Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 477: Miscarriage of Justice

Episode Date: July 8, 2019


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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording live from glory hole studios in chicago this is cognitive dissonance every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence To any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad It's skeptical, it's political, and there are no toothbrushes or soap None for those children
Starting point is 00:01:03 This is sad. It's episode 477. For kids. And I brushed my teeth today. I love that you, like of all the things that we're punishing them with. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You know, like it felt like when you were a kid, like brush your teeth and go to bed. I felt like the punishment. And now if only they could do that. My kids would thrive in a detention center. My kids would love it. Like, they basically treat themselves
Starting point is 00:01:31 like they're in a detention center at all times. They're filthy. They won't brush their teeth. Like, you have to arm wrestle the fucking kids just to scrape the dirt off these fuckers. Like, I don't even know what we're complaining about. What are we even complaining about? This is the natural state of children. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Like, I don't even know what we're complaining about. What are we even complaining about? This is the natural state of children.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah, so we shouldn't take care of them. No. Because they can't take care of themselves. That's why you don't take care of them. If they were better, they would have taken care of themselves.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I think that's true. Yeah. Teach them to be two sometimes. Well, no, it'll teach them just to be eight and taking care of a two. It's going to be a rough two. It's a rough two. It's a rough two two it's a hard knock life they come out they look for us they look like they're in their 70s they look like they're president for four years
Starting point is 00:02:15 they're like a yoda a woman like her deserves a fragrance all her own. A scent made just for her. Because she's beautiful. She's powerful. She's complicit. She's a woman who knows what she wants. She's Ivanka. This story is from Yahoo, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls out Ivanka Trump's G20 summit blunder,
Starting point is 00:02:50 saying being someone's daughter isn't actually a career. So this is fucking amazing. And you've got to see the video. You have to see the video. Yeah. This story is nothing without the video. Stop and look at the video. The video will be on this week's show notes and check it out because it's
Starting point is 00:03:05 a tweet that a bunch of people tweeted out and shared, but this video is essentially three world leaders talking and Ivanka trying to bought in and them just looking at her like she's some
Starting point is 00:03:21 sort of lost child. It's so embarrassing. You've got Macron and May and Trudeau and Lagarde, and they're all having a conversation. Well, I'm not going to count Trudeau. Three leaders. Okay. All right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And they're all standing there having a conversation like, hey, I'm a major world power leader, aren't you? And she's standing there like, uh, what about, what about, what about? And like, for the first six, they don't even look at her. Yeah, they don't even look at her. She's talking and like,
Starting point is 00:03:48 they don't even turn their heads in her direction. It's like when you get approached by the person who's asking you to buy Streetwise. Right. And you're just like, and you pretend that they're not there
Starting point is 00:03:59 and they're like, sir, I'm right here. I have the Streetwise magazine in your face. Okay, yeah, I don't carry cash on me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that. That's what they should have said to her. Right. I don't carry cash. I'm right here. I have the Streetwise magazine in your face. Okay, yeah, I don't carry cash on me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:04:05 That's what they should have said to her. Right. I don't carry cash. I'm sorry. You know, we give to the organization that gives back to you. You know,
Starting point is 00:04:13 if you need a bed tonight, you can go down to the border. There's no soap. There's no soap or toothbrushes, but you know, you can definitely have the bed tonight. And it's not like, let's just be super clear,
Starting point is 00:04:25 because May's in this group. It's not because she's a woman, right? It's because she's fucking not supposed to be there because she's irrelevant, because she adds nothing to the fucking conversation, because she's not a political leader. She's not a leader of any kind. She does not lead.
Starting point is 00:04:39 She's unqualified in every way that you can conceive of the very idea of qualifications. She has none of them. What she did is she got squeezed out of the right vagina. She's essentially a princess. Right. She's a princess. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And in this country, I thought, at least my whole life, they were like, sweetheart, there ain't no such thing as no princess. Like, that's what I thought my whole life is that we're like, no, there ain't no such thing as no princess. Like, we don what I thought my whole life, is that we're like, no, there ain't no such thing as no princess. Like, we don't do that princess shit up in this pig. Well, we are doing it now. But now we're like, no, there's a whole royal family now. It's like they got their sons and the son-in-law and all these dukes and duchesses and whatever the fuck
Starting point is 00:05:17 that are part of the Trump family that basically get government jobs to do really important shit. Shit that we, you know, like, when you talk about talking to a country like Saudi Arabia, think about what kind of negotiation skills you would need to bring to bear the sort of the way in which you'd have to deal
Starting point is 00:05:35 with a cross-cultural negotiations of that. How the fuck does fucking Jared Kushner have that? Well, here's the thing. I would maybe be okay with it except for the grotesque conflicts of interest. I would maybe be okay with it if they were educationally prepared for it, if they had a background in their prior careers,
Starting point is 00:05:58 which in some way prepared for this work. You know, like if she had a background in fucking foreign service, right? if she had a background in fucking foreign service, right, and she had a fucking master's in, like, Middle East studies or something,
Starting point is 00:06:10 would it be reasonable for her to be a diplomat? Yeah. Yeah, you know, all right. Yeah, if you spend your whole life working toward a goal and then, like, I don't think you should be punished
Starting point is 00:06:18 for being somebody's kid either, right? But that's not what's happening here. You have somebody who is in every conceivable form and fashion by any metric, by any rubric, grotesquely unqualified, just horrifyingly unqualified. And what I love is that the world leaders won't acknowledge her because she's not worthy of being acknowledged. Like standing there, just like the fact that you fucking got a ticket to the
Starting point is 00:06:45 fucking Willy Wonka factory does not make you a chocolatier. Her life's a fucking golden ticket. But you know, here's the difference between her and a dignitary, right? A dignitary is accountable. A dignitary has a job that they can lose and then they're not allowed to be there anymore. If they fuck up, there's some oversight. They're part of the government. So there's something there that is saying you can't be here anymore if you fuck up, right? They don't have that. They don't have any of that. They're just like magically part of the government with literally no oversight. They've been added to security clearances that they've been fast-tracked through
Starting point is 00:07:28 that they shouldn't have. They haven't been vetted by anybody. They're essentially just part of the fucking band. They're just a groupie that we just said, you know what? They can work the door too. It's crazy to me. There's no oversight. I don't understand how people aren't like
Starting point is 00:07:43 up in arms about this, but I at least love that the rest of the free world is like, we aren't talking to you because you don't deserve to be here. You're not to be taken seriously. I won't take you seriously. And that's what happened here is they posted this to Twitter, and Ocasio-Cortez basically said, look, just being somebody's daughter isn't a career.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Well, then she started catching a ton of shit for this, right? So now once she posts that, then everybody's got to post everything else to her. With somebody to post back to her, I want to read this tweet that came back to her. This is a guy by the name of Paris Denard. He says, remind us how being a bartender qualified you to be a member of Congress, creating laws,
Starting point is 00:08:25 voting on bills that impact Americans in the world. Let's not go there and start comparing your resume to Ivanka Trump's experience and resume. She also takes no salary, way to support women. And then Ocasio-Cortez responded to this guy and said, here's how I get to do that. And she lists the district results for her election, which shows her getting 110,000
Starting point is 00:08:47 votes. And there's a really interesting thing that's happening with Ocasio-Cortez in specific. She's like Schrodinger's bootstraps, right? She's got this weird thing going on where she's able, she's at one point in their eyes, a bootstraps person. She's a bartender, man. She was, she literally was a bartender, right? That's what she did. She, and now she's part of the government in a, in a salaried position as a house representative, right? Something, a very important position. She pulled herself up by her bootstraps, right? But at the same time, they want to discredit that by saying, you're just a waitress So there's this weird thing that happens with them. It's like, if you're a worker, you're just useless, right? You're just a worker. You're just a worker. Stay in your role. Stay in
Starting point is 00:09:36 your position. The only way you can be important is if you happen to be Donald Trump's daughter. That makes you more important than say 110,000 other people in a district believing in you that you can do a job. How many people voted for Ivanka? Show me the 110,000 people that, now I know you can now, right? But she didn't run against anybody else, right? She didn't have any kind of platform
Starting point is 00:10:01 she had to run against. She didn't decide in her district to run against somebody and put together something. She didn't have to do that. She just got fucking, all it was was fucking nepotism. It's like, come on in. Well, and how many fucking people have you seen run on their qualifications of I was a soldier? Right. As if like being a soldier somehow qualifies you for political service. Sure, sure. In a way that bartending doesn't. And the point isn't whether somebody like Ivanka did not ask to be elected
Starting point is 00:10:26 to this job, to your point. She didn't run the interview. She did not do the work. That's how you get a job. I don't care what job it is. The way that you get a job, if you want legitimacy
Starting point is 00:10:35 in that job, is you run the interview. You submit your resume, you run the interview, you're chosen by those who have the power to choose. That's how AOC got elected. The interview is the fucking
Starting point is 00:10:45 election process. Ivanka just was like, Daddy, please. And she gets a fucking job. Sure. I don't know. I'm being an asshole, but like,
Starting point is 00:10:52 But sure. Come on. Well, her brothers have a job too and so does her husband. All these people, none of them were elected. I'm going to hire the best people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:02 They just all happen to come from my fucking living room. Right. Exactly. What the fuck? Well, Ocasio-Cortez then says, take that classism to the trash, which I love. And she has a couple of things to say. Tom, why don't you read some of these? She says, as always, I'm proud of my work in restaurants. I also worked for Senator Ted Kennedy, piloted literacy projects in the South Bronx, studied developmental economics in West Africa, served as an educational director, and won international science competitions before I ran for office too. Working people that the GOP dismiss as just a waitress or cook, etc., contain multitudes and are just as capable and intelligent as anyone. Classism, judging someone's character
