Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 458: Skippy

Episode Date: February 25, 2019

Stories from the Week   Reminder our livestream is tomorrow, Sunday, at 3pm CT...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Hey guys, it's Christian. So when he's talking about Pythagorean math, there actually was a sort of cult religion in ancient Greece led by a guy named Pythagoras. And they basically had a religion revolving around numbers. And they spent their lives basically trying to find number patterns in nature. So they actually did a lot of work with math.
Starting point is 00:00:36 But the problem is that we don't really know who wrote what because they're really secretive about it. We don't really know even if Pythagoras came up with the Pythagorean theorem. All of their work just sort of fell under the blanket named Pythagorea. Thanks, guys. Go to hell. Tom, Cecil, I am so disappointed in you guys. You're reading the QAnon announcement, and you totally missed a very, very important point that Q made.
Starting point is 00:01:11 He's talking about how Trump was working to cut off the Democrats' supply of adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is a fictional drug made up by Hunter S. Thompson in his book, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. How could you guys miss something so important? Clearly, whomever QAnon is, he's a big fan of Hunter S. Thompson. And he's sending a signal to everybody to let them know it's all bullshit and he's just yanking people's chains. Or he's controlled by the lizards.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Because there were an awful lot of lizards in that book. I'm not sure which. What's up, guys? It's Klaus from Tacoma, Washington. I just got done listening to your most recent episode. And, you know, through all the analysis you gave into the bizarre-ass tracking software, there's a key thing that I think you guys have missed. And that is, how the fuck am I supposed to get off on my cyber domination kink with my little if I'm not allowed to have software that tracks her everywhere she goes?
Starting point is 00:02:29 This is basically kink shaming, and I will write to the Gary Council over this. Glory hole, motherfuckers. Yeah, what's up? I'm just listening to episode 457. You guys were talking about your vasectomy. I didn't have anything in front of the dominatrix stepping on my balls. I actually went to a father-son practice. And oddly enough, dad worked on one nut while son worked on the other one. He told their family they probably went fishing together a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Glory hole. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording live from glory hole studios in chicago this is cognitive dissonance every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence To any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad It's skeptical, it's political, and there is no welcome mat This is episode 458 of Cognitive Dissonance And we're just a couple of days away
Starting point is 00:04:05 from the presumed release of the Mueller report. Yeah. And I am excited because what we're going to do is we're going to package it along with all of our nuclear technology and send it to Saudi Arabia. Either that or, you know, Putin's just going to aim his missiles back at us now. Right, yeah. I love that.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I love it when he's like, oh, you're going to cancel your missiles. Then what I'm going to do is develop hypersonic missiles that go 20 times the speed of sound. Like, and then they did that. And it's almost like, oh, that's I liked it back when we had that handshake agreement called Let's Not End the World. You remember when we had that handshake agreement? We could all just agree. Let's give peace a chance. I am grateful that like the Cold War era nuclear proliferation pact or nuclear treaty or whatever it was called, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I'm glad we pulled out of that one because that's, that is the world. I don't know if it's the world we want, but it's certainly the world we fucking deserve. We just don't want to be hamstrung by stuff like that. No, you know what? We don't want to be hamstrung like that. I was thinking about it. At first I thought,
Starting point is 00:05:08 Oh my God, that's terrifying. Maybe we'll all be vaporized. And then I thought like, yeah, but you know, the nice thing is the missiles go so fast. Now we won't have to work.
Starting point is 00:05:17 You won't even know. Right. It'd be so, it'd be over so fast. And I find that comforting. You won't even have time to have anxiety because that weird sirens. Right. I don't want to listen to that thing. The moments of my life i don't want that's a funny thing sir when we were kids we were all afraid of the dark and we grew up and
Starting point is 00:05:37 we weren't afraid anymore but it's funny how a big lie can make us all kids again. All right, this story comes to the raw story. Chris Wallace, who I got to say, like at this point, I'm kind of like, I kind of got some props for Chris Wallace because he's on Fox. And he he is taking it to some of these guys. Sure. To some. I mean, as much as I think is possible on Fox. The Shepard's right, too.
Starting point is 00:06:08 On occasion, both of those guys seem to be they don't seem to be bootlickers. Right. Not not complete. And on Fox. Right. So Chris Wallace calls Rush Limbaugh a hypocrite to his face, specifically talking about Obama's executive actions. So this is this is actually pretty great. So Rush Limbaugh was on Chris Wallace's show and he says, look, when you were talking about executive actions with Obama, you were outraged. You call this like flushing the constitution down the toilet. Right. And now just because you happen to like the executive actions of Trump. Sure. You're all for it. And he just like straight calls him. He's just straight calls Rush Limbaugh. And Rush Limbaugh's like, well, here's the thing. It's different because I liked it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And he basically acknowledges the hypocrisy. And it's sort of amazing. Yeah. It was kind of a beautiful moment because he, Rush Limbaugh's actual justification is you may look at it that way. I look at it right and wrong. What Obama was doing was furthering this existing problem and politicizing this using whatever executive powers he wanted to use. That's literally saying I didn't like it when he did it.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I didn't like the things he was doing. Right. Those things were bad. But the problem is, is that they're just extending this power over and over and over again. And there's overreach. Every single president keeps on stepping over that line farther and farther and farther, you know, and, and it's funny because we, we look at how the government's run now and look at how the government is run now in comparison to, you know, it feels like there used to at least be some bipartisan, like
Starting point is 00:07:42 handshakes once in a while. And that hasn't happened in a long time. At the very least, we had it with confirmation hearings, for example. Right. You know, like when Ginsburg was confirmed, she was confirmed like 99 to 1. Like it was just overwhelming. Because it was like, yeah, she's fucking qualified. And the standard is, are you qualified?
Starting point is 00:08:00 And now the standard is, are you on my side? I have sides. Everything is a side. It's, you know, what kind of blows me away is it's like, well, what we're evaluating here is whether we like what someone is doing, not whether or not they should be allowed to do it. And when you can't parse those two questions, when you can't separate, should you be allowed to do the thing versus do I like the thing that you're doing? They're very different. They're very, very different.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Executive actions, you know, we should be having a conversation about whether or not those are good, not whether or not the actions specifically will yield a result I am in favor of. That specific action is what I'm in favor of. And conflating those two is like, it's how we fucking get here. Yeah. Because then all it means is we look at our team and we're like, well, my team won today. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And I expect my team to continue to win for the next X period of time. That's it. So I want to rack up as many fucking points as I can. Yeah. During my tenuous grasp on power. Sure. That I have. Yeah. And then as soon as that's relinquished, well, now you're doing it.
