriners in their little cars. They brought their fucking lawn chairs from home and they sat in a lawn all day, but that doesn't mean they weren't activists.
Starting point is 01:01:11 And I believe that we've got to come together. I believe a country the Bible says divided, a nation divided, cannot stand. So many... They just cut him off mid-sense. Like, you're done talking.
Starting point is 01:01:27 You're done talking, buddy. No more for you. You get the bow. Bow, bow. Right, we watched it like, no, man. We're done with your shit. I love that, though. That's so funny that he's just like... I don't think they ever did the thing that they did. The thing that's crazy to me is this selective memory that we seem to have now and this, no, I didn't.
Starting point is 01:01:50 It's almost like Trump is normalizing that. Look at his tweets from 2013. There was a great message I saw this week and it said, I'm really enjoying watching this time traveler from 2013 warm Trump about his, his present self. And it's Trump from, you know, from 2013 tweeting all this stuff that Trump is now avoiding doing, you know, it's actually really a clever way to look at it. And it's so funny because you could find every day you could find a tweet where Trump has said he was going to do something different when he was the president and is now doing it completely. Now he's not, he's doing a terrible job at it. You know, bitching at Obama for golfing. And now he's spending all his time golfing, talking about, you know, attacking Syria and then attacking. So,
Starting point is 01:02:32 you know, it's all these little like you just see him go right back on what he had said. And it's almost like Trump is normalizing this. I didn't say that stuff or that didn't happen that way. Like I can just tell you that it didn't, that this didn't happen and you'll just believe me. I think he's absolutely the master of if I say it loud enough and shrilly enough, then it doesn't need to be
Starting point is 01:02:56 true. It doesn't need to be consistent. It doesn't need to be consistent with my own history of saying the opposite thing. I just yelled it at you different. I just yelled it. I like his strategy, actually. I may adopt it. And by may adopt it, I mean I have adopted it. You want answers?
Starting point is 01:03:11 I think I'm entitled. You want answers! I want the truth! You can't handle the truth! This is Wayne Allen Root. Trump solidified his re-election by dropping the mother of all bombs on Afghanistan. He's getting re-elected because he dropped a bomb fucking 35 minutes into his first term?
Starting point is 01:03:29 He didn't drop it on fucking DNC headquarters, dude. Here we go. Well, you know, when they drop the biggest bomb of all time on top of ISIS head, angry white males tend to get really happy. Biggest non-nuclear weapon of all time. It's not the biggest bomb. It's not the biggest bomb. No, and Russia has the father of all time. It's not the biggest bomb. It's not the biggest bomb. And Russia has the father of all bombs.
Starting point is 01:03:48 They have a larger bomb. Do they? Yep. Russia has a larger non-nuclear weapon. Did we pay stud fees to make little bombs? Cluster bombs? I'm kind of chuffing for joy. We got a new sheriff in town, baby. United States is number one again.
Starting point is 01:04:05 You know, it's like being in a football game and the jets fly over. You know, you feel proud to be an American. Yeah. Look how, look at this fucking celebration of violence. It's funny because like angry white males are happy. Didn't they flip their shit when Obama was like drone striking stuff? I don't think these guys did. I think, I think there is a certain segment
Starting point is 01:04:25 of the population that just wants us to shoot something. Blow something up. They just get off on this shit. This is like they're so fucking pumped about this shit. We were in our
Starting point is 01:04:41 fucking backyard just celebrating. How many people died in that? About a hundred. About a hundred? Yeah. About a hundred people, I think. They were still cleaning shit up. Sure. Like trying to measure the... Yeah, right. I don't know how you figure that out. Yeah. And this is one of those moments
Starting point is 01:04:58 again. We got a great man as president. We do? Where? Jesus. Where's he hiding? Is he inside Trump? Like not controlling him? Where? Jesus. Where's he hiding? Is he inside Trump, like not controlling him? Sleeping? A little guy in there? Let me out! And he said he'd restore us to number one.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Number one? They're not number one in anything. What does that mean, number one? Like is it a fucking potato sack race? We're number one. Well, you're the first person that Russia comes in. So that's number one, right? Is that it?
Starting point is 01:05:25 Said he would not hold back with the military anymore. I would make the point today, it's the same as Reagan, that crazy is good. Reagan wasn't crazy. Trump isn't crazy. But if liberals want to believe they're crazy and they want to spread that rumor to the whole world and the world, you know, media, the global media wants to tell all the people around the world we have a crazy man in leadership. That's not bad. That's good. No,
Starting point is 01:05:46 no, that's literally bad. And then they try to test him and then they try to push him and then they try to, you know, see how far they can shove him and whatever. You know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 01:05:54 like you don't want somebody who's unpredictable as a leader in a nuclear age. You just don't. We, we already have someone like Kim jong-un who we all think is crazy yeah like like actually probably a little crazy yeah as the leader of a country and we think that guy's a real big problem like we all kind of agree that crazy guy's a problem right no no being crazy is not a good thing guys and we have put things in place to try to stifle that country at every single time.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Right? So what we've done is we've tried to put in ways in which they can't do anything economically, they can't trade with anybody. All these little things that we've done to stop them from growing and prospering, we've cut them off from the world, from the whole world, right? They are isolated. We've cut them off from,
Starting point is 01:06:50 they're not just us, like the entire world has said, no, we're not going to play with you, right? Very few countries are willing to negotiate with them. But that's about it, right? That's a bad thing to be in that position, right? That's a bad thing to be thought of as crazy. Do you want our other nations, when you're being crazy to Germany and you're being crazy to all these people that are supposed to be our allies, do you want them to stop doing trade with us?