Starting point is 00:11:43 by their income is disappointing to see from them. What is so appalling to the GOP about having an That's amazing. intellectual curiosity and a lived context of the real world. In other words, Republicans who criticize my being a waitress as evidence of lacking skill could take their classism to the trash. You are insulting the capacities and potential of virtually every working person in America and the world for having experience that's earned and not bought. And that's if they even take out their own trash, which I doubt. Oh, did you hear that? You know, what's, what's crazy is, is that you could say something like that and it doesn't somehow alienate their working class voters. Like you can say some shit like this that, you know, it's not just her. It's not just one person saying this to her. This is, this is the entire GOP. That's how they treat her. They talk about
Starting point is 00:12:45 her like she's a waitress, right? Oh, you're just a waitress. Oh, you're just a waitress. They say it all the time. I mean, if you read any of the tweets, you read any of the commentary about her, you know, listen to Kellyanne Conway, listen to any of these other people. That's how they talk about her. How does that not turn off the working class people of this country that vote Republican? How the fuck do you get that? How does that get past you? If I understood that, there would be no GOP. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Right. There would be no functioning GOP. If anybody could understand how a group of people can not see who they are, like, and not see the way that, like, their own interests are constantly being subverted by their identification with a group of people that they do not belong to and would not welcome them. Yeah, that's the part that makes me like, I get some of it.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I do. I get some of it. But there's a part of the sort of working class right that I don't think I will ever fully understand in that they are unwelcome by the power brokers on their side. They are unwelcome. They would not be allowed to attend their events or to be at their social gatherings. The power-broking elites of the right have no interest, no interest in the people that get them elected time and time and time and time again. And they don't want to socialize with them. And they don't see them as the same as they are. And they are absolutely the most classist of all of them. And yet they don't
Starting point is 00:14:16 see that. They somehow identify with a group that abhors them, that ridicules and mocks and belittles and demeans them and thinks less of them as people and devalues their work and their experience. And they look at them like, well, that's my guy. You don't want me in your house because I'm just a dirty coal mining piece of shit redneck. Have my vote. What's crazy to me, what's crazy to me is that all these people are, when they come to the polls, they think about it in the sense like, I would like to have a,
Starting point is 00:14:47 maybe have a beer with this person, right? That's how Dub got elected. But Dub was a fucking multimillionaire. He was part of the Bush fortune. He was unbelievably wealthy. I love the idea. You brought it up. I love the idea that they want to vote
Starting point is 00:15:01 for somebody that they want to have a beer with without ever stopping to consider that these people would never deign to have a beer with them. They never talk to them. They never talk to them. You know what I mean? It's like, I have no interest in people that think I'm gross. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:13 Why would I want to hang out with that person? It's almost like they're trying to chase somebody that's above them. You know what I mean? Trying to chase a dream that they can't. I don't know what it is. I don't know what the psychology is. I don't either.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I don't either. But it's fucking baffling. Now, the best part about this is people have been memeing the shit out of this and there's a hashtag unwanted Ivanka.
Starting point is 00:15:36 It's on Twitter and it's fucking amazing. It's got Ivanka, a picture of Ivanka at the I have a dream speech. That's so good. There's another image of her sitting with Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the end of the Second World War.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And she's got the microphone, which is great. And then her striding onto Omaha Beach. And her throwing a football as Colin Kaepernick takes a knee. It's really great. So see if you, I'm sure there's a bunch of these.
Starting point is 00:16:10 People have Photoshopped her all over the place. And you know, this is the type of thing that I think everybody needs to talk about to bring attention to this because she shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:16:20 at these functions doing this. She shouldn't be doing work. I don't care if she comes, right? But you shouldn't be there pretending that you're some sort of dignitary because you're not.
Starting point is 00:16:29 You're not representing me because I never, I never, you never went through any process to represent me. Well, and clearly the world's leaders don't respect it. Yeah. Because they're not giving her
Starting point is 00:16:38 the fucking time of day. Right, right. So you're not effective. Yeah. In fact, I'm a, I'm the president of that organization. Yeah, that's who I am. I didn't always lie. No, I used to tell the truth. But then one day I told a lie and I got away with it. Yeah. Told my parents I had a brother that they'd never met.
Starting point is 00:16:59 They got mad at me for not telling him sooner. So this is fucking amazing, and I have to read parts of this. This is from the Washington Post. John Roberts pulls out the thesaurus for one of Trump's nearly 11,000 lies. So this is great. I'm just going to go ahead and read.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Chief Justice John Roberts used every euphemism in the thesaurus this week to accuse the Trump administration of lying. Here's some of the things that he said. Quote, The evidence tells a story that does not match the explanation. Okay. The sole stated reason seems to have been contrived. Okay. Huh? This one I like. There was a significant mismatch between the decision and the rationale. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:45 This one. The explanation is incongruent with what the record reveals. Oh, what does that mean, though? Incongruent. Furthermore, it was a distraction from the truth based on a pretextual rationale and lacked a rational connection between the facts found and the choice made. Is he trying to reach a word count? Like, is he getting paid by the word? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Full of shit is three words and it's just as good. It's like he's turning in his term paper and he's like, this thing isn't four pages. It has to be four pages. Barr said it needs to be four pages. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:21 This is Chief Justice John Roberts. Like, this is not a liberal judge. And this is in regard to the census question, in case you're wondering. So the census, the Trump administration wanted to add a question
Starting point is 00:18:31 on the census like, are you a citizen? And if not, how soon can we deport you? And if not, check this box if you're a dirty Mexican. That's what it said.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And like, that's not a question the census is ever asked before. Right? Citizenship has always been off. And so, that's not a question the census is ever asked before, right? Citizenship has always been off. And so the Trump administration made up a host of bullshit excuses to try to get this- That's weird.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Question added to the census. And it went up to the Supreme Court. How sure are you? How sure are you that they were bullshit? Well, I feel like Chief Justice John Roberts- Are you saying the explanation is incongruent with what the record reveals, Tom? I am saying that.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Is that what you're saying? He's trying to hedge. But the hedging here is just awkward. Yeah. You know, it's like, this is the, it's not you, it's me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Of Supreme Court decisions. The decision came in 5-4, good guys, right? Right. 5-4 against lying, right? So the decision was in five, four good guys, right? Five, four against lying, right? So that the decision was against lying. The other side was pro lying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Or actually the other side was more pro. It's not my fucking job. That's what the other side was. That's what the other side was. If you read the article, the article really does talk into about the dissent. The dissent was basically, we shouldn't be deciding.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah. It's not a question. This is not a question we should be deciding. So it was, let's kick the can to some other department that'll clearly green light this shit. But this other, like Supreme Court said, five justices said, no, we should weigh in on this and we're going to weigh in on it
Starting point is 00:19:58 in the sense that we're going to say you're lying, you can't do it. But you know, like when you think about some of these justices that are still in the courts and how many votes they got to become justices, I wonder, and I don't know if this is true because I don't have a memory that's that long. I wonder if the court has always been this divided
Starting point is 00:20:19 in the sense that this feels like he's saying no, but he's trying to make it seem like he's saying no and still protect the administration in some way. Oh, I think absolutely. That's what it comes off as. I don't know the operation of the guy's mind, but read the guy's words. Nobody says all this stuff
Starting point is 00:20:37 without being a little more direct about what has happened. So, but I wonder if that's always been the case or not. And I'm not a guy who's read a bunch of historical, you know, so I don't know. But if you look at the way some of these justices were brought in, some of them had 99 votes or full 100 votes from the Senate to come in.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And they were clearly not, you know, on the other side, but they still got let in because they knew that they would do the job to the best of their ability. Because it used to be that all you had to be was qualified. Right, yeah. Not that you would answer the questions the way your side watched. Yeah, exactly, right?
Starting point is 00:21:10 And it's changed since then. It's changed dramatically. It changed when Reagan did it. Reagan was the one who, someone had failed. He had brought in somebody and that person just failed because they were so, so biased. Right. That the person failed. I don't remember what the person's name was.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And then that's when it started becoming the sort of, well, we're going to have our side in and we're going to have control of the courts. And if we don't, you know, and it's going to bounce back and forth. But I wonder if this has always been the case, if they've tried to cover for the current administration that happens to be the same political leanings as them.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I'm curious. I would be very unsurprised. Although, you Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I'm curious. I would be very unsurprised. Although, you know, I don't know, man, because like if this shit is accelerated, it just has accelerated. That's why I bring it up, right?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Because it feels like, it feels like the partisanship in this country has accelerated in the last, I would say 10 to 15 years at a rate that seems... It's exponential. Yeah, that seems... It's exponential. Yeah, it seems like it's exponential. It's funny because it's reflected
Starting point is 00:22:09 even in the moderator's questions from the debate the other night. One of the questions that they asked was, if you can only get one thing done in your term, what would it be? Yeah. Nobody answered it. Nobody answered it.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I don't think anybody answered the one thing. And one person said, I reject the premise. I think it was And one person said, I reject the premise. I think it was Bernie Sanders. Like, I reject the premise. But like, how telling is it that we're at a place of such political stagnation and gridlock and inefficiency that it's like, look, I'm going to give you four years to accomplish one fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:22:41 That's the best we've got now. It's four years to get one thing done. You know, you can't say that about Trump because Trump did, he passed, you know, some tax, some serious tax cuts for people. And then he also filled the courts with a bunch of fucking federal judges and Supreme Court justices
Starting point is 00:22:57 that are far right. So he has done a lot, even if he hasn't gotten a lot of legislation passed or gone through places, he certainly sure as fuck has gotten a lot done. Well, I't gotten a lot of legislation passed or gone through places. He certainly, sure as fuck, has gotten a lot done. They get stuff done, but the big legislative...