Starting point is 00:09:07 It's wrong. So I have a principled stand when it's you. And I have a pragmatic stand when it's me. Exactly. That's exactly it. And that's called being full of shit. Yeah. Well, it's funny because we have,
Starting point is 00:09:21 I think first and foremost, I think there needs to be a person, somebody who runs that is not interested in keeping or extending that power, but is interested in reeling that power back and putting some sort of protections on any potential over creep in the future. That is something I would absolutely consider a candidate that ran on that platform. That would be something that I would look at and say, wow, that's somebody who I really would be interested to see how far they would go and would be happy to see them move forward. Because that's something that we've been experiencing for a long time. The only thing I want to say is hypocrisy doesn't matter to Rush Limbaugh. And it doesn't matter to most of the, most of these Republicans doesn't matter at all. You know, look at what happened with,
Starting point is 00:10:08 you know, the Kavanaugh thing. When there was any hint that Kavanaugh was going to be blocked at all. You saw how shitty they got. Lindsey Graham getting all beat red and like, how dare you? You know, he's yelling at people and screaming.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Wouldn't let Merrick Garland play. Exactly. Right. Merrick Garland's a fucking guy from office space with Stapler. He didn't get a check. They cut his check out of payroll. He's like,
Starting point is 00:10:31 I'm going to burn this place down. Like he's fucking, like that guy, he is not even remotely considered. They just let him wander around. Let him wander around. They're just like, can I come in?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Nope, nope, not you. Yeah, go away, go away. Get the fuck out of here. That's fucking, and that the fuck, it's fucking crazy, but they don't care Nope, nope, not you. Yeah, go away, go away. Get the fuck out of here. That's fucking, and that, the fuck, it's fucking crazy, but they don't care. Like they, and you could hold that mirror up to their face and say, look at what you did here. And then look at what you did here.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And they'd be like, I don't care. You're all sick. Oh, be nice. Oh, my son doesn't stand a chance. The whole world's gone gay. Oh my God, what's happening now? We work hard. We play hard. So stories from NBC News, Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization
Starting point is 00:11:18 of homosexuality. I put this story in here because when I agree with something, You know, I put this story in here because when I agree with something, I wanted to make sure that we touch on it. Sure. Because I don't want to be accused of handpicking stories that, you know, or ignoring something that's positive. This is really positive. Yeah. Like, this is really positive. I was a little blown away by it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Especially given the fact that the fucking LGBTQ page of the website went away while he was still fucking giving his inauguration speech or his acceptance speech. I don't even remember which one. Yeah, his inauguration speech. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:55 But I thought this was good. So Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's illegal to be gay. And I thought like,
Starting point is 00:12:09 we just fixed this in all our states about an hour and a half ago. Oh, I know, right? Right? I want to read something, though, from a press conference. They asked President Trump, they said, Mr. President, on your push to decriminalize homosexuality, are you going to do that and why? And he said, say it. And they said, your push to dec criminalized homosexuality around the world. He said, I don't know which report you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And so then they kept pressing him. And basically, it sounds like it was done without him. Yeah. But it still is administration. Right. And that's the only reason I wanted to give it credit. But when they asked him about it, he was just like, I don't know what you're talking about because I was playing golf and I don't really pay attention in any of these briefings ever.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Listen, I was sleeping and or masturbating during the briefing. And or. Maybe both. The way that I masturbate is not very exciting. I was shoving this chocolate cake down my face as fast as I. Yeah. So like he didn't know. But I wonder.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And I also wonder, too, like now that he knows, is it still going to happen? Well, I was going to say, like, what I wonder is, like, maybe this is his policy. But if he pretends he doesn't know, then his base is still like, oh, Trump didn't know. That could be it, too, although I don't think he's that smart. I don't even know anymore. Like, I'm at a place where I'm just like, I don't know. Who knows what's true? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:22 But this is a great thing. Like, it's a great thing. One thing that surprised the shit out of me from this thing, Tom, it tells me that there's countries in the Caribbean that outlaw homosexuality. And I want to read off which ones they are. So Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Jamaica,
Starting point is 00:13:50 St. Kitts, St. Lucis. This is like all of them. St. Vincent and the Grenadines. That sounds like a band, actually. We are St. Vincent and the Grenadines! Tip your waitress. And you guys in the back, You guys stand away from each other
Starting point is 00:14:08 Some of these are Life imprisonment Some of these countries No shit life imprisonment I was blown away that that is happening in the Caribbean I was blown away But it's also Africa and the Mideast too I wonder like
Starting point is 00:14:22 The nations in the Caribbean, I am surprised by that because you would think that they would be more heavily influenced by Western culture. Tourism, at least. So many of them rely on. All those are tourist. All those are tourist destinations in the Caribbean. Right. All those are tourists.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I think. I mean, maybe they're not. Maybe some of them are. But I mean, I mean, most. Some of them are. Most. We're just like, those are definitive places where think. I mean, maybe they're not. Maybe some of them are. But I mean, most. Some of them are. Most of them. We're just like, those are definitive places where there's tons of tourism. So if there's tourists going there and if they're experiencing tons of people that are there from outside the country,
Starting point is 00:14:56 when it comes to homosexuality, guaranteed there's going to be people there that are gay. But, you know, like that's that bullshit where it's like, it's like the Maldives, you know? It's like, yeah, you can go there and it's like beautiful and like you can drink and you can, but it's like, it's in the middle of this fucking Muslim country, but they're like, yeah, but I want our money. Yeah, we want your money. I'll take the money. Yeah. And like, you guys
Starting point is 00:15:18 can do what you guys gotta do. Yeah. And it's actually funny because I just booked a trip to Jamaica, as a matter of fact. Oh, did you? Kind of last minute. And like, one of the resorts I was looking at a very last minute thing and like one of the resorts is this resort called Hedonism 2. And I was
Starting point is 00:15:34 like, oh, they have dates available. And like, nobody has dates available. And like, I'm kind of looking for those last minute deal things, you know. And like, it turns out it's like a weird sex resort. I didn't know. And it's in Jamaica. And I'm sure turns out it's like a weird sex resort. I didn't know. And it's in Jamaica. And I'm sure it's full of like, from what I looked at, like there's plenty of activity going on at that island.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Sure, yeah. Yeah, that crosses, people would go to jail for life is what I'm saying. Exactly, yeah. Double life, possibly triple life. 10 years in prison for some of this stuff? Yeah, that's fucking insane. It's unbelievable. I mean, it blows me away that they're, I mean, it blows. Well, it's not allowed to. that's fucking insane. It's unbelievable. I mean, it blows me away
Starting point is 00:16:05 that they're... Well, it's not allowed to. It doesn't blow me away, actually. I mean, it does, but not... It might, but they have to be under a towel. And I can't look at them. Life in prison...
Starting point is 00:16:17 You gotta hate what somebody else does with their dick. Real bad. In a way that is just... Hey, you're super gay. Stop that, or we'll put you in this place where you live with men forever.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Now the concern obviously is if this isn't bottled up in San Francisco, this kind of nonsense, then it's going to be spreading across the entire fruited plain and you're going to be going to your Burger King in Des Moines, Iowa, and you're going to have a rainbow colored wrapper
Starting point is 00:16:44 for your Whopper. All right, this story is from the Catholic cardinals urge the end of the homosexual agenda. Huh. That's weird. Yeah. Now, why do they do this? They do this because these cardinals were addressing the problem within their own house
Starting point is 00:17:01 of priest-fucking-children, and they're like, well, it's not really a clericalism issue. It's not an issue where we're priests and a lot of us fuck kids. That's a red herring. What it is is that some people are gay and they're not ashamed of it anymore.
Starting point is 00:17:21 So that's really the big problem. And that's why some people, it's fucking crazy how they pin this. Well, one of the things that they did was they started, like, they look at some of these, they look back at some of these old popes and how they
Starting point is 00:17:36 would, how they would blame it on different groups. And at one point, they blame it. It's like an improv game when you're asking the audience for a fucking question. It's like an, it's like an improv game when you're asking the audience for fucking quick. It's like, okay, whose fault is it?
Starting point is 00:17:48 Gay people, gay people's fault. All right, we got gay people. Who else? The devil. It's the devil's fault too. What about if the devil was gay?
Starting point is 00:17:54 Oh my God. So his fault. So holy shit. But they just like, they just like reach into a hat and just start pulling out reasons. Why? Usual suspects, right?
Starting point is 00:18:04 Oh, I got the devil! Yeah. Alright. But it's crazy that they have, they would basically say, we're not going to take any responsibility for the things that we've done or the people that we've hurt. We are going to, in some way, pass the buck onto other
Starting point is 00:18:20 people. And this particular, what really made me laugh about this particular story, it said, the Cardinals accused the Pope of failing to answer questions related to whether the church should allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion and they're currently barred. Literally nothing to do with the issue. Could you answer the tough questions, please? Literally, it's like, I read the same thing and I was like, what answer would mean somebody doesn't fuck a kid? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Right. Some way. The answer is yes. Well, now I can't stick my dick in a kid. But it's not. It's just like we don't have a homosexuality scandal. Right. Like that's the thing that like it's. It's astonishing. We have a scandal
Starting point is 00:19:05 which is plaguing the Catholic Church and has plagued it. All that has happened is that it's out. Now we know. Nothing has changed. Now we know. We have a scandal where children are being raped. They're just like, well, yeah, but some of them are gay.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's like nobody cares about that. Set that off to the side. Because you're gay doesn't mean you have sex with children. Right. There are different things. That's different. That's different stuff. Like conflating that shit is some, it's like, and we're going to tie, there's a conference.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah. That is happening. It's all going at a historic conference. Yeah. On the sexual abuse of children. It's the conference of bishops that's going on. And God, that's got to be the worst middle manager meeting ever.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Oh my God. Could you imagine the day trip? Can you imagine they're all arguing who's going to buy, who's going to pay at Applebee's? I saw this and I thought like, you guys are all getting together in a room and none of you fucking get it. You're all getting together in a room
Starting point is 00:20:13 and you're pretending. You're lying. The reason I want to talk about it is because it's bullshit. You can call it historic and call it whatever you want. But when you get Cardinals, and I want to put both the stories together,
Starting point is 00:20:23 when you get Cardinals who are saying, well, maybe it's the gays that are making us fuck children right maybe it's the gays that are making us hide the people as we bounce them around the world not even around the country but around the world sure so they can continue to abuse more people maybe it's the gays that are the reason we're raping nuns maybe it's the gays that are reason that like fucking we covered a story like they're fucking chuck a kid out a fucking window and watch him die on the fucking cobblestones below. Maybe it's no, maybe it's that you're a fucking evil organization and you have to get together in a room and have a conversation about what do we do about this sex with kids problem?
Starting point is 00:21:01 It's this is not a conversation you have to solve. It cracks me up, man, because like right now at my work, I'm being charged with like fixing some of our customer service issues across our, right? So it's part of my job. And like we had a conversation today and they said, well, you know, do you want to get people together from these different areas and we can all put our thoughts together? And I said, no, I don't need to do that. I need to do that. The solutions are easy because the problems are easy. I've written down all the solutions and I'm just going to email them out and tell everybody what they have to do. And then they have to do it. Yeah. This is the easiest fucking problem
Starting point is 00:21:35 anyone has ever had to solve. It has one rule. Like, should I fuck kids? Flow chart is easy. Should you fuck children? No. There's not a yes sign. Yeah, there's not even a yes sign. Yeah. So then, did you fuck a kid anyway? No. All right, go to work.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah. Yes. Go to jail. Yeah. Everybody who knows. Get out of the Catholic organization. Yeah. Like, they excommunicated that one fucker this last week, right?