Starting point is 01:07:14 Do you want them to stop being our ally in these situations? Because that's what a crazy person wouldn't care about, right? Yeah. wouldn't care about, right? Yeah, I don't understand the idea that the largest economy in the world, the most powerful military in the world, that it's okay that that country is run by somebody perceived to be unhinged by the rest of the world. Perceptions matter. Sure. They matter a lot in diplomacy. And diplomacy is how we need to solve global problems now yeah so we want to thank our newest patrons matthew john wesley heath sian i think sian sean i don't know jim dave jeff batty michael sham, and Jesse. Thanks so much for your generous donations.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Really do appreciate it. Patrons today, you'll be getting an extra. You'll be getting the citation needed episode that we talked about at the beginning of the show. So we hope you like it. Please comment on it when you get a chance and let us know what you think. please comment on it when you get a chance and let us know what you think. Got a message from Haley. Haley sent in an image of Jesus at the pedicurist. Is that what they call that? Is it a pedicurist?
Starting point is 01:08:34 Manicurist. Is it a pedophile if you use the file? I think so. Yeah. Yeah. I do have to say I have a problem. It says Jesus getting his nails done. I believe it's nails did.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Yeah, and his hair did too. Looking good. We're going to put this on episode 355 on the show notes, so check it out. Tom, you wanted to read this. This is from Pete. Yeah, so this is great. It says, it struck me while waiting on my latte. I can't call Trump a cunt.
Starting point is 01:09:02 He lacks the depth and warmth. I got an image from James. And James says, I was watching Pirates of the Caribbean films lately and I spotted David Smalley in all of them and he never knew. So we're going to put this image on this week's show notes. Pirates of the Caribbean.
Starting point is 01:09:18 There's an image of Jack, whatever his name was. What's his name? Captain Jack. Captain Jack Sparrow. Captain Jack Sparrow. Outrageous. I only saw the first one, so I don't know anything else about him. There's a bunch of them. You're an
Starting point is 01:09:32 uncultured buffoon. What if you've been to an opera or something instead? I did enjoy the first one, but I was told by everybody else never to see the other ones, and so I just never did. I've never seen the second one either. That's the same advice. Yeah, there's like three of them. Or four of them. Yeah, there's a bunch of people who are just like, no, don't ever watch them. And I was like, okay, I won't see them. And so I just never did. I've never seen the second one either. That's the same advice. Yeah, there's like three of them. There's a bunch of people who are just like, no, don't ever watch them. And I was like, okay, I won't see them. And so I just never did. We got a message from Annoyingly Pedantic and he
Starting point is 01:09:52 says, love the show, but for years now I've been hearing Tom say there are 370 million people in the United States. Keep saying it for another 20 years. It might actually be rewrite. Don't trust me. Look it up. I did look it up. Actually, Tom is right. He's not only counting the illegal immigrants, but he's also counting all those abortions we had since 1973. They're people! So that's how he's coming up to 370, annoyingly pedantic.
Starting point is 01:10:16 We did get a detailed message from Dave about how presidential appointments happen and how the FBI director is selected. And yeah, we talked about this on the show. It is a 10-year term. So this show records before ReasonCon.
Starting point is 01:10:37 So we hope we run into you at ReasonCon. We hope we had a chance to have a drink with you. We hope we didn't make two big asses of ourselves, although that's almost certain to have happened I'm worried for my liver if you hear this you should be I'm genuinely worried
Starting point is 01:10:54 for my liver so we're going to need a donor Tom is a O negative so we hope we had a good time down there we're going to be releasing we're not going to be releasing. We're not going to be having a special show at all in the next few weeks. We're not going to be doing a live stream either for the next couple weeks.
Starting point is 01:11:11 But we will be back next Monday with a new episode. And until then, we're going to leave you like we always do with the Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter mommy issue hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. brain dead pan sales pitch late night info docutainment leo pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death and towers tarot cards psychic healing crystal balls bigfoot yeti aliens churches mosques and synagogues temples dragons giant worms atlantis dolphins truthers birthers
Starting point is 01:12:01 witches wizards vaccine nuts shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be
Starting point is 01:12:52 liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local Dairy Council and viewers like you just a little he's doing the sound he's dying I love the sound it's so weird that's how people make
Starting point is 01:13:47 he's also curled up like a pill bug at the moment too as he does it there's a visual that goes with it he's so massive

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