Starting point is 00:23:11 We just don't do that anymore. There's no will to accomplish grand things anymore. It feels like you're just in deadlock. You're not a robot. You're just possessed by the devil the power of christ compels me i'll call work and tell him he can't make it okay so this one is fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:23:36 this is from newsweek bishop plans to spray city with holy water from helicopter saying we have to get rid of the devil. Isn't spraying people against their will what got the Catholic Church into trouble in the first place? Depends on the substance. I don't know. At first I was going to, because they wanted to
Starting point is 00:24:01 throw this down to get rid of demons in this what was it? It's in Columbia. The Bishop of Buena Ventura, Columbia, wants to borrow a Navy, and I think he will. He's going to borrow a Navy copter to deluge the city on July 14th, the feast day of Buena Ventura's patron saint. So they're going to drop a bunch of holy water from the sky onto the city. And he says, see if we can exercise these demons that are destroying our port. And that basically what they're trying to do is he says in the article, it says it's the busiest port and it's been ravaged by paramilitary gangs who extort, kidnap, and terrorize the locals.
Starting point is 00:24:41 So he wants to get rid of them by spraying them. Like, I don't even, first off, I don't understand that. But like, at first I was going to be like, I was going to make some joke about like, you know, like putting perfume on a pig or something like that, or, you know, spraying, spraying Febreze around a room. But that actually, the difference is, is like, that actually is doing something right. Like if I put perfume on a pig, it's going to smell different. If I shoot Febreze around a shitty smelly room, it's going to smell different, at least for a little while. Now, it's going to cover up the problem.
Starting point is 00:25:09 It's not going to be systemic change, but it certainly will cover it up for a few moments. Holy water is like putting a copper bracelet on your carpal tunnel. Like, it ain't doing anything, man. Isn't this bringing a super soaker to a gunfight? I guess it is. The bad guys have real guns. And you're like, spritz, spritz, spritz, spritz. Does this make you mad?
Starting point is 00:25:32 Is this annoying to you? That I'm sprinkling water on you? And one other thing I don't understand. So, clearly, holy water, if it's in a big area, like a bucket underneath a helicopter, can be blessed, I guess, and turned into holy water, if it's in a big area, like a bucket underneath the helicopter can be blessed, I guess,
Starting point is 00:25:46 and turned into holy water. But like, if it's just, if it falls from the sky, can I just not en masse bless all the holy water and just say like, Hey, it rained and I turned it all into holy water. Like,
Starting point is 00:25:58 why is it, why does it have to be like in a circle? Like what's the properties of holy water that needs, it needs to be a still before it goes out or thank you how does that work a certain quantity because otherwise you're like all right i'm gonna stand at the ocean yeah and i'm gonna bless that fucking yeah and then it's all just holy water and then i'm gonna go up and i'm gonna take a ride and i'm gonna bless all the clouds let's just bless all the water vapor it's fucking it's columbia it's got to be fucking a million degrees in humidity down there although All the humidity you'd ever need.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Just be like, the water vapor in the air is blessed. You're all blessed. The end. No more demons. I'm going to bless all the water in our bodies. You're all 80% holy water. Can't you just bless all the water on the planet at one fell swoop?
Starting point is 00:26:39 What is stopping? What's the limiter on your blessing power? I love asking like, just like the most basic questions around how this works. It's just like, well, all right, no, here's the rule.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Okay. It's got to be in a cistern, duh, because otherwise the magic doesn't work. Idiot. You just look at like, who's, there are people that think
Starting point is 00:27:01 this is a good enough idea to like borrow our Navy helicopter. Here's our helicopter. You know what we'll do? We'll fill it full of precious, precious fuel. And we'll get a fucking guy whose job it is on fucking Sunday to wake up and go, Honey, I'm going to work.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I have to drive an idiot to spray magic potion on our city because the drug gangs are shooting kids. What the fuck? potion on our city because the drug gangs are shooting kids. Duggity, duggity, duggity, duggity. What the fuck? Just shit the water on other people. And it's going to fix the whole problem. And there was never crime in Columbia again. It would be more effective if it was raiding men.
Starting point is 00:27:38 At least well-armed men. Wow. This is garbage. This is from Twitter. It's tweeted from the Imam of Peace, but this is actually taken from Sky TV's Viceland show. And what this is, is this is an interview between a monster and a human being. And the monster is some fuckhead in Pakistan
Starting point is 00:28:04 who acid attacked the shit out of his wife. And he acid attacked her. He said, my wife wore clothes that I didn't like. So I beat her up, cut her hair, and then poured acid on her face. You would have done the same thing. And you know, bravo to the woman reporters sitting across from this fucking violent monster.
Starting point is 00:28:23 She's like, no, I wouldn't have done that. No, I wouldn't have done the same thing. That's fucking awful. And if you watch the whole interview, you got to read it because, well, I mean, maybe you don't, but I had to read it because it's not a language I speak. But his whole thing is like, look, she embarrassed me. She embarrassed me by going out in public in the latest fashions is what he says. And her body was revealed. And so I was ashamed. And so I had to either kill myself or kill her. And that's the part of the interview where I was like, then that solution is to kill yourself because you are a weak piece of shit. You are too weak to be in this world if you are that afraid of women if you're if your only solution
Starting point is 00:29:05 is murder because you have shame yeah then the only one that you murder in this case is yourself yeah you can't murder somebody else it's fucking crazy this fucking honor killing yeah like nonsense this fucking misogynist religious based misogyny that's reinforced by these cultures with a straight face. He's like, this wasn't the right thing to do. This is the right thing to do. I've never heard one of these guys interviewed directly before.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah, and he doesn't. And the funny thing is he's like, I either had to kill her or kill myself and he doesn't do either. What he does is he spills acid on her face, beats the shit out of her, basically acid washes half her face, fucks her up, and then divorces her.
Starting point is 00:29:46 It's like, you know, you could have skipped all the damage to her and just divorced her, you fucking prick. You know, you were going to do it anyway. You were going to divorce her anyway. Ten years of you guys having conversations and her not wanting to dress as modestly as you like, that should tell you
Starting point is 00:30:01 maybe you weren't made for each other. That's not my girl. Maybe you weren't meant for each other. You know, maybe you guys just couldn't connect on the level that you wanted to connect. That happens to a lot of couples, it turns out. You just either, A, go to fucking counseling, or B, just basically get a divorce, get a divorce, which is what you fucking did, man.
Starting point is 00:30:20 You got a fucking divorce. That's how you ended it. You're a fucking, like you said, you're an absolute monster if that's the case. And like you said, it's religious-based misogyny. And it's not that other cultures aren't immune to misogyny and shitty stuff like this. I mean, I'm sure in the United States, somebody could grab their wife and be pissed off that she's dressing in like quote unquote immodestly and beat the shit out of her and disfigure her too, off that she's dressing in like quote unquote modestly and beat the shit out of her and
Starting point is 00:30:43 disfigure her too, right? Here's the difference. In this country, it's religiously enforced and it's also, it's not just enforced, it's celebrated almost. It's almost required. Yeah, and they do it. This is not a once in a while
Starting point is 00:30:59 occurrence. This happens all the time to these people. And to be fair to Pakistan, he's covering his face because he recognizes that he broke a law. But the thing is that he broke a law, but he also did something that's socially enforced and socially reinforced. So when there is a serious conflict between what your social and cultural teachings sort of require you to do and what the law allows you to do, like, there's a big problem. There's a big, big problem, right?
Starting point is 00:31:35 Especially when like the social requirement is a violent requirement. Yeah. Is a requirement where it's like, yeah, like to your point, like he didn't kill her and he didn't divorce her what he did is he made sure that the shame that he felt would become her perpetual shame he put that on her forever she was beautiful he says you know because she
Starting point is 00:31:57 asked directly he was beautiful he ruined that beauty because he couldn't control it yeah that's where that fear comes from the like that that bullshit like misogyny around like controlling women's like access to show their own body is a fear of people being unable to control their woman's body and how that body is going to be perceived and reacted to all of that shit. Like this is a way to, like, enforce a power dynamic. And when it's not enforced socially, he enforced it with fucking acid. Yeah. It's wild.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah. It's absolutely wild, and he's just straight-faced about it. Yeah. Well, covered face. Covered face. But he didn't seem ashamed. No, he certainly didn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Daddy! Daddy! What, baby? Brother! What? Brother! Baby's got what? Brother! What does What baby? Brother! What? Brother! Baby's got what? Brother!
Starting point is 00:32:48 What does he have? Brother! Daddy! Brother! Brother! Funny! Funny! Brother!
Starting point is 00:33:03 Brother! All right, so this story I had some wild speculation on, so you'll have to indulge me. See, so this comes from the Judge orders doctors to give Jehovah's Witness girl blood transfusion against her parents' wishes. So anybody that's not familiar, I don't know how you wouldn't be, the Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed
Starting point is 00:33:21 to have birthdays or blood. Like, they can't have either one. You can't celebrate your birthday or get life-saving transfusions or organs donated or... I don't think they can get any kind of human organic products, right? So I don't...