Starting point is 00:22:01 What's his name? Cardinal something. McCarrick or something like that? Yeah, something like that. They excommunicated that fucking guy. And that's great. That's great. But they should have called the fucking cops.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah. They should, like, a zero tolerance policy for children fucking isn't something you have to call anyone else into the room to talk about. I just don't understand what's hard. Like, I don't understand
Starting point is 00:22:22 what's difficult about this problem. It's not like you have to call in the heavy consultants, right? You have to get the consultants on the phone and be like, all right, guys, you guys got to come here. We got this huge problem. Right. And I need you guys to solve this problem because the consultant, he can handle that while he's eating a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I know, right? He'll be like, did you let him go? Yeah. No, we actually protected him for years and years and years. We shuffled them between, okay, I'm going to roll you back here real quick. What we're going to do is from now on,
Starting point is 00:22:49 let him go. You're going to let him go. Oh, that seems really, no, I don't want you to listen to me here. You're going to let him go. Hold on. I got to dip this into buffalo sauce.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You're going to let him go. Yeah. Are you a ranch or blue cheese guy? That's it. That's the end of the problem. You don't need a high powered anything. Yeah. All you need to do is just guy? That's it. That's the end of the problem. You don't need a high-powered anything. Yeah. All you need to do is just to get on your knees,
Starting point is 00:23:09 beg forgiveness. That's the only thing you do on your knees, by the way. Get on your knees and beg forgiveness. And then get rid of all the rest of them. That's it. Call the cops. Yeah. Call the cops 100% of the time.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Have them investigate. Yep. If someone's guilty of a crime, then they go to jail and they're fired and they're defrocked and they're excommunicated. That's it. Yeah. Like, sorry, you go to hell for that.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah. Because if like you have a moral organization where you have hell, I don't even have hell. I know. I know. I don't even have hell. You have hell. Like, why don't you just be like, well, if that's for anything, like literally if it's for anything at all. I got a lake of fire. Who should we throw in there?
Starting point is 00:23:46 I don't know about that guy that rapes kids. No. How about that guy who doesn't think magic is real? Let's put him in there. It's so interesting that they have this hell thing and that some people have to go out of their way to punish you here for shit that you've done.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Like if you're gay, they got to beat the shit out of you or kill you or whatever. Drag you behind a car, throw you right? Like if you're gay, they got to beat the shit out of you or kill you or whatever, drag you behind a car, throw you off a building if you're gay. Right. And there's a hell. But there's other things where it's like, if there's a hell, I can't think of anybody who deserves more of an entry policy than that.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And they're just like, no, he's good. We're just going to move him around like one of those like, we're going to play a shell game with him and it's a real bad day when you pick that shell with him. Like these are. And it's also like, it's not like these guys are people who can exist in the world on their own. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah. Like, you know, you could like if you were to say like, all right, priest Bill. Yeah. Guess what? It's Thursday. Yeah. Find out your fucking kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 So I'm going to need you to turn in your cross or whatever. I don't know how that works. I need your frock. I need's Thursday. Yeah. Find out your fucking kids. Yeah. So, we're going to need you to turn in your cross or whatever. I don't know how that works. I need your frock. I need your Bible. Yeah. I need your cross. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah. Leave now. Yeah. Like, go. You're fired. The cops are on their way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I don't care what happens to you next. You're kicked out of the church and you're fired. Yeah. And I don't know where you're going to live, but it's not here.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And we don't, like, we don't have any need to communicate after. What time is it? Two 30? Yeah. By two 32, we never talk again. And that's that. They just call an angel from processing to escort him from the building. It's like angels holding this box.
Starting point is 00:25:21 No, you can grab what you need. We're just going to escort you out. Yeah. Like, it's not complicated because like you just stop caring about the well-being of child rapists. Well, what do we do with them? Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Yeah. That's up to them, man. Like they go be homeless or die in a corner. It literally doesn't matter to me. Doesn't matter. Like it ceases to be my responsibility.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Right. When you put your dick in a kid. Exactly. So now that Trump is elected, I'm very excited about it because I see now what God is doing. All right. This story comes from CNN, which is fake news, by the way. Right. It's failing.
Starting point is 00:25:55 No, different one. No, the New York Times, which I read faithfully every morning, is failing. CNN White House moves forward with wall funding despite lawsuits. So, you know, it's hard for me sometimes to remember because we only record every seven days. I know. Like what we've talked about. But if we have not mentioned it, Trump declared a state of national emergency, citing troubles at the southern border. The trouble of southern border was he didn't get his funding for his wall at the southern border. border. That's just a true thing that happened. Do we know why they didn't
Starting point is 00:26:30 push this through when they had both? That's a good question. I was thinking about that. And I don't know, when they had Congress, why wasn't this the first thing he tried to get done? Yeah, why wasn't this the thing? I know that, I think one of the reasons is if he completed it too early, just like with the tax thing that you had said a while back that when he cut taxes,
Starting point is 00:26:50 he caught it wrong because he should have cut it like after like a year of in office so that it would have, at least people still would be seeing good effects on the economy,
Starting point is 00:26:59 but there's a possibility of recession now, which would be bad for him in 2020. I wonder if they, like people would be like, yeah, you built the wall, but nobody cares now because it's not on our, you know, it's not in 2020. I wonder if they, like, people would be like, yeah, you built the wall, but nobody cares now because it's not on our, you know, it's not-
Starting point is 00:27:08 Right, what have you done for me lately? We're a goldfish. We're fucking, the American people are goldfish. And if they turn around, they don't realize there's a fucking plastic castle behind it. So maybe that's what it is. I don't, that's the only reason I can think of though, because they had all the shit to get it done.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I mean, maybe the only other reason is that maybe there could have been some sort of blockage with they didn't have enough votes. They would have to blow shit up or whatever. And I'm not sure on the timing wise if there was a budget session that coincided with his. Yeah, but I don't argue DACA about it. I remember that was argued DACA the previous year. God, I don't even know. I don't even know anymore. Like, I can't keep track anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:47 But he didn't get his $5 billion. He shut the government down for 35 days. And then I think to avoid another shutdown, he took $1.6 or $1.7 billion for border security and then was like, that's not what I want. So what I'm going to do is declare a state of national emergency. Incidentally, in case you're wondering, a national emergency was not declared on 9-11. It was not declared until 9-14.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I looked this up to see, like, do we declare a lot of states of national emergency? We declare a fair number. Yeah. A fair number of states of national emergency are ongoing. And what presidents have typically used them for is to circumvent other regulatory or limiting laws. So the one after 9-11, which is declared on 9-14, was declared in order to lift the restriction on the size of the standing U.S. Army.
Starting point is 00:28:36 I see. And that remains in effect. We've never used it just to satisfy the whim of a budgetary item. And this is going to be embroiled in like 16 states have already said, they've already just, we're suing the fuck out of this shit time. Like absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And it's funny because California led the way and then coincidentally got $925 million of the funding pulled for their high-speed rail project. I don't know if those two things are related. Probably not. They just happened almost simultaneously. Seems a little conspiratorial to him.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah, I don't know. I'm crazy. Did Q pull the funding? How ridiculous. You know, it's one of these... He calls for this national emergency and one of the things he says while he's giving his speech, he says for this, this national emergency. And one of the things he says, while he's giving his speech, he says, I just want it faster. I just want to do it faster.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah. And I almost feel like if you're, if you're a lawyer who's trying to sue based on this, you should just be able to walk in and be like, your honor, I present the first two years of the Trump presidency. I rest my case and then walk away. Like, I don't understand. I mean, and I know that there's going to be people, right? There's going to be people who say, you know, they're going to send us a message and be like, you can't do that because of X, Y, and Z or whatever. And I'm happy to hear that.
Starting point is 00:29:52 But from, as a layman watching this happen, I can't imagine why this didn't happen before and why now he's doing it. He's doing it now to show that he just got his ass kicked by Congress. He just got his ass kicked and he's got to show that he's a strong leader. And I think that's why he's doing it.
Starting point is 00:30:12 What's amazing is this shows intensely weak leadership, right? Because he's basically like governing with a cannon at this point. Sure. But what is particularly interesting is this is kind of like the conversation we had with Limbaugh, right?
Starting point is 00:30:29 Like if this goes through, then we can declare a national emergency against the opioid crisis, right? We can declare a national emergency around healthcare. We can declare a national emergency around child. We can, we can call anything a national emergency around child. We can call anything a national emergency and then allocate a nearly unlimited amount of funds
Starting point is 00:30:50 at the complete discretion of the president. That's demonic, everybody. It is absolutely demonic. This story comes from the Daily Beast. Italy's school teachers are being taught to deal with the devil. And I read that and I thought, yeah, they teach kids. Like, of course. That's what you go to school for. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Little hellions. You need to put them in their own little pentagram to give them a nap. Fucking salty earth around them in a circle like Supernatural or something. It's fucking ridiculous. What this is specifically referring to is sex ed. And exorcism classes being taught in by being taught to it.
Starting point is 00:31:30 They're not being taught to perform exorcisms. Don't get me wrong. That's still what the priests do. But the school teachers are being taught to identify demonic or possessed behavior. And then I guess they would refer it then. Well, it says an intensive 40-hour course offered by the education ministry designed especially for religion teachers and focuses on exorcism and prayers of liberation. And it costs $450.
Starting point is 00:31:56 So it's like an unsummoner. An unsummoner. No wonder you wanted to do this story.'ve been holding on your pocket you've been holding your pocket once in a while i have a good pun and i think what can i do is there anything i can do to insert my pun oh you've been holding that one you've been but is it crazy though like Like, like in nowadays, they, there's a,
Starting point is 00:32:27 there's a, there's a thing that you pay money for. Yeah. It almost is like, you remember when we were kids and I don't know if they, I'm sure they still do it. They have things called Institute days. Do you remember this when we were kids? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Teacher Institute. Now this is a thing in Illinois. I don't know if they have it anywhere else. I only know Illinois schools, but when I was a kid, basically the teachers would go to school to learn how to be better teachers, I guess, on those days,
Starting point is 00:32:48 to get trainings on those days. And then we would have the day off. And so like students would not go to school. And then teachers would then go to school and basically be in a class all day to learn how to be better teachers. This is basically wasting one of their days. This would be, you know, if this was,
Starting point is 00:33:03 and this again, this is in another country, so I don't know exactly how they structure how this stuff is. They have to pay for it. Yeah, right. And not only that, it's like it costs $450. Who pays for that? Is that tax money? Who gets what and how? I mean, we are a place in the modern world, in
Starting point is 00:33:19 Western Europe, in the modern world where people are taking fucking dark arts classes. This is defense against the dark arts. It's literally that. They think that Harry Potter is a true thing in Italy.
Starting point is 00:33:36 That's fucking crazy. It's Scottish where that Hogwarts castle was. That's absurd. The IRS has agreed to send out letters to the governments of every nation. These letters will state that they
Starting point is 00:33:54 have done a thorough review of all Scientology activities from top to bottom, and having found nothing wrong, fully recognize us as a bona fide and qualified tax-exempt organization to the full extent of the law all right the story comes from the daily wire usc forced to investigate after church of scientology allegedly forges letter from professor now allegedly is kind of a gentle
Starting point is 00:34:20 word that's it that's an interesting way to put it, allegedly. Because it is pretty certainly the case. So just so we're clear, so this is a letter that is written on defunct letterhead. And it's by, this is purported to be by Reverend Dr. Cecil Chip Murray. And I saw that Cecil and I thought, Chip? And also it's Cecil. Thank you very much. I believe Chip.
Starting point is 00:34:56 For all those British people. For all those British people out there. Chip. I used to know a kid named Skippy when I was a kid. I worked with a guy named Skippy. Skippy is an embarrassing name. And he was like, I'd like to be called Skippy.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And I was like, that's not better. That's not any better. I know that we're going to get a message from somebody who's going to be like, but I'm Skippy. Skippy, you need to change your name, Skippy. Here's the deal. Skippy is just bad. You sound like one of but I'm Skippy. Skippy, you need to change your name, Skippy. Here's the deal. Skippy is just bad. You sound like one of the little rascals. No woman will ever fuck a man named Skippy.
Starting point is 00:35:32 It's never happened. I don't know if that's true, but you definitely sound like either one of the little rascals or one of the three stooges. Those are your two options. You don't have any other career options. How are you supposed to meet a woman and be like, my name is Skippy. You could
Starting point is 00:35:47 look. Here's the thing. If you happen to be a lottery winner, you can call yourself whatever you want. I'm going to win the lottery and just change your name to something ridiculous. Or you could just look like a fucking UFC fighter.
Starting point is 00:36:03 My name's Skippy. I dare you to fucking call me that. There's a lot of ways in which Skippy could work out for you. There's two ways and there's literally not three. I don't know. There's no other option. You can't be a busboy
Starting point is 00:36:22 and be Skippy. There's not a lot of games. There's not a lot of game. There's not a lot of game when you got Skippy. So this guy, Cecil Chip, I also like, hold on, before you get to the letter, like, if you have a nickname,
Starting point is 00:36:36 just go by your nickname. But like, where you're like, call me Tom, Chip, Curry, you're an idiot. me Tom. You're an idiot. Like, just don't do that. You sound like an asshole. Don't put it in parentheses. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Here's my little nickname. Like you're fucking shooting finger guns on the page. You know what I mean? Nobody likes you. If you do that, here, fucking fun fact. Nobody likes you. Do you go in business world? Do you go by Thomas or Tom?
Starting point is 00:37:06 Tom. It's always Tom? Tom. I don't write Thomas on anything. It's Tom. If I want you to call me Tom, I write that down. Right. And then that's what you read, so that's not what you think my name is.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I see. If you think I wanted to be called Chip, you just write his name fucking Chip Murray or whatever. Sure. He could have said Murr. No, I haven't. Cecil. Instead. Hey, I'm a fun guy.
Starting point is 00:37:25 He doesn't like to be called Cecil, so he goes for Chip instead, right? I don't know, man. I mean, Cecil's not a great name, but Chip is certainly not a great name. This is also a guy who just likes names. Yeah. Also, this is probably not a real guy. Anyway, so, all right. He wrote this ostensibly to the chairman and CEO of Walt Disney.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And he's basically saying, look, the Leah Romini Aftermath Show has got to go. He's writing this purportedly in his function as a professor at this university. He is saying, I'm a professor and it needs to go. Not, I really, really totes like Scientology and it needs to go. Except for that he didn't write go. Right. Not, I really, really totes like Scientology and it needs to go. Except for that he didn't write this. Right. And like, we know we didn't write it because he said so.
Starting point is 00:38:11 That's not letterhead the school uses anymore. And the school is like, didn't come from us. Right. So Scientology faked a letter from a university professor and mailed it. Allegedly. Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Allegedly. I'm sorry. Thank you very much i because if not the fucking scientologist to go stand outside your house and carol or whatever you just wake up on fucking c-org or whatever you're like oh man this isn't how i want to wish you a merry battlefield i don't know any other stuff he did. So I don't know. Scientology.
Starting point is 00:38:47 What is it? Dianetics. Can you imagine? Can you fucking imagine how awful? I tried to read Dianetics. Remember we tried to read? You did. Yeah, we gave up.
Starting point is 00:38:55 We gave up on two books. We gave up on two books. Yeah, you gave up on Ray Comfort. Ray Comfort, which was a pamphlet. I gave up on Scientology because it is fucking gibberish it was scientology's dianetics was more gibberishy than the world's most biggest best to see yeah at least ike you could be like yeah he has a proper noun object verb sequence going on seriously elrond hubbard is an amazingly bad writer can you imagine how awful it would be to wake up and have to watch Battlefield Earth?
Starting point is 00:39:28 Oh, my gosh. Have you seen it? I've seen it. So I remember that we've started it. Like, we started it one night. And now Sarah and I have gone through, we watched every single episode of Mystery Science Theater when it was on. Like, we watched every single episode. And Science Theater when it was on. Like we watched every single episode. And so we used to record it.
Starting point is 00:39:47 We would watch episodes over and over and over again. And these are bad movies you're watching over and over and over again. Yeah. We've watched horrible, horrible movies, Sarah and I. Right. We couldn't, we stopped. We literally quit. We just were like, I was like, oh no, I can't.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I just can't this. I used to hang out with a guy and every time I would hang out with him, all we would do is go to his apartment and smoke weed and watch a movie. Okay. And so I,
Starting point is 00:40:15 I don't hang out with him anymore because I have a job. Yeah, yeah. But I went to his house. No illusions. Yeah. And like,
Starting point is 00:40:23 I'm a super lightweight because like, I don't, I don't get high very often. I went to his house. Is there a, and I I'm a super lightweight because like I don't get high very often. I went to his house. Is there, and I got to ask, and this is off the, maybe off topic,
Starting point is 00:40:30 but is there a tolerance level that people build to weed? Oh, absolutely. Oh, I didn't realize that. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. So I got high
Starting point is 00:40:38 and watched Battlefield Earth and it was still boring. Really? High. Yeah. I watched As a point of reference Dirty Dancing when I was high
Starting point is 00:40:49 And I thought it was hilarious I laughed until my cheeks hurt Watching that abortion movie Sure Battlefield Earth was Fucking sleep induced Coincidentally The baby who gets aborted's cheeks hurt too
Starting point is 00:41:02 They fish hook it right out of there. That'd be the worst part about being a Scientologist. You might have to be like, oh, the movie's really shitty. I'm not allowed to say it. I don't know. Are they all just like, is it... What's an L. Rod Hubbard book?