Starting point is 00:33:36 I'm 99% sure that that's all disallowed. What if the human was free range, though? Oh, that's a good point. The problem is all these fucking GMO humans out there and it's fucking full of pesticides. I have seen, I have seen some humans
Starting point is 00:33:49 look like pugs. We'll say that. And so, you know, she has a serious illness and she needed a blood transfusion. This is a 17-year-old girl, by the way. She needed a blood transfusion.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Without the blood transfusion, she's toast. She's going to die. And the judge was like, yeah, I don't really give a shit what your fucking religion says. She gets the blood transfusion. The part of the story that makes me speculate a little bit, Cecil, is this line here.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It says, the girl's parents said their religious beliefs would not allow them to consent to a transfusion, but did not object to the judge making the order. And I thought to myself, and I don't know if this is true, so I'm speculating a little bit, but I thought like, it seems entirely feasible that the religious ordination or requirements would be so strict and the social ramifications so severe
Starting point is 00:34:37 that they can't break that, right? But by taking it to a judge, the judge breaks it for them and thus absolves them of sort of the moral quandary. Sure, sure. Oh, you know what, guys? Hey, welcome to church Sunday. How you doing, Bob? All right, Sally, here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah, it wasn't me, you know. The government's in our business again. Anyway, my daughter's still alive. Yeah. We need these things to give people an out. things, to give people an out. Assuming that people are going to be religious and they're going to have these proscriptions that are fucking goofy and dangerous, and I would say evil. It's evil to not give your kid a blood transfusion. I don't feel like I need to equivocate on that. If you have these evil proscriptions, you need a secular authority that can overrule them because that gives the parents an out a
Starting point is 00:35:25 moral out that they can that they can actually go pursue on their side and then they don't you know get because if you're a jehovah's witness like you get kicked out of your whole social circle that's like the whole thing sure i don't get about this is like this isn't a crazy, some sort of weird medical procedure or some sort of mystical procedure. They're not rubbing a fucking egg on somebody and cracking it open and seeing the blood in there. This is a tried, tested procedure. This is not something that's like, you know, I mean, like when they, I would imagine, I don't know what the statistics would be if you had a hundred people, you know, like I would imagine what, like this would save 90 of them or something like that. 95 of them, if they were to get this procedure done or something like, it seems like, it seems like they pretty much know this is going to help this person. The alternative is, is that she dies horribly.
Starting point is 00:36:22 She has a stroke and she dies horribly. That's the alternative. is that she dies horribly. She has a stroke and she dies horribly. That's the alternative. I don't know how you get to the point where you don't just throw off the religion, where you don't just say, look, you guys all want my daughter to die.
Starting point is 00:36:38 All of you in this room would rather my daughter die than live. You'd be happier if my daughter died. You know, yeah, you'd be sad and there'd be some rending of garments and gnashing of teeth for a day or two while you stood at her casket. But you'd all be happier for me and her
Starting point is 00:36:56 if she was killed, if she died. Basically by my hand, because I'm the adult. I'm the one who makes the decision. So you're more happy. I don't know how you surround yourself with people more happy. I don't know how you surround yourself with people like that. I don't know how you don't stop and say,
Starting point is 00:37:08 oh, you are a wanter to die. Oh, this isn't my group. I wanted the chess club. I'm real sorry. I made a wrong turn. I'm real fucking sorry. I don't know how that doesn't wake you up. I don't know how it doesn't snap you.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I realized, right, I read the same thing and I thought, yeah, this must be some way for them because it sounds like they were very relieved yeah the way they read it right it sounds like they cry relief after they hear it they wanted it to happen but they couldn't give the go-ahead to do it yeah and i'm like well fuck just i hear you know the power's you. It was in you the whole time. Yeah. Because like, if the religion is such that like,
Starting point is 00:37:50 oh, if I get a blood transfusion, this kid's going to go to hell. I don't know if that's the thing. Like there's some horrible spiritual consequence. They wouldn't be relieved. If they really believed that. I guess. They wouldn't be relieved.
Starting point is 00:38:02 So if they are relieved, then that means at least part of them doesn't believe that transfusion leads to hell. That's true, right? So there's a part of them, to your point, there's a part of them that isn't 100% sure. And the idea that you would be gambling your surety on an event or a metaphysical supposition. And that's on the one side. And you're gambling that against the life of somebody you love. Somebody you love that deeply as your spouse or your child or whatever. Like, I can't imagine believing anything that deeply
Starting point is 00:38:40 that I would be willing to gamble someone I loved against it. The odds are, like, I wouldn't put those chips on the table. that I would be willing to gamble someone I loved against it. Yeah. The odds are, like, I wouldn't put those chips on the table. Like, no matter how confident I was in my rigged dice, you know what I mean? It's,
Starting point is 00:38:53 but I've never been that religious. And I've never felt something. I think it has to do with that, that eternity piece. Yeah. Where they somehow bank everything on this eternity piece and nothing on the current. And you're like, the current is what you got.
Starting point is 00:39:09 We start a program in Israel for kindergartens. Okay. We train them from the age 16 down to the age three. We want three-year-olds who are real experts at what they're doing, not three-year-olds who are reckless experts at what they're doing, not three year olds who are reckless. And we don't teach two year olds because they call it the terrible twos for a reason. There's a reason, yes. Man, this story is all the fuck over the place.
Starting point is 00:39:34 This is from the New York Times. Alabama, shocking, Alabama woman who was shot while pregnant is charged in fetuses death. All right, so quick rundown. There was a woman who got in a fight with another woman. The woman who was pregnant, five months pregnant, evidently started the fight.
Starting point is 00:39:51 So that's what the article says. She started a fight with somebody else. The woman she started a fight with feared for her life, pulled out a gun, shot the pregnant woman.
Starting point is 00:40:00 The pregnant woman miscarried as a result. Police are- Misconcealed carry? Is that? You know, that's a weird, weird beauty pattern. That is. I will-
Starting point is 00:40:11 Misconcealed carry? I was going to just say that, you know, if you have like the misconcealed carry permit is a really interesting thing because you have to like put the test up there for the baby to take. Oh. And then it's baby to take. Oh. And then it's got to come back down.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So the police charged the pregnant woman who was shot as second degree murder, manslaughter or murder, I can't remember which. I think it's manslaughter. One or the other. Saying that, you know, she's pregnant. She had a responsibility to safeguard the life
Starting point is 00:40:46 of the fetus and by starting this fight she did not safeguard the life of the fetus and this is so
Starting point is 00:40:55 troublesome right because this is the first step toward criminalizing miscarriage and we we know that
Starting point is 00:41:02 that's Alabama's game right we know it because they've said so out loud. They want to do it. Right. So there's no way to like, yeah. So it's part of that broader question about, you know, when is a fetus, a child or a person, like when does life begin? When does a fetus have the same rights as a born walking around person? And so Alabama is basically doubling down already and saying, look, you killed a person.
Starting point is 00:41:35 The fetus is a person. You can't have manslaughter without personhood. So they have drawn that line in the sand. This is the first attempt to criminalize, to some degree, to criminalize pregnancy. Yeah. Or to make the possibility of an accident during pregnancy become a criminal act. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:55 You know, it's, when they were talking about gays getting married and they're saying like, the gays get married, eventually you're going to have a guy marry his lobster. He's going to marry his computer. He's going to marry all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Except for in this case, this is the slippery slope that's actually happening, right? In the marrying, you know, the gay marriage thing, none of that shit ever happened because it doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:42:21 But in this case, this is a slippery slope that actually is starting to happen, right? This is the one that, you know, like when people wave their hand and be like, oh, that's slippery slope thinking. No, this is a step in the direction that we were hoping it wouldn't go. And this is a step that you can't take back, right? Are you going to now investigate every single miscarriage as it was a homicide or an accidental death? Are you going to like have people that go out and say, you know, like, like you have to be accountable for your, for your pregnancy now from the start till the end. So you can't just go into
Starting point is 00:42:54 the doctor and be like, yeah, I miscarried. Or so like nine months after you got pregnant, because you're whatever, however long, because the doctor somehow knows they knock on your door and be like, where's the baby? Right. You're supposed to have a baby. Where's the baby up? Here's the investigation of the miscarriages. They're going to come in. This miscarriage of justice is going to work its way right in here. Come right in. So that's what's going to happen, right? Is that, is that where we're going to go? Because in this case, that's exactly where we're at. It's not like, it's not like that's a fucking fucking some made up weird fucking handmaid's tale bullshit.
Starting point is 00:43:27 That's Alabama, man. That's right now. That's why you said this wasn't a weird fucked up handmaid's tale bullshit. Exactly, right? I don't know much of a difference. It's crazy though. I mean, is that where we're going to have to go?
Starting point is 00:43:38 Is there going to be a police squad that is dedicated to finding out what happens to pregnancies when a woman suddenly is no longer pregnant. Well, and think about all the, yeah, I mean, I don't know how you don't weigh your actions, right? Then they have to be like, oh, well, you got into a car with somebody and you took the wheel and you were speeding. And when you were speeding, you wound up killing that, you know, you wound up getting into an accident and that caused the miscarriage. And so we're
Starting point is 00:44:04 going to give you a manslaughter. We're going to give you some sort of felony because of that. And a slippery slope has to be, like a slippery slope is problematically untrue, right? If A, if B doesn't follow A, right? That's the problem with the gay argument. The thing here is that what follows from this, if a fetus is a person, and it has to be by this logic, by this standard, this legal standard they're setting up. So a fetus is a full person, and if an action, however unintentional, that results in the death of that person is pursuable as by law, then what would people do if that were the case? Well, they're going to start to behave differently
Starting point is 00:44:49 because they're going to be afraid of what you said. They're going to be afraid of going through the normal routines and accepting the normal risks. And I'm not saying that getting in a fight is a normal risk. Yeah, no. But they're going to be afraid of going through the normal risks that are concomitant with having a real life and a regular life for which there are relatively low stakes. Right. I was speeding.