Starting point is 00:41:16 I guess he's kind of their prophet, right? Right. I mean, you're not going to tell Jesus you don't like... I mean, it's spelled differently, prophet. It's the same thing. Right. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So why don't they like this particular thing that it's spelled differently, prophet. It's the same thing. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:25 So why don't they like this particular thing that Disney did? Do you know why that is? Well, I think because it paints Scientology in an extraordinarily negative light. Have you watched any of it? I have not. No. I've watched one or two of them. But they're basically stories about people whose lives have been ruined by Scientology.
Starting point is 00:41:43 So they're just like, yeah, you know, my family was in Scientology and then something, something and our family got split apart and I had a, got disfellowshipped or whatever. I don't know if that's what they call it, but basically it's shunned. Sure. Yeah, you gotta get the ring back. Yeah, exactly, right? And their lives get like fucking ruined,
Starting point is 00:42:00 you know, like that's, because that's like their scorched earth policy. They have a name for it. I don't remember what it's called. Yeah. If you fuck with the's because that's like their scorched earth policy they have a name for it i don't remember what it's called yeah if you fuck with the scientologist they like oh yeah they go out of their way to fuck you up yeah uh that that louis theroux did a movie on it that i wasn't super fond of i watched i was not crazy fond of it i've liked a lot of his doc i i have too i think some of his documentaries are amazing this one was not no the scientology one was not it was kind of just but um but i also watched, we watched Going Clear. Yeah, that was good.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And so like there's a lot of this stuff that, you know, you watch these things and it's funny too because they'll catch them on camera coming up to these people. Right. And like basically just yelling at them and freaking like being just assholes to these people that, you know, they don't like Scientology anymore. But man, I got to fuck you up. I got to come over and yell at you and whatnot. And so, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:42:48 I could see where they would go out of their way. I mean, I don't know that again, allegedly, right? Yeah. But I will say like Scientology does have a really strong track record of to be mild,
Starting point is 00:43:00 aggressively managing the public image. Right. Yeah. So, and there's people that, you know, have been injured. Like you say, you know, these stories from these people that have been injured by scientists. There's not one or two. It's not just a couple.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, there's a lot. The Nazi party, ladies and gentlemen, was formed in a gay bar in Munich. And historians agree that Hitler's earliest enforcers, the stormtroopers, the brown shirts, were almost without exception homosexuals. So it was homosexual thugs that helped Hitler to form the Nazi party. In other words, no homosexual thugs, no homosexual brown shirts, no homosexual stormtroopers, no Nazi party. This story comes from
Starting point is 00:43:46 West Virginia lawmaker says there is no reason to punish him for comparing LGBTQ community to KKK. This fucking fat mountain of a beached whale of a man. I am just happy Kevin got work after the office. That's all. I'm just happy that he was able to do something else. Holy shit. Yeah. This is a guy. His name's Eric Porterfield or Potterfield or I don't know. Portleyfield.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Portleyfield is right. Seriously an enormous. He's a blind guy. Enormous man. Or just somebody who has bad vision. I don't know. I can't tell. I think the greatest gift he gives himself is not to be able to see his horrifying visage in the mirror. He doesn't have to look at himself. He basically says, yeah, look, they're like the
Starting point is 00:44:31 KKK LGBT, which I don't even get. I don't understand the fucking comparison at all when they're like, the LGBT community is like the KKK. You're just like, well, wait, did they lynch a black person? I don't know. How exactly are we equating these things i think i think anytime somebody can't do everything they want to do
Starting point is 00:44:51 they're just like ah you're like just as bad as the kkk like whatever awful shit i you're just as bad as a nazi this is like we we have a group of of of evil yeah and undeniable evil people. And it's like, ah, you're just like them. Yeah. And it's like, really? Name like one way. Like, just, you know, one significant way. Like, ah, two of you guys have mustaches.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Like, it's just nonsense. Like, it's just fucking Jewish. He says at one point, he says in a floor speech, he claimed LGBT people, not purples, LGBT people were, quote, the most socialist group in the country, end quote. As if LGBTQ people all share the same political ideology, which is not true. That to me proves more, and I know that this is the case. We see this happen all the time.
Starting point is 00:45:41 But that to me proves that these people have no idea what some of these terms mean. They're just buzzwords to scare people. Of course. Like these are just buzzwords that are meant to frighten people. Like they are not taught like you could get 500 LGBTQ people in the room and ask them about socialism and how they feel on it. I guarantee that that graph is going to bounce all over. It's not going to just be all of them be like, oh yeah, totally, yeah, we should absolutely everybody should donate the genitalia of their
Starting point is 00:46:11 own that they want to suck. You know what I mean? There would not be, none of these people are going to want to have socialism because first off, socialism in its purest form, nobody wants to have that.
Starting point is 00:46:28 The United States doesn't want to have that. I think I know a lot of people don't want to have that. Nobody's advocating for it. We want to have some socialist policies, but not socialism. We've talked about this before. It's like, there is currently a balance of capitalist and socialist policies.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Like the roads are socialist, like we all like anything that we all agree to put our money together and then to build like those are socialist policies right we have a number of them yeah and then we have a number of strictly free enterprise capitalist policies particularly but like there is nothing that is purely one or purely another everything any kind of regulation control all of that is an example of of a socialist control on a capitalist system right so it's a balance that's being struck and yes i do think that the left right now is asking for a reconsideration and a rebalance that pulls away from some of the aggressively free market, aggressively deregulatory actions that have been taken.
Starting point is 00:47:34 For sure, there's a rebalancing that's being suggested, particularly around issues of healthcare, particularly around issues of banking, around loans, around education. That's not the socialism that they're boogeymaning, right? They're creating a straw man of socialism. And really what they're trying to do is equate it with Soviet era, Soviet style. Yeah. When Obama said we need to redistribute some wealth, they immediately seized on that because what they thought, what they made it out to be was anybody who has more than the average would have to pitch in all of their what is not average to give to the people who are underprivileged, right?
Starting point is 00:48:20 And that's not what he meant. What he meant was what I think Ocasio-Cortez means, which is let's tax the ultra rich at a really high rate, which we've done for a long time, which we did for a long time in this country. We're going to bitch about socialism. Well, it kind of worked here for 60 plus years. It was a huge boon to our economy when we were taxing people at an obscene rate when they made an obscene amount of money now they still got to keep a lot of that money yeah i mean like it's so funny like how hard poor people will protect the rich yeah i i it and and i know why you know like because poor people think they're going to be one of the rich and they want to be protected but like you know jeff bezos if he took away 70 of his income income, he's still richer than everybody. He's still a billionaire, probably. Right?
Starting point is 00:49:07 Doesn't he have $100 billion on the studio? I mean, like, think about what a billion dollars is and whether anybody actually should have that. Yeah. Like, should we live in a society where somebody has $1,000 million? Yeah. That's a crazy sum of, on an individual basis. Right. It's a crazy sum of... On an individual basis? Right. It's a crazy sum of money.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I watch a show on HDTV. It's called like Million Dollar Dream Home or something like that. Like Lottery Dream Home or something. And they go to people who won the lottery. And this guy, this super flamboyant realtor finds them a beautiful house. And these people are winning,
Starting point is 00:49:47 you know, a couple million dollars. That's what most of these people are winning. But these are people who are now well off. Right. With a couple million dollars. Right. Think about how much you make in a year.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Right. And then say you won a couple million dollars. Right. Yeah. How long can you take off a work with a couple million dollars? These people are buying their houses outright. They're buying a few things outright,
Starting point is 00:50:09 which we, all of us have to pay. You know, when I get done paying for my house, when I get done paying for my mortgage, I'm going to pay double
Starting point is 00:50:15 what my house was. I'm going to pay double, maybe more. I don't know what the actual numbers are, but I'm going to pay twice as much as I should have paid
Starting point is 00:50:22 if I just walked up and handed somebody a check that said, I would like to buy this house today. I'm going to pay more just to the bank. The bank's going to pay twice as much as I should have paid if I just walked up and handed somebody a check that said, I would like to buy this house today. I'm going to pay more just to the bank. The bank's going to get twice what I owe, you know, just based on that. These people are just walking up. They're able to get out of these,
Starting point is 00:50:37 you know, these contracts that all of us else, everybody else has to sign these contracts. We have a car note. We have a house note. We all have to sign these contracts. We have a car note. We have a house note. We all have to sign these contracts. And these people aren't winning a lot of money. We're talking about a couple million dollars, right? And I'm not saying not a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:50:54 A couple million dollars is an obscene amount of money. But in comparison to Jeff Bezos, Jeff Bezos can donate. He could look at a charity. He could pick a charity in the United States and he can donate. He could look at a charity. Like, he could pick a charity in the United States, and he can donate five to six times what that charity would make in an entire year without blinking, right? Michael Bloomberg just pledged a floor of $500 million of his own money
Starting point is 00:51:17 as the floor, the minimum spend, to try to help defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. And he's able to pledge that because that's not actually a meaningful amount of money. It doesn't matter. Against his overall personal wealth. If you had $500 million, you could take institutions that are failing right now, like institutions that hire and have, say, 1,500 employees. And you could turn that institution completely around.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah, that's one human being. You know, when you have that kind of money, you're not spending that money. That money makes more money faster than you can spend that money. You know, that money on an investment basis makes more money than it is possible for him to spend. He can't outspend his money. Yeah. I don't feel bad if those guys get taxed. And then when they're done being taxed, they're still extraordinarily wealthy, not like a little wealth, $10 million this year.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah. And then you got taxed on 70% of, let's say a hundred million. You're still pulling down 40 million this year. You know, well, you got taxed on your 10,, let's say, $100 million, you're still pulling down $40 million this year. Well, you got taxed on your 10, so you probably got less than 10. But still, you know whatever. You know what I mean? That's a lot of money. It's an obscene. It's an obscene amount of money.
Starting point is 00:52:35 It's more money than I'll ever see in my entire lifetime. And if somebody makes $100 million a year, and they walk away with, even if they walk away with $20 million, why should I care? Why should we care? and they walk away with, even if they walk away with 20. Yeah. Well, I mean, like, why should I care? Why should we care? Why should somebody making $44,000
Starting point is 00:52:49 living in fucking West Virginia working in a coal mine be outraged? Yeah, no, it doesn't make any sense. But we are. We're crazy outraged. You're never going to get that rich. No.
Starting point is 00:53:00 $44 million. I mean, like, just to get a sense of the perspective of that thing. Invested million. I mean, like just, just, just to get a sense of the perspective of that thing, invested in a fucking CD, right. Invested in a, and you would never do that, right. Invested in a garbage investment, an ultra low yield, ultra safe garbage investment. You couldn't even do it, but just at a very low rate would earn you almost a million dollars in interest payments alone. Yeah. Without touching your principal.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Sure. You could live, you could spend a million dollars every single year and never touch the 40 million you just made that calendar year. Yeah. It's a crazy, like when the numbers get that big, people don't necessarily have a sense of perspective about how those multipliers work. So like this idea that that we're going to,
Starting point is 00:53:47 we don't want a communist socialist system. Well, I mean, we're not doing that. If the wealth accumulates the way that it has been accumulating up top, and it's crazy the way it is. It's obscene. And then wages have stagnated for literally for decades we have less money like you have like we have less money to spend right now than we have had in 60 years home well no more than that yeah it's more than that yeah like we are less well off
Starting point is 00:54:21 and there's every reason to believe that the next generation will be even less well off. Even less. And yet we're going to like work super hard to protect the wealthy people that are accumulating vast fortunes that are unspendable. Yeah. Unspendable. You can't reasonably spend that money. What's in? I don't understand it.
Starting point is 00:54:41 One of the things, too, that you've got to consider is that that money, the way in which they made it, let's say they had a business. Let's say the physical business, right? All the ways in which that money makes money is facilitated by the public, right? The public pays for the roads. The public plays for the police stations that are nearby. The public plays for the fire stations nearby. The public subsidizes all the ways in which they get their power and all this. There's all these other ways in which
Starting point is 00:55:09 we all help chip in to make sure that that place, and then chances are, like fucking Amazon, what, do they not pay taxes at all? Well, they didn't pay. You know what their corporate tax bill was last year? Zero dollars. Yeah. So if you look at it in that perspective,
Starting point is 00:55:26 not only is Jeff Bezos getting away with an absolute steal and making fucking money hand over fist, but his company is also getting away with a massive steal.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Yeah. But like, we think of it like we've changed our national perspective where it's like, oh my God, like they're going to
Starting point is 00:55:41 build their headquarters here. Let's give them like all the tax breaks and do all these things and try to lure that place here because it's like, oh my God, like they're going to build their headquarters here. Let's give them like all the tax breaks and do all these things and try to lure that place here because it's almost seen like it's a fucking magnanimous gift that a corporation deigns to give the people for existing in the same space to give you a job. Like the ability to have good work, work that's both meaningful and which is profitable, which allows us to have a quality standard of living, that's a minimum standard for a good society.
Starting point is 00:56:17 We have this idea about American exceptionalism, right? And you'll hear it all the time, no greater country than the United States of America. Right. And you'll hear it all the time. No greater country than than the United States of America. But you can't find other than military superiority, you can't find any measurable outcomes that we're in the top 10 for. Sure. That any like that makes perfect sense. So we aren't winning. Yeah. And we got it. We won't recognize it. We don't have like we have shitty health outcomes. We have shitty educational outcomes. We have shitty opportunities. We have massive crippling debt. We have, like, we are not the best. We aren't the second best. We aren't the 11th best.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Like, we are 38th out of 71 in educational outcomes amongst industrialized nations. outcomes amongst industrialized nations. Our maternal health outcomes, our infant mortality outcomes. Oh, the infant mortality one is low. It's very low. They're wretched. We're not. We are doing a bad job across We're not. We're losing on every front. And yet we tell ourselves a story that we're the best. We tell ourselves a story that we're the best and that we're all going to be billionaires someday. And then we're building a society to protect our billionaires at the expense of 319.78 million of us, you know? And the amount of money that these people, like the very few are at the top and there's a conversation that happened on the Tucker Carlson show. I don't know if you saw this
Starting point is 00:57:58 stuff that happened this week, but Tucker Carlson had a, there was a guy who went to this summit, this Devo summit. I don't know if you've ever heard of it. But it's basically where a bunch of billionaires get together and chat. And so this Dutch historian went. And he was on the stage. And I think I mentioned a couple weeks ago when somebody said, name a place where a 70% tax rate worked. And the Dutch historian, who's not a billionaire, he's just a dude.
Starting point is 00:58:21 He's like, United States of America? Yeah. And then he went on to explain and there's this great moment in that I watched this big long clip where there's a couple people on stage. There's this Dutch historian and there's a woman
Starting point is 00:58:34 who's, I think, someone who's an advocate for jobs in Africa or something like that. I don't know. Maybe it wasn't Africa. Maybe that's just me being xenophobic or whatever
Starting point is 00:58:44 because she had an accent and she looked like she was maybe African, but maybe it was the United States. I don't even know. I don't remember exactly what the details were. And they're talking and they have this guy from Yahoo or something, the CEO from Yahoo stands up.
Starting point is 00:59:00 And he says, he's like, yeah, and he's in the audience. He's not on the fucking stage, which is fucking amazing to me. I thought it was kind of amazing. The CEO of Yahoo or something stands up and they say who it is. And he reads off his question.
Starting point is 00:59:11 His question basically is, look, right now that we have amazing growth in the United States when it comes to jobs. We have amazing growth. You're seeing, you know, unprecedented growth in all these stuff. And he starts naming off all these stats. You're seeing, you know, unprecedented growth in all these stuff. And he starts naming off all these stats.
Starting point is 00:59:24 And the Dutch historian goes through all this stuff, basically saying, look, you know, we have tax shelters. You guys are just getting away with it. You guys are just getting away with it. And the woman,
Starting point is 00:59:34 she says, look, you can have all the jobs you want, but if you don't have jobs that pay well with dignity, then we shouldn't be tithing this conversation. Like, and it's a great way
Starting point is 00:59:42 to put it, right? Jobs that pay well, that you still keep your dignity. Yeah, man, that should absolutely be the thing that we're paying attention to. Instead, we're just like, yeah, the jobs are through the roof. Yeah, well, if I have to have two of them to survive them,
Starting point is 00:59:55 what the fuck good is having two jobs? I don't want to work more for less. Like, why the fuck would anybody want to do that? Those fucking billionaires sure aren't doing that. All the rest of us schmucks have to do that. And it's absolutely bullshit. You know, this guy gets on Tucker Carlson, this, this fucking Danish guy gets on Tucker Carlson and Tucker Carlson is starting to talk. And then finally this guy comes out and says, look, you're a, you're a millionaire paid by billionaires. He's like, you're owned by billionaires and you're a
Starting point is 01:00:22 millionaire and you spout their line all the time. He's, but he's like, you're owned by billionaires and you're a millionaire. And you spout their line all the time, but he's like, you're just a millionaire who's paid by billionaires. I don't even know why you're arguing with me. He's like, you're basically in the pocket of all these people. And Tucker loses his shit. Really? Basically, you remember the conversation we had with that Republican? Yeah. Where I hung up on him?
Starting point is 01:00:39 He does the same thing. He screams at him. Really? He calls him to go fuck himself and hangs up on him. But the guy, smart enough, recorded the same thing. He screams at him. Really? He calls him to go fuck himself and hangs up on him. Like, but the guy, smart enough, recorded the whole conversation. And so he released it on Twitter. And you just hear Tucker lose his shit. He gets triggered and he loses his shit. But it's, you could just hear this guy. He has no answer to that.