Starting point is 00:45:12 OK, I was speeding on my way here. People speed all the time. A speeding, I got in a car accident. Well, OK, it's an insurance claim, maybe a ticket. Oh, but maybe for me, because I'm pregnant, it could be manslaughter. So I'm going to avoid driving. Sure. And I'm going to avoid doing these things
Starting point is 00:45:28 that are concomitant with the daily activities and the risks associated with living a full and free life. This is control. What have we said so many times? This comes down to controlling women. This is 100% about controlling women. It has nothing to do with fetuses. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:44 It has nothing to do with life. 100%. This is about controlling women. It has nothing to do with fetuses. It has nothing to do with life. This is about controlling women, reducing their access to the world, reducing their movement, their freedom, controlling who they are and how they exist in the world. This is atrocious. Alabama next week is going to do what they said
Starting point is 00:45:59 in Saudi Arabia. Women can't drive because they get the prigs from driving around in a stick shift or whatever. Women can't drive because they get the prigs from driving around in a stick shift or whatever. Like women can't drive anymore. I mean, seriously, like that's the next step. That's the next step.
Starting point is 00:46:11 What's weird is we're not talking about the fact that there was somehow a gun and a pregnant woman in Alabama that are in the same equation
Starting point is 00:46:19 where they're just like, she got into a fight with fucking, I don't know, Yosemite Sam or something. Somehow they got into a fight about, and then someone got shot. Like this is, granted, I understand that it's a fucked up situation.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I get that it's a fucked up situation. But to take it to this next level, like you say, really does just punish all women. Well, and like, if like if I'm a guy so I can't get pregnant so if I get in a fight and somebody shoots me and they're cleared because it's a good shoot
Starting point is 00:46:51 because I threatened them, right? Then the consequences on me might be an assault charge, right? Maybe. On the other person. It might be the medical bills. But nonetheless the consequences are my consequences.
Starting point is 00:47:01 They are not consequences of I did I failed to protect a third person. Like, what the fuck is going on here? You're right. For guys, it's, you know, if I can do the same
Starting point is 00:47:14 thing, and for me, the consequence can't be the same as for you, a woman, like, then we have an inherently unjust thing going. It's like a coupon for guys. It's half off. But Jennifer, don't worry about Jennifer Flowers. She got a new job. She don't, it's like a coupon for guys. It's half off. But Jennifer, don't worry about Jennifer Fowler.
Starting point is 00:47:28 She got a new job. She got fired, you know. She was a receptionist at an unemployment agency. She got canned, but she got a new job today as a Donald Trump backup mistress. That's right.
Starting point is 00:47:40 If for any reason Marla Maples is unable to fulfill her duties, Jennifer steps in. This story comes from Republicans are a threat to the sanctity of marriage. Case in point, Duncan Hunter. So Duncan Hunter is this Republican from California.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Yeah. And this is great. So we covered him before when he stole a bunch of money. But that was not the whole thing. No. Come to find out, he stole a bunch of money, not just for his own purposes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:07 And his wife's purposes. And his wife's purposes. But also to take his like five mistresses out on dates and shit. So he like. This guy's swimming in it. He stole five mistresses. Tell you what.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Five. Jesus. Plus his wife, who he's also taken on. when does he have, when is he at work? How do you have five mistresses? What are you, Mormon?
Starting point is 00:48:30 How are you getting texts from all those different ladies and communicating with all those different ladies on your phone around all the other different ladies? The other five have just got to be totally cool with it. The five mistresses have just got to be like, no, I know what I'm in for. It's like he's lying to each one and be like totally cool with it you know like the five mistress has just got to be like no i know i know what i'm in for it's not like it's like he's lying to each one be like no baby you're the only one like there's no way that that could be he's got like color-coded burner phones right like what is happening he's got a binder for each girl he's flipping through he's like what's your name again so you like, uh, yeah. I don't clam chowder. I don't fucking remember what you
Starting point is 00:49:07 like. Is that what you like? Oh, that's what I like. You know, it turns out this is probably more about me than about you. Cause I'm a guy with a wife and five mistresses. Let's not pretend I'm real interested in you. You know, it's, it is, it is, uh, not going to change any minds though on the Republican side, because at this point, the president fucked a porn star with fucking campaign money. So what the fuck do we care? You know, why does even America care
Starting point is 00:49:33 that he's spending all this campaign and slash other money? You know, basically all these funds. Why do we care that he's spending all this money on mistresses if we can't even for the highest office in the land, we can't be like, no, no, that was,
Starting point is 00:49:49 it was okay because what he wanted to do was fuck her and not tell anyone. So that makes it okay. This is don't ask, don't tell, don't tell, don't tell, don't tell, don't tell. This is duck, duck, duck, duck.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Goose? It's actually goose, goose, goose, goose. Duck! What would solve the whole thing in the border if they would just start shooting? Only shoot a couple, and they would go home. You think deterrence would work? If they would shoot.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Chris McDonald in this one. Right wing watch. Chris McDonald gets ornery. Because he's the worst. God, I hate this fucking guy. Detained immigrants are not entitled to soap or toothpaste. That's nice. Well, that's good because they're not getting any.
Starting point is 00:50:38 So, you know. I can't be sure that Chris McDonald gets any either, though. So, here we go. This is demonic to me. Look, this is the spirit of Antichrist. Where people want to admit it or not, it's the spirit of lawlessness, bitch. Yeah, I mean, Jesus,
Starting point is 00:50:49 all we need to do is take care of those people. I mean, that's all we need to do, right? If we did that, there wouldn't be any spirit of lawlessness, whatever the fuck that means. Cecil, can we go back about five seconds or so to hear him call butch? Because it sounds like he says bitch.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I swear to God. To admit it or not, it's the spirit of lawlessness, bitch. It's the spirit of lawlessness, bitch. Spirit of lawlessness, bitch. It'd be great if he just starts throwing shade at this guy.
Starting point is 00:51:19 And look, I may be a little hardcore about this, but you know, it kind of works with this bitch comment. It does. It really does. I'm getting sort of sick and tired of the media, and I'm getting sick and tired of these left-wing politicians blaming President Trump for the horrendous conditions at these detention centers.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I got... I mean, I don't know. Did somebody else go down there and throw away all the soap and fucking razors and shit? Alright, so we got to talk about this because I was listening to the Daily today and they were covering this. And Trump was interviewed on this specific topic. And like, if you want to talk about a complete
Starting point is 00:51:53 and total failure of fucking accountability and leadership, he's like, I inherited these detention centers from Obama. That's what he said. He's like, these were from Obama. And it's like, no, no, no, no, no. Even if I granted the premise. Which I don't, because there was no separation policy. But even if I granted that
Starting point is 00:52:11 completely, that's something was awful before. You're now the boss. Shit rolls up hill, motherfucker. This guy makes more fucking excuses for the way things are and throws up his hands like a great big pandering pussy. Yeah. Instead of being like, what did Buttigieg say on the debates when he was like,
Starting point is 00:52:30 things aren't good. And he said, that's my problem. I couldn't get it done. Here's what I'm going to do to fix it. Whoa, not my problem. It was fucked before I got here. Everything that's bad is not my fault. Not my, you're the boss. Yeah. being the boss means it's all your fucking fault that's what being the boss means yeah it never doesn't mean that yeah and and you know for example it's one like you say reject the premise because they were hit these are his it was not illegal before like they were talking about in the debates the other night strike this particular portion of it out and it stops becoming a criminal suit
Starting point is 00:53:07 and starts becoming a civil suit, which is what it was before, right? Obama still was able to deport 3 million people, man. It's not like he wasn't able to deport a bunch of fucking people during his fucking presidency, everybody. We can still have a deport party all day and all night. We did it under Obama.
Starting point is 00:53:24 It's not that it wasn't fucking done. We did it under Obama. It's not that it wasn't fucking done. We did it like crazy. So all the people that are bloodthirsty to fucking catapult and trebuchet every fucking Mexican out of this country, don't worry. You will be sated. It's okay. But in this case, this is him saying, it's not my fault and his fucking campaign slogan should not be make america great again it should be what about ism because that's his entire fucking campaign and not just that it's what about ism with hillary who never ever had an office in the sense that she she didn't win anything it's what about ism with obama it's what about ism what about ism what about ism that doesn't fix the problems now.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Even if I grant you the fucking premise that it was somebody else's problem beforehand, that's like saying somehow when you enter into office, you enter in through a fucking vacuum and there was no history before you. We start history the moment you come into office. It's a fucking functioning country, or it tries to be. You should fucking be responsible for it. It's not like when you take over as a business leader, you're just like, oh, well, you know what? Before I came here, we had 108 years of business, but I don't ever have to pay attention to any of that shit.
Starting point is 00:54:35 It's just what happened from that point on. No, of course not. There's a fucking rich history that you have to fucking pay attention to. He inherits all the good, and he takes credit for it. And you inherit all the bad, and you have to take responsibility for it. He inherits all the good and he takes credit for it. And you inherit all the bad and you have to take responsibility for it. That's leadership. That is just,
Starting point is 00:54:49 that's just part and parcel of fucking leadership. The thing is that he could fix it with a stroke of a pen and he could even fix this problem with the stroke of a pen without fixing the political problem he created.
Starting point is 00:55:00 He could sign an executive order called let's give him food and blankets and cots and soap and toothpaste. He could just do that. He could do it in one day and it will be done the next day. It's not like we don't have these things. Didn't they fund money for this anyway? Didn't they just not spend it?
Starting point is 00:55:16 I thought they just funded. They just went through the house. They just funded. They just opened the purse strings and it was like $3 or $4 billion that they were like, no, let's send a bunch of money down there to help fix the conditions down there. Yeah. So they did just pass a $4.6 billion Senate bill to send emergency funding to the border, but it has to go to Trump for signature. So he probably won't sign it. But,
Starting point is 00:55:39 but, and I guess it also caused some crazy infighting in the house too. But, but, you know, like, look, we're trying to do something, but like you said, it rolls uphill. Just, you know, here's the thing. It's not like if you polled a bunch of people, they would be like, I mean, yeah, sure. Jackass is like this, but I would be curious to see how many people, once they see the conditions down there, they say, no, I don't want to fund any of that. Well, they don't even let people see it. Yeah. They don't let them bring Yeah. They don't let them bring cameras into these detention centers. They let a group of lawyers go in and interview kids.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Then when the lawyers wanted to go back, they weren't allowed to actually interview. They were only allowed to look. They weren't allowed to actually interview any of the kids. They don't let them bring cameras. There's no real third-party oversight to any of this. Anytime there's no third-party oversight in people's lives hanging the balance, for fuck's sake, there's third- third party oversight in people's lives, hanging the balance.
Starting point is 00:56:25 For fuck's sake, there's third party oversight for our prisons. These kids are not prisoners. These kids are at daycare. They're essentially daycare until somebody picks them up. We're treating them worse
Starting point is 00:56:36 than we treat our prisoners. If you go, if I fucking, if I walk outside and I fucking stab a baby and they throw me in jail, they're required to give me more than we are saying out loud.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Like administrative lawyers went to the courts just this week and they pled a case to say that they didn't have to provide toothpaste and they didn't have to provide soap and they didn't have to provide blankets or a place to sleep. They defended that so that it would continue.
Starting point is 00:57:04 They want to do this because that's what Sessions wanted initially. He wants to separate people from the border to scare people away. They want to make conditions so horrible that people don't show up. They want this to go away. They want these people to not come here seeking asylum. That's what they want. And so they're going to scare them away. The news media is going to shit this all over the place. It's going to get to them and they're going to be like, oh, I don't want to go there because they're not even going to take care of me.
Starting point is 00:57:29 They're not even going to like, like I'm running away from like a gang at this point, but it sounds like I'm going to go into a cage where they're not even going to like take care of me at all. Like I'm going to have not even basic human rights. Well, and what it's also going to do is it's going to stop people from attempting to go through
Starting point is 00:57:45 proper legal channels to ask for asylum because we've shut that down anyway. Yeah. So they're not going to try to do it right. So they're just going to try to hide. So they're going to try to like,
Starting point is 00:57:52 they're desperate one way or the other. Yeah. The desperation is going to cause them to drown in the Rio Grande with that guy who died with his daughter or son or whatever. Like it's going to
Starting point is 00:58:00 cause people to die. Yeah. I'm tired of the media and I'm getting sick and tired of these left-wing politicians blaming President Trump for the horrendous conditions at these detention centers. I got news for you, my friend. If they don't want bad conditions at a detention center, don't come across our border illegally.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Tell that to a two-year-old. That's your fault for being hunted by these gangs. It's not my fault. Right. What the fuck? It's probably what you were wearing. That's why the gang was going after you. That's not even an argument
Starting point is 00:58:29 these guys would disagree with. Right, right. And like, again, we're talking about kids right now. Like this whole conversation right now centers specifically around minors who don't make choices for their own lives. You're going to tell that to a six-year-old?
Starting point is 00:58:41 My kids do what the fuck I tell them. They live where I tell them to live. Like, they don't really do what I tell them, but you know what I mean? They live where I tell them to live. They don't have a say in that. They don't have a say in where they live, where they go, how they, like, they have a say in, like, I'm having ice cream for breakfast. Like, that's the fucking say that they get. Yeah. Right? Because they're spoiled fucking suburban kids. They have no say in the actual, like, big life decisions. So the fact that they're in this detention center, they had nothing to do with it. Yeah. They were not involved in that decision process. You tell me like a six-year-old kid has autonomy, has agency. They go where they're fucking picked up and brought. Could you imagine being one of these kids though? I mean, how shitty that would be? How shitty that would be? Like, I know that there's people in this country that their parents might've been somehow out of work or homeless
Starting point is 00:59:32 or maybe addicted to something and neglected them or something. Something could have happened to them, right? And they could go into a horrible life, maybe even in foster care or something, and then they could wind up jumping family to family. There can be some issues with foster care.
Starting point is 00:59:47 There can be abuse. There can be sexual abuse. There can be some bad things that can happen. A lot of horror stories. But, you know, at least those kids seem to have a chance, right? You know, like, it's not like, it's not, and there's some systems in place to protect them. There's something there. There's some governmental body that's saying,
Starting point is 01:00:04 even if it fails, even if it fails, which it does sometimes, right? And I don't know how often. I can't make, I can't decide. I can't make those, I don't know those numbers.
Starting point is 01:00:12 But even if it fails, there is something there in place to help. In this case, there's literally nothing there. What there is, is horror for these people. And I, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:27 I want to make sure that people understand the gravity of this situation. Look at what's going on down there. Look at how you're neglecting these people. It's important because guess what? We're neglecting these people. It's not just that they're neglecting the people because they're us. They're part of the United States.
Starting point is 01:00:46 We are neglecting these people. Yeah, this is now like, I think about this, I thought about this when I was listening, this is now a thing we did. Yeah, it's a thing we did. Like, this is now, like, there's, there are parts of your life, right? Like, as a person where you fuck something up and you're like, fuck, that's now a thing I did. And you're like, I gotta fucking live
Starting point is 01:01:02 with that and you gotta figure that out, right? And like, historically, as a nation, our identity, this is now a thing we did. This is the internment camps. This is the Japanese internment camps. It's as bad. This is now a thing we did. Like this needs to not be a thing we did anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:19 You've got the greatest center in the world at your home. If you're complaining about not getting toothpaste and soap at a detention center, I got a remedy for that. Go home. How much privilege does it take to say something like that, right? All of it. How much privilege?
Starting point is 01:01:35 To be so ignorant of the situation down there, to say to somebody who is fleeing some war-torn country or some gang-riddled country that we probably helped create to say, just turn your fucking dumb brown ass around and go home. Don't you have a home? Isn't it amazing where you live? Isn't that why you walked from Guatemala or Honduras? Yeah. You walked from Guatemala here. I'm going to fucking Belize in a few months. It's a five hour plane ride. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I can't imagine walking that. Yeah. Walking it. It's on the border of Guatemala and Belize. Like they're walking. Yeah. I can't imagine
Starting point is 01:02:15 how bad things have to be to make that journey. And he's like, wasn't it so great at home? Was it so great? You got an airplane. You walk five miles of what an airplane cover. You know what I mean? Like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Get the fuck out of here. Go home and find your toothpaste and soap at your house. Maybe you'll find some there. Maybe they don't have a house, dude. Again, it's like, this is the guy coming up to the homeless
Starting point is 01:02:42 guy in the street and being like, get a job. Yeah, right. This is the get a job, you fucking bum, get a fucking job. That's what this is. God. Without any understanding of the systemic problems that are the undercurrent of this entire fucking thing that's happening,
Starting point is 01:02:58 this guy is just like, my solution, I got my solution right now. You just turn your little ass around and go home, motherfucker. You're a fucking dumbass hillbilly. Bitch, I just don't feel like God has put it on America's tab to pander to the lawless.
Starting point is 01:03:16 What I love is that like somehow we have a fucking mainline giant pipeline of God's fucking magic that's like an enema that shoots up into America all the time and we're just like, fuck you, that's our magic. Yeah, I know. Thanks sharing our fucking magic with you.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Fucking dirty brown person. Fuck you. It's my fucking America magic. That's fucking my America magic enema. If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have put the bald eagles here, stupid. Like, duh. I love these guys who purport to know what God wants for America
Starting point is 01:03:54 when like God didn't mention the existence of the fucking North American continent. Like your whole book, you forgot. Like we didn't figure this out for 1500 years that it was even here well and then just you know like like if you read your book at least the new testament the part that you really like right right when sessions wants to poo-poo immigration he turns to the old testament right right but when god when they want to return when they when you want to talk to anybody out there that's you know quote-unquote religious right, they're going to point you to the Jesus
Starting point is 01:04:26 who's saying, yeah, treat the stranger like yourself. Treat the immigrant like yourself, right? Instead, no, no, no, we don't want to look at, let's not look at that page. Let's turn over that page as quickly as we can. Let's not pay attention to that. It's in your book, man. And there's like lots of examples that you can use
Starting point is 01:04:43 and there's pixies choosies that would be like, maybe you don't just ignore people who are hurting. Yeah, right. Like there's a Samaritan that was pretty good at that. He was a good one. He was a pretty jolly Samaritan. Pretty okay Samaritan. God doesn't pander to the lawless.
Starting point is 01:05:00 God commands all men what? As you say in the book of Acts, God has commanded every man now to repent. And when we repent and we come to God, he has his arms wide open in mercy. All those people didn't repent hard enough, Tom. That's the key. These are super fucking religious people too, by the way.
Starting point is 01:05:15 That's the key. Like typically, like not all of them, I'm sure. Not all of them, I'm sure. But culturally. You'd repent. That's your fault. I actually went to the store the other day. I didn't mention this earlier.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I went to CVS. No, I tried to pay with repentance tickets. Did you? Oh. They insisted on money because that's bullshit. What I did is I was like, but I'm sorry for the bad things I did. Real sorry, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:38 And then I started telling them about the bad shit I used to. And I was like, no, they wanted money. What the fuck? And then they called security when they heard a lot of the stories I was telling.. And I was like, no, they wanted money. What the fuck? And then they called security when they heard a lot of the stories I was telling. But the cool thing is is that after you were done
Starting point is 01:05:49 and you paid and you started getting your receipt, it was an entire Bible worth of receipt because you just kept pulling it and pulling it and pulling it.