Starting point is 01:00:59 No. He's a millionaire. No. Paid by billionaires. And he's also, I don't know if it's true, but I thought I saw somewhere today that he's like an heiress heir to some fortune. So I did know that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 So he's like an heir to some fortune anyway, but he's like a, he's like a really rich guy protecting a bunch of other really rich guys. There's no, there's no guy like me or you out there. Right. That's like, yeah, man, let's text the fuck out of those $10 million plus people. There's nobody out there doing that. Now, hopefully we're going to see some of that. If this gets into the democratic conversation, if that sort of thing starts really pushing itself forward, if this, if that's just one piece and more and more people are like, yeah, fuck yeah, let's do this 70% thing.
Starting point is 01:01:41 That's, that's exciting. We need to radically overhaul the way that we move money around this country. And we're not going to do it by begging, please, oh, would you build your fucking headquarters here? Oh, please, please, would you please bestow upon me the magnanimous
Starting point is 01:02:00 gift of your fucking corporate existence? I get why they do it. They want the jobs because it's the, it's the only playing field they have the jobs. Yeah. But, but really I'll tell you what you could easily put, you could back, I think, and maybe I'm wrong and I'm sure that there's people out there that could show me I'm right or wrong, but I think you could back Amazon into a corner. I think you could basically say, well, look, either you fucking build a place and start paying taxes
Starting point is 01:02:27 just like everybody else and you pick the place. We don't give a fuck where it is, but you start paying taxes just like everybody else and you bring everybody's standard of living up to where it should be, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:34 not just the minimum wage of like $15 an hour or the basic living wage. We're talking like a good wage where they work and you cut down your profits or we'll just do something to make sure that you're not, you know, you're, because they rely,
Starting point is 01:02:48 they rely on being the first place people search. They rely on that. If they got, if that gets jeopardized and you threaten them somehow to jeopardize that, they're going to change their ways. Well, I mean, let's be honest too. Like Amazon has to build distribution. It's not like you can out,
Starting point is 01:03:02 oh, I'll put all my distribution centers for deliveries. You can't. You can't do that. Yeah. They have to do it. It's not like you can out, so, oh, I'll put all my distribution centers for deliveries. Yeah, overseas or whatever. You can't. You can't do that shit. Yeah, they have to do it. Yeah, right. So I think that there's ways
Starting point is 01:03:11 to back them into a corner. They're a retailer. They have to, you have to, I think somebody's got to back them into a corner. The problem is that we won't all agree to do it, right? Yeah, that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Because we're state-driven, not nationally-driven. Somebody's always got, everybody's got to agree. You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers. I want the truth.
Starting point is 01:03:27 You can't handle the truth. So, sir, comes in a friendly atheist blog, Wisconsin GOP lawmaker. No shit. This is real. I couldn't believe that.
Starting point is 01:03:36 I couldn't. I laughed. It's not Wisconsin. It's Wyoming. I'm sorry. Another state. I don't care about. Why?
Starting point is 01:03:43 Oh, I don't care about Wyoming at all. Yeah. Do you? Would you? I think I've been there. Listen to that. Listen to that right there.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I don't remember. Is Yellowstone in Wyoming? No one knows. I think it is, and I think it's really pretty, but that's all it is. I mean, it's like, it's bumper cars out there.
Starting point is 01:04:02 You could just let go of the wheel and just drive 60 straight miles. I drive past billboards for Wyoming, and it's a guy on a horse, and I just presume it's him leaving Wyoming. It's pure Wyoming. Yeah, it is. Yeah, you've seen those, right? No, it's pure Michigan. Different.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Eh, whatever. I don't even care. It's just another wilderness state. You know what I mean? Like, we have a bunch of them. Like, we've got, it's America. There's 50 of them. 46 states don't matter. They're a bunch of fucking wilderness states. You know what I mean? Like we have a bunch of them. Like we've got, it's America. There's 50 of them. 46 states don't matter. They're a bunch of fucking wilderness states.
Starting point is 01:04:28 It's where we put our cows and our poor people. I got to ask. No, not our poor people. There's obscenely rich people who live up there. Like in those, because of the oil and stuff that's up there. And those are the Dakotas. It's the Dakotas. And then there's also like, there's in other states though, too. There's huh there's like some uh and welding and shit that goes on up there like i know that they do some rigs and whatnot or whatnot i got so in any case i want to ask the audience what's the prettiest flyover state in that area like what's the what's the one that you think this is it that's a good question because i've been to wyoming i think and i was yeah because i was in Jackson Hole. Jackson. Excuse me? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:05 it was a, it wasn't Caliente. It was, it was, it was a nice place, but it was a ski town. It was nice, but it wasn't, it was okay. But I was also in Utah and Colorado and maybe for like a second in Montana. I just want to, what's the prettiest state in the country? Yeah. What do you think is the prettiest state in the country? I, you know, I think that there may be some out East contenders. I think there may be because I think some of those states are, like, when I see pictures of them,
Starting point is 01:05:29 I'm always blown away by some of those out east states. Oh, yeah. Nothing south, though. I can't think of a single state south that I'm like, yeah, that's fucking baller. I mean, south and west,
Starting point is 01:05:37 but not south, just straight south. Like southeast and, like, south central? Southwest. Yeah, no, no. I mean, like, garbage states. Oh, yeah, like, no, below us?
Starting point is 01:05:45 Well, who's going to say Kentucky or Tennessee or... Yeah. That's what I mean. Yeah, no, no. I mean like garbage states. Oh, yeah. Like, no, below us? Well, who's going to say Kentucky or Tennessee or... Yeah. That's what I mean. Yeah, I mean... Yeah, like there's nothing... I can't think of anything below us or to the east of us and below us. None of the taint states. No.
Starting point is 01:05:57 God, no. They're all terrible. Yeah. I mean, they might have some pretty spots. Maybe like one or two spots, but nothing. Anyway, so Wyoming lady. All right, Wyoming lawmaker. I support the death penalty. some pretty spots maybe like one or two spots but nothing anyway so wyoming lady all right wyoming lawmaker i support the death penalty since that's how jesus was executed no shit since that's how
Starting point is 01:06:12 jesus was executed can i read what she actually said sure absolutely i want to read so that so that this is not taken out of context senator senator say that out loud huh senator lynn hutchings republican shock cheyenne argued that without the death penalty jesus christ would not have been able to die to absolve the sins of mankind and therefore capital punishment should be maintained here is her quote quote are we sure before we continue are we sure our Cheyenne isn't you putting your SUV in reverse? Are we sure that that's not what that is? I am not sure, no. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Quote, the greatest man who ever lived died via the death penalty for you and me, she said. I'm grateful to him for a future hope because of this. Governments were instituted to execute justice. Well, we do a great job killing justice. We killed the fuck out of some justice. Yeah, we absolutely. And we make it. We actually make it.
Starting point is 01:07:13 We interrogate it until it confesses. It is a fucking slaughter. Even if it didn't do it. If it wasn't for Jesus dying via the death penalty, we would all have no hope. Didn't Jesus do other shit other than dying? Didn't they at least think that he did something important in that time? I mean, he just wasn't like a vessel to be murdered, was he?
Starting point is 01:07:39 I think. Like, I mean, you know what? You see what I mean? Like, like, like his worth was that he was just a thing that we could sacrifice. Yeah. Like none of his teachings matter. It didn't matter.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Yeah. None of like. Cut open a fish and a bread and a loaf and a walk down a water. None of that. All that matters. Freed a guy from a whale belly or something. I don't even know. That was Pinocchio, right?
Starting point is 01:08:02 It was a, yeah. Jericho. No, that's a different thing. I don't know. I don't know how that works. What's that guy's name? He's in a whale belly. That's a, no, right? Yeah, Jericho. No, a different thing. I don't know how that works. What's that guy's name? He's in a whale belly. It's a real... Didn't Pinocchio end up in a whale? Yeah, maybe, but I think that that's sort of biblical. Was he the owner of Geppetto?
Starting point is 01:08:15 No, it was a different dude in a whale belly. Jonah! Jonah in a whale belly. That's it. You got it. You were excited. I killed that. You fucking crushed it. I was going to look it up. I just bribled so hard. God damn.
Starting point is 01:08:31 You know what's actually fun, by the way? My kids don't know anything about... They're not raised with any religion. They never have been. They don't really get it from anywhere. It's interesting because kids don't get these stories from other places. Like, if you never take them to church, why would they get it?
Starting point is 01:08:50 They don't have it. Sure. So, not that long ago, Finn asked me who Jesus was or asked about Jesus. And I had to explain who Jesus is. It's actually really hard to do without any background at all. Like, without... You're basically explaining,'s actually really hard to do without any background at all. Like without... You're basically explaining like what Santa Claus is
Starting point is 01:09:08 without any gifts. Without, no, without even Christmas. Yeah. Without like... Oh, yeah, yeah. I guess you're right. Because you can't,
Starting point is 01:09:14 like there's not even a foundational like, okay, so God, and like none of that makes any sense, right? So like, it's a really weird thing to explain.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Sure. And like, this is a great example. It's like, well, I mean, like if the government didn't execute Jesus, then God couldn't forgive everybody. Out loud? Yeah. Out loud? Could you say something more absurd? Could you explain that to any? I don't think you could. I don't think you could. That's a crazy person thing to say. Well, could i don't think you could that's a crazy person thing to say well the government had to execute god's son so that god had a blood sacrifice in himself that was outside of him but still not him and then once he died but didn't die but it was his son who died then he went back to heaven anyway skip that part so now we're all forgiven for our sins, but only because the government killed a person. God's dinger.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Which is why we need to make sure. But, like, is she then saying that the people on death row are martyrs to some deity then? Like, the reason why we're keeping it is because it was important this one time. Yeah, that's a good point.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Is it going to be important again in the future where we're, you know, like, oh, Jesus, we fucking, we've murdered Jesus. Yeah, right. Yeah. It was good enough for Jesus. It was an illegal immigrant. It was an illegal immigrant and Trump wanted him dead.