Starting point is 01:05:56 It actually stretched from here to Guatemala. The CVS receipt is still printing as we speak. Some say that CVS receipt is still printing. But if you're rebellious and you're obstinate and you're prideful and you refuse to come.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I love that these people are prideful. Prideful. They're so prideful we won't share our magic with them. I can't think of anything less prideful than showing up with your fucking hat in hand and your children in tow. Oh, I know. And being like, I've given up all of my everything and I need your help. What's up, Captain Hugh Breslin?
Starting point is 01:06:35 So prideful. Go back to your country club. Oh, would you leave all your soap in your fucking mansion? That's a guy who's never had a hard day in his life. I was about to say, man, I bet if the chips were fucking down, you think he wouldn't come crawling like a little bit? I'll tell you what, the moment, you know, climate change gets so bad that, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:57 large swaths of the United States are now fucking arid. I'll tell you what, some of the places in this country, you know, there might be people migrating from one place to another, and I'll bet you, you know, even in that, just statewide, you might see some, I don't want you people here. You know, you might
Starting point is 01:07:13 see that once we become fucking Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Once there's like five foot hailstorms or whatever the fuck. What the fuck? Yeah, the five foot hailstorm that was just in Mexico. Jesus Christ. The good thing is that if it hails a little more, they'll just be able to walk right over that wall. Jesus Christ. Donald Trump Jr. said in an interview yesterday that he is not worried about going to jail as a result of special counsel Mueller's
Starting point is 01:07:41 investigation. Yeah, jail's nothing to worry about. On your first day there, just walk up to the biggest guy in the yard and say, hey, dad. All right, this story is from Huffington Post. Donald Trump Jr. gets slammed over birtherism bot attack on Kamala Harris. So this is kind of amazing in a couple of different ways.
Starting point is 01:08:00 So Donald Trump Jr., and then it was retweeted by a bunch of fucking garbage bots on the horror show that is Twitter. Sure, sure. But Donald Trump Jr. retweeted this. Kamala Harris is not an American black. She's half Indian and half Jamaican. I'm so sick of people robbing American blacks like myself of our history. It's disgusting. Assuming it's to say disgusting. And Donald Trump Jr. retweeted that. Is this true? Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:29 So this is this casting doubt on what a real black experience is. Right, right. That you're not black enough. You're not the right black. Sure. Says this fucking guy. Whoever this fucking made up bullshit
Starting point is 01:08:43 Ali Alexander account may be. I don't know. This is the worst whoever this fucking made up bullshit Ali Alexander account may be, I don't know. This is the worst, meanest, shittiest kind of racism. It's like, guess what? You get to grow up looking black and being perceived as black and having all of the stereotypes
Starting point is 01:08:57 and the racially charged life of living a culturally black experience. But when you want power, when you want authority, you are not going to be the right kind of black. So we'll make a third category called wrong black. Almost black enough. Right. Yeah. And we'll stick you in the not right kind of black, black enough for me to still hate you, but not black enough to live an authentically black experience that would give you credibility among a voting bloc that hates me because I'm a racist fuckwit. What's crazy about this is that Trump, you know, Trump's, the Donald Trump Jr.'s tweeting this out,
Starting point is 01:09:35 and you know, this is being retweeted by a bunch of people who are not black, right? But somehow they want to regulate whether or not you're black. Right. Right. But then if you look around Trump's cabinet, where's the black folk? Look around Trump's country club. Where's the black?
Starting point is 01:09:55 Look around Trump's apartment building. Right. Where's the black folk? Uh-huh. Not there. Well, they're working the door. Yeah. You know, they're working the housing and urban development secretary.
Starting point is 01:10:02 There's one. You get off. You know, I mean, I know there's probably more than that, but it's certainly not as diverse as other times in history. Right. And, you know, they're the arbiter of if you're black enough and Kamala Harris isn't black enough. Yeah. It's like, but what I love about this is that everybody on the left, all the Democratic, all the people who are there at the debates, all the other contenders, they called this shit out for exactly what it was.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Oh, I know. There's every single tweet, and you don't have to read them all, but you could just read one of them. Let's say, read, I like Cory Booker's. Yeah, so Cory Booker, Kamala Harris doesn't have shit to prove. Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Hell yeah. Yeah. I'd like to read Bernie Sanders as well. Oh, Donald Trump Jr. is a racist too. Shocker. Yeah. I love that he calls these people out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:54 And calls them by name. Warren says the attacks on Kamala Harris are racist and ugly. We have an obligation to speak out and say so. It's within the power and obligation of tech companies to stop these vile lies dead in their tracks. And this is, this is one of those things. It's like a,
Starting point is 01:11:08 you know, this is how they're going to try, they're thinking they're going to try to divide the left. Right. By saying she's not black enough.
Starting point is 01:11:16 So, unite the left, man. I hope it does. I genuinely hope it does. I got to say, I'm, I'm a little worried about this. I was at least a little worried about this primary season, a little bit. And I was a little worried mainly because there is a tendency
Starting point is 01:11:37 for, because our side is, our side, the left is, I think, pays a lot of attention to morals, pays a lot of attention to how you act. And there's very little of our, when we look at a candidate, there's very little of the idea of, one, forgiveness, or two, changing your mind, right? We don't like either of those things. One of the things that happened the other night when Bernie Sanders was being asked questions was they asked him about a your mind, right? We don't like either of those things. One of the things that happened the other night
Starting point is 01:12:05 when Bernie Sanders was being asked questions was they asked him about a gun question, right? And Bernie Sanders said something like, that's not my, that you're misrepresenting my ideas on guns. And then Rachel Maddow shot back. Well, that's a direct quote from you. But it's a direct quote from a really long time ago, right?
Starting point is 01:12:22 It's when, it's before he changed his mind on guns. He was right when he said, it doesn't represent what I believe, but it did at one time probably represent what he believes, right? And so there's this little bit of stuff that we never, there's like, one, we never seem to forget anything, right? We never seem to like just, you know, oh, that person has changed their mind. That person has, you know, moved on from this. The person's grown. Yeah, the person's grown. One, I don't think we let politicians do that very often,
Starting point is 01:12:49 which is terrible, which is, I think is terrible. We automatically consider it flip-flopping when somebody changes their mind on something, even though they're faced with reason. I don't know why we do that. But there's a, you know, there is something to be said about like,
Starting point is 01:13:04 like, for example, do you remember that guy who was kissing Hillary Clinton? Yeah. Do you remember that picture? Yeah, I do. He used to be a Ku Klux Klan guy. Right. And then eventually changed his ways and stopped doing that.
Starting point is 01:13:17 And worked very hard on anti- Right, anti-racism stuff. And so what happens is the right immediately says, oh, look, she's kissing a racist. She's kissing a racist. She's kissing a racist. And some people on the left even followed that too. If we just always look at the past
Starting point is 01:13:36 and never look at someone who's tried to do something right after they've done something wrong, we don't ever get to the point where anybody's ever worth running because there's always going to be something in their past that makes them, you know, right now what they're talking about with Kamala Harris, they're saying she was a prosecutor. And then there's this big, long list of shit that, you know, like, this is all the bad shit she did. Here's all the bad shit she did. Well, one of the things I'd like to see, especially if it's egregious shit, because I didn't get a chance to go
Starting point is 01:14:05 through it all yet. I'm going to do a very deep dive into all these politicians once they start winnowing down. I don't want to fucking do 20 of this. I want to do six. Oh, you don't want to read up on the ones that don't matter? Marianne Williamson? I definitely don't want to read up on her. But there's a lot of stuff
Starting point is 01:14:22 that has popped up in her background. I'm going to pay attention to that when it comes time to, to, to, to, to, to, to,
Starting point is 01:14:27 to, to, to, to, if she makes it on past some of these early preliminary rounds, I'm going to pay attention to that. I will look at it. But if she's come around on it or has changed her mind on it or
Starting point is 01:14:37 has like, you know, I'm going to say these words, but you understand what you mean? Repent for it. Then I think we need to look at these candidates and say, that's okay, that's okay, it's okay. You know, when people like attack Elizabeth Warren
Starting point is 01:14:51 about the things that she did, right? When they say, oh, well, she wrote, she was Native American, she benefited from that Native American thing. It's debatable whether she benefited from it or whether the people who were hiring her were benefiting from it, right? If they were trying to fill some racially diverse thing. But then also after it's all over, from what I hear, she worked with some of these Native
Starting point is 01:15:14 American tribes to see how she could make it better, right? Make it right. I don't know that I need to, I mean, yeah, is the right going to bring that up because that's all they have is the Pocahontas thing? Yeah, maybe. But do I have to keep bringing it up and being like, oh no, she's fucking awful. You know what I mean? Like if she went and made strides to change it, can't we just all agree, okay, she made strides to change it.
Starting point is 01:15:35 We can't have a purity test nobody's allowed to pass. If you have a purity test and you don't grade on a curve, then everybody fails and we fail. Yeah. Like it's like we set ourselves up for this 100% all or nothing, black or white bullshit,
Starting point is 01:15:50 but I'll tell you what, we don't judge ourselves that way. No, never. I don't judge myself that way. I look at parts of my life and I'm like, given the context, I did the best I could, made a mistake, would make a better decision next time. I do the same thing. Here's how I'm going to try to be a better man.
Starting point is 01:16:05 I lost my temper. I do the same thing. Here's how I'm going to try to be a better man. And I lost my temper. I behaved badly. Whatever the circumstances, I give myself some leeway to grow, right? It's not the same thing as giving myself an out for having made a mistake, right? That's not saying I wasn't a mistake. I didn't make a mistake.
Starting point is 01:16:21 I didn't fuck up. It's not the same. It's saying I fucked up. I grew from it. I'm't fuck up. It's not the same. It's saying, I fucked up. I grew from it. I'm willing to be a better man. Sure. I don't understand how we do that for ourselves. And we're unwilling to do that for other people
Starting point is 01:16:33 or unwilling to do that for our candidates. If the people that we want to lead us are held against a standard, which is not human, which doesn't take into account the growth that is necessarily a part of the human condition, we fail every time. We never elect anybody worth a shit. And don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:16:52 It's not that I don't think that there are some politicians that are racists, right? Like when I think about some of these politicians and I go, like, for example, Steve King, right? Steve King is a racist. He's a current racist. Steve King is an absolute racist. He's the kind of guy
Starting point is 01:17:06 who will come out and say, what's the matter with white nationalism? Yeah. You know, I mean, I don't know how you get to be a bigger racist than some guy
Starting point is 01:17:14 in the end of Inglourious Bastards carving a swastika on your forehead, right? I don't know how that happens. But here's the thing. Let's say 20 years down the road, Steve King has made a million pieces of reparation
Starting point is 01:17:28 to try to change who he is, has become a Democrat and has become a powerful type of Democrat who is against the things that he was thinking now. I need to reconsider him. I think I need to reconsider him. I don't need to say, no, you're bad forever, period.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Right. Right? Yeah, he's done some horrible shit. Yeah, say, no, you're bad forever, period. Right. Right. Yeah. He's done some horrible shit. Yeah. I would never want that guy in office period. But if he changes his ways, I think we need to open our eyes a little and say, you know what? That person has changed who they are. We need to accept that person. Now don't get me wrong. If they're still an asshole and they only did one nice thing, I get it, right? Right. But if they change fundamentally who they are and they move forward, we need to accept that and not say, oh, well, you know, you've done one bad thing before and you're never going to be part of this group.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Guns don't kill people. I kill people with gunpowder. This is stories from the Fox host Tucker Carlson defends North Korean regime. Leading a country means killing people. So Tucker Carlson was seen with Trump. Trump took Tucker Carlson. He did not take John Bolton as national security advisor.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Tucker Carlson. He did not take John Bolton as national security advisor. He took Tucker Carlson, the news host, with him on his surprise recent visit where he crossed the DMZ into North Korea. He brought Tucker Carlson with him. He brought the fourth estate. He brought the fucking media, his fucking media, his media, His fucking pocket pal media, right? Yeah. So what he says is there's no defending the North Korean regime. It's the last really Stalinist regime in the world. It's a disgusting place, obviously. So there's no defending it.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Then he defends it. On the other hand, you know you got to be honest about what it means to lead a country. It means killing people. Not on the scale the North Koreans do, but a lot of countries commit atrocities, including a number that we're closely allied with. I will say this, Cecil. Leading a country certainly means
Starting point is 01:19:36 that sometimes you make decisions which result in the deaths of the people that you lead. You have a military that you send into harm's way. There's a thousand examples of it. What it does not mean is having a concentration camp system where you destroy somebody three generations into their lifeline, into their family line in order to wipe them off the face of the world.
Starting point is 01:20:01 It does not mean having extrajudicial killings by firing squad and by dogs and by anti-aircraft weapons. The aircraft one is the one. Right? That's how I want to go. Anti-aircraft weapon? Anti-aircraft weapon. That's how I want to go. It's like just, you're not. You just
Starting point is 01:20:17 exploded. You're just worse than you're not. Yeah, and then it's over for all of it. Yeah. Like, it doesn't mean those things. For the crime of not genuflecting properly in front of somebody's statue of their grandpa. Right, right. Like, that's a real thing, right? Like, if you don't genuflect properly in front of this guy's statue of his grandfather, that's a crime that you can go to a concentration, a labor camp for where you starve to death. And if you go to those camps, they have a three generation policy. Like this is not the
Starting point is 01:20:53 same thing as like sending in the national guard to do a thing. And then, you know, one of the boys got killed, but they volunteered to be in the national guard. So, you know, like what the fuck? You know, what I think is interesting is that Trump has, since he's taken office, said some very kind things about dictators and people that are authoritarian rulers. He has constantly made it clear to everyone that authoritarian rulers and dictators have a power that he would like to have. Yes. Right? He's sympathetic to it.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Exactly. It's a power he would like to have. And I think there are plenty of people that follow Trump so closely and want him to have so much power that they would welcome a Trump that has that much power. Oh my God. We have, you know, you have a, you have a situation now where, you know, Lindsey Graham as a joke tweeted out Trump's third term. Did you see this recently? No. He was like, after he saw Marianne Williamson, he's like, maybe we should have Trump's third term after Marianne Williamson was on TV. Although to be perfectly frank, I'm not sure I disagree with Lindsey Graham if Marianne Williamson
Starting point is 01:22:05 was the only candidate. I would take Marianne Williamson's crazy flying broom over Trump. I would take my own life. Are you kidding me? If either one of those things, I would not want either one of those things.
Starting point is 01:22:17 No, I would move. I would not. I would move. I would not want fucking Eat, Pray, Love as the fucking president of the United States. Right. But United States. But I think that they do like him because he acts like that. And I think he wins over a lot of dupes because of it. I think a
Starting point is 01:22:36 lot of dupes in the United States don't see it as a threat to power. They see it as we're in power, but you're not in power. He's in power. Yeah, God. Yeah, this is just appalling. It's appalling to have an apologist. Well, like, am I crazy? Or when Obama was in charge, weren't there charges that were being leveled against him left and right that he was cozying up to these Muslim extremists?
Starting point is 01:23:04 Yeah, right. That he was cozying up to these Muslim extremists. Yeah, right. That he was cozying up. Absolutely. Now you got a guy who is, and we're not making that, that was all bullshit. And like, it was never demonstrated by a story written by a person who was ever vetted, right? It was all bullshit. But now you've got, now you got a guy who's obviously cozying up to Kim Jong-un. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Like we're watching it happen. It's not a made up thing. Yeah. And then the media, the fourth estate that's supposed to protect us by providing transparency is riding along on his secret fucking missions with him. Yeah. To then defend that cozying up to a fucking third world dictator. You got a guy who sat across from Putin and made a joke.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Hey, don't interfere in our elections anymore. Tra la ha ha. And then they both fucking laughed about it. Yeah. Right? The same guy who sits with the Saudis and like agrees to have our weapons, our sensitive high-tech weapons
Starting point is 01:24:00 manufactured in Saudi Arabia where they will have access to that technology. Like we couldn't cozy up to the more worse people. These are historic enemies. They are current enemies. The only enemy of the United States that like right now, like all we did was like make Iran from a tentatively not enemy relationship to an enemy. That's the only one I can think of.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Yeah. Erdogan. What's fucking happening? Erdogan was one for a while. Like he came up. Yeah, they came over and he fucking beat the shit out of a bunch of people here in the United States. And like President Trump's like, I'd have fucking punched him too if I could. I like to beat people up.
Starting point is 01:24:40 That was crazy. I mean, like it's crazy. That was crazy. And it's not just that. It's all a bunch of different, like you say, a bunch of different dictators and that he loves them. He loves them.
Starting point is 01:24:49 And the shit he's pulling with Putin when he's saying, oh yeah, yeah, don't interfere in my elections. Don't, ha, ha, ha. Wouldn't it be great if there were no reporters? Ha, ha, ha. Right to Putin. And you're just like,
Starting point is 01:25:03 you're two guys that can make that happen well i mean like trump said on the campaign trail hey if russia if you're listening i know he said it out loud i know this and then it happened and we're just like somehow like living in fucking a weird wacko bizarre world i seriously sometimes feel like i'm gonna wake up at any moment and i don't know what it's gonna be when i up. I'm okay to be in the pod. You know what I mean? Like, if I wake up and I'm in the fucking pod covered in jello. And Neo's like, take the blue pill.
Starting point is 01:25:33 I'll be like, get that fucking pill out. I'll be like, yeah, let's do this. I'll be a fucking Energizer bunny or whatever. I'll fly a little weird ship around. Fine. Plug me in. Just, I don't need this. Plug me in.
Starting point is 01:25:44 It's more than I plug, get plugged in normally. Jesus. Yeah. Well, we didn't, we had to record a little early because of the holiday this week. We hope everybody had a great July 4th
Starting point is 01:26:01 and watch Trump's fucking parade or whatever where he had all the military or whatever. I forgot about that. He said a bunch of planes and shit. Fucking flyovers and some guy
Starting point is 01:26:11 Welcome to the jingoism festival. Some guy saying proud to be an American. I'm sure. And there is fucking like a bunch of military fucking goose stepping by and waving at him.
Starting point is 01:26:21 So that's America, everybody. Happy America Day. I've never felt less like Day. And we're back on next week, but we recorded a little early, so enjoy America Day, and we will catch you next time. But before we go, we're going to leave you like we always do, with the Skeptic's Creed.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter mommy issue hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo Pisces. Cancer cures. Detox. Reflex. Foot massage.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Death in towers. Tarot cards. Psychic healing. Crystal balls. Bigfoot. Yeti. Aliens. Churches.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Mosques and synagogues. Temples. Dragons. Giant worms. Atlantis. Dolphins. Truthers. Birthers.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Witches. Wizards. Vaccine nuts. Shaman healers. Evangelists. Conspiracy. Double speak. Stigmata, nonsense. Expose your signs.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. the opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only all opinions are solely that of glory hole studios llc cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy completeness current, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information, and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Produced in association with the local dairy council and viewers like you.

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