Starting point is 01:10:36 So he just murdered him. You know, shouldn't we all then want that? Like if it's a, it was good enough for Jesus. Shouldn't we all want to be executed? We all want to be martyred. Man, that sounds money. We do catch some shit once in a while. We'll catch some shit from people who will say,
Starting point is 01:10:52 you pick on the easiest people. These are easy marks. And it is true. We absolutely do. That is not untrue. But one of the things people don't get is that this easy mark is a super vote. They're a super vote. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:06 They're a super vote. They get a vote that's worth more than anyone who listens to this show's vote. Yeah. And not by one or two or three, by a large margin. They get to decide things for an entire state. They're part of that body that gets to decide things for an entire state.
Starting point is 01:11:24 That's probably more responsibility than I would say anyone who listens to this show. Yeah. That's a senator. Right. That's an incredibly powerful dumbass. It's not a, yeah. And so when, you know, yeah, maybe it's an easy target, but there are many people that are easy targets that are in positions of power.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Yeah. Well, I mean, here's the thing is they only rise to our attention if they make the news. Yeah. It's not like, it's not like I'm knocking on people's doors and saying, you say anything stupid recently. I mean, like these are stories that hit the news.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah. That's how I find them. And I mean, you know, there's plenty of stupid shit that Trump has said. Yeah. Right. If we're talking about low bars,
Starting point is 01:12:04 low fruit, low swinging belly, low swinging. He're talking about low bars. Low fruit. Low swinging belly. Low swinging. He's got some low swinging fruit there. Tipping his balls in the pond at Mar-a-Lago. Every time he sits down, he's making tea.
Starting point is 01:12:17 You know what I mean? Bloop. Just bloop. So we want to thank our patrons. Of course, we want to thank our patrons. Of course, we want to thank all our patrons. We want to thank our most recent patrons, Sir Harry Palms, Alan, Chuck, Javier, if you will,
Starting point is 01:12:40 Jerry, and Leah. Thank you so much for your generous donations. We really do truly appreciate it. You guys are the reason Glorio Studios exists. If you want to check out our brand new system, brand new video system, you can check out YouTube or any of the other places that we streamed tonight. We did a full hour long stream. We covered a Josh Bernstein
Starting point is 01:12:57 bear clip, and we also gave away some sex toys, which we will be doing again on Sundayay this will be airing though on monday so hopefully if you're a patron you'll catch our stream on sunday you'll be hearing about this beforehand um but we're gonna be giving doing some giveaways and hanging out on sunday um and if you missed it you can also check out that stream because that was also recorded on youtube and on all the places like Facebook and Twitch and things.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Got an interesting message from Stuart and Stuart said hi. He said, I thought you expressed general forgiveness for prisoners breaking a social contract, which is great, but you haven't in the past for others such as Al Franken and basically wanted us to comment on this. I will say this.
Starting point is 01:13:42 I don't hold anything against Al Franken, but I'm very happy that he stepped down. And I want to make a clear, something very clear. I think we should hold our political leaders. There's a moral level that you need to be held accountable for. And I think that we don't do that at all. We think any Joe can just be up there, but just like anything else in the world that you have to apply for and that you might not get because you're just, you just can't have that job. Just never going to get that job. Like I'm never going to be a financial analyst, right?
Starting point is 01:14:15 I'm just never going to do it. Sometimes you just can't get that job and that's okay. Right? We're talking about this with Brett Kavanaugh. Sometimes you're just not going to get the job. You're still a really important person. You're still a valued person Sometimes you're just not going to get the job. You're still a really important person. You're still a valued person. You're just not going to get that job. And I feel like when it comes to Al Franken, he just isn't a senator anymore. It's okay. I don't think he's a bad person for what he did.
Starting point is 01:14:37 If he expressed remorse and he moved forward with his life, I don't care. But I am going to say, if he's not a person who's a senator anymore, I'm okay with that. Yeah, I want to touch on a different part of the issue. I think one of the big issues at the moment on both sides of the political divide is a lack of forgiveness. I will say, I don't want to be misconstrued,
Starting point is 01:14:57 I am less forgiving than Cecil. Absolutely. I'm actually not generally pro-forgiveness for a lot. You know, so like I am, I'm actually not generally pro forgiveness for a lot of things. Like I don't think of forgiveness as a right that anyone is owed. I think that there are many things we can do to each other and to our social contract to break it irrevocably.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I do think that forgiveness is, I don't have a relationship with forgiveness that is always pro-forgiveness. I do. I think that there are many things which can be done to someone else where I don't think forgiveness is appropriate for the person who committed the act in question. So I don't want to be misconstrued there. Like there are many prisoners that I don't think should be forgiven for their crimes. Here's an interesting letter. This one is from Hannah and Hannah said that their cousin was a nurse and doing some work in prisons.
Starting point is 01:16:01 And basically that some of these people that were helping these, you know, that were there to treat the prisoners had said things like, it doesn't matter. These people are scumbags so they don't need a proper dose of insulin or, you know, wounds were, Oh, we're not being dressed on time. And people, uh, you know, complain to pain. They don't care. So there's, there's a, you know, it's not just guards being abusing people. It's not just that there's, it's the entire system there that we've created that abuses these people. Dan sent a message in and he said, um, this was when we were talking last week. And I said that there was a straw man, um, that, uh, that the women didn't stand up because
Starting point is 01:16:40 there was a straw man. Cause, and he's conflating two things that I said, because I had mentioned afterwards that Trump had said, you take the baby, you hold the baby, you shake the baby, you put the baby in a thing and you tell the mom and dad and then you kill the baby. And he's basically saying that the governor there, Northam, had said this on a radio show. I want to say two things. One, it still is a straw man if it doesn't happen, right? So if you're characterizing, even if the Democrat is characterizing something that never happens, that's still a straw man. That doesn't stop it from being a straw man. Yeah, because painting a picture of an event which does not take place, in this case,
Starting point is 01:17:21 the idea of a late-term abortion wherein the baby survives. Survives somehow. Like, I don't even know. That's not a thing. Yeah. That's not a thing. It made it to the chopper in time or something. I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Like, yeah. Made it away from the chopper, I guess, in time. It's not possible for that to be a thing. Sure. Yeah. So it's a straw man. So it is a straw man. But it's just not told by that person, I guess.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Right. It is a straw man, but it's just not told by that person, I guess. But I will say that the thing that the president said that night was when he was saying that he was talking about late term abortion. He was saying that these babies are being murdered. That's a straw man because they're not babies and not being murdered. that's a straw man because they're not babies and not being murdered. He's framing the argument in a way that favors his side and not the other side. Well, in a way that's just grossly dishonest. It's not true. It's just not true.
Starting point is 01:18:18 We got a message from Kathleen, and Kathleen sent a very long email about all the ways in which pregnancy can go wrong and the way in which the fetus can basically either hurt the mother in a way that is, you know, can hurt her or kill her. Right. Right. Not just hurt her like, ow, that hurts. Like, ow, you're pinching me. Ow, there's a baby in me and it's heavy. This is ways in which it can kill her or damage her forever. Right. And, you know, these are, you know, it's funny because these things happen and then they have to go get a, they go get an abortion
Starting point is 01:18:50 because it's the easiest and quickest way to stop the chance that they're going to be killed by this. And we somehow demonize the woman. Yeah. Well, her point, and I think it's well taken, is the risk of complication for an abortion is less than the risk of complication for pregnancy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:07 And yet we have these fake conversations about the safety and well-being of the mother. Yeah. You know, if we're just going off safety, nobody would have any kids. Sure. Right? Yeah. It's deeply unsafe to have kids by comparison to having abortions. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Yeah. So we were on the Zachrilidge podcast. It was a lot of fun. We did a full hour interview. He's a really fun guy. We had a great time talking. We just basically covered a lot of history. History of the podcast, history of us, and it was a lot of fun. You can check it out on this week's show notes. You can either watch
Starting point is 01:19:41 the video, or you can listen to it. We'll have both of those links on this week's show notes, so check it out. But that's going to wrap it up. We're going to leave you like we always do with the Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized,
Starting point is 01:20:09 stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls, Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques, and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. conspiracy, double-speak stigmata nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local Dairy Council and viewers like you. We'll see you next time.

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